Newspaper Page Text
THE OMAHA DAILY HE 12 : "VtTCSHAY , ATJCUTST 24. IH)7. ! ) COMMERCIAL AND FINANCIAI Tnlla from Ite High EsUto nm Oanles Others With It , HEAVY LIQUIDATION THE SOLE CADS ! ntirt C'p l n A Nn Iltillli-Ii lr < i | > < > f > purl > a Mi-lid li > ( lie 1 , ( : iillnur Ccronl. C1IICAOO , Aug 2"-The upward rush ol the vvhcnl mnrke-l wan stopped lodny. Th ( September option vvns sold as. high a- t02'4 \ ' pe-r bushel on the curb but broke liulljon - 'eliange under a perfect flood ol realising * nlu * , ileellnlng to Sic In the llrsi live minutes' trading , and closing at We decline of I'ic slne-e Saturday Decembci also HUffe-red , the closing price , 93V , helm 3\c undei Saturday' * closing figure Trad Ing In coin nnd oats was on a nmnimotl ncale and marked by froanrnt fluctuation * realising vvns liciuy In both markets Con declined "te nnd emtn 'fcc Provision * elQsed iinchutigcil to lOc lower. A Co decline was chronicled In fla\neecl It looked at the opening of the day's bus iness In wheat and tor llffeen mlnu'iK aflci as If b'dlam luul been established on tin IJonrd of Tinde , but the frenzv nbitMl Homowhit at the- end of thnt time. The Liverpool market again set Hiep.ico foi thu first dasn h > opening c\elted at from 4il lo 4 > < d l > tr cclilal high'r than It closed Satutday that Is to fiom 3c to v4i liui Inmhel That caused thrIrndrts or the ftpcii boird to p ij $1 ( U'.j ' per bushel foi September wheat Hofore trading con- ineiicl on Ihf tef'Uhu lii.ud , lio\vovet , thu cuib pi Ice luul diopped lo * I \\lien Hit opining boll pounded foi Ihe olllc-ltil 1am- mi-ncemont of the dnj's pioci-edlngH hull- sell Sepli-mhcl it die-dq weie ollerlng to from $1 down to 'I7c , whileDiember w IF offered at the FIIIIRtlmo fiom $1 to II ( "Ac He fore live minutes of the session vviis ovei iKith Koptcmbei and Deeeinbor veil down to ' ' " ( In unotliei live l.'lnutcs tlie > luul re-toured ngiln to Ifi'ie , then to ! iv ( to U7c , 10 Sfi'AC , to ! | 4c once mote , and very w)6n lo 'I'Vr ' I Jin Ing Hint tlni - the price of the two de-llv Piles Were nltenmtel } In thu lead , but uftei half an houi of such IriegiilniiO Septembei B-ttlnd Into a le-nil ( it nliout > ie The break fioin tiroitml $1 to ! t"i was mopped at that , and the puci ! ro-'o In an equal ! ) sudden and agltnled way vvhe-li cables Hhovved that Llverpoo. hail --till further added to Ihe first luhanee. The il e In pilec had at . ° . 'M P m . Liver- tijol lime , lea lied u'ld , en n'4c per biMiel over Sitiinliij'M lale-t When the agltitlon liere hnd t-omoMlinl quieted down the Hue- tuatluiis mil i owed eonslderablv and kept for n time within 'so of ssc Tlu > ordinary market news outside of the Liverpool fluc tuations K-ce-lved but scant attention. Chi- c.igo lucclpti wereST ! cars nnd the quan tity Inspected out of store was 411000 bu. Jllnneapoll'i nnd Diilnth received 'Ha enr , against IM'i a week ago , and ii"il thu corie- opondlng day of the jear be-fore The \vcrld'n i-lilpnienti nggiegited 7,242COO bu , last week , eoniMied | with 7t01(00 bu the wee-k pre vlou , and l.'ilj.oin ' ) bu the eorre- HI tiding week of 1V'C The iUaiitlt | > on oei-aii passage- Indented 1,200,0)0 ) bu Thei visible buppl > Hhovved a decrease ofI97COC bu , or about half as much ns looked lor Chli-ago Blocks weieI I educed K'l.OOO bu , nnd there are enl > l.USG.OOO bu of nil kinds licic now. the most notable Hem In the movement of wheat at prlmarv western maikctb wa s tece'pts ofiSlSrO bu at Kan- fas Clttod.ij The annoniicement of the dls.ippeilntedlvmall decreT = e In the visible supp'v ( . .itioeel a diop from around f So foi Septeniber to % ' 4c , but the foreign markclH clo-Ing surpilslnglv slrong caused "nnolhet advance to about U7'.c Thu ten dency , hovvevci , neai the end was toward lower prices In the absence of any stron , ? reason for nnoth'i advance September v.-ai back to ! fc and Heei-mbei to 'il e about five tulmitei from tne close and those \vere the prl e * when the clo'Ing bell Minndcd Hvery big trader with coin showing n profit In It appeared to be e ling out today The market opened soeiy strong that II was easy at tlr-t to ilnd bu > eisfor the otter- Ings. The factor's at the atari were a 3\d advance at Llveipjol and croj reports of an unfavorable n ilure. The tie- mentions quantities that we-te poured Intc the pit all lorcnoon told In the end ami toward - ward the close- the market became \eiy weik. The start was wild , September bring. Ing from 3.2e to Me < .lmultuneousy | and De- ecmber from 34c to Xi c. compiled with Sit- urdaj'H closing prices of SlUc. and S1\c. The market soon broke badly with , ami though recovering liter became weak again , the lowest prices of the day prevailing as the market was ? closing. Locil receipts were heavy , J.'fll car . Soptcmlior broke to 31c , recovered to 32V.c , then declined to .ilc , where It closed. December declined to 317ic rceovered to 3IVfec , and declined to 1-\c , clos. Ing at 327ic. The seaboard reported ICO load' taken for export. There waH Importint liquidation In oats n ° 'ln all other pits 1'rlccj opened with n ru h , September starting He higher at JOe and advancing Immediately to 20'/ic. while Decembei opened "Viff/le higher nt 22fi2-14c ( There vvns good out"'de buying a'l day , but not enough to counteract HIP effect of the heavy llimldatlon of long holdings by eleva- ter people , which were e-hletl > re pons'ble for the drop which endued -hort'y aftrr Ihe openlni : The i-clllng was , of comse , Inllu diced greatly bv Ihe action of wheat Loci rcuelptfi .v'ere W cars Septembtr deciliter to 19c and closed at iv-kc ; December droppee off to 20'4c and cloed at that price bid 1'rovl'lons were higher carl > In the e'Flot on the stiong hog nuiiket and under tin sustaining Inlluence of good foreign buying onlerc. nut there Wfie too nunv loca' trad cis ready to roll out for the market to main tain fin opening advance PaekerM geiienllj were fieo sclleis. At the close Soptemhei Jiork was lOc lower at $ .Sr,7' < . . September Ian unchanged nt $1 fil and September ribs 5f7V4 | ( Idvver nt $5 ! 2Vi Kstlmated reee-lpN Tne'dav Wheat 371 cars ; eorn. 1,800 cars ; oats MX ) cars ; hen-s IS.OX ) head _ Lea d I ngfut _ u r esrai _ gedn _ " sf oi _ Um s Article H l . ) jjn _ | IUIil _ d j > v "TTJhj-ta | s U I'y . Wlic-nl- 1)7-1 ) on l no iir. ftcV n7i . * i i nn Mav 117-1 wo l oo IHIH W 1 IHI'-j ' Coin- Ail IT. . ' ' t-cpt . \1M \ , \ 1 1 ? Din . 4-MW tm .HV liny .17 1 37' , OfltK Si pt. . . in ingiii H1'4 Miiy . sii ) giii Pork- S . | it H S" 8 SI 8 5OLii R I)7H ) Oct. . . h I'O h on H 1.0 H IUS- ' Dec . H III ) 0 05 8 70 S 7.- . , Ecnl I 7u I 7 * I It.'S 4 nn 4 in net . , 4 7" ' 4 ii'i ' , 4 Til t 70 Dec . 4 III ) I v'.H 4 70 1 73 4 80 mrimtM HI in , . n .17' { fi ' 'T ft 21 n : i"i in n to 0 U.-i r us c .10 No. 2. e-imh nuulntloiiK were ax follows ; n/IMt-Culi > t ; vvljiter pilcntB , II SOffl-00 lr.UthlH , MOfMM. fl'rliiK fiuelul. , JC73 , imrlm jinlenm HuiffSto , Inkers , $1 SOW4 SO WIII3AT No uprlnuttCGJSc , Ni > . 3 uprlnif , 80 il < ie : No 2 red WcftJI i I OILS" No 2 , 3i > \ , Nu 3 icllow. 