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vv DAILY " BEE I \ TWELFTH YEATL OMAHA NEB WEDTST SDAY MORNING FEBRUARY 21 1883 HOGVILLEAGAIfl HOWLING Because tlie Bieimfal Raid on tlie Mate Treasury was Tem porarily Blocked , w The Lau'oastor Mombora Voting ing Solidly Against Bail- road Regulation , But They Euliow Like Demons For the People's Money to Enrich Themsolvee. The State Funds Loaned on Notes to Gnley , Ctout nod Olhors. IdleoollRnooua Stoats in the House BxDlacatious by Members. THE SENATE. Special Correspondence ol the Bee. TUB CAPITOL LOUDY. LINCOLN , February 20. The oapi- tel appropriation brings out the crowd lu Lincoln. An evidence of thia fact , when it wan nnderatood that the above-named bill waa to bo considered in the senate at 7:30 : hat evening , the floors of the senate chamber were crowded as they have not been crowd ed before this eo&slon , and such a rumpus haa not been witnessed in thla body olnce Senator Van Wyck hod a fight over this same bill tvro years ago with Lieutenant Governor Carncs and President pro tern. Dlnsmoro , when ho drove them both from the rostrum. The great effort of the evening waa to have the bill passed to ita third read ing , thus jumping Iho gennrol file and the committee of the whole , but many of the friundj of the bill were opposed to thla move , and after prcssincr it fcr a long time It waa finally withdrawn , and after a long , hard fight it waa placed on general iile , and will proba bly 823 hard times before It becomes n law. Among the sjiNAT-iua v > 'no rouonT TDK BILL and will probably figbt it at nyery turn of the wheel ate Sonatow Kink- ard , Reynolds , Dach , Harris , Harrison risen , Brown , of Douglas , McShaue , Dye , Rich , Brown , of Colfux , Thatch and Sang. The ocnato has already cut the appropriation down from ono mill to throa quarters of a mill in the committee ) ana thoie will be an effort on the part of some of the frli-nda of the bill to cut the lavy down to one- half mill. In the debate last night , Brown , of Lancaator , charged that Brown of Douglas , was not acting in good faith by asking that bills be com pelled to take thalr'regular couroo and calling for fair play , when ho waa con tinually voting to have this bill inde finitely postponed. Brown , of Douglas said that hia county paid over 855,003 into the state treasury and that the state at large paid into the same treasury nearly a million , 'and ho honad that the senators would atop and consider Tiow much their counties paid of this , amount ; and this was the reason he was always ready to indefinitely post tat pone a capltol appropriation bill that was to me up $450,000 of the people's money. This bill h likely to have some op position in an unlookedfor quarter. Several of the senators who are natu rally in fiver of a reasonable capltol : appropriation may fight the same on the ground that the nix members of the house from Lancaster county are fighting colldly for the railroads and against the people. TREASURY NOTES. Senator Brown , of Douglas , Intro- ducfld the following on yesterday : WHEREAS , The late state treasurer , in hia last printed report , at page 13m gives notice that there are throe prom issory notes In his possession and bo- loncing to the " temporary university fund , to-wlt : Note of W. H. B. Stout for ? 1,119 85 , and two notes of 0. 0. Morse , one for $523.74 and the other for SG25.57 , and also another note for $4'800 given by S. B. Galey , who , , as the treasurer states , hoa been released ' thereof by the sacrotary of the boavd of regents , therefore be it ' RESOLVED , That the attorney gen- ; eraljinform the senate as soon aa pos sible what date each of said notes bears , what rate of interest each drawa , what amount of intoreat money ! if any , has been paid on each of said notes , what amount of Interest remiins unpaid on each cf said notes ' , what security the atato holds for the M repayment of the money loaned , what legal right or authority a secretary of the board of regents had to release said Galey from his obligations to the etate on said note , whether said re lease la not a pure legal fiction , and whether said notes or either of them is worthless ; and bo it further RESOLVED , Tbat the attorney pentho oral be , and is hereby instructed to commence without delay an action Jn the courts against the bligera on sale notes ( unless 'the same are absolutely worthless and lost to the state ) , and apeedily collect the auras duo thereon and pay the same Into the treasury. The rules were suspended and the resolutions adopted. Senator Thatch offurnd to bet $20 ( that this sonuto would p ss any kind of a steal , but ho could find no takors. THE RAILROAD CKChSINO BILL ' , which was parsed the houao last night . { , came up on its firdt reading ia