Newspaper Page Text
THE OMAHA DAILY 1SEEWJSftifiJSSDAY. . JULY t i , 1807. SPECIAL NOTICES Ailvcrtlncnifiitx for them- column * Mill Intnkin until I1- til. for the rti-nliiK ntiil until H p. in. for the morning nnil Siiinln > cillllonn. Ail vr ( l < -r- , l - r < Mtn-nlliiK | it mini- iM-ri-il rliU CUM lnniiui * rm inl- < lrc nl tit 11 iniinlirri-il li-lti-r In run ; of ' 1 h < - HIM * . AiiHMi-rn KO nililrrxnt-il TV-Ill In * ill-lit rri'il nil | ir Hclltntlon of tlir > . | i < -i-l < ulilj. lliili" < , I l-Ji- n \toril HrM liiM-rlloii | IP n mini I lirri-nf IT. .NotliltiK liiUi-n for l > - * Hum nr.M for tinllrnt IIIMT- Inn 'I In-f tuU rrtlni-inrlitu mint hu run c-iiM rc-til vc-l > . \V'\M'ii > MALI : IlliM' . BAI.r.-UKN run niAUS JtSV A MoNTII mill nr n t I > M firm ; e ip'rb nee unnei .nryj In . n ( cuitomer * . C. C JH li P . * < " " , 81 \ , UK. ItM2 > Jfli * li . 'ANVASSKIlrt TO TAKH r lin. nf wc.rk . , no hrovy itinxln to carry. inr. r tnmlrrlon. C. K. Ailam Co. Sit So I'.tb t UMM < _ MK.V 10 I.KAItN HA1Ulill : TUAI'K ; i'ON- nlnnf tiraptlre ; etpert Indructlnn , twu month * r rilr i f jTlTi"nnd w K" In ) > nrm Saiur- in\ > -r , rr rniniiletlng , tooln | ire nt < | t > ' ttaloKtie milleit free. Muler * * l HTM I i-i.trk nnd Vnn Iluren St . , chic SRI ll-MWJ TAS'IKI' ' M\N NOT OVBU JS VIIAIIS OLD tn nrt an si-ci-tnry ; tniint Iw fine penman , well up .n tlKnr * * , li'xnl aililre * * nn.l aiiearnnee | nrv ! cm * hm'tni ? timl larRe commeri-lal experience ; ctve n-f.-i .ncci > . A'ldrm N W , Hi" . HAI.r-M\N WANTKD. TO TUAVKI. KOll A in.ii. \\y \ \ In mate of Nebraska , must fur- ill-.1 ! $ < > " 0 prrurlty for mmplei ; can draw I ? . . ' " ' i r week ami eninml li > n nut of thr buMm fall nt mom SC lli-n ln ' h. . I I II-MS.1I IS- VANI'l-.Ii l-'lllHT-rl.AHS MAS IN KVHHV Inn M t i . nntcrii fur nur nMely known ninl tiw.bit' . ly Kunrnntec'il mail'tn orib-r cl.iili- liu eimm lit impulnr | irlrp : Rnmls ffat \ \ ftu'it ' iiit.nn jiniflt will en llv remh tl" per v ic .n . i ! . n . nn el < 'Rint : . JiivnlMllnp of ' . fiirni-tu-'l tti'f w Mtip'-- nii-l .iini > lf < - ' n ! ! ' ! vi.avll\ \\ln-rcVLT w1 nr r-prf-'ht' I. I i n chnul.l i > curf ih.-lr teirliory f..r . full , i\v Htrnu' * llru- * . . Ami-rli-n'ii I'MillnB tn -ntlre S.V. . cor Ma.ll-"ii uml In -i u. ChlcBgn. Mention llvr. H-MVU H HAl.l. . MlN : TO aiiI. CIpAUS TO HKM.KIIS ; jn ' [ > r in mill tlllcl p > t' n e. | inlil. oxiirrli-ncs uni iirv. I'rf-rlPM I'lenr Co. . Ht IAII | . Mo. 11-MxWll- \vAvrrii KM.r.sMnN IN RVKUV IIH-NTV : ru t"m rlnthlnK : iM'st nml limpet I > H"HUM - tlK.i" \ \ nrrlnnton W.V. . Mlllx O > . Ix-pt. I r 11,1 , , .ipn , in. II M'-Os ' U \ \vrnu KU.MAI.I : uni.i * . 100 liiitis n-n AM. KIMniii. . ? i 17 nk Can.nlliin ollli'i' . 1022 I > ounlT < . \VVNTKI. A I.AllYVIIO HAS HAD KX- I"-i . in ! i-i niltiii ; mall "r.l < rs In li > ' K > "ls kl.iv. Klve nnniuii of fuinur < ( 'iii | I' ' > "r .IM. | nlal 'lini- ' niiln | > ed. AdJreas N S1" . UPP " 111.Til - ' -Til \v\sn.i > . oiiti. FOK GIMHAI , lu > i. * , k at ; " 15 St. Maty'o u\p i' " ! 1J AVAsiri' rxi-riiiRNciii I.AI-NI > UV niitus. M I-I rn l-mimlry < ' > > ' M''l l"i * \V\S | " | . i-iiMl-KTHNT ill ! ! | . K > ll IIIIN- < T.ll | . * rk lit l"Jl Noilh lith ylr ' . i' Mx''C , 10 1KHI'.1 * IV AT.l. I'MITS IT Till : riTV Till : O r ' i\ s i 'umiMiiy. IJuo Pan iiu. P jj > ) lien -1 I'IM-\VA ' : : & ro. , N. ISTII ST. i -MI MCit'l-'l-.N ' HOfSES. C. A. STAHIt. 9K N. Y , I.I I r 11 : : Clli Ji : < ANPr-OTTAOKS ALL OVEU Cllitlie . to JM > Fidelity , no : Karnam St. -H --1 -E. nnowjj rtLocic. IOTII D 354 HI n -i. iT\Cis | ft. STOKES. ALL I'AflTS uf . uy ir--tinan. : Love Co. . 430 I 'ax ton block " i' ' Mnoi.n : aonns AND PIANOS ' * -tornge Co. . 1113 Famalii. Tel. 1553 K. 1STI1 AND 1I"I - rl. > .TS. OAUV1N DHiiS. 1613 FAHN-M D-5SS _ _ H"i i - lull KKNT. 11E.MIS. 1'AXVON HLK ? D 5S3 _ sr - M 'i'i ' inn rinr-Li : roTTAOKa. c HOO.MS. mi m 'ii-rn. Apply 201 llee Illds. 1J WO HOI riKt , j. u. siiEmvooi ) . 4 = : N. y. I.IKI : . D 531 10 I .V I'I.\T. UOIIOLAS. NKAII 24T11. 1IOI > -rn i u.i ! . it. Inquire Lltid < iul"t , 116 S. 12th. D-C33 r.isrrnN'uooji MODKR.V. IIIU.-K Nn 'n south sotii str" > " . y , I rv n.r.VBN HOOM URirK IlEy- n -ii. ii-rr In every n pect. KICHIII hpat , i > . i IUM Located nt tit ? pouthwpHt rnrnr-r 1 , ni 'nimlii sin. Apply i-i 11. W. Ilakcr. sunn it . tni"iit lire D-63 : TI I i M'I * CSih STllHET : NINn-lliiOM . - - hard wood lloor h. a-- - rn convi-nifiu-eii ; ; < i i. ftoin llnnspom park. D M7W ! 'I ' i \ f ' > ! < S-IOriM roTTVOR. WITH iir-ntl r-4'i So. 2Jii ( ! Ave. AtMily if niM HOfSK : KINK IXJOATION. : I-M R IS' nif IIOOMS. IAIHKilI'TlI FIION'T UOOMS. WITH Oil wiim.ut Ixia.M. moJcrn TWO Harnpy ftrept. i-M7W : 16' TJMIi. * ' > ( . " 'MS HOrsKKKKIMNU 1112 SOfTH i- : 7S.---1C * x. i v unn HOO.MS firiTAiii.n h : ulth ranee. AHu n prrtj fur- in. " ! iC ! Hanipy tl. R S74 IS * 1 IHMsli | ; | ) lltlU > AM ) IIOAIII ) . M . I'.noMS ; UOOU IIOAIII ) : I1ATKS 'tl" " lt < "o ! * 20 llanu'v. K < , 3J0 ! ! : ! k. Jl AND 51 WUliK. 1J1S F MOSJ A3' OIIVKH nOOMS OVKI i i ir < - with or tvltri.'iit bonr.l , at I lie M . ' 317 and 319 North Kth St. li-- M- vx l-iio\IU. COOLEST PI OE IN . - > . ! . : ii S. tMn St. F503 JyW Tl i i- ' ic"MS UNSl'ITK , I'TIINIKHED On < i with U.aril. Tr. n icnt nccom- . I i..pla. ITI Uaenirl | t. K-7M-1C- I'l-HNiSHED SOUTHEAST I'JIONT . vri. > > nveul nri , | > ratifamily. ! . No ' ' AND noAiin. , i luhtful mmiK-r r i > . 'rt ' Ii Omaha , ' 1. K'- l--MWK 17 : < i- I- : \-isiTu"n riioNT noons WITH i , i'- I'.iitlas. ' V-MM6 If r > rs" .ii ! n sitl'TH I-'IIONT lionv. WITH IH , i f r iw , . f"J Wlrt jitre.- ! . K-MiSl 11 H . IJIi'K IIOOM8 ANI > IIOAlin ; S3 M , 'IN iiih Kmo 19 VI ( \ ' ( . - I'.OOMrf AND Ilcl.Mtll 411 N. citi , . . , . ! r-MTO ! 9 rtiu I IN r. s'l'ouiAND : ; I i , U-N < - IHK I-STOIIY IIIUCK Ht'lLDlNn a > 9 r 11.a : st TliU linll'tlnK- n llrriir"o ( ctat nt > , t . t-ninptptf fetrjin hpattnc fix * lurr wairr "n nil lloory , K3 > . vtf. Apply ul thp ill ) f I Th. Ili-p. I-S10 \n ITSVAvn : : 11. ti i \ < i.i M N TO HANHLV : AOINTS van vi.p < v tut ifi an 1 p claltlc . paM $5 ( M > a > - en . s. n imp VU-ti-ry Mfg Co. fle\e- lic--l O i J-MSM ! ( * l\ \ \ - - > NTS WANTKU TO SUM. JIMB j IIH i. * l Ihi * I i ht JK-ople. Ait- 't ' > - i at nre for p .rtli-uiarn. Mine Vale lenw * o ( IIt4Ut > , Uti State t. , < ' .iliaKc > . J-MS9K ll \v \ > Tin'ro IIIVT. A OPNTI I MAN ANIi1KK WISH To HUNT. with rj > l , U'ant | . > s .pteitilxtr 1. two rcoi , < ir a larue room with jl.