OCR Interpretation

Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 13, 1900, Image 3

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" upuintendent of Beatrice Institute Forfeits
Fivor of Pojnter.
I.uiik'n Indiscretion In Alrlnn HI
( iiiiiiiluliilM, lloivrtrr. I)oh .Not In
cline' i:cciillo tu .Mildness
Tnmirtl Ills .lM)lntcc,
LINCOLN', March 12. (Special.) The
hearlins of Superintendent 11. F. Lang of tau
li.Btltuto for Feoblo-.Mlndcd Youth at He-
uirlco has been Axed for Wednesday, Marcli
-1. at the cxccutlvo department In the stato
huiee Only tho attorneys and witnesses
rcprisentlnr; thu complainants and tho de
fondant will be admitted Into the sanctum
duilng the trial and It Is not probable that
tho complaints or their nature will be made
public, at least not through tho governor's
(1. II. Mllllken, steward of tho Intuitu
Hon, vibii In tho city today for the purpose
or Minx an additional protest with (lov-
ern&r I'oyntcr, but lidding that olllclal out
of tho -city ho returned to Ileatrlco tonight
to await the hearing next week, when bo
will present his Bide of tho controversy
Mr. Ling In expected In tho city this week
but II U announced seml-olllclally that he
will receive no satisfaction from tho gov
ernor, whoso anger 1ms been aroused by
the open letters recently published over hla
wlznatures. In thrae letters Mr. ling denied
the many charges that havo been mado
against him and referred somewhat inrtlf
fcrently to tho governor'H attitude. In tho
Speaking of this a man who stands par
ticularly close to the governor Bald:
"In all of this controversy concerning the
administration of the. Beatrice Inhtltutlon
the governor has not said or done anything
which could In any way he construed as u
reflection upon Mr. Lang. In fact ho has
on numerous orrasleiu" gone out of his way
to defend the man, and several weeks ago
ho refused to consider a demand for his
removal. I.nng now allows his appreciation
of this treatment by writing IcltcrH to the
prpfH In which he attempts to whip the
governor Into line. Why didn't Mr. Lang
lay his grievances before the governor pri
vately Ini'tcad of rushing Into tho nows
paptrs with th'cm? If there are any charges
In Ms ofllco against Mr. I.nng you may
bo sure that he will not make them public,
but, considering the conduct of tho oupcrln
tendent, ho hRB a perfect right to give them
tho wlde.it publicity possible."
I'rileinl Cmirl Open.
Judgo Munger reopened court In tho gov
ernment building In thl city this morning
and . ws engaged nil day hearing reports
of referees In bankruptcy. This work will
not bo completed before tomorrow evening
and It In thought that court will ndjourn at
that time.
No decision has yet been rendered In the
proceedings In habeas corpus brought before
h'm for tho release of tho two holdlers of
I'ort Crook who aro charged with the mur
der of a deserter.
The National Tontlno company of Hastings
filed urtlclrH of Incorporation with the sec
retary of state today. Thn capital stock of
the concern Is $100,000 and the Incorporators
are Ilertlco N. I'nrmentcr, Kd M. Mar
'Ulls and Kllcn R. Marquis. The Kd A.
Ilaugh company of Oakland also Incorporated
with a capital stock of $.,000. and tho
Hartwell Hulldlng association of Ilartwell,
with n capital stock of $400.
headed by Congressman John S. noblnson.
On a motion Congressman noblnson was al
lowed to select delegates to the congres
sional convention The delegation to the Ju-
llclal convention was headed by D. J.
Opern limine Is ,, nn Court llooin
In Trlnl of Mini Wlio Killed
I'reil I, line.
LEXINGTON. Neb., March 12 -Spcrlal
Telegram. )-Thc case of the state of Ne
braska against Krank T. Dlnsmore for the
murder of Fred l,aue at Odessa on Decem
ber 4 was called this morning In district
court In session In Smith's opera house in
this city, the court house being too small
to contain the crowds In attendance upon
the trial, which promises to be the most
sensational and exciting of any ever held
In Dawson county.
The attorneys for tho prosecution are F
A. Nye, county attorney of Huffalo county:
II. M. Sinclair of Kearney nnd W. A
Stewart, county attorney of Dawson county.
No one. to look upon the prisoner as he
sits beside his attorneys, would mark him
for a criminal by his nppearance. He mens
tires 6 feet 4 Inches In height. Is well pro
portioned, has nu Intellectual cast of counte
nance, pleasant features, with a benevolent
expression. Ills bearing Is gentlemanly In
every sense of the word, with marked dig
nity. Ho listens Intently to every question
propounded and answer returned.
