Newspaper Page Text
THE OMAHA DAILY BE.E : FRIDAY , AUGRTST CM 1897. SPEG1AL NOTICES Advertisement * for tliec colninn * Mill tieInUen iinlll IB ( n. for the nnil nnlll H ) i. in. for tlio nnil Sunday edition * . Advertiser * , liy reiiie. llnKn nnni- liereil olii-L'K' , etui linve mi * 'er ad- Iri-Ksoil to a iiiiinliereil letter In earn f Tins llee. AnntverN * o nddreMneil ulll lie delivered on iirvMeiitiillon of the elieek iinly. llnli-M , li < , < > n niiril llr t lnerlloii | 1 a ivord thereafter. NotlilnK < nU n Tor II-MM limn li.- < ! for the llrnt Inner- ilon. TheHi ; iidvertleniinlH iiiitNt lie run cnnvi'entlvel- . \VA > TiiHITl'ATIOX. W.IMIHHIH : TUKATKU. Turn ro. . 32-3 Clininber of Commerce. A M173 AM SITUATION AS iiousiitii-piii : : IN IMUVATH family , Imvo bliuill Klrl. Inquire 3311 Jones nl. A-MK2 7 SITUATION WA.N'TKO AS lOOICKir.l'UIl OH clerical wnrlu licit of reference. AiMreiw I' 1 , lice. A MSCS C WA.vri-3iiMAi.ii HELP. CANVASHHHS TO TAKE OUDKtlS ; NEW MNE of work , no liciivy itnoil * to curry. salary or commission. O. 1" . Adams Co. , 221 So. Kith St. I1-M33T WANTED MKN TO L1SAU.N OUIt llt'SINKSS : rx | > f-rlf-nca not nprossnry ; oilliny ( inlcl while learning. Oil nl 1516 DOUBIIM. 11 Man All BALEHMEN KOIl CIOAUS , I23 A MONTH AMD priK-niK-s , oM linn : expeilenre unnopeimnry ; In- iliicrmcnts to customer * . C. C. lllnhnp & Co. , St. I.Q11U , II-M147 VllKK 8AMPLI3 OP HKPIICT OF 11EAUTY True Co. . 325 Clmmlicr of Commerce. II-M1T4 A20 WANTED CANVAHSEHS NO EXriJUlENCE ncccnnty. J. .T. dlljsun. Ill Kim Nnl'l Hank. n-.M8ao _ 115 A WEEK KAKII.Y MADE ADVEIIT1SINO our Konils ; new premium plan , 312 H. Kill st , . * H-4.M-C WANTED. TUAVEI.INO SALESMAN ; MUST lie u hustler. AiMress I * 7 , ! ! < > p. Il-MMS C WANTED. MANAClEtl KOU 1IUANCII OFKU'K In Omaha ; salary , 11,200 unrt commlHslon ; J7."il ) rauli capital rciiulrnl , nlmi KOOC ! leferences. 78 Elllcutt Sijimre , Huflnlo. N. V. 11-M531 WANTED. MAN WHO UNOEHRTANDH CAKE nnd driving of hnnn-n In private family ; nlio KmerM work arnmitl prfmtt OH ; Rood placn for rlKlit party , Htatc nimllltaulons and experi ence. A < Mnvui I' 12 , lle. . 1I-MS59 8" WANTED IIXTIIA t'LOTlllXO SALESMEN AT TinContinental. . Apply at lltli htrcet entrance Vrlilny between 11 nnd 12 a. in. 11 COO 3 WANTED , EXrEUIENOED THEE SALESMEN' ; salary and exprnsos ; basis , 3D per cent : ad vance 20 per r nt ; m Investment required , ex- rcpt to Rel to "BranK" Bouthern Iowa or other territory , fmproviil oiilllln : t nd recommenda tion ? SpnuldliiK Co. , i-pauldlns. 111. II M3G3 11 STEEL 1'LATE PAI.ENDAnS : WE WANT A worker , exclusive territory. The ( * hail"s El liott Co. , IIr- > ail nnd Itace Bts. , Philadelphia. WWrKllFKM ALE HELP. 100 01ULR FOR ALL KINDS WOUIC ; $3 TO $7 week. Canadian Olllce , 1S22 Douglas. C-M3SS Sl'PKHFLt'OlTK IlAin IlEMOVED I'ErtMA- nenlly. True Co. , 326 Chamber of Cominerec. C M17SA20 WANTED , WOMAN KOU DENEUAL HOIISE- worl , . ( wo In family : wim-ra. $4 per week. If ' 9 California In forenoon. C SIS WANTED. A OOOD O1UI. FOH OENEMAL housew.irk. 121 So. IDtli St. C M53S SAI . ! " ! ADV WANTED TO HANDLE SPECIAL line , cxeluslve territory Klvcn ; no cosmetics Address P 10 , llee. C M3IO 7 FOU IIOl'SES IN ALT. PA UTS OF THE CITY. TIIH O , V Dax'la Company , 1505 Farnam. D 3D9 HOUSES ! IJENEWA .t CO , . IDS N. 13TH STD \ D 400 _ JIODEKN HOUSES. C. A. STAHR , S23 N. Y. Life. D-Q1 ) _ CHOICE 1IOIISES AND COTTAOES ALL OVEH tlio city , J5 to J30. Fidelity , 1702 Farnam St. D 402 HOUSES , WALLACE , H11OWN 11LOCK. 1CT11 nnd Douglas. D 403 HOUSES , COTTAOES & STORES. ALL PAIlTf- of city. lrennan , Love Co. , 430 Paxton block D 401 _ MOVING HOUSEHOLD GOODS AND .PIANOS Om. Van & Storage Co. , 1413 Farnam. Tel. KM. D 403 _ LAIIOE LIST. M'CAGUE , 15TII AND DODGE , D 406 _ HOUSES , FLATS. GAUVIN BROS. , 1613 FAIJN'X' ' D407 _ _ _ HOUSES FOH RENT. 11EMIS , PAXTON T1I.K D-408 _ _ _ _ HOUSES. J. II. SHERWOOD , 423 N. Y. Life D 408 _ _ U-ROOM FI VT. DOUGLAS. NEAR 24T1I , MOD crn , steam heat. Inqulie Llndqulnt , 31C S IMh D-4II _ FOH RENT , ELEVEN ROOM 11H1CK REfit dcnre. modern In every respect. Steam heat electric llclit. Located nt the southwest cornel 17th nnd Iouila His. Apply to It.v Inior ! Superlnli-iident llee bldK. D C32 FOR RENT , MODERN FLAT. REST IN TllT city , In new Davlilce bulldlns , opposite clt ; hull , refereneen requlreil. John W. R'ibblns , nRcnt. 1S02 Fnrnam pfreet. t _ _ D-157 STANFORD CIRCLE COTTAGES , 0 ROOMS S. W. cor 13th and Vlntnn llnest location It city for bnrlnets men of Omalin and Soutl Omaha rcntB moderate. 'JO I i ; e DulldliiR. ELEGANT MODERN I1OUHE. < M1 avenue. n-4M 5 .FOR R ENT , "LA iui tr ToTr noTisi : , ATi modem , near i\iionltlon Kroundx htfum lieut elrctrio Ilxhj : mvrytlilns : ilr t i-law ; $35.00 \ > t innntli. W. II. RUfScll. CIS N. Y. Life. D 545 10 _ _ _ DE.SIRAIU.E R I.AIJOB ROOV MODElo home , nna location. S31 S. SIst st. st.D D M.TTS 6 ROOMS , 100(1 ( CAPITOL AVB. E-M303 7 SUITE OF 3 ROOMS , FURNISHED COMPI.ETI lor llsht houBekei-pliiR ; ec-iiiinlly loc.iled. Ad dree ? "P a , " llee olllce. K-M53J b I.ARoTrBoiTiTFi'iToN'i''ViotM"vnTii ' with or without lienrd. SSM ) Hainey Ht Ft IIMSlIlil ) KO01IS AVI ) HOARD. NICE COOL "llOOM ; OOOD IIOATlI ) : RATE reakonatila , Tlio Rc e. S020 llniney r AL11ANV , FINE I/1CATION. nccoiniuodnted. ilOl DaiiKKm F MM7 S MODERN "itRlOK. ROOM S. oO UP ; HOARD < 30Q. 6H North mil. NICE ROOMS , AVIT1I HOARD. " . ( T is2i TllN ney st F M5r , | S' NICELY FURNISHED FRONT Ro'oMH WITI board. 2U1S Duuslan. F MH74 It * UOOMS , loOM.S AL1 maderii ; lawn , tlmdr , vte. 124 Miami Vtreel ( l-MS3fi _ r4)ll IIIS.\'l'STOIIliH AM ) OIWUM3S. ' FOR RENT-IN THE ; I1EE IJt'JI.DlNCls One luiKe corner room , in , I Dour , ultli vault an pilvatu olllce , water , etc. Dn liuio ( rout room , 2nd floor , divided into tw room by partition , water , etc. Dnu large corner ronin , Jnd lloor , with vauli wnlfr , vto. One front room , divided by partition , third noor , ln corner looai with vault , third Jloor. One Uriris rMiin , third lluor , with partlllon dMr Inc | t Intb one luigu room und two numllt private uoniK , water , tic , T u luice Kround lluur roonu with vaults , Hcvera ) unall iuom un fuuith Hour , with vuult All then * room * nru he.itei with bteam , clectrl ilKhta , uipllrd ] with lint 0.113 Junlior servlci UlevutorK run day and ull nlvht , JIulMIn kiiU'tlv fireproof , Apidy la Rv. . linker , tiupei ivfrnt , iooiuioi ( , J ! o llulldlmI19J _ UENTDErilC ROOM IN GROUND FLOO ! olllce. Hot l > ulldii | ; WHter. ( team heat , tilectrl and janitor service. Apply to It. \ \ , mipertntendent lU'e llullUIni1 197 FOlt RENT -IMPLEMENT UUU.niNO"loNn one In town ; ulie. 40xsO ; twn-ktory ; bekt iua tlon 111 Iniva. , Avldrefa llandull & Otto , ( lalvi la , ' -M37i-A7 _ _ _ _ FOinTENT--TIIK 4-8TOUY ItRICK llUILoTN 01 316 Fuinain St Tlaa bulbllni ! has a Itrepnx reinent liamneM romulrie MCJIH hcr.tliiK Hi lurti Wilier mi ull llo-r * . can , etc. Apply i the olllcv of The U . AOUXTS XVAXTHI ) . .ADY AGENTS TO TAKE ORDERS FOR True Co. , 26 Chamber of Commerce. J-M172-A20 JOI.D , ALASKA , rt'Mj INFORMATION CON- tnlnert In our d crlptlve li-iok , Just puMlnhed ' , 2fp cents by mail , How to Get There , 'What to DII. ARents wanted. Monumental Publishing Co. , Haltlmore , Md. J MS61 6 SIIOHTII.VM ) .VXD TYIMJWIIITI.N'O. \ , C. VAN SANT'9 SCHOOI. , 513 N. Y. UFE. 42f. VT OMAHA UUS. COLLEGE , ICTH & DOUGLAS. AVANTUI1-.TO 11 ISN'T. Hi OH B-HOOM MODERN COTTAGE WITHIN ten minutes' walk of pontoftlce , Address. P 13 , llee office. _ K-Wt i' S'ANTED. FURNISHED ROOM I Y OENT1.E- man ; state price and conveniences. Address I1 17 , Ileo otllco. K-M563 C ACIFK ; STORAGE AND WAREHOUSE co. , 903-010 Jones. General ttorage and forwarding. ) M. VAN & STORAGE , HIS FARNAM. TEL , . 