Fturrt The Omaha Sunday Bee fwirj - . B NINETEENTH YEAR OMAHA , SUNDAY MORNING , DECEMBER , 1 , 1889H3IXTEEN PAGES . NUMBER 1M * I | PARISIAN PRESS ON STANLEY , ' Comment on the Results and BffootB J of His Expedition 1 OF NO BENEFIT TO CIVILIZATION ttut llio Kmnoh lVoiilo llnvo Only Wciriln or lrn I so fur llio Orcnt I plorcr Sumo Faoti About OriinlimlH Ilrnvo in u Iloulitrut Cnnsp \CnpuiloM \ I1S0 hy Jnmti llorlm flen > inM I'aiii , Nov SO I Now York Herald Cable Special to Tub Hnn.l Wo had our first I snow Wednesday , which did not remain long on the ground , hut made walking and ' driving fnr frotn ngrcenblo Now the weather continues mild and wet and ( strong | westerly winds privnll , bringing showers and , drizzling rain Tlio shops now have to bo lighted as early as il o'clock ' In the afternoon Ulsters and waterproof umorcllas rule supreme , und , at an lnvctornto old bachelor remarked yoslorday , the only compensation this Scotch weather brings Is tantalizing rovolatlons of smartly turned ankles , relieved - | lioved by the harmomos of silk lace that may dally bo admired In the Hue do la Pnlx ns the Parlsicnncs alight | from tholr broughams and flit from modlsto , to conturlcro In quest of a novelty or gossip , i Mr Stanloy's nnmo once again is heard in | the boulevards , clubs and cafes The Pari- [ ilan papers all call attention editorially to li ' his letters and the news of his ttomcrio mis- , slon Franco has only pralso for Stanley , \ but the results and effects of his expedition aroiegardcd as of doubtful benefit to civili zation Tor instance , Temps , In a loading article , sayst The cautious eiiticlsm ttiat I wo vcntttied to express about the result of the expedition Is now confirmed by the atti- I tudo of Emln , rovealcd by Mr Stan I ley's ' unmlstakablo comt > lalntf > . Htnln | Pasha regretted Stanley's Intel vuntlon Ho 1 I bollqvod , rightly or wrongly , tnat ho was 1 | [ compotcntto defend his position Ho sorl- | ously licsitatod about evacuating the Soudan , j Nothing short of a revolt , provoked partially II at least by Stanley's arrival and by the 1 [ ( nnxiuty which his coming caused among the 1 If ofllccrs , determined Emm to follow his | li liberator After alt that has been said and II done , It remains true that the lirinclnal per il ion interested contemplated with Joy the ? I ) assistance which ho bad not asked for and ; I the first effect of which was the fall of If civilisation's last fortress on the uopor Nile I , From nil these fatigues , suffering and aacrl- II flees remain as a souvenir of nn epopee I ! hcrolo few geographical conquests and | | the return • to Kurono of a few rive adventurers But the prlca paid for lis was not only the loss of a number of ves , but the ruin of nil that survived of ono f the greatest feats.of civilization of this otjtury nt a moment when Europe , by moans t Us representatives nt Brussels , is study : ig how to put an end to the slave trade 'ublio opinion , while welcoming with Joy the nudful of uonquisators who return from iffrica after unhoard-of suffering , can only cploro the fatal issue of an outcrpriso that as destroyed the sola rampart iu the south ppoEcd to Mnndisui 't ' Jacques St Core has in Figaro nn artielo ntttlod ' 'Stauloy nnd Emln , " in wliich ho ays : "A peculiarity which strikes the cadcr of the Stanley letters Is his extraor- llnarlly American view of llfo Describing low ho oscnped the great danger , ho wrote : ' Was It chance or provldenco which got us mt of tbat evil pass ! Itiiiuk it was cbauco , or Provldenco ought to have saved others athor than us ' I know not , " continues Store . ? ere whether the Protectant missionaries vho supplied Stnnloy with a cargo if bibles will bo very satis- led with this exclamation , but amatourcs if physcbology will bo " In conclusion . ' 'Jgaro saysi "I know no inoro curious itudythau that of this American solf-mado nan , a real struggler for life , marching on- vurd , cutting his way through forests , hang ng negroes by the wuy , ns an oxumplo to ithers There is a DIckens-liko toucli iu his pair who are undergoing dangers as jrcatns mortal over faced ; who scarcely mow each other ; who wrlto each other in ho heart of a virgin forest letters boglnning , vith Sir nnd ending with your faithful lorvant ; ' who cordially detest each ether , The Saviour , despising the two men , bus laved and saved " It Is now nearly a year slnco Prado's head toll in the Place do la Hoquatto Publio recollection of this here of the guillotine Is revived by an Incident which has just coma uudor the attontlon of the pollco , At the tlmo of bis capture for Marie Agultant's murder ho inhabited a hotel in the Course la Rein , a friend and follow countryman of bis named Lorenzo occupying a room next to his On Ootober 23 , 1S87 , Prude gave Lorenzo a ticket for the Chatolat theater and In the latler's ' ubsonco entered his room and was making awav with a casket containing towels ! when ho was dotcctcd aud an alarm was given Prado took llight.llrlug at a policeman who pursued Then a circumstance which Which norer has boon clearly explained took place Immediately on hearing of Prado'a arrest Lcreazo took a train for Geneva During tbo course of the trial Prado frequently made such statements as : Discover Lorenzo and tlion you will find out all about Maria Aguitunl's jewels aud her murdcror " The pollco thought Lorenzo merely a myth , invented by the versatile and mysterious prisoner Now , however , Lorenzo has boon arrested , who is in all probability the very man Prado referred to The circumstances thathavo brought about bis arrest are not of any special interest and rather complex , but briefly they may bo described as turning on Loronzo's connection with a baud of usurers , which might have ended in a very ordinary fashion hud not Soron , chief of the Paris dotcctlvo pollco , while searching Lorenzo's upartweut , como across a quantity of Jewels to the value of 300,000 francs This discov • ery caused great oxeltemeat