When tho caso was called his nttorneys ar
gucd a motion to quash the panel of Jury on
tho ground that this is only an equity term
and that Judge Orlmes ordered the Jury
while sitting ns Judge In place of II. M. Sul
llvan, nnd that It was not drawn In the
manner provided for calling n regular panel
Tho motion wns overruled without any ar
gument by the state's attorneys. Tho Belec
Hon of tho Jury then began, which ecu-
pled the time till l p. m., when court ad
Jotirned until 0 o'clock tomorrow. During
this time there wero thirty challenges for
cause nnd llvo peremptory challenges mado
by the defense The stato so far has made
no peremptory challenges and the general
opinion Is that tho Jury will be completed
by nron tomorrow, as the remainder will
bo taken exclusively from the rural dlstrirts
Mrs. Lauc. tho woman In tho rase, is here
under close guard at tho Commercial hotel.
No one Is permitted to see her. except the
attorneys, without nn order. She will bo
tho leading witness for the state.
Aninnli Inoculated from Dfiad Chinamen
All Speedily Buccnmb.
llonril "f llenltli nf
Tiikck !tein for n Iinllj
llousi lo-llousc Visit to
I do not wish to declare through
per u policy concerning certain
ttrtimmii mmntiire wnirn nrp not rirar in
I my own mind . .. i
I The main purpose of the paper will be to
I liilliience Its renderK to seek, tlrst. the
kingdom of Ood. A nation seeking the
kingdom of (Jod llrst of nil will In time llnd
answers to all disputed questions and be
come n powerful nnd useful nation
Kdltorlnl and other nrtletes. Written by
reporters, will be signed by the writers.
The exceptions will be smnll Items and such
local and telccraiihlc news as In Its nature
lines not require signatures
i There will be no Sundny paper, but In
Snn I'rnnelseo ! stead it Satiirday evenlng edition sultnblc
for Hun, lav reiuling.
1 wish to take this opportunity to thank
tho many friends everywhere who have
sent me words of encouragement. It has
been Impossible for me to answer them
' tiprsnniillv. I nlso wish to express to the
I ilirltl!in f.nrresiiondents who have sent
SAN FRANCISCO, March 12. At a special I me assurnnces of their prayers for this
. ..... f ,h n-,i nt Hp.lth held tn con. I week's work my deep acknowledgment of
leetlng Of the Hoard of Health, nelil to con- i , . nf ...i,.,ipvcr streinrth 1 Imvo
nlder the plnguo situation, there were pros- ' fot n preparing for a task which lies be-
cnt, besides tho members, nr. Kinyoun. yotul the reacn oi any mereiy unman ei
federal quarantine officer; Dr. Oass.iway of ni. 1
tho t'nltcd States marine hospital service , of ,,, incdom on earth
and Prof. Armstrong of the university oi
California. Dr. Kinyoun reported that all
of tho nnlmals at quarantine atatlon on ASSOCIATION LEAGUE CLUBS
Angel Island, which wero inncuiaicu wun
virus from the body of the Chinese who ex
pired a few days ago under suspicious cir
cumstances, had died, with the exception of
the monkey, and It Is In a dying condition.
An autopsy on tho rats and guinea pig
showed that they had developed
symptoms of tho genuine bubonic plague,
.inines llnrl, l'rciilileiit nf CIiIpiiro
Clnli, Announces (lie KIkIiI Cities
In the Circuit.
CHICAGO. March 12 The American As-
snclntlon of Dane Pall Clubs, backed by the
National league, will furnish baso ball the
After discussing the matter the board de- i coming season In the following cities: Haiti
elded that tho Chlnrno who died at 1001 more. Washington, Louisville, Cleveland,
im.aci: ok vol, i vn:i:us.
Nclnlilior Find One nf the Mmlilcnn
Ilenil nnil Several Others
ARCADIA. Neb., Mnrch 12. (Special.) A
family of five, named i.Madden. living near
Comstock, were nil poisoned Friday evening
by eating bologna sausage. They were not
discovered until twenty-four hours later.
when a neighbor, going In, round tho llttlo
3-year-old girl dead nnd the' rest of the
family unconscious. 'Medical aid was at
once summoned. Tho condition of the sick
Is critical, but It Is thought that they will
recover. The faintly recently moved here
from Lincoln, Neb.
WASHINGTON. March 12. L. J. Slmpklns.
an electrical engineer at Wardner. Idaho,
testified In the investigation before tho
house conimlttco on military affairs today.
He said he did not participate In the riot. 1
but soon after that event ho was arrested
by a squad of United States troopa who
went about the streets arresting those per- i
sons pointed out by Hunker Hill mine "spot-
tcrs." Two spectators on the streets, who
stopped to sec the soldfers and their prison- i
era, were promptly arrested nnd put with tho
other prisoners. The witness Bald one of tho ,
prlsouers, a Swede, was taken with a fit. ,
whereupon a negro soldier struck him sense- I
less with the butt of a gun. The corporal of
the guard enmo up and turning over tho
fallen man said: "1 guess you've fixed that i
fellow nil right." Slmpklnii said ono of the ,
prisoners was robbed of $90.
