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Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 13, 1900, Image 4

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'I'll F: OMAHA UAIIjY Uhfji mwmjav, Al HtM' lit, 1000.
Davis polls glass.
".Mr. Hlley," fi-cent clgnr.
Why not smoke the Why clgnr?
I.effcrt, 2TO l!ly., tests eyes free.
Uas fixtures nnil globes lit Hlxby'S.
Kino A. II. C. beer, Neumnyer's hotel.
Dr. Htephensnn, 101 I'enrl St. Tel. m
Hclimlilt'H photos, new nnil latest stylos.
You got tlio best dinners nt the Vienna.
Itlloy, best photographer, 402 Hroadwny.
J. C. A V. Woodward, architects, 023 Udy.
V'. K. Lewis sells monuments. 301 ll'wny.
Lemp's beer, Hoenko Hoysen, sole agent.
Hist beer, Hudwclsir. L. Ilosciifeld, Agt.
Helentlfle optician nt Woolmnn's, 409
U way.
Campaign plrlures nnd buttons. C. tt.
Alexander & Co , KK Hroadwny.
Oet your work done nt the populnr Kaglo
laundry, 721 Uroadway. 'I'hono lfi7.
U. Hstcp, undertaker, 2.S I'earl street.
TelephoneH: Olllce, 1)7; residence, .".
W. Ornff, tindertnker nnd licensed em
balnier, loi South Main street, 'I'hnnu Mij
J. U. lllxby hns reported to tho police the
loss of a valuable gold IiuntltiK watch and
loli chain.
New and second. hand furniture, stoves,
rnrints mid 1 u 1 1 . t furnishings bought and
hold. ,1. Stein & Co., 7'-'l West Hroudway.
! rank Hhlnn of Carson, a prominent
io"iooer oi ine l'ona wattanile euumv oar.
was In the city yesterday visiting friends.
Judge Smith Md'herson of the federal
court woh In the elty yesterday morning
between trains while on his way from
Hed Oak to Ues Moines.
Mrs. J. I). Klaxbeard nnd son Paul of
Smith Center. Kan., are in the elty. the
Kiiesis or tne runner h sister, .Mrs. v. II
I'omelow of 27'.' Avenue A.
Tho funeral of the late Major H. A. Con
Mgnoy will be held tomorrow from 1 1 1 fiim.
Ily residence In Avoca and will bo under
i ne auspices or the (inind Army of til
llcpuhllc. A number of veterans of the
civil war ami leading republicans from
huh cny win aiienii me oiisi'iUles.
James r-Vrllng and I'.ilwurd I,ee, who
clnliui'd to hall from Wyoming, were ur-ii-sted
yesterday tnornlni: for rnrrvlnir run-
ei'aleil weapons. Kneh of them carried a
ilg su-sliooler In his hip pocket. A lavish
display of the guns In n snlooii with a
hint that they weiu "bad men from Hitter
creeic led to tlulr arrest.
John T. I'liuli. chief clerk In the frcluht
ollleo of the II irllngton iii this city, has
resigned ins posiuou to neeepl one witli
the McCorinlclc llarvestliiK company In
Chlcauo. Mr. I'liuh hn.q been ilelitiin
Veins III the service of the Ilurllngtoii and
urn iienariure irom mis city will lie re
gretted by a largo circle of friends and
.The llackmau Comedy company opened
a summer engagement last night at the
Dohitny opera house, presenting the IOiik
llsh dramn, "The I.imtl or the Living." TIi
company was greeted with u fair-sized
audience, which thoroughly enjoyed the
perfonnance. The play was well Htugid
nnil urn several parts well aeteil. Tile spe
claltles Introduced between acts are ubovi
the ordinary ami special mention must
ie mnile or the clever turn done by I lurry
iciee, woo is n io;unicncr.
Two alleged conlldeiice men, giving the
names or 'loin wade anil (.corgi' Wood,
wero arresieu yosieriloy ul If rimon III n
saloon at Sixteenth street ami llrnmlwav
They answered the description of two ni"ii
wanted In Omaha for "rolling" a man to
tho tune of $15. Wade had (20 on Ills per
son, wiiiio nis panncr nan a little over mi.
Tho register at the elty .lull showed that
tlio money wns to be held for "evidence.'
The nollco were unwllllm; to ulve anv In
lorinatioii regarding the arrest, for fear It
might b uuother of Detective Weir's
The town Mnrtgnge and Trust company
of this city has filed notice of suit In the
district court to restrain the county treas
urer anil nuuiior trom Issuing to (J. v
llrett a tax title to n certain lot In lleers
Kubillvlslon. ulleulng that the sneelal tax
for which the lot was sold at tax sale !
Illegal and void. The suit Is similar to
those brought by Fremont llenjamlti
against the city nnd In which he secured a
verdict In his favor. The tax Is ullcgi'd
to be void, as the assessments were levied
without reference to thy benellts Ueilved
uy t no property.
The Initial performance of the Itaekmnn
Comedy company yesterday afternoon nnd
nisi evening was witnessed ny a kooii
sized uudlcuco, and from the cnlhuslnitli
applause that erected the acting from
lliuo to time it was evident that the en
tertainment was n lilt from Its opening
lHKll tile curtain dropped In tlio last act
One of the taking features was the sue.
claltles that were Introduced during the
progress oi tne piny ami Deiween nets,
which were very clever and iin-to-dnti
Tho Hiieotitl (.conerv carried by the company
Is a thlliK that excites favorable comment
lllnilK With the other Rood features. To
iilKhl the company will present "Maine and
(lonrKlu." said to bo one of the best piece
III Its repertoire.
