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Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 01, 1902, Image 4

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Tiie Omaha' Daily Beev
Dally Il (without Sunday). One Tear.. $4-00
Dully ee arid Bunds r. One Year ( v
Illustrated Hen, ( year 2 00
hmdRV !?, Onekaf 2.0-I
tatunlny Hee, On year , 1.50
Twentieth Ontury Farmer, One Year.. l.OU
Dally Bee (without Snndar), per copy.... 2c
Ually Hee (without Hunrtay). per week.. . .12c
UaJly Bee (Including Sunday), per week.. 17c
Sunday Bee, per ropy 6c
Evening Hee (without Sundny). per week tc
Evening Bee (Including Sunday), per
week . .: 10c
Complaints of Irregularities In delivery
Should be addressed to City Circulation De
partment. OFFICES.
Omaha The Be Building.
South Omaha City Hall Building, Twenty-fifth
and M Streets.
Council lilnrTn 10 Pearl Btreet.
Chicago 1640 Unity Building.
New York '"8 Pnrk How Building.
W'aehington 501 Fourteenth Street.
Communications relating to news snd edi
torial matter should be addressed: Omaha
Bee, Editorial Department.
Business letters and remittances should
be addressed: The Bee Publishing Com
pany, Omaha.
Remit by draft, express or postal order.
payable to The Bee Publishing Company
Only z-cent stamps accepted In payment 01
mall accounts. Personal checks, except on
Omaha Or eastern exchange, not accepted.
State of Nebraska. Douglas County, ss. :
George B. Tzschuck, secretary of The
Bee Publishing Compaoy, being duly sworn,
says that the actual number of full and
complete coDles of The Dally. Morning.
Evening and Sunday Bee printed during the
monin 01 isovemoer, was as ioiiowb
1 31,470
16...';.. 28,435
17... 30,0
18 '..,...30,870
19 80,040
Z 2U.4SO
1 31,OUO
4 31,380
C 41,ONS
6 '. 34.S60
7 31,210
10 81,300
11 30,070
12 30. 700
13 :v...ao,N2o
14 80.T80
15 31,310
20. 30,800
2L 80,030
22., .31,410
2? 28,310
24 80,020
25 81,000
8 l.OOO
..... .81,130
Leas unsold and returned copies..., 0,237
Net totai sales 022.U73
Net average soles.-. 80,755
Subscribed In my presence and sworn to
before me this 30th day of November. A. D.
l02. M. B. HUNOATB,
(Seal) Notary Public
Captain Peary Is now furiously ntiT
loua for someone else to capture the
north pole.
Colonel Mosby talks as If be meant
business. What Is more, he has a record
for making his talk good.
The talk of organizing the preachers
Into trades unions will come to nothing
If It is proposed to bar Sunday work.
Congressman Fowler will loctor his
currency bill by adding a number of
amendments. , At that It Joes not stand
the ghost of a show of becoming a law.
President Pal ma of Cuba Is gradually
coming to be the target of warring po
litical factions, who will soon make him
realize thatls position. Is no permanant
li.Tlew of the plan of the Cleveland
democrats, to oust . Tom Johnson f rom
party control In Ohio, that statesman
has merely stored his circus tent In
wlriter quarters.
The Mexican silver dollar,, worth less
than 50 cents, will find its antithesis in
the souvenir gold dollar coined for the
St Louis exposition that Is already
selling for three times its face.
After all, a respectablo nav would
come mighty handy for American farm
ers and live stock. growers If any for
eign power ' should undertake to close
our ports or stop our access to foreign
Half the time allotted to the work of
the Board of Review has expired. The
next two weeks should, see some lively
churning in the figures returned to rep
resent the full taxable value of personal
property held In Omaha.1
Mercer's opponent at the recent elec
tion makes oath that he spent just 468
In the campaign that landed him In Mer
cer's congressional shoes. Mr. Mercer's
bill for the billposter alone must have
amounted to nearly thafrmuch. -
The railroads are keeping mighty mum
about the assessment of their property
tn Omaha for municipal taxation. We
may be sure, however, that they are in
cubating some smooth scheme to get
way from paying their taxes If they
can. ' -
The conclusion of the committee rep
resenting English labor unions, now
making a study of American Imlif.trlul
conditions, that wage en mors in. tho
United States are at least 5 p.r cent
better off than in England is fully cor
ro bo rated by Immigration statistics.
The Union Pacific lawyers seem to be
in no hurry to press their charge of con
tempt against the locked-out machinists
resting under the strike Injunction. The
offenses of the machinists cannot be very
hellions or Baldwin the Great would In
sist on having ' them clapped into Jail
forthwith. (
Nearly every lawyer of democratic per
suasion in the county Is trying to get
connection with the county attorney's
office by appointment to the corps of
11.200-a-year deputleai That does not
peak overly well for the ability of the
lawyers of the faith to bring In big fees
from their private practice.
