Newspaper Page Text
THE OMAHA i DAILY BEE. ESTABLISHED Jl 2sE 11) , 3571. O3LAIIA SATUttDAT MOHXECG , .TU E 10. 1S07 TWELVE PAGES. SINXrLE COPT JTtVE CENTS. DEATH IX A TORNADO Fctir Yocag UTIE Are Etcrifioed to tie . VTind's Tory. FIVE OTHERS ARE SEBKUJStY INJURED InrtitBtioa fer FeeWe I DL , the Sosas , f' MANY ARE BURIED IS RUIN'S OF A BARH EtGRL Panes oa aai it it Taarid More Lives Are Lost. SMALL CYCLONE BREAKS LOOSE IN IOWA Sllulit nnttince Hone In Ylrlnltj of Itn.e Hill nnil O Lnloo n I > e- klitiftlie Stiiriu * In Keu- tucl ? nuil Imllnnsu MNCOLN , 111. , Jane IE. A tornado which 'ptfc-d over the central and southern portions ol Logan county this efterneoa destroyed thousand ! of dollars' worth o ! property and completely detnollthe'd the row barn on tbe farm of tbe Slate Institution for tbe FwWe IMinded. Twenty-tix persons ste-king refuge from the storm t > e.e barled In tbe debris. Pour of the refugees , boy pupil * from Chicago , were take-n out dead , rive others were te- ve-rrty injured , oae of whom , the farm ru- Vfrinttndent , will probaWy die. The dead artSYLVESTER SYLVESTER BAKER. J\MES O'CRIBN. NEAL M'KENZIE. CASTLE LE BARON. AH the- above are twpilf of InrtHutioa- - Tbe lnjurt < d : Jactb Wiltnot. farm superintendent , will probably die. Kerry Borger. William Wllbelm. Walliam Fisher. All tre pupils , severely brulced and cut , but will probably recover. Lemuel Gleason , attendant , serious inter nal Injuries , may die- ' At S 45 tbis afternoon a tornado was Etes approaching tbe city from tbe wjutbwett The State Institution for tbe Feeble Minded containing over TOO inmates , ten-med to be dlre-ctly in tbe path of the storm aad strin- pent measures were quickly taken to prevent & panic The roofs of several buildings were oerr.Ed away and much damage was done abcut the grounds , but tbe TOO inmates were tinder jirfect control of the attendants and the threatened panic and great loss of life rwas averted. The tornado passed on to the northetrt touching next on the farm aad stock ban connected with tbe irylum , three miles dis- tint In the cow barn wtre huddle-d twenty tux persons , incluflia ? the puperlntenden jiurJs aad aa attendant. The barn wai R-rencheid from Its foundation and torn U pieces. Four of the jmpEswere Instzull : lilled- The others , with tie exception of thi tuptnntendent , escaped serious injury ant H ere fhorilj rescued from tbe debric. Tiio ton-ado passed on to the northeast dclngpreat damage , the extent of vhicl in cot know n. Tbe etorm divided into sec licas and covered awide territoryJt 1 feared iiat the lots of life will be greatl : enlarged when reports are received froa outside the city. SLIGHT DAMAGE IN IOWA. OTTUMWA. la. . June IS. A email cy clone passed over Rose Hill , a village ii Keokuk county , this afttrnoen. touching th pround in ueveral place * Jurt outside th Jow-n. The damage done was confined t trees tnd outbulldiags. Another cyclone of somewhat greater violence lence patsed six miles east of 0kcloo&c Its path was over two mile ? in length an , about fifty yards in width. The damage wa tligh' however , being c-onfined to fence * trees and outbuildings. KENTUCKY HIT HARD. LOUISVILLE. June IE A t-evere wlni etorm parsed over thU city between tbi bourt cf 5 aad C this morning. Considerabl damage was done to property , but no live were lost In several cases houses wen blown down and others unroofed , but in n Instance was there a fatality , although i cumber sustained Injuries. Re-ports from ccatral and e-istera Kentuck ladlcate that great damage has been don lo crops- Tie wheat fields have been lali low farm house : * and bamc were wreckev ind ferrt-s de-stroyed. At English. Ind. . tie court bouse was dam crcd to tbe extent of K WO. A eoutbtoun J-Wnon train , eicbt mile * beyond Blooming ton 11.3. was ( truck by llgbtaln ; ; and tb ibakra up ievertJy. Conducto was painfully iajurcl. but will re cover Lster as tbe trcln was ncarlng Gat bvic led it ran into a Urge trt < e that ba tx-en Down across tbe track and the c-ngio ttat badly damcced. Jt-St-mmvitle tbe damage was rllgbi wl.lo N TH Altiany it is estimattid thi (10 < < 40 worth of dauuge wat done to prut erty but no live * were lot- Tvo fatuhutfc are. retorted near Iriisj ton Ky Oi oslte In-lngton. Ky. . in Indiana , tt rctiaenee of Jebn Sui-ehU , a farmer , wi an-d.ed by tbe wind tt-J a srn .at girl u. ro liadlj irjBrt by tbe falling tlmbei tb t she .n rd but a few hours. STORM IN INDIANA. INDIANAPOLIS. Juce IS. Lster rrturi received from both tbe north and wetter jionloot of tbe stale indlretr that lat-t clgbt H : TD wbicb did not rease until moruin dl3 much damage. A trfr nni from Greej cxfctlr raje that reports from the e-ounu ur 'o iiooc tbow that lu-ge quanlltii < va'uablc t'raber we * # dettreyod larce tr < i It rt ; tw ttid off at their roott. Srtef. Urcc ticrrs were struck by llgbtBlng Oi tt Haiabrirk'c Etatioo. rAotalolug some la uatle live Kwli. wtt dc > ureyi-d. At Roche tcr Prpwnt-burg. aud Wabatb. tbe dams ; t . he-my to farm pr&i > erty. At Valparati K iravy hailstorm , accompanied by a big , v.i , 1 did a gnial deal of daaiaee < c LI I Kloi of jmperty The Albany lumber Oftiujitiij tbtii we-e blown down at Muacie , and t ) Albary Bottle works wai uuroofed atifl riila jieys ecd stacks blow a down T < J- | * nt at Ulrra ; > h 4 < fc tre all dovs. The nil Glass wrrkc were dtojej-i-d aud tb Vnti. r Oeine of Mr Stnut is damaged b } UrktiiLa MINT1E. lod. . June U. Tins * - -IBE , the Pirag. n Paper mill at Eaton uis blow in during tbe fctorai t 4ay. Fwtr rtritoir ai r < 'i > orted burled in tbe drbrie. Tbe IOM i property U J2i 8. Tbe roof MI ibe Eatt Window glts vixrkFMIF liftt < d off aad au < daange on other projKn > vn Aoae Ia Munrie tbe norm 4unage vill aaMMu to t-rveral thousand dollars. Several lari roofs were lifted , ajueeg ibeao Wteg tbit i thfe Hannau Uullding. " / SEDALIA IS STRUCJC. ST LOUIS , June IK A HrejU u > U Jlepubllc from S dalta. Uu tax Tbe tuwc was t luted by a feerie eta-trie ax a wind ttorta tLu rvt-e.Bi ; Ttu.pcvi touia of tSi * St-iiiUa EU < .tr c Lieh ; ti Power rompMjy wu * * track by