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f # > + L < * ' * PI * t ' THE DAILY BEE : SATURDAY FEBRUARY 17 The Daily Bee. Saturday Morninsr , Fob. 17. Weather Report. ( The following observation * are taken at the same moment of time fit nil the stations nentioned. ) WAU DEP'T U. S. SIOXAL SBRVICR , 1 OMAHA , February 15 , lt > 83 , (1:45 ( p. m ) f The "Karl'1 company arrived ycster- diy nnd registered ftt the Mlllnrd ho tel. "Uco. 0. 1J , Decker , " who In na m H , K not smaller , than Tom Thumb , created n sensation by hU nppenranco In the lobby In full regimentals , The heavy ( og which prevailed nil day Thursday was scattered by the four winds nt night. Gone to Join Mother Shlpton'a prophecy. Karly yesterday tha naer enry took n tutr.lilatoilfcH nnd old Boreas ruled the roost once again. The baby which HIM been the bono of contention In the county court for so IOUK has been transferred to the jurisdiction of the district court. The h.tboai corpus case was dismissed Tbundiy , and n writ Imme diately after procured from Judge Ne ville's court. Meantime the adopted par ents of the little ono have It In charge. A chimney turning out on St. Mary'a avenuu Thursday calltd out the depart * ment and No , 1 hose cart had the misfor tune to dish n wheel cm the corner of Fifteenth and Douglao. The cart baa boon in eorvice for sixteen yoara without such an accident before. It will bo temporarily replaced by one of No. hearts. Capt. J. B. Qulnn , of the corps of en gineers , U. S. A. , li the able gentleman who wilt ( delate at the entertainment at . Croigh'.on college , February 2 ? , In the ex hibition of the views of the Holy Lint ] , By nn error It was yesterday f tiled that It was Capt. T. F. Qiiinn , of Fort Omaha. It appears that there are only two ofllceni of this nama in Undo Sain'o rorvlco , nnd curiously enough both nro located nt Omaha. Hence the care with which the mistake was mado. The various firm * who were burned . out by the recent fire in the Cnldwoll block , ftro actively preparing to roaumo builncss. The losecj , as recorded by Chief Engineer Butler , and Imed upon the amounts allowed by the Insurance com panion ( except in the CIBO of the Lake store , which was not Insured ) , nre In round numbers aa follows : McMahon , Abort & Co. , not yet adjusted ; Meyer & Jlartpc , | 10,000 ; Frank Smith , $3,100 ; George B. Lake , 2,5UO ; n. Hornbergcr. gl.POO ; West & Frltcher , 81.1CO ; John Wlrth. $1 - 000 ; Shuwfc EatclilT , $010 ; S. S. Oaldwell , $100 ; J. J. Brown ( building ) 8700. Ono of the most charming nodal dances of the season wan held nt the rest- dcnco of Mre. 0. J. Marks , on the north west corner of Capital nvenuo and Four- Stenth streotr , Thursday by her hoard- on. Dancing began nt 0 o'clock sharp , and was Indulged in by all present , who were upward of thirty couple. Just nt the hour of midnight iitho party repaired to the cosy dining room and partook ot n I most elegant vupper , after which Irvine's orchestra , which had discoursed some very fine mutlo duiing the evening , played n waltz , which was much enjoyed by the entire crowd. Much credit ID duo the committee ou proeramme , aa well ns the venerable hostess , Mrs. Marka , for theli untiring cfforta to make the parly a pleat- ant ono , At en early hour In the morning the good byea were exchanged and nil re tired to their respective homes an happy as they were tired , Ladles who found the greatest bargains - gains In underwear nt Morse'a two week1 ago will bo pleased to know that they have received their iecond shipment. An early call Is necessary. The German-English School associa tion have , purchased of the Merchants' National bank a lot on Harney street , be tween Klghteooah and Nineteenth , for their proposed s.hool building nnd gym * naslum , which Is expected to cost about 38,000. Passenger * on the incoming trains from the east report having paucd through n heavy rain storm over In Iowa. The thunder nnd lightning were t err I Go , Mid the water fell In torrents. The ap pearance of a thunder storm In February is indicative of more coli weather , There will be a joint meeting of Frank , lin Awemhly 2122 and LT. V. Towderlj Assembly 181C 1C. of L. this ( Satur day ) evening at 7:30 , at Kuony'a Hall , tc complete arrangement * for the lecture ol K. P. Trovelllck on Monday evening. Th < members of both assemblies must be prea ent , Th Department Encampment , O. A 11 , , Department of Nebraska , will astern ble in Llncolnion the 20th. We learn fron J. 0. Bonnell , who takes great Interest It these matter * , that more than 1100 post will be represented , and that a large dele tjation from Denver will bo present. Th encampment wlll'be visited by the depart ment coVimander and hb staff , nnd the oc carfon promise * to be one of unusual Intel est. After the recent grand jury had