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" THE OMAHA DAILY BEE TWELFTH YEAH. OMAHA NEB MONDAY MOJRN1NG FEBRUARY 19 1883 048 THE ROBBERS' RAID. A Benoral Assault on the State I \ Treasury , Oheoky Olaima Defended With Brazen Impudence. An Union Pacific Official aa a Lobbyist. Frantic Effort to Defeat tbo Rnll- road Tax BUI. Special Correspondence ot The Bee LINCOLN , February 18. The raid on the atato treasury still continues After voting awoy about $900,000 iu the general appropriation bill and 1m * posing a special tax for a $500,000 addition to the capital , the lower honao has put through the committee of the whole another batch of c'ainn that rival in sublime cheek the bogui 83,000 claim of tqnattor Governor Poarman. Those fraudulent claims were sandwiched into tha mlscellano ous appropriation bill with a few rlghtoom claims that should bo paid. The debate over thia bill waa in some respoata interesting. Before the va rious itema were piaaed upon , Rob' berta , of Butler , moved an amend ment that the claim of Pat 0. Hawea to $1,048 25 bo incorporated in this bill. . Thla motion mot with some op position. Hatch argued that aa the claim waa a paifeotly fair one it ought to bo allowed. Johnson hoped the amendment would prevail , aa the gen eral sentiment of the houeo waa that the claim waa a just onr. Mr. McAllister wanted to know by what suthorlty agenta were appointed. If the claim was a fair ono , ho thought the state could collect it without the aid of agonta. He wna opposed to cst&blhhing a dangerous prooodont of thla kind Mr. Payne explained that thia claim arose ont of n contract made with Ex- Governor James , that Mr. Huwos was fully entitled to hia ojrnmieslon. The amendment waa finally carried. Franso moved that the aum of $150 allowed in the bill to Orawford and MoLanghliu for defondlnp a murderer named Henry Sobuylor , bo made $600. The trial had lasted two wookn and ho thought $150 waa inaufilalont compensation. NJ matter how grost the criminal might bo whoa hia life and liberty wad at stake ho WIXH en titled to the boat defonco that could bo had Ho appealed to them whether it l-v was fair and right to establish the - ' principles that fittoen cent nttornoya should bo employed to defend mur derers. Howard irged that ths committee had very carefully consid ered his claim , and they had come to the conclusion that $150 waa sufficient compensation. Oaatlo pointed ont that in allowing the defense 000 they would be allow I \ ing the dotonso more than the prose cuting attorneys , aud ho thought this K\ \ was far from right. IV . Whltzel strongly oppoa. d tboamond- ment , as he considered $150 quite enough. The amendment waa then nut and lost. lost.A A feeble effort was made against IJ Bill Stout's c'.alm fur $2,000 for enlarging - larging the gallocv in representative hall. Several members thought Bill had put it on rather heavy and some expressed the opinion the gallery didn't coat ono-thUrd of $2,000 , but the claim wai finally voted. Then , came George Oanfiold'o clatm for $534 45 back pay for boarding the militia during the Omaha sham riots. This ia ono of the cheekiest claim * over brought before any legislature * . The clerk of the Ojnfiold house msda a contract with the chief quarlornnator to feed the militia at 25 cants a mottl. At the extra session laat sprlug Oanfield presented his bill at that rate. It waa voted to him and paid in fnlll and Oanfield waa well satisfied with getting it. Now he comes in with a bill for back pay at forty cents a meal , or fifteen cents additional , be cause the legislature laat spring al lowed Swobe and Marshall , of tuo U , P. depot eating house , forty cents for meala for which they claimed fifty conta. McGavock , of Douglas , hoped that the claim would bo allowed. He informed the house that Oanfiold waa away from home when the militia came to hia hotel to bo boarded , but when he returned , ho made a general under standing that ho would board at the same rate the other hotel keepers were boarding thnm. ( Thia wasn't Oanfiold'a story last aprlng ) The legislature had only allowed nim at the rate of 25 cants a meal , whereas they had allowed the others 40 centn. This claim of $534 45 waa to make up the 15 cent ? , BO aa to make the pay at Jho rate of 40 cents , aa the others were paid. There waa no contract made , and ho hoped Mr. Oanfiold would receive the ii additional 15 conta per meal , Hollman knew that Oanfield waa not there at the time the mllltla arrived. Ho strongly urged that he bo paid the extra amount In question. This was finally agreed to by a close voto. Then there .waa about $3,500 back pay allowed to sheriffs aud marshals. Amongtheae was Gran Ensign , $508.- 25 ; D. B. Ball , $08 20 ; H. S. Moody. 