Newspaper Page Text
" " * V , "C" HJE DAJLin BJiE-OOUJXCjL. . BLUJFFS IOWA SATURDAY JUNE 16 The Daily Bee. BLUFFS : PaturJav Morning , June 16. i. . IUBSOIUPTION BATES : f Carrier , . . . . . SO cents per week , ttj Uall . . . . . . no.00 per Tear. OCOue : No. 7 Pearl Street , Near mad way. .MINOR MENTION. Set Joseph Relter't spring styls * . Additional local on serenth pasp , A big ox Is to be roasted In Council Blaffi on the Fourth. The republican primaries are to beheld held next Monday evening , The heavy rain of Thnrsdoy night caused still moro of the banks of the creek to tumble In , Sheriff Qulttar will start away Sunday - day night with the last batch of pris oners for Fort Madison. The Boston Tea store lest a valua ble lot'of spring chickens by being drowned during the drenching rain of night before last. Yesterday a horse belonging to Con- r'd Gelie , and attnhed to a buggy , made a lively skip along Broadway , and succeeded In smashing the buggy rather badly. No insurance , Ono of the novel sights presented at the police station Is a row of bottles taken from prisoners. The variety of bottles and contents Is airlklng , but It tolls the whole story of many a case. This evening there will bo a song service at the rooms of the Y. M. 0. A. , commencing at 8 o'clock and continuing a half hour. All are In vited , aud especially the ladle ; . Rav. J. K. Black , of Bnoyrns , 0. , will preach In the Presbyterian church to-morrow , at 10:35 : a. m. and 8 o'clock p. m. Sabbath school at 12 m. Ml s Montgomery , late of Cleve land , 0. , will preside at the organ. There Is much sport promised at the driving park on the Fourth of July , There will also bo races on the next day , so those from the country who got left won't have to wander about town with nothing to interest them. A railway man , in returning to his home the other evening , learned that a canvasser who had been at the house had insulted hla wife in a most out rageous manner. His dander was naturally aroused , and ho hunted up the offender and proceeded to thump him with duo enthusiasm According to some the canvasser had his store tooth knocked down his throat , be sides having his face badly smnhed. The adultery caw In which Oharlea Mason and Belle Harris were the de fendants h : ' , fallen to pieces , it being dismissed by the county attorney. It is understood that there wri riomo un certainty about getting evidence to convict the man and woman arrested on the charge , but it Is intimated that another ptoseoutiou will bo started against them on the name charge , only laying the scene In Nebraska , Instead of Iowa , It being claimed that moro evldocoa can bo got thero. Those who have returned from the firemen's tournament at Waterloo , report - . port that the reason why the Rescue steamer did not win the first instead of second money , was that some ono slipped a walnut into the hose , and before it could bo ascertained wha < i ailed the steamer and get the walnuf out , the boys could not make up for time lost. This is a very good reason , but the boys ought to have thrown a trong enough stream to have orrokod the walnut and shot It out piecemeal. There was a quartette of plain drunks disposed ot in the police court yesterday morning , George Homan , Tom Brown , John Dawson , and Oon , O'Oonnell. Their total effects con sisted of 91.48 in cash , one pocket book , one razor , one pipe , one knife , and one bottle of whisky. Their total fines amounted lo 138.40 , besides the cttrhge biro for uaullng the last of the four up to the police station. The total liabilities so far exceeded their total assets that , all went to work on tha streets , The employes of the water works company mot with a narrow escape yesterday forenoon , while at work on Broadway. .Tho 'moa handling the derrick , for the purpose of lowing the