1SS : M 412 WAXTHI1 TO IHJV. 1EST PRICE PAID VO\l OMAHA SAVINGS bank accounts at room DOO N. Y. Life Hulldlng. N 201 sAi.tiioitsis AXD 'OH SALE CHEAP-GOOD HORSE , HARNESS , two buggies nnd one pediller'B spring wagon ; also plumbers' tools , nt 3220 North 2Cth Ktrect. John Madison. I' M37G A7 'OK SALE-GODDAHD PHAETON , HAMMOND typewriter ; both good ns mnv. R. C. 1'atterson , Patterson Illock. P 521 KOU SAI.IS J 3AWIMJ9T , 11ULIC Oil SACKKD-rnUJIlINa uml hug fence. C. U. Ie. 001 Douglas. KOU ! ? AL13-KUKSH COWS. JAMB * WltKLAN , Mh nnd Ornce. g-S70-All IIALDNKSS CtlltMD. TllUK CO. . KK CHAM- her of Commerce. Q MliC AM FOR HALE NATIONAL CASH 11KCII8TKU , first chma comlltlnni will cell cheap. W. J , Hunter Grocer , 3002 N. ! 4th St. Q 51S-S * MISCKI.I.AXI50US. MIDLAND IlUflOY CYCLE CO. , C. A. EDL1NO lifer. New ' 97 carriage * , buggies nnd blcyol" ! at low prices. Wheels tented by hour or day Illcycle repairing. 310 N. ICth St. ; tel. 1201. R M S25 A 10 FALLING HAIR CURED IN TEN DAYS True Co. , 326 "hamber of Commerce.RM177 R-M177 A20 CLA1HVOVAXTS. MADAM C.LYMYR. ONLY GENUINE L1F1 render ; tells Iinmes. ndvlee. love , marriage law. reunites frluids : fee. f.Oc and up ; satis factory readings ; hours , 10:30 to 7. 1519 Far nnm. S M573 C * MASSACR , IIAT11S , HTC. MADAM SMITH , 1313 DOUGLAS , MASSAGE steam baths. T 147-u MRS. DR. LliON , ELECTRIC MASSAGE 1JAT1 parlors , restful and curative. 417 S. llth. up stairs. T M310 s IETIRING FACE CRE"\M REJUVENATE ! the skin , making It a.H smooth , .soft and clea as u child's ; every wrinkle , every line am every Indication of lime's harsh treatmon banished. Tiuc Co. , 326 Chamber of Com mercc. U M17S A : o MME. M. TRUE WILL 1E AT HER OFFIC1 every afternoon nnd will gladly give her tlm to those who have heietofore been unable t ! > ee her In per&on. 326 , Chamber of Commerce U M1CO A-20 VIAVI FOH UTERINE TROUI1I.KS , 340-8 HEI Hide. ; phyelclan , consultation or health boo ] free. U 414 SECRET OF BEAUTY ; IT IS IIARMI.ESsTT will not Injure the most delicate skin. Tru Co. , 326 Chamber of Commerce. U M1C7 AIO HAIR ON FACE. NECK AND ARMS. GROWTl destroyed permanently without Itijuiy to th most delicate skin. True Co. , 32G Chamber o Commerce. U M1C8 A 20 ItALDNESS , FALLING HAIR , SUPERKl.roU ; hair und facial blcmUhea cured. True Co 32i ( Chamber of Commerce. U M1C9 A 20 HOW TO HECOME LAWFUL PHYSICIANS dentists or lawyers. Ad. lockbox 196. Chlcagc UM 473 16' J23 , RUPTURE CURED FOR J23 ; UNTIL SET tembcr 1 ; no pain ; jio detention from business refer to thousands of patients cured ; call u write. O. E. Miller Co. , U32-3 N. Y. I. . . Omaha U-M-115 11LACKHEADS , PIMPLES AND FRECKLE successfully treated. True Co. , 320 Chamber c Commerce. U M170 A 20 FREE SAMPLES OF SUNllURN LOl'ToS True Oo. , 326 Chamber of Commerce. U-M171 A 20 NOTICE , I HEREI1Y NOTIFY ALL PERRON that I will not bo responsible for any debt contracted by my wife , Mary Sclieuerman sh having left my bed and board. Chas. Scheuei JIKUIII , Omaha , Neb. , Aug. 4. U 51567 6 * IF THE PARTY WHO SENT US AN ADVEll tlsement from Missouri Valley , to be nddresse to our oince and answers forwarded will en us their name we will forward answers. If am U M571 7 MOXKV TO I.OAX HKAI , I3STATU. ANTHONV LOAN & TRUST CO. , 315 N. Y. 71 ciulck money at low rates for choice farm laml In Iowa , northern Mlsourl , eastern NebrasU ; W 116 LOANS ON IMPROVED & UNIMPROVED rTF proierty | , W. Fill nam Smith & Co. . 1320 Farnan W-417 C PER CENT MONEY ON NEIt. & IA. FARMt W. 11. Mclltle , 1st Natlonnl Hank Dldg. , Oniahl W-11S MONEY TO LOAN AT l/W RATES. TlT O. F. Davli1 Co. , 1503 Farnam St. W 419 MONEY TO LOAN ON IMPROVED OMAI ? real estate , lircnnan , IXIVB Co. , Pnxton nil W 120 MONEY TO LOAN ON IMPROVED OMAH propelty. Pusey & Thomas , 207 1st Nat. Ilk bldi W 421 ON OMAHA PROPERTY ; LOWEST RATES building loans wanted. Fidelity Trust Co. Co.W422 W-422 MOXI3Y TO IOA.VCIIATTI < 13S. MONEY TO LOAN ON I'I'UNITURi : , PIANO ! hordes , wngoni , etc. , at lowest tales In clt ] no removal of goods ; strictly conlldentlal ; yu can pay the loan off ut any time or In an amount. OMAHA MORTGAGE IJOAN CO. 306 Su. ICth St. X-423 IIU.SI.VKSS CIIA.VCKS. WANTED , TO LEASE. OH TRADE , A SMAL new stock of dry goods , shoes and notions , f < un established newspaper , or plunt. Ilux , Neb. Y M54J 9 IlARREIl'SIim \ J1W.OO ; GOOD HUSINESs J. Gibson , C > 4 First National bank.YMS39 Y-MS39 IS FOH SALE , A GOOD PAYING RETAIL OI builnees , cheap fur cash. Address P 11. llee o lice. Y-M537 11 FOR SALE OR TRADE. USTADLIHIIED HAHI ware business In food locution. An excellei opportunity fur a man wltn om good pro ] city and a little money 10 go Into buslnen German settlement. Address P IS , care lie Omaha , Neb. Y M570 S FOR SALE , A PAYING IHCX'CLE RENTA agency and general rep.ilr shop | n bent town I lllnrk Hills. Wull equipped ml doing go < buxlni'13. Knap for the rlcht man. Good rr.iuoi for telling. Addrcgg li E. llti-onl * . Lead , S. I Y MS6S S WANTED TO TRADE , OOOli IMT FOR PIANl Addie O IS , lieu , 7. 20C FOR EXCHANGE. NICECOTTAG ] ! , acre of ground , shade , barn , etc. , ovei Miller park , for deelruble voltage near Kuunti Place , Dr. Slu-pard , N , Y , Life.MH ( A6 5t5-\CRE FARM IN 8ARPY COUNTJT TO n : changa for eooii lioute and lot In Omaha , r dfllty Trtut Co. , eli agt-nH. JV-.M5M 7 WANTED. TO SELL OR TRADE FO ( .malkr farm or block of mJsv. , H sect. Valley Co. Adjri'Ks l ck llox 2 , Onf , Neb. Z-M57J V KOl'NTXH PLACE IIAKQ.MNS , J2iOO. ! | 3,7iO 1 $6 , 00 ; pee p.iuiuj LI liiih und Furnam , Mori HKliJ , J. OiUou , SU i'lrtt Nut. Hunk llld BE-U5 FOU SAI.K ItKAI. KSTATH. HOUSES , IXJTS , FARMS , LANDS , Gto. P. HemM Rent Estate Co. , Paxton lllork , RE 44 FIVE-ROOM COTTAGE , Ft'LL IXJT , SOUTH Omaha. JW ) ; easy term * . R. C. Patterson , Patterson Hlock. RE MO SPLENDID COTTAGE AND LOT NEAR 1STH nnil Cumlnr , $1COO. Room 1C , Patterson lllk , 1113 Mffil A19 FOH SALE , 5-HOOM COTTAGE. NEARLY NEW 4110 N. 28th ave. . west of exposlllon grounds , between Sahler and SprnRue ; city water nnd cemented cellar ; large lot , only UM ; easy terms , I ! > run R. Hastings , 212 So. 14th strcrt. 