One of Slmpklns' recitals caused something
of a sensation. Ho said he was taken from
the "bull pen" by a squad of four soldiers
and marched to nn open enclosure, where
ho was placed with his back against a
building. Tho noldlcrs stepped back and
cocked their guns, apparency making ready
to Bhoot him. At this point, he said, a high
onielal of the Hunker Hill mine appeared
nnd said they had evidence enough to hang
tho witness or send him up for many years,
but if ho would tell who blew up the mill
he would be turned loose. Slmpklns said he
protested that ho did not know who tho
guilty parties were, and the ettort to get evi
dence from him was finally given up.
Tho witness slated that at another tlmo
...kiln i Hi,, "luilt nrn" n n.irlv who slid ho
work by the Six Companies. Until another ,','.,. ,,,ninp thn meeiim? ! wn. o,.twi,.i hv nn nillclnl. offered him
caso of plague develops Chinatown will re- j . lnosa ,lprPRaty, The league has cut down $10,000 to implicate two peisonn In the blow-
main tree rrom quarantine, nut people ore .,,..,.. nml , moraiv bound to look out in ,,,, ,,f the mill. The nurtv said It did
for the players who were mado so much not matter much who were Implicated, but
Dupont street had been allUdcd with the
plague. A rcqumt wn mado for 100 volun
tiers from among members of the medical
profession to mnko a house-to-house ex
amination and aid tho hoard In thoroughly
fumigating and disinfecting the entire quar
ter. A quarantine was not declared.
Tho Hoard of Health has agreed that the
work of Inspecting Chinatown, with a view
to Improving lln sanitary condition, shall
begin at once. The section will bo dis
tricted and every day until all danger la
past every house will be visited and every
occupant inspected. Reliable Chinese will
be detailed to accompany the phslclans and
the police will render what assistance they
Chicago, St. Louis, New York and Philadel
This announcement was mado today by
James Hart, president of the Chicago club
President Hart returned today from tho Na
tlonal leaguo meeting of base ball magnates
which wns recently concluded after several
secret sessions.
In Haltlmore, Washington. Loulsvlllo and
Cleveland tho grounds made tenantlcss by
the elimination of these cities from the Na
tional league circuit will be used. In the
remaining cities the National league grounds
will be used and a schedule will bo ar
ranged whereby the dates of th tw'o or
ganizations will not conflict.
The new association," said Mr. Hart to-
Bermtfonal R;cital of Witners Bsfore Home
Committee on Military Affairs.
Attempts tn I.enrn nmes of 1'nrllrn
Who Itlew t p llir Mill Were
.Made by Threat mill Use
uf Mone.
"I have been a midwife for
twenty-live yenr, and during
that time I havo used Warncr'a
Safe Cure in cases of kidney
troubles, diseases of the Pelvic
Organs, and those peculiar to
"1 desire to give It my highest
endorsement, earned by Its su
perior merits.
"To use It means n cure with
out fall, and 1 have never found
anything to equal It."
Jan. U 19-n,
can. These Chinese will be supplied for tho conscnllnB for the first time' to he In-
w'nrlr htf Ihn CJI v Cnmnan n. Until nnntlinf ".,. "
requested to have aH little communication us
possible with the suspected district.
I.envliiic (iilnntiMrn.
When the Chinese learned of the action of
tho Board of Health there was an exodus
from Chinatown of those who aro employed
outside of tho district, which may ngaln be
Dr. J. M. Williamson, president of tho
Hoard of Health, says: "Regarding tho case
In question there Is no canco for panic. It
may he sporadic and no others may develop,
but If subsequent Investigations show that
new cases follow the ono mentioned I have
every reason to believe tho Inspection Just
Inaugurated by the department will minimize
the danger to such an extent tho disease
will not Buccccd In getting a foothold In the
No alarm l felt by physicians who discuss
tho matter nnd some doubt Is yet expressed
an to the nature of tho disease from which
the Chinese died.
excels baggage by tho reduction. The ar
rangemcnt na made, however, will continue
only until ownerships Independent of the
major league, but not Inimical to Its Inter
ests, can be anchored.
Mr. Hart stated that the reduction of the
National leaguo circuit was accomplished by
Haltlmore. Washington, Cleveland and Louls
vlllo tendering their resignations from tho
league. These were placed on file, but not
nccepted. Tho twelvo-club circuit, therefore,
could be resumed at any tlmo before 1902,
when tho ten-year agreement expires,
(i(VKItOll ON
Qiinrfrrtnnier'n Deiinrtnient (iivrw In.
fiirinlllliin of lii II en Snlillern.
LINCOLN. March 12 (Special.) Tho fol
lowing communication from the War depart
ment, relative to tho disposition nf the re
mains of the First Nebraska volunteers, was
received nt tho adjutant general's odlcs
OFFM'I;. WAS 1 NCTON. March 10 -Ad
Julnnl (eneral. Nebraska: The records of
tills nlllce respecting tlinse rererred to by
ymi afford the following Information:
John - A. (Hover died September 2'. (
on transport Rio de Janeiro of pneumonia
and wan hurled nt sea.
John Hlaek, received at Snn Francl-eo
and sent to Perry Itlaek. Mlllerstown, Pa.
William Hvnns. received at San Francisco
anil sent to D. V. Kvans, 1020 High street,
Itrat rice.
