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T1IE OUAIIA DAILY REE: TUESDAY. FEBRUARY 9. 1904. I Tl'l iRALY AND PRODUCE MARKET Broken Ar Cantioua and Speculation la Grain ia Slow. WAR RUMORS AND ARMOURS THE CAUSE alaeeet Positive Asseraaee ( Hsi tllltles la Far Eaat Held la Wfceat Little aaal Rally Fa I leal. OMAHA. Feb . ll. The Omaha speculative imtrket in grain was very dull. broKers being cautious. The lmg continued bulling or pi leva tnrounh rumora and lha nuanlpjiaiion of Ar rrroor and others had cujk1 the mora con ervatlve element to withdraw irom Ina floor In Chicago and aa a consequence the market fljctuaied largely on emn-,1 transactions. The heavy liquidation an coarse grain caused lha market to de cUna sharpiy from the opening and a alutnp of centa un May cum followed on the Chicago. Omaha almost mat this. The almost positive assurance of war helped to hold the whpit up a little. A rahy for the rlorlng hour waa expected aa morning but waa not realised. May corn waa the tnly future whjch en gaged Omaha speculators. It opened stronger than at Chicago where the Ing waa So off from the close of Satur day rYom a bid of 45c It declined sharplv to 44c and then rallied So. Through Ike morning corn riddled up anj down around the tree-quarter mark and atarted for the bottom again toward cloning time - Chi cago opened weak and broke stenelly Jjly co.n okiwI M the rlowlsg rgur of Satur day, 4t4,o but decline.! to 4 rallied So and then declined to 43"c- There seemed no spirit t take or? era at thia figure. May wheat opened eirong in Chicago, but r!I!lf '''? ."" -""aha. Chicago broke from 96c to 9Jo, but recovered to 4c. from where It slumped to arc. July wheat waa too much of a luxury for the Omaha crowd, aa waa also May and March oat. Chicago declined la In May oata and there nothing doing In Omaha. The range in pricea of Omaha grain for future delivery and the cloea today and tviy were aa follows: Wheat May ., July .. Corn May '., July . Gate May .. March Open. High. Low. Today. Safy. ...Tt 7 77a. 77. 7 73-H 43 43H 73 43 74SB 4EB 44'iQ ...46 ...44"4 45 44- 41 3B Leeal Cask Grala Market. The ciah market waa much more lively than that In grain for future delivery. Receipt of wheat wera light, being J earn: Saturday. I. rive cara went out. ' 8a lea of car lota by aample on track. Winter wheat, no. I, car. 73c; Mo. 4. rar, nee. . Receipt of corn wera heavier than for ever a I daya and business waa lively. Cars In were 33; out. 11; Saturday. 22. - Galea of car lota by aample on track. Omaha : Mlxew corn. No. S, 2 cara, Xtc; 3 car. 39c; No. 25 cara. Sfcc: 1 car, Vtjc; No. 4 damaged, 1 car, 37Sc: no grade. 1, STc. Yellow corn. No. I. 1 car, vc; 1 our, $Vc 1 car. 3ac; No. 4, 1 ear. 40e. White corn. No. I. 1 cur. 40Hc; No. 4. 1 Cir 4ic. WHEAT-No. i hard. TRfJTtc: No. S hard. t75c; No. 4 hard. 63iic; No. t apring. jMc; No. I apring. 7la,c; No. 4 spring, "(CORN-NO. 2. 4iv.g42c; No. 3. SM.fitOV': No 4. ryHlr; No. 2 yellow. 4342V-c;' No. 1 yellow. ,t.v,&41Hc: No. 2 white. 44XSc; No. 1 white. SeVd41ty. OATS No. 2. Aaar; No. I. r3Hc: No. 4, WH37c; No. white. 4041c; No. 3 white. tWafctoc; atandard. 3VX . K . Sates treat the aTxckaaare OaHeaa." -Omaha, buslneaa tn futJrea Saturday' waa U'lrlna the first week of the Omaha nrwln I! xcharure 21S cara of grain ware Inspected y Inauector HevL Omaha Inanu-tium foe today were 4 cars. Wheat. cum: k ce graded No. 3 hard winter. S cars No. 4 hard winter: Com, 17 cara graded No. 8, 11 cars No. 4, 1 car No. t white. 3 cars No. t yellow, nd 7 cars no grade; oau. 1 car No. 4 white, 1 car no grade. " ( that Grata Trawl. The last aetimata places that amount- of grain In BaJtlmorweaiiaraaors-aui 40tt4 btnati-' la of whataC, 1.2a).oia of com amf Htl.wo of! atn. ; It to thought that Utrtw trf tWs wl m burned. . " . - . ', - , The following are statistics for tha week:' Llverpoul -weekly stocks of grain'. , . . -DecJin. Wheat, today..... ; tJeO.ftCtt . 