Newspaper Page Text
THE OMAHA DAILV KHI2 : SlTyPAY , JUKE 13 , 1807. COUNCIL BLUFFS DEPARTMENT MINOIl Mi\TlO.V. Gmlth , plumber , 2101 Axe. A. Tel 323 MUs Sarah Durgan Is xlsltlnR In Chicago lurry boxes , barVctn , Leo supplies , i Younki rmiti. I'alronlrc the popular Englo laundry , 721 Uroalwny. Trl 157. Thrto waqons Unity Oulld will give ft lawn fodal Tue - clay exenlng Juno 16 , t the homo of Mrs iMcrrlarn , on Upper Ilroailway. Iho popular bathing rcoort Manh'attan Heach. < e Matiavvo now open for the BCI- BOU of 1S ! 7 Slcamloatd connect xvlth coeh train. A E. Carlson llxlng tire brlrk yardo In the north part of the city , reported to the jolleo ) rfilorday that his homo had been burglarised All mumlxrs of Dluffs division , No. 27 , I It. arc requested to appeal nt hall xvlth oat tap nnd bell , at 7 30 p m , tonight to taki part In memorial RcrvlctH Meutinant Moon , Sergeants Van Arnam nnd llaldvvln and Private Whistler Icaxc thin cvcirlng for Cidar Haplds to attend the an- nu-il t'licampment of dctalln from the yecond brigade for rllle > prarllte. 'Iho meeting nt the i-'alvatlon orni ) to night will ho eondurted by Captain Kinnin MConnlck of Umaln Captain Toms anil n email detachment of the arm ) will go tn Crescnt Cll ) to conduct a meeting ! then- the rapl.iln'n nubject xvlll bo "Marrlago and Its ralli-res. " The democratic primaries to elect delegates to the count ) ronvcntloii to he held here next \\cdnc4di } wore- held In the various xv IU'H last nlLht. hlttlc Inlnre-st was manl- fisti'd. The count ) convention will name ilrlegat a to the stata convention , which meet' ) In DCS Molnen on June 23 Mrtlo I/idge No 12 , Degree of Honor , baa elected trio following nfllce'rs for the corning term Past chief of hoi or , Mn. AV. Hlgh- Miillh , ehlef of honor , Mrs C S Spencer , lady of honor , Mrs A. Campbell , iccorder , Mrs W. H Splra : lln.inclcr , Miss .Mamie OU , receiver , Mru J. .Mc.Mlllen ; ulster usher , Mrn M II Wind ; inside wateh , Mrs 0. Hasrnushen ; outside wateh , Mr. Charles Spies Paul X-itho , T > 7 jearo old , h wanted by the Counrll Hliilfg pollec to answer to the charge of several forgeries that were brought to light ) eterdty. Zaehc Is a music teaehcr , and nlnee Ma ) "G he has heorl boirdlng at the N'eumoer hotel Friday night he pre- rtenti d .1 elrcck for ? 7 DO slglrcd by M liouilclus to the bartender In the saloon , and u short time afterwards a chock for a sim ilar amount to the clerk in the olllec of the hotel The hitter bore the name of H. Ohlcmlorf Both were cnhed Yesterday morning Xaehc disappeared During the day the checks were presented for pamerit and were found to be forgc'rlea. C H VlavI cornpan ) , lenialc remedy Med ical consultation free Wednesda ) . Health book furnished 220-327-328 Mcrrlam block. N. Y. Plumbing company. Tel. 520. Groceries , flour and feed at J. Zoller Co 'a. Council ItliilTN ClmrelieM. "A rnrewcll Wish" Is the morning Birbjdct of Ilcv. Dr. Askln of the First Congrega tional chinch. A concert of sacred music xvlll ho given In the evening by the choir imd Sunday school Preaching nt thu First Baptist church today by the paHtor , Rev V C. Uocho Morning subject , "Tho Demoniac Healed. " Preaching by the pastor , C. W Hrovver , at Trlnitv church this forenoon Subject. "Tho Importance of Glow Ing In Grace. " Children' ! ) da > exercises at 8 p m Central Church of Chi 1st services In Odd Fellows' hall Prcachnig In the morning nnd cv erring by the pastor , dinar W. Cole Morning subject , "Our Duty to Grow , " even ing subject , "Self-Knowledge" Subject tor young people's meeting , "The Best Way to Study the Bible. " Meeting led b > the pastor AV. I. Wilson will lead the singing for this church for the next ) oar. Ho begins work In July. T. W. Williams will speak at the Latter Day Saints' church morning and cxenlng. Tire morning cervices nt Broadway church xvlll bo the Children's day cxeiclscs A spe cial literary and musical program has been prepared for this ocaslon. Preaching In the evening by the pahtor , Ilcv. J. II. Senseney. Hov. T. F. Thlckbtun will preach at 2301 Broadway this evening. Children's day exercises will he conducted in the forenoon at the Second Presbyterian church. Preaching by the pastor , llev. Alex ander Llthrrlnnd , In the evening. Subject "Loyalty to Church. " Lawn mowers , lawn sickles , lawn ham- mocka and rubber hose , nt J. Zoller & CO.'B Heal Instate nnd Rental agency ; cheat Irorucs on easy parncnts ; modern home , ccn tral location ; a great bargain ; trade conoid crtd. J. U. Davidson , C25 Fifth avenue. It fill IXnle TiaiiMferH. The following transfero were reported ) CB- terday from the title nnd loan ofllce of J. W Saulre , 101 Pearl street : Marker Jensen nnd wife to Christian Johnson , H , i'l feet lotH 20 , 21 , 2J and 2J , block I , Wright's add , xv d $ ZV w M SqulreH mul xvlfe to Jnrnes Holllnger , part lot 7 , Uoughn'u sub- dlv. vv el i CM T. H Hill anel wife to Francis C. ' Moody , lots J , 4 , 4\ \ and 4J , block J : lots 1(5 ( nnd 17 , block 0 ; lots IS uncl ID block S , lots 3J nnd 3G , block 13 , Wright's mhl , xv il 1 Nannie A. Puller to Ira II. Fnrlovv , pait lot 3J , Johnson's mid , xv il. . . . 300 S M Hicks to J. M. Vullen. lot 7 block 1 , Dig Giove , w il goO Jninon W Osborn to Walter Canning , b'Xi sell 5-75-43 , < j o 1 . J Six transfers , total . $3,102 Margulrcto Judd , 522 Seventh avenue , In structor on piano and organ. Best of refer ences Given. Lawn swings , llko those In Falrmount park , nt J. Zoller & Co 'B. Once More to the Public. Listen ! We have important news for you smokers. This is repeating what has been said before , but such a good thing for the public will bear repetition. \Ye don't need to magnify the merits of our a careful examination will con vince any one that the quality of this celebrated nickel smoker is exceptionally high and that it is just what we claim it if an all Havana filler , Summatra wrapper , and void of any adulterations. Moore & Ellis , ee , Juno 19/07 FIGHTING FOR FASTER MAIL Merchants' ' nnd Manufacturers' Association is in Earnest Just Now , ANSWER SUPERINTENDENT WHITE'S ' LETTER u Diioiiiiirnt Ahleli "l tli < - t miiocNNiir } Di-lnj In tl I'lfHvut 'I i iiitniulnNloit from .VT * \ > rk to MieVxt. . The Merchants' and Manufactures1 ! asso ciation has tnktn up the matter of uUccllng n change In the- running of the fast malls between Chicago and Council Hluffs , and the vcutlvu committee and Secretary Judson nre making a special effort to Intcrist as nany western people as possible A number of letters have been sent to Senators Alli son and Gear and the lovv/x congressmen , anil the senators and representatives hax" n turn communicated with the postolnco authorities Scnatoi Allison Iran inclosed In ils letters to Sccietary Judson n number of ho communication ! ' hr has received from ho 1'ostolllcu department. One from Cap- alii While , general superintendent of the lallwoy Mall service , explains the long de- ay of over eight houru In Chicago ns being icressary to transfer the malls from the cafctcrn to the western trains. 