Newspaper Page Text
-i : - . - - - - - - - - - - - . - - - - - THE OMAHA DAILY BEE. )1. L ! - - ] STABLTSIJEDJTJNE 19 , 1871. OMAhA , SATURDAY MORNING , MANY 28 , 1898-TWELVE PAGES. SFNCLE COPY FIVE CENTS. : : - ¶ ' ' $ COUNT TilE IIUTES L'anager , Oontmctora and Eihibitor3 All ink a Grtt Enny Now , k . . EACH hOUR HAS BECOME PRECIOUS Approach of the Tmo for Opening Beta Uot Pace on Work. MANY PUTTING ON FINISHING TOJCHES . - - . Buildings Completed and Ehibit Rapidly Being Put i Place. , , BlUFF TRACT SHOWS ITS BEAUTIES t Ch rIiuctwn. . the IltibiliNi , ot flullil. Itt&r firitigN Out the 1ncI3 PeturN VrnigI&t 1b ) Lnii.Is.te Architect. ' When President McKin'ey ' touches the 'r button on Juno 1 to start the Tranrnisls- ifl1) and Interiiatlonaj ixpo1tion ho will iitIght a crowd or patriotic pcople such n was never gathereC In the west. before. Thi ! day promises to he a gala one. Iteports arc coining in that the railroad excur8touB will L'o packed to their utmost capacity and - . - - roflie roatI8 contemplate running several ; cctlons to accommodtte those wishing to come to Omaha. It has well been said that the exposition will spcak for Itself. This t h ; ( lflIly evinced to the hundreds ot visitors , who are Impatient to get just a l1ttI Idea of what It will be. ' Outside work on the grounds and the ; arranging or exhibits on the Inside con tinties without abatement and the progress made daily is marvelous. The time has drawn iligh that each contractor and cx- hlbitor must see the completion or his work only a row hours hence. There Is a source 3.i of gratification among both the exposition managers and exhibitors owing to the nearness - ness or the finishIng touches. The exposi- lion iromises to outrival its equal , the World's fair , in the matter of having everything - thing ready on the opening day. A strong I lroii railing is being placed on the brIdg. over the lagoon. which denotes the finishing of this large structure. New concessions an licliig erectel nlmo3t daily on Twentieth street , the Midways and the bluff tract. and the concessionaires are wasting no time to have them completed by the opening ( lay , so as to got a graft. in" for the first nlckel aml dimes. The exposition restaurants on the Sherman avenue viaduct are being fur- nlshci. ExhIbits continue to arrive and arc at once assigned to their respective build- ings. ture lip : , ii t i ru I 'I'hn n 1vcr. The bluff tract , which is conceded by snrt2ly to be the most beautiful slot of the 'whole exposition , continues to grow more beautiful each day. New plants , roses , palms , etc. , are being set out in such variety as to make the tract more attractive. The rubbish has been removed from the nearly completed state buildings of Montana , Georgia and Wisconsin. These structures a'tii only he a few days behind time. while they will be followed in a week or ten days by Iowa , Kansas and New York. The corn- missions from these states will be on han to take possesSIon of their butidings as they are completed , and keep open house for all visitors. The Horticultural buihuiug , although - though the iat of the main exposition buildings - ings to he completed , now begins to show great activIty among exhibitors. Tim states of Nebraska. Iowa and IllInois have carpenter - penter forces at work erecting tables , etc. . to be used in the displaying of exhibits , and several floral flrms are placing displays. . Thu Los Angeles county ( California ) cx- hibit is nearly in place and will be ready to rec'ive visitors on the opening day. I. Frank Wiggins , secretary and superint'nd- cut of the Chamber of Commerce of Los Angeles , under whose auspIces the exhibit is made , has becn hero for the last three weeks installing the exhibits. When finished he 'niil return home. leaving C. L.Vilson. . his assistant , in charge during the exposition. This exhibit comprises every known sped. Inca of that. county's products. Tue space nllottcd to southern CalifornIa is attractively decorated overhead with yellow and white material , these being the Chamber of Corn- jnerce colors. The prevailing colors used in - decorating arc wiab , oiive and orange , which nrc iii touch with the exhibits. lIstributefi at. different places among the exhibits are s number of large pictures , showing the homes of I'asadena and Los Angeles , the two prln- cipal resorts of the latter Place. Mount Lowe and Catalina Island , all in Los Angeles county. GlVIiIiP II ( ) . % itflV CONTROl. . ' ) ' ( ' ) tilt I''N Of d lie lye le- i'irtiucit .It.'t in ( ) iinlii 'loi1I ) . The Board of Management of the Govern- intnt buIlding will hold a rneeting in its 0111cc In the lUilliflg this afternoon. , . 'il the members of the boartl are in the city .x- Cept. Colonel J , II. Brigham , assistant eec- reinry of agriculture and , hairniau of the hnartHV. . Ii. Michael , reprcsrntative of the Itate deiartment. 41111 Frank Strong. repro- tcntativu of tl tepartincnt of Justice. Ccl. abet ilrighnni vii1 arrive this inorIiiug , but the other two absentees viil be r.presentcd at tlio meeting by proxy. John 1.1. Ilthlic % , vlio has been supervisIng the ii.stailatiou of the exhibit in tlt' State department , br.a been delegated to represent tbe lcjrnrtment at the meetIng , and ( leorgu Field , a repre- sentative of the lepnrtineat of Justice. who has bii perfcrming a sImilar s'rvico for that department , will rpcent it at the lmeting. The other members of the boarti are : Charles l , icemper , exccdii'c ufllcer of the olilce of the supervising airhitct , who Is the representatI t , of the Tre.Lsu rv .lelartmcnt ; J'rof , I" . V , Ciarhe , of tue lnteror depart. meat ; Dr. F , \ % Truc of the SluitlIsonlan Inetitution and National Museum ; t'olonti J , U , Browulow of the I'otutfleo depart. ment , Caitaifl lIe'nry C. S'nrd of tln'er department , Lieutenant Comntamier E. M. Stedinan of ( be