OMAHA DAILY BEE : . MONDAY , OCTOBER 31 , 1887 , THE DAILY BEE. PUBLISHED 13VIJHY MORNING. TEUMS OP SUnSCIUITION. Dnllr ( Morning Kdltlon ) Including Sunday JIKIC , Ono V" r 110 CO Forflx Months n ( ) For'nireo Months S W The Oumlm Sunday UEE , mailed to auy ail- drew , Ono Yenr 2W OMAHA Otricr. , No. W AWIIBIS KAHWAM ETIIEET. NEW YOIIK urncr JtooufB , TiiinunB IIOII.IH JNO. WAPitiNfirox omen , No. 013 lotm TKXNT1I BTKKl.T. _ _ _ COUIlKSI'ONDENCn. AH eomtnunlcntloM rclntlnc to news nnrt rdllorlal jnnttcr Bliould bo addressed to tlio KlJITOIlOr THE IlKK. IIUSINHSS Mvrrrjus : All unMnPSi letters nud remittances should 1)0 ftddrciisca to TIIK HEB I'IMIMSIIINO Com-ANr , OMAHA. Drafts , checks and i > ostolllcc orders to bo inado payalilu to tlio order of thu company. PC Bcc PnWlsWng Company , Proprietors , U. UOSBWATEU , EUITOK. 'JTJIK DAILY BEK. Sworn Statement of Circulation. Etatoof Nonraskn. I. _ County of Douglas. ( " " ( leo. II. Tzxrlmclc , pccrctnry "t The Dre Pnb- llehlng company , dooi nolrmnly B ear that the nctnalrlrcnlatlon of thu Dally lleo for the week ending Oct. il ! , 18d7. was a * follows : Baturday. Oct. 15 1M T Fumi.iy , Oct. in li. r. Monday , Oct. IT 14.T.2 Tui'Mlny. Oct. 18 14,100 Wednesday , Oct. 1 ! ) ll.WH Thurwlay. Oct. V ) 14Ril ( 14.1W Average 11.239 Oro. H. T/sniucK. Bwom to and subscribed In my presunco this nd day of October , A. 1) . lbM7.N. N. i * . roiii , Notary Public BtRto of Nobrnfikn , I County of lloiigla . | 3 > Bl Oeolt.T7 > cliuck. being llrst duly sworn , do- POM-H and MIJH thnt ho Is secretary of The lleo Publishing company , that tin- actual njerni-'O thillv circulation of thn Dally lleo for the month of OrtobiT. lew ) . Jii.iibU copies : for November. JFH1 , 1IH8 ! ! copies ; tor Derember , 18M , l.V-H copies ; for.lanuary , 1SKT , VM \ copies ; for 1'otc ninry , 1W7 , 14.1U8 coplen ; for Jlairh , IKS" , 11,400 copies ; for Apill , 1SB7 , 14aifl copies ; for May , ItrT. H Troplen : for June , 1S-K , 14,147 copies ; for .Inly. lfcH7,1) ) , ( ! copies ; for August , Iw , 14- 151 conli'S ' ! for Septem.v. . IMiT. 14HUriiples. : oio. : n.Tx.sjifuK. ( Rworntonnil tuilisrrllM'il In inypicsiMicp this 6th ! day of October , A. 1) . lb 7. N' . 1' . KUIIj , Notary Public. THK latcbt news from the Crow war is tliut the troops nro ubout to got ready to iiuiku Boino cnturos. ] A COAL fsiinino in Philndclphin , at the tliroHliold of the nntlirucito region , this early in the bctis > on , is'a fact to cxcito the liveliest concern of remoter localities. TALKING uhout silk-stockinprs and nrislocrnts , and bringing out General Mandorson to reuse the worlcinginon to support the Btrnighl , uiibcrutohcd , re publican judicial ticket , is the essence of .sarcasm. Tin : mun of $ ] ,095 , 't79 was cxpondci on the Indian bchoola of the country during the past ycur according to the animal report of Superintendent Riley This is the correct method pf solving the Indian problem. Mil. BLA1NE says there has been prcat deal of unnecessary talk about liin meetings with the Prince of Wales Hut ono of them was formal aiid the oth ers wore of no consequence. If Mr Dlaino will f-ay no more about it the matter will bo forgiven and forgotten. THE activity of business is shown in tlio fact that many of the leading rail roads are complaining that cars canno bo obtained to meet anything like the requirements of pressing trallic. Trade in all lines is excellent , legitimate am healthy , with most satisfactory indicu tions that it will continue so. BIIADSTHKKT'S railroad reports for the nine months of 1887 shows that 110 railroads have earned nearly $30,000,000 more than was earned by them during the corresponding period last year. This indicates that the poor oppressed railroado have not suffered by the tyr- rauicul intor-stato commerce law. WHEN a man is a candidate for a high oflleo ho IB willing to endorse any ticket that han the seal of a party convention. A yellow dog on a , straight ticket is jubt ns good for that class of statesmen as n reputable citizen. The appeals of cer tain eminent senatorial candidates for u partisan judiciary which is notoriously composed of two partsignoramus and impostor pester , and ono part dead beat and shyster , will hardly weigh much with republicans who carry self-respect and conscience to the ballot box. THE last general assembly of Iowa- passed a livw by which the number of members of the grand jury waa de creased. A largo number of criminal cases in which indictments wore found by the newly constituted juries have been appealed on the ground that the law is unconstitutional. The supreme court of Iowa lias just put a quietus to these appeals by alllrming its constitu tionality and nn important change in Iowa's judicial machinery huu thus been established. PiiEuGuANTtold n neat story about his father utho other Tday. lie said : "About three years ngo , over in Wust- chcstor county , my father went out driving , and sat with his back to the liorsos. Coining to a pretty scone , somebody in the carriage tusked him how ho liked it. lie said : 'I am tak- Jng a democratic view of it. ' They asked him why. 