13. F. Test halrmau of the executive committee , nnd Secrctnrj Judson have prepared n long tel ler to Senator Allison In which all of the ) bjectlons urged by Superintendent White nre met and contradicted Following Is a otutcment of the train schedules between New York nnd Chlctgo , they say : AH > ou will observe the time of the fnst mail between New York nnd Council IJIuffs nnd Ornihn , leaving New Yoik In the morn- rrg , l fortj-light hours and twenty minute * , with nn unnoccnrj xvnll of eight hours and forty minutes at Chlengo during dnyllfrht rours Captain White will Imxe hard work n explaining why the grent morning mulls ) tire held nearly nine hours nt Chicago un er the "pretence " that all time Is con- urncMl In transferring them from one trnln to another , n 'work ' tbat could be performed n Chicago In less than forty minutes ns fcll > as It Is performed In Council llluffs .n less tlinn twenty minutes The time of the pccoml mall bctw ccn New York nnd Omnhii Is fort-four hours nnd nineteen rrlnutes , with n vvnlt of two hours nnd thlity minutes ut Chicago nml enl > for tj-live min utes nt tire Council UlulT ? trnnsfer. Hy this train , Including tiip tlrno for transferring the mulls at Chicago und Council lllutTs , thrr Is a loss of three hnuib nnd thlrtx rnlmrtcH Why this unnecessary ilelaxxxhcn It ! * krrovvn thut , cxccpllnt ; on the Australian mnll clivs , the nve-niijo time r traneferrlng the malls from the Hirrlinpton the Union I'.iclrlc ears uxcr.wjis from tnlrtoon to llftecn minutes , rnd on Australian mull < liy. nbo\rl twcrrty minutes ? Why should It take two hours and thlrtv minutes nt Chlcnpo ? Com. rrent on tire unnccesssnrj ilclny In leaving New Yoik lit 9 ' 0 and the lo s of nearly nine houis nt Chicago Is uaeless. It speaks for Itsilf with more force thin ivvords can com- H bbovvs that great bti lncs Intel- e ts bctxxoen New York and eastern points anil the xvest are subjected to detri ment and because this mall has n loni ? and Inexcusable dav light delay nt Chlcar.0 The fast mill tr.'iln leav ing New York at 1 20 p. m can oaMlj be advanced to 7 30 p m , rc-unlng Chicago not later than 7 30 the- next night. Allow It a mm pin of two hours nnd let It reach Chicago nt ' ' 0 p m . xvlth proper transfer facilities It can leive Chlc.igo not later than 10 U0p m. and make- the tr p to Council liluffs In twelve houis Till5) would carry It Into Omaha not later thin 11 a. in , glxlng the 1'nlon I'ncllle the ciancc to deliver the mall more than SOo miles xve--t of the Mi ourl river by 8 p m , i r 1 cnnhlp business men to mci.xer their letters - tors li > return fast mnll Thle ought to be in answer to the fear of Captain White thai 'an earlier departure from Chicago xvoul < jeopardize the connections from the east nm ll-commode n xastlv larger number of the pilrons of the I'nstolllce department tlian would be benelltcd by the change. " Further more , his statement that "the tinnsfer ol tin- mails requires considerable time , as li must bectrtrd bv xv nitons from the depol if the lyiko Shore to the Union depot on the other side of the river , " Phoxxs th'it the transfer method at Chicago Is so old-fa li- ioned and inadequate that the government should not put up with It There Is no rei- on why the malls should be carted In wagons across the city. At Council muffs the Union Pacific nnd Ilurllngton trains are run up side bx hide .and the trnnsfer of an equal amount of mall , fifteen to twenty ton" Is effected In fiorn thirteen to Ilftccn min utes , ns tnted. leaving the Union Pacific train n maigln of about thirty minutes , In de parting for the xv eat. This can easily be c-ffected In Chicago , and not only hoins o : xaluihle da > light lime but great sums o money saxed bx the same arrangement , nnc the rniill0 transferred In a few minutes. nn < be on their vxay to Council Bluffs and Omnh and the west. We hope Captain White xxll make n zealous effort to remedy these evl delavs and give the vxest the prompt mal scrxrce it requires. The only cash house In the city. Prices will conxlnco you. J. Zoller & Co. VTTKAC'PIONb AT IjUCi : MANA1VA ColIliiH ArriuiKcM for u I"liie I-lHt ti ( Kiite'rtiiliicTN. An arrangement has been perfected bj which It la hoped a fund can Do raised tha will bo large enough to repair the damages to the Mnnavva dam. The boat club haa taken up the matter and has arranged xvltl Paul Mcjers to glvo a banquet uud ball on Manhattan beach on Tuesday evening. The tickets xvdll bo Jl each mid the profits xvll ho turned Into the fund to be used In the repair work. For the last few seasons the boat club alone Iras been obliged to provide for this fund , and the members are thankfu for the help that will be afforded by Mr Moycra and the Manhattan beach people. Manager Collins has arranged to glvo a realistic presentation of "Pinafore" at Olan aua during the week following the Fourtl of July. Ho has ordered the construction o a ship 100 feet long , xvhlch will be anchored In front of the Grand Plaza and will ho used ns the stage fo the presentation of the opera. Ho I arranging a cast that will comprise abou ICO people , and he will give the opera a realism that will make It Interesting ever to thu blase theater goera who have seen 1 scores of tlniee. The first performance xvll bo given on the evening of July C. The Cherry Slaters , the pomologlcal ag gregatlon that came up out of