OMAHA DAILY BEE : FRIDAY , JULY ( > . 188a THE DAILY BEE. rUnWSHKD HV13IIY MOUSING. Tr.nMs orsruscutiTioN. ' JM1v ( MonilnR Kdltlon ) including Sunday mffi. One Yfar . . , . . .110 | J'orHlx Months . . % . . . B t > ) J'or Three Months . . . . . . . . 9 w tThPOcinhn Btmrtft } ' HKK , mulled to any ad- Year . . . 200 OMAHA nrricr , . KKVf YOHK Orl-ICF 1IOOM8 II AND 15TII1I1UNR jiiMi.niNO. WASHINGTON OFFICE , ixo 613 1'Ot'IllKKSTIl 8THEET. COIinnsi'ONDKNClt. All eonununJrntlom routing to news nnd * rtl- torlnl mutter should lie addressed to the EUITOII I.KTTKIIS. All hliMneM letters nnd remittances nhould bo addressed to TUB lir.r. I'L-iiumiinn COMVANV , OMAHA. Druttd , checks and poitoinco orders to liti made payable to the order of tlio company. The Bee PnWisMng Coinnany , Proprietors ti. ROSEWATEK , Kditor. nuio. fixvnrn Hlntcincnt of Circulation. Etntcof Nebrnskn , ! „ _ „ _ f I'eo.'ll. Tzcchuck , ' secretary of The neo Tub- lIMiliic ronipnnv , doen solemnly mvonr tlmt the BctiinfclrcuUtfon of ttio Unllr lie * for tlio week * mllnp.liino 29 , isw. Vfts a * follows- Saturday. Juno S3 . 2V > ; M Ptmdny.JunoSl. . . . > . - " " Monday , JimoS. . . .luno 20 iny , .limn 27 Vilday , Juliet . l''gr < Avcrace . * . . 20.037 OKI ) . n.TXSCIIUCK. Rworn to before me aud subscribed In my presence tub unit clny of j nno , A . U. , lbS8. N. 1' . FK1U Notary Public. Blnto of Xebrfttfca , I „ „ County of DotiRlas , ( " ' " ' Uporoe II. Tzwlmck , being nrst duly sworn , cleiiOM'H nnd pays tlmt ho is secretary ot The lice I'uiulKhlUK cnmiiciny , tlmt tlm actual avctnpo rtnlly clruilntlou of the Dnlly Ileo for the month of July , 18S7 , was copies ; for Aumist , 1P87 , U.lfil copies ; September , 18S7 , Kmflrnplev for October , IS87 , U.iCO copies ; for NnvMiilitT , lf7 , IS. ' EO copies ; for December , 1tf)7. 1IUM1 rniilcB ; for Jnmmrv , 1W 15.3K ) cop ies ; for Vebrimry , 1fS , IWtt ! ropiest ; for March , 3fW , IIU * ! ) copies ; for April. Iff , 18,741 copies. forMny , IfcSS , 18,181 copies ; for June , 1SS3 , IVfiti C011" > S- - G1-.0. 11. TZSCHUCK. Bwoin to before mo nnd subscrlDed lu tny presence tlilaiMth < lftv of Juno , A. 1) . 1SS3. N. 1 * . TKII , Notary Public. AVKUAOK DAILY CIHCULA.TIOX 20 , Go ? Tolal for llie Week - - -140,400 U coal barons have put up the price , of coal another notch. There is a sus picion , however , that "Old Probs. " is not a party to this deal. WITH throe mammoth hotel projects pulling at each other the prospect that any one of them will materialize this season is not very encouraging. K may not bo dog days hut they are certainly hog days. It tickles the Nobrasim hog to death to hoar the corn fairly snap and shoot up under the July oun. Tin : Chiiicso scare so vigorously worked by the democrats to injure Gen- Oral Harrison , reminds ono of the bunko shops trying to work their "green goods" oft" on an honcsi , farmer. M . C. E. MA.YXK is respectfully re minded that his usefulness on the board of'public Works has been seriously im paired by some of his unfortunate trans actions. The sooner ho steps down the bettor it will bo for all concerned. FIFTY-EIGHT railroads liavo pub lished reports of their earnings for the third week in Juno and they show a gain of 0 per cent in gross earnings for that week. This docs not look as if ' 'granger legislation" was ruining the business. Tin : courts of Iowa have decided that liquor brought into that state from an other in original packages is not a violation lation of the prohibition law. The "original packages" in most instances are pitchers of boor carried from Rock Island , 111. , into Davenport , la. SENATOR SIIKIIMAN has written a warm letter to General Harrison con gratulating him upon his nomination. This puts an end to the caviling of democrats that Ohio's favorite son will k ' not take lus'coat off and work for the victory of the republican party. THK old hoard of education has taken great pains to forestall the now board by not only hiring all the teachers and janitors for the next year , but also Using their salaries. Inasmuch ns the now board is to nssumo its functions next Monday the action of the old board Is , to &ay the least , decidedly discour teous. MAYOii BUOATCII has politely re quested Mr. Mayno to resign from the board of public works , but Mayno do- flantly declines la stop down , and calls upon the council to decide ? who , in its opinion , is bettor fitted lor their ro- upcetlve positions , himself or the mayor. Such Impertinence from a sub ordinate olllcial to the chief municipal executive not only calls for severe rep rimand , but would justify Mr. May no'a summary dismissal , even if his conduct ill other respects did not warrant his dismissal from the board , in the inter est of good government. In the light of the notorious relations that have for months existed between the president uf the Mayno bank and councilman who nro stockholders and directors of that famous financialinslution must con cede that in calling on his partners to uphold Jils conduct Mr. Mayno has ex hibited more adamantine ohook than is possessed by the average government mule. CHICAGO ia rapidly forging ahead of Pittbburg as a center for the manufac ture of stool rails. The Luke City is superior to Pittsburg inbeing nearer to the Lake Superior Iron mines , and In that way can offset the advantage pos- ccssoil by Pittsburg situated in the coal district. While the Pittsburg mills nro having trouble in arranging a scale of wages , and have shut down in consequence quence , Chicago is running Its steel wills to their full capacity. The re lation of these cities to each other iinds Its parallel In the disadvantages of Chicago in tuo beef uud pork packing industry. Chicago is losing ground in this business. The natural advantages -possessed by Omaha and Kansas City by reason of their location in the great corn bolt ofTsot the facilities possessed by Chicago as a beef and pork market As Pittsburg will eventually yield the Eteol working business to Chicago , so that city will in a comparatively short time transfer its packing house business to the cities whore hogs and. cattle can be brought the most readily and ut the least expense. , Cleveland , .HIM mul "Whitney. A strong movement is said to Imvo developed In .Ron * York In favor of mak- np Secretary Whitney the democratic candidate for Governor. It is not un- tkoly that Mr. Whitney has nn ambi- Lion in this direction , and for obvious reasons. Four years hence Now York Is quite as certain to bo the pivotal state for the democracy tis It is this year , and the man whoso fortune it shall bo to occupy the gubernatorial office meantime , If -democrat , will iavo a com man ding advantage in the icxt national democratic convention. From this political point of view , the governorship of Now York is the most mportant position in the country after the .presidency. Mr. Whit ney is ambitious of political elevation , mid it ho could attain the