Newspaper Page Text
1.1 THE OMAHA DAILY ft ME : SUNDAY , MAY 23 , 1807. SPEClfll .NOTICES Ailverlldi-iiicntii f ir Ilicne column" will lie tnkcii until IS m. lor tlic evening niul iinlll 8 n. in. tor the iiinrnlttK niul Stimliiy uilltlonn. Ail TUrr , li > - riMtiuHtliiK nulit- I.criMl clic : k , run lime nnhui-rsj ml- Irrmiril ( o n. iniiitlicreil letter In ciir - nililrm ' l of Tlic Her. Aiism-or * nn will IIP ilellvc-rril in tircHciitnllon ol the rlicck only. llnlvM , I l-2c n woril llrMt ln or < loii lo a won ! Ilicrpiirti-r. XoUiInK tnkrn for Icnn Minn 2So ftir tinn > t IIIHIT- tlon. Thrif > nilvorlliiciiiciitN nut sit lie run ronirotitlvrl } ' . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ > SI'ITATIOXS \XTHI ) . POSITION WANTEDHY A COMPETENT tiutrlitr ; IS yents' experience , reffenc * * fur- nlihnl. Aildrn-s V , Ufa oltlcc , Council Hlurfa. vTANTRTiTlV YOt'NO MAN OK OOOI ) HAH- ll employed diirlnR ilny tlm < , ptnci' to worn for Imnrd find room. Hesl of ref ier.ccs. . "It M. " lice. A-MS03 2.1 * AMUOfNt > . GOOD IUTTC1IKU. V.'ANTH SIT- uiillon ; fourteen years' experience ; K001' ' f ences. Address V. Hudlk , Scluiyler , NVb. . can sew ; tnuslclnn. Address I. 40 , cai < - of It- < - . WAXTliD MLH HUM' . A FBW ENERGETIC IIUHTMNO MEN CAS find steady , profitable work with C. V. Adimif Co. , C2I an. Kill St. Hr4'.l _ MEN "AVANTHD TcTLEARN HAtitiHR TRADE nt the Omnlm Il.irbcr ColleRC. llni'H In the wrsi : complete course , 8 works ; te-rms "ijy ! f-nd fur cnlnlocuc. 1317-1319 Dnuislns St. . Omnlm. IJ-MT10 June 4 WANTED. HALHSMEN. IN EVERY TOWN nnd city ; Hilary and cnmmlMlon. Hawks Nursery Co. , Milwaukee , WK U MK.jJ- * _ BALEssinN" Foil TTnARS ; t\x \ MONTHLY nnd rxpfnscs : old established lioii'e ; experience unnecessary ; Induct mvnla lo cuslnmi-rs. < ' . C. Rlshnp Co. , St. Louis. IIM2VI 31 WANTED , MEN TO LEARN TUB HARtlER trade ; our new mcthml ! . tlmmtiRh. constant prncllc < - : competent Instructions ; llnnl i-xport exninlnntkn : wnKrs nnd experience Saturdays In city shfps befurirnmp'eilmr : mull ! of iiml" Klvrn students : only ti-qulren two months to in-cut i' situation ; write to most convenient nil- ilrr for MliiMnite.l cutiiloKiio. Mnlcr System of Iturber Schools. ClilriiRp , St. Lntils or Min neapolis. H-M2S2 ; .T WANTED. AN Al CLHHK FOR OENEIIAL olllco work ; murt hnve rtrnctlral experli'ttci' ! xlnte age. Fiilary , present nnd fi.nnor oceii- pnllon , olhcrwlre no nltc-nllon g\\en \ nppllra- tlon. Address I. 27. Itee. II-r-:3 WANTii-A OBIIMAX PI/3HIST WHO AU ° O i < nenl < ! i linKllch nnd can begin work nt once. K Unas , 1813 Clinton. II nii-28 WAXTKD. SA1.KSMAN ; SAIjAHY 1-A1P weekly , experience unneceninry. permanent. Drown Drotlicrs Co. , Chicago. II WANTKD. CATHOt.IC ; MAN TO TUAVK1. TOIl old estnMUlicd house ; muFt lieRln on low ralniy. Addrens Catholic Tnith , leek box . ' .28 , C'lileaRO. II Mn.V-WUO WIM. WORK FOR > 4 DAY. KAI ary or comnilrxlon canvapslnir cnn iiinerR nnd dealers. Clifton Soap MfB. Co. , Cincinnati. O. II BAUOS.MAN. S011OOI , .StTpPI.IlIS ; COlTNTrtT' work ; JIM salary monthly , with liberal uddl- tlonnl eninmlK > lons. H. C. EvanB & Co. CldcnRO 11 ANT ) WOMHN. TO WOIlK KOU I'H DAY or I'venlnu at their homes ; pleasant work ; no eanvnsslnt ; ; experience unnecessary ; we pav salary ; IncloFo stamp for pnrtleiilnrH. Stand ard Mfif. Co. , 142V. . S3rd SI. , New York. II INSTimCTIONH TO Kr.KVATOR CONDlTCToIis In your cape or liy mall ; reven years' experi ence ; will qualify for position nnd license. Address by mall. Elevator Instiuctor , llee II 33I-23' WANTED. SAI.HHMKJT TO SMfX TO nBAI - er on time ; Jl'k ' ) monthly nnd expenses ; ex perience unnecessary. Wille for particulars. Acme Cluar Co. , Cldcapo. II 341 2J FUKE TO MUSIC IXJVMIIS. FOIt SO DAYS we will send six pieces sheet music bentitl- fully desluned. with nur catnloRtic for two tnmpB , Home Music Co. , Uox 3C33 , O T'lillnde ) . phla. 1I-340-23 * WANTED , BALESMRM. I.OCAI. OR Inir , to sell n line of chew Inn KUtns. None but hustlers need answer. 420-32 Market St. fhl- c.iK" . III. I1-3J9-23 * DO YOU WANT A OOVEUNMENT POSITION ? I'trsons to prepare by mall for all civil service examinations. Write for cata- loinic Klvlnc full Information about positions , FiilarleB. dates and places of examinations. Civil Service College of Correspondence. Wash ington , D. C. IJ J3S 23 FOH THE OOVEHNMENT SEKVICi : , IlItlOIIT youiiB men to prepare for examination soon to be held for clerks and carriers In Omnlm riost- olllre. I'artlcularH nboul all Kovenuncnt Posi tions , dates , salaries , etc. free of National Correspondence Institute , 2d Nat'l Hank Illdi ; . , AVnshlnKton , D. C , H 337 ; j WANTED-A FIURT-CI ASS SALESMAN WHO can. Klve Rood references to travel on the road with fancy Krocerles. State experience and ad dress lock box 1540 , Lincoln , Nebraska. H 355 23 * A TllAVEMNO SALESMAN TO SELL C1C1AKS. 175.00 to Jir.0.00 per month salnry nnd expenses. Excellent opportunity. Experience unnecessary. Champion Mfir. Co. , Springfield , Ohio. J35 A WEEIv AND EXI'nNSER PAID SAMW- men ; staple line ; experience unnecessary ; per manent position. The W. 1 Kline Co. . St. L/niln , Mo , ] ) _ MAN WANTED. J50 (10 I'En MONTH ; H stamp ; answer quick. Ilex 961 , Den TMolnes , la. 11 381 23' TUAVEMNO SITITAT10N : FAIR SAI.AHYAND expenses ; gentleman or lady ; mnall cash necu- rlty. Webb , room 20 , Victoria hotel.n n 401 23 WANTED. A TAIIXin. ONE UNDEIISTANDINO all branches of the tnulc ; state WQRCII expected. IJ. Stlnurd , Valentino. Neb. II 40fi 23' WANTED. TWO MEN OF GOOD AI'I'EAH- iince , to work city ; brlriR reference and call ut Ilrunswlck hotel , between 9 nnd 5 , Monday. 11-412 23- WAXTKH I'-KS HUM' . 100 GIIU-S FOR ALL KINDS WOHIC ; J1 TO IT week , Canadian olllce , 1H22 Uouelas.C . C M74S WANTED , AN EXI'EUIENCEIJ COOK AND Kooil laundress at 124 Ho. lath. c 293 WANTED , A COMPETENT QIHU AT ONCE , for Keneral housework ; no wnshlnh' and the lx t wanes. 