Newspaper Page Text
10 THE OMAHA. DAILY IHflTC : WEDNESDAY , JANITAKY 12 , 1808 , SPECIAL NOTICES AiUcrtlMMiicntft for tlicnc column * will l n tnlifii until 11 ! m. for tlic evening nnil until 8 i . m. tnr tlio luornliiK i iil Similar cillllon * . Adicrllncru , lir rriHienflnsr " nnm- licrnl ulirck , c-nn lirno itiifmrrn ml- < lrrnii < Ml ( c a iniiiiliercil IcUrr III cnrc of Tlic Ilcc. Aniwcrn no nililrcmieil will lie ilcllvoroil on iirem-ntntlon at tlic clM'ck < inl > . ItnloM , 1 l-ic n tvoril flriit ln crtlon | lo n Tvoril tlirrrnfler. > otlil B tiikcii for leu * tlinii Vtr.c fur HIP Hriit IIIIICT- tliin. 'l'liKi > niHcrtUciticiit * inn lit be run coiiifctitlvcly > WA.vrno MTUATio.ts. WANTKD , AT ONCI2 , HY YOUNO WOMAN of goo. ! education , situation ns nurse nnd gtiv ornw > . U U > , Ucc. A MC37 13 * WANTHD.1-08ITION AH SALESMAN ON the road or a clerk In dry Roods store , thir teen jenrs' experience- the dry Roods busi ness , ( food reference * . Arthur Aldous , Merrill , WAM'UU MAMJ HUM * , CANVASSUIlfl TO TAKC O11DKI13 ; NEW LINE or woikj no I.C-y goods to carry ; talary or commission C. r. Adami Co , 12i So. IGtli St. U 301 BALUSMAN FOR CIOARH. J123 A MONTH AND expenses ; old firm ! experience unnecessary , In- ducemnU to customer * . C. C , lllehop K. Co. , 81 LouU U-3C2 CAIII'INTIH : on PAPISU iiANcinn TO DO work for rent , llootn 5 , frcnzer block , opposite p. o 1J-M300 AOI3NTS AND 11IIANCII MANACIRII1 ! ; SALAIIY nml commission. Hunter TallorlnK & Shirt Co , Cincinnati. O. H MH8 April 2 1100 CAH'I AND LinrilAL fOMM HIONS FOn BXMl. experlented orRnnlzcru ; up to dote plan : onsy to work , Henry C. Altln , Supreme llcgcnt , Imperial Mtitlo Legion , Oinalm , Neb. B G33-IT3 OOVKHNMRNT POSITIONS DON'T PllliPAIin for the pontnlllce or other civil scrvlci' exnm- Inatlon without scclnp our Illustrnted catalogue of Infonrntlon ; sent free fnliimblnn furre- rpiimlence College , Woahlngton , I > . C WANTHD , AN KXPniUKNCKD CARD writer , ono who ha * hnd experience In a dry roods store preferred. Intiulre nt IJoston store. II M60'i 13 WANTun. DISTRICT" STATI : AOHNT von tlnlti-d Stntci Life of New York , Rood con tract , easy frelllnff pollclM. AiVliesa L. I : Spencer , mntuiKcr , Omaln , Neb IJ MC92 13 * WiVTI'l' riUST-ni APS SALT MAN TOR lubricating ol'it ' , Rrenfe * nnd specliiltlei , cal- nry or commlsilon. Eiiultnblu Hcflnlnir Co , Cloviland , Ohio 1I-.M71S 12 * ACTi\'fr MN TO TRAV"IL IN THIS AND nilJolnliiK counties $71 n mnnth nnd nil ex- penmen , no experience or capital required Ad- die s Olobe Ci , 723 ChMtnut St , 1'hllndel- plH Pa H-.M711 13 * WA"NTID DRUO CLUIIK. 4 * OR B Y'RARB' cxperlencn , single , registered. Address I ) M , Oinih-v Hce I1-M713 H * \V\NTID IMM vin HUM * . 100 CURLS ron ALL KINDS or wonic , 3 TO J7 neck. Canadian OITIcc 1422 Douglas C-3C3 IVANTUD COMPUTKNT OIIIL roil QRNCriAL , hou ework K09 S :0th St C 5S2 WANrnti A omij roil amfnnAL nousr- vvork S13 South 3Cth street C 701 13 * WANTED. Tin : 8inviris or A WOM\N wao Is educated and rellible , good pijlntr pnsl- tlotL Address D SC , Itee C 706-13 rou HUNT HOUSES. HAUGAINb NHATILY AM. fON ! > : 1J S ! 3th Ae , 7 rooms porcelnln hath , clisM hot ater , KOS , mantels , furrnce , laun dry , 30 BIO K 27th St. , 8-room , beautiful new tluclIlnR , Oik llnlsh , poiceliln bath , Iiot water , far , furnace. laundry , $ j ; 973 N 27th A\e , 7 rooms , bnth , closet , hot water clBtern , Turmce cemented cellar , 200 rt. fronlaie. n\ \ } rooms to be pilnled & . pipered ; $ : o I3H N 2Sth A\e , S rooms , city \\ater. Inside KM belnR spent for repairs. Kent , J12. 717 8 31J St , 6-room cottage , city water , fS S3."l S 20th Ht , 3-room cottase. city water , $ > . We lm\o others ridellty. 1st lloor , N. Y. f.lie. HOt'SCS WALLACK. IJROWN UI OCIC , 1CTII and DOUK ! is I ) 3G8 MOVING HOtJSniIOI.D OOODS AND PIANOS Om. Van fi. Storace Co. . 1511V4 Farnam lei. 1530 * D 373 n LIST. M'CAOUn. 15TII AND DODOR. D 3C9 HOUSES. TLATS. QAHVIN nitOS. , 1613 TAIl'M D 370 HOUSES TOR IlENT. IIUM1S. PAXTON IILK. D-371 HOUSES J. II. SHEIUVOOD , 423 N. Y. LIFE D-372 HOUSES IN ALL PARTS Or THE CITY THE O I1 DaIs Company , 1503 Farnam D IKi HOUSES DHNRWA S. CO. . 103 N. 15TH ST. D-3SO HOUSES , COTTAGES & SfOllES ALL PA UTS of cits. Urennan S. I-ovc Co , 210 S. NHh n-307 HOUSE : fiRs &o 2VTH ST. . TEN IIOOMS , MOD- crn , J10.01 per mcntli. Dyron Heed CoD374 D-374 FOH noons. L.AHOE PAItI/U , HAY AVINDOW : OTHKR rooms 511 North I9th E-G35-12' roil RENT. NEWLY FURNISHED ROOMS ; reasonable pilcea. 