8209 30 ; George W. Gay , $108.20 ; J. H. Butler , $300 ; Simon V. Seoloy $205 50. The everlasting penitentiary whlol hwallowod $130,000 in the general ap propriation bill carao in again wltl extras to Bill Stout , contractor , $2 , 109 34 ; G. Nobes , warden , $341.12 Wheat & Ford , photographs of con viota , $375. The Omaha Smolttnf works waltzed up with a claim of $313. 32foV ; furnishing the mllltla during th memorable strike when they Importec the colored labjrers but this "Ilttli bill waa no allowed , ; And this remldns mo of Pearman' historic- tree bill wherein that ohronl bilk presented a claim in 1871 fo ft * tli ' ho legislature ! , . ' 'sl871) ) . Ji duo tlmnthoy at * . jat they i d allownd him $950 moro that he was entitled to , and the following summer i'oarman'a trees planted ou the capltol grounds nearly all died , A very warm debate took place in .ho . house this afternoon over senate ila No. 1. Senator McShano'a ) lll to amend the ravonuo act which required the wsossmont of depots , depot grounds , machine shops ind other Improvements to bo awotaod > y local as2ocso . Last night P. P. Shelby , general relght agent of the Union Paalfic , loaatod he would boat thia bill , and nearly all the railroad- attorneys out- Ido of _ Dauqlas and Lancaa cr , whore hey did not dare oppose ouch a just nounuro , wow massed against the bill. They made specious appeals to ural numboro to vote this bill down bccanao it waa designed o bold Omaha 'and Lincoln aud hey were successful In gulling the grangern with such chntF , and the bill rsa defeated. This will baatOmiha , 'latiemouthLincoln and Grand Island out of city taxes on over $2,000,000 if lailroad property it beats Dong- ia , Otsd , LiucMtcr and Hall counties out of the county taxes on this prop- rly , and bauefiti only the railroads \ll of thopo improvements when tooled with the rolling stock and road 7 y don't enhance the aggregate tax- bio value $5 a mile , and hence they lone mnp the benefit of exemption. Mr , Shelby's miaelon h.not entirely n tha tax question , Ho waa closeted vith the house railroad committee laat light , and is making frantic efforts to > eat the acnato railroad bill. His > loa la that the Union Pacific would > o wrecked nud ruined by reduced nsaongor nnd freight tolls , and the ittornnya and capponi are echoing hla > larnoy , Peter ia a democrat , and iko Artomua Ward , who was willing o sacrifice ) all hia wife's relations in ho war , Peter Is willing to pat the epublicins en rf cord aa opponents of ho only railroad bill that has any poa- iblo ahow of passing. THE FLOODS. Relief Oominu in from All Porta of the Country for the Ohio Valley Suflarere. SUJTEIUNO OPERATIVES , February 18. In- orraatioti from the ilooJod districts give a most gloomy account of the nffbiing. At Now Albauy the river taa fallen two feet. The weather is very cold. One thousand throe hun- [ red families are driven from their lomea , Bvtho stoppage of the fac- oriea 1,009 families are dependent n charity ; most of them lost every- hlng. It will require months to re build the factories , meantime the em- iloyoa must bo cared for , The Wa- iaah at Terre Haute reached the ilghcst point thia afternoon. TRAINS DELAYED. ST. Louis , February 18. The cold weather has not affected the rise in ho rivers. All streams are booming. Numerous bridges have boon carried away , All trams are trom one to wolvo hpura late. Some toads are ti'ack o ! other lines in order" to run trains at all , ICE GORGE BROKE. TOLEDO , February 18. Tno gorge > elow the olty broke this morning. logo masses moved rapidly out. By diyll ht the water had fallen five feet. L'ho river is now comparatively free ice nnd still falling. Iu ita out ward passage the fl ) od carrie I away the remaining portions of two bridges , A fdW small craft were torn from the docka and carried come diafa co down ho river. There ia no aorioua damage to shipping. At aix thia evening the wnttr bad lowered ten fact from the ilghojt point. KIVER FALLING. LOUISVILLE , February 18 , The river con'innes to fall slowly. The weather ia clear aud cool. Oollop- ions for the relief fund were made in all the churches. Many of the poor need help for weeks , as they have ab solutely nothing. CINCINNATI , February 18. The iver continues to fall half an inch lourly. It is retarded in the fall by rains above. No Incident of note o-day. CINCINNATI ALL RlOIir. NEW YOHK , February 18. A spec ial from Murut Halsted to the World aye ; Cincinnati comes out of the load in good form with no element of icr vitality impaired , nnd will enter upon a'prosporous spring buslnespaplto anything that congress may do or leave indono. It would bo hard to say more , hau that for any town. Postcflloo Changes