at tbo Paris detective department Where did Lorenzo , get all these Jewels ! Wcro they sold to blm by Prado , who had stolen thorn from Maria I Agultaul after having mutdcrcd her , or had ! Lorenzo been Prado's ncconipllco , and had ! tbe latter determined to got the proccods of their common crimes from out Lorenzo's \ bauds ) A sale took place Wednesday at the Ilotol I d'Houot of the wardrobe and personal effects , of tlio late Oliver Metro The wbolo sulo only fetched 1,697 francs Amongst other things sold were several violins , oua being a Marglolo Marelli , dating from the year 15T7 1'his was found never to have belonged to Metro , but had been put Into tbe sulo by the auctioneer Metras' own violin , to the sound of which probuuly thu greater portion of thajcunncsso d'or of Frauco have tripped the llg > t fantastic , was Knocked down for 14 franoi , The medals presented on different occasions to the lata composer aud fuyorito lender were sold by tbo weight A icnsdtlonal murder trial has Just taken place at Nancy that wilt stand high In the nnnals of causes celobrcs Last year a soi rlcs of murders was committed nt Pont Amonsson , near the German frontier , that recalled the exploits of "Jnck the Hipper " On December 18 o married couple named Sulzcr , who kept a sort * of broker shop in the villngo , wcro foutid dead In the mlddlo of the room was n table with a white cloth nnd the remains of a frugal ro- past HsUo the table and In a kneeling posture was the body of the husband , still clutching iu his hand a pair of scissors , with which ho had been cutting some cloth for a oustomor Two paces dls font lay the body of his wife Both had their throats cut On the tops of the heads was n hole In the skull as it made with a hammer The pocitots of the deccasd had been turned wrong sldo out All the money in the shop had disappeared A few days afterwards n woman named Ferry , who koot a charcoal shop was also found dead Her throat was cut exnetly the same way as these of Sulzor nnd wlfo On top of tbo hc.id was a hole as if made wltb n hammer All Her money had also been taken The woman had also been nssasslaated Just as she was showing wares to a custouior Three days later another murder was an nounced and the inhabitants of the Uttlo vil lage becatno panic stricken This time the victim was a widow named Francois , who iicpt a wlno shop She was found on her hack with her throat cut On topof the head was a hole as If mudo with a haunnor The rigid corpse clutched n butica of gray hair , appar ently torn In the struggle from the assassins head On the counter was a glass lilted with wlno , Indicating that , as in the other ensoa , the murderer presented himself as a cus tomer All the money had disappeared , showing that hero also roohory was the mo- tlvo , The pauio at Pout a'Mousson was now so great that Immediately after sunset the inhabitants barricaded thcmsolvos in their houses and the citizens orgaulzed a patrol service , and , armed to the teeth , they passed up und down the streets all night Several arrests were made , but no evidence was ob tained Finally Jaucmo , the Pailsian inspector specter of police , was sent to Pont a'Mous- son to ferret out the murderer The In- specter found out that during February an unknown oorson , wearing a lur cloak and woolen cap , used to appear at Pont n'Mous- son at dusk and visit shops kept by old women The inspector followed up this clue and by questioning the Innkeepers found that the stranger was a printer named d'Auguar ' , who served in the armv as a ser gennt In 1SI9 and who greatly distinguished himself nnd had become ngcuaarmo Fur ther Investigations showed that d'Augua had a wife aud two children Ho had lost bis nlaco In the printing establishment and came to Pont a'Mousson , leaving his wife , who was encientc , nt a neighboring village Ono day the wife impatient at not hearing from her husband and not receiving tiny money walked , to Pont a'Mousson to reproach him D'Augua j replied ; "A man owes mo money I j will go and gov him to pay mo " With these words ho went away and returned with 200 francs ( to his wife This very night the Sul- zors ; were murdered The day after the murder of the widow Ferry , d'Augua paid some , debts , By a slmiliar colucidenco ono of the franc pieces he paid out was stained with blood On the night of tbo assaslna- tlon , of tbo widow Francois , d'Augua had been asked by souio comrades to pl.iy cards D'Augua looked at his watch and said : You , will bavo to wait for mo , ns I have an , important errand to attend to " He returned , Into In the evening and the next day paid debts , saying : "I wish to leave Pont ! aMousson ' " A button found near the body ! of tlio widow Francois corresponded exactly with the ones on d'Augua's ' trousers , and ono ' of d'Augua's buttons was missing The huir found clutched In the band of Mme Francois was preclsoly the same color as DAuguas ' Other Important circumstantial evidence was adduced , but that was not very strong Evidence is now brought to light that goes to provo that d'Augua has mur dered at loust four other persons a clerk named Pcrnot and his wife nt Fpinal In April , 1687 , and Martin and bis wife at Saint Nabord on March 15 , lbSS D'Augua protests vigor ously that ho is innocent and a victim of cir cumstances , and stoutly denies every charge und allegation For instauco : The President Three witnesses are ready to swear they saw you at 0 o'clock prowling near the shop of Sulzcr , whom you after wards murdered D'Augua That Is false The witnesses Ho President Uut that is not all You sold twelve metres of cloth that came from bul- zor's shop to a merchant near Pont a'Mous son son.D'Augua I never sold any cloth If the merchant says I did ho Is a liar President Five witnesses Bwear that you offered to sell him cloth , and the clothes you wear were purchased with the ; money you robbed from tbo murdered Sulzcrs D'Augua No n , non The court then adduced ovldenco tracing d' Augun's movements day by