OCR Interpretation

Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 08, 1890, Image 7

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Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn99021999/1890-12-08/ed-1/seq-7/

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mt 1890."I
A PVEHTIBEMENT8 for UIPSO colunu will
J-\ fro taken until 13:1)0 : ) p. tn. , for theorenlnf
edition ntid until 8180 p. m. , for th uornlnf
edition nnd Suwiur HEI
rpEKMB Cosh In advance , i
RATES AflYortlsemcntfion thlf page will b
charpod for at Iho rate of 1V4 cent per word
for tlm nrst Insertion and Iccnt per word for
Qtcli subsequent Insertion , and tIM per line
for montli , No advertisement taken fur
If HI than 21 cents for tint first Insertion ,
TNITIAL9 , figures , symbols , cto , count each
J n nno word.
rplinSE advertisements mint run conseen-
J-lively nnd under no circumstances Trill
tlicy bo tnkcn or discontinued by telephone.
PAKTIKS advertising In these columns nnd
having tliclr answers addressed to a "num-
lior'il lottnr" In circ of Tin HKB will recntva
it numbered check to enable thorn to get their
Jotters. Answers will bo dollvcred only on
TircHcntrUInn of this check. Enclose answers
In envelopes properly nddrtssed.
A Mi ndvcrtljcmrnM under tlm head of
"Hpeclul Notices" nro publlshdl In lioth tlio
morning and evening edition * of TIIK Hrr. the
circulation of wlilch aggregates moro thnti
10.000 pipers dully , nnd plves tlio advertiser
the benefit not only of the 1 irgo circulation of
SPUR IIFK In Umnhn , but also In Council muffs ,
lilncoln and oilier i-ltles and lowniln llm west
Advertising for these columns will ho taken
on the above conditions , ntthofollowtrg busi
ness housi 3 who are authorized to take special
notices , at the same rates as can had at the
O man Htrcot , Lister Hloelc.
DUN W.HELL , rniirmaclst , 820 South Tenth
C TlAbK fi. EDDY , Otatloncrs and Printers ,
11 i South 10th street.
H. FAUNSWOUTII , Pharmacist 2115 Cum-
S . , Ing street.
J. HUGHES , Pharmacist , 034 North 16th
EO. W. I'ARR , Pharmacist , 1718 Leaven-
worth street.
H UG11ES'PHARMACY,21th and Parnam.
i , fir. , rtrlnttnf firt rnliiinn nOitt riage.
ciitttir , litter anil ilr.ipcr from t/hloago
GOOD work In families by the day. Ad
dress X ( I , lleo. 022-20 *
milOROlJUH business mrn seeks position In
JL good linn us Rile sinnn or otherwise. A 1
business abilities , first class refernnces. Has
been used to oils , paints , v irulshos , groceries ,
hnrdvvnto , drugs , chemicals. Hour Can bo
xory useful In innny ways , flood all round
mil n. Address X a.1 , lice. 8M-8 *
ANTI'D Copvlng , addressing circulars
ormirh work for evenings. Uood rcfor-
onces. Address X 41 , Hoe. 1U2-8 *
WANTED lly a young nrm ( German ) posi
tion In a moat nmrUet. Address X 27J tee.
" \\JANTED Steady winter work to run
TT steam healoror Janitor work : I5 years'
experience and licensed llreman. Address X
SO lleo olllcu.
for Kood glrlsilmy
T wnllliK rooms are full from 0 a. in. to
f > p. in. No nred of beliiK ojit of help a day.
Mrs Urcpi. : il4'i ' 3. nth. Tel. b < U. 'Mil
WANTED lly respectable voung man po
sition In grocery or other stern ; can take
earn of horses If necessary nnd tiling to
inaUo himself useful at anything. Good c-ltv
references. Joit p h I'aul. Ill 14 Cass st. 7 1 B *
AVOUNO lady desires a position as book
keeper or assistant : highest references as
to chaiactor and ability. Address XU7 , llco
> mco. 820 0
\1JA NTEI ) lly n woman refined and clover ,
' to take charge of some gentleman's
liouso. The applicant a lady and homeless.
AddressX JO llco. 748-6 *
ANTED Position as book-keeper , first
class city references , X 7 Hco. CU3
For i-flffn , tic. , rte tnpnf Jliit c/ilumii on IM mac.
WANTED An active , honest man , Hilary
$100 monthly If suitable , vvllh opportunf-
tlosfor advnnco , to represent locally a lospon-
nl\lo \ ) Now York house ; roferene'cs. Manu
facturer , look box ilia , q. Y.
"TXTANTED Salesmen on salary orcommls-
Tr slon to hanulo the now pntontchemical
Ink Ci as1nj < pendll. The greatest selling nov
elty ever produced. Krascs Ink thoroughly In
twofqeonds : no abrasion of paper ; 2UOlo50n
percent piotlt. One agent's silos amounted
to J40 In rlv days ; another 9.U In two hours ,
'o want one energetic general agent for each
stale and ten ttory. bnmple by mall : tr > cents.
For terms and full particulars address. The
Slonroo tiaser Mfg Co. , LiUiosso. Wls. 8750 *
" 1)17 ) ANTED A good inarKcrnnd sorter at the
-s _ W Nebraska Sluum Laundry. M802
\ETEOP1VE Wo want a man In every lo-
/callly lo act as private detective under
our Instructions. .Send for particulars , ash-
Ington Dotecllvo I Agency , box 787 , WashhiK-
ton , Iowa. Exporlenco not neeessary.
us nis *
TATANTED-Mnn tosclllliioof clgnrs , JlOOpor
it jiionth and expenses paid Address , with
. Btamp , ( JlobeUlgarcompany. St , Louis , Mo.
' 840 9 *
" \\rANTED-Watch and clock repairer to do
TT odd Jobs during his bpirn hours. The
Morse Dry Goods Co , IGth and 1'iirnain sta.
HI 7t'4 B
.rANTED Persons of either sex to do
writing at their own homos. Pleasant
occuuallon , good pay. Send 10 o for paper , etc.
M. E. ftlooi0,177 Alacdongal atroot. New York
City. 8.18-8 *
" 1X7 ANTED Salesman who meet the Krocory
TV trade to soil ono of the best articles on the
inaikut on commission. Address. X J5 , Ike.
WANTED-1 000 men for now R. R. work In
Oie-ron nnd Washington Ten , between
Portland and Seattle" ! long Job and jrood
wages. Albrights Labor Agency , 1120 F.n nnm
"nilRIJInsuraneo nolleltor. Liberal commls-
JL1 minion to proper paity. bmcaton& Allen ,
10)7 I'armuu street , IW-1J
A GENT vvnntod In every town. Sample
-tl on till frco. Address Drawer D. . Fremont ,
Nob. wan *
" \ \ > ANTED A good canvasser ; call ntroom
TT 11 , Chamber of Commoico.bot. 11 & 12 ami.
758 0
ANTED-UIacksmlth : must bo n peed
one. Apply at once to bol bpangler.
Bcrlbnor. Nob. 7Q--C *
WANTED Salesmen to meet the grocery
triidu to carry a specialty on commission.
Good commissions , rlcaso Htatu territory ,
al-,0 lefertMieo. W. G lloorm an , 103-105 Tu I ton
_ htreet , Chicago. KU-fi *
WANTED Agents wanted throughout Ne
braska. Bend stamp for reply. Jos. P.
Mcgcnth. Omaha. 499
W ANTED Men to travel for our Canadian
nurherles.&toue& . \\elllugtouMadisonWls
WANTED Jinn with good reference at
Metropolitan Mfg. Co , 1609 Howard st.
\\fANTED-A live , energetlo party In every
TT place to Introduce our goods. Wo have anew
now line that will sell at every house and
intents ran reap ; a harvest between now and
the holidays. Will pay a salary of J75 per
month If preferred nnd furnish a team free.
Addiess tit onco. Standard bllverware Co ,
Uouton Mass. M C33-I ) 15
for t ate * . ttctr * inp < > riixt c < > ) m > m mi
\\TANrEU Active lady nnd gontloinon so-
TV llcltors , nt hcmo or abroad ; $ J per day to
workers. 1'all on or uddrosa Manager Itoam
4OT , lleo , - *
. , few Indies nnd eontlnmen of
1 uildrisswhodoslro to earn from t )
toJIO per < luy. Call on or address Manager
Itoom 40. ) . lleo bldg. 8H-8 *
WANTED Competent nun > o clrl at onco.
No hchool girl need apply. Mrs. L. A.
Uarnor , 2527 Oallfurula atroot. J1B01
WANTI.D-At once , errand girl. MUi H. II.
Terrlll , 2HJO Douglas st. rJSli *
WANTED Good Rlrl for general houso-
work at 221h Lcaoavvorth. . M&OJ
, etc . ita hitnf fin' eolionu on t/iu ' V\1
ANTErsubicrlbcrs * 1 50 per year ln-
oludlng inch siiacu free , sample copy 23
cents , bulaaucl Exclmngo Journal , Modale.
la. S47-13
WANTED-BtoiiogrHphor wouid like the
use of & coed Remington typewriter In
oxchangu for work. Inquire M7 N , V. LIfo.