lICBtntnc and all of the dratmoc mined , leivlnc t > e city' without ttieet llchtt tMicbt aad stopping the cart on all of the tlx car liars. A ose- ttory brick reiuwaat en Mala 4 wa * blown down A number of fro ill frame tmUiinci wr twlttnJ ff tifir fovodaUoac , KBUe fruit , lied * and ornamental trees in all | * rU of the city were broken flown. MI Mil lK V TOWNS HIT IIV TUHVIDO. Ilnlldlnc * fletnoll lie < 1 nn < 1 ei ernl I'eople erlon * ] ) Ilnrt. MONROE. Neb. . Jane IS. ( Special > Thte t wn wit vmtt-4 by t flir ric 4 temado last nlRhtIt first KrtKk U.e Maugbttr b ut tvae-btlf tnilf wmth of tews , which wtc toaprrtely 4aotlebe4. Next in the path was S. W. Ucbtaer'f lunber Je < whk * trut varoe e4. Ju&t oerta of this ttoed the t wa h .n. which was bietra from It ? loaE- dstlrn to th * w rtCharlei Krlley" ? hart. vta blown down , and Mi'l further wet the boufie ocmpK-d by Pe-ter Follne wa carried Lway. The eatt htlf of it. In which hi * wife wti. tleepltm. WES completely dfiaolitlifd , petis of it being carried half a mile. The wotnit wan otni-d five or tit reds and e - raped -with only a tllcb' bruise. Preceding tbe wlLd wee a heavy rain , with rome h&Il. The rata ill do much good to crojs , . which were t'tcUinlnc to fcuSer. NORFOLK. Neb. June 15. < Spex-ial ) Quite a threau-niag ele-ctrical storm visited Norfolk tt about I o'clock last night. The small end of a twitter ftruck a heavy six teen-foot sidewalk near the Union I'acific track ! at > d threw it with great force ! ( . * * feet across the street against the Norfolk TradIng - Ing company's implement buildlac. smash ing a wagon and rome machinery on tbe - all : and tearing down two electric light poles heavily wiredA. . K- Leonard and Loomis McKlm were on their way home aad reached the walk Just in time to lie caught , mixed up ia the wreck aad hurled across the street and very severely brulned Mr. Leonard received a cut oa the temple and fuSrrexJ Intense pain all night from ntemal injury , while Mr. McKlm got a number of cuts aad had his aakle badly pralned. No bnlldincs were injured and no other datnace r parted. OCONEE , Neb. , Jui.e IS. { Special > A severe wind last night blew down a bare of H. B. Finnlmore. rf.aln and hall fol lowed. The rein will be of great benefit to tb * grain cropi. Strawberries were slight ] } damaged by the hall. WAHOU , Neb. . June 3 . { Special. ) Abcut 10 o'clock last night this section wap visited a heavy wind storm. For a time it wt Impossible to distinguish objesci * across tbt t-treet oa ai-tount of the dutt and debris. Some little damage was done to property ol different kinds. The grand stand at the ball was uuuofed and badly wrecked , and a of thf fence was destroyed. A nsm- r of fruit tr were blown down. No rale fell. fell.FREMONT. FREMONT. Neb. . June 1S { Special > A evtre wind and -electrical storm passe-d over this city about 10 o'clcck last night , coming up from the exiuthwet. For a few minutes the wind blew very herd. A lew trees were blown down and some damage doae to roofe. Northwest of town it was more severe. Nc damag- has l > een reported , however except from trees being blown -down. Not a drop ol rain fell. MALMO. Neb. . June IS. { Special. ) A heavy gale passed over this section last evening , causing the dust to ripe in clouds. No rain fell. No damage was doae by tht wind. OSCEQLA. Neb. . Juns IS. ( Special ) - Pecple here were considerably alarmed about 1 o'clock last nigM at the big blacl ; clouds. There was quite B big wind ani some hail , but the only damage was to knork off someof the fruit where the trees Imae full. full.FENDER. FENDER. Neb. . June IS. ( Special ) - Lightning struck the house of Bert Dowat " ia thir city Jst night , Icnocking t > S thi chimney ind demolishing the plastering anil inte-rior Cnuh in nearly every roam in the Steve Snjder and family were oc cupying the housa at the time , and were ir bed whea the bolt scrack. One of the bed ! stood immediately under tie chimney whici was Etruck. but no one was nurL MILFORD. Neb. . Jane 1& . ( Speisl > .A Eeiere wind storm passed ot r this localit ; between P and 11 o'cltok last eiening. Iu approach wan signaled by a roaring waicl was heard a number of miles away. Littlf damage is reported. The High school build ing was rlightly damaged. Some tretswen blown over , beehives ups < et and outbulldingf tilted over. LYONS , Neb. . June IS ( Special. ) Then was a terrible wind and rain Etorm east ol town last night. Nearly all the windmill ! in the path of the storm were blown down. Several large groves were badly damaged The clouds Itst night were the most threat ening for a tornado for some time. Thi wind shifted to the four points of the com- pars in lets than half an hour. The clondi were almost to the ground and tbe wini blew very hard while It was making th ; changes. TleinnrknlileVentlier Condition * . INDIANAPOLIS. June IS. A remarkabli weather condition prevailed here this morn ing. After s. half Inch of rainfall during thi night the- temperature at CIO a. m stood a T2 ; at 7 a. m. it had riten to kt < and at ! a m. had dropped to Ti. At 7 a. m. thi temperature at Chicago registered 5C. whili at Louisville itvis tea degrees warmer These unurual differences called out tele glares asking for verification of the figure from the Washington and Chicago Weathe : bureaus. Cjelcne tektro } Preneh VtlliiKe * . . PARIS. June IK A cyclone twept eve : tbe villages of Bexons and Colombes , neai thlc city , this afternoon. Houses collapsed tr ti ere torn up. telegraph wires wen broken. Mveral people injured and mnci general damage doneAt Asnire * tbe cy clone orke d havoc. Three persons wen killed and twenty seriously iajure > d. It is eitimttud that throughout the dis trict over which tbe cj clone moved at lean twenty persons were kille-d and ninety in jurt d. e in Nurili t'lirollnn. CHARLOTTE. N. C . June 3K. At C o'clocl this evetlns a cyclone rwtpt ok-er Weet Eui ham. Tlie Baptut rhurrh ut * blowc Sow : The larse t-tx > ugi > warebouw of tbe ETK- ! cctttiB milU WSE Movrn dowa. aad the sloe' of c-otton rlothr ttored theie wat Miake with rain. The luc is ooncldetrible. N ' fatalities are reperte-d. Druttned ( Int. WINNIPEG. Men . June IS. D5 p tcbe irem the nest report teriout Soois and cloudburst west of Calgary , in Ibe Hoplr , rnCHinttlnr. The Fuburbt of CaSgary ar cubBKu-rel. fifty families made hrmriert an reveral bridge * w&tbeJ aw y. Violent Mil riil" in < | iniii. MADRID , June 1E > Violent hall aofl rail itenat have swept tb ? province of Sagovii in tbe old Crwje > dlwrirtCnl < s hive ! > - . ruined. IIOUKM Hood * 4 tnd fault aod goel away by tbe 9cods. Tie in-ople ar I'enr * of n rjrlcine. COLUMBUS. 