30'iC OATSNo. . J l-JV4c. f u h , No , 2 white. MS Ho. No J whlti:0f22c. . HVH-Ncl S. Ve 1IAIII l'Nnj , nominal ; No S , SOJTSSoNo 4 , 2tfi .lie ri.AXHiin NO. i , ti HITI 15. HMD i IIY HnnDlrlmt.73 1'IIOVIBIO.NS Mess pork pir hhl IS 5W > M Jjinl perlHtlhi II ( J Hhorl rlhj ulileu ( loore ) , } 51M(5 < 0 Ir > Halted nhouhh rK ( Invwll | 3(0 < ! i d J'i Siinrt cliur fchles ( Iraxt-d ) , Jj oif5 C'U WHIBKYIHstlllcrsllnlthid KouiN , pep gu | , MJOAH-Cut leif , | 384 ; eraniilated , Jjji , inndaid "A , " IS t On tinproduce - exchange today , the bullei market wan llrm , creameries KWISn , dilrlos lOWllc. CheisentPiid ) . 8V < 09c E g * . llrm fre h , 13c , Hvo l JUllr > . llrm , o.ulet , SUlOa ; ehlrkins , 7He ; vpilngii , lOe , duiku YOIIIC < ; IMHV ! , QiiolnlliiiiH of I lieliny on ( ( iniiiioilliU-H. NEW 1OUK , AUK , 23 I'lXlUH-Hecelpts 29,0-31 bbl > . ; exports , 2S.SCJ bbls. Market piln rlpally unchiinK-d n to prlem. ra > ler ut UK rlivae ; wlnlir , palenla , t3j573 , vvlnlir ntnilghts , $10)iiTS ) 3 , Minnesota buk. i - , ) jai , 470 , Hie llaur , stronger , superfine , $2.8303.10 $3 1' < XltN MEAIqulet ; jellow , $7 U. UMhtrini ; , No 2. wmlem , 57c. HAHLEY-rirm 30i\ HAIILin MALT ejulet. weslern , 4&35SC. \\11EA1V Hieelptii 3f * 330 bu ; tpol , weak ; No 1 rid $108 , No 2 hard. $1.0314. OptUnn opi-nei nil ad ) and iVvrlop l woakiuiui all ilai with fev naelldiK , Innunuced by heav ) ruilUlng efforU Ixilh local and fortlitu ; illiuruwlnllng 1'irnel i-allo , a light export and Incre-aslii. ; wlntei vhrnl rvcelpu , clewvd nn 2e- lower , No 2 r AUKUit elu od $ IU34 ; September , $1 WOl-Mr. ilomtl $1 W , 4XJHNItixelpti. . 2(3900 ( bu : exports , 31,414 1 < U Hpot , market active. No. Z , 3ic. Optlonn opene. very lren on higher cablen and gooj loca buying , tut turn U weak and declined all da ] uodir Auru t clo * sj 31T4C , Septombtr , JJ 4fl3j > ic , clones Jl'tr llVTS-llMdplK , 24S20) ) l > u ; fxporls , JI7.0" * bu Srfit , quiet. No 2 , J4c. Opllonn steady , weal with oth r mnrkri cloalnn HMHo not lower Seplember cloned 23'tc. HAY Shipping , 4Sfl < VVROPd to choice , C0fl75c HOIS rirm. 1SSS clop 8'4oi 1W6 crop. T c Pnrine cnnfl , 1S9J crop 3fHc ; HM crop , eff'o HIUKS-FIrm , ( lalveHon , 12'iClSUc , Hueno A > rt , dry , re. Texan dr > , itJI2Hc , California 17cLKvTHMlFIrm , hemlock role , Buenon A > ies IlKht le > heavj wdfthls , l t/20o. PnoVISION" ? llcef , nrm. family 19 OOU10 0. Cut meats , steady , pickled tx-llie , 6 . 8c I inl nrm , western steam $3WO&OC , refined , quiet Poik llrm , lumbx , stend > lIUTTEH-necelplf , 20 < M > pkps , nim , wesleri cnamcry 12 < (1SV4c , Elgins , ISHc , factory. 7Ht e. . . tllKKSE-HecelplB 16,6. * pkp ; uteaily ; large while , S'ittl'ic. ' small , vvmle. SHWSiiC , large ndiircd , 8HCf-4c , smnll colored. 909'ic : par sklniK 5U f6i4C ! full fklin . 3'4 ' 4c KdtT ? Ilecelpts , s.332 pkgs , llrm , stale nni Penn > lvanla , MUQIC1 , we'tern IV OIljS Petroleum dull , I'cnnsvlvanla crudi- no market , mimlnallj , 83c Cottonsid , quiet not active prl ne ( .rude nominal prime crude mills 17c. prime Mimme-r > Hlow 2Cf 26'ic. ' off oummcr sellow , 2J021'4c , bulter grades 30 12c. prime fummer while JS 2''c , prime win tcr vellow 33e' Ilosln quiet strained commol to good $1 4'iil | 50 Turpentine , > at > j 2 'sc ' HICE-rirm domestic , fair to extra. 4iiO Uo Japan 4'4a4\c. MOI.ASirfl-rirm. Nrw Orleans , npcn kdlle Ron I lo choice 21ff3ie METAIH-PIg lion , steady ; noulhtrn , $ 'J Mf HOO , northern , $10tW120ti Cottwr , slronp brokers' $1 0 exehann $3 12'4 f3 'i Tinfr < dull stialghts $1370 11RO plates , quiet Speller plradv domestic $4 2'.WI 1" Pl | ; Iron warrant' ' on exchange , dull , $ f. 20 50 l ike copper Bte-ady , $11 liflll 25 lln , dull , $1370fll3S1. OM VH \ < iMitAi < 4 Condition of 'I in lienml Qniilntloiii on ' 'Iniilc nnd rimeProiliicc. . EiaHulk of s le , 12o III TTEn Common to fair , Cf6'4c. choice ti famv I0 < f12c separator enamctj l c , gatlurci ireamet ) 14i15c , VEA I. Choice- fat 80 to 1"0 Ibs. , quoted at tS PC laruo and eoprso , 4ff c LIVE POri.THY Hens Co , eneks 1fl4c , prln [ chk'icnx per Hi [ ID , dinks , 6c , turkejs 6Hkc 1'iarONS I.lvt 7uiOOs | ; uead pigeons no wantnl wantnlY Upland , $ - , ro , midland. $301 ; lowlnnl $4 M r > e tiaw 1450 , colir mains the price or ho ilRlit bales nil thf best , only top grade ! bring lop prices IlllODMCOltN Exficmelr clew sales new crop delivered on track In cnuntrv. choice green pelf- working ci-rpel per Ib 212'4c ' ; choice green running lo Inn I 2fTUn "nmnion , l'4c. VEOETAHLE CANTAIOI'ITS P , r do ? rnfffOe- . crci'.MHiilPer : d.i7 Uf20c. TOMATO ! " * IV r half bu baekct , 75S90c. ONION'S Per In SliflfHO LIMV MEANS- Per Ib 1e HEAN.H Hand picked nav > per bu , $1 10. C \IHIAOE Horn.- grown l o POTATOES Per bu new TOc WATI-HMELONS-Crnlcd pel doz , $17M2X ( > rnuns APPLEfa-Pci 1,1,1 , $ | 5 | 8- , NATIYE PLI'.MS-Pei luiFkct , 23 f40c. OIIAPES Cullfornli $1 J3 l 30 SOI'THEHN PEACIIES-Pei i. bu r05j6nc CALiroitMA PEACHiS-Pcr ci'e , Crawford" , CVLirollNIA PEAUs llirllell , per rate $ . ' 0 ] Huerre Harrty CALiroHNIA PLUMS- Per cape $1 21fil fO HOME OltOVVN OHAPES Per ba kel , 20S23c TROPIC OHANOES-Medllrriuntan sweets , $3 SO l-MONS-Mtsslnas. $3 CO , eholce Califor II vNANAS Choice largo stock. i > er hinch I2005J221. medium-Fired bunchc * 11008200. MISCUL.LANCOUS NUTS Almond * . Cullfurnla , per Ib. large size 13c. llrazlls. pel Iti , luo , walnuts per Ib , fancj , soft shell , 12 Uc. I'andardB lOJj lie. Illherts , per lu , 10e , pecans , polUncd l.irse , SHICc , Jimbo , I1&12C , lari.0 IncKury nuts , lit per bu , eocomuts 4'fcc eicn. rir.S ImiwrteJ fnnc } 4 crown , 2Mb boxes. 12c , 0 cronn , CO Ib boxes , 13J14c. HONEY Choice 13C13c. CIUKll Juice , per half bbl , 1233 ; pel JlVPI.n S\IIUP rive-gal cans each KM , Kil cans , pure , per doz , 112 CO ; half-gal , cans , $023. quart cans 13 fO. rillibll MEATS nmSSin Iinir Uood native steers. 400 to 500 Ibs , G'4c , good forequnrtcre , steers , 5'4c ; good hliuluunrtcrs , i'4c , western steers , oc , fancy .iclfcrs. C'4c , coed heifers , 6c , good forequartcrs , heifers. ( Jo , good hlndquarteru , heifers , Sc , good cows 6c fair cows , 5Vic ; common cows , 5c ; cow Corniuurteis , 4Vie ; cow hlndfiuuitera , 7'fcc. HHCr CUTS TcnJerlolns. ISc. honele s strips , h'ic. strip Inlns G'ic , rolls. 8'4c , sirloin ImtlH , Sc , Khouliler clmlK , ri4c ; rump bults , 4'ic ; btec : chucks , 4\4e , cow ciucks , 4c , bom less chucks , 4c , cow jilatcs , 2efc ; steer plates , 3c ; flanli ntp-ik f'4e , Inlnn No. 1 , He ; loins. No 2. lOc , loins. No 3 , be , sirloin ends , NO. 1 , DC , libs , Ner I , lOc ; rlbNo 2 , 8c' , ilb , No 3 Cc ; slcer rounds 7c ; cow rounds , O'Je ' ; cow rounds shank off , 74c ; cow rojncls shank and rump off , Kc , IrlmniliiKii 4c : beef , shanks , 'Ho ; brains , per dor , SJc ; sweetbreads , per Ib , 10o , sweetbreads ( calves ) , per Ib. 40c ; klilneja. per doz , 33c ; ox tails , each. 3c ; llveri , per Ib , 2c , hearts , per Ib , 2o , tongues , pel Ib . lie. MUTTON I-nmlis. SVic , sheep , 7'/tc , m-uket racks ( long ) , 5c hotel racks ( snort ) , 12c ; legs nml p'-iildles , Sc ; lamb legs. So ; breasts and strw 3c , tonBiies , each , 3c ' DriFECd plg . B'iO dressed I'OHK ; hogs , Cc ; lemlerlolns , lOc ; loins , Cc , spare ribs , 40 , hnm sausage , bulls , Sc ; shoulders , rough , Cc , shoulder ? , tklnned. BVic ; trimmings 3'-lc ; leal lard , not rendered , Go ; heads , cleined , ic ; unout nnd ears , 3c backbones , Hie , check meats 3c. neck bcnc * . 