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% _ ' 4 ( t I ; ; Tiii iAT11' ) ii.F---coucii. . , BLUFFS , SATURIAY , OCTOBER 6 , 188 : . I _ _ _ _ - - - - - - - - - i iE DAILY BEE. oth ii3IUFFs. Saturday Morning , Ootobor 6. ,4 - - - sjiiscniiiioi IL&TES : fly Crrtt t------- o eent. per week 3 ! ftI - io.oo i'rcit _ _ _ . . - = = - - - : : - - - OFFICE : Pearl Street , Near Broadway. MINOR MENTION. ( Sco .1ociih flcitcr' hill goode. Cheap ilaitroad Ticot8 at fltlMItIOil'fi. ) In the Snerior Court yestcrd8y the btisiticas of issuing flatUra1I7ItIil ( ) paIcr8 begait. T1u Baptist Sunday c1ioo1 i to 1u gird a concert tO.fllOrrW oveflilig at the ' church. Uua1 crrko hi the m.riiing at ; the : Bajtit church to.morrow , OtUt a Suntlay School conccr lit the eveniug. J'.tcr flechtole h getting the interior of his hotel fitted up , that ho expccth tO ( ) jWII in great BtylO by a week from to. day. I'erinit. to wed wius ginntctl yesterday to Tlionias II. Leo nOd Ida Reed , both of Sainiders , Nub. ; P. J. beCkon anti Adclia Tiinrn , 1)0th of Avoca. The boys charged with stealing waterS melons were before .Jiuttico A1)1)ott. yci- terday. One was discharged , iuid the others arc to be 1card from on tilD 1kli ( inst. inst.The The hose team contcBt , between the Tinirstoits anti IItifF City , takes place 2Ct035 the river tu.dtty. It is to ho hoped that a return race will be arrnuged for this 81(10. Rev. Alfred I. Bates itas acceptedIte call as 1)ft8thXOf the I'rcsbytorian church . in this city , anti expects to cuter iton : his work hero on the first Sabbath of Ntveinber. In of the many things vhic1i the city needs worse jttat now , it is probable that the preparing of itlans for improving Fairinoutit. hark vi11 be put off until an- oilier 8Ca50U. Evidence of Immortality. Investigators - I ors invited , Spiritual circle to.rnorrow I sundayafternoon ) aiil evcnin , In Slur. I itual . hail , Shugart & Botto s block. 1 Meeting at 2 and 7:80 : o'clock. . An information was filed yesterday against Charles Sales , charging hint witli doing a common carrier business without having the necessary license. John Martin - tin , the oxpressrnnn , made the cornplatnt. The city IIa8brOkCtl sidewalks and bottomless - tomless streo to ensnare the unwary and I break their legs , but no hospital into I whiclito take the woundcdfortrcatinent. A& long as it has the OIIO it shotilci hasten I to provide the other. There will be a Sunday School COIICCrt at the Baptist. church to nlorrow evening. Thu young folks have beeti under the tranhillg of Mrs. D. C. Myers , and all in teretItilIg programme has been arranged whicli everybody will be invited to be present and enjoy. * Contributions continue to pour into t the Ilomo of tim Friendless , indieatiiig : that. Council Bluffs not only rucogitizes . 4 but glatily gives support to a worthy in- .n ititution. With this proof there should b4 a revival of the lcOIIIo for startitig a : I city hospithi , which isgreatly IICChid. ) Mr. , Cannon , the of Mr. , J. sv. llodefor , died Thursday night. The death was by no JIIOaUS unexpected , U the old gentleman had bequ ill 801110 time and very feeble. Tue roinan wilt : . probably be taken t Kookuk , his old : home , for interment. Quito a colony ( rota Sullivan , hid. , were at the PaCIfic houo yesterday CU I route for Dakota in so4rch f hUld. In i the party were J. A. Scanniliorn , EIza Wells , A. N. Weir , George Case , James i Hughes , F. Ilurasol , Wm. C. .Sliattuck , M. S.'IIorbrt and.Jno. 'N. litlilt Oscar Phelps , one of the fast pacing tCIII1 formerly owned by C. 1. Mayllo , has been winning soiro fast races and high honors nt Ohio fairs this fall. Ire Ia 110W owned by Mr. Palmer , of Belle. c fotatno , 0. , who has lately become a member of the coal Iinn ( If MAyIIfl . 