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TPT , i u1 T , Vr * i * * f THE DAILY BEE-OMAHA MONDAY FEBRUARY 19 The Omaha Bee. Published every morning , except Sue * r. The only Monday morning dally , ' THUMB BY MAIL- Oae Year.$10 00 I Three Months.S3.CO \ Blx Months. . 5.00 | Ono Month. . . . l.CO 'HE WEKXLY BEE , imblUhed every Wemcaday. TERMS POST PAID- Ono fear $2.00 I Three Months. CO qix Month 1.00 | Ono Month. . . . 20 AMBBICAN NEWS OOMPANT , Sole AgenU Newsdealers in the United SUtos. ) , CORRESPONDENCE Oommunl- intfons relating to News and Editorial .natters should bo addressed to the EDITOB or THE Bn , BUSINESS LETTERS All Buslne ; Letters and Remittances should be ad dressed to THE BEE POBUSHINO COMI-ANI 'JilAHA. Drafts , Checks and Postoilico Jrders to bo made payable to the order of the Company. The BEE PUBLISHING 00 , , Props , E.RO3EWATEH Editor. Wno is to bo the next mayor of Omaha ? Can anybody bo induced to sacrifice himself on the altar of his country ? TUB two branches of the Kansas legislature are at a dead-lock on rail road legislation. It Is safe to say the railroad lobby holds the key. ILLINOIS , profiting by the example of Nebraska , Is agitating a high license law , whjlo Iowa is still agl- tatod over prohibition tha' does not prohibit. NINETY-TWO millions In precious metals wore produced during ' 1882 by the states and territories west of the Missouri. This Is an Increase of nearly $40COOOGO over 1870. REFOHM within the party , as Illus trated by the record of the republi can legislature , does not create n fav orable Impression of the ability of the grand old party to purify Itself. THE queen's spooh took lots than ton minutes In its delivery and occu pied about a half a column In the papers. There are some things In an elToto monarchy whioh republican presidents and governors might copy to the public advantage. TUB people of Nebraska demand at the hands of the legislature some re lief from the outrageous impositions to which they have for years boon sub jected by the railroads. The only re sponse the legislature has so far made to this demand Is the people bo d d , TDK lower honso of the loglslatnro la smply adding Intuit to Injury by creating a ooatly railroad cotdmission and placing no limit upon the extor tions of the railroad monopolies. The people of Nebraska can bettor afford to go without railroad legislation than to bo taxed $12COO for an ornamen tal commission. TUB river and harbor bill as report ed to the honso calls for an appropria tion of $ .037,000 , of which ? 1,500- 000 la for the Mississippi , and $350- 000 for the Missouri river , Seven millions Is lots objectionable than nineteen millions ; but of that amount more lhan ono half will bo wasted. The fact la that the nocossitlcB of the Miislwlsslppl are used to drag through a host of jobs. WHEN ho left Nebraska a faw weeks ago Sjnator Saunders told a reporter that ho waa hurrying back to vote for tariff reduction , Since his return to Washington the senator seems to have been roost busily engaged In vote shirking , while Senator Van Wyck represented his constituents by workIng - Ing and voting for substantial re ductions on all the articles of domestic necessity. THK end of the star route trials is near at hand and the conspirators have reached the end of their tothor. The confusion of Montford 0. Rordoll , ono of the ring contractors , and formerly private secretary to Stephen W. Dorsoy , forges the last link in the chain of evidence necessary to con viction and paves the way to a speedy conclusion of the case. Rcrdoll 1m pllcates all the guilty parties and es pecially Darsoy and Brady and tells In detail the steps by which this gl gantlo conspiracy against the treasury department was conducted. Added ; to the mass of noir evidence which the government had accumulated , Ror doll'a testimony makes a conclusive case on tbo part of the government and a prompt conviction , If the jury baa not been a second time fixed , may H' ' ' bo expected to follow. Bat no now i : testimony was needed to convlnco tbo public of the criminality of the gang of robbers now on trial in Washington. The evidence In the first trials was so overwhelming that nothing but bare faced corruptions ooold have sue coeded In defeating justice. Tbo pol ley of the defense from the start hu ehovra the conviction of their attor neya