B57-8 *
For ratet , etfa tc toit of fnt column oi thli paw
C1RED Slohlo loans monny on dlamonOs and
V wntchi'SJuw clyutc,3. E.cor. farnam & . llth
For rattl , etc. , fee tap of flrtl column on thl page.
A N 8-room detached house with all modern
conveniences , two-story without base
ment , In dculrablo location. I35.ro per month
rent. \ \ 111 ilrlv o applicant to premises. Hmna-
ton tc Allen , 1007 rornnin street. OJ2 It
RLNT-Blx-room cottage , 811 Bouth 51st
street. 1)17-0 ) *
T710U RENT-6-room cottage , city water and
JL' bath , SOU California st. UOJ 8 *
O1I3 Cap. nvo. . 8-room cottaac. West half 2541
Dincnp.st .IIH'ms , Knq. 25ft flip. avo.Ml-Jti *
"TTIOR RENT Largo list for December now
JL1 out. Homes)00 and up George J. I'aul ,
1COT I'nrimin , b'J2
FOR KENT Koitr elegant brick houses , 10th
nnd California stieels. All modern con
veniences. Houses just completed , Hents
\ory moderate , llrcnnan Sc Co. , K" N. Y. Llfo
building. b02-U
"iron RENT An elegant It-room hou o , all
J- modern IniproveinentB. water and heat
furnished , live minutes' walk fiom I1. O. Call
milck , Alsogood 10-room house , Uatermnn
A. Ilcall , Paxton block. MW-i > *
HOUbE for tent tin rooms , modern conven
iences. GJ1 S. 13th streot. 1115 0 *
1OR RENT 10-room brick house , nil mod.
JL1 prii conveniences , location best In thecltyt
references runilrcd. Impure. Nothcrton Hull ,
! ilH8outli _ Ifilh street.Jtoom L 810 j !
FOIlllENT rifTcoiJroom house , No. 210 N.
17th strrot : Imth. he.it and gns ; ono block
from business center , near postonii'O site , boo
James NuIlle. . Ill H. 17lh. JI772-11 *
POR Ur.Nr-l-rooni ) dwelling , conveniently
loeatod. furnished or unfurnlshud. Itefor-
cncrsrenulied. Innulro room I , 218 S 15th
street. N'olhei ton Hull , agent. 75U 0
rililE now and hoiuKomo four room Huts
I with bath uiul steam hcnt In tlio Ulowry
building un Chicago street west of Ifitli uro
nearly ready for occupancy , r.acli lint l
Kcii.ir.ito mid complcto In Itself , These apart-
iniiiitHcnii bo secured by small families only
with no roomers , Uiiiicstloiialil ( | rofereuct-s
icqulrcd. A few of these Hats still not en
gaged , Apply to. II. E. Hobcrts at thobullil
IIIK , 1013-18 OhlcniOMrcet. ! O.7-O' '
Foil HT.MT To iGiponslhio parties only ,
these line nuxv lirltk and stone houses on
UcotRla inentie ; ( Iftein rooms andalco\cs ;
mum coiiMMiloncps unrl bolter finished than
any honsu fet i ent In tlio city. II. ll. llcnder
son , 400 l'.nton block , city. -Ifll
F KKNT Small house , with or without
barn , 1U17 California st. 78 ! )
FOU UHNT Steam heated flats in now
building , IcoenworUi : and 10th st. Apply
KolKcnncy & , Co. No. 10 Continental bldg.
. 741-11
NKW brick 8-room house , all modern con
veniences. 11 minutes' rldo from 1 * . O , JJt
per montli. H. K. Cole , Continental block.
700 1
GROOM house to rent , neafShcrman ave , M
'sheoly blk.
O lliUOOM houses , cor. 20th and Dodge Bt. :
OVroom cottages. 15.18 S. 15th st. O. 1' . Davl
Co. , 1603 I'arnam st. 825 L ,
n O Conductors and I'ngltieers Wo offer thos
J- ton now and complete Hats with all moden
conveniences , sltunttd two blocks from tin
now Tenth stieet depot ; they ha\o sovora
new and tomnicndnblo foatuies and rent fo
only $ 'i" > 00 per month , fl nnd 7 rooms each vItl
large bath and convenient ulosets. Call nnd
see them. The Mead Investment Co , room
442 , llco building. ( > ll
CHOOM Hat near fct. Mary's nve. and ICtn
streets , rent MO. furniture WOO , f > 0 cash , bal
ance monthlv. Co-operative Land and Lot
Co. , 2U5 N. lOtli street. 823-9
r-ItfOM hoiiHnwIth bain : nominal rent. C.
F. llnrrlson , 012 N. Y. Life. 4' 5
IK YOU wish to rent a house or store see H.
E. Cole. Continental block. 403
NnAT cottage , modern Improvements , nlso
largo barn anil > ard , at 2120 St. Mary's
avo. Imiulto room 2 Union I'actllo hoadmiu'r ! , .
702 10 *
RKNTAL A ent Geo. J. Paul , 1000 Earnatn ,
Houses and btoroa for rent. Kcuts col
lected. 537
"lJOH UnST 8-room house , nil modern 1m-
JU iirovoinents , 2220 Chicago St. , $11.07. Itlng-
Wiilt Uroa. , Uarkor block. 403
SO. HKNNETT. moving express olllco wtth
. Ncnl & Conrad , 1413 Dodge st. Tel. U 7.
11828-1)11 *
FOR KENT Hats , 4 rooms each , city water
and sewer connections. O. U. E. und T. Co.
4 Dee bldg. 5jl
HOUBK for rent at < UI Pierce street , con
venient to depot. Nice cottage. Inquire
of T. J. Lowry. 1J
FOH 11KNT Sin nil house on rrnmet St. ,
west of 24th , S8 per month. Also7-room
house , city witter , bath , on O.ildwoll , between
20th and 27th. J3S per month. G. L. Orcen ,
Itoom ao , Ilarkcr block. M787
T710H Iir.NT-222-1 Mapio st , W block cast SUh
JL.'st. motor , fi rooms and unfinished K story
above , full lot , well , cistern and collar , good
neighborhood. $17.50 per mouth. G. 0. Wal
lace , Hrown block , 10th and Douglas. 088
HOUSE of 8 looms , nicely papered , water ,
sewer and ens , ,13rd and Onmlng , $30 per
mo. 0 I. Harrison , OU N. Y. Life. .T.T
For rates , et ( . , frc tup of Hint cutitinn nil tHI 1x135
TTUtONT room , furnished , down stairs , $5.00
JL1 per mouth : 2J24 Poppleton avenue. OJ1-13
IUHNISIIKD liouso for rent during the wln-
tor months. Apply at 1103 g. 10th st. 1)23-8 ) *
FOR RENT I'urnlshed rooms , 1814 Davcn-
pott street 811-9 *
NICE room , steam heat , 1719 Davenport
Ooi29 *
TTlURNISllEI ) room to rent , gas , bath nnd
JL1 furnace licat , 2574 Ilarnev. 879-3
COUPLE of furnished rooms for rent. Call
at S.1S South l'th ) street. 6'i 1
E10R RENT Nicely furnished room with all
modern conveniences , 2121 California st.
855-8 *
FOR Ul'NT Nicely tinnishcd south room ,
sultnblo for 2 or J gentlemen. 100S Oapltol
avenue. . 870-10 *
10 KOOM house , furnished , modern Improve
ments , for Iraard of family of three. Ad
dress X JS , 15e o. b7I-9 *
ENGAGE furnished room with steam heat ,
southern exposure , 5-.M S. 2Gth street , Hat I ) .
TT10R RUNT rurnlshod room , all comon-
JD lencoa. 222 N. HHIi street. M771-8 *
FURNISHED room , * a per month , 190Q Tar
nam. 8113
FHONT Parlor , also front room , sult-
nbln for 4 gentlemen , furnace heat , gait ,
bath , U20 N I5th ! > t. 815 8 *
F URNISHED room , 023 North 19th. 70311
"IJIURNlbllED rooms In any part of city for
J- rent at I ) . J , Wilson's rental agency , room
KtS N. Y. LIfo. MTOl-O *
T7IOR RKNT-Nlcoly furnished room with
-Cheat. 5J5S. 20th street. 74lr ( *
L A KG K handsomely furnished room , sulta
blefortwo , excellent board , modern con
veniences , private family , llrbt-cliibs In every
respect ; terms , $25 a inouth'oacli. Address
X 13. UPC ( VjS 8'
"TT OR RKNT Soxon-room cottage , cor. 2lh
JU avc. und Cap. avo. Iiujulro 29B lodge. M4U7
" | T\OR \ Rr.NT Handsome furnished rooms ,
JU steam heat , 17.M Davenport Ht. COC
FOR RENT-1'urnlshed rooms ) eas , b ith
and Rteam , 151U Howard. 493
T710R RENT-rurnlshed rooms , 1C09 DoiiRlus.
