Newspaper Page Text
w , I 1 4 lv , "M * * ' * . , > T * J m - # * t * W OMAHA DAILY BEE.I VWE-I.fiTTT VRAT7 'I M A TT A TTTEfin A Y MO R NTTNTfJ tf RVRRTT A R V 90 1 flR3 C\A \ 0 * o > . HOWLING HOODLUMS. Tlio Disgraceful SCODOS Enacted in the Lower House of the Legislature , Booke , Paper Wade nnd Other MleBlea Plying in Every Direction. , While the Speaker Laughingly Looks on and Joins in the Sport. The Lincoln Lobby Packs nnd Over whelms the Sen ate After Dark. Several Mombara Threatened With Political Denth For Opposing the Bill. Detail * of tlio PnssiRo of the Great Railroad Bill. Bpcdf , ! Dispatch to THE GEB. LINCOLN , February 19. The legis lature is completely demoralized. The scones enacted m thu capital to-night are simply indoaoribablo. The disor der in the house during the night sou- eion would disgrace the lowest dlvo In Omaha. For ctro long hours a perfect Babel roignod. Members and lobby ists were pelting each other with paper wads , hurling all sorts of miaalles through the houao , whllo bills were being road and voted on , and the cli max was capped about 11 p. m. , when Mr. Hcward , of Clay , moved au ad- jonrnment , and a parfeot phower of paper wads and booka hurled at him , and finally some hoodlum clapped a paper baakot ever Howard's head and HMOTIIEKED HIS VOTOE. * Such n exhibition of Indecency was was never before perpetrated in any Nobr&aka legislature. It Is a burning disgrace that rtfloctc , to use a mild phrase , the utmost discredit on Speaker Humphrey , who n In honor and duty bound to maintain order and / onfojco dccornin while the house is in session. Tliln conduct waa just what might bo cspcctod from a body- that has given over to jobbery and reckless raids on the state treasury. The questionable caeana by which tbo cipltol bill was to bo lobbied throngh the house bean Us Sodom apple fruit In a long Hat nf bogus claims and cr- travBgant * * appropriations/ Every Scheme for plunder nnd every extrav agant appropriation has boon TIED UP THE CAPITOL BILL becomes part of the general grab Pearman's bogus $3,000 claim for pro. tended serviced rendered in defending the territory against Indian 'raida twenty years 1150 , passed the houee this afternoon. That was followed by the passigo of n bill appropriating $7G,000 for the now building end fie- , turea ct the Kearney reform aahool. It ia currently given out that this se cures Senator Caanor's vote for the capltol bill. It ia incredible that Gan Connor could compromise himself by such a trado. The senate galleries wece densely crowded with apectatora and the Bonato floor PACKED WITH LOBBYISTS * to-cight during the dobito on the cap ital appropriation bill. The majority' ' report , signed by Sanator Howell , of YorJf , recommended the bill with . , amendments that reduced the special levy from one mill to thro8 < qnartors of ono mill. Senator Reynolds presented la minority report , giving reasons dy the bill should not pass. Ho ed the fact that the state ia overburdened with tax ; that the constitutional limit of debt is already overreached -by more 'than $250,000 ; that iho atato still owes $30,000 for the wiogs to the capital ou which it pays interest and lantly he protested against the bill ou the ground cf here bargains that had been made in re ceiving its passage in the house rend that 'at least ono member ia bsliovod teat have been bribed. A TEttY ANGRY DISCUSSION aroae ever thcao reports , Reynolds at one time charged that an attempt to } Intimidate a member of the senate by threats was made by a prominent Lin coln merchant. Brown , of Lancaster , demanded the name of the senator and the language of the merchant. Rey nolds said , "A leading merchant jy.of your city , whose name I can give at any time , threatened that I should bo defeated for reelection If I dared to vote for thla appropriation , " \lt. \ Canfield interposed and said ; "I have been notified I NEyEB SHOULD BE UKKLEOTED if I dared to vote against it , but I am bound to coma back , nil the satno. The debate continued mora than an hour. Messrs. Daoh , Brown , of Doughs McShano and , Raynold opposing - posing while Brown , of Lancaster , chlet spokesman waa seconded .by Butler and Brown , of Clay. Half a dozen votes were tiken on the motion to Indefinitely postpone , tc adopt the minority report and adjourn , Finally Ho well's majority report with amendment * was adopted and the bill referred to the general file , where it will como up again for debate to-mor row. THE MOST EXCITING SCENE took place on the final passage of tbo \ railroad : bill Vecommondod by the houao comml'.t'oo. A whole horde of railroad ! attorneys and cappers worked for this ball on the floor all the even Ing and