executive olllco of the Empire state -his chance of reaching the highest politi cal eminence might bo greatly in creased. As a cabinet ofllccr his op portunities nro no bettor than these of Ills associates. lie must establish his popularity by reaching an elective ol- ice , and nothing loss than the gover norship would satisfy him. For these reasons it is moro than probable that Mr. Whitney would bo very willing to accept the democratic nomination for governor of New York this year. In this , as in all other matters aiTect- hig the democratic party at present , Lho desire and tnlluoiico of Mr. Cleve land will dominate. These , it \\ould seem , ( mould bo fav orable to Whitney as against Hill. The latter is supremely anxious to secure nronamiimlion. With this end in view he has played the part of a tlomagoguo in relation to several most important matters of legislation with which n largo , and perhaps a controll ing , clement of tho'New York democ racy is not In sympathy. lie has also within the past two months lost no op portunity to put himself in favor with Mr. Cleveland by studied laudation. But It can hardly bo doubled that the president has no confidence In the pro fessed friendliness of Hill. Ho knows that the governor was insiduously and persistently intriguing against him until ho discovered the hopeless ness of his oiTorls , and ho must understand the utter selfish ness that prompts his present pro fessions of unqualified regard nnd loy alty. Furthermore , Mr. Cleveland cannot afford to bo magnanimous in the present contest. In order to bo suc cessful ho must not lOse a single trick. The mugwump allies of the democracy in Now York will in no event support Hill. The organs of that clement liavo given timely warning that if ho is rc- notninatcd they will oppose him. They would , however , welcome Whitney , as his nomination would relieve thorn of the embarrassing necessity of slapping the democracy with'ono hand while patting it with the other. Mr. Cleveland - land undoubtedly has a high estimate of the voting value of this element , nnd it is to bo supposed that he will desire to have it entirely satis fied. There would , perhaps , bo less danger in sacrificing Hill than in allow ing the Independents to become disaf fected. The democratic friends of the governor could doubtless all bo relied on to fall in line the day of election , however vigorously they might kick before that time , but the mugwumps need most careful and discreet groom ing to kcop them in the traces. It would p lace them In an exceedingly awkward position if they wore com pelled to make a fight on the head of the state democratic tiekot while en dorsing the national ticket , and the ef fect could hardly fall to bo a detriment to the democratic cause. The situation is an interesting ono to republicans , and it presents u dilemma which may give Mr. Cleveland some annoyance and embarrassment. It would seem evident , however , that Secretary Whitney is a moro available candidate , under existing circum stances , than Hill , and if ho desires the nomination ho can probably secure it. A Trust to lie Sued. Some two months ago the Attorney General of Now York heard arguments on petitions urging him to bring suit against the sugar trust , and after care ful dollborationlio has decided that a primu fycie case against the combina tion has been established , and that an action may bo begun to restrain it from acting as a corporation and performing corporate acts without authority of law. It is therefore probable that at an early day an invcbtigation of the sugar monopoly will bo commenced in the courts of Now York , nnd the state laws relating to corporations bo tested. It is believed , that the statutes are ample , if'faithfully enforced , to protect the people ple against these combinations. They arevory plain and explicit in defining the rights and obligations of corporations , nil ol which nro violated when they practically surrender their franchises by becoming absorbed in a trust. The Now York Times thus describes tlio sit uation : The corporations which have been merged Into and absorbed by the sugar trusts have , like othcrccorporutions , boon doing business upon franchises granted by the people. They asked for certain privileges and powers , and the people granted their appli cations under the restrictions which hnvo been mentioned. They liavo grossly abused these privileges and powers to the injury of the people who granted them , and now the charters should bo recalled or annulled , Boos anyone believe that these asso ciations of sugar refiners could liavo obtained franchises if they had saidVo : intend to unite these corporations In a monopoly organization in order that the people ple bhull be deprived of the benefits of com petition and shall bo compelled to pay the prices we may choose to exact I" Unriucs tlonably the franchises would have been withheld. Now that the corporations have united to oppress the people , these who granted the franchises should take them away. They have been robbed by n ring of corporations which they themselves created , and those corporations have clearly broken the agreement under which they obtained their privileges. The people reserved the right to puiiUh them fora violation of that agreement , and the penalty should now be exacted , ' A-a wo have heretofore said , the sugar trust is ono of the most arro gant nnd insolent of the numer ous combinations oguitibt the in- and.wolfaro oMho.pcoplo und it is of the highest Importance to ascer tain through the courts whether exist ing law furnishes the people any pro tection against its rapacity nnd exac tions. If this combination shall bo filiown to bo an unlawful conspiracy , injurious to trade or commerce , the re sult will bo a death blow to all similar combinations. For this reason tho.i > repoSed - poSed suit possesses an interest for the whole country. ADVICKS from Now York report ave voy confident fooling among the re publicans of that state. The organiza tion of the party is snld never to have boon bettor , there is entire harmony in support of the national ticket , and- the determination is to make the campaign one of the most vigorous in the history of the state. On the other Hand there is reported to bo a good deal of demo cratic disaffection. There is an ele ment in the party which has not thus far been brought to fool kindly toward Mr. Cleveland , and the implacability ot which is quite ns likely to increase as diminish. These nro the strong ad herents of Hill. Greatly disappointed at their inability to make him the presidential candidate , and fearing now that the influence of Iho ad ministration may bo thrown against liis rcnominnlton for governor , for which they liavo some ronson , they have anything but a friendly feeling for the man in the while house. It is said , also , that there is not complete unanimity among the mugwumps in support of Cleveland. Apparently all