Special Dispatch to TUB llnx. WASHINGTON , February 18 Estab lished Ellda , Nevada , Gal.Theodore P. Vanslycke ; Point Snrmounter , Cal , Charles H. Bixby ; Wnllsburg , Multonamah , Oro. , .Jacob F. Hodges. Discontinued Bronnon , Toulomno , Dal. ; Gabol , Columbia , Pechistan , Yohahama , Washington territory. Appointed Gold Mountain , Ei- moralda , H , H Robinson ; Lewis , Lander , Nov. , Joseph Hill , Mullno , Olaokomaa , Ore. , William J. Dill ; Chonowltb , Skamanla , Washington territory , D. K. Ordway. Frozen to Death , Special Dispatch to TIIB BEK. CHICAGO , February 18. AThucdej Bay , Manitoba , apodal cays ; A party of twenty-five men left Lawaon'e cimp on Friday for Barke'a camp. The party Bopu&ted , four striking out across the ice for Portage at Sawyer'c bay. At that point they mot Indians , and fearing an attack retraced tholi stops. It was very cold , and on th ( way Max Mallavor , Gabo Geraor one L , Gellogaat lay down , exhausted Isaac Lourillo pushed on to Brown's which ho reached overcome. Noxi morning ho atartod oat with asslatanci for hla companions , and found then frozen to death. THE NATIONAL CAPITAL , Oomploto Exlionoration of Do- Long and Party by the Oeurt of Jnqnry , Programme of the Republicans for the Remaining Daya of No Pronpeob of the Passage of the Tariff Bill This Session. Itemi of Interest frcin. the Nutlcmnl Capital. OAP1TAI. NOTES. Special Dispatches to Tun llin. THE JEANNKITK INQUIIIY. WASHINGTON , February 18. The Jeannette court of Inquiry ruports the following faoU as dot.mod established by ovlduuoo nddncod concerning the cltcamitaucos of the Iocs of the Joau notto and death of DoLjug and others cf her offiocra and man. Although the weight of the ovldeuco shows the Jeannette was not especially adapted ia strength or model for arctic explor ation , The fact that an experiment jxploror had made two cruises in her to the arctic sens , anatalna the judg ment and euro shown in her selection. When last purchased she wna strengthened - onod and improved , and the condition of the vcsael on her departure from Sun FranoUcn was good mid satiafno tory , her oflioora crow ( except that the WQB unavoidably deaply loaded , n defect which corrected itself by the consumption of coal ) , provisions and stores. Evidence relating to the man agement of the Jeunnotto up to the time of the loss , shows that the chances of reaching Wrangle inland were suflicitfntly good to justify the commander in attempting to reaoh It , rather than to return to some sonthurn port to the winter in idleness. Had he done otherwise than ho did ho might fairly bocu thought wanting in thu high qualities necccjuary to ox- plorors. Through the expedition every opportunity was improved for gaining ecluutitio information ; thruo islmda ware discovered , two of which were vlaltod , ex plored and taken possession of in the nnino of the United Stntca In the mauugumoTit of the Jeanette up to the time of her detention , Oominandor DdLong , by hia foresight and pru dence , provided nieaaurea to meet emorgonciea and enforce wiee regula tion1) . The fact of the ship's having paaeod a second winter in the ice with out the appearance of ecurvy on board , attcata the excellence of sanitary ar rangements adopted and rt fleets great credit upon Surgeon Ambler , aa to the circumstances of the lees of the veasol. The court attaches no blame to any officer or man and reports cay the provisions mndo and the plana adopt ed for the safety of the crewa upon theiMeaving the wreck were judicious , aa it iaohownthat ninety days after the destruction ef the Jeanette , the officers .and ir en were in * ir condition , not withstanding their terrible journey. The story ot the retreat from the ves sel , with accompanying sufferings , disappolntmonta , dangers , difficultiea and delays , death of DaLnug , and hie companions , subsequent dUcovery of .heir dead bodies , 10 aecured at con siderable length nnd tha-conclusion reached that everything possible wan done by the various tfiicors tolnanre safety to pertios under their Immedl- ate charge and for the relief of other parties. A Hat of cflbora and crew of the Jc-anottc a ulvon , showing their arrangement ; o boats on the retreat and their final ato. The general conduct and morlta of each and all offiseta and men of the txpuditlon la summed up aa followa : Tnore ia conaluaivn evidence tint , asldo from trivial difllcultios , anch aa occur on ships , even under the moat 'avorablo circumstances , which had no ufluonca in bringing about disasterand no pernicious eifect upon its general condition , every officer and man aa conducted himself that the court finds no occasion to impute censure to any member of the party. In view , then , of tbo long dreary