by tholr efforts It finally paw ed tbo house by the following vote : Ayoa Abel , Ashboy , Babcock , Biorbjwer , Britton , Brown , Oornoby , fassol , Chupin , Charleston , Ohrlo- opheraon , Clark of Douglas , Col pot- zr , Cox , Davenport , Dawson , Djn- nan , Draper of ( Jaa. , Dinner of miKi , FoblicKor , Field , Franoe , 3ow , Gray , Grime ? , Grout , Hall , larriugton , Hatch , Honbol , IIoll- nan , Howard , Kranir , Ltird , Lee , ililler , Morrison , Neville , North , Paine , jRiach , Savage , Sohrador , Sea ionr , Spauogle , Stpover , Stephunkon , Sucuaenbaoh , SwnriuRtnn , Thompson , Thorp , Tow -r , Watts , Walkur , Wnat- cat ! , WhoJoa , Wosonberg , Wolpb , Worl , Mr. Speaker. "ram ArrmUge , Berkley , Cole , Col- tun , C.tok of Jcfl'oaon,03ok of Nuck- OB , Dadd , Froburn , Gordon , Grover , ( instead , Jensen , Jones , Lnther , Mr.rtin , McAllistir , Palmer of Dixon , rainier of Saline , Ramsey , Rainey , [ latoliff Roberta , Ruaeoll , sSvioteck , Stoadvoll , Tovsne , Turtle , Whllzoll , Worhon nnd Youug , Another vote was taken haoixuto the oruurguricy cluiio had io bo omitted. On this the vote was the r.Miu' , exotpt that , Woif cliangcd trom nyu to naj. Kxp'.aaotloiiB protesting f.gniuat this uill were filed by the folio/ring mem bers : Artnltogo , Collins , Sadolock , Jeiuon , Palmer , of Dixon , Stuadwoll , Bsrkloy , Ritclill1aud Yonog. Mr. Ashbyskid ; Whllu this bill is not juat whnt I would like , I bcllovo it is the best that c\n bo got throngh tbo house , thoroforp I vote yes. Mr. Wolpb. said : ' "I am ono who h'lvo boon hoplrg for railroad leg islation. I see no virtue in thla bill nt all , although I huvo seen n disposition to poatpano all railroad Irg'slation ' that tbo people want. I buliovo this bill has boon introduced to get a aham and to get ahum railroad lernMatton. I propose to vote aye. The railroad oappou wore jubilant ever tMa victor ? A aumbsr-of dom- ' oorats supported the bill bo- CMI O they believed that it would wreck the republican party Tower fir Instance del red opjnly thla wa3 bouud to give the republicans ) a black eye , from which thyy could not recover. Thu Impression prevails nor ? that the ? euito will rtifnso to pnaa thu bill , or if it does , will amend It by inserting the provisions embodied in thd Etnu'.o railroad bill nud send it back. Cnllh'usn of Iron Worhn SjKClal Disp.tch to Tim 1 KB. CLEVELAND , February 19. Her bert Ayer , of Chicago , did not como to Cleveland as was reported he would. 1.i No mco'inga ' of the directors of Brown , Bonnlll & Co. , of Youngatown , have been called. Amasa Stone , a heavy stockholder , said to-day ho can glvo no opinion whether their mills will shut down. Mr. Matthews , representing J. V. Ayora' Sons , is here , but no- eluded. Mr. Griffin , receiver of the Union Iron and Steel works , of Chicago , ia hero on buslnes , of that concern. The Republic Iron mining company to-day ntuchod Brown , Bonnill & Co.'s works at Sbungstown for $35.000 O. , February 19. Oolwoll , cashier of the Com mercial bank of Glofolatici , came to thin city Saturday nnd had a mortgage filed in the recorder's ' cffiiQ ) for $500- 000 The mortgage Io dated April 3 , J882. msdo bv Brown , Bonnlll & Co. to Dan S Eela nnd John Hay , 0.of Cleveland ! , ta trustaco , to sncnro the , ri&yniant nf 100 bouda of $500 each. It la secured by Hflrbort' 0 , Ayer , as president , end A W. Jones , aa seoro tary of Erown , Bjnnlll & Co. The BignaUi-M of Mr. Ajer wna offered In Now ] York and certified to by S. InB. Goodnll < By the tarms of the mort- Higo It covarn all property owned tby Brown , Bonnlll & Co. in thla city. Blow-Lord Brisbin cm Castor. Special Ditratch to TUB BBK. MILES CITY , MON.February 19. Gen. Jatnoa S. Briabiu lectured at Billings Saturday night. In the cotirao of the lecture ho referred to the Gas- tor massacre. Ho said had Ouster | | obeyed the Instructions from General 1 Kerry , it was probable that ho and his [ command would be living to-dy. The death of Oaater and his men was a useless and unnecessary sacrlfiao , brought aboct by Ouster's desire for glory and promotion. Ho road documents - monts to prove bin position. He ex onerated Rjno from all blame In the battle of the Little P.t ? Horn. Gene ral Bclsb'm waa next cavalry oflior ioin rank to Ouster wtitm ho fell. His re marks produced a great sonaation. Butler's Talk with the Prlixmors Spatial Dispatch to THE Bus. BOSTON , Fabrinry 10 Gov. Butler - ler and the executive council , of the prison commission visited the state prison to-day. The governor , ad dressing the prisoners , said : "I did not remove the old warden on account of any thing ho'did to you , because nitI aUvnyj hear both sides. I took care