Navy department , William ( ICC. Itavenel of the Fish eo'nmisslon. The , - reprotary of the board Is Ceptilo W. \ ' ( 'ox of the National Museum , who Is also cueto. dian Of the Government building and executive - utivo officer of the board , "l'bQ principal bu1incs to l'o transcted by tb hoard will be Ito make rules for the government of the bill'Iiii ' and the em- VloyeeL ( o fl the hour8 during whIch the Iuiidiug shah be opec to the public , pre- s.cribe uniforms 0.0(1 ba.1es for the gt'arde , etc. etc.Cite Cite inemb rs of the t'o.irI who were In tit city were gathered Ia 3 soiabie group Ia the ; ntunda of the ? diii4rl hotel last night when they were asked by 4 f1iC rt-presentntlvo it the question of openin , the government building on Sunday af"ioocs during the hours the expoiltton was open , w'uIil ho tulen up for consideration , "I don't know why It 'slioull lit , " said Ne. Itavenel , as the others made no answer f.Fho same question has bten decided over tirnI over by practically the earno board , and J ( for one , see no reason for taking the ; t znatter up at till. 'Fho rnenIcti cnustituttn 4. . this board have been members of several Previous boards anl there is no csp'elal ren son to believe that their opinions on this question have changed. It Is a question of money. The vaiable ! fun'ls have been apportioned a.uon the ( lifferent .lepartments and the , jutln , of keepIng the building open Sundays ass no entered int3 the calculations of running expeiisc" Other members of the boar4 looked assent to the statements of Mr. flavt'nel , but tiuth- ing further as said on that scotc. The matter of keeping the butidln apen it nilit tvas suggested , but it i tateti that there has been no provision made for this , anit the building l provided with enly four tire lights for patrol eervte , It was also stated that at other expositions the Government building has been closed in some Instancec at 4 o'clock in the afternoon in othent at 43O , and in other cass at & oclor.k. Tticrc was no suggestion as to the hour which wili be fixed In the prant instant a lt11.t'M OF'OLI ) TIM1JS IN TINAS. 31t1ti' ftuhIder , . Hf ilislorle Struggles to lie ( iii l'li I hitinti. The exhibit of the Cotton Belt route In the Agriculture building will show several things which are closely connected with the stirring history of the southwestern por- ( ion of the United States , especially with the noted events associated with the early history of Texas. A photographic file- simile of the Texas declaration of Imle- cntlcnce will be one of the attractions , This curious old document was written on both sides of eleven smali sheets of paper nd each of these has been Ithotographed and all arc shown in a long frame. The celebrated painting , "The F'aii of the Alamo , " owned by a citizen of Texas , will also occupy a con- spiclous position and near It. will be a curious old inkatand belonging to General Santa Anna which was found among his effects at San Jacinto , Numerous other relics will be shown and there will also be die- played numerous products of the south , including - cluding petroleum , both crude and refined , from Coralcana , the Oil City of the south. This exhibit will be the headquarters of tIm people from Arkansas. Louisiana , Texas and Missouri. A register will be kept where visitors will record their names for the iii- formation of friends. Fruiii the l'iiilnsleli1i In lliiseiia , A notable exhibit has arrived at the cx- position grounds and no time was lost in beginning the active work of installation. This was a carload of material from the Philadelphia museum , consisting of sped- mens of cli sorts of the products of the South and Central American countries and of Africa. The car was In charge of Prof , Marshall , curator of the museum , and the installation is proceeding under his per- soilal direction. The colection will be located in the Lib- cmi Arts building and comprises specimens of minerals , manufactured products of all tile countries named , agricultural speci- moos. woods , relies , etc. hurt ( otiiit's Etlilbit. TEiAMA1I , Neb. , May 27.-Special.-- ( ) The articles for the Burt county exhibit at the Transmississippl Exposition were shIpped today , and vero accompanied by lion. J , IL Sutherland and II , N. Wheeler , who vill place them in their allotted space. Mr. Wheeler vili have charge of Burt county's exhibit during the exposition. Fekamak tins raised over $500 by subscription - tion to a3stst with thIs cxhibit , and this , with what has been subscribed throughout the county nail what. was allowed by' the county supervisors , vili make in the neigh- boriiood of 1,500. Nit.-s of the E'tiiosIlion. A carload of exhibits , the donation of the l'htladelpbla museum , arrived yesterday and were unloaded in the Liberal Arts building. Chiquita , the Cuban mite , is not a part of the liagenback animal show , as was stated , but is a separate "concession , " under - der the management of T. K. flostock. Ia. 'F. Abbott of St. Joseph , a member of the Missouri COIllIflissiOll , has arrived In the city to assist Chairman Leuthey of the agri- culturat cjniniittee of the commission in the Installation of the agricultural portion of the Missouri < xhthit. President Wattles received a formal notice - tico from the government of Mexico to the & 'tfect that the Mexican goverlimeot would be unable to carry out the arrangements heretofore made for participation in the cx- position. Intimations to this effect were re- ceived cveral days ago , but this was the first formal notice of the fact that this action 'vouhil be taken. F.V. . True , Ph. D. , executive curator of the National museum and cpresentattve of the Smithsonian institution on the Board of Management of the Government buIlding , has arrived 'ii the city , together with Charles E. Kemper , representative of the Treasury department on the board. 