'Because , ' lie re plied , 'I don't see anything 'till ' it is past. ' " If Fred has progressed so far as to boablo to toll stories ho has acquired nearly all that goes to make up the jnodorn statesman. THE mooting of the National Butter , Choi'so and Kgg association will bo held ixt Manchester , la..during the llrst three days of November. It is expected the gathering will bo the most notable of its kind over held in this country. Rep resentatives from all the principal cit ies will bo present in largo numbers. Ir About twonty-llvo are expected to go from this city. One of the main objects of the convention will be to devise methods for the protection and develop ment of the dilToront industries' ropro- pouted. It would lie well if UK' produc ing classes of the country would meet inororcquontly in Ptich conference's.A very Inrgo proportion of 'tho wuiilth'ol the country is fronted by thorn , nd interchange > torchango ofideas from all parts of the country cannot fail to lia.vo benoflomJ result * . ' Tlio First nlfitrlct. The contest in the First judicial dls- riot narrows down to B cholco between Itimphroy and Stull , republicans , and Iroudy and Thomas , democrats. As bo- , wccn democrats and republicans the 3uu always gives preference to republi cans , providing that they are known to > o men of Integrity and competent to 111 the positions to which they aspire. : n other words , all things being equal , wo favor republicans for ofllco and shall ilways continue to do so. But ns bo- , wccn a dishonest and disreputable re- lubllcan and adetnocrat whom wo know o bo honest and capable , wo shall always recommend the democrat. Ibis is especially true with reference to candidates for district judges. A good republican is above all things a [ food citizen , and no good citizen will lot his partisan ideas control his action In thachoico of judges , into whoso keep ing are committed the dearest interests of the people property , liberty , and life itself. An honest judge is the no blest work of God. The BEB has already entered nn earnest protest against Humphrey , the notorious monopoly tionchmnn , who is unfit for the judiciary not only by reason of iiis servile relations to the railroads , but his intense prejudices and ungov- ornnblo temper. About Stull , his asso ciate on the republican ticket , wo know littlobut most damaging affidavits have boon placed into our possession , which show him to bo unfit for the sacred trust with which ovcry district judge is clothed. On the other hand , wo know Judge Broady as a man of sterling integrity and unchallenged ability. So far as wo have boon able to learn , ho has proved himself to bo an excellent and Impartial judge. Hon. E. W. Thomas served in the state senate in 1871 , during the memorable session that tried men's souls. As his colleague in the legisla ture the editor of the BEE had ample opportunity to ascertain what sort of material Thomas was made of. Ho can cheerfully certify that Thomas was ono of the most upright , fearless , broadminded - minded law-makers that has over hold a scat in any legislature. Ho ia an able lawyer , and in our opinion , would make oven a bettor judge than Broady. Norrls nml Crawford. The judicial race in the Seventh dis trict lias narrowed down between ox- Sotmtor Norris and Judge Crawford. Prominent republicans of that district doslro the BEE to state which of these candidates it would recommend. On the principle that all things boingcqualtho BEE always prefers republicans for of fice , wo do not hesitate to dcclaro in favor of Norris. But wo go farther by urging honest democrats to join in the election of Mr. Norris. Four years ago Crawford was elected by re publican votes as a man who proclaimed himself an enemy of monopoly. Before ho had served half his term ho broke faith with the people who elected him and joined the democratic railroad ring which has its headquarters in this city and had its headquarters at Lincoln during the legislative session. Instead of attending to his ofllcial duties Crawford was at Lincoln nearly all winter log rolling and lobbying. Such a man , bo ho democrat or republican , has no busi ness on the bench. Mr. Norris made an excellent record in the state senate and his competency as a lawyer cannot bo called in question. By all means take Norris in preference to Crawford. Senator Allison In the Kast. Iowa's senior senator appears to bo as well thought of by the republicans of the east ns any other prominent man in the party. There is quite a boom for him in Vermont , for which it is quite possible Senator Edmunds is to some extent responsible. A lending republi can paper of that state , which has spoken most favorably of Mr. Allison , warns the party of the unwisdom "of the popular current of thought and ex pression which trios to narrow the choice of the party down to ono man and make the rcnomination of Mr. Blaine seem inevitable. " Mr. Dorman B. Eaton has written a letter giving Iiis reasons for believing that the nomination of Mr. Allison would bo a good investment for the party , and some of the active politicians have recorded their opinion that the Iowa senator can poll more votes than any other republican. When it was an nounced that Senator Allison' was to participate in the Now York campaign the Now York 2 mrs referred to him as a "moderate and sincere man. " All such evidences of the senator's popularity must bo very cheering to his Iowa friends , although they are not free to make much use of them. Senator Allison has very judiciously decided not to encourage any boom. This is due , doubtless , not solely to his knowledge ol the danger of premature boomsbut more particularly to the praiseworthy view that the party should 'bo left entirely free to determine who among its repre sentative men has the grcatoi availability and would bo the most likely to bo elected. Ho could have had the unanimous endorsement t of the republican convention of his state , but ho wisely thought best not tc thus commit fho party in Iowa , and his refusal to allow It to bo done has