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1800. RESULTS OF INVESTIGATION Populist Committee Looks Into Affairs of the Deaf Mute Institute REPORT MADE TO CENTRAL COMMITTEE InMllntlon In round to He Cniiilnrlcil In 11 Very SIliiHliml .Mniinrr Hu- IM-rlnlftnIctit Uneven It n curliiK from tlic 1'uiill * . At the DoiiRlaa county convention of popu list * , held September 16 , among the rcsolu tlona adopted was the following : Whereas , Tlio management of the State Institution for thu Deaf nnd Dumb is a tutored duty ; uiul Whereas , The peoplo's Independent party of Douglas county Is In n largo measure ; re sponsible to the imhllo for UH management , the Institution being located in this county ; UTldWhurcns , Tlir present board of trustees nnd BUporlntetident have iniulu a demo cratic toot bull of mild Institution , very greatly to Its Injury for good service , om- ployllig persons from three states outside of Nebraska , apparently and In effect ulvltiK preference to pennons living outaldo ut the Htato and discharging rnini > otunt Nebraska help without cause , employing nonunion labor to the extent of many thousands of dollars , when every one knows that this party has icpeatedly In Its platform ex pressed a preference for union labor at all limps ; and Whereas , Such conduct Is most detri mental to the school and our party ; there fore bis It , Hesolvcd , That tilts convention demands of tin ; Kovernor the Immediate discharge of Bald board of trustees and superintendent and the appointment of a nuw board of trustees and superintendent possessing competency and honesty enough to conduct the Institution In a proper manner and with credit to our party. At the convention which passed the above resolution a committee was appointed In ac cordance therewith to Investigate the af fairs ot the Nebraska School for the Deaf nnd Dumb. The committee , after carefully performing Its work , prepared n report which wao presented last evening to the county control committee of the people's parly. The report la as follows : Ittiort of Committee , OMAHA , Xcb. . Oct. 4 , 1S93. To the County Central Committee , People's Inde pendent Party oC Douglas County , Ne braska : In pursuance of a resolution jinHsod ut the In t county convention , which appointed a committee to Investigate thu condition oC nftulrs ut the State Deaf nnd Dumb Institute , we , the undersigned , who wcro appointed on that committee , submit the following report : First Wo llnd the Institute Is now closed nnd there Is no prospect oC same belns opened until the middle of October , or pos sibly until November 1 , nnd tliut the In stitution should have been opened at the beginning ot September. The superin tendent excuses this delay on the uround that the new boilers for licntinK were de- Inycil In construction. We nro of the opin ion that thu Hoard of I'nlillc Lands and lUilldlnus Is responsible for the tardiness in KtvlnK the order for these boilers , fully aware of the fact that the school should have been opened September G. and that such on the part of state olll- crrs Is the cause of Inflicting a wrong on the deaf and dumb pupils of the Institute , and that such incompctcncy Is most liumlllatliur to the populist state adminis tration of Nebraska. Second Wo llnd , from various testimony Riven to your committee , that employes have been brought from outsldn of Ne braska , both as domestics and teachers. This fact is admitted by the superinten dent , II. K. Dawcs , ill answer to a < ; uury by the committee. This being the case wo submit that , as this Is a state Institution , supported by taxes levied in Nebraska and for the purpose of taking cure of tbo deaf and dumb children of Nebraska , this yro- cpilure Is not to bo commended , ns we are fully aware that the board of trustees oculd get all the competent help It needed from people who are real residents of this state , without Importing cither teachers or domestic help from other states. We note the fact that nepotism seems to bo an Im portant factor In the selection of teachers at thu institute , two of the teachers being- ' relatives of one of the trustees , and that , several " 'tcnchcrs engaged by thn new management did not understand the slun lanKuaKe and know nothing about tlio trnlnliiK of unfortunate deaf and dumb children. Under the existing circumstances , and as a remedy for the present state ot affairs , wo would recommend the adoption of civil service rules governing the employ- jncnt of all teachers and helpers In the In stitute. Hy making mich a change politics and nepotism would be eliminated , and employes and teachers would boM their positions by merit and not by favor of the superintendent or trustees. Tbo superintendent , in bis report to the committee , makes the following statement : "I would prefer to employ Nebraska people ple In all of the departments oC the school , but I am determined , and the board of trustees supports mo in this , to brim ? the vchool up to mu'h a standard that If Its graduates wish to go in collfico they will not bo handicapped by failure on the part of their teachers or the management ot the school to have lilted them to rocelvo a higher I'ducntlo'ti. " Your committee , In cumnii'iitliiK upon this statement , cannot but call special attention to tlio fact that tbo superintendent and trustees cannot carry the nbovo plan Into execution as IOIIR as nepotism and politics are Introduced Into the method of selecting teachers. Third In reference , to the question of whether union or nonunion labor was cm- tilnyccl wo llnd as follows : That while the holler work and some of the carpenter -work was done by union labor some work wan not done by such labor ; that ono non union carpenter was employed and that the greatest part of the plumbing and painting wan KlVPii to nonunion men. This action , In not giving Ml work ot every description undertaken on or about the Institute to union labor reflects In an unenviable lighten on the Hoard ot Trustees and superintendent and will surely