130th gentlemen viit remain until after the formal opening ef the expositicn. DROWNED AT CHICKAMALJGA irnest Crnnt flrlggu of Coiiipniiy . . LOMt'J4 Ills 1,1Cc Vhiic iii lIfltliiig , CIIICKAMAUGA PAItK , May 27.-Speciai ( Tclegrnm.-Ernest ) Grant lirigge , company II , of Ord , was drowned In Chickarnatiga creek this evening while bathing. Severai of the men were enjoying a swim , l3rggs being one of the party. Suddenly antI w1tl- out learning Brigge sank 011(1 ( before the others could reach him he hail lost his life. The body was recovered. lirigge was a young man of high character - actor and iolnilar with his comrades. lIe worked on a farm near Ord during the last year and enlisted sooti after the first call for troops. His father , L. it , Brlggs , re- stiles at Kimball , S. I ) . The body will he sent home for burial. 'Virr."M EI't'it * Ii Ciiiiiiiiiy , C1ICYBNNE. Vi'yo. , May 27-Speciai ( Tel- egram-The ) eleventh of Colonel Torreys twelve troops of cowboy canlry was mustered - tered Into service here today. Colonel Tar- rey today made the ( ohiowiug appoinrnents : Ilegitnontal adjutant , herbert V. Lacey , Cheyenne ; quartermaster , Frederick Itaip , l.oiig Pine , Neb. veterinarIan , John C , lilec , Vashingtno , I ) . C. ; sirgeon , Mortimer Jesu- run , Douglas , Wyo. The twelfth troop will soon be iuustcre'l Into service , completing the regiment. Equipments and antis have been received , but horses are being secured slowly , but 300 having boon accepted. From present Indications Wyoming's quota under the president's second call will be filled by sending the Alger Light artIllery of this city. lililer , Coaer uf (0r1iass l 'liig , fliltLlN , May 27.-It lB reported here from Madrid ( lint the North German Lloyd mall steamer liavel , after having been sohil to the TransatlantIc company of Barcelona , which acts for ( ho Spanish government , Is now on its way to Cadix , It Is added that the steamer will fly ( ho firrtnnq colors as far as Cape Finteterro and that it will then proceed to its dezttnation under the Spanish flag. 'ohsiitecrs , it 2)cndwoud , lFAflWOOD , S. P. , May -Special ( Tehegram.-Colnpany ) A , Second regiment , South Dakota volunteers , was organized last nIght in thIs city. A , . Frank was eleetd captain , Roy I. . . Sharp , first ileutenant ; .1. v. lInker , second lieutenant. There will be no difficulty in getting a full company , IERRhTT TAKES COIIAD Will Perzonally Supervise the rntu Expcdhions to Manila. WORKING ON TIlE TRANSPORT VESSELS it Is Istimntett That it ' .VllI lie at l.enst 'rots Inys flefore tue Secuii'.i IJijiedition Sails , SAN FRANCISCO , May 27.-General Mar- ritt , who will command the American forces in the Philippines and who arrived from Washington last night , has established his headquarters In this city at the I'ahtee hotci , General Otis tomorrow will take Up his resIdence at Fort Itichmand anti wilt hiae the volunteers encamped there under his eye at all times. Today Captain C. li. hiooper received Instructions - structions from Vazbington orderio , him to proceed to Manila by the next transport to assume command of the cutter Hugh Mc- Cuhloch to succeed Captain hlo'lgson ' , who Is ordered home. Arrangements have been made by General Otis for the establishment of a iiihttnry his- pitni neal Fort Richmond , 'rents will be erected for the sick soldiers and nuscs vhli always be in attendance. There are many cases of measles and bronchitis amd'ng the soldiers , and the marine hospital , which has beenused , . , temporarliy , is inadeqm'ate to the denmandS. It is not expected here that the transport fleet of five vessels , which will make up time accoul expedition to go to Manila with reinforcements - inforcements , will get away tar at least tea days. The China arrived here today from th Orient and will not be turned over to time government until Monday. The Colon is here , and a force of men will be put to work on it at once to prepare It for the Voyage. The Zealandia is being fltte ! up at its dock. The Centennial and the Ohio will not arrive from Puget Sound for some days yet. yet.It It Is generally understood that the five vesseim will carry 0,000 men , which will Include the Pennsylvania , Colorado and Minnensota regiments , the Seventh regl- meat of this state and the Eighteenth and Twenty-eighth regiments ( regular ) , now en route from New Orleans , The work of repaIring the Philadelphia Is being rushed at Mare Island , and it 'will doubtless convey General MerrItt and his staff to the l'hihippines. One good effect of Con. Merritt's advent has already been felt. He has ordered that troops not already supplied with proper equipment are to be furnished at once with everything necessary to make them comfortable - able and ready for active service. Sccii ce 'i'ivo More 'rrgsiisiorts. , WASHINGTON , May 27.-Two more steamships , the China and Colon of the Pacific Mail Steamship company , were chartered - tered today by Assistant Secretary Meikie. john of the War department to carry troops to the Philippines. The ships , It is understood - stood here , carry fully 2,500 men , and if they can be made ready in time will form part of the second expedition to the island. Mr. Melklejohn succeeded in communIcating with C. I' . Huntington , the president of the Pacific Mail Steamship company , by telegraph - graph somewhere in Iowa last night , while the iatter was on his way east , and as a result of propositions the China and Colon were secured. The latter vessel is at San Francisco , where it is loading a commercIal cargo ( or the Orient and was expected to sail tomorrow. The ChIna will be due at San Francisco tomorrow. As soon as practicable - ticable both ships tvlhi be turned over to the agent of the quartermaster's department for such changes as may be necessary. Five vessels are now available for the second cx- pedition to