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I -I - - - Fill - - . - - : - ; - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - = - - - . - - - - - - . . - . - : - ' - : - : - - - - - - - - : - - - - . : - - - - - - -------r--- _ _ _ - _ _ - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . . _ _ TIlE OMiUIA ] ) ATLY WE1ffs ! iAy , MAY 9 , 1S98. . 23 , - . _ - . , \V/IIFFI ' 1 VV iLLL 'NWLDtJ ( > > > < ' -'i Membei8bIp of the Lcnguo of American WheeImen ahowa a falling of from the totals i.- o a ago , the loss averaging ecveral ' - hundred a ccok. The high water mark of r the Ientio last year was 103,000. On May I 25 the total waa D2.767. A lively campaign ) 13 beIng waged to hell up the membership anti thntsnnls ; of circulara nm being diatrib uted telling of the advantage3 of the league. None of these touch upon ( ho real trouble. 'rho league was organized primarily to prorn tect thlntcrests of whecimen and protnoto good roads. These have become side issues. Control and management of racing absorb - . , , the energies oE the management. to the cx- elusion of measures that would appeal to tito multitude of cyclists who ride for pleasUre - Uro and exercise. Riders who suffer from short breath and who think they shouid retrain from long rides bccause of It sbouiil disabuse their minds. There Is no better cure for the trouble than long-distance bicycle riding , tiut it. must be done very caretuliy. The riiC5 at llrst should lc , short and then ho gradually increased in distance until the . limit of physical ciijoyment is reached. The ' ! ? shortness of breath is causel by unfilled air celia , which become weak for want of exeN _ , _ tIee by regular respiration. The gradual increase - crease in the riding distancotdnds to fill the nuscd celia and thereby increases the lung capacity. An attachment to a bicycle for laying a . - - - temporary telephone line is the invention of Captain Robert E. Thompson of the United States army , and the censor at the Key West cable oiTtco. A reel on the cycle Is wound . with several miles of two insulated copper . . , wires , and Is further equipped with a receiver - ceiver and annunciatc.r. When the corn- xnanllng otlicer desires to communicate with an ofilcer in the field he dispatches the cycle courier to him. As the wheelmen prorects the telephone line is laid , and when the Ilehi omccr is found the wheciman courier Him- lly ) ( lismounts and linntls the officer the tele- " lione apparatus , When the officer has finished - ) ished his coityorsation wlth'the comuutndant the signal wheel- Io hands the telephone to who retraces his course , the line being p PickCd 'Ii ' ) nutomatically by the reel on the zcturn trip. tometbing new in electric lamps for hi- cyci is the dynamo lamp , which has many characteristics of an ideal lamp. It burns only while the vheel is in motion , alwaYs reatly , no filling nor cleaning , no smoke Imor smell and cannot be blown nor jarred out. The dynamo is incloscd within a cylindrical metal box about three inclleH in diameter and tWO lflchcs thick , connecting wlth light Insulated wires with a tiny vacuum bulb set within a metallic reflecting cup having ft Plahll glass front. The dymmatan Is attached to either the front or rear forks In such a fashion that the rubber tire just grazes it enough to cause it to revolve when the bicycle Is in motion. The frIction be- tweeli the dynamo and tire is not. apire- ) Clfljio to the rider. - Lut lazy , careless or unfortunate wheel- Then wh6srnolce pilmt's and plilefi their briars in time pocket withoUt dumping out the ashes therefrom beware of the fate of enc Frank Taxton , whose misfortune is circa- Icied in the White Plains ( N Y. ) Argus. The 'a heelinan was coasting down a long Itill , 'with his feet up , and vlmen not half way down he found his clothing , more PartiCularly - ularly his coat tails , burning as fIerce as a gasoline flare. The conilagration was cx- - ceellngiy uncomfortable to the wheelinan and his speed in descending the hilt was too swift to allow dismounting and retaining lila anatomy In its normal condition. For a few exciting moments Frank figured wlmctlmer he would stop before ho was incinerated - cinerated , or whether he would become in- cimmerated and thou stop. lteachumigthe base of the bill , with a small liortion of his coat still In existence : the swiftly flying cycler . - flotoI a pond at one side and with a quick turh whirled through a gateway and plunged , wheel amid all , into its depths. One side and arm vore slightly scorched , but the rider was not otherwise injured. An ordinance has been iniroduced into the Now York hoard of Aldermen to tax bicycles and tricycles 2 each , excepting those used by mail carricra , soldiers of the militia and tim regular army and police- 4. . Illen on ( lUty , the lmrocecls to be applied to a fund for time repair of pavements. The . .J _ _ ordinance also lrovitlcs for a re-enactment of the old ordinances requiring lights at nights , bells , 'etc. - A muon who has conductemi a bicycle Ia- struction hail for mmmoro than ton years speaks as follows : "It seems to Inc as if every day I s & more women on the road with aim ungainly knee action. 