1C4 Park avrnue , Council Illurre C M312 WANTEU-A CJOOD SECOND QIIIU MKK C. N. Dletz , 428' Ko. 3SII. fit. C-31C-23 NI'USE ' ailtl. WANTED. MUST HAVE 1IEF- erenees. Cell at once , 2319 Hnrncy. C 314-23 WANTED. A MIDDI.E-AOID LADY TO travel for n wholesale house ; references re quired. Aildress I. 33 , llee. U M320 54 WANTED-LADV IIOOKKMEPEU AND STEN- nBiiipher , one who can fpeiik Oermati nr Swe < l. l h preferred , ( live iwnmanshlp reply. I , so " < C-32S-23 I.ADY ' AOENTH WANTED TO HKM , M.ME , J ale's famous toilet preparation * ; OKents niuk- lnK from 120.00 lo Jioo.oo per week ; write for liartlGulari. Address Mnie. M. Yali. ChlcaKO. Ill * * - T0 18 T0 'NTRODIICE ' A no experience necesiary ; mother * ri'iiiiestesl n > cull wllh lUnglm-m ut M4 Flrit Null , bank from 2 to 3 p. in. Mondnys. C 3OT-23 WANTED FIRST-CLASS SECOND TRIMMER. Ml Mm Knhl and JohnMon. C 37 23 WANTED , ENERGETIC FEMALE . AGENTS TO HI e..uuslle | - . ml pictim-i. In potteVy ; new and ffrni'iyVeV"r l".1"1 w"m " " ' " ' AiWre Na. tlcnal Toy and Mfs , Ci > . , Xanesvllle , O. - C 333 23 * K4)H HKf.'T HOUSHS. "X" . * " 1 'N A''k PARTS OF THE CITY THt' O. F.DaiU Company. IOCS . Farnam. D-473 IIOUSEsT I1ENEWA & CO , , 1M - . . ST. D-474 MODERN HOUSES. C. A. STARR. JM N.T. LIFE D-475 CHOICE HOUSES AND COTTAGES ALL OVER the cltjr. | J to tW. Fidelity. 17C8 FanJam Bt D-478 HOUSES. WAU-ACE. I1ROWN ULOCIC. IOTH nd Douglur. D-477 HOUSES , COTTAGES & STOHL'S. ALL PARTS cf city , Urvnnan , Love Co. . 430 Pa it on block D-478 MOVING HOUSEHOLD GOODS AND PIANOS Om , Van & Storage Cex , HIS Farnam , TVl. IMS D 47S LARGE UST , U'CAQUK. UT1I A DODGE. P-tW I tConttnti xU I'OfSES , FLATS. ( JARVIJT DnOS.UU FARNAH HOJ-SF.S FOR HUNT. HEMI8. PAXTONJJUC. MODiniN IIRICIC HOUSE. 1414 C w St. . JSO.W. W. U. Melklc , Wl lit Nnfl Lank. D-MC04 Ei.iiioANTTiY VUUNSliKn"IIOUsKDBWailT - fid ncme of ten r mf ; bfM of locnllons ; Wtkt Fntnnm. I'rtte very rensonnble to vlRhl inrllit. M. .1. Krninrrt * Son , 310 und 311 J. J. Urcwn block. IJ-te ! sTltOOM TlOUSE. IStjuillF. 8709 IJOtTOt.AS strct. 1J--MTW ion HA nxirfT 10"UOOM s ; 8Ti VMinAT\ : D M7S.1 June * " l'\ll IlKST , 15MCOANT FIVE-ROOM STEAM heated not. Apply Flat 9 , Uavldgc Illdff. D MD05 IMIOOM FI.AT. IwilTnTT.VS , NEAR J4TH ; MOD- cm ; steam heiU ; also ' . -rooms nt 316 So. Itth. Inquire Utio.ul t , 31fi S. ISth. IJ 917 HOUSE. DELIGHTFUL HOME. West Fnrnam St. Price ve-ry leasonnblc to Hunt parties M. J. Kcnnnnl & Son. , 310 nnd 311 llrown lile ck. 1 > M9H TTiRETlRoo7tTioTisT : rr5lb7To22 N. ZIST. HOUSES. . .i.'i"SHERWOOD. \ . 423 N. Y. LIFE. D Ml < 8 roTTllENT , MODKRN EHlHT-ROOM HOUSE. 32nd niul Paclllc Streets. Apply to J. II. EvniiH. Nellonal Hank of Commerce.D . D 233-23 SIX-ROOM MODEUN FI ATS. 1112 S. 11TH. I > -M247 25 rri : COTTAOK OF SEVEN ROOMS , for man niul wife , without children. 630 South I'.th Mrret ; wood references rcqulrcil. Adilrcss II. Mlllard hotel. D-M301 23" RENT-EI.EOANT 8-HOOM HOUSE. AI.1. moilirn Improvements , cor. 23rd nnd rhlenRO. Apply nt 1303 Fnrnnni St. D 315-23 TWO G-ROO.M. INCI.UDINO HATH. STRICTLY tlrst-class , mpilern cottiiKes ; fI4 , 1.113 N. 2Sth ; J1S. 2f02Snward ; keys nt 2S10 Scward ; excellent. n M32B 23 R-IIOOM MODEItN FI.AT , 7(0 S. 1CTII. . II7.SO. IJelaehed C-iiiom dwelling with water and mver connections at 112S N. 17th ; rent. JI2.00. W. II. Mclkle , room 604 First Nafl Hank. D-331 FOR RENT. NICE HOUSES. 1109 MAIICY. 2-29 * FIVE ROOM FCRNlSIini ) COTTAOE NEAR exposition , BUS raiiKe , electric lUht. city water cemented block from motor , twenty dollars n month. References required. A.lress f. 31. Itee. D 35S 23 * FOR HUNT EIGHT-ROOM COTTAOE AT Spirit Like , near Hotel Orleans. W. J. Pratt , Des Molniii , Iowa. D 357 23 FOR RENT. FURNISHED HOUSE IN CMFTON Hill , from June 15 to Sept. 1. A. P. Tukey , city hall. D-370-23 FOR RENT FOR SUMMER. FURNISHED hous * . In Kountze Place ; peed b.irn , nice lawn. J. Fawcelt , court room 2 , court house. D 371 22 FOR RENT. FUHNISHEI ) HOUSE. 9 ROOMS. CIS S. 2Clh nve. , from July 1 to November 1. Apply to H. T. l.cnilst , 1522 Fnrnam street. D 378 23 * FOR RENT. 1312 UODCSK. I.ONO LEASE choice business location. Globe Ionn and Trust Co. D M3S3 21 410 S. 27TH AVE. . 4-ROOM COTTAOE * n Z'M 8. 2.1th nveiuie , 7-room. modern 20 1314 S. 32d St. , 8-room , mixlcrn 23 1M3 S. 29th St. . S-room , modern 30 K12 S. 2Cth nvenue. 9-room , modern 23 2M4 Davenport , 9-room , modern 23 South lOlh st. , 10-room. modem M 2919 Mnsnn , 10-room. modern : , , 23 Cfi2 S. 28th , 11-room. modern 23 3312 Charles , C ronmn. city water -9 2021 Manderson. 5 rooms , city wnter 12 .114 N. 26th , C rooms , city water ir 2rro Cumlng. 7 rooms , city water 14 315 N. 20th , 9 rooms , city water 33 2206 N. ISth. 11 rooms , modern 25 2140 S. 34th , 7 rooms , modern , except yns 23 2719 Jackson. S rooms , modern 33 lOiVI S. 29lh avenue , ! > rooms , modern 33 HICKS' HEAT * ESTATE AOENCY , 219 S. 16th St. , Ground Floor Paxton lllock. i Telephone. 11C9. D 409 23 UST YOUR HOUSES. STORES AND FLATS with Hicks' Real Estate Acency , Rround lloor olllce In Pnxton block , D 410 23 FOR ItK.Vr KimMSirEl ) Ui/O.MS. STEAM HEATED ROOMS , TELEPHONE AND all comcnlences : rates reasonable. Pundt Resi dence , 212 P. 17th St. E-703 FURNISHED ROOMS. 1703 DOUGLAS ST. E-74J ROOMS FURNISHED OH UNFURNISHED , cool , plensnnt location , modern conveniences , near Shelton nnd Merrlam hotels. 2427 Dodne street. E M224 23 * NEWLY FURNISHED ROOMS. SINGLE OR en suite. Apply 1S17 Lcavcnworth street. 3d floor. E M240 23- THREE FURNISHED ROOMS , HOUSEKEEP- Inf. 1112 S. llth. E M248 23 * FURNISHED ROOMS. 1616 HOWARD. E-M281 NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS. SINGLE OR en ulte. Price reasonable. Reference. 2224 Hurt. E-33)-23 NICELY FURNISHED SOUTH OR NORTH ' room , nil convenience ! ) , food board , 2303 Dous- las Ht. E 359-23 * NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS , 1921 DODGE. E M387 24 FRONT ROOM. WITH ALCOVE. FOR ONE or two Kentlemen. C2t S. 2iith nve. E M3 > 0 29 * LARGE , ELEGANTLY FURNISHED FRONT room , with alcove. 114 South 25th street. E 403 23 KUHXISIIUU HO O.MS AMI 11OAUD. NICE ROOMS , GOOD BOARD , RATES TIEA- sonable. The Rote , 2020 Harncy. M F1S2 SO * ELEGANT ROOMS. SINGLE OR ENSUITE , private bath ; excellent board. 1909 Capitol live. M F204 23 * MODERN I1HICK. ROOMS AND HOARD ; tS.DO week. CI4 N. I9th. F M217 24 * IIOOMB AND HOARD , 1724 DOUGLAS.F F 271-25 * FURNISHED ROOMS , HOUSEKEEPING , 2C23 Ht. Mary's. F M 274-23 * NICELY FURNISHED SOUTHEAST FRONT room ; modern convenience ; board. 702 S. 29th St. F-29C-23 * COOL ROOMS NEAR HANSCOM PARK , with or without bourd. 2721 Mason. Mason.F F 333-23 * FOR RENT. FURNISHED ROOMS. SINGLE OR cnsulto with board , 1042 South 2''lh ' St. F-M-33C-24 UTOPIA , 1721 DAVENPORT , ' F M3CO-29 * HLEGANT ROOMS , FOR iIJOHT HOUSEICEEP. Ilitf. or rooms with board. 207 South 24th ttreet. F 405 23 * KOU lIKXT UXFrilXINIIKD ItOO.MS. SIX UNFURNISHED KOOMH. ALL MODMRN , beautiful lawn and shade. 