Newspaper Page Text
THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : MONDAY , AUGUST 9 , 185)7. ) I COUNCIL BLUFFS- MIMll MU.VTIOV. Tlic Statn SiwInpK bank has moved a 415 llroaduay , next to Sargent's ehoo btoro. II , C. Sthcldlo will spied bU vacation at I.itiRilon Luke , Mo. Ilciv hongneckor nf Huston li the guest of W S. Mnyne and fanrily. Mr ? . Vic JcnnliiKR sntl daughter Josephine havt returned from a visit with friends at Neoln. Ir Heller has returneil from Klrksvllle , Mo. , where he has been attending the clinics of nsttoiallilc | 'institution. i : . H. llarnett of NVceplns Water , Neb. . Is visiting friends In tliu city. Mr , Harnctt formerly resided In Council Blurts. Lust , between Council llluffs and Karl Omaha , photo | iass and memorandum book. Hctiirn to .18 Scott struct. Howard. Justice Ovlde Vlcn and family left Satur day night for Clinton to attend the state encampment of the KnlghtR or Pythias. Mr end Mrs. Hills of North 1'latte and Natu Keyca of HtirlluKton have arrived to attend the funeral of Mis. Anna Dlanchard , J 1' . Marshall icturnud to his homo at Ogdcn , I'tnli , Saturday , accompanied by his , Miss Klonticu I.cech of Park avenue. Kx-lcmty ) | United States Marshal 1)111 ) Richard * of UPS Mnlnus was in the citj Saturday on business connected with thi mar.tlinl's offlcc. Thcfo wa.i a "hot time In the old town' when Home was burned. It has been prettj warm all smmiiir around the lO-i le Laundry four wagoim busy all the time. > A Hmig.irlan bund numbiilug about .10 ranging In age from about S to 10 years IiaBse.l thioiiKli the city Saturday en rotttt from Germany to Pan Francisco. The funeral of MIB. J.V. . Hlanchird wll tnko | dacu t'lls ' afternoon at 'i o'clock fron the roHldviicc en Second avenue. The In ttrmcnt will be In Falrvlcw cumotrry. MrV. . I. Wilson li.-u arrived to conduei tliu Hinging nt the Ccntrul Christian churcl and on Tuesday evening will be tendered ; reception at the homo of Miss Hlco or Williams ulieet. Kli , nlUA " 0. 0. U. , " Drown Is In tin city veiling his friends. Hu I * now locate at Davenport. lie will bo In tire city sev eral days. At present bo is the guwt o II E Ur'mm. Hcv Scott HeUley of ] ) o-ton will dcllvei n patriotic lecture at the Klrft Haplls church next Sunday afternoon. No rnectlnj will bo held at P. 0. S. A. ball that after noon ki order to allow thu members to at tend this address , which will bo given undc the auspices of the Orangemen. Frank Cm roll was again taken Into cus tody by the police yesterday afternoon an locked up In bis old quartets In the city Jil Carroll waa offered his freedom sevcial day ago upon the condition that he would cnjo It outnldc of Council I ! hi ft 3. gome of h ! friends gave him enough money to take h'r ' out of town , but he pcrslnted In remalnln around the saloons to spend It. He will noi servo the remainder of a fifteen-day eentenc for vagrancy Thu extension of the etreet car line an the Improvements arc being made I FairmontI ) park for the puiposc of glvln better strcot car accommodations were nc Eiilllclently advanced to permit Jho runnln of the Omahi cars Into the park yesteidaj The loop linn been completed , but ccn-IJ crablc additional grading and track ballaa Ing remains to be done before tlic big c i can bo safely operated on the new tracl All of the Improvements under way will I completed by next Sunday. Manawa drew Its uoi'al quota of Snnda pleasure seekers yesterday , and during tli afternoon the Grand plaza was filled. I'l musical program of the Tyrolean warblti was the best they have given during tu : ! cnK'igemcnt. Manhattan beach caught -II full eharo of the pleasure hunters , uml required the use of both steamers to carr the passengers. The boating and bathln jirceente < l conditions that apcarcd to full meet the dcslrea of the people who wer ecckliiK that kind of plccnure. Veterinary eurgeons In this city are cor elderably Interested over the outbreak of ai : thrax at Sioux City , especially since ther liavo been n couple of well defined cases I this vicinity within the laat few days. Th deadly nature of the dlBcr.e and Its w tremely contagious character has create Eomo apprehension lest there should be Hcrlous outbreak here. A borso that wn killed on Fourth street lost week becam the symptoms Indicated the disease has bee re-examined and the fact reasonably we established that it was a victim of the coi taglon. Local veterinary surgeons will watc closely for other cases and take prom ] measures to stamp out the disease. C. U. Vlavi Co. , female rcn edy ; consnltatlt free. Olllce hours , 9 to 12 and 2 to 5. Ilenll book furnished. 320-327-328 Merrlam block. N. Y. Plumbing company. Tel. 250. Silver teaspoons go with Domestic soap. _ _ _ v SUM1AY SCHOOL ASSOCIATIO ) 'Mftli Ainiiinl Convention < Hit * I'ottnwnttiiiiilc Organization. The twenty-fifth annual convention of tl Pottawattamlo County Sunday School aesi elation will bo held at Lone Star , five mill west of Macedonia , on Wednesday and Thur day of this week , The following Is the pr gram arranged for the meeting : Wednesday MornliiK-9:00 : , devotional , V P. Dlnwlddla ; 9:30 : , words of welcome , V V , Cliiyton ; response. Prof , E. H. Hniril ton ; 10:00 : , topic , "Can My Absence Be Detr inuntal to the Sunday School ? " II , 1 KnowlPH ! 