Newspaper Page Text
. ' ' ' ' ' . . . - ) L 14 rIlE OMAhA DAILY DEE : SUNDAY , FEllRUA1tY 3 , 1895. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - - . SPBOIAL NOTIGH8. , AdyertlAements for Ihcoo ( 'oillmns'tIll ho F- - IIk"n nntll 11&130 : p. m. for the o1"lnllll Anll bntl 8 p. m. for the mornlnl Rnd ! UniIa7 . editon. Adnrlsfr ! . by re'neAlnl n nnmbered tlicck . en hA1O nnatlcru "ddrrA.oll to A numberd letter In c"ro of The lIen. Al- "weu so "dlreAAoll ,11 he dcl1ercd upon t rorntllon of the chrck onl" . Hatro , 3 1-20" word , nrt IliRertloll 10 R word " 1aoraftcr. Nolhln" % tikeii for IUI th"n 21c lor tlrt Iniettloi , , . L IrA Inocrlon. ij r 'hroe nd'crlsftents mllst tim consecu- . _ thel" _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ SITUATION WANTED. WANTlm , SITt'ATION flY A MABllm : IAN 4 a trnc1Ing aIetman or any other olmlnr Al Irnvelnl . lOSt1Ofl. M1dliPt U 12 , 1te. A-432 3 ? : 'II I . Iee- tCONO11C : , \ I. 10t'HIIOWIB : iniiitts : SIT- ( tiatlon In rr.Icl.III , \ 1IIwrr'l rAmlh' ; 1IACI , , where they II"I 1.IAn . Ilrerenrli. Atd U 41. li. I . . - :4I 3 I . :4 : W ANTED-mALB HELP. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ WANTIt-4. ¼ t14 AND TlAMi4 TO Hm.l. . our feel - , MtN . Salary $ i. In $ OO pcr moih accoriling 10 abilily. The LIIChfhhl Mr" Co. . . Accrlnl . City . Iowa. H-Mt.i2i' - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - WANTrAZ A OOOD SOLICITOR AS mSTICT t . WANTnJ. a IclAlle rrnlcll.1 order. comblnlnl sate nn,1pulAr , nil , . len.yenr endowment . In.umnc" \pulAr nnd lOAn reotUte . ; nn I : ' excptlonnl bulhlnK . right party.td1reM . exeeplonnl orer : . . 1' . O. olnUn/ ng' . .xll.tlenep and referelCCL 1. . / , L bx 3 . Ichlonll , Vn. U-:13 ) 3. - WANT 1m. 1tfliil'0flStIll.V : S.'CCIALTHAI , . . . 1ia on tin- " 3tIIipofl Comrn mnn for w..tcrn 11\1 ( Ih. 8tlnp.on .m. . " . 10 rlht man , xcIueIVe tetrto put nt inlci" : I xeulve tll y : ( ' . A. i4nttcrtInvii1t' . .lAle ngent . 1 : ) I'a.l : . ; \Vnlnttt street I , ) ' Motfle , In. B-M414. . VANT1t TIAVI'I.nW MIN TO HI I.l. Wit. - bur' . 81.1 leAI anti olher horoe 1eeInItlet n8 " n 81le line .1 otIler\vlte. Wilbur 8.,1 : teal ( - Co. . Mlwnul < ee. 1-:199 8' J1N ANt ) WOmN TO WORK AT1tOM1. I : . I . I llY $8 to $ ) r 1er I wr ! , for 1.klnl , crayon ir- Unlt : new pAlenl.t 0.1".1 : any one \ ItO enn home In road or wrIte ran 110 the work nt M'nre " ' wrll . ) ' or evening. Hen,1 , for PaFtICU' ! ' ILI1 oplre worl nt once. Ii , A. Orl'I' ' ' , German ' ' . ArtIst . Arlot , 'r'n1e. In. WANTI D. SAI.IHmN , SAI.ABY Ol COI. mIpmIon to Inlr.lue" our 10018 to the tlnde : plrmanenl tsItton : . tnpie line : plenMl1 wOlk. A'lIIn'mM . With stomp , King Mfg Co. , C 41 , . , CIilcnjo. . 1 BAt.iHMtI WANTl1) 15.0 A DAY. NO SAI.IH ' IN or eniictIofl. Costly OUti trec. Jlcle line or ecIi1tie. AdMeKs Manufactuiets . Hile Ino . , . 391 Market _ _ excusl\ , _ _ . _ . I'a . _ _ _ B SAI.ISIAN WANTlm TO Sf1.1- : ! TIm IAII DIRIIVnther 10 time" nnt retll trade. \'aehes 1,1 .lleK thc , IIBIICS In two minutes without vctiing the fingeim' . i75 n week Anll nit t e'I.n" vlhout . . wellnl posllnn Inlll : ni hlnl WOI ( ; can moko $ IO ) n week . AiIdre'ms 'V.I. lalrlson & $01 - Co. . Clerk No II , Ciumimus . . OhIo. . 21IIN TO SIt.t ! . BAKINO POWD B TO TI grocery tradl : sh'I'elploj'mlnt : experience unnecessary ; $73 10nthly .alory antI expenoes or coot. If offer sntismtctory 1IIIh es. II once COO. I .f.r stsractor with lnrtictiiara concerning ) 'ourse1. U. H. Chemical \S'othe . Chlcngo. 13-4383' . W ANTI : MIN : TO DSTIIUTJ cmcu- lars : $6.0 l'eI 1,0 : 10.000 per month gUAln- teed ; oln.l five references nnl , 10 cent stamp. l'arnmeiee Library Co. . Des Mulnes , lA. 13-431 3' ' $5.00 PEn 1,000 FOB DSTlnUTIO cmcu- $5.0 1.0 , Inrs : encioso 4 ceflt8. N. Y. Adv. Ass'n New York CI encoso . 13-433 3' VANTF1) A COMlgTI NT TnA\I I.INO MAN , acquaInted with tiu' grocery lrde , 10 handle atone wale as n Ride lIne In Nlhrsk' : good : references rqulrcd ; nome lerrlor ! Address Des Moines Stoneware Agency Des Moines , la. . - Il-Mill 5' ooiuitt'itt'NTFD IN lANK : SA1.AUY $60.0 "er monlh : nlso nssl.tnnl cashier nod vie IJr.sldenl. Address L. lox 22 , Milwauhee ! . . . ' ' . 11-416 3. STBNOG HAT' ! 111t5. IIOOKFEFt'EItS . SALtS- men and teachers tps"il/ I"sltons , In Texas t ' are Invited 10 addre.s The Texas llusinees Iiureau , 3.V. . ludnal , proprietor , Deltas. Tex ' U-H3 3' , MAN EVEUY TOWNShIP . TO ISTHIUTE r lllvertAlng and mnnnge olee : gUOl pay : enclose . 4 centS stomps for particuints. Detroit Gnlvnn- . Izing and Sheet Metal Works , Detioit. Mich. . ' : - U-UO .3. ; WANTII ) . SAI.lSIAN FOn CALIFORNIA wines : $0.0 per month nod expenses with chance for advance : commissIon It preferred : . m- no experience requirell. Address . enclosing . , i five stnmps. W. A. Vanllercok Co. . San 1.'rnn. : ' ' ciscO , Cal. B-t09 3' t Al.l SIN. S.\.AlY OI COMMISSION . FOR . " : : leW "Iecnly. to merchants : Immense " . , CbS ; Unusual opportmfnlty. . Merchant Economy Co. . 8 : Van Iuren street , ChIcago. . r , V - 11-408 3. , AL1iHMAN . ATlmTINI ! NF".V : HIGH Cr.ASS ; novely : sells nt sigh : retails II 35 cents : ' sample In Plush case. 15 cents , postpaid. Unique Novelty Co. . Omaha . Neb. D-t01 3. SAI.mMEN : INDUCEM1NTS EXTnAOnD- . l nary : to live man 10 Introduce special brads t , 01 elgnrs wIth our new original Id\'erlslnl _ _ _ ; ; . schenl' ; no charge for .amples. Marvel Advertising - . , . vertsing Co. , 362 Canal street N. Y. . v ( 83-462 3' , . WANTI' SALeSMEN : AIJILITY . NOT EXperIence - : perIence rulred. . . + ' 1 LIve men pall ( big money sellIng our $4.00 pants t made t meAsur : full pat tculars on requ < l. e Address the mol ( rs ot more pAnts 10 measure , . than any tailoring establishment In America , 1.'nulles" Custom Ilnls Co. . Chicago Ii-M461 . Ili. 8. . m SAL'SMEN TO SRLL Olin OOODS BY SAM- , . ' pie to the whole6" amid retail trade : sell o sllM 10 every business man 0" Irm : liberal salary and expenses 1,1,1 : posilon permanent. , For terms address , wIth tamp , Centennial . s Mrg. Co. . MII'nulI. ntt WIs. 11-463 3' : WANTED A HEmSTEm D DHUO CLERK , , c address 0 39 , H.e 051CC. H-90.3 k \'ANTED-FEMALE HELP. 1 LAnmH WANTING FIRST CLASS 0 ILS ; cal at Scandinavian Y. W. imome 1813 Cast. . . ' : , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ C-M652.7. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ , LADES , 1' YOU WISI EMPLOYMENT AT . your home sen,1 self-addressed envelope tor . our descriptive cIrcular and commence work . . , at once ; goo wages Iald Time Alfred J.nllng ; . . Co. , Winthrop Mass. C-M26 3. , 'WANTED-A FIRST CLASS LAUNDBESS. 10:6 Oeorlla avenue. GM23 t WANT A I.\ny PIANIST FOR A I.'mST- . el'mss comedy Co. ; atAto age , height , color or ! hair eyes and send photo : leng season It . tuited. Charle lonar , l'I.te City , Neb. ; i : . C-M3SI 3. , , : LADY STENOOBAlllm ; ONE Who CAN AS- c sIst In keeping books ; state experIence ant ; salary wonted. Address In handwriting , 0 33. Y lIce 0111cc. c813' ; .WU.L PAY LADiES A SALARY OF $0 PElt r ss'ctlC to work for me In their locality UI home : : light work : good PAY for part time. Address t wIth etnmp 11 s. E. E. Iiario'tt . suite 901. Mart . - t slnl Field & Co. bhlg. . Chicago . C-433 3. ; aOOD 01. FOR GENEI1AL IIOUHIIVORK. - G8 South 36th Street Mrs. C. E. liedweil. , . C-MI2 6. : . LAUY TO WORK 1'01 Mn AT hOME : $5.0 wcellly : no canvassing : semI stamp. National ' Co. , 631 16th street , Denver . Colo. C ANY r.ADY CAN MAII $18VEI3KLY WOi1K- I In ! ror us quietly nt homo ; positIon permanent : . snil If you can 81"1" only IWO hOUl1 per day . don'l ( nil to In\sll:1Ie : reply wlh slampell I envl'lup. 