been universally approved. The decision oi ifo the next national convention must be made without regard to pledges to fa i- vorite sons , and the fewer of those there are the less embarrassment anil contention will there bo in reaching t decision. A strong point urged in favor of Mr Allison is that ho has not antngonizci any element of the party. This maj suggest tlio absence of some of thqst positive and aggressive qualities 'whicl are deemed to bo necessary it a leader , but it cannotbi charged that Senator Allison bin Htultilleil his * opinions on publii questions , or retreated from any positiqt ho has taken , in ordorto retain thegoo ; will of any element. Ho has simply 110 made dillVjvtievs of < inion. | ) ! bctwcet hiihfrclf .iirnP in 'uK"of ' hu party , t cause-of " poiiitiMitT'warfaro - olien"Ul ! poi- - 3. and.ho'.hits'4iot bought to elevate him self by.'depreciating others. . Nobo'dj doubts the tixt'dnosit ofhis opinions' , 01 that he would ndh'ero to them in ( \n ; capacity as agulusf unyfa'ctio'mU iiitlu once that might bo brought to bear up on him. His sincerity being acknowl edged , his moderation 'should bo ro- gardcd a virtue. The people do not want a pyrotechnic campaign next year , but ono that shall appeal to their sturdy common sense and sober reason. If the friends of Senator Allison can convince the republican convention that ho is the best man to meet this requirement , his chances might bo much better than they now appear to bo. Utah and Admission. The opposition to the admission of Utah to statehood is being kept up with great vigor , and the expression of senti ment all over the country warrants the conviction that the present effort for statehood will fall. A majority of the commission oppose it , and Uio governor In his report is very decidedly on the same side. Ho disclaims having any faith whatever in the declarations and pledges of the constitutional convention , composed wholly of Mormons. Ho says rather than forego the privileges they claim the Mormons will , if required of them , sacrifice their personal comfort , their property , suffer infinite imprison ment , and surrender llfo Itself. Ho ex presses the opinion that a well- grounded fear of the admission of Utah as a state would stay the Incoming tide of prosperity and lese the already enhanced and increas ing values of real estate. There Is inoro to the same effect , nil of which will got to the attention of congress and bo con sidered on its merits. In relation to this matter the Tribune sees more calamitous consequences to result from the admission of Utah than are pointed out by the governor , the editor evidently having the more vivid and far-reaching imagination. The Tribune says that in the movement for statehood there lies "a mighty menace to the future peace of the republic. ' ! The present population of Utah is stated by the governor to bo 190,000. Of these quite two-thirds are Mormons , , and of the Mormons perhaps two- thirds are women and children. At an outside estimate the whole number of Mormon men , old and young , now in Utah docs not exceed forty-five thou sand. Is it not just a little absurd to attempt to impress a nation of 60,000,000 people with a fear of this handful , re latively less than n corporal's guard , who have already upon them the chock and rein of ironclad laws ? Wo respectfully submit that this question should bo determined not under the influence of popular fear or popular prejudice , but solely on the ground of what is seen to bo just , constitutional , and in the inter est of the general welfare. The peace of the nation has nothing to fear from the Mormons except so far as it may bo disturbed by wordy contention on the floors of congress. Nor is it by any means certain that making Utah i state would , as claimed by the governor seriously interfere with its prosperity. Tlio negative arguments on this ques tion must bo very clear , very logical and very convincing , otherwise a great many unprejudiced people may not bo caught by it. Yet there is no probability thtv Utah will bo admitted to statehood by the next congress. THE organ of the roustabouts makes the reassuring statement that by reason of its city printing contract many thous ands of dollars will bo saved to the tax payers. The organ , however , says nothing about its fraudulent contract which Judges Croft and Wakcloy had to on join. That contract procured by bare-faced jugglery with three bids , gave the Taylor and Rounds firm sixty cents for ten lines aggregating seventy words , whereas the price which they were finally glad to accept is thirty cents for 100 words. In a paper that has only a handful of subscribers in Omaha , thirty cents per 100 words is dear enough. Its reduction for the benefit of the taxpayers was not voluntary , by any means. GEOIIGK FRANCIS TJIAIH may have boon somewhat extravagant in his ten million dollar bond and subsidy project for making Omaha n city of half a mil lion people within twenty years , but ho made some excellent suggestions which should bo adopted. There is no doubt that Omaha wants a grand market house , whore producer and consumer can meet to trade. Wo want system of parks and boulevards around the city , and mills and factories to work up the raw products which are at our doors in such abundance. Last , but not least , we want inoro live men , and a dozen first class funerals. BECAUSE the gamblers , the keepers of Third ward dives and the bummer element generally are rallying to the support of Leo Estollo , the Republican takes it for granted that the prohibi tionists will support