that the only hope for the escape of Doney's gang lay in taking advan Uge of wine technicality or In tiring the government out. With lewabli government ' counsel the attempt mlgh bare'Moeeeded. TO THE LEGISLAIUIIE. Do yon remember the issues upon which the late campaign was fought n Nebraska ? Have you forgotten the pledges made by party platforms and party loaders ? Are you so lost to all shame and decency that you oan within less than three mouths go back upon the sacred pledges you and your rlonds for you have made to redress ho monstrous exactions and abuses rom which your state has suffered at ho hands of grasping monopolies ? Will you dare to insult patient and orboarlng people who clamor for iroad by throwing them stones ? Yon ave pledged yonrnolvoa to rcdnco and quallro the bnrdenn of taxation , but o far you have piled np the agony by otlng thousands of dollars for bog.ia lalms and levying additional taxes for ublio buildings that are not needed. You pledged to relieve the people by ompolllng the full assessment of the roporty of railroad corporations , but yon have enacted no law that will do way with the present system of oxomp- ion. Above all things , yon wore ilodged to put an end to legalized high way robbery by laws to prohibit oxtor- ion by corporato.monopolics ; and you [ ht to know enough to know that you cannot prohibit extortion unless on limit the charges which railroads may exact from their patrons. Do on imagine yon can humbug the people plo with sham legislation that affords hem no relief ? Will yon dare to nact Into law that componnd of vll- alny and sham of shams prepared by ho packed railroad commlttoo of the lonso ? If yon do , woo bo unto every man who records his vote for it when 10 comes homo to face his constituents , far bettor that you adjourn without lasslng a single railroad bill than to tiompt such a monstrous Imposition. The people may submit to cxtor- lon two years longer , but they will os ant inch wicked mockery. There s not a redoomlng feature in that bill , ut on the contrary It adds ever $12 , * 00 to the burdoua of the taxpayers. But Mr. Peter Shelby , of the Union 'aolfio ' , tolls you blandly that his road 111 bo mined if yon pisi any bill that will limit passenger rates to three ents a milo and outs down the local rolght rates twenty per cent. Mr. Iholby Is simply trying a game of ilnff on you. Ho knows that the Tnion Pacific could dispense with all ho local trofiio In Nebraska and sur vive without cutting down dividends mo per cent. Why does Mr. Shelby oomo before you now with such palaver , and why id not ho and the managers of his oad furnish you the information you asked for through your investigating Jommlttoo. Why did they refuse to ell you about the extravagant salaries o officers , and why can't they reduce iiponsos by dismissing a lot of super numeraries who draw thousanda of dol- ara for political purposes ont of the arnings which are exacted in high oils from the people ? Will yon listen o the volco of monopoly henchmen while yon are deaf to the outcry of the oiling former and industrious mor- hantl Will yon booomo recreant to 'our trust nt the book of men who are rylng to uphold the syatomatlo rob- lories that impoverish the many while hey enrich the few ) TUB outlook for trade la no brighter , o say. the loajt , than It was n month go. The number of failures reported urlng the past two weeks issomowhat oss , but the aggregate more In amount nan for the preceding fortnight. Tows from the great trade centers con- Inucs depressing. Wholesale mor- hanta and jobbers report unusually ight orders for thta season , and a roat pressure for extended credits rom small buyers. Manufacturers , ro curtailing production to correspond with the loosened demands from wholo- alora and jobbers. The stock market weak , in sympathy with trado. Sven the dividend paying roada are lawn In the list , and the entire board hews a decline of from 10 to 20 per lent from last year's quotations. The Ohio floods have destroyed , at last reports , ever twenty millions' worth of property , and the damage o the railroads will mount nto the hundreds of thousands. This adds a now disturbing and depressing element to trado. The grain and provision markets ihowovldoncos of an upward tendency , although U is not yet strongly marked. Wheat and corn iu atoro is decreasing at