-ote ; would prv- ffr prtip Imlh. ipiifi h * rcll furnl h d sn.l * fi | I'futtd trt of n-ffff.l't ; > tate trrmi mi full rurilruUni. x ts ] i < > K IKIC STOUAGK AND WAHKIIOCSB CO. > ] 0 J ntt. O'.ners ) loran an. I forwarOInc M-WI OM VA.V i STOHAQV. . HU FAIINAM. TKU \V.\\Tii > TO llt'Y. CASH PAID FOR OLD fKATHKIl PKDS. 1 ! Nl ti > lai ! < t. . I. . Q I > nup. NM-411 Jy WANTKD. 5NO-HAND .MODKUN fTI.E HANK furniturt. U. C. A If. I : . ClRpp. Shelby. Iowa. N-M7t7 II' I HAVK JS.OnO TO tlfl.fT ) TO INVEST IN IM- pr.\p.l Omaha prop rty at an rpnts on the dollar lar Don't an pr this unlM you can give Mi ; barnnln. Adilre N U. llee. N-J7S-14 _ WANTED. MoimiAaBS , IIKM ) UY THE omarm Hitvlnir < liank. In amounto I * " ' tn tl.M J. rr.m p > Tnon .l lrlnif to cancel and r npw mrito for thrpp yars at low IntorPH. AilrttPM N M. tie * offlre. N S7S 1 roil SAI.I : Miscni.i.A.vr.ous. iM ) ' ; CHIIIIIINO. HOO AND CHICKEN f.-nre. cheaper than "all wire. " C. II. Ix > e. Ml th.uxlai. Q.-537 t-'OIl RALE. SIX PHKPII FAMILY ciAVS It. , J HarkPtt. 4.-III ir-l : < ln t U M'-H SALE rnusit cnws. JAMT.J and Oraro. - * All" Misci-t.ii.\M : < Ms. : noOD I'APTflUO IN THE C1TT T MI'IIRAT. MMIJy - MIDLAND ItrouV rYd.E CO O. A VIDI.ISO Mcr. .N > w ' 97 rarrlairin. Imee'.i' and blrycln nt low price * . Whee | r nl'd by hunt or day. lllrycle fumlrlps and npairing. S1 N nth t. OI.AIIIVOYANTS. MADAM OLYMVIt. ONLY OKNTINE LITE readtr. tell nam'ndlre ! . . * > ' nmilMge. law. rmnltei frlrndn. fte. . ' . ! > . and up satia- fnctnry leadltiEs. hours , 10.30 to 7 1 I" I'ar- nam. s-Mnol 1C si : , IIATIIS ITC. M \DAM SMITH. 13r. . IKifOLAS. MAXUE , stpain l.ath T > ' I11' MIIS Dll Ll.ov KLPi'TllIC M.\ - < \.K . 1\TH ! piirl.-rs. r.Ktful and iuratlve 417 H T'h np- Ktalr * 1 " .l IT' PUUS'O.VVI. UATIIS. MASSAGE. MME 1'OST , 3 ' . ; i S. lSJj VTKR1NE TP.OUHLES. 311-S IIHB VIVI FOR lildi ; " physlclun , coiuultaiion or health ' look frep. EXPOSITION INVESTMENTS. Foil PLEAS- urc and profit see I. . P. Juds.m's want a U. . ' - ' < " cviunrll llluffa Pa6e. blSEASr.S. VKNO UI'T. . CHKO.VIC . .l . * Douclas. U M.Kl > .u rNIiAKD ACCIDENT INS. CO. . W. A. CAH- ter mannBor. has moved to Klrst Na.J. . ink : " " J r _ urT'Tt'iiE crtiED KOH $ : ' : VNTIL SIP- fpm i pain ; no detention from bustnex. . no w" mfpr er : tn of p.ulent-i .ui.-l. all or write. The O. E. Miller . Co. . ; = - -M.TO > ; " 1iulldlnc.0niiha. York Life _ _ TlTp ri7\7.E 01- ' THE COfNTIlY VI'H.KT . , , full size pn-kaRp , on Ilreuth ivrfume ; rISSpt of t cpntx. Vlol.1 Mfg. { ? ' SIOXP.Y TO l.OAX UI1\I. I > T.VTi : . \N-THOVY I OAN & TIll'ST CO. . 315 N Y L . \ > niilck moneyat low rates for cho-e | faim Ian Is ? n Iowa northern Missouri , eastern N ! - fNIMI'IlOVKD I'lTV i IStrllOVKP * OAV > ? ON property W.Karnatn Smith & Co. , 11W r.ina.n ( Tl'SuT'KNT MCJNBV ON NKH. & LFAKMS W. II. Mrttkle 1st Nafl Uk. bMs- . Omaha MONTY TO LOAN AT IXJ\V HATI1S TIIK " o'I * . Pnvl" Co. . W * Tarnam St. \V ' < MOSTY TO LOAN ON IMrllOVHH I'MVHA j real estnte. Jlicr.nan. Love Co. , I'axt n I 11- 'JtAN ON IMrnOVKI ) OMMIA MONTV prope'i > & Thomas. S07 1st. NJfl lk | ON OMAHA I'llornUTV ; I.OWBST HATKS. bullcllni : loans wanted , l-'lledlty Trutt o- W 6(5 JS7WOO IN SUMS O1HCOOO OR MOI'.K. R I ) . ' \Veacl , Insurance. 16th & Oouclii * . r .MO.MV TO I.OA.V CIIATTII. . TO LOAN ON FfftXITflli : , 1'IAXO.S. h'r ) - -vae1 ni. c-t.- . . at Inwest rati-n In clty . strictly you n" rc-mo\al of B0.nlstrictly ; cun pay the Ii an iff ut any time . > r In nny amount OMAHA MUUTrt \ < 1K LuAN i'O. . Sutl So. Itth S' . X 54S III , > IM : . S CIIANCUS. KOI : KENT. HOTKI. 0 . . . . la. ; respunslbV party ran buy furnlturi' t-iit-aj. unJ leas. , hi-in-e at ui. li-r te rent. B"ml oppor tunity. Tre.l Htonn , NVnU. la. \ M.(7 1C MlLLINHUY-l'XJn SALE. A CLKAN MII.LIN- IMV UKami ! bulKllriK lultabli- for K.ime. or either tepaialely. 15 > .t loi-atecl an l laruesl < tublUheil U-u e In the clt > 1'mt "f n-tpnnt for it-lllus Write Allen & llaniey. Kearney. Neli. VMJ1917 1 roiT H"vL ! ifuiill'KHlKS AND KIXTfllKS. M1J i'umlne St. V--WI 15 * rou SAM : HIAI. IST.\TI : : . i i _ _ i HOL'dUS. I 3TS. I-'AIIMS. LANDS. LOANS. ' Ueo. 1' . IJemU Htal K.tute Co. , 1'axton block. i HK J3J I-KU SALI3 MV HESIPEXVB , CSI 8. 17TH ST. , ai tt cjaiEiiln ; will take a 7-room mudetn col- taue us jiart pa ) ' , or half cash , balance ot. niurlgnne ; Inristlsate. John H. F. Lehmann. nn s ; -J ' M FOfl S.\IB OU BXCHAXHE , LOTS S. 5. ID ( CO ft frontage oarh. block i , K. V. Snilih'n ad- dltli'ii tu the c-lty ut Omaha : clear till"ill ; fell i-heap un llU-nil trrnn or will trade for dcdititilo wjulty In Wl-coniln proiK'ny or will bul I it to suit reipunnlble punle * and fli an eaty payment * . \V. H. l'ai)4ucK. ) IMilc nt an. ) 7th Ave. . Mlhvaukee. Wit. HB-M'l Jyl9 I KOfNTZU PLAfE HARrtAIXS. .W ) JJ 750 TO ; | C MO ; tea ptiolo * at 16th anj Farnam. M nt 11MK. J. J. Utl' un. Mi Fll t Nat. Hank HUlg. ftl.L. Tll.M'U Oil IlKNT. HOl'SF.S. . farms. Omruin llru & tiultjm"n. iOi 11. IUdE. HU-XK61 Jy-y. FOM SALK. 4-nOOM fOTTAOE.SEAftL NEW. 4110 Nih ave. . wen of expofltlun Rivjn r. twtwvrn Sahlcr iin < l .Sjirdtuo. cliy w..ui ur4 cdiiiunte.l cellar , large lol , only fttu ; * M > Krnir. U/ It. llanlnn. Si : a. llth it. RK - _ _ SN'AT. IV for J-RclOM HOf. r ANTIXJT. . ( turn ( ut. near -J..lli F.n < J Iur < bn > m.-i-rta. J _ N _ Kr-nwr. pi. | P. O. UKM7S1 WB IIAVK SBVKltALTltn-BlM ANH LOT8 ivhlcli muit Utcl'l ' to CM out an vttati ; ny ( Hid wlfi a little rrajy ci. l- r n < 1 ' -i-e | hi * nun-y In a frtt luonthi ; c ll and me at at nee T. * O f I'aUi Co. ivo Farrnm j.j - MCt _ | liST : S At'HK THAiT IN POITOI.-.S ' II'NT\ a" l'r > .t of fruit h " v turetr Jl A. \Vr.tcill.-lil. tu ckth IMIi alrrtt THE ot.n MKLIA'LE TECIPLE'S ary. I5SJ lioiiKtnOmhn. . efferts msrreloiij cur-s In dl * * -e nf women all Irregularities , no matter nhnt cau t , cured. Letters tilth t cents antn-re.l. ! < > I'A.STIJIIA JIC. inl'.SKS OS-I.Y. ItOAttO FKNCKS. SPIUNQ water. i.oo per month A. W. 1'help. & Son , W7 N. V. Life. 4H J- LATEST MonRt. TWHWIUTKHS sfvpuns -'Vte-l Typewriter & Supplies Co. , 1612 Fnrnam. Jyl ] ' \ \ \ II. MAIIOWIT7. I/1ANS MONEY , ( IS N. U ST. SiS SAWm. NATI'llAL STONH. AIITIRC1AL brick TP | 16 9V. . J. Welsh.irn. 309 S ITIh it. -li ! MIOIt'l'llAM ) AMI TYI A. C. VAN SANT'H Sc'HOOU 5U N. V. LITE. iW AT OMAHA IIL'S. COLI.rai : . 16TH A UOflll Vd dot , l.TllMTflli : IMCKKI1. FfllNITI'IlB IMIt-AIKINd ANII I'Ac'KINO. Couch' and cn-hicn * . m.icti.