111J-M281 FOR E-ROOM HOUSE , GOOD barn. S. W. corner 33d and SaulJInc. J. N. Frenzcr , Opp. P. O. RE M234 5 ACHES CHEAP , 1H MILES FROM SUGAR faclory. Inquire R. 16 , 1'atterson block. 11E-M193 A21 CASH FOR OMAHA SAVINGS RANK AC- counts. U. G. Wallace , 312 Hrown blk. 1113 199 MKDlCAIi. THE OLD HELIAHIE PEOPLESDIRPEN - sary. 1122 Douglas. Omaha , effects man-clous , cures In diseases of women : ull Irregularities , no matter what cause , cured. Letters with 2 cents answered , 42S l'A\VXHHOICKUH. II. MAROW1TZ I.OANS MONEY. 418 N. 1C St. 431 SIDIAI.KS. . SAWED. NATURAL STONE. ARTIFICIAL brick. Tel. 1CS9. W. J. Wnlshan's , 309 S. 17th St. 429 LOST. LOST-WEDNESDAY. RIMLESS EYEGLASSES In case , gold chain attached ; leturn to 2U2J Hnrney St. , next to the Rose , ami receive re ward , Lost M573 C * POUND. TAKEN UP , SORREL HORSE. SATURDAY. July 31 ; owner can have same by paying charges nnd proving property. Chris Nevlns. near llensan. Found 531 5 * COMMHRCIAL COLLKGKS. FALL TERM OM. I1US. COLLEGE OPENS Sept. 1. Cat. and specimens penmanship free. 1S6-A20 MATTIIKSS III3XOVATIXR WOHKS. MATTRESSES , COUCHES. PAHI/R FURNI. ture to order ; icpalrel 1C03 L-avenw'n ; Tel. 1593. 1S8 FllUMTUHl' : PACICI3U. M. S WALKL1N , 2111 Cf.MING ; TEI. 1331. 430 DAXCIXC. MORAND'S , 1510 HARNEY ST. . PRIVATE I.ES- sons , society or stage ; now open. 452 A-W Sucs & CoAttorneys - at-Lnw and Patent Ex- j Omaha , Neb. Hraneh ofllee nt Washington , D. C. We make FREE EXAMINATIONS und nld Inventors In selling tilth' Inventions. SsnJ for free Advice and Patent Hook. T * A rP FlTWrCl Procured by C. A. SNOW .t i JV. 1 JH.L > 1 CT ca _ Washington. D. C. FREE EXAMINATION and ndvlee. No attor ney's fee befoie patent. No claptrap offer of prizes or promise of sudden wealth , but btrulght- forvard advice and faithful bervlcc. No. 4270. .Notli-o in Coiitriiolors. Sealed proposals will be received by tl Hoard of Trustees or the village of liancroft Neb. , nt the olllce of the village ch > rk unti ; 7 p. m. o'clock oC Thursday , AuRUst 2G , lb)7 ! ) , for furnishing : materials and labor nccessarj to construct n system of water works , nc' cordliiR to p'ans and specifications fnrnlslie < by F. 13. Colby , which \\111 bi > on llle at tin otlice of the village clerk , in Hancroft , Neb. and with K K. Colby , nt Onnwu , la. , on am after AnKiist 15 , 1SK. Proposals must be accompanied by a certl lied chock in the sum or $ 'iU , nnd endorsee "bids for erecting water works. " The board reserves the right to reject anj nnd all bids , or to accept such us they maj deem best for the Interest of the village. F. H. I'AllIC , Chairman. MAGiMt J. J. EL-KINS. Village Clerk. Sealed bids wll' ' be received at the olllce of the Ground ? and Buildings department , Transmississlppl and International Exposi tion , for the Auditorium and Mines nnc ! Mining buildings until 4 o'c.ock p. m. , Sat urday , August 7 , 1S97. Plans and specllloations for both building ! on llle In superintendent's olllce. No. 03- Paxton block , or sets will bo furnished con tractors at cot. F. P. KIRKUNDALL. Mcr. Grounds and buildings Dept. 1'OSTOFFJCt : XOTICI2. Foreign malls for the week ending An gust 7th , 1637 , will close ( PROMPTLY In'al cases ) at the geneial postollice as follows ; Triiiih-Allimllu 31nIlN. SATURDAY At 7 a. m. for FRANCE SWITZERLAND. ITALY. SPAIN. I'OH' ' TUGAL. TURKEY. EGYPT and WHIT ISH INDIA , per . s. La Champagne * , vis Havre ( letters for other parts of Eurom must be directed "per La Champagne" ) ut S a. m. for NETHERLANDS direct , pe s. B. Maasdam , via Rotterdam ( letter ; must bu directed "per Mnasdam" ) ; nt u. m. for GKNOA , per s. s. Ems ( letter : must be directed "per Ems" ) ; ut fl a , m ( supplementary ] 0CU : u. m. ) for EUROPE per s. a. Lucanla * . via Queenstown. PRINTED MATTER. ETC. German steamcn Balling on Tuesdays take Primed Matter , etc. for Germany , and Specially Addressed Prlntec Matter , etc. , for other parts of Europe. American and White Star stcjmers on Wednes days , Herman steamers on Thursdays , unO Cunard , Kronen nnd German steamers on Sat urday tale Printed Matter , etc. , for all coun tries tor which they are advertised to calo mall. After the closInK of the Supplementary TransAtlantic - Atlantic Malls named above. adJIttunal sup < plemcntary malls am opened on the piers of tin American , EnKllsh. Frtm-h and German clcam ers , and remain open until within Ten Minute ! of the hour of salllnu' of steamer. Mnllx for South mill Ct'iiti'nl AmurliMi AVi-Ht Jmllc * . Clr. FRIDAY At 2:30 : a. m. for NEWFOUND LAND .per B. s. Corean from Philadelphia SATURDAY At 11) ) a. in ( BUpplomentarj 10:30 : n. m. ) for FORTUNE ISLAND JAMAICA and SAVANILLA am GREYTOWN , i > er s. s. Afghan ; ( letters for Costa Rica must bi directed "per Alleghuny" ) ; at 10 ' u. m ( supplementary 10UO : : i m. ) for' CAPI HAITI , CJONAIVES. JACMEL nnd AUX CAYES , per s. s. Kitty ; at 10:30 : u. in. fo CAM PEL-HE , CHIAPAS , TAI1ASCO am YUUA'J'AN , per s. s. Yucatan ( letters fo other parts of Mexico und for Cuba in us1 be directed "per Yucatan" ) ; at 10M : n. m for HAITI. CUMANA and CARUI'ANO per a. s. Prlns Willcm II. ( letlcrs for othc parts of Venezuel-j , Curucuo , Trinidad Hrltlsh und Dutch finlana must be dl routed "per Prlns Wlllpin II. " ) ; at 8:3 : p. in , for HT , PIICIUIU-MIQUELON. pe steamer from North Sydney , Mulls for Newfoundland , by rail to Halifax , nm thence by steamer , close at tills olllce dull ; at So : p , m , Malls for Mlquelon , by rail ti llotton and thence by etearmr. close at thl olllce dally at 8SO : p. m. Mulls Mr Cuba c-los ut this olllce dally at 7:00 : n. in. , for forwardlm by steamers salllm ; ( Mondays and Thursdays from Port Tampa , Fla. Malls for Mexico City overland , unless specially addiessed for despatcl by bteamrr , close at this olllce dally at 2:2 : a. m , und 2:30 : p. in. Registered mall close nt l > ; 00 p , in. previous day. Triiim-l'nulllR MallH. Malls for Australia ( except West Australia ; Hawaii and Fiji Islands , per H , a. Mlower ( from Vancouver ) , close here dally nfte July I7th and up to August 1st at 0:30 : I in. Malls for Hnwull , per s. e , Austral ! ( from San Francisco ) , clost > herp daily ute to August 4,1 h at ( ! :30 : p , m. Mullrt for Chin and Jupnn , per H. s , nplfilc ( from Sa Francisco ) , cloao hero dally up to Augua Sth ut 6:30 : p. m. Malls for China un Japan , prr . a. Olympic ( from Tacomn ; olow ) tieru dally up to August * 'Sth a 6:30 : p. m. Malls for Australia ( exceji these for West Australia , which are foi warded via Europe ) , New Zealand , llawa FIJI and Sumoun Islands , per H. s. Alu ineilo ( from San Francisco ) , close her dally up to AusuH 14th at 7:30 : u. m. . 