2e ; pigs' mils. 2c , plucks , each , Cc , chlllerllngs , fc , hocks . ; hearts , pel dot 2e , stom-ichs each 3c , tongues , each 7c ; Klilnejv , p"r iloz , lOc , brains , per doz , lc , pl ( > s' feet , pertloz , 2'c ; livers each , 3c. iiiui.s , TAL.I..OV.V. ITC. HIDKS No. 1 green hides. Cc ; No 2 , green hides , OHc , No 1 salted hides Sc : No' i KTcen raited hlilei " < - , No. 1 veal calf. S to 1 ! Ibs S'4c , No 2 veal calf , 12 to 15 IbSc. . No 1 ilry Hint lilili-s. 10ll2c ; Nc , 2 dry Hint hides. 90 lOc , No. 1 dry oaltcd hlciec , OuU'o , part cured hltles. 'io pel Hi less than fullcured. . SIIKnP I'UI/TS Green railed , each 25COe Dreen railed , sheailings ( short wooled early -iklnp ) each 15e , dry shearlings ( short vvoolea earlj skins ) No l each 6c , dry Hint. Kansas and Ncliaska butcher wool pelts , per Ib , ac- luil weight , 4(8Sc ( dry ( lint , Kansas nnd Ne braska murrain wool pelts , fer Ib , actual weight 3iffe , cliy flint Colorado butcher wool pelts , per Ib , nclunl , 4SEc , dry Hint Colorado murialn wool pells , per Ib. , actual welghl 3Q4c , feet cut off , us it Is useless to p i > ficlghl on them STOCKS \M ) HOMIS. MurUt't TliUoH nn He-tl < - > e-d Life Aflcl n We-t-U'H Ile-K ( . NEW YOIIK , Aug 23The stock market to. ila > Fhook Hfolt free from the heavy restralnl which was Imposed upon It during all of lasl week and bounded upward again Today the large dealers who threw Ihelr holdings upon the maiket labt week to realize- bought back mocks In enormous volume and bronchi the level ol thi > maikit uboiil up to that of- last Monilaj , when Ihe rise seimed to have culminated Thai grut inune > ( * 1 Intelets were concerned In to- ila > 's buying was phovvn bj Ihe heavy blocks ol sleeks Unit i hanged hands anl by the extcnMw bujlng of bonds. There was one order for nn > Pirt of ? l COOCC-fl of a bond which Is a favorite In thpeculation ut present The commNrlor IIOUMShl.Ii had withdrawn from the niurkei last vve-ek and hail joined the selling movement tiiuiinl the latter pail of. the week weie oul In full foice again In the market today. It wat a movemint of Ihe large dealers to buy bick al the luwer level what they had sold The motive of the- abandonment of Ihe beat movement am ! the redumption of hu > lng was a glowing skep ticism legardlng the reports of reduced tpiln ; whial ciop In the northwest The rnormont llquldullcn In Uio wheat market gave eonflrma. tlun to Ihetc doubts Ihe continued rite nl wheat In England rnd on the continent , en the other hand was eontlnulng evidence of the for- C'RII need for wheat und Rave amiirance of gieal tialllo to the pealHiard lo transporl grain ami baik ugaln to tram-port the merr-lmndli'e whlil the farmers' profits would buy. The ctienRtli of eorn and eotlon In Ixm'lnn aha aided tin sloik miirkcl The fact that forelkn house- sold Rraln In the market and thai purchapcs foi oxporl were largel ) cuilalled did not prevent Hit sterling exchange market from weskrnlng ' ( n for actual lales of bolh long and short fclnllng , UIK foimer fulling to $183 % and the lattir le $48114 This nHeels Um waning Inllueme of the meisuies taken lo thellink of Li ulund lo dvfei the movemenl of goll to Ihls ( ountr ) ami was ; MriiihlliinliiK factor In th Block market The hraiikeirt and all grain canning roids led Ihe improvement , HuijIiiRlon leading wllh : \ pel cenl Tin- Vim lei bill shares anl poulhnei-tems , the Gould stocks and Ihe international tdiuiei wire all ver ) t-trong and active , and few falleO lo phew a net Iripixivement of at leat a luilnr The anthracite c-eial shares crpeelilly the Head Ing Unites , wde ulro active and tlloilK. Leathei preferred was luigely dealt in r.t an advance .MchUon preferrd gained 2 < per cent , llllnoli Sleel 4 per cenl , Louisville fc Narhvllle 2'4 ' pei rent Mlchlkun Central 3 per cent Hubbcr pre. fined 2'i pel ( cnt and Chleago Qrcuteftcrr p-eferrel 4(4 ( per cent The bonI market showel reawakened activity thiAtehlnon Pile and Noithern Pacific Ireuei bt-lng promlnrnl Northern Parlllc 3s gained IS l r rent AlchUon ttdjuitment 4s IH Pr ceni and Erie Ss 1'i per cent The Evening POII'M Ixindon financial cable Iruin rajs : 'Tlic cluck markets were. Inactive loiln ) bat the tone was quiet , mainly on reverIng Ing b > the beaiu In view of tomorrow's settle- mint The riteIn Americans was partly du < to country orders , but aUo to Hie renewal o ! frmh policies b > urbllrage Inuns and by the public Ki-nt-rnllj on this clde at lower level efelahlUhc'd Tiie reports of a B lortake In the I'nllnl Males wheat crop are not generally be lieve I here , but thought to be a ruse ; hence Ihe scanl rmpon In part of the Ualtlc clique to. di > hhrevtd operators cm > ect a renewed rUc In Amcrlians and from all IndlrHlluiiB I * loulil Judge nuc'i an opinion lo be correcl. Undoubt < e-OI > New York U bujlng larselj , Ihe amounl carilel here by New \ork operators peculalvi'l ( > and the stock actually uhlpped to New * ork by each steamer being alike laige. htlll there line no doubt that speculative bujlng by EnKlUli ope-ralors la irowing. ; All the leading American liouken here tell me differently. They nay each day that all the buying l from'New lork und that every on lu a § ller here. They may b right , BO far an dealing * on a large scnlo a concerned , but i can only ay that It I * a com mon txiitmncq to nit , now with men ube iuiy < their ( mall account ninnlnic In American * , an who A year ago could not have lid I > mt the prlc of n Yankee nhare If > ou nuked them I knoi of one large firm of brokers aleme which hn done n profitable buHnriM nlmont entirely 1 > pecul tlon In Americana In lh < pant monfi , * rnd there detalln not lo Rive Ihe Idea Hint Iher In any slronir bull movement In Americans , bu 10 show how complex nre the currents , and thn It must not be uupporcd of the American markc ns not attracting much atlenllon here leaus l 11 certainly In. The Paris discount l e ler tr day , but the txmdon maiket Iser > unfettleil Discount InmhieM l-i nlmott at a standstill , pend Ing developments In Ihe wheat trade nnd th action 6t other factors bearing on New Yor e-xchange. Some people believe Ilial the scin refpon e of tie Ililtle wheat e-perators today t Saturday's American grain niatktt may mfa _ nn advance In jour exchange rates. South Amet leans are Meadllj Improving Kaillm were duK elm-Ing nt nlratit ( he lowest prices ot the account The Parln nnd Ilerlln markets were steady" The following were the closing quotations o the leading stocks of the New York exchanR todiy : Total wills of Btneks today wi'ro 419 VI Inrlud ItiR Atehlson , 4,460 , Chiflip ° nkc , t Ohio , 8.2JI ) Chl , lUirliiiKtun & tulnc > . 47,0 l , Illlnul Cciurnl , 3.3V ) , lyjulsvllle .V. NiishvlliiIt Mnlihiltnn U 8'JOT Missouri I'le-'llc ' sriJ , Nov Ymk Central , l.fOO , Noi thorn Pacific , 7.E01 ItmdliiK IJ Wl , Ilock Iclnnd , J ) 3'J st 1'aul E',0.1) ) , boiltlurn rall a > prefirrcd ' 131 , t'nlii 1'icldc 1" , 5M , American Silrlts | , C 5 , Atrer Icin Tolnrci ) , S IV , ChlciiRci Cas ! 