0Juo * IS. CjtlonJe cc4i tiwi * < Lkt beteTbeie .ere uidtcctWicf- evert nonn Thr BWIT [ . .Ubnve built SlBMl tkU lnfor ufctiwi , roeWrtid froai tb total ucetber bureau. , ClUCAOO. June It O lja tiort of tt * Social IXeUMK-nu-y tv&t bid Uwlay , a tbe kjirfauvt raauuitie * wliicti is Sras IDS tli caAtliuiJo and tirUanas tu to.Tt , BMfeH , \ . tb l. toauonvw : Ttoe demon-Bcr > b * tb * lot &i uuiuns. t bf lie lic-j to ! JMIKBH' of Mi The loial ui.of win , uij the Mate brj4whts. tUe k-Uite otRauIn ! tfeM tbe waUowd euun < ii vbirfa will Ii jiwv ! < a. acriooal buaid. Ttiir u < d i w-14 * tbe real cvnimri of tlw denocran lit ulU Hcct ottSt rt s > foUovc : Ctu > irma { rire rLairnum. t crrta.r > . ir. anur < r ant ] M i ur pemuiutiii i.iniM airier tia'.l In it. l-bl ms I'Wa.v * Hi ttr.t'i w i ) l Jenie < l fn i ii. uusait fvc tiKt aw jnt.ual ; r &t } > itk tai u-u to ittcurrent current tiprutt * ol it ' Of&tX. PROBE THE TOBACCO TRUST Trial of OScert , Irdicted for Omrpirac.r , Ecopeas. INSIDE WORKINGS BROUGHT TO LIGHT TeMlmony Snbmltted 51iort that tlie Coinlilnatlon Hnlrdnlth tin Iron Hand IMnr Gnrnr of Preere-Ont. t / NEW TORK. June IS. The trial of the offleers of the Amertoin Trteoe ceaapany , indicted for alleged coarrHrtcy under the aatl-tmit ! > of this state , was rerunaefl today. Theodore E. Allen as recalled by the prosecution tad afli-d again concern ing his suit agaiast the defendants at the time of the formation of the no-called trust lor > as taraed. as allest-d. ia bnng- Jng the companies togtthtr. He dc-clared that all differences had rlace l > eea amicably a4jutted aa < 3 teat he was now on good terms vlth all of them. Aa attempt on the part of the prosecution to bring out evidence as to the methods of the trust prior to 15.SO was objected to by Mr. Chojte and the objection wts FuetalneS The -n-iiness. Mr. Alhn testified that in con- trf.aJoa Mr. Duke , previous to the foriaa- Uoa of the combination , told him it cost his firm K'Ot ' for advertising in 15.S.S. Glnter told him it cost his firm fEoO.W'O lor advertis ing the same year. There was eome talk ts to the remedy lor competition. Upon crosr- < lamination the witness said that the conf-olidatioB was formed for the purptse of ewaomy in the manufacture of cigarettes He had received a letter from Allen Ginter on September C , 1SS9. in which the firm stated that they were averse to joining a trust in the literal meaning of the ttrm. but if other companies were con sidering a combination they might be in duced to join in the plan Witness fetid that the prisest price of cigarettes vas 15 per cent ICES than it was -ahea the companies were doing business independently. Mr. Fuller requested that the witness pro- dace in court tomorrow a letter which he re- ctl\t3 from Einstein i Townstnd on May " . liS > 7. asking him to lend his aid to the prosecutionHe WEE also asktd to produce a copy of the letter he seat in answer. Mr. Fuller occupied more than an hour putting questions relative to trade marks and their value to manufacturers to the witnet * . all of which was ruled out. GAME OF FREEZE-OfT. Peter Hauptnjann of the firm of Petei Hauptmann k Co . dealers and Jobbers In to bacco and cigars , was called after Mr. Allen had become t-o wearied that he asked to b excused for the day. Hauptmann firm does business in St. Louis. He testified that pre vious to lf.93 his firm handled about 15,003.- 000 trust cigarettes yearly , la 1E83 he bough : clcarettes from the National Cicarette com pany , and afier that tie American Tobaccc company refused to fill his orders , claiming that he had violated the agreement by w hich the trust held the Jobbers. He went to the 5t Louis hetdquarttrs of the American To bacco company and had a conversation wtt Mr. Brown. The latter told him that he must quit telling Admiral cigarettes or the trust would quit selling him the goads o ! ite manufacture. Brown told him the Ameri can Tobacco company Bold S7 or 9S per cent of all tie cigarettes manufactured in the country and did not tee why he would no : sell trust geode exclusj-iely. He was told hj Mr. Brown that if he stuck by the trust he would fcfcll 22000.W > 0 cigarettes. Witcts.8 WBE asked by District Attcmej Olcott if he gave in to Mr. Brown and replied that he did not. A letter seat to the wit ness by the American Tobacco company was offered in evidence and read It was to tht effect that the company felt constrained tc discontinue sending him further goods tx- eept at n prices without discountXol until June , 1K C , WES the witness able tt purchase goois of the American Tobaect company manufacture. Spot cash had al ways been paid by him for the trut : goods The trust not only refused to sell him to bacco , but he also was not allowed to bu ; goods from other firms in St. Louis thai handled the trust tigarettes. He ssid h < " never was an agent of the trust. Witness was still in the witness chair when the cas < was adjourned until tomorrow morning. VKHl\ > Iv.MIX IS. . HONORED W. L. Mnj Cliovrn T're Ideut of Amer ican Kl liere A * ocinton. DETP.OIT. Mich. , June IB. The Americai Fisheries' association at today's testioj adopted a resolution authorizing the chair man to appoint one representative membei of the society in cats state bordering on tb < great lakes to form a commission to bring about , if possible the enactment of uatfom fiihing laws in all the lake states Paperi were read on "Vertical Distribution of Lowe ; Plants and Animals in Inland Lakefc. " bj Prof. BL-ge ; on "The Fish Food Supply 1 : Fresh Waer Lakes. " by Prof. Rtigshtn