2711 N. 22nd Kt. G-3CI-2J * l-'Oll IIHNT STOHKS AMI OKKICI3S FOR RENT. THE 4-STOI'V IUUCIC DUII.UINO at 91G Furnam .St. This building has a fireproof cement bateintnl , complete eteam heating tlx- lures ; water on all floors , ca > , etc , Apply ut the ulllce of The Dee. 1 919 FOR RENT. KTORE 44 M. 2 STORY AND baFement. long- lease ; Capllol uvc , und 1CIU st. lli'i-t buslnesK locution In Omaha , Globe Loan und TriiH Co. , ICIh und lodbre , I-M-372-24 ACKNTS WAXTIjII. WANTED , AGKNTS ; ITS PER MONTH AND expcnrei paid active men If rlent ; eoodi cold by sample only ; samples , alto horse anil car rluge furnished free. Address Jobber , Uox 630 ° , Uotton. Mats. J 4S1 AGENTS EASILY ESTAHLISH BUSINESS ; 100 percent piollt ; novelty nmtrh , lamp , Hove and clear IlKhtrr. useful everywhere ; blcyclUt * buy nt itKht ; ( ample by mall 15 cent * . Monon Novelty Co. , room 1020 , 514 Dearborn street , Chicago. J M278 23 * LADY AGENTS WANTED. IN EVERY TOWN In Nebrutka , to cell the Jewell > klrt and tlilrt waist vupporter ; agents make from 12 to } 0 per day ; every lady buys It : no competition. MIsH llensie Cameron , Elate Afnt , 2 < 1S North 17th ktrett , Omaha , N b. J-M321 ! 3 * MUST IIAVB AGENTS AT ONCE TO BELL a h lock * and door holder * . Sample sain locki free fur 2c tump. Immense ; better than welxhli ; burglar proof ; 110 a day. Write quirk. AdJri'ji Drohard & Co. , box 77 , I'hlla- 2clpSI , Pa. J- AGENTS WANTED AGENT WANTED IN every town ; brand new tioodi ; tell at BUht ; no experience required ; liberal termt ; write for full Information. Mutual Manufacturing Co. , 12 Cbtanttn St. .New York. J- AGKNTS M'ANTKn. ( Continued. ) "ELECTRIC OIL llURNKR--lltO SALES where Intrtxluced , Urse prcntf ; , * xtlu lve tttl- tury. Tor terms ftrtdrt-'s ChlcnRo Oil Burner and Stove Co. , 137 Lake 81. , Cnlcngo. J-345-23 * AGENTS W A NT K D "BICYCLING FOR Lndlf-s. " Only book of Its kind , fully Illut- trnteil ; common sensn Inttnictlons ! price ll.50 | smpl , postpAld , fl.bO. Brentnno'H. 31 Union ftiunre , New York. J-347-23 * WANTED-AClENTy TO INSURE DEPOSITORS' hunk account * by telling the Indelible Chick I'roticlor ; Impofslbte to rnl e timount ; retails 15. Wesley Mfg. Co. , Times IJullilltiR , New York City. J-346-23' AOENT3. WR MANUFACTURE SUIT MA- clilnn * ; nil kind's ; r iji'ttc . rnnl , Knlnm iniunlr.fs. ele.vilin : for ttrrltory. Leo Cmi.ln Co. . Cincinnati , Ohio. J-S43-2J * ACTIVE AGENTS"SUCCKKD REMARKABLY rxerywlieti' nt.owlnn 1nte t multl-ciipylnii np- p.iinliiB nreiled by proiHlve perplc trades , i rofes lons. restaurants. Liberal commission. Etiirttf Duplicator llemlniiurttrs , Ci Centre St. , New York. J-344-13 * SALESMAN POM PAPER CIGARETTES ON cnllmls lon ; Rrfnlent Inducements , easy sales , tlendy Income. UnllM Tobacco Works , llj Mulherty St. . Now York. J 343-25 * AGENTS TO SELL PERFECTION SELF-HEAT- ln Hnlr Culler ; ini'Ht attim tlvr article ; Inmn nles ; ll'i ' rsl iommlr lon ; rnniple fiOe : free. SfMidniil Spttlnltlcs Co. , 2K > llroadway , New Yol k , J 342 23 * AGENTS WANTED-KORHNE SOAP , HEAUTt. fill nrllcle. Krent seller , large prollt , write today. Earl Chcmlcnl Works 107 15. 27th St. , New York. J 3C2-23 * WANTED , EXPERIENCED AGENTS , TO HIM1- rctent the U' t nnd InrKest Sick. Accident nnd Death Benefit association In the west ; endow ment nnd withdrawn ! prlvlleKts ; liberal con tract. Addrcm American Ilcnnvolcnt Asfocla- tlon , Union Trust Billldlnif , St. I juls , Mo. WANTED , AGENTS ; IMMEDIATE BENEFITS fl'kncss. nccldtnt and dentil sells Itself ; lib- ernl contract ; bonanza for orunnlzem. Write Itoynl Fraternal Union , St. Ixuls , Mo J 350 23 THE COIIIIETT-FITXSIMMONR FIGHT AT Carson ; the Edison Co.'s pocket klnetescope of llvlnc pictures of It ; the only niilhentlc views ; samples mailed for W cents each , by D. II. Deemcr , Box 70C , Omaha , Neb , J-400 23 * WA XTH11 TO HI3XT. WANTED , PLEASANT ROOM , WITH BOARD , In strictly private family , convenient location , by yoiiHK business man nnd wife ; references satisfactory. Address L 24 , Bee. K M2S7 23 WANTED. TO RENT THREE OR FOUR FUR- nlshed rooms for llnht bousekccplnc ; no chil dren. L 39 , Bee. K-3S4M _ _ WANTED , BOARD AND ROOM BY IA I AND wife ; must be llret lloor and close In. L 42 , Bee. K-392 23 * WANTED. IN VICINITY OF IIANSCOM PARK , by man and wife , modern cottage or nbout four modern rooms for housekeiplns. L 41 , K-393 23 * Bee. - TWO MEN AND WIVES WANT TWO FUR- nlshed rooms each , or room und alcove , wlt.i board : vicinity All Saints or High school. Ad- dreui L 41 , Bee. K 399 23 STOUAUL : . PACIFIC STORAGE AND WAREHOUSE CO. . COS-910 Jones. General Storage nnd rorwnrdlnij OM. VAN & STORAGE. 1413 FAUNAS ! . TEL. 1539 M 183 WAXTUI1 TO IHIY. WANTED. A LIGHT ROAD WAGON FOR EltiBle 40 In. Shetland pony. Lee Greedy. Far- rnRiit , In. N SIJK a * WANTED TO BUY , NICE COTTAGE HOME , centrally located , within wnlkliiK distance of business center , or convenient to cur line. Call or address , W. C. Boulc , 219 So.JGlh SL WE BUY AND SELL BOILERS AND EN- ( -lncs and gasoline endues. Omaha Hay Press Company , Omaha , Neb , N 3 13 KOIt SAI.H I' SOLD AT PUT AUCTION TUESDAY. MAY 23. the furniture nnd contents of the Arlington hotel , between Dodge nnd Capitol avenue , on Thirteenth Htreet. Sale tn commence at 10 b. m. bharp. Nebraska Commission nnd Auction Co. M391 t4 * . 'OR SAI.1'2 1IOUSKS AM ) WACOXS. FOR SALE , "CLEMMIE C. " STANDARD bred" record , 2:20 ; perfectly safe for Indy to drive' . Gem Stablcu. 171S Cuss. P M309 23 * FOR SALE-OANOL'Y TOP PHAETON OR WILL trade for surrey. Stable , Park avenue and Woolworth. I' 303-23 * FOR SALE .MISC13LI.AXEOUS. HARDWOOD CRIB11INU. HOG AND CHICKEN fence , cheaper than ' "all wire. " C. R. Lee , 901 Douglas. Q-1S7 CHICKEN. HOG & LAWN FENCE ; ALL WIRE ; cheaper than wood. Wire Works , 403 S. 14lh. Q CCO J-2 CARPETS , DRAPERIES , DRESSGOODS , SILKS 12 monthly on $10 purchase , i-end postal ; will call with samples , E Hlrsh. 1629 Avc. Q C53J3 2 STOCKS GROCERIES. 1 MEAT MARKET. 