con pleted It * labor * nnd bad been congrati lated by Judge Neville on the dlnpatc and thoroughness of'their work aud wer ditchnrgod , they held n special meeting i the grand jury room , and upon beln called to order , on motion of Mr. Mlchai Meaney , n vote of thank * wa * passed t the foreman , lion. Martin Dunham , fc the able and Impartial msnutr In whlc he had performed hia duties , and for h Msiitance In lightening the labors of h fellow jurymen. The tdrinben of th erand jury worked together to htrtnon oualy and pleasantly that It WM with tl greatest regret that they cune to the hoi when they mint adjourn tine die. THIRTY-ONE INCHES Of Perpendicular Humanity , and a World of Intelligence , The Little General Now on n Visit Here , Some Fact * Abont tlia ' 'Pigmy Fr < * - encft" That Ridti Behind th * Band With the Gardner Troupo- The most distinguished arrival the Mlllard over had since its hospitable doors were opened , waft that of Gen eral Charles R. Decker , the smallest man in the world , who decorated the register yrstcrday with his sign manual. He is five and one-half Inchon shorter than Tom Thumb , and mure perfectly and vigorously formed. "Ohnwles the Small" is little , but ho's all there , nnd TUB BEK is willing to put up S10.COO In the currency cf thu realm that them is not a man in the world of his sz3 ! who can get away with him , Queousbnry tules , or any other rules to the contrary notwith standing. The man of mind'who very appro priately looks to the Nebraska legisla ture for the r.malknt men in the world , must remember that while the general now stopping nt the Millard la only 31 inches high in stature , HE is AWAY UP in mental abilities , and his edu cational acquirements are ( superior. Ho Is a courteous , aflablo llttln gentleman , and while in the physical tenao ho has to look np to everyone that addresser him , in the bettor qualities that go to make the man , General Dackor has to look np to no ono. ono.As n convoroationallet ho Is keen and Interesting and our reporter can see only ono reason why the general is so small ; that is , his brain power got too heavy for ita physical propo , and aa It developed in great stronuth the podeatnljproportlonB were dwntfcd , General Decker daw thla mundane sphere in 1855 , 28 years ago , nnd it will bo soon that for many yearn ho waa a bigger man thnn old Grant. Ho was born in Pontotoc , Mississippi , nud hia patents were ordinary Rtntured people , aa well as his brothcro nnd mstora. Indeed , the muli ) portion of the Decker family were "double dookora" aa far na height ia concerned. At the ngo of 0 yeara young Cliurlea stopped growing and to-day ho isTOKStKD TOKStKD A MAX perfect Inovory respect ( even to a Wilkca Booth moustache ) , except hi height. The general aaja when ho roaches the higher rculma ho will got there spiritually nnd a few iiiohca below - low the usual physical height in thla world does not amount to n great dejil. General Decker wna taken with his parents to Memphia when ten yonrs of ago and there the little fellow's extraordinary ability , coupled with his Btnallncss , attracted attention. With it true Independent spirit ho decided to paddle his own canoe and BO ho atartod on the road celling his own photographs , rogardloso of managers , shows , circuses or dramas. In this way ho accumulated considerable means and above nil supported in good style his mother who ia now liv ing in Memphis. His first connection with any troupe was with the Border boll ringers and the well posted theat rical people of the day know fall well what a LITTLE TINTINABTLATION ho was waa in thoao days. Subse quently ho traveled with minstrel ohovs , concert troupcv , dramas , etc. , etc. , until to-day ho has the benefit of a throe years engagement with Charles A. Gardner , the improved Enmott of Gorman comedy. Gener al Decker was with Tom Thnrnb on several occasions , and the top of hia head only reaches to the oars of Thomas. Justly then does Decker olnlm to bs thu smallest man in stature in the world , for thorofjla no ono even approaching the ago of rea son , except the little aud young boy , Major Mite , with the midgets , who can compare with him. The general is a man in every way , perfect m his form ( what there ia of it ) , and intelligent , genial and courteous. There u nothing dwarfish in his com position except his perpendicular , and woknow lots of mon'whoare five times ns tall , nud'stlll they are not ai ma MKK as General Decker , With Gardner , who is without doubt the best German burlcsqno nr tist on the stage to-day. Genera Decker has very little to do. He loads the band iu the Innghnblo plo nic econo , nud gives the people of to day a picture of what the Skldmon guarda were years ago. He nls < drives a white mule in the street pro cession which is not a very exaltci position , but when it