1 PallIler hero. . The case against Frank Odell for pay- IlIg himself ttff with a load of hay , was PrIIIHPtIY dismissed by .Justico Abh ltt , the evidence showillg that 110 was acting In accordance with the instructiolla of OIflJIlOyOr antI. agreement made with 1dm * mtd tlmzt he was ciltitled to the hay. Informations were yesterday filed aaiimatV. . E. Ilihikur , lCd. Anderson , JIm11 Wilson , John Nortlo , and Bowen & Morrisozl , for keeping gltnibling houses. fit other wortbm timeso gentlemen wore in vited to call at time city lmeadquartors and jtny theIr usual license for rumlilig a LusI1IC8s in violation of both city nud Sto law. The addition to thu 1101110 for the Fnendlcaa , hi 37 foot long , divided imito heo rooms 'Work is progressing , tutl at is ltotcd that wtltiu a week or teim dmiys tt vilI be ready for the dotmntions of fur. niture , beddimig , eth. , th fit. thuni up. hays & ( ileagon , and Mauror & Craig , arc nnioIi the latest contributors in cautit , each gIving 810 , nittl others IIIWO also bocxi generous , but there are still immaimy needs to bo umut. Getirgo Fuerhisusen was brnumglttbuforo Ju141o Abbott ) 'uatordiy tnt a elmiirto of lIllilIcloUlt tresjat4. It. ltpIears thmut lie a hl some lumber tAm l'.rti . . , t , tm.o in hut ltoue , and becatmni thin latter f tiled to ) ay , lie put. wheels uniler thu lmuiio ntt r1.led it. tiff. 'iierkauuim ii titrit I hind 7tott arrested for dismtiiitg of Imiurt. . t gugod property , elaimuitig lmat ho ruti off 1 a 'wagon and otlmur hIroIrLy on which lie held a mortgage. Both cuies are to ho ( hoard on the 12th iimst. Jima Givens and Floyd Cozzens , tint two colored follows who cut. eticii other UJ ) 50 badly in an affray nt thu Ogden house , where they wore . , had thioit exanmination before .1 ut1u A ylett worth yesterday , amid svoro aunt back tJ jail to await. thu action t4 the raiitI jury , bail being fixed at L&QO cacti , time chitrgc t being assault with latwit to do gicat bodily injury. It seuzils that both wur f , , to blame , and that it was a aort of 11 biasiling duel , each dtiturzmiined to carvi tint otlwr up Into Imloces. To VIIIcrs. I I i : hereby announce myself to the voturi of Pottawattamnio county as an indupon dent eandidato for cumity surveyor. J. I' , JUI)8QN. . - - Dr. West , dentist. 14 Puarl street. . . . . - 110ui40 Furiilslilrig. r .When in need of carputim , our.ain ihae * , rugs , blanks , or other 1moushmoh UJpliM , you SAVO IflOIIVy by buyln of OAHAnY t OUCUDI. J _ _ _ _ _ SLiCK SCHEMES. Tlicy Fail , ilowovor , Ia Bftc thn Ill- I0iidcd Yictiill , Ono Jailed on the Oharco of Blackmailing - mailing , the Other Escaped , " \.i , ruing II ) HIIHIIolIIH COIl lmIIs. A very s1trevd scimonmo was Lilailneil to entrap , lohiit i.icht)1aoI1 . into paying $100 for allugeil detective woik , but it failed ill this case , with a less confiding ciniplu thiaim ho atid his wife , it niighit not only have beoti worked aucceMfully , hut timiglit oaAily have resumitwi in the break. ing l the hobo life , fuirmiishiitmg food for scaiithd , amid poRsih.hy leading to a tragedy. 'J'hio fellows 71aniiitIg mt ran time I isk of all this for thu sake of gett iog a little liiiey. ! A note was hroiighit to ? itr. i. icimolson t place of lIlIiilieSS on Ilroadwaynbuy littiiil. tug it to hiiiii. It Wits SiIiC(1 { L'i1imgtio Iluick i oghinimi , nut ! tvrittemm I I 1 a fcii m I ii IOU hmatul. It. re1imestcd hmimmi to CILII upr'lI ' luer that ovormimig , giving the mmnmimber of time house as thmit : of a vei1 known sorting liltico , Nichiolsoim told time boy to tell the womumaui that Ito didn't know her , niitl dkh't wamat. to know her. If she Ii ad rummy husiimess vi I Ii Ii mom she could Collie to his place. it ucii that. iii con. necfion with the snub pltiII ant nimoilynmolls tioto % VILS loft' Itt thio house , iiiformnitmg \Ii * i. NicliolMon that her IuIsIaIml ) Imati an cilgagonlolit km tint evening with a lady of Iad rofiutto , atmd'thmntt ' ahie would fluid Imimmi Ii t curtaiii house , giving the nuimibur of hie iilaeo to wimichi Iichiolsciii hint becit imvitod iii time note givuti to loin. Tint ittlo chiuiiiu to got Nicholson to go :0 : tIme 10)1150 failing , ii eliaimge was akcn , iii the l)111 , and Nicimolsoni mit. knmowiiig at that timimo itiiythimmg abutmt lie mioto somit his wife , and alto not know- ug of tiio note sent imniii , was approached Jy a young follow wlmtt chaiuimed to ho a lotectivo. lie said that ho and a friojid , Inotlier ( lotoctivu , lotil bucim hired by his vifu to watch liiim , , and that lie could urn the bLImICS if lie wnimted to , for thmoy ould show him imiti vifo in time ovomiiimii Ii COlflftIi ) with another iimaim. lie took a ) BtOck in this nssertioim , but LImo young 11311 immaisted that. lie could amid would , 'ut ' it would take motley. If ho would iut U [ ) $100 , lie would show Idini lila wife trithi aumothor loan. ? mlr. Nichiolsomi lid not lose any coimfidemmco , iut lie wanted to see it. out , and irranged with thu young follow to meet limit and the other detective at time Bry- itit hiouso early in tIme evening. lie enL there , met. time yoummg utah , and was igain told that if ho would put up henley , if lie would 1itmt tip even $25 , hiey would prove to him that what they maid was true. They would shuow him his wife iii company with a miman. Nick- lsomi told them li reply that ho was no 1m111111) , and didn't propose to put up iIi moTley , for lie kmmew they coumldn t ihiov Junta aim ) ' such thing , mit if they ouId lie would thou give tint $100. The yOUIIg man's friend was only there for a IfliliUto OI two , and time young limit titter finding that he could not gut the immtntiy iii ndvmumco Iitmllcd out to : , . Nicholsomi thmemi started for supper. In time immoamitinme his wife started down to moot him , turid they como together on time streets and commenced narrating their o'iperielices , timid au reaching Iwmne coiu- hated thit , imotos received by each. It tlmon becamno apparent. that thu plan was to got Mrs. Nicholson to visit the house referred to , excited by the infor- Immationm that her husband was there. Otto of the imarties evidently intended to introduce - duce hminmmslf as thmo friend who sent time note to imur , amid ofFer to escort her to thu lilaco timid convince her of thmo truth of Limo : utsimvtion , timid doubtless et her to pay himmi for thu mimforilla. Lion. Thmim other would take Nichmnbst ii to a aJOt , whore lie could ec the othem two miter the house , nnmd jot l00 for t he immforznatjon furnished bun , imid before explaimatiomma could be nmnude , the follows would be off with the black. misihimig hiiiidcr. The ia-t failed signally , iii their case , iuid ? mtr. Nicholson Iuttimmg time police on Lime track , they soomi arresteti ( the of the young nmmei concerned , who gavu his imamno itti Arnold Jcsse. lEo was placed iii jail to await cx. ' inimmatiomi. I I is commmnult , ltmus : iuiatpearcd. amid the lniy wiit , lmroughit. Lime note to i'jcholsomm , is tulso mnissimmg. hail Nicluol on amid his wife been mmioro 4uMp mcious , t ioro is no telhin whmnt mimight Imiivu hicemi tl.o liiial .tLcome . 1S14001) MONBY. : I'lio 4tIiIIIVi5Iry ni the 1"hidl iig 01 I liii iu.rjet1 tIormtty br vhi1oIi tinier srii Commimmili I ed. Thu raimmy clay rotimimmiscemicca given by Tn , : Bv.u yesterday , as gathered from a talk among sonio old settlers ahiultcrinmg timumiusolves at the l'ttcifte hoimiw , called forth Inmumy commmumtemuts duriimg the day , aimd son.u further difrereimcca , of opinion Its to which was time first brick lwuso built Iii Coummeil Bhumlfd. Omit , Whit ) svas a 11(13' at time timmue of the mnumrtlormi umarrated in Tmii : 1hia rut takimmg lihiuco thirty years ago , smiiko ; imp timid stun : \\TeII. t'oro'o one thmiumg I do remitommilmur in comumicetmoit with ? tlimmr mmiurderimmg Lord. I ruimmuimiher the hmmding of time imtoimoy sovuimtcuii or eighteen 'umirs aittir tint mmmurtlur. It ans uituitit this Wily. J ust hut 01(1 1I iii i wlui limIng Iiy the crou d , Ito mmmdc a full comifessiumu to I ) , Ii , Cituike amid tIr. t1tiiimi , viio afLei"VImflhh syolit to Om umalma , thiit Itithiur if F rmiiik Shiiumn , Limo lmiyer. 1.1 ummn wemt. tilt to lull imeru it himitl buried time mmioiiuy , too , amid iluscimlnt1 thmo spot tom tittit lie etitihti , tutmit time very trto iiumder tiiiclt it. Wait burmed , tu'gutimor si I Ii t ho at ci i. S Iii ii ii t.eilc ii . it uveryl imimig iii a mimemiicrmmula , itttjt , tuimil ufltritttmtln , lie timid Oltuiko tried to timid thu jiutcu iii . ' 1iioiui'i , whore imu had buroui a lot Immorti mmuuimey itmiul time ) ' took t I in .1 ' ' uurm litmomi of that tao. 