'oman's Mutual lenel Co. , Jox 2 , 1. 201et. Iii. C-H5 3. LAIIEIOVAN'ri1l ) , TO Wll' AND DO light work at home : $ ll weelll : no canvassing ; , . lend slump. Mta. . E. $5 . Mercer , Toledo. O. _ _ _ C-4H 3' LADhIHVIS1IINQ TO fH'Cl'lm : STEADY home worll , $ G.o to 18.0 weelll , call 61 N. . . 18 , .ireet . C-Itt 3. [ WANTED : A NAT GlilL TO TA1CD CAl' } 0' 4 chlhl 2\ yeats "II nml assist In second voik . - sewing and waiting table 11 $ . . wlltnl 01 lG S. 3M - Avl. 4 r' WANTED , A noon IU8INIHS I.A1Y , NOT , too young for \osllon. . here good tact nn.1 . jUtglCl1 II necesKun' : It sUllble , Iloliton wi bo made Irlltaflent , ; faIr lay ' 10 start. Apply , afier block 10 J \erllnell \ . ) . ' 1. Marshall , 1 C-456 Creighlon 3' , y * WAN'rEn.0 STIIN'r NUUmS AT W. C. I A. 10flIul , CouncIl liluffs . C-M4.9 9 , - roR RENT-HOUSES. , , t HOUSES . I" . . UAI.IO , DA1 , n DLOce. D30 I JOUS S IN AI.I. 1'AnTH OF TilE CITY. TIlE , I'AIT : TI CIfY. TiE , _ O. 1' , Davis 'mlany. 1505 Farnain. U-3 JOUIES ; IJL'NAWA & CO. . IUS N. 3T1I ST. 13-310 D-l : 1'1 m'NT-HOUSI' 01" 9 ROOMS AND IJAIIN , UAIN "I Park ave. Inquire at 42 So 15th st. - U-3 ' } 'Oll Rl'35T-3101J8l3 NINE 100Mf : FUn- nance. \nlh. etc. . 01 3d ! end Fsvimam. U7.0 ; " 1110 cheal houses , $3.0 und $0.0 different c 1'lrls elt ) . Dexter I. 'homas , 431 lice buIlding. . 13-313 . 1.-1 3t13NT-6.ltOoM CTTAm : . IN OOOD 1- ; p . lri cIty 'v&ttCr. $00 per momh 10 good Ier 10.1 pan PI. 1 N. 31h. 1 block front l'ar.'nm . car line. Inllulro II Slocl&.I'1 olovo str0 le.1 10 VOllo/tcl. / U-13 - - - - - - .nOOr lIOlr.N 10US } . 1'1"1' : MINUTES , wnlk front court hOu. . "acnl December 11th. - a. I. Oh'In. rol , 23 , llalker block. D-31 , . YOn JIENT--I100M CO''Aa 1 ! 1100- Nn conveniences 213 CalifornIa It. Milton , . : T Itegeri & lion. 14th antI Farnani. Dm t UOUjCH WALL.ACI3,1IIIOWN UI.le , IG & Doug. 13 . - . ' , , - rOR 1tNT-HOU3Ea .OR RENT-H0t3EB ContInued. 1.1 RENT-1413 CAPITOL AVENUE . I r'ms . momlerm The O. 1' . Un"II company. rmo. I-796 FOR ttNT- MOlmlN 10.100M hOUSE WITH furnace . bath gas , hot nnrl coh water ; one- halt ' block from I'nmnm Street motor lIps ; In most , lellrnl.lo residence locality In the city- No. 22' ) South : lh ate . 1.'or I'nllcuIAI apply to Homo Investment Co. . 34 'nxlon 1,1k. U-M8iD FINE 7.I100M COlNlm pr.AT AT 701 S. IGU 7.H001 , treet . range and , all other conveniences . $3.0. George douser room 2 l'itttetson blk. , 162 r'-nrOm street . . I-:19J ONE Oil TWO 10t81S FOB RENT NO. IDI2 Georgia avenue , IS roms In each Imomlse wilt 11 modern Impenvemnentu. J. M. SImsral 3 - Uee . - bldg. 1262.4 8.100 : ROUSE . SIOITLY 1A\J : STlm&T , lath . closet mettle \\ush pianO . porela n lAundry tutt , furnace , etc. . reduced from $ I .r tn $ : .0 per mo. U. Il. Inr.ler & Co. . lee 1110g. U-M37 3 - - - Fn--I NT. S.nOOM COTTAUI7. on.- ETII and l.'nnnm SI. Mien Hoacr & Soiu . U- 13 FOl ItENT . 5.100M 10tSI . 109 SOUTh 28'1 elteet $ OJ. Small colored family prlflnell. 1njlnl , 33 Barker block 1 IZn-8' leOn I.NT. : J.l O.NT 1.HOO:1 11Ci'SII : ATL Inolem Improvements . except turnoc" 2217 Cats sIre"t U-MHI 6 FOIl I.XT. 1.lmANT FINlfIm $ .1tt ) : t house ; all modern ImproveOent . No. 400 N. 2,1 stiect. n- IHI 5 6.IOOM COT.On. 836 SOUTH lIST STREET. . . D-IN 5' FOR RENT-FURNISHED ROOMS. 11.IA8.N' 10 : . 1919 1301)013. -M2iO THl.t : LABOE SIANISOMELY FUINISII.D : front roomo , with nil convenloncei. Choice 10' cation. Apply al 219 larney II. _ _ _ _ _ F3-m07-4' FUnNISm : IOOS FOB 1.11' JOtS - keepng ! . 1919 Dohitc. E-M2TO lii1A11Li3 lmNlsHm 310035 11 ST. i DrSlt , _ MAry's . : : . Ate. E-2S2 4' FOR htlNr-STIAM JEATED l'UINISI- rooms. bol So 1th I-29t.2 l'URNISIII3I ) nOOMS FOR (11ONTLRMI3N Oil J'UBNISlmn 01 Imomisekeeping C North 17th. E-M3i6 roll RENT-TWO NICELY I-UBNISlmD front rooms. heat and balh. 1817 l.env- enworth sl. . flat 8. ' 1 < 02-3' 3 FUnNISlmO noels Foil llOtSI7IClIl4I'ING , I0tSEImWINO man & wife : rent taken In board. 31 N. lith. 35-403 I,03 A StJCCISI4SFUL 1SII ! SS MAN OFFISI1S men and hors I chance to make front $25.0 10 $5.0 per , meek ; 0 jell opportunity It you lIe Ire tn mAke money : Write for particulars : Eastak" Mfg. Co. , Dell U. State nod A.IAms . streets ChIcago. 13-413 3' } 'UINISm- BOOM FOR HFN : ALSO WO suiiaile for lIght hOls.'keepln . Call Jndny sullhle lght ! CAl or l1er 6 p. m. 712 N. 2th St. 15.014' FUhNISHED ROOMS AND B' ARD. . . NICE WABM 100:8. WITh 0000 DOAID ; rates reasonAble : modern conveniences. The Rome . 220 I Arej' . F-M542-F3' NICELY FUINIS1ED nOOMS AND DOABD. lC12 N. 19th Itreet. F-M5U.F3. FUINISIED ROOMS AND HOARD 212 SOUTI 25th st. I F-M215 FOB RENT NEATLY FUBNIS1g\ SOUTH front room. with board. :19 CaUfornla F-M2i5 street. 4' DISIAD.E ROOM FOB TWO. WITH UOABD. 210 Dodge Sireet. F-hG-I' FRONT ALCOVE ROOM . NICELY FElt- nlshed , wIth board. The Albany . . 2101 Douglas street. F-M304 3 ChICAGO ST. . 1812. HANDSOME SOUTH front rooms single or ensulte. Location un- surpassed. Meals , optional. Telephone ' - 13S0. . 1'-3866. TlmCF 1..FOANT BOOMS IN 1ANDSOMn prIvate residence : excellent Inbl : steam : tele- phone etc ; central and very rensonAhle. 202 . North 13th Blret. 1'-123 3. , NEATLY FURNIShED . STEAM JEATJD room . and , boar . ror one or Iwo gentlemen. $20 per month ench. 701 South 2ith strect . . 1-t3 3. VERY PLEASANT SOUTh ! ROOM AND board : sulahl" for one or two ; good 10"011) ' . 21 Doucla& F-423 3. NICELY 1'-UIN1S1ED SOUTH ROOM WITH alcove bedroom : modern convenIences ; bard It destred . 204 De street. - 3' FOR ItENT . IN pBIVATE FAMILY TWO pleaBnnt rooms . furnished or unrurlshed. wither wih or without board. (6 S. . 2Hh a'enue. F-U6 3' UNFURNISHED ROOMS TO RENT. VERY LARGE FRONT ROOM . UNFUR. fished . with heat and light : good table The Albany 2101 Uouglos. 0-M303 3 BOARDING . 6 MORE BOARDERS CAN DE ACCOMMO- dated al The Vletorln. 138 and 1310 DOge street. I applIcatIon Is made at once. Steam heat and e\'erthlnl modern : Iwo nice suItes for man and wHe : rates 10 suIt the times. D. C. Crawl . proprlelor. 11-417 3. FOR RENT-STORES AND OFFICES FOIl RENT-TIlE 4-STOBY BRICK BUILDING 916 I'urnam street. ThIs building has a lire. lre- proof cement basement complete steam heat- log fixtures , water on all Ioors , gas . elc. Ap- ply al the Ifee ot TheUee. 1-910 TiE MAX MEYEH BUILDING. N. E. COB. 1th and Fnrnam : rooms 22xo or 44x100 . or time whole buIldIng : steam heat electric dc- valor : building wIll be arranged 10 suIt ten- _ ant. Inquire 1018 Flram street. I-h.t305F28 AGENTS WANTED. SALESMEN OB AGENTS MAKE MONEY ! , easy selling suits 10 order $3.5. pants $3 , shirts $ mlednoshes ! $ : . hunter Tailoring Co. . Cin- cinnati , O. .l-3Itt61Fl4' AGENTS IN DVrmy STATE ON SALARY AND comnmisaion. Agents making $25 10 $ i weeilly. Eur.lla Chemical & Mtg. Co. , La Crommie Wis. J-M318 AOW'S WANTED . : NO HAID TIMES ; aluminum noveltIes ; buy direct : 20 per cent profit : secure territory : sample In velvet lined case starts you ; sent return math for hOc AlumInum Novelty Co. . 