is known thtv little General Decker is the finest nd vertlsing cnrd In the monde drama uttquo to-day , it can readily bo scoi f what hia salary must bo , and his will Ingness to attend to about any klni of legitimate work. When General Decker was In Om aha In 18T4 a well-known belle wh has since married insisted upon join ing her heart nnd hand with the llttl follow. Ho was not mntrlmonally in ollned. however , at that tlmo am still is A BACUBLOK. In cose any of our young lad friends want to make n good mate for lifo they hod better procure nn It troductlon to his roM smallnosa- wlthoul letting the cat out of the bac wo can't truthfully say that there " 1 many a maid" In town whoso so ! admiration centres on a few smallc man than General Decker. The last rites were paid to the remali of the late IFenry Strasburg Thuisda afternoon , his funeral obsequies being coi ducted by Allemanen Lodge No. 8,1. 0. C F. , and largely attended by members < the Mtennerchor loclety , o ! which the di ceased waa pretident for four terms. . number of Odd Fellows from Counc Uluffi attended , nnd the procewlon led I the Union Pacific Band. At the gray the Mnmnerchor tang n dirge , nnd tl president , Mr. Wirth , delivered a fittlt memorial addrew , STORM AKD STEAM , The Railroad Blookafle Resumed on the Union Faoiflo , Some Interesting Items of Railway News. The storm which began in Omaha early yesterday rngod at all point * along the Union Pacific main line , aa far as Cheyenne , Thursday , and this city only got the email end of it. High wind and drifting snow pro * vailed here and In the went , while to the 'lirectlon of aunrlao pouring rains , with thunder and lightning nccomprt- nimont , made np the splco of lifo for the transcontinental toarlot , who will learn that each etato is Indupcndcntin ita weather survico and facilities. The trains on the Iowa Hues nil catno in on time , except the "Q" and the Wabanh nml the overland train for the west was not * over an hour late in leaving this oily , Trains frnm the west were not BO regular. No. 4 , duo In thla city at 'l25 ; p. m. , had not not loft North Platte up to 1 o'clock. The hi h wind , ( snow and cattle on the track nro tbu causes of the detention , A paeacnger who recently came In on thin line a Ay a that the crow on the train had'to nil get off and ohaso the atocra off the track , the train advancing xlowly behind them through several miles of cattlo. The men use ohuuka of coal from the tender to shio ut thu ftnimiiB , and than the traia ( IDS to atop until the coal is plokod up and put back on the tatik. The pnsinnKijrH all got out and help and consider it great fun , Should the enow cjctlnno as It la each train will go out provided with a carload of brickbats or stones for use to avoid stopping to pick up coal. coal.Tho The Denver train , duo at 7:35 : a. in. did not nrrivo until noon , train No. 32 was onu hour late , and No. 38 was three houri Into. DEATH ON TUB HAIL. A railway publication has the fol lowing interesting article in regard to the dangers of railway travel and rail way service : Botno very interesting and alao nome very startling deductions may bo made from the table of railway acci dent in the United States , reported by the census baronu for the year ending Jane HO , 188'J. The total uutuber of p.isncnQorn carried durinq thoyaar w200,583,310 and the number of oflicorn nud ainployra of nil kinds was 418,957. Although thin includes general alllcors , clerks , nnd others \vho3o dntirs ate not especially danguroua , wo Imvo not reduced the renalt M wo might hnvo done by nub- trading them. Taking the official total * , wo find the following averages : KILLED AND INJURED through causes beyond their own cor- trol : Killed Passengers 81 , or ono to every ? 4,510,400 Employes 200 , or one to every. 1,011 Injured PflesengorB SSI , 6roue to every , . . . 814,421 Employes 1,00-1 , or 1 tn every. . 417 Through their own carelessness : Killed Passengers 8 ? , or 1 to every 3 287,601 Employes 663 , or 1 to every. . . 032 Injured I'aseongcrj 82 'or ' 1 to efery 1,265,649 Employes 2,613 , or 1 to every. . 160 Aggregate , killed and injured : Pnsaengeis G87 , or 1 to every. . 392,407 Employes 4,510 , or 1 to every. . 