4"iV ) , 1'ai Illi Mall , 3710 , Silver certlllciti-i 3000. Sugir H.'JIO. Tennesse- Coal fa Iron , .1 O'O , t'nltcil Stale. leather. 7.S2) , United btates leather pnferreil 0 020 WeRli-rn Union , II.JTO , Chlcaso Ore.i Western , 13.0TG Now \ ( ii-U llom1Inrl cl. N12W "iOHK Auif 23 MONUY ON r-AM- at lfIH l r cent. 1 < * t loan , 1'4 per cent offeiet at 1'i iwi cent rent "STKUMNC KXCHANOK Wenk. with actua linMiKp" In bankera' bills ut Jl v'i'4f/4 ' 83s ! fo demand nnd at 5 < S3W4 SIVi for Klxts dnjs pt-ted rn'o- " $ < < I > S04 ft nml Jl H'i , commercla IJIIs , J4 f2i4iI4 ! S3 Hii.vnii e iinriricATi : ' ? SG " : " . c. nut .SII > VIHsic MI2MC\N DOI.LAnS-39'kc. OOVHUN'MEN r ItOVDS-Steady. fiTATi : HONDS Dull A'V HONDS-btronR quotations on bmdd were as follows : IT SJH re II7S , Krlc'JiH U. S , Is res . l\m el. H .vS A. lln .101) U. S 4s coup . . 111 ! H AS A. 7s . 11HV4 U b now IM rtg lir > Vi II icT.Onl r > s. . 1011 $ U.S. now l8e-oiip li5i ! ' II. A.T. ( ' 'ill ( Is .HW U.S fls rac . . . 11 UllN | Uul U . H ! ' { U SiH eonp IK I M K T llrU4s . S H I'.iclllebB of'OJ . Illi M K T Hj-oil ti lJMi ! AU.climA. . . l)7Hi ( Mutnll Unloi ( Is . .11 1'- ' , All .clisill tilli1 N. J. C GJII 5s . .11 l' ' < All , el msC IH No Picllls lut ) . . . . 110 Al i Currency Ort No Pii-lllo 'Jds n'1'4 ' I i Ne-vv Con 4a ' ) li No VisltUs 4 . . . . 01 MtHsonrl UH 100 N. W Co noli IIIU N. O ( ! B I''fi N W S P IJb 5s 117U N. C is 10J Ore Niv.lHts 11'J1- S C. nonfnnd Ore ) Nvv. Is h Tenn. new K.O West Ists . . . 70H Tctin. IICVVHI tuH . .lln St P. Consils 7s . 1 IS Tcniu old Hutiia . . . till SI 1 > . O. t P. W rs 114c V.I CenlmtcH IjUHi SI L .V I. M. Gen , - - - - V.i doferrjd 4 St L A.S r Gail ( I.IU'4 AlchlBun Is . . . . R'iU Sjiithnr.i Ily 0 < Atclilaon Second A S7 > 4 Tot Pacltlj IsH. - Cin.idaSo ' 'iidH . . .101) Tix PieltlalMs f. P. iHtHot 1)3 ) HUM U. P lnt of IJ ) .101 Dill O. Is H7H West bhoro ta . U.AK.G.7H Ill ) IliiNtniiSloilc UunlatlniiH. 1IOSTON , AUB , 23 Call loans. IVifi i'4 ' pr cent : time loai-M , 3S/4 p r cent. Clotlng prices foi stocl.p , bonds and mining stocks : London SdicK ( VuolllHOIIN. IXINDON , Aug. 23 4 p m. cloflng : HAH SILVEH I'lat at 2IVid per ounce. MONEY Vi < \ per cent. The rate of discount In the open market foi short and three monfri' bills Is I'sOlli per cent. Veil York Mining- Quoin tloiiH. NEW \OIIK , Aug 21 The following are tin during mining quotations : \iiicrlonii Se-ciirltli-n In London. INDON , Aug. 23 Th market for America ! securities opened llrm and continued to all da ] on Ne\v York bu > Ing The CJOMJ was dim am the demand Is Improving I'M u n lie1 1 ill Noti-H. HOSTON Aug. 23 Clearings , $9,774,910 ; uiu en , $1 "J1.47J NEW YOHK Aug , 23 Clearings , $ f4 536.833 htlnnriM , $4 . ' 5,731 ( ! IIALTIMOHE Aug. 23.-CIearlnf.o , $1,957,153 , halanees , $3S6 475. PHILADELPHIA Ang -Clorliis | , $7,379- 4SS , balances , $11.612221 CINCINNATI AUR JJ Money , 2'tff6 per cent Nw York exchangeOjjMc dlhcount. Clearings MEMPHIS. Auc 21 Clearings , $ lt9lfS , bal ances $78611 , New York exchange , selling u $1 50 premium , HT LOUIH Aug -Clearings | 1 2S8 S'9 , bal nncis , $769063 Money , 4K7 per cenl. New Yori exchange , $1 discount bid , 71o dlnounl abked NEW OHLEANH. Aug. -Clearings $781. IVi , New York i xrlioiiRO , bank , $1 per U ou premhim , commerc-lal cop pc-i $1 000 dlsccunl CHICAGO , Aug 23-CKniliif * , $16 0603 , New ion tzcliinhe. 65o aiieounl Hlerllng excmngu pcsled rates , $4 fcHi and $41-614 Sloeks. quiet clorei Diamond Match 146 , Metropolitan L E 4. \\eel Chicago IIOi , . North Chicago 2H Uke blreet L 17tjj. New York Illncult , 49'i. ' , J"lni'I'V A.UB -Exchange on Lo.idon , 20n 38'tpfg ' for eheckB I > AIUH. > , . , > J I3- ' ' ' " " -Three per cen rentes 104f fc7'ie for Uiu account I.ONPON. AuB -Thu amount of bnllloi taken In the Hank of England on balance today > riv Or lea UN llnrUrtH , NEW OHLEANH , Aug 21HOO PKODUCTf Urm Pork , old , $8 , ! ! , refined , tierce , 3'4o lijxed meats , dry silt bhouldem , 5c , sides 1510. liac on , clear rib Hides. $6 , hams. S c. ( orrKE-Ordlnary lo fair. $350 ,1IV ) rixiUH-lllgher ; extra , fancy , $5005310 patents $5 4 5 50 COHN MEAIlIlgher. . $1,73 , HHAN-Qulet , K8.Vi ! > , HAY-Klrmeri prime. $120Qfll3tX ) , choice $11 f/)4jJ5 V' ( OIlN Higher ; No 2 Kacked mixed , 39fl oi white , steady ; > dlow , 4004lc. OATS Firmer ; No S , 2i'ic. IUClHteady ; ordinary lo good , SHWMic , CnlUornla Drli-il IVuItH. NEW JOIIK. Aug 23 CALIPOHNIA DHIEi : I'Hl'lTH QuIit and Heady , evaporated apples , prime wire tray , 58 5" . c per Ib. ; wood dried , prime , 6 4c , eholce. 60 , fancy , 6V4c. Prunes , 3ViW7'ic Itfr Ib . on lo sice and quality. Apri cots , ro > ul , 77'4c ; Moor park , kii9c. Peachei , uni etlcd , CGSc ; peeled , llCllP.4C per Ib. Hun Kruue-Ui-11 Wlieiit und Hurley. BAN rilANCIbCO. Aug. 23 WHEAT Quit ! ; December. $1 65Ui Ma > , $1 63W JJAUL X-Qulst , December , OMAHA LIVE STOCK MARKEl Week Opens witli a Light Run in Al Branches. i BEEF CATTLE REGISTER A LITTLE GAI Downward Conrnu Chocked nnil HI * Sliirtfil 1 > > Sluirl ItrrHptK HIIKN Str , niK t < i rUc Cent * lllulie-r. SOUTH OMAHA , Aug -Ilccclpls fe the da > 9 Indicated were : CaMIe. Hop * Sheep Horse August 2,1 3011 l.SOO 2.S75 August 21 1,915 4 , 2 1,402 li August 20 2,712 4,370 330 AUKUSt I'.l 2,370 4.9S4 August IS 3.GI2 5,772 23K2 1 ! August 17 3,313 7,147 l.Cll August 1C 4K > 7 2.V03 5,177 August 14 1M1 6,115 14 . . . August 11 2t94 3,1 ! < > 2S6 . . . August 12 2ti ( ; 3,724 3,111 . . . August U 2'JI2 5Gn 1,450 August 10 2374 7,626 1,321 . . . AUgUHt 9 2,429 2,202 . . . . ' The otllelal number of cars of stoc hrought In toimy by each road vvns : Cattle. Hog- * , Slice ] 0 & St. T , Ilv 2 Missouri I'aclllc Uv IS 3 T U S. M. V 11. H D9 h S. C Ac 1' . Ily 1 1 Mi I * M. .t O. Ily . . . 3 5 11M 11 II. II 31 4 C II. I. & 1 > . Ily. , ciPt. . 1 C II. I. At I' . Ily , vve t. . 1 1 Cripple * and dilvoii In. . . . ti Total receipts 118 27 : The disposition of the day's receipts wn as fo'lovvs , each btijcr purchasing the nun her of head Indicated : Cattle. Hogs Shoo ] Omiihii I'nck'ng ' Co X7S . . . G H. Hammond Co 41 107 2' Hvvllt nnd Compiny 5CT C'iS CuJahy 1'acklng Co 22 $ 2fll II llcckcr S. DI'K.IU 4"5 , Vanrnnt A. Co 322 .1 h Carey fl , l.ntmmn A : lloth ° chllds. . M.I W I. Stephens 2fl Hill it 1-evvls Co 21 lienton it Underwood. . . . IOC , Huston ft , Co 0 , r. Hu z 'H , Lett over 400 TotnN 2.S2I 1.M1 2,0' CATTUJ-Whllo lecelpts , US em.1 o ; cattle- , were fairly liberal , thej were nbon 1.710 short of a week ago , and Chicago hn enl > 17,000 , where estlmites made Satuiela ranged fiom ,1000 to 5.COO above that llsun vvl.lch vva" iinnn short of lapt Mnntlny's r ( celpts. The big en 1 of the local supply cor sl ted of rangers , with quite --prlnlcling c cnvv stuff Included. I" a g ° neril vvny tor dlllons were more favorable 'C f-UI'ig It ; teres-s than on last week's bad close nn more life- was manifested In the -demind. Hcef cittle were certainly stronger nn pome dealers quoted n 5110o advance. Th mippl ) of native i-orn stock was not nt n large and was seen dlspo = ed of wllh coir monish , half-fat lo very trotxl Htyle , but nc fully finished beeves , hailing fiom J175 t 14 ! > 0 The hot demand for feeders ugal Ktpl the killers iron ) getting many of th range steers , except such as for ome reapo were undesirable for the feed lot. There were more than twenty loids of cow and heifers , mos'ly western Braver" , wll Ihe quality largely medium. Trade was little lovv to opeil , but the Inqtiliy was goo fiom nil raurces and price" ruled full steady , except perhips for ordlmrv betvvlx ard between grades , . Hulls > old freely a unchanged prices arm tno tame was true o \ eals. The feeder market had evidently lost non of It * strength or life over Sundaj , as specu Inters v.ere on the Jump and countrj bnjer were nlbolgorou ? blelelers. 