1 a. m , nnd G:30j : > . m. ( or on arrival at Ne\ YorU of B. s , Campania with British mall for Australia ) . Malls for China and Jupa ( specially addressed only ) , per s. a. Em press of Japan ( from Vancouver ) , clos here dally up to August "ICth nt G:20 : I m. Mulls fur Society Islands , per am Galilee ( from San Francisco ) , close her dally up to August 25th at C'JiO p. in. TrHiis-Paclflo malls are forwarded to port o sailing dally and the schedule of clostni ; In ar ranged on the presumption of their unlnter rupted overland transit. Ilefl.tercd mal dotes at C p. in. previous day. Postollir.e. New Yoik. N. Y. CORNELIUS VAN COTT , July SO , 1S97. Postmaster. OMAHA'S ' MEN AGGRESSIVE Making a. Lively Fight % the L. A , W , Moat/ ; ; COLORADO JOINS HANDS WITH THEM Ilnln lit HIP Ilnrl.v .MorjiliiMT Intorfrrcr llh tin * Plonnnru llunx Clours li'l > I.nlor nnil < 5vf | ( * I'rnnilne of Cinnil ItncliiK. PHILADKU'HIA , Aug. 5. The bustle ami excitement which has prevailed nt the na tional headquarters of tbo League of Ameri can Wheelmen since Tuesday continued to- lay , despite threatening clouds and occasional showers. League members arc still arriving In large numbers nnd keep the officials In the registration department hard at work. Up to noon today over 12,000 had registered , with new arrivals coming In by every train. Since the headquarters were opened over 2,000 new members have been enrolled. During last night there were a number ol heavy downpours of rain , and nt 7:45 : this morning , tlm time scheduled for tlio all-day run to historic Valley Forge , there was another fall of rain , which compelled n post ponement until 0 o'clock. At that hour the weather \vns so threatening that It was de cided to abandon the run. - The other sched uled run starting nt 9 o'clock up the WIs- sahacken valley through Kali-mount park got away on time with n largo number ol ildurs , considering the weather. While the scheduled arrangements wen somewhat Interfered with by the weather , the spirits of the visitors were In nowise dampened. Hctwcen the showers , which grc\\ \ lighter as tUjj day advanced , short rum were taken Iff every direction through tin city and suburbs , and refreshments and In door amouacmcnts were provided In everj bicycle club hoU3o In the city. Uy 1 o'clock there was every Indication o clearing weather , and the probabilities an the weather will be clear tomorrow nni Saturday. At any late , should the wcathei not b too violent the races , will be rut rain or ehinc. The Omaha and Indianapolis deleatlnns an still engaged In a good natured rivalry foi the ' 38 meet and are keeping open housi at their nspectivo headquarters In tin Abchrdeen and Hotel Walton. GOOD PROSPECT VOll RACKS. When the titno caino for the aftcrnooi runs through West Knlrmount park and ti the Quaker City club , along the upper Dela ware the clouds had disappeared and tin sun was shining brightly. The clear wcatlie : continued for tlio rest of the day , and nt i late hour there was every prospect for i good day for the trial heats tomorrow morn Ing and the finals In the nftenoon. : Th former will begin at 9 o'elock and the latte at 3 o'clock. The track Is of wood and wa built e-Bpcclally for this year's meet. It I reported by the cracks , who have been rid Ing on It for the past rfew days , to be li perfect condition. There are three laps t the mile , the track Is twenty-four feet wld and forty feet In the home stretch. Th foundations are six feet apart and nre o yellow pine. The curves hnvo a radius o forty-one feet nnd there ? Is 'an elevation o seven Inches. Arrangementi.'liave been com pletcd to have every finish In trials am finals photographed so as to-avoid disputes The list of races for torhorrciw , with prizes trials to be run In the morning. Is as foi lows : One mile , champlonshVp. irtnateur : HCRU latlon League of Aflierican Wheelmei medals. ' ' Two-mile handicap , amateur : Six prizes valued at$33. $2 : . , $20. $15. $1Q and ? 3- One-third mile1 , scrntcJi , " amateur Pou prizes , valued at $33 , J251 , $33and $1Q. One mile , championship , .professional Regulation League , of A.iriercan { Wheelmp medals. , . r- , , , j One-quarter mlla , championship , profcs slomil : Regulation League .of America ! Wheelmen mednl. Two-mile handicap , professional : Cash tlrst SIM , second. 473 , third $30 , fourth. $ a Ilfth $20 , sixth $10. One mile , 2:03 : class , professional : Casl : first $100 , second $10 , third $33 , fourth } 20. Tomorrow's referee will be George E Gideon of Philadelphia , last year's chalrmai of the National Racing board. COLORADO HELPS OMAHA. The Omaha delegation , which was tw days late In arriving , lost no tlmo today 1 : beginning their fight for next year's meel Their leaders , F. W. Fitch and II. O. Daxor caino backed by their Commercial club an their Transmississlppl and International Ex position. The Colorado representatives toda ; joined hands with the Omaha wheelmen i : the latter's favor. The Indianapolis con tlngent feel more confident than evei Headed by Mayor Taggart they kept at wor ! nearly every hour of their stay hero an say they have pledges from nearly all o the eastern states and many representative tivo western members. As yet no othe cities have entered the lists for ithe 189 meet. Johnny Johnson , who was Injured yestei day while training , was about today , but I the stiffness does not leave him howill b unable to enter the races. Tonight the visiting wheelmen nttende OFFICIAL HAIL WAY TIME CAHT Leaves ! uOiTLTN"GTO"N & jrb. IUVl-nArrlve : ] ! OmalmjUnlon Depot , 10th & Mason HU. | Omah SUam Denver Express 9:25ai * : S5pm..Ulk 111118 , Mont & IMsct Sncl Ex..Mo3pr ; 4:35pm : Denver Jixpruss 4U5pi ; 7Wpm : Lincoln Local ( ex. Sunday ) . . . . . 7i.ipi : 2r pm Lincoln Local ( ex. Sunday ) ll'IOai Leaves | ( TuTOAl5oTl"HT7lNtiTON" " & Q.TAfrfve ! OinulinUnIon | Depot , llth ) & Mason Sis. | Omah 0:05pm Clileago Vestibule T-.MUI 9:4Sam Chicago Rxpiess 4:15pi : 7 : 0i > ni..Chicago & Bt. Louis lOxincta , . . , 755ai ; ll:40am : I'm-inc Junction I-oral linOpr I'aat Mall ( c-x , jjundiy ) 2Dpi ; Leaves ICII1CAGO. MIL. & ST. PAJL.Arrlvot ( | Oniaiialnlun | Depot , lOlh & Muson Sta. | Omali C:30i : > m Chlcaco LlmltcJ 8OSai : nOuam..ClilcaKO ; Lxpiets ( ex. Sumluy ) . . 3SS : ; > 1 Leases jl'lllCAtJO & NblPrmVlT.ST'NTrArrlvT OmnhaUnlon ] Depot , ICth & MUFOII Sls.f Om.ili 10:43ani * Kaslern llxpress 3IOni : 4:4Sitn : | Vestllitileil Limited { :0..pi : . 6-.S5pm St. I'aul Kxpress S-at : SMGum St. 1'nul Limited H:05pi : 7:30am : Klotix City Locul 10:45pi : 0ZOpm : Oniahn-C'lilcuRii Special S:10.u : D : < 0um MlFsourl Valley Local 925-u ; 1-ixci'pl Bunilay. ' Leaves 1CH1CAGO , K. I , & PACIFIC.lArrUci OmahaUnlon | Depot , IQlli & Mason Sta.j Omah KAfcT. ' 7:0"am. : . Atlantic Expreps fcir.-'TSunday ) . . 5:3lpi : 7Wpm : . NlKlit KxpruiirJ. . S-15.ii 4SOpm..ChlraBO : VertlbuMil'iblmltnL. . . l:20pi : 4Mpni..St. : ( 1'nul VcrtlbuUlt' 'Limited. ' . . . lJOpi : WlCSTl" ( > ' < , OMorado LVmltnl Omahal Depot. ) &tn & \ Sts. | Omah S:00pm : . l-'aKt Mall unff llv'riesi . G:00pi : 3W'pm.t-x. : ' ( Hat. ) Vyo. I-rf. li-Jc ) Mnn , ) . , . 