monotony of the cruise and the privations encountered , the disappointment consequent upon want , the important results , the uncer tainty of their fate ( and apart from a natural desire to treitd lightly on the graves of the dead ) , the general con duct and personnel of the expedition iccms to have buen a marvel of cheer- lnvBP , good fellowship and mutual forbearance , while the constancy and enduronco with which they met hard ships and dangers that besot them mtitlo them to great praiao. Besides mention already made , how- > ver , apodal commendation is due to Da Long , for the high qualities displayed by him In the conduct of the expedition ; to Chief Engineer Mel ville , forzaal , energy and provisional tptitudo which elioted high onconv lumB from his commander and for hie subsequent efforts on the Lana Delta ] and to Seaman Nlnderman and Sweet man , for services which induced theli lommandor to recommend them 01 medals of honor. Finally , it should bo stated there are several anrvlvori of the Jeannette who have not yet re turned from Siberia , and whoso testl mony might or might not modify the conclusions cot forth in this report The Incidental allusion to trivial dif ficultles is the only thing ( n the roper that can bo considered aa reference ti the alleged troubles between Do Lonj and Collins. THE TARIFF. Upon expected early receipt by thi house of the tax and tariff bill nov pending in the senate that measur will be laid on the opeakor's table am the problem which now gives rise to a much speculation oa to the means o reaching It for action on senate amend monts. It will then doubtless bocom the subject of caucus discussion , am If the present very formidable dlfiioul ties bo not speedily surmounted all Hen of effootlDg a comprehensive re vision of the tariff in th < a conjroia will uoccaiatily bo Abandoned. TUB iiKrunuoAN rncoiUMMK. The programme of the republicans in the senate for the coming week ii substantially Identified with the un fulfilled programme outlined last Sun day. Flual action upou the houao bill to reduce Internal rovouua taxa tion , with ita multifarious tariff amend ments , i ) now confidontlally oxpeotod for to-morrow night , the chairman of the financial committee havlt'g given notioo that ho will insist upon prov ing the bill to a final vote before Tuesday , as the chairman of ho aommlttco on appropriation ! ! will then claim the floor aa nn indispensable oondilion of eecurlui ? tuili-iont tiruo for notion noon the annual appropria tion bill. Of these the army bill Is firat to bo considered , Ipavlng the navy fortifications and District of Columbia billa to be called up from the calendar for action by the eenato during the remainder of the weak. Tha chiuiccB for general legislation are of course rapidly diminishing o ch dny an the session drawa to a clone , but the shipping bllla rnpy possibly obtain consideration in iho donate towiirda the end cf the wool : unlrss the number cf appropriation bills a ready on the calendar bo meanwhile augmented by the legislative , cxeou * tlvo und judicial appropriation bill , which now awalta the report of the Jtnmlttoo on appropriations. The tegular order In the house to-morrow will bo the call of cnmrnlttoea for motions to anepsnd the rules. Tha first Important item to be reached ou the Hat to morrotr la the ways nnd moans committee , which will offer for pasiago by thla method a bill identical In terms with the Internal rovonno provislono of the bill now pending In the iBtialo , aa amended by the sonata to the present date. Thio bill fa to reduce taxation by on amount vari ously catimatod at from 830,000,000 to $40,000,000 per annum. It Will probably obtain the requisite two- thirds innjoiity. Other committees , low ou the Hat , will offer motlona ai follows : Judiolhry , to paaa the sen- atti bill to establish n court tf appealfl. ( I'hia ( a a measure commonly known us the "Davis bill , " designed to relieve the anpremo court of a part of itn accnmulat- ng bualnoaa ) 0 mtnorco , to fix A day for the conisidoration of amend' ments ; Townsond'a bill creating n commtgrion to investigate the aubjoot of intcr-atato commerce ; agriculture , o pats Anderson's bill to create an agriculture commlnelon. The prlnct- ial dntica proposed for thla oornmla- Ion are to investigate the movement of agricultural product * , nnd report upou all questions relating to thc maintenance of reasonable nnd jus ! ntor-Btato transportation and traflice. If thia can bo set aside , the regains order will be the announcement of the pnakor'a decision on Oarllalo'apolnt ol order interposed against Easkell'a mo Ion to cut oil debate. On the remaining schedule of the tariff bill , regardless of the nature of thia forthcoming