the Philippines , time Centennial , Zealandla , Ohio , Colon and China. Their combined capacity is approximately 5,000 men , and It is the opinion of the offlciais here that they 'will be ready to sail for ManIla some time next week. The acquisi- ( ion of the China and Colon is a source of satisfaction to Mr. Meiklejohn , who says that the department is now In much better shape as regards transportation. He cx- plained that there Is no desire on the part of the government to impress vessels into its service unless such action is absolutely essential for its purposes. The government wants to be absolutely fair in Its terms of charter , but at the sgme time believes that It is paying for 'the vessels all that they are worth. It may be interesting to vessel owners to know that the decision has been reached by Mr. Melklejohn in making contracts - tracts in the future to concede to them cer- tam features relating to crew and fuel which will be embodied in the charter by the War department. Further steps have been taken by the War department to obtain the six ships of the Northermm Pacific company , for which the agents are holding out for n larger amount of money than time government Is disposed to pay , Mr. Meiklejohn declines to give any niore money than that last proposed , be. hleving that the benefits which would accrue to the ships from an American register tiould more than compensate them for the lower prices at which the vessels are asked to be turned over. ICING % % 'l 1.1 , t ) ' , % 'l'l'hl MElthti'i"l' . ita vy Nii''l I si , t.sIgiel ti , Coat- iiigtiiil lit l'hai I I miitne' ldli'ii it iou , WASHINGTON , May 27-Adjutant Gen- tral Corbin announced tonight that three of time brigadier generals appointed hy the preehleimt today touid be omelally dcelg- natcd as soon as time senate hail confirmed their nominations , to comurnand the troops in the Phuiiippinc' , , , The generals selected for the i'hlhippioo expedition are George A. Garretson of Cleveland , 0. ; FrancIs V. Greene ef New York. and Charles King of \Vizconsln , Late this afternoon Genera ) Merritt , who is to be nmlhittmry governor of rime Philippines , wired General Corbln , requestIng that Gen- cmi King ho sent vlthm him to tha Philip. pines. The request was approved and forwarded - warded to General King , and so he becomes to oil intents and purpotes a commander. General ICing Is the well known novelist and an ex-olileer of the United States army. Generals Garretson and Greene have ai. reatly signified to the War department the acceptance of the orders to proceed to Manila - nila , 110th are experienced ofl1ers at niarkeil ability and will prove of invaluable imealstaimce to General Merritt , it Is understood unofllcially that hard- son Gray Ottis , editor of the Los Angeles 'l'Iruws , who served with time president in thu Twenty-third Ohio during the civil war , and was nominated today to be a brIgadier general , till also go to the Philippines , Early next week another list of briga. utter generals will be sent to the senate. The list vili contain probably from eight , . to twelve names. All of the officers nomntnatel for brigadier generals will be from the southern states. 'l'rinl of Ne-u ( utbuat. SEATTLE. May 27.-The official trial trip of the gunboat Rowan will probably take place next Monday or Tuesday. LIeutenant Commander Charles P. Perkins , commanding the Monadnoek. has been desIgnated as president of the trial board. NO NEWS YET OF CERVERA Vnshuinaton OtTtcInhitllI Hope Thnt lie Is Hottled Upiti San- ( logo iiusrti.or. WAShIlNOTO , ) tay 2t.-'The military situation as at present determined upon by the authorities is to make no forward move- meat of troops. either upon Porto Rico or Cuba , until full and definIte information is received as to the location of the Spanish squadron and its possIbIlity as a factor In the aggressive movementh of Spain , That being the positive determination , there is no present purpose to hurry forward the troops now at. the several points of concentration - centration , but the Interval prior to an aggressive - gressivo forward movement will be employed - ployed In seasoning the men. Steps have been taken to secure early Information - formation its to whether Admiral Cervera's squadron Is inside Santiago harbor , and whether the American squadron has such advantage of position outside the harbor as to make the escape bf the Spaniards practically impossible. For the last few days army' ' circles have shared public beliet that the Spanish ships were trapped in Santiago harbor and that has given Impetus to arrangements by which large bodic of troops at Chickamauga and elsewhere might be moved forward rapidly to Tomna for embarkation.- The presetice of thirty or more trnnRport in Florida waters added to the conviction that a movement on a iarg scale was about to occur. All this has been going on with the Understanding - derstanding that Admiral Cervcra's career as a possible menace Ia the rear of our troops had been cut eJT by his being securely - curely held within SanUago harbor , but In the absence of positive nformatlon on this point , together with the Uncertainty that he can be bold Inside the harbor , there tone no purpose whatever on the part of the War department. to make an aggressive for. rard movement on 'Cuba or Porte RIco. This was stated tonight in the most post- live manner and from an authoritative source. Unless the Navy department succeeds in securing some direct end ofilciol information - tion respecting the Spanish nnd the Amen- can fleets within the next twenty-four hours through the aid of the West Indian cables It 'will resort to the use , ot dispatch boats. It can be again amnuned on the highest authority , and notwithstanding all rumors to the contrary , that a the close of the day the department had 'nothing more than a belief , founded on unofficial