the senate , and was indefinitely postponed. The fact that Judge Mason waa em ployed to help ps.31 the bill did ° ro mjro to kill it than any other thing , " ator Butler opposed it on the gro.inu ahat the same thing was embodied in the senate railroad bill , and f the housa wanted thia measure which provides ti ? vides that r&ilroads shall put in a witch ; es and build depots at all poiutr / where two railroads cross o&ch othui they 'can ' pats the senate railroad bill and they will have it. BuMer nfy tha' the idea of Mason belnx pluy'ed ID kill the souato railroad bill and employed < o pots this was too thin. The house bill appropriating $70- 003 for THE KEF01IU SCHOOL AT KEAUNKY wai read a second time thii morning ' " the senate , having passed the house - and the president referred n H/ ' * * on public oharltles. ovod thnt it bo referred ii . . .iltloo on mlacollo- noons corporation * . To thia Senator Dich objoctsd. Ho nald that ho was chairman of the committee on public chr.ritlon , and considered this as an insinuation that ho would not treat o bill fairly. Senator Connor said that ho only asking for hlmsolf what had been accorded to every other senator on thla iloor , uamoly , that ho might no- loot the committee to which his bills should bo referred , Butler thought that Doch ought not to complain for the reason that ho had said in debate last night that this bill was a steal. Several senators took a hand in the debate and it turned out to bo ono of the moat personal and hotly contested points that has presented itself during the Btsston. As a compromise the bill waa referred to the committee of public lands and buildings , on the motion cf Senator McShano. The bill Jor the relief of J. W. Poarman , of Nobratka City , appro- priatlcg ? 3,000 passed ito second reading - ing having passed the house. It has been passed to the committee on claims of which Senator Reynolds is chairman , and it la probable that it will receive n thorough investigation. The bill appropriating over 3,000 for the relief of T. P. Konnard was reported book from the committee on finance , wayc and moans this morning without recommendation. THE HOTJQK. Special Correspondence ta Ton UK * . EXPLAINING THEIR VOTES. LIKCOLN , February 19. In the house thla , ovenicg , pending the an nouncement of the vote on the rail road commission "hill , the following written explanations were read by the accratary : "Bollovicg this bill does not moot the requlromenta auch as the people demand , and knowing that if it should pate this house It would never become n liw , tiioroforn I moat emphatically VOtO Ho. " [ AllMlTAOE. "While this bill is not just what I would like , I believe it is the beat that can ba got through thin house , and therefore I vote YOB. " [ T. F ASHIIY. "Believing that house roll No. 2C2 ia too expensive for the amount of good to bo derived therefrom and that ic does not glvo that legislation that ia required by the pnoplo of this Btate , I therefore vote No. " [ J. S. COLLINS. "I would like to aoe a bill pass that would give general catiafaction to the people , but this bill suits me too well. " [ fiics JENSEN. 'Btlioving thla bill to be a farce on the subject of railroad legislation and believing further that it will be of no earthly use I vote No.-rA. S. PAL MER 'In ' as much as I would favor a law regulating railroads , I cannot BOO any relief In'thia bill , but only expense to the state for collecting the statistics to railroads which can be obtained from the secretary of state for nothing , I vote No. " [ T. J. SADILEK. "I believe from present indications tiat this house will not pasa any bill for the regulation of passenger and > freight tariff , or any law for the cor rection of the abuses the people com - plain of and that consequently to commission which thia bill ss can do little or nothing for our relief ssF F and as I believe it will bo a very ox- peuftivo way of doing uothlcg , 1 vote No. " [ A. STEAD WELL. tot "The senate has passed a much batter , - tor bill than thia and I consider this bill a useless expense to the state. I therefore vote No. " [ BENJAMIN YOUNG. "As I fully believe that this bill 02ra is drafted lu boh alt of railroad com panies , and whereas wo have senate file No. 149 which is the bill for the people I vote No.-H. BERKLEY. "The matter of railroad legislation is ono of vital interest to the people. Their demand was incorporated In every political platform ; grievances were admitted from every political standpoint , and redress has baon promieod. I do not desire the downfall fall of any political party to advance another , but I want the responsibility ! to rest where it belongs. Neither do I wish legislation that would bo the l means of retarding railroad enter- prleos or any corporate or private In- dustry , but I want a law enacted that : will remedy admitted evils. I vote No.