Newspaper Page Text
I- - - _ - . 'rilE OMAHA Di2r : J3EE : TUTS9AY , MA i9 1O. _ REED'S ' FINAl , ASSENT GiVEN Omaha Exposltkn Bill to J3 Paso1 at the Present SOS810fl1 MERCER AND ALLISON ARE CONFIDEUT Rncla ( Ai.itirziiee t , ( he Sipczikcr thit tin. VIIl II IunL to Come Un on 11 * \VABUINC1TO1 May IS.-Speelal ( Tele- raiii.-1t ) Is eunfldontly believed that within the eek the Omaha exiosItion bill will bo put upon It % 1)aango. % ou tnay nay to the People of Omaha , " ak1 Dave Mcrcer , "that I have every cofl fidenco that the oxpoltloii bill will lass the laouo during the prcient alun of con- gresa , " lJntI ! now Mr. Mercer ha contented him- acif with the thouEIit that the bill would go to the iieIdent before congress ndjouriiod. liii utUf&inco va tim flrt real exreslon ) 1ad Zroui him In 30botal s'ceks. ThIs tnte- mcnt l believed to hao been lrompted by SPeaker led , who ha contIrin ht agree- IiOIit to allow time for the bill , Senator .lilsun nua done much for the me4sure , haviII recolved nurance. from ipenlcur Uoei thdny that the bill would be Ierlllltted to eimo up on Its mer1ts lr. AIIk'on tatcd to Spnker flood that his state ' v1IM intcrest.d . in the euterpriso , which hind irnnn launcheil by a great body of men con- ; 'enet1 In Omaha , repreaeiitatives of many ( 'tatCe3 and terrltnrics ; that In view of the ahlIloSL general desire of that great country % liSt of the \tlssi.13ihtl. he would do uvory- thing in hil power to alvanc(3 the cau-e cL * 110 bIll. h1 urged upon \Ir. Itoed the Importance - portance oX the nicaurc , and af4keh that IolitIc bo thii'uwii to the wintle for the benohlt of thio trausuilslulppl country , The appeal wac not Rhiout otTet , anti coming a It did on the heels of Mercor's Lersigtunt olTorts , nildltional momentum wee gIven to the incas- uro. uro.l'hio l'hio delegation of Otoe JndIan from their resarvntion In Oklnhoiiia arrivea in the city for the hurhose of holding a conference with Secretary h3mlthi of the Interior department as to their lands In ( logo county , Nebraska. tecretnry inlth has suggested the ottiexneiit of exIsting dhhhicultics between the Indians and settlers. and they are hero to tell ' Washiltigton authorities what they think about tue ternis of settlement. 'l'hio Indians hindu a tour of the Interior deartment to. tiny , Including a visIt to Indian Conimieshoner Browning. They ietued to talk , liowove , saying that the "talking man" would bo with them toiirnrrow to call upon Secretary Smith. One thing Is certain , they are not with the terms of settionieiit as proposed. but It Is not believed cretary SmIth' will abate his plan of settlement. The conference may vrobabiy occur after the cabinet meeting tomorrow or Wednesday morning. The refusal of an application for a writ of certIorari in the Mnorican Water company C8SUH , of syhich there wore three against the 1"arinors' Loan and Trust company. was not a eurprise , not eveii to counsel making ap- phicatiun for the writ , Johili L. Vv'cbitor ad- snhtting before lea\ring for Omaha that the chatice v.ero against Lis client. I'ItIVATI PENSION PRACTICE. Representative Anhrows ( introduced a resolution - elution today In View of the lack of uniform. ity in practice In pension cases , by calling 511)011 congress to adopt some general rule for thio determining of rates to be allowed In private pension bills. ltepreaontatlvo Strode's bill to pension Mary Arnold of tlik district passed the house today carryln 12 per month. Itoprosontativas lialner and Strode pro- eantod a number of petitions In favor of the Loud bill regulating second-class mail mat- ter. Senator Kyle's bill appropriating $200,000 br a public building at Ieadwood has iaeaed tilt ) t'ciate. ! iteprosentativo hairier has introduced a iihI to pension Lientenant Aurelius Roberts. The coinflhitt on Indian affairs iiii reported - ported favorabl ) ' On a bill defining the rights and privilcge of mixed blood Indians under the treaties anti statutes of the United States , confirming the title of said Indians to thiir lands allowing the same to be alIenated under certain circumstances. beave of absence for four months with Terziitseion to go beyond thio sea is granted Lieutenant Francis L. Guenther , FIlth ar- tIhler3' . Leave of absence granted Colonel WIlliam It. Shiaftor , First infantry , Department of California - ifornia , h extended one month and fifteen h days. First Lieutenant cleorgo 0. Squire , Third artillery , is ordered to proceed to Clove- aiiih , 0. , and thence to Allegheny , [ 'a. , for ' the puroso of inspecting a now polarIzing K 3lhloto-chr000grnph , now under construe- tion at those points. Leave of absence for two months is granted Lieutenant Colonel William E. Waters , deputy surgeon general. J. Ellis McLehian of Nobraka , expert and field agent in the division of ornithology (10(1 ( nisininology. Agricultural department , at $2,000 a year has resigned. Qoiiiptrolier Eckels today declared a third dividend of taenty per cent in favor of i the creditors of thu North I'iatto National banlc , North Platte , Nob. , making in all fifty per cent on claims proved amounting to 93.9I2. Javid II. Willeford has leeri appointed t iostmaster at Taylor , Pottavattamio county , * Ia. Congressman Perkins of Iowa leaves to- eiorrow to enter active work upon canvass far hits renomination , election for which Is called for June 2. Comptroller Eckels has approved the 'First ' National bank of I4ncohn and the National bank of St. Jeouph , Mo. , as tiio reserve agents for the German National bank of ilastings , Nob. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ OllilseM GINNII , Iii IIploinn t ii , CIrCICM. ' WAShINGTON , May 18.