decision , there op wars to bo DO proapeot of bringing ; ho pending bill to the point of final action by the honae , and oven if ib consideration bo returned to morrow It will probably bo hid aside a uia dur. . Ing Turaday'e aesciou , l orAev to Vi up the sundry civil appropriation bill , which ordinarily occupies several dayn , which in turn may bo followed by the rlvor and harbor bill , or possi bly by the general deficiency bill. RELIEF FOB OHIO VALLV.Y. The Amprlcati association of thoRnd Orosa reports the associate societies at Now Orleans , Vickeburg , Memphis and Rochester at work for the Buffer- era cf the Ohio Valley. All money contributions will bo received by the central committee , through Secratarjiee Folgor nnd Lincoln and Commisalone : L/otiiig , aud the board ofjtruateeu , and will bo distributed through agenta ol : ho Arsoolatod press. Collision on the B. & O- Special Dispatch to TUB Bin. WuKuiauo , February 18. This morning two heavy freight trains on the division of the Baltimore & Ohio railroad collided in Franklin tunnel , eight uiilos woct of Bullaire. The cars piled on top of tbo engines , smashing the roof of the tunnel , let- tirg down dobria and complete ! ; wedging the tunnel up. The enginoci and fireman were tilled. One brake- inan waa seriously injured of the bound train. The engineer and fireman - man of the went bound were slight ! } Injured. It ia eiid the telegraph operator - orator failed to notify the west bound train to take elding. The Hrofdwood Disaster * Special Dispatch to Tut ! DBS. OUIOAOO , February 18. The Daily Nona Bratdwood , III. , upeciul auyc the situation at the Diamond mine it practically unchanged. There are no addltiona to the Hat of drowned re ported. A large imm icr of people From the ourrouudln > . country are vis iting tno dreary iciiiea. The dair around the sink hole ia abpnt hall completed. It la expected to bofinlshod by to-morrow , and the work of pump ing ont water has begun. Doubta arc expressed whether the dam , aa being btnlt , la strong enough to resist tin water from the surrounding pralriei after the pumping begins , and it maj hocoino necessary to dig a ditch tc Goose lake , a distance of five miles before the work of getting the vrato : ont can ba successful carried on , Thi mayor of thla town called a mis moot Ing of the citizonn for to-morrow , t < take noceaaary steps to relhvo thi dlstruaa In the families of thodrownoc mluora , Z < ovre Broke , Special Dltpttch to TIIR IEI ) , ViOKanuKO , February 17 Ilia wara loyoo , 55 ml'os ' above the Lou ulana aide , broke last night. Throi hundred foot are gene , The water 1 colug through rapidly about threi feet deep. The point whore the lovoi broke la a new work , Many plants lions will bo overflowed. THE OLD WORLD. ImpresBivo Fimoral Ooromonios of the Qreat Oomposor , The Ooneptraoy Trial Still Oro- atinq : Great Excitement in Ireland , President Grevy Announces Hia Acooptaaoo of the French Ministry. Mlioollnnoona Koxvs from All Over Eutopo- GENERAL FOUEIQH NEWS. Epodtl DlpatchMtQTni Dti. WAONKll's FtJNKUAL. BAYIIKXTTII , February 18. Wag- ner'a widow was so overcome ou the arrival of the funeral train hero tba aha waa obliged to bo lifted from the ci\r. A guard of twouty-aovon cltl- zjno watched vho bier throughout the night. The romaina wore berne from the cir to the station platform , the band playing a funeral march from Siegfried. Hcrr Mnnckor , in an address alluded to Wognor'a aor- viaos at Beyrouth , and laid ou the blur a wreath presented by the town , lltirr Fonatol npoko of the foreign Wagner UBjoclationo. Amid the toll ing of the bells of the town , the procession - cession started. The hoarao waa drawn by four homes , and wna pre ceded by two carriages loaded with wreaths. Follow ing the hqano came the clergy roproaontativo , Kltig , many duputatlons , artistn , aud military and civil officers and n largo crowd of pee ple. Ou iho arrlyal of the proacaslon at Yllla Wahrifriod , the coflln waa taken from the hearse and at the do- tire of the widow , laid in the tomb with only n aimplo rollglona blessing. Almost the entire town waa draped. Wroatha wore aont from moat of the theatres and soclotlca of Gornuny aud Austria , also London. PAesagen from Wognor'a opera wore snnu' at the tomb. Surprise waa ex- pretHcd at the dlscu lon iutoudont at the Royal theatre , Berlin , not giving any performance in honor of Wag nor UimniiKEKS SKNTUNOEI ) . ALEXANDUIA , February 18. Of the persona arrested in connection with the murder of Prof. Palmer and party , five have boon sentenced to death and the others to from throe to fifteen yoara * imprisonment , T1IE NEW MINISTIIY. PAIUS , February 18. At a mooting of the cabinet to-day President Grovy accepted