5OUpi ; 7rCani. . Fremont Local ( SuniliiyH oniyj. . 7LOain : . Norfuix Kxprcs > . ( fii 'Sun..lfi:25ai : G15prn ; . St. I'aul Hxpfesf . . . DilOal I.tavc I K. C. . ST. J.&fC , Jl. | Arrlvei Omalml Union Depot , loth ft JUmon Sts.j Omah 9:0rmm : . Kansas City Day Kxpress . GilOpi IOCOpm.K.C. : _ Nlsht Ux via U , l > . Tr ng , ( i30ai ; Leaves' I MISSOURI'pAftlPC. / . " lArrlve. . Omahal Depot , llith & Vfhafor Bti. 1 Omah 30pm..Neljratka ; & Kunrai. Limited. . . , i:55pi : Di5pm : . Kansaii City Hxpiuta . CiOai ; I.uvea I BToUX cTfr & -"lAcfl'ic ; % iArrlve ! Oiiialia | Depot , ISth & Webster Sts. | Omali C:15pin : . St. I'aul UmUcd. . . . . . 910di ; t.eaveT | SIOUX "C1TV & PACIKI& " " lArrlvn OniahalL'nlon Depot. I0th & Macon Sts. | Omah 5 ; 0am . St. I'aul I'aaienger . ll:10pi : 7:30jm : . Sioux City I'assengcr . t:00pi : . tit. I'aul Limited . U:2iui : ucavei I WAIIASH RAILWAY. _ OmahaUnlon | Depot , 10th & Maton Sta.j Omah 4:30pm : . . . . .Canon Hall. . . uaveil uTJioTfTT > A c7iri& : OmahaUnlon | Depot , 10th & Union St . | Omali . , ' ' < - 6:20am : . Overland Limited . 4:4Spi : S:30pm.lleat'ce & Stromsb'e Kx ( ex Bun ) . 3:10p : ; SiSipm. , Grand liland Bipreea ( ex Sun ) . . 3Mpi : 33t'pm. . . . . . . . .l-'att Mall . . . . . .IDitoai Leaves I C. . ST. P. . M , & O , | Arrlvei Omaha ) Depot , lith & Webster Sts. | Omali liOOpm , , . Sioux City Kxpreii lex. Sun..11Uai ) 8Mum..Hloux City Aceu. ( ex. Sun. ) , . . 85ai : Cilirm . Bt. I'aul Limited . 9 : > 9ai JMam. : . . .Sioux city Accu. isun. vuiy ; . , . . Sipi an nll-nlght smoVcr at the national head quarters , at which a largo nnd selected pro gram was rendered. The second section of the Associated Cycllnfc clubs of New York City , which lefl Jersey City at C:50 : o'clock this miming , ar rived hero between 7 * nil 8 o'clock tonight , There were forty-eight etnrters , and all bill a few finished. Among the survivors wru Mre. J. It. 1'alcnall of Kaston. Thomas \Vald of New York captained the run , ami -McKcnna was pacemaker. From Jprsej City to Trenton the roads were miserable , but from Trenton they were In good con dition. ' The League of American Wheelmen Woman's auxiliary committee tonight con ducted a fete at Ileltnont mansion In Kalr- mount park In honor of the wheelmen from other cities. THOTTIXC ! OX TIIH ( SHAM ) OIHCI'IT. liiixon ( ilvcn llli Mucker * 11 Unit lliiinii In UiUO Trot. COHTMUUS , O. , Aug. 5. Four rncea nni ! three heats of a fifth were brought off nl the Columbus Driving park today. Tlu track was heavy , being j muddy that the horses could not get close to the rail Favorites won In nil the races except one the 2:20 : trot , nnd In that the bottom wen badly dumped. In the 2:0 : ? trot Wllllnii IVnn broke badly In the ( Irst heat , ixnd wu beaten under the wire by X'nge. 1'cnn tool' ' the three next heats In easy style , beliif pulled up just as he came under tlio wire. The llorpe llevlew Subscription slake foi trotlers , foals of 1S33 , wns won by ! .ml } Ocraldlne. The Illly broke In the si-coin brat nnd allowed Jnnlo T to bent hrr undei the wire Geraldltio also broke In the thin heat and was Inird pushed by Jnnlo T , bin went under the wire lifst. The purse foi this rnee was paid In cash ut the conclu sh.n of the race. There Were seventeen starters In the 2:3 : trot nnd LUNOII had been picked to win The gelding was never In It , however , ni he could not llnlpli bettor than eleventh li riny heat. I'at Watson won In stnilgh huits , but was closely pushed In the lire two by Creseous. Ketchnm's driving o Cresceus was one of the features of tin race. In the 2:11 : pace Javelin broke badly In tin Ilrst heat mid finished ninth , but won thi next three heats In easy style. Results : Horse Itevlew Subscription stakes , foi trotters , foals of 1S93 , $5 , JO : Lady Geraldlne , b. f. , by Constantine ; Alaska by Attlone ( Dllhcr ) 1 3 ' Jnnlo T , b. f. ( Fuller ) 5 1 : Chat ley llerr , b. c. ( Nichols ) 2 2 Cecelia G , b. f. ( Slnrvln ) -1 B I Vyzcoff , ch. c. ( Uossili ) 3 0 I Cannonade , b. c. ( Thomas ) C 1 < Mo S , blk. f. ( Dlokersoii ) dt May Monday , b. f. ( Clement ) dl : Time ; 2:2(1' : ( ! , , 2:2TW , 2:27. : 2OS class , trotting , purse $1,500 : William I'enn , lir , h. , by Santa Clause ; Lulu M ( McCarthy ) 511 Page , b. B. ( Fleming ) 123 : Pilot lioy , B. B. ( Mell ) 2 3 1 ! : Handy Jim , g. B. ( Hnywood ) -15-1 Ottlnger , br. g. ( Dustiii ) 3 4 Bdli Time : 2:13U : , 2:12 : , 2:13 : , 2:13. : 2:20 : class , trotting , purse $1,500 : Pat Watson , b , h. , by Silver Day , dam by Mambrino Hero ( Garvty ) . . 1 1 Crcsceus , ch. h. ( Kotchuni ) 2 2 Kagle l ltinagan , b. K. ( Hudson ) 11 3 Shadehind Norwnid , g. g. ( Chandler ) . 3 7 Klttlft L , br. m. ( IJush ) If.I Ilpplete , b. h. ( Smith ) I fi Agnes Morrell , g. in. ( McCarthy ) 7 r > Kdmonia , b. in. ( Hutchlns ) 5 S WhUper , b. m. ( Allen ) 12 Charlie G , b. g. ( Wilson ) S ill Osben , s. h. ( Tedrick ) 10101 Gunruulus , b. h. ( Newinnn ) IB 11 1 Luxon , br. g. ( Macey ) 17 15 1 Altoonn , b. in. ( .Mell ) 13141 Hourbon Uigss , b. h. ( names ) C 13 d Snowball , br. g. ( Slmonds ) 12 10 d Scraps , b. g. ( Diller ) H d Time : 2:13'i : , 2:12',4 : ' , 2:11. : 211 class , pacing , purse $1,500 : Jnvflln , br. K. , by Creole Flash , by Kgniont ( Walker ) S 1 1 Uuford , b. g. ( Hnn on ) 124 Myrtle G , b. m. ( Quinlon ) 1010 2 Ilcubun S , br. g. ( Maloney ) 2 4 10 Silver Chimes , b. K- ( Wilson ) 435 Joe Mooney , g. B. ( Urown ) 5 U 3 Alice M , b. m. ( Smithers ) COS Gowan , b. h. ( Patterson ) 7 7 C /abud , B. h. ( llnybould ) ! 1 S S Kinging Rells , ( Guirlty ) 3 5 7d Time : 2ll',4. : 2:10'4. : 2:10'4 : ' , 2:10'i. 2:21 : class , pacing , pursi $1,500 , ( unfinished ) Passing Hell , b. in. ( Goers ) 1 2 Hermetic , b. h. ( Saunders ) 5 1 ] 5urr Patch , ch. B. ( Swlshcr ) -1 3 Klf , b. m. ( Uailey ) 2 4 Seven Points. , b. B. ( Talbott ) 3 5 Ucltwood , b. g. ( Madden ) dl Time : 2:10t : $ . 2:11' : , ; . , 2:13. : UVI3XTS OX TUB HUXMXfi TKACICS Pnvorllcs Will KJvi- Out of Six llacc at ClilcnKO. CHICAGO , Aug. D. Five favorites wo today. Ilesults : First race , threa-quarters of n , mile : Hess % Ille , 101 ( Donaldson ) , 7 to 1 , won ; Swords man , 303 ( Caywood ) . 9 to 2 , second ; Littl Ocean , 103 ( U. Isom ) , C to 1 , third. Time 1:1601. : Second race , flve-elehths of a mile : Ou Gortlc , 10S ( Caywood ) , C to 5 , won ; Pace baker , 100 ( Newcom ) , 10 to 1 , second ; Tli Cheat , 103 ( Uozeman ) , 3 to 1 , third. Time 1:03. : Third race , three-quarters of a mile tineas , 107 ( Caywood ) , S to 5 , won ; Prince o India 103 ( T. Hums ) , 4 to 1 , second ; I3n chanter , lei ( C. Sloan ) , C to 1 , thlrc Time : 1:15. : Fourth race , one mile nnd seventy yards Simmons , 105 ( Clay ) , won ; Sunburst , H ( Caywood ) , oven , second ; Sandnval , SO ( C Clay ) , 25 to 1 , third. Time : 1:4C. Fifth race , three-quarters of a mile : Lad Callnhnn , ( Newcom ) , even , won ; Thercs H 101 ( Gouln ) , 3Vto 1 , second : Floreanl 10 ! ) ( MngnuFsran ) . 