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THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : WEDNESDAY , SEPTEMBER 3D , 18Sa OUADA SHOULD KEEP IT UP , Our Team Takoa the First Gnmo From Sioux City. 'CORN ' HUSKERS" COULDN'T HIT. KnnRns City nnil DCS Moines IMny n Oninc Kiirlnkluil With Hrrors nnil Huns General Sport * News. "Western AHsoelatlou Standing. Following is tlio oiuclal standing of the Western association teams up to and incluu- Ing yestcrday'H games : 1'lnyea Won Lost 1'r Ct Be Molncs 100 05 . " > .MO 05W St. Paul 100 ( W 3 .GiO Kansas City 101 01 40 .cot fmnha 103 CO i ! ) .MS IWilwaukco 10S 51J 57 .50.- fSloux City IK ) ! ! -J 113 .EC'S ' Chicago 100 40 CO . ! )75 ) Davenport 1)3 ) Gi .012 Onmlia ! , Sioux City 1. Siouv CITV , Sept. IS. [ Special Telegram to Tun HKK.J The Sioux City and Ornalm clubs played n beautiful game of ball to-day. Omaha was somewhat stronger at the b. t tind their hits were better bunched. The one error against Sioux City was Snecd's ' muff of turns' long hit t'o right in the sev enth Inning and gave Omaha ono run. In that Inning Omaha made the game hopeless for Sioux City. Autils retired ; Toboau hit for onobase ; Miller's sacrlllco advanced To- foeau to second ; Naglo by a safe hit further advanced him to third and ho scored on Lov- ctt's single ; Sneod muffed Uurns' hit and Nix- glo scored ; McGarr Hew out. It was , how ever , a hard fought gauio and Omahu won by effective work. Tlie score.1 OMA1U. SIOUX CITV. Totals 33 1 S 2 24 10 1 btnaha ; 0 0002020" 4 E3iouxClty..O 1 Huns earned Sioux City 1 , Omaha 8. Two Jjaso hits Tcbeau. Three base lilts Sliced , Vcach. Double plays Force , Hrosnan nnd Powell. Uases on balls Off Webber 1 , off , ovctt 1. Struck out By Webber 4 , by Lovett 0. Left on basus Sioux City 4 , Omaha 5. Time 1:85. : Umpire Fessou- ucn. Kansas City tt : , Des Mollies 1O. KANSAS CITT , Mo. , Sept. 18. [ Special Tel egram to Tim Hen. ] The game between pnnsas City nnd DOS Moines to-day was full Of excitement nnd interest. Though the jBlues finally came out ahead , nt the close of the flrst inning the score stood 2 to 1 in DCS Moines' favor. After two of thu Blues had l > ccn retired in the second Hassainaer got flrst Dn balls. Gunson bit safely to center and I'holan let Con way's grounder go through him , Hnssmaer scoring. Conwny tried to jnnkq second on the play but the ball was ( fielded to Pholan who made nn effort to touch him but failed and did not claim ho did. Umplro Hngan called Conway out to ho astonishment of DCS Moines and the au dience , who hooted Hngan. The latter in- plsted that otto of the spectators bo put out. This was'not done nnd ho said there would bo no gamo. The Des Molncs players loft the grounds , but after half an hour's argu ment Manager Morton consented to play the came out , which was dono. The score : Kansas City 1 1 7 0 a 0 0 0 1 13 .Des Moines 8 0024000 1 10 Earned runs Kansas City 3 , DCS Molues P. Two base hits Manning. Homo runs Johnson , Holllday. Double plays Hollidny nnd Phohin. Hates on balls Off Conway 1 , off Cushman 4. Struck out Uy Conway 10 , by Cushmnn 4. Passed balls Gunson 8 , Trott a. Wild pitches Conway 1 , Cushman J. Stolen bases Long , Manning (2) ( ) , ICriog , iTohnsnii , Hassamaor , Shafcr. Mncullar , Al- yord , Van Dyke , Pholan. First on errors DCS Moines a. Hits Kansas City 13 , Dos ( molnoa 11. Errors Kansas City 4 , DCS JMoinco S. Hatterics Conway and Gunson , Cusbman nnd Trott. OTHER GAM12S. i'CBtordity'H Winners in the National Ijonfcuo Contests. CHICAGO , Sept. 18. Kcsult of to-day's came : Chicago 0 00000000 0 Philadelphia. . . 0 1 0 0 3 1 0 * 0 Pitchers Krock nnd Sanders. Base hits Chit-ago 1. I'hiladulphia 10. Errors-Chi cage 5 , Philadelphia 10. Umpires Daniels nnd Powers. . IS. Result of ' PiTijiiiuuo , Sopt. to-duy'a pnuio : Pittsburg 1 00000000 1 Now York 0 0000014 * Pitchers Calvin nnd Kcefo. Uaso hits Pittsburg 4 , New York 8. Errors Pitts- ) ) urg 2 , Now York 1. Umplro Lynch. DETUOIT , Sopt. 18. Hesult of the flrsl pamo : Detroit 0 10001000 I Boston 1 0350120 * 11 Pitchers Boutin nnd Clarkson. Haso hits Detroit 0 , Boston 18. Errors-Detroit 4 , Boston 3. Umpire Kelly. Hesult of second game 'Detroit t 11001000- . ! Boston 0 0 0 2 0 2 4 0 * i Pitchers Gctzcln nnd Sowders , Bnst lilts Detroit 10 , Boston 0. Errors Detroit 0 , Boston 0. Umplro IColly. IxniAXpous , Sept. Ib. Kcsult of flrs1 game : Indiiuuipolts..2 10000000 ! Washington 0 Pitchers-Hnrdick nnd Whitney. Basi Jilts Indiannpolls 7 , Washington S. Erron Indianapolis 4 , Washington 2. Umpiro- "Valentino. Hesult of second game Jndianapolm . . . .a 1 "Washington 1 20000208 ! Pitchers Hculoy nnd Kcefo. Base hits- Indlanaiwlla i ) , Washington 11. Errors- Xndlanapolis 1 , WusUiugton 2. Umpire Val entino. Aiucrionii Association. BIIOOKLVX , Sept. 18. Hcsult of to-day'i came : Brooklyn 0 110100000001 Loulsvillo 0100001100000 ST. Louis , Sept. IS. Uejult of. to-duy's pamo : St. Louis 4 0003303 2-11 Ualtimoro 0 01810000 CINCINNATI , Sept. 18. Result of to-day' parao : Cincinnati 3 00100010 Athletics 0 00001000 KAXIUS CITV , Sept. 18. Result of to-day1 : * pamo : ! " Kansas City.3 01133030 1 Clovolnnd. , 0 Plnttstnoiitli O , Beatrice O. PI.ATTSMOUTH , Neb. , Sept. 18. [ Specie Telegram to TUB Bus-J Plnttsmouth agnli demonstrated her ability to hold the amateu championship over the Beatrice Garlands tc day. At the end of the flfth Inning the scor Btood 8 to n , In favor of Plattsinouth. In tb flrst half ot the sixth Beatrice kicked becnus tbo umplro changed a rank decision , and al left the ground. The umplro refused to cal the game , and tlio Pluttsmouth boys stuyo on the pround until It , WM too dark to play , vhcn the utnilro | Rnvo tlio pamo to thorn by n Rcoro of 0 to 0. lioatrlcovna outiilayutl Ht , ivcry point. Hattcrlcs Patterson Bros , for 'lattstnouth. Weaver , Fulton nnd Oallas for icatrlco , Umplro Price. TUHP MVI3NT9. Biiiiitnnrlc * of Yoslorday'rt Ilnccs nt LOIIISVIU.B , Sept. 18. The full race meot- np opened with a largo crowd. Tlio weather vas clear and the track light. I'lrst race , half tulle Gentility won , Jullcn second , Lady Winkle third. Timc--43K' ! . Second race , seven furlong Urlfronotto von , dead heat between Pnt Donovan nnd Jowlatcr for n place. Time 1 : ! 