the eurtl bomovvherc In the vicinity of Cedar Itapld a few yeans ago and hf-ri since been aston Islilng a large portion at the civilized worh and receiving tn acknowledgment bounteous donations of oxer ripe vegetables nd hen fruit , have signed a contract to appear a Manavva. To prevent thu audience In th exuberance of Its enthusiasm rltlng up am throwing them In the IMCO or overwhelming them with contributions from the surround Ing gardens , i.Managcr Collins has arrange * to huvo them protected by a strong and higl wire netting This will completely surroum the etugo upon xvhlch they will appear am will bo btrorrg enough tn arnut the passag of the largest mlsUlo that may bo throw i by hand. The dnto of their appearance ha not > et been tlxed All aorta of granltcwcre. J , Zoller & Co \lljOliril , The Hoard of County Supervisors adJourned Journod last night until July 7. IK'fore th adjournment was effected the board had ai Interesting discussion with Assessor Hardli over the subject of reducing his bill of $1 , 200 for making the personal assessment fo lafit > oor. The board cut $400 from It , and AttHtsor llarclln rt use4 to eland It. He iiotllUnl the board that the law required the county auditor to furnish him -with a com plete seta of plats showing the owners of all property , and that unless his bill of $1,200 for this ycar'b work xvas paid without reduc tion ho would insist upon tbo auditor com plying xv lib the law and furnishing the plats. A little Inquiry convinced the board that this would cost the county about { 3,009. Hardln has been ntacHjor no long that lie has been able to do tbo work accurately without the ) use of the plate , and the board was willIng - Ing to compromise with him A resolution was passed restoring { 300 of the $500 reduc tion , and llarclln was ready to turn over the completed assessment books. Complete screen door a , drat class , COc to 7Gc , at J , Zoller & Co.'a. Couches lu valour , (6.75 , at Ourfce Furnl- turo company , 205 nd 207 Broad * a/ . SOCIAL mnvts or TIIIJ AMJIJIC. SIM \\rililliiKH ! < < < I' in In n Whirl. The social events of last week wcro the numerous weddings that occurred of young people more or lo's well known In foolal cir cles Mr IVuil Aylewvvorth started the epi demic cnrly In the week by going to Dcnteon , la. , and elnlmliig ono of the brightest young women of that place ns his wlfs The lirlilo wns Mli ? < Florence 12 Wyganl , nnd the cere mony occurred at the residence of her narenta ot noon A small bridal party ac companied Mr Ajlraworth from this city Among them vver9 Mrs i : 13 Ajlcswnrth nnd Miss Jolnipon of Ohio The latter acted In the capacity of brldtrmald After the cere mony was performed nnd the young people had received the congratulation ! ) of the Denl. Ron friends , they took the afternoon trnln for hrmc' . A reception was accorded them at the residence ot Judge Aylcmvorth nnd n wedding banquet given After HIP reception and banquet the young people repaired to the new home that had bee-n provided for them nt 322 South Klcvtnth street. Dr V W Dean also went abroad for hln bride , ntrd on Thursday was united In mar riage nt Hastings , Neb. , to Miss Snrnh Mes- ton. The ceremony was pcrforincd nt the home of the brldo In the presancc of many of her friends nnd acquaintances They nlso innilc their Journey to Council IlliilT servo for the customary wedding trip , and nt once took up their nbode at 138 Fourth street On Thursday nftcrrroou nt 3 o'clock Miss Nollto Dnvls , one of the bo t known and suc cessful tc'iicherfl In the public schools , was mnrrlnl to AV r Theme nt the residence of the bride's parents Hev. Dr. Pholpa olll- clntcd Mr. Thorno ban for many years been conncctcMl with the Omaha and Council niuffs street cnr company A visit to DeWltt , la , where they xvlll bo the guests of relatives and friends for two weeks , constituted the wed ding trip. On tlrolr return they will be nt homo nt 220S Avenue I ) . On Wednesday evening nnothcr of the popular public school teachers bccnnic n brldo. Miss Anna Hlnnelinrd , who has been In the1 schools for six ycnrs , was married to Mr. T. r. nishop nt the residence of her .father , J.V. . lllanchnrd , on Second nxcnue. Thu ceremony xvas pel formed by Hex' . Dr. Askln In the presence of only the tntlmnto frlenilH and relntlves ot tire bride nnd groom The home of the bride was handsomely dcco- rated with a profusion of Juno roses nnd exotics. Mr Mishap xvas formerly n resident of Council DlufTs , but for several > ears hat been abroad In railroad work , for n large part of the time In Tort Worth , Tox. He li nt the prcecnt time general ngent for the Continental Fruit express , xvlth headquarters at North I'latte , Neb. Mr. nml .Mrs. Bishop 'eft err the evening train for Kentucky , ivhern they xvlll xlslt for some tlmo xvlth elatlvcs nnd friends. On their return they will stop nt Ilurllngton In. , for a short visit , nnd will then go to their future homo 'n North Platte. Mr. E. H. Ott claimed the third public bchool teacher during the xveek , and on Wednesday was married to Miss Jnnnctte M. Morris , daughter ot W. O. Morris. Ono of the pretty features of the wedding xvns that It was celebrntul In the homo that the young people will occupy , at 551 Mill street , which had been constructed and fur nished according to the tastes of each Hector L P. McDonald officiated Mr. Ott has been connected xvlth the Union Pacific i Rallvva > company In this city for many yenrs , and Is a young man of steillng qual ities. After the guests had bestowed thflr congratulations , the bridal party left , xla the Union Pacific , for Salt Lnko nnd other western points. They will continue thcli wedding trip until July 1 , when they will be nt homo to their frlerrds at their coz > llt- tlo Mill ptieet cottage On Wednesday moinlng a brilliant social event occurred at St. Paul's church , xvlrcn Mr. aril Mrs. G H. Jackson bestowed the hand of their daughter , Miss Lilian , upon Mr. P. H. nills of Burlington , la. The ceremony was performed at 3 o'clock. The church was garnished by the brightness of Juno flowers. Hev. L. P. McDonald per formed the ceremony. A reception was held at tire homo of Mr. and Mrs. Jackson on South Tlrst street , nnd nt Us