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THE OMAHA DAILY SEVENTEENTH YEAR. ' OMAHA. FRIDAY M.OHNING , JUNE S , 1SSS , NUMBER 35G. Bandanas Flung to the Breeze By the Howling Delegates. THE OLD ROMAN VICTORIOUS. His Nomination Settled Before the Convention Convened. THE PLATFORM THEY ADOPTED. An Affirmation of the Declaration of the 10B4 Document. THE CLOSE OF THE GATHERING. Orny nml Ulnck Withdrawn After tlic linllot IH Tnhcn McGltmlH JMukcH a Hncc-cli Itcd Ilio Campaign Color. Tlio Third mill Last Day. ST. Lotu * . Juno 7. [ Special 'Tele gram to Tin : llpr. The day opened swcl- tcilng hot , mid the nir hi the convention hall Is llko u furnace. Notwithstanding the de parture of nmiiy visitors last night , the ex position hall Is Jammed oven fuller if it wcio possible tliiin yesterday. Tlio belief Unit 1 Inn mini's nomination would take place on the lltst ballot was general. As the delegations Illcd into the hall and deco rated their banners with the red bandanas , Vie crowd cheeied loudly. Already a major ity of the standards are crowned with led. Counter demonstrations by Gray's adher ents In the galleries , who float long groy sti earners evoked less enthusiasm. Till ! 1IEU IHNIIAS'V. At 10:20 : the Now York delegation deco rated their banner with the icd hnmlkcn hiof and was quickly followed by hull a do 5ti , Iowa joining the procession. The action was gicctedwiUi loud cheers , at the conclusion of which Indiana alone dis played the gr.iy streamer. Now Yoik's action taken ns conclusive of the decision of the convention to nominate the old Koman on the 11 ist ballot. Amid the confusion resulting from the Thuiinnn dcmonstiation , the convention was called to order at 10:30ith : the question of the vice presidential nomination settled in advance of the loll call. Tim 1-I.ATFOllM. When Wattcrson came forward to present the pl.itform ho giectcct with cheers which wcio redoubled when ho announced that it had been agreed upon uiinii Imouslv. The opening sentcnecs in the tariff plank were punctu ited with yells of applause , especially the endorsement of the picsident's message and the allusion to the Mills bill. "Now she's ringing , " shouted nit enthusiastic delegate. The sontimsnt of the convention in favor of a square light on the protection issue was unmistakable. Wnttci son's at the telling speech con clusion of the reading of the platform , which ho had wiltten and fought through , carried the audience off its feet , especially when turning to Senator Goriniu ho declared that the democracy was united Senator Gor man's line figure and handsome fcatmcs were now to many democrats , but ho was en thusiastic illy leeched and ondoised the platform to the full satisfaction of the cx- ticmo tariff rofoimcrs The platform was tncii 1nil ) ° ll unanimously. Tirr. r.2-vZj , : ss. " - When the cheeilng over WntlcrC2's Bjeech h id bubsided it was announced that the committee on resolutions h id adopted tlneo resolutions for which they asked the approval of the convention. The liist , olToicd by W. L. Scott , of i > Ic , was nu unqualified endorsement of the Mills bill. The applause which followol thicatcned to nilse the roof. The second , picsentcd by Layman , was a we lit attempt to tlnow the bhimo of Dikota's non admis sion upon the republicans The third , by Leon Abbott , of New Yoik , was n bid for the Irish vote on an cndoisomont of homo rule. After the passage of resolutions of respect for Thomas A. Hoiidrlcks , on motion of Delegate White , of California , the convention piocecdcd to nominations for the vice presidency. Tin UMAX xoMiVArnn. Tnrpio of C.ilifoinl.i mounted the platform to nominate Thurman. Ho had n grand op portunity nml made nwietchod lizzie. Ho came neuter nominating Gray and his bung ling rom.uks thiow a firebrand in the con- vcHtion. The Thurman men hold down their heads in the upioarund there was great re lief when Tarpoy sat down. Ho was followed by ox-Governor Thomas A Patterson of Col orado who had been selected to nomlnato Hlack. Ho made n ilnging speech eulogizing Ulaok and ending \\ithdi.iwing his name. When Indiana was called and Senator Voorhees stalled for the platfotm to noin Inato Governor Ginv , tlio galleries went wild and the Indiana delegation throw themselves - selves into paiovysnn of frenzy. Vooihees' speech was nn able though llorid olTort , but his face carried the news of impending de feat. Governor Green , of Now Jersey , icspondcd for hit , state in u speech seconding Thur- man and vigorously slappplng Indiana. Ho pledged the vote of his state , which ho said did not como with a candidate. In ono hand nml her electoral vote In the other. After a painful dose of metaphor from a Nevada jiuin , New Yoik , in the poison of llolejrato Unities , added new fuel to the Thurmaij Homo. In an eloquent speech ho pledged the Now Yoik vote to the Ohio statesman. Train this time foi ward Thurmau was the cry. Tliuiuuiii "was nominated on the 11 rst bal lot. Nebuiska cast two votes for Giay and eight for Tarn man NnilllASUA'ti ' lU'HIMATICW This moining's Hepublio , under the heading of "Nebraska's Humiliation , " says ; "Tho Nebraska delegation Is nil mixed ou the cholco for vice picsidcnt , und cannot scttlo the matter .so as to vote ns n unit , or at least have not yet done so. The present division Is IIvo for Thurman and two for Hlack , the other thrco of the ton delegates having Individual candidate : ) . Said a prominent momborof the delegation last night , 'Nebraska has been humiliated In re gard 1o the tar I IT , mul I am almost nshnmod to go back homo. Nebraska has been considered the hot-bed of fiee trade and now our comniltteemun on platfoim and ipsolu- tiouf has gene and voted \ \ itli the Gormun crowd und against tariff leform. In speak ing of the matter to our delegation James 13. North , our representatlv e on the platform committee , bald Kc would \otofor tat iff ic- foim because his constituents to ijistiuctcd him aud not became he wanttd to. Ha seems \o liavo forgotten this Y , hen ho cast his veto fur Cormuu for choirmau of the platform committee.1 There wns general dissatisfac tion among the delegates on account of Mr. North's action. " TIIK Til I HI ) DAY Opens With the Heading and Ailop * tlon of the I'lntforin. ST. Louis , Mo. , Juno 7. Notwithstanding that n number of visiting organizations and IndUldual strangers had loft the city last night or coily this morning , little appreciable reduction In the attendance of spectators is noticeable. As thedclegatcs slowly straggled In , In twos and threes , the conversation was on the resjicctlvo chances of Thurman and G ray , the tariff plank and the state of the ther mometer. As to the latter there was unanimity of opinion , it being excessively hot. As the delegation spaeo begin to ill ! the usual battle of handkerchiefs broke out Thurmnn red and gray muslin Indlcathc of the name