2121 Dodge. U SI5SO TWO LAROE 1'HONT IIOOMS TOR GENTLE- men. alco\c , biy window , hot water , heat < lt N. 17th K-MC19-15' NICELY ri'RNISHED ROOMS TOR LIGHT housekeeping , -50S DoiiRlas. I : 1IC50 12 * TWO ROOMS TOR HOUSEKEEPING. TUR- nlshcilor unfutnl .icd 2101 llutt. E-M719 13 * 1 > TIIMMIKI > IIOOMS AMI HOARD. am ; MERIUAM , TIRST CL\SS FAMILY 110- tel , SJth nml DodRO Sis. F M707 HANDSOME PARLORS EN SUITE NEWLY funils.u'.l , nlpo omaller rooms , EOOI ] board , The Rore , 1020 Ilnmey F COO IN PRIVATE TAMILY. WITH OR WITHOUT board 1911) Dodge. T M579 H THE AL11ANY. DESIRAllLE ROOMS TAIII.1S boaid 2101 Duuulus , 1' .MCI7 1C * NEWLY I'l'RNlSHED IIOOMS WITH HOA RlT hot alcr JWJ Oas. V MCC2 15' NICIJ ROOMS. WITH HOARD. 1S2I I1INNHY. near exposition 1' JKC9 15 NICELY ri'UNIHHED 1'RONT ROOM. modein , conven'crnea ' , private ramlly. No 70J B. llll utCttrtt . F-MC70 13' TWO NICE ROOMS , 2G31 DAVENPORT ST. ST.r7os r-7os SOUTH ROOM , Sl'EAM HEAT , board ; references. 202 N. ISth , r 707-13 * CAN FURNISH WARM. PLEASANT ROOMS , with homo cooKInc for e\t > ral single Rentle- men Eaiiv walklntr ill ft nine from business center. Aildrcss D 57 , Dee , r 710-12 * KOR Hi\TtI.M.-l'II.MSIUi : ' ) IIOOMS. 6 CHAMHEUS TOR HOrSEKEKPINo ! MAN and wlfu ; water In kitchen , > teel sink. 319 N , 17th. Q-C06 FOH UIJ > TS'rOUUS AM > FOR RKNT. IN TUB IIEE IlUILDINOs Une largu corner room , 2d lloor , with vault and private n/llce / , wulcr , etc. Ono larso front room , 2d lloor , divided Into two ruornn by partition ; water , etc Ono large corner loom , 2d lloor , with vault , water , etc. One fiunt room , divided by partition , 3d floor. U corner roiun. with \uult , 3d noor , Ono largo room , 3d floor , with partition divldmg It Into one ( urge room and ( via tmaller private rooms ; water , etc. Two largo ground lloor roomv , fronting ITth St. , with \nult. Several > nmll rooms on 4th lloor , wlth vaults. All theiia rooirts am heated with stenm , electric llHhts , > upplled with llmt-cla Janitor service , Ultvators run day nnd all night ; building strictly tlrrproor. Apply to Buperlntcndent , Room 104 , I'.ee building. I m FOR HENT-PESIC ROOM IN GROUND Fl OOlt office , Ufa .bulldlnf , wnttr , ttcsiu heat , slectrlo light util' | jnnltor ervlc . Apply to Superin tendent. Bee bulldlne , 1 197 JIO1ELS , STORES. HUMID , PAXTON ULK. 1-375 CLASS MEAT MARKET LOCATION. lie * . I Mil 4 JfOK RKNT The 4-STORY 11RICK UUILDINO at 9 0 rurnnm fit. This bulldlntr ha n llrrproot , cement uamtment ; water on all flours , gas , etc. * 'Apply A thu DCClco or The Uue. 1 910 UJH.NT.S \v\\Tin. AOFNTS VOn 01 It IIRAND NRW TRANS- formlnR sljm , sells c\erj where nt sight ; I > y fin to IM per week , prtlcul s free. Union Rperlnlty I'o , Nd 12 Urondway. New York , N Y J M717 12 * V\ ANTED , nNEHOKTlFOKNTS LADIES OR gentlemen , to canvnss for B book company In city or country on n tnlnry Inquire of J X Rice at Wlllaril hotel. 111 North 12th ft J-M715 12 UMVI'KD TO lli\T. WANTED , TO RENT , HMALL MODERN house , nell furnleheJ , Ornann cr Council IJlurfs ; good rent for nice place. Address D 39 , Ilee. K-MiGS 12 WANTKD TO RENT , A HOUSE OK 6 OR 7 rooms , with an bath , etc. ; within walking distance of The Ilec olllce ; will lease far a num. ber of > enrs. Addrets D 40 , stating price , care of The Il'e. K-COJ * STOH.KJI : . PACIFIC STOIIAOK AND WAREHOUSE CO. . 90S 910 Jones ; general storage and forwarding. M 37G OM. VAN & STORAGE , 151U4 1'ARN'M TEL 1K9 M 377 ritANIC KWERH. STORAGE , 1214 HARNEY. Hauling and packlnir , cheapest rates. Tel. 9i . M 378 FOH SAIUMI.SOUI.I.AMOUS. FINB , WIIITR SAWDUST FOR FLOORS. ETC. ! coirse for Ice , at $3.75 per cord. Tel , 418. 901 Douglas. 0 379 IltLLIAUD HALL AND ROWL1NO ALLEY doing gpod business ; established 1W ) I-nck box 23 , Johnson , Neb. Q-M2l2-Jan-24 * ? OR SALE , JFTNE ! l ERSEY COWS AND calves. J. II. Klntz , 726 Willow ave. , Council Illuffg. la. Q-MCW 14 I'OIl HALE , 1 OSTOFTK'n CASE ; 180 CALL boxes ; 24 lock boxes. Address P. D MfiCo"- mlck , Orotna. Neb. Q-3'3 11 CLAIHVOVAM'S. JUST AltlllVED ! JUST ARRIVED ! PROP Ame , the greatest living succe'sful palmist nnd clnlrvojnnt , hei rends the past tutthfully and predicts the future , sntlsfjctlon positively Ktiarantped ; , clttlngs , GOc. 2207 Farnam street lloura , 8 to ft a-M7IC 13' BATHS , HTC. MME HRISSON OF PARIS , CHIROPODIST , medicated baths and mabsage. 107 N. 12th St. T 131 r-1 * MADAME SMITH , 1315 DOUGLAS , STEAM AND alcohol baths. T M393 14 * MME. AMES. MASSAGE AND 11ATIP3 162314 Howard street. T M6S8 1C * MRS DR. LEON. ELECTRIC MASSAGE HATH parlors , restful and curative. 