-The attention of .tlo * State department has not boon omcially directed to tim publIcations appearing in certain Spanish newspapers over the aigna- tura of Lieutenant Sobral , the naval attache C or the Spanishi legation In this city , setting f out the defenseless condition ottho * sea coast t of the United States. Ordinarily , if the a subject were deemed worthy of complaint , Ii the lultiativo would be In the shape of repre- zentatlons from United Staten Minister Tay- br at Madrid to the State department stat- lug the fact at these publications , but so It far nothing hiss boon Mlii of the matter r * beyond sonic gossip in dlpiomatio circles In ni * Vashlngton. _ _ _ 1)iIlOM Il's ! I'Ilfl. SVI'ILl3lE2 COUII' ! ' , 'Ihi r'e Oll iiioti Ito itiheul Iown frotn I 11 * . Ii I * iest Trihn tini. WAShINGTON , iiay 18.-The supreme court of the United States decided today In vhsat Is known as the "Jim Crow" car case of Plessy agalns F'crguson. that the statute of L3uisiana requiring railroad companle to uppiy epsrate coaches for white anti colored persons itt constitutional , affirming the do- Cion of the Court below. Justice hirown delivered the opinion. Jutfce Ilarhan die- soited , Ju.tlceWhlto handed down the opnlon of the court In the care of the Singer Sewing machine trademark. The judgment of the court below. the circuit court for the north- era district of Illinois , which as against the Singer company , was roveraed. The supreme court held that others using the tiamo "Singer" as a trademark should show thin source of manufacture. This case lnvolveil a conflict betneon the Singer Manilfarttirlng company and the Juno Mantifacturing company. The action wee begun - gun by the Singer ManufacturIng company to rcatrain the Juno company from making spwInm machines and lnbelin them with time name of "Singer" under the claim that the name which generally attacimeil to time machmiiies made by the Singer company had boconio a trade mark and hence that the 1250 of the nanso by another company was In the nature of an Infringement , Jutic White , in delivering the opinion of the court , held that the right to use a name on articlc.'i Inantlfactureil expired with tle * patents on those articies , but others itsimig a natmie , as in this case , lutist show the urco of manufacture. The case wa therefore raver9od awl the district court was directed to enter a decree In accordance with thI3 opinien. Justice harlan delivered the qpinlon of tIme stipremo court In the case 'of Pennington agsinst time tate of Georgia , involving tile constitutionality of the state law prohibit- log the running of freight ears in Georgia on Sunday. The opinion held time law to ho valid. Justice Harlan said the legislature hind a right to designate a day of the week when nil labor should be sutmimended and it could not ho claimed that the working day had been mIlgmmated. Time state law was mint , lie eaid , directed at Interstate commerce , but was misemely a rule of civil conduct and it 011st * ho respected until superseded by seine national law Itl which it WB in conflict. hence tIme decision of the supreme court was alllrmod. The duet justice and Justice White dlrsented , on the groumid that the law conflicts with tIme interstate commerce law. Time supreme court , in the case of Martha Ilarmiltz against John 14. Beverly , In error to the suplemno court of Kansas , revorsmI the decision of the lower court. The opinion was delivered by Justice Shiras. This case was brought on a note for $1,500 and interest , but Its decision Involves the constitutionality of tlio mortgage redemption law of Kansas of 1893 , and is far reaching in effect. Time case was twice heard in the atate supreme court , The opinion In the last hearing was In flovorly's favor , holding tIme act in question to be "applicable and. valid in case of contracts - tracts made before and after its passage. " Time suprenme court reversed this deci.eion , holding that no law was valid which proscribed - scribed the mode of enforcing a contract in existence when the law was enacted. hIOI.'l' 'VII.L. CASIO IS IN OUIiT. Dncti-i'tit I'onnl itt the Tmi liM Gocit 'i'im ro t Ii 0 ri ( 'zll $ of itiv. WASHINGTON , May 18.-Time trial of the noted unIt wIll case began today. It. has been pending almost a year. The question at isue is the genmmineness of the alleged wilt of ex-Judgo Advocate John Jeauph helL of Kentucky , which was found in the mails of the registrar of wills hero last year. Judge Halt , who died in August , 1894 , was supposed to have died intestate and the val- iiity of the alleged will , whose mysterious disappearance caused widespread interest , haa boon vigorously contosted. A notable array of counrel was present. Time beneflclaries under the alleged will are Miss Josephine htoit Throclcmorton and Miss Lizzie lImes of Kentucky , between whom the estate was equally divided. Luke Derhin , a War department cleric , was nanmed an executor , and for timers appeared ox-Con. gressmas Ii. 3 , Butterworth , J. J , Dariington and flair Leo. Time couneal for time heirs- at-law are ex-Congrezamamm Jero Wilson , ox- Anistant Postmaster General Worthington and Mtorneys hleaiy of Washington and Pea. ton of Louisville , Ky. The signattmres of Geimoral Sherman and Mrs. W , T. Sherman , which wore on the will , were identified as genuine by Senator Sherman of Ohio and Coionqh Fred Grant of Now York teatified to the genuineness of the aignature of General Grant , _ _ _ _ _ htiver nit , ! ilnrhor 11111 iii Cith'retmee. WAShINGTON , May 18.-The conferees on time river anti harbor bill expect to have their first report ready tomorrow imight. Of time nate amendments so tar pasea upon thu hmous ha yielded r.bout onts.imalf. Time main qmmostiomms in dispute are time additional contracts autimorized by time senate. Time mtemmato amnenilmemits authorizing contracts - tracts to time exteimt of $1,173,000 for Bayou I'iaquemmmine. Loulelamma , and the imommso provision - vision o $315,000 for the Caicaslen river , Loitislatma , together witim time Delaware river projects , time boat railway on time Columbia river and time Lake Union mimi Washimmgton aisal at Seattle , Wash , , are Limo nialu points ttiil in dispute. It is quite probable that no I igreenment will be reported on them at rescnt. , , % Iil 'I'tI ( ' UI , Ihe lIeCgthI Diii , WAShINGTON , May 18.