'Flioy lift their knees so high that they arc bounil to look nvltvartl , while their skirts arc at the mercy qf tlo breeze. Then timey won- tiem why other women do not have the santo trouble with their skirts amid why they ritic tmo gracefully. They rouitl be aston- Isimed if they were told timmtt it is all a 2mmtter of position amid pedalling , but that Is the fact. nuLl eli 'rornemi should learn it. ' ' hero is nuother statement that will be auririslmtg : "No macn or vommwii riling with an ordinary six-immcli crank should have a kites action of more than six incites , and they could et along nicely inaiile of lIve incItes. fly Ibis 1 macan that tIme distouce between the jOSItiOIt of the knee wimemi the pedal is down and the leg straightened out , nail when time pedal Is at its hlglmeit poiut mmlmoull not be greater tItan five latches , When you conmibler that the pedal on a six- latch crank wheat it is down is twelve inches froan the voint of its uiwartl position. this statement maeemns startling , The difference between twelve incites and five is taken up by an ankle motion. A woman wearing a 34 shoe by pointing her toes downward whema the pedals reach the bottom limit can easily reach thrce and a half Inches and can reach the satno distance by pointing time toes upward when the pedals are at their highest imoint In time revolution of time crank. Any woman who taRs net learned to 'ankle' properly cane satisfied of this - ammil learn how to lrovm3t her skirts from lifting bectutso of unueccasary knee action by simply trying the experiment of dipping : _ . _ antI raising her foot with tint pedal rovolu. tion 1)7 ankle motion the next time ho goes out. nod at. the sante time noting the differ- coca in the rise and tail of her skirts , Thu matter of position conies lam ( or. Its con. sidcration1 because to 'ankle'jmroperiy the leg should be fully extended when the pedal Ia down. ' ' It frequently happens that when a racer - . ) eComues famous be aiso beeoaaaes egotjs- * icai , anti such seems to be the case wim young Jacquelin , the French sprinter. who Is the pride of his countrymen. At a recent meeting. 'shea he scented about to attest defeat , he insisted that all racing conditions. rules antI regulations be subordinated to his peraon3i wishes. else be would not ride. Thu judges promptly declined to mceedc to his dewands and forced him t mount his wheel and start the race. lie did so , but made such a fluke of it that ha was flncd $40. TIlE HJCYCIil TIIAII1 litisltiesa AtTcett.Tii ; ; : ' % 'nr nmtl Os-er- rumimct Iiam. Talking on the subject of the bicycle trade -Itresent and ftmturc-and time questions of overproduction , stagnant business , etc. , ft. 1' . Gormuily , the well known manufacturer , recently expressed himself to at Now York Times reporter in substance as follows : "While business is not disturbing mao at nil , there is no denying time fact that it- the bicycle business-is in anything but that healthy condition which Its friends would like to see. Manufacturers have been runnIng full up to the present time , and have no reason to apprehend any immedl- ate stoppage of orders , but It Is true that salea are not what. they should be for this season of the year. I don't attribute it to the weather entirely. That unquestionably has something to do with it , but. the war has more. A simple reference to a daily sales report vIlL show when war was do- dared. Up to April 1 double time busimmess of any other year tvns dommo , but the ( lay after the deciaration of war sales imurnedi- att'Iy began to fall off , and. have so con- tinued. - , 1 UOfl t Know what time end of it is going - ing to be. Don't see how there caa be ammy- thing but a cleaning out of a lot of the small fry. Consider for one moment. Time buying commdltions are not nearly as favorable - able as they were blat year. Two imundred timousttmul young men will probably go to the front during time lmresemmt var. Then there are Probably another hundred -thousand who vill be expecting a summons. Tlmo greater number of tiaco were riders. Now. stend of huyimmg a now machine , as they lmad counted on doing , they not only defer timis purchase , but in numberless instances attempt to - dispose of their old bicycles in order to raise money , because they believe tint tlmey will imavo no use for a machine during timis year at least. "It fs a case of overproduction. I see no escape front this commciusion. Today four , or , at time most , five of time leading factories could smmpply the country. Reputation , cx- lcrlence ) , mmd capital are necessary adjuncts to the success of a bicycle businesa. Ex- pcricnce is probably time most valuable of all , for if dealers did not have tlmls