11. Third race , six furlongs ( Jliampagno Charlie won. Ulossing second , Laura Stone .bird. No titro taken. fourth race , inilo dash Lottio Wall won , otif * UoH second , Colonel Hunt third. rime 1 s-J-ftf. Fifth rauo , ono nnd one-sixteenth miles ionnio Klni ; won , Ilumlot second , Galatea third. Codnr Knpltli Hnccfi. CEDAK H.M'in ? , In. , Sept. IS , The first day of the races wa * not well attended. In the flrst race , ycnrllnR stakes , Paul [ 'inkhum won in two Btrulght heats , Colonel Strador second. Heat tlmo ltft : : . In the 2:45 : trot Henry won in three stralftht heats , Governess second. Host time In the race lor four-yoar-old stakes Hlrdlo ERinont won , Florence second , IJust tlmo Brooklyn < Toclcy Club Itnoon. Niw : VOIIK , Sept. 18. Hrooklyn Jockey club results : Throo-iiuarturs of a mile llrlttanlc won in 1:10 : , Yum Yum second , Bradford third. Ono and one-eighth miles Hr.dto won in 2:01 : ; ' ( , ICItiR Idle second , Gallfet third. Threo-quartors of n mile Favordale , colt , won In ll"i : Diablo second , Fresno third. Oriental handicap , ono and one-quarter miles Dunboyno won in 3:12 : , Queen ot Eliz abeth second , LOH An clc ? third. One-half mile Glitter won In 51 , Sourirc second , Eceoln , Illly , third. Sixth race , ono nulo Letretia won In 1:45 : , Satisfaction second , KcdarKhau third. MntcliVrrnniu < l. GitcKinr CK.VTIIII , Neb. , Sept. 18. [ Special Telegram to TIIK Him. ] Arrangements wore completed to-day for a wrestling con tent between .lerry Council , of Upauldlnp , Neb , nnd Wosty W. Tolllvnr , the champion side hold wrestler of northern Nebraska. The match will be for ? ll ) a sldo nnd the championship of northern Nebraska. To .Sporting Men. I have n blue English pointer pup , Dick , six months old September 3. Under dlrcc- Lion of Ocden Hros. , I will test his capacity for hunting chickens in the Held apainst any imp no older. Challonpo open to everybody. Match to take place nt Clearwater , Nob. , for $100 u side. A. C HAHTMAX , Cleanvater , Neb. PIIOTKCTION S13MTIM13NT. Al'ronilnont Dcinocrnt TlilnkH It AVID Hurt Hlfi Party. NEW-YOKK , Sept. 18. [ Special Teleprain to TUB Hi : . ] Hon. Enoch Ensloy , of Memphis - phis , Toiin. , a typical representative of the south in all except a strong faith in protec tion , was nt the Fifth avenue hotel to-day. Ho was n democrat of the old school until Lho lines were drawn on the question of free Lrado and protection. A reporter asked how ho intended to vote. Ho said : "I have been n democrat all my life , but no w the question before the people is whether wo will open the doors of our country to European competition mid roiluclngtho work ing people to the level of foreign pauper laborer or maintain the protective tariff and bo pros- liorous and independent. I will not vote for Mr. Cleveland because I believe in protec tion. " "Do you think many democrats in the south nro in favor of protection ! " "Yes , but they will nearly all vote the democratic ticket from force of habit. I do not think they will do it till the tune. I be lieve protection will bo the rock upon which the solid south will split , Wo have no ether Issue. " "Do you think the south will bo solid for President Cleveland ! " "It may not bo with the present Issue be fore the country. I should hesitate to proph esy victory for the democrats in every south ern state. " The Unit County Fair. GUAXD ISLAND , Neb. , Sept. 18. [ Special Telegram to TUB BEE. ] The Hall county fair commenced hero to-day. Every stall nt the grounds is filled. A number of horses are down town. The free-for-all pace to-morrow promises to bo very interesting. Silver Tall , Lotta I' , Agate and two ether horses will start. The 2 id" nnd free-for-all trots are illlo.l nnd will bo hotly contested. Agricul tural and art halls will be completed tomorrow row forenoon nnil will surpass any exhibit of the kind over witnessed in central Nebraska. A Dpsj > crmo Sentenced. S.VNTA Fu , N. M. , Sopt. 18. [ Special Tele gram to THE BKK. ] The notorious Jim Curry arrived hero to-day in custody of the sheriff of Lincoln county , and was turned over to the penitentiary authorities to servo n sentence of six years for u murder com- tnlttud in that county last spring. Curry Is the man who killed the actor , Porter , at Little - tlo Itoelc ton years ago , nnd is considered ono of the worst men in the west. Some half n dozen killings nro crcdltett to him during the past iiftcon years. * A Iloiuarknblo .lury. ST. JosiiPii , Mo. , Sopt. IS. [ Special Telegram gram to Tun Hun. ] A remarkable Jury has been collected for the September term of the Uuchaimn circuit court. The venlro tov the regular petit Jury is complete and the aggre gated weight of the twenty-four men is 5,033 , nn average of SKI5 pounds. The feather weight ot the jury tips the beam at 200 pounds oven , and the heavy weight at 2(55. ( The Judge and bar comnlain that it is a scheme of the deputy shonlfs , but the depu ties stoutly duny ttio alleg.ition , \Vyommg oil lands for sale. Claims of 20 , 40 , ( ' 0 to 100 acrea now on thu market. Com plete abstracts lo same furnished. J. It. LOVKTT , 220 So. Thirteenth St. , Omaha , Nob. Tlio Manitoba Crops. WINNIPEG , Man. , Sept. IS. Charles A. Hell , secretary of the board of trade , esti mates thu Manitoba crop at 8,000,000 to 10- COO.OOO bushels. Beware of Scrofula Scrofula is probably more general than any other disease. It is Insidious In character , and manifests itself In running sores , pustular eruptions , boils , swellings , enlarged Joints , abscesses , sere eyes , etc. Hood's Sarsaparllla expels nil trace of scrofula from the blood , leaving It pure , enriched , and healthy. 