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THE OMAHA DAILY BEE. ESTABLISHED JUNE 10 , 1871. OMA1TA , 3TJUDAY M G , JUTAT 10 , 1800. SING LID COPY FIVE CEXTS til lu A T T lITTrp TTir * rPT/M7"PfP ALL BUT fllEUCKM Democrats Adopt a Platform and Get Heady for Nominations , HILL AND BRYAN CHAMPIONS OF THE DAY Now York Senator Presents an Able Plea for International Eimetaliismi FINDS FAULT V/ITH / PLANK AFTER PLANK Boy Orator of the Platte Carries tlio Con vention by Storm. CLOSES THE DEBATE IN RINGING WORDS lloinn ( if ( lie NeliriiHUii Mini Taken On VluniMiiis KIII-III ultli u SmliU-ii- iiL-HN Hint SInrlleH Mix MUM ! Arilent Krlcnil * . | V ' CHICAGO , July 9. Ten acres of people On the sloping sides of Ihe Coliseum today saw the silver hclmeted gladiators In the arena overpower the gold phalanx and plant the banner of sllvcr upon the ram parts ot democracy. They saw what may prove the disruption ot a great political pnrty nmld scenes of enthusiasm such ns perhaps never .before occurred In n nn- tlonnl convention. They snw 20,000 people ple , with Imaginations Inflamed by burnIng - Ing words of passionate oratory , swayed like windswept fields. They heard the awful roar of 20,000 voices burst like n vol cano against the reverberating dome over head. They saw a mnn carried upon the shoulders of others Intoxicated with en thusiasm. Amid the tumult and turbul ence , they listened to appeals , to threats , to crlis for mercy ; nnd finally they watched the Jubilant majority seat Its" delegates nnd the vanquished stalk sullenly forth into the daylight. The battle for supremacy of democratic principles was fought in a session that lasted from 11 o'clock In the morning until shortly before G o'clock In the afternoon. Each side sent Its champions to the forum. Senator Tlllman of South Carolina , Sen ator Jones of Arkansas and cx-Congrcssman William J. Bryan of Nebraska crossed swords with Senator Hill of New .York , Senator Vllas of Wisconsin and ex-Gov ernor Russell of Massachusetts. The sinister-looking senator from the state of Calhoun , with his eye blazing de- flunco at an audlenco which manifested its unfriendliness by the storm of hisses , opened the debate with a wildly passion ate speech. In which ho alllrmed that the bnttle for the restoration of silver was for the emancipation of the white slaves , ns the War of 18GO had been one for the eman cipation of the blacks. Disruption of the democracy had brought one and ho Invited another disruption If It would result in this other emancipation. He went to the extreme ot glorying In the suggestion pre sented that the dlspulo wns a sectional one , n declaration which roused the resent ment of Senator Jones , and ho repudiated it in n brief speech , which nroused the first demonstration ot the day. Even the gold delegates Joined heartily In this demon stration ngninst sectionalism. SENATOR VILAS' WARNING. Senator Vllas bitterly denounced what he termed an attempt to launch the party on career so wild that the world stood aghast. a With a wave of his arm that was full of 1m- iircsslvo portent , ho sounded his warning. Ex-Governor Russell , the keen Massachu setts statesman , who has thrice carried the standard of democracy to victory In the old Bay stnto , pleaded for a word of concession or conciliation , and concluded with a word of solemn warning that the country. If not the convention , would listen. Demonstration followed demonstration at ' frequent Intervals throughout the speeches , but it was Senator Hill who aroused the gold forces to their wildest enthusiasm , and Ilryan , the boy orator of the Platte , who . The demonstration set the silver men nllame. tion for Hill , who , with close logic ami trenchant blade , sought the very heart of the convention ns he bitterly assailed aa undemocratic the new creed which the ma jority was to proclaim , lusted about eighteen minutes. Although more protracted than that which greeted Ilrynn. It w'na of n dif ferent nature. Thn hitter was the spon taneous outburst of on enthusiasm kindled by the touch of magnetic eloquence. The stur of the brilliant young orator from the plains of Nebraska has burned brightly on the horizon of the convention tor two days. There were several demonstrations In hla behalf yesterday , but this was the first op portunity ho had lo hliow himself. Ills uudl- ence had been warmed up , and wns full of pqnt-up enthusiasm. The powder maga zine needed but the spark , nnd Ilryan ap plied It with Iho skill of genius. T1RYAN TAKES BY STORM. His very appearance captured the nudl- cnre. Dressed like a plain westerner , In a black sack suit of alpaca , ho stood with n smile playing over his handsome , mobile , clear-cut face , whllo with- uplifted hand he quieted the waiting thousands. Ho has n face whoso lines might have been chiseled from alnbiiclcr by some master sculptor. Ills mouth Is firm , his eyes bright , his nose Itomnn ; his raven hair Is brushed hack from his forehead nnd falls to his eollnr. With well modulated vnli-o , which gradually rose in pitch until It penetrated the furthermost limits of the hall , he wnvo the spell upon his audience. His speech wns n masterpiece of fervid oratory ; with consummate elo- eiucneo ho stated the i-.ico of silver nnd par- vied Ihe arguments ot the gold men. Marc Antony never applied the match moro ef fectively. The convention look flro with en thusiasm , n crackled as though It was aflame. HIM was forgotten : nil clso wns for gotten for the moment. Every chair In the valley of the coliseum and every chalt In Ihe vast wilderness on the hillsides be- ennio n rock on which frantic men nnd women were wldly waving handkerchiefs , canes. Imts and umbrellas anything mov able. Some , like demented things , dlvestel themselves of their coats nnd flung them hlgli In the nlr. A Trxns delegnte uprooted tlu purple standard of his state nnd bore II frantically to the plnco where rose tlu standard nf Nebraska. In a twinkling oth er n followed his example. Tuo-tlilnls of tin mute staffs went c.irrled us trophies tr Ncbrafckn , nnd there danced In midair. A dozen delegates ruxhed upon the stagu and shouldered the half dazed orator and bore him In triumph down the aisle. Louder and louder Blnlekcd the thousands , until the volume of sound broke llko n gigantic ' wave , nnd fell only to rise nnd break again. For almost fifteen minutes this maddening tumult continued , whllo the delegates with the stnto standards paraded the enclosure. Old political generals wcrti stupefied. II the ballot for the nomination had been taken then It would have been a stampede. When It wus all over the votes were taken , first on the minority substitute ( or the platform offered by Senator Hill , which was defeated , C" * > to 303 ; then on the reso lution to endorse thu administration , which was beaten , 367 to 5C < , and , lastly , on the adoption of the platform , which curried , < J2S to 301 , Senator Tlllman , after