largo pipe into the pit , had ono up and were just ready to lower it , when the dcrtiok slipped and fell. Foicunatoly no ono was hurt , but It seems a mir acle that throe men were not crushed , especially , ono who in jumping from under the derrick escaped by a grsza only. only.Tho The heavy rain of Thursday night again washed out the big sewer on Broadway , near the city building. The sewer there makes a sharp bond , which is one of the reasons for the frequent breaks thero. It was alee choked up. It seems as if It did little good to patch it up as ithri.boon patched in the past. It should ran straight to the crqek , but if such a right o way cannot bo had. it seems that' the slowness with which the men worked who repaired It before should insure the work being well done. Preaching at Broadway church to morrow ( Sabbath ) at 10:30 : , by Rov. J. Z Armstrong , subject , "The wise resolution. " At 8 p. m. Rov. P. F. Bruce will lecture , subject , "iiotno , Bwooihomo. " Sabbath school at 12 m. , - ' Owing to some disarrangement ol plans , caused by the recent flood , Broadway end Central M. E. chnrchei will for a time hold joint services al Broadway church. Mrs. Juliet H. Severance , M. D. of Milwaukee , will lecture In Sprlltnai hall , Shogart & McMahon'a block , to morrow ( Sunday ) morning at 1 : o'clock , and 8 o'clock in the evening Subject for the morning lecture , "Thi life and the ceil ; " subject for th evening lecture , The needs of th our. " Mrs. Severance , as a looturei medium and physician , has a natloni reputation , Regular circle at 2 o'cloo in the afternoon. Commercial job printing , finw tyles and reasonable rates , at Pryor BM Job Offloa , 7 Pearl street For bargains in jewelry call an Michaels & Daniels' . - Awnlag for sale chwp at J , 0. Bk b , ' . , 333 Broad way. INHTIIUTION ITHM8. The OlOBO of the Term and Botno of tbo Chancres Among Pupils and Teachers. The examinations are over at the Institution for deaf and dumb , and moit of the pnplli have departed for their homoi. Mr. Folsom , who hat edited The Deaf Mate Hawkeye to well , and had charge of the printing oflloo , baa re- ilgned hla position , It bis not been decided who will bo his incoaaior. Mr. Booth , one of the best Instruc tors In the Institution , IB not to return , as ho hai accepted a position In the Philadelphia Institution. Ho hri been here four yean , and won the re- ape ct and friendship of many as well as making an excellent record as a teacher. Those connected with the Institution officers , toachora and pupils ex press their sense of obligation to Measra. Thos. Officer , W. R.Vaughon , A. W. Street and others , for securing to the Institution the free nao of the Council Bluffs pnbllo library. The Dobaon base bill club have been photographed with their uni forms. They were organized last fall , and hare played sovorr1 games with other clubi and won a good number of victories. Photographa have also boon taken of the Institution , Mr. Booth gave hla clasa a picnic last Monday , and It proved a happy occasion. The superintendent , llev. Mr Rogers , laat Sunday baptized Mr. Zor- bough's two children , the oorvloo be- 'ng hold In the chapel , It being the socsnd oconloa of the kind within the Inatltntlon walla. M'ss ' Van Tassoll , who baa resigned her position as teacher In the Institu tion , wai preaontod by her friends with a handsome memento , and many regrets are oxprotsod at her leaving , The OAUGHEY HOUSE on Broadway - way la one of the beat hotels of Ita alzo In the west. Wet nails 3.00 per keg , at DaVol & Wrlght/s. OKANE'B BUD'/ . It la to ba Well Tafcen Oare Of Until Friends Arrive''From tbo iUiat. The body of HenF. . Orane , who committed suicide at the Pacific honse , la being kept at the undertaker's until friends arrive from the Ooroner Faul , In response to a telegram aont the Jewell Belting Co. , for which firm the deceased was traveling , received the following : IlAUTKOHi ) , Conn. , June 14. Coroner , ConnUl Blaffi , Iowa ; Take care of body rid bold till further orders. JEWELL BELTING Co , The following tologrm wra also re ceived : BOSTON , Jrne 15. Henry Paul , Coroner ner , Council BIrl. Iowa : Kmbnlm thi body , I Bt : j for Council Bluffs at once. EllERTI L. CllANE. The diamond pin , wntoh and chain In Omaha have been redeemed Eawnod y the coroner , and will t j hold until the f.