William P. InvK received at San Fran
cisco on transport Unneoek, February 23,
inon, ItiRtructlnim heretofore Riven for ship
ment to H. F. Ilrown. Osceola. Neb.
Frank Homer Seeley, received at San
Francisco on transport Hancock February
l!l. and will be Interred In national
cemetery at the Presidio of San Francisco,
no claim having been made by relatives for
the bodv.
The remains of Raphael C Maher hnvo
not been reported as disinterred nt Manila,
where they wcie reported to have been
burled In Paco cemetery, grave No. 21.
When they hnvo been brought to San
Francisco shipment will be made tn Mrs.
Kate Anderson, Valparaiso, Neb.
JiiIIuk O, Miller, Harry O. Flske and
(ieorge W. Nleinan, having died at Hono
lulu, II. I., their remains eannbt be ex
humed during the prevailing bubonic
plague 111 those Islands.
Quartermaster, l. S. A.
nnliliiniin llenilx l)elen t Ion.
NORFOLK. Neb.. March 12.-r-(Speclal Tel
egram,) The democratic county convention
met hero today nnd elected delcgatca to the
state congressional and Judicial conventions.
Tlie delegation to tho Btnto convention is
llur Fifty A n I inn I re Kllleil liy (in
liernntiirlnl 1'nrl.v rnr Kenrnej.
KKARNRY. Neb., March 12. (Special Tel
egram.) (lovcrnor Poynter, accompanied by
his private secretary, Fred Jewell, Dr. Ileer
lase. president of tho State Harbors' asso
ciation, and Frank (laroutte, came up to
Kearney to participate in a Jackrabbit hunt
Tho rabhltfl were beaten up by means of a
wire cable over 1.000 feet In length, drawn
by two tcatnn of horses. Among those from
Kearney who were In the hunt were: J. Nl
Campbdll, superintendent of the Industrial
school; C. C. Carrlg. J. J. Tlbhlts. W. L.
Kuser, odlcers of the school, and P. T. Uim
bert, W. K. Ayers and W. F. Pickering of
Kearney. Over fifty rabbits were killed.
lee In Pintle StnrtliiK.
FRKMONT, Neb., March 12. (Special
Telegram.) The warm weather of tho past
two days has taken nearly all tho frost out
of tho ground and Is beginning to Htart tho
Ico In tho Plntte river. Tho Ice Is not as
thick ns usual and no danger to bridges Is
apprehended. If this weather continues for
a few days longer farmers will be able to
commeneo work on their land, which Is in
good condition.
Tho acrcago of beetg for the Standard
licet Sugar company will be about tho same
as last rear In spite of tho losses of las',
season the farmers are taking hold of tho
beet business In good shape. The acrcago
put In by the Standard Cattle company will
be larger than last year.
IIckiiIIk on the I III ll li I ii l i'rneUn.
SAN FRANCISCO, March 12. Tanfornn
results. Weather clear; track good:
First race, half n mile, 2-year-olds, purse:
M. F. Tarpey won, Lucldla second, Lilly
Dlggs third. Tlmo: 0:13.
Second race, seven furlongs, selling: The
Lndy won, Decoy second, Tekla third.
Time: 1:2S.
Third race, one nnd nn eighth miles,
i,,iii,.utf I'otnntn won. Red Pirate sec-
Consul Oenernl Ho Vow says: "I believe ond. Morlnel third. Time: I:",.
Hrtt ,1,1a (, ..ntKInn n,n-A l.n t U i I,'1irlh 11, CO lv flirloniTS. SCllllie:
mse nn ihe nnri nf thn rtnnr.l nf ltnlih m ' Limerick won. Miss Mnrloh Fecund. True
. .1. I, .,,,. . . . H ue third. Time: I'll. ,
prevent tho liability of damage suits which i.'if t li race, one mile, selling: Merry Hoy
havo frequently been threatened on account ' won, Wyoming Fecond, Tnrlblo third. Time:
of tho outrageous acts of last week In l-H'i- All bets declared off In this race on
quarantining the Chinese quarter. There "j;1 ;!fc;.uMicVn?fh,!t mile,
never wns any bubonic plague In Chinatown, purse: May W won. Miss Rowena second,
but If there was I would be the first person Sardine third. Tlmo: 1:07.
to nss!t in protecting tho health of San. n,2.0"I',A'NI,, Mnrch 12-lr,'ck fnat'
Francisco. ,,.r!tt 'racCi px nn(- a nair furlongs: Alex
ine enso in question was made tne sub- won, Aiirca. second, hcuo ot uneaiis num.
Ject of a thorough examination by myself
and I will not hesitate to say that the public
nerd not be alarmed. The- man wns sick for
Tlmn' 1
Second race, Fovcn furlongs, selling:
Cotton Plant won, L. T. Caton second. Free
Lady third. Time: 1:23. "
tho names of certain miners and the county
arecssor were given, whom It was most de
sired to Implicate for the purpose, tho wit
ness snld, cf hanging them or getting them
out of tho country. He said that ho after
ward learned that tho assessor had hail
troublo with tho Hunker Hill mine over their
Tho witness detailed an Interview with an
army officer, In which the latter declined to
permit a prlent to be onmmoned to one of
the prisoners who was dying and who re
fused to allow him to communicate with his
partner as to tho disposition of his property.