92 From thin It will bo soon thnt the dangers of railway truvol to paanen- gors , they nuo ordinary care , are as tonishing small , only ono passenger being killed by fault of the rallwayo to each 4,419,400 who traveled during the year , and only ono injured to each 814,421 , The number of casualties from the carelessness of p&szongt-rs wan somewhat greater , but still very small compared with the vast number transported. With railway employed , however , the renult Is far LEfW SATISFACTORY. Out of ovcry 1,011 oilicera and men o ! all grades ono was killed , nnd out of every 417 ono was injured during that year , through causes beyond their own control. The ratio of the killed and injured tbroughj their own carolosuess is far greater , while the aggregate cas- ultles Irom all causes show the shock ing average for the year of ono killed or Injured to every ninety-two em ployes. These fignreo seem utmost Incredible - credible , and yet it la probable that they even fall short of the truth , as mauy minor casualties are doubtlcs not reported. If the number of acol- dents to train hands clone were glvuu I it would show a still moro terrible average , Certainly those figures call for greater care on the part of thoao operating our railways , and alao for moro perfect appliances by which this record of suffering and death nuy bo largely diminished In fu'.uro. .SALARIES OP KAILKOAI ) 51KN. An exchange oays there ia much spacnlatiou as to the aalnrka paid railroad officials and employes filling important positions in railway man- agoments. For various reaaoiis it it very dlflioult to determine the cmounl received by this olusa of men. Thi pay roll cannot bo taken as evidence , ns in many Instances the voucher * drawn from time for what ts classed ni "special services" fully equal th < aum named on the pay rolls. In thi west general managers receive fron $10,000 to $15,000 per year ; genera superintendents from $5,000 to $10 , 000 ; assistant general suporlntcn dents , 85,000 to $8,000 ; genera traffic managers , $5OCO to $10,000 auditors , $5,000 to ? 0 500 ; dlvlsloi superintendents , $3,000 to $3,500 coneral master mechanics , $200 pe month ; iniutor mechanics , $125 ; con oral foremen , $100 to $125 ; master ca builders , $200 ; car foremen , $100. li addition to thcso salaries the ofllclal nro provided with ono or moro bus ! ness cars , which are furnished wit ! all necessaries and provisions , th company paying the expense of all including the salary of an attendant Those cars and contents are at th disposal of superintendents , manager nnd the general agent. An oflicle states that frequently among the bill rendered against the departments ar found those reading ; "One doze : Mnmm'a Extra Dry , | 3G , Buslnea car. " Death ot Mrs. FltrmorrlH. At 4:20 : o'clock yottordav , Mrs. Mary Kltzmorrls , wife of Michael FHzmorris , died at the family resi dence , No. 1314 California street , af ter a lingering illnooo of over twenty months. Mrs. Fltzmorris , at the time of her death , w fifi years old , and the mother of quite a family. The children consist of five three girls nnd two boystho older eon being Thomas J. 4'itzmorris night foreman at TUB BEE office , and the younger a girl of 15 years. The ldy waa an estimable person , end her friendship in lifo was sought by her acquaintances , who In common with her own family will sincerely mourn her loan. Dor Christian vir tues endeared her to all , while the fortitude with which sbo endured the lingering ilia of the fatal disoaco made her condnc : ruvorod by horattondants nud relatives , who supplied her every want. The funeral will take place on Sunday ncx * , at 9 o'clock in the morning , from the church of the Iloly Family. All friends of the deceased and of the family are refpuctfully Invited to attend. STATE FIREMEN. The Volunteer Firemen's Convention nt Lincoln. A. convention ot delegates t'rorn vol. untuerfiro companies of the state mot Thursday at three o'clock p. in . in the rocmj of the Fitzgerald Uoso company in the A end e my nf Music , in Lincoln , and was called to order by Chief J. 0. Olelaud , of Fremont. I-L. Lymnn , of the Icrchuulu'No , 1 , of Lincoln , was1 chosen scctotary , pro lorn. The following delegates vrcro pres ent : J. 0. Ololand , chief of depart ment , Fremont ; G Bbv > n , assistant chief of dcpartmot , Sewnrd ; A. 0 Ledorrnan. forr.uinn Pacific hose , No. 1 , Grand Island ; Adam Mencho , Fiiss gerald , No. 2 Lincoln ; I. L. Lyman , foreman Merchants' No. 1 , Lincoln ; niirin Cl-uikcf , cliiof of departmunt , Flatttmonth. iuo couvouiiou then proceeded to form a State Firemen'a convention and the committee on coeatitulion and by-lavvfl rooortcd n modified c'un- pilation of the loira couotilutlou with .t pienmblf aa follow : : "I'ho tbjeols of tbbaajooiation are , the protection d promotion of the best lute-rests of thu fireuo'i of Neb raska ; the collection of inforruiitloxl concerning thu practical working of thod.'lT rcut eyaterau ( f organization ; the e = awiialiuu ; and inquiry concern ing the ineiiU of the JilJertnt kinds of fire nppurotns in line , and the culti vation of fraternal folloKohip between the diilVronfc departments of the slate. The report of the comuiittoo waa cLorlong aud able ciscuEaion , uiid considertiblo emnndment , ndoutod. Chief J. 0. Ololand , of Fremont , was elected preaidunt ; Ad&m fiLncho , of Lincoln , first vica preeidentj Ohrh Conkoy , of Plattsmouth , second vice president ; I. L. Lymau , of Lincoln , secretary ; A. 0. Loderman , of Gr.vnd Wand , treasurer ; members at largo of ; lie czooutivo committee , G. Babson , of Seward , and Fred Mabell , of Grand Island. The followlncr departments and companloa paid lu their entrance fcea to tbu secretary : Merchants' HOBO company , No. 1 , Lincoln. Fitzgerald Hose company , No. 2 , Lincoln. Always llendy Hook and Ladder company , Grand Island. Pacific Hose company , Grand Is land. Department fcp , Sewnrd. Department fee , Fremont. Water Witch , No. 1 , Plattsmouth. Lodrrman moved that the firat tour nament of the association be hold nt Lincoln , provided that city oifcrentta- fcctory inducements to the executive committee. The convention then adjourned to meet nt the tlmo and place of holding the first tournament. A inap.uiticent banquet WAS heldlftto at night at the Silver Moon roa tauraut. PflRSONAU 0. A. Averlll , of Lincoln , ia at the Mlllard. E.G. Pierce , of Blair , is at the Mil- lard. David Hoylo , of New York , is at the Metropolitan. L. D. Ide , of Chicago , la at the Metro politan. H. F. Newton , of Como , Col. , la nt the Metropolitan. S. F. Saclcct , of Kohota , Mo. , is at the Metropolitan. II. M. Iloach , of the nriny , Is at thi Metropolitan , L. W. Osborr , of Blair , is nt the Mil hrd. hrd.W. W. B. Thorns * , of Tekamab , rcgiatetcii nt the Mlllard yesterday. J. B. Thomw , of Oakland , is at the Mil lard. lard.A. A. Castetter , of Blair , Ia nt the Mil lard. ° II. M. Carpenter , of Blair , Is nt thi Metropolitan. \ W. O. Wood , of Blair , Ia In the lty. Mrs. Elmer Frank nnd Miss May Bur bank , of Lincoln , nro at the Millard. Uoo. F. Cheney , of Orclghton , Is nt thi Millard. u F. G. Ilamer , of Kearney , ia n guest o the Mlllard. The llev. Willftrd Scott , pastor of thi now.O ugrfjrationnl church , nccompantcx by his wife , arrived In the city yesterday Mr. Scott is the pastor of the New St Mary'a avenue Congregational clmicb , nni ho will preach there next Sunday morulni for the first time. * SLAVEN'SYOBEMITE COLOGNI Made froir the wild flowers of thi FAR PAMED YOSEMITB VALLE1 it is the most frnprnnt ol perfume Manufactured by H. B. Slaven , Sal FrancLwo. Forsalo in Omaha by W J. Whltonnnio and Kennaia Bros A BURGLARY. The Residence of Mrs. T. A , McSbano Entered and Bobbed. The Polled Extend the Oua- ternary Between 12 and 1 o'clock Thursday the realdenco of Mrs. T , A. McShano , next to the corner of Twenty-third and Gutninga stroota , waa entered by a burglar. The man opened ono of the parlor windows in the front of the house and crawled in. He made his' way into the second ntory and nutered the servant's sleeping room. The nolso awakened the girl and shu called nut "who is there , and what do you want ? " "You had better shut up , and go to sloopi ! responded the burglar in a gruff tone of voice. Thoroughly frightened , the girl hid quietly in her bed until the follow uniahcd ransacking the room and wont out. Th < m she raised an alarm und awakened the occupants of the house. The man had gone from the girl's roona into that of n young man , a relative of Mre , McShano. Hearing the noieo made by the girl ho hastily Btilzrd the young man's clothing , which wn * lying on n chair , aud skipped down the ctaira * three stops nt a time out into the street and etcaped in the darknecs , MtlioDgh the alium , wan raised and ifliclont noise made to awaken the oad , no ono appeared nnd the burg lar had ago-aa-yon-ploaso tlmo in got- * ng away. There waa no policeman lthiu forty miles of the place , and his itam will be their firat knowledge f the fact that n house had been burg- itrized. Mrs. Mcbhaue is in very ceblo health , and the nxoitemont uused by the offair was distressing to ler weak nerves. The young man'd ilothlng waa found at daylight yoa- orday near the home. The hurg- r had gone through them objfuniug hat money there vras In them nnd : ast them aside. EVANS' BUKOLAIIY. Between 2 and 3 o'clock yesterday morning the residence of Mr. John Evann , corner of Twenty-Second and "Jurt atrotis , was entered by burgbr/j / , rho got in by opening ouo ot iht * Itchou vrludowB. The pantry was explored and iU ontonta sainplod , and then the in- ; ruder or intruders wont to the roomo ccupied by T. li. Ilin tralt and wife nd R. R.