day and almost minute by mnuto Ho showed that bo was wandering about In his fur c. oak ' at Pont n'Mousson , continually on the watch for now victims , Procurer General Was this the first tlmo you went to Moussonl D'Augua ( excitedly ) M , lo procureur General , I am sorry , but I will answer tha quostious of M. lo president , but not yours Prosldont He has a right to ask you any questions that h6 deems fit D'Augua ( shruggiag his shoulders } Is It possiblol President Well , what did you go , to Moussonforl D'Augua I wont there merely to take a wall ; and visit tbo ruins I didn't ' wish to leave the country without having enjoyed this line point do voro Prosldont You would have murdered the Simotheo woman , whoso husband kept u res taurant , had you found her alone February 4 , You had no money and you loft your watch as security to pay for your dluner D'Augur I had no money because I had lost a now pocket book Prosldont What nonsense You bavo al ready told half a dozen stories to explain this D'Augua Non , non , non President The very next day after the m- quest on stilt another victim you called at a ; wineshop kept by a woman named Camus , You drank two glasses of abscintbu You | asked the woman whether she was doing much business and whether she had much , money You followed her Into tbo kitchen , seeking an opportunity to kill her , when you , were astonished to find appther womau ! there Then you wont awny , D'Augua ( slamming his bands with fury ) I Non , non President The Ferry woman was mur- dercd iu broad daylight between half past 3 and 4 oclock Where were you at half past 01 | D'Augua At a masons shop , where I bought a piece of twiuo Afterwards I went to my room The landlady hauded mo a letter from my wife Presldeut Elf , bleu non At thai Uour you wcro < In the Hue du Core , and witnesses nro I ready i to swear they saw you walking un nnd down near the shop of the Ferry woman \Vhat were you doing there ! D'Augun I was not there A sensational Incident of the trial yestor- dny ' was the apnearancn In the witness box of ' tbo prisoners wlfo Mme D'Augua's entrance - trance was saluted by a murmur of pity Her appearance was that of a dressmaker , who finds it dinicult to earn n livelihood hero Her ojeswororod and swollen with fiequent weeping The examination by the presiding Judco began thus 1 When your husband was at Pont a'Mous ' son you wrote him letter upon letter asking him for money to pay tlio creditors ho had loft behind Receiving no nnswor , you Uo- cided to go to him and nsk hltn far money You told nlm of the strait In which ho had placed you , nnd his answer was : "I have no money today , hut tomorrow I shall have plenty " Then , turning to the prisoner , the Judge askedi Why did you thus lie to your wlfo , D'Augua , If , as you assert , you had money saved 1" D'Augun I had told ono Ho aud I backed It up with others Tno examination of the wltnoss turned upon the tlmo d'Augua ' had returned homo on the night of the murder of Mine , Sulzcr The poor woman's replies showed how her mind was distracted by a dcslro to say noth ing incriminating her husband and an In tention to tell the truth The questions to wliich she was subjected by the Judge sev eral times caused the spectators to groan loudly Every sympathy was with the wit ness , Meanttmo d'Auguo remained In a half recumbent position in his seat , his foco hidden in his bands Ho was extremely Dale During the rest of the trial proceedings wcro rather monotonous , the witnesses called being simply women who had seen d'Augua ' prowling nroucjl Mme Sulzer's house previous to the commission of the crlino While d'Augua was being convoyed from the court house to tbo prison the crowd hooted , hissed and groaned at him MINNEAPOLIS SOCIETY SHOCKED Ono nt , ltH I'rnnilnoiit Oitlzcim Sited For Urcaob of Prnmlso Minneapolis , Nov 30. [ Special Telegram to The Bkr.1 Soeloty circles wcro shocked to an unusual degree this afternoon by the bringing of a suit for # 15,000 damages for breach of promise by Mrs J. E. Camp , a charming young widow , against Edward C * Avery , ono of the olllcors of the Accommo dation banking company The fact that Avery is a man led man adds a deal to the sensation The complaint alleges that Avery wrote Mrs Cump letters undcr'tho name of Edward Jacicson , in which ho urged her to allow him to keen conmanv with tier , savlnir ho was a widower with thrco children nnd wanting a woman to take care of thorn She pormlttod ] him to visit her from two to four times ( u week , except thrco weeks while he was in California , when ho wrote her many letters j Mrs Camp alleges that they became - came , engaged on Mirch 3 , lS S , and that ret ccutly , bho learned that Avery was married Hence the suit ASIEOItE ON OKAYS ItEEF , Five StoiunprH Hoprosentiiic Nearly n Million Dollars Ciuciao , Nov SO iSpeciul Telegram to , Tnii BiiE.l A special to an nfteinoon paper says ' that the Tioga is ashore on Grays reef , Mich , and that the Queen and Wli.ilo are In too same condition All the lighters and several ' largo tugs with aboutdOO men have gene j to unload tha cargoes The amount of property now on Grays reef represeuts nearly 81,000.000. The Hcd Wing is probably a total loss Her decks have been badly injured , but owing to the amount of ice clingiug to her the full ninount of dainago cannot bo known The otlier schoonur in distress is the II W. Sace The Sago struck the beach at 4 p. ra Wednesday and soon became a total wreck The crow renched the ahoro yesterday They suffered terribly from the cold Bin on tlio Uook = . Victouia , B. C , Nov 30. The steamer Idaho ran ontho , Race rocks yesterday morning She soon filled with water and broke in two Her cargo consisted of 800 barrels of lime , largo quantities of fish oil , salmon , hops and coal , and it is now thought the vessel nnd cargo will be a total loss She was valued at $3,000 ; no lives lost TIMED lO IJUHN TUB HOTEL A Dastardly Attempt By a Chicago Hotel Porter CiuoAao , Nov 30. iSpoelal Telegram