the resignations of the rain- Istors and cllisially announced that M. Ferry had boon entrusted with the formation of a now ministry. lie ntated that M. Ferry will assume the post of mlnlatnr of foreign affairs , M. Martin Foulllo minister of the In terior , M , Waldcok Roesoau minister of finance , General Thobandin minis- I'ter of war , M. Rtynal mlnieter of mloistor of commerce , M , Damahy minister of agriculture and Charles Brnn minister of naval affaire , PAULS , February 18 , Jules Forrj informs the president ho will confer with friends before replying finally to the request from the now ministry , The republican union ia resolved tc support the cabinet and dotoimincd tc uao existing lawa agalnat protondorH , COMING ! HOME , LONDON , February 18 The Mala- envoys , with Robinson , late American consul &t Madagascar , will start for America to-day. Rublnaon'c presence ia expected to greatly facili tate the propoaed treaty , 1IONOK8 TO MOUSE. ROME , February 18. The muni cipality has placed a memorial tablnt in the houao which Prof. Samuel F. B. Morao inhabited hero in 1830. 'I/he / ayndio informed the American min ister the unveiling of the the tablet will be dofetred until the wishes of the American colony in regard to cere mony are made known , EXI'LOHION. PAUIS , February 18. A powdo ! mill explosion at Oorboil killed aix pereona , T1IEATUD BUKNED. VIENNA , lobrnary 18. The now theatre at Altarod , Hungary , burned this roorntog.WAONEII'S WAONEII'S SON. MUNICH , February 18 The king has undertaken the education ot Wag nor'a eon , Liegofrled. AIUIESTINO WITNESSES , LIVERPOOL , February 18. Several persona wore arrested upon tholr arri val from Ireland. They will bo taken to Dublin , aa they will probably be able to give valuable evidence in atatc trlala. WANT EXTUADITION. ' LONDON , February 18 The Tlrnoe states that H. J. Skorldan and Thomas Bronnan , alluded to by Carey , now In America , and Great Britlan , reqnoatoJ their cxradltlon. TIIK IIIISU TRIAL , LONDON , February 18 The ovl- donco Saturday In the preliminary In vestigation at Kllmalnham court houuo caused intense excitement. It Is reported an Irish member ot par- llamont ia arrooted. It IB aascrtod the police have warranta for the arrest of certain persons in England. F O'Connor Sexton atartod for Dabllr Saturday. There la much conjecture aa to the object of hia visit. NDMBEIt ONE , DOULIN , February 18 Numboi one la an Irlah-Amorlcan. He resided Borne time in Franco and Germany , and appeared to have the disposal o ! au unlimited aupply of money. A large banking firm from Paris roplioc to the Inquiry : "Gentleman in quoa tlon hna seemingly unlimited moans derived from largo drafts , American.1 ' Ho. 1" la about five foot ton , well preserved , haa full face and light hair ind monsUcho ; slightly lame in right Irg from a wound received during the Franco-Gorman war ; also served in .ho American war. Police bollovo ho las gene to America. Mrs. Byrne , mentioned by Carey as the wife of the secretary of the land labor league of Iroat Britain , waa arrested In London on the charge of conspiring to murder government officials. TELEGRAPH NOTES Special Dlipttchei to Tut Kit At the funeral of ox-Governor Morgan , Siktmilaj , I'tcslilent Arthur and cx-PrciiI- lent Grant were jmll-bonrcro , KrOn\ettor Stephen Hcmpstorul , ice- end governor of Town nnd the nrnt lawvor who aattleil in Iowa , died iwMenly at IJii- nujue SatuHixy of horvrtdlso.vo , aged 70. lo Wa for mnuy years nn sotlvowlll \ - clnn. Ho died much respected , but poor. A prira ( iqht between Chlnimen wna might nt IMillmlelphln in tlin prcacuco of orty Bfcctitot , who paid ? 2 each The : nntcsti utn were Lee HIUR anJ HtSinfj I'uon. After n d pornto 1 ut uiuciontlfio j'kttlo of eleven rouada T < oo lilng gnvo up , S-ktimlny inorntug M the Wabaeh Cnn- non Hall train from Chicago utonpcd nt ho It , & Ii junction , forty mllcn from Cnntan Cltv , tl'O ralltnrm cnught flra nnil nirned , The i ccninnts ofcapeil with the OCR of nearly nil tholr property , A now theory I * advanced r' < ; rdng ! the saueo of thn Nowhall flro. On Tuotdty A t the body of n tall mnn wixi found under the Hklewallc , butned beyond reooR- ntlon. The body was found by Inborera whuHoroMiovclin ) ; out coal. It U tald low thnt trnrnps were in the hahlt of necking Into the coal cclhr for n ntght' odRtng , The oiinlnocr of the hetol itntoi hat ho discovered n tramp several Union n the b 8emcur , one time n blir , burly ellow crooking n plpo right near the blue of the elevator thaft. It U belloved by orao thnt the fire wna cuucd by tromp' . . 