-J. R. RATCLIFF. .BOGUS CLAIMS. LINCOLN , February 20 In the house this morning a number of un- important bills were passed , and ono reor TO killed. Tao bill to pay the miscellaneous Uerus of Indebtedness was passed by a vote of 59 to 35 , The following Is the vote : AYES Babcock , Barton , Borklay , Hlorbowor , Britton , Brown , Gantlo , Chanln , Charleston , Odlpetzar , Cook of Naokolls , Cox , Davenport , aw-1 o"i Draporof KnoxFabllnger , Field [ , Franao , Gray , Grlmstoad , Grout l , Helmrlch , Harrington , Hollman , J10 ' mor , Jensen , Johnaon , Kuony , Laird , Lee , Lathy , Miller , Morrison , Neville , I , , Payne , Ratcliffe , Robberts , Roche , Sftdilok , Savage , Schroeder , Sessions i | Spanoglo , S toad well , Stoovor , Jt811' biich Swearlngon Tower Walker , , , . ' Watts , Westcott , Whodon , Whltzsl i' 1 Wlssonberg , Worl and the speaker. N6KS Armitoge Ashby Oarnaby . , , iaby' Ohristophornon , Clark of Douglas ' , Clark of Colfax , Collins , Cook of Jef fenon , Danman , Dodd , Draper cf "TOftss , Fraeburn , Gordon , Grovcr , Hatch , Haven , Howard , Jones , Mar , tin , McAllister , North , Palmer of Dixon , Palmer of Saline , Rimey , Ranuey , Rutscll , Thomas , Thompson Town , Turner , TurtleWerbanWolph Young. The followinK members BSVsl-r -EXVLALHED THEIR VOTES' I Mr , plark , cf Douglas While 3 some of the claims rrero jnst , and ho would like to vote for them , there wer others that were manifestly nnjuat , and ho therefore voted "No Mr.t Hall said ho believed that states * and individuals ought tb .par their honoot debts , and ho had act > 1 on that principle all hio life , but in this bill it is strained , Ho could only say , in the language of the president of the United Statca , "tho more dan geroue it becohios the moro strength it has. " Ho meant that there wore some unjust claims , and ho believed it was necessary to defeat the passatro of this bill until wo can take out the wrong claims. Mr. Howard believed that there arc several claluiB that are unjust. Hin Attention ] had boon called to ono claim tsat is In the bill twice , thcr'fsrc ho voted "No. " KuoPy.-r-While ho was of the opln Ion-that [ nl st of the claims word joat ho also believed that there wore some Included which ought not to bo paid , Ho therefore voted "No. " Martin : While believing some ( of the claims were just ho also believed that apmo were not , and ho would vote "No. " Wolph wanted to cay just a word. With all the information ho could get the other day when this question was up in dlecnstiou ho became thorough ly sathfiod that there were many claims that were justj and ought to bo paid , there were also m addition , many othero that were unjust. Ho believed it wca a bad precedent to settle so many unjust claims uoon just claims , therefore ho voted "No " The bill-was carried by a vote of 69 to 35. The houoo took a recess till 2.-00 this afttrnoon. Annual Mooting at Lincoln The Next Special Dispatch to Tim Bxii. LINCOLN , Neb. , February 20. The annual encampment of the Grand Army of the Republic convened at Red Ribbon hall this orouiag. About 400 delegates were present. Reports from all ncctlona show a ntcr.dy growth of the order. There waa quite a rivalry for tha next reunion between diflerout locations. Fremont ollorod $5OCO bonua and vlll probably ho successful. The election of grand offi cers for the ensuing year will take place tomorrow.It is now proposed to establish a soldior'u homo for disa bled veterans and a fund will bo collected - loctod with a view to carrying out that object. Although Fremopt was the highest bidder Hastings was chosen , after a spirited contest , as the plnco for the next rounlon. A Receiver j&ppolnttil. Special Dispatch to THE UXK. CLEVELAND , February 20. Fayotte : Bredon , of Cleveland , was this morn ing appointed by the United Staten court as rpceiver of Brown , Bonnell & Co. , of Youngstown. The works will continue to be run a i usual for the present , at least. The company > represents that it haa a large quantity of stock and good contracts. The as sets are claimed to be largely in excess of the liabilities. Herbert Ayer has not come and is not expected. rein formal meeting of the directors will bo called , but the prominent stock holders will consult with the receiver. The receiver said to the Associated Procs correspondent that ho expects the Younsjstown works will bo ehut down to take an Inventory , after which it will bo managed to make the most out of the property. The Grout Flood Special Dispatch to Tun Bin MEMPHIS , February 20. The river rose five inches In the past twenty-four hours. It is now three inches below the danger lino. Newport and Jack- sonport , on the White river , are partly submerged. LOUISVILLE , February 24. In the past twenty-four hours the river has fallen nearly an insh an hour. Navi gation will probably be resumed-with ; in forty-eight hours. The gas works : are running to-night. Railroads have an immense lot of stuff on hand. Some of thorn have stopped receiving. CINCINNATI , February 20 The river is falling about an inch an hour. Itroacho'd 57 foot to-night. It almost impoeslblo to find men enough to do the eloaning. Business is pick ing up. The gas worka are running to-night. The militia have baon re lieved from duty. The railways are all running from their own depots. , Receipts to-day were over 03 000 , not Including ? 