the rejection of Ihe resolution to endow thu administra tion , withdrew his resolution to censure tlu administration. "The administration stumlt condemned by that vote , " wns his comment. "A bravo man never .strikes a fallen foe , " ALL SECTIONS FOR HRYAN. At the night Kindlon , In the presenceol fully 25,100 i-oopli ; . thn nominating spi-tvhea wcro made , and there was n repetlllnn ol the exciting ccents of the afternoon ' The Ilryan enthusiasm continued , The KalU-rUe went frantic at every mention of hi * name .if. nil the wild demonstration of the after- 10011 was duplicated when ho wan placed n nomination by H. T. Lewis of Georgia nd Kccondcd by W. Clutz of North Cnro- Inn , George F. Williams of Massachusetts ml Thomas J. Kcrnan ot Louisiana. Al- hough the demonstration wns confined argnly to the galleries tonight. It looked ns f the favorite , Bland , had fallen back Into ho ruck , hopelessly beaten. Senator Vest ilnced the Mlssourlan In nomination , nnd Kermoyor of Kansas seconded the nomlna- lon. The name of Governor Clnudn Mnt- licwa ot Indiana was presented by Senator Purple of Indiana , and seconded by Dolo- ; atc Tvlppctt of Colorado. Fred White of own placed Holes In nomination , and the Waterloo statesman owed n magtilficcnt ovation to the enthusiasm ot Miss Minnie Murray , n young woman from Nashua , In. , who led the Holes demonstration , as Miss Carson Lake did the Blalno demonstration at Minneapolis four years ago , Senator Blackburn of Kentucky wns ilnced n nomination by J. S. Rhea , a brilliant Kentucky orator , and seconded by General St. Clnlr of West Virginia and W. W. Toote of California , and McLean of Ohio by Dole- gain Patrick of the Buckeye state. The lenders who are opposed to the nomi nation of Bland , or who feared the con vention might be stampeded to Bryan , de cided atler the nomination speeches to draw off and wait until tomorrow morning be fore taking n ballot. The action of the ijold delegates , most ot whom decided not to participate in the nomination of a can didate on the platform , rendered Hland's strength formidable , as It wns likely that the chairman , taking the precedent of 1810 Into consideration ( when New York , In an attempt to defeat the chairman , ruled that two-thirds of those voting constituted the two-thirds required by the rule ) , would make a similar ruling. If all the gold dele gates declined to vote , -Hd would consti tute the necessary two-thirds , and the best estimate tonight gave Bland 43G. The Pennsylvania delegation , however , decided to vote for Pattlson. after communicating with him by telegraph. The Wisconsin del egation decided not to vote , ns did Now Jersey. Maryland and Connecticut divided nnd twenty-seven of the thirty Massachu setts votes will be silent. The sudden appearance ot Hrynn as a formidable candidate nnd the developments of the day In connection with the gold delegations greatly complicated the situ ation. The Teller movement again loomed up prominently , If those who believe his nomination would be the politics of the situation can they will prevent a nomination on the second ballot , and to this end their efforts will bo directed. The Blnnd mnimgcrs arc straining every nerve nnd claim the vic tory , while Bryan's friends loudly assert that the convention will be stampeded by the "boy orator of the Plattc. " As the doors of the mammoth Coli seum in Jackson park were thrown open this morning and the black streams of people welled up through the en trance and broke like a cascade over the galleries the hand struck up "Mnssn's in the Cold , Cold Ground. " Yesterday there was enough fighting to surfeit the craving of the crowds , but only the pickets were driven in and only the outposts were cap tured. Today , which many believed would bo the last day of the convention , the main citadel was to bo stormed. The champion gladiators were to meet In the arena. The declarations of principles were to bo made and the candidates were to be selected. The ultra silver cohorts , Jubilant and confi dent , were in control. The heroic minority , doomed to defeat as certainly as that brave band of Texans who fought and fell to the last man at Alamo , came with their loins girded for the death struggle. Rebellion hung like a pall above the convention and 20.000 people ranged the sloping hills that overlooked the arena to watch the battle of the wrestling giants. The silver leaders entered with light and buoyant step. The faces of the gold leaders \C\-Q grim and grave. In some cases they were defiant. The managers of the several candidates were marshalling their forces. Bland got the first demonstration with a band , which , at the head of several hundred of his boomers , circled the galleries. The band played a succession of stirring airs as the clans and Ilii ! crowds gathered. The descriptive piece , "The World's Fair , " created much amuse ment. The preliminary scenes wcro largely a repetition of those of the two previous days. There were one or two rows at the entrances and several of the spectators who were making themselves obnoxious wcro ejected. Before the convention was called to order rumors ot men who had bolted and others who would bolt were flying about. It was known that Mr. Cleveland's ex-postmaster general , William S. Illssell of Buffalo , had Eono homo. It was albo said that Perry Belmont nnd Tammany's spokesman of the last congress. General Tracey of Albany , would quietly relinquish their seats to alter nates. Dclanccy Nlcoll of New York , McDermott - Dermott of New Jersey and several Now England delegates were other rumored bolt ers. Delegate Hamilton of Massachusetts said ho did not think the Bay State delega tion would walk out , but that It would re fuse to vote after the platform was adopted. CALLED TO ORDER. Senator White , the permanent chairman , appeared on the stage at 10:40. : He wore a pink shirt and a blue string necktie. He was so hoarse , however , that he could hardly speak ubovo a whisper. An effort to pro duce a Boles demonstration when the Iowa delegation entered with a huge Boles banner wns a fnllure. At 10:52 : Chairman Whlto dropped the gavel. The Indlscrlbablo buzz ot thousands of voices gradually subsided and tlio delegates took their seats , whllo vacant spaces In the pit marked off with almost definite accuracy the location of the Ni'\v England delegations which had not , with the exception of a few stragglers , as yet arrived. The New York delegation , however , headed by Senator Hill and ex- Secretary Whitney , wcro In their places. The bulky form of Ulsscll of Buffalo was absent , At five minutes before 11 o'clock Rov. Dr. Green of Cedar Rapids , la. , the Episcopal clergyman who had made the opening prayer of yesterday , again nroso for the same olllce. lie prayed that the choice of the convention might bo a men whoso work would redound to the glory of his country nnd his God. The prayer follows : Wo thank Thee- , Almighty