of Indiana's candidate being hoisted to the masthead by the respective admirers of the contestants. As cuch new color was raised it was greeted with shouts from the gal leries , but it was evident from the volume of sound that tlio Old Roman was the favorite of the spectators. The Now York delegation was last to enter and hoisted the Thurman colors to her standard. Tlio assemblage rose and gave her n hearty cheer. Indiana answered with do- llant shouts , mid for some moments confu sion , nolso and excitement reigned. The convention was called to order at 10:30 : and prnjcr was offered by the Hev. Dr. Hranklleld. The ehalr then stated he was advised that the committee on resolutions was loady and ho Introduced Henry Watterson , chairman of the committee. Watterson , turning to the chairman , said he had the honor to report the lesolutions unanimously agreed upon by the committee on platfoim. Clerk Pettls then lead the platform as fol lows : The democratic paity of the Uuitcd States , In national convention assembled , icnews the pledges of its lldelity to the democratic faith and roafllrms the plattoim adopted by Its representatives In the convention of 1SS-I and endorses the views expressed by President Cleveland in his last message to congress ns correct In everj resect of that plat form upon the question of ttiiuT reduction mid also endoiscs tlio efforts of our democratic representatives in congress to sccuto a reduction of excessive taxation. Chief among its piinciplcs of nuty faith are the maintenance of that indissoluble union of free and indestructible states now about to enter upon its sceond , cent iry of un exampled pi ogt ess and icnown , devotion to tlio plan of goveinment icgulated by the wiltten constitution stiiet'j spccifiing every granted power , and expressly reserving to the states or people tlio entire ungi anted ics- iduoof power , encouiageuicntof u jealous and popular vigilance directed to all who have been chosen for brief tenns to enact and exe cute lawa and am invested with the duty of picserving pence , insuring equality und establishing Justica. The democi atlo party w elcomcs nn exacting scrutiny of tlio administration of the executive power which four years ago wuscommitted to its trust in the election of Uio\or Cleveland , president of the United States ; bat it chal lenges the most searching inquiry concerning its lldclitj and devotion to the pledces \ \ hicli then invited the suffrages of the people. Dur ing the most critical period of our llnancial affairs , icsulting from over-taxation , the anomalous condition of our cmrency and public debt umnaUircd , it has by the adop tion of n wise und conservative course , not only averted disaster but greatly piomoted the piospc-ilty of our people. It has leveried the improudent and unwise policy of the icpubllcan paity touching the public domain , and has icelaimed from corpoiations mid syndi cates , alien and domestic , and restoied to the people ne.uH one bundled millions of actcs of valuable lands to uo sacicdly hold .is homesteads for our citi/cns. While carelully guaidmg the interest and the principles of Justice and equity , it lias paid out more for pensions and bounties to the soldieis and Rallois of the icpubllo than was ever piid befoic d'jring an equal pouod. It has adopted and consistently pursued a Him and piudont foieign policy , preset ring peace > tli uii ua'ions While sciupuloubly m iln tabling all t , ' , ; . " ' : llf8 * jHjS Wt | o ( our own g'ei nmcnt nnd people at Homo ami nuiuu , , the cxcii.sion fiom our shoies of Chinese Inborcishas ij.'on effectually secured under a piovision ot t'catj' ' , the opeiation of.whieh lias been postponed In the action of the lepublican majouty in tlio sCi.Pte. Honest refoim In the civil KCI vice lias been inmtguiatcd and maintained bv Piesident Cleveland , and ho has biought the public set vice to the highest stamlind of clllcicnej' , not onlj bj rule and prcrept , but by the ex ample of his until ing and unselfish adminis- lationof public afliiits. In ovoiy br.i.ii h and department of the gov ernment under dcmociatic control , the i ights and welf.uo of all have been guarded and defended ; cvcij' public Inteiest-hus been pro tected and the equalitj' of all our citi/ens before the law , without leu-aul to race or color , has been steadfastly maintained. Upon its iccoid thus exhibited , and upon the pledge of continuance to the people of its benellts.demoeiacj invokes a renewal of pop ular tiust bj' the ic election of n chief inngis- tiate , who has been faithful , able and pru dent. Thcij in\oke , In addition to that tiust , tlio transfer also to the democracy of the en tire legislative power The ty. controlling the sen ate and resisting in both houses of congress the refoi mutlon of lust and unjust laws w hlcli have outlasted the necessities of war and uio now uiideimining tlio abundance of long po ice , dente the people equalltv be fore the law and fairness and Justice , which are their light. Then the ciy of American labor for a bet ter Hliiuo in the lew aids of Industry is stilled with false pic-tenses , enterpiiso is fettered and bound down to homo markets , capital is diseomagcd with doubt and unequal , unjust laws can neithei bo propeily amended or icpealed. The demoeiatle paitj' u ill continue with all the power confided to It , to struggle ton-form thesolaw < In nccoid- anco with the pledges of its last plat foim bv the suffrages of the people. Of all the Industlions freemen of our land , the Immense majoritj1 , including everj' tiller of the soil ; gam no advantage from exces sive tax laws , but tlio price of no nly every thing thoj' buj' is incieased by the favoiltlsm of our unequal njstem of tax legislation All unnece-ssurj' taxation Is unjust taxa tion. It Is lepugnant to the tieeil of democrnty that by such taxation the cost ot the nei-es mines of life should bo unjustl- lleably increased to all our people Judged by demociaile pilnciples the interests of tlio pioplo aio bctnncd when by unnecessaiy taxation ti lists and combinations aio pci- mitted to exist which , while unduly enrich ing a fuw thn combine , rob the body of our clli/eiiB bj depiivlng tiicmof the benefits of nntmul competition. IZvury domocratlo rule of governmental ac tion \lolated whin , thiough unnecessaiy taxation n vast sum of inonoj farbc-jond the needs of an economical adininisuutlon is diawn from the people and the channels of trade and accumulated as a demoralizing sur plus iu the n itional tie-asm j , iho money now Ijing idle in the fedeial tieasurj' result Ing fiom supculuous taxation amounts to moio than one hundicd and t\venty-tlvo millions , a-id the surplus collected isieach- ing the sum of moio than sixtj millions an nually. Debauched by this Immense temptation , the i untidy of the icpubliean patty Is to mt'ct and exhaust by extravagant appropria tions uid : expe-tiECswhether conititutioiul or not , the accumulation of oxtiauuant taxa tion , Tlio democratio policy is to e-nforco frugulitj in public expenses , and abolish un- iicccssaij * taxation. Our established do mestic industries nnd entorpilsos should not , und need not bo endangered by u rodiicttou aud correction of the burdens of taxation. On the contrarj' , H fair and care ful it > vMon of our tax laws , with duo allow ance for diffetences between the wages of American and foreign labor , must promote undent-outage OMirj' bianeU of such indus tries und cnteipribCd bj giViiig them ussui- nncoof nn extended market and steady and continuous operations. In the interests of American labor. tYhlch should in no event bo neglected , the re vision of our tax laws contemplated by the democratic party should promote the advantage of such labor by cheapening the cost of the necessaries of life In the home ot every worklngman and nt the same tlmo se cure to him steady and remunerative cm- ploj ment. Upon this question of tariff reform , so closely concerning every phase of our na tional life , and upon every question Involved In the problem of good government , the dem ocratic party submits its principles anil pro fessions to the Intelligent suffrages of the American people. U'ATTKIISON'S SPEECH. He Vollowfl the Platform With An In * trodnction or Senator < ; ormnn , ST. Loinp , Juno 7.--Upon the completion of the reading of the platform , Hon. Henry Wattcrson sjioko as follows : We bring to you n platform upon which democrats cm stand without feeling theynro away from home. It embodies a statement of facts Inconvertible. It declares the cause of reform and gives it a language which may bo spoken alike in Now Jersey and Iowa , in Massachusetts mid in Texas. It looks upon the rising , not the Rotting sun. Tlmtika toGroxcr Cleveland , the attention of the country , weed by others so long innin , is llxed nt last upon n remedy of real instead of imaginary c\ils arising out of the state ot the war , and henceforward the democratic party , which has been the volco will become the hand of the people. Democ racy nt least Is one with itself , and though wo may sometimes contend among ourselves , our contests shall bo those of the Homnns of old only resttltinir in moro Romans. It Is now the time of the republicans to know what it is to haVe only half n country and no leader nt all. [ Cheers. ] Two good demo crats can only understand ono another thoroughly and love ono another when they have had some fun together , and this will bo n sufllcicnt reason why I should present you with Senator Gorman of Maryland. Senator Gorman was Introduced and spoke as follows ; Gentlemen of the Conven tion : I would bo out of place were I found elsewhere than In n democratic convention and standing upon the demociatto piinciplcs as written by Jefferson and now being ex pressed by the democratic paity under the lead of Glover Cleveland. Four ycais ago at Chicago , the democratic partj , restated its declaration of principles , promising if en trusted with power that sectionalism should bo willed out forever , that the hnnnccs of your government should be controlled , and the tariff directed not to impair the brilliant industiics of the land , but that extravagant expcndituies Hliould bo i educed until wo would have a govei iimetit economically administered , and that the war taxes placed upon us by the republican party should bo reduced nccoiding to tlio icquiiemcnts of the government. Upon the declaration of principles thus made at Chicago wo went be fore the pcoplo and the icsult was tlio elec tion of Gro\or Cleveland. In the mutter of the i eduction of taxation ho has been honest and earnest , and with a desire to can v out the promises nf the party , and when ho dc- claicd that we weie to face the fact of i educ tion of taxation and wipe out this hundred million suiplus. it was no longer n question , nor could it bo controlled by the clap trap piactiees of the opposition charging us with fico trade or free protec tion either , but wo stood as honest men , to reduce this immense taxation of $100,000,1X10 per annum. Wo have presented a platform in strict accoid with all democratic declara tions that hae preceded us. As. Mr. Wat- toison has well is a platfoim upon which every democrat can stand. Mr.Wnttcrsonofifentucky ; Mr.Clmirmnn , I now inovo the adoption of the repot t and on that motion call foi the previous question. The question was put und the platform unanimous'y ' adopted. SIDE UESOIiUTIONS. Additional Declarations Tacked Onto the Pliitiorm. ST. Louis , Juno 7. Mr. Wntterson Mr. Chairman , the platform committee has ap- pioved with the rcpoit mid request to bo passed without discussion tlneo icsolutions. The lust of these will be picscnted by Mr. Scott of Pennsj Kama. Mr. Scott then olTeicd the follow ing reso lution , which was passed : IJesohed , That this contention endorses and recommends the early pass ige of the bill lei " ' " ' " ' ° r 'eveniie now pending In the house ofi 11 < lhellt \ < > s ; The second of these rcsO.L'flo"S was pre sented by PtcdcuUc Laition of CaiuC.1 und is as follows : Hcsolved , That a just and liberal policy should be put sued in icfeienco to the temto- nes ; that the light of sclf-go\eminent is in herent in the people and guiuantocd under tlio constitution ; that the tcintories of Washington , Dakota , Montana and New Mexico m obi virtue of population and dev - v lopnicnt entitled to admission Into the union us states , and wo unqualifiedly con demn the course of the republican party in refusing statehood and sclf-iro\ eminent to their people. The resolution was adopted. The thiid it-solution referred to was pre sented by ox-Go\ernor Abbot of New Jersey , and was unanimously adopted. The icsolu- lion is as follows : Kcsolvcd , That wo express our cordial sym pathy with the struggling people of all na tions to secure for themselves the inestima ble blessings of elf-government , and civil and religious liberty , and wo especially de- elm o our symp thi w ith the efforts of those noble iiatilots , wno , led by Gladstone and Paincil , ha\o conducted their giund and peaceful contest for homo rule in Ireland. A icsolutlon of culngv on the llfo and pub lic services of the late Thomas' A. Hcndiicks , hml tendering the sympathy of tlio conven tion to Mrs. Hcndticks was presented by C. W. IJokcr of Ohio and passed. TIIUHMAN NOMINATED. Mr. Tniplo JnilnlgON In a AYcnk Ora- loilul Eflort. ST Lot-is , Juno 7. Mr. White of Cali fornia mo\ed that the roll bo called for the nomination of vice president , and that the chairmen of delegations announce their choice. The motion was cat riod and the clerk pro ceeded w ith the call of states. There was no response until California was reached. Mr Tnrpio then stepped upon the platform and spoke u follows : Mr. Chairman und Gentlemen : That I am