to Tub Bbe.1 Flra broke out ut tbo Connecti cut hotoltbis morning and but for its timely discovery would doubtless have consumed the building with the risk of cromntlng many guests The tire was noticed In an unused straw mattress , and was plainly of Incendiary origin The police went to work today and arrested a man named Dickson , the hotel porter Ho confessed to having started the flro , and said that John O. Tompkins kins , the proprietor , had given blm $200 , for which he had promised to burn the building On his Btatomont Tompkins was nrrestod and is now locked up at the Lake street station The hotel building is a turoo-story Btono structure , and as a hotel enterprise is said to have been unsuccessful financially Tompkins fonlos all knowledge of his per • tcr's Incendiary attempt The building was insured ; London Tlieutridnls , ICftpi/rfoM lBS9bu Jama < } ardniiJ < sniiete.1 London , Nov 30. TNow York Herald Cable Special to Tub Bee.1 The Gold Craze , " a four-act piece by Brandon Thomas , wes produced at the Princess theater to night under the management of Grace Haw thorne and \V. W. Kelly Tbo chances are that it will soon bo followed by Theodora , " with Grace Hawthorne in the tltlo role , for there Is no sound reason why The Gold Craze should last mcro than a week The plot is painfully threadbare Tlio son as sumes the guilt of the father , who Is a forger William Herbert as Phillip Vent , the vir tuous son , performed the thankless task la a satisfactory manner , and May Ito sollo as Lucy Morton , the heroine , who nftor many tribulations , begets and confers happiness by marrying the vir tuous son , did much to lessen the part , which seemed to envelop a faircrowdot first night crs Jack Barnes played the villain , Baron do Fleurvillo , in a manner not at all villain ons In fact , the cast was boU competent mid plucky , but tbo play was too heavy a load Miss Hawthorne does not appear In The Gold Craze , " as she Is resorvlng al | 1 her cuerglos for Theodora " Coal is lee Ohoapl PiTiauuiio , Nov , 80 , Arrangements have , boon made by all the coal operators of th Moncuganela valley to close down tbelr mines Indefinitely , as the few works In opor- atlon have demonstrated that the demands of tba miners cannot bo couccded with tbe price of coal as low as It Is at picsent Five thousand mcu will be affected REED WILL BE TlfSPEAIlER The Mttlno Man Nomlnatod by the Ropubllcan Opticus , DECIDED ON THESECOND BALLOT aroPliorson of Pennsylvania Secures tlio Clerkship VnnJ Kttcn of Ointlia Displays ! Monumental mental - ( nit J WABHIJtOTON llUIIEU' Tlln 0\Ult l. Bl' .B , ) 1513 FOCKTBIfMIl SritKKT , > • W.tSlHNUTON , D. C „ NOV 30. ) Thomns 11. Hoed of Malnd , will bo speaker of the Fifty-first congress I Ho was nomi nated by the republican callous this after noon on the second ballot , r The contest was short ami good nnturcd There will bo no heartburns from uny di rection , f It is true that a solid cas . t for Mr Reed confronted an almost solid j western opposi tion to him , but there was hi reality not the least particle of sectionalism ; in tbo contest When Mr Reed was reminded this morning that ho had worked up a solid cast and that therefore there was a smack of ono section against the otlier , ho replied in that apt way which can bo applied by no other man so well , that if bo did not go into the caucus With n solid east it would bo said iu oppo sition to him , nnd very po 'lntodlv too , that ho was unable to sreuro the support of his own section Ho hod not , bo said , asked the cast to support him for the purpose of opposing the west Ho simply wanted the east at his back because ho was a citizen of that section and fait tbat ho must have this support in order to win , the same ns any candidate must have his own Immediate constituents behind him If ho expects to succeed In any national contest There were 100 members in the caucus , only three short of the full republican mem bership of the house This required 83 votes to make a nomination Mr Heed had 78 of these on the first ballot and in the second end the exact number required to secure the nomination The nomination of Mr Reed on the second ballot wns duo to tbo worir pf Senator Petti- ' grow of South Dakota Senator Pettlgrow is un old friend of Mr Reed and has been doing souio telling work for him during the past forty-eight hours Ho has an extorsive acquaintance nnd ho pulled on this I for all it was worth in favor of Reed , aena- I tor Pcitiercw was Reeds only western In- Iluenco in the caucus -Ho- was the only man admitted who had no right to vote , and the way ho hustled aioutid in favor of the success of Mr Reed was a caution to the nl.lnat < . u mnnlnilnlni-a Tim Urn Tin kotas 1 voted for western candidates on the first I ballot and when the second ballot be gun ( Senator Pettlgrow went to the three members from the Dnkotns and told them that t if they wanted to be on the winning sldo they must immedla : ly votofcrMr Reed ] , He also ndvisod tlloy to vote for the western candidates on thd JJi-sYlJallot , know ing ] that they would btf fall right on the second ballot and would how a gain on that ballot for Reed The ohango of the three men ' made the exact number re quired ' to give Reed the nomi nation ' Senator Pettlgrow tonight is receiving ' hearty congratulations and consequently quently is feeling very well over his work There is no man In the United Stat s who Is bettor fitted to be speaKer of the Fifty first j congress than the man who was nom inated ' and who will bu formally elected ou next ' Monday The tactics eruployoa by him during ' bis canvass for the speakership are the strongest lccommendatlon possible why ho should bo spaaker , They showed him to bo possessed of the highest qualities of ' republicanism and leadership Ho has In . this ' contest given an earnest determination 5 o win when thcro appeared to bo Uttlo hope of ' success that Is a prerequisite for tlio posi tion ho is to occupy Although ho hail against him four men of