God , for the blessing of the day that Thou bus given us. At Ha very beginning we pray that wo may be true to Itn responsibilities and bravo for Us duties. Especially grant Thy blessing to those. Thy servants , wno taeo this day tlio great responsibilities and duties of this con vention. A I hey shall mnko their declara tion of principles may they wet forth theno tiulhs that shnll bo founded upon thn eternal principles of truth and Justleo nml that may redound for the benefit of all the people and tlio uplifting of humanity And IIH they shall designate him who nhnll bo their candidate for the chief maglstiy of this great nation Kiildu Thou their minds and their voices. .May they cnposo a man of clean hands and a pure heart who o alms Hhiill 1 > hlH country , his Hod and who ir.ny llvn FO thnt mankind by his virtues may bo lifted nearer to heaven , and so niu > the anpels of poaeo nnd prosperity Ideas this land , and may Thy kingdom eome In , il our hearts through the blessed gospel ol Jesus C'hrlst , to whom , ulih the Father am ] the Holv fihost. bo ascribed all glory for now and forever more. Amen. When thn prayer was concluded Senator Whlto handed the gavel over to Congics- nian Richardson nf Tennessee , n tall , slen der man with black mustncho and schularly atoop of the bhouldcis , who nnnuu.iccd that the committee on resolutions was ready to report and called to the platform Senator Jones of Arkansas , to make ihe committee's report. Senator Jones , who has been In the thlrkcst of the silver light Kineo the foic- runiuTs of convention begun to nsscmb'o In Chicago , Is 11 familiar figure to this con vention. He looks like a soldier , und but for the fnct that he was a toldler In the late confederacy , might be ; Urong presi dential possibility. He Is a strong faced mun with a flercu , silvery innstuclie and chin whiskers and unite hair , which falls to cover all of the top of Ms head. HEADING THE PLATFORM. He adjusted a pair of gold bowtd xpei ; . tucles and begun lo read Hie llnunelul plank of the platform , which Colonel Charles H. Jones , the St Louis jouinallst , httd writ ten. Thu effect of the reading v.ould have greater had thu touthcm senator ecu. trolled a stronger voice. The silver ranks raised n cheer when some ot them heard the words : "Wo demand the free and unlimited coinage of both gold and silver" and one enthusiast demanded that the passage bo re-read , which wns done. Senator Jones declared that ho was hoarse , nnd Indeed his voice broke two or three times and nearly failed him. As the delegates could not hear much of the plat form most ot Its points fell unchccrcd , but the denunciation of the government by In junction , which Is taken as an Indirect ap proval ot Governor Altgcld's course during the Chicago strike , met with recognition. When the plonk expressing sympathy with Cuba had been read , n flag of the new rc- slnglc star on n red field , appeared In the nlslo In front of the delegates' chairs and was carried along the aisles. It did not nrouoo the demonstration which the parti sans of Cuba hud hoped for. Indeed the applause was very moderate and Mr. Rich ardson rapped on the desk and cried : "Put down that flag , " so it quickly sank from sight. It was evidently a tired convention. The strain of two dnys of convention work and the earlier dnys of candidate making had worn out the rank nnd file ns well ns the generals. It seemed to be Impossible to stir the concourse to enthusiasm. The platform was concluded without nny marked applause. Then the report of the minority was rend by J. H. Wade of Ohio , a former rending clerk of the house of representatives. The gold people rose nnd cheered , but after their outbreaks on yesterday these efforts were faint. The endorsement of the democratic administration , which Senator Hill had made n losing fight for In the committee on reso lutions , brought down n yell from the gnl- lerles. Several New York delegates stood nnd waved their lints , hut they did not In clude Hill , Whitney nnd Flower. Over on the fnr right the stalwart frame of Senator Gray of Delnware stood alone and ullcuco pervaded most of the delegations. HILL'S MINORITY UEl'OJIT. Following Is the report of the minority of the committee on resolutions presented by Senntor D. n. Hill : To the Democratic National Convention : Sixteen delegates , constituting the minority of the committee on resolutions , lluds nlnu declarations in the report of the majority to which they cannot give their assent. Some of them are wholly unnecessary , some nre Ill-considered and ninblgiilously phrased while others are extreme and rev olutionary of the well recognized principles of the party. The minority content them selves with this general expression of their dissent without going into a specific state ment of these objectionable features of the declaration of the majority. But upon the lluaiicial question , which engages at this time- the chief share of nubile attention , the views of the majority differ so funda mentally from what the minority regard as vital democratic doctrines as to demand a distinct statement of what they hold teas as the only Just and true expression of democratic faith upon this paramount Issue IIH follows , which Is offered as a substitute for the financial plank in the majority re port. " We declare our belief that the experi ment on the part of the United States alone of free coinage of silver and a change of the existing standard of value Inde pendently of the action of other great na tions would not only Imperil our finances but retard or entirely prevent the establish ment of International bimetallism , to which the efforts of the government should bo steadily directed. H would place the coun try on u sllve.r basis , Impair contracts , dis turb business , diminish the purchasing power of the wages of labor and Inflict Irreparable evils upon our nation's com merce and Industry. Until International co operation among leading nations for the free coinage of silver can bo secured wo favor the rigid maintenance of the exist ing gold standard ns essential to the pieserviitlon of our national credit , the redemption of our public pledges and the keeping Inviolate of our country's honor. Wo Insist that all our paper and silver cur rency shall be kept at a parity with gold. The democratic party IH the party of liarcl money and opposed to legal tender pay ment as a part of our permanent financial system , and we therefore favor the gradual retirement and cancellation of all United States notes ) and treasury notes under such legislative- provisions as will prevent undue contraction. Wo demand that the national credit shall be rigidly maintained at all times and under all cir cumstances. " The minority also feel that the report of the majority Is defective in falling to make any recognition of the honesty , economic courage and lidellty of the present democratic administration , and they there fore