not to hear your sldo until I git ready , to hoar his , buv before I got ready to hear his ho had done something in disobedience of orders of mine which caused mo to remove him , " Tricks of Speculator * . Special Dispatch to TUB UKK. Ouic'AQo , February 19 , Crop ra- mors sprung up on 'Change to-day and gained some currency In business and news circles They were all directed towards the shaking confidence In the stability of values and were for the most part stories of heavy failures. Ono failure was ea'd to bo that of > a prominent iron firm and another was in the wholesale grocery lino. There was no truth whatever in the stories that a general fooling of Indignation prevalb that they should have been circulatedaa they doubtless had , fortho purpose of influencing speculation. Knocked Unt. Sper > I Dlspitcb to Tin lit * . TKOY , N. Y. , February 18. In the clove fight to-night John Pqners knocked out Robert Hlllard In the nlxth round. THE ] ' NATIONAL CAPITAL. RflrdulTs KevolationB' the Oraok of Doom to tlio Dorsoys. The Defense Vainly Struggling to Break Him Down. The Sundry Civil Bill and the Amonntg Appropriated. The Indications nre Favorable Per H Storm in the Case of Hazan , A. New Scheme Devised to Dis pose of the Eui plus Revenues. The New Mexican Treaty Be fore the Benate in Open Session , A Lively Debate on tlio Tariff and Internal Tnxtslu tlio Sanato. ThoHouso Refuseo to Suepona tbo Rules For a Single Moaauro. CAPITOL NOT S. Special DUpatoli ti TUB tK KEHDELL'S WASHINGTON , February 19. Rer- doll was again placed on the stand in the star touts trials to day. Witness testified that when S. W. Doraoy first knew of witness in conference with MacVoagh ha ( Dawey ) asked witnots for God'ii sake not to ruin him and hlu children , nnd that it would be the death of his wife , and witness aatd ho would do anything ho could to hulp him exoopt commit perjury. Doisay said ' 'Damn it , what docs this amount to when a friend's ' fate h at stake. " Merrlck caid the affidavit had boon wrung from RerJoll by Doraey'a tears and cobs. Ho demanded of the court tho'piivilego of cro. s examina tion to oho * tbo entire truth ; to show how the wltuons was \7llling to lay bare hiei entire knowledge of tUo subt ject. Thu cnurt said it would hoar the connsusl on the other ode ! on the proposition. Merrlck declared if iea defendant manufactured live , and itf wai proven , then it WRO proof of > hlsj Eallt. That paper was evidence of Dorsny'a guilt. If ifc waa false , witnessed swore to It and S. f.ill Doraey oubornod purjnry. Ingersoll said the only proof that Daraey to the statement had been given by ils witness nnd ho had sworn exactly the ether way on n former ocasion. The court saw no objection to the prpsocu- tion asking witness to explain nn 'ap- pBrentl } | cDntrodloiory Btatoment. ' it.nd Moriiok'thereuponranewed his demand upon tho.defence for tha production of the books ( DoMoy'n jounUl ntid ledger ) In ereoll declined to oaaint witne s by supplying him with books. ; Morrick Insietod upon their produc tion. He then proceeded to prove the contents. Witneai said there were fonr cntriea against Wm. Smith ; ; firat. $8,000 ; eooond , 5,000 ; third : , $ S 500 ; fourth , $500 , MorrloK called upun tliu dufenca to produce the otnb cnt-rk booka. Again Ini eraoll do- declined. The court finally sus - talnod the position taken by the proa - eratlou. Witness siid the oheoka woi-o marked "Mall , " which ho charmed to " Wm Smith , " , ed to $00.000 , $05,000 br$70,000. Mor- rick wont ihrougn * ho affidavit In dd- tuil. Combattod ut every stop by ob jections from the defense , finally ho unclaimed , "For Qod'u sake slop your grumbling aud lat the facts come out. " [ Laughter. ] Recurring to bio couversattou with Doraoy , witness Eald D jrsoy eald to him : "Rordbll , if you will do this ; if yon will stand up for mo in thin tnttor , I'll make it all rizfnt with you " Witness ropHod that money cjuld not buy him ; it would not be any consideration. Witness testified regarding the handwriting , showing the defendants signed one another's narm s. Adjourned. INDICATIONS , Another "batch" of Hazon-Llucoln oorrospondeuco was published to-day. The former doas not take bis recent snubbing kindly , and repeats hi * re quest for a ceuatotlal Investigation , tirid in eo doing ho miuagos to not even with the necretury of war. The latter ugnln ref asee , though In mart ) subdued terms. DIVIDING Till ! SUUI'LUS. A jolut roeoluttoti was ciTarod .in the houjo to-day by Skinner to pro vide for uqaitattlo diatributlon of the surplus money cf tba United Slates treasury. It sots forth in tbo pro- > ambln "that the amount of revenue now being collected is greatly In