'l'hi ii ) hiiiimt'd tip tim , , lilmico hero , vhiero Iiiir saul lie iijut buried ij.ii-d'it Iflolie ) , limit coumiti uittt Ittiti mimi ) ' vvaftIi , 'Vhitt ) ' IitiiituiI imul dug , itijel ilug rimiui huimted , timid gmus'u i ! : imp filially , thiimikitig thu fellow hail lied t thietim. "Yearn after ( lint. wimeim the road win I iimmg cut tlmrotigh timuru t'y ' II. 11. Fields I iUIliIO of time Illilli WOIuI tliggixmg out a ittummi1i I Ulsilie across time fuuimd suite ci thtit imiuney amid time silver watch whiilj l'elonged to Lord. 'lime lmtmro watt a ( if buckskin affair , amid there was mmothnmi I left tif that but time steel rings , sItu tin - watch wasn't , of course , Worth anythmimig That was ycirs alter thu murder-I domi' rumimomiubur uxiictly how long-why1 I d0 dare , there s thu old immaum over there this was tiiuro immmd found the mooney , II' ' calm tell all about it , " munl grsbbhimm Tin Bsi reporter by time arnu lie 5teere4 lime 1 for time mautidy crossing , which an nIt 1 mali , aiim Irislumman , was trying to clean o with a shovel , I 'Pius old mmismi remnema ercd time even well. I Jo was thmet e , but ss as nut. time olin that foummmcl t ho imiomley. muali mm sum ni lhimrmms foummmd tetmne of it. fhist , 'fhio old maim was working a little distntmce away , amid mititiciiig the nicmm gath. em'inmg about time stilinfi nimil Iotikiimg earnestly at soimmethming lie win t to whom they wet-u. At. first llimrmms said lie inul dropped a knife , nial vimM hiimtmting for it. but it soomi leaked toiL difrurcmmly Time first piece fouitith was a twcimty fnmmmc gold P1CC0 , amid the timmdcr thought it. was a modal , 1)111. 501110 ( mlii ) cisc of time party antim til what it as , 0mm iicarimmg of the clis. cover ) ' Mr. Simiimn caIne over from Iimmaima , amid commmtarimIg time ( lescripinhm of time Allot amml time tree as giveim by time mtmimrdercr amid rimlihier nearly twwity 3 ears before , foiiimtl that it ammswareih exaitly , aimd that. lie nimd itIr. Chitrku hitud Imimmitcil wmthmimm t.wnmmt3' . fetmt of this vem'y jiiit. itud had I. , , ihil tAt A i id th e i ii oh ev i1 r. Shi i ii ii tluiii ttflk ) mmew faith iii time story aluiimt. hmsivi I ig I i lii (1 ci m nion ty i mm f isuoltmri timmul t hmoimght i i imi t t , Acii tmiiily if ntalc i 1i a ii umi t tim cm o. 'lImit tihti mi aim saul t limit t lie Ii mmd- 11mg of time IiitIioy wm.s iii 1871 , just twelve ) 'UlLn S flgtl tim IS Vet ) ' I ii I 'ii ' I I i ---ti mid t lieu imivimig : giveli time fimmat t uelm to time snqiiui of I lie ltitl iiiimtder lie riit tnt whim his al ii ehi I mg. . - - - - - - - - BURIEDU MED. Th Rdll1ins of a Stranger Follld Ill 11 ' Iy1ioBi'oaway , _ _ Time Teen of hiM Bools i lit' Only l'nrt illVui Gmiiminiil. At an early hour yesterday mnoriming senile passer-i ) ) ' on 13mieuln Ily , hear tint Coy imouse , imimitlu a straumgo discovery , wimichm ttmied quite a gotal deal of excite- menu. for a tiimmu iii timat vicimmity amid soon got imoisod aroimnid pretty geimermuhly cmi time atreots. Time discovery wits that of time rumimnitma of some atrnimgor , time itimly part. at. first. discerimiblo Intimig the toes of time lootit , which were Jimst above time mud , tndicatiimg that tIme titan was lying at full length on hiM back. The boots vore pretty badiy dilapidated , its though beiommgumg to soimmo Imomimuiess or Fo'erty stricken sort of ri oman , who , in his vamm- derings altout at imighmt , Imad 1111(1 down iii iii limo street to sleep , or bid booni felled by some dealy blow , or ilntpped by 81)1110 sudden attack of nh)0lICXY ) , imeart tIieist or somumetiming of time sort. 'I'hme street at nmmd 1)010w that point is 1mm a horrible comi ditiomm , and alnunt bottoimmless , amid while so no of timose who gatlmered at the spot were eommjccturing its to how time remmmnmns caine there , or whose they were , time lucre hirtIcticul Oml.S iirtueded to cx- amnimmu timid reimmovo tiiuimm. 