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1 WESTERN GOLF GLORY COES THE OMATIA DAILY HEE: SUNDAY. NOVEMBER 15, 100,1. 19 tx . ... ChsmpiOusaips Eeftrt to ths East, All Bar tbs Womiii'i 4 CHICAGO GOLFERS STILL GROUCHY Caaaet Oet Over tke Defeat Bnatalaeel la tkc Mateh with th Traas aalsslsslppl Assoelatloa Tram. Golf has more than held Its own during ths iHot yesr. Thin has not been true to any gratifying extent In the west, which hit! ot the open championship, which ni held br Lawrence Anchterlonle, and haa now passed to Anderson; the Nstlnnnl. which waa held by IxmiIs James, and which haa reverted to Travla, and the intercol legiate championship, which waa held by Clarence Kuan, and which haa now passed to Frank O. Relnhart. The weat retains on championship. Mra. Bernard B. ltorne, a Miaa Resale Anthony, won the national rent for women. The 4nly western star to play ably for the weat In the big na tional event waa Bruce Bmlth, who put out Douglas, the Ions driver, and who lasted to the aeml-flnala. The amateur championship of the west waa won by Walter Enn, who won the coveted victory ofter a thirty-seven-hole final at Cleveland, the finals bring con tested with hla cousin, Clarence. As show ing the high grade of golfer In this con test It may be stated that Jamea, Byers .and Fredericks, three of the seml-flnallsts In the 1902 event, were participants. An other source of aatlafactlon to western golfers la found In the fact that the West ern Oolf association haa Increased In num bers and Influence. It now boasts of fifty-seven clubs, as against forty-flve at the beginning of the season. 'In this con nection the golfers in what may be termed the middle west, or rather, the transmls Isslppt golfers, feel especially gratified that their prowess has been demonstrated at the expense of the All-Chicago team, tha Transmlaalsslppl team having defeated the Western Oolf asaoclatlon team by 21 to- 10. Tha Chicago golfers can not get over the fact that they were defeated by "them westerners," and the Chicago papers con tinue to give considerable space to the de- Ire on tha part of the Chicago players to get even. In this connection one of the hlcago papers has the following: At present the parent organisation of golf In the United rotates Is composed of seven members, live from the east and two from Chicago. Considering the wonderful growth of the game in the south and west In recent years It would seem only fair that these sections of the country should be repre sented, and for this reaaon the executive committee would make a very popular move by Increasing ita number from seven to nine members, the new appnlntmenta to be credited to the Southern Golf association and the Transmlssisslppl association. The latter association has become quite a formidable factor in western goll In the last few seasons and It la only a' few weeks ago that a team made up from mem bers of the clubs composing it absolutely walked awav with a so-called representa tive Chicago team. The fact that the local representatives were not, ty any means, the best golfers belonging to the local clubs, should in no wav detract from the victory of the Trensmlssisslpnl men, who. beyond doubt, could have given the nest men we could muster the hardest kind of a tussle. In this connection, would It not be well to arange a return match with the Trans mlnslKelnnl association, to be clayed, say next June, In St. Louis, during the time that the Worlds fair takes place? The Incut nlsvers could leave for St. Louis Fri day night and spend the next couple of Oays golfing and signt-seeing ana gei uhck In time for business Monday. Perhaps the most 'disturbing clement In golf In the United State during the present year has been the discussion which has waged pro and con relative to the all-match-play system at the expense of tha qualifying round to which the golfers of tha United States had become familiar during the short reign of the game In this country. Ths all-match-play system was tested In the national and western championships ' and in ths representative tournament for tha Ravlnoaka cup at Onwentsla. And now tha differences of opinion which were in evidence at the beginning of tha Heaaon still continue to ba a sore spot. Borne of tha golfers assert that the all-match-play system haa been a boon to the game, while others are opposed to the elimination of tha qualifying round as strongly as ever. Tha tests are not conclusive as proving that the all-match-play system Is for the best, and until tha question Is settled there will not be that peace of mind among golfers that existed before the present controversy was gotten under way. of the two, and It Is upon such a test as hat that a golfer should