1'rlces wer fully steady to stronger all around nnd Hi falily liberal supply jvns out of first hand early. l.\ < -l week led the > ear In shipment to the country wltn 292 cars , out of whlcl nineteen went Satulday. Representntlv sales : NATIVES UKKK STKHnS. No. Av Pr. Vo. Av. 1'r. No Av. Pp.- 42 , S1SJ3."S 22..I011 $1 TO , 18 , . . . 1275 $4 f5 2 . . 102) ) 420 20..1341 475 1C..1252 400 38. . . IOCS 4 3' ) COWS. 1. . . . S'O 173 1. . . . 9SO 27" 1 . . . 710 330 1. . . . S30 200 S..10-3 275 1..1HO 3-10 1. . . . 970 200 4. . . , 170 29) 1 . . .1110 350 4. . . . 9C7 223 12 . . 1071 290 1. . . 110 3 TO 2. . . . SW 2 TO 1..1110 313 2..1283 400 2..1110 2 C3 MILKnilS AND SPniNOKHS. * No Pr. 1 cow anil calf $5500 I , WV ° Tllompson. , 75 feeders , . . 1023 JTO"11 W ft fij. llanches. M fediers , . 11SO 4 IV I H > oty llros. iHtas. . . . 128" 3W' , J 20 feeders. . . .1202 375 Vernuijit , " Ae fatotk Co , 2i feedei-s. 1111 ? , , bhrldley Cattle Co. 3cow 696 Z75 21 eown 968 350 1 OftKGON. 2Seows 825 OTfS HOGS The kUpJSiy ; ' 'only ' tuent ) teven cam 1.W9 hind , was Ilkiitsr"ttian even the usual Mon day run und uhoui , 1/00 ( / short of u vviek IIKO The quality'ftto ' rather eummun , will welghtu on the Heavy order , und vUlh no gooi IlK.n hoi-a Included. Iteielpta Veru ffiierully below tie fHlnmtc' at all points und cuctern markets were ijuotti uo ttroiiK to 60 hlfchor. Ixx tlly the trade wai trlbK , with all of u nickel luUunce , and will the elosingnurl.ct ilmi at Ihe full rise , Oulni tu the tnmll u | > pl > packers were thu unl > bu > cm but the pens were cleared before 9 o'eluck 1 rices ranged from (375 fcr common as well ui heavy puckers tu 9390 tor good light tu inedlun welKht butcher loadu , and , with heav > IJOL-I preilomlnatlMK , t > > e leullnt ; price was 13 bo 'lln bull , of all the tales was at < 3HiU85 ) , aKulns 3 753 SO on Saturday and 13 63&3 75 on luul MonUai. KcaH'tentatl e sales : , No Av. Si 11. No Av fell. Pr. HI. . , St > 5 13 ill 10 2.0 . . 13 M H. .32J . 3 72 > i CS . 283 . . . 3 SO 23 . . . . 219 3 75 1 3 3 k21j 3 , . , , , 243 40 3 75 120 'Ml 210 3 'j HI 314 120 375 70 , , . . 241 110 3 ! . ! ' ) 66 i . . .304 HO 3 77'4 Gl 264 2K > 315 68 , . , m 200 3 (0 61 SCO litt 3 U 61 . .252 40 3 N 69 , . , . , . .274 40 3 S3 t ; ; 271 . . . 360 63. , , JCO 80 3 M ( ] 318 W 3 M 64 23J 2UO S 11 r. < 9 120 3 M C < { 36 40 S U U 303 SO 3 60 il 219 200 3 65 SI. 2C6 40 S EO 81 245 200 S SO 26 , . .150 . . . 360 i 73 2 < 0 . . . 8 M , : a zw a w a : u . . . a v > 10 , . . 31S . . . 3 tO CS . . . . 5N , , t JO 12. . . . 267 . . , 3 M 75 . . . 2 80 S CO HUNCH KS. 1 . 410 . . . SM 1 . . . ,3 48 S 7 * 1 . 4 0 . . . 2 M 3 . 241 . . 3 7 % 4..TO . . . 3M 3 , . 23 . . 375 9 4V ) . . . 3 - , 0 . 2.-.S . . . 3 ; s 2 . . . 47S . . . 3 67'4 1 . ZoO . . t 8 } . . 400 . . 3 67U C . . 164 ' . . . 8 FO 2 . 165 40 S 70 6 . 21i . 3 SO I. . . 353 80 3 70 3 246 . . It SO 3 . . .316 . . . 3 70 3 . . .216 . . S f5 2 . . 2 0 . 3 72H 1 . 250 SO 385 1 . 2CO . . 3 7i HHI3I31'Tho market wns liberally Kiippllf and Rll grades of Kramers vverc represented Killers paid full ) mendy prices ( or mutton with Rood limbs slronK let lee hlRhcr nnd fe > cd IHK grades met nllh a K'i > \ demind nt aroun Mot neek'R prlcrg. Heprcsentatlve sales ! No. Av. Tr. 31 neittern ewe * . 113 132 $ 129 Mexican wethers . S3 3 3 17 Mexican > enrllnKft . . . . . 103 3 81 S'l vveetorn jnnrllncs . M 3 31 410 western > earllntrs . 105 3 Si 111 , Mexican fi-oders . . . 74 .1 40 12.1 Mexican feeders . M 3 4 1ft western je-nrllnpi . S3 SCO 74 western seirllnRs . 72 390 7' , western jearllnKS . 73 1 * ) I western lamia . . . . . . . 70 4 40 CIIICACSO iITvn s roc ic \nicin Cnlllf AetUinml n Dime lllnlier- lldKN Al " AdMiiicr. CII1CAOO , AUK 23 The Kencral ilemanJ fo cattle todi > was active mid prlccn ivvcniRtd 10 lilsher , thus reroverlnB nn ile lrable offerlns what was lost late Inst week balen were on basis of (4 25 for common to } 5 P0 for Rood fanc > with the bulk of the sales at from M TO to fi 20 exporters were fair hujcrs of the boiler cliss c c.iltliThe f locker nnd feeder trade was ncllv at strong prlies. with sales larnelv at from J l H 45 Iluteiieis' and canners' stud cold nc lively , fat cons and heifers selling rFpeclall well , and one fancy 1 3iO pound lot of helfir bioiiKht $4 70 Hulls were Mead ) and inlves wer unchanged Texas milk Fold actively at fin prices nnd fo tlld westerns a Rood man > o tie latter behiR taken h > feelers 'I lie suppl > of hoRii uns well taken , prices till InK 5c to lOc lilRher pales wore at from (3 CO I S4 2i for common to primp hors the bulk of th pales KOliiR for fiom il 'il tn H f. while- piss sol inosilv nt from J1 30 to SI r , Todaj'n iceilpt iiveriiRc vei > welt In qtinlll ) , AlthoiiRh the puppl ) of sb eit und limbs wa liberal prices wcle- stead ) there' bilng an nutlv seneril demind Sheep wen- wanted nt fror 12 fo to $1 fur Inferior to rholnueftern tnnser nllliiK nt from ti ; to J3 C" , IVedirs look a RKII manj ran no sneep at from J1 10 to } 1 f > " an killers pild from } 3 60 to $3 C5 l.imbs sold fre I at 3 : lo J.'i HI , feeders hrlnxlnR fiom $4 lo $12 ! Henlpts Cattle , lI.Oi-O head , hoj-a , 31000 head Eheep , 19,000 st. l.oulx l.Ut- -K-U- : . ST LOt'IS AUK21 CATTLH-Ilecelpti , SCO head shipments 1 000 head , mnrkcl stronp aiv active fcr natives , Texani Ftendv , mtlvehlp plnR sttorfall - to fane ) { 4 fOtio < 0 bulk o Pile" $47CffilO | drcufed beef End butcher sleerf $4 21(7' ( . 03 , bulk of pales , } 4 S05K 70 , llihl fleer unilii 1 000 pounds , f37fi4 , bulk of mlrs J1 'I 043-1 , Ftoikers nnd feccrt.rJ2 75ff4 33 bulk o ciles , J3rOf4 11 cows and he fers } 2 WJT4 CO bulk of cow s J2 50fi3 10 , canning cow s II fiO < 233 , Texas and Indlin Ptecrs averaged bilte than last week , srii'sers J3 C0fi3.40 , bulk a $333ff370 , cows and heifers 2 30t < 3 20 HOGS Receipts. 3000 head fhlpm-nls 300 hold , market lOc higher llaht , Jt 1084 30 , mixed } 3tOCll6. heav > , J3 fO 4 20 Slim : ] ' Ilecelpls. 2KO head , hlpmenls TO head , m irkrt stend > to stronr. native mutton * $3Mi3 0 , Ktockers , $2SiXj325 lambs , J373j5ilo TCMVS Micep , $3 7" > Ne-n \ ( irk Il- t > stne'lc. NI3W YORK. AUK 23 IinnVHS Hrcelptf 2,741 head , active , prices firm all around , mi live steers. Jl 5cS < i 20 staps and oxen , J2 Mf 4 CO , half breeds. } 4 7I4 SO. bull" , $27-6330 dr > cows , ? 