'l'huo roinatims lay very mmear the street car track , amid 51)1110 thiougimt. that lie immust. have falfeim dr thu car , amid mm wadmiig out to where time reimmailma vere ttmid exaimmilmimig timenmm , they were nmoumud iii a hm.ri-iblo coiidition , amid boyamid mecogimitinim. Time remains were thmiuc , if a cciii of pmotty large size , but. ( Iii gettimig Ii HliOVCh end clearimig away time imitiul , all timat was found of the rommiaiims was tue booti , that wimich appeared to be time botly being ummly where sommin of time uimud , mmmoie 81)11(1 thmami niost of it , lund bemi forurmed immtu a little mimound. 'Jhmc bootB were rejiaced as feummd , tim mound restored , a large withered boquet plaCed above the forum titus immado , amid a board stuck up wimere time head ougimt to be , with duo cautious piaced UIO1i it , calhimmg time attemmtion of the city council to the condition of time street , timid warmiimmg pa.i- sons-by of time fate which wo.uld befall them if they diii imot keep on the side- walk. - I'EltSONAIj. v. ii. hiittcm. tratmfer clsrk of the Chi. cage ttiiil fhicic I .hstmi , it l log quits ill itim mmmaitiial : tvrr In 1mb. romrm in T. B. IIaig'.i recidemice on Sto ezmthi street. jo. Itlake , time jotmuater of Avoca , AiIIkhimg : hmandd witim frIoztd.t hem yesterday. M . S. Eflill , \Voston , was lii the city yctertlay. .1. F. Lealicy , of Chlcagii , reached thu I'tmehImc lmouiH yesterday , N. S. hteirih.Iey : , of St. Paul , wa. muimong titOsU at time I'iieifi yesterdmiy. Supervicur Irum , of Slichity , was in the city yestertlay. Dr. h'uilMIii left. last. cvemming fr it. . L.ui to be ttb.ermt o er Sunmilsy. .1 obti Coiiist.uck , rcprc..cnthrmg the J anesville , \ \ hs. , .t1aIiIm1ctumrmng CtmXI)111) ) , W03 hare yc. . . terdl : ) ' , itmiul loft lust uvoimimig for Sioux City. Colotiel A. C.ichiran imas gone back to hili rarmcim near i.lttlu S'mtomx. 0. D. larl , of Covingtun , ly. , wai at tite Ogdemm yesterday. 4 , 0. Nowitat tunti Alex. ihrgn"5Il , both lkItfliteit , were Ogden hmotno guests yebter. ( lilY. lilY.A. A. Zmt. Moore , III i > lztttshnmn-g , N. V. , n.aehiutl thu Ogden yesterday. - coMMhaLoIAJj. couscur. iumuvYti miAmocar. Wheat-Nt , , 2 s > ring , 711c ; No. 8 , fl3o ; mo. j octod , tOe ; Konil clommutuoh Cormi-1)etilers nra 1t)1mig 8i6J32c ; ntjecte.I owim , Chicago , 4O@4t.o ; hOW miilxed ltki ; white cormi , ZOc ; the recellit. . of cormu are light. Oats-In good deimmamiti itt 21.c. I miy-.1 OOtI ( O tout ; r.o ler imale , ifytu-4fltm ; light suiiiiy. Corn . 'iI tiih I 2F1 tOil sommiuis. \V.sitL ( h..i itUiiiii ) irIei Mt ytudi , 5 OO@J ' ( to. Cciii1) . , , imarit , I I liii 151r tout ; sift , t ( lu .er lull. I ttttor - I 'lutnity iiiitl I mm fidr Iiimitiiul itt 2So ; eroileer ) ' , iOc , Iggs : Iloaily said lit hrU Iti.ui. , , I . - FitI ri iimik's , u liul usalliug 1II Ic. Pinmhlry - FIiiii ; Ieiikrs nr. ( a'hmlg for chiikuits lflc' ; Il , , , 2 tl ) 11cr hnzois. 'ngetiibtus - i'ilatws. , btk. ; uimijotms , 51)e ) ; i.ilt. Iiuguai , : mtJcj IOu jier tiizeii ; 1111111Uu4 , : t ; ito ver barrel Flour- City liuiur , 1 $ lg ) 1 41) ) . I trcouims-2 OOq ( : t i i i livi : it rules. eattltu-3 Ismal : rI eitl'.tii , t , lto ( 17 rto. ih..gui - 1Iim'Iiut for ti. , iitIet , , s tim , pack. uhf liummseu itro ci .utl ; ski ' lilt , ) lls ) lug 'I 00 Q ; 4 ii. S1F4CIA14 NOTICES. flO'1'iO5.Si.veIal ( , .It it. Feutiut , To , 1u.r Situ , Ti. iteit , , Wiiti , Iird I 111g. cc , , sill ho IIIOrtt1 III tl. ) , wiliituii , . th , low I rite 01 TIN ( I5N'Iu I'KlI I.INK ( or hue tlrt insvrtki intl FIVIC UF.NTH I'P.Ii l.INK f.m eseh In. I .crtlo&i , l.osv * &uiIftIIItl4UIIta At Uf , , ttlN. . ' . : I'oirI 5Irst , 1104 ! iiriw4..a I WANTS. L V TIIAIIIL % y i-arrkrt OIII Y tweet : ( dlii wt'k. - t \TAN1bt1-A lsy , sItu VtiY , tm .tdlluer Thu liLa FOESALETANiHUWi. ; 71u1-iww ; ( . r _ ' , 'l'ciitii ai.i tirO.t.jV & Jotis W. BSIwu Ii 1)11 IIENTTI II Orlis V&ellg , house , i sm aclt ui h..g' . jr &la lth Ml muoden , AlmIlimucts ; well luut..1 icr awlu , I lClIIt. All I ) to OlKi L DAY , IL Lutuei1 1lluU. , ia , Sctlembtr tO. mia. ; :4 ' ' Empkie Hardware Co. _ _ Hardware ! 