1 drug stock , farms , eastern Nebraska ; acreage In nnd around Omnha. Omaha city proiierty. H. It. Hall , Ml N. V. L. Q 793 .17 STANDARD HRED MARE. DELIVERY wagon , harne . high grade bicycle , phae ton , good work hcrse , fresh Jersey cow , buckboard - board : all bargains. Frank Hart , CenteT and C3d btreets. Q M2I5 25 * FOR SALE , DRY HARDWOOD KINDLING , fl per load , delivered. Tel. S73. Omaha llutter Tub Co. Q M268 23 * JS5CO WILL HUY A KIMHALL UPRIGHT nlano ' In good condition. Omnha. Mortgage Loan'Co. , 306 South ICth street. Q-M300 FOR SALE , FENCE POSTS. ON THE RIDGE rend between Florence and Cnllioun. Thomas Dontlly. Q-M375 S3 * FOR SALE. SHOE STORE FIXTURES AND furniture , including ( In-proof loiter Dies. desks ; warcriiom. etc. Ijilrd , Schober & Co. , 151. , Douglas St. Q-SSg 23 * MISCELLANEOUS. GARDENS & FARMS TO RENT. T. MURRAY. CLAIRVOYANT. SPECIAL ARRIVAL. FIRST VISIT TO OMAHA of the marvelous full life-reading clairvoyant and trance medium. PROF. CLARENCE E. CHESTER. The occult wonder. Plain , practical , clear- brained Information. The muster mind leads , otherH follow. FEK-MC StH'-COC-AND UP FOR ONE WEEK. He tells yejiir name , nge , occupation , ndvlsen In IniidnttiH. speculation , love and nil family troubles , unites the separated , names of friends and enemies. Satisfaction guaranteed or no pay. If you have been illt-nppulnlril by Incom petent clairvoyants cull und ! < o convinced of Prof. Chester's ability. No mutter what otheru have iK-en , remember he Is enactly as he rep resents himself to be , FVC , DO ; , Me , nnd up , Hourx , 10 to 8 dally. PARLORS. 1915 FARNAM ST. , first floor , Let ters with stump answered , 8 313 24 * 3IA.SSAUI3 , IIATIIS , KTC. MADAM SMITH , 1617 HOWARD , MASSAGE , steam baths. T M2M 20 * MRS. UH , LEON. ELECTItIC MASSAGE RATH parlors ; restful and curative. 417 s. llth , up. Btnlrs. M-330 ? J * 1'KllSONAL. VIAVI FOR UTERINE TROHIJLES. S(6-8 ( HEE HUs , ; ( ihyslclan , conouitatlon or health book free. U 4S9 DATHS , MASSAGE ; MME. POST. 319 > i B. 16TH. U ( W RU1TURB CURED , PERMANENTLY ; NO pain ; no detention from bielnti ; we re'er to thousands cC patients cured. Call or write The O. E. Miller Co. , 832-3 New York Llf bulldln ? , Omaha. U MC25 BALDNESS CURED. SZ8 HOARD OF TRADE. U MC35 Jl * MISS MAYER. SUROIXJN-CHIROPODIST , manicure. H. 400 Paiton block , diploma USC. U M249 J18 EXPOSITION INVESTMENTS. FOR PLEASure - ure and prollt ere U ] ' . Judson's want ads. Council llluffa page. U M264 PERSONAL-INFORMATION WANTED OF James H. Campau. formerly of Detroit. Mich. , and later of KcJfcrn. Ni-l > . ; luut heard of In Omaha In IBM ; father died In IS'jO ; suitable reward for nny Information. Mrs. Livonia E. Campau , 431 Sherman St. . Detroit. Mich , I U3423 * NELLIE F. 11YLBV. MANICURE AND CHIR. eipodUt , 7 yr . ulth Ml < Mayir , 01 Karbach bk , U-M3M J K MAHRY : WRITE TO HANDSOME INDIES OR honorable men ; many worth IM > to IW.COO ; large private lUt ; Uc. Box UW , Denver , Cola. I . ' U-Kt ( Ccrh'tlnufil. ) A WELL KNOWSV.&aAlU WOMAN WILL rhnperono n pnrtyW.lhrcc or seven school plrls on the Chrlsijnn J-Indfnvor excursion to San Francisco. H t < > t references given nnil required. Communicate1 Immediately with Jj 35. lice. ' ' " 365 23 * 1-LDEHLY. FINE ' LOOKIN" OENTLEMAN worth 1300,000 , nffrctlonAte nnd lonely seeks n sympnthetlc , ! ovln twlfc. Mr. Jnnew , 209 E. 61st St. , New York City. . / U-3C4-23 * JIOXKY TO LOANj-RKAL 13STATH. ANTHONY LOAN'fcTHUST ' CO. , 315 N. V. L. : aulck , money al low rAtcs for choice fnrm lands in Iowa , nortt-trn' Missouri , eastern Nebraska. W 493 LOANS ON IMPROVED & UNIMPROVED CITV property. W Farnam Smith & Co. , 1320 F-irnnnj. W-H9J C 1'KP CKNT MONKY ON NKI1. & 1A. FARMS. W. 11. Mclkle , Ut Nnfl lk. LlrtgUmaha W OS MONP.Y TO 1X5AN AT IXMV UATES. TUB O. F. Da\ls Co. . IMS Pornam St. W < M FAUM LOANS , 1 TOIK YUAHS ; LQWKST tn'.te. Qarvln llros. . 1613 Fornam St. W M3 ON OMAHA PUOPIJIITY : I/NVKST UATE8 ; L'Ulldlng ' loans wnnteO. Fidelity Trust Co. Co.W W4 MONEY TO IX1AN ON IMI'IIOVKD OMAHA real estate , llrennan. Love & Co. , 1'nxton block. W-49S MONHV TO LOAN ON IMPnOVKD OMAHA property. IMscy & Thomas , 207 1ft Nntl Ilk lila W 2.15 FUOM JIOO.OO UP. F. D. WKAO , ICIh & W-207 J1D J2.COO TO IX3AN ON' IMI'ltOVKD rUOPKUVY .In Omnha A. II. DcI.onR , 43 Ilonnl of Trade Irtllltllnc. W M.125 24 \VANTKO , MONKY TO LOAN ON OII.T- eilKoil real eMnto. lllrlts' Kent Kstnte Acency , 21 ! ) South ICth street ; ground lltwr. I'axlon Mock. \V-t09 23 MO.VISV TO I.OAN CIIATTUI.S. MONKY TO IX5AN 30. CO , 90 DAYS ; FtJItNI- ture. pianos , etc. OulT Green , U. S. llarker blu. X MO MONRY TO LOAN , QN FUHNITU11K , PIANOS , horses , wacons , etc. , nt lowcjt nitra In city ; no removal of Rioils ; utrlctly confidential ; you can pay tlm lonn nff nt nny tlmi" or In nur amount. OMAHA MOUTdAGH LOAN CO. . 30G So. ICth St. X 193 1IUSI.VUSS CIIANCKS. 1-OU HUNT-SMALL WATEIl 1'OWKll MILL. Can also handle sraln. Address box D5. Lin coln. Nob. Y M1-J9 iO 1NVKSTKO KAKNS SO WKEKL.Y ; NO stock speculation or gold mine Investment ; you control cJiillul ; Ilfth BUccc'fful > ear ; particu lars fit-e. Chase & Campbell. 12 t'nlon Square , New York. Y M2C7 M23 * FOH HINT , NI-W GHOUND FLOOK ; PHOTO Kftllery for pale or rent. Address 11. II. Sllinpol ) , I'nwnee City , Neb. Y--M1SO 23 * CLARK , DKBMini & CO. , PATBNT ATTOR- m-ys nnd exports , Ul ! Droadwny , New York , quickly procure and toll patents everywhere ; lowest tcnnn ; one client mnkvH } 1,0X ( > weekly from our private "Hlnls" hand book , mailed free ; highest testimonial ! ) . Y HIO MONKY Kim SMALL 1NVKSTMKNT. State .district nnd county agents wanted. Laiindrolil Co. , pinal i , Ni-h. Laundrold IH n pfrfcct washing compound nnd the only one. Contains neither , ucld nor nlkali. Good side lino. J , y _ I-T ; mm QUICKLY : RKND KOU "soo IN- ventlons Wanted. " "Udgar Tale & Co. , 2 llroadnay , N. Y , ' Y CHICAGO ItOAItl ) OR TIIAIJB WR1TC FOH our "Bxnovp of liucktt Shops , " "Investors' Manual , " etc ; Jroe ; lofeiunccs nny ChlcaKO bank. C. A. Whyhind A : Co. , grain , pro visions nnd Btofks. 10 Pacific nvu. , Chicago ; .membow Chlcagp Ikxiril of Trade and Stcwk since 1SSO. Y WANTBD-MAN 01' 1UTSINESS EXPKRIKNCE and ability on Hilary nnd percentage , to miinngc brunch for manufacturing company. Invest ment of JlWI.UO anil litelu-st refvii-nctH reiiulred. Address "Secretary , 7U1-2-3 Pontlac IlldK. . Clil- cnRu. III. " Y 3.-i-23 : * DISIHAIIII. ; ijt iNivSs M.\N 'WITH2000 cash can have/KopiL local ' npenlnc , , \\Ith Clil- cagu-coinimny. Addiets Jos.1'lefce. 125 rinnk- lln St. . ChlcnRii. Y'j 1.W.OO TUB FUNm.MBNT.AI. . I'lilNCIl'AL OF nmasslns wealth Is In dollarH miklns dollars. I or Inrgp or small Investors , no commercial vn ti'iprlte oIlViu such colileii opportunities as th lurf , under wl > e and judicious management. Our statements are worthy presentations of the most skillful oi'frntlons ever exhibited. To linuw Is t.itf lie > t capital ; upon Eueh a fnunda.