-onr1 ! come. A large qmantlty of lands in Ne braska for exchange for city property. Inquire at this office. Burglars at Work. At an early hour yesterday morning burglars nnde a little raid on Mr. Marcus' store on Broadway , near the new opera house. They broke a show v.ndow and got about ten dollarj worth of goods only. The owner of the ( / .bllshmont wri aroused and an : ded H getting a glimpse of the follows F i they u down the street , but could not Idontl'y them , and did not r-.toh them. Real Estate Transfers. The following are the real estate transfers , reported June 15 , 1883 , by Rose & MoMahon , No. 4 Pearl street , Council Bluffs , Iowa : Soren Ohrlstenien to Jn. Christen- Ben , swi of sr J , 20 , 77 , 43 ; $800. J , J. Hathaway to Ma0 , Ben nett , lot 7 , block 1 , Mnlltu'a aubd ; 950. 950.Mary Nolan to Patrick Gunonde , Sail of lot 9 , block 8 , Riddle's subd : 2,100. Oounty Trenuror to E. M. Kos- singer , lot 1 , block 8 , Avooa ; $6,67. County treasurer to E. M. Kesaln- gor , nii , sr | , 30 , 77 , 44 : $7.25. Oonuty treasurer to E , M. Kessln- ger , part npj , nt | , 20 , 70 , 44 ; $20 85. County Irur'.nter to E. M. Kesaln- gor , lot 0 , in 11 , 75 , 44 ; $13.38 Oounty trenurer to E , M. Kessln- gor. part at J , sw , 30. 75 , 38 ; $ 73. Total sales , $3,005 08. THE LIGHTNING'S LEAF. It Jumps TnrouaU a House on Upper Broeaway. Daring the storm Thunday nlghl ho llghtnint ! struck the house of Dr. Allison in the upper part ot the city , ripping off a piece of siding and going own through the house , but strangolj nougfy doing little damage. An um rella standing In the house served ic art as a lightning rod and was tort > 11 to pieces. The family escaped an ] njnry beyond a wild nhock. At th < Ime the old man was just going U [ lairs to see how his son was standing ho storm , wlillp the aon was on hli way down to see how his father war , They mot with a shook , Dr. West. Dentist , 14 Pearl street , The relief committee appointed t < collect and distribute cnh , clothing etc. , for the sufferers by the flood have about reached the close of theli abors , and there seems to bo llttli need o * further contributions. Then are some oases of those who are to < modeit to apply for relief , which nee < looking after. The subscriptions hav been generous , and Council Blufls ha taken care of its own without th necessity of accepting any of the prol ten made by Omaha and other cfliei In food there hays been a number c personshelptd who belonged to Omahi M has been since ascertained , so thi Council Bluffs , insiaad of aceeptio rc4l f , kai b * a girlag relW to tfaoi o * oikat pUm. JUSTICE UN THE JUMP. A Car on th < Dummy Tialn 19 Turned Into o Ooutt Room A. Quick Way of Bottling a DlETdronco. The other day , ai the dummy train wsa making l'i trip from Omaha to this city , the conductor and a young Dane had a alight difficulty. The conductor claimed that ono of the agen'i of the company had rride a mlatako in change , and given the pass enger a dollar too much. Ho Insisted on the passenger paying the dollar to him , but the paiaenger refused to dose so , for the double reason that ho had paid th a ent for his ticket just the pilco asked , and that If a mistake was made it was the agent's fault , not hla. Tbo conductor took the passenger's ticket , which