experl- once , time distrlbutjomm of goods would amot ho wimat it Is , ammd today it Is 1mm time dis. I tritutlng agencies timat time success or fail- nrc of a bicycle business is to be found. I consider branch stores as one of the necessary - sary features 1mm time distribution of goods. I have giemm mamost careful stamdy to time question of time distributiomi of bicycles anti time establIshment of agencies , Wlmile tranches are OximensIve , timey more titan repay timoniatelves if conducted on the right lines. "Now the trade generally cannot stand the expense of brnnclm houses. It takes a million of money ; moore titan that , It takes experience in imandling time branches , and an estabilsimed reputation back of time goods. So with a lack of facIlities for time dlstribu- tion of theI product the next six months tviil witness a simaking out of time trade. I don't believe timat there wili be any profits in the business for the average inanufac- uror-ccrtainly not for time new comnmer and time small factories. " lVlmismerigM or the VIeei , The warm sun timat shone all day ycster- day had the desired effect upon the country roads and all of timein simotmid be in splendid shape to ride today providing time weather man does not imand up another good , hard rain. Last Sunday they were out In squads , companies , regiments and battalions and au secimmed bound for the exposition grounds. The Florence cycle path was kept hot all day and those who rode over it report that it is In fine condition , being as hard and level as a floor , and that a run over it is deligimtful. The new paving out Farnamu street was Used a good deal by those who did not miami hill cilmmmbing. while the Cemmter street boulevard was also frequented , but there is not. a short run around Omaha so popular as the ommo out Shormnan avenue to the exposition grounds and then north tlmrough Miller park to Florence over the Twentieth street boulevard and the Fioremmco cycle path. All of the local wheel clubs have called runs for time tiny witlm the exception ot the Tourist wheelnmemm and Captain ilartry says that he is afraid to call one for fear of bring- immg rain , as out of amino Sunday runs that he has called- far this season the club has I been able to fluke but one and all of tIme rest haie been called off on account - I count of rain. As a result the Tourists have been given their old name of 'ltainmakeri ? ' again. Last Sunday Captain Ifartry called a run to Jcffcrsomm square , which is but a imaif bioek fromn the club rooms , in imope that they might be able to nmake it , and thus break time Imoodoo , About a dozen of time nmemmmbcrs , imeaded by the captain , muoummtemi their wlmecis amid rode to tlme park , wimen tlmey returned to time club imouso and commgrattmlnted tlmenmeelves impon the fact that they land it it able to muake one called rumm out ofuiaiowitbout having it rain. Members of thTrianjdes'lle2i ; clubof the Young Men's Cimristiaa assoclatiorm are trying - ing to work up sodo bicycie cmmtlmusiasta' by givhmg a grand Parade mind inviting au clubs antI timmattaclmeal wimcelmmien in the city to participate. The date set for time parade vas Timusday evcmmiug last , btmt rain necessitated - cessitated a postponement until tie commming Tlmuriday , wlmen it is lmopetl timat a big crowd of whocinten will turn out and participate. Lanterns sith which to decorate wheels will be furntsime1 by tlmu Young Men' Christian association free and may be had upon application at their building just he. fore the parade forms , Time special policeman who has been doing duty upon the Florence cycle path during the last three week , baa aueceedeii in keep' . inif teams off time path during the jatny spell just passed admirably nmmd as a resuit there Is not a wagoa wheel track to be seen anywheie upon it. Local racing meat are rapidly getting themselves into condition for te geason'g racing. Since it has been anoodneed tIma Kammsaa and Nebraska are both to have hood circuits the boys imave been wom'k. log exceptionally hard wltlm a view of (01. lowing both circuits. The only place .iimey have to train is the Center street boulevari , where they have eigImta , quarters and halves mamarked off so as to enable them to tell soimiething near how fast they are sprinting , and time new fair grounds ? Gadke , I'rouix anti Meleratuin are nil working out behind Imacing macblues and are already goiug along pretty fast , No remarkable time has been made yet in training. but It is a trifle - early to expect this and another ten days may see some miles ridden under the two' nminute mark and some quarters in 1c53 than twenty-eight seconds. The Li coimm road raqa which occurs t morrow will not attract any- local racn mcmi owing to the fact that the prizes were 1 rather small , A small phtty Of enthusiasts 'gui go down to witness time event , imowever A match race between Sager and Swan- brougim , the chamdon tandem team , and Starbuck and Church of