advices , that the Spanish squadron was lying In Santiago harbor , and no news as to Commodore Schley's whereabouts. However , the majorit.yot the offIcials of the Navy department entertain no doubt that Cervera is within Santiago harbor , and they have succeeded In. Ibpresaing this belief - lief upon the president and the members of the cabinet. The reports from the rmewpaper dispatch boats as to the movcmenthof Sampsomi's and Schiey's squadrons during the past week are mystifying , even to the naval oullers hero , and one of them calhidmattention to a statement - ment coming from the West ladies to the effect that twelo war vesseI vere seen oft Clenhuegoes for a short' Umd Wednesday. This ho though wasSebley's sciuadro , dUd in that case he could scarcely have covered the distance betvcen OLnfuegoralld santiago - tiago with a slow moyin'pfleOt otironrlnds in less time than 'two days , which would make him due off Stlago some time today. It was announted today that. Holland , the Inventor of the submartnn boat of that name , was expected here tomorrow to discuss with Captain O'Ncal , chief 'of ordnance , the'feasi- bility of using that 'novel ' craftin an attack upon the Spanislm squadron at Santiago If the vessels are still there. The officials are disposed to receive in a kindly spirit any suggestion that might prove to be valuable In this line , and wjll 'talk with Mr. Holland - land over the details of his scheme. An Important phase to themilitary program - gram is a decision not to take up the details of organizing the new force of 75,000 volunteers - teers for at least a week or ten days. RIVERA HAS A BAD SPELL Foruiier Cov'ruior Gemuerni of flue I'li illittuimmes Says : tuncricumn Plug Shnli Not 'tVnc Over Mnulluu , MADRID , May 27.-In the Senate today Marshal Pnimo do Rivera , former captain general of the Philippines , defended his administratIon - ministratIon of the colony. He said he could not believe his ears when ho was tolui of the disaster atCavite , adding : "That rag called the American flag shall never float over the wa1ls of Manila. " The Philippines , be COfltinUel , had not hail an adeqtmato means of defense. lie op. pealed to the government to supplement ( ha defense , but the government replied that the pope had intervened.and . there was no ( ear of a rupture , The naval committee at Manila examined into the position carefully - fully and reached .be conclusion that It was quite Impossible to offer battle to the Americans. "The Yankees are deceiving themselves , " Marshal do Rivera declared , "as to the situation - ation at the PhilippInes. It is absolutely impossible that they should become masters of the islands , for the native , to au Immense - mense majority , are deterznincd to defend the territory to the Iast'nnd to maintain Sjmamilsh sovereignty. " Captain Aunomi , minister of marine , said it tias inopportune to discuss time war at present. Ho lmail neither mmpproviml nor this- aimnroval to expreis of Marshal do Rivera's administration , but he should ex'ercise a certain reserve in the interest of the country - try , - The minister of the c lonies , replying to questions respectlni vthcanthorization given the governor of Philippines to concede admimmlstrativo reform , uuild Captain General - eral Auguatl hail be a. authorized to act in the manner tie deemed inmost desirable to draw the natives to the Spanish side. Find Ni ) Ciutransiud of Wuir , BERLIN , May 7--United States Am- baa-safer White Is greatly pleased at a fresh evidence yesterday of flermnany's strict neutrality. Acting on information from the United iltatesConstmt at Hamburg to the effect that tIme' ' Spanish steamer Pirmzon was aboub (0 ( sail ' with contraba mmd of war Mr.Vhtte wenD ( Gtho foreign ofitce and protested , with the result ( hut the government omelals acted- promptly , Time steamer was searched and no contraband of war was found emi , board. Cnrrespoiuiieuit y'lmrovtm t.mti l'risoui , KEY VEST. Fia : , Ma 27-B. I' . Knight , the cofreapondent of the London Times , who , on Sunday night , when seven miles off havana , was lowered over ( be bow of a die- patch boat and i-owed ashore plone In a ten- foot skIff , was heard from foday. He has been thrown int prison and is now In the Cabaaas fortreaL A1exarder GoIlan , th Uritisiu oneul at.Jiayana. has Insituted proceedings - ceedings for htsrelease , hutiis's Vriuts Tii'i , lteggiwentg , TOPEKA , Kan , , May 27-Oovernor Leedy has wired Secretary of War Alger as follows - lows : Kansas can qutekl furnIsh two full regi- mnents. It would be more. than our quota. In view of these tat.s would vpta to have two regiments assigned to us a. w. LEDY , Governor. SPAIN SUITED \V1T1I \ BLANCO Mitdrid Government atithcd with the Policy lie is Carrying Out , FOLLOWS HIS INSTRUCTIONS IMPLICITLY Aorts That ite linus Ills Vetoes So Vcll IIsioscd 'L'lint lie Can Repel Ammy Attemnpt at J mt.nN iii mm. Copyrlght , ,1S98 , by Press Publishing Co. ) MADRID , May 27.-New ( York World Cablegram-Special Telegrani-The Span- tab military department Is professedly satl'm- t1e1 the way filanco is carrying out the plan of campaign. hilanco was instructed to krell up the spirit of the autonomntsts and put ( lie local government En working order as it no war existed and at the samnim time to eploit the loyalty of the old Spanish , , arty antI the volunteers , because wealth citut fighting qualities are very useful. Blanco was also Instructed to endeavor to impress all the natives in Cuba that America is aIming - ing at conquest and annexation and that Spain would carry home rule its Ear as iii' dependence if he repelled the American Invasion - vasion , In a rnlhitay direction Blanco has 0e voted the most attention to improving the defenses of Havana harbor , laying down sub. marine mines and torpedoes and extensively developing the fortifications according to