Tho members of Abu Lincoln post, Ornnd
Army of the llepublle, turned out twice
yesterday to pay their last respects to
fallen comrades. In the moinliu; thev at
tended the funeral of rnlaney Scott and
In the afternoon followed the remains of
the late Harry Clay l.eland to their last
lesllui; place in Kalrvlew cemetery. The
latter funeral was held from Instep's uu
dcrtnkliiK rooms. The hailstorm caused
a stampede unions the horses and several
runaways were nairowly averted. The
driver of one of the carriages, In attempt
ing to check Ills horses, fell over the pole
between and would have probably met with
serious Injuries hud not rtulertakcr Kstop
rushed out and caught the nulinals by the
N. Y. Plumbing Co , teiepr.one 2Z0.
McKlnlcy-ltooMcvcIt Club.
. Tho regular weekly meeting of the Me-Kluley-Uoosevelt
club will be held Mils
ovenlng nt henditiurters. First Avenuo nnd
South Main street. One of the principal
matters of business to come beforo tho
meeting will be the organization of the
Hough Itlder Marching club. Tho special
committee appointed for this purposo Is
expected to make its report.
Tho McKlnley guards, who will amalga
mate with the marching club, will meet at
8 o'clock this evening In thu rooms over
republican hendnuartera, when every mem
ber Is xpoctod to bo present.
I'ur Sale.
A largo piece of fruit land, partially Im
proved, near Florence; will divide to suit
913 N. Y. Life. Tel. 3U.
Davis sells paint.
Sister Mnry dc SiiIcn Ilenil,
Sister Mary do Sales died yesterday
morning at St. Ilernnrd's hospital. Sho
was 43 years old nnd she has been n mem
ber of the sisterhood for tho last ten years.
Ilefnro taking the veil she was known nH
Miss O'Dwyer iind her home wns In Hobo
ken, N. J. The funeral will bo held Tues
day morning nt 9 olock.
Gravel roofltur. A II. Head, Ml Hroadwny.
Commonwealth 10 cent cigar.
Negotiated In Kasturn rtaoraska
and Iowa. Jauiea N. Ua.-vidy. jr.,
VM Main St Cjuncll HlufT.
Savings Loan and Building Assoclat'n
Council illuCs. low.
Waiters' Union Member Charges Hitn with
Retailing Beer.
Objection of the t'lilim to llnldiilfs
.Mllliliuer IIckIiin to 'I'll I e mi II
.Semblance of Per
secution. W. S. Hnlduff, proprietor of the cafe nt
I.ako Mannwa park, was arrested yesterday
nftcrnoon on the charge of selling Intoxl
catinK ll( uurs, contrary to the law of Iowa.
Tlio warrant was ssued from tlio court of
Justice Ovldo Vlen, the Information being
filed by 11. C Doild, representliiK the Walt
ers' union of Omaha. Dodd wns accom
panied by his nttorney, S. Altsehuler.
Ilalduff has experienced more or less
trouble from the Walters' union of Omaha
ever since i-iko .Manawn was openen iur
tho season and he became lessee of the enfe
there. The trouble arose over the union
objecting to Ilalduff employing Thomas
Purshomo ns his manager at the lake and
not on account of any refusal on his part
to engage union waiters. Purshome Is not
a member of the Walters' union and claims
ho Is not engaged by Ilalduff In that ca
pacity. Ills position Is not that of head
wnlter, ns contended by the union, but that
of manager of the cafe and the employes
there. In tho nbsenco of Mr. Hnlduff he has
entire control of the cafe and the large force
of employes working there.
Krom the day the cafo was opened to tho
public the union has Insisted that Caterer
Ilalduff dismiss Purshome, but this Ilatdun
has refused to do. Not only does ho pay
higher wages, It Is claimed, than the union
demands, but hns nt all times stood willing
to employ members of tho union. Tho
Omnha union, however, would not be con
tent with this, but Insisted that Ilalduff dis
charge Purshome, unless the latter Joined
tho Walters' union. This Purshome de
clined to do ns he Is not by occupation, io
hu declares, a waiter, but Is cmp!o)cd by
Ilalduff ns manager of tho cafe.
1 1 It 1 1 1 It h InillKiiiiiit Protest.
Mr. Ilalduff watt naturally highly Indig
nant over the nctloti taken by the Omaha
union yesterday afternoon nnd declared
himself In no uncertain terms. He snld: "I
have a large sum of money Invested here nnd
It certainly does seem strange that I can
not conduct my business In tho stnto of
Iowa without being dlctnted to by nn Oinaha ,
union. I have at all times stood willing to
employ union waiters and I have always 1
paid higher wages than those demanded by
the union. On the opening day of the park,
when a large crowd was In nttenilance, the
union waiters I had employed In Omnha
treated me shamefully. Hecnuso my man
nror, .Mr. Purshome, Is not a member of
their union they refused to go to work and
lay around on the grass while hundreds of
customers had to leave without being
served. Their refusal to work that day en
tailed a loss of at least $200 upon me. I
cannot see how tho other labor unions of
Omnha nnd this city should uphold this ac
tion on the part of tho waiters. This Inter
ference in my business hero Is nothing
short of nn otilrnge."