417 S. llth , up stairs. T-MCS7 1C- I'KHSOXAL. VIAVI co. . tnrnniNn TitontLus. sic-s use Illdt ! . phjclclan consultation or henlth book free. U-3S1 MATHS. MASSAOn. MMG I'OST , 319 % S. 15TII. CLOTHES CLTIANED , PRESSED AND RE- palicd , dJ > oi nlRht , dress suits for hire. Pintorlum , N. E Cor. 14th and l"arnnm Tel 9M. U-3S3 HAVE YOUR GARMENTS MADE 11Y "GREEN- Lerg , The Professional Ladles' Tailor , " 1703 Webater. U M")77-J-1S MOXHY TO 1,11 V.N IIIMI , 13ST VTU MONEY TO I/DAN AT LOW RATES THE O P. DavU Co , I'O" rainam St W 3Sj ANTHONY IXJAN & TRUST CO , 315 N Y L. ; quick monej at low rates for cholci. farm \nds 1 In lovvu , northern Missouri , eastern Nebraska W 3S6 LOANS ON IMI'ROV ED .t UNIMPROVED CITY property. W. rarnam Smith & Co , 13201'ir'm MONEY TO LOAN. BEMIS , PAXTON RLOCK. W W l MONEY TO LOAN ON IMPROVED OMAHA real estate Drennan-Lov e Co. , 213 S. 16th. W 3S9 100OCOCO SPECIAL TUND TO LOAN ON llrst CIBES Improved Omaln piopertv or for building purposes , ridellty Trust Company W 390 G PER CENT MONEY , Sl.OfO AND UPWARDS , on gilt-edged Improved Omahn real estate. Hemls. Paxton block , W-392 MONEY LOANED ON IMPROVED RKL ESt - t te In Onnha , Council Rluffs & South Omiha. Puses' & . Iho'ims , 503 Tlrst Nat'l IJank , Omaha W 393 WANTED CHOICE TARM AND CITY LOANS It , C. Peters & Co , U. S. Nat'l llank Bldg. W-M433 MORTOAGES FOR SALE. PROPERTY OI1 NONresidents - residents cared for. W. B Melkle , Irt Nat'l Bk. W 391 WE HAVE MONEY TO LOAN ON FARMS IN eastern Nebraska and western Iowa. Hrennan- Lo\e Co , 219 South lOth streetW MKD F3 G PER TENT MONEY ON NEB. PARMS & OMA- 1m property. W. U Melkle. 1st Nat'l Bank Bids. W M410 MOVUV TO I < \NCIIATTULS. . J10 TO $10,000 TO LOAN ON HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE AND PIANOS , HORSES WAGONS AND CARRIAGES , WAREHOUSE RECEIPTS , ETC. , nt lowest rates In Omaha , South Omaha and Council Bluffs. No removal of goods , uttIcily confidential , you can p y the loan off at any time or In any amoun's. amoun's.OMAHA MORTGAGE LOAN CO , SOS South 16th St THE OLDEST. LARGEST AND ONLY INCOR PORATED LOAN COMPANY IN OMAHA. X J94 IJUSIXESS TO GET IN OR OUT OF BUSINESS GO TO J. J. Gibson , Gil First Nat'l Hank Y JJ5 TOR RENT , BRICIC STOREROOM , 60X22 , ALL conveniences ; best location In city , splendid business town John II. Llndalc , West Point , Neb. Y M211 LOCATION , WITH OR WITHOUT DRUG store wanted nt once by experienced Ameri can physician ; regular , or will buy partner ship In specialty or sanitarium work Address D G9 , Dee . Y MTU 1 ! KOIl n TOR SALE OR EXCHANGE , ONE DOUBLE housfe , 18 rooms , with all modern Improve ments ; 191S and 1&20 Emmctt street , Omaha , within on lilvck of main entrance of exposi tion grounds Incumbrance , 11,000 , will ex change equity tar clear property , farm or city , or will Bell cheap for cash. Send offers to II. I * . Morrow , Missouri Valley , la , Z M5C3 19 WILL EXCHANGE VERY DESIRABLE clear vacant Omnha lots far Chicago property , Adilre.'u with full particular. Box 262. Omnha Z MS04 NEW TYPEWRITER TO EXCHANGE TOR heavy horse , Three-horse power boiler nnd engine tvvn-horvc poncr gasoline engine , bar- Kalns for cdbli , Room 40 , Douglas Bik , Omaha , S5-703-13 GOOD LAND IN TEE CO JLU. TO TRADE for stock of Eoodf , any Kind , In lowu 01 Ne braska. W. U , Blggart , West Brooklsn , III / . M720 H FOH SAI-U 1U-JVL EST.VTR , KOUNTZE PLACE BARGAINS. J2.GOO , 13.750 TO taCO > J. J. Olbnon , Ml I'lrst Nut. Hank Bldg. RE 39'J TARM LANDS. C. V. HARRISON. 912 N. Y L. Rli 518 Jon 16 BARGAINS. HOUSES , LOTS AND FARMS ; sale or trade. 1' . K , Darling , Uirker blU. RE-400 HOUSES , LOTS , FARMS , LANDS. LOANS , also lire. Insurance , liumls , I'uxtoii block. RE-M401 NEW COTTAGE , MONTHLY PAYMENTS. CO ! Bee Bldg. RE-MU1 TOR 8ALE-TKN-UOOM HOUSE NEAR HIGH school , all modern Improvements , with barn. Would take part In trade , Inquire 71i N Y. Life Bids , RE-C3-U' PROPERTY TOR SALE OR EXCHANGE , TOR Denver propelty , 3023 Oak St. , Omaha RE-W2-11' LOGAN VALLEY TARMS AND MERCHAN elite. Hunttberver < Clements , Lon > , Ne braska , RE-M3C9 LOST. PARTY WHO EXCHANGED OVERCOAT ( Browning- , King te Co , make ) can find his at A. D. T. office. i Lo t-70l-13 'A\V > UHOKtitS. H , MAltOWlTiS IX > ANS MONEY. 418 N. 18 ST. -407 TYIM3WIUTEH8. TYPEWIUTKRH t'-QU RENT , M 00 PER MONTH. Tha Smith-Premier TyimurtUr Co. , 1 5 Fur. nam Rt , ; ttlenlionc , Ii3l. WJ no\n\v\vs v\n HUH\V\I.K.I. SHERMAN < V > tO ) GRAVKL TOlt SIDE- walkd nnl rmdw-S ) * for fAtf nt 14 per ruble M rd ( "ruMied sl g for loncirlo In any quan tity The Grant Paving Co , 308 Ilec bunding M\CIII.MS .vxn SL'IMMIIS. NEW HOME , HOUSEHOLD & WIUTB SKW- Ing machines & nupplles 1511 Cap live. Tel 1574. 