10 : . " > 0 , topic , "What God Uoes fi the Children. " Ilev. O. W. Llpplncatt ; 11 : ( tnplcVlmt Ho Ix-aves for Me to Do 3liv. a. P. Fry ; 11:30 : , appointment of con ml tiers , announcements. Wednesday Afternoon 2:00 , dovotloiu Ilev. II. DeLong : 2'10 , topic , "How Kccurc the Attcndancr of Those ) Now Out < the Sunday School , " Hev. M. A. Mills ; 3C : question box ; 3:00 : , "How to Study the Sui < my School LOstton , " Ilev. Hnwley ; 4 : ( topic , "Hnvo I Personal HespoiiBlbllltles ; J.llss Jennie Ilucbnnnn ; 4.-.TO , "Tbo Bin Worl < , " C. C. Wallace ; E:00 : , "The Work General , " 13 , U. Stevenson ; G:30 : , iimiounc nii'iits , adjournment. WtulnoMlny KvenltiK 8.-00 , BOHR scrvlc I'rof , A , J. McMnnus ; address , Uev , Ornc eililresf , Ilev. Leuron. Thursday Morning 9:00 : , ilevotlona ] , He 'A. Llthurlnnd ; 9:30 : , "Sunday School I'lcnl ngalnst Sunday School , " \V. P. Ulnwlddl 30KX ) , question box ; 10iri : , "Why Am Jlcro ? " Kcnernl ; 10 : : , rei > orts of Suiuli m-hnols , 11:00 : , "The Wonders of tl llnavcns , " II. Coker ; 11:15 : , rc i > ort of cor jnlttcea ; 10'JO , the work reviewed : ftitu jilaiiH ; 12:00 : , nnnouncementB. ailjaurnnic-ii Tliur.Iay Aftertioon 2:00 : , devotional , He J. Hell ; 2:33 : , rhlldren's mectlni ? , short talli Mavkhoard ; 3 : : , Sunday H-bool mlsslonui inuetlng ; O. L. llarrott of Council Hint ami Ilev. S , It. llninh of Olenwood , "Oi Clilldren ; Other Children ; " H 'V. Thoinna Iti'il Onk , "The Hlble the Hook of the Sui ilny School ; " Hev , Henry DeLong of Coui ell Illuffri , "Crumbs Swept Up ; " Hcv. JOKCI WoIlP , "Child BnvliiK : " J. A. Howard i Bldney , "Drudges nml PrcBs ; " Itev. Ale : nndt-r Llthcrland , "Gathering Up the Fra inenlH , " Thuisday Uvcnlng S.OO , song Kervlce , A. Howard ; address , Hev. A. Llthcrland. Ill The olllcCTH of the association are ; A , . J Hun , president ; Mlra Jcniitu Uurbann II Herrctary and treasurer , with MOHSI KnowtoH of Hardln , Whtto of Crescent ni ] > t.'I < eng of Kune members of the vxecutl' ' committee , The genuine Domestic soap Is the fir grade. The Imltttlon Is a cheap grade. t'lilforiuril KulKlilN of r > tliliiN. It required a special train to carry t niembem of the Uniform Hank , Knights 1'ytblisvho left for Clinton hat event to attend the elate encampment , which I B"n there today , Tat- party left at 0 : ; In addition to Iho members of the order the wcro a number of pec pie Joined to the pir to tike advantage of the excursion rat ncrora the etato. The mcrubem of the c der go with the clearly defined Intcntlcn ai with p ltlyo Iretructlon. ) to make nts any and all mcnns to h ecu re the meeting the encampment tit Council niuffj next yrt frbcre will be several thousand delegati and Ihty will bold tiO'Elnni of several di ) ( lurat'oa , The Instructtcna of the dclegat are In line with the determination to ecu aa many ttate and national KitherlDg.1 dt Ing the expcultlon year aa possible. The genuine Domestic soap wrappers a red. Ilewaro of Imltatlont. 40 Domestic eoap wrapper * are good f U illver teaapoous , PATRIOTISM AND RELIGION Address of Rev. Qeorgo Snyder to the Sons ol America. GOD IS BEHIND ALL GOOD GOVERNMENT Atnorlftiii * limp ( he llext nu F.nrtl unit II In StiNtitlncil ! > > True Heart * 'Devoted to 111 IlllU-CNM. Rev. George W. Snyder of St. John'i English Lutheran church , spoke at Patrloth Order Sonn of America 'hall yesterday after noori on the subject "Patrlotlnn. ' In open Ing his nddrefis the speaker referred to thi early ages whin the people of the worli were divided Into families governed by thi father , or head , and these families Inti small lilDRilonis. "Nevertheless , they ha ( a head , or principal power , ' said the npeaker "and they lespccted and loved this power Wo regard every good government as o divine origin and pi elected by the dlvlm power. All governments hero have n itlvlni right to exist. They are God's Instiutnenti thiougb which ho civilizes and christianize ! tbn world. Love of country Is the Instru mentality through which God charge the human heart to respect law nm government. God puserves a nation o poopla that love their country. Hu no\c did preserve n nation of cowards. It Is th law-abiding and countiy-loving American that have trade our government the bos uu the globe today. "Tho question now Is , what will produc patriotism ? Good government and a hupp. . Peopleis ono of the greatest Incentives o patriotism. Wo have a government mor for the people and by the people than an other on the1 globe , hence we have patrlotl sons springing up everjwheie. We bellov God has much to do with the great govern menus of the uorld today and protects an extends their power. When Ho brought th chlldien of Israel Into the country He ha promised them and drove out the Inbali Hants He had an object In vlen , and II bad a similar object In view when II brought the English to this , continent t replace the people that were occupying II Here wo are to give the light of liberty t tbo world. Every year we see other go\ crnmeiits being patterned more and mor after our own. "Tbo greatest degree of patriotism Is ths which causes us to bo willing to lay enliven liven on the altar of our country and sacr fico them if need be. Some of us hav known , what It is to bo tested In this wa : and