As soon as tho warrant was served upon
Mr. Ilalduff tho sale of beer nt tho cafe
was discontinued and the hundreds of visi
tors were compelled to go thirsty. Ilalduff
gave bond in the sum of $100 for his ap
pearance beforo Justice Vlen this morning.
iii:K( it i ic cm vi'v co.WHvrio.N.
Faithful -Will (Jollier nt the Court
House To in or ro tr MiimiIiik.
The democrats of Pottnwattamlo county
will meet In convention tomorrow morn
ing at 10 o'clock In Mm superior court
room nt tho county court house In this
elty to select delegates to attend the stnto,
Judicial and congressional conventions.
The democratic stato convention will bo
held nt Cedar Ruplds next Thursday, but
the congressional and Judicial conventions
have not yet been called. This county Is
entitled to twenty-four delegates to each
of tho conventions.
The county convention will bo called to
order by Louis Ziirmuehlon, Jr., chair
man of the county central committee, and
It Is understood ho will namo John Jay
Fralney temporary chairman.
The cuueuses held Saturday night by
the democrats In this city to select dele
gates to attend tho county convention
tomorrow nttracted but llttlo Interest nnd
In some of the precincts no primary was
held at nil. Yesterday reports were re
ceived from only flvo precincts nnd In tho
others, It Is understood, the precinct
chairman will make out a list of dele
gates. Tuesday night following tho convention
tho llrynn and Stevenson club will celebrate
tho opening of Its permanent headquarters
lit the Ogden house with a lovo feast. Re
freshments such ns are customary at a
gathering of the democratic party will ho
on tap and a program of speeches Is being
arranged by the committee in charge. Tho
gathering Is expected to be a large one, as
Invltntlons have been sent broadcast over
tho entire county to tho "faithful" to nt
tend and partake of tho good cheer.
I'oInoiiciI Iij- Itiitterinllk.
AMKS. In., Aug. 12. (Special.) A num
her of men employed in the operation of
Winston & Ileer's steam shovel on the
Chicago & Northwestern rnllrond wero so
rlously poisoned Friday by drinking but
termilk. Tho poison wns tho result of
what Is known ns pyrotoxlne. A nolghbor
Ing farmer, It appears, sent tho men n
can of buttermilk from which they drank
qulto freely during tho morning, tho tern
pernturo being high nnd the buttermilk
very grateful to tho thirsty employes
About noon tho men became very sick
with symptoms of poison. A physlclnn
wns summoned nnd worked over them for
several hours. He reports they nro out
of danger. The men most seriously nf
fected wero Wllllnm McCarthy, Cashier
Myers nnd William Strunk.
Pour l.liiuor on the ('.round.
SIIKNANDOAH, In., Aug. 12. (Special.)
Friday tlio streets, for n few hours
flowed with whisky, brandy and beer. The
cause was the confiscation by Constable
William Simmons of ninety-eight packagen
of liquor, ranging from ono gallon to flvo
nnd six. This Is the final chapter of tho
liquor selzuro Hint has caused more or
lesn grief to pnrtles concerned since It
wns made on last Thanksgiving day, when
tho county authorities took charge of nil
the liquor In the possession of tho Wells
Far go nnd Adams Hxpress companies nt
tho Omaha d St. Louis and Chicago, Ilur
llngtou & Qulncy warehouses.
Sunday School T-rnitrnm.
A district convention of the Pottawatta
mlo County Sunday School association will
be hold next Sunday at the Evangelical
church on Samuel Underwood's farm, nlno
miles southeast of Council Illuffs. The
following program has been arranged for
tho meeting, which wilt commence at 11
o'clock! Singing by tho children. Scrip
ture rending ami prayer. Address of wel
come, Kerd Krohnrdt. Responses by
workers. Dinner nnd soclnl hour. Sing
ing by the children. Normnl work, Mrs.
C. P. Sliepnrd. Children's meeting, V. L.
Mvnns. Address, Kev. Kehe. The value of
tho Sunday school, H. A. Dalleiigcr. Ad
dress, 0. 0. Saunders.
Council Witt Determine Ton I u lit Vlint
Wlcl.liiiin Is to t oe.
The principal business before the elty
council at Its adjourned meeting tonight
will be approving of tho contract with 12.
A. Wlckhnm for the paving of the group of
streets embraced In the third resolution
nnd the selecting of tho kind of brick these
streets ore to be paved with. The selection
of material Is anticipated to bring on
iiulte a lively contest among the aldermen,
ns they are known to have different views
on this matter. Al the Inst meeting Alder
man Ilrown suggested that this group of
streets be paved with Oalesburg brick or
block, single course on concrete base, bu'
In view of tho fact that the Interested
property owners on Mynster and Hnrrlson
streets hnd petitioned for Council Illuffs
brick, top nnd bottom courses. It wns de
cided to lay the matter of selecting tho
kind of brick over until tonight's meeting.
Mnny of the aldermen are In fnvor of using
mUpM )otno 1)H(,k n8 posHjle.