o : Ann Arbor , and other papers on technical sub jects wtre read and dlscureed. Omaha wai selected for the next meeting , which wll be held la July. ifcSE. The following oncers were elceted : Preti dent. W. L. May. Nebraska ; vice president L. P. F. Ptabody. Wisconsin ; recording free- retcry. . H. Whittaker. Michigan : cor rtfposdlcg secretary. J. n Guockel. Oh treasurer. L. D Huntiagton , New York Executive committee , James A. Dile , Penn EJvaola : E. E Bryant , Wisconsin ; A. M Cheney , New York ; J. W. Titcomb. Vermont J L. Pecton , Michigta , F. N. Clark. Michi gan : Prof. S. A. Forbes Illinois. Tonight the members left for a visit ti the hatcheries at Paris , Mich. , as guests o the SJichtgBD Central railroad. iA ro\vniu Three Men ninl n Horce Killed and lh liulldlnKM Urr-rke.l. W1NDSOK LOCKS. Conn. . June IK. A 1M o'doek this titcmoon a quantity o powder ir a building attached to the plar : of the Hartrd Powd r oomj.any at Hazard ville exploded , and thne mtn and one bor * vere killed. The dead arc : RlCHAllIJ MAY.workman. . D S- STRATTONtaKhaalc. . it. W. PIERCE , orerteer of mill * . All of the rnta were marritd and ha < families The building in which the ex plosion occurred , known a the eracke boust was blown to pievet. Several othe building * were slightly damaged and th whale village was shaken. JCKSUCOVICTHD OP Wl rae In t'earl llr > nn Cake MnUe * i Itnil Reeurii for Veraelt } . CINCINNATI. June It A T > aae-Sur sp * cial from S > ringfie4d. Ocays George Ii 1 Jack son , who becaoie famvus la tbe Pa ; ' Bryan murder trial by teriilying tbat b j dreve tbe carriage ID which Seott Jackta : I and Alonzo Wallioe o Ttyt < d ibtir rtrtii ' to tbe Kentucky nlrhlmds. where her boi | vraj diaoovered. was today found guilty c pea-Jury la e case where be bad clven , BMicy la a criminal triU in * State-ace has not bf n i M > kterlonk nikaiip. CLEVffl XD , O , June 1L Mrs. Black ' ma * of tWt dty. who tlauai to U : tlie wit . of 13arn to , and hi left far London at u 4 ht iw rkf 4B * . bar rnytttriautlr < U tp Mr d A lttr wh-tb < s malles in L.UO dt shout * ix tks ajro , was reeiv3 b ! her daitrbter who rrridec in this titv l ! her l ur Mrs. IHackrnao s-ad ! ti t rhe woul in a fe da M-t aii jor Jobatmetburc Africa to aiteroM to eftsUihh btr idrntlt as Bcr&atb'c : te Etnt-e that time ootbin ; , has been heard from br aad the tbe TT a- \aB < d by l > * tectu-e Selifsobn U that 6h raet jth lou. play o ( iinti Impelleil > } orae rnkno\ir Poner lo Unlk Awnr In tltt-fXlEht. RAPJi. ' CITY. S D. , Jonf W'Spwitl ' > Mist Ruth Ballry daughter o { Mr. and Mrs. E. A Bailey , saddealj1' dlwiwarea from the home of her parents. Search" * mtdt in every Part of the clljat > 4 mecKabei of in- qalry were wnt to th nHclibsrtag towae. She was foanl at Hern est , a ton twenty- two mtlti fwoth of thii 'tlty. Wedwdty morning Itwa foun4 that the plri bad DM orcapled her bed during the tilchtA sheet was diKWtftrt-d tied to tbt tdiost by meanr of which the had Ut her self flows from the foot > d Mory to the ground The tnorning mail broupht a letter from the ailsfisc girl wlkh the bad wrltt < * B herself from Hrrtaosa. Tie story she tells is most distreiflag tailed. She rays that when she attempted to retire the night be- Jon some Inner rawer Impelled her to letve her home as the 414 Two crit eyes seemed to follow her at the hurried aloag. the knew not where Ofttnttaet * he found herself runninc to get away from her imac- Inary pursuer. Most of the Jwirney was made on the railroad trackA' latt she reached a hou e in thj- outskirts of Hermopa ery early In the morning , where the vat alljwed to step hj 1 rr jin 'itr ' t rmentor. She was taVen care of hy the woman of tie house and in a thort time became rational. She then wrote a letter to her parents , telllac of her experience , and was rdUr brought home. It is thought that * be hac been giving tog close attention lo her studies and suCered from an ab rra'4on of the miod. Miss Galley was a member of the clcss which graduated from the High school this month and is considered one of the brightest in the class. GHA.VTEI ) TO THH J-TATH. I'nteut to Xenrlr TlionMind KOnen- tlonul mid hitrltable Acreo. PIERRE. S. D- . June IS. { Special ) The land commissioner's ofhee has received a psteat for SCI acres of educational and char itable lands , all rituaied ic Edmunds county. This brings the total patented lands of the state to within Ko.lM tcres of the total of 6Sik.Ot-0 acre * granted to the elate by the general government at the time of the ad mission of the ate Of these different grants not jet patented there are ye : to go to the Stite university. MM acres ; School of Miner , 4 IS acre * ; Detf and Dumb school , 462 ares ; public building * . H.S > 00 acjts , Normal school 351 acre * ; Agricultural college. 2P.107 acres : reform school. 4 acres ; edn Biiona ] and charitable 16.654 acres The "educational and ch&ntable" lands granted to the state are crutslJe of the spe cific grants to the various Institutions and comprise 17i > 000 arret All of this which has aot been patented 2CCS4 acres has beea selected aad UK * sent in. Out of this list 40.000 acres have bezn ajipartisaed to the Springfield Normal school and 40000 acres to the Northern Hospital for the In sane at Redfield. This Jeavta $ (1,000 acres lor the use of any oher educational or charitable institutions which may b ? estab lished by the state The -work1 of selecting lands will soon oe completed but il will probably be several years lief ore the legis lature apportions all the land to specific in stitutions. Deei lon l for the T < nvn hlp. VERMILION. S. D. . June 1 18. { Special. ) Circuit court has adjourned , intil August 2. Its time tras > taken Tip thu t-esslon inrith the trial of two of the Riverside , reid cases. Alfred - fre-d Newton tzatnst tow-cshlp cf Riverside and Huch Langan agalnpt o wnship ol "River side. There have been EiiX > f these tnals , and one case rtrnahrs. Lee tiPrends against township of River-Fide. TiepiMcttlon arose over the attempt -Riverside township lo lay rosds through lands owned by Lee A : Prentis. Newton and 