3,000 from the Now York relief committee ; $4 000 have been I'iven to Newport , 83,000 to Dayton , 82,000 to Lawroncebnrg , $500 to Guy- ' andotte end 350 to Bollovlll , Ky. A Chicago 'B nulne Firm- Special Dispatch to Tun Hsu , CHICAGO , February 20. Rumors affecting the financial standing of the private banking homo of Preston , Koan & Co , were In circulation on the street to-day. Inquiries failed to elicit any confirmation to justify them. Late to-iiight the firm fur nished the associated press with a atatemont denying that they were at all embarrassed. MorKon' Donations. Special Dispatch to Tun BKK NEW YOHK , February 20. The late governor Morgan bequoatha his wife halt a million and the income of a million ; to relatives of self and wife half o million ; $22,000 to personal friends and clerks in the office i nnd $8,000 to household servants ; to charity § 795,000. The remainder of the estate , valued in all at § 0,000,000 , 'a ' Klven to * no o ° outora 'n ' trust ; ! , the Income to be paid his grandson , Ed- E" an" The Mississippi B emi B. I gpecitl Dlrpatcbtt to Tiu tl i. Oiiuo , III , * Fobtuary 20. The , I rjver at noon to-day was 51 f aet 0 Inch- , ea on o jaje ancj ralng | pearly I huf ! an inch per hour. It still lacks five inches of being as high as loot year , It is hoped it will be at a stand I hero to-nightj TRAMPLED TO DEATH , A Frightful I Panio in a Catholic lie School ill NeW York City , Sov.en Huoclrod Children Hush Madly Through Dark Hallo und Narrow atdire. Pourte m Little Oriea Cm bed to Doutb by Their Comrades. v Hnrruwlng Scenes in tboi BuUdlurr. Iho Rcsouo-Stfttemcnts c/f the SJsters. , Special Dispatch to Tim llRK. NEW YORK , Fobruury 20 , The out- broalc of tire under the stairs of the second floor of the school honao at- taohcd to the German Roman Oatholin church of the Moot Holy Redeemer , Fourth street , between Avenue A mid First avenue , at EV quarter past 3 this afternoon , was the cause of n terrible calamity. No less than fourteen chil dren loat tholr lives. OVer 700 schol ars , mostly children of the poorer classes , ranging from C to 11' years of ago , attended the school and wore in their clsBS rooms when the alarm wns first raiacd. A fearful panic followed , The removal of children ou the fourth floor began quiet enoughand was pro creasing rapidly when the Sister of Charity in charge of the clasa of girls fainted. Immediately the alarmed class bocnmo panto stricken. A rnsh was made for the hallway. On the Btalro , already crowded , , A DEADLY CUTTSII took place. The the stairs broke and the mass of BtrugpliiiK children were precipitated to the floor below , failing in a packed , imssa one upon another , four to , live doep. The police and firemen arrived , but their work of rescue waa much ham pered by the frightened children con tinuing to fall or leap from the stair way , thoao in front being crowded over the broken balustrade by children behind still struggling to roach the oxifs. Six children woro.takcn out do l the bottom and tight nioro died immediately on rasouo , making a total of fourteen A largo number of others , who wore carriod'to ' neighbor ing tenements , are reported ( lying. The excitement when the news of the catastaopho sprotid was fearful. Great crowds of people blocked the ntroetn surrounding the school. Many ohll dron , loot in the excitement , are ro'a ported niiosinR. The following is TUB LIST or DEAD as far as returns now show : Minnie Uator , 9 years ; Mry Hatbrnooht. 