111 was severely afflicted with scrofula , nnd over a ycaj had two running sores on my neck. Took flvo bottles Hood's Sarsaparllla , and am cured. " 0. K. I.OVEJOY , Lowell , Mass. 0. A. Arnold , Arnold , Mo , , had scrofulous sores for seven years , spring and fall. Hood's Sarsaparllla cured him. Salt Rheum Is ono of the most disagreeable diseases cruised by impuroblood. It Is readily cured by Hood's Sarsaparllla , tlio great blood purifier. "William Spies , Elyrla , O. , suffered greatly from erysipelas and salt rheum , caused by handling tobacco. At times Ids hands would crack open and bleed. Ho tried various prep * orations without aid ; finally took Hood's Sar- capnrllla , and now says : "lamentirely well. " "Jly son had salt rheum on his hands and on tbo calves ot his legs. Ho took Hood's Sarsaparllla nnd Is entirely cured. " J. B. Stauton , Jit. Ycnion , Ohio. Hood's Sarsaparilla Sold by all drupftitJ. gl | ilxfargs. Widuonlr by a I. HOOD & CO. , Apothocar loi.Ixmell , Mu * . IOO DOSGS One Dollar INTERESTING IOWA INKLINGS Cattle Thlovos Operating Exten sively in Wlnnobngo County , THE UNIVERSALIST CONVENTION. A Democratic Illowout at Kookuk A Singular Hallrond Accident Sioux CIly'H Financial Condition Huloon Injunction * JoliIirrH on the "Warpath. DAVENTOUT , la. , Sept. 18. [ Special Tele- ; rain to THE BEE. ] The jobbers of this city are on the warpath In dead earnest. The city council chamber Is the place where the case Is being tried that of the forty-five jol > - jcrs against tno Chicago , Hock Island & Pa cific , the Burlington , Cedar Knplds& North ern , and the Chicago , Milwaukee St Si. Paul railroads for extortionate rates and unjust discrimination , mostly under the May 10th .arilT. Ono after another the witnesses tes- Lifted to the destruction of their business under thn May luth tariff ; that the Increase of rates was about ! 10 per cent ; that the rates from Pcoria and Chicago Into Iowa were ns low , and even lower , than from Davenport to the same Iowa loints , not half the distance. Several of the jobbers tostllled to hauling goods to Uock Island to get a living rate into Iowa. Mr. Preston , of Sickles & Preston , Bald that their business foil off 30 per cent in the four months after the May 10th tariff went Into effect , and to compete with Chicago they had to soil goods > it nn actual loss. A B. Bird , general passenger agent for the Milwaukee road , was on the stand for the detouso to-day , the plaintiffs having con cluded their side. The Hno of defense was mainly Justification of the Mav 10th tariff , Mr. Bird even claiming that it was too low. A comparison of the Iowa commissioners' rates with the Inter-stnto rates was a Lhorout.'h vindication of the commis sioners' rates , they being generally iilgher than the inter-state rates , though i great reduction on Iowa rates LJinl said that the former nystom of giving rebates had bi-on swept away by the inter state law , and that the Iowa law was in sev eral respects similar. Ho conceded that the Nebraska through rates across Iowa were materially lower t ban the Iowa local rates under the May 10th tariff. The Muy 10th tariff , ho said , was a largo advance on the tariff in effect prior to that dato. The cross- examination by Mr. Lane developed that the loss of revenue to the Chluago , Milwaukee & 3t. Paul the last year was largely caused by Lho rate war of last winter. Thus far the obbers have a strong case against the rail roads. _ The Uiiivorsalist Convention. WATF.JILOO , la. , Sopt. 18. ISpoclal Tele gram to Tun Br.K.I The Iowa Universnlist state convention mot hero to-day and a largo number of the most talented ministers of the Universalist church m Iowa and adjoining , nro present. The opening session of the con vention was held this evening. The topic for discussion was "Uevival Work. " Uni versalist societies are growing in number and inlluenco throughout the state , and the present convention is expected to prove the largest and most interesting yet held. Sioux City's Financial Condition. Sioux CITV , la. , Sept. 18. [ Special to THE | } KB , ] The service yesterday of an injunc tion to prevent the city from constructing a sewer pumping station , brings out to-day the financial straits of Sioux City. Arrange ments had been made to place bonds for 518,000 for the construction of the pumping station , but the injunction proceedings de velop and put on record the fact that the city , in pursuance of n wide open system of [ inblio improvements , has exceeded the con stitutional limitation of municipal indebted ness. A Singular Accident. DanuQUE , la. , Sept. 18. [ Special Tclo- jjram to Tun BKK. ] A singular accident liappencd hero to-day. The Chicago , Burling ton & Quincy northern transfer steamer , while transferring u locomotive and throe cars of coal from east Dubuque to this side , struck a sand uar in front of the landing on this side. The sudden stop of the boat throw the locomotive forward and it pitched into the river over the bow of the boat. The reg ulations require that tbo wheels should bo blocked , but this was neglected in this case. The work of raising the engine