excess - cess of ' .lie needs of the country ; declares clares It expedient to repeal all exter nal taxaa except thoao on liquors , and dliosts all money in excess of the mo'saary expanses bo divicoi amorg the states to ba used for the payment of state debts , or for school purposes ; that $100,000,009 from the surplus now In the treasury bo BO divided among the states according to popula tion on the first of July next. " PAY OF POSTMASTERS. Qjnoral Bingham introduced a bll ! < in the honz9 to-day to readjust the salaries of postmasters under the two cent postage law. It proposes that the salaries of postmasters of the first clasB ahall be graduated fron $3,000 to $0,000 , as the receipts of their cilice * vary from $10,000 to $100,000 ; second claps salaries range from $2,000 to $2,000 , as the racaipts vary from $20,000 to $40 000 ; third class salaries from $1,000 to $1,000 , as the receipts vary from $2,000 to $10,000 ; fourth class salaries to bo fixed upon a basin oi box rents and cancelled stamps and stamps sold , SUNDRY CIVIL BILLS. It haa been decided by , tbo appro priation committee to leave it for the committee on public landi to frame t bill for the repeal of the preemption lawB , and the provision ofrootinR ouch repeal was accordingly ntrlokon out of the sundry civil bill. The total amount of appropriations In the sundry civil bill is $22,247,000. The largest sin- RO ! Item Is for public printing , $2- 377.G50. The amount provided for the signal s rvico is $885,003. Ot thia 3235,000 ia for pay of corpa , $236,500 for obaorvoliona and re ports of storms , $150,770 for subsistence , $85.908 for barracks , and quarters : $30,000 for malnlon- onooof tolo-jrrtph - lines ; $33.000 for east of oxporimonta at Lidy Franklin bay , aud the balanon in small sums for various purposes ; $00,000 was ap proprhtod to use In preventing fraud , ulont entries of land , Saorolary Folger wto much im proved to-day , nud cxpoota to reduino cllhlal duties in n few days. Doustsr introduced a bill to amend the revised slatutos regarding nitnraff Ir.Ulon. CONGRESSIONAL. Special Dispatch to Tim Cnn. SENATE I'UOCKEUIKaS , WASIIINQTON , February 10. Solia tor Vest announced ho would ask no tion on the roaolutton for a nammlttoo to invoatisAto the Yellowstone park matters as eoon aa the tut ill bill vai dlspojed of. Afler ft brlof oxacutlvc session the tariff bill was taken up , the pending question bolngon the amendment offered by Senator Sher man In relation to thu duty on steel. Senator , . Book opposed Shormnn'o amondmont. Senator Sherman , In reply to the question , said his amendment was a greater reduction than the reductions made on ether Industrie * ; there would bo A reduction on every item of the stool schedule , and on the whole ho would cay without fear of oontradlo * tlonthat the reduction in the nmouut of ; * duties upon these classes of stool would ba from 10 to 20 per cent. The amendment was adopted 30 to 20 Senator Van Wyck asked for a v lo ou his amendmsut , affarcd como days since ! , reducing the duty on sawed boards , pUnk deals , nud ether lum ber of hemlock , white wood , syciuioro and bies wood , from ono dollar to ilvo cents per thousand foot , Ljat 19 to 30. Senator Van Wyck aakad also for rt eep.Kwto vote on lib amendment reducing - ducing the duty on other nawod Ititn- ber from $2 to $1 par thousand foot , us n hvit o ! the olnoerily of oonators in i prof j.vilm * < N dosiio to roduoo tha burduufl 1 ; of tbo people. Loot 18 to 30 , Squalor McPhorsou moved to strike out the provision relating to wlro rope and wire strand of icon or steel Tir , etc. , atid insert the amendment offered by 1 him , Senator Jones ( Nov. , ) addressed the senate at length in favor of protuction. Ho 1 aald the dearest tliiug In the world waa chonp labor. It was high wages not low wages , that had enablud American farmers to overcome in the markota of Western Europe , the coin- petition of tho' bouudlons fields nof Ruesia , worked recently by jserfa and still worked by very poorly paid labor Itras thegre t merit of . 