let mo toll you that there are none c us that know what wo would do undc such a test till \\e are tried. Some wli are loudest In their profession have tli least courage , and some of the weak , qual ing hearts have even surprised thomselvc at their bravery when called upon to ac Uood government depends upon hearts III this to maintain It. This grand country on government of ours la worth every Jlfe an every dollar that has been spent In war. hope that there will never be a time agal when wo will be called upon to make MIC a sacrifice , but should it come , I am conf dent that there will be enough patriot : heart : ) to carry un through any emergency. \VOUI.I > UATlTliiTi STAY ) IX 10W. ' Tno Onion * lifeline- < , o to I.Incol Without HciiulKlUons. The two Lincoln men , who are both bcln hold here under the names of Joe Galor , wit several aliases , have changed their mini about returning to Nebrta'ca and standln trial on the chargo'of stealing the blcycl that they shipped to this city. The suddc change of Inclination was due to the li formation that was given them that the Llr coin police Ind been Investigating the Llr dell hotel burglary , and had discovered cv dcncu enough to connect at least ono. If m both , of the men with the crime. They no refuse to go without requisition papers. Or of them , who gave the name of Johnson I the olficcrs here when arrested , was Idcnt fled yesterday as a recently discharged coi vlct from the 'Missouri penitentiary at Je ferson City by the name of McDonald. Tl identification was made by Bill Cries , negro who has also ju.U . been discharged froi tbo same Institution. Officer Anderson w taking the two Lincoln men to the count Jail yesterday after they announced the determination not to go back to Nebrasl until compelled to , when ho met Crlss. Crli Instantly recognized Johnson and spoke I him familiarly as McDonald. McDonald n fused to recognize hla colored filend an passed on in silence. Yesterday afternoc Crlss called at the city jail and told tl officers that ho was well acquainted wit McDonald and was his cellmate for son time in the Missouri prison , He said M Donald had been sent up from St. Jcecr In 1895 , and that ho was discharged about fortnight ago. Crlss also gave the ofilce : some additional Information concerning a other crook who was closely connected wli McDonald In his criminal career. From tl description given the officers recognized tl third man who was In company with tl two Lincoln men after they reached Counc Bluffs. This man Is said to bo a very e : pert lock and safe worker. DETAILS OK HOT SI'KIXfiS Ff.OOl DamilKO Done liy the CIouilliurNt dultc KvlPiiNlvc. HOT SPRINGS. S. D. , Aug. 8. ( Spec ! Telegram. ) This city was visited by a te rifle flood Friday night. About 10:30 : a sol bank of water fully fifteen feet high can rushing down the canyon , sweeping uvt > r thing before It. Several cottages In tl suburb of Coldbrook were awept away wl all personal and household effcctn , 11 famll'.es barely escaping with their live The Burlington railway tracks were washi away to within a mile of the city. Tin expect to have the track laid and rumili trains Into the Union depot by tonight. Tl E-lkhorn railway had several bridges vtusln out and can only bring trains within thr inllo * of the city , .which are met by a coai conveying the pawengers Into the city I tallyho. They will have things repaired a couple of days. The famous plunge bath was bad wrecked , both ends being washed out and tl pool filled with debris. It will take sever days to repair It. K. C. Morebousc , general freight agent the Elkhorn , and a party of friends we sleeping in hlu private car on a swlti track near the creek. The car came nc waehlng an ay , the occupants escaping their night clothes. Telegraph wires a temporarily connected J that communlc tlon has partially been resumed. A party of campcis was washed down tl stream. All escaped but the Hi-year-old n of Prof. Williams , teacher at Pine Rid ; Agency. The body of the boy was foui four miles below the city , and was burl from the Methodist chapel today. The whc camping outfit , Including clothing , inane tents , horses and wagons was washed dot' the btrenm and Iwt. The Buffalo Gap Lumber company s yar were maUly washed away at a loss of abe $1,500. The entire damage will run far tu the thousands. The oldest reside.its nev wltnctsed cvuch a Hood , though it lasted b little over an hour. IliiiniiKi * ) > > Heavy ItnliiH , GLENROCIC , Wyo , , Aug. S. ( Speclal.- ) sevcro rain storm raged along Deer crii Wednesday , doing considerable damage fleldt and houses of ranchmen. The beavlc sutferer was John Arnold , whoso hay , gral garden ( stuff and fruit was swept away , largo quantity of lumber hauled in for tl purpo&e of building a new house was al swept down the stream and lo.t. \VlH-fl Cluli tHvt'N ii Daiicr. CHEYn-NNU. Wyo. , Aug. S. ( Special. ) The Knickerbocker Wheel club cave B dan Ing party at Its elegant club househe Friday evening. Several hundred foele people of this city were the guesU. Dan ing was on the lawn , which wag coven with cauvauT The club house and groun wore decortted with Jupaaese liateruv , flat bunting and flowers. Two locomotive head lights were used to light up the dancing floor. Refreshments were served during thn