receive hM rating Aa showing tha diversity of opinion ex Istlng upon this subject it may be stated that while In the United States attempts ara being made to abolish the qualifying round, in England, where all-match-play has always prevailed, authorities like Harold Hilton favor introducing the quali fying round. Probably the best scheme yet to receive a trial is the choice score system of Dr. J. O. McPherson of St. Andrews, whereby the thirty-two men whose "choice scores" I. ., best Individual hole figures for two stparate rounda con' tltutlng the qualifying score are paired at random, for 38-holo mutch rounds. It will alwaya remain true that the medal ' score Is the only Just and trile criterion of a golfer's ability. It Is equally true that a aingle round medal score should not be' taken an the Just criterion of golfer's ability. It Is not the phenomenal cores which are turned In once in a while by any given player which should de termlns that player's Just rank, but hU core card for the season, or for the entire tourney, should be deemed as the only lust basis upon which to determine ths golfing ability of that player. One ,layef may go out and make a record and defeat Ma companion by a comfortable margin but If tha sama players were to play day after day 'the other player might prove to be ths most reliable and, consistent golfer m w r r r ; in r xsv m- r mi SAO MILWAUKEE. Tha coat of production bus alwgja been, a secondary consideration. Ttie very choicest of very component part of tha Blats brews la tha Invariable rule. Expert Judges of barley and hops art encaged In contracting months In ad vane of the demands, and only tha bent of Mother Earth's crop Is ever considered. Alioayi th soias go-yi old B'olt 5LATZ MALT-VIVINB Naa-lntes TONIC As the rentilt of an accident on the gnlf links at Ann Arbor. Trof. Georse Hempl of the faculty of the University of Michi gan has recently submitted to an opera tion for the removal of his right eye by Dr. Fleming Carrow. The accident hap pened on the golf links. Standing well out of the line of fllht of any ball from the tee. Prof. !!"ml was fully thirty yards from H. O. Knbcork, who was at the tee for the purpose of driving. Mr. Babcock swung hrd, and his driver breaking, the head flew so hard at Prof. Hempl that he could not dodge and It struck him In the eye. No blame Is attached to the golfer whose broken stick caused the painful ac cident. Prof. Hempl Is an eminent teacher of philology and English lln (ill tlci. It Is thought that the promptness of the opera tion will result In the saving of the sight of the left eye. This accident and others of a similar nature revive the matter of golf ethics nd etiquette. There fire certain well established things in golf which are not Included in nor made a part of the rules as formulated by the United States Oolf association, which govern the various con tests held In the United States. Among these Is one which provides that the player who won the last hole shall retain the honor until he has lost a succeeding hole, and it Is also explicitly stated that no other player shall go even bo far as to make a tee until the player having, the honor has driven. Yet how often we see the spectacle of two and three and some times four tees being made simultaneously. There Is another little Item which Is quite generally disregarded, and that is that the player whose ball Is furthest from the hole, or whose ball Is "off," In golf par lance, shall shoot first after the drive. Then, too, none of the caddies are al lowed to step on the line of put to be made by the rltayer opposing the player for whom he may be caddylng. And It goes without saying that the opposing player will not step on or across the line of put to be made by his competitor. And neither is a player allowed to pat the ground behind his ball with his club, nor remove any obstacle, unless It la within a club's length, and he cannot even do that If It Is some growing substance. In a match contest of any kind it is entirely improper to ask any player how his game is pro gressing, or even to speak to him, unless the player in question first accosts tha other party. A well-defined knowledge and observance of the golf rules, together with other mat ters of etiquette that are generally ob served, would do much toward, making the game of golf mors enjoyable and Inviting. - - Glen View, at Chicago, has held the na tional amateur championship, which was won by Louis N. James; the national Open, held by Lawrence Auchterlonle; the west ern open, held by Lawrence Auchterlonle; the western amateur, held by P. B. Hoyt, and the western event for women, held four times by Miss Anthony. The latter's victory In the recent national