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Present Conditions at Johns Hopkins University h. V V.' 1 1 X ,x I f: !-. v--. ! ; r' CARROLL. MANSION OFFERED TO JOHNS HOPKINS AS A NEW SITE. (Copyright 1902, by Mary B. Hartt.) our case. He suggested that we make the for "Hopkins graduates aa professors In tSTtUMORS of an approaching quarter- grand tour of the buildings, seeing Johns the colleges and universities of the land." 13 I centennial celebration at Johns Hopkins with our own eyes. So, provided We found the geological laboratory 1 Hopkins university determined with a sheaf of cards of Introduction, we mixed up confusingly with the weather kMjjl me to go and see what manner were bowing ourselves out, when Thom- bureau and the Maryland geological sur-LJt-U . nio. if miht Ha That 11 aainn hiihortn hwnmlnclf silent, raised her vev. That is because Dr. Clark, director VS. 11CS1V V UIQU HV mmW - - UBVHUB W W W - O - - was a post-graduate Institution I knew and voice. "I believe," she said distinctly. J 'Hi ' t 1 w of the laboratory, Is also clerk of the that It was preposterously learned. But "that your most distinguished product Is weather and chief of the survey. Advan there) my Information ended. Therefore, Richard Harding Davis, I and my good friend, Thomaslna best of The president strangled a smile, murmur ADMINISTRATION BUILDING AND SO MB OF THE LABORATORIES OF JOHNS HOPKINS. tage In plenty accrues both to university and state from this partnership. The stu- travllne comDanlons betook ourselves to Ing something courteous about the "point of dent, get between three and four months Baltimore. Our first walk brought us in- view." I bolted into the passage to hide of actual field work every year and earn a g A thouBandtoothed wheei revolves "there is more danger that somebody won't evitably to Monument Square, center and my confusion. Richard Harding Davis in- little money. The state, on Hs side, gets the a fractlon of a get what he wantB TnBt u Johns Hop soul of the venerable city's life. Stroll- deed! Shades of Johns Hopkins! unpaid labor all winter of a body of thirty pevo,utloIlj carrying the polished metal kins all over. Given a really adequate su ing up Monument street in search of an The charge of the architectural barrenesa or forty trained men. The university val- mhlcl t, De a grating forward an lmper- dowment, and along lines of research at approachable person to direct us to the we retracted in the shining oaken cor- ues the relation, too. for the e touch ubl- bU; the dlam(md polnt passes over least, everybody will always "get what he university, we came to the conclusion that rldors of McCoy hall, newest and finest of it gives with the people. Geological hunt- leayl a 8cratch. 8o on uti, if no wants." MARY BRONSON HARTT. nine-tenths of Baltimore's population university buildings. We caught a glimpse Ing parties scrape acquaintance with the ac'cldent taWa tne dlamond point, a per- ... were men and that nine-tenths of Baltl- cn route of the leonine head of Prof. Paul farm folk, and the departments function gratlng brought forth. Pointed Paragraphs more's men were young. Not a petUcoat Haupt of Polychrome bible fame. Thomaslna as identifier of "specimens brings them E body aal(1 we must gee the Medical appeared. "ever had uPPOsed he was real, into relation to all sorts and conditions of chool -o one flne day we made tfc- trp to Chicago News: Youth has Ideals; old ago It was Thomaslna. of course, who. wear- Through literature and language "semi- men. EaBt Baltimore to Johns Hopkins hospital has Ideas, ing her second-best smile, accosted a naries." big audience halls, and splendid Wonder tales came true Inside the P" d the mcdlcal laboratories .They are A man on top of the wheel doesn't cars youth in a doorway with "I beg pardon, but reading rooms, we prowled, and so came Cal laboratory. We saw a otary porker d rf thell medlca, Bchoo, parUy fof a turn can you direct u. to Johns Hopkins?" again to the street and over the way. to .pinning crystal thread finer than mart Btm otbef ,n. "Ladles." he replied, his eyes twin- ..