Interior points , and unless argo blooks are soon thrown upon ho market the speculative demand mand for those commodities must enhance their prices. Savoral of the loading eastern papers maintain that the general holding back of their corn by the western farmers , will provo a loosing investment , when the intoresl paid for borrowed money Is deducted From the profits. This opinion la not , however , generally shared , by financial editors throughout the country. Meanwhile while congress by Its delay In reducing taxation , has added to the general an certainty. With high prices , low wages and thocsandi of men ont o employment , a policy of delay Is crlm inal. The first stop towards ronowe * prosperity will bo a cutting down o per cent the purchasing power of th taxation. TUB lobbies at Washington ar doing more work just at preten than the two house * of oongrew. CRANKS The financial cranks are not all dead yet. There is a paper in Ham llton county In our sin to that still howls about the terrible results of placing our currency on a coin basis. According to this paper the Interest bearing national debt on January 1st , 1883 , Is about , Mio aaino aa U was In 1865. On July 1st , 1865 , the na tional debl was $2,680,647,86074. On July 1st , 1866 , when the highest run go of the public debt was reached , it aggregated 2,773,230,17369. On February 1st , 1883 , the debt was $1,902,533,53-1. These amounts rep resent the debt as including legal tender currency , gold and silver cer tificates nnd the bonded in debtedness of the Pacific rail roads , which , with accumulated In- interest , amounts to $122,000,000. The interest bearing debt on the lot of Fobrnary waa about $1,370,000- 000 , the $500KXOCO ( ) additional bearing - ing no interest. In other words since 1866 wo have reduced the outstanding principal of our national debt $870- 702,80969 or nearly one-third. In the same tlmo wo have decreased our annual interest charge from $150,977,697 in 1865 to $75- 018,695 in 1881 and loss than $50,000,000 at this day , or a ron ductlon since 1865 to $100,000,000 a year In the annual interest charge on the dobt. Those figures show con clusively that the national debt has boon considerably rednoed , This rapid rate of roductlon was doubtjess bonefiolal in bringing th6 credit of the country to the highest standard of any nation on the globe. But now , when wo can borrow at three per cent. , it IB a suicidal policy to tax 10 people of this generation at the ate of $13,000,000 a month to pay ff the national debt when very farmer and every business man as to pay from seven to ton per cent , hich through the government they an borrow at three. Lot us illustrate , ho average debt of every manwoman nd child in this country is $30. Sup- ese that it was to be optional with very portion fn the United States pay his thirty dollars at once or ay 90 cents a year In taxes for inter- st. Wonld it not bo moro oconom- cal to pay the 90 conta a year than to ay the $30 , which , at 10 per cent , wonld earn for each person $3 ? It is imply stupid for ono-idoacrankBwho ( maglno that the country is going to adea because the national banks raw $14,000,000 a year on their ends , to insist that wo should pay ie entire debt now aud bankrupt the onntry by oppressive taxation in or- or that the banks should bo wiped ut. In other words , these cranks wonld ather have us pay thirty dollars for aoh man , woman and child in order , o wipe out the national debt than to ay twenty centa a year aa their ahare f the interest on the bonds which the national banks hold. This would be oonomy with a venganco. In the minds of these cranks the axes levied by the railroad monopolies ro nothing when compared with the 14,000,000 of Interest on national auk bonds hold to nocuro circulation. is a matter of fact iho groan earnings which represents the tax upon Amorl an Industry , of the railroads of this ountrynro about $1,000,000,000 per nnura , and the amount of tax upon lie people af tor deducting thu interest pen the actual oaplUl invested and lie legitimate operatlngexponses are vor $200,000,000 a year , which is ve times as much as we pay in inter st on the whole national debt , and moro than fourteen times aa much as s drawn by the national banks iu in- orcst on their bonds. This paper is decidedly opposed to ny policy that wonld take away from lie people