event at Wheaton gave the club the honor of being the first organisation in the west to attain this prominence. Harry Vardon, the world's greatest golfer. In a letter to Tom Bendelow at Chi cago, expresses the desire to win -One mors British championship. Vardon is at the Mundersley sanitarium, Norfolk, England, where he is taking the open-air treatment for consumption. "I spend all the . day light hours in the outdoors," aaya Vardon, no matter what tha weather may be, and at night sleep with all the windows open. When I came in I weighed 138 pounds;' now I weigh 174 pounds. I had a good place of fered me for the winter in California, but my physician forbade ma taking it." Ach, Hlmmelt Vas Is los mit Colonel Bogey, yet? An American haa 'won the German golf championship, and from an Englishman! Tha daily press recently con tained an account of the national German tourney at Berlin In which Dr. George O. Webster defeated H. H. Dobbs, capturing the honor only after twenty-one holea were played. But after all ths American golfers have little trouble abroad In capturing honors, except in England.' A St. Louis man captured the championship of France and a Chlcagoan took tha Italian championship. GOSSIP FROM THE GRIDIRON Debate ai to Wes'.trn Championship Knot Ahead of tha Gia NEBRASKA'S CLAIM TO RECOGNITION Reeerd af the t'orafcaskere Darlag Last Tea or Three Tears Is Good aad Prospect af Besting Illi nois Is gpleadld. With the end cf the foot ball season less than two weeks away, the foot ball critics are now figuring on which will be the championship team, but with all their prognostications but little mention Is made of the University of Nebraska team. The record of the Cornhuskers for the last three or four years would seem to place them In a position where they should receive more consideration st the hands of-the foot ball critics. The team has lacked that spirit of devotion on the part of Its followers, both at Lincoln and elsewhere, which goe3 fur toward developing the proper college spirit which goes In to win or die, or do like the Spartans, come back on their swords. The members of the team have worked hard and have perfected what Is perhaps one of the best machines in the west Of course the writers on the eastern papers will pass the team up with scarcely any notice whateven until compelled to take cognizance of the fact that the trans- , mlsslsslppl states can produce as good an article of foot ball as any of the teams on the other side of the big stream. Booth has worked hard to get his men end the team In good condition, and there Is now every Indication that the Nebraska eleven Is now the strongest this side of the Mississippi with the possible exception of Minnesota. Owing to delayed Justice in the recogni tion of Nebraska's claims, every effort Is now bending toward the game with Illinois on Thanksgiving day. This game will be not merely a matter of local or state In terest, but will attract to It the attention of foot ball enthusiasts throushout the entire west. Since some' drastic measures seem to be the only method by which Ne braska can break into the "big" combine, every muscle will be trained to win the Thanksgiving contest with Illinois. It hi true this will have no direct bearing upon the championship of the middle west. As a matter of fact Nebraska Is not figured upon In this matter, but the fact neverthe- css remains that If Nebraska can score a Ignal victory In this contest It may serve the purpose of opening the eyes of the members of the big teams In other portions of the west to the fact that Nebraska Is entitled to a place In the "combine," and that the Cornhuskers should be riven a voice In Its transactions and be afforded an opportunity to book games with some of the star elevens, so that Nebraska's true relative merits as a foot ball team may be ascertained to the fittl and complete satlu factlon of Its supporters and adherents. fit Is a question whether the change In pen alty from losing the ball to losing twenty yards has not made players more willing to take the chances of being penalized for holdlrg. Certainly there has been a great deal of holding. When a team is on Its own thirty-yard line with the ball and loses twenty yards for holding, the penalty strikes the average onlooker as being pretty severe; yet any team would prefer to lose the dlstsnce In these circumstances than the ball. And this revives the question as to whether the players have Increased their powers and ability to get away quickly nnd to put their plays Into execu- D)iyn nil ii ii 1 M AnrU M THE, DREAD OF WINTER. during the first few moments of play and then at a certain stage of the game they have adopted the whirlwind tactics and literally swept