-The hmouo corn- nittoo on rules toJay agreed to bring in a mpeclal order for the consIderation of the dcCali inmmigration bill and amnenmlment8 to. lay and tomorrow. The McCalt bill provides I in oducationni test and is substantially simi. ar to the Lodge bill. Time Steno bill , wimich mrovidos for consular inspection , will be of- C ered mis a substitute , Time rules comomittec C iso decided to give time committee on labor onmo time this week for bills reported from list comnmlttee. lItOtyI ) ( ' I'n tt'TlN Are Not IttlCttt'I1. WAShINGTON , May 18.-Time recent do- ! iorm of the boarml of examinors-irm-cimief of C imo patent ofiico had no effect on. linotype ' achlnes now being manufactured or their sorB. IL immi reforemmco to certain details of onstruction in a immachine of a widely di- orent cimaracter. Time linotype is fully pro- g octed by patents which have been repeatedly ustalned by time courts ammd which are not rm questIon anywimero by anybody , SI Nm OminoNi flitu to Ioeltrt.n. C WAShINGTON , May 18.-The Senate corn. tltteo on judiciary today ordered a favoTablo d per on the noimminatlen of I'emmsiomm Coimi- missioner Lochromm to ho United States judge gi Minnesota. di i1LAI3ANA EI4EGTION FRAUDS Zeunthr Allen Tries to Bring the Matter Up for Dscss1on ! , ONLY SIX VOTES FOR IllS RESOLUTION .Nelrnm'li i'Oitti II ( hIOttMtq I lie hieitii- hlenmt. . for I tisI , te'rl I y tmnti 4lir- * 1101 .hstkt'N a tmt teinetit I IL hteiti3'-.OtiIe liii IM l'flMSCti , WASihiNGTO , May IS-Time senate to- ( lay by a vote of 6 yea to 41 nays dofeatol It mnotion by Mr. Allen , populist of Nebraska , to Proceed wltim the5consideration of the res- lotion to investigate allogei election irrogu- larltlea In Alabama occurring at the time Governor Outes was elected over ICoib , poim- list , Four republican semiatoru. Chandler , Frye , ( lalhinger anJ Merrill , and two popmm- lists , AiIn and h'effer , voted in time afflrma- tivo. Allen took occasion to declare tlmat the vote simowcmi time imwlmmcerlty of the repimhuican senators to their professions in belilmif of hmormcc3t elections. Mr. Sherimman rerpotmded that it was not for the present senate to go into time general investigation of elections , as these resohmmtions proposed , and Mr. Cfmnntfler of New hlamisimlre , author of the resolutions , expinimieti that' the aiverse vote Wart ( hue largely to the thislncllmiation to ( his- place appropriation bills. The entIre day of time senate after 1 1) . 111. Was given to time regulating gas rates In the District of Colmimimia. Time followIng bills vero passoi : Author- izitmg time purcimase by time United Statej amid Limo baking free of time toils of the ro.VLm paseing over time Yosemite National pmrk ; regulating the pay of nonccnmmnisaionemi oUl- cers of artillery , cavalry amid lmmfar.try of tue nrnuy as followa : Sergeant mmuajor , $30 ; reg- irnemmtai quartermaster , $30 : first serge.Lr.t , $30 ; sergeant , $23 ; corporal , $17. A proviso to the last bill provimies for a continuance af longevity pay as imerotoforo. Another bill pass'eii appropriates $200,000 for a Public building amid adto at Deadwood , S. 1) . Mr , Chandler , republican of New Itaumup- simlro , secured time aLioption of a resolution calling on tito attorney general for a state.- tmmommt of time condition of the government suits instituted in New York City an to tim joint railroad traihic association between Chicago amid time Atlantic seaboard , Time reoiutiommum recantly presented by Mr. Slier- imian for time appoIntment of a cotmsmittee of five senators to go to Aiaska tiurimmg time recess - cess of' congresa mmmi coimduct certain thmqtmlries as to seal life , boundary , etc. , was reported back by the comnmittco emu contingent ex- imonees. and Placed lii time calendar without favorable or unfavorable recommendatiomu. Mr. Chandler objected to immmmmmediate conaid- oration. SENATOR lULL OBJECTS. Time proposed imuqtmiry into alleged election irregularities In Alabama cammue up on rc- ( IuleSt of Mr. Allen for unanhmnoims consent. to proceed to time Immediate consideration of time subject. Mr. 11111 , democrat of Now York , aaiti other business imad the rigimt of way , amid tiuiii II'OloSetl inquiry was mint a privileged question. Mr. Cimandier , author of time resolution of immquiry , pointed out that tIme questloim had been penmiiimg here In one fornu or anotlmcr for time last two years , and it. eensed cvi- dent , said Mr. Cimanmiler , that the resolution couhml not progress , as long as the New York nenator was lucre to object , Mr. Cimnnmhier asked unanImous consent that a final vote ho taken on the rosolutiomm on Wedimesday at 1 p. in. Mr. Alien argued that the case of time ai- igcd Alabama irregularitlea was omie of the highest privilege. lie disclaimed , however , any derlro to prosecute any inquiry which would quention tlmo rlgimt of Mr. mlorgan , demis- ocrat of Aimsbaimua , to imis seat. Mr. Faulkner , dcmocrat of W'ost Virginia , interjected the remark that this disclaimer of any purpose to question time right of Mr. Morgan to his seat at once took trans the question any privileged character it migiut possess. Mr. Mien resionded sarcastically that he would nut go so far as to term thmimm suges- ton ! "pottifogglng , " yet lie knew it wonimi not deceive time Intelligence of tIme enate. Mr. Alien added that in order to relieve time presiding officer , Vice l'resident Stevenson , from ruhiimg on the question of privilege , hue would move to take up time roeolumtion. Thia precipitated an umnexpcctemh vote. 