The streets embraced In tho contract
awarded Wlckhnm nro ns follows:
Mvnster street, from the east side of
Heott street to tho west side of Klghlh
(iraliam avenue, from Madison nvetiue
to I'alrmount park.
Ilroadwav, from First street to the east
erly curb line of Frank street.
Harrison street, from south line of Wash
ington iivenue to the south curb line of
1 ten ton street extension.
Park avenue, from Uroadway to the
north curb line of Poinonn street.
Illch School avenue, from Park avenue
to (lien avenue.
Olen avenue, from waterworks grounds
to Uroadway.
Plerco street from First street to Itluff
Itluff street, from Pierce street to north
curb Hue of Ninth avenue.
Willow avenue, from Main street to west
curb line of Third street.
Fifth avenue, from Main street to west
curb line of Third street.
Story street, from Main street to Itluff
Fourth street, from Uroadway to Worth
The contract wns nwnrded with the pro
viso that the council Is left tho option of
selecting the streets to be paved this year,
which leaves open the opportunity to cut
from the list those streets In the group on
which tln-ro Is property Mint may not bo
able to stand the assessment. Alderman
I.ougee Is anxious to have stricken from
tlio list Graham nvenue from Mudlson
avenue to Falrmount pnrk, as he contends
that n lnrge portion of tho nbuttlng prop
erty cannot stand the cost of the paving,
"H 11 1H unimproved mm nonproductive. It
lfl nlso aM tlmt ''o property on Pierce
street between Hrst street nnd (lien nvenue
'"'not sl'l the assessment and a petition
"'Kiied by every property owner on that
street, protesting against the paving nt this
time, tins been filed.
Wlckhnm's bid on which he wns nwnrded
the coutract Is as follows: Oalesburg brick
or block top and Council Illuffs bottom.
$1.(',9; Dps Moines top nnd Council Illuffs
bottom. $1.(12; Council IllulTs top and bot
tom, $1.3!i; (inlpsburg brick or block, con
crete bane. $1 7'iu.; Den Moines concrete
base. Jl.CfitA. These are cash nrlces with
per cent to bo ndded for certificates.
Alderman Lougeo will Insist Mint the
contract contain n proviso Mint on nil
streets ordered paved the work must be
completed before January 1, Ifiot.
Itlllll NpollH IMclllc.
The rain yesterday afternoon sadly in
terfered with the picnic of the locnl Dan
ish societies nt the Driving pnrk, ns It
did with the enjoyment of a large crowd
Lake Manawa. A large number of
visitors were also catmht lu the rain nt
'alrmount park. The Danish picnic was at
tended by nbout GOO people, who hnd a
thoroughly enjoynblo Mmo until tho rain
broke the gathering up. A game of ball
between the Ganymede Wheel club nnd a
team frcm the World-Herald resulted In
a victory for the local team by a score of
11 to 0. A two-mllo blcyclo rnco was won
by John Roberts, who was awarded a
lamp. Charles Chrlstenson carried off the
trotting race and secured a buggy whip.
Genrgo Hansen won tho fat man's raee
and was given a caso of toilet noap. Al
Wells proved tho best mnrksman and won
tho rifle shoot, being awarded a single-
barrel chotgnn. A. Hansen won at bowl
ing nnd secured the prize, n porch sottee.
The ball game between tho Suburbans
and n tea in from Ncola at Lake Mannwa
had to bo declared off on account of the
Ileal IMnti' Transfer.
Tho following trnnsfers wero filed Satur
day In tho abstract, title nnd loan olllce of
W. Squire, 101 Penrl street:
Tlinmus Ofllcer and W. II. M. Pusey nnd
wives to A. I . Keller, lots 1. , ti, 12
and i:i, block 2. Perry's 2nd add. s.w.d.J22-i
Florence F. Everest nnd husband to
Pearl (.illlnsky, lot 2, bloclc 1!, lleers'
Htibdlv., w. d 130
Total two transfers
. .t?-"io
Hoy I'atully Scolded.
I.CMARS, la., Aug. 12. (Special.)
Floyd Westley I'atterson, a 1-year-old boy.
was fatally scalded at tho farm of his
grandfather living west of town. Tho lit
tle fellow was drawing a wagon and whllo
running backward fell Into a holler con
taining scalding hot water which had been
placed on the porch. IIo received burns
all over his body and suffered terrible
agonies, dying utter twenty-four hours
Ilnnnn Telephone In Operation.
ON AW A, In.. Aug. 12. (Special.) The
new Onawa locnl telephone exchange com
menced business today. Fred Mar'iuls, tho
proprietor, has been actively engaged for
nbout tbrco months In preparing tho plant,
which Is first class. About 100 'phones have
been tnken nlrendy. It Is proposed to extend
tho lines to some of the large farms aud
country postolflces lu tho near future.
After lluriil Mull Ilellvery.
ONAWA. In., Aug. 12. (Special.) An ef
fort Is being made here to secure free rural
mail delivery from Onawa among tho far
mers, the proposed route ruunlng west
nlong the north end of Itluo lake, thence
kouth and woBt to tho Oliver settlement,
returning by way of Ilatts, liurnuui, etc.,
about twenty-tlvo miles. One hundred
patrons nro required.
ihe Hun a 111 I ml I'lu.
CRDAK FAU.S, In., Aug. 12. (Special.)