the opposition off Its feet. In general It may be said that all the west ern teams are Improving in the matter of speed. George O'Nell. Instructor at Midlothian and a brother toVhomas O'Nell, Instructor at Waveland, haa departed for his winter post at Pasadena, Cal. More golfers spend the winter months In California than In any other state In the union. Tha climate Is delightful and there ta$an abundance of first-class golf courses. Fred Bartsch, who has been tha Instructor at the Country club, left last night for Chicago, where he will act as instructor at the Homewood club next year. Who his successor at the Country club will ba haa not been determined. Election day In New York was marked by other than riotous scenes at the pollt leal gatherings. More followers of the royal and ancient game of golf than turned out on any of the midsummer day thronged the links within a radius of 100 miles of New York City, and soma very In teresting competitions were hold. At the St. Andrews club the event that has the distinction of being the oldest club com petition In the country the John Reld gold medal competition and champlonahlp of the club, played every year sines 18S9 was won by John Reld Jr., record holder of the links for three years, for the first time with a acore of 106 for thirty-six holes, Bold Is a former, well-known Yale man and a warm friend of Walter B. Smith of Onwentsla, for whom he caddied at the United States championship at Morrlstown In im. Word comes from the Homewood course. where Fred Bartsch of the Omaha Country club Is to be Instructor next year, that Warren Wood recently In a practice game equaled the record of seventy-five made by J. A. T. Brempston of the Oxford and Cambridge team. Wood made a 38 out and a 37 In. W. J. Travis recently made a remarkable round In practice at Ekwanok. Manchester, Vt, breaking the record of the course and returning a card of TO. tltfil Bl ITT DOCUlve Pft UIUn,lii yl ALi BUM. BULHinO WJ. BMilsUaSI fcj Omaha Branch ltll Douglas 8t. TL 10S1 jj Physical f oaalilea of hlldrra. In but ft w of the cities of the world srs school children examined oh entrance or subsequently to determine which ara de fective with reference to applying the remedy. Examinations of nearly too pu pils In an American school of the better class during ths past year showed that 34 per cent were near-sighted, 12 per cent had functional hcarttdlsorders. 5.8 per cent had spinal curvature with tome vertebral rotation. 41.3 per cent more had a sym me try of spine, hips or shoulders, UK' per cant had adenolda or chronically enlarged tonsils. In over 10 per rent of the raaes Utters were sent to parents, recommending that medical attention be given to some physical condition. Examinations of 40. 000 school children by school physicians in the duchy of Saxe-Me lnlngen, Germany, showed that 23 per cent were near-aighted 10 per cent or mora had spinal curvature and SO per cent had tetn which needed attention. Foot Ball Motes. with The f.ict that Nebraska defeated the Haskell Indians by a score of 17 to 0. while Chicago could defeat them by a lees de cisive score 17 to 11 would seem to be am ple ground on which to base a claim for being on a par with the University of Chi cago, which Is looked upon as a factor In the contest for the western championship. As usual, however, the matter of the cham pionship will continue to be a question of doubt and uncertainty. Should the Univer sity of Chicago do the unexpected and de feat .Minnesota, then. Minnesota will again set up its claim that while a tie game was played by It with Michigan, that In reality the Mlnnesotans won because they gained more distance at straight foot ball than did "Hurry Up" Yost's proteges. Under these conditions it v.'ould seem to be up to Nebraska to get in the game with Illinois with both feet snd clear heads to win. Then the Cornhuskers will be In a position to bid for a voice and a place In the athletic affairs of western colleges. Nebraska has claimed for some time that It had this right, and the ' supporters of the team think that way also, but the fact remains that the western colleges have not seen fit to give that recognition which the performances of the Nebraska eleven would seem to merit. Next year it is hoped that Nebraska may be able to book some games with some of the star aggre gations of the west and that these games may be contested in Omaha, whero they would be accorded a record breaking audi ence. The people of Omaha are getting hungry to see aome of the really big teams In a genuine foot ball mlx-up. That a good attendance would be guaranteed Is assured because of the general discontent evidenced here after the negotiations look ing to the pulling off of the