proud of the privilege of addressing you I ac knowledge , but that I am prouder still of the man whom I shall name 1 will not deny , for I feel , sirs , that this rcpublie holds no supeiior to Allen G , Thurman of Ohio. The gic-otlng iiccoided his name is a well deserved tribute. Its Hpontunlety lias been nobly earned. Ho assuiod such u greeting will bo accorded his name nt its every mention tluoughout this tcpublie from sea to sea and from the Uritish line to the gulf. Since taking his seat in the United States senate In Ibip'.l , the impi int of Ins genius is found deeply imbedded in the legislation of the countri. Tiom his lirstuppcaranco in the senate until his retirement from that bodi his VIACO was always raised in behalf of the people und in defense of their lights rorfoity years ho has been a prominent hVuio in public life and i et to day no man can point to u single act or cxpicsslon of his which does not do him ciedit. Large ut heuit , largo of brain , und larger still in cxporlcno3 , ho is the man of all men whoco lecord Jiistiiles his nomination at 3 our hands in the sense ( hat ho cannot bo de feated befoiotho people. A man of benevolent heart , mmtfestlng itself not only In private , 11 lo but it h is been a leading feature of his ot1l < ul careei When the Paclllo coast was endeavoring to ictard Chinese immigration , when it had decided that nationu'r legislation was necessary to uec ompli h the deshed result , when the merits of the subject wcio not under stood east of the Rocky mountains , Allen G Tliurnnin , then senator of the United States , was the tirst to raise ills \olui in dolenso of thosfi whoso means of Ih in , : were In danger aiU whoso homes wcro threatened will ) tie- suuction. \YU-.r. great railroad corpomtionS evi denced Intention to cvndo payment of their obligations to the government , this great by which offending conwrntinns were obliged to provide a sinking Mnd for the redemption of their promises. During the trying times of reconstruction Thurrann was the center figure lu the United States senate in uphold ing the dignity and Integrity of the constitu tion. Four years since the California dele gation put forward Thurman ns their candi date for the presidency , nnd were enthusias tic In pushing his nomination. And four years have but nugtacntcd their reverence and affection for him. Ills fame Is not his alone. It Is the proud herltago of the Amer ican pcoplo. Ills imina may bo most fittingly catiplcd with that of our honored presldmit , Grover Cleveland. Cleveland and Thurman will bo n ticket absolutely invincible. It will sweep the country with the ifiighty rush of n tidal wave of approval. Against It nil opposition will bo fruitless , The approval Of Clo\o- land's administration during the past lour jears , luidthc endorsement of bisections , the simplicity , yet remarkable ability with which ho has administered his great trust under the most trying circumstances , coupled with the nll-pervndlng affection felt for fidelity and honesty will make the Cleveland nnd Thurmnn war cry to affright the jiolUtcal enemy. The enthusiasm which will bo nrouscd upon Its' announcement will be Infract lous , and gather ing force nnd volume day by day It will , before - fore November , have "become epidemic. In diana honors Governor Gray by supporting him for this nomination ; Illinois is doing the same for General Hlack , Michigan for Dick inson , Wisconsin for Mr. Vilns , good men nnd true , each und ' all of them , nnd wcro ifr not tor the self-sacrl- llcing patriotism of Mr. Thurmun in response to un nlmost unanimous wish of the party to permit his name to como before jou , it were dinicult indeed to choose between such meritorious und nblo gentlemen. Their names are lit to grace this or any other ticket. Let no mistakes her made at this time. If jou but do your duty , if jou but give the people what thov expect nnd what they demand , the contest of parties Instead of Just commencing will bo practically ended , for the gteat clcctoinl and popular majorities which Cleveland nnd , Thurman will surely receive at the polls will bo a icvehition oven to ourselves. As representatives of the de mocracy of the nauon , wo have a duty to pet form. Wo must nominate the men the pcoplo have uliutWly nominated. Wo have but to endorse the popular vet diet. No less will bo accepted ntour hands. Nomlnato Allan G. Thurman. Nom inate him by acclamation. Let it not bo said that ono single democrat in nil this great union failed in this testimonial to tlio greatest Amet lean of his day , the noblest hi entiling man upon the American soil , tit consoit in the tcmploof fame for those patriotsnnd foundeisof our institution whoso sacred dust lies calmly sleeping beneath the sods of Mount Vernotf , Monticello and Her mitage awaiting the , dedication of our na tional pantheon. When the state of Colorado was reached Hon. .1. M. Pattcrsofi-addressod the conven tion ns follows : I have been chosen to piosont the name o Colorado's choice for vice president. It is a pleasing commission to me , for General Hlack and injsolf were educated in the same school , enlisted in the same company for the presenution of the union , and when the war was over often measured legal swords in the same courts. Wo feel there could bo no mis take in presenting to the democi atlc paity a man w ho , embraces in his own life the his tory of u bravo soldier , pati iotlc statesman and nn executive officer w itliout a superior within the limits of the country. Wo feel that when the human wolves and h\cuas , spawned since the war , would charge that the democi acy wi unfriendly to the soldier , wo could tmn to hUnand say to the people , "In his administration of the pension depart ment of this government jou have u liv ing denial of the slander jou have utteied. " Wo felt that when the fact would be called to the attention of the men of the south that when the Hag that had been inised on Sumtei was lowered at Appomattox , ho on his retuin to civil life in the stale of his adoption held aloft both of his aims that had been shattered upon southern battlefields and pioclmmed that this was a union of frco and equal stales , and with the eloquence of his tongue and the earnestness of his nature uigedthe pcoplo of the wcsteiu states to stamp out the feeling of pi ascription that our icpublicati enemies sotiuht to kmdlo within ijin hre st of the Aintjilcan people. The speakei' the1 ! gave a long history ot Ger.etal Ulaek's action at the Chicago con vention in l b I , culoi/ing him forlojaltj to McDonald and lead the following letter fiom the general : Q M. Patterson I hnvo been advised by ; ou and other near aad dearfucnds of the 8ju" * " ' > ii of affairs in the national democratic convention , ut 9e hands in my behalf jou ' 'W ' roi nomination weio about to ask uL' < ' " tbi' l0"or | to an exalted ofllce. I hopeu as ono of the noble conlldenccsof mypoi.1 associates , woithv of an exalted desire and honest political ambition , but have too long wiought Tor the success of constitutional pimciples not to subordinate all claims to thowclfnic of the paity of the constitution. 