Nick Sorensen nnd Kd Carpenter, who
havo been suspected of operating a "blind
pig." were rnlded by the sheriff and con
stablo nnd were tnken Into custody by
the olllcers, who found several gallons of
whisky In a chicken coop and several cases
of beer In tho c Ilur.
Mm, Settle AiIJiiiIkciI In on ne,
CItKSTON, la., Aug. 12. (Special.)
Mrs. K. K. Scales, the mother who killed
her daughter by giving the child laudanum,
was today sentenced to .the Insane asylum.
Tho Jury found that tho baby enme to Its
death by laudanum administered by the
mother. The little child was burled this
Rough Rider Expected to Open tho Iowa
Republican Campaign,
State Committee I iiulile to Make nn
Announcement (luliiu to the I'liet
iiiut the HIk linn's Time
In t iikuou n.
DKS MOINES. Aug. 12.-(Speclal.) The
republican state central committee Is ns
yet unable to give out nny definite state
ment ns to the exact date upon which the
Iowa campaign will be opened. Governor
Roosevelt Is coming to Iowa and there
scctus to be a sort of understanding that
his speech wilt be the opening oratorical
gun of the campaign, Governor Roose
velt will speak at Waterloo, but because
of tho uncertainty of Mr. Roosevelt's
schedule It Is Impossible to set tho date.
Ileforo Speaker Henderson left Washing
ton the Rough Rider colonel promised him
that he would speak nt Waterloo, In Hen
derson's home district, on September 20
and that will probably be the date.
The Grand Army veterans of Die Molncs
nro making arrangements for n special
train to Chicago during the coming nn
Monnl tetltilon and It is certain that a
patty of at least 200 will go from here.
It Is planned to leave here on Monday
morning, August 27. the special reaching
Chicago that same evening. Tho two
Grand Army posts here have an aggre
gate membership of dOO and as a very low
rate Is given them a great number will
go. The Iowa ux-rrisoners or war asso
ciation Is also making arrangements to
send a largo delegation.
(iiiilrnuin Wcmcr's Mot ciiiciiIn.
Chairman Weaver of tho republican
state central committee returned today
from his home In Wapello, where ho has
been attending to some personal business
matters. Tomorrow he goes to Cedar Rap
ids to meet with the members of the con
gressional committee and county chair
man of the Fifth district. Tuesday ho will
be back In Dcs Moines for a meeting with
the Seventh district committee and chair
man. Thursday such a meeting will be
held In Davenport and from there he goes
to Darlington to meet the First district
people Saturday. The matters to be con
sidered at these meetings will bo the tak
ing of county polls and the completion of
a thorough organization in every pre
cinct In the stnto. The' matter of organiz
ing Rough Rider clubs will also be gone
over and the work of the whole cam
paign will be planned. It Is going to bo
a busy week for Chairman Weaver and n
most Important one. Much of tho success
of tho yenr depends upon tl.v work of
planning this week.
Tho Important question of whether or
not a stnto district court con enjoin a
JUBttec of the pence from trying and de
termining a case over which ho has Juris
diction was decided Saturday by Judge
Prouty, he holding that the district court
can Issuu such an Injunction. As n re
sult of the decision the case will go to the
supremo court. The decision was rela
tive to the case of tho Homo Savings batik
ngnlnst J. H. Hlcka.
lleiuncrntH llentlnu; the- llunlit
The democrats are making an effort to
get up some Interest in their stnto con
vention, which will bo held In Cedar Rap
ids this week, but the people do not seem
to enthuse and as yet there Is no avowed
candidate for n state olllce. A few men
have been suggested for places, but they
have had nothing to say themselves.
Mayor Vollnior of Davenport, for Instance,
has been suggested for secretnry of state
and Is also suggested for n congressional
candidate In the Second district. C. C.
Loomls of Des Moines Is a possibility and
It Is even intimated that It may be given
to General James II. Weaver In an effort
to catch the poimlltit. voto of the state.
Courtney Millard of Ottumwu nnd W. L.
Wllllnins of Prlmghar have been suggested
for treasurer and Henry Flcher of Wash
ington for auditor. No one has even been
hinted nt for attorney general and su
premo Judge. A big campaign fund has
been raised and an effort Is to be made to
regalu what nro termed "close" districts.
In tho First 1). J. O'Connell of Hurllngton
Is pitted against Congressman Hedge, A.
O. Steck of Ottumwa Is to run against
Lncey in the Sixth nnd D. R. McGlnnls of
Leon Is to run against Hepburn In tho
niirhth. Chairman Huffman leaves for
Cedar RapldB tomorrow and the local del
egatlon will start Wednesday night, the
convention being held Thursday.
OperntloiiH of Three 1'iIn I'ollim liitt
Theft of .Money Order IIIiuiLm
from Morui l.nUe.
STOKM LAKE, la., Aug. 12. (Special.)
O. 1'. Dillon, tho young telegraph operator
from Storm Lake who was nrested In Chl-
.1.. ... l,,.lr, nnnrntirlntpil
"KU. "V";" "... "',".
twenty blank express orders belonging
tho American Kxprcss company, mis ueun
returned to this city to await his tiiai.