Ho detailed many other Instances of nllegcd
cruelty. One of his recitals was as to n brief
visit by Oeneral Merrlam to the "bull pen"
nnd the refusal to allow prlronorn to com
munlcato with him. In telling of the shoot
ing of Johnson, the prisoner who went In
sane, tho witness contributed tho additional
tctitlmony that while Johnson was running
nway a certain mine offlcial shouted, "Shoot,
shoot!" and the soldiers accordingly shot.
Tho witness said he helped dig tho tunnel
Intended na a means of escape, as he was
"dying by Inches." Ho also gave his experi
ence on tho standing lino and while in soli
tary confinement.
When Representative Sulzcr, who directed
tho examination, asked tho witness concern
ing "this Siberia of horrors," objections were
mado to the characterization, but on a vote
tho commlttco permitted the question.
lirs, l'nnnle Cnnler, nf l.il Wnrren .St., HrooUlj-n, V. Y.
Is n mndiintc Ho nl jM'himl of Nurses, lennn, imtrlai
uriuliiiilc oiiiiiii'k Inllrninr) nnd Maternity Home, Nerr
iirl. Lit), tilth lliloinn.
inio time and died of an nllment which Is i Tlilrd race, ono mile, 'selling! F-lls.mnre
common, though not contagious. I '" To'" . ,!,,??l,,y "co""' ncquontli
"If any more attempts are made to block- Kr0,'lrth 'race, "one ami a quarter miles,
ade the Chinese quarter we are prepared to handicap: Sidney Lucas won, Prince of
procure Injunctions from the courts nnd will Veronia second, Arthur Uchnn third. Time:
proieci tno rignts ot our people as far as -:;:,, rnrn ,, sr,innc: Franclblo
Omnlin I'lintnr nt .Norfolk.
NORFOLK, Neb., Mnrch 12. (Special.)
Sunday was tho day set apart as the annual
"Homo Missionary" day at the Congrega
tional churches In Norfolk. Dr. Herring of
tho First Congregational church of Omaha
preached at the First church In tho morning
nnd at the Second In tho evening. Rev. II.
Dross of Lincoln, state superintendent at
homo missions, was present and gnvo a
synopsis of tho work done In tho state, Mrs.
nross conducted tho Kndcavor meeting in
tho evening.
(Continued from First Page.)
charge of the paper for one week nnd edit
It as a distinctly Christian dally.
I accented the Invitation on condlllnn
that I receive no tlnanclal compensation ! season.
and that a snare or the prollts ho used for
some benevotrnt work nnd named the week
beginning Tuesdnv, March 13, ITA. as" tho
week lor tne experiment
won, First Past second, Russell R third.
Time: i:!i. , , x. ,,
Sixth race, six furlongs: Bertha Nell
won, Mouzcltoff second, Maggie Davis
third, lime: 1 :15U.
Ilnll Team for Colnnilius.
COLUMni'S, O., March 12. John Riley nf
Columbus has secured the Interstate league
franchise for Columbus. Insuring tho Huck
eye capital a base ball tenm tho coming
Willi tno Hearty co-operation of every
person connected with the paper and with
tho hell) of the wldntn that I hnvo nraved
might be given me from Him who Is wiser
Onarrn School KI eel I on.
ON'AWA, Neb:, March 12. (Special Tele
gram.) Tho Onawa school election today
was the liveliest for many years, and more
votes were polled than ever before at J
iiiikoi. in- km i'ii ii" i i nun wno is wiser i . , , ,, . ,,,, j , m
thnn am- nf n. I shall dr thn ! I school election. Addison Oliver nnd J. m.
If a thousand different Christian men I Hathaway wero elected directors, over M.
nVfIkoWn' i Vincent. C. 'M. Ross and C. E. Underbill by
-'-! - majorities ranging from five to 12i, nnd P.
vnrn in m no r I tnn 1 1 ra T it aHia ir ii.n .1, . il,, Viyrns A tlpfl 'a
u ij ii'oitJ pniHiuiiim, ii uillLl IVUIUII, IV. I1UIU1UUK Ul IUU Jiuiunnin . w.
' thn Christian cdltor.s mlcht nrrlv nt . j n ti Unnt.
- D.1I1K WHB ClUUlt-'tl llL'tlDiilui uu'i s
of vhai in Chr'.Htlan. It Ih. of cutirno. tho ItiRton of tne unawa biaio oanK, ay iuo um
Meense Ticket In thr Field.
KHARNKY. Neb., March 12. (Special
Telegram.) Tho citizens of Kearney favor
ing high license, held n caucus tonight nnd
placed in nomination candidates for tho fol
lowing offices: O. O. Smith, mayor; 11. J.