a very high typo of republicanism and leadership uono of tbom appeared to bo so equal to the occasion as their competitor from the cast The majority in the Fifty-first congress will bo very small , and with so much legis lation mapped out by the platform upon which General Harrison was elected presi dent , and which his message will recom mend next week , the most rugged nnd as tute facilities of n stern republican and ex perienced legislator will bo requlrod * There is not a question Incorporated in the cardinal principles of the " republican party upon which Mr Reed Is not perfectly sound Ho has led the party in the house to some of the greatest successes it has ever achtevod , Ho has proved on many occasions that no situation can arise where ho will lese his bead aud commit an Indiscretion Ho is preeminently a great leader among the best loaders of the navty He will make a good speaker and will not only do credit to the party which elevated'him ' , but he will preserve the best interests , commercially , and politically and socially , of the country Personally , Mr Reed is a tower of phys ical and mental Btrcngth.j 'Ho stands about six feet thrco In height , weighs probably two hundred nnd fifty pounds and is familiarly referred to by his friends as the man with the SbaKspearian locks " His hirsute cov ering is not , however , long He has an im mense expanao of baldness ' , which glvos his large and Intelligent looking head and face the classic features of a win of great mental force aud culture Ho la a. speaker without a peer iu the house and wjth few peers in the country His f t-o Is smooth , with the oxceptloa [ of a very slight moustache Ho has ! a deep , rich and plousaut voice and one of Who most catching smiles worn by any mam in publio life Ho is prepossessing and a iatural loader of men - I ( There was a surprise or two In store when the speakership was disposed of and the nomination of minor oQccra was taken up It was believed up to a few hours ago that Major John M. Carson , tho'Washington ' cor respondent of the ; Philadelphia Ledger , would bo nominated cleric of the bouse Major Carson was defeated on tbo first bal o t by Hon , Edward MoPjjerson Both men ara residents of Pennsylvania apd the con test was really oao , t bo battled by the Pennsylvania delegation1 , ' , Souator Quay felt under obligations to Mr.jMel'herson for tbe yaluablo services hot rendered in tbe presidential campaign as secretary of the republican congressional committee and bo felt warrautod In worltlng for his nomin ation The friends of Major Carson were i rcry much Incensed over the action of Sena ' tor Quay but the result pf the first ballot showed that Quays candidate for some i reason or other was wanted ' the clerk , for bo received 110 votes against-50 for Carson It ; was feared today that the \yoilt of BunaUff Quay would bring about a split in tbo I'eun- sylvanla delegation , lead to bitter personal Ities and result in an open rupture und ro volt sgalust tbe chairmau of the republlcau 1 national committee , but now th t the coutest I j Is over recriminations nro not indulged In and good fooling prevails Sir Mcl'hersoti hns teen a member of congress and for sov- crnl terms clerk of the house He will make a good oftlcer The nomination of ox-Congressman A. J , Holmes , of Boone , la , to bo sergeant nt arms was a surprise oven to the Iow.t delega tion ' 1 ho nomlnntlon , however , was duo to thd excellent qualities of Major Holmes In the Itrst ulnce , and In the second place to ono of the most eloquent spooehes over de livered by a candidate Colonel Hcndeisou , who wns Iowa's candidate for the speaker ship , placed Major Holmes In nomination , nnd ho took the house by storm Major Holmes was n gallant soldlor nnd served with much credit ns a nlombor of tno Forty eighth , Forty-ninth and Flftioth congresses Having left the house only last March ho has n cordial acquaintanceship with nil of thb old monioors und they were all for him Ho was not a candidate for the position and it is ono of the few instances on record where a position of so much responsibility is tendered one who did not nsk for it There was a ono armed union soldier in the field for the place , Charles Reed of Minnesota , but ho only recolvcd 13 votes against 112 for Major Holmes The nomination of the ether oMccrs came as i ) matter of course with the exception of Wheat of Wisconsin , whoso nomination to the postmasterslilp was a surprise It was confidently boliovcd to bo almost certain thut Captain Thomas IT MclCco of Indiana , who has been nn actlvo candidate for several months , would bo nominated for this posi tion without serious opposition The Fifty first congress starts out admirably cquippod There are strong men in over.v responsible position It is conceded that Major McKin- ey of Ohio will bo chairman of the committee ou ways and means , which Is to formulate mid adopt n tariff bill Mr Cannon of Illinois will bo chairman of tlio commlttco on appropriations It is believed that Mr Burrough of Michi gan , the third western caudidatoforspcakor , will bo chairman of the Judiciary or some other good commlttco if ho doslrcs to leave the commlttco on ways nnd moans It is understood that Colouol Henderson the fourth and last of the candidates from the west for the speakership , desires to remain - main where ho is at present located , on the commlttco of appropriations The predictions that thu Nebraska delega tion would enst tholr first vote for Hendor- Bouof Iowa were notveriflod by the out come In sulto of the understanding that Dorsoy's second choice was MclCinley and that Council would vote for Reed on the second end or third ballot both congressmen cast their votes for Mr Road ut the start Con gressman Laws alone voted for lleudorson ' 1 he entire delegation refused to rcccdo from their decision to vote for Major Carson for clerk and wont down with the fifty con gressmen who ccorded themselves In favor of ' fair play A caucus will be held tomorrow by