plans adopted in Weyler's tlmo by a special commission of artillery engineer omcers sent out purposely with heavy guns from Ocr- many and Spain. Blamico Is concentrating a majoelty of the Spanish forces near the coast wherever a landing is deemed most probable. Forces are now watching the coast so strictly that the Cuban insurgents are prevented from receiving supplies. l3lanco says ho has supplies and ammunition for five months , having ordered the military authorIties to be very sparing in their use of ammunition except when indispensable , Blanco and the home government are also preoccupied with the question of sending home the sick and wounded at this season accumnulating In the hospitals and crippling the resources of the colony. Blanco believes ho can easily face any landing. as his forces arc ready to concentrate amid fall upon Invaders - vaders in time four western provinces. STORY OF SPANISH SPIES Little City of Key West Very Macli Exeiteil O'er iii- Mystery of Three Mcmi. ( Copyright , IES , by Presi Publishing Co. ) KEY \VEST. Fin. , May 27.-New ( York World Cablegram-Special Telegram.-Key ) West has been fairly rocking with excitement - ment today over a story of Spanish spies and Spanish war ships that are stmpposcd to have been in active olmeration by starlight - light last night. here are the homely facts : Yesterday , afternoon Sergeant Richarils. who in charge of twelve soldiers who guard the forttflcationsat Fort Taylor , saw ' - tha treet that three men , ts'alklng along borders the cast Ifie of time' fort. They made severdl inquiries of the negroes who live close to the front. They asked how many troops w&c stationed there and who commanded them. At 9:20 : p. m. Sergeant Richards saw the heads of the same three men sticking out from behind the entrance to one of tIme new mortar pieces. "Who goes there ? " asked the sergeant. fly way of answer time three strangers drew revolvers and began firing at the sergeant. One shot went through the right sleeve of his coat. Another sentry returned their fire with his army rifle , but apparently failed to bit any of them , Then the men ran about fifty feet to the street , where a hack was waiting for them. They jumped into it and were driven away. As they ran Sergeant Richards beard one man remart in broken English to his companions : "Have you got that package , Diii ? " That settled It , the men were Spanish spies. Just at midnight the sergeant saw one of the men walking along near the railroad trestle , a half mile away from time battery , demurely smoking a cigarette. As soon as he saw the sergeant he dropped the clga- rette amid ran away again. As \Vihmnlngton passed Sand Key light this morning the Bancraft hailed it amid asked If it had seen anything of a steamer with four white masts that the IJancroft thought was a Sparulard. Here were all the essentials of a first-class Key \Vest war scare and tb story was elaborated and sent broadcast. There is absolutely nothing to prove that time men were Spaniards , A number of tools left by workmen In the pits were lying about the imlaco where the men were seen. They were probably ordinary thieves whose only intention was to steal tools. "Ilmis Is no trifling matter , " said Com- mnanding Captain Merrill , "Title is a serl- ous mystery. My iljS are sealed. Fifty men are out now looking for a miman , 1 can't ( dli you lie is , but lie is the man we want. lie knows somcthmlumg about it , When ho is caught I may speak , " l'fuitm : m Cuirgo of Cml , PIIILADELI'hllA , May 27-The Norive- gtan steamer Oscar II , with a cargo of coal for Tnmmmpico , Mex , , was today refused clear- amice papers by the collector of the port , pending an investigation as to Its destina. tion , which the new government regulations require , This is tIme second steamer with coal to be i-dunned this week , The first one , the German steamer Amrct , with coal for \'era Cruz , Mex , , was released today , The captain of the Amret and the owners of the cargo had to take an o.ith before it was released that the coal was for lbs MexI. can railroad , and that it would not he used or delivered to Spaniards after it reached \'era Crus. % Vnt'eu , ou Talks to liii' Soldiers , LEXINGTON , Ky , , May 27.-Ten thousand people came Into Lexlngtomi today to aces the civic and military pageant , followed by a review by Governor Bradley of the comnpamiies of troops now here and to hear ( lie address to the troops by Henry \S'atter- son'hen time parade and review were ended , 300 school children sang "America. " lion , W. C. I' , Brcckinridge then introduced Mr. W'atterson , who was given an ovation. hiury Goi'rnr ivIt Ii A lijul lent , LITTLE ROCK , Ark. , May 27.-Colonel Cook of the Second regiment of Akammsaa volunteer infantry , received orders from the War department last night to move lug command at once to Chickamauga. The regiment - iment will probably leave LIttle Rock Saturday - urday , Governor Jones in overwhelmed with applications for permission to raise compa- flies uniter the president's second call , l-1si'liuture of l'risouucrs Is Effected , VASI1INGTON , May 27-Time State de. partment has been notifIed by British Consul Gohlan at havana that the exchange of pla- oners baa been effected , and time Maple , with Charles Thmrahi and hayden Jones , the Amer. bean correspondents on board , has sailed for Key SYcaL THE BEE BULLETIN. Weather Forecast for Nebraska- Fair ; Northwesterly 't'inths. Pa go. 1 hushIng Exjuosituon W'ork. General Merritt Takes t'onuummnnd. Scinivi SubSoil iithi hlianco , Cumiuuuodnre itclulCy is lipcn'tcrod , i S'ork of * hc Ornerni Assenthily , ihiiiias of tIme % 'tmtomtn Meeting , 8 Nebraska Nra , , . , Nbrnsk Etitucuit inani lhiiluII , .1 Iditorlal ututit Cmnmnent. b. i'lnmtuuing for hiepuhillean League. 