conclusion tire bridal party took the Burlington train for Kansas City. Mr. Ellis is the traveling auditor of the Burlington , with headquar ters at Burlington , nnd that xvlll be their future home. The last wedding of the week occurred yes- terdny afternoon , when Mr. II. S Ogden and MlM Adelaide C. Sherman were married nt the home of the bride's sister , Mrs. W. W. Sherman , on South Seventh street. Hev. L P. McDonald ofllclatod. Mr. Ogden Is well Known In this city , vvhero ho has lived for many years. Ho Is at the present tlmo en gaged In mercantile pursuits In South Da kota. After receiving the congratulations of friends the young people took the evening train for Mitchell , S. D , where they xvlll make their homo In the future. Mrs. H. W. Hilton and little daughter Marlon haxe gone to visit friends In Deb Molncs and Chicago , expecting to bo absent several weeks. Miss Stella Gilbert and 'Miss Naomi Chlldb have returned from a visit to Bcllevue col lege , where they were guests of Mies Hewit- son for the fleld-day exercises. P. n. Davlsxls In Kansas City attending the annual convention of the Credit Men's association. Robert Marble has gone to Fremont for a xlstt with his undo and to attend the grad uating exercises He will bo absent about two weeks. Mrs. William Wllcox of Ida Grove and Mrs. 13. Kctterlng of Dos iMolnes are In the city , the guests of Mrs. U. T. King , 1102 Pourth avenue. Mrs. Burroughs of Chicago Is the guest of her sister , Mrs. George Brown. Miss Vincent left on Friday for Chicago , where she will xlslt for some time. Miss Taylor of Omaha Is the guest of Miss Besole Moore on Third axenue. The Ladles' Musical society had a very pleasant outing In Falrrnount park err Thin sday afternoon. They formed ono of many similar delightful little parties that have been given In the park during the week. A delightfully pleasant affair that had nn savor of the "function" that makes even the social tyros as tired as the blase pro- fesolonal , xvas given laht evening by the Misses Schoentgen , at the residence of their parents , on South Sixth street. They en- tertnlncd the Apollo club In a most de lightful manner. Mesdames J. J. Graxotte , George T. Phclps , J B Cooper and Dr. Thomas picnicked the members ot their Sunday school clashes at Fatrmount park Thursday , and a royal time was reported by the > oung people , who numbered forty. Hev. and Mra. W. S. Barnes accompanied tire party. Mrs. F. II. Orcutt and daughter have re turned from a two necks' visit In Villlcca , la. Messrs. James L Pnxton , Stockton Heth Thomas Clark and Mcmlamcs Allen and Tukoy of Omaha nnd Miss Burr of Lincoln picnicked nt Manawa on Thursday. Miss Katherlno Mayers Is vloltlng with Miss Delia Davidson at Hull , la. Miss Kdna Hunt of Harlan , who has Just completed a course In on Illinois seminary , IB spending a few daja In thu city the guest of Mr O P Wlckham and family Warren Lettjon and family of Hasting ? , Neb , baxo removed to this city , which they will make tholr homo In the future Mlra May Pmy has returned from Chicago where she visited the city school ! and was the guest of Mrs Vanity , formerly Miss Mecca Dougherty of this city. A party of young ladles , Including tlio Mlsfes Beedle Merrlam , Ottlo Mcrrlam , Mar garet Wallace , Dottlo Wallace. Lizzie Helm , Lilian Hart , Grace Carron. Haclrol Carton and Louise Carson , epent Friday In Bcllovuo and Fort Crook Mrs , Cliarlte Gibbons left on Monday for a two weeks' visit with frlenis In Sldnoy , la. Muj ! Guf le Gronevvt'S left for Cincinnati , O. on Monday to beabsent srveral vvcekn. Mra F. J Schnoir watt the recipient of n turprLo party last evening tbat vvu skillfully planned and executed by a number of her Omaha and Council Iluffs friends Tlio party xvas the last of a F erica of birthday surprises ) given to each other by the membi > n > of a EC clal organization known ES the Organic club. The members of the party completely sur prised her at 9 o'clock last evening by luvad- \ng \ her homo on Beutou street and leaving several useful and valuable mementoes The members of the club who were present were Mr. and Mia. Will Stone of Omaha , Mr. and Mrs. Will Ulllott , Mr. and Mra. W. E. Daw- ton , Mr. and Mrs. Mark Wllllarna , Mr. and Mr . Cliarloii Manilla , .Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Hoffmayr , Mr. and Mrs. Geode , iMr , and Mra. Slmppon and Mr. J , D. Johnson. Mli Cora Qrctzcr has cone to Shenandoab ( whcro she will remain two months Attending summer school anil taking a special course In music , elocution , algcora and philosophy. Mr and Mrs BarnoU. formerly of this city , but now rcsldentAIof .Wcoplng Water , Neb , are xlMtlng friends In this city , making their headquarters at the home of Mr and Mrs J 11. Arthur-CIS Washington avenue Chief of Police , raunliK left last evening for PltlaburB. where he will attend the na tional meeting of the-'Junior Order of Ameri can Mechanics as X' dfclegate and member of the committee on credentials. Ho xvlll be absent for / week We want all the good farm loans xvc can get , fl per cent Interest nnd a small com mission No delay for the money Wo xvnnt > our flro nnd tornado Insurance on farm , town or city property Best of com panies represented. Ixnigcc & Lougce , 235 Pearl street III > S AWAY \Vrill AOHM3 M V\ . Oitiiitui IliiMlimiil tMMirrn 111"Vlfc mul UCToulli I'll nun nn r. Mrs D. D Rob of Omaha , 35 yearn of ago , and John Dcllhrldge , nn Omnha south of IS , Jumped from the second story xvlndow of the brick building on the alley between Main nnd Bryant Directs jcsterday afternoon , and landed wllh great force on the brick pave ment. They were Induced to Jump hy the unexpected appearance of 1) . 