1.'iKJ300 ( iuroxan | cables ipiot Amcrlcin steers at lOiflO C , refrlReralor beef S'ifiS'ie No exports. CALVHS Ilecelpts , 2410 head , veilx , lOo Rrn--sers and buttermilks 12'Jc lower , veals $43 S7 00. pra-ters and bnlletmllks J3 CiOftS 50 SIinLII' AND UAMltS-Hecelpti , r. 2M held sheep slow ant ( .trad . } ; lambs , uctlvn closlni stiU > luep J2125J400 , l.imbs. $4 COSTC 20 HOGS Ilecelplc 7.SS2 Ijeid , hlRlier nt J4 70 IVIIIIHIIN CIt > IlSIllllC. . KANSAS CITV. Aup 21 CATTI.K Hecelpt" 8 00In id , mirket steidj to Rtronc , Tcxi stills , $1 ( WiTI T" , lixas euws , < 1 7"i3 | 1" : mllvi sti-t rs , J3 711j 2' , nntl\i * cox\s nml hnlf.'r * * < 1 2 ; (1400 , stoekers nnd feeders , $300040 , bulls $1 73ft3 T3 HOeJS Ilecelpts , I SIM head , mirket HifTlO. . hlRher , bulk of pales $3 13J7J S7'i henv UJ3 < OJ 4 W. packers } 3 90 f3 1j , mixed , J3 9 Q 03 lights $3 81fi4 00 , York , rs , $4 OOTf4 01 , plR , S3 SoiM t > SHKUI' llecelpf. C 000 head , nnrkct steady IniubM , JJ 1583 10 , muttons , $2 7'ff3 90. SlocU In llecord of receipts oC live stock at the foui principal markets for AURUst 21- Caltle HOBS Sheep Omaha . 8 ( Tl 1 ' 100 2 7 ChlcnRO . 17.COO 3400. . ) 11 TO KBIISIS City . 8000 2300 C V St Louis . ' " OOO 3000 200 ( Totals . 33031 41,400 2S 871 COM TON MVUICCTS. M Ar ' AIiu-Ki'd 1 Grcni Ai-tlvH ? nnd n lllK Jiimii I" I'rlocH. NI3W YOHK , AUB. 23 It IMS been a Ions da ] since the Cotton exchanRe developed the nctlvllj nnd Jxcltement witnessed at Ihe opening of busl ncs this rooming. It la safe to say that th ( most sanRUlne bull opentors were not pnparei for the advance that occurred on the first call which commenced with AURUSI bhowinR an ad vance of 13 polnls , Milnlii strciiRth as It pro crefsed and eulmlnatlng In an advance of fron 14 to 27 points Ihere had been a large aecumu latlon of lm > ! npr orders over nlBht , and not Withstanding considerable earl > belling prchsuri from Uverpool and New Orleans , the undertom uf the market wc.u unmlatakably strong Aftci , -i break of 6 to 10 points , whlci followed tin lirft call , the market Rraduallj rlshted Hscl and did not only retuin to the betl prices , bu made a further de-cldcd Rain , nt the best poln ol' the da > showlni ; an advance of from 36 to 3 ; points , hlgns of manipulation In August , If no in fceptemlier and October , were detected Tin general Improvement on an advance- 4'j > V-jil at Liverpool. 1'rlvate cables it ilo tint tin Ungl uli cotton trade feara It has underdl-scountci cliilmd of driwiiiR cotton through thu recent ex ccsslie rilns In the cotton bell The leading nc llvlty centered In October i nJ Januarj , tin former telling to } 71 , an advance of r polnti on baturduj'B closing figures , and the latter t ( $7.13 , an advance of 13 point" . In the nfternooi tie market was alternate ! } ttrong to easier , bu alWBMi ver ) active and excited with the I m llnall ) firm at a net advance of from 3.1 to 3. points. Tutures closed firm , Januarj. J7 11 , Teb ruarj , $7.14 , March , $717 ! April , $720 , Maj , $7 2s August , $7S5 : heptcmber , $718 , November , $707 Dceember , $708. bpot , firmer , held higher labt olliclil isolations were 7Ti" for middling up lands , nnd S'.c for middling cull , ml Idling , tc ncelpts , nel , none , groi-s , 1,401 bales , exports ti elreat llrltaln , 1.04J bales , Kianee , SCO bales continent , 493 halru , forwarded , 321 baits , tales 1000 bales , hplnners , 1UO biles , stock ( actual ) 41,075 , total loda > , net receipts , 6 f26 bales , t-x ports to Great llrltaln 1,731 bales , Tranci2J biles , continent , 493 bnles , Hlock , 80439 bale" Consolidated : Net recelpu , 11 Ml biles , expor'i to Great llrltaln l,73j biles , rrince , l.'O bales continent , 4'ij lules Total Incteite , 61 biles , ne iccclpts , CfS7CJ3 bales , experts lo eJieit llrltaln 2009.UI bales , Trance , 701 19 J bales , continent 2,149741 tales , channel , 5,481 bales MVKIirOOL , Aug 23 COTTON Spot , llm Ited demand , price- * , higher , American mlddllm fair , 4 17-5.M ; ROO ! mlddl ng , 4 17-3Jd , good ordl liar ) , 37nd , ordlnar ) , 3 13-lCd. Thexnlcs of I hi < ? a > weie C ( iO biles , of which MO biles wer < for ppecul itlon and export and Included 5 ro hales of American , lleeelpts , 4 000 hairs , In eluding 700 biles of American Futures openn ptead > , with n fair demand and elated firm American , 1 , M < ' , AugUHt anil bepUmbir 4i sellers September and October , 3 17 tt1l3 6S 6li : bu > ers , October and November , 3 51-G43 52-6d : buyers , November un 1 December , 3 49 64d sell ers , December and Januar ) , 3 47 ClfiJ ts 64 1 bu > - ers , Jnnuar ) and Tebruary , 3 47 6463 48 C4d bii > - ( is , rebruaj ) and March , 3 4S-64d bu > ers ; M ireli and April , 3 49-G4d bujers , April und May , 3 to 64d tellers , May and June , 3 M-Gid ntlkra beptemher , 4d. MIIMI'IIIS , Aug -COTTON rirm , mid- dllng , 77-lOa , shlpmi nt , 101 bales ttock , 4 20 : bales , sales , f 00 biles hT. I/UIB , Aug -COTTON-I'lrni and un changed , no eales Jt-portid , middling , 7 11 ICe , recelpls 24 liuk-u , shliuncnls , 10 bales , ttock , 8,987 bales N13W OUI.IJANS , Aug -COTTON Futures bire | > Hc-iulj sales , 34,700 bales , August $710 , teptember , I69JOC93 , Octobtr $67-i17i ! , Novem. bir $678 07J , December $67Si.7J ( , January $6 8lj6 82 , rebruar > , ( OSIB8SS , March , $ } ,87tj6.8Jl April , $6iiOT69. | . KIIIISIIN Til } KANKA8 CITY , Aug 23 WIICAT Hani sold from Ul'/vo ' to UK' , ranging uluut .Ic un ler llm Chicago December price , sjft sold Kti idj nt So lowu , offeilngs very larRe , irtrlplu , 7ll > iio bus , ap.ilnst 70,60-j bus , a > ear UM > , No J hiird , 91'4 9HiCt No. 3 tlilKc No 4 , STfiMc , No 2 Slfl , K'-ic101 , No 3 , 934SKc , No 4 9 | J5C , No 2 spring , KOo , No , 3. 81o COIIN Mixed alx > ut 'Ji hlklu-r , whlttI I 2c higher , No , i mixed , 25l6c , No. S while- , ZS'Je ' OATH-blead ) , No 2 while , 2lc. JIMJ N i , 531 , 65o HAY Btiadj , choice timothy , $750 , choice prairie $5 GO IIUTTKIl I'lrinj counliy Kr.iden gcaree and In dimand , creamer ) , 12C15io. dalr > SftlJc iOOS rirm- receipts , light , Kunras ami Mis souri stock , lie. HIX'IIII'TH Wheat , S7I.6M l > u ; corn , M 2 0 bu , oats 43 000 bu MIII'MHNIBheat , 193,000 Lu ; com , 10W bu , com , 1,000 bu _ Ncv\ York llr > ( iixiilH MnrUcl. NIJW YOIIK , Aup 23 The dry Kffoda morkel opened vvllh pronounced activity In all grades , The markel for colloti gools conllnued active Ihe sllghl falling off In Ihe demand noted at lait wrek'tf eo > e being leeovered today on mall or. ders from all tectlomi of Ihe counlry The price fltiinllon Is still llrm In all Kraden , being no ticeably en In brown goods , Ihough kellcm fhow lltlle Incllnnllon to recede In any grade Woolens - ens In all lines thou the eame steady fronl which had ruled for the pant two weeks. In men's wear fabrics the conllnued sales on the road at the advanced prices rullntf ore the sub ject of pleasant comment In Iho trade. This U not only confined to the cheaper lines , but a considerable amount of higher-priced goods have been dlipoied ot recently. Staple ccittoai re \ rj' firm tn brown Roods th re fir * nmn buj r r d > - Id diipllcntf rrpvloin nrdm , hu tollrre nr rnlf , disinclined tn part nltl Kirndu nt nnythlnK lo * than current rtt > Kx port roods h ve Kilned omwhnt In dtmnnd but ore