50- . tlvo' system that it was the taoans 50of educating large classes of people Even should it involve in some degree coat to the country , it was dcfpnclblo on the same ground upon which it was deemed good policy to provide educational faclli'.ibs for the. rising generation Protection cheapened production , while free trade ch03p3nad the pro- duoer. Ho was in favor of thn hl h protective duties , wttloh had orhtod since the beginning of the civil war , became they had stood the boat test ihat'cf oxpononco ; baoauso at no time ia our blstory bad the country been uo prosperous aa it vrr.u to-day. Ho preferred to look forward rather than backward. After further , to MoPhorfion'B amendment wu ad 8 to 32. adko Senator Morgan moved to utriko out sll Bchoduloa aud innert a provla- ion thut after the firat duy of July ' , 1883 , tha Uriff duties shall ba reduced fifteen per cent , and after the firat of July , 1884 , there shall bo a further reduction of tun per cent. Senator tfrown moved to place salt on the free Hat. Last 24 to 2G. Senator Yanco offered an amend- moat repealing ao much of the inter nal revenue laws as required store keepers and gangers to bo appointed to dlatillora having a capacity of less than thirty galluna per day , and pro viding that ( inch dtotillurica shall ob tain license thorefur. ' Senator Chmeron made a vlgotous ) speech favoring protection. Ilo moved to recoaimond the bill to the committee ou finance wl h Instructions to report back the bill to reduce internal revenue nuo taxation withoctany tarltf vnond- mont. Sanator Cameron's motion to recommit - commit was lost ayes 4 , noes 40. ( Senator Vunco'n amendment lost. (0.he Oa motion of Senator P.utnb the duty on whiting and Paris whlto was changed from 30 per cent , to half a cent per pound , Senator Morgan ofTorcd an amendment mont providing a dra * lack of 75 oonta per ton shall bo r. ' > red on bltumo. nous coal import d in the United States which ia afterwards need AS fuel on beard of steamers engaged in the cogs'.inn trade or in trade with foreign countries , to bo allowed and paid un der such regulations aa the ary of the treasury fhull proscribe. Agreed to ay oa 25 , noes 18. On motion of Senator Aldrioh a duty of a cent a pound was lmpsod on sellclato of soda or ether alkaline soliciato , Sanator Hoar moved to roduoo the duty on polished , planished orglancod she-it stool or sheet Iron from two i half to two cents per potinh. Agreed 22 to 17. Adjourned. WASHINGTON , February 19. la the oxecutlvo session of the senate to-day upon motion of Wludom , the injunction tion of Bosrccy was removed relative - ativo to the commercial treaty be tween the government and Mexico , recently signed by the commissioners. The principal nrtlcHs In the Mexican schedules to bo admitted free into the United the Llvo - States are following : animals for brooding ; barley , notpearl ; a beef , coffee , exports and other grasses And pulp for the manufacture of paper ; houognal , slaal , hemp and ether like1 nbstitutes for hemp , hidis atd oklns , except sheep skins with wool on ; AuRora goat skins , raw India rubber , crndo nnd nllk of leather , old scrap , vegetables for dyeing moUsses ; palm oil. qulcksilvor , sugar not above 1C Dutch standard In color , straw nnmnnufaotrirod , tobacco In loaf , un manufactured : wood nnd timber of oil kiuds ; unmanufactured , including ship ; timber. The main Items in the sihodulo of United States artloloa to boMe admitted free of duty Into Mexico are ' machinery of all aorta , classes nnd descriptions for mining , agricultural an3 other purposes ; agricultural Implement * , wagons , , coaches and nil oorta of vehicles clc that nro pulled by nnlmnla ; tools that are composed of braai , Iron , stool or wood or any combination of tlu-oo materials ; nil clauses rolling slock from patsongor car nud steam engine that are usud upon railroads ; petroleum crndo nnd refined ; barbed wire for fencing with nil its fixtures ; houses of wood or Iron built ready to put up ; pumps for minor , irrigating nnd all other purposes for which pumps can bo ntoi ; clocks ( und many ether ar ticles extensively manufactured in this country , coal , nil kinds of dynn- thut , printing Inks , precious motale , uaptba , qulckoilvor , rnga or cloth for utwl nmuifrtcturo of paper , telogr.tph wire and wire of Iron or atool for cording , from No. 20 nud upwards Provision Is undo for the on- aottnont by bath governments ofCJ such laws as nro deemed proper for carrying out the terms of the treaty in a manner to protect the revenues and prevent frauds. Ratifications of the present convention to bo exchanged nt PIft Washington within twelve months from ( Utc , or earlier , If possible , and upon taking effect shall remain in force six years. Neither contracting parties will bo provuutod from making such ! changes in their import duties as 'holr roapuctivo Intorobta an may require. Granting to othor. nations the same rights in regard to ono or mora articles of mer chandise named In the schedules , . cither by legislation or. by moans DfU treaties with ether governments , bnt I It canoa where such changes nro made the party affected by the unma may denounce J this convention , oven before fore the term specified , and the print out convention will bo terminated lint the end of nix montha from the