When tuken before a magistrate ho pleadeii
guilty and desired to waive preliminary
hearing. In default of ball he now lan
guishes In jnll nnd is held to appear at tho
September term of the court. Tho yoiinn
mas Is until to bo ono of tho most expert
telegraph operators lu western Iowa, Is tall,
good looking and but 22 years of age. Tho
story of the robbery, as obtained from tho
county nttorney, Is as follows:
On the night of June 8 a book of money
orders was abstracted from the safe of tho
American Express company In tho Illinois
Central depot at Storm Like. To Agent
Hose next day the night operator, O. I'. Dil
lon, denied nil knowledge of tho missing
property. Two dnys Inter he was trans
ferred to Chcrokef.', whero ho worked one
week, going thenco to Mlstourl Valley. Ills
pals Heinach and Mostler, who had been In
Storm Lake tho night, of tho burglary, re
mained In St. Louis, Mo., till nrrnngements
could bo mndo for Dillon to meet them In
Des Moines. From ihe latter city Itelnach
took tho blank orjurs to Chicago, where he
was shortly followed ,hy tho other two men.
The blnnks were th,en Oiled out for the sum
of J.'.O each, maklnic In all tho sum of $1,000.
iy agreement DlHon Btnld In Chicago whllo
his confederates wi-nt to cities tn Indiana
aud MUsourt to dispose of tho orders. The
plan ndoptcd wns this
Mostler visited dry goods stores and dis
played snmples of silks nnd satins, repre
senting hlnmelf ns a salesman for a New
York Arm. During the Interview Helnnch
would enter tho store, greet Mostler with
great surprise and satlbfactlon, winding up
with a reipiest that his friend would Iden
tify him at a bank. After nn Introduction
to the merchnnt tho latter would nlwnys be
asked to Identify tho nowcomer or to cash
the express order held by him, nnd In most
Instances the reuueit was granted
Telegraphic communication wns kept up
with Dillon in Chicago, presumably that he
might glvo them timely warnlry; In caso
tho cllmuto became loo warm at that end of
the line. Cipher dispatches wern employed
altogether. A telegram worded thus: "Meet
ir.p. at 1 p, m " signed Ncstlor tnrnnt "I
have i naked ono of the orders M Uler '
DIlL'ti wns sundown! by a detective from
the time ho left Storm Lako sn.l when
finally nrcsted lu ChUngo wns kept lu the
swent box for several hours bpfero he con
feseed to the whole plot. At first fome de
tails of his story wero not credited, but ln
vestlgatlon proved that ho had given away
the names of nil parties Implicated In the
a flair. There nro six of them, nnd nil nre
tetrgrnph opern'or.4. but tho nctunl work
nppenrs to have been done by the three
nbovo mentioned.
Lnto In July Relnnch wns nrresled In the
telegrnph room of tho union station nt St.
Louis, where ho wns sending out some or
the rlpher telegrams. He wns tnken to Chi
cago, but will be brought to Storm Lake for
trial. Ho Is n small, qttbt. mild looking man
nnd clnlms to be Innocent.
Mostler took nlnrm nnd has riot yet bee
npprehotided, but the detectives hope to
round up the rest of the ring beforo court
convenes in September.
Sncimerfcxt ut llurllnutoii WiiuU I
Sui'i'i'Mlul Mcetluu with
Parade and Picnic,
Ilt'RLINOTON. taTAtig. 12.-The closing
day of the Northwestern Snengerfest was
(let olcd to a business meeting, n parade
nnd plinlc. ChniiiH Rlthter of Chicago
was elected president, Theodore F. Ileh
rens of Chicago vice president nnd John
Hess of Milwaukee librarian. The treas
urer nnd secretnry will be chosen by the
test organization of Peoria, where the next
Saengerfest will be held.
Nearly 3.000 participated In today's
parade, led by four brass bands and es
corted by the city olllcers nnd n platoon
of police. The picnic wound up the day
festivities. The Snengerfest was a great
success musically, socially and financially.
Woman nn the Wurpiitli.
Wi:ilSTi:it CITY. In.. Aug. 12. (Special )
Sensational developments In the affairs
of o$-Shcrlff Sinclair, whoso mysterious
disappearance nnd sudden return wero sub
jects of n grcnt denl of newspnper noto
riety and gossip here, occurred Friday In
the arrest of Nellie Hand, with whom It
wns nt one time supposed Sinclair had
eloped. The woman's nrrest wns caused
by n brothcr-ln-law of Sinclair, on the
charge of threatening to kill Sinclair and
Ills wife. It nppenrs that the Hand woman
met Sinclair on the streets a few evenings
since nnd demanded $10,000 nnd being re
hired threatened to kill the whole family.
On hearing of tho caso the Ilnnd woman
wns discharged.
i'uu Want HUoiee.
TUKSTON. In.. Aug. 12 (Speclnl.l-F.
M. Mcl'herson of Dodge township has filed
divorce proceedings with the county clerk.
After forty years of married life ho seeks
legal severance from nn engagement that
ho avers was not altogether unpleasnnt to
him. He chnrges his wife with willful de
sertion. Kllznhcth Itronck. who was mar
ried to J. J. Hronck nt Osboiulen, Tierce
county, Neb.. January 1, 1S:2. says her hus
band beat and cruelly treated her, dually
deserting. She wnnts a divorce.