1 .at gap , aggregating seme 3.000 acres , lying sortb and south throuch the middle of the towiAhjp along Vi-nailioa river They are upi-d priccipally for stock pnrpoi-es. Hoadt were asked and resisted in both directions , aad larje darn- aces jiskea. la every case the roaae have been declared of public utility and in most inrtances nominal damages t > aly were recov ered. The litigation Is. practically ended tnd the plaintifls find themselves taxed with tome hundreds of dollars of casts UE the fruits of the contention for damages. He * eriwe * . the kotier Court , PIERRE , S. D- . June IB ( Special. ) One of the opinions handed down by the court yesterday is in a case coverlEg tre rights of county officials in the employment of depu ties. Toe case of THlolsns tgilcst Potter county , ia which the decision was written by Haney , is cae in which the treasurer em ployed a deputy without ttie consent of tba county commissioners. The boird refused to allow the bills for the paymtnt of the dep uty. and the treatu-er was his suit in tbe circuit court Tbe higher court holds dif ferently The opinion states that the treas urer tea no right to employ help without the consent of the beard offommisEioaere. . aad his remedy was to bring suit to compel them to authorize the employment of a clerk or deputy. That tie law is plain and the treasurei knew hu nghu m th * matter , and without the consent of the board of commissioners he could only employ a deputy out of his own salary , do tbe work himself or resignTbe decision of the lower court is r fcheep Hertler Uroime l * rXXCGLAS , Wjo _ Juae IS. ( SperlaL ) A herder named Johnson was drow-ned while bathing ia a deep peal in Box creek nejir the ranch where be waa employed. Three companions failed to notice that he had disappeared in deep wtttr until too It.e u cave his life A card was found in Joha- tw E pocket showing tl-at be was csTyirs ? iOM insurance in a frz-.erntl Insurance soc-iety. Injured nuil > o One Venr. DOl'CLAS ' , Wyo. . Juae IE. ( = 7cial j An 11 prouctlng party uoder Major Foate found a fr < ehter name > MarUn OHvr Ijing oa the prtirie dlftahlenl with t dlsiocatc-l hip bone , having btea throws from hU her e. Olner had lain twentj-faur hours whoc dlt- coier. d and was tuZertng jtitense pain frora tik injury. He KJJJ ttlta to Casjr * nd riven BHidlcal attention. * HninbiiM7'ront lor * tue Creek . - DOVGLAS. tVjo. . June 36. ( Spe iaL ) Seie-niwn thoueeud raiaoow trout vtre re ceived here Saturday by. ti ooco y clerk art dUtributed in Tjipor Lijjrele and La Beats creeks. The s'reac3 In the eastern patt of the county will JJw Ct xtockesl .llr , Appointed lij G0rrrat > r Lee. PIEHRE. SD. . . June It- Special Tele- t Governor Le-e today . .appointed Dr. G. W. OeUios of VeralMon e aoember of tht | State Boatrd of Dentnl Extiplctrt. I'OHAIvCK MAKCS A riCIIT.UX HAX.V.t ( lulj rarllnll > Succr * .JuI Iu ilir Cleieliica I'rlranrlfk. CLEVELAND. June 3S. Tbe rcpublieai i priaary el ton for - tbe ca4memeut al , M A Htcca lor ee&atorvia cat el the meet bitterly ocmtesttrf pmc&rles ia tbe his tory of the city. A fameaal fight t < Mwee tbe Foraker forctt. rep-eKbated by Mayw MrKiuoa. ccd the HtraE force * had Inei j jin iiJtBtbd. In order to { nme-fiatrate tieii tiekes in tht fie i. ? n c slate WM broken by the Pwaktr aer. bat tbe Itpta'a- Ute dilfgitiaa seaunatfrd mil bswever. TOU for Mr. Hints lor Uattud Este ec tor i < next N of Oeean Vefctelk. June IS. , At New York-Arr + wxl-Oarabrian. frera LoBdon. St. LoutB. froei B.utliimptoa. . At Lir n > ooJ SaiUrf Caiaietdit. ior Bos ton. ton.ti /ti Rotterdani aU < J-M adam. for JCen York , M < irt > ourc-&aUt J-N raiaujOi. lot , New York. : At yuc , n 'j n Amv 4-Etrurt , Ironi I New Tork. for LlvcrpaU. SPAIN MUST COME TO TIME aad Indemtiiy for Dr. Deati. MINISTER VOODFOSD TO DEMAND THIS' Receive * Definite InMruetlon * from l're lilent MeKlnle ? on Thin Point M'lln MUM Vleia to Kt.rct- ] lu Cake < if Reunl. LONDON Jane IE. Tbe Washington tor- ref.TODdent of the Dally Chronicle declares tb > t rre 44ent McKlnley has In'tnsctcd G -tril Stewart L. Woodford , tbe minister- titvl to , Spain , to denziad reparation and indemnity lor the death of the late Dr. Rnlr and to intimate to Spain that if the refuM. & to grant fret-dora to Cuba tie must l e pre- ; * rfd to } iild to force , which wo ld me a Urge sacrifices of men an * money. The Diily Chronicle. Ulwllag e-ditorlill } to tbe receipt cf this dispatch , sajt : "We wait for confirmation before commcatlag upoa the startling communication- ' " i'iti\ci : or WALK * AT UI.\MII. Preoldeo nt Iliini'inrt nt tlie Iititerlnl lu > tltnte. LONDON , Juae IK. The prince of Wale * , as president of tue Imperial inttitute. pre sided o\er a btnquet gHen by the instl- tule this eveairg to tbe colonial premiers. Among those present we re the mertjuis ol Salisbury , the Rt. Hon. Joseph Chamber lain , tecretary of state for the colonies : ihe t-ari ol Kimberly. the marquis of Duf- ferin. Lard Ripon. Lord Lansdowne , tbe marquis of Lome. Lord Rosebery. Mr. * V "il- fred Laurier the Dominion premier ; Mr. Whiteway. the premier of Newfoundland : Baron Rothschild. Lord Lion Pla-fair. Sir Donald Smith , the Canadian high commU- cloner : the archbishop of Canterbury and a splendid array of men of high rank in the army. aavj. church and civil service , with a spriakliag of literary. tcieafiSc aad arttetir notables- After dinner the prince of Wales proposed tbe "Health of tbe Queen " In a felicitous i-pe-ech be referred to tbe approaching Ju bilee celebration , adding that be had no doubt they would receive the familiar toast with more acclamation even than was usu ally the case- This was followed by pro longed cheering waving cf handkerchiefs and cries of "God bless her. " the entire com pany ftanfliac "I bee you , " the prince saii "to drink with me her aeslth , congrat ulating her tiot only upon her diamond Ju bilee , but upon her record reign. " This was followed by renewed outbursts of cheers the band reps-ating tbe music of the national anthem Amid the enthusi asm the prince called for "one cheer more. " This was givem