d y on which ouch notification may belie made by the respective countries. The treaty t is signed by U. S. Grant , William Henry TreBcoott , and M. Romero for Ecquador. HOUSE PROCEEDINGS. The sundry civil bill was reported and referred to committee of the whole to bo called up to-morrow. Blllo wore introduced hud referred , Belford to admit free of duty articles Intended for the National mining and Industrial exposition at Denver In 1883 ; by Anderson to reduce duce the revenue on all Impor , tation in the United States - Anderson's bill provides that after jibe first of J'aly rioxt all duties on articles , imported into the United States shall bo redncod 15 per cont. from the rntoa now established by law. By Mr. Belmont , n resolution call ing on the secretary of the treasury for all correspondence and nil orders , or decisions by the department affecting execution of so much of the Hawaiian treaty as relates to Sandwich Island sogar By Mr. Cox , calling on the presi dent for all communications In re- gf > rd to treatment of .Tows in Russia which h&vn been Bent and received since the last communication to the honjo on the subject. By Mr. Skinner , providing equit able distribution ot surplus money in the trowury among the several states for maintenance of schools and pay ment of debt , By Mr. Ward , a joint reaolntion tendering thanks to congress for con- forriup the rank of commander unon Chief Engineer Geo. W. Molvillo. By Mr. O'Neill , a bill to authorize the construction of bridges across the great Kauawha river. By Mr. Boltzhoovor , a resolution calling on the secretary of war for allen coroospondonco which passed between > him arid Gen. W. B. Hazon during the month of February , 1883. Mr. Davis Illinois ) , from the committee on military allUira , reported a bill authorizing the extension of tbo Chesapeake and Ohio Railway com pany to a point on the military land at Fortress Monroe. Referred to committao of the whole , Mr. Washburn , from the committee on commerce , reported bills for the construction of a bridge across the Il linois river near Goluinblana , and the Missouri river near Kansas City. Mr. Kelley , from committee on ways and means , moved to suspend rules and pv)3 a bill to reduce interns revenue tss-Ulon. Mr. Morrison demanded a second. Mr. Sptlngor raised to a point of order. The speaker overruled the point of order. The motion was seconded , 13'J to C8. In support of his motion Kelly said every line of the bill presented had received the approval of the sonata and committee which he represented , therefore ho believed whllo doubt and uncertainty might prevail as to the tariff legisla tion there was an opportunity offered to mitigate our excessive revenue to the extent of $10,000,000 , It was yet probable the two houses might bo able to bo brought to an agreement on the tariff bill. A long debate ensued on Mr. Kol- loy'o motion. Mcesrs. Tucker , Mor risen , Carlisle , Iloaao and others made speeches. In opposition to the motion , urging that reduction of Inter nal revenue meant uo reduction of tariff. tariff.Moesra. Moesra. MoKinloy , Kasson and othoM spoke In 'favor of the motion , stating that if the bill reducing Inter nal revenue was passed , republicans would then go ahead and attempt to pass the tariff bill. The motion to suspend the rules and pass the bill was defeated yeas 182 , nays C7 , not the necessary two- thirds In the affirmative. Adjourned. THE OLD WORLD , The Dublin Conspiracy Proves a Most Uigantio One Carey's Revelation B Send Ter- rortothe Ranks of the Leaguers , The Mysterious "Numbr One" n Good Subject For the Gallows. 'Party Pinna lit Pnrllnsuont-Oancr- nl Forolgn BpocUl DIspttchM to Tin Oil. rONM'IHATOUH AND INFOUMEUS. DUULIN , February 19. Twonty-ono of the prisoners have boon committed for trial , to answer to the charge of murdering Lord Gavondla and Buiko. Joseph Smith has turned Informer. Patrick Wholan has boon liberated ou bail. The hearing of the prisoners charged with conspiring to murder government officials was resumed to day. All prisoners were again placed in the dock. Amid hlsaoa , the prison ers shouted , "Tho future Lord Mayor Carey , " bnt the latter shook his head menacingly nt his former c jmradea. The examination was then resumed. . Uo spoke inoro cofidontly than ho did Saturday and replied to the cross-examination of counsel sharply and testily. Ho deposed , amid hisies by the prisoners , that ho belonged to the lonlans , but not to the Suproma Council. The object of the Fonlans was to Boparato Ireland from England , the former country being thou harrasscd by coercion. Uo had no idea Lord Oavondlah was to bo i murdered when Burke was attacked i nnd was atnpe Bed when ho hoard of t the former's murder. Foil THE TUIAL. In the event of the Inquiry con- eluding to-day , it Is understood the prisoners will bo returned for trial before - fore a spuotal commission of threolj judges. 