Nebraska-Iowa game In this city had failed. A game with Michigan, Minnesota, Illinois, Wisconsin or Chicago would be an event In ths history of the game in the state of Nebraska, and If played in this city would be witnessed by a larger audience than has ever byn noted thus far In any western state out side of Minnesota. ,The athletic authori ties at Lincoln recognizes this fact and have given assurances that If It be within the realms of possibility a game will be booked with aome of these big elevens and that it will be pulled off In this city. A resolution has been placed before the authorities of Chicago university asking that that Institution take the Initiative In an effort to abolish the Thanksgiving day foot ball game. Generally speaking, this question is exciting considerable Interest among the colleges of the west. It Is cer tain that the advocates of the plan are actuated by the best of motives and It Is equally aura, that the movement will come to naught, and will kave the same bearing as the effort which has been made to the big buse ball magnates dispense with the base txill games on Memorial day. jyothlng new or novel is embodied in the question, ana me original mite-worn argu mcnts are brought Into requisition. In deed, it Is doubtful whether anything new or novel could be said upon a subject which has long been a favorite with instructors In English, who annually assign It to their classes in theme writing Just before Thanksgiving day. One phase of the situa tion seems to merit consideration, because this Incident, coming on the heels of Dr. Harper's scheme for athletic, endowment, Indicates clearly the peculiar attitude which the faculty of the university has as sumed, apparently through Ignorance of existing conditions, toward the general pub lic. First, comes Dr. Harper's plan, which makes absolutely no provision for foot ball rooters st large, and now follows a plan whereby local enthusiasts are to be de prived, jof their unnual "turkey day" game. These suggestions are especially remark able, coming as they do from the I'nlver sity of Chicago, for If any Institution was ever Indebted to the public for athletic success. It is that particular university. Other western colleges will not take kindly to tha proposition, because they have previously been placed on record in this matter and a vigorous protest ha been waged against the abolition of the Thanksgiving game. That is the one great day among the foot ball youth of the whol country. And the general public, too. interested, fur It has been educated to look forward to these big contests with a de gree of expectancy rivaled only, by that experienced by the contestants themselves. The cominc: of winter, with its icy winds, damp, foeey weather, and sndden changes in tion more promptly than in former years, temperature, will set the old rheumatic aching and the muscles to throbbing' and It is conceded that a good deal of "Hurry . . . . ... , . , v, i n . . rr i , up- Yost s success has been du to the twitching with such pains as only Rheumatism cau inflict. Chronic sufferers need no better fact that his mm have reserved themselves weather signals towarn them of approachincf storms than their achincr bones and muscles. They know from experience how the damp, easterly winds and night air increase their misery and rob them of restful sleep. Rheumatism is alyays worse in winter. Cold and dampness are exciting causes; they affect the circulation, stop perspiration, and the poisonous acids iu the blood, no longer able to escape through the pores, settle uptfn the nerves and tender linings of the joints and muscles, causing inflammation and swelling and such terrible piercing pains that no wonder the nerves are shattered, the health under mined, and the patient often crippled and deformed for life. SfT'? ul7 .i . r , . jj i i t-ij"' year bko I had a severs attack oi xvueumausm Degins anu aeveiops m me uiooa; it is not a disease that comes in a night or that can be rubbed away in a day, but is a constitutional, well-grounded blood disorder that all the liniments and plasters ever invented cannot remove. Yet some people will go on dallying with external remedies for-years, leaving the real cause of the disease untouched, the blood growing weaker and thinner and the joints and ' muscles more . useless with every attack. This formidable disease and Dread of Winter is due to a general sluggish condition of the entire system and the presence of uric and other acid poisons in the blood. It is an internal disorder, that can only be cured by internal remedies. The aches and pains are only symptoms which you1 may scatter or relieve for a time by liniments or other outside applications, but they gather