10 to 1 , third. Time : l:14\j : Sixth race , flvo and a half furlongs : Hos 102 ( Newcom ) , 3 to 1 , won ; Dagmar , ( Lewi 20 to 1 , second ; Miss Klnbello , 91) ) ( Magnus son ) , third. Time : 1:10. : ST LOUIS , Aug. 5. Madeline , who cap tured the fourth event , was the only favor Ho to win today. The remainder of th six events were taken by second choice ; and outsiders. Weather clear and trac fast. Attendance , 0,000. Results : First race , selling , six furlongs : Emm Lee , 97 ( C. Combs ) , 4 to 1 and 3 to 2 , won Mary Nance , 97 ( C. Murphy ) , 8 to 1 and to 1 , second ; Joa Ilalley , 99 ( Mitchell ) . 10 t I. third. Time : 1IBV4. : Virginia M , Summe Rain , Sorrcnla , Irene III. Plenty More Anfiiistora , Hag * , Lon Martin , Pavan an San lilns nl'o ran. Second race , purse for maiden 2-year-olds live furlongs : Dave Waldo , 10S ( Foucon ; n to 2 nnd 3 to 2 , won ; Veloce , 103 ( Free man ) , 15 to 1 and C to 1 , second ; Pete Archer , 10. . ( R. Jones ) , CO to 1 , third. Time l:03i. : Judicious , Smart Aleck , Dr. Pric ( Prlnco litsmnrok , Judge Napton , Gallan Top. Sllvpr Night , King's Pen , Sir Josepl Lister , Kings' Guards , Goethe and Clora also ran. Third race , Belling , one mile : Kcutra 10 4Gnrnrr ( ) , 4 to 1 and 7 to r > , won : Juanltr 81 ( Preston ) , barred , second ; Dr. linger , 11 ( A Jackson ) . 2 to 1 and 4 to 5 , third ; Faw hattn , 1C9 ( Furr ) , 2 , ' . to 1 , fourth , Time l'43ai. lob ! Clancy , Hlg Fellow , Ilrnw Sec and Irish Chief 1 ! also ran. Fourth rare , purse , one mile nnd fevent yards : Madeline , 105 ( C , Slaughter ) , ovc nnd 2 to 5 , won ; Forsythe , 110 ( Coombs ) , to 1 nnd 2 to 5 , second i Seabrooke. 103 ( Gai ner ) , 4 to 1. third. Time : 1:40. : Thro starters. , , . Fifth race , purse , for malden 2-yeni olds , live furlongs : Found , ] 0r ( Foucon ) , 4 to 1 nnd 10 to 1 , won ; Miss Adele , 105 ( C Slaughter ) . C to 1 nnd S to 5j second ; Flor a , 103 ( C. Combs ) , 12 to 1 , thlra. Time ; 1:031,1 : Belle of St. Louis , Chlqultn , Tllllo Mn > Cousin Lizzie. Kstlier Howes , Cake Walli Annie OldfHd nnd Florlne Rush also run. Sixth race , selling , for 3-year-olds , lly and a half furlongs : Harrlrso , 101 ( Garner. 10 to 1 and 4 to I. won ; Siva , 101 ( C SlauRhtfr ) , 11 to 5 and 1 to 5 , second ; Decapc 104 ( C. Combs ) , 9 to 2 , third- Time : 1:031 : ! Chiffon , Glenorn Lee , Ixmi Neville , Valid Howitzer nnd School Girl also ran , KAX.SAS STATK 1 W. HACK. ' Flnyil Mi-Call Whin tinKlvr3111 Iliiiull < 'iii > vltli 11)0 VarilN. LAWRrJNCK , Knn. , Aug. o.-Spc-clal ( Tok gram. ) The second days' racing of th eleventh annual meet of the League c American Wheelmen was run off here toda until rain again Interfered before the prc gram was llnlshed , Too next town on th circuit Is Topeku. I.loyd Wlllman froi Dallas , Tex. , was quite nadly hurt In spll ) In the handicap. RcPultH : Half-mllo , boye : 15. S. Anderson , Law rctvce. Ilrst ; A. Dahlne , Lawrennc , fecoiu Tlmo : 1:19. : Two-mile , amateur tandem , handicap : W. White and II. Rebenecllled. Knnstis Cits ono hundred yardsIlrst : 8 , K. Pollard nn II. n. Arnrlnp , Council Grove , sixty yard ! second ; W. W. Debeaume and 13. P. Mauli Jr. St. Louis , scratch , third. Time : 43 . Two-mile , amateur handicap : S. K. Po ! lard , Council Grove , forty yards , llrst ; I ! Rebeiischli'd , Kuiuas City , sixty yards , set end : H. U. Amrlne , Council Grove , slxt yards , third. Time : 4:50. : Half-mile , nmalcur , open : Frank Whlti St. Louly , Ilrst ; 15. P. Maule , jr. , St. Louli srcond ; H. H , Anirlne , Council Grove , thin Time : 1:001-5. Flvp-mlle , handicap , professional : Floy McCall , Omaha , one hundred yardu , Ural W. AV. Oudklrk , Denver , one hundred an thirty yards , second ; Charles Iloffo. St. 1'nu one hundred and llfty yards , third. Tlrm 12:00. : Ono mile , open , professional : 13. K. Andei son , Roodhouse , III , , first : W. W. OudklrJ Denver , tecnnd ; W. Pecardy , Clilcago , thin Time : 2:172-5. One inl'e , 2:15 : class , professional : T. I ! Cummlnga , Marengo , In. , first ; George Mlei stein , Omaha , second ; Don Coburn , S Louis , third. Time : 2:16. BOSTON DEFEATED AT HOME Orioles Win the Game by Hard nnd Tiniolj Hitting. MADE THE YEAR'S ' RECORD OFF NICHOLS Champion * Atio Did Some Sbarii I-'leldliiKr llonton i Twice He- tired When llae * Were Full. Cincinnati , r ; Cleveland , 4. l'hllndplhln. | B ; New York , 4. St. Loul. , S ; Plttsburg , 7. Haltlinore , fl ; Hostou. 4. Detroit , 4-11 ; Minneapolis , 3-1. ImllatmpolK 12 ; Kansas City , 0. Columbu , 10 ; St. 1'nul , li. Grand Uuikl ] ? , 0 ; Milwaukee , G. HOSTON , Aug. 5. The tremendous hlttlnc of the visitors nnil the bunching of thcli lilts won the gametotlny and the visitors won more runs off Nichols than any othr-i club lias done this year. The Uostona hai' the unusual experience of having olghteer left on bases and were twlco rctlrrn' with the basis full. Doyle and Kelly led It tlio batting. Haltlmore practically had tin game 111 tlio first Inning. 11ALT1MOU12. , 11OSTON. U.H.O.A.K.1 11.11.0. A.H. Mctlraw. 3b 1 0 0 4 0 Hntnllt'n , cf 1 2 1 0 ( Keeler , rr. . 02100 Tenney , H ) . 0 1 7 1 1 Ji-miliiRs. PS 2 3 & 4 2 I.IIIIK , , . . . Kelly , If. . . . 23100 Hurry , If. . . . 0 1 3 0 ( StPlizel , cr. . 2 220 0 Stnhl. If..5 211 ! Doyle. Hi. . . f-nlllnii , 3b. . Iteltz , 2b. . . . ( lLiiwe. | 2b. . . 0 3 1 2 ( Tlaik. c 0 0 C 1 O.HerRen , c. . . 0 1 r > 1 ' Corbett , p. . . 0 0 0 0 0 Nichols , p. . 0112 , . Totals . . . . 9 15 Si 13 2 Totals . . . . 4 11 27 12 I llatle.l for Nichols In the ninth. It.iltlmoro ! Itoslon - Karne.l . runs : llnltlmoie , 6 ; llortnn , 2. Two lia p hits : Keeler , Kelly , Teimey , Slahl , Lowe Ilnme run : Kelly. Slolon base : Stenzel. Doll hie plnyss Doyle to lleltz , JennlliRS to llelt : lo Doyle , LOUR to Tenney. First linso on hulls Off Corhett , 8 , oft Nichols , 3. lilt by liltchei ball : Slnhl. Struck out : lly C < irbett , 4 ; bj Nichols , 3. Passed balls : Uprisen , 2 l-'lrst biisi nn errors : Haltlmore , 3 ; Huston , 2 Lett nl bases : Boston , IS ; Hi\ltlmore. S. Time : Twi hours nint thirty-live minutes. Umpire : Lynch Attendance , 9.000. ST. LOUIS , S ; PITTSHUIIO. 7. ST. LOUIS. Aug. 5. The Urowns won tin opening gtimo fioin the Pittsburgh Lucli was given poor support , else the wore -wouh not have been so close. Tlm Hurst wn : arrested after the game on n charge o attempt to kill for striking n. man with i beer glass In Cincinnati yesterday. Attend nnoe , 1,000. Score ; ST. LOUIS. ] PlTTSIlUIta. ll.H.O.A.K.I 11.11.0.A.12. Douglas , c. . 1 1 2 1 0 rnn'ehlll , cf 1 0 4 0 I Turner , rf. . U Smith. If. . . . Hartm'n , 3I > 1 2 0 4 1 I'aihlen , 2b. 0 1 3 3 ( Grady , Ib. . . 2 2 10 1 1 Davis , ss. . . ! Lally. U. . . . 