Wakoloy , Doano and Groff. The BEE is not in position to speak for the prohibitionists , but wo will cheerfully glvo them credit for good citizenship and excellent judg- mcnt in the line of distinction they are said to linvo drawn between the cundi- dates , WHEN ox-Mayor Boyd. read the dis- patch announcing the death of Frank Wclna , register at the Niobrara land oflieo , ho exclaimed , "Woll , well ; Frank Wolna is dead. Out of all the govern - ment appointments mudo in Nebraska by Cleveland , ho is the only man op posed by Dr. Miller and myself. " Ac a cording to Boyd's version , any man who is otTons'ivo to himself and. Dr. Miller is bound to incur the wrath of the Al mighty. Q A RESIDENT , of Lancaster , Ponnsyl- vania , who has been confined in jail 293 days during the past year to ensure his presence at a trial , put in u. bill of ono dollar a day for his time. The court not only disallowed his bill but charged him two dollars a week for his board. Why the witness was not compelled tot work out his board bill with a ball and t chain and nfter\vards , sent to the ponii tontiiiry for life is not explained. . STATK ANI > 1y . Nehl-nwka Jotting * . ' * ' y A blrwo.iu u barn. Ht North Kond cre ir mated fwenty-olj'ht liorsca belonging , to iry J. It. Mallon. ' ; "Figures'wOn't llo sUoUts'a cbntom- porary. They stand up to soiuo pretty tall yarns , though. D. T. Hayden , the democratic rtom- inc.o , has withdrawn from the judicial race in the socpnd district. Some unknown scoundrel poisoned rt span of mutes belonging to Frank KriO- fcls In Nebraska City last week. Platte county , after a two-yenr strug gle , has forked over $10,000 to aid Col umbus in bridging the river there abouts. The press of Iho state Is unanimously of the opinion that Omaha is the proper place for the national republican con vention. Willie Siohlor , a Platte Center youth , played with a baby pistol , and now car ries his fist in a sling. The bullet shat tered the bones of his hand. The nbsonco of a newspaper "trust" is explained by the McCook Tribune on the hypothesis that western newspapers nro already largely run on trust. " Schuylor demands more whistle and less speed from Union Pacific trains riinning through the town. The whir and fire of fifty milo cow trains jar on the nerves of the Patrick Kgan is stumping Lancaster county for tlio republican ticket. JJo has already acquired the title of "Hon. " nnd will doubtless graduate as a "Col. " before the campaign closes. Old residents are somewhat alarmed at the widespread incrcaso and thick ness of the autumn hazo. They forgot that the election cigar clings to the atmosphere with a deadly grip. Charles I. Morris , an Omaha printer , and August Ghcm , of Chadron , broke up the Wilde family in Norfolk last , rcek by marrying the girls. The core- iony was a doublo-jointed affair. Gus Bcrdincah , a Syracuse jockey , , ried to drive four minute plugs at a :10 : gait. The strain was too much for its head and ho has boon sent to the uartor stretch in the state asylum. The Missouri Pacific is building a black trail all olong the lino. Close on the heels of the destruction of the Omaha fair grounds locomotive sparks Irod and destroyed ISO tons of hay near Tnlmage. The B. & M. moguls are firing the [ irairies in Dundy county and wiping > ut the hay and grain stacks and pas- , ures of the farmers. In the last two weeks $5,000 worth of property has boon destroyed. "Tho bunko man , " Bays the Butler County Press , "has more of the milk of human kindness than a coal conspirator. No bunko man ever confessed to robbing seamstresses and widows , car drivers and street sweepers. " Charles E. Butcher , a Chicago drum- nor , took his last order to n drug store , n Fremont , sampled twenty-two grains of morphine , and checked his grip for the other shore. Domestic jars are ac cused of expediting his deuiiso. Frank Wolna , register at the Nio brara. land olllco , had scarcely mastered the routine of his business when death called him hurriedly. His manage ment of the interests of the government homesteaders during his brief olllciul career was highly commended by the oss of the district. The surveyors of the Illinois Central are browsing near Oakland in Burt county and distributing promises of spring booms and winter building. No mention has yet been made of bonds and bonuses , and the residents are aston ished at the omission. Mrs. Mart Holcombo , n resident of Brady Island , armed with a club and considerable grit , tackled a don of snakes recently and silenced forty bell ringers without n single or double scream. Her husband is a prohibition ist and vouches for the story. Charles Tcrrill , of Noligh , was hold up by the railroads recently nml re lieved of $201.08 , the freight on tv car load of goods from a point spvonty-fivo miles east of Omaha to Noligh. The figures represent a magnificent long haul three times the rate from Chicago to Noligh. This is a moderate sample of a "reasonable rate. " The lightning calculator of Hastings figures an outlay of $180,000 for building brick in that city since the 1st of April. With 200 trowel artists this material built five blocks of two and three story business houses , or 1,500 feet of wall. The total building outlay for the year is expected to reach $1,000,000 , without a ilyspock on the ciphers. The briefless barristers Ballou , Han cock and Estollo patched up their fences in Blair last week. The Repub lican , which denounced the ticket at the outset , has made its peace with Ballou and Hancock nnd declines to em brace Estollo. The Pilot takes the lat ter in tow