evening In the club dining rooms. The at * fair was one of Uie most successful ever held In the city. JIlVrCAM'E IS KILLED AT CUSTHH. YOIIIIK Oiiinlut Mini Shot 1 > 5' Kcllnw Employe * In n SiMvialll. CUSTER , S. D. . Aug. 8. ( Special Tele gram. ) John Metcilfo was killed at noon today by one George Jackson at a sawmill about three miles west of Custer. Jackson ind Metcalfc had a quarrel recently and yesterday Gorgc Jeckron came to Custer and bought a revolver. He returned to the sawmill - mill today and ehot Motcalfe through the heart , canting death chortly afterward After a hot chase by Sheriff Jackson IK was captured and Is in jail awaiting pre liminary examination. .Much excitement prevails and lynching has been threatened strongly. Jackson U a young man who ha : been uorklng at the sawmill of Thomat Mulkn with Metcalfe. John MetcaltcV parents live In Omaha. ( Mil } Co ii ii I jSIIVCM ! I'roKrillii. VERMILION , S. D. , Aug. 8. ( Speclal.- ) The speed program at the Clay county fall Is ns follows : \Vfdnts > dny , September 22 Green race trot or pare , purse J50 ; potiv rnce , one-hall mile , two In threePUIPO $15 ; 2:10 : nice , trot and pace , purse $12i ; one-half mile blcyclt race , two In thrt-e , purse $ lfl ; two-mlh bicycle rnce , purse $12 ; one-half mile , $3 one mile , $3 ; one mile nnd one-half , $3 ; twc miles , $ .1. Tnursdny. September 2,1 Free-for-nll , tro or pace , purxp SIM ; running race , two li three , purse $7.V .1:00 : race , trot or pace. pursi } . " 0 ; novelty ince , purse $10 ; one-mile blcycb i ace , pin so $10 ; first quarter , $2.r.O ; SCCOIH quarter , ! 2.M ; third quarter , $2.M ; fourtl quarter , $2.50. All purses will bo divided on the basis o no , SO and 20 per cent. Winners of race ; mist make th ; time In the claw In whlcl hey a-e entered. TllI < MN lit CIlCJ fllllP. CHEYENNE , Wyo. , Aug. 8. ( SpcclaU- Pollceman Green of the city force arreste > i biisplclous looking character last eveiilni while he was trying to sell a fine looklni ilcyclc for a small sum. lie was taken ti icadquarters , where It was found that tin wheel had been stolen several days ago a Lroveland , Colo. A. F. Smith , a carpenter of this place ihllcworking yesterday at n building nea : ho outskirts of the city , hung his vcat 01 .he porch of the house. Two tramps carrlci ) ft the vest , which contained n ? 50 watcl ind a small sum of money. The police wer notified , but the tramps had made thct escape. llHiiiM-arH ivltli llln Two lloyx. FARRAGUT , la. , Aug. 8. ( Special. ) J. 1 Wllklna left his home hero on July 22 las and no trace of him has been found sine that day. He , drove a brown pony to a to buggy and bad bis two boys , aged I and years , respectively , with him. Mr. Wllkln wears an artificial foot and walks lame. H Is a teacher and telegraph operator. Any in formation as to his whereabouts or of th boys will be thankfully received by bis wlfi Slirrlilnn Coiil Tor Kort fiinter. SHERIDAN , Wyo. , Aug. S. ( Special. ) . contract has just been closed for the dt livery at Fort Custer of 4,000 tons of Shci Idan c al. The contract was secured In competition with the Cambria and Roc Springs product , and the Sheridan miners ar greatly elated over the result. The coal wl bo furnished from the mines of the Sherlda Fuel company , which will at once 'Increas the capacity of Its mines. I'M ml Stinitoti'H HcoorilM. SHERIDAN , Wyo. , Aug. 8. ( Speclal.- ) The force of the United States geological sui vey now operating In the Big Horn mour , tains made the ascent to the summit e Cloud Peak on Tuesday. In a monument e stones on the summit they found record left there In 1881 by Captain W. S. Stanto of the United States army and a party e Ms men who were making astronomical ol servatlons. the Iliillronil Ynriln. LARAMIB. Wyo. . Aug. 8. ( Special. ) Tb Union Pacific yards here have been foun Inadequate to handle the present heav freight business passing through and wor upon their extension has been commodcei Two additional tracks will also be put 1 and the entire yards covered with Sherma gravel. lOlkliorn llorrnwM CHEYENNE , Wyo. , Aug. 8. ( Spcclal.- ) Owlng to increasing traffic on the Elkhor railroad the officials of that line have boi rowed from the Union Pacific company her fifteen of Its COO class locomotives. Th engines will be delivered to the Elkhorn i Omaha at once. lIilHlinnil AVCIIKCM HlN AVronsr. OSKALOOSA , la. , Aug. 8. Michael Di vine fatally shot Alexander Cowry at Coloi a suburb , today. Devlne's wife was ah slightly wounded. Dcvlne charged Gowi with breaking up his home. He surrendere to the sheriff. AVI11 Moveto Kort DoilKf. FORT DODGE , la. , Aug. 8. ( Special.- ) The Iowa Paint Manufacturing company i Vlnton has decided to move Mo works l Fort Dodge about September 15. This ono of the most Important manufactures i tbo state. AnxloiiH to Heroine n JmlKC. VERMILION , S. D. , Aug. 8. ( Special.