the use of the money which is now at their disposal at 3 per ont , in the shape of a national debc , nd compel thorn to borrow by private oan at usurious rates of In- erest to pay off the dobt. Every man of common sense must sou hat the present high rate of taxation mpoaed by the national government or the purpose of rapidly paying off ho national debt , is the main cause oi ho hard times rind depression in bus ! ness' all ever the country , Right hero In Nebraska , and all through the west , farmers are paying a per cent month to hold their grain , and others are mortgaged head over heels , while ho secretary of the treasury complains hat the surplus at Washington is so mlky that new vaults must bo bull c < r Its storage , unless moro bonds oan > o redeemed. A PETITION is in circulation slgnei ) y nearly all the members of the Doug as county bar which requests Gover nor Diwcs to appoint Judge Wakoloy to the additional judgcshlp in thisdls trict , created by the bill now pending n the legislature. If an ; bradch of our government ough to bo conducted without pirttzanship it is the judiciary. Mr. Wake loys fitness for the position Is eoncod od by men of all patties , aud his ap polntmeut would glvo geuerals&tisfac tlhn in Omaha aud Douglas county. METROPOLITAN HOTEL , OM HA , NEB. Tables supplied with the boat th market allords. The traveling pnbll claim they got better accommodations and more genera ! satisfaction her than at any other house In Omaha , Rate , (18 P r day. angSltfm STATE J01TINQS. John and Fred Newth ran a windmill to rind corn a few roller west of lloward. ) n Tuesday , while John was working bout the mill , his : lotblng caueht on the id ft , nnd be w s wound around It , break * ug bis arms and legs In reveral pUcci nnd rulsln * hia t > ody. Ho died In a few mln- Us. When ho found hlnifolf caught , he lonted to his wife , who was in her hou o lose by , and she shut oil the power , but ot soon enough. J. M. Djugherty was shot in the month y Ben Riddle In a Wnhoo gunthop lat.t londay. Kiddle wanted to buy a revolver nd hid Mr. Sige , the proprietor , out hreo cartridges Into one to try , He fired wo of them In the yard and on re-enter- og playfully pointed the weapon at veryone In the shop. When it was jointed at louherty ) It went off. and the ? onng man had n very close call. As it s he will be laid up for some time to ome. A young man named Roberts , at Lyons , s crazy and Imagines himself to bo Frank omes. He was in the state asylum some Ime ORO and was returned cured , but has rolton out again and ROCS around armed /1th a lorpe knife terrorizing everybody. Ie Is now In custody and will probably go iack to the asylum. Miss Watson , one of the Rising City teachers , will leave for tbo old world in a ow weeks , to take charge ni a girls' board * og Mchcol In Asiatic Turkey , being sent ut by tha Women's Foreign Missionary ociety , to be gone five years , and will ako a journey across the continent of Europe. R. S. Manning , of Ouster county , has .ot been hoard from for oome time , n < ? is upposed to have perhhed to death on the name between Grand Inland and his iome. He had been In York county ( lib ormer home ) on business , and started north during the severe period , Joseph Spatch , living near Barada , llchirdson county , was watching beildo ils mother , who was very sick , on the night of the llth. She fell asleep and when she awoke ho was lying dead on the ioor , having fallen from a chair in. which iu was sitting. The wife of Dr. George Stewart , one o : he South Bend men ut red ted for selling Iquor without a license , took her bus- land's arrest to heart and tried to poison lersclf anil two-year-old baby , on the 13ih rat medical help seved both. W. U. Hlgglno. of Blair , was fined 820 , nd put under $200 bonds for better be- lavlor , for inhuman treatment of his .1-year-old son lait week. The little boy lau been cruelly neglected by his fathei and step-mother. E. H. Mocklln , living near Jnnlata , hat I calf that waa recently bitten by a do ? fusing its death. Ho skinned the ani aftl and threw the carcass to his hey a. ? he hogs ate It , and thirteen died from the Heats. Soren Anderson , recently from Den mark , was fatally shot near Rlcbland , -VashltJgton - county , on the 9th. The con ents of n shot gun were accidently din- ihnrged and took effect in Andersou'd