A novel th,etne .q the perpetuation
of control of two corporations has got
Into the courts and been temporarily
enjoined. It Is for one company to
bold eoutrol of the stock of another com
pany, the latter company in turn hold
lng control of the stock of the first It
Is perfectly simple, and, unless held to
be against public policy, certainly effec
tive. It Is asy, however, to see that
the minority stock In both companies
might not fare well.
The memorable remark of President
Cleveland about having congreas on his
hands Implied a feeling that he bad a
disagreeable duty before him. The last
democratic president was much of the
time, even while congrcjs was In con
trol of bis party, at odds with that lwdy.
He did not get along well with some of
the leads. ;n and his few devoted follow
ers were not able to carry out his views
and wishes. This was conspicuously
the rase In regard to tariff legislation,
the law of 1804, which be would not
sign, having been declared by him to
be an act of perfidy and dishonor.
The meeting today of the second ses
sion of the Fifty-seventh congress will
cause President Boosevelt no such feel
ing as was Implied In the remark of
Mr. Cleveland. On the contrary he will
be glnd thai the representatives of the
American people are again assembled to
consider the questions affecting the In
terests and welfare of the nation and
will welcome the opportunity to com
municate to the national legislature bis
views on those questions. Realising bis
great duties and responsibilities, Instead
of feeling that he has congress "on his
hands." it will be the highest satisfac
tion to him to be again In communica
tion and In' co-operation with the re
publican, leaders for the promotion of
the principles and policies of his party.
He Is on good terms with all of them.
Whatever disagreement there may be as
to any particular policy, there Is no
quarrel and no antipathy. The president
has proper respect for congress ns a co
ordinate branch of the government and
In return congress respects the admin
istration. The good feeling that pre
vailed during the fir6t session will un
doubtedly continue through the second.
We have heretofore considered the out
look for legislation at this session and
nothing has since transpired to change
the prospect. This Is that not very
much will be done beyond the passage
of the appropriation bills. Them Is
promise of some legislation relating to
the trusts and we think there should
be, but many congressmen believe It
will be impracticable. It Is certain that
there will be no interference with the
tariff and no currency legislation, so
that In regard to these matters the
business and financial Interests of the
country have nothing to fear.
The management of the trust funds
held by the state as an endowment for its
public schools and educational Institu
tions has for years constituted the most
perplexing problem confronting the peo
ple W Nebraska. Up to this time every
effort to deal with this subject In a
rational manner has failed, notwith
standing the fact that to the temptation
to use this money for private specula
tion is traceable all the treasury scan
dals with which Nebraska bus been so
grievously afflicted.
.While the thief obstacle unquestiona
bly lies in the constitutional provisions
restricting school fund Investments to
a narow list of securities, these limita
tions promise to prove more troublesome
In the future even than In the past.
The bonds In which the school moneys
have been invested are gradually be
coming payable and when they are taken
up by the counties Issuing them the pro
ceeds must be added to the uninvested
balance, swelling more and more the
Idle money In the bands of the state
treasurer. To amend the constitution,
granting that it Is possible, will require
not less than three years, and In the
Interval the conditions would be getting
constantly more aggravating unless
measures of relief are Introduced by the
legislature or by the new treasurer on
his own account ,
The Bee maintains now, as it lias in
the Dast. that there Is nothing to pre
vent the state treasurer from depositing
the school fund balances together with
the other moneys In his possession and
crediting the Interest earned to the
school fund, the same as If it were paid
on investments in state warrants. The
nresent treasurer has his school iunus
nn nnoslt in various banks, some ot
them without the protection of depository
wd. This money is earning interest
which the treasurer asserts has all been
turned Into the treasury, but instead
of being credited to the school fund the
Interest on the school tuna deposits u
been lumped in with the interest on
,,ernt funds and pourea into me geu
r.l fund, out of which the ordinary
expenses of the state governuieiu
paid Tliis amounts to a diversion of
money belonging to the school fund into
neral fund, which is certainly as
much a violation of tne cobbuiuuuu
U the di.pwit.of the school funds m
uryw.'k"' j . , ,
t we must disregard wmuiuu..
provisions, which all admit cannot pos-
nWrved. there is no
glDiy ue nil iv'j
reason whatever why the school funds
ehould not be managed from now on
it, of sound business pnuu.y,
uu . . II
without any more specious jug.." v.
cover up notorious facta.