103. HORSKS WINTIJIIUI ) . GOOD STABLES. BEST OP CARE , 14 AND 6 month. A. W. Phelps & Son , 20T New Yolk Life. Tel. 1081. -402 CITY EMPLOYMENT RUREAU. HIT I'ARNAM St. Rnoms 2 & 3. Tel 1404 SI1 ! WK SOLICIT AND FURNISH POSITIONS TOR Stenognphers free. The Smith-Premier Tpc- writer Co. Telephone , 12S4 405 SlIOHTIIAM ) AMi TVPMWHITl.NJJ. A. C. VAN SANT'S SCHOOL. C13 N. Y. LIFE. < -3M AT OMAHA BUS. COLLKOE , 16TH & DOUGLAS 397 H , It. BOYLES. COURT REPORTER. PRIVATE lessons ; day and evening , 407 Hoc Bldg , 398 COAL. BURLINGTON NUT , BEST , CHEAPEST. PRICE 13.75 per ton. 'Phono 848. Harmon X. Wcetlt Co. -404 : : nTO upHiinvv. WANTED , S'OO ON GILT-EDGED SECURITY. A. 1 * . French. M562 13 CONTRACTOR AM ) a. w , aiLUErrr , CARPENTER AND CON- trnctor , jobbing eollclted. U15 St Mary's nve M3IO Jnn 29 * PACICHD. M. S. WALKIN. 2111 CUMING. TEL 1331. 406 CITY OPKlCIATi OTICli:9. : OUADING-NOTICE OP "KXIIIIJIT A. " To Martha A. Chadvvlclc , ThomT II. Car ter , Maith.i M. Wellg , U. Low ! ' ) McCune , Anna Shlmonsky and Mary J. H , Ad.ims , non-rosldentH : You nre horcby notified that the umler- elRncO , three illslntTestod fieeholilcrs of tiip city ot Omnhn , Jir.vo bsor. duly appointed by the mayor with the approval of the cltv council or snld city , lo nsiesi tlio dam- ngss to the owners respectively oC the prop- city affected by t , rail I OK Twenty-sixth street from south line of Shlnn's adtlltlon to Cald. well street , declared necessary by Ordi nance No. 4207 , entitled "An Ordinance de claring the necessity of gradlnj ? Twenty- sixth street fiom south line of Shlnn's addition to Caldwell street , nnd appointing hree dlslntersted npprnls ° rs to asves nnd determlno the damages , If nny , to the picp- erty owners , which may be ciused by wiich grading. You are further notified that having ac cepted said appointment , and duly quali fied as required by law. we will , on the nth da } ' of Match , A. D , ISDS , at the hour of 10 o'clock In the forenoon , at loom bTi , New York Life building , within the corporal' limits of iald city , meet for IMP purpose of considering and making the assessment ot damages to the owners respsctlvely of all property affected by s.ild piadlng , taking Into consideration special bunellt" , if any , by reason of said giailing. The property belonging to yau , and which may bo affected by said grading , being slt- ualo In said city of Omaha , in the county of Douplns , and state of NebtasUn , la de scribed as follows , to-vvlt. Martha A. Chad- wick , lot 1 , Joeston's subdivision ; Thomas M Carter , lot 2 , Joeiten's subdivision ; Mar tha M. Wells , mortgage interest in lol 2 , Joesten's subdivision ; R. Lewis McCiinp , mortgage Interest In lot 2 , Joesten's subdi vision ; Anna Shlmonsky , lot f , Joejfn's subdivision ; Marv J. R. Adams , moitgago Interest In lot ) , Joesten's subdivision ; Mar tha M. Wells , mortgage Interst In lot 4 , Joesten's subdivision. You are notified to be present at the lime and place aforesaid , and make any claim for damages or objections to or statements concerning tald assessment of damages as you may consider proper. GIJO. O. CALDKU. KI3WAHD STRINGER , JOHN U. FURAY , Freeholders. Omaha , January 4 , 3S9S. J7d21t NOTICK. Funds are available for the paymenl of Hie following warrants : Geii ° ral fund , registered numbeis 81 to 200 Inclusive. Fire fund , registered numbers 22D1 to 23D9 Inclusive. , , Pollca fund , registered numbers 2301 to 2445 Inclusive. Lighting fund , registered numbers 3Sj to 300 Inclusive. Health fund , registered numbers 207 to 273 Inclusive. Interest ceases January 13 , 1893 Omaha , January 11 , 18S ! ) A. G. HOWARDS , City Treasurer. ' Jnn 11 d 3t. NOTIPR OF SALE. To nil whom It may concern : In matter of the estate of Elizabeth A. Rogeis , deceased. Notice is hereby given that on Thurs day , the twenty-seventh day of January , 1S9S , at the hour of ten o'clock In the mornIng - Ing , the undersigned. William M. Hush- man , nsr executor of the estate of Klizaboth A , Rogers , deceased , under and by vlttue of n license and order of sale Issued out of the district court In nnd for Saunders county , Nebraska , will sell nt public auction for cash to the highest bidder , at the east front door of the county court house In the city of Omaha , county of Douglas nnd state of Nebraska , the real ( .state de scribed In said license nnd order of sale , towlt : Tno north half ( H ) of the west seven and fifty-six liundrodths (7 ( EC-100) ) acres of the south eighteen and stxi ) iundrdtliH ( IS G-100) acres of the south one-half ( ' / ) of the north west quarter ( N , W. ) of section number twenty (20) ( ) In township nftesn (13) ( ) north of range thirteen (11) ( ) < ast of the Gth P. M. In Douglas county , Nebiaska , containing three and bpvcnty-stx ( J 7C-100) ) hundredtha acres , more or les . W. M. UUSHMAN Executor of the Estate of Elizabeth A. Rogeis , deceased. 