only to be follawed by an other , and that by a third. AIIRIVAL OF BAKVATO'S 11ODV. rtemnln * of the * nlclde Taken Ashore nt SoutUninjiton. SOUTHAMPTON. June IR. Oa the arrival of the British stesmship Scot today with th ? body of the late Barney Btrrato , tbe core ner's ofarers wntaboard to ascertain E to the necessity of holdinp 'an inquest. Tie inquest was held and the Jury returned a ver dict of death from drowning while tempo rarily insta * ! . The arrival of the steamer eoaSrms the de tails already civ-o at to the mana r in which Barnato met his deathHe was feeling very poorly when tie vessel left Capetown , tnd oftca talked quite irrttioaally. The passfn- gere subscribed 100 to Mr. Clifford , who tried to rescue him. i Sir Gordoa Sprigg. r" ° aler of Cape Colony , , who waf a passenger . the steamship Scot t.ays that -alien Mr. Barnato first came into the saloon for his meals he was nuiet and sociable , but his meads -varied to rue1 an extent that ultimately his nephew , Mr Nee ! . who was virtually his keeper , found it icj- ! possible to continue him at the table and had i to have all his mals taken to his cabin , t GHATO CIIAKTCil FOIl GAMIIL.IAG. Mexlenn Guiernnienl Denlet. n Recent Itninor. CITT OF MEXICO. Juae IS. Aa official i gtie-tte denounces the report published in | the I'njted States that the government has j graated a charter for gtmbliag honsei at | Tijuana. Lower California. The rt-quest 1 was re > eatly made by some Americans for , a charter for a lottery in Lower California , ! but the government did not consider the , petition. i Invitations are out for a mass to be i solemnized on the Stth In Profetsa church i in this city for the repose of tbe-toul ol the late Emperor Maxmiliaa. 1 the late Emperor Mailmflian. I A charter for a new hank of depotit. dis count and emission at San Luis Potosi ha * teen granted undrr tbe new banking law. tbe capital not to be less than JOdO ( > C0 * Tbe Incorporators include Americans , Meri- ! cans and GwmanB. ' I'OOU tSK roil ITAM.1X XAVV. Ileinonttrntlon * In AiuerleanValer > ot AdrUuble. ROME. June IS. In the Chamber of Depu ties today , during tbe debate on the navtl estimates. Signor Santini urged that the flying squadron be chiefly employed for the protectica of Italian commerce ia North aad I South Acitica. Signer Ftri-ia dlucate-d from this view j of the duties of the s utdron declaring it to be a grave mistake to luppste that differences with tte American republics could iie de cided by forw Admiral Brin minister of marine , agrees j that Italian naval manifestations oa t-large i stale in American ports would imperil Italian I subjects , but pointed * ut that it was useful to seed ting.e veiteli into Amer.can waters on ce'tain occasions I OM : i'itovi\ci : is iI i I Iiunjeii e IJumute It. Dune > < jon Biirtuguuke In India. CALCUTTA. June IE. Almost the -whole of the prevlace of A * aai his been devastated by the earthquake The ruin it The count jtiit LDd hcapitale , The loss ftf IcoJ cuppplies is enormous. Tbt ( .crepe are mostly ruined and great t-carcity of food It ezpertfd All traffie is diffintlt. ar a aun > be\r o ! the roade have been oompicnHy deuolitbod Earthquake ebocte still con tinue t be fe-lt w the province of Atsam and much alarm IE I hit ftpritl ) as fr- J ihockt hate be ai teparttd from \u- plac-t in Bengal Hefvy rain * are 1m- + Jy iccriaslac tbe dawtge. j Hmfterur VI H > ! IU U1d Tutor. , BIELKJELD. WeWpSiiiU June It. Emi - i ptror Wtllhrn tut the emK * of Gercnn ) j arrite-d here today tn4 were rriT4 bj ; the jinnte ted priaetM rtft-ut of Llpj * tnd Privy Countiller Hlotipe'er ttw foratr i tutor of tu ruBjtfcty. Tat party proceeded J ty ijtbf Pi ei.H * itgklisrjttble in. ttltuuoo wlirTt l.wjj trumi'ttH's tid a mixed ehrnr of CX * ieu t Jrcra all part * 1 of We&tpsalu ptrf raot > 4. The chstrcb beJU were ruog toi tbe t rc vts iTofutily dworjKJ jor the occcci < < a. Their iLJ tiej wtrt wl uDd by tbe u- cicipsl autbaritiet in front of Spartanbure tziOf. There the burf oaatler ju * n < t tbe raperor with a loviuj tvp. HU majesty 1 in lexeJriEF the rift eih nod thaw pretmt U > "tfiil egeisst ill irvc-lotionary te- i dt-Btifc-1 acd drtnk to tbe vt-ltert of Uiil- 1 Irid and T\'eetphalu _ Their aiijettirr afterward - j -ward druve aiwind thtc. . 't-cdicg to . b ur with Priry Councilor HtoupHer. itii j lien protdt > d to Colof&e where the t-m- THE BEE BULLETIN. 1. OrMrottlre Cyclone In tlllnol * . Toliareo TraM M fnmtr on Trlmt. MrKlnlry' * I'ltlmiitatii to piln. H rtlt-j' Drfrnn- " -abmlttr.1. 3 Cut In Il > te > to San rmnrUro. 3. Mmr h l CbircMl with the Kllllnjr- Cohun Le der ' L.1 < In tljtacer. 4. Kdttorl * ! aad Comment. 5. * > entr Adopt * Hawaiian G. Counell tllo ? * L < rrid j on the ? Commercial ( i. Mining MoriConientln 10. lilt * of Almlchty \ < 11. V-hlatter : H Vimc > ote LJIJ of the K IZ. \t Mm \ juror will unveil c t'atue of Emperor Wil liam I. After Jeaung Oolnrne Emperor William will go ( arut ? oo tbe North tu. touching e : sMeral Norwegian port ? , and tt the beginning of Aurust be will v' ll the citr Et St lYttrsburg m n 1 e-i-linlc-nllt . Murderer * I2eapr < j MANAGUA , Nlczirairua , June IS Two ca ll v < iitined Ayerdis. lather and MO. who wrre accused In January of waylaying ana murdering Henry Polios , in Englishman , have be-ea declared not guilty t > t-catxe of the imperfect formalitle-s ol Nicaragua' * tupre-me court. Tnj-lor Leave * n Good Imiire lon. MADRID. June IS. The official Epoca. commenting on the retirement ol Mr. Hannls Taylor. Vtltrfl State * rninie-ter u > Spain , saj - - "Mr Taylor has largely contributed to main tain the good lelatioai , ( between the United States tad Spain ) , tad he will leave the bett impre t > oa here. " Kind Another lloiiili. PARIS. Juae IS. The Solei ] rays that a fresh -bomb WEB discovered at 10.50 o'clock this morning at the corner of tbe Boulevard St. Denis and the Rue St. Denis. The find in other quarters IE declared to he only a harmless hoax. Good 5-eiikon for Snlcltle * . LONDON. June IS. Four more bodies , sup posed to be KiiudCE. hive be-vn found in the Thames , making twenty-one