35 Iroldwa ) ' . N. J- Y. LADY AGENTS : HUmmB UNDISRGAR- meat : quick sales : big proUs : catalogue tree. Mrs. N. Ii. Little Mtg. Co. . Chicago , Ill. J- WANTED , LADY AGENTS TO SiILIj THE best weal'lnl and best selling corset on earth : the H ) ' "ln. Fur pnrleulnls write the 'Vestern ! Corset Co. . St. I.ouls. Mo. J ! WHY UO l'EOII.1 COMPLAIN OF hARD times , when any womno or man cnn make from $5 lu $10 a day easIly. All have health lt time W''llelrul success or . time ClImax Dish Washer : yet many are apt to think they cnn'l make IOIJY sellIng I : but anyone cnn nudes lone ) ' , because every family wants one One agent has nl"le $478.30 In time last three months . after inylng ' all expenses nnd attending 10 cog- Irlr 1'lylnS al "pens.s nnt ItNldlnl rg- ular business besiles. You Ilon'l hAh can- vast : lS lon as peollle know you have II for sAle they send , for a Dish Waslmer. Admires the Clmnx Mtg Co. . (5 Stlf Ave. . Columbus Ohio , for lnrUcullrl J - - AGENTS H.NDr. ALUMINUM OOODS AND waite ! money ; sales quIck ; 11"fls huge : send Ito tor sample ' . In plush lox : Illustrated elrcu- mrs free. Novelty Intodueton , Co. . 2)3 State Street , Chlengo. , J AGENTS W.N'I : EVIYWIUmE : ; 3 I'Oi $ .5 10 every customer : agents actually earning $5 to $0 dully ; new plan maIling experience and investment unneCI's.nry.dlr. . . . . with slulp Modern Pub. Co. . E0 Motion Ilidg . Chi- cnKo . Ill . . cng. 3-430 3' AGENTS AND SALESMEN W\NTI TO SELL cigars 10 d."le. : $5 per month Bnllr ) ' and exlmenses pal ; sample outfit free : replY with 2 Cent stamp. SterlIng CIgar Co. , ChICS - ' Ill 3' , WAN1'ED. AGENTS : , 1'XCI.USIVn : FOIL : IHEY gas burner : see Illustrated 1.1\.rtsement . In thIs paper A. O. Idorcy . In Grange , Ill. , the Inventor , palenlee and lanuClclurer.Jt18 J-t18 3. MJISNTS . wr IJAVIS THE IIEST SELLING Irlce on the contInent ; * .60 to $ .00 per day can bo mAllo supplying f'gulur Custom with our flavoring powders perfumes nnt .oal" Ad- - dress ConJldale < I'erfume Co. . Ch 1.1 J-l 11. 3' WAN''ED-TO RENT WANTl D. ROOMS AND IO\ID hIT LADY ; north part city I'referred ; references . Address o . lice . IC-Mall 3. . .2.LT' lee. t-138Z STORA GE. lEST STORAGE IUI.nIO IN OMAHA , U. S. gov . bonded warehouse 10Ulehold goods stored Lowest rales. 10131015 Leavenworth . Id-3D STORAGE. ' FRANK IIWISI1S ! i IAr - JEY. - WAN''ED3 SECONI ) HAND UI'ltlGIlT pIanos ; please state prIce make and where I can bo seen , II , U. Scot , reel 430 HlmS block. N-3Z - - - - - - - - - - WANTED-TO , BUY. CITY & C , AIAN'fa. 1'IllCIlAllllll N-El I''M WANTED A OOOD SISCONI-1IANI ) BTIS1SL ( 'okln. tange . Must b Iii good condItion . I'leasu state price Adlrl' 0 4 . 11e olc" . . I N-M:31 3. WANTED TO BUY O ! RISE ? 40 TO SO ACHIS nrr ely I possible ; 1101 land prerll rell. See Spencer . ltl I'arnal. N-51450 4 - - - - W'ANTIID . A OOODl"csu w. Al'l'LY 118 X' - AWL\ FOR SALE- .HORS , AGONBETO. FAMILY JOBfH J.UN S ANI I'JArTON1 $1.0. and hou8ehold goods ot 6 rnom . . { 1 V half Hownrl ! I'-M127 6. FOR SALE-ML \ELL.NEOUS. \ . WEON l'IANOS , lIDOEPOIT QILCIANS. Wobridge Bto . . 11 So. 37th. Q-z 100 AND CICKEN FENCE : lAUD WOOO pl ke8. C. n. I.e. 9 Douglas. Q- STEAM I'I JOln l'OI SALE . IN CITY at 20,009 Iopulnton. with all mlMlen improvements - ments : 101 trade ; will be told eheap Atdrel8 O. 1' . \umpIer. Ichmond , Indiana , Q-I2 3' . .01 SALE . A 1 IRI 01A1H JEI- oey cow for $ z.0. . N"II Ilonderson . or Mrs. 1ugh O. CIJrk , Florence . Neb. Q-M4l I SAT.l3rllISAl'l'IIOISNIX UC\Cr.E. INquire . - quire 21 Rlrely Ilock. Q-IH 4. CLA1ftVOANTi . 11 : DR. H. WAIlN , CLAIRVOYANT . UF- liable business medium : jth year nl 1 N. 16th. 8-32 TUH.lSH BATHI3. LADms TUmUSI AND L'h.TSCTItIC HAT1 ! complexion trealmnelit luII development . manicure - cure nod chIropodist. Mme. rest , 313 ½ South 15th street U TUtCSI HATHS : o'r.y pt.ACr I CITY exclusively for ladles. Suite IO.I Uel blIg. 3 M. SSAGE . . BATHS. . ET ( ' . ADAM SMITh , 502 H. 13TH , 2D FLOOI1. ROOM 3 ; m"SAjC. vapor . alcohol : , sleam. sUlphurlne nnll sen baths. T-M461 g. MADAM LAItUIS . MASSAGE , (16 S. 15Th ! . T-M65-F8' MASSAGE , MADAME IIISI1NA lID . . 1421 T-M306-l3' 1)01)013. . T-M36.13. PERSONAL. 1911. ' 1' . W. STONE , 810 N. Y. I.WI. TEl. . 6H. . U--2 TIlE 11151.1.15 EllMlLY CORSET . MADE TO order ( roam measure. 19U I.'urnam stree.U32 U-32 MASSAGE . ISLIICTI1O TIl ISRMAL IIATIIS . TII.M.I. IATIS. chirpodist. Mine. l'ost 319\i \ S. st. sli 330 SKATES GROUND . hOLLOW OI 1LAIN. AT A. I. . Undeland's . . Uutlland's , 10 8. 1th street U-31 11. IIASS FLOmST. PLANTS CUT Fr.OW- cr5. Inn'uet. I\I. re.ltenc. amid grave 11ecorn- tons II3 VInton street . Telephone 7i6U-G3 VIA VI CO. . 316 1 M 111,130. : HI A.TH nOOK IreI ; home treatment : lady n\endAnl. U-3l A. RUDY IAIKEB BLOCK PRIVATE teacher Common and high school brunclmes . Also Oerman. Students prepared tor exatnina- ( Ion. U- 9.3. SWE1HI MOVEMENT CTE FOB LADIES 1816 Chicago street : consultation . facial nlHI consulaton. sclenllo obesIty ) ' treatment tree Mondays . Feb. . . U-M3O2'lS' U-:13Q2.12. NIWI.Y FITTED BATH h'AIlLORS. Turkish and electric baths lor ladles and gentle- men. Madam howell , 320 S. 151h street U-M400 2 < for. 11. 1\DI S' TRY HEMMAN'S I'ENNYItOYAL TiHEMMAN'S pENNylOYAL and Tansy pIlls ; never fall : always sure ; sealed $1.0. Ii. Stevens & lustavus 59 State street Cimicago U- ATTENTION LADIES ! EMMA BUST D15'15L- oper will enl"rgeour bust 6 Inche. Gun.r- anteed. Senlo,1 , instructIons Ic. or 21 pale ii- IU8tltl1 catalogue 6e. by math. Emma Toilet Dozr , Boston . : ASS. U I.ADnS. DB. YOlEr.LS Fm NCJ l'EMALl I'Ilis novi- fall : safe and sure : sealed . U. Particulars - teulnr 4c. "n" Aurum MedIcine Co. . 65 State R. . ChicAgo , Ill. U- 1IAIIIAO 1'.Pl51t. WITH 1.0 ADVgBTISI.- menls anti , photos of marrIageable IeOtmle ninny rIch : lIsts ot books . 10\'elles. etc. . free. Oln- ads' Monthly , Toledo. Ohio. U-M430 M2' ALL KINDS OF NI \SPAPEB CLth'I'INIS wnnted : also list . ! t addresses tor advertIsers : cash loud ; enclose sllll' , Ad\'erlslnl HUlenl. : . 10 W. 21h. N. Y. CI ) ' . U- WANTED-MONEY EASILY MADE BY SUC- clssrul speculation In wh.nt. stocks and pro- visions : guide containIng valuable Information mailed tre" HemmllSwa ) ' . Bird & Co. , nlolo , bldg. , Chicago. U-t21 3. "GUIDE TO SUCCESSFUL SPECII\TION : " how 10 trade on lImIted mOI'gln on grin and . stock markets ; mailed tree. Conies & Co. . Halo bldg. . Chleago. JIl. U-412 3' SYPHILIS TI1ISATISD : NO CURlS. NO PAY : cases taken o payments ; consultatIon ( ree . 8 : ' to 10.n m. . 1 to 3 and 7 to 9 p. m. DOS N. 2Hh . Street. near ComIng . Omaha . U-U 3. ' MONEY TO LOAN"REAL ESTATE. . ANTHONY LOAN & TRUST CO. . 318 N.Y. LIFE loans al low rates for choice security In Nebraska . brasko and Iowa tars or Omaha city property . W-33 LIFE INSURANCE POLICIES LOANED ON or boughl. F. O. Chesney . Kansns CIty Mo. W-33 MONEY TO LOAN ON IMPROVED OMAHA real estate Brennan Love & Co. . Paxton bl < . W-335 MONEY TO LOAN AT LOWEST RATES. TIlE O. F. Davis Co. . 155 Fnrnnm st W-3h6 VERY LOW BATES MADE ON OOOD LOANS. J. W. Squire 28 Bee bldg. W-337 CITY LOANS. C. A. STAHH , 515 N. Y. LIFE. W-33 CIT AND FARM LOANS AT LOWEST rates. Pusey & Thomas FIrst Nal'l Hk. bldg. . W-39 MONEY TO LOAN ON IMPnOVED OMAHA property. Fidelity Trust company li02 Farimam. . W-340 - LOANS ON IMPROVED & UNIMPROVED CITY property. W Fnra Smith & Co. , 132U Farnam. . W-l MONEY TO LOAN ON OMAHA HEAl. ESTATE at G per cenl. W. D. Melkie lit Nal. bank bid. W -2 CITY LOANS-bOO.O0 TO $0.00.0 AT LOWEST mtes I'owel & Potter . Is1 leer N. Y. W-M374 L. Bldg. WANTED AT ONCE APPLICATIONS FOIl A No. 1 loans on Improved city property for special ( und : owners onlY please apply Fl- dely Trust company. 