call the populist administra tion of Nebraska Into disrepute with such Independent voters who believed that It was a gpiiulno reform party that respected Its platform pledges , made prior to election , when It got Into olllce. Sliiteini'iitH oC I'uiillN. Fourth As nil schools exist primarily for thn welfare of pupils nnd not for the pur- poao of enabling boards ot trustee * to set tle political debts or pay superintendents and teachers large salaries , your committee - too deeply regrets the iloplorablo fact that , as the Institute is not formally opened , they Nerves jind Blood l'niTrial Piii'KiiKL1 of n ] tciiinrknlil Siirlnii Health Ilex I or ! lnllcil to I\ITV I'l-rNdii AVIiu Will Si-nil TliMr Nnnuanil Ii > \n ( Full to Wrltf n ( Oiu-c Tr l Tliln .MarvcliiiiN ll < > in > > il > - Tlmt Will lli-iHMV Your INrrvr , StriMitltli mill licM'llullzu Tour lllimil , Every person who IH nervous or whoso blood lackti the nourishing ability to keep the body In repair tihouldvrlto to Hayes & Coon , Hull building , Detroit. Mich. , for a free trial package of Dr. Dlx" Tonic Tab lets. Wo all know that with unstrung nerve * there Is closely following a long series of disorders. The blood gets slug gl h , becomes surcharged with poisonous acids and ferments and at last a vital orgar breaks down and the sufferer goes to bc > actually diseased. Why not arrest the progress gross of disease nnd prevent surioim com < plications ? The world Is llllod with mcd Iclnes , 'tis true , but < here nro very few things which the human body can utilize only fourteen. They nro called elements and their proper use constitutes a natura tonic. It in this composite character of Dr. Dlx Tonic Tablets that has made thu remedy so Influential upon tbo nervous sy tem and the blood circulation. And a short trial will product ) such consciousness of renewed strength ns to bo u uouri'e of congratulation that man's ingenuity has enabled him to oolvo the problem of exact remedial treat ment. Do not fall to try these tablets. They are sent to you absolutely free and should you bo fully awakened to their wonderful Influence you can purchase an additional and regular size package of any local druggist at & 0 cents a box. They are also supplied direct from the laboratory of Hayes & Coon. Hull building. Detroit , Mich. , who are thu sole proprietors of this famous tonic. They prefer , however , that the public secure them at the drug stores. The regular price Is 50 cento a box , - _ _ _ could not make a personal inspection nnd f f o and talk with the children nnd nnd out how they were treated ns most of the pupil" ! are scattered In their different homes. However , we submit for your in- sptrtlon 'he following statements , made In writing by the putV.jg , ex-pupils nnd per sons Interested In the welfare of the school : Henry Combs of Omaha writes the com mittee that his daughter learned nothing under Superintendent Dawes' management and claims that she was nbu fd by other pupils to such nn extent that IIP took her out of school. F. S. liulaitfy of Omaha , a deaf man , n carpenter by trade , says in n. letter to the committee : "Prnf. Dawos Is not lit for miporlntemlent of School for the Oeaf. Ho does not know anything about educating the deaf. " He also complains that too many inexperienced teachers have been cm- ployed and that the discipline 19 bad ; that the superintendent nnd Board of Trustee * pay the deaf less than Is paid speaking people for ihc same work ; that Mr. Dawos' "word Is no good : " that "h > employed scabs. " He closes his letter by saylnic : "Prof. Dnwes should be discharged , ns his management IH lurking nnd weak. " C. K. Co nip of Omaha , a deaf man who was for seven years fort-man of the print- IIIB drpnrtmpnt In Hip school , writes the committee , aiylnq ; : "Of the male teachers them was not one- but who would have madi' a far better superintendent thnn the present one. Mr. Mosely. a man of many years' experience as nn Instructor nnd standing high In the profession , after serv ing under Mr. Dawci eight months , re signed In dlsRUSt : " Ho nlso complaint of other competent teachers belni ; dfsch irged and declares with emphasis that the work Is being sadly neglected. lie- further says : "The discipline is lax. Pupils have been seen late at night In questionable resorts. On ono occasion I met a party of small boys on the street ; several had pipes In their mouths , while others were chewing tobacco. I asked them If they were not afraid Mr. Dawes would not like It. Their reply was they did not care. " Ho also says : "llnd I n deaf child under no cir cumstances would I iilaco It In that school. " Mr. Comp advises the committee to "peti tion the Rovcrnor to remove the present su perintendent" and says , "Do not let him put another politician In charge for the ono removed. " C. P. Jensen of Omalm , a graduate ot the school , writes the committee , stating that ho attended the school many years and that another member of the family Is now n pupil. He declared Mr. Dawes to bn unlit for the position of superintendent and says when Mr. Dawes took charge ho dis charged nnarly all of 'the old teachers and employes and that those of tbo experienced teachers retained were soon discharged. Mr. Jensen characterizes such actions as crimes against the denf. Ho recites that Mr. Dawes did not nnd does not know how to converse with the deaf nnd says the deaf pupils have no re. pc-ct for him thut tney can mm names uciunu ms uacK. 110 nlso says : "He Is untruthful and deceives them. " Mr. Jensen further says the dormi tories are In a very untidy condition and thinks the pupils are permitted to run around too much In the evenings. Using his own words , ho says : "Now , they ar out until they get ready to come In. They are out with no supervisor. They obey no body nnd they are very bad. The people who get pay for looking after them can't handle them and they have no authority to back them. " Mr. Jensen alleges that "many pupils will not go nnd that parents are all mad about