in some other part of the body, shifting frbm one set of muscles to another, and from joint to joint, and frequently strike the delicate machinery of the heart or some other vital spot. Rheumatism is' never permanently cured till the blood has been purified and the sluggish system aroused to better action; and this is exactly what S. S. S. does. It thoroughly cleanses the blood and renovates the system by neutralizing the acids and expelling from the system all acrid matter. S. S. S. makes rich, new blood, that warms and invigorates the body and supplies nourishment to the weak and diseased nerves. S. S. S. acts also as a tonic, and as the general health improves, rheumatic pains are felt less often and gradually cease altogether. It is the thin, acid blood that is so easily chilled by the cold and affected by every ill-wind and change in the weather. Rheumatism and bad blood are inseparable, you do not have one without the other, and the surest and quickest way to get rid of Rheumatism is to restore the blood to a normal, healthy state. S. S. S. is composed of both purifying and tonic properties, just what is required in every case of Rheumatism, It does not contain any Potash, Alkali or other mineral ingredient, but is guaranteed entirely vegetable. If you have Rheumatism in any form, write us fully about it, and our physicians will advise you without cost, and we will mail to your address our special book on Rheumatism, containing helpful information to everyone suffering from this painful complaiut. THE SWIFT SPECIFIC COMPANY, ATLANTA, GA. Yale's team average Is 1M pounds, a line avers Re or i pounas. Uudpe HenVlflnger, at New Haven, looks wise and says: "Yale is- not what she is cracked up to be." Tammany carried the ball some 64,000 yards further than did Fusion and the Tigers had touchdowns to burn. Norcmsa. the Wolverine who almost forced Yost to give him a place on the Michigan team, Is putting up a fine game. The Harvard scrubs are scoring on the regulars with alarming frequency accord ing to the reports; but the other crack elevens of the cast take no stock In these reports. The Chicago papers devote considerable spine to exploiting the wily tactics of the Haskell Indians. In this respect they re semble their eastern contemporaries at Carlisle. Stricken Purdue will have Its memorial gymnasium. At Notre lame one of the victims of the I'urdue wreck has been hurled, ell of the students attending the ceremony as a mark of respect. Coach Hernsteln of the Haskell Indians Is a Michigan man. as is McDonald, the Creightnn coach. Thus the spectators at yesterday's contest witnessed a-" came In which the same style of foot ball was played by each team. Manager Hutterworth of the purple ath letics has announced that the game with Carlisle on Thanksgiving will bu played in the forenoon to afford the enthusiasts an opportunity to attend the big game at Mar shall neld-ln the atternoon, wnen the l nl verslty of Chicago will battle with Michigan. Yale students are belnir warned that thev will be severely punished if they let any I tne Yaie-'rinceion ucaets get into tne ends of speculators. This matter of epeo- atiug has marred the games net ween hese Institutions for a number of- years nil the authorities have laid down an Iron ud rule that the bartering or "cornering; of tickets must be dispensed with. The one-point goal kick after the touch- own should he aooiisned. There is no trnight foot ball about It and the one otnjt has orten decided a eontest wnere he teams were evenly matched. The spec ators do not care much about it and nine men out of ten the audience yells gleefully when the ball has miHsed the uprights by several feet, as it la a hard matter for even the officials sometimes to tell whether the kick has gone between the uprights. The Indian trick of concealing the hall nderneath a sweater may be permissible nder the rules, but It hardly seem in eeninK with the sulrit of the game. There a nothins In the rules to prevent tunnels being dug from the middle of the field con- ecling wltn trap aoors duck oi ine goal ne, Ulenn Warner, me inaian coacn, is not enthusiastic over the trick. "It can ardly tie considered varaity toot nan, ne nvi. "it la more oi a scnooi Doy inca. but I think It is all right for the Indians to use it. It la an old trick that I tried once before when 1 was head coach at Cor- ell. It worked all right against t'ennsyl- anla Btate college In 1897. It was not a forward pass, as nss oeen contended, but was slipped under Dillon's sweater by Johnson from the side. Dillon had an elastic cora string arouna ine uoi tom of his sweater to hold the ball. It is a trick that can be used only once in a great while, and It pleased the Indians greatly to get away with it." Inflammatory Rheumatism. I was laid ap in bed for tlx months, and tha doctors I had did ma no good. They changed madlolna very week, but nothing they presorlbed seemed to help ma. Finally 1 left off thslr treatment and began tha uss of 8. 