and sots the others adrift. George Francis Train declined an in vitation to lecture in Beatrice and gave his reasons thus : "I understand that Humphrey and Stull are to addressyour people in the interest of the condemned , which I think is quite sufficient. They will bo executed on November-8 , while my clients live until the llth. " George is a prophet from way back. The Beatrice Daily Democrat cheer ily announces that it has closed the first year of its career , and displays a vigor and circulation that insures it many years of usefulness and power. To Beatrice it is a beacon illuminating the path of progress ; to democracy a strengthening tonic , and to rascality in ovcry form a terror. May its tribe in crease. Plattsmouth proudly boasts that she has not yet made the acquaintance of the "modest plumber. " There is no immediate or remote danger of securing an introduction. The tribe exists in fiction only. The real live , active plumber was born with soldered.chcoks and a wrenching hand , and has persist ently applied both to the human race since the fall of Adam. Frank Rcardon , assistant master mechanic at the Union Pacific shops at North Platte , has resigned , and goes to Texas. Frank is remembered asono of the pulled pels of the Omaha shops , who was promoted to the Utah & Northern , and extinguished himself by cutting the wages of engineers und firemen without consulting the management. The knights of the footboard fell upon him a few years ago and hustled him to a second-rate job as a reward for his economy. Manager Holdrogo , of the B. & M. , figures that the rate reduction recently made , "in connection with thee made since April 1 , taking into consideration tlio average rebate of 1886 , will save to Nebraska points $1,309,130.1)0. ) Tlio re duction rccontlj' made in lumber of Z\ cents per hundred , applied to the ton nage of 188(1. ( will save 4111,820. The re duction in hard coal of # cents per hundred will save $18,3H(1.20. , ( Tills ap plies to B. & ; M. lines alone. " Attorney General Loose has squelched the political ambition of a lady in Adams county. The gallant gentleman from Sownrd is a great admirer of the fair sex , and would sail adown the briny bosom of Salt creek or swim the hhilllow donlh of the Phitte to boost the beautiful into place and power. But the constitution "framed .by Itho fathers , " and a painful sense of duty , crushed his finer icelings an well as the prospects of Miss Jnno Price , candidate lor court elorK , To hold olllue ono must bo an elector , and the ladips havq not been blessed with the ballot. ' The saddpot' words of tongue or pen could not pnlni the melancholy that envelopes - volopos a youthful clerk in n steve store not n thousand miles from Omaha. Tlio llrst faint sprouts of n moustache strug gle , not for air but for sustenance on his upper lip. The season Is n busy ono , and his efforts to polish his wares and coax the fluff of Infancy Into maturity is BO painful that the statuary on the stoves weep and tremble from their pedestals. And the mingling of the blacking with his upper lip produces a combination of color and porsovuranco that ennobles the struggle. Iowa Items. Counterfeit nickels nro abroad In the state. The working girls' club room in Davenport - onport is well patronized. Farmers near canning factories in Iowa have realized $20 per aero this year for the sweet corn they raised. The loss by fire at the Gnrvor coal mine near Dos Moines Is estimated at about $20,000 , the insurance amounting to $0,000. Davenport Is promised a gas plant which will furnish fuel for factories of all kinds at n prlco that will drivo-coal iut of the market. Although Iowa is n prohibition state t has llo wholesalers , and 8,416 rotail- ) rs who pay a special license liquor fee to the United States. The criminal record for Scott county ncludlng Davenport shows tlurty-thrco jonvictlons for the year ending Sept.80. Nineteen of the crooks were native Americans. In Plymouth county both the ropubll- an and democratic candidates for county superintendent are Indies. The present superintendent is Miss Byrne , who is a candidate for ro-oleotion on the democratic ticket. The prohibition constables in DCS Molnos are becoming an unbearable UliBiuico. Pulled up with their own importance and contraband whisky they nrrost peaceable citizens , and if ono of their victims should resent the outrage the constable is rewarded with a liberal round of foes. Any private house suspected of containing a loaded jug era a case of beer is raided , the goods taken and stored in a warehouse owned by the constables , where they _ indulge their appetites for liquor till jugs run dry. They not only devour the captured liquor but also receive liberal foes for their vigilance. Great is prohibition. Dakota. Can-ington shipped 1G1 cars of wheat during the month. Staging north from Rapid City is a thing of the past. The railroad is now in operation to Sturgis. Various towns in southern Dakota nro pressing their claims on Bishop Marty lor see city of the dioceso. Some of the business men of Pierre are organizing against the prohibition ists and hope to ttcfoat the measure. There are 2,000 land patents lying in tlio Aberdeen land ofllco that are not listed. Moro clerical help is needed. A convention of Dakota colleges will assemble at Brookings November 6 to organize an oratorical association for Dakota. Prairie yachts are the latest products of the territory. Henry F. Suedigar , of Iroquois , has invented a system of sails that ho attaches to an ordinary buggy or road wagon. With his wind wagon Mr. Snedigar