'rime motion was defeated-yeas , 6 ; muays , 41. On the aimimouncemnent of the vote , Mr. Allen said , with seine feehimmg , that timis mls- ! closed to hint what lie had bug suspected. that there was no sincerity on the part o republican senators , with time except1oiu of time author of the resolution , Mr. Chandler , as to proceeding with the Investigation , lie feit tatiaflemi. he said. that vluemu it came to a show-down republican senators wouhd join witim tIme democrats iii defeating time investi- cafion. Re raid imo desired this vote to go before the country in view of time cluimis that Lime republican party stood for a fair election imid an honest count , SIIEILMAN EXPLAINS WIlY. Mr. Simermaiu answered juriefiy that Mr. 'tllen hind emutroly ! misappreimenmleml time causea eamhing to the adverse vote. Time senate had mo jurisdiction , Mr. Sherman said , to examine nto Limo ganerai subject of an investigation ) t the electiona. Its jurisdiction extended to Lfl Investigation as to time rigimt of a senator .0 hmis seat Imen that right imami beeim formally hmahlonget1. It would not invcstigato time ulection of time mmmenmbers of time house , lie osmium this exphanation , ime said , to Mr. Allen 0 view of time allegation of insIncerity. Mr. Alien rose to state that in lila judgml ncnt tlm vote was a deliberate refusal to arry out party claims of cimamplomming time I auso c a fair electiomm. Mr. Chandler said time vote hail resulted C argely ftomn time unwhiiimmgness to dIsplace r PPropriation bills. if lie hail beomm consulted I' ' ke would have advised against crowding a 1 ate as against appropriation bills. ii Mr. Allen oxpreraed wihilngneas to let Mr , 0 bammdier'a "explanation" stand for what it is ii ortim , d With this flurry over time semmato took up P me bill reiatinm to time price of gas in time t mlstrict of Coiumnbia , Time debate immyolved a a emmorai discusakimu of time cost of gas , lasting b mroumgimout the day. tlmo bill being passed at ii o'clock , wh n time sermato imeld an oxecuttvo cm ssien and adjourned. iii nsh VIIhii1rusvmi trout d Iii'FremiMmmry , g WAShINGTON , May 18-Time treasury to- 51 lost $1,244,500 in gold colmu anti $19,000 I bars , which leaves the true amnoumut of time : ulti reserve $112,190,833. Of time coin withoh awmu l,100,000 was for export. iV ; ' IT MAICItIS ONE 1IO1' Not cue-mit tweiity-nnn-to linvu It mlii 80 iuuiieii at otto time and not be multim' to fix I lint l"nlv rOo-tihIm4 mlii fOhhihIl huts nt leaky moofm-tIii roofm-niui bati guittimrlmig-wo eami fix them In a inliiute-vlit'ii It isn't raIning-got a tmmtit horse--feet tlimnermm-w'hmo fnsk'mu time solder onto time Ieaki4 In quIck oriler- just telephone uis-w'o'hI fix youi' It'ahcs flihiekur , better 1111(1 for iiiomitmy tunis any tiniiers In towmi can. John Hussie Hclwr Co Comuiideromrprleos.- , . Comuiideromrprleos.407 C how little they more uiing lIIt. iit'lTmiIl sl'i ' . Ith'lS I ? lht)1) . hlniit' h'lN' ( ' " ( ) ; ? ( ' nr ( ' It miii I'roumt- i' ( ' It iI ; fur I liatitIgritI iti , WAShINGTON , ia' 18.-It as expctd that time house womt1 lake up time eonsJcra- tion of the ImnuigrmhIth bIlls on the calenJar today tinder a iit5diuilm order , but owing to the pressure of otik"u"tna'ters the order was not iurcaentetl till jlmhttprlof to adjouurnmnnt it sas then as to give tomorrow anti % 'ednestlay uiOtIl.r $ o'clock for the con- alderation of times0 bil's. ' There are four of themmi. The comster hctf 'report en tIme bill to imnprovcm the mnorchnfftl marine engineer service - ice was adopted omit ] time bill to constitute Leamlvlhle , l'miebio and , Iuramugo subports of entry was Passed , ' Mr. Evans explained tile P1IlOCO Of the bill to permit ditIhleml spirits , four years old or over , to be btiei in bontl. Smmch hot- tllng would furzmisfu n'n ofliciai mmarantee of the age or immmnlityiofi tIme bltky or other distilled sllrits. Time only whisky on tIme American market today w itim smmciu a guarmsmu- toe was boitied lii CamNumia. Time bill furntshemi Mr. Morse wltit a text for sthue remumarks on time evil effects of whisky drinking. Mr. Tate , miemnoerat of Cal'formmia , criticized thu bill oil Limo sroumst1 timat it discrimuuimmitel Iii favor of time large distiilers. Time bIll was itassetl-112 to 20. At 4 30 p. mus. Mr. Iienlerson , repmmiJhlcnhu of Iowa. i > reseuutetl time sliecial order for tito consideration today ami tomorrow until 4 o'clock of the immmmmulgration bills on time cal- endar. Mr. ilartisolfit , republican of Mlesourl , Cimairmamu of time commumuuittee on inunuigratfomu , suggested , In view of time devotion C ! aimuiost tile entire day to other mmuatters , timat an ad- dltional tiny be given for debate. Mr. iiemmderaon explaimmctl timat time stre-s 0 bmmsiness would hot permmut umcim an cx- teumsiomu. iiesitle , ho understood that Mr. iiartimoltht was olipOsed to Limo imnmmmitratioiu biilzm aimil mild not represent imis committee on tim , : ' subject. Mr. 1irtimolilt demilemi this , saying timat hue favored the bil for time application of an calucatioimai test. Mr. Ilephumrn , republican , t lena , Mr. Johnson , repubiican of California , and Mr. DaIzeli , repumblican of i'emunsylvatmla , argued for mimore Limo and Mr. W. A. Stone , rrumb- hteamu of l'ennsylvania , and Mr. Lacey , reimmmb- licamu of Iowa , against an extonsioim. In time course of ius remmmarks , Mr. Ilender- hots hiredictemh that commgresu would adjourn sloe ( lie between Jimmie 7 and 10. After considerable sparring. time rerolutiomu \vas adopted. Time hmoutso then , at 5 :0 : p , mum , , adjourned. _ _ _ _ : % ( ) CIUP ShIOi1'i'Al IN IUhIOi'i , % 'II'LL-ItmI iHitII Coitti trie , , % Vlil I'i'mLt' for Export. WASIIINGTON , May 18.