is now in progress. Tlio-Ynrd Men's Fault. PACIFIO JUNCTION , la. , Sopt. 18. [ Special Telegram to Tun Biiu.J The wreck of the Kansas City passenger last night was not caused by a misplaced switch. The yard men loft BOUIO cars on a sldo track without taking care to see that they cleared the track. When the passenger came along it crashed into them. Another bad wreck occurred this morning in the Kansas City yards. Freight No. IT on the Kansas City road ran into a "Q" train , wrecking an engine and seventeen cars. No ono was injured. Good News For l 'lske. WATKIILOO , la. , Sopt. IS. [ Special Tele gram to Tim BEE. ] Uev. John Bowman , of Cedar Fulls , several years ago a strong can didate for congress In the Third lowu dis trict against Pratt , republican , nnd noted since for his activity in the pulpit In the In terest of the democratic party , lias issued a call for a prohibition comity convention nnd and announced his intention to support Fisko and Brooks. A Complaint From Thnycr. Dis : Moisns , la. , Sopt. IS. ISpeclal Tele gram to THE BEE. ] The citizens of Thayer , Union county , have presented to the rail road commissioners thirteen petitions with 100 signatures asking that the railroads bo compelled to put In a "Y" at the crossing of the Diagonal and Chicago. Burlington & Quincy railroads near that place. A Saloon Keeper Enjoined. CMXTONla. . , Sept. IS. [ Special Telegram to THE Bin. ] Judge Waterman , in the dis trict court , to-day granted a permanent in junction against John Dalton , a saloon keeper. This is the third permanent injunc tion that has been granted this term. A Fourth District Nomination. MASON CITY , la. , Sopt. 18. | Special Tele gram to Tin ; BEE. ] The democrats of the Fourth congressional district to-day nomi nated II. D. Hciiue , president of the Nor wegian Lutheran college at Dccoruh , for congressman. Democratic Burbuciio at Koolcuk. KEOKUK , In , , Sept. 18. The -state demo cratic barbocuf hero to-day was attended by about twenty thousand strangers from Iowa , Illinois and Missouri. Speeches were made ' by J. J. Secry. of Burlington , and' F. W. Lehman , of DCS Moincs. AVill Support the Itopubllonii Ticket. DATEXi'OKT , la. , Sopt. 18. The union labor party convention for the Second district , de cided to-day to support the republican candi date for congress in tbo Second Iowa Oils- lrict- WholitHiilo Cattle Stealing. MASOX CITV , la. , Sopt. 18. [ Spoolal Tele gram to Tun BKK. ] News roaches hero ol wholesale cattle stealing in Winnobago county. Six hundred head have been stolen. Confessed the Murder. MEMPHIS , Sept. 18. John Hiloy , n farmer living at Troy , Tunn. , was murdered last Wednesday , and Mrs. Hiloy and Tom Con dor , the only other persons on the farm , wore arrested on suspicion. There was nc evidence found against them and they would have been released had not Mrs. Hiloy , whoso conscience troubled her , made a coil' f ess Ion. She nnd Condor had been intimate , and they resolved to kill Ulloy. The exocu tlon of their plan was modti easy when lUloj went to sleep while sitting on the porch Condor approached him with a Bhot gut from behind and blow his brains out. Con dor docs uot know of Mrs. JUloy's coufes slon. k lA8 GONK. A Familiar Ihclttt "AII-NlRhtcrs" Ijoltvefe. Oipalia. "Hold on , thpro , DKK man , and let mo shake you good-byi ) , " said u diminutive lad , wlio stood on the OurbMono near the corner of Thirteenth and Farmim streets Monday f iftornoon , us n IJun reporter paused by. The joy was making a , purchase f rom n bannim vender , nud graciously offered to shuro the fruit with the pcrilin Addressed. "I'etey" was ttljj lai1 } who spoke , and there is scarcely n newspaper man , hotel clerk , imck driver , gamWor jartondor or sporting man in Omnha wlibvlll not rccognlzo him. "Petoy" has been Tor years a district mes senger boy , doing servlco in the Omaha oflloo atnlsht. Hit face Is n familiar one In every newspaper ofllce , sporting house and saloon In the business portion of the city. " \Vhat do you want to shako good-byo for , ' 1'utoyt' " asked Tin ! Hun man. "Won't 1 see you to-night us Usual when you come In with the Council Bluffs packages from the 11:00 : o'clock dummy I" "No. 1 am going to Kansas City to-night on the way to tiio train now. 1'vo grown itlnd of tired of Omaha. Don't make near ns much money out of our business now ns wo used to. You RCO , the city council Is sort o" biistin1 us up. It was n hard Knock they gave us when the leglshitur' closed up the rambllii1 houses. When they were running t used to make $3 and Jl on the sldo every night. A gambler Is a mighty liberal man sometimes. Often I've boon sent to a gamb- Ing house on a call and the man who wanted the messenger boy had Just made a jig winning. What did ho care for n dollar estthenl Ho'd just as soon give mo n V as .ho 15-cent fee that "wo collect. Why , a iharp boy who was on the night watch dur- ng those days had a good thing. Hut they closed 'em up , and now they're after the sporting houses. Pretty soon they'll pass an ordinance ) to cut off all the perquisites us District kids have been used to getting. I'm ' getting scared and am going down to ICansas City where sporting housoi run wide open , and I'll ' go Into the District ser vice there. In about a week I'll have the ilacc sized up in good shape , and then I'll ) o rolling up the same old bills I used to inako In Omaha. This town's no good no nero for us , and I'm going to migrate , and lore's my car , old man , so good bye , " and ' 1'ctey" was off. The night editors on the Omaha nowspa- icrs will mtsH "Potoy's" pleasant face more , lmn that of any of the other boys. Almost svery night ho was assigned the