Philadelphia , for an unlimited pursuit race , to be run at Boston , is one of the now matches under way. The two teams are probably the best long distance - tanco teams in the world , and'tho Amcrlcan champions will meet the Quakers lmnmo- diately after their race with Gougoltz antI Ltmnmbcrjack , the } 'renchmcn , which rne wilt be run tomorrow at New York. Time retail dealers of time city imave decided to close a portion of the tine on Sundays , and liav accordingly come to an Agreement as to the Imoura. hereafter they will be open front S a. am. until 12:30 : p. m. , antI front 2 until 2:30 : p. m. , and in the evening ( roan C to 6:30 : p. m , Harry S. Field of Hartford , CJnn. arriveil in the city last week. lie will Imave charge of the oxhibi4 of the l'opo Mantmfacttmring company at the exposition. Aim interesting event is now bing plflnne to conme ott sometime duriamg .iutme. It wIll be a coasting contest , antI will be held on West Farnam street , witim ndnlissiou free , the same as the road race. Time object will be to furnish an entertainment for the benefit of time vubiic and cycling. The affair will be tmnler the tmmnnagemealt of the West- era Cyclist of timis city , and a committee of Prouminemat. wheelmemi will be asked to omciato mmd assist in forming rules to govern the affair. It will be sonmewimat of an innovation in Ommmaha , nmmd it is imoped the vimeeltieim wilt do their share in making it a success , It will be strictly an anmateur affair , and nn entrance fee of 50 cents tviil be cimarged to defray the cost of pullimig tlmo event off , Already quito a list of prtzcs Imave been secured , amid it wiil be made worth while to enter. With the ltnetmmg Men. Champlonslmip races are to be run at each national circuit meet timi season , but it almoulil ho rcmommmberetl tlmnt vitlm but six cxccptlotms all these ovemits are trinl heats , as it were. The real clmanmpiommslmip races will be run as follows : unIt a mile , one mile antI two miles at IndIanapolis emi August 10 , 11 and 12 ; one-third mile at Woodside Park , Plmiladeiphia , on August 28 ; one-quarter mile at Ambrose Park. liroek- lyn , on October 1 ; five miles at Berkele Oval , Now York , on October 8. In timeso six races time wlamner viil score GO points , the second 40 , time third 20 , the fourth 20 amid time fiftim fO , while ut the conveniently termed trial contcst8 time fIrst five men will score 6 , 4 , 3 , 2 and 1 in order , Time complete national circuit scimedimie in- eludes fifty-six. chaniplomisimip events , thirty- tluee ot whicim are at one and two miles , the nummmber of mile contests being seven. teen. Eiglmty five-mile races wili bo run , while fifteen contests will be for shorter ills- tammees than omme mile , five being at otto- fommrtlm , four at came-third antI six at omme-haif. I Dmmrlng the season Chairman Mott will keep I time public Informed on time progress of the clmamnpionshtp struggle , wimich promises to be irnnmeusciy interesting , by pmomuuigating weekly bulletins of time standimmg of the coammpetitors. flocimester will hold tlmreo national circuit meets this year , vhile New York wlii lmoid four. Boston will have three amid Phila- dolphin four. A'bury I'ark wilt also imavo three , and so wili Imimlianapoils , itmffaio , Grceam Bay , Itacine , St. Louis and Louisville. More titan 60OOO will be lUt up itt purses for imational champiousimip honors at these maceta. Zimmerman , nlmo 'l amoW In Mexico , writes that tIme amnateurs of timat country are very fast , but not as lust as time best of tlm American amateurs. 'Time interest in cycic racing , ' ' writes the old-time clmnniplon , "is very great and Americans are looked impon as the greatest riders in the world. " Toni Butler will meet Jaap Eden in a match race the close of this month. The details were virtually arranged last week in Boston , wimen time entire flutler family decided - cided to take a cbammce against the Freuclm- men now in this country. Tom Butler is to ride against Eden In a match race , Nat Butler will take the measurements of Gougoitz in a similar race and Frank Butler , time yoummgeat of time family , will measure speed against Lambem'jack. After the single races have been decided Tom and Nat But- Icr , on a tandem , vili try their ability against the French tandem teanm , ( iougoltz- Lamberjack , and after that the entire bimach of Butlers will mount a triplet and ride the foreigners. This Is rather liku a family affair , but It will be intensely interest- big , nevertheless. Eddie Bald , who is still 1 time south , is anxious to test Imis speed against time almort distance sprinters , and to that. cml lana issued a general clmalicngo whlclm , ime hopes , wIlt attract - tract the attontlon of the sprinting brigade. "I nan willing to ride any man in Aamierlca , " ho writes confidently , 'and I wiii immko the nice on almost any tcrmns. If nmmy of time Americans want to ride , I would uireter to ride tlmeami first , but I stand ready to niect all coammors , wimetlier they be American , English - lish , Ccrumamm , French or Chinese , I would prefer to have time race best two in tlmree heats. of one anile cacim , as that is time best imossibie commdltion for a race. Let thoio who imave been so cmmergetic with their press no- ticcaf come to time front now , and it tlmey w.nt a deposit as a guarantea of good faith they caim get It , " Time reports received from Bald at Lotmi'iiie state thmmt Ito is in exceliemmt condition and wilt make tbo ridp of his life this yemir , Earl Peabody of chicago , who challenged Zimammcrrnajn , according to , a western paper , ( lellits that lme waamts to meet Zlnmmermmiama. lie states that wlmile lie wommil be wiillamg to meet the Jersey "skeeter. " he .is not over. nnibitious to meet lminm , otimorwise , he would turn prbessional ( or tiu occasion , "It I sitould rido.agalnst Zirnnnca'mman ' , " says i'ea- body , "and should be dcfeatmid , I would 1030 any reputation , while if I did rIde against lmlth immmd ddteatetl hint time public would say thait Zimmerman was a back number and titus I would get no honor out of it any way , " More match races havebcen made this season - son timanimas ever been knownbefore , The Na- liommal Track Teaamm association miami tIme Amqer. ican Cycle Racing association , who virtually control the racing situation , have agreed on eighteen snatch races , which will be run in time next two months. Mtciaaei Is included in these inatcimes. the principsi men being Michael , Linton , Duffee , Tnyiore , Titus and 'raylor. ' Starbuck , Ray Duer and other independent - dependent riders are to be given races on the tracks controiied by the associations making the engagements , . 'J'imrni'r Wlmeel 7'otcs. Rita is called ( or Sun iay t leave Wig- wama at 2 p , nm , for Ceuttr street course. Vatten , fornmcriy a member of the Kammsas City Turaverein , has taken amp his residence 1mm this city , lie is a witecimnan of the most enthusiastic type and Insists upon being timorougialy initiated in \Ytgsamu's myB. teries at thg next tepee , Time braves to tbe number of twelve made Erug's park Sunday last as allies of time Kegei club. Picked teamna from them and the Kegel club tried at strikes and spares for two ten-inning games , Color Bearer Otto's team being twice victorious. Medicine Man Wcmuiwey s busy printing photos of the braves taken by him at Fair- mount park a few Sundays since. Judging from first print they will be bummers. Bravo Richter has written a new topicm * song which lie expects to render at the next tepee. lie refuses to furnish title or music mmlii after this creeL Indian 'SVymuiier hams some now ideas relative'to the R51 bicycle bearings anti has set forth Mal dhs in script upon the wigwam's scroll. flu im' Shekel Keeper \lti1heim reports finances of tbe wigwam tot in oxcdient condition , -with an ample meet nU contingent expenses. cIEss. The foIioing portion of an article contained in the 1mrrent mmumbor of tie American Chess , regarding a uma tionni chess cong In Onmaimmi early In September : "Am9pjtho attractions at the 'exposition will , hqqses3ions of various societies , nationaL amid state leagues , as- sociatlons , conveajtions , lodges and all manner of gatherings of Individuals representing - resenting the diversified Imiteresta of unodermi society. Of the ninety diff.trcat bodies nanmed in the list , only two are in the line of sports-cricket antI the German Turner's association. When time suggestion was made by Mr. Itorsodi , publisher of the Anmericami Chess Magazine , to include a meeting of chess players , it was taken up by time management imi a hearty spirit ani they announce - nounce that neconinmotlations will be arranged in the Administration arch or In the Service building , and every ( mu lIlLy will be offered to the communittee which undertakes the control of the chess tourna- mont. - "It now devolves upon tIme players of Omaha to show what executive talent can do towards forming time plans for an international - national tournament to be held in Septenm- ber. The possibilities for such an undertaking - taking are very great , anti it proper aiction is taken there will ho a gathering which will rank with anything that has been hhI in tiate country since the Inmprornptu tommrna- macnt of 1893. "Time Vionimmi tournament will be ulimishi'tI by July 25 , anti thereafter It. is possiiio to secure the uresence of Pillsbury , Showaltor , Steinits , U. 0. Ilsird , J. W. Baird , all of wimoan could reach Onmaha to comnmenco play early in Srptemmmber , amid if a omme-rouamd tournanmemit were arrammged with twenty players , it could be limiialmel in fotmr weeks. "If diligent work is done it is posibie to procure a fund for prizes which wotmil attract the players Who am-a In Viemmna , foreign as well as American , and with Max .htmtlml , S. P. Johmmson , I. . U.tlernann , with time strong players of Onrnhia , ienver St. Louis , Chicago , New Orleans , Plmilidel- phia , New York , and other cities , a tourmma- meat of great immtercst could ho formed which would reflect. credit upon the exposition - sition , ns weli as be of alue in developing the knowledge of the game. "A dm053 commgrc3s seems to ho a natural part or an exposition to wimicli so varied a class is attracted and there is ito gootl rca- 50mm why time huntireds of timousautis who form time audiences slmouid not commtain a large percentage of chess lovers mu addition to timosa tvimo woul1 be drawn by time comm- gross alone. Chess players vhmo favor tIme idea will kintily address \\'iiliamn l3orsotui , Now York. " , i'roblem No. 2. The foliowimig position , the author of which is unkmmown , was sub- muitted by a correspmStIent , aimmi is an inter- eating study In knights. White to play amid mate in two faovcs. tflL.tCK. I , . . , 2 ' ' t'1i' , Itii ! 1kJ ; j . , - r'i t hr-fii ' . r - ' I w - 6I4 c/TJ 4.J WhITE , Problem No. 24 , as ronmarked upon by nummierous correspondents , was unsuppiled with a white kimig. The deficiency was filled by D. F. Logan , Norton , iCan. , and -T , N. Harizell , Kearney , Neb. , at K R 3 , and was solved with time key move , ft to Q 4. 0. Q. DcFrancc. Lincoln. who put the king at K ft 6 , offered the same solution. in speaking of problem No. 23 , whIch was proposed an a three-mover and discovered to be soluble In two moves , the author says : "I have read about a mistake once being made by an English magazimme in publishing what was intended. for a three-mover as a two-mover , It preyed to be sound , but not perfect as a twa.rnover , wlmiio as a three- mover the solution. was faulty and could be 'cooked. ' In this problem , however. ( No. 23) ) . neither as a two-mover nor as a three- mover can mate be , defeated. I thought one time of trying to make a pioblem that would have two different key moves , one for mate imi three and one for mate in two , but it seems I have done unconsciously what I had really intended trying. " BLATHER OF THE PUGILISTS Kid McCoy's Cinimee for Clmmmmnpiomm- iihip hloiirs'Less ' Since Defeat- iou us itailmilmi. If anytiiin , the contest Hid McCoy itatl with itulilin the other evening lane detracted - tracted rather than enhanced Imis reputation as a figlmtcr. All thd critics are perfectly willing to give McCoy all the credit in time world for lila clever footwork in evathimmg Itimhlin anti to admit timat Ime fairly won time ( heclsiomi over time lmuslcy Gertnan , but at the same time timoy are few if any wimo are satisfied ivitim his work , As could be jutlged front the. accountj.Pf tbo fight , McCoy's blows sadly lackelsWam. lie was succcss fui in lcmndir.g a number of times when time blows should have counted for knockouts. it looked as if imeimmid his man finisimetl long before tIm emid of time. twenty rounds , but wimen im tried to i'Inish him Rulmlin ( ought so vlciously that ito was willing to go back to his foramier tactics and put in bug range jabs. The sports cdincidc in the belief timat lie woultl not. haveumuch . of a cimanco with Corbett , and Mct.oy ii must incline to this same Oliftiofl imirWj1fa for wimea Corbett ciinmbed into time ring after the decision Iimmd been given and offered him a match be most respectfp1l detlined. t.lcorge Slier , wboqcreed the fight , is a very conservative jii1go and does not often advance an opinioLft the men in any mili that takes place lhcfprc him , yet ito has expressed IalmflBelr n 'not mucim taken wIth McCoy's clasaces jjnst Corbett or Fitz. simmons. lie eaita 'iie is a very clover boy , but I am r.iitflft the opinion that he should tackle Fitasimmona oc Corbett for some tipie to conic. f Is not. strong , at liast ho doc not I jo be , jtiml 1 think ho would be oiLcar hy either of the big men named. Onp o 1coy'a left knuckics was in a bad sim4pe fore time fight began , anti hatlid aot-mfitm pa much as ho might have , flubilmi LLVaIfJY good man and against a sow4r , Ym& tItan McCoy would have made something of a showing. Ills eyes were dammmgtm , early in time contest , which gratly immterfercd 'with his chances of victory. McCoy mlii most'ot iais work in the first six or seven rounds , content after that to take things easy , lie was practically sure of time decision on the showIng iao Imad made unless something surprising - prising happened , " Whatever Mcchy's motives may have been in refusing a match with the "pompa- dour , " be certainiy was sensible about it. in the first place he did exactly what stay other man under the circumstances would bare done nidety-'nine cases out of 100 , It is not so long ago timimt he posted $ ,000 for a matcs wltk IIaiUp.Jo-tbe.Air Jim. anti the latter contemptuously refused to con- aider It. Now McCoy is making money and Corbett is not. Thb abtie Is on thh other I foot , Then again , McCoy may poslbty realize that lie immight lmasvo been a little too haty ift damning heaywc1g1mt thnnibiomi- ship 