1'hat paity has already decided in ndvanco of the ex pression of j'our assembly in favor of Allen G. Thuiman for vice picsulent. I bow to its high behest. While my heart is full of giatl- tude to jou , undmj ft lends whose favor had liioiniscd me support , I asic jou to withdraw my name from the consideration of the con vention , to the end that there bo exhibited the fullest harmony of resolve and action. Your follow citizen , JonsC. . BLACK. Continuing Mr. Patterson s.ild : "There is onlj' ono icason why the friends of Goncial Hlack do not bow In willing submission be fore the red bandanas held aloft upon tlio signal poles of the different states. Wo fear , mid Justly and Hlnccioly fear , that If piovid- enco in its insciiitablo wavs should remove ono who has ulreudv lilled out the allotted yeais of man , the nenato of the United States would bo cursed by another Ingalls , nnd , gentlemen of the convention , having dealt fan ly and f i anklv by j ou in putting into jour possession evciy communication that wo have fiom thn man of our choice , wo leave his name with jou to bo dealt with nu jour common scnso and dcmoeiatio Judg ment will tell jou. " The Hccietaiy then pioccrdcd to call the next , being the state of Connecticut Mr.Piggott tusponded and in a brief speech seconded the nomination of Thuinmn Deluwaie , Florida , Georgia and Illinois w cro called w ithout response. GIIAV NOMINATED. Voorhccs1 Spedcih Ironical and Elo quent. ST. Louis , Juno 7. When Indiana was called Senator Voorhees took the platfoim and spoke ns follows : The historians of Europe describe Helglum as the battleground of all the great wais be tween European nations 1 como Irom In diana , the political battlclicld of the United Status While in \ > ther countries empires und dynasties arc ON ci thrown or ro estab lished , so in Indiana questions of mightier inipoit uro determined for tlio whole country bj her attitude either of victorj or defeat at presidential elections Who will inquire : "How goes the battlol" In any other but ono or two northern states oxupt in Indiana. You gentlemen In the south , with e\erj thing in pel 11 , will not ask how rocs Illinois in our west. You will not ask how goes the battle in Ohio. Its nlreadj piedtteimined w hut the result will bo there Nor will j ou ask how thn hattlo inges in IVunsjlvuniu exiopt to Inquire how great the majority against us will be There will bo no inquity except how is the shock of battle sustained in Indiana und New York and New Jcmoj' , with times an Inquiiy ns to Connecticut. Gentlemen of the convention , wo tome bo foio jou as representing & power. We usk un honor on this ticket and we tcndci jou vie tot j with the other hand. Wo ask a name on this ticket and wo tender jou llftcen electoral votes in jour college , making elec tion suie Hear with mo a moment in retro spect of history. Indiana became u stnto in bslt ) . und fiom that hour to this no demo- cratio piosident has c\er been inaugurated except bj her vote , Indiana has voted for ov > r.v democrat who won pwr swoi n into ofllui fiom lbli ( fciward. sjho vetcd for Mouue , Juckbon , Vuu Hurun , ljolk , Pierce , Buchanan , for Samuel J. Tildon , who was robbed of the clec- \ \ 1Pift ! ? " ! , ( ST. firovfr Cleveland. Wnero is the state wnoso record over matches her I Where Is the stnto who comes before this convention with a higher right to demand respect and recognition ) Wo will again cast that vote , but dismiss from your minds now and from this on until No\ember the thought or calculation that this j car Is to bo nny exception to her historj' . Grover Cleveland and whoever else goes on the ticket with him will bo re elected w Ith the \otoof Indiana or will not bo elected nt nil. Mnko no mistakes. I know ot certain calcu lations to lc.a\o Indiana. Whatever indus tries destroy Indiana destroy evcrj' hope nnd vestige of success. Sho" Is interwoven with the situation nnd the safotjof this hour Is for New York nnd Indiana ns of old to clasp hands. Tnko Now Jersey in our embrace and Connecticut ns far ns is in our iwwer to do so. In those Hues Ho success. I say that the lines of battle uro the same this year that they weio In lsS-1. This will not bo chnngc.1. The trenches lu which wo will light aio the same. The states , where victory is to bo ob tained , if wo succeed at nil , are the samo. You cannot recast the lines of battle nnd nn attempt to do so w 111 bo fraught with dls- nstor nnd menti the overthrow of our splendid democratic administration. Take wainlng by Oregon nnd rely on Indiana nnd jou will not bo deceived. Wo present to jou a man for this ticket , physically and mentally , ntrong , endowed with mental aud phj'slcal llfo. Wo name a man who has over pi oven himself n winner. Ho has never been started in n race that ho has not led the Hold. If jou saj'ho came Into to the democratic partj'I fay that ho came In the j car when Doo- little came , when Trumbull came , when John M , Palmer , whom the democrats hnvo nominated for govemor of Illinois , came. Ho came with them nnd allow mo to say to you that a recruit Into the ranks of the demo cratic party in Indiana , soon beoomes a vet eran soldier. rourj'carH ago Indiana cast 49r > )000 votes. She will cast 5 ! > UOUO votes at the approaching election , nnd with that enormous vote there Is simply a pluralltj' be tween the great parties of six or seven thousand no tnajoi ity but n pluralltj' . You can imagine , then , w hat its shock of battle is thero. You can imagine how Important It Is to have evcrj' atom of strength , personal und political , which wo can obtain in Older to hold our haul piessed lines. Ueeruit the critical point of battle if j'ou are wise. The kej' of the situation is in Indiana. Sticngtlien her. Come to the rescue on the Held whet o the tight is to be hottest and the battle to bo won , If won at nil. I rellcct upon no other name before this convention , but I charge everj- candid mind to answer what electoral vote , what state any other name can brinp to the college except that of Isaac P Graj' . Wo do not put up a man foi show nor pat ado , but for a hard battle and winning results. Isaac P. Gray was on the same ticket with Glover Cleveland and Thomas A. Hendiicks , and strong as. that ticket was in Indiana , a com bination of power e\okinp enthusiasm nnd the vcij heart of our peoplejet this man whom wo present cairlcd the state by a ni.ijonty of 8bO moro votes than Cleve land and Hendiicks canicd U for the picsl- dency and the \ico presidency. Ho will bo in the tanks lighting whether on yoin ticket or not , but ho is so intei woven with our hopes and our