recently traveled from Iroquois to Huron , a distance of eighteen miles , in an hour and a half , the wind blowing only slightly. Mr. Snedigar says that \yhcn the wind has a velocity of twenty-live miles an hour , ho can travel from twelve to fifteen miles with case. A Pica For Hancock. N' , Neb. , Oct. CO. To the Editor of the BKE : Will you kindly give expression , through your columns , to the views of Sarpy county relative to the candidacy of A. U. Hancock for the district judgshipl While it is true that wo do not accord to hira that mild affability , refinement of manners and courteous disposition which characterizes the BEB nnd its able editor , yet wo ask you not to believe nor permit your readers to bcliovo the charges you prefer ngainst him of incom- petcncy and questionable conduct ; nnd your accusations , too , fill the avcrupo mind with embarrassment , for , indeed , lifter success fully denying nnd refuting the terms "jack-piano lawyer" and ' 'ward bum , " wo are still but llttlo farther on than when wo commenced. Wo beg of you to know the truth , thnt A. U. Hancock is a scholar and a young man of rare legal quali fications and attainments , with a thorough training and comprehensive knowledge that at once enables him to grasp details , discern fucta and to analyze and clearly solve In tricate problems and all true points Involved In every legal controversy. His method re moves clinicultics. The assertion that there is not a liner student , of the liuy in this Indi cia ! district than Hancock will withstand successful denial. Ask Saundcrs and Sarpy counties , where ho has taken front rank ns a lawyer for the past seven years , nnd , wo will add , inquire of the Omaha bar itself ? Re view his record ns county Judge In this coun ty , to which position ho was plectcd irre spective of party on account of his high qualifications for the ofllco , and which expe rience now fits him in an essential degree for the duties of the district jiulgeship. And ho is no "ward bum. " How could tie go from an outside county with five delegates , without previous recommendation , into a Judicial con vention composed of fifty-two delegates and bo awarded the nomination , unless solely upon his merit ? Did ho not obtain his nom ination fairly and manfully ? And as to the "crime of being a young man" wo will say that in conformity with our Institutions a man may become a member of the house of representatives at twenty-five , of the senate at thirty , and president of the United States at thirty-five , while us to the ngo of a Ne braska district judge , that depends largely upon one's amount of brains I In conclusion wo will say that the 13nn , World and Herald , combining nnd attacking Mr. Hancock in the manner they arc because ho Is n "country lawyer , " is surely unjust nnd unfair. As n rule the best lawyers in a city nro those who wont from the country ; nnd ns to Mr. Hancock , ho has nothing but words of praise both for his associates mid competitors in this contest , nnd is legurdcd ns a gentleman of high and honorable stand ing wherever ho is known. Very respectfully , JAMIS P. GHOVI : . Tlio Cholera Patients. New YOUK , Oct. 20. The following report has been received from Health OfHcCjr Smith : The Alesia's passengers , both nt Hoffman and Swinburne Islands , nro nil well. Only three remain at the hospital , and these are entirely convalescent. The two patients from the Britannia , admitted previous to this date , are improving. Ono child , aged ono year , died yesterday. A child of six years nnd Angela Salnngo. nged forty years , were removed to the hospital. A llox of Hones. Er.MiiU , N. Y. , Oct. ! . A box of bones , which proved uiwn examination to bo the skeleton of a woman , was found on a Lehlgh Valley wild train this morning. Conductor llaymond says ho stopped his train Just outside - side of the city limits of Elmirn and that the box was not on boara then. When next ho went over his Wavcrly , ho found it nnd ho concluded from this tint the ghastly freight must have been put on board At El- mlrn. The General opinion hero is that the skeleton came from some doctor's .ofllco or medical institution. Freight Itntcs Ilcdiiccd. PiTTSiiuno , .Oct. 29. At a mooting of the Ontral Trafllc nssoclalloi to-day , rates to points on the Koclc Island road between Min eral , III. ' , nnd Burlington , la. , nnd on the St. Paul road between Stlllmnn Vulloy , 111. , nnd Davcpixjrt , were reduced 2J4 cents On the llrst three classes nnd. 1 cent on the otlujr three , A special rate of 2t cents was wade- on iron and steel In car loads. . < , KEEP THE- JUDICIARY PURE , A Few Moro Words About Nomn- hn's Nomlnoo For Judgo. HIS JURY-FIXING RECORD. A Bad Citizen , An Unsafe Lawyer , An Unpopular Candidate , nntl n Thoroughly Disreputable Mnn AllUlnvlts. AtniUUN , Nob. , Oct. 27. To tlio edi tor ot the BKB : I cnmo to Aulmrn with tlio designed intention of writing u letter - tor in which John 8. Stull , candidate for judge in the First judicial district , would fijjuro. I found , however , that it would bo of llttlo UEO , as it is safe to say that lie will not receive a majority in any one of the llvo counties comprising the district. From n railroad man I ascertained that Stull's Missouri Pacific pass is ser ies O. No. 030. His B. & M. pass , I Imvo been unable to got the number. That Stull is a bad citizen , an unsafe lawyer , and a thoroughly dishonest man , I have no doubt. The affidavits charging him with so many attempts to corrupt a jury , brand him as a kuavo in the sight of all honest men. The allldavits on lllo in