Hull, clerk; C. D. 'Ayers. trensurer; K. N.
Pnrtcrfleld, city engineer; H. C. Cnlklns
and W. F. R. M Ills, for members ot school
board; Tom Onss, councilman In First ward:
J. L. Tout, Second ward; V. S. Clapp, Third
wnrdt and B. 'A. Miller, Fourth ward.
Iniportniit L'nnPM nt llnrtlnuton,
HARTINGTON. Neb.. March 12. (Special
Telegrnm.) District court opened today with
Judge Craves of Pender presiding. Two
stato cases will attract unusual interest,
namely, the trial of Nathaniel R. Phllbrlck
for shooting John Hlntz. who nttacked him
with a pitchfork, and the trial of Charles
II Harris, editor of the Helden News, who
shot and Instantly killed Hart nienklron at
Helden last December. Tho latter case U
set for 1 o'clock tomorrow.
Acts gently on the
ArreHteil for lliirninu Car,
PLATTSMOUTH, Neb., March 12. (Spe
cial.) Tho three young men, two -white and
clal agent for tho Missouri Pacific road, with
having hurned a boxcar at Manley yester
day, wero arrested In Springfield last night
and brought to the city this evening by
Sheriff W. D. Wheeler nnd placed la tho
county jail to await trial.
furthest from mv Diirnose to attemnt to,
show In a doijmatlc way what Is the one
tiling that Jesus would do In everv
case. Tho only thug I or mo
uther Christian man can do In the
Interpretation of what Is Chrlptlan
in tno conduct oi ini.i paper is to onno me i..j .l,.h hv inhn net nnir sne
term "Christian" the l.est that can be i onp colored, charged by John "PLong. spe
done nfter asklnc for divine wisdom and
not Judge others who might with equal de
siro and sincerity interpret the :irobnblo
action of Jems In a different manner.
I'nprr'N Piirpoe nnd I'oIIIIcn.
With this undorstandliig nf tho condin t
of the paper this week I will stato In part
Its cenernl purpose and politic:
It will be a newspaper. The word "news"
will be dellned as anything In the way of
dally events thnt the public ought to
know for Its development and power In n
life of rlghteousnefM. Of necessity tho
editor of th's pnper, or of every other
paper with this dellnltlnn of "news," will
determine not only the kind, but the quan
tity of any particular event which ought
to bo printed. Tho Importance of one kind
of news compared with another kind will
also determine tho place In. the paper In
which the matter will be printed. If It seems
to the editor that certain silbleets represent
great causef that belong tn the profoundest
principle of human life are most Important
they will be given the llrst pngo of the
Mrs, Caivln Zimmerman. Mllctburg, Ta,,
says, "As a speedy cure for coughs, colds,
croup and soro throat One Minute Cough
Cure Is unequalod. It Is pleasant for chil
dren to take. I hoartlly recommend It to
mothers." It Is tho only harmless remedy
that produces immedlalo results. It cures
bronchitis, pneumonia, grippo and throat and
lung diseases It will prevent consumption.
There has been a very brisk demand for
tho two famous pictures which are offered
to Hco subscribers. Wo thought wo should
bo ablo to supply an unlimited demand, hut
would suggest that It might ho well to call
soon It you want pictures.
Unto for CniiirreMKlnnnl Convention,
NORFOLK, Neb., March 12. (Special Tel
egram.) The republican congressional com
mittee of this district met here this evening
and decided to hold the congressional con
vention at Norfolk on Wednesday, April 2G,
at 2 p. m. Delegates were apportioned to
tho several counties according to the number
of vctes cast for M. H. Reese.
Ilimli Receive Appointment.
TECITMSEH. Neb.. March 12. (Special.)
Eiiccno Hush received word from the Post-
paper, whether they are telegraphic Items 0fflco department at Washington today that
or not. It might easily become the settled
policy of a prominent paper similar to this
ono to consider the detnlled account of an
unusual battle as of less Importance to tho
render than nn account of the usual dallv
destruction being caused by liquor. Tho
llrst vago of tho Capital this wefk will
contnln what seems to the editor to be tho
most essential Issues that effect humanity
as a whole.
Tho paper will be nonpartisan, not only
In municipal and state politics, but nlso In
national :olltlcr.
Liquor nml Social Problem.
I do not mean to say that a Christian
dally cannot no partisan. rnis is simiy
dneys, Liver
and Bowels
aEANsES the System
Vtlempted SIiooIIiik nt I'lntlnniimth,
I'LATTSMOL'TH. Neb.. March 12. (Special
Telegram.) In a qunrrel over a game of
cards. In a saloon In this city this evening,
a Bccond-hand man from Hamburg, la,, drew
n revolver to shoot O. Wells, a clgarmakcr.
The Intter caught and turned the gun Just In
i time to prevent the bullet from entering
his body Hoth were nrrcstcd and will bo
clven nn ODnortunltv to exnlaln In oolite tin, mini extinction of the curse nf making
, court tomorrow. I selling, buying and drinking Intoxicating
liquor; Hh extinction by legal enactment.