- tion we have reared n largo and oonlldlng pat ronage. Ijist year we realized more II. 1.00.00 per month ; results every week ; write for imrllculiuii. Conden & Co. , Itoon Hlock Covlnglon , Ky. Y Ml 21 * ' TUB LATBST WONUIIUD'UL DISCOVKHY the X.ambesl diamonds ; experts pronouncx-d them wonderful and closest to genuine yet dlscoveied- detection ImpoMillile ; wcnlthy people replacing their costly Jewels with our new diamond nt one-twentieth the expense ; thlpped with privi lege exnmlnlatlon. Particulars , adress M. S. Ilodkln. & Co. , KS Dearborn St. , Chicago. Y 330-23 * HOW TO SPECULATE SUCCKSHFt'LLY WITH small capital. Our U37 book mailed free : be pure and get It. U D. Jamison & Co. , mem bers Chicago Open Hoard Trade. 11 nnd 10 rnclllc avenue , Chicago. Y 307 23 * SAM : . WELL ESTAHLISHEU CASH URY goods business In rastcrn Iowa. 1'opulatlon in.OOO : flock about J5.COO ; good reasons for Fell- Ine ; best location. Address L 29. Omaha Ili-e. Y 360-23 * RKSTAUKANT TOING GOOD HfSINBSS WILL be sold before June 1 for highest offer. Ad- drers L 3S , llee. Y 3T9 23 * 520 TO II.COO. MA KB MONEY IIY SUCCESSful - ful ppeculatlon on the races. Send for book and parllcularti. Morris & Co. . 110 Dearborn St. , Chicago. Y 3S3 23 * FOII SALE. TIKSTAl'RAVT AND OIIOIIIOITSK outfit , nearly new. 1JH Ifarn y. Y0723 * FOIL EXCHANGE. WANTED , A HAIlDWAnE OH IMPLEMENT stoek in exchange for Block In u Jobbing house ; good opening ; making money ; good reasons for telling. Address M 100 , Uec olllce. Council Illuffa. S5-M101 TO TRADE , lIOHHFj 9 ROOMS. LARGE LOT clear of Incumbrunce , luwn , shade und fruit trec-s , northwest part of city , and cash for residence properly In or near Iliinscom I'lncu or Wei-t Farnam Bt. Cull or wiltc 40 < Karbnch Mock. / M2S3 23 WILL TRADE NO 2 RB.MINGTON , NO. RS fiOO for a gent'a wheel ; will pay part cash If iu-c- csbary , 1 * 32 , llee , 55 318 21 * GOOD OMAHA I'ROI'IIRTY TO EXCHANGE for Iowa and Ni-h. l nd. Write Hicks' Real Estate Agency , 219 South ICtli ut. K 411 23 FOH SAMS ItlSAb ISSTATE. SNAP , ON ISTH ? T. , NEAR rXJDGE , XCC feet , 51TOO. John , N. Fienzer , opp. l > . o RE MCSS HOUSES , 1XJT8 , FARMS , LANDS , LOANS. Geo. I' , ncmls Real Estate Co. , I'axlon lllock. GREAT UARGAmS'JrN HOUSES AND LOTS In any und eve ypari of the clly , north , east , south nnd west , running from | UO to JSCOfl or JOCOO and upwards. - Any terms desired. Hernia , I'axton block. ' * " RE J75 11ARGAIN. ONLY JOO.'OO FOH LARGE I/JT , ON t-iude , at 2 lh atenufc and Corby ttre-t. tor vln llros. , 1G1J 'Farnim street. XtE--MBS LARGE LOT Wl'l'lr ' TiftK 4-ROOM HOU8K AND one D-ruoni bouft ; pile mi , south I' , O. , tl.LM- u burt-aln. F. I > ? Wtad , 16th und Douglas. - . . RE-20S23 KOUNTZK J'LAqiJrMA'tGAINS. ' J2tXK ) , J3.7M TO 1C.too ; rce photos ut ICth and Farnam ; Morse HMf. J. J. Glbfipn , 14 First Nat. Hank Hide , ' HE-MI S-H , HOUSE , CIT.Y1 . WATER. AHOUT 6 from U. I' . Di'por , 'for Immediate tale. , F. D.Veail , ICth anil1 Douglas. Hi : 207 23 FOR SALE , L Altai ! LOT WITH TWO HOUSES , call sell one or both ; the rent of one house pays Interest on the whole Investment ; a bar gain If sold at once ; Urms en y to rlvht parly. Address L 20. llee oltlce. RE-212 20 C-I1OOM HOUSE , I1ARN , ETC. , 2418 HAMILTON St. , J2.000.00. C-room hoiifc with IK acres land , ( (01 No , 24th St. , | iOno.W. house , S. E. cor. 2Slh and I'aclflc His. , t2OOO.W. E-ruuni house , 3421 Hurt Ft. , Sl.tOO.M. 4-room houre , twm , large lot , north , 1500. 10-room house , barn , etc. , 1503 Yules st. . 12.000.00. D-HHJIH house. SOI8 I.lndney nve. , J'W.W. ItX ) acres In SarpX cnunty.Improved. I3.003.00. 1(4 ( acres In Harpy county. Tmpioved. | 2.200.(0 , 40 acres Vi mile from Jllllunl. 4lS ( < 0.dO. tO ucrrs ( in lloulevnrtl nt-ar liellevlie , Jl' . . 80 acres wllh IInt- grow , n > rlnf water , < tc , suit able for slock fcrdlng puiposes , ll.DOO.OO , CVj acres 5 miles soutliWMt , I1.040.CO. 40 acres within 4 inlk-a of poutolllcr. 12.400.00. 1'OTTEH AND GKOUGB ClOMl'ANY. a B. W. Cor , 16th and Fmnam fits. Hi ; 11-373-25 ' ELEGANTLY FURNISHED 9-HOOM HOUSE on JClh avenue ; prlca veo" low to rlirht party , Jllrki' Heal Estate Avcncy , : itt South Ulh street. . i J1E-4C8 21 von. SAiriuiAi. KSTATR. ( Continual. ) 4-ROOM COTTAOK AND LAnQE 1XT , AT half the value. 1812 North Jlst. HK-M307 A NEW 7-ROOM SMOUKHN HOt'SB ; HARDwood - wood finish ; poircIMn bath , reception hull ; on n'phnlt paved street , for 2.tOO ; liOO cash re- quired. | A vacant lot on p.ived street ; nsphnU ravcmcntj nil paid ; trrrn ; choice residence locality ; 1700 , worth I,7X ( > . Moilern 6 rwim cotlnRC , new , with routh front , within thrcexiunrtrrs of n mile of the I' . O. ; close to motor ; | 2,2M. One ot the choicest 1'lnlnvkw lots. SC.O. FIDELITY TRUST CO. . 1702 Fnrnam St. HE 3T7 23 OMAHA IS ON THE Now Is the time tar buy properly. Iloml our list of cheap places. HlK lot. C1 nnd 27th , South Omaha , > I75. 10 ncr M. choice Kardcn land , ISW. Fine residence lot , 35th nnd Fnrnnm. J1.100. Modern house Hanscom 1'lnce. } ( ,2M > . 14 ncrcs , near South Omnhn , JI.750. 2 acres , with two rnttnges and barn , > UO , 2 nice lots , near Elmwixid park. 1375. Nice lot , near Hanscom park , J1..V.O. Fine place , summer garden , near Ruser's. J3.COO. fp acres , near Elmwood pnrk H.i.'iO. 7 lots , Kixxl place for poultry , * 97S. Choice Intlde , wholtnale nnd trackage1 lot. JIJ.tXK ) . llpautlful rniitli front lot. West Omaha , 11,300. 20 ncrcs adjoining Omhlia , f.Sf > 00. 2 nice lots. 33d nnd Mnrcy. only I2M 0. HlK lot nnd cottaire , Hnnscom PlaceM.fiOO. . 100 feet frontnge on Hnnscom rmrk. H.iOO. Neat little cottage home , only JWO. Cliolce Investment , large south front lot , wllh two good cottages , n nr Iliinscom park ; wilt guarantee Income of 10 l > cr cent on price ; 3,750.00. HICKS' REAL ESTATE AGENCY. Ground Floor Olllce , 219 South 16th St. RB-40S 23 FOR SALE , WESTLAH'N PARIC , CONSISTING of the beautiful prove and ground * on Hell line rnllwny. opposite Rufer's summer gnrdon nnd Sclmtvn pnrk. Hitt nils side < > f tlio in-w fair grounds. Splondld openliiK for n great slimmer resort , especially In view of the rum ing e-xposltlon. > Vrlte George N. Hli'K i. SIL > N. Y. Life bldB. RE-40S 23 ASTHOLOOY. 