our good school all broken up. One of our smart boys in thu Ilrst class. Harry Karr. Is now at Jack sonville , III. Another of the Ilrst class , a bright girl , Is In the Iowa school. One lias gone to Now York , many went to private schools and many stay at home. " Mr. Jen sen relates the case of a deaf boy from Beatrice , who , he says , "was not a quiet boy. He Interfered when his small brother was whipped. He received a kick from the supervisor on his check which , three months after , he carried home to show his mother. This same boy , Stover , was dis charged one day In midwinter , rnpged nnd hungry , without a cent In bis pocket. Ho was gathered In on North Thirtieth street , warmed and fed. Ho was taken back to the Institute by a gentleman , who per suaded Dawes to take care of him. The gentleman signed his bond for good be havior. " In regard to another case Mr. Jensen , In writing of It , says : "Clnus was ugly and poor , but good-hearted. lie was accused of stealing somcone.'s overcoat nnd was fired. In a short time the overcoat was found In a closet. " The foregoing letters we submit without comment , save in one particular. If , as in timate * ! In Mr. Jensen's letter , teachers are permitted to beat children at the institute such a course of discipline is most repre hensible , especially If pursued with unfor tunate mute cblldren , whoso lips cannot utter a cry. The superintendent Informed your committee that Jie did not approve of such a course of treatment with children and wo therefore hope that In the future civilized and rational ways of disciplining children will bo resorted to and that bar barous and archaic methods will be sup pressed. DecrrnBC of Attendance. Fifth The attendance at the Institute has shrunk In the last year from 156 to 142 , or almost 0 per cent. Of the teachers em ployed wo llnd that ten are men and ten women. As there are. ninety boys In the Institute wo commend the management in this particular for maintaining on the corps of teachers an equal number of both sexes. This Is a plan that could "be " copied to ad vantage by other schools. Sixth We llnd that the children have to attend religious and sectarian services for about three hours on Sundays. The super intendent reports that the hour in the morning and the hour In the afternoon nra compulsory , and a society known ns Chris tian ISndeavorers holds a meeting In the evening , which he claims Is not compulsory for the children to attend , but admits using his Influence to induce pupils to attend. As this Is a state Institution , suDportcd by taxes levied on all the people in the state. there should not bo the slightest vestige of sectarianism or compulsion in Inducing pupils to nttcml any religious service on Sundays. There are doubtless many chil dren who are pupils of this Institute whoso parents are non-Christians , Hebrews , Uni tarians , agnostics and so forth , and living In a country which boasts of the absolute ) severance of church and state we would recommend that the pupils bo Instructed for ono hour each Sunday In morality with out superstition , and that voluntary at tendance at sectarian services bo substl tilted for that which Is compulsory , III conclusion your committee urges that you use your best endeavors to Induce the Governor and the Hoard of Public Lands and Uulldlngs to take the matter in hand Ilrst , changing tbn personnel of the board of trustees by making the board either nonpartisan - partisan , or. If not , by appointing men ot high Integrity and honor , who aru pledged In advance to make a civil eervlco exami nation a test for holding a position la the Institute and who will keep politics and the payment of political debts out of the management. In regard to the charges embodied In the resolutions passed at the county conven tion thut an alliance bad been rnuclo with curtain Douglas county democrats that no i > ouillst : In said county should receive an appointment from tbo Rovcrnor without such Indorsement , and that In numbers of cases the question has been asked of ap plicants If they had such testimonials , nnd the 1'alluro to receive any position when they did not have them , I ? In thu judgment of the committed nt least very slirnlllcant. PETKK ICIKWI/ . WAl/l'I'Ul HRRKN , HICHAHD CODY. A motion was made authorizing tbo ac ceptance of the above report , but the mem bers of the central committee voted to defer action until after the election in Noveuv her. her.The The meeting of the committee was en thusiastic and well attended. At the out set the secretary , B. F. Morcarty , asked for the appointment of n temporary chairman and Judge Martin Langdon was chosen to otlldntc. The first buslncffl adjusted was the nomination of Joseph F , MandeviHo and Charles Field as candidates for asscmor from the Second and Third wards re spectively ot South Omaha on the party ticket. Reorge Hayworth explained that these men were the regular nominees at the recent i convention , but that they had been dis qualified because of their failure to file ex pense bills within tbo tlmo limit. The motion to nominate was carried unani mously. The committee appointed to In vestigate the charges against Governor Poyntcr then asked permission to submit a : report In executive session and the rest of j the proceedings took place behind closed' doors. Will Hun on IVtltlnii. J. W. Klnkead , Justice' of the peace , has filed liU petition with the county clerk and will place hlmcelf before the people lor election as justice of the peace. Justice Klnkead was appointed by the county com missioners to till the vacancy caused by the resignation of the late D , n. Houck. Kat plenty , Kodol Dyspepsia Cure will di gest what you tat , It cures oil forms ot dyspcpila and stomach troublei , K , H. Gam ble , Vernon , Tex. , says , "It relieved me from the start and cured me. U U now toy ever lasting friend.1 - - * { , < _ _ , GREET CANDIDATES WARMLYI Republican Aspirants Lend Enthusiasm to Meeting in South Omaha. SPEAKERS PROBE BRYANISM AND FUSION JuilRo