JL ) 499
DKRIRA1II < U room , uiodorn conveniences
1701 Capitol ave. 775
tvrratr * . etc. , tee fop < / flr t column on tfifipiu
IbSES LDiY citt"ir\oya"n"tandItraneomo-
dlums ; massage a specialty. 1510 Oapltol
avonuei. B.VI-D *
MME. llurrough Palmist tells the past , pres
ent nnd futuru from the lines ot the hand.
In theold Gypsy way , I'coe , ( li ladles only.
1817 17.111 ( I street , Omuha , -I4J 27 *
TyTASSAGE-JIadam Dolzlcr , over BIO S. IM\ .
MRS. STEVF.R Is glvln ; best success of any
fortune teller In the city. Mio does not
deal In nny fraud. Her tarms are tha lowest.
4MN. Iflth ; ird Moor. 410
T % TR8. Naunto V.Warron , clairvoyant trnnco ,
writing and reliable business
medium , four years In Omaha. 119 N. IGth.
ARRIVED-Olalrvoyant , naturally Rifled
tolls past and future , love troubles , nb-
senl friends , changes , travels , buntnoss. tiatls
faction given. Mrs. Wallace , 1303 Fur mini st.
Fcrratrt , etc. . i ( Capof InC coliiniii ontMj
mYl'F.WRITERS.all iiiako * . bouKht. wild , cj
JL changed , rented. J , l'.iIo2cathllSU7rarnam
street. 4K3
For talen , tte , , n * top of frtl toiurnu on Iftfr j > 'jfr
DOMS and board at 010 H. 17th street. '
BCj 0
1 ? OOM8 for rent , wither without board , 114
JLii-o. 25tb st. 020-fi *
KKNT Hccond Htorr front room with
t ? board-llrat-claas. 201 & 25th aveiuio. 097-6 *
XI\VO furnished rooms-Ono a front room ,
with board. Each room suitable for two.
03 N. 10th at. OCO-O *
OR IITNT Nicely furnished roonn with
board , all modern covenlonce.st nlso cent
wishes room mate. 1721 Davenport at. BM-1J *
URNISHI.Drooiiiwlth board , Iteferenfo
2211 rnrtmtii st. _ M7US If
TIJOOM3llh bcinrd ; can accnintnodnto n
JLA until her of table boarders. 411 N , inth.
M770-I1 *
N 10 ELY furnished room , all modcrifcon-
vcnlenei-s , with or without board. 2017
Leaven worth. 753 10 *
fjlOUirmd board , nlco rooms , modern eonvcn-
JU lences. rates nnd location , the I'tillman
liouse , 1310 Uodgo at. , oannot bo oicclled.
J 5 *
_ _ _
ITHJRNISIlEI ) rooms , furnace heat , board If
.L' desired. iilO : Davenport st. _ 7B811 *
N EVVLY furnished rojms In modern house.
J- > close to raniiun motor , good lible. homo
eomforts , 2578 Harney strccl , new Paul liloek.
| 747-10 *
TOOMS and board , 1310 Chicago street.
JLV 719
THE Lennox 514 and 51(1 ( N. 10th Is now open
for the reception of guests. Rooms will
bo furnished toHiill oceup nils or rented tin-
furnished. Superior board. 1X14 lJ *
QT.OLAIR European hotel , win dining room ,
Osteiim heat In all rooms , lllh nnd Dodge.
Special i atcs by wcckor month. 501
"I30OM and board $1.00,17U Douglas street
I nrmtff , etc. , fee loj ) of l l column n tlitu puns.
nilONT rooms , unfurnished , 310 b. 20th.
872-R *
OII KENT Two suits of peed rooms sult-
able for light housekeeping. U5LM Doiiicliis
street. W7-U *
" 1 0OMSforll ht housekeeping. 1712 floug-
OO.MS and board at 010 S. 17th st.
fiC4 10 *
4HOOM cnttaRo. 2011 Center street ; 3 rooms
COS N , 11th street. M77t 8 *
TT1OK lir.NT Sultof4 unfurnished rooms to
J.1 family without children. I'rleo JlU..o 170
Webster st. M'7
ITIOR HEN'i'-'J uiifurnlsliod roams.210 N. 1 itli
J-1 st. M 7j
For rate * , etc. , HC tup ofnt column nri fftt * ) > ne <
TpOK UENT-3-story brick store. No 1110
JL' Harnoy Ht. . sultnblo for any Jobbing busi
ness , fora term of joars
On Itimlctto tt. . between CSth and Will very
deslrttblo8-room house null burn. In perfect
1413 N. 17th st. , very desltablo3-room flat , In
perfect order ,
On "tfth ami Woolwortli , very dcslr.iblo
lodern houso.
Ames Uoal Hstato Agency
1507 rurn.inibtrecr.
fcolo Asents.
Ofllcoopen ovonlnes. 7 > 2
QTOUi : 4I\I32.5 stories nnd basement ; rall-
Oroud traokaee , olovutor. steam he.it , ete.
Apply room 2 , Union 1'uclflo hcadquatlers
QTOHES at 700 S. llitli. steam heat furnished.
J Thos r.llall.illiraxtoii blk , Wl
CUM KENT-roronico or store , 203 S. llthst.
KH ) 10 *
IT1OR HENT-The 4-story brick bulldlng.vvlth
I ? or without power formcrlyoecupled nytho
Hee Publishing Co , 91C I'arnam st. The bnild-
ng has a fireproof cement basementcomplete
steiim heating llxtures , wat'jr nn all Ihu lloor- .
gus , etc. Apply at the olllco of The lleo. Ul" >
IAUGn.diy biifcement for rent ; D. & M. traok
Jat platform ; very convenient. Applv to
Avery Planter Co. , tor. 18th nnd Pueltlc. b.0-12
FOR UKNT-llsJanuarv 1 , 4-story bullilliti : .
: i8 MO square feet ; suitable for any Kind
of wholesaling , lit ronth and Jones street. G.
A. Lindfjuest , 310 feouth riftecnth street. 5'3
FOR RENT Corner store and basement ,
27th and N sts , South Omnha , H hlook
rom depot. Mrs. Ilroga , J14M S. 15th , Tel. 831.
mo RENT After January 1 , Htoro nnd nat
JLutia ) S. intn st. Knijulro at .100 Drown
blda. 11. J. Kendall. Mi 1 > 23
TT1OR KENT Hlaoksmlth shop nnd housf ;
JU only shop in town. Address Mo Nil Ken
Stamford , Nob. ! U7 8 *
"EH > K UEHT or Salo-rine , heavy briek llve-
-l ? slory corner warehouse with most centinl
traokngo In city ; lloonaro 1 lr , > 00square feet.
Htrlnger& Penny , Darker block. 183
Icrratci , ttc , , rcr top of fifl limn > ( on thb
FOR UKNT-.Rrlck wnrohouse , two stories
high , basement , hvdnullo elevator , ti loU-
ago ; best location In the city , A. 0. Pownll.
For raff , etc. , ue top of fitst column nn Will
mRAOICAOn storage at lowest rates. W. M ,
J. Uushman , 1J11 Lea\cnworth. rH)3 )
STOIIAGE and trackage. laId Cole , nn-81 ?
Howard st. .V)7 )
STORAGE The best In city , clean , diy , safe ,
and privately stored at reasonable Icims.
Omaha fctovo Repair Works , l-'OT Douglas. Tel.
OCO. f > J
lorialt * . rtf , , rrr tnn ] > f fnt rolumn on ( hit jxios.
T 1ST join houses to sell or rent with C. l\
JJlIarrlson , 012 N , Y. LIfo. R5
TT D. IREY & Dio.rental ngents.'OO N.Y.LIfq
Hi : . COLE , rental ngont , Continental blk.
QTAR Land tc. Ixj.m Co. Real estate , loans
CJ and Insurance rental ascney , < . )75-dl7 )
For rates , etc. , see foji offlrat column on this vaue
PE SONAL-lf thoiiirty who called at 218
N. llHh for rooms W eduosday evening Doc.
! lrd will cull again will find rooms to suit them.
7(14-0 ( *
For miff , fie. , rre Ian of first column on Hid KIO .
LOST In Omaha , largo orange yellow St.
Unmanl dog named "Guldo , " Liberal re
ward for his recovery. Address M. 1 * . Hrown ,
Papllllon , Neb
For raiccte. , ttt taiif flri' a > 'n ' nn tltli p i n.
LARGE double sitting desk , almost now ,
I'llII Stlnunul , No. 1)11 ) Jones st. 813
FOR BALK Two heating stoves , hard or
HOftcoal.ln tirst-cl.iss nrdor and will bo
sold cheap. Call at 1549 N. lath st.
SECOND hund lyuovvrltors. J. P. Megeath.
I COT I'arnum .street. Omaha. 4'H ' )
"VTEW uallgtaph , prlco reasonable. HG3 , Hen
FOR 8ALU cheap A 10 horse power Now
York safety steam engine In first ulass
condition. 1'estnor Printing Co. , 1.197 Howard
Bt , M127
For rules , lie. , gee frp offint culunin on tMt pane
FOR SALE Oheap 22 head of thoroughbred
Jersey cows and bulls. Apply ut olllco
Kaufman , Smiley & Co. , Exchange uldg , r > outh
Omaha. , 807-19
QECOND hand omnibus. Phil Stlmmol , No.