- irtfld and n-n. Mitel I'rm-H ai plea-e > " Hc-i M. S. WalKIn , 5111 Cumlng street. Telephone , 1331 , St'MMKIt linSOH'I'S. UOATINQ riSHINtl. TENTS. IinATP. A.I . lr is famp Omaha , LaVc Qulnneti.niK , Te le imih Neb M6S1 3d * The man who ot-casiniiully runs nn ail Will not net liilt' : the snutl Ol' tin111:111 : \\li.i--i- ml runs all the time Who i.s c'oiisianly "saulnt ; w nul. " - K. 15. W. SUES & CO. , PATENT SOLICI10KS Iico nullcllnc. Omaha Neb Advice nncl latent Hoik FUKK DR. E. C. WEST'S NERVE AND BRAIN TREATMENT i THE ORIGINAL , ALL OTHERS IMITATIONS , laeoliluncler pn itivo Written iJunrnntcc , denco , Nurvousnof s , Lassitude , all Oraine , Youth. ful Krrore , or Excessive Um of Tubacco , Opium , or Liquor , which leads to IHeery. ConFuimition , Insanity nnd Death. At ptoro or by mail , $1 n box ; eix for t.V with written Guarantee to cure or refund luiincy. Sample jinnk- n-ic , containinu five days'treatment , with full instructions , 2i cents. Ono ramplo only sold to earhjiorson. At btoro or hy mail. Label Special , Extra Strength. KS a < 'For Impotency , Lena otWJ7vV 1'owpr. Loet JlanhoixJ , \ titarility cir narronncps. - ' n box ; biz for J5. i " ' 1l > i-r" Dllliiii DriiKCo. . , S. i : . Cornel llilh unit I'nniaiii Six. , ( litinbucb. . RAIL WAX TIME CARD i.ea\L s iu1 1 : \trro.v * MO. iiivia ; Ar-n.s uinaial. | mon Litput , lot.'i r Ma&on ata.j Oinaa.t 8:3 jam . Lienver Kxire-n . 3.3.ani 4.&i < m.lllk Hir > . Muni & I'Jtiet Slid Hx : ' . ' . | 4.&iim . lienvtr Uxprt ; 9 . . 4.u'.pm 7lApm..L.lnculn Uocal ( ex. Sunday ) . . . . 7 : < 0pni ? : Uun. . .Lincoln I vocal ( ex. Huinlj/.IljUdni : , HL'UI.l.NUTO.V i j7 | Cr.-v | > T Ciiiiihat'"l" | " Depot , lch i Manun jta.1 Un.afia "t:05pm : . Ll.icaso Vt-eiiDuie . VTlOam ; : ( Sam . < _ nuuo K pr ah . 4jpn : | : 7.50pm..Chlc.iii- at. Louu Kiprefis. . . .7ianl : ll:4C > m . ] ' Inc juiictloD Local . ClUpm _ . . . . . . . tl'jiil Mail cx Sun.ta > J . . . . . .2Lypm : I.eavef jTiflVAUO. " Mil * " i : STn'Ai'IJYArrtvTT Omaha ] L'nlun , lutlt A y.jBnn tHs Oniuha C.SCpm . Ctucig , Limited . 8:0arn : : Kxpreaa i i , SunJa > - | . . . _ : . ' I.TSV'M .CHICAcJO ft NOIlTH\ViSTN | Arrl7 r Om haLnlui. | ) Depot , lain it Ma an &t , Omaha I0:4'.nm : * . Ki ttrn Kxnrew . 3:49pm : 4:4pm . Ve tlbulcil Ulmiteii" . i4 ; pin C. " > I > m . t I'aul iCuprt-i . 9:3'Jarn : [ ; (0am . St. I'aul l.lmltea . S:0irni : V.SOam . H.nux City i > a' . ll.lipm t:3Cpm : . Om.itiChlcutrc Specljl , . : OGirn . Mliiuurt Valley l > icai . 90ara : Ix-avri H-'HU'AGO. It. I. Sr Qitiai.alL'iiiui. Ur t. 50th & " " EASl" .Atlantic l\ii'- * ( ex Sunday ) . . 6:3'iim 7:9Cpm : . Nu'ht ixpi.i : . g jm 4 r.upm. . c'hlcas" Ve-t..mleij Limited. . . . lStpn : > 4Mpm. ; . St I'aul VestlbuUd Llml'ril . . . Isy.'pm _ Colnrado i.lmitec ! . . . . . . 4:05pm : V''l : iMU. . VAJJJS' rTveT Oni-liaj pf t. UttiVebiir _ * t . i Uniahi and ixnr * * . M.dciurn . . . i * . i t. I o Hi.x. . Men. . . 6Wpnj ; 7&arn. : .Fr rner.i i -.uneayk - ; : / ) . . ! < - ' I-i. . "in. . i I -H'i I K C. . ai' . 1. iC 1- Arnvet OmchaU'ril it Drpot. lOlh A Matton Sis | Omaha " . Day n. K. . C. r.'lj.- : z vliJJ. ! Train. . l av I MISSC'l.'IlI TACIKIC iArrlvei Omaha ! Jjepui. lath i WebMer St ' . _ i CJm.ina 3 .pin . NebrarWu .V Kanratf Limited' . . . ! ? : &pm t avesl SIOUX < : ITY & I'Ai'H'IC. | Arrl > e OnialiA ) Xvpcl , I3tliVct / et Sis. ( Ointaa " ' tltpm. : . . . . . . . . .St. J'au ! UiaKtd..7r lTuPI I a7 < t"J" J"S"IOI'X" J" I'lTV I'AClKI : r" TAmv i" Onijhajyr.tvn UfUjt. 10b & llrondlt _ | _ Omani . )0am Ht r ul i- > : . ; c-r ll.lOpn. ' ' ' ' * I . . . . . . . . ! . . I'tiil l.lniilid trOitn C a ei i " " \V\I < \-ll ) ! AllAVA Y OmahalUntoii Uepcl , Wtli & M BMJP fit | Omah ' ' _ L. . . . i-Vnon ltu\ \ > _ _ . . . . . ll _ . < aiini t'MON "I'A'i.'IFJ' ' . ArVlitV Omali-lL'nlon Jt > > | ) t. 10th * Ma cii Su | Oln.Uia i Sfinm . OxtrlanU l.lniUe.2. - 4 Itp-n : K-pm rtrat'cc Jl rilr. mtl.'n Ei ( rx'un > . 3iO ; u Uuml Kxpri-f i'- > un I. . 9:5pr.i r t Uall. . . " " . I0jy..rn Uavr , nr \ ' M & ( I. i\rt\c Dm. . 'i t llth i.r. i \\.t.vte- 1 Wpni K.I u Clir Kipm * iff Fun ) 11 Uan I > -n Sit riy | A'Cu ltSin ) . . . . I.Jirre ii 'pm St Piul I'rritt. ! j i.K.rr , JMiin > . t'l.jui Ctr ! Aco. (8uniSt > r.nlyt .1 Xarn BOSTON FALLS fcD\YN ( | \ AGAIN Errors at a Critical Tirn. Are What Do the Business ! " GIVES A GAME TO THE EVsLAND CLUB Sconif P.lulil In I' vjjjJIJt'lln tin- Story of tinIlifriil liiiitt-i | lo- . < - to Itcili In rinir. , nil | | i\clt- Inu ; tuin ; , Clevplafttl. "i " ; Hoston. B. Clnolnnotl , 5 ; N\V YorUi 1. llalllniorc , 10 ; St. .Loul9 S. 1'nllailplphla , 1-3) ) t uUVItle , 3-7. I'iUfbxirg , \VarhlPRton ; , 1. t'hk-ugo , 11 ; nrooVlyn. 4. Milwaukee , 9 ; Minneapolis. 1. Ct.EVEt.ANn. O. , July J3. Lewis was a triile tt-iltl , while Cuppy , after ihc flwi In- nlni ; , pitched a floe game. Hit-ore by Oca- Ion at critical tnamctita helped 10 swell the score of the Indians. A fine onc-iiaud catch by Collins and the all-around good worts of C'hllds anil Wallace were the features of the Score : . . . . Totalsi . . . . 5 9 2 ? 19 ! Sllvctts batted for I. wl * In the ninth. riovpland . . . . . . 0 ii. . < tn . ; : - Earned runn : Clevelantl , 3 Hoston. 1. 1'lrst IMIP by errnrii : Clcveliind , Z ; Honton , 1. Left on liiup ! " : ripvelnnd. II ; Hnaton. ? . Mr t haw nn balls. Off t'ujipy , 2 ; off Li-wls. S. Struck i ut : lly dippy. 2. by Lwl . u. Hmne run : HiirkPtt. Tliri-o-lmip hlti : Wallait.Ptahl. . IlirK > n. Two-btfp hits : ChlMa. Tpb--au. Stahl. Kaorlllop lilt : Cilcpr. Slnlrn bav i Ittirkolt , CMIds (3) ( . DotihlP play : StHlH In Itrriti-n. WIM plti-h : Lrwl . I'mpirc ; Shprldan. Tlnii * : Two hours and twenty minute. " . Atti-nclanre. 3.WI. IMTTSBfllO. 7 ; WAStlXtlTl ! > N , 4. PlTTSIll-'lir . .July 13 PltlFburK reilet-mptl llsi-lf today by Boort , s-nappy playlnR. Wn u- lniton's crrorpre co lly in every cast. Tlit- feature was Hrodlc's kUlliiK WrlRley's run at tin1 plate utter tnklnc TucUer's long lly at renter. Attendance , 1.100. Score : PITTSIirilU. WASHINGTON. U.H.O.A.E. H.H.O.A.E. ' ' 1 I . . . I o 0 1 Tan'h'll rf. n 1 i llr.i n. cf. 0 I.-nhv. 3h. , . 0 ISO 2 p.l | i'h. If. 0 l ) 1 0 0 1-ovia. II. . . . i ) Wrlcley. rf. 0 1 9 0 0 Smith. If. . . 1 I 2 0 0 Dpuronl. as. 0 1 4 ! Z Paitdon. ! b. 53231 Mcnulre. c. 1 3 S 1 1 . . Turkpr. Ib. 0 0 S U Ely. M . 0 0 2 1 ft IlPlllv. 3b. . . 3 S 1 1 2 M.Tritt. c. . 2 0 S 0 OO'Ufpn. 2b. 0 0 B S 0 Hauler. P..O 3 2 ! 0 Miami's , p. 0 0 0 0 0 - - 'Kartell . . . . I l o 0 0 Totals . . . . 71 :710 I - Totals . . . . 4 11 it 15 C Parrel hatted for Mrjames In the ninth. Plttnbure . 02003002 - ; Washington . 0 2 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 4 Earned runs : PltUburK. . 1 ; Washington. 