waste to Slonz City , and refused to return It unless the dollar claimed was forth coming. The pansongor was quite In dignant , and there chanced to bo sit ting In the seat behind Mr. Myoster , the well known attorney of this city , and W , R. Vangban , jnstir j of the prico. Mr. Mynstor drew up an in formation charging the conductor with the larceny of the ticket , aud the pas senger swore to It before Vaughan. The Information wan a crude looking Instrument , being penciled off on a no.ap of letter paper , whUo the war rant which was Issued was also a nnlqae document , It being written on the back of a bunlneis card , with load pencil , and as the oars wore jogging along. Justice Yaughan deputized a Oonucll Uttfh' man , who was on the train , to notvo ri constable , and Instructed him to arrest the conductor on the arrival of the train and take b'm ' forthwith to the ofilce for a hearing. While this wri going on the conductor WAS in the bajtrogo car , but some ono clipped In there and told him what was being done , and ho r molnded to avoid any trouble by banding back to the pn- Bungcr the ticket , which of course ended the proceedings. PERbONAU , E , M. Koulnger , a prominent capital- lit of MusoUno , and who has large land ed Interests throughout the state , returned home yesterday evening after a brief busi ness sojourn In the city. Mr , Knislnger reports that the part of the stats has suffered more from rain than we have bera , and that crops there look sickly. Mr. Fox , of Co.jlng , Iowa , Is in the city , on a visit to h'l daughter , Mis , E. Bchu" , and Cbarlea Fox , the well known Main street mtrchrnt. Mr. Fox reports conilderable damage by the rain near Corn- Ing. COCTC 1 Beohtel , an old citizen of this city , but for the past three years in busi ness In Avooa , h' here with a view to re turning to his first love and reengaging in business. Mrs. Means rul daughter , wife and daughter of the agent of the Wnbash rail road at Lawrence , were in tbo city yester day , the ftuesti of Tim Monahan. Mrs. Julia H. Severance , M. D. . Is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Dr. J ( dries , on Sixth avenue , She wlU remain in our city until Monday evening. Miss Clara Brooks , daughter of T. It , Brook * , hai returned home from Pella , where she has been attending college. Miss Carrie Atkins hrs returned home from Knoxvl'le ' , 111. , where the recently graduated * t the female seminary , Major Bowman and M. B. Brown re turned from the firemen's tournament at Waterloo , yesterday. D. A. Parrell , theilff of Mills county , has gone to Colorado to attend to some mining property there. Alex Menage and F. Schaonheuier , of Now York , were the first ta arrive at the Ogden yesterday. U. A , Hopkins and Ben A erbah were among the Chicago tourists at the Ogden yesterday. J. F. Fisher , of Rod Oak , wri In the city yesterday and a fcuett of the Paclfio home. Lnule Meyer , of Lincoln , was In the city lesterday and stopped at the Ogden. R. Van Mlnden , of New York , arrived , t the Paclfio yesterday. Henry Kunan , of Clark , Iowa , is in the ilty on a bustneis trip. R , J. Teachont , of Rookford , 111. , was it the Ogden yes ten ! ay. I. B. Uiborno , of St. Louis , was at the Ogden yesterday , J , 8. Gorham , of W.'atcnet , is at tie 'a ' clfio. Frcm W terl ( 3. psclal Elspatcb to Tni Un. WATEULOO , June 10. The Atlantic earn won the sweepstakes for hook and ladder company. Time , 2:49 : } . LADY BKIUTIFIKUS Ladles , you , lannot make fair skin , rosy cheeks , and sparkling eyes with all the cos metics of Franco or boantlfiers of the world , whllo in poor health and noth- 'ng will give yon such rich blood , good health , strength and beauty as Hop Bitters. A trial is certain proof. Open for work , Pryor's BEX Job Printing Offloe , 7 Pearl street. Cur New Lioon turn improvement