1monor anti masy have determined to graulimalir fight lais way to the top by taking on smaller fry. Such would be the best thing in the world for him to do , - One Thomas Sharkey refuses to be gui- eseent nntl has stepped forward with another - other sweeping cimallengo to the whole world , not at cmli fianipened at Imis ioss of time decision In time recent timmpicasantness with Big Jcftries. Through Jaahn Quinmi he offers to box either McCoy , Cotbett or Jeff rica twenty rounds or mote ( or $5,000 0. - aide and a purse or for stakes alone. In any case lao is Willing that time winner shotmld take all , here Is a chance for Cor- bett to make a little easy mommey , for be has declared loudly that the sailor is a snap. The way in which Oscar ( lartiner is polish- lag off the muon he meets in the ring is coa. wincing ninny good judges tlmroughotmt time country that lao is the peer of any man in the country at front 118 to 125 potmntls. The Omimaha iid's performances certainly furnish very strong gromantla for this opin- loam. There ore only two inca who stand bctweeam him and tin featherweight cham- pionsimip-Ocorgo Dixon and Solly Snmith. It is Possible that the only timing that permits them to stand in time way is the fact that both have rcfusetl to consider any vroposi- tion to meet hut for some time. A good man lam barth to down , however , anti third- nor will Imnvo to be gIvemm a show pretty soon. Snmitlm and Dixon are nmatcimeti for am meeting before Tom O'ltourke's Leamox Atlmletlc club of New York oat time night of Jimmie C. Wheat these two inca met in a twenty-round nrguamient 1mm San Francisco last October Snmith was given time decision at the end at time contest , but. Dixon had so N iong heiti the title of champion that ito has practically contlmmued to Imolti time hiublia eye In spite of that defeat. imm the contimig bout , however , Dixon will either establish him. pelt all the more firmly wltim time public as the elmamupton of lila class or it will be said of hint its of many otimers that imo wemmt to the well once too often. Wiaiclmevcr man i'1mts , in this comitest it will be hard for habit to avoitl giving Gardner a chance , and that lam all the "Kid' is after. Botim IChh Lavigne and Jack Daly have issued challenges through a London sporting - ing paper to meet Johnny hughes , time lightweight - weight champion of Ermglantl , Both mcmi are illing to box Hughes at 133 pounds Dmtly is prepared to box for from $1,000 to $2,100 on time side , while Lavigmmo says ime will imot fight for less than a $1,000 stake. Botim the Americans have sent forfeits acm-ass tie water. Manager O'Jtourko of time Lenox Athletic club immms arranged a number of star matches for that body since his pull brought the 1)011Cc authorities about to allow boxing comitests itt the metropolitan city. The bouts scheduled up to. date are : May 30 , Jirnnmy Barry against Casper Leon , twenty rounds at 110 pounds ; Jimno 6 , George Dixon against Soily Snmitia , twenty rountls ; June. 13 , Tommy \Vest against Tommy Ryan , twemity rountis ; June 20 , Spike Sullivan agalmist Dnl llawkimms , twenty rotmntls at 130 poumids ; June 27 , Kid McCoy against Cimoyn- ski , twenty-five rounds at catch weights ; July 5 , Maher against Goddard , twenty-five rounds at catch weights. Sonic date in next October is to settle time bantam weigimt clmarnpionslmip of the world , as 111113Itotchford is then to meet "Pedlar" l'airner , vhmo now lays claim to the title. Time match is to be pulled oft before the National Sportjnclub on Lommdomm. which bas offered a Iurse of $3,000 $2,500 to go to tlio winner. Beside this there Is to be a side bet of l,000 , .1mm Chalon is getting up a boxing tour- nnancmit br a week ( roan Wednesday night in Washlmmgton hail amid has already made arrangements for ( mar bouts. lb has secured - cured a permit for the affair , Time main eveimt is to be an eight-rounml go between Jack O'Donnell and Jim Adams at 155 pounds. The other tha-co bouts will ho six rounds betwecim the following : Mclntire and Billy Lamnbert. 1-12 nounds Jim Chilfn , , amid Walter Nolan , 146 PoUfldSJackDmmly d ammd Fred O'NeiI , 128 poumids. Most of these boxers have droppeti into the city during the past couple of week and have siaown cmmougb speed to flrornlsq that the amffair vilI be interestimig. ( tImcslaoiaM itlid AImNWCrM. OMAHA , Neb. , Mimy 24-To time Sporting Editor of the lice : Is Decoration day a. na- tiormal holiday , also the Fourth of July- T. K. Bradley. Ans.-Neither Is a national holiday in time strict sense of the word-tint Is , hioll- days created by oct of congress , Labor day was made a natIonal holiday by act of Congress and It is time oniy strictly na- tionail holiday we have. Virtually the Fommrtlt of July is a national holiday , because It Is observed lam every state auth territory In tIme ummlon , There nrc seine states in time south wimicim do hot observe Decoration day as a holiday. OItIAIIA. Nob. , May 27.