features of the political situation in the pivotal state are of a nature to clicour- ngo tlio republicans. ATTOUXKY GKNIUAL Luusn wants to know whcro the farmers are and why they don't put In an appearance at the meetings of the state board of transpor tation. The farmers of Nebraska nro attending to their crops nnd trying to raise enough corn to help the railroads in keeping up their oil-room lobby nt Lincoln. The Nebraska farmer is a farmer , not a lobbyist. The Kijights of Labor ttnd the trades unions are to be congratulated uiion the success of their Fourth of July celebra tion. Every feature of their extensive programme was carried otit to the let ter , and was < iqual to the high standard of excellence which has heretofore characterized similar celebrations by those orders. STATIC AND TKIUUTOUY. Nebraska. Norfolk citizens have organicd a building nnd loan association. The prohibitionists of Otoo county will hold n convention at Unadilla , July 19. A wolf was shot on the streets of Nebraska City last Tuesday. It was an escaped pot. Ntickolls county fanners are reported to bo obliged to climb telegraph poles to see If their corn is still growing. The Norfolk National bank has declared an annual dividend of UK l > or cent and added $1,000 to its surplus fund. John Limpkoy , a farmer living near Mt. Glair , was droivncd while bathing In n pond. Ho leaves a family of ten children. The Holdrcge creamery and cold storage company has been organized , and the plant will bo in running order within sixty days. The mayor of Nebraska City bi-oko up a proposed slugging match advertised for the Fourth by refusing to grant a license for the show. A horse thief stole a bay gelding from S. G. AVilcox , living near Gothenburg , last week , but left an old gray mare as part com pensation for the owner. Palmer Blake , n Johnson county farmer , had his arm caught in n corn sheller aud the flesh ground to a jelly between the cogs. The shock prostrated him , but ho will re cover. The Superior Journal has changed hands , N. C. Pickard , who has conducted the paper for three years , retiring , and J. D. Stine , a gentleman from Ohio , stepping into the edi torial harness. A little child ot Frank McCormick of Nor folk drank some concentrated lye about ten days ngo , and after terrible suffering died on Saturday. The lye was in n can on the lloor near where the mother was scrubbing. A farmer at Vesta has discovered a remedy for apple trees afHictod with blight. As soon as the top of a tree shows that blight has struck it ho bores u small hole In the body of the tree und fills it with sulpher , after which the hole is securely sealed or plugged up. A Scotia young man who drives a milk cart , bought his wedding clothes the other day , and to kcop them from the dust placed them In an empty milk can. When ho started on his rounds the next morning ho forgot all about the wed ding garments and filled the can with milk , "When the lacteal fluid was dumped at the creamery and was found to contain consider able solids in the way of broadcloth the rugo of the young man know no bounds. Ho sold the milk for cheese , however , and has in vested the returns in another suit of clothes , which ho will wear on the auspicious occa sion if ho don't forgot the date. Iowa , "No politics to bo talked here , " is the motto over the county auditor's cilice at Mus- catine. All the "blind pigs" nt Oilman were raided Just before tlio Fourth nnd the liquors con fiscated. The town had a very dry celebra tion. tion.A A fakir has faked all the spare cash of Iowa City suckers with a salvo inado of soap and warranted to euro all the ills to which human flesh Is heir. A musical association has been formed at Cedar Falls by some of the bostbuslnoss men of the city. The managomest has plannou a summer school of muslo to commence July 10 and continue ono month. A gas pipe bomb , with the fuse burned to the plug , was found Sunday nt the house of Captain Powers , a prohibition lawyer in New Hampton. Ho has frequently received anonymous and threatening letters , A man's lower lip is valued nt $3,000 in Iowa. A man named Carney has just been awarded that amount of damages at Allison against William Harper , who chewed off tlio covering of the former's ) uw in a light. Dakota. Arlington's creamery sends 1,500 pounds of butter every week to New York. Uutns and loafers have almost captured the streets of .Sioux Falls , and the police nro kept busy looking up these who have as saulted ladies. Prof. F. C. Eastman retires from the chair of ancient languages at the Mitchell univer sity to accept u similar position in Upper Iowa university ut Fuyetto. A number of German families from Russia have this spring Joined their friends in Fos ter and Eddy counties. Almost every aero of broken land in the two counties Is in crop , and u largo amount of now breaking is now under way , Ouster county is having a little county- seat excitement , which , with political mat ters , will tend to uiuko things lively In that part of the Hlack Hills. The people in the eastern part of the county want to move the county scat from Custer , and liavo peti tioned for an election. Hut hero the trouble commences. The agricultural part of the county has three aspirants Buffalo Gap , Hermosa end Fairburu. LJU Uowman and Mayor Pratt , of Aber deen , staunch representatives of the two great political parties , druw up and sub scribed to a unique election bet recently. In c.i6 of the ro-ploi'tion of the vwont Incunir bent of the presidential chair the aforesaid party of the first p < trt will polish the amply proportioned boots of the mayor In the pos > t- oftlco lobby the day after the election at a stated hour. In euso 'of republican success the bet will bo carried out vice versa. The public will sue that the bet is not fprfottcu. GEN , VAN TOR'S- ' SPEECH , Champion of qraisra-ancl Brain Talks to lils Admlrors. THE SENATOR AT HIS BEST. A Btnstorly Oration Ijfotcnctl to By n 1'atlcntnnd I'crsplHiiK TlirofiR at JcfTorsoii Square on the Morn- Itift of the Fourth. In deference to the wish of many of those who listened to the oration of General Van Wyck on the morning of the Fourth ) and for the benefit of these who were unable to hear it , Tun Ucn prints It In full. Upon being in troduced , the general spoke as follows : My Follow Citizens ! More tlmn n century ngo , amid the pains or na tional childbirth , a republic was born with scarce 8.000,000 ponul.Mlon mid thirteen feeble 'colonies streUshlng alone the wild and rooky Atlantic. The Inland seas only echoed the screnm of the wild fowl and their bosom wosrunied by but the frail baric of the red man , or vexed by the tempest in its wrath. The fiitlicr of waters mid the turbulent Mis souri rolled their tribute to the sea , watering no white man's cabin In their thousands of miles' meandering. The mighty prairies had never been touched by the hand of Intelli gent industry , their Brasses came