Anll-snloon Tlekct. !' personal total abstinence and by eyerv
lorm or nian . mini-, iiuuiii ii,ii i-,,ww
ho had been nppolnted carrier on tho Te
cumBoh rural delivery line, vice H. H. Shaw,
resigned. Mr. Hush will go Into the service
March 16.
Cnll for VIlliiKo Mcctlnir.
SYRACUSE, Neb., 'March 12. (Special.)
A cnll for a mass meeting of all citizens to
meet In Coddlngton's hall next Thursday
evening, to placo n villago ticket In nomina
tion, was read In nil tho churches yesterday.
Havo you seen "The Halloon?" This Is one
my interpretation of Christian ns applied 0f the pictures you get through a Heo cou-
"on he' liquor q'!,V..on Mio' Vapor will ad- P""' U reproduction of a famous paint
vocato tho prohibition of the whole liquor Ing and Is a work of art. Coupons and 10
business from Malno to California and all cents.
nroUIHl Hie Kliiuc. 113 in milium, n i iiiv-,,.
MBAD. Neb.. March 12,-(SPeclal.)-Tho . matYo tjmtVhrKtlan. I can devise.
Anti-Saloon league has already begun tho Tlio great social questions of the age will
fight against the saloon and has nominated i be given prominence. The selflshnem of whole force, consisting of about 1,100 hand?,
Snunr Hellnery Stnrts l,'p,
NEW YORK, March 12 Work was re
sumed nt tho sugar houso of the American
Sugar Rellnlng company in Jersey City to
da.v. The plant was shut down a week
ago for the third tlmo since the llrst of tho
year, on tno piea or overproduction, me
l c
the following persons ns candidates for vll
' lage trustees: H. Ostcnberg, D. W. Edgar,
W. A. Kggleston, Ous Monteen nnd W. J.
ftVFPCOMF?; LsrrrJ
. .icTlPATIOM 'clal.) In county ci
ARITMAI COr3 ! Mullln found Charl
u I UAl v DrniiAM rwri J ton of Mrs. Hare,
runi'iHiimn t.
llrfnrni Selionl for liny.
(IRANI) ISLAND, Neb.. March 12. Spe-
court this morning Judge i where else.
es Hlalr, tho 15-year-old
guilty of Incorrigibility
and sentenced bim to the Industrial school
at Kearney until he becomes of age.
mankind In every form of greed, commer
elnllv nnd nolltlcally. will lie considered
as of more t-erlous consequences to us as a
people than many other matters which too
often engage the time and attention of
The paper will declare Its abhorrence ot
war as It Is being waged today, not only In
Africa, but In tno pniiippincs anil evcry-
Admit lie Doesn't Kntnv I'.verylliiiiHr.
On matters of finance or tnrlft or ex
pansion, mutters of public concern which
have to do with measures of this character,
thn editor has personal opinions which
ni.trlct Court In. HoiiHrd Comity. rmo or may not lie voiced in this imoer.
' ! .. . , , if he Lives express on to t hem It wi II be In
hi i'auu .eo .iarrn i. -opcciai i- no ,IoKmatc or positive manner, as If he
District court of Howard county convenes Knew whnt the whole Christian truth was
ihl mnrnlnir with the new 1 v. elected Judirn concernlnc them. In recant to many of
Chrle A. Munn on tho bench. There Is a these .questions I do not know what Is the
r . , . .hi. ..., i ,,,., tiirlstlnn answer to tncm. in regara to
light docket for this term, only thirty-three 0tier8 my study of them has not yot re
civil cases and no crlmlual suits. suited In convictions thut are strong cnouch
went back to work todav.
Tneiliiy to He Fnlr nnil Cnliler nnd
Veilneilny Fnlr with North
erly Wind.
WASHINOTON, March 12. Forecast for
Tuesday and Wednesday:
For Nebraska Fair and colder Tuesday,
Wednesday fair; northerly winds.
For Iowa Fair Tuesday; colder In west
ern portion; Wednesday fair; colder In east
ern portion: westerly winds,
For (Missouri Fair Tuesday; colder In
northwest portion; Wednesday fair; winds
bocomlng northerly.
For South Dakota Fair Tuesday and
Wednesday; northerly winds.
For Kansas Fair Tuesday; colder In
northern portion; Wednesday fair; north
erly winds.
I,nrnl Tleeord.
OMAHA. March 12. -Oftlclal record of tem
perature and precipitation, compared with
tho corresponding day of the last three
iooo. is99. im. m
Maximum temperature... 77 .11 41 35
.Minimum temperature .r.i in 23 (
Avernge temperature h 21 3s
Precipitation (0 .10 .00 T
Record of tomneraturo and precipitation
nt Omaha for this day and since March
1, 1300:
Normal for thn day
Excess for tho day
Excess since March 1
Normal rainfall for tho day
Deficiency In preclpltntlon for day
Total precipitation since March 1.