1702 I'arnam St. IV-M379 10 - MONEY TO LOAN-CHATTELS. MONEY TO LOAN ON l'UHNITUIE. PIANOS and all kinds at security. Fred Terry . room { 3 Jamge block. X-343 MONEY TO LOAN ON IIOTJS1SIIOL.I ) FUnNI- ture. pianos. horses. wagons , or any kind at Lhatel seclrlty 01 lowest possible rates , which you can pay back nl any tIme and In any amount. FIDELiTY LOAN OUAIAN'fEE CO. , Ioom 4 . Wllbnel bloell. X-3H J. H. HADDOCK , HOOM 427 JAMOE U.oCe. : MONEY TO LOAN ON FURNITURE . PIANOS. horses , wagons , etc. . al lowest mates In cay : no removal ot goods : strIctly conldenlal : you cnn pay tIme loan off ul any time or In any' amount. aont.OMAHA MOlTOAOE LOAN CO. . 106. S. IGII slr"et. X31G - BUSINESS CHANOES. Foil SALE A CLEAN STOCK 0' DI1UGS. For partIculars address p. O. box 181. Mcmx . Neb. Y-MI03 3. " ! SE. CXCHANO S. H. A. WAONI OMAhA Y- : 261. l' ' ATTENTION-SALOON KEISI'ISRS AND 111113W. or , . A gol1en oppomtunlty. For rent , saloon ' built especially for the purpose occupied for : lust 4 'ears. A 1 Bland ; best business block cIty ot Omahn. Patronized hy Irt.cloES trade only . le'Iolslble party onlY can obtain low rent unll Ion/ lease Address A. Mamtln . 1613 Farnam 51 . O'nuhl. Neb . .Y-387.3 Sl' : CU.ATINI I WII . Tlml TOIl HAVE EVER .lwcul"te.l "r nol. you wIll Ind something of great Interest 10 yoU In our new pamphllt. 1 tells how 10 mnke loneY qIlcl < Y In stocks , bondt < c. , anti Is sent free upon request. Richardson & Company , 10 Wall streel. New York , Y-t2 3. IH.MONICO I0TEr. . SOuTh OMAII/t. ' 10 lP old II sherIff sale February 5. 1895 ; Is worth $20,000.00 , but many brIng $5.0.QO. 'ralo Y- notcl. ST.\UnANT I'OI SAI.N ; FINEST . I.OCA- lon ; elegant fixtures : tine Irate ; easy t"rms. . Address U 46 , lice . -(55 3. IUHINNHS OII'OI'UNIT\ A VOtiNG man of means un opportunIty II offered 10 Imur- chase In old estlbllhell wholesle business now the properly ot an estale. Address Mr. John Townley , 18 Iroadway , New York. Y-M457 4' A NI-T. CLEAN STOCK OIC DIUOH IN A iaci , hills town , inventory $600 ; won 8W ) cash , balance tIme. In payments not 10 exceed one year ; elegant 1IacI for 0 young man : can 1111 $ .50 front above stock her 'ear. Ad. dress 0 n. lIce . Y-M159 6' FOR EXOHANGE. 'TO EXCIIANGB. 1.01 OOOD l'A11 LANDS II actual value In eastern Neb or welter Iowa , Ilok ( f general merchandise. Invoice 13,500.00 10 U.o.o. and store buildIng'iil assume somalI Incumbrlnc" or pay dlrfemence In cash. Addless A. W. Clarke , l'aplllion. hOeb. Z- ' 19G FOil EXCUANO 1"OI 1m . 160 ACRES 0" land wlh good house , halt mile ( roam High school l'ulllng. < In one ot the most Imporlant railroad dh'I."nl In northern N.'h. : Ihops wIll "e 'nlarKc,1 this sprIng Address lox 62. AI hence. Nob. Z-M2 5.5. I'OI SAI.E 01 DXCIANO 1.'OI COUNTRY Plintng oltlt , llmmee ( hole rc.llence lots In Ilmmsiings . Neb. : In county seat town l'reerre < . .ddress . J.k 10x 13 , I'aplion. Nebi-G 3. , - FOR EXOHANGE. _ -3 t CniHt : . - - P11O1'EItTT 1'1 11SI. LA.WAONl5ltOmnha. . ' : . . 7. : . .I'Z WANTED . GOOD IQ { on NmmASIA larm ; , .1 exchange ifinn lot nn.l cottage In OmAhn And two goo.Lvnnnt kits. Ole ,1- scriptlon anti , j n lan7.Vrlte soon. Address . dress rom 16 , hlartford-bullding , ChlcAjo. Ill. . . J. . .t I 7.i05. WI' IIAVII IOWA AND h-7ASTI-7ltN NEbraska : . Ilnll 10 exchl"t tar n Mock ot mor- chnndlo : also emmstommm-A nil lines of mer- chnl.I.I. Nat'l 1nfvpuiIon ant ! . : xchnnj Co. . Onmalma Net Intytllon 7.133. ' l'OI SALE 01 EXCIIANQlJ-An excellent range of 1.712 Acres with artesian wells . wIndmills , . lakes and hrnncheo In Ilalley aSS l.mb eoun- ! nnt nley . ties . Texas . title dlt.tt0 , state . will sell or { xehnnle one-feurtlm.soie-.1mnlf or the entIre tract ; very . de.lrnhlr , lo lon for town.lel In each ( olnt ) : also 20 10\1 farms for Fall : n lot nr d.slmbll city prolrt1s' lln ' Omaha Chicago and ElgIn , Ill . , pop / ( CalIfornia . Always ready 10 mAke n sale or.exchnnK" F' . I Slltz . solo agent . 213 t3o. 13th street . OmahA.7.M3 Z-Mhtth.4 . VOlt HALlS Oil I XCIANO , TJnt BUS- ness lotIon MaIn street with buIldIngs , Ad' dress A. L. Irst. Shennndoah , In.55MIll In.ZM375 jO IXCUAN0 l-mST.r.ARS DENTISTRY FOR window lettering antI electric motor. ( 7.0 44. lice 3. . $21,000.00 STOCK OF lIllY 0001)5 CI.OTILINCI CI.T1NO $2.0.0 01 niOOODS. I.KII' and slices mint , ! lotlons tor cash . In,1 , "I . . . Z-MUZ G rsll Address ( : \ee. - FOR BALE-RA ESTATE. BARGAINS . I0tRI S. LOTS AND l'AIMS. sale or trude. F. K. Darling . \Arker block 111-7-417 EXChANGES AND SALES : CITY I'ROl'ISRTV , farms inerclmatmdlse. OArin lires. , 210 N. Y. Life. 1115-Its COTTAGE 6 ROOMS . 10' 5x128 , ON ThlhithiS : car lines. $ ,30.0 ; $5.0 cash and $5.0 per monlh. Lot II show Il to ) 'OU. It. 10. Cole Co. . lOG N. 15lh. RIiM289 3 DABOA1NR : SAI.I on TnAn IN CITY P1101'- erles and larms. John N lcrenzer . OpIJ. - P. O. Im-M8 LISTBAI1GAINS tN LANDS WITH CABBOLL M. DAJOAINS . . . LNDS N. Y. 1.11. OmAhA. leer JE-8G.FI7 FINn OABD N LAND II Ott ! . FROM 1' . 0. , - $0 per mmccc. 910 N. Y. L. bIdiS IF.9S4 IO BAIWAIN IN 20 ACRES AnJ0NINO NEW state air grounds I taken at onco. Inquire 216 FIrst National hank bldg. n72G FINE FULL . SrGHTLY COItNER N. W. . cost $80.0 recently. $ 0.0 cnsh buys 1. Pretty 5.rom cottage withIn the mlro limIt for cotlle $ ,2UO. 0. n. , I. larder wihIn . . lIce JEl38 Bldg. I i , C..LIFOItNIA : SPECIAL INDUCEMENTS TO A few fist purchnsers. Including fare ( roe until February 10. II. E. Cole Co. . lOG N. lth .Ireel. . 1 -M38 5 AIJSTItACTS-TllIh BYRON ngED COlPANY , Ills-It I 1101 A HAnOA1N. U' SOld ) SON : AN ATI.C- lIve . hnme.lke place . ot forty nercs. 8 mies from . posloOce : nice cottage and outbuildings : plenty small fruits. Address 0 t3. Hee. - HE-t 3' 8.BOOM MODERN 11011515. PINE LA1O 100JN IOURE. barn , splentid . location . $ 3.O.0 : Ilm.mber w. never offer anythIng but genuine snout. H. D. Cole Cob , lOG N. ilh. 1&M53 7 HOTEL - 10TEL RAREBIt ] 3' I AND JONES STS. .5 roms lt $ .50 1'1 Iay - 50 roms at $2.0 per dAY. coiui'nerclal travelers. Itoom Special rates 10 comlerlal trn'ellrs. Joom anti board by week or month. Frank hllldltchm , mannger. 349 AETNA HOUSE ( EUh1OPIIAN ) , N. W. con. 13th and Dodge. 10m by day or week. 3:0 MIDLAND 10TEI. , COB. lOT ! ! AND CHICAGO streels. AmerIcan plan , $ : rO And $2.0 per dA ) ' . European plln. SOc nhu' $1100 per day. 1100mm single or .nsllte , tor' fmlhes \ or gentlemen . nt reasonable rates. M. J. Franck , 1"'oP. J M-921-Fl " , ; . - ELECTRICA ; UPPLIES. AnMATUJES AND CONVICI1TERS WOUND : storage batterIes rechri : electrical and general - .ral machInists : sUperIor work guarnnlee Omaha Electrical ' arks. 817 an1 619 S. IGth sl. _ ! 351 I I' ELECTRICAL ENGI8U0I,9 _ AND cONTBAC- torI tor electric llght.etnUnotor plants and all kInds or electrical ! colr < Uon. Western 1 lec- licul SupplY Co. , Hslnr420 S. 151h "I. 352 LEATIEB DELTINO. . , CH8S. A SCIEJEN & Co. . Mg . 30 , E. 12lI1.Stt , 3 : ; - - . I BICCLES. . . . M. 0 DAXON 402 N,16T1J. . 354 OMAHA BICYCLE CO. , 32- N. 16TI ST. 355 : STERLING BICYCLES : BUILT LIKE A WATCh ! Western 'Electrlcal Supply Co. , , 122 S. 151h 51. " M-8 8-F15 A. L. DEANE & CO. BICYCLES 1116 FAHNAM. . . C. DCYCLES. 116 . . 191 WILL DAJNUM & 13110. . 171 CAP. AVE. 1245 UNDERTAKERS AND EMBALMERS H. K. BURKIST FUNERAL DIRECTOR AND embalmer 1618 ChIcago mt. . telephone 90. 356 SWANSON & VALIEN . UNDEB'rAKEn8 AND embalmers 101 Cumlng st. . telephone 1060. 351 Id. O. MAUl. . UNDEBTAKEB AND EMBALM- er. un I.'arom mt. . telephone 225. 