1) Hob of Omaln , husband of the woman , xvho xvas dis covered staidlng In the only doorvvny armed xvlth a big revolver and a look tint Indicated a determination to shoot. Three dajs ago the woman deserted her homo , after Belling oft n lot of thu household belongings to get the necessarj funds , and taking her C-jenr- old child , had left , In company with Dell- bridge. The woman was so badly stunned nnd hurt by the fall that she was unable to rise , but so far as known joung Dell- bridge escaped without Injury. Hob picked up the belongings found In the room and left for Omaha , declining to take legal action against his wife. "When nn officer from the court reached the locality he found the vvonnn being cared for by a Mrs Baker , another roomer In John Chinamen's pl.icc Late last ex erring Mrs Hob had recovered sufficiently to be able to leave nml boarded nn Omaha motor accompanied by Mrs. Baker. The Pusey & Thomas Abstract nnd Loan company removed from Mcrrlam block to 14 Pearl street. Standard washtubs 40c , 50 , COc. J. Zollci & Co. llml lieu AriM'sd'd. Officers Murphy and Anderson last even ing observed Frank Carroll coming down Upper Broadway , accompanied by two very tough looking citizens. Two jcars ago Car roll was given Imperative orders to leaxc Council Bluffs and never return. The oni- cers watched the trio until they had put up the team In Jennings' barn , then Carroll was taken Into custody. The stuff found In his poswsslon showed that he xvas xvorklng a number of the most approved confidence games , and the assumption followed natu rally that the other two men were his con federates. They were found later on nnd placed under arrest. A grip , filled xvlth cheap jewelry and glided brabS watches , xvnb taken from them. Each was armed with revolvers. In their possession was found the mof t complete outfit for working all the kinds of confidence' ' games known to the profession. , , Largo front ioom and alcove furnished xvlth or without boaul ; also side room. 221 South Seventh stiect. AKISII O1MKCTS 'JO Tlin DIVISION. Unman CutlinllrHi nt I'"or < Doilno In Arm * \Kiiliist 1luArchbishop. . rOHT DODGlX la , , Juno 12. ( Special ) The parish of Corpus Christ ! , the rich and powerful Roman Catholic congregation efFort Fort Dpdge , Is much excited over Its hav ing been divided by order of Archbishop Hennessey. Rev. Thomas F. Lenlhan was for moro than twenty jears Its pastor , but re signed a few months ago to become bishop of Cheyenne. The church Is an unusually wealthy ono with a large membership , nnd It has been decided by She archbishop that this Is an opportune time to divide the parish Into three parts. Not only does this mean that largo sums of money must be raised for the erection of the new churches and schools , hut the action : is more unpopu- Iir because It Is thought It reduces the largo and Influential Corpus ChrlstI to the standing of a small chu'ch. Father Heclan arrived here from Dubuque jcsterday , hav ing been appointed to one of the new par ishes , and he xvas accompanied by Vicar General Rjan , the archbishop's personal representative , who came to direct the form ing of boundary lines. As soon as his action wao officially stated , a meeting of the con gregation was called to protest against the division and a delegation xvag sent to htm to ask that tire action be deferred until the congregation could offer their reasom. for opposing It. They xvcre very ernphaticallj notified by the xlcar general that Aich- blshop Hennessey was not in the Vablt of consulting the people on his policies , and It would not be done In this case. At this another meeting was called , larger than be fore , and It was decided to appoint u com mittee of thirty from the congregation to formulate an appeal to the higher church authorities. If the archbishop will not rec ognize the congregation's tights to bo heard It will be taken to the pope's representative , Mgr. Martlnelll , or to Rome llself. The peo. plo maintain that U Is a question on which they should be consulted , and they propose to establish such a precedent. In the mean while the organization almost to a man Is pledged to withhold contributions to tbo new churches and a very unusual and Inter esting deadlock between the church people and their authorities has commenced. Many of them declare that they will support no other church than the old ono no matter where the orders come from. Aeronaut I2Htaiit'H ! > > the Hoof. CHESTON , la , Juno 12. ( Special Tele gram ) Aeronaut Williams , who Is to make a series of ascensions here , cut bis balloon loosj from the moorings this afternoon , anil as he waved his handkerchief at the croud ho was horrified by a ehout from 5,000 throats to look out for the wires. Ho was taught In the electric light wires and crushed through the Century club windows. Fully 5,000 cit izens expected to ECO his lifeless lorin fall to the sidewalk , hut he possess ! a cool held and a firm hand and succeeded In freeing himself from the balloon and clambered onti the roof of the nearest building and escaped with Blight Injure ? . ' I'oiiullHiH 1 ) > il on ii < - < ; Di'iiiorrntx. OTTUMWA. la , June , 12. ( Special Tele gram. ) Tirero v.iu , adblg row In the populist county convention hi'ro to.lay over fusion In the state election this fall. A resolution declaring agalnsti It and denouncing the democrats for unfair play la knifing the pop. ullsts on the ticket 'was ' defeated by a nar row margin and FOIIIO of the prominent pop ullsts disavowed the action. Ihey say they will go to the | ag ( convention to work agnlim fusion. < ifPno democrats selected a delegation which xvlll be for FreJ While or Postmaster Burgcgs jbf this city for governor No gold democrats alllllaled with the con vention , _ _ y llrotlu'rlioort'WIll Mi-i-t Tomorrow. MASON CITVtl9.TJune 12 ( Special Telegram - gram ) E E Clark , chief conductor of the Order of Hallway Conductors ; F P Sargent , grand master of the Brotherhood of Locomo tive Firemen ; P , 1 * . MoriUaey , grand matter of the Brotherhood of Hallway Trainmen , arid P , M Arthur , grand chief of the 'Broth erhood of Locomotive KngIncurs , and L. R , Coffin are in the city to take part in the union meeting of conductors , railway train men , firemen and engineers , to bo held In the city tomorrow. Cll u not A roc HII u .Nil HIP , JBFFDHSON , la. , Juno 12. ( Special Tele gram ) An effort waa made here this after noon to amalgamate the silver democrat * , populists and tree silver republicans ol Green county Into one party. The delegates however , could not agree on a party uamo and the effort fell through. * < ! ! ( lu * < > lil ClmroU IIilllloc. jniTBRSON , la , Juno 12. ( Special Tfle- gram. ) Tbo Methodist church ID this city that ls to be supplanted