offer the following declaration as nn amendment to the majority report : We commend the honesty , economic course and fidelity of the present demo cratic national administration. " DAVID H. HILL. N. Y. . WILLIAM F. VILAS , Wls. , CHOUGH QUAY , Del. . JOHN PUHNTISS I'OR. Sid. . IUVINO W. DUICW. N. II. , C. O. HOLMAN. Me. 1' . J. FARIIHLL , Vt. , LYNDH HAUIUfc'ON. Conn. . DAVID F. HAKKK , Si. I. CIIAULES D. UOOEIIS. Alaska' : Scnutor Hll ! also offered the following amendments to the platform and urged their ndoptlon : "Hut It should bo carefully provided by law at the same tlmo that any change in the monetaary standard should not apply to existing contracts. "Our advocacy of the Independent free coinage of silver being based on belief that such coinage will effect and maintain a parity between gold and silver nt the ratio of 1C to 1 wo dcclnrc as a pledge of our sincerity that If such free coinage shall fall to effect such parity within ono year from Its enactment by law such coinage shall thereupon be suspended. " TILLMAN STARTS TUB FIREWORKS. Senator Hen Tlllman of South Carolina mounted the stage to open the great debate In behalf of free coinage of silver. A strik ing figure ho was ns he faced hla audience. With no pretense to dress , shabbily coated , ho Instantly drew the eyes of 20.GOO people They turned toward him as If ho wcro an antagonist. Ills think set. commanding figure was full cf defiance. Ills head thrown back , wus round and compact. The features strong and powerful , were cast In a classic mould , The nose wns straight , the lips thin nnd compressed , the Jaws siniaro and pugnacious , but the sunken cavity which marked his left eye gave to his fnco a sinister expression. la was n face once seen never to bo forgotten. On ono lapel of his coat ho wore a Cuban flag , on the other a pitchfork. Ono moment the L'0,000 people hold their breath as they gazed. Then they broke forth. Cheers mingled with hlsBcs rent the air. Mr. Richardson , who was wielding the gavel with tlio , aid of the as sistant sergeant-at-arms quickly suppressed the demonstrations. Tillman's first sentences showed that ho had a good , well modulated voice , but as ho proceeded ho pitched It In a key so shrill that It grated like a file. Ho was charac teristic from the beginning. Ho realized that so far ns the galleries wore concerned ho faced an audlenco entirely hostile Ho Introduced himself by Baying that ho came bofoio them as he was , not ns the lylni' newspapers had represented him. A round of nppIaiiBe from the pit greeted thin nn. nounecmont and It was drowned In the storm ot hisses from the galleries which grew to a perfect whirlwind of sound. "I came from n state which was the homo of secession , " Senator Tillmnn turned defiantly and fiercely surveyed the vast congregation which was hissing. Then with n con- tcniftuous toss of his head ho looked nt the sllvcr loyn delegates , , . before him. his eye blazing , and said with n uncer : "Thero are only three things that hUs , a goose , n serpent and a man. " Rais ing his head and addressing the galleries ho bhoutcd that the men who hissed South Carolina forgot the hittory of the revolution when that state kept alive the fires of lib erty. This provoked a wild demonstration from the silver men. "South Carolina In 1SGO , " he said , "led the fight In the demo , crutlc party which disrupted It. Disrup tion , " ho continued , whllo Ihe galleries hUscd , "bioiiKht about the war and the war emancipated the slaves. Now , " ho added , sweeping his arms through the nir above his head , "we are leading the fight to emancipate the white slaves , " WOL'LU BREAK THE PARTY. This time the sliver men had their Innings , but they dli ) not npidaud very lustily when ho declared that with conditions reversed ho was v.-llllui. to again see the democratic party disrupted. ncptnlcdly. as ho pro ceeded the galleries hissed , and .several times the scrgcont-at-nrms threatened , to clear the cnllcrlcs. The sllvcr men hftd a chance to shout their approval when ho declare : ! that they wcro adopting a now declaration of In dependence , " 16 to 1 or bust. " The storm of hisses Issued forth again when he repudiated the denial that this was a sectional contest. "I my It Is a sectional Issue , " ho crtcd , "nnd It will pre vail. " i After these pyrotcchnlcal expressions so characteristic of the nmn ho drifted Into statistics to show the bondage of the south nnd west to the east , and these dry figures gnve the hostile gnllcrlcs another oppor tunity to cry him down. "Time , time , " they shouted. This nroused the senator again to angry resentment. He paced the platform like nn enraged lion. "I know , I know , " he cried with nrms nloft. 'You nru nci Inst Us Th i < Is not n paper In this city that js not tn the power of the money Influence. They will not glvo us a fair show. They characterize us ns 'howling dervishes and sliver lunatics. " Mnny ot the delegates came up the aisles nnd stood nt the foot of the stngo studying Intently the features ot the remarkable man before them. Continuing , Senntor Tillmnn declared thnt the only wny to avert a revolution would bo to select a man whose record would fit the platform. Soon tlio hissing began again at some radical utterance ajid the South Cnro- llnlan took occasion to say that "four yearn ago the New York senator was hissed ns I nm now. " "Where Is New York , now ? " he asked. "Where Is New York's leader ? " And from the gallery came the cry , "In the soup , " which brought down n wnvo of cheers for Hill , topped with u foam of hisses. Tlllman stood walling for the nolso to subside and then using his hand before his mouth for a speaking trumpet called Itko n fog horn his defiance , "You cnn Just ns well understand It now that I nm going to have my say If I stand hero till sundown. " ATTACKS HILL AND CLEVELAND. Ho wns permitted to go on with com- paratlvo ease , nfter the chntrmnn had pleaded with the audlenco and threatened to clear the gillerlcs , and then ho sur prised his hearers anew by an attack on Senator Hill , because the senator from Now York had refuted to mnko the first speech on the platform nnd give the South Carolina mnn the reply. . Incldentnlly he said of Hill. "Ho despised the president of the United Stntct In 1892 ; since then he has had cause to moro than despise him , " and scored Hill for taking the role of apologist for the administration. "Hut as Cleveland stands for gold , " ho began , where upon a hurrah for Cleveland was tdioulcd which drew quite a hearty response from the galleries. The attack on the president which followed did not find any marked demonstration of approval. ' "Now , I want you all. to listen , " he shouted , and then rend the , substitute reso lution which follows : Wo denounce the administration of Presi dent Cleveland its undemocratic and tyrannelal and as a departure from principles which are cherished by all liberty-loving American ! ! . The veto power haw boon used to thwart the will of the people as expressed by their representatives In congress. 