\ralt , v/hjro ! they got a ratch and Boinu jenolry , two oatchcla f clothing nnd other plunder. About thia lime Mr. Evans nv/oko nd , ooolug the light of a dark lantern lehud through the door , jumpnd out f bed and followed the tnief to the itcheu door , where the follow alted and covered him with a revel er , Baying : "G d n you , ct back there or I'll blow your rainu out 1" The partner of the bold burglar at > hs ! juncture came down the stairs \nd made hia escape , followed by the man who had been discovered and ihased to the door by Mr. Evans. It waa a waterhaul for the burglars and moro fun than fright for Mr. Evans and the Rlngwalta. CRUEL WHEELS. Bad Death of a Young Railroad Em- ploye. $ The Denver Tribune of Thursday iays : A fearful accident occurred on the Colorado Central railroad yesterday fternoon by which one of the most valued employee cf that road was killed. The accident occurred al Louiavlllo , at 3:30 : o'clock. Some cars were being lot down a coal chute , to he main track , and Mr. Frank Farreli was Intrusted with safely guiding hem. This procoodiug ia always a difficult ono , and ia fraught wltha greal deal of danger. The cats had galnoc ; oed headway , and were rushing dorrn ho incline at a tremendous rate when Mr. Farrell , who was on the first car , illppod and fell to the rails. All the cars passing over him just at the hips , almost severing the legs from the body. Hia horror-stricken companions rushoc to his aid , but they were unable t < render any nealstanco , as Mr. Farrol died In a few minutes In the greatest agony. The remains were placed in a oar and taken to Golden , whore they now Ho awaiting the Inquest of thu coroner. Frank Furrell was 52 years of ago , and was ono of the pioneer railroad men c f Colorado , being known by all travelers in the state. Although no. cupylnc the humble position of brakeman - man at the time of hia death , deceased hnd.occupied all the posltiona from fireman to conductor , and performed the dutiea of those positions , varying fortunes and a combination of circunv stances making him a brakeman again , Ho leaves a f tmlly , the members ol which nro now visiting relatives in Nebraska , but will return to-day. De ceased was also a brother-in-law ol Professor E , L Berthond , of Golden , Hia dealings with all men were ao hon orable and just that he gained the ad miration and earned the good will ol all , and many a heart sorrows for hie denth. Grand Trunk Collision. Special Dispatch to Tux ilRi. HAMILTON , Ont. , February 1C. The Pacific express osino in collislor. near Dandas to-night with the eas bound oxprees on the Great Westerr division of the Grand Trunk railway Two are reported killed and sovera wounded. Tax Collector Robbed. Special Dli inch to Tils Dr.s MOKTQOMEUY , Ala. , February 10 Houston , tax collector of Lawrenci county , WM robbed by highwaymen o $3,300 on a lonely road yesterday The robbers also took Houston' ) horse. AM tar Route Suicide. Special Dltpatch to Tui Hi * . ST LOTUS , February 1C. The Post Dispatch has received loformatloi that Mrs. H. M. Valley , wife of om of the defendants In the star routi trial , has suicided at Independence Mo. There are no particulars. KIDNEY-WORT HAS BEEN PROVED Vhr &URES7 CURB for KIDNEY DISEASES. Doe 11 Umo book or dUordrred urine Indlctto Jiat you rou victim ? TIIENDO NOTlHWlTATHi UM KlDUCT-WORT t one * ( druftglaU recommend It ) and U Trill pcodlly 3vrrooma the dluiua and roller * hMlthjr tcUon to all thborgani. For oornpUlnta peculiar to your MX , inch u pain and WMkrinuca , KIDNBT-WOUT U uniur- uMd.Mltwin aot promptly and aafely. Either B z. Inoontinraoo , retention of urtno , brlok dtat or ropy deposit * , amidol ) palm , all tpeodUyyield ; to Ita cur- er. ( | j ) nYAM.CnUOQIDTS. T-rteol. iDNEY-WORT ; I hare prcoc-lbdl KldntyW rtwllh vcryiaeit ricco'd In a so re oru ore obstinate CM' * ' f k'd- no ; nd 'Ivor troubl , ala < ( cr ( etna e wnnV s Philip 0. Ilaltou , it D , Monklon , Vf , "My wllo hAnlnoa much benedtttd from fie utoot K dn y V.'or . Hliih-cl K rinev a il utbfr o mplalnt ; " write * Hev. A. I ) . OM man , Va > ettj ISASUP CURE ! I for nil diseases of tno Kidneys and LIVER It has epcclflo action on thla most Important | orRan , onabllna It to throw off torpidity and i . Inaction , atlmulatln ? the healthy secretion , of thu Elle , und by keeping the bowelj In fret. i condition , effecting Ita regular dliclianre. nMlo IfyonnrOBUffcrlnefrom ll Id * malariahnvothochlUn , [ are MUona , dyapeptlo , or oonatlpatod , Kid- ' ney.WotnTillBurolyrollevofcquleklyonro. I In thla eeaaon to clcanmtbo System , everyone ono should toke o thorough oonrce of It. ( II ) ISOLD BY DRUGGISTS. Price SI. I amnlhlnsr ndtocnto ol the > ir'ucqof ' K'd- ' wort. I stiflcnil I n told agony Irani ll > cr o'tlcr. It curid me. " John D. Kevins rlngfle d O. F3RYHF. PERMANENT CURE OF CONSTDPATION. ? Jo other cU"iiO Is co prov&lcnt In this aoualry as CodsUpatlou , and no remedy tina vcr equalled tlie celebrated KIDNEY- WOHT na a cure , Whatever the cauoc , however otaUn-vlo the case , thiB remedy w will overcome U. C33B K'Q THIfl dlntrcselnr ; com- IT fltnt Og plaint la very opt to be . compHjated with conatinatlon. Kidney- O Woit ntrenctlicnn the weakened pnrta anil quickly euren e3lin < ! 