IlnKter 1'rovps the 1'rosperKy nf ThU Community with I'neU ntiil 1'Mnilrow AVolmler on < lic Crit ic * of the AdinlnUtrntloii. Popocratlc palaver nnd Uryanlsin received rough treatment at the hands ot republican speakers In South Omaha Saturday night and the crowd cheered , pounded on the floor and was glad of it. Most of the can didates on the county nnd Judicial tickets were present nnd ono after another wcro presented to the audience by Chairman Pat rick J. IJarrett , each receiving a hearty mum ! of "hands. " The candidates present were : Judge Haker , Judge Haxter , Lee Ks- tclle , I. 0. Darlght , I ) . M. Vlnsonhalcr , Louis Uurmcstcr , P. D. Uryant ami U. M. Hav- erly. Judge Uaxtcr devoted most of his time to a refutation of the plea of the tuslonlsts that there Is no real or wide spread prosperity. Ho referred to his own experience ns a Judge , filling out the lists ot officers of election In 1S9G and In 1S99. The former year ho had to stay away from his office to escape the Importunities of many more men out of work than ho had places for. This year ho was obliged to go out of his office and look for men on the streets. Whenever ho found an Intellectual man and asked him to servo he received the answer that the man could not leave his work. The speaker read a few figures concerning a fact familiar to all those In his audience , the Increase In the number of men employed In the packing houses and stockyards of South Omaha since 1S9G. At Cudahy's the increase has been from 1,700 to 2.130 , at Hammond's ' from 550 to 830 , at Swift's from 330 to 1,200 , at the Omaha Packing and Pro vision company's from 223 to 430 and at the stockyards from 200 to 334. The great Armour plant , which was not there in 1890 , now employed 1,600 men and swelled the total Increase to 3,279 men. He asked the hearers If In the face of that they could believe the assertions that the promises of William McKlnley's supporters to restore the business of the country had not been fulfilled. J ml ere linker CIinrHnlilc. Judge Uakcr said that he did not believe all the people bad who did not agree with him politically or otherwise and ho had never charged all the people of any party with beingin their party solely for olllce. Ho assumed men were honest in their polit ical beliefs , but ho believed the fuslonlsts wcro badly mistaken In most of tholrs. For ono thing they had charged the republican party with favoring militarism and a large standing army , when no republican had asked for It and the president himself had not availed himself of all the military powers granted him by congress. He had only sought the quick suppression of the Philippine rebellion. Leo Estellc , introduced as an old-timer , responded as such , noting the rapid growth of South Omaha within recent years. He went back over certain pages of the history of the civil war , in which there had been critics ot the administration with about the same motives as animate those of today. John Li. Webster began by describing the manner in which Bryan's picture had been hung between and about pictures of Lincoln nnd Dewey at ono of his recent meetings in the state , under which Bryan stood and distorted quotations from Lincoln out of all semblance to every thought that passed through the martyred leader's mind. Drynn had charged the republican party with being the father of trusts , which had existed long before this country was founded and had been condemned by Solomon. And the re publican party had borrowed the wisdom of Solomon nnd had said In Its platform : "We denounce the evil effects of the trusts. Ho promised that If-republican officeholders were restored In this state they would en force the laws against trusts If they were working evil. On the Philippine question Mr. Webster said In part : "Agulnaldo's friends nnd supporters In America are making appeals to our people in his behalf under a misconception of the clause In the Declaration of Independence that governments derive their Just powers from the consent of the governed. This np- peal has n superficial glare of philanthropy and n painted coloring of recognizing human rlght , hut It Is out of harmony with the history of that sacred document and Is in conflict with the construction which has been put upon It by the men who framed it nnd the history of our country from that date down to the present. That clause In the Declaration of Independence only had reference to the Internal powers which the sovereign government should exercise nnO has no relation whatever to the acquisition of territory or the tranfser of sovereignty from ono power to another. If wo were to put upon It the construction contended for by the democratic party , wo would fine that It has been constantly violated for moro than 100 years. Thomas Jefferson , the recognized founder of the democratic party the man who drafted the Declaration of In dependence , when he purchased the Louisiana territory from Franco did nol stop to nsk the consent of its Inhabitants whether they consented to transfer their allegiance to the United States , -whether they were willing to accept a republican form of government , When we ncqulrcc Florida , when wo acquired California am the territory west of the Hocky mountains when wo acquired Alaska , when wo ncqulrec Puerto Illco by the treaty of Paris , wo dh not stop to ask the Inhabitants whether they consented to become a port of our re public , Why should wo ask It of Agulnaldo and the Filipinos ? I observe the suggestion fn an editorial In the Omaha World-Herald , the spokesman of democratic sentiment In the state of Ne braska , that the United States should offer to the Philippine Islands the privilege of forming an independent government under our protectorate , and that we should say to the rest of the world , 'Hands off ! ' What Is that but imperialism ? For the United States to undertake through its own force and power to create Independent republics of spml-clvlllzed people In tbo far-off islands of the Pacific , and then