-Time foreign eta- tlstic gathered by the Agricultural depart- moist show tue crop comumiitioims throughout time year. Time summimuar ) ' follows : Great hiritalim-Tho crop outlook everywhere - where is good amid promIses a imars'cst about two weeks earlier than usual , Thus would mhlmninishu time imports for time renmalimder of the current ccrcai year by about 5,000,000 buuimeis , Francc-\S'Itim normal weather in which to harvest tue crop , wheat rlhi more timan imuhiice for imomn requirements. A surplum. for cx- port is confidently predicted by Frommch ari- cultmmrai journals anti statisticians , some ox- pectimmg that it. rihl amount to 40,000,000 bushels. This quantity would affect pricc3. especially It the French government should pay a bounty aim oxpoIs. Austria-IImmngary-'cather favorable and crops irommuise vehl. Itommmnania-Coid wea1ucr In AirIl retarded tIme crops , but the mtutIpok is generally vrom- isliug. . Ittmssia-Exceliontpr6pects cf a crop above tIme average in qudntitm nmnl quality are generally - orally reported. Thmiu unfavorable March vcatimer In time m33Lmth ii , found to have done no serious dammmgiu. Spring sosvimigs have been comumpieted umuucrlgtod cQndltiorme. I'r'silettl hstr ' imni lis. WAShINGTON , Mas 18.-Time president today rent to time enate the following nomni- nations : , . , 1 Immterior-hCenneth . Jackson of Alaska to a comnnmlr.s'nmmer lii arid for time district of Alaska to rsido atftWraimael , 1'cstmnaster-L'ernait1 Monimocim , to be post- immaster at Ilooper , N. No lIlt uk I smm Ui it ( or , 'I'Ii iM S'NsioII. WAShINGTON , May 18.-Time Imomuse coin. mittee oil imamu1ln anti currency declmled to I definitely abandon tIme attei1pt to report a gommerai banking huh tiuls sessiomm , and time commumittee adjeurimeti ummtll Limo mmext sessiomu of congress. IIvIl'nl rOl' n Non IL hhILt t& 55mmik. WAShINGTON , May 18.-Time comptroller of time treasury Imas declared a dividend ot 20 per cent In favor of time creiitors of time m insolvent Nortim I'iatto National bank of North Platte , Nob. Loch re mt' NIIII I a mu I I a ii C , it II rio eu . 1\'ASIINGTON , May 18.-TIme senate boa conhlrnmed Wlhhimumi Locimren as district judge lii Mimmoesota , vice it. II. Nelson , resigned. uiiJi'i , JUltltOl.V 1itM Nflhili.SKA , i'mit hcImr'It ) ' ( ptMItlIIIre lii time VILIc ! I'a eu tim , ' ( ) J,1t. ' While Nebraska has beomu having an abun- lammca of raimu , In fueL up to tIme present time r nero thman five and. a half inches in oxcce if time normnal since March 1 , many sections save not been so favored , I'eoplo who un- gino that time only place lack of nmolsture it mver mloea any damnago will also fimmd commuoia- ion iii time following taken from a late lsuo f time Cincinnati Commmnmercial : "Within a ratiiimcu Or a hunmireti or one t mundroti an'i fifty mmulies ( tons Cimmelnimati , a Iroutim exists that is SvitimOLlt precedent since c lie eatnbiishimment of tjmo W'catlmer bureaLl. t has contimmuemi for nmoro Luau two years g 0(1 four mnooti'o. Tmking tIme reports of time c immcInmuati station basis flmmd time as a , we g aimmtall deficiency ly years Imas been as fol- T ass's : 1894 , 14.31 ineht's ; 1895 , 11.56 inches ; a 896. 8.23 Inches ; or a total of 34.10 inches- earl ) ' tlmrco feet , lii time course of tventy- iglut amid one-imaif nmontims we have been. derived - rived of more thami timree-tuurtlms of atm or- i trmar1 year's stmppiy. Time crops have boon oor In all timt territory , and now we hear mat treas which time woodmami has c'pareti " ro beginning. in some cases , to be affected y time lack of xmmoistmmre. Time fsrnucr is aviiig hard hinea auth time coummtry mmmerchmaimt ) mpiains. flank deposits run down , and usinoEs suffers. sv A coumplo of rainy months would be a reat boon to timis vart of the country. " 10 Golil llngngei fur ihxioI'I. NE\ ' YORK , May 18-Gold to time amount $1,100,000 has been engaged for slmlpneat p Gcrmmuany by tommmorrow's steamers. cc nL J 1,00 , ) ,1 t H its iII4iNl ) AS \Vo ( lOhl't claim that evei'ylmody gets thmiut 'ny-'imo liii 'eak eyes-or irnor 03'emdglit-blitliiO ehiAhict's hil'O goomi that yoil'i'e oil tlnt romtl-biit peolilo are lemurimimig to tflko emmie of theIr eyi's- alit ) s'hio is Ilmfol'lmiCml fli'4lit3 ho bltldlmig -luuit immaimy tb not. mtiumllzo that sully- tlmliig Is the mnuttter-luty It to everytlmlimg obu but slglit.-.oiit OitlhmihlflDSCOhIU ) ox. mtiimliiii t iou , yhmIehm ( u I' CXhL'I't OIt ) lchmuiis fluke ( rots o : chimimgu--Is it li'o test. Aloe . & Penfdid Co. 8iu of lug Ltoiu U ( rout p1 store. - - - - I r'w l _ 'i'hc best- 1 B n s I ii e s s S iii t _ _ the lot , _ _ - - I Fancy Cheviot Suits ft'on1 the Michacis , Sterns & Co. pui'chasc -ill every desirable shade-- - elegantly made tip goods--many a . $ I S and $ J 8 suIts aniong thcni -It's the cream of the stock--- 4 $8450. . BALLOTS 'I'IIAT DONOT ELECT MoUabo and Cranston ti11 Stind at the Head of tli:3 : LiSt , METhODISTS FAIL TO M\I \ < E A ChOICE itunmor of mitt ILINt ittiti ' % % 'ent C.iihi- mulLilohl , 'ltli iImLIIIIht.mi * iiitl Crmiimstoim tIN time 1'IL y. ) ci tOM. CLEVELAND , May 1S.-Blsrmop Nownmamu Prasided at today's session of time Methodist Ephscopal conference. Time immmpressiomm Is becomnimug prevalent that a deadlock will occur over time electiomm of time two mmew biehoimta IIve ballots were taicomu today without a choice , ammO Lime dee- tiomu is apparently as far away as over. It is evident that thmero is a strommg element in time commferomico OIiOCd to time election of nmore blsumops , auth this cicmmmcnt is beiievotl to lmavo beOmu votirmg Iii a scattcrlimg way for time imur- peso of precipitating a deadlock. A motion was mmmade today without a socomimi , to post- pommo fmmrtimor balloting indefinitely , ammd it is said time nmotiomm svili be reimomvetl tomnorrosv. 