Nomaha county nro from the best other citizens , and there is no dodging tholr shocking accusations. So unpopular is Stull in his own county that last fall as a candidate for county. attorney , ho was elected by only forty majority almost four hundred loss than Governor Thayer received. Stull made open boasts that ho pur chased votes , paying as high as llvo dollars lars npicco for them ! Yet with nil that ho was elected by only forty majorityl As a lawyer it is cortifled to by the clerk of the supreme court of the state that Stull was never admitted to practice in their court. As a lawyer ho is below the average in point and nbili.yrbut as a trickster and crook I doubt if his equal will bo found in this state. In the Hall murder case it is a matter of common notoriety in this town , that Stull , with his partners in the crime , wrecked the heart-broken and dis tracted mother of the unfortunate Hall. A prominent man in London precinct told mo that Stull was without doubt a partner in the bond cases uguinst that same Brownvillo precinct , and that as an interested party and a , county at torney , ho had advised the commission ers to levy largo sums of interest not altogether necessary. In London precinct I predict that Stull will not receive ton voles. The people of the First district can not uiTord to endorse him. In order to give ono instance of Stull's villainy , ! take from the Neinalm Times , a republican paper , the following ac count of Stull's attempt to corrupt a jury enough to bar him forever from any position of honor and trust. I saw the allldavits referred to in the article , and there is no questioning the matter : STULL AS A KINK WORKKlt. The celebrated case of Truto against Frost and others , well known to every one in Ncmaha and Johnson counties , has passed into history , and now John S. Stull must answer to the people of the First judicial district for his conduct in that case. This suit was for $10,000 dam ages , under the Slocum law , against cer tain saloon men in Tccumseh , and was tried four times twice in Johnson and twice in Nemaha the plulntiil winning the case in every trial. Tlio verdict was three times sot aside for Improper conduct of certain jurors sitting the case. When the cabo was sent to No maha county on a chant , i of venue , John S. Stull was rotaineil for the de- nfonso and was active in selecting the jurors to try the case at both trials had in this county , but was not allowed to take any part in the trial or manage ment of the case at cither trial. Tlio defendants understood whore Stull's ability was and they kept him employed where ho could do the most good for them , and the results proved how wisely they acted. His olTorts to got some ono on the jury who would stand by the defendants - fondants in their hour of distress were BO boldly and openly carried on that nearly everyone around the courthouse know it , and the scandal has over since been a matter of common notoriety in nearly ovcry part of Neinaha county. In the art of chicanery , deceit , and intrigue , Slull has few equals in any country and his tactics in this piece of "fine" work was worthy of oven his great reputation. A day or two before the case was to bo called for trial the flrst time Mr. Stull concluded to approach preach the sheriff through a mutual friend and Bet the wheels in motion. John H. Pohlman , ono of the Nomnha county commissioners , who is a very obliging man and who finds it very ditllcult to deny his friends any small favors ho can bestow without too much trouble , called on the sheriff and said to him : "Stull wants to fix up his dispute with you and quit on friendly terms and have no more of it. You beat , him and got elected anyhow and now its all right and Stull would like to have you put John Ronau on the Truto jury from the bystanders and if you do , anything that is reasonable and right in the matter will bo done. " Failing in this scheme Stull next calls on Mr. A. L. Fry , of South Auburn , who was then employed at the court nouso , and requested him to see what could bo done with a certain juror then sitting in the Truto case , to inlluenco him in favor of the defendants. On April UO , 1880. Mr. Fry filed an allidavit in the district clerk's olllco of tnis county saying generally that one of the attorneys of the defense asked him to bee what should bo done with ono of the jurors sitting in the case and to let him know. It is a matter of common knowl edge in Auburn , and Mr. Fry so stated it to numerous persons that tlio attorney referred to was John S. Stull and that the juror Stull desired to roach was Lev ! Hughes , of Howe , who was at that time a guest in the homo of Mr. Fry. Receiving no encouragement from Mr. Fry , Stull next directs his attention to Joseph V. Graff , then an attorney liv ing in Auburn and now practicing law at Pokin , 111. , and asks htm to see what can bo done with George W. Fabllngor , then sitting as a juror in the COBO. Fab- linger was a friend of Graff , and was at that time associated in business with him and occupying the same ollico , and on the same day Grail told Fublingor that Stull had singled 1dm out as a juror that might bo reached and cautioned him to look out. G. W. Taylor , then practicing law in Nomaha county , now in Denver , Colo. , stated publicly stated that Stull asked him to sco Fowler and find whether anything could bo done about this Truto case before the trial com menced. Mr. JJ. II. Bailey , of ISrock , was ono of the jurors in the first trial of this case , and on April iH ) , JSStt , ho Hies an allidavit in the district clerk's