and withered , their ( lowers bloomed and decayed , us when the great Creator unrolled them from his omnipotent hand. Kone but tlio savage had contemplated the grandeur of the mountains beyond , while summer had festooned their sides with all the beauty which foliage nnd ilowors can bestow , and winter covered their summits with mantels of purity. Yet from the beginning ) the ages hud passed them by in solitude. Then In all the world steam was n hidden power. Thii lightning was only a flash of the Almighty coming in mystery unit vengeance. To-day thirty-eight linked empires stretch our domain from ocean to ocean , steam per forming the lauor and lightnlnc whispering the thoughts of men ; while Within our bor ders are exhibited nil that brain and hand huvo achieved for the world. It waa comparatively easy for the men of this Rcnoratioti to hazard their property to save such a country , for wo know its cost , its excellence nnd beauty ; to put in peril oven life to preserve ) the union of states , thereby securing frco government. Wo fought for blessings In possession , for principles that wore bcnrinjr. clusters of fruit and sheaves of ripened grain. The wilder ness Of our struggle was in the heart of the promised land whoso benefits we hnd enjoyed so many years. 13ut the fathers lied from Egyptian cruelties over tholJed sea strug gled in the wilderness with only soul Klhnpses of the Canaan beyond. Their con test was for enjoyments in expectancy. They wore not surrounded by the well-tillcd Holds aiid flowering meadows of the promised land. They foUght for principles , with results an experiment. Wo fotight for principles and an inheritance grander than ever enjoyed by any people. Columbus on the deck of the Plnta , as the faint outlines ot' the new world rallied the sluicing hopes of the sailors , presents n pic- ttiro the world will ever admire , but nearly two centuries later Hoblnson nnd the Pll- crlm band on the deck of the Mayflower , in tlie rigors of winter and n northern climate , make another scene awakening the sahio feeling of admiration but n deeper one of thanksgiving and gratitude. Columbus , in a spirit ol adventure and to re alize a vision revealed to him , in seeking a new passage to tllq Indies discovered a new world. But the pilgrims wouid bravo the datigers of the deep , and inhospitable win ter , the merciless savagcAo enjoy freedom of conscience , ulid hero establish "a church without n bishop ; a state without a king. " Nearly two centuries later the same spirit was manifest among the men gathered at Philadelphia , July.4 , 1S70 , when they pro claimed the same doctrlno and pledged to each other life , fortune and sacred honor in defense of the declaration that the colonies should bo frco and' independent , and that all men were horn equal , th&s declaring the free dom of the nation and the equality of the citizen. They felt , "Whether In the prison drear , or in the battle's vnn. The fittest place for man to die , Is wlioro ho dies for man. " That generation has long since "gone down to the grave , but they will never bo forgot ten. Time will give lustre to their names and deeds. Thus has it over been. The llery courage of Greece , the stubborn brav ery of Home , has been sung in every lan guage. The pass of Thermopylae will out last the literature of ages. Italy , from the shores of the Adriatic ; Switzerlandfrom the peaks of the Alps ; the laud of Bruce , from her moors and highlands , will bo venerated where liberty has soldiers and patriotism a shrine. The prominent character of the pilgrims has manifested itself at every crisis in our history. After the battle of Lexington an English offlcor passing among the slam , dis covered calmly sleeping in death , a musket by his side , u volunteer , whoso head , white with the frosts of age , was yet crimsoned with his own life's blood. Gating and doubt ing the justice of his country's oialm , "Heavens , " ho exclaimed , "when nnd whcro will a contest end that brings such cham pions to the Hold 2" Nearly a century later a representative of the same principle and courage was seen in the hospital after the battle of Lookout mountain. A mere boy , a stripling in sio nnd years , was fatally wounded and his life blood blowly ebbing away. A friend asked him whcro ho was wounded. "Almost tip , " ho said , pointing to the inouii tain side. "Hut where wore you hit ? " "Just at the top , sir. " ho replied , and his spirit passed in review before the great cap tain , and in the Bpiritland ho joined this ranks with the grav-hulrod volunteer of Lexing ton. As wo look back into the past wo can scarcely realize consequences so important from causes so insignificant. It is said that the echo of a pistol shot in the Alps will sometimes start from its place the slumbering avalanche which for years has been hanging poised upon some rugged cliff and it goes thundering down the mountain side , crushing in its path and tour ing madly in the plains below. So the echo of the first gun fired on Sumptor dislodircd from Us position ( the avalanche of slavery whcro for ages it had rested. Through wars' carnage it goes crushing everything before it. In deep furrows its course is marked in the plain below until melted and wasted its debris only is loft to show of its horror and mark the desolation It has produced. Liberty on this continent will bo preserved while this great nation bows in humble ad oration and uncovers at the sun rising of this glorious anniversary day , venerating the spirit us well us the symbol , which typifies all that makes Ufa a joy and benediction. As citizens of the republic wo have a right to boast. The great privileges wo enjoy will bo longer maintained the more we esteem and value them. Wliun wo cease to bo proud of the brilliancy of the gem of universal liberty it will bo only tlnsol and a trinket in our possession , and bo wrested from our nerveless hands. It is moot that the old should como and rouow strength and hope by recalling all that liberty has done for them , and youth should como seeking inspiration to cherish and defend this boon winch cost so much , yet is so frail as to bo easily lost. To know its value wo must not forgot its cost. To Know its permanency wo must not forgot ho\v easily it may bo wrenched from our grasp , The history of all republics attest ' Doth , and shows that this pearl of great pri'-o never was taken from a people until they had ceased to appreciate its value ; until they hud suffered the concentration of great wealth in the hands of the fp\v , withdrawing from the many the fruits of honest labor , and with the wealth thus acquired to profane the temple of justice , to purchase the halls of legisla tion , and corrupt oven themselves In the source and fountain of power. A free people have novur been manacled until they themselves have placed in the hands of an oligarchy the material to forgo tlio chains and then eravenly extended their