'rime features of today'mi balloting were tlm losses of Mr. lhuttz nmmd Mr. McCabe , two of time ctrommgest cammdidates him time race , amid time eurprlslmmg gaimma of Dr. Crammatorm , Dr. Ilaimi- Iltomm anml Ir. Nccly. It was apparemmt thmat a combination has been formed by the friends of Dra. Crammston and Iiamihtomm , wimilo a large castermm commtingeimt , which is opposed to thmo election of either Mr. Ihuttz or Dr. McCabe - Cabe , is msmmltlortimug Dr. Neeiy , TIme thmlr- leemmth ballot was taken at 5:30 : tlmis at ter- 100mm. As soon as the reading of the journal was ooimmplete1 a motion was made to take tIme ninth ballot for bimmlmcp. Dr. Buckley opposed this ems time grobmud timat nmamiy of time minis. terui who went out of time city to preach on Summday hind not returned , and time voting was made a simecial eider for 10 o'clock. In the mumeantimmmo time roimtino vroocedinca began with a coumtlimuation of the coneldera- Ibis of the meliort of time commlnmittee 0mm Itin- arary. A brief interrLiptinlm was made to lii- Lroduce Dr. J. C. Morris and A. Ii. Pcrkimms ) f Texas , fraternal dolcgatc. * from the Moth- DdIst Episcopal Church South. ft was Dr. lorris coimcerliliig wlmomsm aim mmntcrtunate coin- mlicatlon arose at the tinme of Imis visit amid e lies returimed in order that time confcremmce smay redeem liacif. Time gentlemumami was mhosvn scamut courtesy on time occasion of imi ) rcvious apoearanco imetore tIme confercilCe , a bmy or two alter it had met nero. liotim gen. , lemnemi were received this mormmhimg with ap- ilause. 1IEGIN TIlE BALLOTING. Time time until 10 o'clock was fully occu- mled him a mliscussiomm of time report of time coimm- mmlttee on itinerary and at timat Imour the minthu ballot was taken. Nearly an hour was oncumned In counting the vote , 'but ' lmnmetli- tohy after time recess time tellers entered tIme com. 'flue report of the Bible society was cad anti time cumstonmary flIPlaU0 broke ouit , mit Bishop Newmnan prnmitiy suppressed it. Time ninth ballot was then announced. Timm hoie rmunmhor of votes cast was P00 , making 34 muocessary to a choice. Time resumlt on time aadermt was as follows : McCabe , 238 ; Cramms. 0mm , 236 ; Bmmttz , 21w ; Hamilton , 159 ; Neely , 7 : flowon. 17. No choice. Time tenth ballot resulted a foIlowS Crans- mmml , 259 ; McCabe , 223 ; Iluttz , 193 ; ilarniltoim , 80 ; Neoly , 81 ; hiowoim , 12 , Necessary for huoice , 341. Time resumit of time ballot provo to be a rent surprise. Time loss for McCabe was 32. ranston 27 , fluttz 62 , Drown 20 , wimilo the am for hlamlitcmu was 59 and for Neely 40. his bore out time rmmnmor of a break to Noeiy mmd hamilton and time result of time next hal- it was awaited wiLls Intens3 iimtoreat. Time OLe W55 taken , when Dr. Teeter of Iowa moved to defer all further balloting for lahop until tIme next general conloronco iru 100. No second was nmmmdo and a great laugh , as created wheim Limo tellers retired to count me vote , ihishmop Newman at this point presented r. L. Watktims , fraternal delegate from time ritishm Wcaleyan commferemmco , who aiI a few ords of farewell. hhisimop Nowmnan's ro- mnro was a gemmm amid called fortiu mimoat pro- mmged Time report of time comnmnittee on reprlmls as then read , It showed no cimangos otimer aim tumor mimatters of routine were recommm- emuled. 'time oleventim ballot ss'as takeim anti time inferommee took a reces.3 until 2:30. : Time re- tkelr resilemuros in mceordnuuce 'hthm their COtiVt'fliemmeo nimtl WildtCi4 , vIthuomm ( regard to tlm lIhmices deuilgimated isa eplscopmml resi- tit'tiCt' . hiestii'ed , Timnt we will tmOt cense to prny for timem , tunm' will we mmlttte oumr aff'etlmmmm mmml ml megli rml , bum t hm all mm I ys ' el'OnmCt t Imemmo vi t it tmti ft'igmuL't Iuht'mmsLlup I mm t ii tu getmermi I ILImIL mm mmn utah COmfeVt'ImL't'it , nmmml I mm OLI r vim tmrehm eti mituti hm mumes , nod I mm I hue imetftmm'mmmum tmt of' iLtu y cimimmnopmml fmmuction to vhtleim tile ) ' limit ) ' b ossigmieti. Iieso'etl , Tlmat we eomuutumemmtl to the lrnoic cotutimmittee tiit' muost gemmeroLts mmpproprimttlomm for thmeir stmiIlOmt. him time imnimo timat thmls statemmment will re- mmmovtm any mmmlstaluen immmpresslomu time reamlers of your iaimcr nmay have , we remmmsiu , yours truly , llENhtV A , I1AILTON , Pastor Seward Street M. lh. Church , C , N. DAWSON , Pastor Wnlmmmt , Ilill M. E. Cimumrclm. AMUSEMI3NTS. ' 'A l'alr of ICitis , " with itm laughmtmimle sit- uatioimm * and nnmusimug .speclmmltles , wili be at Limo Croigimtoim for four muighits , conmmmmemmcimmg Summtiay mmmatimueo , May 24 , Time Popular co- immeihlan , lhzra lCemmdmuil , eimimt'tiimg time faimmihiar role of ( BIos Iltittomma. Time comimpany immcitmtles a mmummmbur of voll kmmowmm fmmmco coimmemly fa- vorites. The Creigimtoim Music hall is attracting large. ammdielmcml9 mmiglmtly with time uperlor vaudeville Performimmmmmce offertmml , Ammmommg thoa miow nppearimmg at timat Poltmmlar resrt are : lCiimzo , Julimt Clover , Leoimi Mitchell , time Iiammtus brotimers amid Emmmmna mVcatomm. John Drew is mmow tnmmrimmg weatwarmi to San Frammcieco 1mm "ChmrLstoimlmer , Jr. , " rmlatlchlmuo Lmmcctto ltyloy's commmetiy , which ramm with grcat success for four mmmnmmths at time ] hmmiplro timeater , Now York , tlmis seasoim. Mr. Drew is mummotimer sucecfuml Ammmericamm etar , who coimmos ummutmmrahly lmy imPs great ability , Ills father was Joimmm Iruw , aim actor of mme nmeamm attaimmmetmts , ammO imis mnotimer ii , umimiversally ackimowledgeti to be without a peer in tIme lhimghlsim speaklmmg m'or1ti iim old commietly characters - acters 0mm time gemmerni hitmeli of Mrs. Malaprol ) in ' "rime itivale. " Johmmm , tIme yoLmmmger , lmmigimt ahmmiost 1)0 saiml to have beemm bormi omm time otage. lie certaimmly was born to it. 11km work in time lemmmhimig