'he grand jury has fmlnheil Its testimony. Henry Bholijou , of Illlnolc , shot bis wife wicc , Thutmlay nlht | , nt Kxcter , Oswcgo ounty , N. Y. Ho then shot himself , dy ne luatnntly , lib wlfo ia thought to bo Atnlly injured. The Hock Island dummy , rt Olilc.igo , hturday ntuht , bncked Into n freight rain of the Kmtern ludtaan ro. d Bttml- DR nn the track nt Stoui-y lalntul nnd a .orrlblo wrcok resultod. Several thouitiud lollutB1 worth of property wna doatrojod. All the pufscnRcrs were well shaken up , and ho hremnn of the Hock Island was fatally uirt nnd died teen nftcr , On the inornln ; , ' of April 15 lint , It. W. utiba , cx-ru&yor of 1'olk City , lon-n , wnx nwnkcueil by hoatlnit n man In hia room. Ho uprang up , ttnkingMra. Stuhbs no ho did to. nnd made toward the in- ttuJor , who fired an ho started down the 'tnlrp , the ball tikliiK clToot near the laoitrt , nnil Stuhbs foil dcnd , Soon nftor a JOUDR man i.umeil Dolaro was hanged to n Lroo nenr 1'olk Oity , who mndo n confession throiuh fo\r , Init wna nfterivnrd rolcniod. In October ChnrloH Wolr nntl Charlon Kllup , Loth notorlnnt ) crhnlnnlr , were arrested - rested , nrd after n long ox imlnatlon wtrc bound over bv .lusttoo Labour , crmrgeil with murder in the tlrat degree , Kllm 1ms bc-eu living nt Corning , nnd produced much ovldouco to provo an nlihi , nui haa now an application for ro'enaj ' on hnboM corpun. In January , Charloa Wllcox , nnotlior hard OIBO , wna arrested in KIIIHI ? . hnvitig removed thoio Init fall lodged in jail nt Uea Molnos. nnd wikivec cxamlufttlon. Detootivo French , who Rocurod Wllcox'a coufulcnco before he moved to Kin nn , nnd thereby nocmed the arrest of Wicr and Kline , has Hccurod re newnl of Wllcox's statement , which IE thnt Weir drove the team from Col fax tc Polk City , thnt Wilson nnd Kline- let Wior in the buggy half a mile from Stubba house , nrd thnt Kllue did the shooting The party had hoard Stubbi ha 1 a Inrgi der , but on too way to Colfax agreed ti keep tecet hla Identity. Wilcox , so far lint ) refused to employ counsel. Ilia wifi nud children vialtod him to-day , WAi.LiNdFOiin , Conn. February 18.-- Willie MeyarVillIo llawe nnd AHci Flunks were killed nnd Allco Mnttron no rlous Injured , their sleigh bolng struck bj a locomotive. MuKiEHfOKT , Pa. , February 18. Tin United Statcx irnu and tm-plnto works n ( Demmln station were toti.llv doittroyod bj lire this morning. Jiiai , 3100,000 ; insur. nnco , S50,000 , Three hundred men out ol employment. GAI.VESTOX. Fehrnnry 18 , A Nowi special from lirnoktit uayu four nmnll chil dren of Michael McDonald were burned ir. their lotls from the explosion of a l ni [ left Btnndlng by tholr mother for the return turn of four dnughtera nt a ball , ANNAroMH , February 18. Four nfort cadet ollicorrt were reduced to the rnnk ) laat night for engaging in roont nets ol inaubordlnntion. NKW YDHK , February 18 Ucdor the miuanerreut of Fradorick A. Schawb , Mrs. Lingtry and Dion liauaicault begin in April n professional tour of tbo Pacific coast. . UTAH'S Hon. Artnur L. Thomas Roappolnted Arthur L Thomas , for the paat foui yoara secretary , and a portion of tlu tirao acting governor of Utah terri tory , arrived in the city Saturdaj night and registered at the Mi Hard. Mr. Thomas ia just returning home from Washington with thocommisslor In hia pocl-ct entitling him to foui yeani more in Uio cnmo oflico. Ho ia quite an energetic , painstaking cdioial , and has given good aatlsfaction In Mormondom , and hi ] friends general ! ; will rejoice hi Prealdont Arthur's op pointmont. Utah is also fortunate In the posses slon of a governor like E. II Murray , who la an able man and a perfect gen tleman , in every respect , with thi nerve to do his duty under all circum stances. _ _ _ DE&TH'SDOINGS. Tno Grim Reaper Gathering His Bar Undertaker Jacobs yesterday re colvcd an order from Grand Islam for a fine casket for a party who diet there yesterday , who ia said to bo Kir Goo. Boohio , the brewer , who waa for mcrly a retldout of thla city and wol known here. Mr. Fred Motz hai cone out to Grand Island , and it is understood dorstood that the body will bo brongh to Omaha for interment. Charlie Wood , well known in thi city as a member of the firm of Hep finger & Wood , barbora , Uubermann' block , died yesterday at Greenwood Nob. , of { consumption. The ( remain will arrive ia this city at 10 a. m , tc day. LIN00LN LAW-MAKERS , The Job of .tho Militia Briga diers to Draw Big Pay for No Work * Mrs. Oolby Occupies the Senate Floor for an Hour In Favor of Brown's Resolution. And the Senate Heartlessly Kills the Resolution by Indefinitely - definitely Postponing. Iiuionat r Statesmen Pnt In Their Claim * for the Fat Offices- Corrcopondecco ot Tin nun LINCOLN , February 18 , - The roc- rds show that Douglas comity has hrco ronatora , although one cf thorn iBomotlmoa called the gontlcmcm