0 2 5 0 0 lloft'lcr , 31) 1 1 1 0 1 llallman , 21 > 0 1 3 2 1 Donovan , rf 1 2 3 0 ( rros-s. ss. . . . 1 t B B 0 HnthftlBS , 11) 0 1 S 0 I llarlev. cr. . Merrill , c. . . llon-ftu'n , c 1 1 200 HiiRhey , p. . 02021 I.uclJ , p. . . . 1 004 u , Totals . . . .71224 7 < Totals . . . . S 11 27 17 41 PlttsbtirK St. Louis Harne.l runs : St. Louis , 4 ; ritti-bui-R , 3. Three basu hlls : Donovan. Davli. Home run : r.raily Kacrlllcc lills : llnrley , Lally. Turner. Stoln hises : Turner , Cross (2) ( , Padden. Donbl plays : Harlman lo llallmnn to Orndy. Firs base on balls : Oft Luclil , B ; off Ilimhey , C 5truclc out : lly Liu-Id , 1 ; by HiiKhey , 1. 1'aBsei balls : Mcrrltt. Thre : Two hours and Ihlrt ; minutes. Umpire : Hurst. I'HILADHLIMIIA , 5 ; Js'BW YORK , 4. PIllLADHLI'lIlA , Aug. n.-PnllaiUlphl defeated New York today In a twelve-In lilng game. It was a warm eontest froi start to llni."h. The winning run was score on La.Iole's drive to left He'd , which Holme dropped , allowing the man on third to scon One of the features of the game wa Cooley's batting. Score : piiiLAunLViiiA. unw YOUIC. ll.H.O.A.E. H.U.O.A.1- Cooley. cf. . 3 5100 VHalt'n , cf 1 1 2 0 Dowtl , rf. . . 11301 Tlernan , rf. 0 1 4 0 Del'hnty , If 0 1 010 Joyce , Ib. . . 2 2 14 0 l.iJole , Ib. . 0 0 20 0 0 Davis , BS. . . fl 2 2 fl Cniss , 2b. . . 0 1 215 0 Glenson , 21)0 1 2 G Glllen , KB. . 0 1 C 1 1 Holmes , If , . 1 2 .1 0 Naph , 3U. . . . 01200 Don'elly , 3b 0 0 2 4 McKnrl'd , c. 0 0 3 0 0 M'llson. c. . . 0 2 r. 0 Taylor , p. . . 11011 Meekln , p. . 0000 Tolals . . . . 5 11 36 18 3 Totals . . . . 4 1135 15 Two out when winning run was scored. Philadelphia . . . . - New York 00210001 0000- Karned runs : Philadelphia , 3 ; New York , - Two-base hits : Cooley ( ! ) , Taylor , Tlcrnnr .loycc , Davis , \Vllson. Home run : Cooley. Sac rldce hit : Nash. Slolon bases : LaJole , Crosf Vnnllaltrcn , Glcason , Holmes , Donnelly. Lcl on IKISPS : 1'hlladelphla , B ; New York , ( Struck oul : Uy Taylor , 2 ; by Meekln , 4. Doubl plays : Oleason to Joyce , Davis to Gleason t Joyce , Cross to Ln.lole. Flrsl base on error ? Phllailolphla , 4 ; New York. 1. First basn o balls : Off Meekln. 2. Wild pitch : Meeklr 1'assed balls : Mcl-"arland. 2 ; VIl8on. 1. Uir plres : lioyle nnd Warner. Time : Two hour nnd thirty minutes. Attendance : l.DOO. CINCINNATI , 5 ; CLEVELAND , 4. CINCINNATI , Aug. 5.-The Indians mnd their last appearance of the season her today and were beaten by the Iteds In close nnd exciting game. Pickering , wh was released by the Loulsvlllec , playe right field for the visitors today. Atteni ance , 3,000. CINCINNATI. CLEVELAND. U.H. O.A.I : . U.H.O.A.I Ilurke , If. . . . 10000 nurkett , If. . Hey , cf 02200 Chllds. 2b. . . Corcoran , BS 1 1 3 1 1 McKean , BS. 1 1 0 1 Irwln. 3b. . . . 01410 Wiillace , 31) . 1313 Miller , rf. . . . 1 0 2 0 1 O'Connor , cf 0 I l 0 Itecklcy , Ib , 1 2 11 2 0 1'Ick'lne , rf 0 1 2 l Jlcl'hee , 2b. 0 0 1 3 1 Tclienu , Ib. . 0 1 12 0 1'cllz , c 1 122 0 CrlRpr , c. . . . 0 021 Oanimanti , p 0 0 0 2 fl Powell , p. . . 0 002 Ehret , p. . . . 0 1220 SchrlvPr . . . 0 0 0 0 0 Totals . . . . 4 9 24 12 Totals . . . . 5 8 2" 13 3l liiitled for Uanimunn In third. Cincinnati * Cleveland Rnrned i-uns : Cleveland , 1. Two-bust" hltt Wallace , Corcoran. I > ? ft on bafips : Clnclnnut 4 ; Cleveland , 9. Stolen bases : Corcoran , lluiln Hey , Miller. Double plays : Corcoran to lU-cH ley ; Chllds to Tebi-au , l-'lrst biise on bull ! Off Dammnnn , 2 : off Ehrct , 2 ; off Powell , l. H by pitched ball : Hecklcy. 2. Struck out : 11 Dammumi. 1 ; by Powell , 1. Passed hall : Polls Wild pitch ; nammann. Time : Two houn L'mplrp ; Ilolllday , NEW YORK , Aug. n.-The llrooWyi Washington game today was postponed o account of wet grounds. The game will 1. pin veil off tomorrow. CHICAGO , Aug. B.-JThe Clevelarid-Ch rage game scheduled for today was transferred ferrod to Friday , August < ! , to allow Clev ( land to play off a postponed game cist where. where.STANDING OF THE TEAMS. Played. Won. Lost. P. f Hcston SI 58 27 fiS Baltimore SI nt 27 j Cincinnati 88 54 2S 05 New York St 49 32 m Cleveland 85 45 40 62 Philadelphia 87 42 45 43 Chicago SS 40 48 )5 ) Plttshui-R : S4 3S 40 45 Loulnvlllo . , SO 40 50 44 nrooklyn 83 35 4S 42 Washington S3 HI f.2 37 St. Louis S9 ? .3 CO 25 Games today : New York In Philadelphia Baltimore In Jioaton ; Washington In Drool lyn ; Plttsburg In St. Loula ; Cleveland 1 Chicago. ( iA.MKS OK THE AVESTKILV LICAfilll Dctroll Tiiki'n Trt'o ( Jniiu-s friini tli MIlll-l'H. DETROIT , Aug. 5. Clarkson's good rlfjr arm and his timely single In the fourtl scoring two runs , won the first game ff the locals today. In the second game tli visitors went all to pieces nnd Hutchlnpoi who has always proved an enigma for Di trolt , was batted nt wl'-I. Attendance , 2SO Score , Hrst game : Minneapolis 100000020 Detroit 10030000 * Du&ti hits : Minneapolis , 7 ; Detroit , Knora : .Minneapolis , 5 ; Detroit , K. Ua teries : Minneapolis , Flgiremeler and Boyli Detroit , Clarkfron and Trost , Second ; ame ! ; Minneapolis 00001000 0 Detroit 0 1 4 2,0 2 1 1 - : Kase hits : illnnc-apolls. 4 ; Detroit , I Errors : Minneapolis , 10 ; Detroit. 2. Ita tedes : Minneapolis. Hulnlilnson , Boyle an Miller : Detroit , Hahn nnd Tiost. INDIANAPOLIS , Aug. B. Kansas Clt was shut out today. Phillips' pitching vfn the only redeeming feature of the llutlei contest , Attendance , 1,500. Score : Indianapolis , 223030011 Kansas City 000000000- COUJMHUS , O. . Aug. 5.-Wolter'a slo curves puzzled the Saints today and C < iiimbus won easily , JIuK-n'n llrldlng we the feature of the game. Score ; Columbui 30220030 0-- ! St. Paul 005000000- Uase hits : Columbua , 12 ; St.Paul. . Krrora ; Columbus , 4 ; St. Paul , 6. Ua ttrles : Columbu ? , Wollcrs nnd Fluhcrj St. I'nul , Frlekon nnd Kline. GHAND 11AP1D3 , Aug. B-Fnn tleclnr * the victory torlnywns due rntlrrly to team work , which the club lacked under Olcnftl- vln's manngement. Peore : Ot-nnd Ilnt > ld 0 0300210 3 Mlhvuulcfp , 0 1 0- < Uaso hits : Grnml Itnpld , 10 ! Milwaukee. 10. Errors : Grand llnplds , 2 : Milwaukee , 3. Uatterles : Ornnd Rapid * . Pnppnlnit nnd Stinups ; Milwaukee , Uawllng , liarnea nnd Speer. STANDING OF THE TEAMS. Played. Won. l iii. P.Ct. IndlannpollA Si ! f > n 27 f.S.fl Cotumbus ! i M Si ) fiS.t Milwaukee 93 W 3.1 fi3.1 St. Paul 92 fir 37 M.S Detroit ! ) ! 47 4fi W.5 Grand llnpldf. S3 .12 fil 34.1 Minneapolis W 31 fi4 32.fl Kansas City 1C " > i C8 2S.S Games today : Kansas City nt Detroit , Milwaukee nt IndlannpnlK Minneapolis nt Columbus , St. Paul nt Grand Kaplds. \\VMorn Aliilloii ( iinu'i. I'EOIUA , Aug. 5.-Score : Peorla 0 00020020 4 Cedar Kaplds 0 02000000-J llnso hits : Pcorln. 7 ; Cflnr llaplds , 4 , Errors : Pcorln , 1 ; Cedar Haplds , 4. llat- icrles : Peorla , llosch nnd Qulnn ; CeJar llnplds , McOougal nnd l-'uller. QIMNCY , 111. . Aug. R.-Score : Qulney 4 10000000 B llurllngton 0 00000010-1 Hnse hits : Qulney. 