roles of time imiays imro- ( iLiceti by Augustln 1)aly's coimupany woim for imi nm tIme immost eimtim usia stie commm imm en ilmu tiomm of time crltles of Londomm. Time nltpearammce of Mr. Joimmu 1)rew nmmmi his admirable conmpammy at time Creighmton for timrce mmigimts , coimmimmemmclmmg Thursday , May 28 , slmoumhti itrove ammo of time nodal eveimts of tIme sea'jan. Time "Squire of Iamnes" 'ill aIm imo Ircaemmtetl during Limo emmgagemnent here , TIme Itimea matinee at pouular prices tImi afternoon t lloyd's will ha tju last eppor- tmmnlty or seeing this distimmgumisimetl actress in "Josephine , Eimmprecs of tIme Fremmchm , " one of thus best mmromhmmctkmmms simo lmmumm ever civmsn iii Omimaima. As tIme palo is nlreamiy large , a sItlonfilmi immudiemmee will mlommbliesa greet her ammO nmeet her ILL tIme close of time perforimmammee oim time stage , wimoru silo will hold aim Immformmuai recemitlotm. Tier engagermmemmt will close tonight - night , wimemm she will huresont for time first timime km Onirmhma Imer iat smmcccstiml imlatorical imiay of "Neil Gwymmmmo. ' ' Time costmmmmmlmmg is saiml to be accuirato amid elaborate. MI. I ) . Cimrtlu ammO Albums Do Mer will appear - pear at hioymh's timeater omm Smmmmmimly , Mommmlay anti Tunumlay mmext irs lmi weii-lcmmowmm commmody , ' ' ' ' ' ' 'Sanm'l of I'osetm , A printer In time cOlon at time Nowmu at Morgan , 'Fox. , smmtitleimly disappeared froimm tIme 0111cc. 0mm lila return a few mmmintmten later lie producr.:1 : a bottle of Chmammuberimtlim'a Commgim Jtomnedy. lie iuaml a covere coimgim mind clm1 , anmi in explanation * . .aimlVimat km tIme mmm'ma of immy coughing toy head off , m'herm CIm'mmimber- ialmm says his Caught Iteimietly will cumre mime. lie eays so imlnmseit , amid pays time mmesva- ImalOrJ to say so , I imavo sot up imis culver- tiE.mmnents In twenty milfferemmt tatem , amid it iumUi't ho ca. ' ' It ditl cmlru iminm , timemi lie kmmow it was so. It always cures , 'rlmu 2 aimmi 50-qemmt bottles are for smile by druggists. vIm icr Vor1Cm. Ilitmumi iiii,1'vm , A in me , , , % j I ii a en It. N 1dm oisoii of Pim ilmmmlolpim ha mu mitt Fretlerlek Strauss mmml V'immtimrop Smitim of Nosy York , representing hue bommmiimdltiers of thmi American \ VatorVorks company , are in time cIty ( or time immlm'Ito.lo of imttunding' time itlmi at time water worlci ; p'ant , l'et for May 20. Yestertimmy mnorrmimmg 1imc'p mm'c'ro Jo ( ' 0mm. uitatiorm mvitim thmeir attorim'y , Judge \Voo'- Worth amumi in Limo mLttertm000 timey aenOmmu- parmied Itceolver ihierimower on a trip of 1mm- speetlomu , mvimichm timmchmmdod tan lunmlmlrmg s.ta- tioims amid F'loremmco , ( lomiri Culls for 'I'uii'ilm , ' . Jimmige lickimmmemim : 32-101 , 32-VJll , 30.8. 45-2l5 , 16-17 , 47-2W 4S.120 , 48.321 , 4)-Ill ) , 49.1L 50-13 , tO-'Jl , ro.iij : , . fi.32i , 51.1 Il-iS SI-Ti. l'.l-14i , ; 1-Ir.5 , 51.200 , 51-212 , Sl-2Itt , si-Ba , 51-855 , 51-387. I PlaN PIOTUHES PLJ1ASANTLY . , t.L AND POINPEDLY FARAGHAPHED - . 'A'I'ClilNt5 TIlE WE.TI1liIi- \Voii't iiiimko It ( hilt i'aliiiimg-for a ft'm'ntelieil Pot ime'OL' boiis-hmeltller does time mmmii 'hmn 'emti's our \vhhme colored hut tihl'ti-tlhilt' $ a good (10111 latter tlmitu 5 nimoe otimer'hmere-lt's $3 lwre-AA to , i vhthtlms timid nimy leiigthms.-Iim tact , n'n lure sum well eIhLiIl)1)etl wIth iiht'lt'i lioos no' that no iiuius imeemIm looks t'ise- : m'hmem'o to be Iltted-iloim't c'msso how big- hmtm' siihnhl-hio' out ot slmmmpe your feet mu ) ' bo-'e cmiii fit timemu lsertectl. Drexel Shoe Co. send for our hum- tr..ted Catalogus. 1'l' 5lAClS VlA'lhItS tlIO'W And this is good itmotim w'eathmer , too- lot it ho dark aiul dremtr3iuimd luIr. hmlotli Is In his glory-it hm's him your over- t'oat-a lOLiimd ) of huiotlm bahims 'lh1 knock huts out-CMst ) 'OU emily 8o ml potiiud , I'mmekimmg eanmplmor Is a good timing , too- tlmmit' lrmc Li houhhd-nhid ) guium eammmplmor hi t15e-t ' store-.tImo ios'est ; cmiii' - lurico cut umrlco tht'ug store iii Oimsmiiiit-w'imero sLim ) , umlm'sic'iitn's iresct'Ivtioa Is hilled , day or imight , for less immoumy , Kuhn's Drug Store , fleallytheomuly Store 15th & Douglns uIg. uI . g.- ' I/1 ) / ! - . , n , , ' : - ) 'tLI:1u7 % 'miA'l S11tS % ' JiA'VF YlU. _ . 'Vii t'mi I t's rmu I mm I mig a ii d youI'l'tm niovl ii g his is tvo inmi'se ss'migoiu-n "Rig'an" s'omihI Immivo (1011(1 I lie job lmt'ttci'-lihIekeL' -amId for less hlhOpt'3'-iecmtuise ) omit' i'mitt's I hil'e loi'tt' (01' a 100(1 immid s'e ( 'mill IhIL ) it ( lLiihl'tel' of a dozemi ts'o-iioi'se w'agoii I 11)11115 iii ( ) ii of oui "Big Vmtius"-simmd I that bt ties It-pleat ) ' ci' Iim'lp goes s'Itis I thu s'agoii-O timiit you domm't hmims't , to I hmeitI. yuiit' lnu'ic-all you have to tim ) Is culi 11 $ liji iBid bOss tile job-that's till , 0 maha Van limId StOm'Ltge Co imi PiIUY Our telepimone , 3853415 Fni'iiaiii In ' * 'msbasim Omilee , ' - ' - suit was armnoumnceci as fohlows ( 'rammaton , 214 ; McCabe , 214 ; llmummmiltomm , 191 ; Butts , 174 ; Neely , 13. The twelftim ballot was then taken and aim- etimet' adjommrnnucmmt to 5:30 : followed. W'imen thin coimtcrence agnlmm commvonoml time ballot was nmmimommnced. It was as follows : Crammston , 230 ; McCabe , I92 Iiammiiltomm , 191 ; Neeiy , 163 ; hhumttz , 138. TIme thmlrteermthm lmallot was then inmmnediately taken , after whicim time confereimee .uijoumrmued Lmntii 7 :30 : in tlmmj evemmimmg. Time timirteentim ballot resLmitetl : Crammstomm , 245 : McCabe , 190 ; hlaimmiltomm , 1S7 ; NouI' , 172 ; Iimmttz , 125 : lIOm\'fl , 21 , The evemming cssion was devoted to a re- caption , to fraterna I deiegnte. . 