ThP Wall Street Journal, a puDiwa
tion which certainly does not speak out
of prejudice against the largest cord
ate concerns, asserts positively
"has coufirmed the report that the
United States Steel coinpony's foreign
agents have been Instructed to offer
finished steel abroad at prices below
those quoted here." It is within bounds
to say that if this assertion is susuuui
by actual proofs, and if the anegeu or
ders of the great steel company are
adhered to as a general policy, it will
certainly create an unfavorable public
The business world is familiar with
the practice of large manufacturers who
under certain conditions sell tueir prou.
ucts In distant or occasional niurtets
at a lower price than in the market on
mhlch they principally rely. The prac
tice la o nw one nor e,nflnd to for"
elgn markets. It Is usually resorted to
when the manufacturer has on band an
Inconvenient surplus, which be will get
rid of at a rut price In a less Important
market rather tlinn derange prices In his
permanent field of operations.
No such excuse can be found In the
present condition of the steel industries.
Not only Is there no inconvenient sur
plus, but production Is notoriously in
arrears of consumption. It Is well
known that dependent domestic opera
tions of great Importance are delayed
because of pressure of demand for steel
supplies. It is no time for a concern
like the United Stotes Steel company,
while maintaining prices in the domes
tic market to offer as a general policy
Its products at lower figures In foreign
markets. While it is true that such a
policy is identically the one followed
ruruemoriHlly by the manufacturing In
terests of England, especially since Its
adoption of free trade, it Is nevertheless
a fact that the tendency of the prac
tice at this time would be to excite
hostility not only to our own manufac
turers, but also to the system under
which they In common with the whole
country have prospered.
The creation of a commercial commis
sion for the Orient is again to be urged
upon the attention of congress. A bill
providing for such a commission is now
before a committee of the senate and
its author, Senator MeCumber of North
Dakota, will make an earnest effort to
secure action upon It by the present
congress. The measure has received
the endorsement of commercial organiza
tions in all parts of the country, showing
that manufacturers and exporters are
anxious that it should pass.
The proposition is not new, having
first been presented in a letter to the
senate committee on appropriations from
Secretary of State Day in 1898. This
contemplated the appointment of a com
mission and the establishment of agen
cies In the far east at which samples
of American manufactures might be ex
hibited with a view of developing a mar
ket in that quarter of the globe for the
product of American industries. This
was suggested by the fact that several
European commissions were In the
Orient, the results of which had been
highly satisfactory.
It is quite probable that it would be
to the advantage of American trade
with the fur east to have a government
commission there and ngencies for the
exhibition of our manufactures, although
undoubtedly there are some who will
question whether this is a proper func
tion of the government Some two
years ago American manufacturers sent
a commission to China and Japan with
good results, but It is believed that ouly
by the authority of the general gov
ernment can such a commission be
of greatest service. Doubtless this
view is correct but In any event we
shall not have the success In securing
trade hoped for until our manufacturers
are prepared to make goods such as the
eastern markets require. Evidence of
this Is given In a recent report of the
United States consul general at Yoko
hama, which shows that In cotton espe
cially American manufacturers keep the
home demand and the home tastes too
closely in mind all the time. They sim
ply export their surplus product, ex
pecting foreigners to want and buy Just
what we do ourselves. This is the case
as to other countries than those of the
far east. An American doing business
in Russia, who Is now here In the In
terest of trade with that country, says
he finds It the hardest kind of work to
get the American manufacturer to take
the slightest Interest in matters of de
tail. It is not to be doubted that we
should have a much larger trade with
South America If our manufacturers bad
more carefully considered the peculiar
needs and wants tff the southern mar
Commercial commissions may be ser
viceable in promoting trade European
experience with them shows this. But
the effectiveness of their work neces
sarily depends upon the manufacturers
of a country consulting the special
wants and tastes of the people to whom
they would sell. This, It appears, Amer
ican manufacturers generally have not
yet shown a disposition to do.
The so-called nationalist party leaders
have aereed on a policy of sheer obstruc
tlon to President Palma's administra
tion. The Cubans seem not to under-
.tand the difference between a constitu
tinnnl omwsltion and factional obstruc
tion. Constitutional government, as it
has been developed by the people of the
rth nf Eurooe. Implies a spirit of raoa
-tinn which works out In compromise
nniif.ipa. The Cubans nave aireuuj
wvn too many signs of the radical
... intnWant temperament of the Latin
peoples among whom political opposition
gravitates toward seaitiou ou
i,.n,i unil tvranny on tne otner. rue
.un v.ns them tormented between die
tatorshlp and insurrection msieaa 01
,.ittin? sober Judgment to use po
litical parties as the means for forming
conservative policies.
loading democratic newspaper In an
elaborate discussion of the outlook of
h nartv lays it down as fundamental
that everything depends on the man who
is to lead, and then dismisses as unsat
isfactory every man who has been men
n..,...,i nr tluiuirht of for leader. It con
cludes that the only consolation Is the
reflection that in great emergencies
someone has always been raised up to
h a. Moses. In other words, the disnosi
tlon is to throw the responsibility upon
The great crowds which attend the
foot ball games seem to suffer material
diminution when the report of the gate
receipts comes In. At the gridiron bat
tie between the teams representing Ne
braska and Northwestern universities
Thanksgiving day the number of specta
tors was variously put from 6,000 to
8,000. As each paid admission was sup
posed to drop Into the box office, with
an extra CO cents for the reserved seats
on the grand stand, the statement that
the total receipts aggregated $4,1500 Indi
cates either a discrepancy In the ac
counts or an unusual elasticity of vision
of those who estimated the attendance
presumably the latter. Incidentally the
financial exhibit for the University of
Nebraska foot ball season promises a
surplus of $2,500 over and above all ex
penses, which goes to show that college
athletics constitute the only portion of
the curriculum that Is coined forthwith
Into dollars and cents.