DfiniicratH Nnoie County Tlol.et,
ATLANTIC. In.. Aug. 12. (Special Tel-
egram.l Tho democratic county convention
wns held yesterday and the fol
lowing county ticket named: Hecorder. H.
I). Marker of Ilenr drove; nudltor, Henry
Klrkmiiu, Victoria: clerk. Oscar Wilson,
nrlghton: supervisor, U. W. Illckmnn, Cass.
Several nominations for nttorney were mnde.
but nil declined and It was left to the cen
tral committee. Delegntes to the state, con
gressional aud Judicial conventions were
ClretiN Tent Itlonii (Iter.
OTTl'MWA. la., Aug. 12. (Special Tele
gram.) A miniature cyclone pased over
this city this evening nbout 7 o'clock ur-
lonflng houses nnd blowinic down trees. The
tnts of Wallace's circus, which were pitched
here todny. were blown down nnd more or
less dnmagetl. No fatalities were reported
Will lie I'll I r unit Wnrmer vltli
Southerly AVIiiiIn fur Today
mill i iu'xilny.
WASIIINC.TON. Aug. 12. Forecast for
Monday and Tuesday:
For Nebraska. North and South Dakota
(loncrnlly fair and wnrmer Monday; Tues
day, fair; southerly winds.
For Western Texas, New Mexico. Okla
homa, Indian Territory and Arkansas
Oenerally fair Monday and Tuesday; light
to fresh southerly winds.
For Indiana Local rains In southern,
fnlr lu northern portion Monday; Tues
day, fair; fresh southerly winds.
For Illinois Local rains nnd cooler In
w stern portion; fair In eastern portion
Monday; Tuesday, fab, light to fresh
northeasterly winds.
For Iowa Local rains; cooler In east
ern, fair In western portion Monday; Tues
day, fair; variable winds.
For Missouri Local rains nnd cooler
Monday; Tuesday, fair; southerly windH.
For Kansas Fair In western, showers
nnd cooler In enstern portion Monday;
Tuesday, fair; southwesterly winds.
For Colorado, Wyoming nnd Montana
Oenerally fnlr Monday nnd Tuesday,
southerly winds.
I.oi'iil lleeord.
offich of Tin: wi:athi:ii ntmrc r,
OMAHA, Aug. 12. Ulllclul record of lem
1 iiiTuturo a ml iireclid tu t ion CI HI 1 1 III led with
I the correspondlnb' day of the last three
I yi.,lrH
iaio. ism. im sr,
Maximum temneraturo .. Ml Mi 77 SI
.Minimum teiupemiiiro .. t.:i m i'i wi
A vernco temperature .... "! 70 lis 711
I'rediiltatlon M .4(1 T .01
Hi'coid of iireelnltatloii at Omaha
this day and since March 1, 19"0:
Normal temperature for the day
Kxccss for the day
lotal excess slncu .Murch I
Normal rainfall
Excess for the day
Total rainfall since March 1.... 17 71 Inches
Uelleleney slncvi March 1... 3 (Inch
Deiiclency for cor. period lwi.. .'.M tin lies
Uelleleney for cor. period lSlis.. 1 32 Inches
Iti-poilH from StntloiiN nt K I. M
35 S i -
O m 11 ha, cloudy 72 mi nil
North I'lntte, Clear SI SI .0.
Cheyenne, cloudy 7ll ' Mi 1 M)
Salt Lake, clear S2 . St 0'-
llupld City, clear 71 1 S'J 2S
Huron, part cloudy 71 1 "K 1 jn
Uilllston. clear "I 7S 1 00
Chicago, clear (Is ' S2 ' .0
St. Louis, clear sx to 1 01
St. l'uiil, cloudy 72 1 7S 1 os
Davenport, part cloudy SI , ! Ki
Kansas City, clear Hi 02 ' r
Helena, clear "I H 1 .00
Havre, part cloudy 72 "i, 0
lllsmiirik, part chnulv 70 So 0
Galveston, part cloudy 82 Ml 0
T Indicates traco of precipitation
Local Forecast Ulllclul
BMtitho inn msu icu unm
lha KIM You lla9 hmn Bough
3n the v lhe Klni Yci) Ha,B AlM,S
nr. tfcs t The W Vo'J Han Always BoiijM
Real Estate is Rising
Some excellent lots, pleasantly located ami do
sirablc for suburban homes, can be had now at
reasonable prices. These lots arc located lit
Omaha, Wright's and Central Sub. additions. This
property will steadily increase in value as the city
grows in that direction and the time to buy is tho
present. Call at
On the Fifth
Wo still liuvo some exceptionally tlesirnble rooms
although about three-funi'ths of the rooms were rented
when the army headquarters moved out. That is merely
an index of the popularity of
...The Bee
The entire lift!: floor has been re-decorated aud pre
sents a most attractive appearance. An olllce here, lu a
lire-proof building, will cost you no more than in some
tire traps.
R. C. Peters & Co., Rental Agents,
The Bee Building-, 17th and Farnam Streets.