'Chh courno will bo necessary , as the prisoners , ouch having the right { to challenge twenty jurymen , could , oxhauot the panel. Special arrangements 5i monts are already being made at 1 Green street court houae for the trial , OAUKY'S I-OINTKUS. LONDON , February 10. Frank Byrne , residing at Cannes , Is the man mentioned "by Carey. The French pollco were commuuloited with to prevent his escaping into Spain. It Is . thought probable ho will return imma dlatoly to London end give the au - thorltlos opportunity to arrest him If they BO desire. If not arrested ho will assist In his wife's defence. She la a - consumptive. Thomas Brennan was In London as recently as Friday last. It Is stated the name "Number 1" ' Is IB Oliver Walsh at Cannes. Justin McCarthy said Bhorldau was known to Parnell merely as an actlvo League ; organizer , and hla relations with Par nell were merely In that capacity , the latter knowing nothing of his charac ter. Frank Byrne , McOartoy Bsid , Is , a man In constant 111 health. Ho held n position in. the land confederation over since the time of Butt and Shar. He was known toby ton all members of the Irish party as ft quiet , ronpeothblo man. McCarthy - said ho had spoken to many of hem , members and all Agreed It was Inoon- ooivablo that Byrne could have mad anything to do with the murders. His 1'i-J act bcfaro going to Franco was to refuse a testimonial which his friondy had raised on account of his feeble health. Ho said ho could not accept anything whllo the country was in Its present miserable state. The only time Byrne was loft any discretion - was while Parnoll was imprisoned , but It in hardly coucalvablo ho then ; 1 la toned to any advlco ou the part of fanatics. NUMUKH ONE. . It Is reported Byrne and ether mom- bora nf the league will bo arrested , including the managers nf the land league fnnde , The names of six prominent politicians are mentioned. It is rumored P , J. Sheridan has been arrested. It is understood the gov ernment known "Numbor 1. " Uo was born in the East Indies. Ho was a captain in the British East India service , afterwards joined the French army and became osloncl during the Franco-Gorman war. Towards the close of the war ho came to Ireland with letters from the Bonapartlstn , his object bolng to rilso force , which ho enlisted ostensibly for the ambn- lonco service. Ho served principally under Gon. Bonrbakl. ) 80I-VINO TIIK MYSTKUY. , DUULIN , February 19 , The 20' man's Journal nays : "Tho myatory of the Phouuix park murders la only half unfolded , Wo must await the denouement before expressing the ; verdict. The prospect now is that the mystery will bo sounded to the very bottom. 'NumbersI,1 if ho exists , will find his way to the gallows , which is the prayer of every honest man. " ANOTIIKU MAN. LONDON , February 19. The Stan < dard gives 'tho name of "Numbor Ono" as Milno. Ho was often in the lobby of the house of commons in 1882 , was well known to land leaguers , who deny they had any knowledge o ! GENERAL FOREIGN NEWS. DOINClfl IN 1'AKLIAMKNT. LONDON , February 19. In the oem mons to-day Trovylan said the poor law guardians were able to cope will the distress In the county of Glare Fobody died of starvation there. Parnoll announced he would oiler an amendment to the address , also would severely critlolso the admin istratlon of the crimes act , jury pack Ing , iniquitous sentences , etc. . when tbo discussion regarding Encllsh elli con was finished , ' Forstor was loudly cheered in the houio and congratulatsd on his on * capo from asaasslriation. Leave was granted to Introduce the affirmation bill -184 to 03. THE 1'01'E TO KINO V'ItLIAM. , BKIIUN , February 19--Thc pope , in a letter to the emperor , announces ho has permitted Bishops , without waiting for a complete revision of the navy laws , to notify the govern * mont of the selection of now cur atoi The pope ask , in addition to revision , measures bo taken to mitIgate - Igato impedimenta to the exorcise of clerical duties nnd training clergy. This , ho saya , Is Indcsponsablo to the very lifo of the church. If agreement bo established thereon , real durable pcaco will bo oi\y. THE KKKNAn MINI8SUY. PAHIS , February 19. Gambottist journals are favorable to the now ministry. The loft , extreme loft , radicals au 1 Bonaparthto have decid ed to demand a revision of the con stitution. Franco states Jules Fer , ry's prograratnb includes ruvinlon of the constitution and establishment of scrntln do