- ) Attorney Jared Runyan of this city Is sal to bo nn aspirant for the populist nomlnatlc for circuit judge oC the first circuit. Ul'HISINO ON AFGHAN K11OXTIE1 EiiKllxli Korcrit Defeat the Itehe Who Cm KM tht * Kroiitlcr. LONDON , Aug. 0. A dispatch to tl Times from Simla eays tint another ou break Is officially reported on the Afgtu frontier. The Mullah who preached again England during the Chltral campaign hi again otlrred up strife. In the iMohland coin try by representing that the success of tl Turks In Europe provides a favorable o portuulty for defying English rule. Ho hi gathered tome thousand , ! of followers. ; It wiM too late for him to ctslst In the a tack on Camp Malakand bo attacked Fo Shabadakar. eighteen miles from Peshawa The attack was made yesterday ( Saturdaj The police and garrison beat off the n tlves , who then burned a Hindoo vlllai and killed some of the Inhabitant/1 , strong force of civalry , Infantry and a tlllery has ? been pent from Peshawar to pu hh the rebels and It Is reported that thi have fled and recrorsed the frontier. for tlic I'arU ExiiiiMltloii. PARIS , Aug. S. A hundred projects fi attractions for the Paris exposition of 10 were submitted to the committee today. Thi Included the building of a copy of Ilartholdl Statue of Liberty , In New York harbor , C feet high ; tbo construction of a rcstaura : under water , to bo built of glass ; an ena mous vertical screw with a nut , fitted , a cafe ; a reproduction of the Trojan hors capable of holding 1,000 persons , and plai for fitting the DlfTel tower with n spiral ral way and a toboggan slide. The commit ! decided that none of the schemes were pra tlcable. \iitloiinl ClirlNlInii Allliinrc * . CLEVELAND. Aug. fc.-Tho annual co ; vcntlon of the National Christian Alllum began here today , with between 400 and t peri-otm in attendance. The H tlonn opem with u prayer meeting lit Heulali park at o'clock In the morning. The opsnlni , ' a dress was delivered by Pros.diHit O. : Ilrown of tills city , It Is expected that S.I visitors will bo present during the tv weeks that the mcetlnp continues. Mar dlstlnKiilxhcd sneakers will be In iittemlun < and Hev. A. II. Slnipion. president of tl International Alliance , is expected ton time thla week. Shoot * HIniM-ir AVhllf lluntliiK. AUHl'UN. N , Y. , Aug. 8.-The body of B Arthur S , Kennedy , ugcil about 55 yenrn , retired eye , ear and throat tpeelallst i this city , wns found today four miles norl of this city. He left home about S o'cloc this morning to go hunting and Ida deal Is Buppased to have resulted from the ace dental discharge of hU gun. Inflicting wound just above the knee , from which 1 bled to Ueatb. lie \vaa well known In tu circle * . - VATCIl PRICES / SILVER 'recent Decline Oanscs an Unooay Feeling iu Mexico:1 : w BEST AUTHORITIES fAtK1 HOPEFULLY CoiiKiil Il\preKNe i ( lie Uiilnliin Silver Wilt do I'li'p Soon n/i Inillii In Alitu to'Vjikc the Jlclnl. ST. LOUIS , Aug. 8. A special to th < Globe-Democrat from the City of Mexico says : The rapid decline in the prlc < of silver ban caused much apprehension Ir ) iislne 3 and governmental circles. The poe Iblo effects upon Mexico arc being gcnerallj tlscussed and much speculation la Indulged n as to the point exchange rates maj reach. Yesterday the premium on gold wai 12C' & to 12Gi. . Lionel a. Garden , the Drltlsl consul , who has reside , ! In tills Capitol foi many years and who hart an Internationa reputation for the many articles ho hai written on the silver question , In an Inter view on the subject , eays : "My opinion Is that the price of sltvc s ouMrely governed by the law of suppl ; and demand. India In ordinary clrcum stances takes a largo proportion of the sur i Inn pi eduction of the world's silver am t li only natural that the silver m.irkc shotnd bo affected by the present poverty- stricken condition of India. The piewen low price cf silver will only contlmto in eng sa the present condition of nfialrs i : India dcis. Moreover , a point must b reached , If silver continues to fall , soonc or later , at which It will be found Itnpossl ble to make- silver mining prolltably li countries where the gold M.ind.trJ la l ! u e. Therefore , the supply , who : : that poln Is reached , will become much restrlctei and prices consequently will regain some thing and take on a normal level. MONOPOLY OK SILVER MININC1. "Tho effect of the present fall will tin doubtcdly stimulate the production of sll vcr for export , and therefore will be a ben cfit to Mexico to a far more considerable ex tent than the prejudice that may result ti the government and railway companies 01 account of the prices of wages here , but have no reasons to anticipate this , as Ion before such a point could bo reached th production of silver would have ceased to b possible In nil countries where wages ar paid In gold. At the present rate of ex change higher prices may have to bo pal for Interest abroad. The arguments 1 mad to my government four years ago on th i ( .suits that might happen to Mexico owln to p. fall In silver , still hold good , with till addition , that It might le serious to thl country If silver fell to far as to effect 12 per cent premium. " II. C. Waters , manager of the Banco d Londrcs , the largest banking cstabllshmcri In this republic , said that ho did not be llevo the present fall In sliver would alTee Mexico. The loss occurring to the goven : mcnt , even at the present rate of cxchangi really amounted to very little , ho said , nn the government could easily stand It. II believed that If sliver sold much lower th republic would soon havp a monopoly of mil : Ing It , and countries like the United State * Australia , etc. , would Buffer the