bodies found In the river during the last three weeks. Ilnint Stnrt In India. BOMBAY. Juae 1L The monsooa has fully burst , and it IE raiaiag heavily aad continuously. IllMCCR SPAUniXG 15 CLEVUKO. Urine * In n Verdict of " } Scil Oullty. CHICAGO , June 1L Charles W. Spalding. ex-president of the Globe Savings bank and ex-treasurer of the Stare univenity.was to day acquitted of the charge of embezzlement. The verdict -was a general turprtee. as the instructions of the court to the jury lelt brarcely any chance for a.n acqnitlal. The m words Titterea liySpalding alter the erdict had beea read in court v ere ; "Well. thir is a furprite. " _ . . The specific charge againrt Iiim was the converting of fT.OOO worth of ibe bonds of the PittsSeld school dirtrict in PUe : county. bondt were hypc-thecal-ed with the Metropolitan National banl : of this city an3 eecured a loan of fC.TfiO. Spalding owes his acquittal to a single -word ia the statute. That word is "interest. " The Jurors could not become reconciled to the propcaition thai the ea-lreasurer of the University of Illi nois lntenionally ; embezzled the bands of that izElitutioa , 51i ballou were taken by the jury , the first and second being lour lor conviction and eight for acquittal. Three voted for conviction on the third ballot , two on the fourth and fifth and all for ac- qniial on the rlxth. Afier being taken bacl : to Jail Spaldlcg said. " 1 mutt admit that it eld ( surprise zne some tt Cret. After all the jury took tht view of it urged by my counsel and ts the prosecution show el no criminal intent the Jury was bound to acquit me. " There are ftlll fnenty-trrea indictments hanging over him and lie Til ! be tried again. linnk Cn hler Indleted. FRANKPORT. Ky. , June IE. The grand jury in the federal court indicted Cas-hier You-zy of the First National bank of New port , Ky. . today. Congressman Berry of New-port wts one of the witnesses. It is not definitely known how many coucts be has been Indicted on. A tptclal term of the federal court to try the cases against Youtiy has been called at Covington Sep tember 7. wonic or M.THEH IA coxnitn\cn. Committee * Appointed at tlie < > e Iau In St. I'nul. ST. PAUL. Mien , . June n The conference of the Uti'ted Norwegian Lutheran church wa.B held today at the Swedish Lutheran church- The following congregations w < re depted by the church : Injjnaauel eongresa- tioa. Snuons Bay , Mich. ; St. Paul congrega tion , Normaacoujly Minn. ; Our Savior's con. cregatinn. RepuWlc county , Kansat , Peer Creek congregation , Furn s county , Neb . Zion congregation. Garreutoa. S. D. ; Big Stone conprt gallon , Clinton. Minn : Glen Flora , Glen Flora. Minn. The diCertnt com mittee * wtre elected and consist of tie fol lowing members : President' ? rtpoap.ev. . H. G. Esetr. Mad- tron , Wis ; H-C Helm , K Rle Urove. la. ; Hev 1C , O. MBhai. New Ho : e , Wis. ; E. Worle North wood , la. ; H. O. Uarp , llusb- furd , Minn. Secrnary-s lejK/rt : Rev. E. A. Wrtpht , WiKdahl Mlr.n . Rev. O M. Savage. Wiauta. Slf : Ist ? ; n T" IJ ° TO < - - Austin. Minn. , Mr. El en } Kleanvmn , Stanjty , la. Treafurt-r's and Board o3 Truttfes' : ei > ort- Prof y T Yetterlioe Nanhfleld. Minn : C A. Larten. Furgo. N Jj. . HtI. . M , L abl , Ratna , Ja : O. o. Noidjujd. Zumbr ta , Minn. ; K S Seron , Kiowa. Mir.n EdutaUooal Prof Tromiit N. Mohn. Nprthfleid , Mmn Rtv. Saethtriie. Osaklf , Minn. ; tt v. H. O l' > etad. ! Granite J'alU , Minn. . Mi. Stflnuberp. Lsnehlioro. Mian. ; Mr. Slatigtlvad , Icicle Grovt. la. Ainerlnin M. BfRG , Pa. June IE. TwJaj--E ' of the national touncil of t'hfc Junior Older of Arnerlcau Mwhariics W E tht bu * .t of the week. The report of the Ujarrt of ojflcertof I'enrjF > Ivania and the itrglMnuitr i-omniitte * in-otcHiog arairtKt auy ont-of-tln-Hate a.oj iiriaUon fur public ncbo&l j > un > ot- was adapted UAaiiiutoutly. Tim ri-jxwl of tbt trunees of iluOnihanB * botoe * t TUJiu , Owat , sj rtnvd jnd iin apjiropriatioti of IT.Sdu for ojn-ratins ex- af the institution for ihe t6uine , Ilarnmok Uroiuer In Jail. BVKl'ALO. N. Y Juiw . . Ik-Samuel B r- JM-tt. who it. tr\'ing a w-ntfuc-t in the Erie ct/ucty J < U for auault. AeciaieK he it tbe lu-Wbt-r of Ii rnrj Bamato. Ruland Bai- n -tt i ! MbDtrtAl. who hat ulu , stated that lit i at a iTWh'r < ij the "d.amutid tine " h f yr. U hiB brother , aod Itt Chi : aeo vtmian idtUiaer her elf Alice Httber b * U imtit. to be his MiUr AMce Esther Bar- in tt. who w * * ! to Africa fcevenJ yean Bfe-o lc l.wp houi * for Baroey. Collou Oil Trunl. CHATTANOOGA , Teon. . June IE. A rottttoB of cotton oil rntii has > urt btJfl at Lockout lac. the iroc-tdioes / -Rhlth thatlbodiac ro * iJrf have de clined to strv out Eaoucfe ha lx--o Jtfarncid. however , to etaie lit th of price * and production wa ; nd that a quaU trun st u-tieib r fMmtd or uot i not known , lenuk > li acl Mlurn. ' Com rntltiu. ALTOOXA. Pa , . June Ik. At this raoni- icc't stRi j ul the nuutsiV oocvecUor , it wairtK'lvtsl tu ultllUlr vitb * Ji * natutn&l Ubor orniulritM ti. to bt di < J-a upon UU-r. The oonvt Uoo rtirfc - = cu S.U HAS MADE ITS CASE ia lie Bartley Cfese Fbitits Its Tcstimeay. WILL INTHODUCi BANK RECORD LAKB Sabst&sce ef Its EvHe&cs LearcE 5ebrubk la tbled to tie Es-Tre&Earer. STATE BEGINS AT ONCE OK ITS REBUTTAL Ststerasats that Bartley Uisd Privatt Fro < h to Ear Beads. BOOKS SHOW STATE RECEIVES NO CREDIT llemornntluni Ml | > from Tren nrrr'a Otllee I'roxe tlint School l"nnil V.'erc ltetl ee l lo Amount of tbe llcinilv. The ieJcnt-e In the BtJtlty trial rrs.te-1 Its ctre at 4 o'clock jerterday afterno a. alter having had the tight of &y for four da.vs. and the etate commrnred the lairodurMcn of evidence la rebuttal According to the ( ridtnce intifioced by Bartlrj. is vicwtsl from his standpoint , th ? flate owes him fXi'.PC'O. which he advanced from hii private fortune in order to help the Mite out He Introduced evidence wfairh vts claimed to rhow that he had checked out of the Omaha National bank J1OT.OM. which was trans ferred to the Tirst National and Columbia National of Lincoln , and that ha had placed ia the Omaha National