say to the grasping national powers that float around nnd about them , which would be seeking every opportunity to seize one Island after another , Just ns they have seized harbors and ports fen thp coast of China , for the purpose of extending their commercial trade and for stations for their vast western navies 'Hands off ! " would Ixj to challenge war with all the other great nations of the earth and without any possible benefit to us. The- proposi tion smacks of the Imperialism which France exorcised In Madagascar and which Great Britain Is exercising In Bgypt. It smacks , too , of militarism , I might say to our dem ocratic friends that when the government of the United States has once started on the policy of creating Independent governments In the far-off Islands of the sea , where will It end ? I would rather accept the repub lican doctrine , to maintain our flag and our prestige over the territory which wo hnvo acquired by treaty as a result of a war In the cauao of humanity and stop there nnd keep our hands free from entanglements with the other nations of the world until a supreme emergency crises , equal to that 'Which produced the last war "Agulnaldo is still given to Issuing proc- LOCAL POLITICAL CALENDAR ItriMtlillcnti MroMiiKH. Tuesday , Oct. 17 Eighth ward. Wolf's hall , Twenty-second nnd Cutnlng streets. Wednesday , Oct. IS Swond ward , 1213 South Twentieth street. Wednesday , Oct. IS Seventh ward , 1312 1'ark avenue. Tnursday , Oct. 19 Fifth ward , Sixteenth and Corby streets. Thursday , Oct. 10 Ninth ward , Twenty- ninth nnd Farnam streets. Thursday , Oct. 19 Patriotic League , Millard - lard hotel. Friday , Oct. 20 Valley , Opera house. l'tiI I on Mi'rtlngn. Sunday , Oct. 15 National hall , Thirteenth nnd William streets. Tuesday , Oct. 17 Sixth ward , Twenty- fourth nnd Krant. Tuesday , Oct. 17 Organization of Fifth Wnrd Democratic club. Wednesday , Oct. IS Ninth ward , Twenty- ninth and Farnnm streets. Saturday. Oct. 21 Douglas precinct , Iluser I'ark. Saturday , Oct. 21 Elk City. lamatlons. I llnd his last o ic- , dated Octo ber S , published In the World-Herald. It Is a proclamation which chows the closekin - uhlp of General Agulnnldo n d Colonel Wil liam Jennings Dryan. A bond ot syrupa- thy exists between them , I suppose because both arc striving to obtain n leadership , n supremacy , ono In the Philippine Islands , the other In the United States. Colonel Bryan has been appealing to the American people to Brant Independence to the Phlllp- ilno Islands , which means leadership to \gulna1do a dictatorship according to his own proclamations , In which ho declared ilmsclf the president and commander In chief or the revolutionary government , jcueral Agulnaldo returns the compliment n his last proclamation , wherein ho says : 'Wo shall pray to God that the great dem ocratic party may win the next presidential election. " Think of the situation ! The leader ot a rebellion against the American Hag asking his lusurgent followers to pray to Rod that the democratic party may suc ceed In the Ui Ited States , because he be- llcvcs that thereby they would take down the American flag and surrender It to this military dictator. If Agulnaldo were here , bo would bo making speeches for Colonel Bryan , whllo If It were not for -principle of annexation and acquisition of territory , Colonel Bryan would bo running for presi dent of France. " HOLCOMB AND THE TOILERS How flip I'oiMU'rnlle CnndlillUc for no .ImlKO AimwvriMl One of Their II The worklngmen ot this city have turned their attention to Silas A. Holcomb'a official acts as governor or the stnto which deter mine his real attitude toward organized la bor and his regard or lack of regard for their rights and Interests. The Western Laborer in its latest Issue calls attention to Governor Holcomb'a response to their ap plication for the appointment of a repre sentative of organized labor on the state ex position commission of 1S9S , as shown In the report to the Central Labor union by T. F. Sturgess , their choice for the position Mr. Sturgess * communication , dated July IB 1807 , reads ae follows : To the Olllccrs nnd Members of the Central Labor Union Gentlemen : 1 have the honor to report that in accordance will your Instructions 1 Hied with Governor llolcomb my application for appolntmen as state commissioner of the Transnils slsslppl and International Exposition for the Second district of Nebraska. I usct all possible diligence In procuring sucl indorsements and recommendations a. would meet with the governor's approval and yours. These recommendations transmitted to the governor from time to time , and also had a personal Interview with him , In which he was pleased to sa > that my indorsements were excellent , am my procuring ; any' ' moro was unnecessary In order to show your bonorable body that my not being appointed was due to no neglect or carelessness on my part I here with submit the names of my endorsers Victor Kosewater , Judge Jrvlnir F. Baxter Sheriff John W. McDonald , William Hay den. Judge Cunningham H. Scott , Frank T Hansom , Councilman C. O. Lobeck , Coun cllman Frank J. Burkley , Judge George A Mugney , Dr. J. II. Penbody. Will M Mnupln , Allen L. . Clark , 13. E. Howell. In addition to this an old and highly respectei citizen of Omaha , Mr. A. H. Donecken , who was also a candidate for the place , very kindly wrote the governor that he withdrew from the field In my favor and that ho would be pleased to see mo appointed. In my interview with the governor he treated me very courteously and said he would K'-va my application for the place "due consldern tlon. " During that Interview I took care to have the governor understand that th place was not personally 'sought by mo fo any pecuniary reason , but because of or Banlzeit labor's desire to be represented 01 the commission. 