8. 8. My knee and elbow Joints were swollen tsrrlbly, and at one time my Joints wera go swollen and painful that I oould not close them whan opened. I was ao bad that I oould not mova knss or foot. In faot, I had ona of tha aavar ast oases of Rheumatism I ever haard of. I was getting disoouragad, yon may ba sura, whan I began 8. 8. 8., bnt as I saw It was doing ma good I oontlnnad It, and to-day I am a sound and wall man, and hava nsvsr had a return of tha diseaee. It rellsvad tha swelling and Inflammation, purified my blood and oured ma of this severs oass of Inflamw matory Rheumatism after everything alss had failed. I hava raoommended it to othsrs, with Rood results, and I know that it is surs oura for Rheumatism. R. U. CHAPMAN. 1355 Mt. Vernon Ava. WHAT THE BOWLERS ARE AT Secretary Krpf of tha ltatloaal As sociation Talks at Clevelaad ' Coaaress. Secretary Samuel Karpf of the American Bowling congress is making a tour of the northern cities. In an interview Mr. Karpf says there has been a general increase !n the interest manifested throughout the United States in bowling, and that aa the winter pastime its popularity in many of the northern cities has been firmly estab lished. Surprise was expressed over the fact that-so many of the smaller towns and villages throughout the United States had put Jn bowling alleys. Many of these places afford some of the best bowlers in the country. In speaking of the annual convention of the American Bowling congress, which will be held In Cleveland In February, Secre tary Karpf said that from present Indica tions the attendance will be considerably larger than ever before, as a rate' of one fare for the round trip has been promised by the Western rassenger association Fourteen new alleys will be constructed by the Cleveland association, which will have chnrge of the national tournament. Ten will be used for the team games and the other four for the match games. It Is ex pected that by arranging a number of match games the eastern bowlers will again become Interested In the congress and enter for the match contests. As a bidder for the 1906 bowling congress Milwaukee and Detroit are the leading fac tions. The bowlers of Detroit have gone so far as to secure the assistance of the Chamber of Commerce to assist them in getting the 19C5 bowling congress. An earnest effort will be made to have the differences between the east and the west settled, so that the good of the game will be the main thlng-before the bowlers. The scrap that marred the last national meeting of the bowlers la deplored on every hand and every effort will be put forth to pre vent anything of a similar nature in tha future. Secretary Karpf said he thougnt the loaded ball will be entirely done away with at the next session of the American Bowling congress. Averages of the Omaha league bowlers at the end of fifth week: Rank and Name. Games. Pins. 1 Reed. H.'D.... 2 vv igman 5 Christie 4 Kmery 6 Frltscher 6 W'elty 7 Potter s Francisco Hodges 11 12 15 16 16 IS 13 16 10 Bengele 11 Zimmerman 12 Brunke ..... Denman .... 13 Huntington H lyehman ... 15 Hughes ..... 16- Zarp 17 Jones 18 Gilchrist 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 12 1 Norene 15 ao Chandler 15 21 Marble 15 22 Schneider 15 23 Weber 12 24 Norton S 25 Bchnelder, F. W. C 28 Hunter 27 GJerde 15 28 Clarkson 12 2 Forscutt 30 Kncell 15 31 Bel leek 15 32 Sherwood 15 33 Heselln 15 34 Griffiths 12 35 Frledhof 12 36 Smead 9 37 Yoder 38 Reynolds 12 39 Hanks la 40 Conrad 41 Greenleaf ... 42- Neale 41 Ahmanson .. 44 Sheldon 45- Krug Fretich 47 Fowler 48 Mockett .... 4-Clay 50 Tracy 61 Reed, A. C. 62 Murphy A 9 12 16 6 2a 2264 1111 2775 2772 2754 2HX0 2142 21)77 J 070 2867 249 :ti!9 :9 1576 624 2f.W 26J 206' 2T)76 2070 XS-i ' 25.6 2041 ir.27 M15 H13 2M6 2019 1512 2519 25 2504 2492 192 19S0 1477 SN 1952 2423 ; 1446 1915 2377 949 911 1370 l'5 906 1363 1319 4H7 421 Average. 1K8 1-U J87 10-12 s5 1-4J 184 12-15 M 16 1.8 10-15 1.8 6-12 178 7-15 178 2-6 177 2-15 176 y-15 176 9-15 175 14-15 175 1-9 14 14-15 in io-is 172 3-15 172 1-12 171 11-15 171 6-15 171 3-15 170 5-15 170 1-12 1H9 6-9 Irtt 1-6 KM 5-6 108 6-15 1H8 3-12 168 167 M-IS 167 3-15 166 14-1) 166 2-15 166 105 164 l- 16J 4-6 1"12 8-13 161 8-15 161 161 (-9 169 7-12 168 7-15 158 1-6 156 6-6 102 2-9 152 1-7 150 5 6 150 2 9 148 7-9 145 , 2-S 140' I S Reed, 210, 212; Francisco, 200, 209, 202; Smead, 202, 203. 205. 221, 210; Potter. 205, 202; Griffiths, 200, 207; Norton, 203, 203. 