The comment that has been Indulged
over the choice of a private sectetary for
Governor Mickey Is entirely uncalled for
and unwarranted. The private secretary
to the governor stands In confidential re
lation to him and the selection should be
purely personal, subject only to condi
tions requiring capacity for the work
and a reputation for Integrity. If the
governor should be left free to exercise
his personal preference for any office it
should be for that of private secretary.
The selection be bas made of A. B. Allen
Is eminently satisfactory to the public,
and those who know him will be disap
pointed if the new secretary does not
make the governor an efficient and re
liable aide.
The chief of the fire department of
New York City bas been dismissed on
the grounds "of conduct prejudicial to
eood order and discipline In prosecuting
and unjustly discriminating against cer
tain members of the uniformed force,
and of conduct unbecoming an oflJcer
and a gentleman and prejudicial to good
order and discipline." That sounas
strangely familiar to Omaha people who
recollect the circumstances that attended
the last exit of a fire chief from the
Omaha fire department
Omaha's bank clearings statement for
the week shows an increase of 11.3 per
cent over the figures for the correspond
ing period last year. The per cent of in
crease is not quite so high as that of
some other cities, but Omaha shows bet
ter than Kansas City in that respect
while St Joseph and Denver both have
comparative decreases to their credit
The canal Idea seems to be catching.
Governor Odell wants to put ?GO,000,000
Into a canal connecting the great lakes
and the Atlantic which could be trav
ersed by the biggest boats. The next
few decades are bound to see some
gigantic engineering enterprises carried
into execution. .
Silver Riding; the Tosoigsa.
Chicago Chronicle.
Thn divine ratio docs not appear to be
playing to very good business in the Philip
pines either.
Cllaa-lna; to a. Good Thing.
Indianapolis News.
km 1nn o tha Inrlenendent onerators are
-.iiin t7 anil la ton (or their coal at
the mines, they probably won't care how
long the present state o: anairs continues.
A Welcome Chance.
Detroit Free Press.
a rood deal of tun-has been made of Gen
eral J. C. Breckenrldge's eloquent compli
ments to his brother officers; but It is relief
nnw anil then to find somebody in the War
department who Is not trying to work an
embalmed beet pedal.
Yes Can't Loaa 'Em.
Baltimore American.
Th nlrtureaaue and the Dracttcal are
about equally mixed in the cry of the Porto
Rican mob: "Abajo con Dooley! . it is to
ha honed. If only for the sake of his name,
that Dooley will refuse to comply with the
request and be downed.
Overworking- the Megaphone.
Washington Post
at rnurse. there la nothing selfish tn Mr.
Bryan's discovery that the weekly newspa
per has taken the place of the daily as a
mold for public opinion. In tact, Mr. Bryan
Is about the only real unselfish person
Btrlving for tha center of the stage these
Blara-est On la the Baneh.
Indianapolis News.
Wa now have a coast defense gun that
will fire a projectile twenty-one miles.
Shooting at that range must be a good
deal like shooting around a corner. One
would think, too, that considerable diffi
culty would be experienced in retrieving
the game when the shots were effective.
Getting at the Trnth.
Indianapolis News.
Perhaps, In the long run. It will be better
to have the Investigation of the coal strike
proceed, for In that way the public will
find out many things that It ought to know
and has a right to know. Certain connec
tions between railroads and coal mines and
their relations to the laws of Pennsylvania
will probably be brought out In a way that
may ultimately serve the public well.
Hot Eager to gapport Mother.
Baltimore American. "
Canada does not take kindly to the
proposition to establish a navy from which
Great Britain could recruit its own. Some
how or other, the colonies are beginning
to grow restive under the complimentary
insinuation that the children of the em
pire ara too dutiful to let their old mother
work, and that the latter will fondly
allow them to assume as much of her
burden as she can get them to accept.
Before and After Taklag.
Buffalo Express.
A month before election tha little great
men of congress were clinging frantically
to the president's anti-trust policy as the
life preserver that was saving the repub
lican party. Now some ot them ara going
back to Washington with all manner ot ob
jections to the president's plans. A states
man who refuses to take the same view of
public opinion after election that he recog
nized while a candidate la not worth lis
tening to.