most. H believed the fall would only temporarll affect trade here. H nilght have some pel mancnt effect on certain claries of forelg merchandise , but It woiild certainly stlrm late all native Industries and would ten to attract capital. Thc'rallways will find tremendous Increase in local trafllc , whic will eventually offset this less on foreign e > change. "I see no reason to anticipate an permanent IOFS by the fall In silver ; rathe the opposite1 said the banker In conclusloi H. n. Ntckerson , gen'cral manager of th Central railway , the largest railway corpon tlon doing business In the republic , refuse to talk on silver generally. ' He said , hov over , that At present the road was carnln on a silver basis and purchasing most t Its supplies on a gold basis , and the rcsu was most detrimental to the interests < the road. CAHOVASTHEVICTI1 ( Continued from First Page. ) matters. The news will nleaso Herr Moi and all the other anarchists In. the countr ; A blow has been struck at despotism I Spain and a revolution Is sure to follow. : is not very often that violence Is a sui cess , but In this case It io all right , becau : It Is a success. Washington would ha\ been an anarchist had ho not succeeded. " Enrique Trujlllo , editor of El Porvenl was greatly surprised to hear of the deal of Premier Canovas. "Sagasta will ccrtatnl succeed Canovas , " he sain. "Even had Cai ovas lived he-would have resigned hlo o fico In favor of Sagasta In two or thr < months. In my opinion , the death of Cm ovas will not have the slightest effect on tl Cuban cause. " COMMENT OF THE I.OMJOX I'llES IlOlltll Itellc-VCH llCllllVIIH Of tlic IIllllll Intlon of Failure. LONDON , Aug. 8. The .Dally News an editorial on the assassination of Canov ; says : "Tho deed follows quickly on the pious 1 vocations to England as the classic land liberty uttered by the exiled Spanish a archlsta on their arrival at Llverpol. Tsei are anarchist words. On the other hand , tl killing Is one of their actr. It Is impttslb to draw any moral but IhU , that the mlllta anarchist Is a beast of prey without cvi a beast's discrimination. " Commenting on the inability of Seni Canovcs to deal with the formidable teak Cuba , the Daily News says ; "Death , after all , has dealt kindly by hi In relieving him of the personal bum'.llaUi ' of an Inevitable failure. The Insurrection , It makes no progress , at least marks Urn and the United States Is again beginning talk of a time limit for the other bid llravo words and e-ven bravo deeds w ! hardly meet a dllllculty of this sort , unld they are right and wise ones as well. Tl future Is dark for Spain. Barbarous murd has removed one of the few men able carry on the queen regent's g.vo-nmo amid awful difficulties. Italy hen again su piled the executive agent of the behest * anarchy. She descrvea our condolcncoi i most more than Spain , " The Times says , e ltprlqly | : "Tho crin appears to be an act , qf anarchist rcveni for the execution of thet jfaf.celoua consplr tors. The anarchlslsijhaj.0 given inhnklr ono more reason to rvfiaril itheni ua the It placable enemies of th < : iiyrace. Spain los In Scnor Canovas del , Castillo the best at most capablci of her Uvjng.statesmen. " The Dally Chronlele jjayai , "Wo cannot fit words to express our .jiorrpr . of ( ho act. I lecson Is that the mej-p ; suppression of ai archy by force is no our ? ) , , Spain necdo r form and unless reforni qowies there Is re son to fear the repetitionof ! such crime The act Is a dire blo\f tOjtlbe cause of frc dom , It will ralso aU-to ( | forces of r action and will tie th.ptet7r and the kals more closely together | ln ft deslrc to reprc' reasonable liberty. " el'H The Standard saysfc.iVTbe crime is ca culated to lead the rcvol < tl ) colonleo and tl foreign powers to belltveiJhat the hostlll to the Spanish constltiltlojiflaiid governme is greater than thut-yhlch really exist They will cheese to * ee ; In It a proof tb Spain U a house divided against Itself ai a prey to Internal dissensions , and ther faro less to be feared. In a conflict such i the one In which Spain 10 now unfortunate engaged H would bo regrettable for mat rcaions should such an idea become gene ally prevalent among Spain's enemies rivals , " A week ago the French paper , Courier < Lyon , published an Interview wlt | > an Italli anarchist who said ho waj going to Londi to ecu the Spanish nnarchls'.a , ami th \vlthlti a few dajti the world would I astounded by an ev-nt r'eicmbllng the deal of Carnot. The Spanish anarchist le-fugc from Barcelona now In London , on bell questioned thU evening on the subject the a&jasslnatlon of Canovr.y , declared th the murderer had nothing to do with tbei 1'rvnliloiit llt-iirx IlifvtiM. . HOTEL CHAMPLA1N , N. V. , Aue. 8. The presidential party epcnt the gieat part of the day quietly in the hotel. J tic morning the jireMdontoeprestd nt lid Mm Hobnrt , Secretary nml Mrs. Algcr nd Mr. and Mrs. Whltelaw Held attended ervlces In the First Presbyterian church , lev. Dr. Heed , formerly imstor of Becre- nry nml Mrs. Alger in Detroit , olIlclatliiR. Vhen Informed of the nsfmsMnntlon of the > rlmo minister of Spain the president xvns lorrltled , but refused to mnkc any com ment. n.Mm DE LOME is vnitv iustitvr.i : > . to DlNPiiiift ( lie r.flcct of Cnnovnn' AnniiKKlimtton. LENNOX , ' .Mars , , Aug. 8. Senor Dupny o Lome , Span'eh ' ambassador , was seen by he Associated prrvs correspondent at the cot. ago In Lennox where he rrlvcd yesterday. Vhen ; ukcd about the assassination of Senor Canovae , the prime minister of Spain , be aid ho had Just received a long cablegram rom Spain , etatlng tint an aesat-sln. who ookcd like an Italian , bad ehot nt the irlmo minister several times , but he did lot understand by the wording of the dls- mtch that the prime minister had been cllled. When informed that mich wes the 'act. ' and that Canovas wns reilly dead , ho was greatly shocked , as the prime minister vaa a elope personal friend. Scnor dc Lome poke about hl.i being the son of a poor schoolmaster and how he hnd raised him self to his present high position. Senor " ) upuy do Lome paid that there was posl- Ively no p-lltlcat connection to the assa.s- rlnatlon and that his dispatch stated that complete order reigned In Spain and there wns no elgn that this order would be d's- , urbed. When asked who he thought would suc ceed Canovns he fald that the ne\\s was so mexpcctcd that he bad not ttmo to think of It and of course did not know. Itc was not willing to discuss the political Influence that Canovas' death would have on the gov ernment of Spain or on tbo Spanish policy toward Cuba. Ho said , however , that It ivould have no Immediate effect , but as he nd had no time to reflect upon it he was not ready to discuss It. r\vo mii'mioiis TOAST EACH Crnr IMciiM..l nl I IK- Visit nml William Midi UN Itrcciitlnii. ST. PETOHSUUHG , Aug. S. At the- state banquet given by the Russian emperor and empress to Emperor William and Empress Augusta Victoria last night , Emperor Nich olas , toasting his Imperial guests , said : "Tho presence of your majesties among us causes mo very lively satisfaction. I deolrc sincerely to thank you for the visit , which Is a fresh manifestation of the traditional bonds uniting us and the good relations so liapplly established between our two neigh boring empires. It Is nt the same time a precious guarantee of the maintenance of the general peace , which forms the object o : our constant efforts and our most fervent wishes. 1 drink to the health of Emperor- King William and Empress-Queen August Victoria , and to the health of all the mem bers of their august family. " Emperor William shortly afterward raised his glass to bis host and said : "I thank your majesties with a warm heart , speaking nlso In the name of the empress , for the cordial and magnificent re ception you have accorded UH and for the raclous words with which your majesty has so affectionately welcomed us. I especially dealro to lay a * the feet of your majesty my most sincere and grateful thanks for the renewed mark of distinction which comes as a surprise to mo. I mean the enrollment of nyrjelf In your majesty's glorious navy. This Is an especial honor which I am oblo to appreciate to Its fullest extent and an honor which at the same time confers a particular distinction upon my own navy. It ly a fresh proof of the continuance of our traditional Intimate relations. Founded upon the un mistakable basis of your majesty's unalter able resolutions to keep your people In peace In the future as In the past , It finds In mo the gladdest echo. Thus wo will pursue the same paths and strive unitedly , under the blessing of peace , to guide the Intellectual development of our peoples. I can , with full confidence , lay this promise anew In the hands of your majesty , and I know I have the support of the whole of my people in doing EO , that I stand by your majesty's side with my whole strength In this great work of preserving the peace of the nations , and I will give your majesty my strongest support against any ono who may attempt to disturb or break this peace , I drink to the welfare of your ir.ajfstlca. " The sentence In which Emperor Wllllim pledged Eirperor Nicholas his support against any attempt to break the peace of the nations was spoken In Russian. The whole city and the ships lying In the Nova have been splendidly decoratej with flags and flowers today , and the streets have been crowded , although the sky Is over cast. Emperor William and the empre arrive , ! at the landing stage at 11 a. rn. , where the municipal authorities pr.'scntei them with bread and salt on especially con structed dishes , as tokens of the ho&pltullly of the city. With the Peterowskl regiment as a guard of honor they visited ( ho fortivra of St. Petersburg and St. Paul and placed a wreath upon the tomb of Alexander III. Everywhere they wcro greeted with tre mendous chcera. Subsequently they opened the now wing of the German Alexander hcs- pltal , from which they proceeded to the win ter palace. During the afternoon Emperor William re ceived visits from tbo ambass.idois and re turned them. Coitvi-MMloii t I li < LONDON , Aug. 8. The Berlin correspond ent of the Times sajs : The fresh German protcat to the United States on the subject of sugar differs from the former protest in being a written ono. It Is a concession to agrarian agitation , and therefore does nol pass unchallenged here. It is not yet knowr whether the protest represents an isolatec : act on the part of Germany or whether It la taken in conjunction with other govern ments , some of which have more ground for complaint than Germany. rOHECAST OK TODAY'S WEVTIIEH 1'nrlly Clou (15' \\ltli Varllllilr for Nt'lirnHlcn. . WASHINGTON , Aug. 8. The forecast for Monday Is : For Nebraska Partly cloudy weather variable winds. For South Dakota Generally fair ; varl able winds. For Iowa Fnlr ; variable winds. For Missouri and Kansas Generally fair variable winds. For Wyoming Threatening weather southerly winds. I.oi'iil lt < Toril. OFFICBOFTHE WKATHBIl HUHHAU OMAHA , Aup , S. Omaha record of and tompernture compared with correspond Ing day of the past three years : 1W7. ISM. Ibas. IS ! ) I Maximum temperature . . V ) ! M 90 ! i Minimum temperature . . . 