1 represented that cacl candidate was In some particular Interes and that the Interest I represented was tha of organized labor and none other. As your representative I had no reason to suppose that I would not receive the np polntment under the circumstances , as m > interview with the governor was of the most pleasant character , and I cannot at tribute his action In the matter to any fol Ing1 ho entertained against me. but rathe that be was unwilling to glvo any olllcla recognition to the Interest which I repre In'submlttlnK this report I take th opportunity of returning my sincere thank to tbo olllcers and members of the Centra Labor union nnd nil nlllllatcd unions fo their unanimous Indorsement and stumor of my application. Respectfully submitted T. F. STUUGESS. From the governor's action the ccnvlctlo was at that time general among the woik Ingmen of the stnto that Holcomb had do elded ho would no longer ncod their supper after having enjoyed it through two cam palgns , and could afford to disregard then for the pako of his many placo-huntln friends. Hut no man can foresee the muta tlwis of tlmo and the political whirligig an Holcomb once more finds himself In the po sltlon ot a pleader for the worklngman' support. The attltudo In which he islikcl to find union labor Is reflected vividly 1 the following comment of the Western La borer en the incident : AVorkliiKmon of Douglas county and th statfof Nebraska , T. F. Sturgcss needs n Introduction to you ; you elected him t represent you in the last legislature , whir : hu did faithfully and well ; you know h made his mark there for superior Intelll genco and ability , and you know that when you presented him to Governor Holcomb a your candidate and representative on th TransmlsslsHlppt you meant him to bo ap pointed , Slnt'e that tlmo Holcomb ha proved himself the enemy of orKanlzti labor In llfty ways , Ho ignored every re quest you made to him. He Illled all hi places with his own creatures nnd repudl ated your support of him by refusing you most trilling request. Can you again ens your vote for thin man who has Impowi upon you ? Can you by your votes plac this man Holcomb upon the suprcin bench of the state among honorable men Will you , like whipped rurs , again fawn Ingly approach the hand that smote yoi and be less than H worm that turns when i Is trod upon ? Will you confess yourselvc assus to bo again fooled "all thu time" by an obscure lawyer that accident and hi own base trickery brought Into a posltlo where he betrayed the reform cause , or wl you act with your Intelligence on electlo day and teach HolcoinK that yo can distinguish between n polltlca charlatan and an honest man Wo cannot conceive of nnv work Inemnn , skilled or unskilled , in Omaha o South Omaha voting for the election o this man ( who has been n notorious rail mad barnacle ) to any ofllco In the gift o the people , and least of all electing him t a position where he would bo mor daneerous to labor nnd commercial In terests than ever before. 'I'llri > nil from IIIN Wauon , Ole Frcderlckson , a market trardener n 3522 Patrick avenue , was driving acres Dodge street at Twenty-fourth Frlda evening when a motor car struck the rea wheels of his wagon , twisted the vehlcj violently about nnd threw him to th ground. Dr. Ralph , assistant city phj lclan , was called , but found no dangfrou injuries to the man. Ho was about to take FredtTlckson to a hospital In tha nin- buhuire when an attorney who makes n specialty of damage claims happened to come up and olllclously took charge of the num. Ho Insisted on taking him home in a carriage. Bo sure and read Dra. Thornton & Minor's half-page ad in this Ueuo of Tbo Bee. It will pay you , - - > . RECOMMENDS NEEDED REFORM President of American Aoadsmy of Railway Surgeons Advises Changes. DANGERS THAT BESET TRAVELERS for ClrnntiiK roadie * mill Supplying Proper ll > ulcnlo CnnilltlniiN .Mint ! HP r.ffccU-il for 1'iilillc SnfoCy. The adilrcFB of Dr. W. W , Grant , surgeon t the Hock Island road at Denver , who oc- uplea the highly honored position of presl- out of the- American Academy of Hallway urRoons , was thp feature of yesterday's esslon ot the academy. Dr. Grant's sub- ect was "Hallway Hygiene nnd Emergency Jqulpmcnt , " nnd It gave him opportunity o toucll upon a subject oi absorbing Intercut o the general public , especially to ihcwo ho travel to any extent. lr. ) Grant did not ilnco words In speaking of the lack ot at- entlon given these Important subjects by ho railroad companies and recommended a umber of changes tending to the better- lent ot conditions. Coming from such a ource his opinions nnd criticisms arc likely o receive attention at the hands of the rall- oad corporations. Dr. Grant said In part : "Coming within the province nnd duty of all road surgeons It may bo said with much probability that unless they take a positive ntorcat In the matter slow progress will ho made la the situation and hygiene of rall- vay travel. So far wo have devoted our- clvea chiefly to the treatment of Injuries ind the consideration of litigation cases. Especially Is the furnishing and ventilation f coaches and first treatment At the Injured natters ot supreme Importance nnd worthy xlways of special Interest nnd consideration. t is often a long time after the recognition of an evil before the successful remedy Is discovered and applied. The best means In ho accomplishment of a given purpose Is generally the result of countless theories mil suggestions , nnd careful , patient Investi gation. The comfort , health and safety of employes and passengers are cardinal ele ments that command the serious con sideration of railway corporations and the railway medical corps. Should we examine ho air of a Pullman coach with a spectro scope the myriad living things to the square nch revealed , many Inimical to health , vould bo enough to eauso the shades of Schwann. Hclmholtz , Klrcher , Pasteur and Tyndall to weep for the living. " IJr. Grant spoke of the necessity of bet- ; er ventilation of passenger coaches. At the present ho asserts that the transom window near the top admits promptly more smoke , cinders and dirt than pure , fresh air anil Is not a