1'ROF. A. MASEP'OF F.GY1T. rALMIPTHY nnd nslrology. the wonder of the nge ; past , present nnd future lold cr no charge : nt 20.i llarney street , Omnlm , Nel > . M323 2S * KOt'XlJ. ' A 1HTNC1I OF KEYS FOUND A1IOIIT FIRST of month Is awaiting nn owner nt this office. Found 331 23 SIIOHTIIAM ) AND TVI'EWIIITIXO. A. C. VAN SANTS SCHOOL , 613 N. Y. LIFE. cot AT OMAHA I1US COLLEGE , ICTH & DOUGLAS CCA FOIl I112\T HOTELS. HOTEL FOR RENT OF 30 ROOMS , AMES AVE. nnd 21th si. , opposite exposition grounds ; nlmcst now ; rent reasonable , licmls , I'axton Idle. MC4D BIUS1C , AHT AXIJ LANGUAGE. GEORGE F. GELLENHECK. HANJO. MANDO- lln und guitar teacher. 1S07 Fnrnara street. Te' 228. W8 FUHX1TUHR I'ACICED. M. S. AVALKIN. FURNITURE PACKING , UP- holtterlrB , re-palrlner , matres ; . feathers renovat ed ! prices reduccii. Tel. 1331. 2111 Cumlng- , co ; SII1EWAMCS. FOR NATURAL STONE WALKS , TEL. 432 OH send poslal to A. Stutzer. 330 Ilonnl Trade. M731 JuncS * SIDEWALKS. SAWED NATURAL STONE , ARTIFICIAL , brick. Tel. 1CSO. W. J. Webhans , 3C9 S. 17lh St. 113 I'VI'EWIUTBHS. LATEST MODKL TYPEWRITERS ; SUPPLIES. United Typewilter & Supplier Co. , 1C12 F.irnam J.1C23 JvSl * KMIM.OYJIISX'P OFFICE. \MERICAN AND GERMAN EMPLOYMENT bureau. lC2i Dodge. Telephone , 876.Xlftt Xlftt ) Jyl3 MEDICAL. LADIES ! rlllCHESTER'S ENGLISH PENNY CATON'S TANSY PILLS FOH LADIES ; NEVER fails ; get the genuine and avoid failure ; fl all druggists or direct. R. F. Caton , Boston , Mass. DKKSS-MAICIXn. TO THE LADIES OF OMAHA : TUB MISSES I -nser will open their dressmaking parlor Mon day , May 24. Stylish and flirt-class work pmr- nnleed. Prices to suit the times. Ground lloor , 1C13 Douglas St. M3CS 24 * LOST. LOST. HUNDLE OF DRY GOODS. MARKED Hayden llros. . between 14th and Webster stft. and Haydcn llros. Return to Johnsnn Hros. . IOCS Farnam. for reward. Lost M304 24 * LOST. FOX TERRIER , ONE HROWN EAR. brown around one eye. Reward. 100 S. 32d. Lost M383 24 LOST" ! FOX TERRIER. SCAR ON RIGHT shoulder. Reward. Henry Copely. Vwi ler , cor. 16th nnd Farnam. Lost--M < OI 21 I'ASTUHAKE. HORSES ONLY , HOARD FENCES , SPRING wnter. A. W. Phelps & Son. 207 N. V. Life. CCl 31 * I'HOTO-EXfiHAYIXG. WF MAKE FINE HALF-TONES. 7.INC ETCHIngs - Ings embossing dies , trl-color plate or any thing In up-io-ilate engraving. We guarantee time , quality and wormanshlp. Woman's Weekly , Nineteenth nnd Farnam.M043 M043 June 12 FINANCIAL. LIFE 1NS.POLICIES I1OUGHT. W. F. HOLDEN I'AWXIIIttllCEIlS. U. MAROW1TX IX3ANS MONEY. 418 N. SUES & CO. . FATFKT OLICI10US Advice nncl 1'nlcnt Hook I-'I - IKE Trap Trappy Trappier nny Tr < i ] > jerrr mill- 1 fiiji linliliri" tirl/-ullliiu iirlm Jlirco ofjilaflng unit , Itulii Aloiitf ItMllivay Lliu-M. The Nebraska railroad weatlier reports yesterday show that rain lu considerable luantltlcB fell along the varloua lines I'YIday night. The rain waa heaviest In the western part of the state. The eastern portion Is already moistened nearly to the point of saturation. The tralllc men are beginning to figure on handling another enormous crop of corn next season. Not KiiriiliiKH Iiicrrimc. The freight ofllclalo of tbo Union Pacific eay that their < butlne a is running quite- little ahead of what It WUH twelve months ago. Thp monthly statements of tbo re- cuiVL-rs continue to tibow increaccd not earn ings , notwithstanding Increased expcimcu , and altogether the "Overland Ilouto" IB en joying more prosperity than It has for a number ot yean * . , ft y | ECHOES OF THE ANTE ROOM | i i.i'ii Li i The most sticcMstul niul rnjoynlile ccro- monlnl session thnt Tangier tcniilc. Ancient Arabic Order of the Monica of the Mystic Shrine , has ever hail In Its history took plnco 1,1ft 1'rldny. It was practically n "ehrlno day , " Inasmuch us the rntlrc day nnd night were taken up with looking after the visitors , wllh entertaining them ami with the work of the session. The class thnt wns put through wan half dozen short of the number expected there belns hut twenty-five. The members represented the country about Omaha. The work was begun at 3 o'clock In the after noon and occupied the attention of the shrine until ovenltiR. The work was put on In cplendld shape and proved to he eminently Interesting , particularly to the novitiates who for the first time stepped upon the burnlni sands. The feature of the occasion , however wag the hauqtict that was served nl the Commercial club rooms In the evening. For the first time the wives nnd female friends of the members were allowed lo take seats about the festive board nnd moreover have a place upcm the program of toasts. The affair tvas a merry one and was concluded nt julto n late hour. Heforo the bamiuct n sort of Informal re ception wns held In the parlors , which were . decorated profusely with plants. An orchestra played throughout the evening. Fully fiOO people passed through the p.irlors and over 400 had seals about the bamiuct tables. The reception committee of the even ing was composed of the following : Mes- damcs Gustavo Anderson , Henry Ilanly Henry O. Akin. Charles S. inintlngton , K. U. TcrfectV. . 13. Uhoadrs , K. I'urrottc Sweney and Victor White , and Nobles Oils- tave Anderson , W. T. lloblnson , 1 , , . I' . Kunk- houser. A. Klllott Miller , K. S. llrownlee. W. U. Whltehorn.V. . K. Hhondes , James II. ' I'arrotto and Victor White. The KCfislcn called to the city n great num ber of visitors from far and near points In this state and Iowa. .Many of the members were accompanied by their wives. The viol- torsvero met nt the depots by committees which escorted tlipm nbout the city. In the afternoon the female friends nnd wives of the local members took the visit ing women on n carriage drive nbout the city.The The next occasion on which the Shrlticra will be much In evidence will occur next month. An effort Is being matlo to Induce the .western delegates to the imperial coun cil , which moots nt Detroit , to gather In thin city and travel together to Detroit from this point. If this can be brought about and the time allows , the local Shrlnera In tend to "spread" themselves to some ex tent. tent.Tho The Omaha Shrlners will go In style to the meeting , even If they cnnnot go In com pany ! with other western delegates. Knougli of the members have already Blgnlflcd their Intention of going to warrant the announce ment that a special car will convey the Omnha contingent to the meeting place. De troit Is making mcst elaborate preparations for the entertainment of lln visitors. The council will bo In session on Juno 7 , 8 and 9. The local Shrlners do not. Intend to make nny effort to bring the 1S9S council meeting to this city. U Is estimated that It would cost fully Jlfi.OOO