'Ihe appointive power hns keen used to subsidize the press , to debauch congress , to overawe and control cltlzenn In UK- free exercise of their constitutional rights. A plutocrat despotism Is thus sought to IK' established on the ruins of thu republic. We repudiate the construction of the financial plank of the last democratic national convention by President Cleveland and Secrutary Carlisle ns contrary to the plain meaning of English , words , nnd ns be ing im .act of bild faith Reserving thr severest censure. The ' Issue , of bonds. In time of ponce with which to buy gold to redeem coin obligations. , payable in silver or Bold at the optloiv.ot \ the government and" the use of the proceeds to defray thu ordinary expenses ) of the" government , ure both unlawful .and usurpations of authority , deserving impeachment. The first sentence was a" firebrand which Ignited a blaze of biases and a counter- flame of' cheers which could not equal the hisses and the entire reading of the reso lution was fiercely hissed. He closed with n warning to the delegates that they must unite their Jealous elements of sllvcr forces or victory for democracy would bo Impossible. "You arc no democrat , " shouted some ono In the galleries , whllo Dn'egato ' Mnrsdcn ol Louisiana , who distinguished himself on the first day of the convention by developing n remarkable case of stage fright and at the same time an unquenchable thirst , tried to ask a question , but ho was howled down. Senator Tillman concluded by pledging the solid vote of the south to any good straight sllvcr candidate. When he descended from the stage the galleries set up a great shout for Hill. But suddenly the commanding figure ol Jones of Arkansas mounted the stage. HK : held his hands out for silence. The noise foil away before his strong presence. In clear tones he apologized for appearing be fore Senator Hill. Ho had , not Intended to say a word , but he cold not allow the charge of Mr. Tillman that this was a sec tional Issue to pass unchallenged. The conservative silver men who had been plainly depressed by some of Mr. Tillman's utterances gave this statement an earnest volley of applause. "I am a southern mnn , " continued Mr. Jones. "I carried a southern musket during the war , but I repudiate the suggestion that this question knows any section. " Flying flags handkerchiefs nnd the approving roar of 15,000 throats answered. After this New York nnd Massachusetts nml other eastern delegates Joined heartily In this rejection of the extreme Tillman senti ment. "Tills U a great cause , " ho went on eloquently. "I and thosa who feel as I do feel that It is not sectional , It Is confined neither to section , country nor clime It Is the cause of mankind. " ( Cheer followed cheer. ) A cause that had Its champion In the magnificent Arthur Sewell of Maine and the brilliant George Frederick Williams of Massachusetts , ha said , could not bo sec tional. After this emphatic repudiation of Mr. Tlllman's remarks Mr. Jones left the platform. HILL TAKES THE FLOOR. Senator HlH ascended the platform amid a perfect storm of applause. Ho went through the regular form , shook the hand of the presiding officer olid then with a smile boned hlu acknowledgments to the shouting , gesticulating crowd. Men were on their chairs waving Handkerchiefs , flags , and tossing hats In t&o. dlr. The vast volume of bound ebbed , and Hawed and would no sooner die awny than It would bo taken up and echoed and re-tclioeil. "Thrco cheers for Hill , ' ' "camo from the Massachusetts delegation 'half ' of them on chairs , und they wore * given with a will , Now York , New Jer ey , Pennsylvania nnd the vast assemblagejoining In the demon stration , When at la t order was par tially restored , Mr. Hill began calmly , hut with a voice that readily reached to the galleries. Ho nald IIB would not attempt to follow or answer the .senator from Soutn Carolina. "I can say t < ) him , " said Mr. Hill , "that I am a democrat , but not a goldbug. " A donumstra-Vlbn broke forth und lasted half a minute. . South Carolina , with all Us power , proceeded Mr. Hill , could not drive him out of .Iho democratic party. Ho came hero on a mission to unite , not to divide , to build up .and not to de stroy , to plan for victory , not to plot for defeat. Mr. Hill's speech In full follows : Mr. Chairman and Gentlemen of the Con vention : I don't know that It Is necessary that 1 should reply to thu senator from South Carolina ( Tlllman ) , und I trust that In any reply i may liiHko I shall not fall to accord to him my prpfouiui rctpect. I would say at the outxet I am u democrat , but I urn not a revolutionist. I will say further , that no matter what the provoca tion , you cannot drive mo out of thu demo cratic party Without Intcndlnt ; to pe- Inlly reply to the remarks of the dltUln- gulshed senator frpm South Carolina , I will only nay that It was u was to of tlmo on his part to asHiinui that wo were so Ignorant aw not to know that It was his state that at tempted to break up the democratic party in 1MV ) . nut that 'party has survived : ihe attempts of every uvctlon of thu country to divide or distract It ; It lives today , and I hope It will long1 survive. ( Great ap plause. ) My minion hero today la tn unite , not to divide , to build up , not to destroy ( loud and continued npplnunO : to plnn for victory mid not to plot for defeat ( continued np- ( Continued on Second PageJ SWEEPS CONVENTION AWAY Bryan's ' Oratory Kolls in a Conquering Wave Across the llnll , INTENSE EXCITEMENT AFTER HIS SPEECH Stampede for n Moment , mill theIloiiiii for UK * .Ncliri 'M < ui Knrtiilitiiltlc 1'ro- IMirtloiiH at ( liic-e. CONVENTION HALL , CHICAGO. July 9. ( Special Telegram. ) Nehrnskn wns today the central figure In the national demo cratic convention. Fanned by the flames ot his llowcry oratory , Hryan stock rose like mercury In a thermometer exposed to the heat of n summer sun. For n while this afternoon It looked ns though it would burst the tube and carry the presidential nomination for Ilrynn by ncclnmntlon with It. Having for two dnys carefully avoided showing himself before tlio convention , al though several times called for , the ap pearance of the Nebrnskn orator , In defense of the platform , was the signal for an ovn- tlon lasting fully five minutes. At the close of his speech the nndlcnco and dclcgntcs went llternlly wild , and for fifteen minutes howled themselves honrse. Had not an adjournment been forced im mediately on ndoptlon of the platform , nothing apparently could have prevented a landslide. As It was , before the npplnuso had died out , Alabama and Georgia bad caucused In their scats and agreed to vote for Bryan and a number of other delegates did likewise. As for the speech it was characteristic of Hryan. It was not what ho said , but the