a num ber of western congressmen , at which the Nebraska delegation will bo present , nnd at which the question of assignment to com mittees ana patronage will bo decided VAN KTTKN'R OAW During the past few days every scnatoi has received a printed circular from ono D. Van Etten of Omaha bitterly assaulting Juago Groff and calling upon thorn to vote against his confirmation for various reasons stated The circular defeats Itself by the blttern03s and malignity of the language used and by the outrageous charges mudo ngalnsta man who has been honored bv the people who have best known him This would be in Itself sufficient to cause the document to bo thrown Into the waste basket were It not known that the man who sends it was disbarred and a candidate for the peni tentiary owing to his unprofessional conduct in Omaha , nnd that his animus ngalnst Judge Gio'T Is duo to his ofllcial position at the time Van Etton was in trouble among his professional associates NEW rOSTMtSTKHS Iowa Beacon , Mahaska county , S. II Thomas vice Mur.v Salisbury , removed ; Hennosa , Cook county , Ed ICeonoy vice II Vnnatto , removed ; Nlohol , Muscatlno county , II P. Whlto vice J. W. Lendrum , removed ; Noith English , Iowa county , J. S. Wagner vice E. McCrackcn , removed MISCELLANEOUS Secretary Noble today overruled the mo tion for a review in the case of John Hen derson vs F. W. Bailey , involving the south west ) i of sectlou 0 , township 103 north , range as west Mitchell land district Isaac W. Schcrlcs of Iowa has been ap pointed to a f 1,000 clerkship in tbo sui goons office , Tbo commissions of John Q. A. Bradcn , register , and Charles J. MoLeoa , receiver of the land office at Aberdeen , S. D. , were is- Buod today and they will take their ofllces without waiting for f urthor information PewivS Hkitii , THE TKANbFHtl WAS LEGAL A Husband Who Was Atnent Lone KiioiirIi to Bo Legally Dond , Kansas Citv , Mo „ Nov 30. [ Special Telegram - gram to Tub Bnir ] Judge Henry , before whom the suit instituted by Ann McDonaugh against Nan mo M. Baumgardt and others Was argued , rendered a decision today In favor of tba defendants The Enoch Arden romance which this story developed has been published in Tun Bub , Tha plaintiff in the case , believing her husband w i dead , married Colonel James McDonaugh , for merly chief of pollco in St Louis , While the wife of the latter she oxcuuted a deed to certain property near the southwestern part of the city to James aud John Eaton Her husband subsequently was discovered to be alive and prospering in Lincoln county , Now Mexico In the roeautimo the pioperty , which had been sold for 110.000 , had gotten to bo worth $300,000 , and Mrs McDonaugh sought to creep out of the sale by the claim that tier husband , having been alive , must have Joined her in the transfer to make tha dcod valid In passing on the case Judge lloury said : That sue thought him dead and was not aware of tbe abandonment cannot change the fuels If a state of facts existed when she made the deed which authorizes her to do so , It makes no diffeienco tbat BU4 based her right to make the deed upon a statu of facts which did uot exist If absent from her from 1800 to 18(59 ( without In any manner recognlziug her as his wife , whether dead or alive , she bad a right to act us un unmarried womau , and if she aud the entire community behoved him aead for seven years , whether dead or alive , she hati the right to act as nn unmarried woman , and that therefore her deed was effectual to pass the title to tbo i land In question to tbo defendants llaton , 3ho bill is therefore dismissed " • An Gleotrio LlgJH Hcuo , [ Cnvui lolii tt ibv Jaiiut Uonlon lltivuttI , London , Nov 30 , INew York Herald Cable Special to Tub Bes I London is suffering - foring from an oloctrlo light scare rn account 1 of the lioitou lire If tbe flro bad happened i before tbe contracts were made for lighting a large part of tbo city by electricity , gas would have been compelled to perforAi thut task lor ouotber decade , ks tin : n.NDoWMKNT oath a hail Mormons AVIin llnvr Tnkcu It Denied Citizenship In Utnli Salt Lutn , Utah , Nov 30. Judge Ander son today delivered his decision In the mat ter of the application for admission to citi zenship of these Mormons who have taken the ondownnnt house oath The decision reviews the testimony nt length nnd ilenlos tha application In the decision Judge Anderson states the ground of his opposition to llio admission of the applicants to clllrensliip to bo that the Mormon church Is and nlwajs has been n treasonable organization in Its teachings nnd practices hostile to tha government of tbo Unltod Stales , disobedient to Its laws and sooltlng Its overthrow ; that the oath admin istered to its members In the endowment house binds them under the penalty of death to Implicit obedience in till things temporal ns well as spiritual to the priesthood , and to nveiigo the death of the pronhots , Joseph anil Hiram Smith , upon the government nnd people ple of the United States The Judge reviewed " viewed a t length the evidence submitted by the government regarding the endowment house coromonlcs , the teaching of the church , etc Koforrlng to the testimony of the witnesses for the Mormons , he said : All of them testified as to the endowment , but refused to state what oath was taken or the covenants entered into or the penalties attached to its violation , while some stated that they had forgotten what was said about avenging the blood'Of the prophets These evasions , " tbo Judge says , tendered tholr testimony of Uttlo vnluo and tended to con firm the evidence offered by tha objectors to the nppllcants The evidence establishes ooyoiid any reasonable doubt that the en dowment ceremonies are Inconsistent with the oath of citizenship " The applications of John Moore and Walter Edgar , both of whom went through tbo en dowment house , is denied As to the ntlmission of ether applicants solely upon the ground of their being mem bers of tbo Mormon