satisfactory device. The sudden and extreme changes of temperature In a fruitful cause of colds and sickness. He recommended an Improvement It the ventilator windows were opened nnd closed by a ralve-Hke arrangement , made ot the usual glass nnd wooden frame , with a fine wire screen between. The force and volume of the air current would ho broken and less smoke and dirt would enter the car. The only perfect remedy , he said , Is the moro complete combustion of fuel and smoke , which Is eminently desirable not only as art economic measure of great value , but in be half of the comfort and health of the travelIng - Ing public. Protection AKiiliiNt DIxcnNcx. Dr. Grant spoke at some length on the Importance of more positive action on the part of railroad and sleeping car companies to protect the public against Infectious diseases In railway transit. Ho spoke of the rigid rules governing the transporta tion of dead bodies. Those dead of small pox , cholera , yellow fever cannot be shipped. Those dying from ordinary Infectious and contagious diseases can only bo shipped after thorough application of antiseptics. "I may bo pardoned , " continued Dr. Grant , " for noting the grave inconsistency in the treatment of those bodies for ship ment and the transportation of the living subject. The tlrno will doubtlenfrclimc when people suffering from Infectious nnd con tagious diseases will travel In cars or com partments specially provjded for them. At present there Is but ono considerate course for railway companies to pursue , and the only safe one for the public , nnd that Is not only the cleaning , but the disinfection ot coaches and furnishings with every trip. This Is of special Importance to those roads going to the health resorts of the country. "Tho Importance of renovating and dis infecting a house that haa been Inhabited by patients with a contaglum vivum is not to bo questioned , and the necessity exists with as great force , certainly , to the more closely confined and vitiated air of passen ger coachca and Pullmans containing at least a surplus of carbonic acid gas and a minimum of oxygen. Lrntlier llettrr Tlinn I'lunli. "It must bo conceded that the material used In furnishing railway coaches , plushes and velvet cushions , woolens and draperies of every kind , afford the beat possible nidus for the protection and preservation of gcrnis , and they are also the most difficult to clean. Every consideration of hygiene nnd the pub lic health demand their abolition for such purposes. Cars can ho finished and fur nished In material with a smooth surface , such as hard wood and leather , which can bo more oanlly , perfectly and quickly cleaned , and yet bo ns elegant an the most refined taste could desire. Less carving and em bossing , lesfi plush and velvet and drapery that protects and preserves filth , In the dic tate of every principle ot hygiene. " Dr , Grant enlarged somewhat upon the necessity of better provision of railway cars with appliances to meet accidents promptly nnd well. "It should bo remembered , " ho said , "that It Is sometimes hours before the service of a physician or burgeon can bo f-o cured and the prompt use of the first aid dressing would undoubtedly bo the fro- cjuent means of preventing infection of the wound. " Ho roommonded that every car bo provided with litters. In conclusion the president said : "The Improved ventilation , better and rnoro uni form heating of cars , though the latter la largely a matter of of management , clean water tanks and the occasional flushing of drains with antiseptic solutions , higher re gard for the public health in Lbo equipment , conduct and management of cars and the railway f > orvlco as to Infectious and con tagious diseases nro matters of too much ( concern to bo treated indifferently. These , with proper preparation and regulations for the treatment of the Injured , 1 have deemed it appropriate to commend to the consider ate attention of railway ollichils and sur geons. "Tho criticisms and suggestions are made In the firm conviction that those who pro mote and manage railway enterprises have a conscientious regard for the public weal and will correct evils when their existence Is known , whllo the llfo , service and a ! na of medical men find them always will ing advocates In every effort for the allevia tion of suffering and the promotion of needed reforms. " Prior to the presentation of President Grant's address the usual executive session was held and a number of fellows were in troduced who had come many hundreds of mllcu to attend the meeting. The proposi tion to amalgamate the American academy with the International Association of Rail way Surgeons was voted down decisively. Dr. John B. Owens , chief surgeon of the Northwestern and Illinois Central railroads at Chicago , read a paper of much Interest to the profession , entitled "Formaldehyde. " Dr , C. D. Evans of Columbus , Neb. , road a paper on the "Treatment of Compound Comminuted Fractures and Non-Uulou. " Swamp-Root , The Great Kidney Remedy. ITS MARVELOUS SUCCESS IN ALL KIDNEY , BLADDER AND URIC ACID TROUBLES. To Prove For Yourself the Wonderful Merits of This NeW Discovery , Every "Bee" Reader May Have a Sample Bottle Sent Absolutely Free By Mail , What your kidneys need is a gentle , healing , tonic influence , thnfi will soothe their irritability and gently regulate them. The only thing that will do this is Dr , Kilmer's Swniiip-Root , tlio Great Kidney Remedy. It used to be considered that only urinary troubles were to be traced to the kidneys , but now modern science proves that nearly all constitutional diseases have their beginning in the disorder of thcso useful organs. * < , "What more natural. - ' Tile Kidneys filter and purify the blood. When they don't your whole body must feeling , lack of ambition , loss of flesh' , suffer. sallow complexion. It you arc sick , doctor your kidneys , bono - If your water , when allowed to remain no soon as thcv are well they will hcln undisturbed In a class or