Hate. THE SUSrEOTSP LAND LFAOUE. LONDON , February 1'J , The Tlmon aays the suspicion raised by the ovl- donoo given by Carey on Saturday can only bo allayed by thorough disclo sures of the accounts of tht ) land league , subject to an independent audit. Until this IB done the league will bo under the suspicion of main taining secret relations with criminal conspiracies of the foulest typo. MANAGER AI1UKY Some Facts About Hla Operatic Ven ture. CHICAGO , February 15 "I shall bring Liugtry back bore , " said Man ager Abbey last evonlug , " for an oxtrn matlneo to bo given March 7. That will bo her laat appearance hero undnr my management. As to my operatic venture , my salary Hat will amount to about $22,000 a week , and perhaps | moro. I am not Mnplcson. I general ly give to the pnblio what I sgroo to gho them , nnd I never Bend out nd vatico agents to Ho to the press , I have onpgcd Oampanlnl nnd Valeria , nnd 1 huvo virtually engaged Mine , Nilaon , I have thrao agents now In Enrcpo looking j after singers. I shall probab- Ily hnvo Mmo. Soalchl. She la the greatest of living contraltos. Trobbolll j 1 la n greater artist , but Scnldhi has the most marvelous voice. The MetropolItan - Itan j Opera-HOURO will bo finished In August. Maploaon has a largo num- ber of cheap artists , but IE I can't got along with very few of these and glvo a complete and first-class opera on tcrlnlnment t , bettor In all appoint- monta than any over before given , I shall close my houso. I shall glvo uoporrt in Chicago aomolimo In next January. I shall probably have Gorater. I My agent la dueln OJcaia to'day , where aho Is Blneintf. She sings I through Russia , nnd then sbo goes to . Vienna , My other contralto will bq I Mmo. In Blaoho , who ia now in I.toyy , and who it well-known in thla country. Henry Irving- opens in Wallack'a'old'1. theatre , Thirteenth street aud Bread- way , an October 29 , and ho will appnac. " at Haverly'a in Chicago , January 'J. Moaari. Abbey nnd SjhoofTol purchas ed the International Hotel and Park . Theatre , Boston , for $300 000 , and wo shall contlnuo to run them as they are , havlcg owned the Interior appoint ments of the theatre * previous to the mrchnHo. The Metropolitan Opera louao in Now York will scat , when completed , 3,210 porsom , and it will - > e n totally firo-proof house , with five exits for every part of the houso. In lointof coinplotcnussnnd detail it will > o the finest in the world , nnd it will > o larger than the famous La Soala , f Milan. " The Conioliilutod Monopoly. jicclal Bupatcli to Tim Una. NEW YORK , February 19. A meet- \U \ of the directors of the Western Jnlon telegraph company woo hold to- lay. President Green made A report hat the company had taken full pos- ossion'of the Mutual Union wiroa itidor the lease made a wcok ago. ? here was a formal ratification of the oaBo. Dr. Green satd in the report : 'Tho rumor circulated that wo failed o carry the lease into effect , is with- ut foundation ; In fact I aty positively wo have now fully accomplished the mrgatn with the Mutual Union nnd licre is no legal proceeding that can oudor the loaao null and void. " Thieving Banker * Eont Up. poclal Dispatch to TUB lift. JERSEY CITY , February 19. Garret , Boyco , Edward B. Shaw and John j. Bo rob , defaulting officers of the ofunot Oity bank , to-day pleaded nllty and were uentoncod at hard la- jor in the atato prison as follow * : Joyoo 10 years , Beach 4 , Shaw (5 ( , The Sugar Queation > Ipcclal Dispatch to TUB D , WASHINGTON , February 19. New fork sugar'racn demand an Immediate and thorough Investigation Into the alleged frauds practiced by thn cus- torn officials of the Pacific .coast in the natter of admitting Hawaiian sugars of ligher grade than was originally Intend * Dy the treaty. They charge that Claus Speokols IB in collusion with the offi cials of the treasury 'department , and they demand that the question bo ju dicially Investigated In San Francisco by a suit wherein sugar exports can bo called and the truth not bo left on- tlrely to the custom officials aud the Speokola ring. The leidlng sugar dealers In Now York also ask that congress shall ask the presi dent tu make public all the official correspondence In the de partment that mny throw lighten on the question. What sugar dealers In Now iTork sock to know Is the grade of sugar , which , under the treaty , late to bo admitted free , and that quea- .tlon the officials of the treasury re fuse to answer in a practical way b/ Identifying and marking the samples. Importers to Now York of Philippine islando sugars say that slnoo the Hawaiian treaty there Ia very much loss of sugar from the former ialau d heard of In the American ports.