51 Cunticit , iCfli 3iu.tlers , tn-tt N . titit ( kimunmeut , Aflair , 11111 Ounnhma , 7 Otuinluum S , Anothcr ( utmsme. . : Close i i. ; State Shunt. thin' , ' : - es , . ltcview. 8 llxposi , ? ' ) ieauiumg l'nrntlc. ' ) Seimsuttluimi , I I Comm auth Viunimt'iuel Ne , , , , 12 "Smiluimi Kiss , " Teiapt'r Omimniuuim hour. hour , a . 1 p. in . , , , , . tm ( I n , mit. * f',7.t" lit B II. in . . , , , ( it 7 a. lit . . . . . . ( it B P. Ill . . . . . 02 S a. mum . , , . . , (01 I p. mu . . . . . . ( Ii ii Ii , iii . . . . . . ( lii i. , lii . . , , , . III a , i'm . . . . . . ( P4 (1 p. mmi . . . . . . tI-t II a. in . . . . . . ( ) 7 mm. Ut . , . . . . ( it 12 mum. . . . . . . . . ( IT S ii. iii . . . . . . (11 1) p. iii . . . . . . (10 FOOD ISSCARCE AT MANILA De'e Awntts Suijiplics until ltCIlL forcemumemi ts miimul All Ills .Ieut Arc its ( uouul ibculh , ( Copyright , 119S , h ) Press l'nblimmhing Co. ) HONG KONG , May 27.-New ( York World Cablegram-Special Teiegram.-T12e ) situma- then at Manila is growIng more detlicrate , owing to the failure of food supplies. The fleet Is now waiting the arrival of iho Charleston and troops. Manila People have a report that eight Spanish tram' ships arc coming here. They also report that smallpox - pox is prevalent en the Aniemicami ships , that 300 are down with the disease and fourteen dead , This story is absolutely withmotmt foundation , as the health of alt is excellent. The veether is mint seriously hot and no sickmiess is npprehieuilctl. E. W , hARDEN. HONG KONG , May 27.-The United States auxiliary gunboat Seafire , formerly a BritIsh merchant steamer , hut now conaniissione&l , moumiting four guns and in charge of a lieu- tenant-commnaniler of time Ummited States navy , has just arrived hero from Manii.t , having on board Captain Charles V. Gridley of the first-class cruiser Olynmpia , the ilag- ship of Rear Admiral Dewey , and two olflcers who have leL'n IflValitlCd. Tue situation at Manila is unchanged. The insurgents are quiet. Beef costs $2.50 a oound at Manila. Time report that time corn- unander of , thio Spanish boat Cahloa was tried by court-martial and shot for riot firing on the American ships which captured the Cailoa is untrue. t LONDON , May 27.-The stories cireulatdd at Madrid amid elsewhere regarding the that- tlmore are evidently groundless. The die- patch recqiaed at the Spanish capital from Manila apparently referred to the Uliegod disabiemnent of tj1altImore during the bat- the at Manila , when a Spaimisui shell struck It and exploded some amniunltion'alightly In- juning eight men on board. EUROPE WILL' NOT MEDDLE .timacnlen % 'lll Not Ito Interfered Viihi hum Setlhiumg flit' Pimture of tile h'1uIlIiuimmes. ( Copyright , ISIS , by Preu , ; Pimbhtchlng Co. ) BERLIN , May 27.-Noss' ( York World Ca- blegrani-Spectal Telegram.J-In this even- lag's Post appears an article evidently inspired - spired dealIng with time question of the future of the Philippines. It Is semi-em- daily declared that recent rumors as to the transfer of the islands to France or Ocr- many or their divIsion among tIme European powers with the Interests In the far east have no foundation whatever. America is not yet in possession , It is true , and it is quite possible she muay never occupy thueni , but any laying of hands on the islands at present would be a hostile act against America. Nor would It be tolerated by other European powers having interests there. This utterance may ho taken as explicit proof that time continental powers have come to an agreement on time subject to await further action bymnenica. . rI , 'o Ittuuigi. ii lulers 121irnimte' Sumiut Ii , CHICAGO , May 27.-A detachment of the Fargo "Rough Riders , " made up of cowboys - boys from North Dakota , reached here today and left for Chattanooga , LOSES HIS LIFE IN A FIRE Eimj.ln' Itmuslmeutbuito Sum't' I lie lloolcs oC Ills Plrmui nmuul time .Ynils Full l'titui hull. DALLAS. Tex. , May 27-At 2 o'clock this afternoon fIre broke out in the brick build- lag lately occupied by J. F. Zang's furmui- ture establishment. In a short timne it spread rapidly , and before' the fire ulepartmnemit had time to get effectIvely at work the back end of Dorsey's printing cstablislmmemmt on the avest crud Scott's furniture huoiuse on time east avern in flanies. From Dorsey's , helm. manmi's wholesale saildlery huouso ui next to succtmtnh. The total loss is about f30,000 to $ W0,600 , fairly well covered by insurance. J. v , Cowan , married , aged 25 years , ulaleslaun for K. Slulcids & Co. , lost his life in an effort to save tim hooks of his firm , Time , atalls of time Dorsey building fell on him and crushed bUn to death , Eimvarci Smith rushed to Cowan's rescue , nail was inrn'kcul senseless. lIe was rescued by tIme firemen amid removed to the hospital , Firomnarm Burns was sever ly injured , and City Electrtciamm W.t. . Frazer , wino was hinndiinig a hose , had both wrists broken and head badly cut. SCARES ST. LOUIS PEOPLE htuslit uiiil ' % % 'bumulstorumu 'isits 'l'Iu'iu aim ( but' Amili bversuury of time ( ru'mmt 't'onssuhui 'Far. , Years Ago , ST. LOUIS , May 27.-A terrific rain nail windstorm broke- over this city shmortly after 4 o'clock buoy , and prevailed for half an hour. This being thin serommul anniversary of time terrible tornado that caused such do. struction of life and property in thIs city and vicinity , many peopio were terror stricken , fearing another such visitation , No reports of ilumugo have been received , At the race track , where several thousand People bad mmuennbled to see time races , there was slimiest a panic , but nobody was injured , Two years ago the Immense grand stand there was unrcmofed and other damage done. tbom'uimvimts at Oet'miii Vessels , Mmiy 27. At New York--Arrived-FuerM Biemnarck , from llamnhiurg ; Atsatia , from Naples. At Southarnton-Arrived-Auguste Vie- toria , from New York for Hamburg. A t i.lverpool , May 26-'Arrlved--Cymric , from Now York , Salled-Tauric , for New York. At Genoa , May 27-Arrived-Ems , from New York , 4' t 0 ueenstown-Arrived-Calnpanla , from New York , At Napie-Saiicd-Fulda , for New York. SCllE ON A hUNT Knows the Spanish Fleet ilati Arrived a Santiago tie Cuba ONE OF HIS SCOUTS BRINGS TilE WORD Hurries lila flying Squadron Aftir the fleeting Enemy. IllS SHIPS WELL STOCKED WITH COAL Ito is Prepared for a Long Siege or a Hot Pight STRONG AGGREGATION OF BATTLESHIPS Ills Origimmumi Simunuinum , is itelmaturcetl Imy time Addittuti itt' tue loit numul the 'rortiethu hltuutt hmipunt. - ( Copyright , 1693 , by ( lie Associated rress. ) OFF CIhINFUEGOS , May 23.