1. T > MI-JH P lilt * : Hawley. [ McGulre. Sacriflrc hits : Ely (31. ( Stolen base * : Davis. Pmlth (21. ( Mprrltt. McCtulre. Kiirr.-ll. Double pla > : nrmlle tn Mprrltt ; O'Hrlen to Tuclier. First base on Imllr : off Haulpy. 2 ; oC Mu amen. 2. Struck ml. lly Hawl-y , 4 ; hy.Mc.Tames. 4. Pafseu lialls : Mdlulre , 2. Wild pltihps : Hawley an-1 Mf.Iames. L lft on bisea : .Pytsburp 5 ; Wash- Inut. n. 9. Hirst base 011 arrira : I'ltti-liuri ? , 3. \\a hlnKton. 2. Tlmp of' ranie : Two hours and ten minutes. Pmplre : Kmsllcr. CHtCAGH , 11 ; IIUOUKUYX , 4. CHH'ACO. July 13 ( lattery errors save-1 - the Hrooklyns from a § humut today. They rotild do but little with , Callaban's pitching. while Kennedy proved easy and was batted all over the Held. McCorinlpk and O. Smith i-arried olT the fielding honors by remarkably olever work nt short. Attendance , l.TCO. Srore : ' CHIfAGO. I ' IIUOOKLYN. It H.O.A.E.I-- U.H.O.A.E. r'rtt ! 3b. . .i 1 1 2 0 Orinin , of. . . n o S 1 0 M. . < "nrk ss 0 137 0 Jiim-n/ rf..O 0 l 0 n Luc" i'f. . . 2 o 1 0 O'And'-r'n. If. . 1 1 1 no AIIK.II. Hi. . . 0 Oil 0 o Shlndle. 3h. 0 0 ( > 1 Jt\m rf _ i 330 0 lAohiiurc. Hi 1 2 11 0 1 1 > . - , k.r. If. . 2320 oQinarn. | 2n 0 0 0 1 1 . "imt.r. . 2b. . 3323 0G. , Smlih. ss 1 15 0 ) . ' . .liitnn. p. 3' 3 0 : 2 , A. Sjitlth. c.,1. , 2X3 0 J. Kitti'dvi- . O 1 1 0 ? . ti. 0 L 0 3 0 T. taN . . . .11 II 27 17 r Tntal * . . . . "r S3 15 4 l an out. hit by ball ( batted ) . ltll"aro . II lli.nlilyn . . 0 4 K.irncd runs : Chlcapo. ! * . Ixft on bapes : ( 'In - : ; > . S ; Ilrooklyn. 6. Two-base hits : Ev- . lit. Ityan (21 , ( "onnor , Cnllahan , O. Smith. Hir.-p hfe hit : ' ' .tllahan. Sacrlllre hits : An- - .n Klttredt-p. flrlllln. Stnlen Imi-ps : Bverltt. ! ii . \ Klttredpp. Lnchance. Double plays : M. . .rnmk to Conno. tn Am * , n : Kennedy to G riiniih t" Lai'hancp ; Orlflln to O. Smith t. . . A Smith Struck out : lly Callahan. I ; by Ken- P"2 | Kln-t base on balls : Off Callalrin. 1 c rr Kennedy , 6. Wild pitch : ' 'allahan. Hit by pilohe.1 ball : Anderson. Time : One hour and f.irty-five minutes. Umpire : McDonald. PHILADELPHIA , i ; I/OUISVILLK , 3. T.oriSVILLE. July 13. Two games were pl.iyed this afternoon , one being postponed the last serle. * . The flr.-n game was very interesting , but Ix > ulsvllle's error ? nere fatal. Kvans was knocken out of the box in the tlrst inning of the second game and the Colonels could not overcome the lead ubialni-ii by the Phillies In the first two inning ning- . The batting of Delehanly In both names was a feature. Attendance 4 , WO. S > -rire , linn game : T.n.-ii- . . . .4 ? 57 16 i Total- . . . . IMilu.i.-lphla 0 | I ul-\le | | 0 005100 U-3 Knrneil nins : I'hlla.lelphla , 1 ; Ixiulnvllle. I. Mrat baje nn errors : Louisville. 3 ; IMillailelplil.t. 1 I < eft on Imiies : I'hlla.lelphla , 4 : I ulsvllli- . l-'lrst hn e on ballOff : Kruzer. 3 ; off Ortli. 4. .stnji-k out : IJy I-' : , 1 ; by cirth. 1. Horn * * run : I-'r.tzi-r Sac-rill , e lilt : . Stolen bayesMiC'recry. . ! ! * hallty. I'oubliJiluyt , : \V. claike to Staff. . , nl t.i \\\-r , bn , Oder to INDIAN \ > I VN DI f'OViHS : A Hi : . JI.MIKiu.i : itinr.iv : ron I.O.ST VlliOH. Siiliipli-N \\'HI Hi' s > 'iit I'rcc to All \Vho \Vrlli- fur II. Jas. P. JohnBton of Ft.Vayno , Ind. , after battling for years against the mental and physical suffering of last manhood. ua found the exact remedy that cures the trouble. He Is guarding the secret carefully , but Is willing to send a sample of the medicine to all men who suffer with auy form of sexual weakness resulting from youthful Ignorance , premature loss1 ( of memory and strength , weak back , varlcj > t-ele and emaci ation. The runedy has a .peculiarly grale- ful effect of warmth and wenis to act di rectly , giving needed strength and develop ment wherever needed. The remedy cured Mr. Johnston completely of'all ' the ilia and troubles that came from Jears of misuse of the naturally ordained umctluiis , and U said to be absolutely reliable In every case A reauest to Mr. Jas. P. Johnston , Box 1010. Ft. Wayne , Ind. sta'llng that you would like a sample of bus , 'remedy for men will be compiled with promptly and no charge whatever will be a Hed by him. He U very much Interested In spreading the news of this great remedy Anil be U careful to send the tample securely sealed In t perfectly plain package , no lhat its reclplen1 need have no fear of eihbarrabsnient 0' publicity. Headers are requested " to write without delay \nhurgiCiil \ Iiistiiute l \jO i ittf * i > t ' > intia. Ntfb ( NM LT\TIII % l-'lir.i : . et-i : ' . m treatment of ' Chronic. Xcr'vous acd 1'nvatc ' Diseases uml nil U i\KM. : s uml DI > ( lllIiH i of S Citen careful ui.J > p..i.lal atunliun far all t nr many ailmnts. . I'lllLIh If > < ur jniitcjiis | an pimples on faie. bore throut. muc jus p < tit-he * tn inauth. rhrumatlMn In bunean . _ . nts iijlr ull \VIAK IKN fVltalil ) Weak. ma-l. t t > t c. "ft jppl.--a tli'n ' t tine * nr iu i > t-r u- ' ai ir. . - . vr K" i t KX . AL 1-X1 l > si - m r'l'IJI * ; Jlf tr , ( run. He rffecui of loutlitul f-l ic . C'aii VI nrlt . Trnier Time of ( mrne : One hour uml forty mintiteA I'miilre : Lynch. PHII.AnKM'HIA. 9 ; I/JLMSVII.I.K. 7. Second H.H.O.A.H. U.H.O.A.K. Clurk. If. . . . 1310 orteob-y. ef. . . I t t 0 0 M.-cr'rv. rf. 0 3 0 0 tvwtl. tf. . . . t 1 1 0 0 Pliker'c , ef. 0 0 J t 1 Iteleh'tp. If. 1 R I 0 0 St.vlt.lt1 s * 1 1 161 Ui.To'e. Ut. . 2 211 00 Wenten Ib. 1 1800 tVijrle. r. . . . J 0 I 1 0 W. i-l'rk. Jbl J C t 1 Oder. tb..3 S 1 S 0 \viinm. c. . . l l t e o onion. M..O j : ( o flop * . 31) . . . . ! 1 0 1 0 N h. Ib. . . . 03200 EMWIH p. . . o g o o o rineui , t > . . . . 00030 Motif e. It. . . a 9 0 1 Si SiTolMn TolMn . . . . 9 1 Z7 9 0 Total * . . . . t 13 ! l U V Louisville 0 0 1 I 0 fl 8 0 0- ' - - saoooioo'-s nm : PhlMnVlr-Mii. : Ixjolnvtlle. ( Vint b se nn ermni : Philadelphia. 6. t.cft on txtftc * : Philadelphia , fl Ij.iul vl11i > , X. First huso on bulls : Off Mrllf * . I , off KltleM , I. SMruck fill : Hy M. Or" . J , by Plfleld. 3 Hnme run : I > H.t"te. Threb e hll : ttelelmnty , Wcnlen. Two-bail * lilt : Hock Stolen hnw-s : McClee , Oeler. Doubt * piny : Olllen to llo > le. Hit by pltohH bull : llnck. Time : Two hours , fm- plr * : Wolf. HAI.TtMOUB , 10 ; ST , lOt'lK. S. ST. 1.01'IS , July 13. Lively hittlnc when It was mom needed gave Hnllltnore thp third Rnme of thp series * with tin- Drowns this afternoon. St. Louis hit Hoffer jirotty freely. Cro s nnd timely inaklnc home runs with the lm cj empty. Jonnlnus mnilr two very Imd t'iriiws to llr t. vine of them allow- \nx \ a run to fct In. Hi-oro ; ST. l > niS. : tlAI.TIMOHU. U.H.d.A.i : . lt.H.O.A.15. HiTlcf. . . n o 3 0 ( I McOraw. 