job of cross- ng the river to Council Hluffa to get the last mokugcs of copy from that sldo for these uipors. It was a job that had to bo performed , n rain or cold , and he was never known to nlss connection , bringing in his package at 11 : oO as promotly as ono could desire. A PUOSPKUOUS TOWN. Pretty Salcu : on the Forks of the Ncniatia. SAI.EM , Web. , Sept. 18. [ Correspondence of TUB HUE. ] Salem Is prospering , although not heard from very often. The village has 700 inhabitants and is located at the forks of , ho Nemaha , in Richardson county , seven miles west of Falls City. The town is al ready on a solid business footing , never hav ing had n mushroom boom. AH lines of bus iness , except the saloon , are represented , and the people have vofod to exclude linuor selling. A commodious school house is now nearly completed , and \lio \ large mill which was recently destroyed by lire is being re placed. The county , fait opens hero to morrow and promises tj ) bo a grand success. The corn crop is wpndarful , not a poor field to bo scon in the whole , county. The wheat and potato crops wcro , a trifle short , but oats , hay and apples nrqnbuiidaut. Politically the county is very eloso , but this year everything points to a good ma- lority for Harnsqn and protection. Two- thirds of thi ) young voters will cast their first ballots for the rcuubllcau ticket. TWO MOONSHINKUS KIliliED. United States Oflloei-s Victors in 11 Butte - to with Illicit Distillers. HOT Si'iiiNOS , Ark. , Sopt. IS. Two gen- tlouicn named Outhrio and Butt , residents ol lilack Springs , Montgomery county , brought in news yesterday of a sanguinary conflict between two moonshiners and two deputy United States marsnals near the foot of llackbono mountain , in Clark county , thirty miles from this city , in which botli moon shiners were shot to death. Ted Bates and .lohu Grossam were the moonshiners , and they have been prosecuting their illicit busi ness for fiomo time about three miles north of Black Springs. The recent raids of gov ernment olllciuls had the effect of breaking up the organized gang , and Bates and Gres- sain were attempting to get out of the state when tracked from their haunts by deputies. MVE STOCK HATES. A New Schedule Itascd on the lim System. CHICAGO , Sept : IS. The railroads entering Chicago from the west , northwest and south west , have agreed upon rates to apply to live stock shipments under the weighing system. The rates from Omaha and Kansas City to Chicago on cattle and sheep will be S7J4 cents a hundred pounds. On hogs the rate will be 27J cents from Omnha and 25 cents from Kansas City. From St. Paul to Chicago n charge of twenty-five cents will bo made on cattle and 80 cents on hogs and sheep. These rates will take the place of the present rales per car load and will go into effect October 10. Dillon Kelensed Prom .lull. Loxiiox , Sopt. 18. The statement that Dillon has boon released on ball is incorrect , On account of the medical report on the state of his health ho has been granted un uncon ditional release. Drni.ix , Sept. 18. At 10 o'clock this even ing Mr. Dillon addressed n crowd outside his house. He thanked these present for then kindly welcome. Ho explained that ho had been released without conditions and with' out negotiations of any kind. Ho said that ho Intended to npply himself to the struggle in behalf of Ireland more diligently than over. _ Loxnox , Sept. , 18. [ Special Cablegram tt Tins BKP. . ] Mr. Parncil , in a congratulatory telegram to Mr. Dillon , says : "Yourtriunpti over the brutalities of imprisonment is t great victory fur Ireland and a signal dis comlltnre for Balfour's coercion. " The News says : "Wo believe there does not exist a man in the kingdom , not except ing Mr. Bnlfonr or Mr. Goschen , who does not hope earnestly that Mr. Dillon has boot released in tune. Ho was released because had anything happqnod to him in juil Bui four's oftlcial existence would not have been worth a fortnight's ' purphasc. " The Tyiiotlrctan Convention. NEW YOUK , SopU 18. The United Typo thetao of America , fin .association composed of master printers throughout the Unitci States , began its second annual meeting to day with delegates' prositnt from Chicago Milwaukee. St. Piiul , Omaha , Minneapolis and other points. After PresidentDovinno addressed the convention , n letter from the Internationa Typographical union Inviting some arrange mcnts whereby there might bo n means 01 effecting arbitration nnft having at all time : peace with honor , was read. A. Chlnnnmn l nfiJHcd Citizenship. Sr Louis , Sept. 13. .judge Barclay , of tin St. Louis circuit court , to-day refused t < grant naturalization papers to Argo Konno haino , a Chinaman. The judge takes tin ground that under the existing laws Chincsi cannot become American citizens , and da clarcs that the latest definition of the natur allzatlon law of 1833 is that no state of the United States shall grant citizenship to Chi ncso. Konnohnmo has resided hero to years , ana says ho will carry his case to con gress. _ _ A St. Joseph Failure. ST. JOSEPH , Mo. , Sept. 18. [ Special Tolc gram to Tins Hm : . ] Charles Trobrldge , ; fruit commission dealer , who opened a . bus ! ness on Edmond street two months age closed his doors to-day and loft for parts uc known. Creditors , whoso aggregate los will amount to about $5,000 , mourn his dc partura. The heaviest losers are Peyck Bros. , of Omaha , and a St. Louis firm , cac having bills to the amount of about $1,600. Mr. Sbormim Dlsoussos the Presi dent's Retaliation Policy. ITS RIDICULOUS PRETENSES. A IJOIIR nnd Spirited Debate In the House on the Matter of Ap propriations Other Senate. WASHINGTON , Sept , 18. In the senate , to day the deficiency appropriation bill was re ported back from the committee on appro priations and ordered printed. Mr. Sherman's resolution , offered yester day , Instructing the committee on foreign relations to inquire into the state of the rela tions of the United States with Oroat Brit ain and the dominion of Canada , and to re port at next session such measures ns are ex pedient to promote friendly commercial and political Intercourse between these countries nnd the United States , was taken up , and Mr. Sherman proceeded to ndaress the sen- itu on it. Ho made un allusion to the presi dent's retaliation message and the Justifica tion of the rejection of the fish- cries treaty. Ho believed that the evil could have been corrected if .ho president had , by proclamation , with- neld the privileges from Canadian fishing vessels that hart been denied to American ilshermcn. But the president , instead of ex ercising the powers which ho had , had asked congress , in his retaliation message , for power to suspend commerce which had amounted for the last six years to $270,000- 000. The president's proposition was , in other words , to suspend nnd embarrass the commerce of exports and imports amounting to nearly $100,000,01)0 , ) a veiir. Such a proposition , made without warning in the midst of a popular election , nid been the president1 ! * response to the earnest demand innae by American fisher- non that they should bo bocurod in the on- oymcnt of what they believed to bo their uu- lucstionablo rights , Mr. Sherman's resolution went over with out action nnd the senate adjourned. IIOUHO. WASHINGTON , Sept. 18. The speaker pro in laid bcforo the house n communication rrom the postmaster general in response to a resolution calling for information relating to the distribution through the mails of the Tux llcforui Advocate in violation of the postal laws. The postmaster general says thatstcps liavo been taken by the department to inves tigate the truth or falsity of offenses of the nature described in the resolution , but as no such offenses huvo occurred no steps had been taken to punish such offences. The com munication was referred to the committee on poHtoftlccs and postroads. Mr. Forney of Alabama then called up the conference report on the sundry civil appro priation bill. When last before the house the report was opposed by Mr. Payson of Illinois , who antagonized the appropriation for continuing the now Horary building , and advocated an absolute abrogation of the pres ent plan of construction as inadequate. Mr. Forney proceeded to reply to this attack and to defend the plan as proposed in the confer ence report. Mr. Cannon of Illinois made a speech on the general subject of appropriations , and said that the democratic administration had expended in four years $ Ofi,000OJO more than liad been expended during the last four years of the republican administration. Ho charged the democrats with increasing the number of public otllcials and with increas ing salaries. The fiscal policy of administra tion was an attempt by the president to weld the solid south with Wall street , and on the structure thus erected ho hoped to climb a second time into the presidential clialr. Mr. Burns of Missouri declared that much of the increased appropriations was duo to the republican senate , or amendments creating them offered by the gentleman from Illinois and advocated by his party friends. Mr. Cannon declared that ho only advo cated increased appropriation when ho thought the Increase was right and proper. Continuing his reply to Mr. Cannon , Mr. Burns read a statement showing that the senate in four years had increased the civil bill by f'-M.OM.Ooy , and this in spite of the fact that the house confercs , headed by Sam uel J. Handall , had resisted increases witli bitterness. Mr. O'Ncil of Pennsylvania For the in formation of the gentlemen on that side of tbo house , I will inform thorn that ono week from to-morrow Samuel J. Kandall will bo nominated unanimously by a democratic convention composed of all shades of demo crats , without reference to the tariff. [ Ap plause on the democratic side. ] Mr. Burns , branching off into politics , said that the democratic riders were in the saddle and ready for the word "Go. " Ho saw vic tory in the air In November. Mr. Henderson , of lown , challenged the statement , and in answer to his question as to what gains the democrats expected , Mr. Burns replied that Iowa might fall into Hn6. Mr. Henderson wantedjto know whether the gentleman found reason for his belief in the result in Maine , Oregon and Vermont. Mr. Burns replied that the democrats had reduced the republican majority in Maine by 1,200. In Oregon they had voted long boioro the democracy had gotten Its horses on the track. Messrs. * Payson and Kelly spoke on the library controversy , nnd pending further discussion the matter went over. Mr. Cutcheon of Michigan , from the com mittee on rivers nnd harbors , reported a bill authorizing thn secretary of war to prcscrlbo rules and regulations for the mnnagetneiit of the St. Clalr fiats ship canal. Passed. The house then , nt 5 o'clock , adjourned , nnd a democratic caucus was announced to bo held at 8 this evening , Tl I I3 CI TYJXUJNCI It. Oratory Dispensed With nnd Bust- IIPSH Transacted. The meeting of the city council last night was short , and that body went through its order of business perfunctorily. Fifteen councilman were present , but none of them had energy or Inclination to find n discussion upon anything , A communication was received from Mayor Broatch announcing his acceptance of C. fc. Mayne's resignation from the board