-Via ( Jack- somivihie , FIn. , May 27.-S p. na-Thme ) arrival of the gunboat hawk , a converted yacht , hut time flying squadron this mornimig into a state of ferment numd anticIpation. It. brought miews that time Spanish squadrou , under Admiral Corvera , for whom Corn- mmmantler Schley was lookimig , was at Santiago - ago , Comthander Schley made immimediate preparations - arations to go in pursuIt of the enemy , but as the ships were somewhat short of coal tie hind to wait in a state of great impatience whIle the Iowa took on 500 tons and the other ships 250 tons cacti. This coating was conducted with the aid of time collier Morn- mine , which arrived at S this morning with the gunboat Castine. The squadron is to leave this afternoomi 1mm a chase after time Spaniards nmitl it is hoped ( lint Conimnodoro Schley will Smut ( heal bottled up in the harbor of San- tinge , The flying squadron is now one of time strongest aggregations of fighting ships ever gathered together. It commsists of the first- class armorcd cruiser Brooklyn , Commodore Sehicy's liagelmip ; battleships Mnssa husetts , Iowa and Texas , cruiser Marblehead , gunboat - boat Castino amid torpedo boat Dupont. It has a plentiful stmpply of coal amid can stay for a long time at sea. A close examination was made of the harbor of Ciemafuegos last mmight , hut noth- 11mg was seen which in Commodore Schley'a opinion would warrant an attack. Somne concern Is fqt for the Scorpion , which left here Inst nIght to take flit- patches to time cruiser Minneapolis at San- tiago. The dispatches pt Coummodoro Sciuley are in cipher and cannot be read If cap- Lured , 'I'IJRItOIL jimi ItLYJIS A't' L'OlTO ltlCO. llhnimco 5.11,5 CervrruL Is lu.ckeih lit , at Sluittlngo. MADRID , May 27.-li p. rn.-Gencral Blanco cables from Havana that ( lie Ten- nor , from Martimiiquo , has arrived at 1ra jardo , on .the cast coast of Porte RIco , It intemided to go to Snnu Juan , but found four , tinenica war ships cruising in front of the imarhor and changed its course for Fa- jardo. General Illanco's dispatch says Admmuiral Cervera's snmladron isstili , at Santiago , that the btmlk of Admiral Sampson's squailromu is blockading Gmat port , that Commmiodoro Schbey'a muquailron is watching time Yucatan passage , that tile Aniericnmm vessels have left Clenfuegos antI that the Ammuerican fleet of blockaders remains in sight of hlavntma. General Blanco says in his dispatch that hue opposeil time departure of the French steamer Lafayette saibim a cargo of coal , as the coal was required for Spaumish ships. CERVERA STILL BOTTLED UP Sluuiluishi Aulnmlrnl. it is Niii.l , lteummiiiimus Lii Clue ilmirl'or of Sumitingo tie Culii , CHICAGO , May 27-A pnlvnte cable to tIme Associated Press from a reliable person iii Port atm Prince , hinyti , dated May 25 , as. sorts that hue lund Positive lnformmmntion that at that tIme AdmIral Cervera's fleet was ha time harbor of Sauitlago tie Cuba. LONDON , May 28.-A ditpatch to the Financial News from Kingston , Jamaica , says : "The master of the flsimlng schooner Johan which arrived lucre reports having imickefi up a ya's'l coatainimig two re nnccntradon , escap- mug train Santiago , lie says theytold him Amlnmiiral Cervera's vessels nrc in the harbor and that ( lucy were conical and reatly to sail whiemu time Cadis squaiiromu arrives next week nail breaks the blockade. " W'JSIIINGTON , .hmy 27.-Speclai ( Tide- gram-Tiucre ) is reason to believe that time naval officials tonight neccived flishmatdhucs fromn Admiral Sampson , although at 11:31) : p. ma. no bulletIns mail hueeii maile nubile. The Ascoclated Press has nireanly annnuumccd that at 2 o'clock Limit morning time thlspatch boat Dolphin , of Comnniodore Schley's squadron - ron , ran nlommgsidc time flagship New York , whlc'lm was off Havana , sail announced that it bore diepatcimes for Admirpl Sampson from Commodore Schiley , it is considered iirahable these uhlSlifltChCs contained information of thin hireciso where- abouth of the Cumpe'erdo squadron , and quite naturally time information would be sent to the naval authorities hero as soon as boats anti telegraph wIres could carry it. That the mmnvai oullciahut have received information - formation is not doubted , but as yet they have not admitted the fact , CADIZ FLEET NOT YET READY hollers ltercntIl'tit in tluu i'u'iuiya CoimtiiluJl4ul as Ni. t Jlt'i 1mg' of Smuliheletit Strength , ( Copyright , iS , I ) ) ' Press Publishing Co. ) LONDON , May 27-New ( York World Ca- blegram-Special Teicgrammi.-Tonigtmt ) I saul Chief Officer lieu of a steumer from Cadis Mumy 20 , who said : "When we left Cadiz the only Spanish war ships ( lucre were the Pelayo , Caries V , one torpedo catcher , the l'atnlota and ltap. itlo , 'l'hie cruluem'a were at time arsenal , Everything bore the appearance of unreadi- ness. The ? ciayo's boilers , recently put in at Touion , hiatt just been condemned by the superinieuitling engineer at Cmlix on time groimn'I flint they were of inzutflctent strength , IL teas , lmoweycl , cualiag , The Rapldo aqd l'atuiota had not been fitted ithi gnus and neither had crows. There wait umo t'hbef iii ( tie fleet going anywber. toiscnne weeks- " - _ , _ _ _ _ i - _ _ _ _ _