arms to receive the fetters , Taking the ages past , history generally presents but one page that of wrong , oppression and suffering. Wo gaze upon the earth , sea nnd sky , beautiful to the eye and thought , abundant to provide for the wants and administer to the happi ness of each , oven the humblest , of the hun dreds of millions living to-day and of the hundreds of thousands of millions entombed. You need not read the record of all the years ; only contemplate one day , tills very day , among the nations of the earth and realize how little six thousand years have ac- complUhed ' for the world. Figure * have not yet been found to couumtc the years that would bo required nt this ruto ot evolution to give nil men who arc inado only n little lower than the nngols n full fruition of what they should possess , Again gaze upon the earth and sea and sky , Imagine nil nations , speak ing lancraagcs Innumerable , with divine theories of government nnd religion. Sopor- n'.o from thorn the hamlfjill of rulers nnd the ollgarchlOS who rule the rulers , nnd that vast multitude , without ft dt ? entinff voice , would raise one piteous cry that nil men shsuhl n- Joy what the God 01 creation intended free dom of thought , of worship , and of govern ment ; freedom from extortion , from rob bery : the right of every man to the fruits of his labor. Yet the cry of this vast multitude goes unheeded ! wrongs and injustice continue. Accumulation of power nnd wealth tyran nise to-day as In the early dawn of history , nnd the masses arc still laboring for tlio few. Tlio mystery of the problem increases with passing years how the masses over consent to bo enslaved no matter the particular character of the despot or the form of the despotism. The subjection by a foreign conqueror was no more galling than that lu- lllctcd by the voice of the people of Israel when they demanded n king to rule over them. You remember , before the whistle of the locomotive was hoard on these treeless plains , when , breasting the strong current of the Missouri , you would watch some land mark oit the shore to observe the progress of the sturdy stoamcr. So lot Us , while breast ing the waves impeding our national pro gress , sight landmarks In the world's history to note our udvanco. Strom * men jostlu each other In the ranks of toll , begging the privilege to work for wages barely suniclent to sustain wife and children ; miners dragging out existence by delving under the earth's surface ; educated women In frco , Christian America wearing tliolr lives away , stitching heart throbs Into shirts , receiving for the making , pittance of two or throe cents each. How much improved In condition over these who raised corn In Egypt , or tended flocks for the patriarchs -1,000 years ngojover the plebeians on the banks of tlio Tiber or the llshcrm an whom Christ found on the shore * of Gallilca J The world ovolutos slowly. Take an early landmark , the Jewish commonwealth. Note the 4,000 years between , and wo wonder that they enjoyed so much , or wo so little'and when Abraham loft his homo In Babylonia nnd journeyed to the west to the wilds of Palestine , where ho could enjoy political nnd religious freedom : when , as afterwards did the pilgrims the In "tho on Mnyilowor , con gregation of Israel , " select rulers by suf frage of the people , with schools like our common or parochial schools , with laws to prevent oppression or Usury , uud to protect the poor and weak. With u homestead law Riving to each family twenty nnd one-half acres of land , Which could not bo alienated , and if sold by creditors would at the fiftieth year , the jubilee year bo restored to the or iginal owner or his heirs. Apparently , an early exhibition of communism. Evolu tion from the ttmo of , the Israe lite has been slow , Indeed. Cen turies later Greece deposed her kings , as- suined nn oligarchy , afterwards a republic. Five hundred years before Christ she was great in refinement , in literature , In art the founder of European civilization. Greece , \vlth a territory no larger than Nebraska , wilh brilliancy nnd grandeur never excelled , ovolutcd back into anarchy. So Cartilage , whoso founders , driven froui , were the puritans , tlio pilgrims of the cast , whoso names still adorn the world , from her dizzy height ovolutcd into decay and death. Home , so long the mistress of the world , dethroned - throned her kings , destroyed pligarcy , nnd bacahio n collossal republic , illustrious in arms , arts and civilization. Following others she suffered the few to obtain the wealth and the poor to bo dependent. The Inevitable re sult followed , mid she perished in the same gulf where other republics \voro buried , and again evolution wont backwards. Do you say that nations , like individuals , must decay - cay and perish ? Certainly. But the world has cvoluted only n short distance beyond the Isruclltish commonwealth , Carthage , Greece nnd Home. This day manifests thankfulness for all wo enjoy , but standing now near the mountain-top of her creatncss , shall wo not leai'n from the lesson of the ages ? Homo had no homestead law like the Jews , but in her early days a decree was rendered that no man should own to exceed 500 acres , though never repealed , this became a dead letter because the oligarchy despised and ignored It , and bought up the estates of small landed proprietors , placing them under cul tivation by slaves or using them for parks and ornamental grounds. In old Homo some patriots warned the masses , but the Gracchi had few influential sympathizers and the people had become powerless. True , her citizens were cultured in Greek philosophy , in history , poetry and the arts , but the spurn of Independence had perished in the hearts of her people , and the spiritof freedom had been exorcised before Cca.sar crossed thoUubicon. We are now faoo to face with grave prob lems. Shall wo learn the lesson of four thousand years to our benefit or bandage our eyes and rush madly into the abyss where republics are entombed. True , the teach ings of Christ have come between the past and now , but the encroachments of power and the agrcssions of wealth are the same as thon. Wo must contend with the element of corporate , exacting , law defying power which nOver vexed the soul of the Israelites , or the ancient republics. This octopus must bo grappled by our time. To secure and con tinue illimitable wealth , corporations must oxeroiso absolute power , which they do by directing state legislatures and congress , the executive departments , and too frequently the courts. They are already entrenched , and unless driven out by the intelligence and firmness of the people the property of the na tionand in time its liberties , will bo assailed , Monopoly sympathizers will affect much horror ror at these plain truths. You remember when Samuel remonstrated with the Jews for demanding a king. They heeded not , but reviled him. When