organization thlsjeai in Indi ana , that his name on the ticket becomes a Rimiaiiby of success. I uni not hero to saj' wo cannot win without him , but I am hero to say that If j'ou want to take a bond of faith , to reduce it to an absolute ccitainU on the liftcen electoral votes of Indium befote jou leave this hall nominate IsaucP. Giaj with Grover Cleveland and tiio work will bo done. The nomination of Graj' was seconded in a bilef speech by A. II. Co * of Gcoigia. Iowa and Kansas were called w ithout re sponse. When Kontuckj' was reached Sir. Evan E , Settle responded us follows : Mr. Clmiiman : I am charged with the pleasing duty on behalf of the gicat unwashed and uuteriihed democi ats in the great state of ICcntUPltj' , of saj'Ingto thc < onvcntion that she heaitllj' cndoises the nomination of Isaac P. Gray. Louisiana , Massachusetts , Michigan , Min- neKota nnd Mississippi weio called without i espouse. When Missouri was j cached Hon. N. C. Dijdon took the platfoim , and In a brief speech seconded the nomination of Thur man. man.On behalf of New Jeisej' Govei nor Grccno spoke as follows- The shores of the Atlantic 10 echo the call of the Pacific coast New Jcisey another battle Held New Jeiscj1 , which gives its vote not onlj'to e\eij' democratic candidate who is elected , but to even nom inee of the great demociafic convention , which bungs her nine electoral \otcsinono hand and makes no demand with the othci tljCJiOTnii'.iitijnof . u democrat upon n democratic platfoim New Jeisoj- seconds the nomination 6 : the giCT. ! , S" " "f ni'io. ' COAST TIM BUTE. Lots oT. " ' cisJut liHUp to Them VeTy irjoworj- . Sr Loui , Juno7. Follow-muMr. Giecnc , Mr Dotsoj of Nevada addiesscd the conven tion as follows : Mr. Chaliman : Novadi snj-s but little hero below and she will sav that little short. Fiom the libtli day of MavNevada has added her piping notes to the golden tones of Cain- fornl.i , to the pong of her lusty sistei s of the mountains and bv the sea , which has iloated on the air ft om the grand old Pacific to the mighty Mississippi , tunefully , pi aj erfully and constantly the i of rain of Cleveland and Thin man. We believe the name of no liing man will add Btiongth , arotiso enthusiasm , ne\or stopping , always continuing , to the suppoit of the dcinociats of Nevada , nnd California nnd Oicgon as well , and may I sny Illinois as well , as the name of Allen G. Thui m in , and we lay our hands in loving kindness upon the golden hair of our dutiful slstct who reclines on the gentle slopes of the Sierras and bathes her shapel\ feet In the limpid waters of the placid P.icillc ; and 1 will sav to the conven tion Unit If jou nominate Allen ( ! Thuiman that the silvei slopes of the glouous moun tains of Nevada will fairlj rattle with Joy when the ncw's of the nomination of that splendid \etoian of a bundled battles nnd a hundred victories shall Hash IICIOHS the wires to the shoit's where the fields aio e\er giecn and the orange blossoms Hhine | The speaker was hei o intei i upted w ith upi oai ions applause , shouts of laughtei and cilcu of "time "J Just let mo tell you something. We arc the pliiidionof u mother whose locks are threaded with silvei and out parents wedded the Old Roman fie long ngo that the memoi.v of the oldest Nevadian lunncth not back to the ilnto nf our moun tains will pound their pondoious thereof ( Jive him to us and the qnai t/ mills pleasure Novadn , thiough her noble irp- n'sentatives , with all her soul and all liar In tellect , and e\erjr ph > steal faculty of her being , seconds nomination ol the heroic old Allen G. Thuruinn. Tlio secretary proceeded with the call of the roll WhonNowYoik was icached Hon. Gcoige Haincs spoke ns follows : Mr Chairman : Now'York has withdrawn herself until this moment from the delibera tions of tills body in the selection of a vice president , but the time has at i ivud for her voice to ho heard in unison with the acclaim ef her follow delegations from Maine to the capes of the wcstein sca-i , m behalf ot him who is the Onto of the icpublic. It was the ptoud boast of the old Romans that he mioko to the Kings and to the people the things thej should hoar H is said that his beard is grey ulth the irosts of many winters ami the barbarians will pluck at it Tlio gicntest day of Komo was when her giej bcaidcd senators sat in the chamber of deliberation aud the baibuiians overlook niK the temples plucked ut then beurds. Tlio woikof this campai i is but the con tinuation of the struggle of twelve ) eais past. Adminintlatno loform aiose lilo u halo of light in the east nnd upicad it * beams of hcMlmg o\er the CatsUills and along the Mohawk , cut the souri cs of the Ohio and the Cumberland , chased the she lows from the state of Hondiic'hs , pouicd down thn Missis sippi valley und tipped the Kockics with the inoi nlng of u bt tier daj1 for the ruuublic , It 5s written that Joshua , son of Nun was full of > u Jomfor Moses had luid his hands upon him , aud U is wriueu that the Lord spoke unto Joshun , saying : " \Vhntocr thy feet tread tiK | > n. that hnvo I given unto thee. There shall not any man bo nblo to stand before thco nil the dais of thy life. " And whom shall Joshua , the son of Nunsend Into the eountryof Amen to unseat In her senate chamber the serpent god of the Amonltcst Hut jou must remember , fellow- democrats , that tluoughout this land runs another Issue than that of administrative re form. It is the issue of protection ot the rights of American industry. Who sUinds n repiescntativo before the American people nnd.tho co equal with grand Old Honuin of Ohio ! You liuvo declared In your platform that Amoi lean Industrj needs no subsidies , fears no competition Untnx American labor for its food , for its clothing , for Its shelter , for Its tools , for all the materials with which it works , and It will defy the competition ot the heir * of squalid miserynnd dull oj'ed ignorance Euiopo has poured millions upon millions of competing emigrants Into our Holds 'and factories. Two millions of armed men beat tlio weapons of war Into the tools of Industrj' and de manded their share of the rewards of Amer ican labor. You .hnvo declared that upon this grand base of American Industry you will build the future prosperity of the re public. Hcsido the name of the repiescnta tivo of the rights of American labor , of the rights of American capital , Inter-wedded for ever , plays the niimo of Allen G. Thui uinn. Gentlemen of Ohio , the battle line of this conflict extends not alone along the Held ot Indiana , not alone along the plains of New JersciV or of Now Yorit It has been decreed that it nhall sweep from ocean to ocean. Whilu I thank the senator from Indiana that ho has appealed to us to send battalions to the center of the line , let mo say to him that the president in his message , this convention in its platform , and in the nomination