way ho said It. Ho started out with hla time-worn exordium about being clad In the armor of truth and fighting In the cause of righteousness. Not n fact nor a figure , merely n collection of well turned phrases , apt quotations and polished similes. But they came at the opportune moment and caught the crowd. The Nebraska delegates were naturally aroused to the pitch of Intense excitement over the day's events. They had ever since their arrival been doing quiet work for the Ilryan boom , and were surprised at what they had accomplished. They , how ever , had no organized system of opera tions , and up to the roll call could not say with deflnltencss what strength they ex pected Bryan to show. It was originally the Intention not to have his name formally presented , but George Fred Williams to night announced his purpose to nominate him , only to have Georgia snatch that priv ilege from him for Colonel T. Lewis and force Williams to content himself with n seconding speech. When Mr. Lewis proclaimed the name of Bryan Its reception was al'aost Indescrib able. The applause , hat tossing and um brella waving , however , was confined largely to the galleries. The Bryan banner wns brought out and carried around the hall , preceded by the Georgia state standard , but the other stnndnrds which Joined the pro cession were : Nebraska. North Carolina , Louisiana , Michigan , South Dakota and the District of Columbia. .Mr. Ilryan purposely remained in town. Hint Nebraska's entire sixteen votes might go to him. Mrs. Bryan viewed the spectacle from the gallery VICTOR ItOSEWATER. 1'I.ATFOIl.n CAM 13 KHO.M ST. LOUIS. Colonel .Ton CM of ( ho I'oM-DUparfeli Wrote tlio lrlncliiil IMiuilju. CHICAGO , July 9. The platform of the democratic convention which was tele graphed from Chicago on Tuesday night exclusively by the Associated press and which was reported ' today with a few amendments by the committee on resolu tions has no such cloud of rival claim ants to Its authorship and Inspiration as surrounded the making of the platform at St. Louis , which was really the main Issue of the republican convention. One man may be , to all practical purposes , credited with the authorship of the democratic plat form. Thls honor belongs to Colonel Charles II. Jones , publisher of the St. Louis Post-Dispatch. Colonel Jones wrote the first draft of the declaration of principles which will doubtless be promulgated to the coun try by this convention. The document was arranged and worded by him nfter n con- sultntlon with Senators Cockrell and Vest and other leaders , und his draft was adopted by the committee on resolutions after three minor planks had been ndded nnd some changes made In the wording , , which did not affect the principles or spirit of Colonel Jones' work. The most vltnl plank of the democratic declaration that dealing with the financial question and outlining with considerable detail the articles of faith held by the silver leaders was almost entirely the product of the St. Louis editor's pen. Ho also crystallized into verbal form the other points of the party creed , foremost among which Is the tariff and Income tax plank , and those of lesser Importance , planks relating to federal Interference In state affairs , the denunciation of repub lican congresses , the civil service plank and the declaration against third terms for presidents. The plank ngalnst the Pacific railroads funding bill was first suggested by the state democratic convention of California , which Instructed the state delegates to propose such a plank to the convention. Kx-Congressman Camlncttl nnd Congress man Magulro of California made a canvass of the committee on resolutions In behalf of the position and Senator White , who was a member of the committee , succeeded In prevailing upon It to pledge the party lo the policy of opposition to the funding plan. Senntor Vest of Missouri drew up the plank on pensions. The expression of sympathy with the Cu ban revolutionists In the platform was first brought forward In the form of a plank written by Mr. James Creelmnn , tie ) news paper correspondent , but Congressman Sulzcr ot New York modified the statement to meet the view of the leaders. So far as the much discussed suggestion of a platform of ono plank declaring for free coinage at 1C to 1 goes. It wns never seriously entertained by the committee on resolutions. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ iiotcis : TIM : sn.vim SIK.V. lorvu I'liNliuiiNti-r Di-i-lnri-N ( hut Tlielr 311-tliiHlH ArtHull. . CRDAIl HAl'IDS , la. , July 9. ( Special Telegram. ) Alexander Charles , postmaster of the city , and ono of the most ardent ad ministration democrats In the state , re turned home tonight from Chicago. Ho de nounces In unmeasured terms the action cf the sliver combine In unseating the Michi gan gold men , pronouncing It to be n piece of villainy , tuch as never before has been perpetrated. Ho says that the Boles r.-i.n- agers have need insulting and senseless methods , and believes within fifteen days steps will bo taken to call another conven tion , and place a sound money candidate , ui a sound money platform , In the field. Tlllltll UII.VO.MINATKS III3M > iii.SO.\ . SiMMirc * tin * Honor AVI I lion * Much Illlllfiill ) , WATERLOO , la. , July 9. ( Special Tele gram. ) Congressman D , II. Henderson of Dubmiuo was rcnomlnated by acclamation at the Third district republican congres sional convention , held here today. Tlio convention was an enthusiastic affair. There were 1,000 visitors in the city. Henderson made a strong speech when brought Into the convention by the notification commit tee , Ho declared the tariff the leading Is sue , and said tlio democratic party Is try ing to avoid It by raising the cry of silver. Henderson afterward met General Gordon at the park , and made a short stirring speech of welcome- 1111ti AMI WIHTXKY STAY A 1IOI.T. XIMV York llrlrKiitloti Appoint * n Coni- lillKcc of Six < < > Act for II. CHICAGO , July 9. Horrlcd meetings of all the gold state delegations were called as soon as the convention adjourned this nftcrnoon nnd the New York contingent went to a nearby club and begnn work Im mediately. They were not In an amiable mood nt nil , nnd the tnlk of bolting the convention entirely wns very loud. Con gressman Trnccy said ho would not go back , as did also Gcncrnl Frederick llnrtlett. Ex-Governor Flower called the meeting to order and Senator Hill took the floor. He snld very little , but It was pointed. He believed the convention violated the estab lished principles of democracy In mnny moro places than the mere adoption of n platform. To support a candidate on such n platform would mean virtual agreement with It. He did not believe It was policy at present to so far act ns to give It nn endorsement. His remarks were received with applause. He was followed by Colonel J. H. Fellows , who was very bitter In his remarks. "Theic Is not one lota ot de mocracy In such n platform , " he declared. "It Is n tissue ot popullstlc and anarchistic notions compiled by men who have no rlalm to recognition as statesmen or even poli ticians , but who are frenzied fanatics. 