Deficiency since March I
Deficiency for cor. period, 1S50 00 Inch
Deficiency for cor. period. ISM 21 Inch
Itrport from Stntloua nt H p, 111,
,01 Im-ii
.01 inch
.13 inch
"5 Sp
3 3 15 1
Omaha, clear
North Platte, clear
Salt Lake, clenr
Cheyenne, clear
Rapid City, clear
Huron, clear
Wllllston, cloudy
Chicago, partly cloudy
St. Iyiills, clear
St. Paul, partly cloudy...
Davenport, partly cloudy.
Helena, clear
Kansaa City, clear
Havre, partly cloudy
HIsmarcK, clenr
Uiilvetnn, clear
1 r - 0
: 3
B :
m " .01
iiol to! .cm
VII Clil .0')
6S c;' .()
52 tU O'J
I'JI l .1-0
K trti .
3S 'M .0!)
us m .00
wi 5 .'0
1: ii .00
M fS .00
70 TBI .0i)
i us1 .m
40 &l .
fil 70 .00
T Indicates trnce of precipitation.
Local Forecast Olllclal.
Under the Scientific Supervision of PROF, von FODOR,
Director of the Hygienic Institute, Royal University,
Buda PesLli.
oiu under a
Stated Pennsylvania Xffk
Ot and County of Philadelphia W
C tL TtrtA Aau cWawaw A$l 1895 It fVe nt 6t vMtrtumt d SkeiMii VwU I
cf W K.GRtSH 4 SONSu AcMnq mduty Mtmdcik Aprtf (m icyU-lC
lliitftfttlljifjMMryAJlUll I
Sold by All Dealers.
Tor Omaha and Vicinity.
for State of Nebraska.
Huvo you a sour stomach hcartb.urn coaled tongue cold fsot and
handH dull headache palpitation of tho heart backache pain Inalde?
Aro you nervous, easily ronfusod and very Irritable? Dyspepsia tho
"American dlneaso," cauBos any of the abovo troublns.
the CAUSE of ALL of them. Hy curing tho symptninH and by re
moving TI1K OA USB of Dyspepsia, Dr. Kay's Renovator CURBS PY3
I'KI'SIA. That's logic, iHn't It? Ilettcr than logic It's TRUTH. It's
a fact!
iimtrs imioofi
(5i:OUr,B W. HHHVKV, thn successor of W. J. Hryan an editor of
tho Omaha World-Herald, Omaha, Nch.. had the worst sort of Dys
pepsia for year". After throe bext physicians In Nebraska failed to
relievo lilni, ho decided to go to Chicago for treatment, when ho snys:
'I was Induced to try Dr. Kay's Renovator. Now It Is eight monthn
slnco I used Dr. Kav's Itonovntor nnd I have NO SYMPTOMS what
owr of mv old trouble."
THIS A AS A VIM)i:itl'l I, Cl ltli. Send for full r.-port.
Shun substitutes. Remedies ".lust na Oood" as Dr Kay's Lung Halm and
Dr Kay s Renovator are not MADK or SOLD ANVWIIKRK If not nt druc
gists, we will send It nost-pald on receipt of prb e Dr Kay s Lung flalm
10c and 25 . Dr Kay's Renovator 25i and Jl six for ti Frco Medical Ad
vice. Sample and Illustrated Hook for tho asking Address:
Dr. B. J. Kay Medical Co., Saratoga Springs, N. Y.
"Aids digestion and assimilation, re
moves fatigue nnd Improves tlio appe
tite "
"Sustains llfo for a long period and
nourishes, without any other food or
All Druggists Hefuso Substitutes.
orr. Hltopl..nes, t6., cbumh! tij ornr
work ana laditcrrtlonc. They quieltlu
i and turtlu rwtors LotVlUUtr la old
or loans, ana tit a man for ituar. buil-
. na or rl.Miiro. I'rmant In.nnltr di
hr(an.tluit,tlAn it tak.n In tlma. Thai-
nMCbowilinmadlata iraproment nnd OectaCUHB
nt.reallMhen fail, Io.iit uioa Iiutidi thsonulD
AJi-Tablati. T br hartt cur.d tkou.auda undwlll
cur70U. WadtaapoaltlTswritUnKuarantHto f.
fart acore Id each caaa or refund th inonay, l'rko
Kllrfl fr fK"Vx ST.!11 Pl treat.
UUIiISi mantj lor2 eObrmall.lnclaln nrappar,
Htm raealpt of ptica Clrcularafraa.
AJAX' REMEDY CO., 7?!&;r,'i)f,t'
l-or aala in Omaha, Neb., fey ."uj. Fou
ytbe, 202 N. 16th St.. Kuhu & Co., ULk
C. De liavea, UrusUU
Wc will try
to keep you
when you liooomo our
li'iiunt. Tho IP118011 lliore
am no few clinriKeH in
our tPimntM' llHtH h that
wc work Just ns hnnl to
plcnsn you nfter you nro
loriitoil nn lipfont. Wo
never let tho hullrilng
run down, either hy
wear and tear or In
point of service,
The Bee Building
Ilcnlnl AkciiU,

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