109 ammul 111 S. Maui Street , 411 : x. _ COt'NOlL BLUFFS , - - IOWA. - _ . - - : Erc3 : \'JIOIh8ALE IlAI4EhS IN HATS , CAPS BUCK GLOVES , Cot NCIr , BLUFFS IOWA. 842 aumd 844 Broadway , - - - - , Ice CreaiiiFnits , ! & CoiITeGiioiiry l'arties , Sociables timid l'iemmics su1ipiicd Dli short notice , aimd goods delivered tc all part of time city. Viemimia Bread , amid PIes , Fume Cigars. w. T. BRAUN'S European Restaurant , . .10.1Vest Broadway , - . - - COUNCIL BLUFFS. HOUSES , LOTS AND LANDS 1cug1tt cz3-cI c1cI. Money Loaned , Abstracts Furnished .1 , . .3. No 4 Pearl Street , - - - - COUNCIL BLUFFS. MAYNE & PA1L1ER , DEAtEI1S IN Bulk and Barrel Liffie Louisville & Poland Cefflent MICIIIOAN VT.ASTER , hAul ANt ) SEWER rii'n , IAItD ( AND SOFT COAL AT LOW'1'S PItICI' . No , 539 Broadway , - - - - - COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA. SMITH & TOLLER , . u 0 I 8 Merchau.tTailors. . . ri , 7 and ft Main Street. XIL3 cTXX.I X1. OF.EllAt MERCIIANDISE. flPN1A 2 Cm TC1fiT .UiiL ' .J iiZ uu. is 3iaitm street ann 17 i'eaii stroet. A Tfi (1U1'T ' CItESTON hOUSE. .LY.L.t1..L. . .LYItJJ..LL'4 orocery , 21 Male Strut. iJ'jtl 217 and 21 Mali. strcet _ D It. J. F. WEITE [ , Osmer STein and Fifth up.iutalrs. llelic.nlcc,800 Willow nvcntie. TT Q (1 U lID 17 JUSTICE OP TIlE i'EACE , .m. pu m.i U LLLi. OSico oucr Anicrican Eqres. cii xr A (1 ftl D LIVE1IAND } 'EID , a I ) VY .tZtUL Lb1 lot tuneras ! at reasonable rate , . 22 Fourth street ' I 1. , ' Tholcsa1oliutter vgs , poii. 3' . , I. . Uy Mud fruit Ship to us. Irit by return niall. 148 flrodwsy. . .I- A 0 Mt'rtTrtm SION WIt1TEIl AND OJIAINEIL .LJ. It. .0 .L4Li.LJIUI. ( Ithtcu I7 I3rodwayCvuucIhIIiuIc , tows. 1 A ( 'IflO " MERChANT TAILOR , ti .ttt.JUD K"II Btock Comrletc. Stilt. made tut reasonable prioca. No. SOS 5I..In St. . . - - - - - - - - - - - - " - - - - - - - - - - - - 11 Ti Cl irrm CONTItACTOIt AN ! ) BUILDER , t7 , .L I ) i.ii .i.j. Corner ? th and Broadway. i' arid speelfinutlon. tarithhcd. w TM Q VD1K A ? tT DEALEII IN FINE hARNESS. VT , Yl ) IJ.LljILb.Li , I base the satiety that bFiII15 .atronage. 124 MaIn street. T A RE' tT ) A 7tTt1 MEIICIIANT TAIIOlL U . .LYILat ) .Lt.L:1.L' : LI , Artielo uiuh rtasunalIu charges. 872 Drus.hway. EFi VTTt' 2 C4fl1T YUJL'UTIJ1tE STOVES , .1LU VY .1i SM. tU.L' azud IIou-e1i4d SupIies. 2O flroucIway. T Th11V1' .h U A D m ATtOitNIYS AT LAW. .LILLI .1) .L tM , LI .t&LJI ) James Iflk. I'ractlco In state and fedcnI oounta I NT .1 : I ldt And Inth hnue. 421 and 4E1 Iiro.idwsy , L. Suscreign , h'rop. I. J. Mont- as .iA : L LU. gornLry , M. B. ihyielun. TTT1.T I A DD mm Jt1iCE OF TIlE lP.ACE , E 1) YS .LL LI . I.L1 Nut.ry 1'nbUe ( ; enertiCeiiu.yuurueer.41S flroaiteny. Dt'TLUt' TJiTTCtt' SBITII&NOIlThN , iii.Li V .Llt.Lj ILl ) U tLt Iirced.y oristte Nose ( ) jer. hiouv. flcfu4ted 1 , i.5O sr day HAIR GOODS 0111 Al44 ] EINIS. ) Sold at the Lowest Prices IN TilE ivar : , quAT.rry coNslnanlw , At MRS. D. A , BENEDICT , . 837 W. Broadway , Coumneil Bluffs , Iowa. SULLIVAN & FITZGERALD , DEALlO IN ffll000Ihies : , FOY1SiOllS , Bools ill Shoes JPJ'1'i. IILAI-'Tt3 0N TIlE hAKE OF IllELANI ) , IUIIIiN , Foil SALE , ats IiIIOADIYAY , coucit Ill.IiFFI CRESTON HOUSE , MAX MOIIN , - PROPRIETOR. 533.13 , E1.7 gEx.ct 210 13. si3. troot , COUNCIL BLUFFS , - - - - IOwI SKELTON , HENDRICKS & RICE , TAILORS , 102 MAIN STREET , COUNCIL BLUFFS FALL AND WINTER STOCK NOW COMPLETE , EMBEACING MANY NOVELTIE : IOT TO BE FOUND ELSEWHERE. ; YOUR TR.DE S SOLICITEJ MRS. D. A. BENEDICT , D1AL1R IN Lai1io' ' Fiirns1iill ! goolix I NOTIONS , J i : v ELIIY , &O. : R7v. . flrooltvi\ ( , ' , - . - (9NCfJi ( 131UFF'S. IO\VA. - PETER C. MILLER , wlInl.ISAI.l : : ANb htrAl ! . VIaIJ-Paer and 1Nidow Shadesd Paitig in II Its Dranches1 FRESCOING IN MODERN STYLE. 1\Tcs. I.3 cmii.tb. otx1 it. ci.uxi.ci1 bEveL & VYPdCHT : E a IdEJMae. 504 Broadway aiid 10 am12 telain St , , Council Bluffs. PROMPT ATTENTION AND OLOE PRIOES ON MAIL ORDER It. S. COLE & CO. , MANUI'AC'rtYItRll AND 1)EAI.mts IN AI.t All the Most Iffiproved Kinds of Lightning Rods And Oritaiuients. Al.o WoNt end Iron l'umrnps , S'ooc1 Tum.Iiug tid ( las Pipe auth l'ipo Fb.tures , for both No , 604 , . South . MaIn % Vksl atuul . . . iromu . . . . . l'uIrlIs. . . . . . . . . . Orders . . . . . . . ulIl . . . . reecho . . . . . . 