not > Active nn the e for ebitntMIc " e I > uck and Oimtburit * nr < > nrm 1'rlnt clotlm r firm nt I'ic Prints ere firm and fairly active < . liiinln ( Jcnrrnl MnrUcts. ST. IRITIS , AUK.rioi'n -rirm vvim th recent advance to conform wllh the rl < < li wheitj pntentl , $50"ifVSS. slmUhts. $1 6304 SO clenr , t < If.i ? M , medium , $1 G003 HO W1I13AT Ixiner , clo lnR with AiiKUtt H.C Pcptemlifr Ic December 2'jennd M v ! \c lielot Batunlnv'd finals ; December tiptnliiR 2Ho higher breiklnit 6c , reading 3o , then lo lmr that , clo Inc with bu > erHc nlmvc the liotlom An open Ing 2V c hlRhcr nt $105 nt which limitation quit nit amount cold , n batch of pnlca at $1 02\i am the next nt $1 , all this Inside the flr t nilmit after the opcnlnir , nhows how craiy the marke WHU llli-lier entiles nnd ChtcnRo curb , with i largo number of Inking orden. caune d th carl ; nihatice Hut so much wheat was offeic * nt Hi hlqh price r nclied that the market Middenl : ilropprd reacted nnd becametorrlblj unfctlled finally clotlng hcmj Spot , loner. No 2 red carh elevator II OJ 1 01H , Hack SlOJJilfH No 2 hard , cash , M'c track , AUKimt , $1 01 Srptrm ber , $1 00 , , December II COS. May , $1 1214 nskiM CdltN The market In thin option was full : as ftrong as wheat nt Hie opening nnd tradlni wns fairly uetlvo , bill the mniket llnnll ) clo < c < lower nfter mulunlliiR Kpol , hlKhrr No : cash , 2 ! c Mil , Seplcmler , 28e , Ma ) , 32UO.12V OATS Tliere a moie exlcn-lcd speculative Intercut nnd IM\I | ) In the ilav when ( orn nn. vvlirnl were higher the tone was ftronR bu filth n difference belncen bitveis and seller that little tradlnu was donp l.atrr was car ; nnd dull , pot liK-lier. No 2 cnih elevator liv bid track 205f20'ii. No 2 white 2l < 4Sr22 < 4e > September roc- , December , Jlc , MII > , 23e nkcO HYK I'nutlllcd ( .cejc elevator Sic trick COHN MHAllllKhcr at $1 coifl 5 ItllANrirm but injlcl , smked , east track 4 n-Trfwcr nt $110 TIMOTin snni ) 1'rlme. $270 IlrtY TlmothJ Invvri , becnnsiof heavs re relptf rai'slng $1 Ml1' ! ' CO , pralrlo , tend > , $ j > CTCJO lirfTril Sleadj , ci earner ) , ISJJIRc , dal , I Wile. 1 ( Ulrinn il 12c I'liL'I.TUY-nilikdH eaileiold : hen * fi- sprliiKSe dnikB , KPIHR | To , Reese , vprlngs o'.ji ' tiirliPS" , npiliiRs , Kffl'-'ic. \\IHSKY-Slinily at $1 : ) I on ON 'IMX-l mh intted \GHNl-l'nchanied MiTAl.S-tud : higher , $1 77'403 80 Speller dull , $4 I0iff4 1J'4. ' ritOVISION'b Tork. unrhaiiK d , stnndan mefs Jobbing new , $ W , old. $ 'i 0 Iird , hcl ler , prime , $4 47H ISaton ( bn\ed loti ) oxti' shorl cleai and ribs $621 , "lioits JG 37'u ' Hi ) boxed meals shonlderB $3 , eMin shorl elenr nm ribs $176 short * , $5 S7's HHCIHITfl-rioiir. HUO hblwlnat 170 00 Im coin IfTi 000 bu , oat" l > 'i WXi bu PIUI'MIJNT' * TIoui BOOil lilils wheat , 600 lilt corn , GS O bu , oats 27 OM ) un ( ' ( illeeMill U.Is. . NT.W YOHK Alig 21 - cort'iiOption opened ptiaclj ruled fnlrlj active on loenl de mnnd and hope that ncthllj In Kialn and iiUtnr will rench coffee nu > lng checked somewhit b > uiiKallKfartiin European cables and cmnmoui slock aciumulnllon Clo cd steads WIO point- net aivnnic , Heiembei , $670if ( < W Spat e-nffec Itlo. Blcadv No 7. InvoiceCS7'i ; , Juldilng $7 Mild nnlet. Cordova. $10 Kiffir , M , files 1 00 < bags Hlo No 7 afloat at JBikfi-'On Totnl ware hnui-e delivering from the United Stalls , 1076 bans Including I < 10 IURS from New ork. New Irrk slock lodnj , 421 * 730 bags United sinles slock H005S7 bags , Hlloil fir the United Slales 2S300i ) baRS , lotil v Irlble fol the 1 iiltfd States 783 387 IIORS aEnlnst 4S7.42J bags lahl year ane 512,367 biB8 In U ; uio DI : lANnino , AUR -corriin-Qniet No 7 Illo , 8 tflO ifls , exchiiiiRC 7V,1 , , iccelpf 13000 bat's , cleared for the Vnlted Stiles S 00 < bags , for nuro | 6 W > bats , flock 172 OW big Weekly report Coffee , quiet , exchange stand nrd S.OOO rels receipts .hitlm ? week 111 000 bigs shipments to th United btntCH. f4 000 lugs block 372.GOO biga. SANTOb , Aug 23 COrrii7 : Oulet. geol aver 35 MO IIIRM , stoi k n e Santos 4W rels. receipts 678,000 bng" Wecklv report Coffee quiet , ROOI average banlo- < , per 10 kilos S 403 rels. nc.-lpl' during week , 243 COO bags shlpnunts to the United State21000 baRS stock C7S 000 li i s 1IAVKU Aug -COrPCi : Closed tpilel nl net unchnnRCd prices , tali" 13 ( 1 Ings HAMHt'Wi Ang -CorriJlV-Opened quiet closed unchanged to 'jpfg lovvei , sales , 16 OOr bags. IlaUliuoi-e HAl/riMOIUJ AUR 2.1 riX > l'U rirnifi , wesl- i rn siiperflne , J210233. wi'vti-m famll > , $ ( 71iB 5 CO , wlnler wheat pitciils rl'fi'rA "priHK w licit intents , J3 73fF6 (0 ( prlng wlunt slralthts $ " . SOfil 41 : receipt" 14 848 bMs , e\poits HI bhli U IIKAT Unsealed and lowei tpot and month. $1 01' ' , Ql OVV8. Peptembei $1 OJUfil 01'4. "learner No 2 red $1 02' ( { fl O:3 * rccelpls J70 - KO bu ; cxporls , 56 000 bu , soulhern , bample , $1 Qlfll 07 COIIN rirmer spot and month , SO'-ifTSf.iSc ' heptember. 3GH < iI3C > ic , Fteimer mixed , 34ffJ44c reeelpls 1"S 712 bu , exports nuiie. soulhirn while 37'4f3So ' ; poulhcrn jcllow 3'T3'ic OATS Firmer No 2 white 21H021C , No : mixed , 21H022o : receipts , 30,397 bu ; expirts none ' HYi : Strong and higher. No 2 weslern , DGc bid , receipts 1,123 bu. HAY SteniU . choice tlmotli ) , J13 50SU4 00 GHAIN riiniGHTS-Qulel. teim to Liverpool per bu , "Ud asked , September ; Coik , for orders per qmrtcr 3' , September. IlUTTnn rirm ; fanes creamery , 17ffl8c slorc packd SfilOc. KOGS rirm , fre h. 12S14c. ClinnSC Verjnrrn _ T.liorj eel Crnlii linn I'roi Islons. lavrmi'oor. , AUIT T rnoYisioNS iiicon Cumberland cut 28 to 30 Ih * llrm , 2 < is Cd bacon long cleir mldelleo , llphl 11 lo 3S lb . 29s , Bhonlderi , square , 1 to 14 lt > 3 , firm , 2Ss Lird , prime western firm 21s CHKHSn American finest , white nrm. 42s Gd American , finest colored firm12s Cd IIIHI'KNTINB SI'IIUTS-StPidJ , 2Is Gd WHEAT No. 2 western wlntei. llrm , 8s 31 No 1 reil northern spring fs 4d COUN American mixed tpot new. 3s Gd : old 3s 6Hd. October , nrm 2s 3'ld n.OI'H St I.oul" , fancy wlnler. nrm Ifls Imports of wheat Into Liverpool : 1'roni At- lantlc ports , 48400 ounlers , Pacific polls nona ; from other ports 2 OCO quarter" Imports of corn Into Liverpool from Atlantic ports , 61,300 quai- lers CIncliiuiill MnrUrtN. CINCINNATI Aue -I'LOUll rirm ; fancy , $4fO 7IF1fnmll > , $3 7r ? l 0) WHHAT Sleidv No 2 1O.I , $1 COHN rirm No 2mlxd 3.'c OATS rirmer No 2 mixed , : OSJ20'.c ' { KYi : rirm. No 2 r.2c HULK MEATS rirm bluher , $3 65 ; liicon , firm Ktn lard , acllvo $451 WHISKY \clive. hlhln-r , $12) ) HI'lTEH rirm , func > Elgin cronmeiy , istsc ; Ohio. 14fil5c. dairy. V , , , . . . . ht'OAH rirm. hard rcnned , 403fu8j cnV'iSE Firm , Good to prime Ohio mt , SIIKIIT Aug 21 HEET SUOAH-August , 8s ? , d October , 8s 9' d NEW YOHK AUK 21-Sl'OAH-Haw , flrm , fair refining , 1V.C. centrifugal 'if liM 3 c. He. lined , llrm , mold A , 5Vc , plnndird A 47ic ; confeclloners1 A 4'ie cul Inaf " ( .e. rriished , ' , % c powdered 5'lc , grannlatrd fe. cub n r.o NEW OULEANS , Aug 2J - HTOAHOpen .M- UP iiulet 2'4'ii3i4c. centrifugal slimlv granu lated 4' ' . 