7 ; Utirllngton , S. Eirors : ( Julncy , 0 ; llurllngton , 2. llaltcrles : Qulney , Hai-kett nnd Graver ; Durllngton , Thompson nnd UcrryhCl. " " AJIOXiJ TI1IJ LIVELY" AMATHUHS. lli'frnl Uir KniiKtiiiM. FALLS CITY , Nob. . Aug. 5.-Specln1. ( ) The home team defeated the crnek Hla- wathn club nt the- park Wednesday In a hotly contested game by u score of S to 4 , the game being one of the attractions for llio colored people's plt'tilc , The boys urrt putting up u good g.une now nnd nro defeating nil comers. Score : Falls City 0 1 0 0 1 0 d 0 S Hluwntlin 100000201-4 Hnttcrles : For Fulls City , Soott and Gil bert ; for lllawntlm. Crooks mid ICelsey. Hasc bits : Falls City , 4. Errors : Hiawatha , 2. Strike outs : Si-ott , 5 ; Crooks , 3. IJascs on balls : Scott , 0 ; Crooks , 0. Umpire ; Gllncs. Pi'iiiliT AVliiw fruiii Di DECATUU , Neb. . Aug. ti.-Specliil. ( ) Pcnder defeated Deoatur nt ball yesterday by n score of S to C. llatterlen : Ponder , Wheeler nnd Whltcomb ; Decaltir , Mntlnir and Stlllmiin. 3IAV FACE A CllAltCI Vlclliu ( if Tlm Iluisl'.HHiiiull Likely ( o IHr. CINCINNATI , Aug. G , John Cartuyvclles , the flretnan who was struck on the head with a beer glass yesterday by Umpire Hurnt during a game between Cincinnati and Pitts- burg , Is reported today to be In a critical condition. A charge of nsMiilt baa been made against Hurst "and ho was released on a bond of $300. A now nllldavlt will now bo tiled , charging assault with intent to kill , and Hurst , who has gone to St. Loula , will be real-rested there and brought hack hereto to answer the new charge. llooiir nUlrlcl Itiu-i'H. IJOONE , In. , Aug. * . ( FpeiMnl Telegram. ) There was si large crowd ul the lioono races today. Summaries : 2:27 : pace , purse $ " 00. Knssel. br. B. , by Dutton Wllkea ( Trc- mnln ) Ill Maud A , b. m 342 Jenn Wlllccs , blk. in 234 Clara Wllkes , b. m 5 2 5 Hose Drown , g. m 403 Chnmoy , ch s G 5 G Tlmo : 2:22'4 : , 2:25 : , 2:25. : Free-for-all-trot , purse $300 : Pnctola , blk. m. by Altitude ( Knthttn ) 1121 I3i-rry , blk h 2.2 7 7 Hrown Boy , ch. h ' 3 ( i 4 2 Heir Medium , br. m Countess Eva < , 3 7 G R Godella , ch. h G S 0 5 Lucy 1 ! , blk. in 7 4 S 8 Ilonnlo 1C S 5 3 3 Time : 2:20 : , 2:19 , 2:20V4 : , 2:19i. : 2:40 : pace , puree $500 : Nellie Caffrey , blk m. , 'by Charles Caffrey ( Elmore ) Ill Tim Donovan , blk. g r. 2 2 Churandos 245 Correct , blk. g 337 Prosper 12tta , bk. ! m 4 G 3 Starboard , blk. m 554 Fannie Alden , br. m 8 7 B Time : 2lSVb : , 2:17-)4 : , 2:1S : CIIICKKT THIHXAMI5.\T FOH OMAHA. Giiiut'R of Nii-IIi > vMl < 'i-n ANNi Will He IMiiyril Ili-i-v Xu.\t Year. ST. PAUL , Minn. , Aug. 5. Omaha lost Ita second game In the tournament of the Northwestern Cricket association here to day , but at the annual meeting of the asso ciation captured the meeting , of 1S98. John Francis of Omaha was elected pres ident of the npfochitlon nnd John Douglas of Omaha secretary. The time for the hold ing of the next tournament was left to the Omaha club. Tlio selection of Omaha , as the place for holding the next meeting waa unanimous. The Ilrst meeting was at Chicago cage last year , and it was understood that the several cities forming the league should have the tournament In rotation. The fact that the Transmlxsls'sliipl Exposition will bo In progresss at Omaha during next summer was an additional factor In securing the decision. Play was resumed this morning with Omaha pitted against Minnesota nnd Chicago cage against Manitoba. The scores by Innings follow : Omaha , lirst innings , 83 ; second Innings , -15 ; total , 13S. Minnesota , first Innings , K8 ; second Innings , 51 for seve-n wickets , Minnesota seta thus winning by three wickets. Manitoba , 218 ; Chicago , 4'i ; second Innings not concluded whe-n the tlmo for drnwlric the stumps arrived , and the match decided according to the Ilrst innings' score. Mani toba wins by 175 runs. The teams now stand : Club. Won. Lost. Manitoba 2 0 Minnesota 1 1 Chicago 1 1 Omaha 0 2 Tomorrow the Mlnnofotns go against the Mnnltobas and Chicago and Omulia meet. Saturday the game between Canada and the United States will bo played , the latter eleven to be made up of players of the different te-ums. . IliiilVnllicr for Viu-lit Itni'i-N , NEWPOIIT , H. L , Aug. 5. A disagreeable northeaster Is In progress here nnd the race for the Goelet cup will probably be post poned. , At 10 o'clock the weather cleared so tlmt the committee has decided to start thu yachts In the Goelot cup race from IJrcn- ton's light ship nt 12 o'clock und the yachts ure getting ready. Nnvnhoo won the Goelet cup rnco for Bleeps , defeating Vipllant by four minutes and twenty-one seconds , corrected time. Colona won the oup for schooners , but bad no competitor. The ynohts drifted over the finish lino. The following were the times : Meteor , 5:27:17 : : ; Angora , 5:23:25 : : ; Hrltnnnlu , 5:31:21 : : ; llona , r.:40:00 : : ; Isolde , 5:4S:25. : : Isoldo won on tlmo allowances. Live Ciilllc-Kl In 'IVnllIN DoilblrH. NEW YORK , Aug. C.-In n contest fu'.l of brilliant play the American loam com posed of n. D , Wrenn and C , S. Campbell , defeated the 'English ' team , H , 8. i.Mahony nnd AV. V. Eaves , In the International ten nis tournament on the St , George cricket , grounds at Hoboken , N. J. . this uftuinoon. Though Wrenn and Campbell are not the doubles champions of tlio United Status , they * are eminently lilted to represent thit clfiver- rst tt'nnls talent on this Hide of the water , ' Campbell was a three-years' champion In 3 singles of thH country , while Wrenn If Its J prusc-nt champion , Together they made a ' < * capital team. The match wus only un exhi bition contest , Hi-nil Hi-ill nt Ilrlulitoii Mccllnu- . LONDON , Aug D. At the third day'H rao. Ing of the lirlghlon August meeting today , Itlchard Croker's brown colt Leather Stockings ran a dead heat with Daisy Wreath , filly. In the race for tha Kemp- town plate. This event IH for 2-year-olds. There were ten starters , the course being about live furlongs. The heat was run off later In the day and Leather Stocking won , Mr. ( Jroker'H n-year-old bay hoiHe , Amer- Icus * . won the Southdown plate , This race IH of 200 sovereigns. There were four aturt- ers ; distance , nix furlongn. Itil ( Ink .Mini TnKm ( hi ? Moiu-y. SCnANTON , PH. , Aug. G.-Ella T , the fast mrire'from Itcd Oak. la. , romped nway with the $000 event here today In three straight heats , it was the free-for-all and the win ner's time wax 2lt ; > < 4 , 2:15 : and 2:21 : , The 2:23 : trot , purse J300 , was * captured by Mela , ch. m. , In three straight heats. Time : 2:241/4 : , 2:2 : % 2.-2U4. Continue Uiit'liiK ut OIMVI-M. CO\VK8 , Aug. 5. In the race for the Town cup today , under the auspices of the Hoyal Yacht Bquadron , the Ilrltunnla , Meteor , Hotia , Aurora , Caress and Isolde Btarted In a very llyht wind. Ilrltunnla wan Ilrst away , followed by .Meteor and the other yachts In the order flveu.