ofllco in which ho suys that tliis same John II. Pohlman approached him and M : I ) . Haymon. another -juror in this case , at the ekating rink in Auburn , and during' the progress of the , trial and Buld Ave you acquainted with 'Gralli1 ono of the defendants , and when Mr. BnUby Bald no ; Pohlmnn wild ho know him well ; that ho was a good man , nntl if thia cnso wont against him it would break him up , and M. 11. Haymon , ono of the load ing men of this county , will corroborate Mr. Ualloy's statement. All those manunivorfl on the part of the astute "lino worker" failed , and the jury returned a verdict for the plnlntltt forei O. Thia verdict waa sot natdo for improper conduct of the jury , and on the second trial Stull struck his gait ami gave a really fine exhibition of his peculiar powers in this lino. About nix months Intervening between the lirst nntl second trial pf this cafe and this scandalous attempt to corrupt a jury had become In n measure public talk around the court house and in Auburn , and when the county commissioners come to mnko up the list of petit jurors for the next term of court , Sheriff Fowler and Mr. Hubbard , county clerk , wore on hand to see it done ; the sheriff had offered to wager the county clerk that Commis sioner Pohlman would name John Ronau among the first from his district for jury duty. These two well known county olllclala stood there and saw Pohlman offer John Ronau's name as a lit man for jury duty and ho was listed and afterward drawn as one of the petit jurors. When the Truto case was call for its second trial in this county this man Ronau was called in the regular order and entered the jury box with a blue ribbon tied in the buttonholoofhiscoat. Ho was regularly and closely examined by Mrs. IHttcnbomlor for the plaintiff and answered every question to her satisfaction and ho was examined and accepted as a competent juror hr the de fendants blue ribbon and all. The jury after a protracted struggle re turned a verdict of SUf > 0 for thu plain' tiff , and when Ronau consented to this verdict ho stated ho would rather sign a $500 note. DTho tillidavits of Samuel Stoirs , .T. W. Argabright , W. G. Barnes and Mrs. Ada M. Hittonbondor , now in the dis trict clerk's olllco , prove that John Ronau showed himself a competent juror. The affidavits of Henry Rockaway , B. H. Irwin , R. W. McKee , and Solomon Hare , of Johnson county , filed in the district dork's olllco show that Ronau know the defendants ; knew the facts in the case and was a frequenter of the saloons of the defendants. Every statement heroin , showing Stull's connection with this dirty , diH- reputable business ia backed up by the aflldavits of well known and truthful men , cither on lllo in the district clork'a ollico or in our possession , and those facts are also matters of common knowl edge in this county.AT AT * FAIHUKOTIIKH. A Word About Gaiarrh , "It Is the mucous incmunxno , that wonderful scml-lluld cm elope ( surrounding the dullc.ito tUsues of tlio air and food passives , thnt Cu- tanh makes Us stronghold. Oncu established It eats Into tilt ) very vitals , and lenders llfo hut a long-drawn breath of misery mid dUcase , dull ing the sense of hearing , trammelling the rower ot speech , destroying the faculty of Hindi , taint ing thu bioath , and killing the lulliusl ple.isuros ot taste. Insidiously by cietplng on liom a Klmpla rnld In the lioad , It assaults thu mom- branotts lining and envelopes the bone.s ruling through the ilellcuto coats and causing Inllum- inatlon , sloughing and death. Nothing short of total cr.idlciiiIon will teuno health to the pa tient , and all nllnvlatlvcH nro Dimply pnx-instl- nuteu Millorlngs , leading to n fatal tot initiation. SANi'imii's It.MHUAi , mini : , by Jnlmlatlon and by Internal administration , 1ms never Jalli'dj oven when tlio dlseaso has made frightful In- rouds on delicate constitutions , hearing , Miioll nmltiute Imvo boon recovered , and the illbuuso thoroughly dilvenout. " SANKOHD'H UAIIIU u. CUIIE consists of ono bot- tlOOf the HADKlAf , I'AIHK. 0110 1 > OX CtTAIinilArj BOIVI.NT : , and ono iMi'itoviiii INIIAI.IMI , neatly vrapped in ono package , with full directions ; price , Jl.OO , 1'OTTKIl DUPO & CllEMIPAr. CO. , llOSTOJf. EVERY * MUSCLE ACHES. Sharp pains , Dull 1'alnn , Strains and Wu.lklievj , HRMUVKII IN ONI ! MINUTH by the CUTICUIIA ANTI-PAIN I'LAS- A pei feet antldoto to pain , In- Humiliation and wunkn nn. Tlio llrst and only paln-kJlllug plaster. Instantaneous , Infallible , wxfo. Acknowledged by druggists and jihyal- clans to bo Iho best yet propaii'd. At all druggists - gists , IK cents ; tlvo for Sl.ouj or , postage free , ot I'OTTKH IJHUO AND ClIKMlCAL CO. , JlObtOll , MUSS. WILL NOT UNHOOK WHILEBCINO WORN. Krcry Uily wlm dcsirkf perfection In style and form Bhoulcl wear thrin. Manuficturcd only lir Uio WORCESTER CORSET COMPANY , Worcester , Mass. , aiiUaiS M.uket street , Clilcaa | ; The best and nreat Ecmcdy for Cure of all diseases canted by any derangement of the Liver , Kidneys , Stomach and Bowcli. Dyspepsia , Sick Ileadoeho , Conitlpatlon , Billon * Complaints and Hnlarijtof all kind * yield readily to the beneficent influence of It U pleasant to the taste , tones np the Bystem , restores and preserves health. It It purely Vegetable , and cannot fall to prove beneficial , both to old nod young. As a Blood Pnriflcr U li impcrlor to all ethers. Sold everywhere ot $1.00 a bottle. t Mglitit tactile * , comfortund t favoriteiHfabtonblectrcl ; . Ournameii ( J.4T.COUSINS , on every sole. 1 NCW.YOHK. For. Sale .by ' H award Brothers.