81MI7ON ULOOM , Attorney Jan 4-ll-18-2.ri xoTicn NOTICW TO STOCKHOLDERS. The annual meeting of the stockholders of the Heo rtulldlng company will beheld held In the olllco of the Omaha nee , Omaha. Neb. at 1 o clock p m. , Tuesday , January IS , I1"00 , f"1tho election of n bo ml of directors for the ensuing * year nnd such other business ns may propel ly come be fore the meeting. By order of the president. N. P. If Dili , Secretary. Omaha , Deu. 23. 1S97. D 2S d 20 t o : TO CO.VrilACTOHH. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS ] Sealed bids for the construction of the rorth viaduct across Sherman avenue con necting the exposition grounds i lll bo re ceived until 11 o'clock a. m. Saturday , Jan uary 15th , 1S93 , Plans and specifications can 1)0 een at ttio department olllco , corner 15th and Spencer streets , or sets will bo fur nished bidders nt cost , The right la reserved to reject nny or all bids , F. P. KIUKENDALL , Mer. Grds. and I31dgs. Dept. , Transmlssls- l and Intel national Expo. l OSTOI < 'l''ICn NOTICE. ( Should he read DAILY by all Interested , as changes may occur at any time ) , rorelpw malls for the week ending Jan uary IS , ISM , will close ( PROMPTLY In all cases ) nt the General Postofllca us fol lows : PARCELS POST MAILS close ONE HOUR EARLIER than closing tlmo shown below , TriiiiH-AfliiiiUti MnlU. WEDNESDAY At 7 n. m , ( supplementary 9 u , m , ) for EUROPE , per a. . Nuw YorU' , via Southampton ( letters for Ire land must bo directed "per New York" ) ; at U a. m. ( supplementary 10SQ ; n in. ) for KUHOPE , pur B. a , Teutonic * , via Queenstown ; at 10 u. in. for BELGIUM direct , per B. B. Southwark , via Antwerp ( letters must be directed "psr South- SATURDAY At 8:30 : u. m , for FRANCE , SWITZERLAND. ITALY , SPAIN , POR- TUOAI * TURKEY , EOYIT and BRIT ISH INDIA , per a. 8. La Ga&cogne * , via. Havre ( letters for other parts of Europe jnuat be directed "per Lu UascognO ; rrii'K MJTHM : . ( Contlmttil at n. m. ( supplementary ! n , m. ) for nrilOPi : , per s. . Umhrla * . .via Queens- lovvn ( .otters for Franco , Switzerland , Italy Spain , Portugal , 'lurkcy , Egypt nnd British India mu t he directed "per Umbrla" ) ; nt S a. m , for NETHER LANDS direct , per ? . s. Wcrkjndnm , \m Rotterdam ( letters in tint he i directed "per Werkendam" ) ; at S a. m. for C NOA , per s. sVerrn ( letters must bo directed "p r Werra" ) ; nt 10 a. in. for SCOTLAND direct , , per s. s. Furneasla. via Glasgow ( letters must be directed "per Furnessla" ) . PRINTED MATTER ETC. German steamers imlllnic on Tuesdaj * take Printed Matter , etc. . for Oermanj , ami Bpeclilly Addressed Printed Matter , etc. , for other jmrts of Europe. Atnerl- ean nnd White dtariteimers on Weilneda > s , Herman steantoton ; Thnrdi > nnd Cunard French nnl actvna ) ttcamcts on Saturdays take Printed Mdiffctetc. / . for nil countries for which they nre.nflverllsed tn curry mall Aft r the rlo iri | ? yio supplementary Trans Atlantic MallS .niniil nbove. nildttlonal Rup plementnry malli , nft opened nn the piers o tne American , .ipiftl'ih. Trench nnd German steamers , nhd remain .jpcn until within Ten Minutes of tfio fie u/pif sailing of steamer. Ma 11.1 for Son Hi ntfiil Contra ! America Wet < It lloN ! , Etc. WI3DNHSDA Yl'tJ' ft'jo'n. . m. for PORT ANTONIO , pqrj gl-imer from Phlludcl phla ; at G n. m. for BRAZIL nnd LA 1'LATA COUNT1UU3 , via Pernam'nico nnd Rio Jaiie'li'd , lior s. 8 , Salerno fron Philadelphia ( ltttyn for North Brnzl must be dlrecfcd "per Salerno" ) ; nt 11 n. m. for NirvyraUNbLAND , per s , s Portia ; at 12,3)7. ) i 2 m. ( supplementary 1 P m. ) for STi" THOMAS , ST. CROIX LEEWARD nnd WINDWARD ISLANDS per s. s , Mndlana ( letters for Grenada Trinidad and Tob.t o must bo dlreetei "per Madlann" ) : at 1 p. m for CUBA per s. B. Vlgllancin , via Havana. THURSDAY At 11 n , m. ( supplemental1 } 11:30 : .1 , m. ) for VKNEXUELA and CU RACAO , per H. H. Venezuela ( letters foi Colombia , via Curacao , must bo dlroctei "per Venezuela" ) ; at 1 p. m ( supple mentary 1:30 : p. m. ) for NASSAU , N. V nnd SANTIAGO DE CUBA , per s. s Niagara , FRIDAY At 7 j > . m. for NASSAU , N. P. per s. s Miami , from Miami , Fla. SATURDAY At 10 n. m. ( supplemental 10 : a. m. ) for FORTUNE ISLAND