1 cannot ECC how I can support such a pint- form or nny person placed upon It. " Mr. Whitney said he had visited several delegations of gold states and found their temper such that they would follow New York's lead. Ho was personally not averse to Icnvlng the convention , but he would not like to have It said that New York led such a revolt. He wns tn favor of rc- mnlnlng In the convention , but not taking part In the election of a candidate nnd urged with Senator Hill the appointment of n committee ot five to arrange with the other gold states n plan of action. The temper of the meeting was shown when Congressman Sulzcr arose to speak. Ho advocated that the delegation , ns good democrats , should stay In the convention nnd take part In Its proceedings. Ho be lieved that the majority rule had always been looked up to in the party nnd It should not now be disregarded. At this Juncture somebody said : "Do you mean that wo should vote for this silver platform ? " "Ves , " said he , "and work for It. " "Shame ! Shame ! " were the cries , and the speaker was cried down. Judge Cluto of Albany , an alternate for Erastus Corning , showed decided silver pro clivities and ho also was shoVu no sym pathy. Senator Thomas F. Grady was al most violent In his denunciation ot what ho described ns the outrage perpetrated on the convention and democrats by the silver men. Ho said he was very much In favor of repudiating democracy , but that he did know that this was not true democracy , but fanaticism. Do Lanccy Nlcoll ended a brief but bitter talk with these words : "I am a democrat , but I cannot support this platform and will not vote for a candidate named upon It. " Governor Flower made the warmest speech of the evening and Whitney nnd Hill had all they could do to prevent n bolt resolution being put through nt once. Ho said the platform was "n crazy quilt of currency" nnd the "work of Incompetent nnd brnlnlcss fools. " He denounced men of Altgcld's nnd Tillmnn's stamp as "mis chief breeders" and "schemers to ruin the democracy" nnd then he closed by saying : "I will never cast my vote for such n ticket or Its representatives. J am n demo crat and this platform Is not democratic. " Governor Flower then read a telegraphic extract from the Brooklyn Eagle ( demo cratic ) 6'f" tonight , advocating a bolt. Part of It read ns follows : We have no fenr that the sound money men will acquiesce In n free silver platform , a ticket of repudiation , nnd if nnnrchy be trampling out sound money delegates In the convention n bolt Is Inevitable. A domo- erntlc ticket for which democrats can vote IH becoming a necessity. It will be supplied. The anarchists , the populists , the commun ists ) and the nihilists who are controlling this convention will never control this coun try ; they will never control the democratic party. Senator Hill interposed and offered this resolution : That a committee of six bo nppolntrd to visit other stnto delegations Instructed for gold nnd urge upon them the necessity for refraining from action and that this com mittee act both In the convention nnd here after for the New York delegation. It was adopted nnd the chair appointed Senator Hill , William C. Whitney , James W. Illncklcy , Hoswcll 1' . Flower. Frederic H. Coudert and William F. Shcehan. The meeting then adjourned , It being the sense of the members that New York's vote was not to be cast for n presidential or other candidate nominated by this con vention. After the adjournment of the convention the Wisconsin delegation held a meeting and determined that the vote of that state should not bo cast for n presidential candi date on the platform adopted today. General - oral Brngg will announce this decision from the speaker's rtand. The Wisconsin delega tion Is instructed to act as a majority shall determine on this question. The poll was 20 yeas to 4 nays. Ki.v.u. CHANCES ix TIII : I'I.ATKOIOI. XIMV NnHoiiiil Hank I'liinU anil He IIulniiH Iillu-rty DcL-llirilHon. CHICAGO , July ! ) . The committee on resolutions held a brief meeting this morn ing and agreed upon several amendments to the platform , the most Important of which was the following substitute for the plank on bank issues : Congress alonn has power to coin and IPSUO money , nnd President JaekBon de clared that this power could not be dole- eiitcd to corporations or to Individuals. We , therefore , denounce the Issuanceof note * nu money by national hanks us In de rogation of the constitution , and wo de mand that all paper which hi made legal tender for public and private dclitH , or which IH receivable for dues to the United StateH shall be Issued by the government of the United States , und shall bf redeemable In coin. At the suggestion ot Senator Walsh and Delegate Dwycr , the new conunlUeeman from California , seconded by Mr. Holman of Maine , the following was added lo the pream ble : The constitution of the United States gimrantpf.s to every citizen the lights of civil and religious liberty. The democratic parly bun always been the exponent of political liberty and rullRlnim freedom , und It renews Its obligations and icalllrnin Its devotion to these fundamental principles of the constitution. Additions were nlso mnde declaring for arbitration and making the labor plank more explicit. _ iitiiS ; A HIH'XIl MO.MJY 'J'lflCnT. Brooklyn HiiKli- Voice * ( lie St-iitliiH-nl of Miuty HiiNli-rii DniiioeralN. BROOKLYN , July 'J. Till * evening's Brooklyn Eagle , democrat , under the head line , "For Country and for Hlght , " in dou ble leads and long primer type , leads Its editorial page with these words : Whether the Bound money delegations as n whole bolt or not there will lie Kounil money men In the cant \vhri will walk out of It , leaving it to Impersonate itw own anarchy and to rear lt own repudiation. Tlii-ro are nlso many other democrats who will support neither anarchy or repudia tion , and theao men , being democrats , should not be required to support repub licanism , nor should they lie forced not to volu at all. For them should be provided an honoHt money democratic national plat form ami national ticket. In th ( > provision of thin , thu Independent democrats of this Htato nhoulcl lead off , lu-ndcd by ihoxu of KlngM and Now York counties. Wo coun sel an Instant realization of this need and prompt meeting of this duty. The rciiulslte movement will grow n It goes. The honor of at once Initiating It IH to bo coveltd as u present obligation and lasting Olftlnctlun , Cnriliit'r .Succeed * Xori'lM. CHICAGO , July 9. Lawrence Uardncr of Washington , D. C. , was chosen a member of the national committee nt a caucus o ! the District of Columbia delegation todny , to succeed James L. Norrle. The vote un " < iuer , 