Oui 1 Jones st. 817
WORIC horse KD , two-horso wagon f2J , dou
ble work harness J15. Or will trade for a
good ll htaldu bar buggy. H. E. Cole , Conti
nental bloat 403
FOR SALE 2 good work teams. Inquire at
018 Paxton blouk. 609
FORSALE-IIorss , bnjjry and harnesj , Ap-
ply to McConl .llrady X Co. 313
FOR SALE CO horses nnd marcs , cash or
time. Prices from 115 to 100. Would ox-
rhaiiRO some of them for Omaha real estate.
W , T. tfonmanOmaha's largest variety wagon *
and carriages. at ;
fbrratetti. _ , * t top of fint column nil Wifj pajs.
BEST line hair good ) In west ; hair Grossing ,
wlK9 , swltchei , bRDK8 , hair ohulns , etc. , a
Doclalty. Davlei , hair cooda and milliner ,
opposite poitofflcc , 111 S. IMhitreet , Oinaha.KO
rorrtilM. ete , , tee fop fa rtt roiumn un ( Alt p <
rnOR BALE A flno.uprlBht piano , used but
JL a short time , at a aicrlllco. Iniiulro at 2111)
CaldwellHtroeU _ - . M'7 t-lt
AJIK1UCAN onfl , tSS3sn coln bought nnd
sold. Koom 11 Chainber of Comaior co.
fcfa 720 0
For ra'n ' , ctr * te tnpMTfiit oiiiimu on ttilt
w ANTEUtolIuy A safe. Address X M ,
lleo. - . - uai-H *
WANTED-To buy claims of all kinds
against riillroHrt-'eniployps. Sums over
! . pro for red. Wrlto Wm. Itloharilsou , Slour
City , la. , I , , H. ! K > 3. W7-J5 *
ilE , household poods , etc. Highest
X cash price.ilE \Vclls. 1111 1 amain , 510
Formffii , ttt ; fte top ' of flrn column oi Wits jxigs
F I ol lTcTasscTstfiTforndnTdTn nnTl Fes
during the forenoon , gimtlomon afternoon
anil evenlnr. rasolnatlng exorcises iccoin-
mondcd by physicians. Room 0 , basement
N. Y. Life. Oinaliii fencing ncadcmy : MW 13
AUIYOItOES ( juicily. Advice froo. Ad-
dross , Lawyer , Ul Church street , Now Yoilc
C'lly. Oil 12 *
IK you have liorscg , earring or houses to
tnido sco 1II. . Jerome , room 317 , First Na
tional hank building. JI710 JJ *
M ASfaACJK-Mndam Uol ler , over 010 B 1'lth.
7JU.12 *
T ADIH3 A. Rnnts to buy the I'lumcr rocllnliu
r ; uusurpissod for comfort. ( Si N , 15th.
818 1)11 )
DON'T forgot Jos. P. Mi'goiith , 1007 I'urn run
st. . when oou want to buy , rent or sell a
typewriter. 41 > J
MAbSAQK treatmontolcctro-thormal baths ,
sculp and lialr treatment , mnnlctire nnd
chiropodist Mrs. 1'ost , It 20-21 , \ \ ltlinollblk.MS
rent or silo. Stnifu-
-i-rnphers supplies. .Til' . Mexeiith,1007 l'unum.
J-CMfltrs , tic. , sectop offlrst cnlwnnmi lltti ) HIO
U ! . " > ,000.00 special fund to loan on city lmproed
P property. Oco.J. I'aul , Ik9 ( riirunnmtioct.
M : ONHYt3 loan on jonelry and chattels. 1) .
J , Wilson , room 8,13 N. Y. l.lfo. M702- ! ) *
"OHIVATE funds to loan on short time. Ad-
X dress XJO * lloo. 5.17
KKYSTONE Mortsago Co Loans of $10 to
il.OOO ; got our rates before borrnwliu nnd
sa\o money ; loans on horses , furniture or nny
nppro\od s-ciirlty without piinllclty ; notca
bought ; for now loans , icnewal of old and low-
cst ratescall R.-03. falicely blK. 16th illowuid.
MONHY to In in on Second mortgnce. W. S
Wynn , Hoom ail Oqiah i Nat. Ilk. Hl'ds.
MONEY to loan on Improved city property
at current rites : funds on hind ; no delay.
GPO. ! ' lllust * , Co , 2U.J K.IIIIKO bldg. iXll-ill. )
MONEY to loan oii Improved and \.icnnt
property. Lowest rut o. 0. J. Ctiswoll , SK ,
N. Y. Life. ! IV ) D.M
Land < S. Loan Co. Heal estate , loans
and Insurance rental aconoy. OTT-dl"
OANSof SI.CW no 'upnanla on appioxed
collateral or real Ci tato.V. . U. fillll.ird.201
Omaha National ban. bounding. MO
310 9 l.Mli .St. , loans money
V-/OH chattels or collji oral at reasonable rat es
TCTlltST A , second tmJrtgages on vacnnt & Im-
JL ? pro\od city prop.Prmnty warrants bought.
Money on hand. I'.JlrRlolmrdson.SlS N.Y.LIfe.
ft ? f
MONEY to loan on'cltV and farm propi-rty ,
\V. M , Harris , K 23Trunzor , blk. , opp. 1' . O
f'-S *
made on ilioteOTrlty property at lowest
rates , faiimsof JjCODa d upwards pur/erred.
Klmball. ( JMiltip Hyan.
1M51'Arnam btreot. R30-D13
MONEY 30 , CO or 0) ( lays , on household fur
niture , ete. 0181'ixton block. J.J. Wllkln-
8011. . ' ' - MliTU-l'l
TAU Lnml&XptLn.ftriWitl es.tntc. ' I
nnd Insnruii o Tonta.raaoticy , ' U77-
"i\fONEYJto loin by ? ! . Masters oueliultc
-L'land coll-ttoral eccilrltles for any tlmcf roni
to 0 mouth * , In any amount to suit lior-
> vvtr. j < v t A. i .
l.oiins i.iauo on liouhpuold goods , phmos. or-
gnns. horses , mules , houses , lenses , warehouse
ifeelpts , etc. , nt the lowest jio-fSiblo rates ,
without publicity orrqmrtval of property.
My louns are so arranged that jou can make
n payment of any amount at any time and re
dureboth principal nnd Interest.
If jouovvo a balance on your property 01
ha vo u loan you wish changed. I will piv It oil
and carry It for you. If jim find It mote con
venient , cull up telephone No 1B21 and your
business will be ai ranged nt home.
Money nlvvn\ on hand , No delay. No publicity
licity- Lowest rates.
n. T. Masters.
Itoom 4 , Wlthnollblk , :5th and Harney sts.All
MONEY loaned at low rates on furniture ,
horses , etc. , without publicity. Hnvvkeje
Inv cst men t Co .33 Douglas bllc.10th nnd Dodve.
nil 1
WANTED < 1 percent real cfctato loans. C.
I1. Harrison. OU N. Y. Life. B1J
WANTKD I'lrst-class Inside loans Lnnrst
rates. Call and sue us. Mutual Invest
ment Co. , 1V)4 I'aniain. fit 1
loans Oto 7 per cent ; no nddl-
JJ tlonal charges for commission or attornej 's
fees. W. It. MelUle , l'rsl | National bank bide.M7
T > ? : AL 1'stnte Loans Cash on hand. Glolio
-LVbo in A. Trust Co , ,107 K 10th st. No delay ,
no'extra charges. Houses for rent , good list.
OE. . 0. M.ANTHONY.1I3 N. Y. Llfobnlld-
luir , lend money on f inns In choice coun
ties of Nebraska and Iowa , also on | ; oori
Omahsi resldenco property ; lowest rates ; best
terms ; no delup ; money ready. Titled and
, \ allies passed on here. 510
G HEAP eastern money
Philadelphia MoitsaRO and Trust Co ,
always re.id > to loau and pay promptly ; first
mortgages vantcd. George > V. P. Coates , rep
resentative , loom.7. board of trado. Sl >
MOXK\ loan on any fiecurty
forshort time at low
rates. Lovve-,1 rates
on personal wroporty.
The Ilenderson Mortsnun Investment Compi-
ny , room 400 , Paxton blk. 5.H )
2orr > ii , ete ue. fo . of Ktnt cntmn on tMt pays
$5.000 cash buys one-half Interest , or separ
ate Interest , In 21 50- foot lots , cllslbly locat
ed ; accessible to motor , where 5 und (1-ioom (
cottages can bo built nnd sold for fiom $ IWO
to $ IFUO to supply ox'.stlui ; demand Title
perfect. Grand opportunity for poison of
means. No Incumbrance. Innulro at once
Mil N. Y. Life. 7MC *
e , Will sell or trade for
Va good firm In southeastern part of this
state the "Stella oroav > yry. " with fiom two to
twenty aeres of good ntpd joining town. 1 his
Is a splendid business opportunity fora peed ,
live , energetic innn Address II. I' . Clark.