Demosthenes in his phil- lipics attempted to < arouse the Athen ians to their danger , some lawyers employed by tlio robbers denounced him as a disturber of tlio peace of Athens. For thousands of years , in all forms of gov ernment , under all skies , with all theories of religion , the contest has been waged bo- twccn despotism and freedom , between cap ital and labor. Money has been com mand of the tyrant. Even in republics wealth has created an aristocracy , and aris tocracy in the end destroyed liberty. Tlio struggle ever has with the millions gone before - fore , and to-day , boon , to secure fair com pensation fpr honest toil always a struggle for bread. The spirit of evil was ever fruit ful in resources , in inventions. When the Good Ono planted a rose , a blade of grass , a stalk of grain , near by was planted a thorn , a noxious weed and a poisoned flower. So in government and society the rulers liavo boon careful that liberty and labor should bo re stricted in its benefits to ttio strugglers , Wo boast of free government , n generous civilization , a beneficent religion , yet it is the same old story evil absorbing and coun terbalancing the good , by shaping and con trolling legislation ; failing in that , to openly defy or shrewdly avoid laws fonts restraint. Corporate power , organized wealth , specially protected interests , when laws cannot satisfy their greed , nssumo the dic tatorship , organize pretended trusts and arbi trarily control the avenues of commerce , the arteries of travel ; and of the necessaries of life dictate the price to bo paid the pro ducer and the cost to the consumer , so that the extremes arein a measure pauperized , while the trusts , by a power greater and above law , from the labor of others absorb millions for themselves. Among the an cients n similar offense was punished with death. In a republic , where the citizen is amused by being told on the Fourth of July that ho is a sovorign , a prominent senator on the floor of the United States senate pro claimed that any power or means devised to check such villains would bo entitled to a crumb of alary. There is u remedy , if labor in all the hives of Industry , in shops , in mines , on the farm , on nil the lines of commerce by water arid ral1 , would do us the oppressed do organize , puu in actuality that soverignty which is too oitcn only theory ; make their power felt , not lu violence , but at the ballot box and In the creation and afterwards the enforce ment of Just laws. Bo assured there is the sleeping giant , but the giant is as powerless as the pigmy if ho never arises from his ( .lumbers. Sou to it that when aroused he is not guided and controlled by the Injustice which ho seeks to suppress. Many begin to realize that partisanship is not always patriotism. Sometimes party organi zation may exist when the spirit which created ceases to animate it. The world learns this lesson now and then with grcut intervals between. What n mockery 1 Yet it has not been the only Instance where Hery zeal or Intolerance of opinion , sometimes willed religion , some times polities , was manifested us illustrated ; when the cross was appealed to and millions Of men , with millions of treasure , carried on the crusades to res'uuo the holy city and the birthpluco auti death sccac of tut-Saviour from the touch of the Saracen , not' realizing that it mattered not if the infidel had posses sion of the empty tomb where the Saviour hnd lain and from which Ho had ascended , or even of the wooden cross on which Ho had suffered crucifixion and whence was the costly trnnsllgurntion. Mankind hnd not learned tlmt it was the risen , living Christ they were to follow , nnd emulate oaoh other In the good deeds Ho practiced and in obey ing the new comtmfndment Ho gave , to love one another , rather than jnurdor women nnd children at the mouth , of "nn empty sepulchre or at the foot of Cnlvnry when no brightness shone from its summit. Men often exhibit n fiery , meaningless de votion to nn organization which once typillcd a living principle , after the principle had been victorious and broken the bands which held it , and ascended In the full fruition of realization. Our fathers know that the mother country , with all the prcntonsos of love nnd care to the colonies , hnd grown oppressive , and to save themselves from un just taxation hurled the tea in Boston har bor nnd defied n power they had heretofore cheerfully obeyed , Their descendants to day know that Injustice is laying its heavy hand Upon them , demanding something of the same determination , not in snurillco nnd blood , but In honest effort In the ovcro'o ' of these rights accorded to the citizen , some times called sovereign. This generation must show manly , Intelligent courage , or the next may bo compelled to a sterner struggle. The world changes by slow stages , tyranny antt greed do not willingly recognize the rights of the massses. Now , as In the ngos past , the weak the toilers the hum ble , secure their rights from the fears of these who would play despot. Nations recognize principles of Justice only because compelled to. and not , ns In the ease of England with India and Egypt , because of the brotherhood of iiinn or the fatherhood of God. Hence war ship * , forts , enlarged cannon , Improved projectiles nnd Increased power of destructives. The poet wrote stern facts , and ho was neither demagogue nor crank when ho wrote : Truth forever on tlio scntlold , Wrong forever on the throne. Hut Dint scatrold sways the future , And , behind tha dim unknown , BtamU'th ( Jed within the shadows. Keeping watch above His own. To show the steady growth nnd grasping reach of the Influences threatening the pros perity of the individual , you will certainly pardon a moment , as I am satisfied tlio dis tinguished author , whoso writings nonrly twenty years ngo stated stern facts and made prophecies which history has realized , will doubtless feel n natural pride that his writ ings are so abundantly Justified that they can bo read in tlio heart of the continent with the approbation of all citizens of the re public. IIu detailed in his chapter on Erie what ho called the finan cial and political robbery of the people by the purchase of courts and corruption of legislatures , nnd detailed how Vnmlurbilt introduced "Cicsarism into corporate llfo , " and "when the Judges had degraded them selves in degrading their order , ntid made the ermine of the supreme Justice scarcely more Imposing than the motley of the clown , nnd hud reduced America ot the nineteenth century to the level of Franco of the six teenth century. " That modern society has created a class of artificial beings who bid fair soon to bo masters of their creators ; " * * "These bodies are the creatures of single states , but in Now York , In Pennsyl vania , in Maryland , in New Jersey , and not in these states alone , they are already estab lishing despottcisms which no