1rol1t . . . . . . . . atteittion. . . BLUFFS , IOWA let ) _ - M. CALLACHER , cr C ) J 1 - New Store , Froth Cootis , Low l'rices and Polite Attendants. First Door east of Metropolitan Hotel , Broadway Steam Lamiciry ! ' 7 w1'I1 A. 0. LARSON . , - - - - - Proprietor. LATEST IMPROVED MAOHINERY. Clifton Restau rant. J. A. ROSS , - - - - - PROPRI TOR. 5:17 : BROADWAY , COUNCIL BLUFFS , Is tint ilmicu for .A. No. 1 Meals. Day Buadcrs nccomnnuodnted and guarantee satisfacti' ii. Model Steam Laundry ! 7 1 2 BROADWAY , CO 1 NUlL BL1.J1"F $ . N. A. CHRISTIANSON , - - - roprietor. I-las jlmS le1le(1 ) a new and veI1 tiLted .sieamn laundry. tmarmzitec good Wtl'k. 1'Iease ivp ne a trini. ij ; ' ou W2\NT BOOTS , HOE OR RUBBERS CLr ON s _ PIEERO-m Coriusr Main and Firsti Avenut' , Council 131 uf&m. He lins Them. CURE OR iO PAYI Mineral Springs ! Wt guarantee the cure of the fohIo.ving named dLs. ca4. , erne lay : htltetuuatlsuu , Serofula , Ulcer , , Ca. lard , , all BIous.Ianti SkIn Ilseases , Despepuin , Thee Cotnilalflt , Ridney and flhu1dcr1Jiueaes , Oout , Nec. enigma aijI Asthma. 'hIue.-e Srings arc the favorIte re.ort of the tired and debilitated , arid are the } Lle Leulie' test friend. ( ioo.l hotel , TAvcry and Ihthhe aoeeinmodatJn' . Locality highly Ittures1us atid icalthy. Corre..mer.denc , solicited. Addre& . Rev. 51. M. TIIOtIl' Silonin.Outtry Ce. , 2.1 - - - Novelty Works 1 ; . NOYtTI ! MAIN ST. , ( OUXI. ii. IiT.UI'S. RLBNK & JllREY PRUFiIETOR. All hindu. of rh.lrIlr ioriituro lepalred and tlnlhed , ChaIrs re.carwi and re . , cat44 , Alt hinds of t'dio.terliig. ! Loelus , mmcm aiid Eltetrin mitatru- inentu repaired. Sleakini TIub.s Pull III ohl or mue .v tuildlzig , . Keys titled and Stote repaired. i1ri 91i. ! Ok gunranteal. Glue ci a trial. .1.1,0-u. , Orulcuta , it. it. FUSEV. OFFICER & PUSEY BAJKERS. Ceuuclh , flituits . . Is. Establislica - - 1856 Dca1er In Forgien and Domestic Exchange and Itomo Securities. w. . VAUGHAN. Justice of the Peace. Omuahut and Council Bluffs. itsal estate and cohloctlomiagency. .u Old Fellow' . tIH'k. nor Saviors flank MORGAN , KELLER , & CO. , UNDERTAKERS. The ttncst quality aul , stsk ac.t of ( .Itlccugo of Vdel , , and Metalle t'ases. Calls attenhe to at all hours. SYt , lef . uluu etitloi III .jtal Ity of cuel.s 'r irkCL hilT Mr s.'rgau , Iua. .er'1 LI.l uhijertaker fur ( ort years aia tlur.uItl uinilersta'sls tui inisi. cuss'arerooIIus , 311 Iluoulasy Ui'lrOT.Wl EIIINi in alt 114 hranclius IrluititI ) ruttetiieI t ( tIS ) car1st Lu > lug slid lamnlrusiullta. Tele4rce1hio slur , luau il-r , , . (17u ) ' .1 It luutut iii la DR. 0 , W. PANGLE , I PJEADEIt 0E' MA I p lInen c uls' viuer1enru FIlk ; , Tlag.iutic . and I ( tried 1st Ihys i-Lit , r of thio fell a lug iii. 03505 Catarrh. Nerouu tudllItt , Ieetuth heiress. ion , Apolcsy , l-'mt. . l..sui of Jutaitiltiesu. Cancers Removed Without this Itnhlo , Dropsy - sy Cured Without Tapptng. I. ! , or Coluuj laluut . hidn.y C.ututiluut , iihbetc. , hihvi. nnll.tuu tsruuiysis. White Itselllng , Friuiuiss , St. ' Ittmi1anure Woman and ITem DIaees Treated With the happiest Results , Sveclsl atteultioit tIbe'Ii to rlvalu ituiul leltereal disease. . lte.tuth N' , 310 lireadsay , itooni 8 , ( tiji. stairs ) . Co'2lcIl ' hi imif , , loss. A Correct Diagnosis Given Without any Explanation from the Patient. ilt'otsUft&thxi free st eAcv. Miiku YOUP Contracts Now fur \'our Wimuter i'upply of Mi2ouri IIa Wood. ! ANt ) hARD AND SOFT : c a 1 -WITh- I. 0 V E RTO N , 505 First Avemiuo , - Council Blulfi , Iowa , Amiuhiscur , the best artLis tuiI huh uiueuure wttho vIe ) luw.t prl.u. StQu seott ( teilbeislI to auty I art. of ike ity COUNCIL BLUPI'S EAILEOAD TIME TABLE The following are the time of arrival anul deiarture Itraintu front the local ( icjlots. The train. start from the UnIon I'acillui depot about ten mInute , earlier thaut beicw stated , and arrhc at the depot about ten minutes later. TraIns on P001 lineu and It. C. rime on Chicago time , a half hour fatr thuatu local. Vaiah traIn. run on St. I..niis tIme , twenty mliuutes fatter than local. U. P. : end Lincoln traIns ruin on Ccrnnchi TRuths tIme. ChICAGO , ROCK ibLAil ) AXO i'ACIIlC. Depart. . 