7 Mary Ann Hapn , 8 ; Mirmio Tiubo , 11 ; Josephine M rr , 7 ; Mary Brecbt , 8 ; Lena Becker , 9 ; Lizzie Mapetycki 5 , 0 ; Therosu Klztnor , ' * 11 ; Barbara Pregedezar , 9 , Liuisa Florence , 9 ; rarl girl nyuerently 7. unldontlliod ; 1 girl about 9 , unidentified , andjft girl about 9 , unidentified. TIIE SISTKH'B STATED BOT. Bister Apromla fho toca'ohatg'n rf the fifth class of girls , said : "J was in charge of my class when the fire first broke out In the hallway adjoin * ing n.y room , I hoard a com motion and great confusion and hubbub of voices. At once I turned toward the room door , them for the firot time discovered the smoke coming in through the wainscoting. I immediately wont to the door , and ns I opened it to learn the cause of the excitement , the ihmoa rushui at mo. I at once closed the door and was about to warn the children to keep calm , when oomo man cauia bursting into the room. In amoment the children 11ho dren ran on1 ; at the bidding of the man. I followed , seeing all were es caping. Many then , however , w.eut to the stairs at the west eido of the : building , and were injured by falling over the stairs , whore boys had broken down the balusters before them. There are about ono hundred girls in my class. " The sister in ohargo of the first di vision , girls' department , fourth floor , oald : "I was not awara what was go ing on until I looked out and naw the boys on my floor running to the west side stalra and going wildly down. I ckheard the balusters glvo way , and then was about to turn to look to my recharges , WHEN THEY ALL AKOSE , as if seized with ono fright , dashed past mo recklesaly and riu down the otalre and hallwaya. I saw none of my ( jirlu injured. They disappeared BO quickly from my sight I hoped they had all escaped in safety. " This sister appeared calm and com- I posed , and seemed to have retained her self-possession during the trying ' momenta of her harrowing experience The school Is conducted , by the Sis- tors of Notre Dame. The building . is five otorles high and has nlno class- rooms seven fpr girls and two . for D0y - The rear of the school abuts the roar of the Church of the Holy Redeemer , which fronto on Third street. There are two stairways , ono on the east and the other on the west end of the building , These stairways were about throe and a half fcot wide , opened almost at the doora of the class-rooms but from the - , ploy-room in the center of the building were ap- proachcd by A NAUHOW , DAUK VASSAHBWAY. "When the girls of the sooond floor rushed from tholr elans rottms they hod hardly reached the head of the stairs when the b'oys , and Rirls from the upper floors wore upon thorn. All Edfrantically fougHt to got down tho'nar- row ntalrways. The firat were thrown headlong to the bottom. Then as ! the . crush came from the upper floors on the east fcldo of the building , the bal- nstrade gave way and toll and with Inchfull fifty children , thrown to the , looi ( beneath. On these the others fell un' til they wore piled up five foot high or l top of each other , Ofllcer Lambert , of the society for I prevention of cruelty to animals , hop-1 ponod to bo nearly opposite the school when the alarm waa Riven , Bajs : "I rujhed iuto the building and A TKR1U11LK SIGHT met my eyes. Packed Into the nar row hallway on the first Ibor were from fifty to aoraityfivo little jlrls ; , the poor things scroamlni ; , strnggllnp , with all their might , By this tlmo other police and citizens arrived , and wo began pulling the poor children out of the haJlway. The cries of some children at the bottom of the pile grow fiintor and fainter , and then couacd altogether " Diteotlvo Robinson says : "Iho fire broke out under the sUlt-cnso on the second floor , and wns easily ex tinguished. I examined the place. It scorns to mo some matches must have boon swept with the paporn un der the stairway , uud had bonii Ignited bfriction. . " Hold says : "On the floor , behind the ntf.lrway , lay a mnts ° f feTUUQLINll , SUUHAMINO ClIILDUEX. They piled on top of onch other. As qnickly no poeoiblo wo pulled thorn out and pasted thorn ono by ono through the window , These on top were still alive. When wo reached the bottom wo came upon ton dead , It was an awful night to see them lying there with tholr blanched faces , mouth and eyes vtldo open and tholr dresses all in disorder , Ono little girl , Minnie IVuho , was still alive , She died on the way to the station houoo. It won the most awful scene I over pissed through. " The dead were removed to the po lice station on Fifth street and First ammo , where they were laid in a row on ( he iloor In the back room , They Troro all quickly Identified by sorrOH- strlckon mothers , little brothers and sisters , and the removal each to the nOllcted homes , promptly permitted by the authorities , TUB SCENE IN THE OIAH8 1100M.4 and In the halls after the pnnlo was al most indescribable. Torn boA- , broken - ken school apparatus and fragments of torn clothes were scattered upon the tloorc , the terrible ovidouco of the wild otroggle of the children to osoopo from the building. THE LIST IXUtRAHKI ( ) _ _ . _ . _ mt t i f > * 1 _ 1IJ A. . The list of dond In now awolled to 16 , the following having been reported od as i having Uiud : o ni ht from in juries ; L na Bi'iilru/o' ' , Bftt'urA Brschol and Alphonau Luuhtir. Sjv- nral othera arn ruportod in aatioun condiUon , ono of whom , Rudolph Mnndull , iiRud 8 , will die from internal iujurL'B. Sutor Phillipina ia slightly injured ; having boon thrown dowu the ttalra with the children. All tii- torn rofuoad to name the dialer iu olaoa ' 5 who fainted , and who wna , ac cording to the mother superior , tte innocent cause of the calamity. The Ccttlo Gpoclal Dlepitch to Tint Ben. CHEYENNE , February 20. All cattle ranges have boon heard from. The nnow hoe foil the heaviest along the railroads ; in northern Wyoming , the fall WAB liifht , besides there WAS no wind along the road during the snow fall but there was in the north , so these great ranges afforded Buffioioni gruos for the herds. The fact that dead c J ttlo waa Been , along the railroad 'lndVr.6B ' tke bcJlof t'b t the IOBBPH ore heavy. Investigation Fjhowwv that from Cheyenne to North Plslto , Nob. , a dlntnneo of 200 mlles , also on the Julesburg branch , GOO head were killed by train * ; from Ohoyonno to Eranston , 400 milec , 300 wKra killed , a total of 000 out of 050,000 lu the ngion. During the storm the cattle drifted to the railroad region. The liinros thus far will not exceed 2 per cent , and 90 per cant , oc those are het yow's Texas drive. The storm proved that cattle will Hvo through any winter. the Blizzard In Tozni. Spocl&S Dispatch to Tun DKK. SAN ANTONIO , February 20 The recoqt blizzard caused heavy losses of cittlo in the country s inth and south- weal. It also r&i < iod the losaoa on nh'uep In several counties folly 10 per cent. Ho is n Dotnultor- apodal Dispatch to Inn Iln. KANSAS CIIY , February 20 -It novr aooms that Frank B , NoafF. the lawyer who loft hero for the east Jan- aary 22 , and who has been miasing ninco , IH a dufaultor. Plnkerton , the . Chicago dotoctlvo , is working up the cnno It is etatod that , including the 85,000 in his poiwosUou at the tlmo of disappearance , Nooff is flhort § 15,000 in collootions made for capitalists i of Wostcheater , Pa. It is thought ho left the country. Hu wife and three children hers are in utraightoncd clr- cumstancos. Frank Jnnion- I Special Dlepitch to TUB fl . KANHAH GUY , February 20.The Times' Bpoclal says Frank Jamns appeared in court to-day and was arraigned - raigned upon three Indlctraonts. Ho pleaded not guilty and nftor loagthy argument trial was sot f Jr the third Monday in Juno. Tno prisoner was remanded to jail. . - . _ _ - . xho Volun of a Foot. special Dispatch to Tim DKS. NEW YOHK , February 20 Mrs. Matilda Pftulltcot , a profocslonal stng- or received In the upromo court a verdict for $12,500 damages , with S5oo extra allowance , from the Now York Centra ] and Hudson Rlvor rail way company for injuriea tafnea , by an accident which uoceBsltated I tbo amputation of her foot. ToottlrlitoGotSloli. Special DNpatUi to IIIK BKB. Nu\v YOHK , February 20.Thore is i no truth in the story published hero narthat Vandorbllt Is dangoroujly 111. Ho Is attondjngtobuainoaM to-Jay. ° A Ratlrunil Collision. 1 Bp clal Dljpateli to TUI 1J" . - II DANUI/RY , Conn. , February 20. ' An empty engine , and the nigh freight train on the Daubury A Norwich rail- road collided this morning. A tank of oil exploded burning Uwnlght mall bags from Nqn York. No one - w > 8 Injured. TWENTY PER CENT OFF. The Senate Sailroafl Bill Under Fire in the Honso of Bop- rosontatives. Bovernl Mombora Bngtvpe In a Lively Debate on the QuostioD. Paupr Oorporationa Pitoonnly Plead ARaiiiBt Re- ductiou. of Donglm. VlRoronnly 'Wnjn IIli Tonijno Dr Trip Permits. A General Doalro tvlncod by the Ma jority to P < ua the Bill Unaltoroa. Special Dispatch to Tim Un. ANOTHER INVESTIGATION. LINCOLN , February 20. Another breeze was raised thia afternoon by the adoption of the following resolu tions Introduced by Senator Dock : WHEREAS , It is publicly proclaimed that a commltteo of'porsous have boon rileod and largo sunn of money have boon placed at the disposal of Bald commltteo for the purpose of fur * th6riii [ [ the passage oMho bill , house roll No. 189 ; and WHEREAS , Many rumors are rife that for such bill cash funds are being used for corrupt purposes ; therefore boltRESOLVED RESOLVED , by this abnato , that a committed of three bo appointed to investigate aa to what uses tlioso funds are employed in , with power to send for persons and papers , to the oud that any corrupt imputations as to the con duct of mombora of this legislature may bo dispelled if those blackening reports arouutinandthali the guilty may bo brought to the bar of justice , it any there bo holding an honored place in this legislature , by which this whole body la disgraced if anoh charg es have foundation in fact. The rules were sn ipondcd and the resolution adopted. The pioaldint appointed Duch , Case and Pilley as the coaimlttoo to oanduot this invostlga tlon which will begin work