4lfc. whiles 3 13 ICtf 4 13 IGo yel- lows , 3f)4c. ) _ I'l-orlM llnrl.i-lH. PEOIHA Auir -COUN Market nrtlve and higher. No 2 t'j ' < 4c OATH Markel ncllv o and hlnher. No 2 white , 2''c "WHISKY Morkel firm nnd higher , finished goods on thehiPlB of $121 for high wines HECEII'TS Corn 114 ' X > bu onls 40MObu , ; rye- none , whisk } , none , wheat 5 4dO bti SHIPMENTS Turn 48 ( V10 bu , ontH 03010 bu ; r > c , 600 bu j whisk ) , 1 2C3 bbls ; wheat , COO bu. Toledo > lnrcM. TOLEDO. Aug 21 WHEAT -Lower nnd weak , No 2 caMi , Autnmt and beplembir , $ l fO'i COIIN Higher nnd weak No 2 mixed , 3lic , Reptemlier , 31ltc OATK-Dilll and enss ; No 2 mixed 19c H YE Weak , No 2 cash , C,4o CLOVEH SEED- Higher , prime , October. $4 50 OIL Unchanged. VlNll > l ( > Sii | > | ilj NEW 1OHK , Aug 21 The visible fiipplv of Rriiln ftiilement as compiled by Ihe New \orlt 1'rodiice ( xchange Is as fallfws Wienl 167210)0 hiiKhi Is , dere.ite , 497(00 ( oin 21 ' > . < ! OdO hUBhels , Increase , 3 449 000 onl'J 8 (01 ( KO hurtiel * Incrfnpe 1323 COO , r > o 1,675,000 bunlielH liurente139000 ; bailey , 812000 biiklK-le , decuai-e DO OW Wool NEW YORK Aug 23 WOOL-I'lrin , nece , 20l. 7o , pulleil 27 ? 40c 'I XII8 lOftlC hi' I/1IM1 * A inr 23 - WOOIUnchiinirid. . medium , HSlSo , llrht nm10C1. . " ' . < ' , heavy line , bftlO'iiC , tub washed Wt.G'ic KlKTln Hutlcr EI/1IN III. Aug 23 - HUTTEIl-rirm offer- IngH XI tuliH of which 6) wi-ru wlthdrann on ( i bid of IKtO , Ian . ' 07 lulu at ISHc The tmotn- llun eommltUedecland the market lo beISo. . I'lillnili-li.lilii I'TiHlTriMp llnrKclN , I'HILADELPHIA , Aug 21 HUTI EH-l'ancy western llrm , cramer ) Ike. EGGbI'lnn , geol demand , frech niarbj. lie fresh western , 14UW15C OH Mni-Ucl , IX5NDON Aug 23Oil , Calcutta llnfeed cpot 33s M Calcutta lln > cel near at hand de- llurj 23 > Cd , llnieed elf , ICs 4 'id FRENCH TANSY WAFERS Tlitte are the scnulne ritENCH ' 1ANSY IvAri.ItS. Imported direct frcim urls Laillen : an depend upon it-curing rtllrf from ami : ure eif painful and Irregular periods , regard- e ot cauie , EMEHBON DHUO CO , Importer * and Agent * for the United Ktatei. San June. Cal. or * ale by the Economical Drug Co , t2 > 3. Uth , Ut. Furuua and UouilM btn. Boll flHEJRIUHPHOFLOVEI ; Happyvand Fruitful Marriage ! MAN who wouM Vitow the. GRAND TRUTHS. Ihe I'ltln Facts the OU Secret ! ami the New HltcuTerlrs of Medlcil Science n applied to Married Life , who would atone fit pout fol. lies nnd avoid future pit. , fall * , thctild write for our wonderful little book. called "Completii Man. hood and How lo Alliln RIE MEDICAL CO. . IP 'I rOK KtTIIKK LC U Thin remedy liclnn In- Jeotetl directly to tlin Hent of thoHO ( llnpnuen of the Urnlto-Urlimry inn , roiiulron nose so of ( Hot. ( "urn Rtinrnntrcil in 1 to 3 Nmnll plnlitpnck- liv innll , 81.OO. % ' liy Mmllllon DniR Co S 13 Oor I6lh ana Far- nnm StierlH Otimhn , NeU " " " "PATRONIZE Y purchasing nee > ds innUo at tins fullowinc Ncbras. kn f ctoi lot , If you can * iie t HnJ what yon want , coiunttinicntc with the miunif.ictnrern as to w li a t tlc.ilcra haiuUo thuir u VKIM ; vcis. rvitiuii , co. Srup < Mnli ic Simliuu etc Jelllts llaKlliK 1'nviUr IXrnr. . ! . etc AlBo tin ( .UDH anil Jmmli. * lure l iiu\\iiuis : : C1I luid Milpmrnty mule In ( Mr n\\n I of MR- f mint cur * lilt o Hllilnni mitt i\purt \ Icnnix Kxport niul rnmll ) i\port Jcllvcrcil to nil mi (5 ( ot the ctl\ . UUIflC. \V1 rilNin.I , HIKIV. A SMI'I'U CO. Pavlni ; , Scwei ml IleilliltiiK IIHK 1C. Cnpn'lty ICO COO per rtnv Olllie iml > i il ? ; i rml HlcKniJ bit 'telephone 43" Omnhn N.b. CDHMCi : UOHKS. r. . v. IIMM : i IH : , ivii ! : miiMon wouics. Minufncteirt" if OnlvniilziM iron Cornice * On'- vanlrcil Iron pK.'iyhta 'Hi , Iron nnd Hlato IloolhiK VKent foi Klnneu's Steel Cellini/ . 103-10-12 Norlh Hlevenlli ticcL i ; rvcionirs AMiitlN : ( IIIM't IT VM ) > HM ! . CO. , \Vliolcfcdle e'rinliir Mninirnclurcrp , OM VI1A. Neb S. I riour Meil IVcd nml Urnn 1013-15-17 Voith 17lh Sin el Onm u Neb C. 1' 111 ick , nmimkir. Telephone 61J IKON WOHK-3 " .v con < : 11i. i HO.wou icsT" Iron null Ilru N I'oniulcrH. Mnnufacturtrs anil Joljli rs of Machinery Oon- rral repalrlnB n tticclaltv 1001. 1C03 end 150J lacKbontlict , Omaha Neb. PYVI'ON t A IKIM.IMS IIION WORKS. Manufacturers of Architectural Iron Woik. General 1'oumlry. Machine anil Hhicksmlth wurk. CtiKlnci-rs nnl e'cntractora for Tire Proof HulU- Ingn Oillce nmlorKu : U. I * . Ily anil South 17th street , Omaha. MATTIIKS' ' ' ! : ? co. Mnnufucturcm of liluh grade Mattresses , 1302- * Nicholas Street , Om ilii. ANP I"-ACTOIUIS. : M. IJ. bMlTII t CO. , Mnnnfnctnrers Ideal brniul Shirts Overall" , JumiieiB , Lined Duck Clotliliit , * Impoittrs unil Jobbers Dry Goods and Notions faalexroomn , 1101-1107 Ilnrncy St. I'acto-y 1102-110S llowaid St. _ K VT/-MH P.NS OOMIMNV. Mfcrs Clothing I'nnls Shirts and Overalls. OMAHA , Nin : NUIITlSICA SIIIIIT COMI'AXV. Exclusive custom shirt tallori ) . 1C15 Farnatn. LbuNcsns. I , . C. DOL'P. Manufacturer l ounscs , Couches , iluttnfiJCJ. Jobber of Spring llcds and rc-ithcrs lliilT-lt Nicholas utrcit. TWI > CITV yn , ir.'ji ra-1111111 st. and rleunlng ec Kr.rmiiits and goods of ; \crj doKeilMlon Clci.iii.if of line earinints a cp"cl Hy. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ \MNia\ll AND IMCKI.nS II \ \ KMVNNIMUIt : CO. , Mnnaufactunrs of Vlneisar Pickles Catsi-pt. Mubtiirda , Celi-r > an \\orccstcrshlre H nice CAItUIAGES. . . rriirrnn. Tor a Kood ( , ub-.tnntl il vehicle of any dcscrlp. lion for reiiuintlns or rubber tires on new or old wheels , thu beet Plate la tl'h und l cavenwortn Btroela . Dill VIMOM ) O AII I ! \H I ! CO. Cheap medium priced uM tuny e.irilnses. An > thine 5 'U want Fciond hand or non. lleaduuarterii for Itulibii Ilierwarrunltd. . ISili and llarncy , opposite e-ourt House. " ' . \ . .1. SI > 11'SON. 1 | O ! > , till DixlKe- . Pull line of Curing' ' , Ilu Kicn , Phaeton * , I'ony WlietlH rublei tlird. 'Ihu bi l U tin WOOIIMAN I.INSUUn Oll < WOUICS , Manufacturer old piocii-B raw Untied oil , K-ttlo boiled llnne > il oil , old piucebB Kround lln. eed cake , fcTJUiul and tereenid fluxieid for lrJpilbtB ! OilAIIA. NK . AWNINGS AND TKNT8 \\oii' ' lines , .v co. , llanufactun rs ICMIH , nu nines , tarpaulins , cov > < rs of nil kind * . Hunt , liunncru and fetrcame-m. ' 03 703 K Kill HI . Omaha OM VII V 'inVlAM ) IIIIIIIIKH Co ( Succcnitjrs Omalm Tent and Av\nlnc O > ) dnnuficturern ti IIIH , nwiiliiKt Jobbers ladles' mil 1,1 ntu' murklntnuhis lents for rent 1311 'arniim fat. Omnlia _ CHRISTIE-STREET fiiplfiil. l < rllHl ( | ) . Fully I'nlil. s , Qrsin and Provisions , lloom 111 I-- Iloiiid or Trudn Illdlf. ( Trl JWj ) ! . C. 'JIIHISTIIJ . Prcsldenl : j BTHIIT . vice I're-nieicnt I , W. JCL'NNUV . BriUury ) avlrl T Deals , Prcat. No 3627. ' 1' Ntal.Vlcc I'rrn ' nlon Nnlloiuil lima II V U'wln , Cabh. Capital. JCOO.OOO. KANHAH CITl. Mo April U. 1197 , vYe hereby ccinfj thai the Chrltllo-Klreet 'oiniiii lon Company has this day euinir.i UkliUkH wllh U' by dri ikltlni ; 1'lfly Theiuianct ( olluiu din 000 00) ) In caih ( Dlctutea ) CJIAHLL8 H , V LEWIH , IAMES E. BOYD & CO. Telephone 1030. Omulm , Nub. COMMISSION [ RAIN : PROVISIONS : AND ; STOCKS I HOAHI ) OF THAIk . DIr ct win * to Chicago and New rortc.