-.. " " -Vrtr.w stltutlons of the land havent naa time to aarlly aour ner disposition ina- Irrepre.slbly a. he lifted hi. hat, The professor who showed u. through quart, in a Bunae flam- copy It. In other matter, of research they ' mroum old about II .. . i. .. said it was not show laboratory; and per- them apart. you re rifcui iu 11. 1 uA .i.nnnnini nf nura tiomitv It .n..n koiaumi iha frvatnlfi in the flame. 'What where?" gasped Thomaslna. r . , "I""" .7. tk. m..m Holding the delicate thread, a was not. But iiRiiL air. wonting space, ne Diew it across me ruom. iu mauicm, 4 nA Th. Tvnnirir.v VlTlZ Tl P-"' "d e'eetriclty were un- scarcely visible, was not fine enough to suit - ea"ar.choo7. wUh V. TequTre- In th. art of healing by touch, arches stood flush with the sldbwalk on "Inted. As for apparatus they haye every- the student, so he fastened one end of It f admission. Repartee either makes a mans arcnes, siooa nusn wu .9 be bou and ateQ Bome to a ,lttlo arrow ntte1 u to a bow and shot .., ..hM. ,w.. -mn.i. tlon or causes him to lose his lob. botb si copy it. in otner matters 01 rcasarcu mejr Woman growa old aoout M gracefully as have set the pace for the whole country. be clmbg QUt of a hammock. ana now meir iuiiikiuib ii. bj ' . . ,i,w ki lav. C. I 1UU UBU "HU .w.wk.wMW " reputa- these and including vaguely all hat toT the machine shops are by no it at a target. Capturing the delicate thing. U(m Harvard ,ndeed, has this year fol- For some unaccountable reason the ama- caiea nnlntm of the compass replied: "Oh, all """ i" ""t""""" "uo "V , T lowed suit. The rest are yet to follow. e- teur vocalist never loses nia voice. about here Were you looking for any- versity. 11 tamt. g "! n ' obv,ou vantage of It. post- Compositor, must be Jolly good fellows. MM in particular?" - Thomaslna. whose Idea of chemical it critically against the 1 ight Behold 1 there lr-menU Jonn. cpUln.. f lheP ar a,way M . up. looking for a university." p SJt ovJr aaln He wanted It to luspeiVi t2S,& ? T TTT quoth Thomaslna with reproachful em- the C0Ppe and Berlousnes. of th. del leaU weight In a very particular piece 'eSrl2 loStoilo. Si ta- ,ma8,ne' for her h" '"J "f.T m ..3! .h"6: rk going on in do.en. of little private of apparatus. It must be fine enough, long J' ST?.. the . W..,r.! ''l' Z.Z.i'J' iouub incu. laboratories, where graduate student, were enough, strong enougn ana toiany wunoui iahoratoPlea ara on the hospital grounda. - is your campus? Where are your dorml- lndustrlou8ly transforming themselves into inequalities. We left htm still Juggling. ' iUDerllendent of the hospital and A young man may be as bright as a tortes? Where are your Greek Letter so- ph Dg The lnflnIU patlence which keeps Down stairs they took us into the dark- many ofwthe lUff are member. oI the med- dollar, but .omo girls would rather havs Clf.we:u".. h. .aid .lowlv. "the campus " .t.!!lLe:m!t? 1"J TJil 8tudent " ln t.he ward'' tbf.d?,,ar- o ' lit IUO UUm L I Lat. v uiuou. w aviau.vw T UVU K 1UU iu uauBvi Via 4nrcrlAf1 nut nf a. half hntir's work fl. nasrattvAsi nm hptrun ! threft veara It tOOK. . . , m . ji i i v,.x...n. .. . . . . . . 1 1 nii. i in , . m . A .....ij... with - - o- ' - squeese insmo iub meuium ivuuui, uvuuo lives 10 leu mo iai uo noueitaii ivuta w Thomaslna shrugged her shoulders with ph D wn do)ng dellcata chemical weigh- him to complete the series of maps, the ,he endowment of y,. Woman's Memorial after years on the least provocation, a what-do-you-mean-by-it expression , determinlng thousandths of a gram most exact in existence. Thomaslna was bulIdln. waa made on those terms. 