of its vice president , has decreed that they will ex tend the vast reserve corps of democracy across the continent , and about the reserve corps shall wave the Hag of Allen G. lluu- mun. KVnitYHODY 81'OICE. And Everybody Spoke Well of the Old Uonuiii. ST. Louis , Juno 7. The nomination ot Thuiman was seconded by Mr. Stiango of North Carolina. At the c ill of the state of Ohio , Mr. Powell responded us follows : Mr. Chairman and Gentlemen of the Con- \cntlon : It luus been claimed In eloquent words fiom this pluco that tlio loj'al state of Indi ma has now become wavering and doubtful in hoi allegiance to our gieat paity. If this bo tiuo let her turn for healing faith and seek salvation fiom the democratic ti initj' of Cleveland. Thurman nnd the ban dana It has been claimed that the universal crj- for Thui man is but a sentiment. It is the KIcutest sentiment that over occupied the democratic heart. The perfect union of wisdom and enthusiasm which has maiked the piogress of this convention clearly in dicates that the time has come which will man : not onlj the Until oveithiow of the republican paity but the continued succes sion of democratio nduiinistiations. Today in our extreme notlh , along the shores of New England , there aio multitudes of people speaking the name of Thurman and uttci ing his praise. Heio In this splen did eity aio tons of thous mds of enthusiastic and admiring friends. A thousand miles bej'ond this , along the father of waters , in the exti cine south , the name of Thurman is still the idol of the democratic paitj' . Theio is nothing in the political hlstoij' of our country which equals this uptislngof the people in favor of the nomination of this giandold man , the Gladstone of America Allen G. Thurman. For u generation his lifo has been your history. This unusual demand for Thunnan is but the expiession of a gicat truth , Unit the wet h of endorsing the splen did ndministiatUni of Grover Cleveland and lining the place of Thomas A. Hcndi It-Its can Only be done by the nomination of Allen G. Thuiman. Mr. Dawson , on behalf of South Caiolinn , seconded the nomination of Thuiman Mi. Thompson of Tennessee seconded the nomination of Thuiman in a brief speech. Ex Govemor Throckmoiton of Texas then addtessed the convention He said : I propose to speak of tlio gieatost living statesman. I speak in boh ilf of ono in the presence of whom icpubliean voteis will quasiHon. . Allen G. Thuiman. When Virginia was called Senator Dinicls took the platfoim. After teviowltig the long and faithful public- services Of Ox-S"iiator Tliuiin in ho concluded bj' sajing : "In an ago of coiiuption he was an exemplification of putitj ; in an ago of exttavagancc ho was the sentinel of economy ; in an ago of sec tionalism he Know onlv his countij' , in an ago of hate ho was the incantation of fiater- nitv in > m ago of scandal the salt of Ins good name ne\ei lost its sa\or. Thcs sav , in deed , the giand old man is old. 1'hcio is no hull glistens of tlio patt latch's - " " ' did not Rtow whilom dcmociatic scf\ice. The roTolTlP. ; . 's Unit have uncled mound his head have each of tnem left in its tiack a now ting of gloij' . Can I not siof him , in tie | language of the poet Ago mnv o'er his blow be flung , Hut his he.ut , hishe.nt , Is over joung. "Whj not nominate Jiim now , mj'countij- mcn , and bv acclamation f He stands bcfoie you the living embodiment of democratic \ ir- tucs , ho stands befoio > ou the illustiativc epitome of democratic historj ; he stands be foio jou the faithful champion of democratic piinciplcs' ho stands befoio jou the iightful heir of democi atic honoiB. lie is the highest tj po of the American citizen. Hu Is the lilting companion for Gio\er Cleveland to icceivo by his side the mantle of Thomas A. Hondiieks. In the name of the people of Viiginia , upon whoso soil ho was bom , in the name of the people of Ohio , his adopted homo , in the name of the democi.icy of this gieat nation , mcoiiuptiblc , unterrilicd and untonquciahlc , I llmg this banner to the biecvo ( waving n bandana handkerchief ) . The states of West Viiginia and Wisconsin wcio called , but tlieio was no i espouse. Alaska , Aiizona , Dakota , the District of Columbia and Idaho did nut lespoml When the teiutnij of Montana was called Mr. MnglnniH nioso nml said : Mr Chairman So iai as the nomination of president is ( oiicemed , this convention is but u ratification meeting to i.atify a nomin ition all cads made bj1 the people of the United States , u nomination which will bo ( ontlrmcd at HIP polls In November. Graver Cleveland land will hold the foi t th it ho i aptun d four jears ago. Who will they put up imainst him ! The most miiunetie man bus nlreadj pulled the p'umc's off fits bonnet and taken bis gUnoout of tnu lint ; . Like many another warlike lepublican the gicat James G , Hlnmo cailj leamed the lliHt pilm.1 pics of tlio nit of war. Ho let some other follow do the fighting and he is goin ; ; to let some other man do tlio lighting this time , and ho has acted on that otlioi gieat pimciplo of mllitniy stuitegy that jou can nlwajH full back fiom joui po si'ion if .von will Htait in time. Ho had to start tw ice before the people believed him Om champion w ill stand up again and they can i into no moro glouous banner than the old bandana of that most illUHtllous eltl/cn , Allen G Thuiman of Ohio [ Applause ] Now Mexico and Utah failed to i espond to the pall The Chaiiman This completes the list of states mid Uuntorics , [ Cries of cull the loll ] . THE VOTE. The Old JCouuiii Nominated Wfth Unanimity , ST Louis. Juno 7. Tlio chaltimn. The clerk w ill cull the names of these placed in nomination for vice piesident. The Clerk. The following gentlemen have been placed in nomination for tlio vice presidency : Allen G. Thurman of Ohio , Isaac P. Gi ay of Indiana , John C. Black of Illinois. The Chairman. The [ clerk will now pro ceed to call the roll of stato- } and ten itoi les , und tlio chairman of each delegation is re quested to announce the names of these for whom tlio delcjrutes voto. The secict.ary tailed tie roll of btatcs with the follow ing result : Alabama Black 1 , Giay , Thui man 15 At kansiis Thurmun U. California Thurman 10. Colorado-Black 0. Connecticut Thurmnn 13. Delaware Thurman 3 , Gray 3. When riorldn was called the chairman Of the delegation said Florida meets California half way nnd gives her eight votes for that highest typo ot American citizen Allen G. Thurmnn. Georgia Gray 17 Thurmnn 7. Illinois Ulnck 17 , Gray 17 , Thurmnn 10. Indiana Gray SO. Iowa was passed nt the request of its chairman. ICnnsas Hlack 13 , Gray 2 , Thurman 14. Kcntuekj' Gray 17 , Hlack 1 , Thurmnn 8. Louisiana Thurmnn 10. Maine Thurmau 12. Maryland Thurman 10. Massachusetts Thurman 1 ( > , Gray 7. Hlack 1. Michigan Hlnek 3 , Thurmnn M. Minnesota -Thurman 13 , Gray 1. Mississippi Thurman 18. Missouri Graj' 