4 ; Norrls , 1 ; K. T. Jordan , 1. BIG BOOM FOR BRYAN Dologatioiis Fall Over Each Other to Got Onto the Band Wngon. SPEECH TOOK THE CONVENTION BY STORM Nebraska Mnn Congratulated by Delegates from All Sections. PLACES HIMSELF IN HIS FRIENDS' ' HANDS His Nomination is Predicted by Many of of the Knowing Ones. ILLINOIS IS EXPECTED TO FALL IN LINE AltucliI llnlilN Out for n Mimit < ti < , lint Soon ( ilvt'H In , Sitylnu : ttio Slieeoli'nri ( CrrnlVMt 1-3 vi" I.Made. . CHICAGO , July 0. Mr. Ilrynn held a lovca nt his place 011 the convention lloor lhla afternoon , delegates from nil parts of the country offering their congratulations oa his great oratorical cITort. Included tn his cnllcra wore members of the notification committee from several states , who , In ad vance of his possible nomination formally notified him of that event. Mr. Ilryan , who has hitherto been positive In his declination to permit himself to be formally placed In nomination , said after taking his seat that ho would defer to the wishes of his friends In the matter. ' The chairmen of several state delegations that have boon heretofore counted for other candidates personally as sured Mr. Bryan of their support. The Ilrynn wave swept suddenly over the convention , and It Is the belief of some of the leaders that It nmrUs the beginning of a possible spontaneous movement which mar lend to the nomination of tin ? Nebraska man. The Georgia delegation has decided to cast her twenty-six votes for Ilryan. A hasty canvass of the Louisiana delegation shows fifteen for Uryan and one against , but under the unit rule , the sixteen Louisiana delegates will RO for Ilryan. The twelve votes from West Virginia will go for llryah. C. S. Thomas , chairman of the Col orado delegation , said If a vote Is taken Ilryan will bo nominated. The Iowa contingent Is standing by Holes , but a movement Is on foot to swing the Holes strength to Ilryan. Florida will glvo him two votes and possibly more. Arizona will stand by Illnnd , but In case of a break , will go to Hrynn. It was rumored that eighteen mombora of the Ohio delegation had united In nn ap peal to .Mr. John H. McLean to withdraw his name and allow the vote to go for Ilrynn. This was denied by the Ohio delegation nml Mr. McLean also denied It. . North Carolina will probably cast her solid vote for Ilryan , and North Dakota Is very much Inclined to favor him , though the sentiment In the latter stnto Is divided between him and Holes , Kentucky an nounces that It will utaiul by Blackburn to , the last. FOR BRYAN AND SIHLEY. The movement Is toward Ilrynn for first nlnco and Slbley of Pennsylvania for second. The plans for bringing Ilryan forward with n rush after his speech appear to have been well laid. Oovernor Culbcrson says that Texas stands firm for lllaml , but In the event of another Teas ; caucus lie thinks Ilryan would com mand a majority. Three of the Wyoming delegates arc for Hrynn nml the entire dele gation may be swung for him. One of the California delegates nays the Ilryan move ment may tend to give that state's votes to the Nebraska candidate nfter the compli mentary vote to Senator White. South Carolina will cast eighteen votes for Tlllman on the first ballot and will then go to Ilryan. Maryland and North Dakota also bhow evi dences of a tendency to Ilryan. The JIls- nlsslppl delegation has decided to cast Its eighteen votes for Ilryan. A paper was cir culated after the Bryan speech and nil hut two of the Mississippi delegates signed It , agreeing to vote for Ilryan. Under the unit rule ho will get the eighteen votes of Mis sissippi. Senator Money of Mississippi says that In his opinion Bryan will bo the nom inee. While the Alabama delegation has agreed to vote for Ilrynn , the lenders In his Interest nre apprehensive that they will not bo able to hold them to their pledge It the ballot la long postponed. The feel ing In South Dakota is very friendly to Mr. Bryan and It Is probable that ho will BO- eure five of the eight votes. South Carolina , Virginia nml Tennessee arc undecided so far , no polls having been mndo of the dele gations. If. M. Hoydston , the nllcrnatc-at-largo otj the Nebraska delegation , Is for Bryan , but the Nebraska delegation , Is for Bryan. Ho Rays the Bryan movement Is wholly spontaneous , and has como so quickly ns to take the Nebraska delegation wholly unawares. IIo regards the nomination ot Mr. Ilryan as assured , and nnys that Illi nois will como to him after dlclmrglng her duty to Itland. David Ovcrmeyer of Kansas says the Bryan wave Is the result of the enthusiasm evoked by Bryan's speech , and ho thinks calmness will bo restored and the effect of the movement counteracted. When In the uproar the procession of banners bearing the names of the different states wus Ftnrtcd there was a rush of No- braskn men for the Illinois delegation. The Illinois r.tnndnrd was torn loose , and a del egate ) started elf with It. Before he had got ten foot Oovernor Altgcld saw him and ordercil the standard brought back. "You cnnnot Ktnmpcdu us , " ho coolly Bald ; "we have declared for Bland. " The banner was replaced. A moment later the banner of Missouri appeared In the line. "Now you can takn It , " said the governor. "Missouri Is In the line , and I guess we cannot ulford not to Join , " Then , turning to the delegates who surrounded him , he hald : "That was the greatest speech over made. I had rather ho nblo , to mnko that speech than bo president. Common men are sometimes made piesldcnts , but It lakes talent brains to talk like that , " Senator Dn-.ilel says that , considering the occasion and thn clrcumslanccs. Mr , Bryan's speech was the greatest effort he over lis tened to. IIo believes Hryan will ho the nominee. Virginia , ho saya , will probably cast six votes for him. HAYS IT LOOKS I.IKj ; A .ST.tMl'ISDH. Hole * nl Ills Home Ilei-i-lvliiu ; ( lie Con- veiitliinIMH , WATERLOO , la , , July 9. ( Special Tclo- gram.-Hx-Govcrnor ) Holts spent tbo day and evening receiving the convention news. Tonight when IIOWB of the Bryan demonstra tion came ho Bald : "They are trying to stampede the convention for Bryan and It looks us If they were to succeed. " Ho also observed that Bryan's strength taken from Bland was remarkable. He added : "Bryan would have a big vote In thin state. The only thing against him Is his age. He Is but 3G , ono year beyond the constitutional requirement. This division of strength will nt leant make more than oiiu ballot neces sary. " After the Hryan demonstration , " added Mr. Holes , "there will probably not bo much nolso about the other nominations. " The reporter suggested something about Iowa's candidate. In response Holes saldi "Oh , wo have nothing now but our own stale and posithly a few scattering delegates. We did have half a dozen or moro of the southern H'att-s uith UK until the break our delegation madu on the vote for temporary clialnua'ju Timt was dt < : Hc-Hy dhwttroub , "