HH'.WIO to the credil of tbe ttate. taking the money from bis o a pocket , la this manner he accounts for Ji'40.00 ( , or JSS" MO taoi e than the amout * he is charged with embezzling , he ace the Inference is that the stite is Indebted to him for that amount ol tacney. This eii- dence has beea Introduced in a mof la- gealous way and in a manner calculated uo befog the mind * of the Jury and leave tbenn in doubt as to Just ( what waf done with tbs money. The rebuttal of this evidence to be intro duced by the itate pismire * to be more clorely ccntcs-ted thta was the introduction of direct evidence , tnd several days wrliJ undoubtedly be conrumfd before tbe evi dence Ii all before the jory. Tbe state bu yet to call its expert * , who haie checked up Bartley's records , and the ho'test fight is exj-ected on thii portion of the tai-e Nearly all of the three hours of the morn ing session of the tenth dtj of the Bartley trial was or-cupicd by tbe 3-fense in at tempting to pet before the Jury the record * of tbe ttate treasurer's office , showing tbe account of that office witb the thretbanka in Lincoln which were stale dtpotltories dur ing HH5 These banks -were'the Aaeri-caa ExchaLgc National. Columbia National and. Merchants * National banks and the defense endeavored to establish , the fact that tbe full amount of deposits o ! state rtmis to which these banks were entitled unflea- their bond * wa kept in them ar all times and that , therefore , Bartley was compelled to ure a. Lincoln bank which was not a state depot ! ? lory as a desiring house in order to iepam remittances from county treasurers and dls- : tribute them to authorized dep ! fitoric9 through this clearing house ia order to Irfp the general fund and other etate funds tej - arate , as required by the depontary law. The contention of the d-tfente is that all remittances tre received in , tie form ol checks , drafts , pc&tal order * , etc. and that tbe treasurer ii compelled to us ? some bank as a clearing hoase in order to divide -these remittances into the several funds covered by them , and that th First National hank of Lincoln was used for that purpose because the authorized flepotiuirit-i had ell the money they were authorised to receive- All of this testimony was ruled out , the ruling being based on tLe t-bjeciioas of tbe state , to the efjfct that even if this wera true , it could U ? no excuse for the treasurer to remove the. moaey of tbe state from the control of the fctate by putting it ia a private bank , and that if it were ne cFary to ha\ a bank as a clearing house , one or more of tbe state depositories should he.\e bttn used for that purpose. STATE SCORES A POINT. Whea court opened ytrterdsy tbe dt- fecfce put Banker Harwood on the stand again and questioned him along a line in tended to thowU.EI the "special" certifi cates of dtparft had get-n uwd by Bartlty to buy tbe bonds of utoe tni Saundwa counties , which have tern introduced ia evidence. Attorney GtntrU Smyth Interposed ca &V- Jectioa to this line ol evidence , and ( .aid the whole tendency of the testimony mugs.1 to be btougbt out by tbe defense wat > ta diiclcte tn illegal trsnei.cUcn. and that It simply fhowa that : f Bartley had u J his own funds , bt , claimed , the-n he btd Ji'Esled the permanent tthool fund tud tbero wan a thortage in that fund unaccounted for , as the monthly reports showed that tbe money had beea takea out of tbe pchoel fund , and if Bartley bad loaned rut Iba tthool funds at 10 per cent interest and uui his own money in tbe metatime , inirh prc - cee-dins could have no bearing apoa tb * crime with which he wi chareed- The objection of tbe etate was tuptaiBtid , Judge Biker criticising the defence 60iui what for tbe apptrentlv roundabout mtn- ner in which the teUcony wat being dt- vtlopcd. He Mid he bad allowed the da- frake. awide latitude for the reason th < . counsel htd promised to establish a ditttt conneo-.lcn bef en the proceexls cf tbe ulu of tbe warrant and tbe monej ia tbe Pim. Natloncl betik of Lincoln The court tit4 this might yet be developed , but that tlo defence war goinp a long way cr'uid. The defttife 'ien called the s''eatioa cl tbe witceffi u > eatriu in the bzsk ledger < -l Bartlrr's account and ttlied him about certinca'.e of deposit for J40 000 , ptid De rbai- ber 2 , USC. and another for ISl.OOO pall Dc-cembrr 10. 3sC. attercptiag to ( how itu tbe rjrtiCcateE leferrexl to had be-e-n pre : tealod for payment aud credited to Bartley a t ex oust as itate treasurer , being prellmk nary 10 an eEort to coane < ct these dcpctJu with the bond iHsrc-htse. Teic u-stimoay was ruletd out oo tbe motion of tbe title that it wai not materUU ted tbe defense anoounced that it had us furthei cjucHioBi to tik of tbe On crcisf-exatxiinaiioD the ttate atke-d tb * witness if be was tbe Nathan S Hcrwocd who wai one of Btrilty t ImMnuer ti.d be ldraU e > J bis ova igitture oa Battle- } ' * bihrial band The witntkt wet atked i ! it wac not t fact that about fix werki or two loooths ago tbe attorney e uetra ! had requeued ( be wit tiest to < how him tbe aeeount el Bartley , aa UKtfcUiw. with the bank and bad l > en re futed. Tbe deftditf bbjocleid to tbe < jupttier ted tbe court rulM that the auorn y gentrtl had DO rieht to se-e tbe acocHict The -wit- litoe wat eicufced. BARTLET'S CLEARING HOUSE. Ex-Drpoty 7rei.wrfir Bartl t wts re calltid by tbe defense. He wi asked rt-gaiding the number of taLkt in LI ore ! Dwbieh w re rtate depMi- tariff during IK * . H stated llitt tbi American EitbtJ-tt Nctlonal , Columbia Na * tlwitl and M tciit.DU > National buiLt wtre depocitorK-c at tbat time. Tbe account * cl these banks WCTC eCer d In evidence for lL purpwr of tiibvlBC tbat the full tmouct ct lo v/tuclj tbtke batiks we-rt < < tilliltj ccder lijc-ir beo& ( wac kept in these tacit tt ) Turtleeod tbtt it wn Deceuary to un tootti r bnV. cs a tlt-anug bouse The HL.t Uij U > 4 10 tLfc a4mw.U a for t-utlj pnrpo * < : .i li-i Aefer.M : trguod tbat uodtf ibe deiiMiiery lav : t wat i > ec uarr U > d pout fnttdc to liwi | > amounts under it * proper 4dJEtitU/u ( if the t.evt < ral funds n-t