towels. Alma is trying t eet up a sensation and bloisoms out with a story about a five lollar nugget of gold being found SCO foe luwn the hole they re boiing for coal Che nugget probably fell out of some one's ; ooth , A Madison county paper , in its country correspondence says : ' 'A little clrcuoi stance ban stopped the Deer Creek dia , rict school for the winter. " It is a mye .erious item , without tbo sex and weight Father Gage , Methodist pioneer wh crossed the Missouri twenty-four years ago and carried light into the wilderness , is now at Syracuse in a hard way. Xhi county of Gage was named after him. A Fnllerton man carried bis cartridge and tobacco in the same pocket , and when is filled and lighted his pipe , the othe day. ono of ths former went off , seating its beard ont of three years' growth. A number of people narrowly escapei drowning in the Lonp , on the crossing be ween Central City and Fullerton. Th ce was covered with running water making going across very perilous. A team belonging to Mr. Piper , of Sun jht , Cosa county , waa frozen to deatl daring the cold spell. Piper wat in Iowa and left the team in care of a youcg mai vho never went near the Animals. Prof , Mercer , of the Howard pnbli sahool , is ill , and rather than put a stran ; or in his place until he recovers , th jutboritlea last week ordered the echoo clceed for tbo rest of the month. Blue Springs has a number of hoys wh > are growing into bad men. They mak night hideous with their mischief am carousals. They are ably assisted by a ike element oi Wymore. A two-yeor old child of Charles Vander- venter , of Platt mouth , found n can of concentrated lye last Wednesday and swallowed some , nearly killing Itself. It 'a now getting better. Fremont's two Chinamen celebrated tha Chinese New Year , on the 12th , with a grand ditplay of fireworV that taught a ; rlnc or two to the 1,001 U. 8. small boys who watched it. Several parties in different parts of Iowa and Illinois have written to Nebraska rienda for seed corn , stating that saved in ; her ! localities has been tested ana found worthless. The Weeping Water base bill club was n the content at the Cas county fair last 'all ' , and the boys ore now "kicking" because - cause they have not received the $50 prize offered. Mrs. Thomas Bawdon , of Plattrmoutb , slipped on the sidewalk , lait Thursday night , and fell , seriously Injuring her 'our-months-old ' baby , whioh she waa carry- "ng. "ng.Tbo Tbo wife of Frank Babbitt , of Tekamah , w burled on Monday. The week before he lost two children , and now the two re- mtininmg ore not expected to live. The first B. & M. i'ascnger coach over built from the ground np in the Platta- mouth shops was turned out last Wednes day and la said to be a beauty. Louis Blsang , Jr. , of Fremont fell from aMep-ladder while washing windows last Tuesday and remained unconscious until midnight , when he died. . It is probable Plum Creek will have a brick yard this season , a couple of practi cable men being ready to begin if orders enough are received. The dwelling of Clark Youotr , of Columbus - umbus , waa nearly destroyed by a fire , which originated in a lamp explosion last Wednesday nicht. Nelson , on employee of the Insane a < y- lum , who tcntifiVd before the Investigating committfe , wsb unoed on the lltb by Dr Mkthewion , . , , , . , GoldsVerry & Baker'n slaughter house at Falls City , WHS burned on the 14th. This U tha second time they have been burned out thU winter. A couple of Colfax county school I oys engaged in tt friendly struggle last Tnes- d ly , and as a result the lei ; of one of them was fractured. The noting mayor of Iromont rfn nested the resignation of Chief of I'.i'ice ' Htnman , on the 13tb , alleging inefficient conduct , There are 192 colored pupili attending tha graded fcboola of this st Jte , 120 being in Omaha , 25 in Nebraska City and 2 in Plattsmoutb. . , . . i. t. t. A creamery proposition has been bans ; . Ing fire In Pawnee City for a month. The people don't want to set an j body up in busmen. , , The Baptists o ! Salem who went to church on the 18th sit on new seats , which were bought with the proceeds of a sociable. , , , Toe 14-vear-old eon of Representative Dodd , of Howard county , was kicked in the head by colt on the llth and seriously po precinct , Jeffer.on county , man raised an overage of 03 bushels