'rime coimmtmmittee 0mm state of time chuirchi do- cideti today to recomnmmmcnd timat licensad local lurcaclmers be given authority to perform time nmarrlage ceremmmommy. Time comimomittea on tuimu- Imorai ocormcnmy voted to favor the election of cimuirchm trustees as they now are. Time commmmmmittee elm teimmperammco drew up a report fnvorimmg proimiblthoim as against hicommse ammO tax restrictions and emmtiorshmug time nmuti-a- 100mm league. Timoro was a lommg debate mo time comnmumittee on episcopacy upomm thin proposi- thou to have a stmicemmumuitti'o report upon the places to which bktimope shall be neslgnemi. The suggestion flumally was tiefemmted ammO tIme btshmops as imoretofore will clmonmum tlmeir owmm field of labor in the order of thmelr seniority. 1'Oit Ill ! ) 'I'OIIACC ( ) AN1) 4i1.COlIOl. . :1t'thIdiMt : Prot'stnnt Commt'remuee out imIImMmM CIt : L-t N'SV Cu t.'t'i& Isili. KANSAS CITY , May 18.-President liar. iimg presldeit at time mnormulng seselomm of time MethodL ! Proteatant confcremmce in Kamisas City , Kan. Aim inmpor ± aat. iteimL 1mm Its m ork was tIme mudoptiomm of a reaolutiomm providimmg for time printimig each mm eek , 1mm time varieLms religious weeklies , of extracts from time catecimisimm. t heated Otucusslon arose over Limo resolumtiomm , wimicim was orcoontod by 11ev. A. J. htolclmard , ciualrmmuamm of time Sunday scimool comnmimitteo , but it mmas finully adopted l'y a decisive vote. Time pr mposition to to. vise time csLeciilni intO a nioro PoPular forum mmext caLmteei general discussion. A general cmmmmhlaint ) was umatle tlmlit the presommt. forum diti not meet the needs of time umiasses. It was finally deRIded to ummako a revIsion , wlmich wits heft withm a conmmmmhttoo of ilvo to be hire. aentemi at time next general conference. 11ev. John Scott of Allegheny City , Pa , , mmmms appointed - pointed chalrnman of time comnmnittee. Resolutions an time 1Je of Tobacco , " and ferbldmhimmg mneimmbors , chimer lay or otherwise , to use Limo weed or nice- hello liquors isere ummammlmnousiy adopted. NO'I' liSC.tltlflm ) IS 'i'hm lImit ( ILl ) AGE , Souime llrrommeoumM I mitpresmiiotmn Coli- ( 'PImLI mig t iie i'l't iUdlst iIiMhm.iIM , OMAhA , May 18.-To time Editor of Time lIce : An erroneous imnpreselon has gommo abroad with regard to time action of time general - oral conference of time Methmodk't Episcopal cimurclm , in the matter of 'retirlmig two mmuemum- hera of time board of bkmimop , namnely : "That tmvo of time blelmops must be remmmoved fromn tan board to mnake room for time electiomm of two mmcmv ommes. " TIme board Is not limnlted as to numnber , mnalcimmg It necesmory to reimmove omic to mmmako room for another. 'lime facto' are , they were imot removed fronm time board. They are still bishops of time Metimdimt * Episcopal church , anmi mviii ho so long ha they live. Net "turned adrift as olmi lmoraes , because lucy coulmi labor no longer , " but aimmuimly liaCed on time non-effective list , as was Bisimop Thmonmamm A. Morris in 1812 , likewise Ilishmop Levi Scott in 1880 , Each general conference creates a commm- mitteo on episcopacy , wimose duties are to report to time enference time immmmnber of bisimops ho tIme board wimo are effective , tIme nummther mmoimeilective , time nLmmnler of mmcmv bishops needei to roimmtorce the board , etc. 'Fime conmmmmittee of time lresemmt general coo- fereimco consists of 130 mmuemmmbcrs. After coum- mmmitatiorm witim time bcard of bishopz , tmey brotmgimt before thu conference time foilowimmg report : 1. That we find fouirtecn nucmnbers of tIme board of bsimps ! to lie effective , Time coin- mnittee also iegmm ieavtm to report , after time meat careful mind symnptutuietic cormsiderct- tiorm. that. In 1km judgnmemmt time mentor bIsimo , 'i'imotmmits Bowmnan , and itantlopim S. Foster arm , unmmbio to emmduro the hrotrmmcteti strmuimm , continuous rei'imonsibility ammO almost coim- stnimt travel imnped 1)3' tIme ohiice of litmimop. tund. therefore. regretfumimy recommnenmls that , at the cloSe of tIme present general commfertmnce , they bo rcturmmett on time list as mmomm.effeetive. Ilosoveti , That wo record our gratitummie to God for time nxtrnordlmmary services reim- hIred by these veoer.mtemi mmd ieloveml t'ers'- mntim of LImit eimmmrelm , and pitrtlcUlarly , for Limo dItingUlm4imemt aimlIty whim ms'imicim they have Illietl time chico of general ulimerIn- enmient for near' ) ' a quarter of a century ; ror time 1)urlty of' their cimmLracterm3 ammO lives , time swectmmesmi of timeir spirit , anti time 11(101- ity to time immterostmm of tIme chmmmrcim wimiclm 11115 jmmifornmiy characterized timeir ofliclal life nmi amimuminist ration , Resolved , 'flint thucy be at liberty to select I ' . 1'l ' , ; , 1,1' IS ( Stilt IllAhlIiR 'i'imi * 1immihall imImuam la-i lie ss'eetest toiii'l-limo los'nnL' jmrlctuI-tlmo Imlgliest glum (10 limLmlU ) oil ( 'it i'll l-lt'ol' ii CII ily a lhihititel' of a cm'iittii'y 't"ytm solii-tmumdt'U -utipl u'enteii I lmein-nimd 'o kimo' % 'hmem'U. 01' we spemik ss'imemt we suiy Ihimit Its HllimeI'll' ( * Ioe'i not uxist-It Is emlmlflisetI l , iuli time i'alilmg mmiliI3ichnhiK of the S'Oiltl a lid c'iui'i'led oft time Ii Ighest msw'si i'ilmi lit tueVoihml's fnir-youu's (01' cuumihi or oil thu easiest klimd at tei'lmis. A. Hospe , jr. , Mulc sndArt 1513 Douglas ) ; : - ' 4 , , , . ' HOnY 1IiilISSiifS , 1)3C ) Aimil thiero's votd lii It-lots of It , too- ( I. st'lectetl him of clicmic > lattel'mhs , Iii. eluthiimg 1111011 eeltmbmntt'd iiiitl's as I1osv- olbm , Ihigelosys , Jiii'tfmrds : , imYlmittals , 'Ic- toi'lhmf : , 111111) * ' ( hesIghis voi'I Ii Ill ) to $1 , : i. IL yard , go at tEc-tIec'Idt'mhly tIme big. gent liiiis.sels bmumgalim of tIme st mmsoim- lmn'hmmg time hiii' i'ai'lmot sltmclc ( mt mull k lloS'Il liii t I t'l'hh * 4 I I I I Ii 1 * w't'st lilmi Ices I t so OILIlY rom' us to sell lomly * Jhmii.stmis at tc ) -coimme lmi'Igiit aimtl eimi'I.s' , . Omaha Carpet Co. Only excimisive 1515 Carimet house imero , Dodge - - - - - - - ----d - - -