358 C. W. BAKER , UNDIShITAKEI1 , 613 S. 16TH ST. 153 COAL. D. T. MOUNT IIOS REMOVED I1B COAL olce 10 2 S. 16th st . Drown block. 360 ShERIDAN COAl. . EXCELLENT SUBSTITUTE for hard coal. on,1 13.10 Ion chen per. 1605 Far- Board at Trade. nam street ; main entrance street 361 BUILDING & LOa A':00LATL ' O HOW TO OCT A HOME OB SECURE GOOD Interest on savings. Apply to Omaha I. . & I ) . Ass'n. . } nee bldg. O. ' , i. Nattinger . Sec. 3G2 SIIARES IN MUTUAL I. . AND H. ASS'N. I'AY ! fHAHES I ; . . per cent when I. 2 , 3 years old . always redeenmabie. 1701 Faram sl. , NallnSer , Sec. s"g6 WANTED-TO BORROW. "ANTED TO 10lnOW , $600 l'mVATE money on n ( arm In Nebraska : first mortgage ; werth $ ,50. Address G 48. lice . t2G 3' MUSIC A1' AND LANGUAGE. o. F. GEL.LISNBECF1 , BANJOIST AND GUITAR teacher 191 Cast sU'eet. 91 1"Ol I1ISNT OB HAI.E. 111 P1. an08. sonable Ioom ' 5 : McCISue Bldg. Termims 'U7 comm. 3. CARPENTERS AND BUILDERS. c. 15. MOIIIIILL . CONTRACTOR & IIUILDI-iit . 10111.1. paper hanging hou" amid Ilgn painting . brIck woik 1last.rlnl ; oUce , room 1. 1.rker hilt . ; . tel 731 ; shop. 1 hOld : leI. (08. M8i CUTTING SCHOOL. TIm ART OF' CUTTING mN'S CLOTlmH AIT 01 taught day or evening : terms reasonable . Ilr- \culal at Max Morrv outer , lUG 1"lrnam sl. - 192019 WHOLESAL1 COAL " JOhNSON Bn08. . \VlOtEi3Al.I5 D AI.EnH IN all kinds or coal. WI01.E . l"dence solelt d. l0S COf'p 1'lrnAm street. . 3GI COSTUMES. ' LAIIES' AND MEN' MHlt SUITS FOIL BENT al Golden Eagle .store,1Ift. 16th street. Oollen . , ' . . . 1m , .treet8.1'5. DEN + S ! . pit PAU ! DENTIST , ' 2r hURT ST. .36 : SHORTHAND An TYPE . WRITING. VAN SANTH SC11OOt0l ' alOBT IIAND. N. Y. Lire. Omaha AHk foeclrculam. 366 - - BUSINE33NOTIOES ' . DAMAO U 1Ilons tDsjLYEn D , 719 N. 36S 16. ELOCUTION . ELI.A DAY . U. 9. COM'I. NAT'4 HANK BLDG. . 661-1' ' TAKEN UP. STOVE REPAUtS. STOVE IIISI'AIRH 1.01 40.0 UFI.'mmN1 makes ot .toHS. ' \'ater attachment and con- nectons a specialty. 1201 Douglas street. Omaha atove J Jalr Works. 36i F _ rEJ T BUIUAU . SUES & CO. , olclor . l I' ulldug ! , OMAUA. Neb Advice PUB ! IN OMAHA'S ' - SA CTUARIS Young Men'o Christian Asoointon to 1-TfWO "All Naton'a" ' season Invo nn "Al Nnton's" Beaon. CHINESE LEAD OFF TillS AFTERNOON Datel Set for the SIoux time Seotehmtn null time Nnlves 01 Illnmtoostaui-fl limit .11) 10 I.ooked for lit Ollhl , l'tilplts TOin , . Representatves from nil natIons meet nt the Young Men's Christian associatIon rooms this week This afternoon at 3:45 : o'clock the Christian Chinese In the cIty wIll conduct - duct the service for young men. Jung Chec Chnn , now studying In the medical college . will speak together wIth others A chorus ot fifteen Chinese will sing. Some Chinese musicians are to furnish part ot the musical - orchestra. cal program , In addition to the association The following Sunday Sioux Inllans spenk ebrunry 1 the meetng wil be umler the charge ot several natives ot 111100stnn. assisted - sisted by hev Mr. hopkins . formerly mis- sionry. The next Sunday the service will ho a great patriotic American service , addressed - dressed by Americans. Thursday evening February 7. will be the beginning of the "Nlghls ot Nations , " Scotch nigh wi b3 the first . on this date. I Clan 'Oonlon Is arranging the program . which ! will consist ot Scotch sougs , the Ilghlall fling to bagpipe music , etc. The classes In the gymnasium have been surprisingly large lately , crowding the floor , basket bal ali circle tug beIng as popular with stately professIonal gentlemen and clergymen ns with the "Idds . " Association toot bal takes veil on Wednesday anti Sat- nrday at 4:30 : p. In. on the Parnam street gronntls. Skating at the park Is to be popular , nlli ice polo , "shlnney" and "hockey" are comIng - log In for lively attontlomi. Momly will be " Y. M. C. A. Night. " Tuesday night time various young Ieople's societies of the churches go katIng. Time park has lGO.OOO square feet ot Ice and every convenIence. The Current TopIc cub dIscusses the amendments to the city charter at Its next nicetilig. Councilman Howell wi open the question. The debating society settles the 'ues lon ot capItal punishment Tuesday night. U"Rhlrnce for the UIRhn" Rev. J. D. Priest or the South Tenth Street Methodist church says In the lat number ! ot the Soulh Side Methodist : "Bishop Newman has gone from us to be absent for some months. We have a propo- sitlon to offer. I Is this : During his absence - sence lot Some ot the leading pastors anti laymen set on toot I movcment to secure a house In the cIty as a home for our resi- dent bishop. On hIs return In the fail let time entire Methodism of the city turn out to hear one ot his grand lectures-not tor some onn ot the churches-but to purchase nn episcopal residence. The general confer- once of 189G will look over the field and see where our bIshop should reside for the next foul years. A house provided by Omaha Methodism may be the means of making this city a permanent hOle for some one ot our bishops. Unless we do take this matter In and wo may lose OUr episcopal residence. ! Should we do this we believe that $2000 ; could b secured for this purpose at one lecture anti by May 1896. we might bo In a fair way to say to the general con- . ference : .I you will give lS an . episcopal residence we will find the house. " Monetary Science II UnIty Climb. The economic section ot Unity club held an interesting meeting last FrIday evening In the church lecture rocm. The : director , Mr. C. S. Loblngier opened the evening wllh a review of the work ot the last sessIon and then announced the topic of the evening : "The Two Standards. " . The first subject on the program "The Amount ot Money and Its Relation to the , E onomlc Welfare , " Was ably treated by Mr. Isaac Adams. "Gresham's Law and the Distribution ot Money" was the subject ot a paper by Mr. Alfred Plzey. Mr. Snow tol- lowed with I comprehensive paper on " ! 'ro- dlcton ot Precious Metals In Modern Times and Its . Effect on the Money Supply. . " The discussion ot the papers was partci- pated In by Prof Lewis , ] ) r. Victor ROSB- water Mr. Snow Mr. Stebbins , Mr. Wallace and others. The next meeting ot this section occurs February 22. Subject : "The Two Standards . " continued. "Bllnetalhisnl" Is the specific for dlscussl m. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . Tetg Every Senility. The Spiritualist society ot Omaha . holds meetings every Sunday afternoonat 2:30 : o'clock In Patterson hail. During this month Rev. Theresa Allen will lecture and give tests ever Sunday afternoon . and also In the evening at 7:30 : o'clocle. Each Wednesday evening also there will be meetings at 8 o'clocle. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Y. , Yo C. A. Notes , Monday , February 1. Is the regular monthly meeting day ot the association. On last Monday evenIng a largE number listened to an instructive lecture by Mrs. Rose E. Strawn Oi "The Women ot Europe. . " Monday eve lng at 8 o'cock : Mrs. Hcler will lecture on "Tho Evolution ot the Business Woman and Her Needs. " She speaks from thorough knowledge of limo subject Mrs. Hailer Is corresponding secretary of time 'Voman's club , and a tavorlo speaker there. Mrs. Hartord will have charge of time gospel - pel servIce this afternoon. The greater part ot the hour wl be spent In bIble study. An RAILWAY TIIE CARD - - - - - - - . l.avf BURLINGTON & MO. nlVEI.IAllves Omaha UnIon Depot , 10lh Mnson 6tl. ( Omaha I' ' 10:15am..Denver : : . . . . . . . . . . 