Glow of Toleaale Dast.
San Francisco Chronicle.
It will be remembered that for nearly
two years after the volcanic explosion of
the Island of Krakatoa rosy sunsets we
conspicuous phenomena throughout the
northern hemisphere growing out of the
distribution of volcanic dust through the
earth's atmosphere around the globe. These
rosy sunsets ara again In evidence, and are
doubtless due to the volcanlo duat dls
charged this year Into tha earth's at-
moapnerie envelope by tha eruptive cones
U Central America and tha Waat Indies.
Increasing Freight Rates
Ban Frsncls
It Is evident that the railroad officials ot
the country have virtually determined In
their own minds that there shall be a gen
eral Increase of freight rstes, and Second
Vice President Psul Morton ot the Santa
Fa haa been selected to break the news to
the country. In this proposed movement
we sea the results ot tha general railroad
consolidation which has been taking place
and which makes possible a policy which
would have been Impossible without It.
Nevertheless, the time has long passed
when railroad corporations could claim the
right to tsz tha traffic ot tha country at
their own diacretlon, and a proposal to In
crease the taxation by railroad corporations
Is as legitimate a subject for public discus
sion as a proposal to Increase taxation by
government. Tha question ot what consti
tutes a "reasonable rate" for transporta
tion is sufficiently difficult when confined to
one comomdlty between two points. When
considered In connection with a proposal to
make a general Increase It Involves the
preliminary determination of the capital
upon which, upon the average, It Is "reas
onable" that a road should earn revenue.
This, again, brings up the question ot the
method ot valuation, which has vexed tha
courts for many years that Is, whether tha
"value" of a road shall be taken at Its book
cost of construction, its "book cost" less
losses by bad Judgment or peculation, the
cost ot reproduction, Its probable future
earning capacity, or soma combination ot all
these elements. ,
Without discussing this most complex fit
subjects, there is one thing which may be
taken for granted: So long as tha net In
come of a railroad system steadily Increases
the roads can only Justify themselves to
gome Told by Hlmaelf Some Told by
Colonel Tom Ochiltree, a noted horse
man, raconteur and rounder, "passed over
the range" a few days ago at the age ot
62. The colonel's life was as varied and
exciting as a Texan could hope for, and
his wit, which sparkled In stories enough
to fill a volume, wss a source of unfailing
pleasure to his numerous associates. Tom
won his title ot colonel in the confederate
service. He was United States marshal ot
Texas under Grant, represented a district
of that state in congress, was the publisher
of two newspapers over thirty years ago
and since then circulated between New
York, London and Paris.
In 1867 the colonel was editor and pub
lisher of the Houston Telegraph. He went
to New Tork with letters of Introduction
to prominent people there and then took
a run over to Paris. While in tha French
capital he became a fast friend of James
Gordon Bennett the elder. Colonel Ochil
tree could not see that It was possible for
any metropolitan newspaper to outshine his
Texas newspaper; so when Mr. Bennett ca
bled 2,000 words to his paper of the open
ing of the Paris exposition. In 1867, Colonel
Ochiltree asked that the dispatch be du
plicated to the Houston Telegraph. - That
was to show 'the Frenchmen that as an
editor he was Just as big as the next.
Cable rates were high In those days and
the cost of the dispatch was a severe drain
on the resources of the Houston Telegraph.
Three days after It had been sent Colonel
Ochiltree got word that the dispatch had
been paid for, but as a result the paper had
suspended publication '. .
After President Grant had appointed
Ochiltree as a United States marshal in
Texas the president was puzzled to account
for reports of the colonel being In Long
Branch, In Baltimore, In Saratoga and
everywhere except In Texas. The president
began to wonder if Ochiltree really lived
In the district In which ha had been ap
pointed. "Oh, that's easily explained. Mr. Presi
dent," said the colonel. "I'm not tha Tom
Ochiltree those fellows are talking about.
He Is a race horse that John Chamberlain
named after me."
And It was a fact.
Colonel Ochiltree's father was on tha
bench In Texas at one time, and In pursu
ance of his duties was required to travel on
horseback for many weeks to complete the
circuit. Prior to one of these Journeys his
son protested that, it ha was not made a
member of the firm ha would no longer
take care of his father's business. It was
a fair "kick," the elder Ochiltree thought,
and he appointed hla heir to ba hla part
ner and told him to have a sign made an
nouncing the change In the formation of
the firm.
Ochiltree, sr., was somewhat surprised
upon his return to read across the full
front of tha shanty In which he had his
office the announcement: "Thomas Ochil
tree and Father."