71 77 70 C ! Average temperature M ) W ! Kl K Iliiinfall T T .CO . ( , ( He-cold of temperature and pruclpliatioi at Onialm for thin day and Hlncu March 1 if-97 : Normal for the day. , , . , 7 Kxec'Si for the day . , , , , : Accumulated exeos.i Hnce March 1 4 Normal rainfall for the duy 11 Inei Deficiency for the elny 11 Inc ) Total ralnfnll plnee March l..17.2S Inches Deficiency iilncc Martin 1 7..T7 Imlie ! Excess for cor. period , 1S1W l.fiS Inches Deficiency for cor , period , Ibiij. , . , S.'S Inche. from SlnlloiiH ill M | i , iti , Sie\ < : ntmtli mcrldlun time. p H. S 3 , 5 STATIONS AND STATE OP 3 c , s WCATUEIl. a g Omn'.in , partly cloudy . .01 North riatle , partly cloudy . . . 4 .0 Salt I-al.e City , partly cioudy , .0' v. cloudy . .0.ii Hapl'l ' C'lty , partly cloudy .ii Huron , cloudy . , TCI ic ; .01 t'HIcnK" , partly cloudy . 7 | 7kl .K \Vllllfton , ckar . . . . . , , . 7S t > U | .0 ft. 1/3 * . In , clear . S6 | .0 St , I'aul , cloudy . , , . . . , . ! > .u < nport , clear . l ! SCl . ( ( Helena , raining 121 1 City , clear Sli M llmrc , cloudy K | .0 , lilimiuick , ckar S.'l ,01 G.ihoton , char 't Indicate , trnce of [ ircclpltntlcn. IA. . \Vii.rfll , Local Kurtcaet Olllclal. SPECIAL NOTICES COUNCIL BLUFFS WANTS * XV/t/VS\SV\SWV'V/N/V/\XNSts\/\/\S\/\S\/\\S ' xi UWULUNQS. KitUlT. KAUM ANU OAUDIIN Una. ( or ftil ur rent. Day & U > . Z > Pearl ttrctU Doing "stunts. " seems to be the case with the women who arc washing in the old way. You can stand on your head , for instance. Almost everyone could do it , if it wcro necessary or desirable. But standing on the feet is more natural and more sensible and easier. So with soap and Pearline. Everyone can wash with soap many do. But washing with Pearline is easier and more sensible. tThc hard work of soap is neither necessary nor desirable. Everyone should give up the use of soap and should use Pearline. cu " " " IVddlcn and some unscrupulous qroccrs will tell jou , "tills ts M goo : ! ns" or "the same as I'taillne. ' IT'S KAI.SK IVnrline i * nevej peddled ; if your grocer sends you an imitation , lie honest tttui it tatk , JAMES PYLIJ , New York. LE- UNDER THE AUSPICES OF THE FASTEST TRACK IHi THE WEST. $30CTlN PRIZES. PROGRAMME : ONE MILE AMATEUR 3 Minute Class HALF MILE PROFESSIONAL PACED ONE MILE AMATEUR 2:40 : Class ONE MILE ROADSTER AMATEUR ONE-THIRD MILE AMATEUR. ONE MILE ANTIQUE ONE MILE PROFESSIONAL ' HALF MILE AMPTEUR PACED IWO-THIRDS MILE AMATEUR PACED MATCH RACE One Mi'e ' County Championship Colored THREE MILE AMATEUR PACED A beautiful silk banner given to club having largest attend ance at the races. Grand stand free. Children under 12 years 15 cents. For entry blanks , nddrccs HARRY K. SMITH , Sec'y and Mgr. COUNCIL BLUFFS , IA- The improved PATENT GRATE for steam boilers , furnaces , etc. This frruto IH being largely uso-l in packing' houses , breweries , mills , steam heating plants or uny j > laio where steam ouilcrs are be ing iibeci. They are the most eooiumical , durable and efficient Hhaking grate made nnd will save fuel. Write circulars describ ing grates , giving fuller informa tion to the tOthAve. and 12th St Council Bluffs. la PIONEER IMPLEMENT GO , , VEHICLES OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS , IOOO Main Street , Council Bluffs- Telephone IOO. After July ist my father , Dr. E. I. Woodbnry , will liuvo charge ol tbo pluto work in my olllco and I will tfivo my ontlro nttontion to Opomtlvo Dontlsti-y , Grown and lirtdjjo Work. No. 30 Penrl St. , Next to Grand Ilntul. E2KE5JLaiJMHBi2 BOON TO WOMEN. I Turkish. Tansy aiul I'ciinyroyal Pills most FIJ.MALE * pills will KlvMKVK SUPPUIJSHKI ) , UX.CHSSIVU , SCANTY Oil PAINFUL AlliNSTRUATION Will briiiK menstruation suns to _ | thu day. Sent by mai securely pucltctl , $1,01) ) a box I HAEHSF'S PHARMACY.lStb mid Fiinwm Sts. Onmhu Neb. m m [ ffnUTMl FRENCH TANSY WAFERS Thus are the genuine FHKNCH TANSY WAFUHH. Imported tllrtcl ( rum I'urla , I.udlei can di | > cml niiun eecurlng relief ( rom uml cuie of painful anil Irrruiilar i > erloil , rtguril. UBS ot cause. KMnllfiON' I > HUO CO. . Importer * und Agcnta ( or the United Ktatcs. Kan Joe. Cat. For sale by Hie Kconomlcal Drug Co. . 22 ! 3. Kill , bet. l > 'uinam and Uouslun Sts. Solo URenU. DP Council Bluffs , Iowa. CAPITAL , . . . $100,000 WIS SOLICIT YOim 1IVBIHKBH , WD OKBIHU YOUR COLLUCTIONI. ONE OF THIS OMJKST BANKS IN IOWA. B PER CENT PAID ON TIME UUPOllT * BALI * AID IBM ! ? OB WttlTMt. - Help advertise the Transmississippi Exposition for Omaha in 1898 by sending The Bee to Your friends At home and Abroad. All the news About the Exposition.