Do Investigation into the matter con vinces us that ono of tbo moat equita ble , reasonable and feasible plans ol building bonnes is that proposed and "u operation by the Mercantile Loan , Trust and Improvement company oi ibis city. By Investing In shares In this Institution , which Is backed by some of our best and most reliable business men , It becomes possible and comparatively cosy for a man of mod erate moans to socnro a comfortable homo for himself and family. In tak ing a certain number of shares , at a certain morLhly payment , In a fen years a man can own a house of hla own for about the sams ache ho pays monthly for rent.Vc believe the Mercantile Loan and Trust company , by organizing and opening up for business , having filled a Ion ; felt want In Council Bluffs. Theli plans and system of loans will boat the moat careful scrutiny and exam Inatlon , and we have no hesitancy IE pronouncing them reasonable anc equitable , and backed by gentlcmoi of honor and Integrity. As the com pany exists U become * at once an in stltntlon of yalus and credit to oni elty aad those who desire home * Tksjbr twwliUai U T. A. Kbkland J. N. OA8ADY , F. H , OROUTT. GASADY & GROOTT , 503 BROADWAY. : - - COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA. EXCLUSIVE CARPET STORE. Only one in. the City. Stock now Complete. Mail Orders Solicited. OASADY & OROUTT , 502 Broadwoy. Bulk and Barrel Lime , LOUISVILLE AND PORTLAND CEMENT , MICHIGAN PLASTER , HAIR AND SEWER PIPE. Hard aim Sfi't Ccal & ' Lowest Price. No.3s Pearl Street C.innfll Bluffs. J Wholesale and Retail BOOTS AND SHOES Fine Shoes a Specialty , 413 Broadway , Council Bluffs. NUGENT & SMITH , MERCHANT TAILORS , First-class Goods and the Best of .Workmanship Guaranteed. NOB. 7 and 9 Main Street , . . . . COUNCIL BLUFFS DIRECTORY. COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA. JOHN GENERAL MERCHANDISE. 19 18 Main Street and 17 Pearl Street. PIADs/P Oil DRUGGISTS. Proscriptions com a Pi ULnim < X ponndod at all hours. 106 Broad way. MAX MOHN , J. M BABSTOW. M. D i , .Cor. 5th OFFICE St. and : 5tb Avo. HO I r UfUITC OFFICE : Oor. Main and 5th , ttp-sUlra. Hlls U P. If 111 I Hf Realdcnco , 609 Willow Avenue. M Q P H11R 7 JUSTICE OF THE PEACE , Office over American Express. S. S. WAGNER , for funerals at reasonable rates , No. 22 4th St. J. M. ST. JOHN & GO , GASH BUYERS , Who' Male butter , fggi , poultry n fruit Ship to ui. Draft by return null. 148 Broadway. ' NEW BOOT AND SHOE STORE , S. A. PIERCE , Cor. Main and First avenue. PETHYBR1DCE & HEBBEBTZ , ket , 327 Broadway IA PAD L/HP 11 Merchant tailor. Stock complete , and suits made U MU U D IVU UII | at reasonable prlcea. No. 805 Main street. IP &MITU CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER , Cor. 7th ant [ O Iff ! I I 11s Broadway. Plana and specifications furnished GUCDMAU In FINE HARNESS I have the variety Will * that brlnKa pitrouage. 124 Main street MERCHANT TAILOR , Artlstlo Work aud Roaaonable Ounrgos. 872 Broadway II mil r P onil FURNITURE , STOVES and nUll t & UUllj Household Supplies , 303 Broadway I IftUlT O IIADT ATTORNEYS AT LAW , Jarnea Block UrsUI & Practices in state end federal courts. / P f fl Maun'f ' Fine Fnrntturo.Upholatory good EOTTCini/CDT I I IX UUiiMaun'f and Window Shades , 809.Bway. And bath house , 421 and 423 Broadway. L. Sov orelgn. Prop. , P.J.Montgomery. M. P. , Fhy IIIAnC OADV VETERINARY SURGEON , Office WAUt UnKly Bray's stable , No. 12 Scott street uryucocv Manu o , rae sup Pi , nCillllkOuTj piled , 8th St. , between Gth and7th Avenue Til til III I ADDflTT Jnatlce of the Peace , Notary Public tUlfflN Oa ADDU I I | and General Conveyancer , 415 B'way tiFirrnr unllOC SMITH & NORTONBroadwayopp. NOW | f tY tilt IIU U V > C ) Opera House. Refitted , gl , gl. 60 per day. PAY Kt PA V FI CONTRACTORS Corner Sixth