While In London on one occasion Colonel
Ochiltree reviewed, the first performance ot
Mrs. T. P. O'Connor's play, "A Lady from
Texas." Like the colonel himself, the crit
icism was unique. It opened with a review
of Ochiltree's congressional career, and
then went on to say:
"With such recollections surging on me,
It la Impossible tor me to speak of tha play
with the coolness of the average man, and
though I have been many things I have
never been a dramatlo critic, and cannot ba
expected to have reached that state of bore
dom which makes that wearied type of
journalist the least easy to please." Then
he wrote a glowing tribute to the play and
the actress, winding up with, "But, then,
Mrs. O'Connor and I came from Texas."
Although Colonel Ochiltree once Indig
nantly denied In court that he ever played
poker, It has always gone the rounds that
the auburn-haired Texan liked to take a
hand. He once acknowledged that in former
days he was one of the best "players that
ever flipped a card, and ha says that a cal
amity befell htm once, and that waa during
his congressional term.
He had had a phenomenal run of luck in
Washington, but the tide of battle Anally
turned and he went up against It with a
party of southern representatives. In re
lating to sympathetic friends the next day
the circumstances of tha game, the colonel
"I lost Just $5,000 last night. But the
worst of It waa that IS of It waa In cash."
Colonel Ochiltree rolled Into the Fifth
Avenue hotel one day and began talking
with former Senator Wilbur 8. Saunders of
Montana. '
"Ah! Senator," ha aald, "I aee my old
frlenda In the senate are standing by their
guns. What a horrible mistake the gold
bugs made when they counted on tiring out
the sliver senators! Why, 'Ed' Wolcott and
'Eanta CUua' Stewart and Jones and the
rest of them were never known to go to bed
until I or I o'clock In the morning. I've
plsyed poker with I hem for twenty hours at
a stretch, and then you bad to keep your
eyes peeled or they would freeze you out.
I tell you when you try te put that crowd
to sleep you have undertaken the biggest
Job a man aver had on his bands. I'll bet
on the poker crowd every trip."
"I guess you're right, colonel," replied
Senator Saunders, who knsw a little about
co Chronicle.
the public by a complete expose, which
It Is In their power to make, but which
cannot be made by any outsider, of their
financial history and condition and by af
firmatively showing that stockholders'
money, actually Invested and prudently ad
ministered, Is not produring for Its owner
such a revenue as a competent and im
partial judge would call "reasonable." Wa
ara convinced that this cannot be done.
Railroad accounts ara notoriously Juggled
by placing the cost of betterments In run
ning expenses. From the standpoint of the
financier this may be commendable, as
showing conservative management and
financial strength. It may be also claimed
that by this method tha "water" tn the
atock Is gradually squeeied out by tha In
troduction of hard cola. That, however, la
only taking from the public money whlAi
It ought not to pay and placing It where
It may pay unearned dividends to stock
holders In the future. It Is a device well
calculated to deceive the publlo as to the
ral earning of a railroad.
Taking Mr. Morton's own road as an ax
ample. It la now regularly paying alt In
terest on Its bonds. 5 per cent dividends
on Its preferred stock, and 4 per cent on
Its common stock of f 102,000.000, which, on
Its reorganised basis, may ba aafely as
sumed to ba largely water. The net earn
lngs of the system have been regularly
Increasing from 116,860,217 in 1899 to 126,
703,234 In 1901. There was an Increase
over this in 1902. The Southern Pacific
company's returns show an equally uni
form Increase, which they seek to keep
down by charging betterments to expenses.
While these conditions continue an Increase
of freight rates would be robbery.
the game himself. "Wolcott never sleeps.
as ior jones, 1 believe be can go a year
without winking."
One day he was criticising tha adminis
tration of Mayor Strona- of Nnw Vnru n
said the mayor had shown poor Judgment-
ana ms rauit in this respect reminds me
of Senator Jones' dog story," ha went on.
"A fellow out in Nevada, you know, had
a dog a bulldog, a fierce-looking brute
which his owner said w th.
fighter In tha atate. One day a aettler
paseed through the town. Under his prairie
wagon trotted a mansv cup. Th hi,iM
saw him and started to eat him up. When
the fight was over tha cur was not much
tna worse for It, but tha bulldog was a
" 'I though your dog was a great fighter,
Senator Jones V said the owner of the cur.
" "Well, was tha reply, 'he's a great
fighter, but he's a poor Judge of dogs.' "
A Chicago liar tried tn nut An rntnn.t
Ochiltree one dav. He aald ha hrf i,a .
turned from the Carlsbad Springs, where ha
nan experienced a miraculous cure.
You don't say?" said the colonel.
"Yes. Indeed." rambled on tha CM...A
liar. "You see. I waa aufferinr from
complaint and after consulting tha greatest
pnysiciana in America I decided to n
"Humph! I never sunnosed ton tnoV n
stock In water," said Ochiltree, scornfully.