-To the Sporting Etlitor of the lIce : DurIng tIme time \'jiliamn Dorgan intl time lease of time Nebraska itermi- temitinry was it run so as time itrofits , if any , tvcait to hmlmim or the state ? And did lie pay time salaries of tIle guartis anti -iardons ? 1mm a worth , was the penetentlary run hay tue t.ate or by Dorgan-J. 'iv. C. OM/thlA , Nob. , May 26.-To the Sporting Etlitor of the Bee : lbs time state of Ne- braika ever lost control of time licmmitentiur at Lincoln ? If so , lilcaso state whema amid imou'-A. S. imns.-Under the contract with Mr. Stoimt , which was Inter passed to Mosher anti then to Dorgan , the state had practically nothIng to do witim time penitentiary , nitimough it had control nonminamlly , In Dorgan'a time , for c'xnmnpie , the comitroctor received every cent of time profit and haitI all time guards , Time warden anti his deputies , however. were aji- pointed amid paid by time state. Briefly , it may be mimI that the wartien was simply a flgtmreiaciid to show that the penitentiary be. lomagod to the state , hut. the convicts anti time guards anti nil the workiimgs of the penltemmtiary were tinder Iorgan's ) control. All the itrofits accrued to hint and all the expenses , except the wardens' salaries , were aiar.posed ta be Paid by him , although time slate' bad to make an tmimjmopriation , for an annual deficit , LINCOLN.May 14-To time Sportimig Editor - tor of The Bee ; When amid where was Janmes J , Corhett born mind what Is lila age ? . -.J. II. Ans-Born In San Francisco , September 1 , 1866. OMAHA. May 20.-To time Sporting Editor - tor of Tlm lice : Will you answer in Sun- day's lice where -the Nebraska State fair' will be held for the next five years-Reader of flee. Ans.-Thc state ( air will be Imeld in Onmaba fmexl year1 at least , but the Lord and time State Board of Agriculture are the only ones who know ammyt.lmlng about It afterward. Yet'we mope for the best. NOTII PLATTE , 1-cb. , May 16-To the Sporting Editor of The flee : Cribbage play- cr5 tell ue that In their game any count may bhmad ( rain nothing to 21 except 19. If timid be true , kimithly tell ate what hand with trumnp will count 25 ; also 26 and 27- Crib Vlcntl. Ans.-Ahi the numbers mentioned cannot be made in cribbage , It is estimutited that China now cont.mins 20,000 conamunicatat anc-aamhcnm of Protestant churches , with 20,000 more applying for meanberahmfp. I PDItM FOR F.ITUER I4I. L ; unu s 'ruiN roammedy being lam. . Jeeted directly to time - - teat ot thmoso diseaNri 11 Ii .J mit tlis Geatito. IJylnary C Q Organsroqulroas uo tI cimnuge ot diet. Cure - - - gutmm'nneett lii 1 to 3 dmiyH. $ muail plain pack. tTyR.aa- " . by mail , 01.00 , 4.1' P y4oIiL isimly h'y 3iscrs fllhluam flrp Bo. , S. Ii , Corner 10th tmnd * 'sirunmam Siam , , Ontailtu , Nd , , WORLD BICYCLES I _ _ 'y ' $ & : 'it. ; , . 1 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ , . ; . ,1i. _ _ , _ . .L _ _ _ ' . , jjc' . _ _ ' - , ' - , , t .t : ' te I _ _ _ _ I ARF 1EASY TO PUSH I' so ALL I'IIRR1lERS SAY. SLandard lloadsLer , . . . . . . . , . . . . $75.OO Speolal Roaistor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50,00 Model No.31. . , , . . . . . . . . . . . . 40.00 THE MOST POPULAR ' 98 WHEEL Excels in baatmty . nod - strength. - , , , . . , , . ' ' ? ceomtl JIamnI It'lieelaom $ tIj. hI'hecla fletrd ililil Repimtrri I iL E1 FIEPRICKSOP4 , 1422 Dodge Street , Omaha. _ _ _ _ _ _ - - - - - - STQUN6S $50.00 [ NNANTS $38.00- _ _ _ _ . - Other New Wheels S19 to 1425 I" BiOgest Bargains Lver Olfcrctt ill Omaha , a OUR PRICES ARE ALWAYS 'ruE LOWEST. OMAHA B1CYCLIE CO. Corner 16th aiitl ChicagO St , [ d. T tlaydcu , Mar. WHEELS OI-1EOIED 20T1-I AND EMMET'11 S'i'REET ' NEAR EN'rRANCE EXPOSITION. - - Bicycos Checked bc AT THE MAIN Etance Exposition , 2h & Emmett OMAH BICYCLE CO. , Ed. T. HAYDEN , Mgr. STFARNSBICYCLES _ $ ' $ : Yeti am'o foolish to . timink of buying a Inst yeam"s model when you can got. a 9S Stcnm'ua ( om' $50. Loolc at soammtt of it's feutum'es intoanaily , fatetened laundlebam' and acat post , self-oiling bema'Ingmm : , low'dt'op cm'aimlc hangem' , low fa'imiime whim Ilusli Joints , latest and best equipment , EBRAKA CYOL COWANY . GE0. E. MICICEL , Mgr. Cop. I 5th timid Ilaii'ney. , - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - NaIion.aI , CIeSenCofflhus , , AND OTHER BICYCLES AT TIlE MIDLAND CYCLE CO. , Jobbers aiid Dea1er in BICYCLES AND SUNDIIES , 410 North 16th Street. , I-I. II , HAYFORD , Mgi' . - $45 Reliance Wheels , $40 1897 Gendron , $35 Btisinss Wheels , $25.00 Two piece crank , flush joint , good equipment and fully guaranteed - anteed , Second hand wheels from $7 to $15. We are agents for Domestic Sewing Machines. ' NEB.CYCLECO. Cor. 15th untl Ilurney Goo , l , Melkol , Mgr. - - - - - - - . - Comparison is invited. Of the Quality And Quantity Of Readable 1'ews Printed daily In The Bee And in other pprs. For the news And all the neys Read The Bee. L. - - , ' .