0nlv tb. un81tDected interests us. His- "How do you know your building, apart? wUh th elp of a tlM aod begtnnlng t0 look distinctly bored, when bu",uJ for the Tlilbl. JohBB Hopkin.. t0ry 'record, th. rice wonTy th. .a.y- she demanded. ,lttle ngh..Cale. for weight, which would th. professor put into her hand a little , cannot c)o without speaking of less eon- 7to,' w .ay. never a word about "W. don't." said th. young man im- dlsquallfled for immediate use by the three-Inch box. telling her to open It. She l , Ja ,u t;enty.flve years of f"l ' 'il 6 b7 the hare perturbably. "except by situation." Here- mol8turo of your fl.tip. He gravely did. and almost dropped It ln her surprise. .tenCe John. Hopkin. has by It. insist- the many preV,0U" rae' Wn th with he pulled out and handed to Thomas- took the temperature and consulted the The little box contained a sublimated rain- d orlg,na, re.earch changed the ery T ihertl?4 With the Klnil ina a pocket university directory, bowed baromeUr tefore he went to work, pro- bow, as pure and as melting as th. verl- "0p,eott "f American university educa- L'lDerUtSj Willi 111C IVlllJ, and went his way. ceedings which we were inclined to regard table "bow in the sky" and infinitely t(jn ,u , malnlaned f.-arly a TU. authorities tave refused to oopyrlght Gracious! gwped Thomaslna with a a, a huge joke. But u .eem. he meant brighter. It was on. of Dr. Rowland s olen teehD,ca, journals of the h ghe.t a Bcotcn whlky Iabei that bears in large, shiver, 'to think of stumbling into . Johns ,t there MBg a dlfference between cull- famous dtfTraclions gratlngham. to call t A, ,t itand, ,ooklng ,nto lt, ,eCond- Btar,ng IetterB -King Edward VII." relates Hopkins without knowing U! Let s get nary and chemtc.l standard, of exactness. .0 beautiful a thing by so unbeautlful a uarter.century. there Is hope that It may tbe Cleveland Plain Dealer. They claim right out of this university. 0ur gulde told UB that .n, a tlma wnen name! Nowhere save at Johns Hopkins oon change ltB adeqUate. but unmonumen- that lhe namcB of nving pecplo are their More easily said than done. W. tried n- had lmportant experiments ln hand he are these perfect gratings made; for no- ta, houalng for aD architectural setting ow troDerty and that other people hav. Garden street and Ross street, only to en- had worked wlth the balances through the where els. in the world ar. there In.tru- wortby of u Mr- Wyman of -Baltimore 0 rubt to demand a proprietary interest , counter window, lined with rows of bot- dead of nlght( tlu tbe clock Btriklng four, ments exact enough to make them. A grat. BUn(Ji re(Jy to gly, the unlversity a mag- th"m, xhey ala0 ,ugge.t that It would Ues. with mal. heads bent over them. et , motlon agaln tbe rumbnng cUy carts, ing is a polished' concave square of tin and nlflcent llte, on Peabody Heights, If only bo well for whuUy mea to get King Ed- Howara street ana iitue .irv wc.- Bendlng digConcertlng vibrations through hli lead alloy, scored with absolutely, parallel ,1000(00o can be raised to go with his gift. wardi con,ent befor. Uklng any such lib- sun conegiaio. i" delicate instrument, ana putting a perioa scratcnes, ansoiuieiy iue same aisianue Th- mnn.r 1. . nttta slow comlnK. but lt .. . .v. nut whn u. . . . . . ... - " - x UO luuuc) isj sa itii.iv svv t " ri y am ing oilU urUUUl7U OUI wiv asina. "of a university all tangled "P'th t0 exact work. That', the price John, apart, and 20,000 of them to th. Inch. A wl Burely come. And whcn the university ' that th. king will consent to thU us. a city ln this unprincipled fashion! Where HopUlna payi for her clty .ite. slip of one-millionth of an Inch, and there bulH tbere w, no stakes. Johns v.. hli anieT ,," would be fooi:sh lt b. are the immemorial elms, th. antiquity We 8ald we would Ilk. to see some prac- ar. "ghost." ln th. spectrum th. grating HnVin. hu hunt it. nresent shell, layer ... th. atmosphere?" tlcal results of so much pur. sclenc. and Is worthless. by