early to morrow. At ) the cloao of the sosolon approaches preaches mombora are beginning to oalku the NECESSITY Of RAILROAD LmiHLATION thai will at least in part redeem the [ ilodgon made by all parties during the late campaign. The railroad manager are masalug all tholr force and making desperate and deter mined efforts to defeat every bill that seems In the least objectionable - able , For two days the anti-monopoly mombora have boon trying to get the ouon trying iu yoi. n u , . , _ . . _ . -I bill bcforo J.U UnHHJ. notiate railway the houso. Every motion was opposed by the railroad attorneys and cappers. Fi ' nally the houao wont into committee of the whole this afternoon , and utter grinding out about fifteen senate bills reached hoof railtoud bill. * Uy thla tlrno-a acorq of railroad ofliolals were rotivoly filibnst- "ng against the bill on the Boor and , the cloak rooms. Conspicuously prominent among thcso wore Soporie mtondont Holdrodpe , Charley Groou , , Mr. Dawon , of the B. & M , Sfcid N. P. Shelby and John John M. Thurston , of the U. P. , Mr. P , Irelandof thw M.P.aud the Bapor- intondont of the .Omaha & St. Paul road. \ A IIATIIKU NOVEL WOTACLB was presented by the opoti communion of thcso railroad men and mo.'nbora on the Ibor acting under tholr sardcra. : The majority of the house got its back up against those obstruotonista aild when Gray moved to make the bill the upociul order for to-morrow morning Wolph objected on the ground that FUJITHEH DELAY MeANI DJFEAT for the only railroad bill that bad any vlrtuo in it. The house by a largo majority sustained Wolph and amid cries ot ' 'Road" Gray moved to strike out the ooction Hmitingi the freight rate and 80 per cent of the schedule rote of Januwy 1 , 1883i riii Cook of Nnckolls doslrod this bill iic go through In Ita preoont shape be cause ; it was an experiment and if de fective the railroads could produce proof the commission to show it was unjust , whereas if no.Hrait was fixed the people had no means of producing statistics to Instruct tho-coinmisnlon as to the injustice of existing rrtos. , , I' the proposed rate la.too high it can 'be reduced. Mr. Dawson b llovod that the legis lature 1 could not delegate its power to establishing maximum , rotes to a com mission , and ho quoted from Cooloy's constitutional limitation to sustain ; . that point. Ifi the loglBhture could estimate all the losses sustained by railways In consequence cl accidents , bosidoa th ope- . atlng expenses and first cost .1 they could oatabllsb , a just maximum rate , otherwise the attempt to le ls- late was wrong aud he therefore hoped Gray's motion would prevail. Fransn Now , la not this reduction of twenty per cent , arbitrary ? It : Is a mere uosa by the frionda o& thiB 1 bill. They guess the railroads i are making too much and propose to ' cut raildown all this. Fixing of schedule > rates is wrong , unless you classify the roads according tc tholr Income. Ho know a railway In Nebraska that IBn tOHINO HUNDREDS OF THOUSAND * u year. If these men are already Ion tog money for the benefit of Bottlers" hero"d farmers in the back Bounties i and giving farmers a charxso to markut tholr grain , it was manifestly wrong ko I close these roads. The U. P. is doubtless making nuinoy , the other lines losing monoy. If you adopt the schedule rate you will confiscate the Sloui City and Elkhorn Valley road rollani the Omaha & St.Paul line * . Bsforc [ wo undertake tq legislate on tariffs wo want to knovr all about ooh roud Jensen acJwlrod the Bolf-saorifioa of these raU'tcad oorapwil < J9j who > developed this country. Ho admire the gentlemen who stood up an pleaded as the people's mari for thes1 poor , unfortunate railroads , but would like the champion to tell hlj whether ho aver know of a morchaj who had goods given to him. Franso Will the gentleman tj mo whether Nebraska his given a si ) glo nero to the railroads ? Jensen Yes ; they have givj vast tracts , and they tv | SHIRK' PAYINO TAXES and wo have to make up the defit \ Cook of Nuckolla Thia is not guess work on our part. Wo hi statistics in record of thcso roads. Franso Have you statistics in gard to thiSoulx City & St. Paul ? Mr. Cook Yes , sir , and It shi , that road haa earned seven per c < in 1881. This road roaches toward tl Black Hills. It may not pay now Ir. when complete it will pay. \ Rainoy Bald the gentleman from Cummins assumes altogathcr toomnch.