"Neither I do. when It Is nlln nut 1
carried a flask of fine old Bourbon In my In
side pocket and When I reached the famnna
springs I kinder diluted the water so as to
disguise Its taste, and, will you believe me,
the following morning I was entirely cured
and when I woke up I found myself tha
possesor of a brand new liver."
"Bab!" that's nothing." Colonel "Tom"
ejaculated. "If you'll believe me "
"Sure," yelled half a dozen listeners.
"If you'll believe me." continued tha
Texan, unperturbed. "I had a liver eom
plalnt the worst way and was a perfect
martyr before I went to Texas to try to get
"While there I met a man who hail a new
brand ot pills known as tha American Liver
and Light Cure. Being a firm believer In
American remedies. I nurehased a alnala
pill, took It, and almost instantly possessed
a un nver witn eiectrto light kidneys.
Home Industries! gentlemen, home Indus
tries " but they led him away to tha
Colonel Ochiltree had many friends In
both bouses of congress and frequently
spent weeks In Washington when congress
waa In session. One night he waa Bitting In
a hotel talking with several friends. Includ
ing Senator Hearst of California. Senator
Hearst told a pathetic story of his overland
trip to California In the days long before
the war. He aald he and his companions
suffered many hardships, lacked food and
frequently were In distress from lack ot
One day; when Mr. Hearst was feeling
that he would die unless he had a drink, he,
with his party, passed slong a trail near a
ranch house. A young red haired boy ran
up to them with a tin pail of water. Ha
handed It to Mr. Hearst. "The water waa
eold and fresh," said Mr. Hearst, In telling
the story, "and I never had a draught that
did me so much good and for which I was
so grateful. Many and many a time have I
thought of that red haired boy and wished
I could see him In order to tell him how
grateful I wss and reward him. I'd give
$10,000 It I could sea him now," the senator
added earnestly.
Colonel Ochiltree arose and bowed.
"Senator," be said, "you have a chance to
realize your dream and to show your grati
tude. I was that red haired boy."
Mr. Frlck and Mr. Carnegie ara en
gaged in deadly strife as to who can give
away the most money.
A Brown university studsnt ones had the
audacity to ask Prof. Caswell whether his
name would not be as well without tha C.
New York will soon have a distinguished
visitor la the person of tha due do Riche
lieu. Ha will apend aeveral months In this
Civil Engineer Robert B. Peary, the Arc
tic explorer, baa been ordered to tempo
rary duty In the bureau of yards and docks,
Nsvy department, Washington.
A pool room for women was raided tha
other day Id New York and sixteen players
were arrested, "six ot whom," say tha re
ports, "were over SO yeara old."
Postmaster General Payna forbids fe
male clerks In his department to marry.
He possesses greater courage than Gen
eral Corbln, who merely suggested that
young army officers remain single.
Alard Sheck military attache of the
German embassy In Washington, Is said
to owe hla appointment to hla close re
semblance to President Roosevelt, the Ger
man emperor having remarked thla and
auggested the brilliant young officer for the
A good many of tba very rich young
men of New York are among tha busiest
people belonging to Manhattan Island. For
Instance, Cornelius Vsnderbilt and "Jack"
Astor are continually at work Inventing
something or other, Harry Payna Whitney
takes a deep Interest in his father's busi
ness, George Gould Is up te his waist
In big affairs all the time, Clarence Mankay
la carrying on hla father's extensive enter
prises and J. P. Morgan, Jr., finds ample
occupation la representing hla father la
General Esteaelan ( the Servlc, Re
garded as A OHilitr.
Chicago Tribune,
Th officiate of the rostofflce department
look forward now te the extension of rural
free delivery throughout tha antlra United
States. They have made their estimates aa
to what It will cost to deliver letters on
every American farm or plantation In tha
sparsely tattled and thickly settled parts
of tha country. Tha roat will not be trifling.
To deliver every rural American hie mall
will take about 134.000,000 a year. Should
the present aervlce ba extended at tha rata
of 12.000 routea a year nntll tha 700,000
square mllet of territory yet to ba covered
nave been taken cara of, there will ba for
aeveral years an annual deficit Is postal
revenue of from $8,000,006 to $10,000,000.
The deflolt will. It Is asserted, disappear
gradually as tha revenues Increase by rea
son of the Improved postal facilities.
Not many year ago rural free delivery
was a questionable sort of experiment. Tha
farmers, for wboss benefit It was Intended,
did not In all quarters take kindly to It.