3b 3 1 0 1 0 Hirlm'n. sb 1 t s 5 l Ki > > r. rf. . . 3 S I 0 0 clrn.1v. Ib. . . 3390 0 .t.-nn'cs. ss. .'V. If. . . . 1 8 I n OKellv. U..O 1500 Ha'lmnn. ! b 0 1 1 3 c Btentet. cf. . 0 S I 0 1 * r M. sn. . . . Itovle. H. . . . . 0 0 f 1 1 Houice'n. rf. i ) 1 10 Qultin. Ib. . . 0 n 3 0 0 uit.hy. r. . 0 1 03 i Clarke , r. . . 1 1 5 0 0 fl art. ; p 1 I 1 3 ft HotTiT. p. . . 1 I I I 0 TntnU . . . . 6 10 Cl H 2 Totnl * . . . .101117 7 I flt. t."iil < ttOOlOjOfl-R tUltlmore 0 ' -10 Kirneil nin : St. tiouls , S : ll.iltlmnre. S , Two-hufi * hits : Hnrt. Itmiremnn , ' 'larke. Sten- * tTtirechBiie \ hit : Ki-eier. Saoriflce hit : Kelley. Hume runs : il-wly. f'mss. Stolen bases : Mrdrnw (2) ( ) . .lennlnns. Itoyle. rinrke. I'ouhle play : Jennlncs tn Qnlnn. first ba i > rn bulls : Off Hart , fi. Hit by plli-he.l ball : Houseman. Hoffer. Wild pitches : Hart. 2 , Struck inn : llv Hoffer , 1. Time ; one hour and furttle minutes t'mplre : Hurst. riNriNNATI , 6 ; XK\V YORK. 4. CINCINNATI. O. . July 13. The OlnntH lost to the IlecH 111 n close an , ! pxrltlnt ; came today Ht-th teams p'.uycd ' snappy ball. The llpcls were uiuiblo to hit Seymour until the fourth Innlnc , when they touched him tip for MVP BlnRlP nnd a triple nnd four runs was the result. Attendance , ITOO. Score : CINCINNATI. i NEW YOHK. U.H.O A.K.I 11 H.O.A.I- : . Iturke. If. . . 1 100 0 Vnnll'n. rf. 0 0 2 t 1 Hoy. cf 0 1 S 0 0 Tlernan. rf. 1 1 1 o 0 rnx.ran 2b 0 2 2 I 0 Joyce. 3b. . . . Irwln. 3b. . . . 0 102 n l'n\is. B . . .0 1230 Miller , rf . . 0 0 2 0 0 flexisra. 21 0 2 1 2 1 IWkh-y , Ib. 1 1 9 1 0 Warner , c. . 0 0 7 2 1 11 tobev , F3 11 2 3 0 rinrk. Ih. . . 1 1 9 I O Vaurhn , c. . I I r 0 1 Ili'lmes. If. . 0 1 t 0 n llrlet'eln. P. 1 1 1 1 0 Seymour , p. 0 2 0 .1 0 Titnla . . . . 5 9 27 It l' ' Totals . . . . I 11 21 13 ! Cincinnati 5 New York 1 H I ) o t 0 0 1 1 i Knrn.-d rtmii : Olnelnnatl , 1 ; New York. 3 Two-ba chits : Seymour. Gleason. Corcoran. Joyce. Itnvl * . Three-base hlt : llreltensteln Corcoran. Holmes. Lift on bases : Cincinnati 6. New York. 8. Stolen buses : Seymmir , rturke Double play : Clark to Glenson to Clatk : War ner to Davis. Flint has.on balls : Off Hrel- tenplein. 2 : off Seymour , i. Hit by pitched ball : tteckley. Struck out : ny Hreltenstrln , < . by Seymour. r > . Passed ball : Warner. Time : Two hours. 1'mplre : O'Day. STANDING OK TUB TRAMS. Played. Won. Ixi t. P.Ct. Uoston C4 -15 IS 71.9 flnr-lnnatl ( ! 2 42 20 C7.7 llaltlmorp fi.1 K 21 ffl.7 New York 02 SS 2t fll.n C'evelnn'l B5 Si 30 MS 1'hl'n-lelphla CO S.1 36 47.S PlttRhurK 61 SO SI 4fi9 lirooklvn Ofi 30 Sii 45.n Chlcnco f 7 23 SS .1.11 I oulsvllle Kt 25 * 37 11,3 WnshliiRton 2 24 3S 3S.7 St. I ouLi CO 13 S319.7 Ontiics toclny : Hoctnn nt PIttsburct ; New York nt t'inelnnnti , I-hlludclphla at Louis ville , Washington at PHtsburs. scours or TIII : IVHSTIJHV I.I\IIK. lllcrillclits M I liiii-n pill It III tile Onl > - tiiinir l'lit > i-il. MIL.WAt'KKl'3. \ . , July 13.-The feature of the imtne to lay was Lewee's j > Iaylng and the hatting of the Brewers , aided by the rage M ! wurk ot the Millers. Score : Milwaukee . 0 2 3 3 0 0 0 1 9 Mlnm-apo'ls . 0 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 0-4 Hase hits : Milwaukee. 13 : Minneapolis. S. Errors : Milwaukee. 1 ; Minneapolis , 3. Bat teries : Milwaukee. ISarnes and Spear ; Min- ueapolK llutchlnson and lioylo. STANDING OK TIIH TKAMS. Plnyed. Won. Lost. P.Ct. St. Paul . 73 M 25 firt.7 Indianapolis . C ? 4a 2.1 f.'j.5 ' Columbus . 6S 41 21 C4.7 Milwaukee . 73 43 2S Detroit . C9 31 Xi 49.3 Grand IlnnliH . 71 21 47 S3.S Mltineapolis . 71 21 i"0 3L'.4 Kansas City . 72 20 52 27.S Games today : Indianapolis * at Kansas City. Grand Kapl < 1s at Milwaukee. Colum bus at St. Paul. Detroit at Minneapolis. \ Vit < -rii AHNOI-III linn Si-ores. CKDAIl HAP1DS , la. , July 13.-Score : Cedar Ilapids . 0 r , 1 0 2 1 0 4 0 13 St. Joseph . 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 Base hits : Cedar Haplds. 17 : St. Joseph , C. Error. " : Cedar Itanids , I ; St. Joseph. 4. rtat- terles : Cedar Ilapids. McDotigal and Fuller ; St. Joseph. Par.leiand Collins. PEUHIA. III. , July 13.-Score : Peorla . 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0-3 Qulncy . OOiOOOOO 0 0 Hasp hits : Peorla. 0 ; Quincy. 5. Errors : Peorla 2 : Qulncy. 3. Batteries : Peorla. Koch and QuJnn ; Qtitncy. McGrecvy and Trallly. DUnfQUK. la. , July 13. Score : Dubunue . 20000000 0 2 Des Moines . 2 10 Bare hits : Uubuniie , 7 : Oes Molncs , 13. Kr- ron * : Dtibunue. 4 ; De" ? Molne ? . C. Batteries' : Dubuque , Nonnemaker and Sullivan ; Des Molncs. Mock and Lohman. HOCKKOUD , III. , July 13.-Score : Ilockford . 0 IS Burlington . 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 3 2 7 Base h's ! : Ilockford. 22 ; Burlington 13. Er rors : Hoi-liforil , a ; Burlington , b. liatterles : Hoc kfunl. Connors and Huff ; Burlington , Coons and Williams. i\iis OP TIIU IIVILY AMATIM'IIS. Neb. . July 13. ( Special Tele gram. ) The Fremont base ball nine downed the Iloopi-r boys In a gainu this afternoon which was too one-sided to be Interesting. Tie ! Hooper boys had a good battury , but the HU port WAP miserable exc-pt in right Held , wiiere Huuu-h gathered In live hard Illes. The hume teum put up u good all-round game. Score : Frc-mont 52303103 ' 17 Huoper 000020010 3 Ha a hits : Fretnunt. 8 : Hooper. 7. Errors. : Hooper , II ; Fremont , 5. Struck out : lly Scho- mack. 3 ; by Villinan , 2 ; by Doschtill 1. Bases on biiiU : Off Schomack , 2 : off Villinan , 1 ; off noschull. 1. ButterleB : Fremont Schomack nnd Kades ; Hooper , N llman , Uuschull and Jay Cook. Umpire : Himmers. lli" < i-r > - < - Liinkliiur fur Ciiinen , Thu Heservis have won two of their series with the South Side Athletic club. Si-ore flint omc : Hfservfs 0 0 0 4 C 3 4 17 Si-uth Side 0-10 Score second game : Jlescrvis 0 0 1 7 4 2 3 17 South Side 1 0 0 3 4 I 3-15 terls : Reserves , Tracy nnd Hart ; South Sl'le. Hanson and Ilekeben. The IleK-rves would like to hear from the Han.scom Parks \V > i > t Omahas or any team In ihe clt yuveraiilne IS years. liidllliiH Win ill AVOI-II. AVOCA. la , July 13.-Suorlal.J-n ( [ the game here yesterday betwten the Nebraska Indians and the home team the visitors cai- rled of ( the honors. Score : Avcca 00100000 O l Indians 00320 100 -9 Base hltw Avoca. 7 : Indians , IB. Rrrors : Avoca , 1 ; Indians I. HatterUs : Avoca. Hey- nier and Hupp : Indians. Scott and Kelr Struck out : By Soott , 13 ; by Heymer , 0. L'm- plren : Norton and B-jpllste. Time of f/ Twu hours. Attendance. 