from ! .upy county , and Lancaster baa two ouatora according to the same record , t la generally ooncedod , however , that Senator Oanfiold Is a Grab class Lincoln eproBOiilatlvo and ia under the special are of Brown , of Lancaster county. The bill providing for county attor- icyo Instead of district attorneys , passed the senate with but one dlatont- ng vote. The bill known aa the occupying laiuiants' law , which provides that ho pcraon who may pay Iho taxea on any real estate , supposing that the iroporty belonged to him or her , shall iavo a Hen apon eald real estate for all taxco and Intercnt paid there on. This is Intended to cover ho claim of a largo number of people who have boon occupying and paying axes on land that has recently been decreed to belong to the St. .Too & Denver railroad company or tholr as- B. Thin bill mot with very llttlo > ppo8ilion , only two votes bolng recorded against it , The general appropriation bill , hav- ng pruned the house , wan brought into .ho senate yesterday for coualdera- ! ou. The senate hold an evening session , aat night , to consider the joint roso- atlou of Brown , of Douglas , in rela tion to the amendment of the consti tution allowing Women to vote on ex tending suffrage to women. On motion of Senator Butler , Mrs , Oolby waa Invitud to address the senate - , ate , aud eho opoko for nearly an hoar. Her arguments , though very good , failed to convert any cf the senators , who in a heartless manner proceeded to kill the roaolutlon by Indefinitely postponing the same by a vote of 18 to 7. 7.Those Those voting for an Indefinite post ponement were : Brown , of Olay , Brown , ot Oolfai , Butler , Oanficld , Oonkllnt ? , Dolau , Danphy , Harrison , Uolst , McShano , Norris , Patterson , Rogers , * S ag , Sohwahoit , Sowers. Thatch , Walker 18. Thoao voting against postponercont were : Bnmgardnor , Brown , of Doug las , Conner , Dye , Filloy , HoweU , Reynolds-Y. Absent or not' . Brown , of Lancaster , Oaso , 'Doch , ' Fisher , Harrla , Kiocald , Rich 8. After Iho voting and before the amendment of the BBHIO , Senator Butler changed hta vote from "no" to "ayot" and gave uottco that ho should mova a reconsideration. A communication waa received from the ntato auditor iu ansnror to a roaolu tlon of the Donate , setting forth thatho had received $14,17862-100 fees , all of which ho had turned over nto the treasury. The attorney gen eral Bent two communications to the senate. One wan favoring the appro priation of over $13,000 for the relief of the Nebraska Oity national bank and the other was explaining and fa voring the appropriation of $5,000 to icttlu tax claims upon lota in Lincoln , Known as the Glllosplo property. The Armltago militia bill waa in- doGnatoly postponed in the senate last night. Senator Norris , chairman of .ho military committee , made a report igalnat the bill , and before It waa ftiown what bill it waa his report to Indefinitely * postpone waa adopted. This ia a job put up by the many 3rigadlora of thla state who desire to iavo all the pay and make the pri vates work for nothing. Under the Armltagobill the private's pay waa raised from forty-three cents { Ta day to two dollars , and the pay of the brigadier was re duced from $1G a day to the same aa the private. Senators may bo able , o explain their peculiar actions in re * ; ard to thla bill , and toll the rank and lie of the Nebraska militia why they think there la so much difference in non. This bill was postponed that a ? lg brigadier ptoal might bo forced through the legislature at the laat mo ment. On motion of Senator Brown of Douglas , this bill was reconsidered thia morning and after a lively fight It was placed upon the general file and the proapeot Is that it will pass. The senate was in committee of the whole moat of the forenoon , consider- * ng bllla on Donate file. Brown , of Lancaster haa filed hia application for the oflico now held by Jndgo OrouuBO , and Peter Walker , one of the senators from Lancaster , baa laid In a claim for the marshMshlp of this district of Nebraska. If both of those gentlemen cot the ofiioo they are after , thla county will bo well pro vided for , It la nlao stated all the boys In the country have filed appli cations for the secretaryships that are to bo created by the paisago of the railroad bill. Iho Greek Reual- Special Dispatch to Tin Un. ST. Louis , February 1C. Advices from Muskogce , Greek nation , say Sploohco , the rebel loader , has boon ordered off the Sac-Fox reservation. Gen , Porter , commander of the con stitutional forces , is advancing on him. There are good prospects for a fight. 1 ; , . , , uii , imrni ; , tc ; nenn , r w 4o I " , wIU do ) umJoaMr"i D. B. BEEMER , General Western Agent , Om h