on five acres of com , and wwti to know who can A man sold one hundred hog * In MiUard the other d T. > d he conveyed them to the tows In prjoesaloa ofwYcntwn wagons. IVoplo a'ong the route thought' ' t was a ciicus taking an early start. A Stella mnn Is down 100 feet alter coal , nd Is in n kind of flue. When the wetlhcr gets batter , ho will proceed ' 'eefer. A two-headed calf WAS brought Into Minn latt Monday. It was dropped ii tiarlan county , but died coon after birth. The eighth tnnuil sheep sheering fc Hi- il ot the wool growers cf sonthsrn Nev- anka will bo held at Beatrice May 2 id3. The Red Cloud creamery has the milk f 700 hundred cows pledged for this eca - n and expects to increase the number to ,000. The brick Preabjterian church at Bloom- ngton , Is apprachln completion , and will tie one of the fineit edifices in thu valley. John Scott , of liick creek , Saund 'i c uuty , has a caw that bore a calf th t weighed liu pound * when two hours old. A gong of unprlnciplad hone trader * Ii woiking the towni along the Union 1' cific. Fremont gave them a h rd rub , The Phelps c mnty immigration nocietj will distribute 5,000 pmphleta on tbo ad vantages and reeouicsj of the county. W. W. IHnton , of York county , lost 200 sheep by icub this winter , The weather made it too cold to dip them. It looks BS If the Butler county coal dis cover ? is a bona h.le tiling. Coal was etruch at a depth of forty-two feet. Sarcastic neighbors soy a sand-paper mill Is to bo established at Long Pine , be cause there is so much sand handy. Fears are entertained that the Bchuyler bridge over the Platte will go out with the ! * e. It is said to be getting shaky. A Swedish Lutheran seminary is to be located in Nebraska , and Strumburg bos pledged about $0,010 to secure it. Timothy Sullivan died at Platte Center on tha 9th , from the accidental discharged of a gun , Ho was 20 years old. Doano college has revived from Col , Thomas Uoane , of Hotton , 02 stuffed trop ical and semi-tropical blrdr. Fifteen bundled dollar. ) have been raised at Verdon , Richardson county , to build Congregational church. The merchants of Pawnee City are nearly unaulmoua in advertising the adop tion of the cash system. Nebraska City has increased its police force by the addition of two officers to be paid by the merchant ? . Ono of the Rod Cloud banks proposes to put up the finest building in western Nebraska this season. The heaviest hog ever shipped from Crete went out of there last week. It weighed 780 pounds. The tnuteei of the United Presbyterian church nt Pawnee City have bought a site for a now church. A Butler county man who lest 30 bogs by thu cold shipped the oarcsjea toOmiha to be worked up. The temperance people of Beatrice have been prof ecu Una the liquor dealers who pay no license. Lincoln's big well was tested on Friday aLd found itself able to supply all the water wanted. Fire damaged the wagon shop of W. H , Gould at York on the Deb ; supposed ta be Incendiary. A couple of Orleans men expect to bring 30,000 Colorado sheep into Hurlan county thin spring. McConibo post , of Plattsmoutb , had a publio installation and supper last Tues day nli-ht. Some Omaha banters killed two ante lope on the Loupe , in Nance count/ , last Monday. Jud , Webb , of Fremont , is to be Loss property mau of Barnum's circus this ueason. The Hibron opera housa WAS dedicated on the 9tb , the attraction being a free show. As a general thing Hall county farmers will drop wheat this season and raite more corn. corn.Two Two new school houses will adorn An telope procinot , Harlan connty , this spring , Rtbbita , diphtheria , whooping ot.ugh , and quail are numerous in Nance county. O'Neill bad a publio moetlnor on Satur day to discuss the creamery question. The recent snow storm killed a large number ot sheep in D-WJOQ county. At a recent Lincoln funeral , every horse in tbo procession was of white color. Waterloo needs a policeman to arrest drunken disturbers of the peate. A largo two-story school house will be built at Atkluson iu the epricg. \ J. B. Lininger , the leading merchant of Wymore , bus failed for $11,000. Gage county sports will have a circle hunt with bounds on the 22d. The Catholics of St Paul will endeavor , o build a church this spring. Schujlcr'd new school house is not large enough to hold all the pupils. The merchants of New York