600. Yi-ll.m KliUoi Su Vi-IliMV , When the Yellow Kids and Dolan's Colt * sot through , the score stood : Yell IK Kids 1002010 4 Dolan's CDlts 010000 0 1 llatteritb. Velli-w Kids. Hellwlg and Ily- betiDolan'M ; Colts. Jlenn and Lacey biru-k out : BynybergJ5 : by Henn. 12. _ _ Jobbery in | . ' < rt Hrle Itncex , Bl' N. Y. , July 13.-There was Job liery at the p.rl Krlo tra'k today and thi Judkfeu ruled oft another Jockey and declared all beta off. It was In the Hteeplechase Lady LiKhtfoot , tlir favorite on form , and the other * entered were neglected In the ti2ok . whllt Do Do wan played for severa thbu-ancU At the fur Jump Naught. . Lady Llshtfi-ofa Jockey , slid off hi * h .rs HlgKlnn juillril M < rvt-na ut every Jump i- rurit that he finally -fused ( and Kllnn let Trip 'I b u out of the courseDo I. . ivake'l ! in a-ne | . a the winner I'atro suw the vork and Naughtun wxi mled nff A further ! nvr tlCTan ( ! l belnp ; held nnd several other rolliiK.1' oft are likely. CAI.fJWI'.I.I , AMI \SKr.M. . VICTOHS. Cnptiirr ( tip City Doubles Chninplon- xblp In Ten n N. The flnnl In the doubltfl In the Omnhn city tennis tourney was plnyed last even- ins and Sam Caldwell and Frank llaskell nre the tn troiolltan [ chmnplons. Their victory was l > otli n brilliant and deserved one. ( or nfttr hnvlng KOI them selves badly In the hole , they recovered themselvr * and gave an exhibition of racket wielding seed for strabismus. The weather was again as If made to or der , and a fair nit-.n.biti.e ot good looking young women and well dro * ed men \\alcheo tlio vnrylnR shudrs of the contest with un disguised Interest. Play began at 6 o'clock sharp , with Horace ace Hitrr in the scorei'n chair nnd General Will Cowln umpire. IM Mornetuati com- p'alned ' of trouble In the reitton of the plexus , and was attired In rather hnnvy sweater , which wns more or less of a handli up. nnd ausrd him to perspire freely as he chused his opp.ineiil' . . drives fr < > in ono lde cf the court to the other. The play at first wa < extremely cautious , Au tln ant ! MrvrsiMimn pemliuf to be sizing up their nn- laKxnlsls. In the meantime the ubliiultou * lli. kell nnd the vigilant Caldwell ran up poli.t nfler point , and soon hud the set by a sv.ore of 6-3. This disaster apparently awoke Austin and Mora-man to tne fact that they were facing fciemen wo'l worth their yteel. and they went in with a dash to redeem them- selve.- * . Austin \\a pjirtlctilarly alert , and while actively engaged In ortcctling the cfforlD of his ndvMMirlcp , he kept up a i-ontlnuou coaching for Mnrvetnan , and fnved many a point by these In.'tie . * that would have otherwise gone to thp opposi tion , and when they had captured two nets In a rtumniiiry manner. HIP llr t xand < ! the second fl-3 , the guieral rplnlnn was that It uas all over but the shouting. Hut a" Is often the va v , DM Gen ral Opin ion was way olT his ba. < e. llaskcll and Ca.d- well , In the face of what looked like cer tain defeat , touk it brace an.I went round their supple opponents from this uti out like c.wpers around a barrel. Caldwell'H pickups clcx e to the m-t were great , whinll.iikell's all-around play hurt never been excelled In this neck 'o the woods. Morsetuan evi dently grew weary in the face of hl < con- stunt fusllade. and began to Hag percepti bly before the fourth set was far under way. lie stuck nt it grimly , however , and gave lltful displays ) of his c-arly form , but even ihesc were Insulllclent to junterbal- - nnce the machine-like play of Ha.-'kell and Caldwell. Hey Austin WIVM In a delirium of nervoui excitement. He saw tne coveted hoiuir * Hlipplnn away from him , and with n resolu tion deserving of success he redoubled hl > efforts to stave off the Inevitable. Kvi-ry llbre , every sinew , wan taxed to the utmo t. He grew livid and Inflammatory by turns , vnclferated to his partner , "sweat" like a canal boatman , and gave a ouperb Imitation uf perpetual motion , putting up magnificent tennis nil the time , but to no avail , ( 'aid- well and llaskcll took the fourth and llfth sets In the most stattllng and signal man ner , the first 0-4 and the second 0-2 , leaving the evening' * score : Caldwell and llaskcll. fl-3. B-S. 3- . 6-3 , 0-S , 3-11 , fi-t. 0-2. The hurd-fuUKht contest over , Austin and Morseman were the first to c.myratulate their conquerors. There \M ic also two sets of singles played , Haversllrk against A. G. Young , the latter being granted a half-fifteen handicap. Play In this began with Haversti.-k serv ing and In hl usual sprightly mariner he won tht1 llrs t set hanully by a score of fi-4. The second , while evtn more one-side I , was better played and attracted a gond deal cif attention. The features \\cre Havcritlck'H accurate volleying and smashing nt the net. Vcmng'M drive was effective , but his backhand strokes were rather weak , though taken all In all he made a very creditable showing and cannot be accorded too much praise for his plucky stand against such odds. This evening will witness the start In the preliminary round of singles. While they will bo rushed throuph with all the ; expedition possible It Is quite probable that the llnal will not be reached until Saturday evening , although the hope Is to have them playd utt in the afternoon. uvii.vrs ox TIIU nr.VM.vo THACKS. Hill .lluCllllIllll' " lllllllllM-lvlMlk-ll Is Ili-iiti-n lit Oiiklc-y. CINCINNATI , O. . July n.-itlll McGuig- an's crack 2-year-old , Hannuokburn , wa < beaten at Oakley today. It was the cult'c first appearance since he won the. Louisville futurity , and he was probably sshort of work , as he failed to llnlsh Inside f the money. Mac-Ivor won the race , with llamp- den a gond second nnd Dr. Black third. Hiinnockburn , In spite of bin bad rate today , may b matched against Hamburg. John MacHen's speedy 2-year-old , now In the east. The race was devoid of exciting features ti - dny and the bolting was i > oor. Track good Hesults : First race , live furlong * : Mole , 10S ( Clay ton ) . ' . ) to 1 , won ; King Bermudi , 113 < C. Heirt ) , W to 1 and 3 to 1 , second ; Wilson. 109 ( T. Murphy ) . 9 to 2 , third. Time : 1:0.V : Bon Jour , Cob , Seaport , St. Haymond , Ten Pin * also ran. Second race , six furlongs , selling : Protus. 107 ( Clayton ) , 7 to 1. won ; Strathre. ; ! . 101 ( Morrison ) , , " > to 2 and even , second ; Lufra , 102 ( T. Murphy ) . 4 to 1 , third. Time : 1:15- : % Motllla. Faunettc , Pouting , Trlmuda , Pelt : Kitchen and Sir Andrew also ran. Third , live and onu-half furlongs : Maclvor , 113 ( C. Hclff ) . 