bottle for twentv- all the other organs to health. The mild nnd extraordinary effect ot Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root , the great kidney remedy , Is soon realized. It stands the highest for Its wonderful cures of the most distressing casee and Is. sold by druggists In flfty-cent and one-dollar bottles. Make a note of the name. SWAMP-HOOT , Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Hoot. You may have n sample bottle ot this famous kidney remedy sent free by mail , postpaid , by which you may test Its virtues for ouch disorders as kidney , bladder and uric acid diseases , and urinary troubles , obliged to pass -water frequently night and day , smarting or Irritation In passing , brick- dust or sediment In the urine , constant headache , backache , lame back , dizziness , sleeplessness , indigestion , nervousness , skin trouble , anaemia , Brlght's disease , neuralgia , rheumatism , bloating , irritability , worn-out four hours , forms a sediment or settling on has a cloudy appearance. It Is ovldcnco that ) your kidneys and bladder need Imniediato attention. The famous new discovery , Swamp * Hoot has been tested in so many ways. In hospital work , In private practice , among the helpless too poor to purchase relief , and has proved so successful In every case'that a special arrangement has been made by which all renders ot The Bee , who have not already tried It , may have n sample bottle sent absolutely frca by mall. Also a book tolling moro about Swamp-Root and containing oomo of thu thousands upon thousands of testimonial letters received from men and women who owe their good health , In fact , their very lives , to the wonderful curative properties of Swamp-Root. Ho sure nnd mention Tim Sunday Bee -when sending your address to ; Dr. Kilmer & Co. , Blnghamton , N. Y. Chas. Shivericlz&Co | FURRSBTURE. I , LOWEST PRICES ON ALL KINDS OF FURNITURE , IN OUR NEW STORE AT . .04th and Farnam Streets. . Chas. BMYdrick & Co. , | 1315-17 FARNAM ST , Doth of these subjects wcro generally dls- cuHsed by the surgeons nnd many new Ideas and suggestions wore developed. OIllffi-H Are SclrHril. Officers of the American Academy of Rail way Surgeons wcro selected In the afternoon to servo during the ensuing year , a follows : President , Dr. Charles A. Whcaton , St , Paul ; first vlco president , Dr. A. V. Jonas , Omaha ; second vlco president , Dr. T. J. Kskrldgo , Denver ; secretary and editor , Dr. T. H. Lacey , Council muffs ; treasurer , Dr. I ) . S. Kalrchlld , Clinton , In. St. Paul WRB selected as thc < place for holding the next annual gathering. The closing exercises of the academy were productive of much Interest to the surgeons , All the papers read provoked lively discus sion nnd the members expressed the uniform opinion that the session was a fitting Ilnulo to ono of the most enjoyable and Inntructlvo meetings In the history of the organization. Papers were road as follows : "Silver Cat gut and How to Tlo It. " Dr. Edward Docck- man , consulting mirgeon Great Northern ami Chicago & fircut Western , St. Paul ; "Vision nnd Color Perception for Hallway Service , " Dr. William C. Bane , oculist Hock Island railway , Denver ; "Cranlotomy and Eplloptl- form Solzures and Orava Mental Disturb ances Following Head Injury Without Ap parent Kracturo , With Report of n Case , " Dr. II. Heine-king , surgeon Chicago & Northwestern railway , Sheboygan , WIs. ; "Treatment of Severe Crushing Injuries of the Extremities , " Dr. J. P , Lord , Omaha , SIXTH WARD ENTHUSIASTIC J.lston ivilli Inti-rc-xt to llalilrlfie , Hroiu uiul llaliHvIn. EnthuHasm was high nt the meeting of tbo Sixth Ward Hcpubllcan club .Saturday night. There was a largo attendance and an unusual interest manifested. The speak ers wcro Judge W. W. Blabaugh , Howard Ualdrlge , Harry C. Broino and Justice A. K , JJnldwln , Their addresses rang with republican patriotism and the strong point ! brought out wcro responded to by the nu dltord with prolonged applause , Indicating that republicanism In the Hlxth ward Is nt Its height this fall , Judge Slahaugll touched upon the national issues , paying particular attention to the Philippine ques tion and calling to mind the fallacies of tha doctrine presented by Hryan In his compalgit of 1830. Mr. Ilaldrlgo laid utrrtis upon thu fact that the eyes of the entire country : nro riveted upon the , states of Ohio anil Nebraska this fall. Ho urged the repub licans to enter Into the campaign with ua active interest and assist in rollingup a majority which will Icavo no doubt In the minds of the outside public us to the ratifi cation of President McKlnloy's policy by the people , of Nobrnska. The Phlllpplno question , ho said , would satisfactorily adJust - Just Itself under thd leadership of the re publicans , hut at present there Is no othop course open to the United States than to pursue the policy of retaining possession ot the Islands and educating the pcoplo to the point where they will bo capable of self , government. Mr. Ilromo mentioned the unqualified prosperity which ha spread over all of No- hraska. Ho spoke of making a trip Into the interior of the stnto a few day ngn and there found that the farmers were BO busy with their work and the scarcity ot hands was HO great that political meetings nf all parties are being neglected. The men , ho suld , will take time to vote , how ever , for a continuance nf the administration : which has brought about the greateut degrca of prcflporlty ever enjoyed by Nebraska. Justice Baldwin gpoku In n Kcneral way upon the gtato and county tickets and urged the republicans to vote the entire ticket , not overlooking the MX Justices of tha peace. ' Drier iiutl to tlic 1'olnt , Mr. N. F. Smith stated tbo facts briefly : when he said : 'Chamberlain's Cough Remedy la the best cough medicine I ever used. Last winter I had a coueb that the doctor foiled to cure. I tried this remedy anil U made a complete cure , " Mr. Smith Is the leading merchant oi Mcyerstown , W , Vft . Jxi i