to take care of the visitors during the three days they would be In ses sion. The local nobles see no way of rain ing such an amount in the city for that pur pose. Mmlcrii AVooiliiK'ii of Ainorlen. On next Saturday the western delegates to the coming head camp session at Diibuqtie , particularly thcte of Nebraska , will gather In this city nnd will bo entertained on the even ing of thU clay and on the following Sunday by the local members of the order. Quite an extensive program hao been arranged for the two clays. On Saturday evening the delegates will assemble In the Hoard of Trade rooms at Sixteenth and Karnam streets. Here nn entertaining program , consisting principally of speeches , will be rendered. After this affair is concluded a banquet will be served In the Commercial club parlors above. The delegates will bo the guciits of honor. A program of toasts will be given. On Sunday morning the dclegatcu nnd local members of the order will attend services nt the St. Mary's Avenue Congrega tional church in a body. The sermon , ap propriate to 'the ' occasion , will be preached by Kcv. S. Wright Butler. In the afternoon the delegatea will be taken for a trolley rldo through the city , visiting particularly the grounds of the exposition and other points of Interest. The delegates will beard a twin for Dnbuquo late In the afternoon. They will bo escorted to the depot by bodies of local Woodmen. Whllo the delegates are here In the city the local membenswill try to Impress them with the necessity resting on the head camp to appropriate a suitable sum for n Modern Woodmen building on the exposition grounds. The head ofilcers of the head camp have already taken nn encouraging view of the scheme. The building will be thrown open to the use of ] all members of the order wlio visit the exposition grounds and will bo of decided advantage to them. A new camp wns organized laivt Friday evening In Patterson's hall , with n very large list of charter members and with flat tering prospects. The membership Is com posed of business men , some of them being among the leading business firms of the city. Just recently a new camp was Insti tuted , composed of members of foreign birth , In the southern part of the. city. The work ha been done under direction of D. C. Zlnk , who has built the order In this state from a membership of 4,000 to where It now stands. of tin * The second dance and entertainment of Gate City tent No. CO pissed off pleasantly , attended by a largo crowd. Over 100 couples took part In the grand march. Mcsrs. Ilo- ham and Jletlop gave a very enjoyable nc'gro specialty , "My Angellne , " the rendition of which shows the talent they possess. Miss A. Grace Crawford , as also Mrs. Amy Hop kins , Ijoth pleasing lyric artists , held thoni- eelvcs In readlncrs to cnterta'ln , but as the crowd was anxious to g'-t lo dancing , Stnto Commander Hubbard gave a neat talk , after which the grand march took place. It wan led by Mr. Guy Palmer and wife. The ladles of the Maccabees served Ice cream and cake , . while the muilc won furnished by Sir Knight Ostrander , All the nrr&ngcmcnts for the Dlnlr ex cursion Juno 11 have been perfected by the committee of Gate City tent. Sir Knight Hubbard Is 'In ' charge of the tickets and will see that every person Is supplied who wishes them. Good music line been provided , as well as entertaining games. Stoto Commander .Hubbard expects to take In the state convention of Minnesota , which meets at MlnneaiKiIls , Juno 1 and 2 , Ancient Orilrr of I'lillol Workmen , The grand entertainment committee , which looked after the delegates to the late blen- nliil session , has unanimously endorsed the name of Dr. J. I ) . Halph of till * city for the otlleo of grand medical examiner. Dr. Halph Is aim being etidoised by every ledge of the order In this vicinity. At a meeting of the committee which was hold last Tuesday a report was made to the effect that the financial end of the entertain ment offered the grand ledge delegates was eminently satisfactory nnd much better than had been anticipated. The local delegates ) to the grand lodge meeting are reporting the proceedings to the various lodges , which appear to l e well satisfied with the rcsnltn of the ncralon. Tim grand lodge board of control , the uow financial body , In to meet In Grand Inland on next Friday. Imlf ) > cii < lfiit Orilcr of Oilil YIIowH. The recent session of the * South Dakota grand lodge elected the following olllcers : I ) . S. Waldo , Canton , O. I' . ; George T. Grove , Huron , O. II. P. ; George Jlolka. Aberdeen , G. 8 , W.I George II. Wasky. Madlaou , 0. S. ; C. F. IH'inoulh , Deadwood , G. T. ; T. 0. llrown , Sioux FalU , 0. J. W. ; M. A. Heath , Groton , O. n. , two years ; W. J. Muttlce , llrookltiKB , G. M. ; Charles IK Blow , Dell Haplds , O , I , S. ; E. V. Lane , Watertown , G. 0. S. Hutpcrlan encampment No. 2 last Thursday elected the following oOJctru ; Louis JieliureO , - 0. I1. ; William MftcDInrmlJ , S. W. ; W. M. Mcarath. H. IV ; John Llddell , J. W. ; Charity * A. Patterson , S. ; V. II. llryant , T. ; John Swnnson , representative to grand encamp- incut. , r HrotlicrlmiHl of iiU . r The Omaha lodge of Klks , composed ot nbout 300 ot the 'most energetic , active ami pushing men of this city. the > very flower ot a professional and commercial circles , are mak , ing every endeavor to scout p the era nil ledge meotliiK for Omnha In 1S98. The.1 Omnha Klks nro accustomed to getting what thfy go nfter and they feel confident of suc- CF < In this catuiMlgn. Among nil the na tional gatherings thnt will be held In this city In IMS there will ho no body of men who will compare with them In the happy anil liberal way that Klks always have ot : entertaining each other and their guests on , all occasions. The Omaha lodge will go to Mlnnentmlla In July fully cquippe-d In numbers and In- \ | energy , barked tip with a flno bnnd ot \ J nunlo , nnd will there open suitable headX'l ciunrtcrs from which to push the contest that they have entered upon. All Ihclr arrange ments nro planned on a liberal scale ami will be most energetically carried out. To do this will require thn outlay of n con siderable amount of money , all of which the Hlks prox | > ! ie to raise- among their own mem . bership. They do not propnso to ask the business community or tl.p general public- for nny contributions In this direction , if they secure the grand lodge meeting they - will undoubtedly nsk those