spasmodic pop ular effort will bo able to shako off. " * * * "Tho system of corporate llfo and corporate power as applied to industrial development is yet in its infancy. It tends always to de velopment , always to consolidation. It is ever grasping now powers or industriously oxereislng covert influences. " * * "A very few years more nnd wo shall see cor porations as much exceeding the Erie and the New York Central in both ability and will for corruption , as they will cxcecit their roads in wealth and in length of iron track. Wo shall sco these great corporations spanning the continent from ocean to ocean. Already the disconnected members of these future leviathans have built up states in the wilderness and chosen their attorneys , and senators of the United States. " * * * "Tho public cor ruption is the foundation on which corpora tions always depend for their political power. There Is a natural tendency to coalition be tween them and the lowest strata of political intelligence and morality ; for their agents must obey , not question. They exnctsuccess nnd do not cultivate political morality. The lobby thrives ns political virtue decays. The ring is their symbol of power and the ring is the natural enemy of political purity nnd iu- depandcnco. " In his chapter on "Stock Watering" ho says : "Every experiment which tlio mind of man can devise has been brought into play to secure to the capitalist the laix'cst possible profit with the least possible risk. The Pacific railroad furnishes a fine example of all these ingenious devices. * * At the same time the iocess of construction afforded a curious example of the methods through which fictitious evidences of value c < m bo piled upon each other. " "The length of the road was 1,019 miles ; cost , estimated , was $10,000,000. Yet a stoulc capital alone was authorized of ? 100,000,000. No dependence was placed upon this as n means of raising money. It was only a debt to be imposed , if possible , on the future business of ithcgj country. At the close of 18TO the stock and ( font amount ed to $210,000.000. Thus the last results of Van dcrbilt's genius have been surpassed at the very outset of this enterprise. Tlio Imp from Chit-ago to Now York represents now but $00,000 to the mile as the resultof many years of inflation , while the line between Omaha nnd Sacramento betrlns llfo with the cost of SUfi.OOO per mile. It would bo useless to at tempt to estimate the weight of the burden imposed through these means upon material development. " 1 would not presume to intrude my own sentiments on this occasion , but I trust it willboconsidered duo to patriotism to read tlio sentiments from a conservative uud dis tinguished descendant of revolutionary an cestors , themselves distinguished , and at this time president of the Union Pa cific railroad , Charles Francis Adonis. Those earnest and eloquent words of Adams were Bturtllngly true when written , but past events have pointed nnd emphasized tlio wonderful revelations ho then made.Vo are again in view of the danger upon us , tlio moro dangerous because there seems no well credited effort to overcome if , but the ma chinery of party and government is to-duv , us twenty years ago , too often hcd ) in the grasp of the very influences ho BO ' unspar ingly condemned. Jt is another admonition that eternal vigi- lauco is not only the price of liberty , but honest government , That wo are a republic will not of Itself uxemut us from the injus tice of power or the avarice unit exaction of wealth. Continuous and llfo struggles caa alone preserve from the miseries attending tlio laws , when Is heard the same sad story of life , the toiling , down-trodden millions , the proud , haughty , despotic few. Hapid as 1ms been the advance of the last century , yet in most nations how pliable is tlio cry of the masses struggling for broad , "for men must work and women must weep , There is llttlo to earn and many to kcop. " The sons of toil from other lands souk rof- URO in our own because hero they can pro cure meat as well as broad. This was our boast , our prido. yet what a sad commentary of the world's history that one of tlio proud est boasts of America is that bv daily effort meat as well as bread would bo the reward. This makes the difference between ours mid the workingmen of the old world. In a land of abundance , whore it should bo a crlmo to allow oven one to buffer , to see strong men with iron muscles and sinews of htool tolling through the long , weary day , yet barely se curing enough to sustain wife and children whom ho cherishes and loves with the same fond devotion as the prince In ills palace , Is as much of a burden us should bo imposed. But how fearful when strong men cannot find remunerative employment , to give even crumbs to their chllurun and they become beggars on the street or paupers in the aluib- housennd they are feeling "That men must work and women must weep , The sooner 'tis over the sooner to Bleep. " What crimes Jiavo society and government committed against man I Yet wo uro now be ginning to meet some of the distressing con ditions of the old world.with labor depressed and strong men seeking for broad. Our existence lias been n warning to all the despotisms of the earth , that not too rudely must the rights of man bo trampled upon. Had the rebellion torn the union in twain and rent the starry banner so that this day as a union the republic hud ceased , where had been the hopes for the pilgrims of liberty throughout the civiliiod world ) Every yuar the line of veterans pf the union army , who saved the nation's life , and wo trust made the union perpetual , becomes smaller. The bowed form , the falturing etep , the whitened locks and dimmed eyes too plainly admonish that tlio goal of life's Jouruey i uot far way , and having 0 > charged life's duties grnnaly become heroes whom the nation delights to honor nnd nra enshrined in the affection * nnd memory of n Kreatftil people. May their last clnj s be of peace , but , what Is ot greater benefit ( o them , may their last days through , not the generosity , but the Justice , simple Jus tice of nn honest government , boot plenty. Only then will the promises made at tlio out set of the war bo redeemed. Congress pledged the last man and the last dollar to subdue the rebellion. The last man will soon bo reached , . but millions before the last dollar is firmly held in the treasury from the roach of the soldier , although the dan ger Of a surplus disturbs tlio dream of states men. Thomas , Mead , Hancock , Hooker" . Lo < ran , Grant , and nearly nil the great generals , have crossed to the other side , whore n ma jority of that rand army , with Lincoln at the head , have answered the roll call. Even now , ouo of the noblest of earth's chloftians Sheridan , is on the border laud of the present and fu ture. On the black horse nt Winchester ho plucked victory from the Jaws ot defeat. Now the unconquerable