layer; it know. precUely what It wants ,' plciur, a jine of thlt.ty men ar- "Antlqulty ln an institution Just cele- to know what becomes of the pur. sclen- Thomaslna. holding the blare of color In and now to get tt. it will not expand Its lanaed aiong a bar bratlag its twenty-fifth anniversary? Non-' tlsts turned out by Johns Hopkins every her hand, said she thought she would take undergraduate department. Th. authorities up giHtio, gentlemeL " says the sense!" I protested. "As for atmosphere, year. In response they showed us a series one. "Certainly." said the professor baTS no wgj, t0 ie, the serious graduate 'wh bu and 'the .uiemnij pass the - If you should step Inside that chemical of books full of samples of beautiful rain- gravely, "hav. you a $100 about you? The .tudent body swamped Into a horde of Me of "King Edward VII" along the laboratory you would find plenty of it." bow hued cloth. Those colors, or rather university sells them at cost price." irresponsible, prank-playing undergradu- .. ... t t genliBmen Up with your I was wrong, for approved ventilating the dyes which make them, they said, ar. W. gasped, and the professor hastened ate.. fbey prefer rather to smother the . ' Ara 'ou ready? Then down with hoods and flues have made Johns Hopkins' the. result of the sweat of th. chemists' to explain that while Prof. Rowland sue- .pints of th. undergraduate ln academic ..' ., chemical laboratory tne lea.t suipnurous brains. They mean the most abstruse men- ceeded ln making a perrect screw lor tne gi00m. They will, lt Is safe to predict, ln chrlstendoiv. But how was I to know tal operations, the most strenuous Jug- ruling engine. It Is stllLdlfOcult to get dia- indulge again in scientific expeditions Ilk. that? gllng with th. relative geometrle positions mend points the right shape to do th. those to the West Indies, which hav. been Arrived ln our peregrinations at ths door of unthinkable atoms in space. Th. big scratching. So there are still many spoiled intermitted for lack of funds; they will add nr Uef.nv hall, ws went in under the German dyers hav. ln their employ dos- gratings, and good ones come high. W. to th. university extension courses: will carved Romanesque archway, to the office ens of illustrious doctors of philosophy wanted to see tne wonaeriul mac nine at mak. Johns Hopkins mors than ever su- me oeggar, wouia you bit a pour mu of th. president. Having held the chair of who think ln colors, determining by their work. The professor hesitated. t seems pertatlvely the place ln all America for dime? I can't get work at my trad., and " chemistry ever sine. th. university opened, machination, with coal Ur the hues in the thing Is so delicate that it Is kept in original research. They told us that they "Why," stormed tbs prosperous-looking Dr. Remsen has not relinquished It even which society shall array Itself from gen- a vault at constant temperature. The ad- ar. always loaning to other institutions pedestrian, "I Just gav. you a dims at th. now when the whole burden of th. Insti- eratlon to generation. That is on. of th. mUsion of our little vital furnaces might volumes of the rare old technical Journals other corner! What is you trade, anyway?" tutlon has fallen on his efficient shoulders, many commercial fields open to th. the- raise tbe thermometer and spoil a grating. . of which they hav. complete sets. W. ' . know you gave m. that dime, sir," But you never would have fancied him a oretlcal chemist. Most .'ohns Hopkins However. Just for a second, h. let us In. asked if there was not danger of losing the beggar, "but you see I am a re busy man as he settled down to consider men, however, go to satisfy ths demands There was the machine, working under them. "But," said they, reproachfully, toucher by profession." the king.' And they solemnly down him. His Profession Baltimore American: "Pleas., sir," began V