by a new J12,000 structure * cold at auction today for 4210 DENIAL OF ( HERDS' DEATH Cuba's Executive is Said to Bo Very Much Alive , SPANISH REPORTS ARE NOT RELIABLE I'll } xtctiin nf 1'iM'Nlilciil of Ctiliiin He imlillcl.iuniM In No < York xillli l.i'tti-r * from Ni\V YOIUC , June 12. Among the pas sengers to Inml In New York today on the strainer Valencia , from Cuban ) orts , \la Nassau , N. I * . , xvna Ur. I. W. Danforth of Milwaukee , Wls , vho fur the past fifteen months tins jecn tlio personal ptijslcUn of the inrslilenl of the Cuban republic , Salvador Olsneros , lie tnanjuls of Santa Lucia. The doctor Is n the United States on six inontlia le axe of ulfccircc , having left Cuba In a sixteen- oot open boat on iMay 29 for the Island of Now I'rov lile-ncc. After much suffering anil exposure ho tvachcil Nassau , and there awaited the arilvnl of the Valencia. Accord. \\K \ \ to Spanish reports , President Clsneros lied. In February last , and this "news"as sciul-ofnclally continued In March last. Hut Dr. Datifortn was with the president as late as April C last and hud In his possession a ctter , xvlrlch ho showed to the reprcsetita- live of the Assoclitcd pirss , dated April 29 , from the president Iho tatter la nut only not dead , but when lr Uanforth left him he was full of quiet tnthU'lasm and animated > y the most conlldcnt teoltrif ; for the eventual ouccrss of the Cuban cause. Questioned as to the revolt In Cuba , Dr. LHnforth oald It was nt Agura province of Puerto Principe , where the Insurgents Irnxe erected a capital. The president , however , Is not at Agurn , but Is In the province of Santiago do Cuba. STHUNOTH OP CUIUN All.MY. Ir Uanforth was n kcil to express an opinion as to the numerical strength of the Cuban Insurgents , being Informed that late adv Ices from Cuba placed the number at S 000 men He mid. "It Is difficult , If not Impartible , to airlvc at a correct estimate Hut you oan say that the Cubans for a coH talnty have at least 30,000 to 35000 today , armed and In good shape. The Cubans hive not been Idle during1 the last few dajs , and have been Importing arms and ammunition right along. In brief , the Cubans arc fight ing a desperate light and are In good condi tion to continue It. The Spanlauls are also engaged In a desperate contest , but they are exhausted , or almost foo. "I certainly think the Cubans will succeed , not by reason of numcilcal strength , for tlio Siwnlanls have about 150,000 men In the field , nut there Is no question but that the Cubans -will ultimately win. All thch lend ers are sworn not to give up until they nil ore ( lead. They are bound by oath to flfht until the last and they will do so " "As to Spanish atrocities , what do jou Know of them , of jour own personal Know ledge ? " Mr. Ban-forth was nsled. "The position which I occupied with the Insurgent forces nece < .irlly precluded my obtaining peisonal Knowledge of Iho atrocities complained of. Hut from the la- ports received at headquarters thr-io Is absolutely no douhc of their existence 1 remember one little Incident. It was las' Septembei. Some 3,000 or 4.000 Spanish soldiers had been sent to relieve Ca carro In the fight which followed the Spanish column killed , among othcis , an Insurgent cap'nln. He woo to have been promoted tlio next day to the rank of major.Vhon we secured his body It was a honl'dlc slRht completely covered with bajonet wounds and machete cuts , hacked and blabbed with the most honlble , unncccssar > cruelty. "But fiom good souices I have heard and feel Justified In as-ertlug that men , vvoijin and children have been moat outraKuiutilj treated by the Spaniards In nearly ( ill ilie devastated parts of Cuba. Tlieir homes have been burned , their property destroyed , and they have been relegated to Woylor's yooee of protection /ones of starvation Is what they should be termed " "What , In your opinion , will be the nett sterxj takTi bj the Spaniards In Cuba ? " "It Is dlfllcult to arswer that ques'ljii. But It Is to he presumed that Wcjler will continue wandering about the Island looking to the pacification of the provinces. Accord ing to reports current when I left Cuba Wev- ler will be recalled and Campos will be the m.iu who will succeed him , and ho will be Instructed broadly to do the best he can under the circumstances. SHOOT FIRST , INQUIRE AFTERWARDS "It Is a sl'atne , " continued Dr. Danforlh with energy , "that United States citizens arc not raoro thoroughly protected. As for the Spaniards , why , they ehoot llrst and Inquire after as to the standing of the man , Amer ican or Cuban , and then they say he was shut b > his own friends. "When I left the president and his partj tlroy were all flllc'l with hope and trusting Tn the Unltod States. Should the United States Intervene ? Most emphatically , yes. I firmly hope the United States will soon recognize the belligerency of the Cubans " "How would that assist them ? Why , by guing the Cubans the right to float their bonds and by compelling the Spaniards to treat their prisoners with some show of consideration. If the Cubans were recog nized as belligerents any Cuban taken pris oner would have a chance to bo treated ns a prisoner of war. " "What Is the present condition of tbo Cuban Insurgents ? " "Their condition Is satisfactory. It Is true that they are hard pressed In the provinces on account of rations , hut as a whole they are doing xtry well. In Santi ago do Cuba there arc no cattle , but plenty of vegetables , and In the province of Puerto Principe there Is an abundance of cattle and no vegetables. In Santa Clara , on the other hand , there Is plenty of vegetables and the same holds good with the provinces of Mataiuas and Havana. They still want rums and ammunition and want them very badly. " Kt-NfiitH Hclii * ? Culled a I.lnr. ST. JOSEPH , Mo. , June -Ex-Congress man George C. Crow I her ustaultt < 1 Major John L. . Ulttlngcr this morning Crovvther la the leader of the rilley faction of the republican - publican party In this section and Jilttln- Kcr is Kerens' chief lieutenant. The UH- rault was caused by a newspaper Intel vlrvv. In which HlttliiRer ealled Crovvther a liai More troublu may follon. Hcjcot Co-IM ItiToiiinifiiilntloii. ATHENS , Go. , Juno 12 The Iraanl of trus tees of the Suite unlvcrnlty has voted against Chancellor Hoggs' recommi ndntion for the admission of women on the ground that they have no right to Hike the Hep without authority fiom the leglblature. OMAIIV is III\TIN : AT cutcKr.r. Council lllufTfl llitrrituN Txx n Moll mill Aln 1 > > One Hun , It ! not often thnt Couiull Bluffs ha * nn opportunity to crow o\cr Omaha , but jostenlay afternoon n team of cricketer * cnmo ncro < s the rlxrr nml showed the Omaha Cricket club that It was not the only team In this pirt of the country Harry New hns Intoly taken tip his resi dence In Council ItliiffA anil through his cITorti n team has lioon otKanlred In that city , with Ilia icsull that the Uinalins" re ceived n , challenge to meet their fi lends ncro ! 