3 ol Plica even when C pliysiclons an-1 tacdtcluca have before fill "Constipation , In all | i * form' , yield9 to Kid neyuort In femaledhea-cs It ls\ey s jccess fu > . " Dr. Philip C. Uallou Monkton Vt. , April 20th IB3 . THE QREATC8JRE _ . H .m " " - ' FOQ 1WI-B-TO-JII-A-T-I - - - - - - - - As U Is for aU the painful diseases of tb KIDNEYS , uivcn Ate BOWCLS. It cleanfleu the eystcm or tno acrid pclsen that causes tlio dreadful t'lHerluc vrtilcl only the victims of rhciunatlsinc&n rcfcliLo. THOUSAUU3 OF CASES of the worst forma ofthJa terrible disease liavo teen qtdctly relieved. ondlucv"'rt tlmo PERFECTLY CURED. rmcx si. uijun cr DRY , SOLD bIIKLCCISTS. . f l ) n-ycnn beecnt bymall. WLJ.Ut , iU : .I.MtDSON * ; CO. , HurlluR-Mi , V t MSjpusr n "I could find no remedy for my Kidney complaint - plaint and rhiun-ntlam , " writes-r A.I ] I3lltr , nfTorplo Mill Dor da , until I WHS cured by Kidney Wort. " Kiposuro , Inc'deut to lumbar ng , can n't Mr Butr'n I'lecrders. C will FCS1TIVELY not beln serted unless paid In advance. IO l.Cf.H MOKtY. i\/f / ONEY TO LOAN Call at Law office of D. L. 1VJL Thomas room SCrclghton Block. TOLOAK , _ , _ . . S97-tt 1SOC Farnam. C ORil rtAA " LOAN At 8 per cent In- fpv 01' , U U U tereat in snras ol $2,000 and up wards , for 8to fi years , nn first class city and farm propcrt ) . BKSIIS KKAI , CSTATR and LOAN AQKKCT , 15th and Douglas Sta. LOANED-O" Chattel llorlga OFO- MONEY . Room Ko. 1 , o\cr Ha cl'inti Na il HaoK. , 11 077-lmt > EY TO LON At 8 per cent Shrlvcr's M0 Eottti ) ud Loan Agency , onpoVtc postolllco. 767-t' ANTED To hiic a good Uitchcrnt Ncola W Iowa. ddicssM. H. He arty. 107-171 TED-Immcd atcly , god girl for Rencra1 WA ework , N. W e.r. 18tli nd Webster. 100-17t 1 1Kb W iNThD cor general housework ailii. 030 19t SITUATION ? . WANTED , Stuatl'P ! In mlvato family by a WANTED girl. Can do cooVlng , irathlr q ad Ironing. WocoiW. Apfly at32S n r 8. H cor , Hlh and S i Mary'i ave 113-Mt M S3F.Ll.ArtE I'tll ' WANT6 POLES WANTKD-For further par HOOP cill on'or addre < Joseph KCM , 61 ! Upper Broadway , Council Bluffs 115-16 Coeap for a pntaBle cuglne WANlED tonhorso piwer , a clrctiar saw and frame , suitable for cori wocd. Addrcsi M M , Patterson , Paxton Hotel , Omaha , \\l ANTED Shop men to board at 1004 Dodg W St. nlca rooms good board ani evcrjthlnf made home-like for thoao who will pay. 900-17 fQK RLINT MUUSttl AND t-ANt ) OH KENT Kuril M roQ'n , suitable for on F or two gentlemen , 219 N Hlh St. IU lot . nOOMS AND 1'OAIID-M d If. FUKNI3I.ED ei , 1H10 DulgeS * . 112-liut UhNT Thrco uafurnlshed r rm < . wltl FOIl window in brick nnno , 1416 Chcag street . I17-22J mo JIENT 0 i Chlia o ne > r 17ih Street frrn L pirloranl b loaai b > 'h ' nctii fur Utml Will rent a n rate or tCKether. Aildie's "F , Bepollic- 111-17 m\\V Furn'sheil front rosmf , a' , reasonabl J. rates at 1407 Howard S- . 907-17' .TORRENT In a private family , tworrthrc 1 rooms , wltli or without bo ird. 1316 Didge S KENT llnuso of fcur rooms and kttch FOR . Apply A. Murphy , IttJsjuth llth Street ! K9-17t \ UAH CUACE KUIt UK I T The 2nd stor ] XX and buemcnt of buitdln No.1111 Karnan street. Inquire next door cas . Jig Imi 7011 RrJ4 Ono organ , 3.00 per m-nth , a MusIoIall. _ 777-lm ROOMS AND 11 JARU-Moder FURVISUEU con\enlercaa 1810 Dodge SL _ J73-lm FOR RENT 25 house . 2 to 10 roonu , at 3 t- - )25 per inrnth Bhrh er'a Rent tiureau , or pot > jta Dostotllce. L7C8-tf " 1" > E1IIS' New Map of Omaha , lust completed an JD ready for delU cry at K each. In 4 feet wldi by 7 feet long. Largest and most complete urn ofQmaha ever publuhod. Otliclil map ot th city. Bee column. f SALK-Uotol furniture , Including bi POR tar fixture' , with a lavteot thebuUdlri Inquire ol Rlcbard O'Kceie or V. Kuccra , No. 72 South 13th strett. Omihi. Neb. 12020 } T. OR 8LK CHEAt'-Chclce unimproved bu JP lnis < lots oo Farnam. Ilariey. DouglM andDdK8itreetv. D\VIS& 8NYDER , Real Eat te Agents , 110-eod-lf 1503 Farnam S 8ALU A good boisa ind burcy. At EOK "IV Bet office , lfo-19t T7IOR BALE New hou'e 4 room * can be move Jj without damage , at MJ5.00 Cheap , MKiigu oppwiteloatOmce. 105-20 > 960 ft' then and , delivered oo B , track , a ; Omaha All orders i lrect l Bclletue Brick y.rJ , Sirpj louttf , will r - e t o prompt attention. 976 lot I r K ode r for s l at a bargain the cn.luo acd lV fixtures now In uro at cur works , Tht mill t- outfit Is M itood ' new , ind cunnlfti o mine (10 ( brrs- power ) llitlcr , Heater , Bteim imp , Hni ok o SUik , R cam and Wafer U ute , r UrTaok Valves llpo. . ttc. H l I batmen ut abiut tbn first of nest II y Fartlo intern. darolnvl'ol ocallanrts * < t Inoreitlftn day nd night ( Sundays excepted ) at the Woodman nKed Oil Work * , corner Sera .teenth and NIch- as tticctn B17-lm J10H HALE Pockets maps of Nebraska KOC / A } each , for b-irpalna In u aha City Improved nd nn mpr ved property , call on Wm. K , SKrl- cr , Hotl IJtUte Agent , oppos'to poatolllco , 7 Mf .1OU bM-E Six room cotlase with barn nd ; half lot on Chicago street , near High School nly $2,300. McCAOUK , 600 dee jff-t * Opii. 7 > OU BALK A arm cUn > econil n nd pnnotont ? Call t 1319 ITftrncyBt. 