Stella. lllclmrdsonC'dV eb. DKJ'J
NEWSPAPKU Clyyico-Partnor wanted ,
pradlcal newspaper mun preferred , to
take half Interest In wl established and only
republican newspapnivui ono of the bent coun
ties In Nebraska , Aaartss X 4'J ' lioo olllce.
rjOOD ft section of JJOvl In N W. part of Ne-
VJbraska , clear , tujriulo for business or
Omaha property encni\.hercd. ) Party will put
liibomv cash. Co-OUiiratlvo Land and Lc
Cbr.205 N.'i6Tli street i- ' 8JI-8
T71OR SALE TwochaJrbarboranoD , line fui-
JL' nlture , snlimdld wnslncss , bathing attach
ment , excellent loaiillpn , In Hotel Idler.
Address Rlohurd IIIllslUlii , IMattsmouth , Neb.
f ,
lOKSTAUHANT. good locationtl.MOU ; cash ,
J-MjiiI. on time. AlsQ/good boardln ; notice ,
SiO : ( i. > 0casb. Co-operative Land und Lot Co. ,
' - Q-i N. lath at. 8J2-8
TnOKSALE-Anrst-clasi stove repair bml-
-L ness In I.eadvllle , Colo. : good profitable
business for money Invested , References
Clven for sellhu out. Charles Adam , 111 and
11.1 Eastbluth street , l.ouclvllle , Pol ] 0079 *
T OR SALE-35 birrol steam roller mill.
JThos. . Orouob , Tekamah , Nebraska.
7J3 dll * '
For'ratti , ttc. , it * top uf flnt column on Ihti oo .
H OHSEB wintered No better pUce to'Win- '
ter horses than the Stlllwutor stock farm ,
Tt Oahoun. i'rlcca low. bait cure. 11. J ,
Ueudall.lpropr room 300 , llrown bldz.Oinntm.
674 dQ
OHSE8 wintered. Wo hnro the best o-
comuioQitlonsIn the state for wintering
horses. Uox or aliiRle stalls , with paddock.
Auply to Windsor. Kamp & Oa , 203 Now York
LlfobldK. , or to Chris evla , tt die stable * ,
Irvlngton , Met ) . M60I
f"orratf , tit , , tff fop of fnt column on Mils
FOK EXOH ANGE-NIco level lots ln ldo the
city limits of I'lcrro , the oapltol otbouth
nikota , for nncumbercd property or land. Ap
ply at 701 N. Y. Life bid * . 842 lit *
TTUMrUTKEN building lots In Omntm to trade
JL.1 for a good form , llenawa fc Co. 894-0
TT10U ITXOHANaE Improved lot on lower
JL1 Dodge st. for vacant residence property ,
M. U. AlnclocMl , 1)15 ) N. Y. LIfo ll'ld'g. M 71HJ 8
/TJOODbiiBjjy her o for second-hand piano ,
VOI Will Johnson , , ( . 'olumtjus , Neb. -
EXCHANGE 2 sections western land ,
clear. \ \ hat have you to offer ? lllsely ,
Shcnandonh , la , 700 10 *
LO P In South Omaha for stock of groceries )
will put In some money , aosshcoly block.
I7IOR iXCIANOE-5.000 : ! ? stock hardware !
* ' want low a land. HoxlNJ , Sheimiuloali. la.
705 10 *
WANTED To exchange Nome valuable real
estate for goods , trade must be made
quick. Address X U' ' , lleo. .M 70S-21 *
\\7ANTED-Sloclt of merchandise , for w hlch
TT i will trade city lots and farm properly.
Address Oeorgo H. Mosher , Uratid Island , Neb.
Mini-8 *
CHATTEL loins nt lowest rates. Removed
to 024 N. Y. Llfo bldg. J. 11. hmmlngor.
"V\7 ANTED A horse or mare In part pay-
TT incut toward a wagon or earrlage W. T.
Seaman , Omnha's largest variety wagons and
cairlages. ! H8
" 1710R EXOIIANOE-'IGO acres well improved
JL' land and two business laUt forstooU of uen-
cral moreliandlso : hardwaiu preferred , NV 4) ) .
lleo. 1174 1)8 ) *
TPO oxch ingo ImproN tvl property no ir Slier-
i. man av e. . foi land or lots , bhaw , IliW Shicly
ulk. 1)74 )
1 nrta'r' . etc. , tf * toji nt rat column oil tlili 1 ni" .
AMis : Heal Kstuto Aaoncy ,
1J07 li'arnam Street ,
boleAgents. .
Aero Property. '
No 5. 10 acres , llrlghton lleaeh. line
gnrdi-nland ; ensy terms , price . . $3,00000
No 4.2. > aeies , well located , nuar Port
Oninlid , poi acio COO CONe
No .1. 10 aeriH.same location ns above ,
for scp irate aeios , $3. > OtlO each : for
the in acres 3,00000
No 2. The handsome-it piece of ncio-
agu for subdivision niiyvvbcro In
tills oily , being H ) iicies , evoiy foot
of It available ; price per aero 250 00
No 07. Choice f > acres llellulr ; per"
acre , $70100 : will take clear lot in
No 41. A nuirlier of nerolots. splen
did ly adapted for market gardening ;
will lit ! soul upon easy terms ; price
per acre , $ .MW to 350 00
No 20. ID acies In Dlgouood Park on
easy terms for . 1,33000
No 2.1 Rtr.icttiof 5acresoaci ! Inl'dge-
vvood P.irU. Price for uatli ft acres. . 1,50000
No. II. 4 ncies In West Omaha , splen
did building lots. Pilco 13,00000
No.I4. r > notes. 7-room house , good
birn. on North 24th st. Cash pay
ment $2,000.defcriod payments0 to
lOvcais. Pileo 8,00000
No .W. 5 act es ftontlng on Grant live ,
with good G-room house and barn.
Will plat to excellent advantage.
I'rleo 7.20000
No 4 . fi acres In West Albright . . . C.OOO 00
1'i ncrts sumo location at same rale.
Will tiado for house and lotwlllnn
' 4 mile of Park ave nnd 1'oppkton
Ames Real llstnto Agency ,
15UT rirniim slieot ,
bole agcnls.
TTIOIl SALE-At a bargain. G0\120 on Daven-
J-'port , near 17th , ono block from new post-
otllcf. verj cheat ) . $20,000 ; SJxIJi corner 20th
and Karnatn. J.10,000. G , L. Green , loom 39.
Darker block. 527
T3RICI > have advanced In Ames 1'lnco $ V)00 )
JL poi lot. PicsontpiIcosll.OJJ , $1,150. $1.250.
TjHOR SALE On 5 years time : homo choice
JL'lots. ISo piyment required If Improved.
Ringer A , Hi idley , 131 ! ) Farnam st. 038-0 *
ELEGANT residence In Kountzo Plaoo ; U
rooms finely finished and all modern con
veniences ; Wlrt st , near 'JUlli. Can sell on
one-quarter easliimyiuent nnd Uubineo time
to right party. This Is no cheap affair of a
house , but u comforablo homo In every sense
and u big snap bargain. I' . K. Darling , Ilurkor
TJRIOKrf have advincod In Ames place $3000
-L per lot. Piesent prlurs 81,050 , J1.150 , 81,230B07
K room house , lot JJxSJ. $1,700.
- > 0-ronm house , stable , lot IHJjxSS , J2.000.
Dr'ck house , and American houso. lotoGxWN.
E coiner 10th and Douglas. Knciulro 21.1 H
llth. Ill
S 1 TAR Land A. Loin Co real estate , loins
and Insurance rental azcney. 975-dl7
rpRAOKAGi : Wo have for sale an elegant
J * piece of tiaokage property centrally lo-
ciilcd. Co-Opcratlvo Land & . Lot Co. , 2iiTi N.
Ibth st. WO-8
FOR SALE Some very choice bargains In
houses nnd lots and lots without houses.
1 heso will not Keep only a fe > vv days ) and you
should get a hustle on youiMilf at onie.V. . A.
bpuucer , loom7 , Chambereominorco BW-'J '
TR1CFS liivo advanced In Ames Place
-L per lot. Present prices II.OjJ , $1,150 , Jl.'JJO.
VAN DEUREN. 1101 Douglas st , sells Ifitli st.
addition lots , MOO ; Vim Ilourcn HoUhts.
JJflfl. Tei ins , jr > cash. 110 monthly , WxIM , well
Improved , California bt.(7r > 00 , will lake some
Irade. 14J-UO
"PRICES have advanced InAmes Place $ jUOO
JL per lot. Present prices SI.050 , 81,150 , Sl- " > 0.
171OR bALK-ClioIco acre propoity nt the
J- city limits ; electrlocnis running ncur this
property nt the present time.
M acres on Ames iivonuo ,
20 acres near the Bolt line.
15-acro fruit farm no.ir Amos avo.
210-acro tracts , llonson addition.
5-acres Solomon's addition.
200 acres near South Oinaha.