9 the river In n friendly contdt for mtprcrnat'V In the cricket Held Yesterday's gnmo xv ns the outcome of this challenge and ns the score below shows the Hlutllti * came out xletorlouby the narrow margin of ono run In Justice to the Omaha * It must be admitted that Oeorpc and Will Vnughnn jila > ed for Council Hluff In order to give that organization two good bowler * , but the Omnhiis Irnil two ( tooil tvvlrli'is In ltovver i anel Ncalc lielow nrc the scores In detail corNOii. , nuirrs W. Tl Vnuglian b Neale 7 C H Altehe"on , li lloui > r 0 0 11. VntiKlmn , li Howrr * 0 Harry New c MvKfhcy , b. Neale 15 1 M 'lrc > nor , li Neale R J 11. CUtmim. 1) Nenlo II .lolin Hess run nut U lr Trpvnor. c rnjtioli , b Ntnlo & H miMi. 1 > Noftle 0 George Wright , c. Tajlor , b Nonle 0 T C n.iwsem , p Krnncli , b Neale 0 J J Shea , e McKelvcv , b. HovvcrB 2 .T IlcxvltiQii , b Howe-rs 4 J ( Jllbcrt , not out 0 Extras 4 Tolal 42 OMAHA. W. Rtrobllng , I ) W. Vouch-in 0 15 II Sprague , b O. Vnuglian 0 11. .MeKelvoy. c Gl but , b Q. Vaughan. . 10 J Neale. b W Vaughan f. 0 J Shields , b W Vaughan 0 J. Hovvers , li G Vntijrlnn ! < J Cameron , b O Vauuhan C U. W Tax lor , b O. Yntichnn 0 J OotiKliiH , b O Vn up linn 0 .T M Guild , b Sltnnit 1 P 1'ottei , e1 P.uvgon , b G. Vaughan. . . . 3 J Spr.iguc , jr. b Slmms 0 llev J P. D Uvv.vd. run out I J Kraircl" , not out 2 Extras 1 Total 41 i.ovn itini : nv TIII : itr.cniius. . rTK-liij-rH < llnnilfcil llllet ( o lie Cu > ered ( in Illejolen , ST IXDUIS , Juno 12 A special to the llepuhllc fiom Tort Mlssoula , Mont. , jia > - < : Today twenty-four men will start on a ride of nearly 2,500 milts to JetTcibon llnr- racks , Mo. xvhlch will be reached In about nix week1 ? . Whether blcv cle will bo mcel In the nrmj depemli on the leiult of the experiment Tull lnfantr > eipilpment. Including cooking \llcnpUs nnd shelter tents will be carried on the wheel" . Each member of the p.iity will \venr the regular Held serv lee uniform with tin1 exception of blcjc'e ihnep Ten of the inon will carry their Krjg-lorgpn'spn illk" * > luni ; to their ninehlni under the left leg and par.illcl to the top tubing of the frame. The rest of the party will weir pistols , nil being supplied with llftj i omuls of ammunition to the man , xv Ith twenty- live additional rounds each In their knnp- Oinnlui CInli'K \ \ ' < 'ely Sliont. The Omaha Gun club's regular weekly shoot took pl.icc on the elub grounds across the rlx'ei jcstcrday afternoon. Scoies ICenxon . 11111 11111 11111 10111-11 Hugbes . 11100 11111 11111 11111 IS Squirrel . . . . . . . Hill 11011 11111 11101 IS Himllett . 01111 11111 01111 11101 17 17 Kulb . 11001 01111 11111 11111-17 Towntend . 11111 11001 01111 01111It , Hayrnond . 11110 11011 11111 11010-10 nrucKer . 10111 11110 10111 10111 1 ( , Loomis . 11110 10110 11111 lonn r > C.rrmichael . 11110 OHIO 11110 11011-11 Johannes . 11110 10111 10111 10110-15 Senrlu . 11111 11010 01111 11101-15 Hates . 10001 110H 10101 11111-14 hatahaxx' . 11111 11010 10100 00011 12 HIIX < | IIUN : Cnll < Ke Klelil ln > 1'ronrn in. HASTINGS. Neb , June -Special ( ) The regular Held day of the Hastings college will be observed next Monday nt the col ego campus. The events promise to bo very In teresting , n < ? Cl > de 11 Altchjson , ' 04 , xvlll give a handsome silver medal to the bttt all-niounil athlete. On aceoi'nt of a same of Iwse ball between the college and Junlata team1 ! being held In the afternoon , the Held daj events wl'l take plaee Irr the moinlng. corricncliiR nt 3 CO The t > ornts will br > 5. .1 and 1 , and the exents will be as follows. One hundred vards dash , 1 0 yards hurdle race' , Hole vault , hammer throw , shot T > ut ball throw , bop , stop and jump runnlnK hroml Jump , standing' jump , running high Jump ItneeH Oiiee n AVeelf. I HASTINGS , Neb. June 12 ( Special. ) Tlu Moigan . Wright blcjcle club of this cits . la planing to have a seilis of UICOM at the- I North Side Athletic grounds exeri Thur'ilnx cx'enlrrfj. The club has now the largest membership over had by a bicycle organiza tion In this city and ns the track Is In good shape some fine races are looked for. Dlulc llurj e HiieltH Out. IXDNHON , June 12 The riirrge-Thompson prUe fight xv Inch was to hava taken place in Birmingham tonlglit , ho been declared off. Burse , It Is st.ited , owing to his recent 1 defeat nt the hanilb of Tom Causer , has de clared his Intention to retire from the prize ring1 Thompson has claimed the forfeit money. _ _ T OF c AUI s. UiiMt Oliev < lie l.riH or Uo i\iielleil f i oni < lie V n I It'll AVorkinpn. MILWAUKEE , June 12 The supreme lodge. Ancient Order of United Workmen , adopted the report of the epeclal committee In the Ontario cases , thus leaving the alter native of obc > lng the laws of the order or being expelled with Ontario for settlement If that jurisdiction carries out Its intention as manifested In a new1 constitution which Is pending , the supreme officers will at once take action and expel the Jurisdiction under sanction of the action of the supreme body at the Milwaukee session. The qucfctlon of reimbursing the Iowa grand Jurisdiction for expenses Incurring In carry Ing through the sulta against the secedcrs there some jears ago , Is under discussion to day. lions NOT \ioii\Ti : IM : > SIO\ .7 nil ft e AVnolnnii lli-elilen In Pin or of Hie ' oliller * ' Hume. nns M01NIK. June 12 ( Special Tele gram ) The commlsslonere of the Iowa Sol