214, 225. 200, 203, 224, 200, 202, 209, 203; Schneider, 200, 201; Stein, 204; Champion, 202; Frltscher, 224, 201; Car ter, 212; Zarp, 203, 211, 216; Hodges,' 204; Jessen, 215; Jones, 212; Sherwood, 232, 200, 209, 204, 201; Gilchrist. 200; Brunke, 217; Chandler, 214; Davis, 202; Wolf, 220; Frled hof, 220; Norene, 209; Zimmerman, 211, 234; Bengele, 202. 212: Weber, 206; Peters, 204; Marks, 209, 202; Tonneman, :23, 201; Shel don, 208; Welty, 211; Christie, (03; Wlgman, 247 Emery, 205, 212, 210; Marble, 203, 206, 220, 220, 224, 221. Some of the high scores ' made on tha Gate City alleys last week: D. D. Norton, 245, 222. 212, 208; W. ZItsman, 207, 210, 203; H. D. Reed, 210, 557; C. Buelow, 212, 204, 212; J. Meahan, 204; Cochran, ICS, 21S; Me Cabe, 211, 204; Utt, 210, 203; Charles Howard, 13, 222, 215. 211, 2il. 209; Henry. 242, 216, 210, 208; C. B. Bridenbecker, 220, 214; M. Greenleaf, 217. 212. 214, 212; F. Welty, 214, 207, 211, 222; B. F. Hull, 208. 220. 222, 208. 236. 235; W. Sherwood, 215, 200, 263, 210, 230, 202; G. Martin, 215. 238, 224, 200; II. Johnson, 222; Sol Yoder, 217, 216; Heft. 203, J0F; Drahoa, 217,; C. Seaman, 200, 231, 212, 203. ' Ills I mbrella. Jack "That's a handsome umbrella that you have there." Tom "Yes; It cost ine seventy-five dol lars." Jock "Seventy-five dollars! Holy smoke!" Tom "Not holy smoke; just ordinary cigar trust coupons." Somerville Journal. At Clark's alleys Mrs. I. 8. Hunter has a score of 166 for the women's monthly ten pin prize snd J. H. Hodges has 267 for the men. For weekly prises W. H. Wigman has 247 at tenpins, C. C. Wright 21 at nine pins, Charles French 86 at seven up, and D. D. Norton ten games of 200 or over at tenpins. High scores for, the wsek: Huntington, 214, 202, 209; Clay, 220; H. D. Reed. 224. 215, 214, 221, 208; A. C. Reed, 205; "Plumber' la iter jiai.ui beautif No wtman'i happi. nsi can be complete without children ; it is her natuie to love aa.1 them much so aa to love the ful anrl pure. The critical ordeal through which the expectant mother must pass, nowever, is to iraught with dread, pain, ufferinsf and danger, that the very thought of it fills her with apprehension and horror. There is no necessity for the reproduction of life to be either painful or dangerous. The use of Mother's Friend so prepares the system fo the coming event that it is safely passed without any danger. This great and wonderful remedy is alwaya appliedexternally,and has carried thousands of women through the trying crisis without suffering. Seed for free book containing Informatioa of priceless vslus to all expeetsat mothers. Tss Bradfleld Regulator Co.. Atlanta. Ga. '.iv.r "-fawn aa,j nuMwiiaywiaaajupMiii D : M - u I Ii ; & : i I W. M z 1 ii "'' -1-"" "" f' ' ety If. ...'1.TJ(. laM&itl XX? l 'T'iiiJADiyy ! 3'." i it:'- -.-ri' r 't ;1 Mi,, .'.,c , Any Woman May Have Health. 6 Gcorga Stiaat, St. lasaartifm, ft., Maaoh 2t, 1903. LaaafaaVI saaajlita Wa cald aarna nxsnttmaiiori whkVcaosed hiftstsssa lsiai of Ue nigrarand proves! vary seneui to-sne. I tsft a oortVnssa bstraitkj pain, inUnas bnaJacSM, an4 sot stvaaeh frequently refoaod food. I tost lay stood scants wita aajr aaita aaa aa Ue doctor's txaaurtptMsai dM not Wp ata I dsckk-4 U try Wine of Cars' ai. I feasnd Us my Una wsak my stotnaan waa toaed Dp aad (hat 1 oowki onoe mora paiaa l bMl ssMtaraa sseaa Unas it 1 sard atvan tkrtttes before vr iaa of utremi is a otsasiny to sick wtmea ss4 i adtisa my lunering sisacrs to nags ins n wiay want laavt won qasck. "i faU mylt wreH. Ji 3 . J3 jS (jtXft&t to sick wtmea ssua 1 adtisa my . " Vica-PmaaxrorT, Jawiasj WaaAa's Oc.cs. , UlQRIDAf W j l' 2 m In a number of aumea'thls iMinn h twenty-yard penalty has been lufllcied and v. That Wine of Cvdui cures menstrual disorders, bearing down pams, ovarian pains, inflammation and all the troubles arising from female weakness many thousands of women have affirmed. But Wine of Cardoi is also a smre preventive of the diseases for which it is a positive cure and of the terrible maladies which in time become chronic and organic and incurable by any hamaa means. Had Mrs. Gotllcib taken Wine of Gtrdui earlier her coki could not have settled in her vital organs and she would have had no serious trouble at all. But nine out of every tea womea are victims of female weakness. Often the trouble b dormant and is nly developed by a cold or some onusual strain. If you are suffering uterine troubles you shoald not wait another day to begin the Wine of Cardui treatment Female weakness is a continual menace to your health. Wine of Cardui will drive out all trace of menstrual derangements. Go to your druggist today and purchase a $1.00 bottle of Wine of Cardui. wTf-vr iinaiw-jrjjts'.aaaB wa-i. Up fJ