JAMAICA , SAVA.NILLA and GRCY- TOWN , per s. s. Adirondack ( letteis for Cosla Rica must be directed "par Ad irondack"nt ; 10 n m. ( supplementary 10.TO n. m. ) for HAYTI nnd SANTA MAR THA , per s. a. Holstcln ; nt 10:30 : n. m for CAPECHE , CHIAPAS , TABASCO and YUCATAN , per s. . Yucatan ( let ters for other parts of Mexico nnd for Cuba must bo directed "per Yucatan" ) ; nt 12 m. for GRENADA , TRINIDAD nnd TOBAGO , per s. s. Grenada ; at 1 p. m. for BARBADOS direct and NORTH BRAZIL , via Para and Manaos , per s. a. Sobralenscat ; 8.30 p m. for NEW FOUNDLAND , per steamer fiom North Sydney. Malls for Newfoundland , by rail to Halifax , and thence by stcain " . olcoe at this om-K dally at 8:30 : ] ) ; m Malls for Mlquelon , by rail to Iln ton and thunce by eteimcr. ole e at this olllco dally ut 8M : p. m Malls for Cuba flo ° at this olllce dally nt 7.00 K m for tonvardlm : by steamers salllns ( Monrlas and Ihuradayi ) from Port Tampa , ria M.illi for Mexico ice City , oveiland , unless specially addressed for dispatch bj steamer clo e at Mils olllce dally nt 2'3J ( j. . in. nnd 2 3U p in "UeAlstcrcd mall closes at 0:00 : p. m provlnus Ui > . TrniiN-PuplIlp Mails for China , Japan and HoVnll , per s. s. Balgle ( from San Francisco ) , close heie dally up to January y nt G.30 p. m Malls for Hawaii per s. s. Australia ( from Pan Francisco ) , close help dally up to J.inuai v la at G 30 p. m. Malls for China and Japan , per s. s. Olympla ( from Tacomn ) , close here d illy up to January " 23 nt G-JO p. m. Mails for China and Japan ( specially addressed only ) , per H. s. Empress of Japan ( ftom Vancouver ) , close hero dally up to January * 24 at r.0 : p m. Malls for Ihe Society Islands per ship City ofPapeti ( from San Tran- elsco ) , close here dally up to January 2r at G-.IO p. m. Malls for Australia ( e\- cppt the ° e for West Australia ) , which nre forwarded via Europe , New Zealand , Ha waii , FIJI and Samoan Islands , pr s. s. Alameda ( from San Francisco ) , close heie dally up to Janu iry * * . " 0 at 7 a. m. , 11 n. m. and G 0 p. m. ( or on arrival at New Yoik of s s. Auranla with British malls for Australia ) . Malta foi Australia ( except West Australia ) , New Zealand , Hawaii and FIJI Islands , per s. s. War- rlmoo ( from Vancouver ) , close here dally after January " 30 and up to January Jl at G.30 p. in. Trans-Pacific malls are forwarded to port of salllnB dally ami the pchcdu'e of closlnR Is nrranKed on the presumption of their unlnt > r- rupted overland' ' transit. "Registered mall clones nt 6 p. m. previous day. CORNELIUS VAN COTT Postmaster. PostolIIce , New York , N. Y. , Januaiy 7 , 189S. RAILROADS. , CHICAGO. ST. PAUL , MINNK apolln & Omaha Rallwav General ofllces , Nebraska Di vision. rifteenth and Webster Streets. City Ticket Odlce. H11 I'arnam Street. Telephoi > , Depot. Fifteenth nnd Webster Streets Telephone , 14 g. i Leavt. Arrive , Sioux City Accommoda. S-50 am gCO ; pm Sioux City Accommodi. 9 50 am 8 20 pin Blnlr. Emerson. Sioux City , I'onca Hutlnij- tuon and Jlfwimneldw " 1.00 pm 11:55 : nm Sioux Cltv. Monkato. St. Pnul. Minneapolis . . . . fi.K pm 0:10 : am ErmrKin Passenger . 1:10 : pir SMS nm Dallr. Dally except Sunday. Sunday onlv. This train stops nt stations Florence to So Ulnlr. Inclusive , aundays only ; on wee ] , days So Mlalr only. _ I'RUMONT. ELKI1ORN AND Mlssoourl Vallo > Rallnay Gen eral Olllces , United Stntes Nn- tlonnl Brrl : Eiilldlnu. South west Corner Twelfth and Far- - _ , nnm Streets Ticket Onice , HOI 1'nrn-im Street. Telephone. Ml. Depot Fifteenth and Webster Streets. Telephone. Ills Leave. Arrive. Black Hills , Deadvvoood and Hot Sprlnp" . . . . 3:00 : pm S:00 : pm Wyoming , Casper ana Dounlna . 3.00pm . 5:00 : pm Hastings , York , Davl ? City , Superior deneva , Kxeter nnd Seward. . . " 3.00pm 6 (0 pm Norfolk. Wist Point and Fremont . 7.51 am 10:23 : nm Lincoln , Wahoo nnd Fremont . 7.SO an- " 10.25 am Fremonl Locni . 7:50 : am Dally. Dally except Sundny. Sunday only. Dally 'x-ept Saturday " Dally excen * Mondnf. Rallvviy City Ticket O.flce. 1431 rnrrnm Street. Telephone rr | Depot Tcnt'i nnd Mason Streets. Telephone 12S Leave. Arrive. IP10UX CITV & PACIFIC KAIL. road General Ollloes , United States National Ilanl : Dulld- ins , S. W Corner Twelfth and Fan-am Streets. Ticket Olllce 1401 Tarnam Street , ' 'elepnono ' Ml. Depot , Fifteenth unC Webater Streets. Tele , phone M5Si i Leave. Arrive. Sioux * | ly , Mankatu , St , Pain , Minneapolis . . . . & .S5 pm 9:10 : am Dally. umcoin. uenver. tolo. , rado. Utah , California , ' * Black IIUIn , Montana nnd I'uset Sound. . . , " 4:33 : pm 4:05 : pir Lincoln l cal " 7.05 nm 7:43 : pm Lincoln Fast Mall. "T 2-55 um nm Daily , Dally xcept Sundaj. . ' 3A8 CITY. br. JOSni'H &v Council Bluffs Ilallroad- 'Ih * ' Burlington Route" Tlclfet Olllce. 