'urrile. AtiantleEst .5:31) : p. in. I Pacific E'iI..O:4c : ni Et end .man' . .OtOs. : m. E and Mail' . (5 : : , p. rn DesMoincsae..7Iaant. : i DtsMolntuxw..6.Ej p.m. cuulcaoo R11st.laocoN MI , OCISCY. Ielart. Art-lit- . Chic-ago E , . . . baihu.m. : I Counali hu'iutY , c'.9.45 5hafl arid Ex. . O'45 un Mall and E. . .7O ) Ii. ni , and aOtTIIWIOITKRX. , Depart. Arnie. Atlantic Ext . . . . . .15 p. in. I Paciflc } : t . . . .9:15 : a , uuu , hail ant E'i' . . 9:20 : a. ci. Mall and Ex ' . 0:15 : ' . in. .tc.eumSat-----bOh'.m. ( ) : i AocorniIon.t:45p. ( ) in. IiANSAI , CITY , AT. JOlt san COU..C'IL. IuLUIFa. Dehinit. Arrive. Stall and E . . . . .11:55 : a. m. I } - - - - - - - : p. nu. RprL-es -------:2b : P. In. I Mail autil Ex . . . oat P. m . L.Moa i'.ACmYmC. IiCpnr t. Airic. Oicrlvud E - .1tTOa. : In. I OucriantlEx . 4:00 : . ci. liuiln - . hIO : a. rn I D.uteer Et.:00 a. RI. Denier E. . . . . .7:00 . : . u'- Local ' . - - - - - - : . ) a. in. I.octuh Ev . . . . . . . . , a. iii. r : . . . . . . .o a. in. lrn1grant . . . . . . . .r.n : ) m. I ' Er-----0:00 : a. iii. iVsIIaqIr , i.r. r.Ouili .tar , lIt-hart. Am-ru ii , tralu nal Ic : . . . .R45 a. in. Mall anti Ex. . 4:20 : u'rn. . Lh-nuo Bail . . . . .t-O p. in. Cannon hhall..Iiouj : a. in. lIOCX cree .ai.u ) Depart. Arnie For Filou City.7I5 ; a. in. f Fnuiu Si ) ! , ) Cit3O:5u : p.111 ForF.rt.1o1rara I Fern Fort Niobrara ' : . in. ) Net , . . . . . . . . 'OtAI : . in. For St. I'aul..7:40 : iu. in. From St. h'aui . .8:50 : a. jut. I CIICRO. , itILWAvKy. .INI' MT. I'ACL. Iavra Omaha. Arilics at Omaha . ilaIl and Eu. . . 7:45 : a. en. t I'aelllclx. : . . . 9:45 : a. m ltlanilc R . . . . i:40 : p. in. I Mail aDd l. . 7:25 : p. mu . MI trains datiy t1Iuc.u'io , MILWAUUF.I1 ASI ) hi. rsci. . Leave' , Couneth jibEs. Arivetu Council liluffs. Mail und F : , . . . . ' 920 ; a. mu. Stall and Ex . . 8iri : p. m. Atlantic Ex . . . . 15:15 : u' . 10. Atltlc Ri . - 19:10 : a. mu. cocNcmi. IILL'L. Ai.J osuaii' . STRCCT suutwsy. LeutioCouncilUluEs leave Onialia , 8 a. mu. 9 a. m i. a. I 8 a. uui. 9 a , in. IOu. un. mu. I I'0. . 2 u' . rn. S i'.n' . 4 f a. ci. i III. tip , iii. a , . , p. en. 5 p. mc. 8 p. mc. I 4 p. mu. 5 p. mu. 6 . ci. Street cars nun half hourly to the Ucloju i'aeiflo o'c1loek On Sunday the cars ut-gin their trIps at 0 a. ni. , and rue regularly duniui the day at 9 , LI , 2 , 4 , ii , and 6 o' clock , and run to cIty thee. R. Rice M. D. C ANOER or tIluer tumors reclIned ii itlnut the , knIfe on ( irawIrI5 of litod. G11RONC DiSEASES " 1uts , , a uq'ueislty , .lien thirty iear , ircuIel eaicnieIlc. tfl1 No. a lunri street , ( ouneli ! .hts , _ Li1 Consultutlut tree. Mrs. 11 , J. ilhlloit , M. 0. , PHYSICIAN & SURGEON , h2 StoadWy. Couucjh BhtmO. JACOB SIBS. i : i' , i Aid'Elj , . SIMS & CA DWELL , Attorneys atLaw , COI1NCIL IILU'FS , bou A tflke , Mel , , Street Rooms 1 sail hhvst & . ito. ; ' Mahull's courts hilot-t. , lt'Jif Irctlce In Slots and tals.I i.'r . , . . . - ' - . ' - - l u I . . . . . . . . . , .1 , . . ' ut it. . , , , . , , , , 4 , -EV't.\ \ . Tlvi , - . , , . I I'O : : . ii. , .0 . , , ° c- , . : I : , . 'I . . . . , r- , ( ' . i.J.l. ? . , . . , r , , , . In. . . . , ' .51 , . $ , ft. . s ; 5 , llou , lIt , , . , 'oliI . 5 . - . . ( "liii I -tn I.'l. oiL . .uii ( rll. , ti ii , 'i , p , , , , lie , . " 0) ( ft ii I. for v u , ir a II 111.1)51 ; s ' . -ie , I I , , Ir . 4 i , . T ( , , i , A II IC , . . . _ wI , . , II si , . , , l' . , , . . lit , , , i I sief It $ UI Irirw hr. ' . .i'iOtd , 1.7Itslly dr.laI , $1.4 , es51. Si diii , . I 1Ity reni , sro.i , , ci. i. . C'tti.iI ) 5.1 i.r.a. . Suts . . C 5,1St , 5.4 - , . s.ii',1 S .k.d 5 , d.utioi , C In CCI.i , : ra. w. , , , , CM . , . ,5 lO-illit , . 10. . . . . . il..Oj , .i.'il II.-'ay. .t-i. _ Lop , i , . . . . . , , . IiIE I A 'tart , ? , It.ii's. C.a .St.I . , fci . , , , I , . , .1 ' . , o fc.iti , , , i.a. , . , ( r I ) .4 Sw.- , . , , I a , , , , . EcaS 'SI.1II % I . : t . S Ii , . .c - - - - - - -