church , a largo mass of ovldenco was Introduced consisting mostly of sermons and writings of Mormon rulers and loaders published under the direction of tbochuich , the Judge continues : "I think tbore can bo no question but that tha church claims nnd excrclsos the right to control its mcinbors In temporal as well as spiritual affairs , The ovldenco also shows that blood atonement is ono of tlio doctrines of the church " The judge quotes Brlpham Young at con siderable length and refers especially to his denunciation of the government , wheu , in 1837 , tbo United States troops were Bent to Salt Lake City In summing up , ho says : Whether the language of Hriglmm Young , Hcbor Kimball , Orson Hyde and others Instituted the Mountain Meadow massacre , or whether the horrlblo butchery was done by direct command of Brlpham Young will probably never bo known The ovldenco , " Judge Anderson says , does not sustain the claim of counsel thut the feelings of tbo people toward the government have undergone n change , nnd that in later years the feeling of hostility lias disappeared or become greatly mndldod The evidence snows that the church has in the most determined manner and with all moans at Its command opposed the enforcement of laws of the United States against polyg amy und unlawful cohabitation Not a word of evidence wnf introduced showirg that any preacher of the church ever in a single in stance advised the obeying of the laws against plygamv On the contrary the evi dence shows the church has persistently showed disobedieirco to a portion of the laws of this government ; has insulted and driven United States officers from the territory ; has denied the authority of the United States to pass laws prohibiting polygamy as nn un warranted Interference with the Mormon ro- llglon Undoubtedly there are mnny mem bers of this church who feel friendly to the government and would gladly break the shackles that bind them if they dared But with an organization the most thorough that , can bo imagined , which can be wleldod against them , they remain in the church rather than take the rlsltof finnncial ruin and social ostracism " After reciting the teachings of the churcu at length the judge says : "It has always been nnd Is still tbo policy of this i government to encourage aliens of good faith who wish to reside in this country to be citi • zens But when a man of foreign birth comes here aud joins an organization , which professedly religious , requires of him alio- glance paramount to his nlluglunce to tbo government , an organization that Impiously claims to bo the kingdom of God , to control its mombcrs uudor his immediate direction , and yet teaches and practices a system of morals shocking to Chrlstlun people every . where , it is tlmo for us to enquire whether such men should bo admitted to citizenship The ovldenco in this case establishes unques tionably that the teachings , practices and I purposes of the Mormon church are antag • onistic to the government of the United I Stntos , subversive to the morals and the i well-being of so ' clety , and that its luombcis nro animated by a feeling of hostility toward I the government and its laws Therefore an i nllcn who Is In the membership of said I church 1b pot n fit person to bo mudo u citi • zen of the United States " CHICAGO'S DUADI.V CtUlLi ; . Two Yon lie ; Ladles Severely Injured 1 in llio North Sldo Tunnel CniOAao , Nov 30 , JSpocial Telegram to 1 The Bek | An accident in tbo Nortn sldo tunnel this morning severely Injured two young ladies and added another count to the | numerous Indictments of negligence against the cable company Miss Nellie Berry and Miss Neill were passengers on a Webster nvenuo car which stuck In the tunnel After the car had stood in the ttiunel for a consid erable time the young ladles got out to walk As they wore proceeding toward tbo south walking on the western track a grip car which had been induced to start came up be hind them They were unheeded by tha grlpman and caught between the car and the west wall and nearly crushed to doutb Miss J Berry was severely injured in the back und her race was scratched und cut Miss Nuill's back was Injured and her ankle hurt Sev eral passengers who observed the accident fainted on the car The young ladies wore " taken to their homos in a carriage audr\Vll | "J ' probably recover "Wutchlnir ISomI.oii'h ' Burned DUtilcl , Boston , Nov 80. The police and firemen kept , tholr lonely vigil In the burned district oil last night , and there was a continual but fruitless search for the bodies of the missing firemen Some belluvu that the men wcro cremated , and that no trace of them will ' over be discovered JC E. Whiting , the veteran fircmau , who was rescued from 80 Chauucoy street , died this loornljjg of his bums • Kniitclliul # 3,000.T. r . Cl-evrUND , O. , Novv 80. WV * ho col- 1 lector of tbo Commercial Ttat * ' u iik was countlDg43,600 In the gei" nJi of the Oerman-American 1 ' * era ! ° * Wn a ttiloj snatched ISO . vuU M LBMHiMkWiiitiiiii THE HAPPY FAMILY QUARRELS j Austria Dollboratoly Bronka FnltU , J With Gormnny Ill BISMARCK'S LABOR FRUITLESS , 111 Ilnly Irritated , Francis .Imepli null \ the 0illntc KncJi Other , ( ho 4 Dreihunil Slrnlnrd-Hit- , | tnot-H of a Kiiiinlillo | Ht Laid IMiiiih Alt Onncr AkItp J lOopyi Itiht ISfl hi ; iWir Vmfe .tutiicditrt fYr < i .1 a Bkumn , Nov 80. The foreign odlco bora 1 has ample ronson to accuse tno Austrlans of | . having broken faith roaurdliig the recent y Kalnoky-Blsmarck compact Within the I present week the lending points of the entente - S tonto have been sot aside Kmporor Fran -a els Joseph annulled the decision glvlnn i autonomy to Troiitluo and Count KnlnoKy < 3 authorized the bourse lo glvo the quotation * 1 of the Bulgarian loan , uml permitted the Austrian consul at Sofia to rcnow his osten- i tatlous Intimacy with Prlnco Ferdinand , | Thu check upon Bismarck's diplomacy Is • | absolute and has been the subject of con J slant communications