10 acios hi Kensington.
0. M. Power , Pole Agent ,
Room J3 Chamboi of Commerce.
740-10 *
hive advanced In Ames Placo& > O.OC
JU per lot. Present prices Jl.oW , $1,159,11.2JJ.
TTlOR HALH Vorty acres lyln , ' between
Newport and Cote Drllllante , JjOOpor.acro
Com. to ngenls.
Twenty acres beautiful high ground on
I'limam nnd Do < lso Btrcut. 'll-j miles fron
court house , $1,500 per aero. Com. to aKcnls.
Two eholco lots In Orchard Hill , corner o :
Vowoy and Oichard streets , ouo block fron
motor , J2,5W.
Pour room cottages with forty foot lots ,
thrcobloeks from motor line , 2i ! miles fron
P. O. . Jl.OOO. Monthly payments.
I'uII corner lot on 21th street In Soutl
Omaha , fl.UUcabh ,
Livery stable and Block , on good gioun (
louse , good business. In Omaha. Will trtuh
for real estate In or near Omaha. OurllsA
backed. 20o fc. 15th stie'et , 11 111 block , 8.15-r
T71OR bALE-Onoof the flnohtstook farms.ui
JL' the west. G4 miles southwest of Kansas
City. In the garden pai t of Knnsns. The farm
consists of ! ti ) acres , nil llrst class land , fenced
and cross-fenced. An elegant 12-room house
nnd other flue Improvements. A 12-acro
orchard , aitlliclal lake , etc. , etc. To nny one
wanting u cllt edge stock and grain farm
nothing can bo found that wlllonlrcly fill the
hill better than this ; MO ho id of cattle. 1100
tons of hny.luan hepurchasod with the frnm It
desired.o will sell for cash or part canh
and notes. Gilt edge Income piopurty would
lo considered In exchange. Address M. A.
Upton Co. , Omaha , Nob. TJS
3ELKGANThomesln Kountzo place from
r > ,000 to ! 0rxH ) : fioJcnsh , bulnreo 4 v oars , J.r >
per month , U per cent Interest. Other good
homos In name addition to exchange for city
property. 8-room modern hquso. 2 i blocks
west of 24th , on Oaldvvol ! st. , for U500 : WOO
cash , balaneoKlO per month. Oner cent Inter
est. J , J. Gibson , solo agent , Kountzo plnco.
\VAUOH k Wostorficld.roaJcstato.S.Omulm
TT Mi )
pRIOES have advanced In Ames Place J.WOO
J- per lot. Present prices Jl.OiO , $1,153 , tl,25i ) .
"PRICES hno advanced In Amos Place VO 00
JL per lot. Present prices JI.OJO , tl.lM ,
FOR SALE or Lease 47 feet east front by
01 fcnt deep , alloy corner , 24th and Cum Ing
streets. Addicss Jeun Schcms , Heo bulldlmr.
aitt D21
A "SNAP { 2,750 will buy a nice fS-room house
Xl-und lot , with collar , cistern , city water
sewer und barn , centrally located ; terms
caay. J. D. Zlttlo , OU N. Y. life. 8Q8dl3
PlUOr.S have advanced In Ames Place
pec lot. Present prices $1,000 , il.lSO , Sl,250.a
TRIGE3 hive advanced In Amca Place $ .VX ( )
J- per lot. Present prices 11,03) , $1,150,11,250.
7 ROOM cottage , full lot. Hanscom 1'laco.
east front ami a great bargain for u few
day . Huiill cash payment and balance on
louitllrny. r. K. Parllnt. Uarkor blook. 631
TEN elegant acr lots In Rensou ; will sell In
_ body or divide. Oousou it C'armlchael.
413 N. Y , L. bUi- 714 10
tie , ite toji effnitotumnoH _ tht
" ' "
AME3 Real Eatnto "ARo'uoyT
1W ! I'urimm street ,
Solo agents.
No. ST. 33d sf , , bet. Davenport nnd
Cn s , full lot . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.C7JOO
No DO. N.Y. . Cor. lOtn ami Wlrt , f ull
lot . . . . . , . . , . , 5.00000
No. M. Cor. aid and Loav , MS..W feet on
Lcav. . per foot , , . , . , . . . 10000
No. M. Oelso's add. , 1X2 ficu. riiniilnx
from Cnssltis st , to Mcwton , very
cheap at . . . , . 0,00900
No. 53. Oak Kill , full lot , easy terms. . UW 00
No. M. Oalc lllll. full lot , ilOO onsh ,
balnncp to suit purchaser . . . . . . . . . . . 75000
No M. 2Rth fit. , bet. llurdotto nnd
YntCf. full lot . . 2,00000
No 4H. Half Howard , bet. 22d and Sid
Ms. , full lot . 10,50000
No. 48. Two lots on Locust st. , bet. 17th
ami 18th Bt . 2,000 CO
? < o. 44 , lull lot. Dulght > lL\man'8 ,
nonr Ilelt line . . . . TM 00
No. 4a Pull lot.ohlor Placo. . 60900
No. 40.ai lous lots In Ambler's Plneo
No. i. Kull Int.Vld atul Laird . l.SOO 00
No. Iff. Two lots on ; i7thst. , bet. Oass
and la ) > i < npnrt . 4,00000
Nns. M.M , : il. Various lots In Orclmtd
' ' ' " ' ' " " ' ' '
No. : il'ci'r8t"'n'oVth : ( of"roivl."fiVll'i6t' ! . , 2.00J 05
No. : . Two lots , NY. . Cor. SXith und
llriint . C.20000
No. III. Various lots In Moo's subrtiu-
slon , north of Amrsnvo .
No. : tO. On Dodge st , bet. Low honsci
and Garllch s house , 'M fcnt of
ground by 140 feet deep ; presoat
prlooperfoot . 17500
No. 2 ! ) . On 2 * li Bt. , near I euv. , lot 7St
HO. nil taxes p ild In full , per foot . . 125 00
No. 27. I/In coin Place , corneison Duv-
oniiort. full lot . . . 1.WOOO
No 24 , Ivcs unit Iisth St. , with thteo
frontneos , two full lnts.en.ch . 4,50000
No. S3. r.-iriiinu , bet. : i'tli uiuMOIli Its. ,
south front , two full lots , oaoh. . . . 3,500 Od
No. . rarnam Bt.cor. 40th , tlneo full
lots . .
No. Jl. 41st st. , bet , lodgoand lUvoii-
port , full lot . 2,00300
No. 20. Cor. 2.1th and Jones sts. with
Lenv enwortli t. motor , clornnt
sleht for Hats or houses to rent , lot
Wlxl.c. , and verveheapat . 0,00000
No l' ' > Satindets st , near Oddfel-
low * s hull. 2S\80 feel . 5,00000
No. 15 Clark's add , on 2Mli ave. , lot
Olxl.ts.try desirable propeity for
Improvement . C.I'iO 00
No. H. Hnrdetto ami ttOtli sts. two
lots . 3,30000
No. 1) ) . 10th st , , north of Nicholas , a
cheap trnekago lot . . 2,10000
No. 12 On Mnsousl , hut..1lHt and \l\
Hts. . ( 1x148' } , or 120x148 } ! , ouo of tha
most deslrablo biilldlni ; sites 111
Omaha .
No , 10. Cor. nurdettoand 28th , lot
80x8) ) foot , \cry dcsliublc , and cheap
at . . . .f . ! . 3.00000
No. 8. 41st st , bet. Parnam und Dong-
las. full lot . l.SOOOO
No. 7. bouth nntli st , bet. Jackson nnd
Jones , full lot . 2,00000
No. A.Y > ti ! st. . bet , \Voohv orth nnd
Hickory , full lot . S.200 00
No. 5. Lot41\17n. on 10th st. and IJth
avc. , a bargain at . 4,50000
No. 4. Cor. JIarcv nnd Md sts. , south
nnd west front . r , riOO 00
No. 3. Kast front. Hlth st. , hot. rarnam
and Dodge , very choice . 3,0,0000 ,
No. 2. On2&thst. . lot 22x110. per foot. 125 00
Houses and Lots.
No. &T Main St. , Tloronco . $1,60000
No. 22. North 15th st . bet Corbv nnd
Locust , two-story frumo house und
barn . 4 , WO 00
No 21. Chicago , bet. 2Gth nnd 27th sts .
two houses . 4,00000
No. 29. Ohio st. , six rooms , good re
pairs , 8JOO cash , balance monthly ;
price . 1,10000
No. 18 , Hlondo st . bet 28th and 20th ,
clghliooms good order . 3.COD 00
No. 17. Emmett st. . third house cast
of 37th St. . 8 room . 4,00000
No. Ifi On Corbv st .bet. 'nd nnd Ur ! 1
st > ! . . 7 rooms , well built , fruit nnd
shndotrres . 3,00000
No. V > Georgln avo. near Shliley st ,
small Imusii and burn . 3,300 00
No. 14 North loth ave..2 houses , each
.1 rooms , now rented , prlco . 2,00000 ,
No. ] 3. Special bargain , full lot on
Moore live , soulli of Uurnlii ! * , 2
blocks from motor. 2-story 0-rooni
house , street graded , > cry cheap , at 4,000 00
No. 12. iUrdsl. north of Loiucnvvorth
St. . full lot , ,1-room house . 2,00000
No. 11. 14tlnt. . bet. Ceiiler and Dor-
ci < t.Ssmill houses . 3,30000
No 10 , Lowe n\e. and Hamilton st ,
5-room modern house . 4,00000
Nn. U 7- loom house and burn. In
first-class ordcr.a very neat anil de
slrablo place , and \ery cheap at
prlca quoted , Pcward st. . bet. 2"th
and 27th , uisv terms , pilco . 450 00
No e. South front Hurdetto sf. . hot.