3 to 1 , won ; Ilamp- len , 10S ( Beau'mmp | ) , C to 5 and 3 to 1 second ; Dr. Black , 10S ( Clayton ) , 10 to 1. third. Time : l.OHvi. Bannockburn and In cidental also ran. Fourth race , free handicap , one and one- sixteenth miles : , Meadnwthorpu , inn ( T Murphv ) , S to 5 , won ; Elusive , 10S ( IJi-iu- fhamp ) . 3 to 2 and 3 to 5 , second ; Belle Bramble , 1)0 ) ( T. Burns ) , 3 to 1 , third. Time : 1.31. Arlington abc > ran. Fifth race , one mile : Elano , 100 ( Beau- champ ) , S to 0 , won ; The Bachelor. 101 ( Plg- gott ) , 5 to 2 and even , second ; Booze , 10S tClnytnn ) , 7 to 1 , third. Time : 1:17. : White Oak , Honor , Ilasper , Dayo and Ben Naiad also ran. Sixth race , MX furlongs : Meddler , 107 ( PlgButt ) . ! ) to 5 , won : Serrano , 109 ( Beau- champ ) , 3 to 1 and S to 5 , second ; Abe Furst , 103 ( C. Helff ) . 5 to 2. third. Time : 1:16 : > . Old Law aluo ran. KANSAS CITY , July 13. In the third race today Melody ran the fastest live furlongs ever made on the half mile track at Ex position park , beating the previous record uf 1:03 : by , a quarter of a second. Weather cool ; track fast. IlesiilU : First race , four and one-half furlongs : Ella T won. High License second , Taran- tc-'la ' third. Time : 0:57'4. : Sc- end race , seven furlongs : Galgo won. Bryarwoud second , No Pull third. Time : 1:33. : Third race , five furlongs : Melody won. Frank Nichols second. Caddie C third. Time : l.i&t. Establishes track record. Fourth lace , four and one-half furlongs : Clara N won , Illllle Heck second , Thurnun third. Time : 0-.5S. Fifth r.ifono nnd one-sixteenth miles- Little Chris won , Harmony aecond , Wild Tartar third. Time : 1:03. : NKW YoPvK , July 13. There was a mal | attendance at the Brighton beach track , the heavy riln making It too uncomfortable many to venture out. The track was like a lake and the new parts were xo dan gerous that It was con lu led to run tin- fifth and hlxth race-1 on the main track. In stead of out of the i-hute. Hut one fixture was on the card , tln N'aulllux make. In which but four marled , and It was nothing more than an exercise gallop for the favor ite. Sunny Slope. Thn ntcwarda of the Jockey club met at the track today to con- - Idcr the running of The Friar. Ilcsultx : First race , one mile , selling : Solvable. 107 ( Thorpe ) , 2 to 1 and 3 to 5 , won : Oom- Itor , M ( Sloan ) . 7 to 5 und 2 to G , second ; Deer Slayer , 110 ( Doggnttl , Z to 1 and 0 to 5 , third. Time : 1.17. Ed Kearney , Emo tional and Ilcfugee also ran. Second race , live furlongs : Decanter , 112 ( O'Leary ) , C to 2 , won ; Vlgcnta , 112 ( Ben nett ) . 1 ! > to 1 und ! > to I , sec-olid : Dogt > wn , 112 ( Lewis ) , I t 1 and 7 to 6 , third. Time I'W. O ney. Mr. Hunt , Inspection , Itegie .May. The Uupper , Fulano , New burg ur.d Spunwell also ran. Third rare. Nautilus , mile and a nxn-enth Sunny Slope , 109 ( Whit.l. 11 to S und 3 n ' won ; Azure , lit ( Doggitt ) , S to 1 and ' > in - second ; Fireside 1U9 ( Corbey ) , 8 to 5 and 1 to 2 , third. Time : 1:55. : Haphuzird * ran Fourth race , one mile , nellingSifa t. won ; Premier. 110 ( Thorpe ) . ; > to 2 an I > t 5 , second ; Dr. Slmpard , 112 ( Barrett ) . : ( tn 1 anil 4 to 5 , third. Time : l : 0 i. 'JVm Cr un well and Manchester also ran. Fifth race , nix furlongs : Swanijo. 112 ( Thorpe ) i-ven anl out , won : Hly Fox. 117 ( Doggetti , o to r > and out , second ; Storm Queen , ; < 0 < Scherrer ) , 1& to 1 and 5 to 2 , third. Time. 1:1X. : Eiland aUo ran. Sixth rac-e. six furlungs , selling : 10in , 112 ( Pickering ) . ID to 1 and I to 1 won. Ma- honey. 1U2 K/Cnnnor ) . & to 1 and 2 to 1 eec- end ; Nedji-d , ( Cole ) . 20 to 1 and 8 to I. third Time : 1 CO. Ormont. Michael O. Motorrnan. Diana's Daughter. HUzewoocj , Slinonlun and Klnvarru aUo rac. ST. LOl'IS. July 13. Only one favorite won at th fair grounds today. The weather wan warm and the track fast. Attendance , 5(0) Jleaults : First race , felling , six furlongs : Imp Sugar. Iu3 ( Weblcri. . 6 lo 1 and 2 tcj t. .won : Amelia Fonso , 102 ( C Slaughter ) . 7 tr , 2 ini"l 0 lo 5 fecon4 : Netilral. 1W ( Van Dus n ) Kite to 1. thirl. Time : 1:15V : . Cheiata .lu l e Stoufftr Gallliee. Botanic , Hose d'Or. ( Jro- ganette. Tommy Kuttcr and Imp Tbalrquab also ran. Juanlta wjs left at the po- ! Second race , purue. for 2-year-ol.I ( lilies , five furlonKB- Hello ! M-m phis 1'V. ' < J. ' .Mitlh13 : t < 2 -m < l 't to 3. 'Aon ; Marzella. l-.O Ul > t- toni. 13 i . 'i an 1 t 'o r > e. i.nd , N'uht ' Ouvsi M ( Kltleyi U | .i 5 tnlrd Time 13 > St v r. Hhpijers , Kiny Sir ISireiu. . Kail , llu'uc ford and Hlltheful aby ran Third race , selllnt' , one mile and tvver'1 ' ynrJs- tdy Itrllannlc. < 5 ( Stevenrt. S to 1 nnd 9 to 5. won ; V'ncle Pat. W ( Cunningham ) , 100 to 1 nnd 40 to 1. second ; Parole d'Or M ( Lynch ) , O ) to 1 , third. Time : 1 4Mi. Candy , Gurnet Hippie The Planet. Moralist. New- hotiso and lirldgeioii al o ran Fourth race , pur e. six furlongs : Grey- hurst , 92 ( \VootlM. . Ifi to 5 .Mid 7 to 10. won ! Gustav Cook UV. ( . Drnn > , 10 to 1 nnd S to 2 , cocond : Brtdert , W il'etermmi ) . 7 to 2 , third. Time : t-lo. Horseshoe Tobacco and Unrlnnd Barr also ran. Fifth race , jelling , one tulle and an eighth : Glad Uyes. vi ( C. Combs ) 4 to 1 and even. won ; Donation. lt > | ( C. SlnuBhler ) , 3 to I and 4 to 6 , second ; Aslrflda SI ( Fro t ) . 9 to 2 , third. Time : 1-SB4. Snckvlllp. Tin Cms A II C and Black Silk also tan. Sixth race , selling , slfurlotiRs : Ml i Verne , ( Stevens ) . t ; . to 1 and r to 1 , won ; ll-balr. 101 ( Wnrrenl. 0 to 5 and 1 to 2. sw ot : . ) ; Our niPhiMi , lol ( J. Lynchl , 15 tn 1. third. Time. Ils. : F.lslo D , Slddubln. May Galop. Travis , Dick Bt-han and Nicholas also ran. Til IMC MMIOwm.l.'H ril V.M'lJs ( JIHM ) . . .j KiiKlNti Oiirvitii-n Sny lie I * Miic-b I in- Itrmcil O r I.U-.I Vonr. HICNLEY-ON-TIIAMF.S , July ll.-Any. thing like a fnn--ast of the winners dtirlnif the three da > s' racing which begins tomor row would be exceedingly dltllcult , for Iho races ( tie the must open In the matter of entries that have been planned here fop years. Professional n.irsmen. however , nro firm believers that Dr. W. S. McDowell ot thu Delaware Boat club of Chicago Is a very dangerous competitor. He Is very much ut tered in form for the better , n snmewb.iL lighter nnd will row nt 100 pounds Dr. McD.iwetl said this morning : "I am vnry well ; In fact , I never felt better In my life. 1 nm confident that 1 gave away lust years race with Beaumont 1 do not be lieve he will over retch the tlnnK but If I meet him I certainly expect to defeat him. Some of the pcrtlng critic * pretend nut U like my form , but they mint admit that the boat travels. Pcr < nniliy I think the \Vln- nlpeB < will win In the S'-ward ChalleiiRn cup race , and I erp.