They are not eager seekers after novelties,
and the Idea of abandoning tha customary
trip to the village postofflce for tnall, a trip
which gave them a welcome opportunity to -gossip
with neighbors and discuss aropa
and elections, was not altogether attractive
to them. But they appreciate fully now the
advantages of the new departure. There la
an Increasing pressure for the establish
ment of rural routes, and tha representa
tives of a country district who cannot se
cure something In this lino for hla con
stituents runs the risk of losing hla pepu
larlty. So strong Is the pressure for rural free
delivery that the Postoffloe department offi
cials are not dealing with a remote question
when they prepare estimate of tha grosa
cost of a complete rural service. But
while tha cost will be large It will not
frighten Americans. Indeed, they are In
the habit of looking unmoved on much
larger appropriations for far less useful
It may well ba that when the letter
carrier makes his trips to every farmer'
gate the farmers will make a more ex
tensive use of th malls than they do now,
and that the revenues of tha department
will expand as they have In the past when
ever better facilities have been provided.
Even If tola were not to be the case, the
"general welfare" will b promoted by an
expenditure which brings tha farmers of
the United States Into closer touch with
the busy world, from which most of them
are so far removed.
Railroad Ofllclala Trying to Jnatlfy
the Freight Rata Grah.
Minneapolis Times.
Railway officials do not ' deny the pro
posed Increase In freight rates and natu
rally feel called upon to make soma defense
or to offer some explanation.
The latest and most widely used explana
tion (T) Is to the effect that when the lead
ing western railway companies were found
out In their evasion or disobedience of tha
law that requires all freight rates to ha
open and published, or, rather, forbids tha
giving of special rates to one man that ara
not available to another there were many
secret tariffs In existence, that they were
compelled to publish these secret tariffs,
that this publication made them common
property and in effect the ruling rates,
that It is proposed to withdraw all these
secret tariffs evaalon or disobedience ot
tha law being no longer possible and to
issue new ones that shall control generally.
Granting that all this is true, wherein la
the Justice of raising tha rates to the basts
ot January 1 of this year when It Is patent
to everyone that all the railways under
tha operation of the lower or secret
tariffs are 1 making more money than
ever before, are spending more In bet
terments than ever was dreamed of.
feel Justified la Increasing their obliga
tions by many millions, do not hesitate In
some Instances to water their stock enor
mously, knowing that htgh dividends eaa
rtill be paid on the Increased aggregate?
Wherein la the publlo service with which
these roads are charged conserved by rail
way managers whose sole purpose seems to
be to make all tha hay possible while the
sun of prosperity shines?
When prosperity's sun Is clouded or sets
we will be told, as aforetime, that rates
must be raised or at least kept as htgh as
the traffic will bear because of the changed
conditions, the tightness of money and the
reduction In shipments.
Detroit Free Press: Political Orator
What Is the crying need of the United
States? I ask you sgain, what Is the crying
Man In the Crowd Paregoric!
Washington Star: "80 you were held up
by bandits?"
"Yes, and that Isn't the worst of It. They
simply took my money without detaining
me long enough to give me a start as a
magazine writer or a lecturer."
Philadelphia Press: Tess I don't see
how she can be happy with a man like him.
Jess Oh! but she says he's another man
since he's, been married.
Brooklyn Life: "Well," aald Noah, as he
hunted for a dry spot on tha top of Ararat,
"a lot of people came down to the pier to
Josh ua when we started, but I don't see
any of them around to poke fun at our
horoe-comlng." 1
Yonkera Statesman: Bacon You say aha
has just got her third divorce?
Kpbert Yes she la an enigma.'
"That is why her husband gave her up, I
Chlcak-i Tribune: "Colonel, would you
mind telling me how you made your first
"Not at all. I made it by attending
strictly to buslnesa my own business, you
Chicago Tribunes Tha purchaaar of the
eligible town lots just Inside tha city limit
went out to Inspect his property.
He looked at the spacious pond that cov
ered his land, and listened awhile to the
hoarae muHlo of the bullfrogs.
"Yes, darn you!" he exclaimed, "you're
right. I'm a 'chump, chump, chump! "
Washingt n Star: "You have tha assur
ance to cot. plain that money was Illegiti
mately used In that election T'1
"Certainly," answered Senator Sorghum.
"They violated every principle of honor,
They told the voters to take my money and
keep It, and then come around and gat ae
much mora for voting their way."
little Folk
There waa a little girl perhaps yott kg
The little maiden s name,
For maids In country and In town
Are apt to be tha same;
She went to brd at o'clock
And slept tha whole night through.
But when the morning came she said
She didn't know what to dot
She went downstairs and breakfasted,
With many a frown and pout.
And quarreled with the servant, while
She ordered them about;
She made her little brother cry,
Then cried herself she knew
She'd have no fun that day, because
Bhe didn't know what to do!
She had more dnlla than you could count.
She had a hundred toys.
And book shelves tilled with handsome books
For little girls and boys.
And dainty dinner sets and game
To play with one or two;
But yet she wouldn't play, because
She didn't know what to do!
80 all day long, from morn till night,
Thla little maid would sigh
And mope and fret about tha house,
And say she didn't know why
She never could have any fun
Like Utile BJstar Sue
Because, with all her pretty things.
aba didn't know what to dot

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