rider on the pale horse is demanding the surrender of the great soldier. Ho is disputing the ground with one who claims all ns his own , and ral lying his shattered forces ho boldly goes forth nnd asks the sea for breath , from the north wind and the south wind energy to Ills liopo and strength to his wasting body. As a nation wo liavo never been conquered on tlio Hold. Over foreign enemies aud do mestic foes wo have always triumphed. Now our prowess siwaks In quiet tones to the op presser , that ho must respect to eomo extent the rights of men. . Tlio moral power of this republic 1ms weakened the exactions of tyranny nnd light cnfid the burdens of the masses , even in despotic countries. From our high vantage ground wo have stretched forth our mighty arm aud beckoned the nations of the olil world to como up higher , mid Irrcslstably they moved upon a higher piano. Witness the liberal Ideas prevailing in Franco , Aus tria nnd Germany. The mother country , yielding to tlio teach ings of her once rebellious offspring , hnvo extended from time to time the right of suf frage , until men on English soil nro more than mere howors'of wood nnd drawers of water. It is auspicious of tlio time when homo rule should bo established in Ireland , nnd the dying prnyer of Emmet ho realized , "When my country shall take her stand among the nations of the earth , then , and not till then , lot my epitaph ho written. " Even now the Russian soldier ns ho dreams of home , and the Turk ns ho bends in wor ship towards the rising sun and hears Iho tinkling of the minaret bells , has vision ot tlio far away land in the western world whcro liberty is moro than nnnmo and whore the Individuality of man is not lost in the throne. So we have not lived and struggled in Vain. Let us bo true to the faith within us , which teaches that universal liberty must in the end bo the birthright of all people. The star which guides and is visible to ua , may not bo seen by other nations.Vo sco it ns did Napoleon when ho unrolled the map of his Italian campaign nnd showed to his unolo who doubted the scheme , nnd said , "Dreams. " Hushing to the window , looking into the sky , and pointing upward , ho said "Do you sco that star ! " "No , " was the re sponse. " 1 do , " said Napoleon. Faith In his star led him to the height of human nnib tion. So faitli in the star of our destiny lias placed us In the forefront of the nations , and our mission will not bo completed until man shall everywhere bo disenthralled ; when thrones and crowns shall crumble in the dust , nnd when governments shall exist only by consent of the governed. May the long line of coming generations al ways keep sacred the flowery banner nnd allow no hand to touch it in scorn , or rudely tear apart its folds May they always feel as wo do this day : " 'Tls the flag of America , it floats o'or the bmvo ; 'Tls the fulrc t unfurled on the land or the wave ; Hut though brightest history and matchless In , 'Tls the herald ot moroy as well as of might. In the cause of the wronged may It over bo rsl. Whcro tyrants are humbled and fetters arc burst , He Justice the war-shout , aud dastard Is ho , Who would saunlo to die 'noath tuo flag of the tree. " At the HlRh School. " There were G.OOO people in the High Scjiool grounds Wednesday night to witness tlio dis play of Jlro works , witli which il was intended to close the day. A temporary stand had boon erected , and from these the works were exploded. Ono of the explosions was ncei- dental , and a hundred dollars worth of fireworks went off witflout much regularity , but with n great deal of intensity , causing a hasty scattering of people. Aside from this , there was nothing to interfere with tlio pleasure of the occasion , winch retained tlio people on the around till about 10 o'clock at night. ANTUFAT. The Sclnvenlnpcr Treatment for Olic- slty in Tills Country. The system of Professor Ernst Schwon- ingcr for the treatment of obusity , which was introduced here about two yours ago , says the Now York Sun , has by this time been sufficiently tested to demonstrate that anybody who will do- tcrminedly follow the rofjiinen pre scribed by it can reduce his llcfeh tonny rosonablo degree desired , it being un derstood of courao that his physical condition is not sucli by ronson of incur able heart or kidney disease as to make reduction perilous. And there if. ouo thing about it tlmt is hard to got used to. That is the absolute prohibition ol all liquids during meals and for an hout before and nn hour after each meal. It docs not scorn so dilllcult to do without fluids to wash down one's food until it ia tried , nnd the iron pressure of habit in sipping and even gulping water , win o , milk , tea or colTeo while outing is ronl- izod. Tlio very fact of prohibition scorns to niuko ono moro intensely thirsty , and the juiciest food talcos on the astringent dryness of chowcd pome granate rind. Of course , ono becomes accustomed to it after luyhilo , eventu ally does not fool any desire for Liquids at the prohibited times , and even Jimls loss disposition to drink at any tiino than ho over had bolero. Then his re ward comes , not only in the reduction of llobh , hut in a bin-prising diminution of the nuisance of porsjii ration , which in the misery of all fat men. It must not bo supposed that this shutting off of liquids in the whole of the treatment , though it appears to bo the most important requirement. That ranking next to it is that ono must not gorpro with food , especially food in which Biigar and starch uro largely component parts. The Iron Chancellor btill lives by Schwoningor rules , and in wi doing kcos ] down Ills tendency to growing fat. and remains a wondorof vitality and vigor at his advanced ago. No longer ngo than last April ono of tlio Sun'u npoolal dispatches told now ho re stricted hiniholf in eating to a light breakfast and substantial dinner , with no liquids at meals , and only a single glass of wlno daily , taken just before retiring. Ono experiment with UIQ bogus system of throe pints of water before - fore lircukfuut by HlBinarck would doubtless afford Germany another flrfit- ulass funeral. There is no royal rend to relief from corpulence that may bo travelled with ease and hufoty , and without solf-sacri- flco , Nobtrums nro from time to time advertised as affording it surh ns one now boomed in Kngland , and finding not a few dupes here but they do not. Starvation a In Hauling , and the nos trum euros that nrofcss to reduce glut tons while practicing their gluttony , if tlioy will only "take a winoghibsfui uA , ca ti ) meal , " are alike dangerous hum- hugs , Renouncing liquids weoma to bo domonbtnitcd the safest and best thing when accompanied by duo moder ation in oating. Dul in no case la it ab solutely safe for ant person to adopt any really olTcctivo measures for reduc ing weight without thorough prelimin ary knowledge of the aoluul bis vital organi ,