who will be- the , most benonted by the PIVSPIICP In this city . of such a lnrge > body of liberal men for BO long n time to assist them In the way ot - entertainment. Friends of the order gener - ally will probably bis Included In this Invita . tion. The Klks have never failed yet to . scpiiro a liberal response to any calls they have made upon the public and ( hero la every reason to bellevo that they will tm successful to the fullest extent of their expectations when they ask for means to en tertain the gran-l lodgp. Krntcrnnl I'nluii of Aiiii-rlcn. Manner lodge Initiated1 hovpntivMi nuvnbern Tlusreday evening and voted upon elevou applications. Next Thursday the ledge will entertain Its friends with n iiplitio | program which will surprise UP audle-ino and lurntah co : > slderable amusement. Miiglc City lodge at South Omnha enter tained Its friends Saturday evening with a very Interesting program , after which re- frj'-limoiits were served. Sveniost ledge Is still adding to Iti mem bership nnd Its members arc taking an ncllvo IntcroH In the upbuilding of the lodge. Mr. Frazlcr of Omaha will organize a lodge at Silver City this week. Mr. Osmond of this clly organized n lodge at .Fargo , N. D. , with seventyfivememberB , which ho writes will bo Increased to 100 by June 1. Now gold pins nnd chains heive beta ordered , anil Uhln thirty days will be ready for distribution. The olllcers' Jewels arc now- furnished. There nro now nearly seventy deputies organizing for the order in twenty ntnloH , nineteen of which now have lodges. Oiniiliii Ivy CtiilciN. The Omnlm Ivy cadets recently organized with the following named officers : President. Kate C. Parker ; captain , N. H. Helm ; lieu tenant , Ulllo Dath ; ensign , Hose Weeks ; secretary , Lizzie Craddnck ; treasurer , Dora Miller. They have for snmo weeks past , under the efficient leadership of Captain Helm , been practicing n now drill , which will be made public at u May party to bo glve-u next Thursday evening in Kaglo hall , Four teenth and Dodge streets , The drill Is rcplcto with many fancy symbols and the arc becoming very proficient In their work. In addition to the elrlll exercise n pro gram of unusual interest 'will ' be prepared nnd dancing will aid in completing a very enjoyable evening's entertainment. All mem bers and their friends arc cordially Invited to attend. Imli-IX'tiiU-iit Order of Court Omaha Is getting ready to avail Itself of the special dispensation from the supreme court , under which a contest for membership Is Inaugurated and prizes offered. At the last meeting the camp was divided Into two sections , under the leadership of T. L. Combii and E. G. Drabrook. The two divisions will try to beat each other In gaining new mem bers. The losers will banquet the winners. The local members are already malting arrangements to celebrate the anniversary of \ the founding of the order , June 20 , by going to church In a body. The high court officials have nccured their regalia , and are now visiting the local courts In all their splendor. \Vooiluicit of I lie AVorltl. On next Sunday the first Woodmen of the World excursion of the seanon will go to Blair for the purpcac of unveiling a monument ment over the grcve of Andrew Nellson , one of the deceased member. ? of Willow camp at Fort Calhoun. It Is estimated that the trip will be taken by between fiOO and 1,000 of the members of the order In this vicinity , an n. wpeclol low rate has been given by the Northwestern , over the lints of which the excursion will run. A number of the Boverclgn officers ot this clly will make ad dresses. Sovereign Commander Root Is gradually recovering , according to recent reports , but la still in. a serious condition. lloynl lllKliliiiiili-i'H. A new castle , to bo known In the future ns Marmlon castle , was erected last week In Humphrey by W. K. Sharp of Aurora , supreme premo deputy , assisted by Deputy Charlca Gullck of Glltncr. The following officcio were elected ; G. W. Clark , P. I. P. ; K. K. Hay , I. P. ; E. A. Stockslnger , C. C. ; G. W. Con rad , W. E. ; J. B. Paul , S. ; V , O. Llford , T. ; D Dickinson , W. ; J. T. Tuakocttrr , S , ; J. J. lioycr , H. ; W. II. Illlnn , G. ; M. F. draco. F. W. C. ; Charles Iloycr , S. W. C. ; H. P. Drake , C. S. ; C. H. Swallow. C. A. ; H. Hones , F. P. C. ; H. C. Iloycr , S. P. C. ; W. M. James , T. P. C. ; W. T. Mason , P. E. of PylliliiN. Next Tuesday night the general Joint com- mlttco that In preparing for a Pylhlnn head quarters In the city and on the uxK | ltlon grounds next year will hold a meeting In , the rooms of Triune lodge. The headquarters. will bo devoted entirely to the care nnd enter tainment of visiting members of the order. Registers will bo kept. Information will bo dlfiiwnEi'd , and many other conveniences will bo offered. Nebraska lodge No. 1 has been working- every Monday nlglit for cevoral weeks paat In the second and third degrees. NO .SIJI11MII.SH TO It.MMlOAD JMH.Y. on llii > QiicNtlou f tinOwilin IIX Ht'iiuiliiliiK CliiNi-il. t The stnteinent of aovernment Director ' Dressier to the effect that the Union Pacific was experiencing a great deal of trouble In patching up a trafllc agreement with the Oregon Short Line eatised no suriirtew among ; rallioad men hero tills morning. As has been freijuently wtatcd by The Hci > within the past fortnight , the Union I'aclflo olllclals have been utterly uiiable , up to date , to prevail upon the Short Mno olllclals to keep the Ogdcn gateway lo the northwest territory closed to nil other railroads except the "Overland Koute. " General ManaRer Dickinson and a number of other olllcUU are expected homo on Monday morning from Now York City , where the last unsuccessful conference has just been held. U IH thought that another conference will bo called within I ho next month. HIcliiirilHon < > ctN OfllHiil Xolli.'c. The oHlclal circulars announcing the ap pointment of W. W. HIchardHon aw district passenger agent of the Pennsylvania at In dianapolis , Blgned by 15 , A. Koril. general paui > eng-r agent , and Jamta JlcCJrca , vlco president , have Juki been Imued. Mr. Itlch- ardson yesterday returned from Kunnai Clly , niter a western trip with AnstHtant Oeneral J'afrnenger Agent Derlng. No ap pointment of u traveling parsenger agent for Dili territory to nuccrcd Mr. Hichardion hou yet been announced , but It In probablu that a number of traveling passenger agents will be shitted and a man from a uoutlicra flold Ii brought htru. ,