-i I tn ee New c ill.-go defeat Lcunder. Wnntevet- happens I do not think the Dutchmen will win" Hon. H. A. Gulnneia of the Thames llnw- Ing club who meets McDowell III the flrt round , said this morning " 1 think M.-- Dowell Is in much better form than In lsi ; * ! , but 1 mean to give him a hard row. " MTTIMII IIATO FOLLOW OV. Pblliulellililmi , MIIMI Cruel ; TIMIIII linn In I'lnj Crh-K-i-l. NOTTINGHAM Kng. . July -The < rclt-t ! match between the Gentlemen of Philadel phia and the eleven n prtl--'iiUng Nottingham , which \\a begun , \esteid.iv , was continued today. At the clo'e of play yesterday th Phlladel-dilans h-id scored 300 runs In their llrrt Innings for six wickets down. Today they tlnMied Ihrlr llrst In nings with a total score ? of 121 rum. The Nottingham eleven were all out In tin ir llr t Innings for 211 run , nnd at the close , .f play today had twenty-live tuns on their second Innings. C > i-l > Hun to Kenrncy. GHAND ISLAND. Neb. , July ! 3.-Spe- ( elal. ) The Grieiital Cycle club of this city contemplates a run to Kniriicy next Sun day , and u U be leve.l that at least twenty wljeelmen and w < mien from thls city will Join In the tun. The trip Is one ( if ninety miles for both ways and will be madi : ut the cool of the mnrnlng and late In the evening. i'\iti\\-ii.i. : : DHii.i. HV TIII : HIFI.K.S. I.i-nvf * Tiidiiy fin * tinSIMIIC - uf Ilio Cciiili t. Over a thousand people assembled at the corner of Sixteenth and Douglaa streets lajt night lo nltncffi the farewell diill of Omaha'i crack military organization , the Thurat < n IllllcB. Tor over a month the boys lu btt.o have been putting In their time at llio Charles tit red grounds in drilling. The se vere work , although It has left hollows In the cheeks ot some of the men. has gone a long way toward making them perfect in the manual of aims. The exhibition lest night started shortly after 8 o'clock and wan carried through for nearly an hour. Under the leadership of Captain Koya the men were put through their paces , and tl-n best display that has ever been given lu Omaha was afforded thu spectators. The men showed themsiclvcs partlculirly apt In the ino'vementH In double quick tltno , also In the- manner of carryli.g their hrmn. In the various movements which bruught tha men In line the bayonets formed a fault less line from curb to curb , and the ap- plaut-e of the bystanders was frequent anil polongcd. At the llnlsh of the drill thr a clierni were given by the crowd for the departing soldiers , and It wnt * the uiiat.imous sinti- mc'iit that they would brin ; the Galvc&tou cup back from San Antonio ( lie latter portion tion of th ! month. This afternoon at 3:50 : the Thurston Rifles leave for the Interfitatc competitive dilll , which takes place at San Antonio July 17 to 25. The Missouri Pacifl" has been B-lectccI as the route over wluu they will travel , and a special train hao been provided for the excursionists. Thl lll bJ decorated with streamers bearing the name of tl'O Omaha company. The number of m ° n who will go to San Antonio will bo about fifty. The drill squad coit : < l&ts of forty picked nien , and In addi tion to thki there will be olx cmcrgcn.-y men. Lieutenant Van Ll-r.v an- ) Sergeant Shaw of Fort Harrison. .Mont. , will also ac company the men. lleflde * thu J'i.OOO p-lzn the Thurstons will c'ntlt.ivor to captuta ihu discipline prize of $ fiO and the Incllviiltul medalti , contesting of three valued at $50 , $25 and $10 respectively. Great preparations havj bi'n ) madi to re ceive the Omaha boys at San Antonio , nnd Miss Lilian Maverick , a prominent young society woman , has coiipctiife : ! to art an uponsor. H Is expected that a largo ntimlK-r of friends of the Itlllos will li at the train to hid them nucccm upon tnclr errand this afternoon. _ Will Hiielvilln > Pi-i-slilrnl. W. U. Taylor received a special Invitation yesterday from Chairman William H. Har per of the committee of arrangements , hav ing In charge the unveiling of the Logan monument In Chicago , asking him to mrvo upon the reception committee. This commit * tee will have charge of the ( .reparations fur eimridlnlng . McKlnU-y and hli fcmlly. Mr. Taylor left last evening fur Chicago cage and will there Join tlie other members cli-tnlled for the work. They will pr > . c-d to Washington and will return with the pre-.t- Ident on a ppeelal train. The unveiling of the monument takes place In Chicago on the lake front July 22. UlMt ui-l b l.iiiuiiiCim vi-n I Ion. A party of about llfhen persons left lait night for Toronto , ' 'in. , to attend the convention of the F.pwortti i agui > . Nurnr - ous towns In Nebraska snl Uclegal-s .ird an c-xtrsi car was Ft-nt east last evenlun tjv r thu Northwestern tu a. coinmodntii Die a.MI- . tlnnal travel. Amoni ; tlrimxvho go frum t-3 ! ! point were MH. ! < M. L. Bullmger und Mr. Cieorgo Angel. .Sirll.i-M HU Wife- . A. Scalzo. an elev ilor c-onductur living at UOS Jones street , wa * arrcs-ttd lant nlghl for ni < saultlng his wife. The ouple have- hail ron lderahln trotildr ill limes luat und > > i - terday Mr" . Hcalzo said something which dU- pleaji-d hc-i spoui < ' - . II > accordlnsly flnn-IC rif-r u\i-r tb. ' h-i 1 Atth a l.upipipy ha Lhunccd to be bm Kit K Uncle Rain's army is not as bifr as it was in lo61-5 , but his soldiers now , as Jhen , BtuTcr from Kidney Diseases con tracted by exposure , bad water , etc. A small army of old veterans have been cured of Kidney and Bladder diseases. You too be I lii\e HiifL-ii'd fi.t > > rii : I.H * u. I. 'T'lnla ' k I'I NO' ii.'iil- ! * ju I r.u , , . , ; - ' , i , . . < -n uili ! n I with ibeu.railini In f.nt mill ) 1 Kot l" > \ uf lr. Ilcibbr S.iijjjij | Ki'iMy I'll.I at Ihe .Iru ) ; i > ler ot l'hu > . H llruner a few c-k nit' , . I htj not been entirely fretfi'rn ' i > aln ( or a number ot year * . I atn nuw Kid" ! tay that my iherna- tUrn hai l ft mr. Hint that mr kMney iruubla pi-em * tu haw t-i * r. greatly l/enetlt. fl. ii'iU ull r.wlnut'.he in-il' i , ! IT l.jtb HIMIUJIJI Kla. ney 1'ilU ALKX "iNI'ITlV AI.I/ilVAV. Vrn , . : it. Neb , A'i ii ' i.-i h * . < ocnt-J In ; : ij J r > t > . ' ' i Sparaps Kidney Pills , HOIIHS lii.Mr in 1.0 ,1'nui'uiETou , t'uicioa lr II n.l" . KrrSuc ici U'.IVIIA Kl.ll by lls , v i i | { - i , lir , it and Mln.T.I -ij , , ; , \ > ixir li'liaucl JJcu-lmBt- .