28th and 29th , very nont 8-room
house and barn , In perfect order , on
casytorms . , , . 1,00000
No. 0. On Parker St. , hot. 2 , " > th nnd
2Bth.4-room hotisn and bain , all hi
perfect order , prlco . 3,10300
No. 5. 1 , 2. Various houses and lots
In Moo's subdlr. , north of Ainci'
Other Residences.
No. 30. Cor. 30th and Woolvvorth. fac
ing pirk , 8-room brick , modern , and
8-ioom frame , modern , vvlth burn. . . 20,000 00
No. 20. On rurnamat , west of 4L'nd ,
0-room modern , good barn , easy
terms , deslrablo . 7,50000
No. 2d. 1'ull lot. fronts east on 7th
st. , with four 7-room houses , sill
rented , being first-elass rental prop
erly and will grow In value . 12,00000
No 27. bouth front. EmmoU Bt. near
24th , lot 100 ft. front. 7-room house . 0,030 00
No. : Vi llihst. south of Pluieo , at. , t > -
room house . 0,00000
No. 21 Cor. of isth and Leav. sts. , with
U7 ft. fronton Lcnv.,12-ioom modem
house . . 'iO.OOO 00
No 21. 17th st. near Lcav. ht , 4 houses
now n > ntert . 20,000 00
No. 21 N. W. cor. Iftth and Mason , 4
houses , modem Improvements , new
icntod . 0,00000
No. 22 Pull lot. 4 houses 8 teems each.
ono house 5 rooms und barn , loom
formoro houses . :19,900 : OD
No. 21. bluwart PI 100 , Lowe avo. . 19-
room brick modern . 8,00000
No. 20. 'Wh nt. , a full lots , each with
press brick modern houses and birn ,
ouch . 8,100 00
No. 18. 8 rooms full lot , 23th bt. near
Poppleton a\o . . . . 5,00000
No. 17. On 29th st. close to I'arnam. 8-
room modern liouso vvlth half lot ,
price . 0,000 00
Will take clear lot In part payment
or niaKocry o isy terms.
No. 10 On park avo. . o-room modern
house , lot ; t7ijxl40 , very desirable ,
will take Ji.non cash , price . 7,10000
No. 11. Luke at , near ItOth , C-iooin
house nnd. 1-rooin house . 5,009 09
No. H 17th st. north of Nicholas , 2
houses U looms each , ono houbn 4
rooms . 12,00) 00
No. 12. On Park avc. , 6-room house ,
half Int. prlco . 0,00000
No. 11) ) ruinam st. bet. 41 Ht nnd 42nd ,
full lot , 10-room house , modern up-
Ull uiees , good barn , prlco . 0,003 00
No. 7 On t'urk ave. , 8-room frame
honso. half lot. promises In perfect
order . 5,100 00
No. 0. 2lth ) st. near Hickory , very
choice 7-room cottage , prlco . 7CJO 00
No. 5. .lours st. west of C'nd , lot 47x177 ,
7-room frnmohousu nnd barn . 6909 00
Nbo. I. 10-room bilek modern , with
am , Kount/o Plaeo . 1I , " > OJ 00
Ames Real Tstite Agcnc-y ,
1507 rarnam street ,
Solo agents.
Olllco open evenings.
1 20 acres Ono farm land aUJolnln , ' good No-
x braskatovvn : nearly clcir.
KSO acres finely Improved land 2- ! ! miles from
county scat In Ncbr.iska ; lightly Liieiiinhered ,
129 acres good land hi Nebraska , Smiles fron :
eounty beat ; 2'iJO Inhahltants ,
HOIIKO nnd lot In town In Kansas ; clear.
Cleur lot In good Nebraska town.
4 room house and lot , barn , well and cistern ,
IGth streol , Omaha ; slightly Inciimbercd : vvll'
trade for Omaha property and assume tncum
branccs. H , II ColtvContlnontiil block. OX
PKIOESliuvondvnncnd In Ames Plaro K < a fl"
per lot. Present prices tl.OJO.Jl,150,11,259
A ORE property nuar Dundee I'laco nt $ ! , - ' ) (
-CV8 Here's between ( Jmaha and youth
Omaha , trauUa u , at nr OC
Elegant 5-room eottutto bot. motors ,
10th St. , at 2.03C
A line uiibt front , aooritl.i ave
-room honso with ellvvntcr In liltulien ,
lot 23' fil to alley. tti ) ciish. pr ice 1.01
HutOhlson & Wead , IU1 Douglas st. B/7
K following property must bo sold a
once : Corner 1'Jtli and Aliihon , Improved
I .OOO , paying 10 p ercent. I'ull lot , 2Hth , nua
Woolwoi th. I'ull l lot , 21nt and Hnrdetto , enl
K.'M ) . Also cornered nnd I-alrd , only il.W
Terms easy. Thono bargains worth Invest !
gating. Smcaton & Allen , 1007 I'anmm xtroet
M7T. li
F OU SALE House pn L'Othst , , a 20 per con
Invcstmont. Hrlck block In business cnn
tor , great snap. Wutorman , t Ilcall , 1'axUi
T3F8IDENOEproperty for sale In nice loca-
JLV tlons at reasonable pi lees and eusy terms.
Co-operation Land nnd Lot Co , 203 North Slx-
tecnth street. 8.10-3
PRIOES have advanced In AmesplnceJ.vj.co
per lot. Present pi Ices ) | ,050 , f I,15U ,
T7UJH HALE Dig bnruln : 7 room lioune and
JU full lot In linker PUcollcs thancostJl,2oo. :
Easy terms. Inqulrn ot owner , K , G. Merrill ,
42nd and C'asastreuts. t8l
ACHE property at reasonable prices und
tenivH. Co-Oporutlvu Laud & Lot Co. . 205
N. 18th at. tOO-8
PRIOES have advanced In Ames I'laco t50.00
per lot. Present prices 11,050 , Jl.tsu , ) | ,250.
npilE beat lot on Unmllton and Lowa iivenuo.
fVirraMrf. ( | , ( o fop of frtrt column an
" " " J
A MES Heal Esfnto Agency
15U7 1'nruam StrcrU
ikiio AKOHU.
Ilunlnpss Vroporty No.DI. N.V. \ . cor
dth nnd IXmuliK , U full lota , with
ninplBtrackijKo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , , (45,000 00
ThN property Is arallablo and If Jo-
ulriHl wo can separate lots Will
muho urlce on corner. If dcalroJ ,
and Inside lot In proportion.
No. ; w. lutlist. bot. Dodee nnd Panllnl
ave.fiill lot ) iire'ent Innirovemoiits
aronntcd , Price . , . . sooco 00
No. y21th nt. C-aunders st ) nenr
UrNloI. Dislrahlo properly at * )
per foot and at tiU per foot. Turin *
of sale will bt > > t cash and Imlnnco
5 toiOyoirs. If ill sired.
No. LH Half lot. llowanl st. lict. lllh
and nth sis. , for . . . 20,000 Oa
No. 27 , 2 full lots Divine froiilntto un
20th t. of too ft. by 14. ' ft. In depth ,
double tracUnco In rear , ' . ' -story
prrvt hrh'k store on iireiulses. 1'rho 127,000 Oa
No. 2il. A ohcip lot on l.nko HI. Price 2,200 00
No. 25 L'a-.siit. bet. 171 hand Ifth st" .
property that rents for IJuo per
month. 1'rlcn . . . . 22JCO 00
No. 21. 2" > th and Cnmlngsm. MxI''J for 1JWO 00
No. ! ! l. lOlli and 1'arlllo strcotti , stilen-
did Imtol lli' , lot I.e. ' vie. : will re
move present Iniprovements which
nro nut Included In price iiuoled.vlt 00,000 00
No. 2. ' , Williams st , hot. 1 ltd nnd 14th
HM ; elionp liushiess lot with "ft ft.