887-tf Ell 13 Now Map of Omaha , Just completed nil. . _ ready for delivery at $5 each. Ia 4 foil wldi r 1 feet long. Lanront and most complete map Omaha over published. OlHclal map ot th * ty. Sea column. niUCK FOJl SALE-9.08 vc It th'U'and , Yard 15th otreot , two b'o u mth ef Uo'lnnio road doc 23-3m LOUK-'ZO D1BDLE , 17MF.RY * JONES , UKAL FSTATE AGENTS ll AND II Jl T'CUMU ' 1-T.s , are new taMn rutTK for dull and Dinam n al tno , nhruki ndlltwoil cpla-.t * , fir tp'tn i Ivcr . Or erj u I bo In before th 1 " t f April U t s'nctlon it tutted. Oltlco 1300 llarnty itroit , Oinaba. llS-i w ' OST White f athor , bo onclnif tj unit rm J h-vt of il. P Bind. Finder )1 ) n.'oliavn at helm & Eil.kson'd Jo clrj St re. liG-17 } 710USD- siddle suppose 1 to bo stolen. In- } qulro of George Lacy , at Steels &Joh HonV roccra. * > OHM i * nd board at 327 Capitol a\cnue be- Atwecn nthandlSth. 09J-17J [ 10 THE tADI-8 Any lady ecn-IIIR { I and a L. stamped , self addrcs cd cnvo opo to lock box o. 16 , Bloomlniton Nebraska , \\l\\ \ \ r cclve 'n turn , a recipe whch will gaddcn all her It'e. 'an aw nmn wholsdri girg ut * mis rablo ilsttnca from year to year , bccau o iho does ot knowhow to relle > o hc'aelf , can learn the atuablo secret , worth lumdro.H ot d Kars and life tlmo of lapplnots , by comj.lying wl h thli otlcc. r"eb 12-71 IAO STEU OF PALMVSTKUY AND COND * I ON A LIST , 403 Tenth street , hctnccn Farnam nil llamoy. Will , with .he old of nuanllan plrlta , obtain for any ono a glance ot the pant and pruwnt , and on certain conditions In the fu- uro. Iloots and Shoca made to order. Ptifpct .tlnfactton miarantrrri. A QE TS Wanted male or ton ale In fvory \ . < l y and to nln the Urlted 8t tc8. tlo.O 15.(0 par < by cJhlly made G. E. HIDEOUT C. ) . , 10 Darcl y Street , New Yoik City. J18 Imu mor. . FOK SAI.F. CHEAP-C2 mllfa west of HOTUC. Oroahi , on Iho Union Pacific railroad. Irlck barn , two etory hotel and furniture , three o's 61x132 , good stand , go d business. Goad caaons for selling. Inquire of subscriber. AI. NOKUIS , 13-lm-me Noith I'end , Neb , Absolutely Pure. Tills ( Kinder ne\cr varies. A iuar > cl of purity. Mrcngtn anil wholeaointness. Moro economical than the ordinary k nds , and cannot bo said In competition uith the multltudo of low tent , ohort Hcluht , ilium or ph HihatoKj\\Jer. ] Sold only In ran ) . HOVAI. DAKINO PowurK Co.VallSt. . , 60 Vow York. HCA.T AND MOHSinURP , THE ES- ENOK 01' > aFE. T1HTUUI3M IS T.A3- LYPnOVESBV TAKING A IE Sl'OjNFUL OFT AWLHAM'hELI ZEn rtPER- IENT IN A GLASS OF H I1 WATER I'ALF AN HOUR IlEPOHE HHrJAKFaSr , F' ' U 1N- DIOKbTION. i YSl'KI'SIA , ' H CO > SIIPATED UAIHT. NOTHING IS B TTEK. THE OLDEST ESTABLISHED G HOifSE IN NEBSAUKA. OALDWELL , HAMILTON & 00 , , BANKERS. Baalnosn transacted S-MUU aa that of aa Incorporated Bank. Acconnta eoHoltcd und kept abject to sight chock without notice. OertificntcB of deposit Issued payable In three , biz and twelve months , bearIng - Ing interest , or on demand without in- toroat. Advnnooa made to cuntomora on ap proved securities at market ratoa cf Interest. The Interests of customer * MO close ly guarded nnd every facility compati ble with principles of Bunnd banking freely extended. Draw Sight Drafts on England , Ire- laud , Scotland , and Ml par la of Europe. Sell European Ptaaaga TickotB. Oolleotio na Promptly Mnde. Douglas County. f ° ' At a Con ty Court , held at the County Court Ilocra , In and for said County , teb. let , A.D. I Lja * ! Prwcnt , A M. Chad wick , Co inly Judge. In the matter of the lietato ot KJwarJ Crelgh- ten , de cued. ' Ou icillDc and fl'loff ' the pell Ion ot John A. Crelithtoi. Admlnlstratorof raid Estate , pr ylnff f t the ( ctt'ea.ent nd allowa'ico o his accounl filed therewith'and for the iet5 emont of cer tain rthi rr. a < ters pe ttlnlnt tra'd ' Ettato for hi discharge as sccr. admlnUtrator Ordered , that Match Cti A D. 18f 3 , at 10 oMrci M. , IsatslKrodfor heaitn ; falj petition , when all , erons In'criftcd ln < ald nsaltermay aipeu at a County 0 urt to bo held , In and for Bill County , nd thiv aLS why Ihe prayer cf petitioner thou d not lo granted ; ana that no tice of the pendency ol ild petition and the tcarluj ; theio A Lo shcn to all persons Interested In ala aatttr , by pt b Ishlnc acopy of thU ordet In the Om ia Dal > U a antw paW ) printed In bil.l county for four iucccssho weeks ; prior to said ( lay or hearing , [ A true copy. ] A. M.CHADT IPK , foh3-4w Ccunty Judge. DOFEEHE & ARCHITECTS , REMOVED TO OMAHA NATIONAL BANK BUILDINO. Architect > ( the'.Omaba NatlODs ) Bank , Xn ratVa Mat anal Bank , 1'nton & Oallaubei's lock , Acal-mr ol ths 8trid Bent , Mlllard Uottl Etl