1WJ rarnnm Street , Telephone J50 Depot , Tenthnnd Maion Streets , Tele. pHur.i' ) Vt. ' ' ' Leave. Arrive , iranins Cliy Day C > lit. \ . . 9.03 nm 5:40 pm Kansas City Night Kxo 'J0.01 pi" > 0.3'i am U VILllOADS. ( Continued ) UNIOK PACIFIC "T11K OVER land Route" General omcts N 12 Corner Ninth nnd Knrnim Streets. City Ticket Ofllcc , IS ) ; I'arnam Street. Telephone 318 Depot , Tenth nnd Mason Streets Telephone 12S.I I ave. Arrive , i "The Ovc'lnn.1 Urnllfd' for Denver. Otlt LaHe. weo'ern points . . . . . . * : * 4:4 : * pm , ! : JO pm . nm Lincoln ileatrlc ( > mi StromsbuiK Hipress . . 500pm 12-JO pm Keirney I > pr ss . . . . " 8:00 : pm "UN : pn Dully " Dally except Sunduv. Council UiuiT * LOCR ! Ixn\e ? . 5:40 : n m : C 50 n. 11 , 7 ' 30 n m ,5 S3 n m , 10:45 : n , m ; 2:15 p , m. 4 30 p in , C'M p m , Arrives , 6M : n. m : " : * n m : 8 n tn. , 8:25 : n m , U 30 n. m , 3:10 : p m C-40 p m : 9-05 p m ; 10:4i : o ns. CHICAGO , ROCK ISLAND & Pacific Railroad "The Great Rock Island Route" City HcKet Olllce , 1123 Knrnnn Hired. Telephone 421. Depot Tenth and Mason Streets. Telephone 123 - , txiue. Arrive. Chicago OT and St. I' < i > U Vestlbuled Hxprcss . . . 4.M pm 1:45 : pm Lincoln , Colorado SP'RS , Pueblo , Denver nnil west . 1.15 oir. 4.IJ pn- ClilMKO. Dr-s Molnes * Rock Island . * ! : OUpm 8:15 : am Atlantic Express , for Des Molnes arul ern points . " 7:20 : nm 8:35 : pm Lincoln , Falrbtiry nnd nellovllle . B:4S : pm 10-W am * Dilly " Dally except Sunday. . -AOiriC RAILROAD General Ofllccs nnd Ticket Ollc ? , Merchants National Bunk Building , 1224 rntnnm Street , Telephone 104 , Depot , Fifteenth nnd Webster Slrcets , Telephone 1458. ryyjyf-- LCttVC. AtrlVB. ICnnsns nnd Nebraska Limited 3'05 ' Pm * 12:53 : pm KnLs"3 Cltv nnd St Lwls Hxpres * * 9:10 : pm C 00 nm Nebraska I > ocnl 4:30 : pm 9:45 : am Dally Dnlly except Sundny OMAHA & ST. LOt'IS road Omuhn. Knnsns City & Hastern Rnllroad "The Port Arthur lloute" Ticket Otllcc , 1415 Fnrninn Street , Telephone , 322 Depot , Tenth nnd Mason Stieets. Telephone , 12S. Leave. Arrive. St. Loult Cannon Ball Uxpiem 4:35 : pm ' 11.30am Qulncy Uxpreea 5tO ! nm * 9 30 pm CHICAGO. MILWAUKEE & ST. Pnul Hallway City Ticket onice , 1504 rainam Strict , Telephone 231 Depot Tenth nnd Mason Streets. Telephone 123. Lcnve. Arrive. Clilcino Limited Ex. . . . 5:43 : pm SC5 : am Oinahii nnd Chicago Ux ' 11.00 nm 1 : 0 pm D.illy. WADASH RAILROAD TICKET OFFICr : . 141 ! Tarnam Sticet felonhone 32J. Depot , Tenth nnd Mason Streets , Telephone , 12S , Leave. Arrive. Si Lou I a "Cannon nail" Express . . . . 40 : pm 11 35 am Daily WILL YOU Hi : GOOD ? TinIljielicliir MiiMs' Chill Tni'Ulos Hir If 5on wish to sco a group of pretty , viva- clous. Intelligent and thoroughly Independent nineteenth century maidens , of a true Amer ican type , relates the Now York Hot aid , just journey sexvvurd , towaid the little thumbllko pleco of Nevv Jersey which pushes Itself cut Into the turbulent waters of the Delaware bay and the Atlantic ocean , and s > top In Capo May long enough to catch a glimpse of the Bachelor MnmV club , an cssoclntlon of twelve charming marriageable young women , who liavo banded together to protect themselves , from the wiles of unworthy members of the other sex. The members of the club are the Misses Lillian Miller. Marlon Hand , Harriet Hall , Louisa nush , Edna Bailey , Heble Doak , Zinnia Evvlng , Lottlo Hughes , Ethel Ken nedy , Louisa Whitney , Louisa Miller and Florence Whitney. The organization has only three ofilcers : Miss Lillian Miller , prcs- Idqnt ; Mips Marlon Hand , vice president , and Miss1 Harriet Hall , secretary and treasurer. While the duties ot the president aie some what exacting , in consequence of the grave responsibilities imposed upon her , the func tions of the treasurer are not especially bur densome , The president Is suppobed to know 1 the Inward life and learning of each mcmbei of the fraternity , and to give kindly advice In all matters affecting the dignity , character and loyalty of the organization. The treasurer Is required to collect 10 cents a month from each member and see that the money Is judiciously expended. The practice of economic principles Is thus demonstrated iu the amount of monthly dues , and If any one doubts the Inability of the club to flour ish on $1 20 a.month . , ho knows nothing of the talents of a bliip-blooded , high-spirited , self- reliant Cape May maid , bent upon the per formance of duty for dutj'a sake. The perpetuation of celibacy is not con- tninplatud , ns every member is In favor ot marriage , but It must bo a marriage of the Ideal standard set by the club. Accordingly the twelve young men somewhere' In this broad world who would willingly marry these twelve winsome misses must throw away their vices and prepare themselves to an swer some ouestlons llko these : Do you drink or smoke , or chow , or wear a silk hat Iu bummer with a blue serge suit , or He In bed In the morning wb.Ho your father shovels coal Into the heater , or give expression to wicked words when you strike your thumb with a hammer ? Do you earn enough to support a wife ? Can you see a flower store without being directed to It' Do you write love letteis with n pen cil ? How many cousins of the feminine gender have you ? What becomes of your temper when you Icsoyour collar buttnn ? Do you tide a last vear's wheel' Arc you fond o ! Ice cream and soda water and poetry ? Above all , do you sympathize with the mem bers of the liachslor Maids' club In their cf- foits to promote happv marriages ? Should these questions bo answered satis factorily the Ideal man may get the number of votPcj necessary to make him happy for the balance of his life It takes a brave jaung fellow , tio\\evor \ , to face the three pretty olllccrs of the club , and unless ho bo well vented In diplomacy be Is likely to faro the VVOMO for the rnccurter As yet no rnnstltntlrm or bylaws have been adopted , but the Inflexlblo rules prevail , 'rig maKe It obligatory upon the part ot the prospective bridegroom to go under proba tion for one year. At the end of 363 diys he IB lo appear iefore a bodul of examiners , cons'stlnp ' c < to\oa members , exclusive of the one whoso haml ho Is seeking , to un dergo another -rigid examination as to his purposes and ambitions In life. If ho passes this trying ofrteal be has no further trouble to fear , but an a rule the probationary clause scarcu him away to Cuba or the Kioadlko It frequently happens that the carefully groomed and Industrious young men of thn wave swept city are asked to attend these Informal receptions and mimlcales , and tlio promo'riP fc with which tbnj pen a reuly to the datntly perfumed card nt Invitation la aulHclent evidence In itself of the high esteem In which the Bachelor Maids' club Is held. It v\as foreign to the purpose of the club to attract thp attention of the out.lde world when It started upon Its eventful career at the close of Ufit summer , but so much pub licity has been ghen to Us t'alquo methods that almost every mall brings a letter bub bling over with lovu lo some ono of Its mem. hers. The curious part of It Is that thcso mtitlves cotr.o from entire strangers , who naively declare that they are -vailing tn marry Just such sensible gir.i ! as the Bachelor Maids. There la another clats of men , who , priding themielves upon Ihelr good looks , resort to the photographers' art to assist them In their mute eloquence , I'hotographs come from over > where. from Value to Texan but llko the letteis , they are consigned to the flames. Miss Maarlon Hand , the vice president , 10- celved aomo dajb ago a loving oplstlo from a ( plf-iljled voung farmer In Mr 'ivvay Orepnn , who begged plteously for her likeness. Ho WHS prof tun In tils Indorsement f the principles of the club and prayed that per mission might bo granted to ' .Miss Hand to instver hli communication. Thus far the club lis.i refused to votr upon the question end the probabilities ere that the lovccK ! farmer will be denied the realization of his itipp'lru. Hon. Contrary to he.r usual custom Mini Hand r''nlns tpl ptcri'n | missive and pcrtiics It regularly every day. TO CM Hi : COM ! IV OM4 I ) IV Tako/rixaln-e Ilroino Quinine Tablets. All drug , , * ts refund Iho money If U falls to euro , 25c. 'Ilia Btujlno hag L. B. Q on each tablet , KMM.Y suir-m I I'rom Ally Slcpcr. May Would you bollovo it , I trimmed this lint entirely myaolft Her Best Friend Yes , dear , I can bellovo 1L TIUVLS OP \OVICi : Trom lnneli. The Boy ( to Brown , who has just taken a " little place " in the country ) ' Plazo , Zur , wet be I to start on ? Brown Oh or cr let's see Oh , confound it ! or er make a bon- flro ! .NOT xviini ) ron 111:11 K-VCIJ I'rom Lady ( ongaglnB now oorvant ) Yea , I think perhaps you will suit Trie. ' What IB your name , please ? I New Servant My correct name lo Kathleen , but I am usually calledj " Queenlo. " TIIOIIODOIII.V 111' TO IJA'I'i : . The Maid with Many Fads.