of public works. It was about to be placed on file , but at the suggestion of Mr , Lee the council also accepted the resignation. The mayor's appointment of the following special policemen was confirmed : John Alison , John ( . Daughc-rty and N. N. Ed wards. Gas Inspector James Gilbert reported eighty-seven tests of gas during August , giving an average of eighteen candle power. The city has T'J3 gas nud102 gasoline street lamps In use. Fred W. Gray nsked the city to lease him forty-eight feet of Harney street in front of block ir > for ten years. The street cannot bo used at that point for travel on account of the B. & M. yard trackage. Heferrcd. City Treasurer Hush reported that ho had tendered to the respective property owners the damages appraised on nccount of the widening of Eleventh street south of the via duct. All but Harold Sohoer accepted the sums proffered. A resolution was introduced declaring Ulovonth street legally widened from Briggs to Hickory. A resolution was adopted giving N city employes who can bo spared a half holiday Saturday afternoon , that they may attend the ball game between cdunclliuon and mem bers of the board of education. The Bolt Line railroad was ordered to construct a crossing at Twenty-second and l/.ard streets. The gas bill for August , ? ? , 'JOO , wasal lowed. The city clerk was directed to advertise for hay for the lire and police departments for ono year. A petition was received from property owners on Vinlon street , botwcen Sixteenth and Twentieth , asking the council to order any street car line operating on Vinton street to pave before other paving is done , or to re imburse the property owners for the area be tween the tracks. Koforrod. The board of public works was ordered to place a Hush tank for sewers at Pacific and Eleventh streets. The following ordinances were passed s Creating sewer district 85 and ordering work therein ; locating hydrants ; refunding JJS4 of taxes to Lillie and Minnie McCague ; also $30 to A. Johnson ; levying tax for curbIng - Ing Vinton street from Thirteenth to Six teenth ; orodring the paving of Twenty-first street , in district 19" , with cypress ; also of alley in blocks 9,10 , ! jy , 21 , 4H , M , 57 , 1U ! , IfcJ , 200,1204,215X , 240 , IC.Oand .151 ; creating sewer district 84 and curbing sewer therein ; orderIng - Ing curbing of Twenty-fifth avenue from Haruoy to St Mary's avenue ; also of Twenty- second street in district 171 , nnd Howard street in 172 ; ordering the paving of Seven teenth street in district 128 with nsphaltum ; levying n tax for the sewer in district ( ill ; changing grade on Thirty-seventh street from Furnnin to First ; vacating the alloy in block 0. The ordinance granting the horse car company richt of way over the Eleventh street viaduct was passed as amended last week without discussion. Messrs. Snyder and Bedford voted nay , but there were twelve ayes. THE YKLliOW PKVEIt. A Conference of Delegates to Ilscus ilio Situation. NAsnviu.u , Tcnn. , Sept. 18. A conference of delegates from the boards of health of many of the southern states and Illinois was held hero to-day for the purpose of discuss ing the yellow fever situation. An exhaus tive intercourse of ideas was had , and reso lutions adopted declaring it the sense of the conference that ten days' detention of the yellow fever refugees should bo enforced against these destined for points south of the northern bonndary of Tennessee , but in view of the lateness of the season it is recom mended that the healthful refugees whoso basgago has been disinfected should bo per mitted to go north of that line without do- tcntion. JACKSONVILLE , Fin. , Sept. 18. We have had n bright sunshiny , but delusive day. in which the insiduous pestilence has seemed to do Its worst. It has been the most terrible In our history. The record of new cases is 150 for the twenty-four hours ending at (1 ( p. in. This Includes some thirty-live cases re ported by the medical bureau Just after the official report closed. The death roll is twenty. Three of these should bo added to yesterday's report , making to-day's deaths proper seventeen. Total cases to date , 1,2011 ; total deaths , 153. Punishment to Fit the Crime. NEW YOIIK , Sept. IS. William Bohann , of Rockawny , who gouged out his wife's eyes , was sentenced to-day in Long Island to twenty-six years and seven months at hard labor. . Other Nominations. CHICAGO , Sept. 18. The democrats of the the Fourth Illinois district to-day nominated Jonathan B. Taylor for congress. BOSTON , Sept. 18. General Nathaniel P. Banks wits nominated for congress this af ternoon by the republicans of the Fifth dis trict. JIfcXICANMnSTANiTLINISlENTI.icl.vith in 1'jr.ri . OLD Houuj , CAU b Ijuufirc uuil ull ii t mMiTt.m " " " . * _ _ ys + Brilliant ! Durable ! Economical ! Diamond Dyes excel all others in Strength , Purity , nnd Fastness. None other are just ns good. Uewarc of imitations , because they arc made of cheap and inferior materials nnd give poor , weak , croeky colors. To be sure of success use only the DIAMOND DVES for colming Dresses , Stockings , Yarns , Carpets , Feathers , Ribbons , &c. , &C. We warrant % them to color more goods , package for package , than any other dyes ever made , aad to giro more brilliant and durable colors. Ask for the DIAMOND , and take no other. StnJ postal for Uye Cook , Sample Card , direction ! ( or coloring Photo * . , malting tit fiatlt Ink or ( la cents a quart ) , etc. Sold by DruggltU. Addra * WELLS , RICHARDSON & CO. , Burlington. Vt. For Olldlnc or Droozlnjr 9old' Silver , Bronte , Fancy Article * , USE O ( > p r. Ool/lOCcau. Council Bluffs liKtiiniiinl t. ' lltormnu OIUTS superior mlvu. . . . . nut | > m lllo t > r nr otlitT llnu. Annum H fun of thu iiumcrnu * points of Miporlorltr cnjoyi'd tiy lliu p.Uroin f tlilt roml ln-twcon Oninlm nnil Clilinvn , nro In three train' H ilnr nf HAY COAl'lli : . " , which nro tlui UncM ( lint Iniimn nrt mill Initoniillri-niirrciitf. ll.i I'AljArii.xl.nKIMNUt Alls thuuititi | ! oThlch ennnot l > o fount olvnvlu'riAt Council llhilT" , tlio trnhnuf lliu I'ulMii ' riu-itin Itnll * itny ( umni'cl In tinloii iluliot irllh thn o ut thn Chi * rniio.V Norlliwo ti'tit Ity , In ( MilniBti lliu Iriilninf till' line nmXi ) rlo o cnnnrcllon with these ot nil ullinr KfiitiTii lint1' * . I'or Itplrolt , ( % iliiinliii < . lmllnnn | > ell , rinclnnnil , Mn..iiH Kiill > , UulT.ilo , 1'iiniiuiv , Toronto , .Mtmtrj'vl , Ilixtnti , Now York , I'hll.iiK'liililn , llaltlmoni. Wash- Innlon , nnil till polnti hi the K * t. A k tor tlckrtn vl.i tha "NOnTHWESTEnN" If ynu l li till ) bi' t nrootiinio.lutlon. All tlclitt nvent * sell tlkut9 vln tills line. 11. limilllTT. K. I' . WII O.V , liDiri.Munnxor. tiun'l I'nss'r Aijoiit. CIIU'AOO , I1.I.S. W. N. IIAIICOI'K. l.fn'l Wo > li < rli AKPnt , 1) , K. KIMIIAI , ) , . Tirki't Awiit. < ! . V. WKST.nty lriimnii or Agont. 1101 1'urimm ytrout , Unuthu , Ni < b. riin- OFT1IB Chicago , Milwaukee & St , Paul R'y ' , The Best Route from Omaliii nnd Council ItliitTs to 'THE ' EAST- TWO TWAINS DAILY HCI'WKKN OMAHA ANP COUNCIL HI.UI'KH Clilcnpo , AN1 > Milwaukee , St. Paul , Mtmit apolls , Odar Hnplds , Hock Island , I'rreport , Kockfonl , Clinton , luljii < | iir , Uamiport , Elgin , Mmllson , .Inncstlllo , Belolt , Winonn , Lu Crossc , And all other Important points Kait , Northeast and Sauthuiut. Forthrotich tlckots call nn th ticket niifnt nt 1501 FarnHtu struct. In llnrkur Illuck , or t Union 1'aclUu Depot , 1'ollmnn Sleepers anil the Unfit Dlnlnu Cnrs In till HerM ar ruiioii tlu < main line of lha Culraio , Mil waukcB A St. I'uul itAlltrny , and eTery iittentlonlf pahl to p enceri by courtuuus employe * cf Uu cotcnniiy. lOlir.l.KR. . Uencral Mnnnjur. J. K. TUCKK1L Aanlstont Uencrnl Manager. A. V. K. UAIU'ENTKU , General' l'o uaeer and Ttotft Agent. UKO. K. UKAFFOlll ) , AlsllUllt Q UO 1 JMWOffM and 'ticket Agi'nt. J. T. CI.AHE. Ucnor&l Suuorluteni'cat. EXHAUSTED VITALITY rpltfi SCIENCE OP LIFE , tlio " Croat Jtcxllcal Work of the ngo on Manhood , llcrvouj i Physlcnl Debility , rrematurc ' Decline , Errors ot Youth , a thountoUlmlscrioconseiiuaiit Uicrcoii , SCO pngcs BYO , 125 prescriptions for nil illscnscs. . Cloth , full Kill , only 41.00 , I > > H mull , tcalcil. lllUBtrnth o tauiplu free to all young nnil mlilitlo ngml men. Send now. Tim Oold anil Jinvfllcxl Modal awarded to tlio author by the Na tional Itrdlcal Aiuoclalloii. Address P. O. box 1S9J , Ito ton , Mnu. , or Dr. W. II. 1'AIUCEll , ( rrnil unto of Harvard JIodlcAl College , iW years' practice In IJoston , ivlio may l > o consulted confldontlaUy SpecialtyDlscaso * of Hau. OfflcoNo. 4 L'ulllocliU Notice to Contractors. Fpnled proposals will b rccolvoil nt the office ot County Clerk until : ! p. m. Sept , 12nd , 1888. for the construction of n brlrk se\vrr on ncctlon line IwtweunvrrtlonlKnnil 1'J , township in , 13 , on MuAnll" road. 1'lani anil spcclflcntlous to bo souu in County ( , 'lerks ' olllco. linen bid to ba nc- compank'dvltli cortllloil fhcck for ono hundred dollurs , ( $1J ( ) ) . Tim rlfiht Is hereby reserved to n-ject any nntl all bids. ly ) order of County Commlpsfonrrri JI. l > . UOC1IK , hept-l'-d--Md County Clerfc. COLD MEDAL PARIS EXPOSITION' 1373. Kos. 3O3-4O4-I70-CO4. THE MOSS HSBFZCT OP PENS 21.889,850 Tansill's ' Punch Cigars were shipped during tbo paot s\ri'Wi ? two Tears , without a drum- I MlPnN0 inorfnour itnplo Nootlior ly U ; < S.lfST IIOIIBO Jn the world can trutli- v fi i" ' tullymukoBuohftuhowiug. ft ? Clli St- ° " ° acont ( dcnlur oiilf ] ' J' ± * M wontnd In eneli town. SOLO BY tEAOIKO DRUCOISTJ. R.W.TANSILL&C0..55 State Si.Chicauo. KemarKable for powerful aymp * . tiu'tlo toiui. pliable action imd ul > aolum durability. ; t > years' record tha bast Kunraniea ol tha eiceV i ( if these liibtruuienUi. FOUNTAIN KINE5 CUT AND Incornuarablv tha Boat. Surgeon and Physician. Offlc * N. W CoiMMtUh nnd lionijlrnHt. Ofllca telephone , 4GJ ; KoJlduuco telephone , 503. , I > INNYKOVAb ! WAFKIIS are sucuewfully used monthly by o or JOUOO p. vJ-aJIcs. Are Safe , i'ffcctuultmd flttuant ' S1 | > f r Inz by mall.or at d rugfcteU. Scaled rarHtttilart 2 ) io t ge tumps. Addrnu THE EUREKA CHEUKUU Co. , Dvraorr , Mien. For aalo < tnd by matt by Goodman Dnto Co. , Otnuha. Neb. ATEWTS ar DfiJt Label , Priul aad Copyright proltcttan e- - _ - - . - , - - , - , - cured. Good work , good refercnco , moe ! - DuBo" Bettie Siuart Institute K Will commence Its 2lfet year Boptembor UJth. I Aitvautn cs un urpassea. Homo coinforti ; cnroful tralnlntpply t llri ) . M. JloKta HOMKS , Principal. _ ' Morgan Park Military Academy The Jlest Jloya1 Boarding Sclmol In tlia Went. fiUteonth year br gins Bqpt. luth. Solid for cata OAVT. 151) . N. KlltK T.VLCO1T , Supt. , MOltOAH I'AltK , COOK CO. , PKEKHKIMiMILlTAIty AC'ADEMV l'ocVsUill-011-HiHlf-.oui N , V. Send furcuta * logue. JNO. M.T1LUEN. M. D. , M. A. , Principal. iHICAGO FEMALE GOLLEfi Mora" > nr rkDeirChlc ( fn.lli ) r:1ln : Behool for Olrli n < t toanit I. < lln. For catlo uf aildrait U. THAYKlt. l.r. . u. . Morgan i' rklU.oM1 Uadltoutitn. t , Ctiicagi ' rjUKVLOCK JNSTITI/TE , vJ Bouth Wllllamstown. Berkshire county. MMJ. Aprlrnta ichool ( orii > ju. Prepare for college , scientific school or tmnlnexi. l'orty-r emit jrrnr beKtn Tlmriklar. HsjiUinbor IKttu t'or aituly uo adJrvas UUU. kW1IJ.8 , PEERLESS DYES * $ &W , MJHiA&nUfiuMta