9:40am : 4:35pm : But. lulls , Mont , . & I'uget ttnd . Ilx.IIEpm : ( :3pm. : Dk. . . . . . .Uenvr 1onl. 1'llellnd. . . . . Ex.1npm , . :10pl : 6145pm.Nebraska ( except lullla.6 ) : 1511m 8lSam.Llncoln : . Local ( except Sunday ) . . llZ5am : 2thpm..Fast : Mal ( for Lincoln ) nal ! y. . . . . . Leaves ICIIICACO. nUnl.INUTON & Q.IArrlves Omaha \CIIC.\CO. \ _ . 10th & Mason Sts.1 OmAha T5m..Chl ; ago - V..tbule. : : : ; : : : 9:60Am : 9:5am. : . . . . .Chlcugo I xpress. . . . . . . { :151In : . . and Et. Louis . . . 11:50pm. : .Clmtcago Special . : 11:35am..aciSo : JunctIon 1.ocal. . . . . 6:10pm : : ruEIJuncUon Local ( exSun . ) . . . 2:011 : jC1I1CAGO \ - : & PAIJL.lArrlves Omaha Union Depot 10th & Mason Sts1 OmAha 6:00pm..Chicago : : LimniteI. . . . . . . :30am : 11:10am..Chicago : , Express ! ( exS'I ) . . . . . 6:00pm : .C.I"o ! . . : . Leaves ChICAGO & NOI1TII W15S'FN . lArrives Omnha UnIon Depot . 10lh & Mason St.LOmaha 1 :05m. : ! . . .gasler Exllress. . , . . . 5:30pm : { : OOpm. . . . . . Vestbuled LImited. . . . . . . 9:40am : 6 : & 5am. . . . . . .Mo. Valley Local . . . . . . .10:30p1 : 6:45pq : . . . . . . . aIJ C I aStpecI. . . . . . . 2llpimm ; ! ! - ! ! 5p-n Loaves CI1ICAGO. It. I. & PACIFIC IArh'ea Omahn Union Depot 10th & 'uson Sts.1 Omaha rXiiT. I1O0.mnmAtiantiC : Express ( ex. Sunday ) . . 6O3pnm : xpres l:0.m..Atante : . . . . . .Nllhl I .press. . . . . . . 9:5am : 4:30pm..Chlea,0 : Vest.ule Limited . . 1Olpmmm : hllIpm.Oklaimoma.Exp. _ (10 ( C. U. ex. Sun..ll:3Opm ) : . - - - WEST. 6:15am.Oklahoml : & T iaBIx. . ( cx . $ . ) . : 1 ; : 0pm. _ . . . . .Colorndo Limited. . . Hun..1:3Om . . . :0010 : l.en'PI I I C. . 61. 1. si. & O. IArrlvls Omaha Depotlth qndWebster _ Stsl I Omaha 9:25AmNebr/ : kn I'assenger ( daily ) . : 8:1510 : { :30pm.aloux : City llxpuess ( ex Sun.lls.mmmn : Ciy IXIJess . : .6:10pm. : . . " . . .S tI'aulI.lrnlted..1OIlani . _ . : Leaves I I' . B. k MOtiI3Y . IArrlve Omaha , _ Depol 1lh and W.llster 815,1 . I Oraho Z:10pm..I"a.t : : ; Stall and Express..i4Ilpmn : 2lOpmex. : ( t I. ) Wyo Ex. ( x.Mon. ) . 4:55pm : 9:05am. : . .Norfolk Express ( ex. Sunday.lDlOata : 6:10I'm. : ' . . . . .St. I'aul . : . 8unda.10:30al . . . . . . . : Leaves I SIOUX CITY & IACll c , iArri i OmaHI \ Depot 151h and Weblter _ Sts. , , I Omah" 6:10pm. : : . . .St. Pn.U rlt" . . : . : .10:35m : - - - Le Hs ISIOUX CITY & PAC1FIC. --ArriVe ( Omaha UnIon Depot , 10lh & Mason HiLl Omaha , i : . . . . . SIoux - CIty 1'mmssonger.l0I3ptn ' ; : G .HlouxCty / : :10Sjpl : .L1iL. ! ! - /t. Ilul..lml. ' : , . = . . . . . 2:35p1 : r.e , 'i'I-UNIN PAIFI. rIV ( n'lhu ' ( litton D"llt. lOth 4 Mason Sts. Omlha 10oam. : : . : : . . . . . -.Keamey D.pre.s. . . . . 3:45pl : 2:0pm. : . . : . \prland . . . . . . . . 6:35pm : 2COpm.lieatrlco & Stmmlb'g 0x. ( cx Sun ) . 1:4llm : 7:30pm . , . . , . , , . , , Pacific 1 . . . . , : 7:30pm. . . . . .pre8. . . . .18:551 6:15pn. : . . . . . . . . 'ut 1101. . . . . . . - . 4IOpl : Ira ; rV RAILWAY. ---I lArrives O.nhlllnlol U'II. Oth & Mason 61s.1 Omaha 3pm. : . . .tt. LII' Cannon - Ball..11:35pm : : - - - r.eave.I.- J c" aT J. I C.1I. -Arrlvu ( Omaha UnIon Depol. I h _ & 11n _ Sts.1 Omaha > :5am. : . .Ianlns City Day I ! . . . . . . 6:1010 : 1:5Im.K : C Night _ Ex. via U I' Tr.ns. . 7:3),11 I.eaves - - MISSOUIII i'.C1VIC . - - lArXtVei \ I.eave I-- 1ISSUIU 1.'l'IC.Mrvr Omaha _ Depl 161h and Webster Stl. ! Omaha I ! im:4am..t : , . -1 Ilapresa. : . . . . . . . . 6tOenm : > lllre. : 6:0.1 ' : IOpm..I it . LuIs 15xpres . . ; . . . . . :05pl : i:0.m..Netnka ; Local ( ex SUD. ) . . . VIOI : , urgent invitation Is given especially to those young women who do not have nn opportu- niy of attending a class In bible eludy (1st where. They wl ' find In Mra. \ater1 an Interesting and profitable instruetor The mutating Is at . o'clock. 1.0111 I' I'turtmeusqla . First Presbyterlan-He\ , S. n , McCormick pastor. Subject 10:30 : a. ni. : "Christianity Differentiated . " 7:30 : p. 1. : " 00 Forward l . " All Saints-Sermon topIcs today , 1 a. m. : "Passengers or Sailors ? " 7 : 30 p : m. . "Paul's Conversion " The public all strangers wel- come to thIs church , Trinity imietlmodist-Subjects ot the pastor , Rev. Dr. F. 11. Sander n. morning : "A I'rophmeticah and A\Btolc Esthnntc. " EvenIng - " \ iiitfumt ' ' log : 'Thei llennluin.f . Uhiversahist-lir. Chnpln will preach nt 10:45 : n. m. Subject : "BlessQII Arc time Ierclful , " 11ev. N. M Mann will lecture at 7:45 : p. m. Subject : "Pains alli pennl- ties . " Scwnr.1 Street Metliollist-W . IC. 1 limos . paslor. Morning subjct : "Kindling a P.rc. " Evening Iheme : "The Great Salvation. " The week. revIval services wl contnue tht coming Salvation Army-Hal 133 North Twenty- fourth streel. Meeting today lell by Stall Captain and Irs. CousIns from 1cn\lr ) , Colo. at 1. 3 anti 8 o'clock A wonderful time. All are invited. Trinity Cnthe < al-SOO : a. m. . first cele- braton 1101) ' cOllunlon I 10 n. m. , bIble class . OuCh 'to nil : 1 n. m. . sccond celebration holy comllnlon nnll sermon : 3 I' . m" , Sunday school : 7:30 : p. 111. . evening service. Hov. J. A. Tholl'SOI , president ot Tarklo college . will pn'lch lt time Central United Presbyterian church thIs 10rning and even- Ins. Dr. WiIamson , who recently resiglmed will fill time Imlllit at Tingle , la. , during the next two weells Walnut 11 Methodist EpIscopal Chnrch- Class locating . 10 a. m. : preachIng , 10\ : a. lIt. : Sunday scimool 12 m. ; JunIor leagtle 3 :30 : 1) . . 1. ; Elmwortii ICIle , 6:30 : p. In. ; preacililmg 7 :30 : p. In. Union revival meetIngs - logs during time wcek. First Iethodlst-Prank Crane . pastor. In the morning nt 10:30 : choral communion sen'- Ice. In time evening nt 7:30 : Mr. Crane will : 11 pvak on time subject : "Omaha Wldc Open I , -An Appeal to the LeglalaturcA I'rolest Against Munlcpal : Anarch . " St. Mary's Avenue Congregational-TIme pastor , Itev. S. Wright Butler . wIll Ilrlach at 10:30 : a. in. and 7-il : p. in. SUliny school al noon. Juniors 4. I' . m. anti Young l'eople's SocIety oC Christian Endea\or at G:45 : p. iii. Endeavor tiny . mhlweek servce ; Wednesday , e\cnlng , 8 10 9 o'clock. Plylnouthm Congregntlolmal-l'rcaciming services - vices In time morning at 10:30 : by time poslor. In the evening at 7:30 : , under ito direction of the Mcii's leagtmo an address ivihl be given by V. 0. Strlckier on "City Govcrnnmellt. " A fine musical program has been lireimareti and all are cordially ilmVItCtl to attelltL Kountze Memorial Ltmtimeran-Rev. A. J. Turklo , pastor. Services at 10:30 : n. in. and 7:30 : p. In , Time nastor ivihi vreach : Ill time nmcrnimmg on "Iiehlglon _ for Money. " In time evening the services will b conducted by the Yomlng People's Society of Christian Endeavor. Favprito lmylmlns with Ermdeavorc'rs vIll be timed. hmmanuei Baptist-Time pastor , 11ev. Frank Foster , ivlll have ( or imls moriming theme : 'Colnpanions in JO ) anti Sorrow. ' At time' conclusion of time sermon time Lord's Stipper vill be celebrated , and time right hmanti of fel- howslmip Will be extendeti to new nlembers. The evenimig theme : "Repentance. " Young pe ple's mmmeeting at 6:30 : &cloclc. First Congregational-Time services of timis cimurell will be helmi as usmial tomboy. Morn- log service , 10:30 : a. ni. I'reachimmg by Rev. \V. H. Wise of Lafayette , Ihiti. Stmbject or time sermon : "Flme Mastership of Jesus. " Sminday scimool at 12. Young I'eopie's Society - ciety Christian Endeavor meeting at 5. p. In. No evening service. All are cordially invited. Betim Eden Baptist Cimtmrch-Park avenue , near Leavenworth. Rev. D. D. O'Dell , pastor - tor , will take for imis subject In the morning - ing : "Tim Blessings of a Benign Spirit. " Baptism at time close of the Sunday school (1 ( p. ni. ) . In tIme evenimmg a song service , followed by time right hand of feiiowsim1 to new members and time "Lord's Supper. " Free gospel , free pews and a cordial welcome - come to all , St. Mark's Lutheran Chiurch-Cornci of Twenty-first and I3urdctto streets , flay. W. L. Renmsberg , pastor. Services at 10:30 : and 7:30. : MornIng sermon : "WhatVlll You Do with Your Talents ? " Evening sermon : "A Good Man Wlmo Cared Nothing About Christ. " Sunday sclmooi at 12 In , , D. C. Schultz , superhmtendcnt. Young People's Socie'ty of Christian Endeavor at 6:30 : , ied by Mr. R. 1' . Faies. All are cordially hi- vited. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ A NEW DRINK. Ruown as time "Boston llaniboo , " Which itmis'oIcome Tonic Effech. Anything in the shape of a before dinner appetizer that will ameliorate the deleterIous effects of time insIdious cocktail must certainly - tainly be welcomed as a most desirable new- comer. Time drink known as time Boston bamboo can , according to the New York World , claim all these advantages. It Is a certain stomachic , unquestionable in its tonic effects , amid , so far as can be dis. covered , imarmiess as a beverage , Time Bbs- ton bamboo Is an equal mixture of sherry an , ] Italian vermouth , Tim vermouth detracts from tile softness of time tvino , wimile tue sherry counteracts the acridness of the bit. terO. It might be claimed that vertmioutim Itself Is but a partially disgusted form of absinthe , but thIs is not tue case , All the poisonous qualIties of absinthe are abseimt In well concocted vermouthi , altimougim. timey are both manufactured from the sauna mother wormwood. Timere is aimmiost time same proportion - portion of alcohol In verntoutim as tileru is In absinthe , but any drinker of tile latter will tell you thmat lie fails to get time old famIliar aouglmt.allcr effect from time yellow wIno of Turin that he never fails to obtain from the green dttnon of thmo Gaul , Cocktail drinkers ttimomlld welcome time Boa. toll bamboo , for time reason that , aitlIotIgIm timey cannot get from it time seine suspensIon of timougimt. attributed to a distillation of rye , there Is no doubt as to its eflicacy as a atomnacitlo toIliC and an appetizer , * Tim , , Judge l'rtlommtotl , The Century club of New York is a grave almd sedate body , limit once a year they turn up tile gas anti immive fun ( rein wayback. Tiley have It on a stage , and in diverse frivolous ways tilat ammiuso , Time screaming attraction tills year was W'alter Daniroscii as "Triiby , " "Trilby , " with bare feet , and singilIg in discortl awful "Sweet Alice lieu Bolt.S'imon he had flulimtlmed the simple ballad nmany aged 111011 of time Century were in tears , brought on by laughter , lie. tore Mr. Damrosch cotmlti begin his etmcoro a club member , disguised as lr. ) i'arltlmurst , canto out anti said ; "Unless tills show iim made more ilniocelmt It lutist stop , ' ' Tilen a man wile Imitated Antimony Coimtstock clhunbml upon the stage , aumnounctid that lie was Anthony Conuttock , and that imo would not allow such a heartless iarotiy lIPOB a moister of tile gospel , The beatity of this tiisguiso was appareilt whelm a nmoimtbcr of tile club , an ohmi jiltigo , siioweml ( lint ito svamm completely taken In by tile good actillg of ( ho Iuitiignant Cormimmtock , lie roae in butt Piece in tile audience , tieclared that it was a private club , could tie what it pieascd , multi wanted no tmtlggestlOlms or rebukes fiotut colt- skiers , Tini indignant judge watt Sootileii , Mr. Iainroscii sang his encore , anti the show progressed , h'.u I I miq'4 f ( ) F l'eimiuoi ii era , "It Is siirmrislog , " says a comnmercial traveler to the New York Tribune , "Imow general - eral time use of potatoes as peobmolders is becoming in imotels. I have seer. tlmeimi in use In great hostelries of time east , whose oivners wouldn't imesitata for a moment to spend $10 for a desk ornaillent to hold pens used by the guests in registering , T1m Illix- lure of starch , siucoso and ivater in limo potato seelna well adapted to take up time impurities of 111k , anml to keep the pen point clear anti bright , wimile time ailalottl ; of the potato , known as mtolunlne , mioubtlesmi imas something to do with it in time same hitle , 'flmese elements reatlily tai6tm Up time tannate of iron , which is the body substance of Ink , ClImmulically peakhuig , atureim Is time first Intic of a potato , imod sugar , or glucose , is its second bass. 'fimus Itt time iltitmIblo 1101010 finding mtnotiier way lum mvhmitli : to serve the uses of inonkind , There is mm rallIer pleasimIg suggestivemless in a big tCli.lllcil potato when a fellow comes 151 tired and buumgry irozo a iong rue , " TI1Iu4J41M ! ; TALE OF TilE SEA I Captain BftrrGw3 Recites ills Experonc ! Whio ! In an Atlantlo rog. 4 NOT PLEASANT TO BE t'1 A Sil PWRECI ( t bile llt'tnrmilng train Europe an ( nnmn Ilumer numil atm Autrimuut ilmurk Canto Together , Nearly 'recktng llotit 'es5elg. Anent time sinking of tile Nortim German l.boyti steaunship , lOlbe , In time Nortim Sea , oft - tlte liollanti eoost last week , Me , 11. 11 , lIar- rows of time Union Pacific talked imterestingly of a close call Imo lit ! while crossing front LIverpool to New York. Mr. ilarrows , while United States cctnslil at iublin , made his only , visIt haute during ten years of service In Ma ) ' , 18S1 , e'allimmg on time old trnnsmttiantic liner , time City of Berlin , anti witlle off time banks of Newfoimnmliantl time steaumier caIne very near being sllbjecteti to lii. : saute fate that caIne to tile Elba , Speaking of time occurremice , time ex.consut maitl : sailed from Llverpcol on May 12 , 1SSl , , , , j Con - on time clii City of Berlin , of time fanloml liumnan hille , a steamimer of 5,500 louis , cent- Immalimieti by Captain Jalmies iCeilmieti ) ' , coin- immodore of time ilminan fleet. Time saloon list of passemmgcrs was tmntlstmahly large for that season of time year , vestwarti bomluttl , At. Liverpool we took on 400 or 500 steerage passengers , anti as omaimy nlore at Cork. I never have becim able to ascertaimm wltlm certainty - tainty tIme llumnber of imeople emi time Berlin that trip , hilt I ivac led to believe afterward , from colmvcrsatlon I lmenrti on ship board , tlmat. timero vere certnimtl ) ' , with time ofilcers , cret' , SiiOOli passeuigers and steerage , evcx' 1,200 , souls on time vessel. "rime voyage was unevelmtfllh , beatitiful weather anti smmmootii sea , climb we Imad noth. iumgvortimy of noth until vcm pltimigeti limb tile fog-emiveloped lm-mmmks of Nowfoimntiland.Vo were abommt three tiaymm tilstammt from New Yoric timeml , Time fog was so dense tlmat time lookoilt of tile bow of time ship could not be seemi froimi time bridg of time lirolnelmatie tiecic. It rolled over time vessel ilko lunge waves of cotton. Ommr fogltormt was goIng every , ' hal t Inlilute , tIme most ti is Imimil suimmlmi one hears at sea , Every mtttc'ntion was hmaimi anti. time greatest care takcmm to prevent ally ned. dOnt or collision. All tlmrougim the night ( lila tioleftmi inumsic was kept tmp anti comltillUe during time next forenoon , A NAitltOV ESCAI'E. "I wIts time first Imtnml on tieck front the saloon after ltmnclm , at I o'clock , anti hind just passed droIllIti time port sitle of time slmiii on time Prolileimade tieck wimemm I lmearti time look. . omIt slimg out , numb saw time olhlcers 0mm thmo bridge run to time starboarti side of the simip. Stoopimig tiowmt and bolting tmummler time bridge I saw what scented to iou tltrommgh alt occasional - sional rift hI time nhist , a gigalmtic simip lift , out of time enveloping fog. I tiO not know lmov far away sIte was , anti probably never ivill inoi' , bmut I imeard Cmmptain ICeminetiy order 'hard oport. ' Time vessel was a timree. ' . mmtasted Austrian , 1,500 tons , loutiemi with - heavy deals , ( rout Maine. Instead of star- boartlhlmg time captahii of the Austrian lost imi head anti ported , holding imard steIn onto us , alit ? if he imati struck us ho would imave cut us open right over time boilers. When Cap- tam Kennedy saw timis was iiitely to happen ime sang out 'starboard imard , ' and lie told mne afterwards his reason was that , 'If ime struck time bloody fool ime wommitl strike imimmm imarti cmi. not hurt time Berlin. ' Time Austrian saw imis lmitentlon aimd starboarded , ahltI limiunediately , Captahml Kenmmcty ] ported , anti we whizzed by the great sailing vessel , cuttin7 her bowsprit oIl close to her nose , anti as shmo rushlimg by time imeavy piece of timber rippemi up time brass railings all down tile , starboarti side of the Berlin. cacrying awaz two of time alterdavits , and left a bass of saiia anti rigging on our decIc , but never grazemi time hull of the big steamflitip. It was little less than a miracle.- Time noise resenmbled a ieh1 of thumitier as time accident Occtlrred Time first officer rail down time tieck anti sang out. to time captain that. 'sime nevar toucimeti. and everytimlng was all right , ' anti so it was probabiy ( rein a sailor's standpoint. But lflY greatest scare was to sea those steerage passengers conic tullibhitlg up and trying to climb on time promenade deck , shouting that 'sime was sink. iog' timat we were sure to go down. ' The saloon passengers were more collected , but badly scared. One lady nearly frantic walt looking for imer daughter , who imad left time table anti was in time forward saloon. At clergyman who followed me close on deck and. saw the accident was as badly acared as manly oman could well 1)3 , and after tiovoUtlYc returnilmg thanks , as I believe ime d'd by imls j-- actions , he got away with the largest dose , - of brantly I ever saw taken in before or since by any sky pilot cf any denomination , and h seemed spiritually time better for it. rt DREW TillS MORAL. I I "Time moral of this event began to occur tome mo when time captaill ordered tile first offlceti to lower a boat amid put oft to see if we had' ' done tile Austrian any imarln. Thirty-five min. tmtes by time watcim from. time time time order. was given time officers and crew got into timat bsat. It occurred to me timat. if we Imad been strmlek fair and square , with any even sioW , , for keeping afloat for a willIe , what percefltllnV of cimance we hail for life laid in ten boats't i,200 peope to occupy them , coimsidering thmd ( lame it took to get into time water. Thai frlgiitencd memore timan time accident. "Time cimain imolt , anti time davits on wimicit the boat rested , were rusty , as I coulti se wimen simo was lifted cut anti swung over. do not believe time boathmad been in time * ater , for years , anmi tiis in spite of fire and ned- . , dent drill , wimiclm was carried omit on certain days of tue week on time steamer. ' "Time Amistrian was not Inuch milniaged. Nq imartu done to imis imimhl , and , like a prudent Gerimman , imo imad a spare bowsprit in itis imo1dt so we put tile simil ) on her course and saile away for New Ycric , where we am lye I ivtlmcUt' anytimiimg fllrtimer eventtli ( tralislm'rlig. "Time sharp ; iigimtnlng.iiko ( ItliCliIIeSI of thia , imicidaimt , as it inovi so rapidly , loft aim im effaceable impression on lily umind amid gave , me once for all , in one flash , tlmoromigim aplire. elation of what Imligilt occur If a big steamed ioamied miown with a ( miii and overcomnlmilmimenV of ilUlmiflhl freigimt , receives her deatimblosy lis , a collision in iiiidatiaumtic , ' ' p y TIlE ItlSitI't'Y MAII1E'l' . INSTRUMENTS placed on record Fcbruarl/ / 2 , 18E : WARRANTY 1)13151)5. mm .3 Id W'estertlelti rtini wIfe to'este'rfleld Itmvestnmemmt emniuimimny. lots 11 , 12 , 13. 14. 2 * atm,1 \'este'rlimiml'm , mmIi to tOtmutim Ommmtmimm , , lot 12 mmnd H 2' ) ( t"t mt io , block 61 , Sututil . Omimulma , lot 20 , block 4 , Mimtmmjtmri mtt.'nmmo lam k , lot 12 , bloc-k 3 , Sommtlm Ommmnita lmm it , lot 7 , Sltssouri smyanUe Im-flic , lots II mmmrl , I 3 , Si hmMtU ri nielmuim I am Ic t'atemmmmtomm mmmmi tmtmt't cominmommclmmg , at itint. 930 ( set e of ComiteC if 3.lllh..I 13 ' 1' iymmm , to V 11 Carter , mm 2) (4 it lot 1 , block 5 , A H J'airlck's : m'l'l. ' ' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I.GO H A ( 'mmiin to lm'mmlmtro O'llmmnlomm , a 64 feet it't. Ii mmim'l t' (4 ( cot of um 39 feet lot 22 , Iltummoimmmtmglm i'Ince. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,503 Ii A ( ' blm nnl , irfe in ( I ' 1' Ilmmlie'y , lot it , block 3. l'otter 4t ( l's odd to Mouth Otmmmtma . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7O' ' A it , tlt-'mmmmdh'sfm er t , , H . II Sit L'amtlim'sa , 11,1 0 1 , I , II atm'i ' 0 , block 2 , bitt , 5 In i I tioek I. lIs 1 I" 4 , 7 II. 12 , l.locks I anti I ; , Irmlni molt. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 C I'oodwom I t im I , nd wif , , to I ht'mnatm , t I I nrnmmflg , lot n 72 and 24 , block I , lot mm it an'l ii , hint-It 2 , lot. I , itlocli 3 , lots 17 , 15 anti 22. l'lock 4 , lotmm 2 , 1 1. IC. ammi 16 , littrlt , C , . it 3 , bloc-k 6 , lot 22. Mock 8 , Cmeluimtutm ileigimis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . C.0O 13 A. ilcimsoum minI wlfm to Jtenwmn 1.and Symmmllcuttm' , lot 22 , iloelt 6 , DruId I I ill. . . . . . I ii A I iemmsttn mmtmd ivi tm tm ) itmiva imnml : a imi I.ot ( ommmhmamny , lot II , bloik ii. lot Ii , block , 10 , lbrlggmm I'immce , lot i , 1m.mrlzioiv , l'Iaeo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . i,10 QUIT CLAIM iEllti4. t S \ \ ' l'tdtlmc it mtnd ivilt , to A 1. iteod , lot 7 , block 135 , Omnaitti. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I Is I lrmt'l'mi ' 1 itmitl svi fe to J I : W a kefleld , lots 7 antI a , block 13 , lot. 12 , Liuck 43 , Moumlu . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . C , I t Ommumlma..1 I I . I I I lot 3. block ii , h'lalmitttiv. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , 363 Imlili. : : Hieu , 1ff to J SV Im-orsky , lot 14 , block 27 , tVlico * 34 ( mdl. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ED $ ioc al nitatir to Abl't'y 11111mm , e % lot 7 , A II tmtum'lers' ' mmmiii. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 803 SgtmiO to Ii ii itmown , hot 6 , block Y , Hilnim's : 5'i . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mastri 1mm etmmincet y to Ii I' hull , n 142 . fom't itt 4 , block 3d , Vm'tet lmm.I. : . . . . . . . . . . . . 6,7(4 . ( denme to maimme , un'ltt' ' , f , lot 3 , block II , I'lmlnview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Slargam et Kmm.mme. mmlmn niatm-zmtrlx , to i6mttho . . Ins 1Cm esban , k4 3 , block 43 , MauI ) , Omnaha , , . . 703 Total guauimt of transfers. , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , * 31,56 * - - - . . .a