\ \ Ho knows nothing about railroads ; ho\ \ doesn't ' even know that thia shUe has \ given the railroads haW a million acres. I claim that thoio are men on thla floor tlmt do know In re gard to thcso th-'ngs , ani' if there are not , the atatr will prcdnoo men \ two years honoo trho will nndorntant ? \ and will legislate. Sftrago remarked that while most members are Iguoratt about1 details , , they are all aware how thcso roads have bo/m built , and how they are < j * running at AN IMAC1INAUY inAD-fcOSS' of hundreds of thousands of dollars' ' aunually. The people srn looking to us expecting some legislation at the hands-of the legislative-body. I am not aatSflfied with Adjourning without enacting some railroad Ippislatlonv I am therefore in favor of amending thla bill so it may meet the approval of n majority of thia houao. Hill said when it w a proposed to pasa a law to limit ratea tbo parties who now support the amendment- said It waa an ironclad law. It is conceded that the the people of Ne braska demand reduction in tolls and . wo propose to reduce It twenty per V , cent. In the early part of the souolon it wa ? proaotaocl this should bo-dono and the republican party waa o do It. . Now it looks as if > was anything but tlmt. Ho concluded by hoping the amondmonb would bo defeated mid the bill would 3BBS as iU itanda , Mr. Howard ox > - grossed the opinion that the rnilroada con well afford a reduction of 20 per cent on their freight tatiff. Ho cited the Union Pacific ctatisttcs and other facts to suatalu his position. Mr. Tower thought If wo cut down the rates In Nebraska they will raise them beyond the slate. Mr. Howard retorted that the freight agents admit you can make your own rates to the river , and beyond you pot the pool rate , which will not bo affected by onr law. law.Tho The debate waa out short by ad-- journmout , and the bill made the special order for to-morrow morning. TEUEGRAPH NOTES. BpecUl DlBpitch to TUI lini. William Gt Smith , nn express meoiwn. Her , waa shot twice by a robber on the Albany - bany & Snaquohnnnnh train. Smith bad In pooseolon 9(0,000. ( Twelve thouiand , five hundred dollars In being subscribed In linnton , and the eftllB- frorn the ldod ! sufferers not being urgent , tbo committee decided to stop collections. The New York Mnrltlmu exchange col lected ( § . > 90 > fo ? the iiiflorera by the flotxl.H Tin Hntvard'Yolo boat raca will tftke place ot New London Thursday after com mencement , incl The dooiocratio officers In Boston , , in cluding the mime , ask the democratic aetnber.j < of tlie legislature to glvo favora- Mlb consideration to the woman suilrogo b ! The Maine senate passed a bill allowing women to votoOB school matters. The estimate of the expenditures of the national govewmant of Mexico for tha next fiscal year , is § 27,000,000 ; receipts 515,000,000. The Jfalne ee&nte passed the CMstltu- 1 prohibitory amendment. j& .Unrdor nud Suloido. ' Bpcc'nl ' plip f ? l . ST. LOUIH , flhruary 20. 'A most shocking tragedyXnccurred at Spring field , Mo. , yesterday. Mrs. Tilly Sohaudoa , the young 'TO'/O. of Frank- KJ Ul * < * v v * WMf , a cigar maker , duW - ar - V r huend'fl ' absence from home hot hof-M- Nv three months old baby thrcugU tho. head with a * i calibre pistol and then , fired another ball from the same- weapon into her own head. No causa , IB known for the act. A Terrible _ . SpMltt DtHpitih to Tui un. BUACKKKIJ Texas , February 20.-- Dy an explosion of a kerosene lamp.ln I rv-farm houoo on the Brosidlo crook , twelve mlloB rom hero , four chlldran , , agos2 toT" , were bnrnocLx to death , V\nd their mother , Mrs. Michael Mo- amDonald , who was alone ia the house liwas compelled to witness * the acono , aln.tho | flamoa havlnt ; out ho ? off from , the children's room. DoatU of B J. Modlll. Special Dispatch to TUB Um OUICACO . 20. A February jjrlvato V > 1 | AV4AVA. ' Wk' * MM t fl"1" " dispatch received hero to-night from Qalncy , 111. , states tbat S. J. Medill , brother of Hon. Jooeph MocHH , ana for many yoara managing odUor of the Qhloago Tribune , died there to day. Ho was tnfforlng from consump tion , and hia doatbhas boon momen tarily expected for some tliao. Baklng.PoHdorlu Battles. Vhe largest consern of Its kind , in the wswld , ( the famous KuuifoiJ Ctieiulcal V/orks of I'rovUence , It. I. , mnnufaatur- era of Hertford taking roller , etc. , ) an- aounce that Jt r an pxpeilence of over twenty-five years In putting up bating - powdera In tin and glasa , ihey are eatUSecl " that a propoily made gland bottle has sev eral advantage * over the tin can for that purpose , and they have , therefore , at con- sMcrablo extra oxpensa , adopted th tor. mer for the Hereford. The bottlea have a wide mouth to admit of a teaspoon , and when empty will be found \ery csnvealsnt for many nousehold The glass botU * L ) much cleaner than , the tin can , and will preserve the itrenqth ot the powder much better , All baking powdera gradually loae strength when exposed - , posed to the air , and this fact explains the . vatlatlon lu the strength of the same brand ! o ! powder In different cans , with which all houtekcepen are familiar , "j i ,