fronlaeo. I'tlco . 2MO M ,
No. 21 , Un Idlli , near Cnllfornlai pron-
erty liatlltlon-Hivnd'JtlatM , U mod-
fin , built of brink ; rents now for
$ M Xporvenr. ) I'rk-o . 5.1,00000
No. ID ti'ife-ot ' on Dodgeand llth ! ,
renting forJt)5 per month , prlco per
foot . . . . . . . . . CO ) 00
No. 18. Kirtiani lint. 2ilth amiTth
hts.lVi feet front by 1.U la depth ,
prlco pi-r foot . 30000
No. 17. I'nrnatii hot. .Mil ave. and
2tlst. ) . . full lot. price tier font 2CO 00
No. in. I'urii.ui ) . cor. 2Wh St. , 115 feit
on 1'iirtninMii leopor foot. . . 20000
No. n llovvard si , bet llth and 15th
Hts , halt lot , | ) er foot . 55)00
No. 14 Cumins si. , bet , . list nnd IC.M ,
full lot. cheap at . 0 000 00
No * . II , 12 , II. 22 font lots on Sana-
dors st. . opposite Dociitur st , oai'h
21 ! feet at . 5 000 00
No. ID. I'ainaiu bet. Dili and lutli
stH.44fcet , porfoot . 75000
No. 7. full lot , 10th at. , bot. Doughs
nnd Dodge . . . . . .40.00000
No. ( > . I'ull Int. Cor. .Inn s nnd 12th ,
present buildings rent for II , 100 per
you ! prlco . 30,000 00
No. ft. Dixlue , hot. 15th and IGth HS.
present buildings bringing a Roud
rental ; full lot ; price . 70,001 00
No. 4. K E Cor. of 20th and LPIV. sts ,
built of lirlck , null cnnMriictcd ,
comprising 2 stores and lints above :
Is nev er v acanl und nt a low rental
pnysll pel unil on prleo of . . . 1,00000
No. I. I'lrst-clabs traekago proncrty
on for. of Oth and Jones ; owned by
Consolidated Tunic Line Co. ; will
\uryioaboniililetornisto right
parties : prlco . . . . 116.000 00
Ames Real Estnto Agency.
1507 I'm nnm street.
bole agents.
Ofltco open ovenliiRq. KOI
T > RIOEShavo ndvamed In Ames I'lncor 0.00
uer lot. I're'seat prlu-s $1.050 , * IIW. Jl.ao.bOT .
ORIOES linvo advanced In Amos I'laco 140.09
J- per lot , 1'roseut pnees $1OJO , J1.1JJ , $ l50.
T > iaOEfaT bargain In Omnlm. Only thrcoof
JJ theMe elesMiil IIOIIMH on 44th and urnant
' of tout of Mother ; thre-o oecuptcd Dytlrit-
iln s partlis , Houses uru open nil day for In-
pocllon , l.voiy convi nlenco In the houses ,
luliidliiK gas nnd gas fixtures.
Take a look nt them during this .fins
wcnlhor ; buy ono and take llfo eomfortiblo
'urniK the win tor ,
Only tnkis from ttOU to J500 easli. Sco thorn
without fall for they will please you. 1) . V ,
holes , 213 I'lrst Nnt'l bank. 580
L1KN acre bloek In Henson for Male at an at
tractive prlco , lle'iibon A. Ciirnikhiiol.
7M 10
JJIRIOErthavo advuneed In AmoHplae'el")0.00
JL per lot. Present prices 11,050,11,159 , tlST > 0 ,
rplinbusteoiner on upper K.vrmm atroot ,
JU froi.tageon .1 streets ; uplcndld eorncr on
frirnnni street , close tocourtliou ea liargaln ;
orner with tracUa o In H. K. p irt of city :
; oodrcsldeiicosand loiv-prlcoci cottaRes , good
otH for tiulldlng , homo as low as (1W ) , Insldo
.eros , farms and unimproved land.
Wo will sell any of thin property , of which
O hive until n control , at prlcos way below
what you can Ituynt elsnvvhore.
StilngerA. Penny , Ilarker block , 15th and
am am. 1SS
errata , etc. iretiiiiof'jmt colunt'i
P RoFHiTT'E fEllSrTN ? . zither ,
guitar , voo.-U Instruction. Studio 505 bhcely
block. M 707 J5
B buyliu n piano o\amlno the now
I ocalu Klmball plunu. A.HospolM31)ougliii ) .
Gro. K.GnLLENHnOK.tenchurof thobaiijo
vvlth llospo , 1511 Douglas , 240
MISS H , J. Miles , cxpotleneod teachers of
voice cult me. pupil of Mnchuii K < lna Hull ,
lloston , JIass. Room mHrovvn Imllfllnir , cor.
Kit n and Douglas slreols J2J lJt )
' "orrnfci , ere. , fre fii | oftlrvt rotmmimi t/ifi inos.
"V\TANTKn DrcssmaKliig Inprlvuto family }
TT waxes JI. ' D a < luv. 12 jearn fXicrlenco } ,
lull 111-1. ) Lcaenwortli street or address Mrs ,
I. AlcArtor. 8IO-8 *
ENdAGr.MKNTS tododiesamnldni ; In fami
lies solicited. Misa bturdy'Uin H.irnoysU
318271)15 ) *
/"or rate * , etc , net fop of tint culuruu on l/id / DO , n
PATENT law * ers and solloltors.O.W. SUBS &
Co , Heo building. Omaha liranch ollloo at
Washington , 1) . ( J. Uonstilt.itlon frco. 5JJ
' * oi rate * , < te , , tie top vf first wluinn an f/il /
r ANAIfANcmnloymontolIIuc.il4VJ ) : 8.1.1th ,
v lho best place In Umalia to find helper Hit-
uutloiiH. iniilo or female. Tel. Srtl. .V > 'U.'J
Vorratcr , rtc. . ccr iriit nf trvt iil mH nil tliix
PnNSIO.NS The Olliunian Pension Ajrenoy ,
21 Kreiuer block. Infdrm.itlon frno 117
Forrnfw. ttc , , tec top of frst iwliuniimi Wita jwiu .
L A DIES and gent Icmen can rent ini qiior-
ude .suits at ijJ2 N. llitli St. JltlKTi *
For inter , ttc , trcttiv ot trsl toluinnon f/ili * nyt.
M IAbSAOE Madum Del/Icr. over CIO S llth
7JO Jl
K. nt' llioi-1iani/.Htli ) > ii.
During ; tlio mniitli of isovomlicr elm-tots
were ISsued to llfty-t\vo now local lubor
assemblies , nnd twunty-ono nssomblios weru
roorgnnl/cd and reinstated.
Tlio now assemblies are as follows ;
Minois , Coal Hill , Ark. ; cut ponton ,
Pueblo ; minors , etc. , Platoro , Col. ; steam-
flttcrs , nridgcport , Conn.j minors , I'otU *
town , Ccntralin , Gaivlllc , Sparta , 111. ;
clciks , iMunclc , Inil , ; iulnoMotcHiirhliotn ;
mixed , Davis , Indian territory ; clorka , Dav
enport , In. ; mixed , Coates , Kin. ; mlxol ,
Beattyvillo , Ky. ; mlxoJ. ( womoii ) , Now
Orleans , La. ; IcaUierworkors , Silotu , Muss , ;
laborers , Orvisbuiv , Miss. ; minors , cto ,
Worland , Mo. ; mixed , Ulair , Cuntral City ,
\Vlnsldo , Xob. ; fanners , AiiKiis.Ncb. ; house
wlremoii , New Yoik C'llj" electric light ,
wircmeii , Now Yoik City ; leather ,
woiuors , Brooklyn , N. Y. ; mixed , Kuveti
Siirin u , Sandy Run , Moss Nock ,
Grifton , Uuriict ; fnrtnoraVlllluins ( Juiir-
ter , Houers N. C. ; tailors , Cleveland ; mlxoJ ,
Marietta , O. ; salesmenOttawaOut. ; mixoil ,
Cnmas Viillov , Oio , ; minors , IllatidsburKh ,
Oannonsburf.'h , Pa. : mixed , Miller , S. JJ. ;
farmers , Hull her. Dennis Cbapfl , Mount
/Aon , S. II , , Cold Illllr tulxcd. Kent ; rnluors ,
Newcastlo. Wash. ; mixed , Wlmntaroa , To
Koporu. Cartorton , WoodvlUo , Otukl , Now
'Jho icor milzed and rolnstnted ussomblli'i
nro as follows : Laborers , Hay Mluotte , Ala ;
inlxeil , Krcahuatur , Oft. ; Jacksonville. Fla ;
'I'lijlopvlUo , 111 ; Warren , Inu. ; ICIk ViUloy ,
ICan. ; Ilolton , Midi , ; Scoping Wulor , Neb (
teamatora , Duluth , .Minn. ; clurUs , Uutto
( Jity , Mont. ; niintora , Novvara , N. J , ; box-
makers. Now Yorit city : stfuot-eiir moil (3) ( ) ,
Now York city ; clerks. Cohooa , N. Y , ;
mixed , Cincinnati. O. ; laborers , 1'lttsburg ,
Pu. ; surface railroad oinployea.l'lillinlflplila ,
Pa. ; clerks , Seattle , Wash. : inUod , Mllwau-
Iceo , Wli.j plumbon , etc. , Ottawa , Canada.
1002. Sfxtoonth and Farnntn etroota Is
the now Hock iHlund. ticket ollloo. Tick *
ols to all pointH oaat at lowest rutoa
Dr. Dlrnoy euros catarrh , Boo

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