between this city and i Vienna Count Kalnoky is reported to have a offered lu explanation the statement that ho ' ij was forced to dep irt from the arrangement T oven nt the risk ofv precipitating a conlllct \4 with Russia , Ho found that both the Aus- j trial ] nnd Hungarian ministers were udverso * to the tonus of conciliation offered by Bus 5 sin nnd the opposition at l'cstli , wns boconi- ' iQ ! ng so strong that It was threatening to over > | 1 turn the Tlsza ministry jij Premier Tlszi donianded us the condition , JH of his remaining in oltlco that thu foreign jBa policy bo strengthened on the old lines Ko- 3W | garding Trontlno , Kmporor Francis Joseph jf j i llndltig thnt the concession of autonomy was -un ! considered a diplomatic victory and that sfjffl Premier Crlspl was preparing the way for Stfm annexation to Italy , decided to disenchant f | | the Italians Count von .Tnnfo mid his col- fil leagues in the Austrian ministry were unnul- * nious against Emperor Francis Joseph's hasty assent to autonomy nnd supported a + reversal of that action Count von Taifo J sent to the diet nt Innsbruck an intimation " that tholr vote granting Troutiuo a sop.mito J administration was vetoed . > QEmperor William and Bismarck received j the explanations in sullen silence Herbert Bismarck wrote to ICmnoky that the trlplo , | alllauco must submit to u renewal of the V d.mgors of tbo old position uggr.ivuted by * proofs of tha Irresolution of the Austrian policy Premier Cnspl iu a dispatch comments • s upon the incicased irritation of tbo Italians over thu Trontlno affair The net icsult of Bismarck's conferences with the car nnd Count Kalnoky and their * | prolonged intriguing is an intensllled antagonism - 4 tagonism between Austria nnd Russia , the irritation of Italy and a disruption of the relations - ' ' lations of the _ drelbund ' * The Iriodentist paity has c-ecn strength , cued ny the conduct of Austria Emperor Ij Fraipjis Joseph's assent to the marriage of j "tlio heir to the throne , Archdltko Francis , § to Princess Marie Dorothea , daughter of a Archduke Joseph , will make Prince Ferdl- • * . $ i uaud of Bulgaria the uncle of the future om- J ! peror of Austria , the mother of the princess , : beinc n sister of Prince Ferdinand The ceremony will ba hold in February iinmsdi- ately ufter the expiration of the year of i4 mourning for the late Crown Prince Ru- J dolpli ' Hchablo advices from Lisbon indlcato tbo Imminence of n demonstration in favor \ of n republic which will oven menace the ' overthrow of monarchy The republicans bavo ninoty-sovou wonting committees and 4 17,0JO enrolled members , among whom are a i number of prominent men 'lho leaucrs of the army and especially these of artillery are J ripe for a republic s Senor Zorilla recently paid a secret visit to Lisbon to confer with the supportois of | the revolutionary movement The changes f in Rio Janeiro , which in themselves uro viewed with compnrutlvo IndilToronco here , are anxiously watched by the government as associated with the republican agitation on the Spanish peninsula mid with reference to tholr reflex luflucnco upon the whole of Eu- rope The rclchstng will adjourn on the 19th > . Inst and will resume its session early hi Jan uary , It is expected the elections will bo J hold in March The semi-onioial press lu- slnuatu that If the majority refuse to glvo t their afscnt to the expulsion clause of the aiiti-foclallst bill Prince Bismarclc will ap- near in the tribune nnd dissolve the house * . Count Herbert Bismarck fieely tolls tbo t membeis that his father is discontented jt with the commluoo amendments to the bill ; $ that ho Is further dlssatlsflod with tlio pro tructcd debates on the budget , and that ho is " Inclined to demnnd a prolongation of tlio so- ' * • clnlistlc law in Its present shape for two ; years and then dissolve parliament ; ' The senate of Hamburg has decided to ask the government to contrlbuto toward tba construction of a now humor at Cuxliuveii * Tlio now harbor will cost 10.000,000 mnrks | nnd will accommodate the laigest s' oameis > { Ita ndvocutos in tbo sonata declare that the " 1 now hnibor is essential to the miiintoiianco of trade with America tL t Tlio Cologne Gazette supports the project 4 of a universal exhibition in Berlin The ; ' Kreuz Zeltung opposes the project on the ; ground thut the aspect of prosperity in Germany - ' many is deouitfu ) , aud that an economic -l * crisis is Iraponding which will render failure } , certain < g Count Herbert Bismarck today gave a ] J diplomatic dinner , nt which Count Schoa- H vuloff , the Russian ambassador , Sir E. B * , , Malct , the British ambassador , and Mr W * W. Phelps , tha United States minister , were ' . uiuotig the guests , The whole party after i waul proceeded to tlio reception given by Prince Von ltudziwill to the Japniiosa prince \ and princess The latter cordially greeted * Mr Phelps and his family , The princess * said that she liked the United States bettor > . thun any other country she had yet seen , * ' and she referred to her visit to Washington ' } as especiully delightful i Major Wlssmaan has been ordered to ro- e open thacaruvan , route from Panganl to , < Kilimanjaro An expedition is about to start , tommandod by Lieutenant Ehlcis , I Plttcoii Mines Htiut Down ' 4 DbNVEH , Cole , , Nov , 30 , Fifteen out of y lho seventeen mines in Boulder county , , ? operated by the Colorado coal operators as- j sociktlon ana representing a dally output or J i,000 ! tons , closed down today The trouble ' between the operators and minors is tha - * > s ' • + . ovortlmo the latter uro comnollod to work • - 1 . Itcpnrt nl thu O. , II & Q. j OniCAUo , Nov 30. The report of the Chicago cage , Burlington & Qulncy road , Including ' the II , it M. , for the month of October , j show * an lucroas In tlio iioloarnhVgsof H0V J fUJ over tbo same month last year , Fgr lho " ' ten mouths ended October 31 the net cam , 4 ings show an Increase of | J$0X70'd. ' r"1 " S' %