atreet and and BUILDERS Avenue G. II Ml IflV NEW AND SECOND HAND HOUSEHOLD , Hi ALlllY | GOODS BOUGHT AND SOLD , 212 Broadway. vice president , Judge Peako ; sec retary , I. R. Beery ; treasurer , Col. Boobo , and their office la In the base ment of Shugart's and McMahon's now block , corner First avenue and Pc rl ntnict inn27-ly WINTHERLICH ; BRO'S , Iron & Brass Foundry Cor , 6th Street and llth Avenue , COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA. tnoe. omcM. * " OFFIJER JUSET , GoMGil Blulfe , k ElUblished , - - I860 4 P. OVERTON , DEALER IN Hard Wood , Yellow Pine and Red Cedar Lumber , Oat ba Kcd Cedar Plllnff , Cedar Tehran ] Poles and Fenca rosts. Oils Dimension Stud Ilildge Mateilal olall kinds , at Bed Keck 1'ilccs. A Specialty In WOOD AND COAL for brick yard purpoKt. A lull supply el woo. and coal always on h nd at yard , 802 ml 80 Main street. Office , BOS First avenue , between Main and Peirl streets. MOBBAH , tnda to at all hours. We defy competition a quality ol t > c4i or pries * . Our Hr Jforran bi . trrMMUoaerUkerfor fortr > en and tnoi. ouchlr uoatnMAdi hlf kCHneo. Warwoona , Ml atoMwlTr UPHOUJT EINQ In aJl Us to ate \ Z. T. LINBSEY & GO. 412 Broadway , Council Bluffi , \ , nm . West Sldo Squaru , Olarlnda/IOWA- ' 11 B. S. TERWILLIGER , DECORATOR AND DEALER IN FANCY 31 Main Street , COUNCIL BLUFFS. DUQUETTE , GUIBERI & CO. , ( Successors ) to ERB & DUQUETTE ) 13 , 16 and 18 Pearl-st , Council Bluffs , la. SULLIVAN & FITZGERALD , DEALERS IN CROGEJRIE mS NSBrMS&SHOES Drafts on Bank of Ireland , Dublin , for asle. 343 Broadway , Council Bluffs. M. GALLAGHER , GKIROOIE ! HIES Now Store , Fresh Goods , Low Prices , Polite Attendants. TFIRrakT "CJsST Firs * Door . East of the Metropolitan Hotel , Lower Broadway icb31ysatuth. _ PETER C. MILLER , WHOLESALE AND RETAIL AND WINDOW SHADES PAINTING IN ALL ITS BRANCHES , FRESCOING IN MODERN STYLES. WET NAILS , $3 A KEG , AND OTHER IfJCaOOZDIBZD G-OOIDS CHEAP , AT DE VOL & WRIGHTS , 504 Broadwav. and 10 and 12 Main St. , Council Blnffs , Towa. MJK , . M. McALISTr.E , THE LEADING DEALER IN MILLINERY & NOTIONS , 225 MAIN STREET , COUNCIL BLUFFS. HOUSES , LOTS AND LANDS BOUGHT AND SOLD , MONEY LOANED , ABSTRACTS FQRNISHED. ROSE & M'MAHQN zero. 9 : 337. , c QXTJTO oxx. MAXMOHN , PROPRIETOR , 215 , 217 and 219 south Main street , COUNCIL BLUFFS , . . . . . IOWA. MRS. D. A. BENEDICT , THE LEADING DEALER IN 837 Broadway , Oounoil BlnffB , Iowa , COUNCIL BLUFFS SPECIAL NOTICES. NOTICE. 3p c ! l advertlsomenti , luc Lost , Found , To Lotn , For Hale , To Ronl , Wants , Boarding , etc. , will be Inserted In thla column at the ow rate ol TEN OKKTS PER LINK lot the Ont Insertion and FIVE CENTS PEll LIKE or each gubiequent Insertion. Leavt adr tlicmn at out office , No. T Pearl Street , near BiMdway. Wants. -A eituitlon a ? housekeeper or WANTIA given. Enquire * t 217 Bread * y , Council WuBs. - situation as a miller , 15 years WANTED-A , 5 yean under roller . No 1 etone dreijer. Address II , No. 25 , Bn Offlce. 705-311 - / In Council BlnOi tote WANTKO-Ertrybod/ * par week , d Urered by carrier ) . Offlce , No 7 Poatl Street near Broadway. For Bole and Bent. TTlORSiLE A hotel , lurnlihtd , rood locality E and tooi terui. AddrtM A. E. II. , Jin Offloe , Council Blufli. f MBS. fi. J , HILTON , M.D. , PHYSICIAN AND SURGEIN HI 9t * * . * * ! ! } . E , J , HABDINQ , M , D , , Medical Electrician AND GYNECOLOGIST. Qrtdcuto of Kltcttopjkthio IntiiiatlOD , PhlU delphU , Pencil. Offlce Oor , Broadway & Blonn Avo. COUNCIL BLUFFB , IOWA. The treatment ol nil dlaeuej and cil BcaltlM pccuIUr to lemilea A Bpoclilly i. . EJ. ax DK1LIK IN PROMPT CASH PAID. No comml U uehuicd. B rxl ( ot QuoUUdM. H2 Dro44w.y. . ( COUKCIL BLUFFS. W. R. VAUGHAN : \ JUSTICE OF THE PEACE. Omah * . and Oounoil BleSs Rf l Kstata & Collection AgtMy. block , OTM