4 , Thurman 28. Nebraska Gray 2 , Thurman 8. Nevada Thurman 0 New Hampshire Thurman 8. Now Jersoj1 Thurman 18. Now York Thuiman 7.3. North Carolina Thurman 83. Ohio Thurman , Gray 1. Oregon Thurmau 0. Pennsj Ivanla Thurmnn 1)0. ) Hhodo Island Thurman 8. South Carolina Thurman 18. Tennessee Thurmnn { M. Texas Thurman HO Vermont Thunnan 8. Virginia Thurman 24. West Virginia Thurmnn 11. When the state of Wisconsin wns called cverj delegate In the hall nroso , nnd again began n nceno which rivalled the upron ? of j-estordaj' when Cleveland was nominated. Kvorjbody produced a red bandana , nnd cvorj' guidcou In the hall was decorated with one. Delegate Taylor of Indiana attached un enormous bandana to the guldeon of the Indiana delegation nnd marched up on the reading desk with It. creating unbounded en thusiasm , When riowcr of the Now York delegation succeeded In ciovvdlng his way to the reading desk with the guidcon of his state , also having attached U ) It nn enormous bandana , the delegates became frantic. The uproar was llnallj' quieted In iimenstira nnd the clerk ngiiln culled the state of Wis consin , the chilli man of which delegation an nounced 22 votes for Thurman. The state of Iowa ' . ' \otcs for Thurman. Tortltotj of Alaska 2 votes for Thurmun. Arizona 2 votes for Thuiman. Dakota 2 votes for Thurmau. Distiltt of Columbia 2otes for Thui man. Idaho 2 votes for Thurmau , Montana 2 fet Thurman New Mexico 2 for Thui man. Utah 2 for Thui man. Washington ten itorj2 for Thurmnn. Wjoming 2 for Tliurnnin. Mr Patteison of Colouido Mr. Chairman , on behalf of the friends of General J. C. Hlack of Illinois , I am requested to fonnnlly withdiaw his name r.nd move that the nomi nation of Allen G. Thin man for vice-presi dent be made unanimous. The Chaliman The vote of Colorado will llrst bo chatiKed as i cquested bj' the chair man of that delegation from Graj' to Thur man. man.A delegate from Ohio The state of Ohio Is entitled to 111 votes , and she wishes to cast her vote solid foi Allen G. Thurman. The Chairman The secrotarj' will recoid the vote. The Secret nrj' State of Ohio casts 40 votes for Allen G. Thui man. Mi. Shmklln of Indiana Mr. Chairman and gentlemen of the convention I arise for tlio purpose of withdrawing the name of Isaac P. Giav and of moving tlio nomination of Allen G. Thunnan bu made unanimous. Wo brought our candidate to tills convention believing it was for the intei ests of thopuity that he should bo nominated. Hut this con vention , composed of the ability und Intolli gcneo of the great democratic .party of the nation , lias settled upon another choice , and we bow to that choice and piomiso that n partis ins of Mr. Gray j cstordaj' w o m o now and fiom this time foiwnid apostles of Tlmr man and Cleeland. . My fellow citizens , I now withdiaw the name of Mr. Gray entiioh , and our giay handker chiefs shall be found no moro on om housetops. Eveiy Indianian in the citofSt Louis will i etui n to his homo to night with a red bandana worn ncioss his breast. 1 now move that the nomination of Allen G Thui mini DO made unanimous. The Chairman It is mo\ed b.v Mr Patter son of Coloi ado , seconded bj Mr. bhanklln , of Indiana , that Allen G Thin man of Ohio , be nominated bj acclamation. Those iu favor of nio ion w ill saj "aj e. " At this point tlio convention lose cu uiassa nnd shouted foi th a long , loud and unani mous a\c. The Chan man -The chairman of this con vention declares Allen ( ! Thin man of Ohio to be the unanimous choice of this conven tion for the oflleo of vice piesident of the United States. [ Loud applause and checi > CLOSING SCENES. The- Convention Cones'its : IJnsl- III-SH and AdioiiniN. W II Popj of Texas olToicd the following resolution : Kesohed , Hv the democratic party In con vention assembled , that Iu the death of Gen eral Wlntleld S Hancock , fie democracy of the union has lost one of it * , most devoted sons and the countrv n pun ; and illustrious- patiiot , and wo tender to Mm. Hancock our icsp < ctful and cui nest sympathy In Her irre parable loss The resolution wns unanimously adopted. The ( hair icqucstcd each delegation to In ing to or send up the mime of ono member of the national committee and ono member of the committee to notifj the nominees and re quested the secietat \ to cull the roll. Stenographer Dickinson Mr. Chairman , The membeiH of the committee to notify the * . nominees hive nlicady been selected and sent up nnd now are on Ille The Chuiuimn ' 1 hen the names of the lift lional committee onlj' aio deslicd. The Sceretinj I Inixo nn Impoitant an nouncement to make. A meeting of all the old and new membei.s nf the national com mittee will be h"ld at the honthein hotel iiti- o'clock 'J'ho UK mboiH of Iho coiiimiUco on notification will facet at the samu hour and place. Tlio Chairman The committee on notifica tion will meet immcdlitol.after . adjourn ment in the pniloiN ol this building. I'ledcikk C ) . Piinco nf MIIHMK hiisetta. sent up thn following lesolulion , whuh wua lead In iho cleik Kpsoht'd , That lion P A Collins , presi dent of the fonntion , nnd lion Thoimm S. I't-ttit , chief n ailing Kccietni \ of the conven tion , be added to the committee on notifica tion as hommirj incmbcis The resolution was unanimously adopted. Ticdei li-k Lehman of Iowa sent up Iho fol lowing icsolutlon Uesolved , That the national committee is hereby empoueicd and dhectud to llx the time ami pinto for holding the next national convention and that the basis of icprescntu- tion theicin be the same as Jlxed for this convention. It'I'lie resolution was unanimously adopted. TlioScuot.ilHero inn ! ' 'solution pro posed In Mi Dawson of South Cm olltui : KcboUed , That the thanks of the national dcmoiiiitiu con\entlon bo tendeied to Hon. V. O. Pi into of .Massachusetts , who duiing a peilod of twiwtj ck'htyc'kis hasscmd the national dcmociatic paity with unflaggltiu real and distinguished ability as secretary ol tlio national democratio committee. Htsohcd , That a c-opj of this resolution bq foi u aided to .Mi Pi ineo under the bifimtureu of thoofikei.s of the convention , Adopted The following icsolutloii was pi est n ted by Mi SUimitt of Cnltfouua Konolvid , That the oflit-lal stenographer bd dilC'tcd to picparo tlio pi 01 ceding * of the convention to bo piinted In proper foim und that the national tom- mitteo cause a suitable number of copies bu distributed among the delegates to tha convention and nuei ! othcis us may be enti tled to lec.'ivcthem. . Adopted. The See- rcturjHero i a resolution prp- seiitod bj John U. Fellows of New York ; Hcsohed , That this convention cannot separata without an expiessiun of Its deeii senbo uf the lir.'pai able loss since the grout tiiumph of IbSi sustained bj the death of its fort-most distinguished members , Wiiifloicl S Hancock , the superb soldier In wur uud fearless asscrler of the biil > icuiu < > ( it