propose to establish n market day for hay and straw and another for live stock. Wood River is becoming a lively and iigh priced corn market. There are thirty men in engaged in sheep raising in Tbayor county. The Sohuyler Methodists have decided to-build a 32,000 chutch. They cut 28-inch ice in tha Missouri at Nicbrara , and lots of it. Lincoln had a maeqnerado on roller skate * last Wednesday. The First National bank of Norfolk has joue intoqul hdation. A buy baling concern is to be put in op eration at Waterloo. A horticultural society baa been organ- ized nt FalU City. Tecumteh wants to be Incorporated as'a second cliwo city. Considerable mumps in the vicinity of ) Weeping Water. Wood River has n lawer. Tturo is a good field for one. Ilebron and Belvidere talk of connecting by telephone. Another pawn chop has been started in Lincoln. Clothes line thieves are troubling Wy more. St. Edward , Boone county , wants a bank. Butler county la about to buy n poor farm. farm.A A steam feed mill is talked of at Friend. vllle. vllle.The The Franklin creamery is an assured fact. fact.The The Greenwood school has 103 puoile.JSJ A new doctor has located at Stanton. Beatrice lias sneik thieves. L'BXterL.Tliomastofl ' . , WILL BUY AND BELL. AMD Alt , TRAN&1OT10NB OCNNIOTXD TUEBKWITII. Pay Taxea , Rent , Uonsos , Etc. ROOM 8 . M . CUEOHTON BLOCK Flfteentn St. - - - _ _ - _ _ -Umaha Neb FIRE INSURANCE McKOON & STURGES , Sueceoor to M. 0. UcKOON CO. , Boom 1 , Croigliton Block , Reproaont the Followlns Companies O ntlnenUl of New Yoik . f ,200,000 00 CoouncrtUI Union of London . 1 , * 00,00v 00 Hro AuociktlOD ot i'blladelpqU. . . . 4,100,000 00 Oeruuin American ol New York.- . 3,400,001 00 Impirial and N < rthcrn ol England , 12,000,090 00 r-allonUof Uutford . 1,700,000 Od Orleato Hertford . 1,400,00000 Fbcenlxot Urooklin . S.6 0,000 00 > ennij lv tiU ot Philadelphia . J.iOO , 00 g Royal ol Liverpool . . . . . . . . . JS.800,000 00 bptbjflcU ol UacMchuietU. . . . . . . . X.SOO 000 01 mia IT sal lr . A POWER AND HAND Steam Pumps , Engine Trimmings , mfLADAY WIND-MILLS SHUKOH AHD SCHOOL SELLS Cor. Farnam and 10th Streets Omaha , Neb. SPECIAL NOTJCE TO Growers of Live Stock and Others. WE CALL YOUR ATTENTION TO OUR Ground Oil Cake. It la the best and cheapest food for stock of any kind. Ono pound IB equal to three pounds of corn. Stock fed with Ground Oil Onko in the fall and winter - tor , Instead of running down , will Increneo in weight and bo in good market able condition in the spring. Dairymen as well aa others who use it can tes tify to Its merits. Try ie and judge for yourselves. Price 825.00 per ton ; no charge for tucks : Addrees WOOODMAN LINSEED OIL CO. , Omaha , Nob. HI. Hellman & Co * WHOLESALE OTHIERS 1301 and 1303 Farnam St. Cor. OMAHA , NEB. GKA-TIE PLANING MILLS. MANUFACTfJRKRS OP Carpenter's Materials ALSO SASH , DOORS , BUNDS , STAIRS , Stair Railings , Balusters , Window and Door Frames , Etc. Firut-clasa facilltiee for the Manufacture of all Itindes of Mouldings , Painting and matching a Specialty. Orders from the country will lrpromptly executed. aHdrpMnll rommiinicntl-naUi A. MOYER , Proprie McMAHON , ABERT & CO , , Wholesale Druggists , 3I5 DOUGLAS STREET - - OMAHA NEB. The Original and Only Regular SEED HOUSE in Nebraska. O. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN > M N. W. Cor. 14th Forest , * * * , ? * * * * | -f = H = " * > | DodpTTtreets , Grass , Hedge , B J J . . .H , J Fl ft Omaha , Neb. Wo , m ke n specialty of Onion . Seeds , Onljn Sets , Blue Oiosj , T mothy , Rwl Alfalfa and Whit Clover Oaajfean'l Honey Locust. Dealers and Market Gardeners will na\o money by buying of * , . us Or'end for Ca ate ue FREE. ' * ANHEUSER-BUSCH \WN Brewin& Association , OELEBEATED KEG & BOTTLED BEER , THIS EXOBLLE8T BEEE SPEAKS FOE ITSELF , Orders from any part of the State or the Entire West will be promptly shipped ; AH Our Goods arc Made to the Standard of our Guarantee , GEORGE HENNING , Sole Agent for Omaha and the West. Office Corner 13th and Barney Streets , Omaha , Neb. McNAMARA & DUNCAN. WHOLES 1LE DEALERS IN KENTUCKY AND PENNSYLVANIA WhiskieS ! in Pond or Free , Also direct Importers of WINES , BRANDIES AND ALES , Jobbers and Manufacturers of Fine I SBtati - r * IF- D , g , nts ! i0r JosSchlitz' , Milwaukee Beer , v Bottled and in Kegs. 214 & 218 S , 14TH SHUSH , - - - OMAHA , IB.