diers' Home were < H chargcd by Judge Wool- son In federal coutt today , where they wcro on trial , charged with xlolatlng the pension laws The i-nses wcro begun several months ago The borne regulations require that In mates who draw pensions shall turn over to the Institution all In cxccvs of fG monthly DUtrlct Attorney rulton started the cnfie < and secured Indictments rhirglng violation of the pension laws The ca o wag tried before - fore a Jury , and at the conclusion of the ev. Idence for the prosecution Judge Woolsmi took It from the Jury and Instructed n ver dict for the defendants He held that the tula H riH-e"nr > , and not a xlolatton of the Intent of the fediral statute. Ci : MM UHIiit : IMMt CM I' IIi'tiioorntN of 1'ollc Coiintj > oinlnute u Sllx or Iteiiiililteiin , D139 MO1NK3 , Juni12 ( Special Toll- grain ) The democrat of Polk count ) Ivld tlitlr convontlnn today , and after n xlgoroun fight passed a resolution Irnlorslng Judge U \ A Spurrier of this clly for the nomination , for governor Spurrier Is n silver republican who campalKtred for Urvan last > ear al though r-o was holding H position on tlui beirclr of this district , to which ho had been elected ns a republican candld'.te The sit uation Is now such that the sllve-r republic ans are likely to be > able to dictate the trcxt gubernatorial nominee of the ilcmJcraN. Daniel Kerr In the 1'lfth coiiEielonnl dis trict will have n tonslderntile atrencth , anj the democrats are much divided. lliiiullloii IN ( irnnleil n \ erTrlnl. . OTTUMWA , la , June -Special ( Telegram - gram ) Judge Hoberts. whose court was ) i-s- terday the scene of the se'imtlon il demon stration In favor of Hamilton , the Eldon bank robber , decided this morning to grant the petition of the majority of the Ottlimwa bar and glvo Hamilton n new trial \nw n\ : \i\sr oi.ixr.n. I'uii'liiiNeil l > iiiimlli' mul I'tise nt VlebUoii XX eillleMlll J . LRAVENWOUTH. June 12 A dl pilth from AlQhlson K OS that It developed thiro totla > that on Wcdno day last Joseph W. Oliver , now under arrest for blowing up Govcinor Smith's residence with dnamltc , purchased two iHlcks of djnamlte , fixe cais and txvent-Ilxe ) anl of fuse In thin cltj. Oliver was nb cnt fmni Lcaxcnxviith five hours on WednctOa > , and It li now believed bevond a doubt that he Is responsible- the oxplcslon Oliver iefu > ed to talk The feel ing among the ? agiiln t him Is xery strong Veteran Phllll | . another lU'honot- nbly dUehaiRinl old loldler and who la known to be an expert Irr b rub manufacture. In also under arrest Mi'i Smith'1' condition Is somewhat belter todav and she Is probably out of Immediate/ danger. if they arc healthy filter the uric nciel anel poisons out of the system through the urine. If they are ne > t actinp rirjht the results are Hritfht's Disease , Rheu matism , Neuralgia , Blaelelcr Trouble , Dropsy , etc. These can he Your rainpli of HrllH sp II.II.UB Klilne } 1'llln rcllevcil me of l\lilncj lr < uljlolilcli I linve limi for thlrlj > i.irs mil 1 think HIPJ nre tlie Pill niijboil } bhculil ufe hit In trouliUil with klilncy H r 1 Olll ) Omnh i , Neb paraps Kidney Pills. IIOIUIS Ri\ll.DY : CO , I'uoi-mi/rous , CuiCAoa Ir Ilnhhs rillt FurS ilu In OXUIIA , Mill , bv Kt'IIVA-CO , UpllubliDrnnuMs nnd Mine nil Water Ic nUr , N Vi Cor. IMh nnd Doiigliis Sts. SPECIAL NOTICES COUNCIL BLUFFS WANTS- DWELLINGS lltUli , 1'AIIM AND GAHUUN lands Tor &ule ui ent Day i. Hess , Zl 1'carl \ street. rou L.iAfai : . BAND AND OHAVEL HANKS , with eupcrlur Ijrlclc clnj undcri ) Ing tame ; ntout S'4 ' mllps northeasterly from Omalin Ux- Iiobltlon sounds , iind two miles noiih of Council llluth , CP Missouri river , uml ui c & . ft VV. II. It b. I' JuJson , H2J blx'h ovenuo. Council iiiurts i OH LIASI ; . ONLY UPLAND Mihbouui river fromiEO and lioit UmllriK , nctir Cxi > o l- tlon Broumls suitable fur plcahiiic rc ort , In tr.icls to eulf plenty l.inlnuoj timber , nlnindaiit llGWlii ) ; fprli M. with sul ! ( .lent fuu f r lams in bioiinUr for fountains anil Mi | > r > ly : bank mini ami praxcl for milks nnd ilrlved ; ItiiUttlui miturii jmii. : i > ( jilateaun , vnli ! > n iind blufts. on C ft N XV. H It i'4 mlli-a lion i or Ccimi1 Bluffs , and about 34 nulrs nortlieni-t from hspoMtlon nounds. I * l > . Jua- aon MJ Sixth i > nue rou SAUU ABOUT < co Acnus or ciioicrj upland fruit , vCKttnbla anil park 1 itids ; mo litres and upward at ITS lo JiO per ncrt , uecord- Ins to location nnd amount , ubout tlirte mllta north of city1 and aliqut eaifiu illt-lanco from exposition , other InnBs nnd Council Illuffj lots nt low price * L. r. Judson , J2S Sixth uve. nue Council llHUTi- . MOX'INO ! MOX'INOl When > ou wish In move And havecM > iytlilnB KO Fmooth. niieaBc n vvncon , InrKe , medium or ( irnall ; One Just larKC inouch to tnko It all Illcht rooms In oneloid they talie. Tri It , trie next move > ou innke- riimos , too , WP move with ttroattut care , Ami prices , jou'll find , urc ulwiiys fair. You'll Iind none to c ireful im those you XX'hrn call nt No S South Main Htreet. William Welch , Trnnsfer I.lne , Tel. 128. LAteB MANAWA Tonight nnd JBvery Night find Mctnlneo Today See. ll.-nr HAAVSOV AM > .IITM2 CAMIMIIMX A-M > CtMIMIKM. , Tlu * KIIIUOIIN Club TliiSliiKiTM anil Com Hi'iir Hear. ' . , iSI\M > AMI I.KSMH , IK ) I/I' Irluli OoiiitMlluiiN , mul Hro The Iiilmllnlil llirlr Puiiii ) Iloxlnur Alutrli. 11 fit r mill St > < > TIIIJ IIAI MO YDS Siii-clnllHlM , I'ASOATi : ! . Tin- . .IIIIIIIIKMCVonil4TH. . A I'owniirui , Aitii.vv OP SI > IOIOAI. : TIJATI uns. m.hTUIl'H IIA\I > AM ) OHCIinsTHA. Western Distributing Warerooms for the Royal Hardma.ii afd Standard Pianos 3W * Also Agents for the Beautiful Waldorf and Schaffer Pianos. Wo have a number of slightly usad Hnrdman and Standard Pianos which will bo sold at great bargains. We carry the Farraud and Votey one of the best in the market. Second hand In Organs Organs from $18 to $46. Wo own the finest exclusive music store and have the largest stock to select fro.-n. Wo accord the most gentlemanly trsatment to our friends and customers and invite you to call. Wo are sure to make a friend of you if you buy of us , because wo misrepresent nothing and our prices are right. PIANO AND ORGAN CO. , 1OS Main St.