Mormon Ulshom' Pills
Church nu uei' ivt.jtt. i'nmcijr cure win; cmm tn oM t.d iui r truing ttm eflH
U telf-ttMiie, dlu!;tion, eiceue, of clfuctti uaoUaj. Curfi LOBt Manhood, Im-
nnunnv. Pnnr. N I frhtI.Ana. Hnnrmtitarrhoon Insomrt
U kfiMli' ril rt ,tlra. AmlnAl
bllltyi Mondache,Onntnoo to
vnun Twltchlmc Of EoT df.
ftrct function. lHnr trcl U'tfumifi t. ft
crflM, StlmLUtei Ih bfiln and ncno tntrrt oc a lit,
money itfuuJe-J, with 6 toxea. CUtuJara tiae, AdUroSfli
rou Sam; nv m i:hs-i)1Ilo
Made happy by our Turkish T anil V PIUh. Monthlh nre to thp ilav Nvrr disappoint nny
l.idy CurrH wantv, rxocHlvi! or painful nicuHtriiallnn N ilhliih UUn It In tin market. $1 00
box by in, til. Tu o' boxrn curu any uabtt. No uln. no danger llahn u Pharmacy Oinaha, Neb.
I .,rW Best GookTH
IM' "yArnrrt
lt$fr y
"J (
lJ'X-0mte& ... SAUCE
Weniworffi Military Aeademy g&M
Oovornment nnp'TVlsfon, StntiM'ommHcuiim to crii'lunl'h. I'tcpatiitinn fur t,it tillli-H
aiidNutlonalAfHdt'rntcs. COL. SANOFORU StLLCKS, M. A.. Supt., LEXINGTON. MO.
Prices 10c, 20c, 30c.
Fit, ;' LU
CT'HKfl nil Uldnoy
DlseasoK. Hack
ache, et'. At ilrn.
v sis. or li v mull.
tl. Kreo book, ad-
vlco, etc, of Ur, U. J. Ky, Harulogu, N, Y,
o oaot
oaoooeo sooosotocoso
t:fn lu ue off o jrm ly th leaJert ef ttw MoimoJ
Vtlilina. Innt lln'J. MArvnUl
mil rnma
Marry tpa. of rfy cmenf VnflcocJ5LV
i-iUu re ImittmAte.
Ho, -it "ifcif ttul iKHt,y I
dire ll ftt lin1,
ft fr ft ihr r ill
A ml'.ln fLiitar.tf. ttiur
Dlchop ItURIQCiy Co., Or. II i-7iltCl3CO, CaU
hums co., kitii ami iwuva.m.
tn the Country recognise the
superiority of
aT itMmr or imitation
rlr a"ne' s,caks' No"!. Soups.
mid tirrv Mirlttv uf iimdc illslici.
John Dln. an'sSohs, AotNts, Vrvi Yokk,
lloiuillliK mill Mil) School foi- ulrln
n ii iter I lie illlcclioo of III. Itrv.
(ieorce U iii'tliliiiiliiu, S. 'I'. II., I.l II,
l''ull ti'i'in lictiimliiK Ill, IIIIIO,
Ono of thu oldest nnd most sue o-stul
educittlonnl institutions of tlio west 1'
high standard nl'ing it to counete with
eastern colleges and sell nls. Ilulldlngs In
complete order perfect steam heating, eanr
ltnry idumblugi colleglato and prepaiatory
courses: special students In music, tho Ian
gunges and art; tompetotit corps o teui.,.eij.
Kvery ndvantago offered nn regards tint
moral, mental and physical training. Senl
for circular or apply personally to Mrs. L
II. Upton, Principal.
New bulldogs Campus 100 ucres. M-.del
scliool home. Faculty of MI2N not Ijjh
Hpci lallHts from best schools of Ameiba
and lOurooe.
YANCKV & rONVII.LK, Jlexleo, SIo.
If not, you have missed a good thine.
This exmilhlto malt bevcrago btanik on a
uuliiio basis. It sells Its. Of. Its fame am
reputation Is tho envy of many. The palats,
tho benutlclul results achieved "within" tu
Inner man am thu only and real judges ol
Its merits. Apiirovcd of by them, It trU
umphantly enters Innuiueratdo houschulili,
Whuro Cabinet enters, doctors and dru(
bills exit.
nni'AVi:i ii y
iMtr.ii uitiii nui:viN(i co.,
riie..ii- ti. ii3iu., m:i.
Oniee over UIT. South I Itli St.
85.00 A MONTH-
Tf f U Tonnf U
22 Yeart Fpfilnc,
12 fa-sin Omalii,
KLCTftiriTY and MnnrAI.
Tre '"I'lil cum-
I lilnt'd Vuriri-C)M siri.nn. "el, ,m l.os nl
1 .. .. . . . . ..... u r i . i. itvhi
,rt...M IP iMIVf IlKA'l MHS'T ll.iuk (oii
io .H,it Ml, ,tl U h K.l'li liiutiuii kri.', lb. .is, M a uu
ly ft 7 , m () in sin, dav n lu P O llox 70(1,
oniei o.crvir. Ho I lib si,, heiwoen I amain mid
lloufll 3lH , (Jiiiuliu. Nob.
If yuu Itdv ainall iak uratit,
lout I'owit ur vtuk niii drum,
our acutnn Orun l'-vrlir wh
rwUtt you wuimut iJniirn ut
li ctrh lty , V6.0(0 in tifo , Hut out
fttlliire not onn rflurncil im ( (I I frami, writ fyr
purlluulari, tn neulnl in iilnln envt-!(!.
LOCAL APPLIANCE CO., 4l4 Chulti Blig,, Otnvir, Col

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