104.000 A week ago 2.4M.0m) 2Ji.Uiai A year ago X.17.iM SMi fmo Corn, today B74.(iH 43.JM) -A week ago KH.Oiai 17. w A year ago Juii.OOO 21.0J Tha world' shipment of grain: Wheat, last week, ll.5oi.wa: previous week. ll.iMii. (aai; let year,; com, last week. Ilotfrat prwvlou week. 2,688,000; -last year, 3.O44.0U0. Primary receipts: Wheat. 760,000 bushels, aa against Kl.uuu; com, 744,000, againat 70. OuOt Shipments: Wheat, 2M.uiiu, agaiiiat s70,st; corn, 477.UO0. againat 710.000. rala Harktla aViaawratara. Closing prices of grain at the markets named Saturday and today were aa follows: KANSAS CITT. Satur- vi neat nay July Com Mar , July ST. LOUIS. Wheat-May July Corn May , July 77 A . 74 . . 44S . . SH . S2aa 4', . 4 . HH 81S . ! . 3UT4B 74H 46S as H to MINNEAPOLIS. at Ma v July DULL'TH. Wheat May July NEW YORK, Wheat May July 6S 96S .- CHICAGO GHA11 A.! PROVISIONS. Featarea at tka TradlaaT and Claalaac - Prla stat tha Boar al. CHICAGO Feb. I. Heavy liquidation de moralised the grain marktla tuUay. not withstanding the reverence of dltLma ko relaUona between hueaia and Japan, com and oats were especially weaik. May c-urn declining 3c and May oata i:.c trom the high put n la. U'haa.1 r'nTl nit rt fa 1 1 v i from the break, closing at about bu'.ur , day's final figures, but May corn ho wed a :'"" "I i'o ana outs JVujsc Privuiona wers Arm. the May prwuutit cioaing un. changed to lso higher. With war In the mr eaat virtually com menced, and all foreign grain markets re sponding, there waa a uaah to buy here 'at the opening by arnna hitherto stubborn "" aaiiera 01 wneat. me reauit ttm porarlly waa higher prices. May openej S to le higher at MVonw', and July was up Soi;c at K6Sdo. in a very short time, however, the ahurt sellers who had turned buyers had cause for regret. Boih 'May and July wheat waa offered In lnrg ajuantlilea. It waa claimed that a lion of . aeverat million buahala held by a loci I leader waa sold oat. The throwing o il of this wheat Induced general tiouldatl n and ' the market became May going to 'Sc a drop of la from tha top. while 'July soM off from JS. or ive from the tilsh point. The May d.rt.eer, however, raretved g.od support frjm the prirtrinil wing Interest and the price of that option soon regained a cent of tha tariv decline, 'while July rallied In aymnnbe The mar ket waa helped by a repo.t that all offer ing of wheat from Oda had been topped. A break In corn and Mta hd a 'depreaalng influence en wnea pricea. but additional support tmn tha Interest 'credited with being the 'rwt honler cf 'wheat, caused a fairly e'eud tone at the rloaw. May waa unchanfvt at 4c tut July was don So at ki. Clearancea of wheat and Itcur wefj qu.n to mi Til) ba' . Prlm,"Jy, l.rc"',,, " ", i I u., against aSl ul bu. a year :.go The amount on paaeaga Increase waa 3.472 ai bu while the vuMble aupply decrvaacd M'Oia) bu Mlnneapolla. Duluth and Chicago' re ported receipts of &ul cara. compared with 3 laat wwtk and 73 a year agoT Thi , feature In trading in corn was the buy ing by a large commiaaion houae. the In ference being that a bull leader waa die poalng of a part of his hoidinara through this house. Offerings continued to1 come out during the entire session snd extreme weakness prevailed. Stop kuas orders were reached in the downward process and this helped to send prices still lower The opening was firm along with wheat May being unchanged to S1' higher at botiv but within the laat half hour the price hel fallen to HS". The ahorta took ad vanatage of tha lower pricea and recov ered moderately, causing a alight rally at various timea. but on each email advance jare long corn wouia coma out and the -rket would decline lower than hfoee The boat out waa reached at aVe a rim of ' from tha hlaher point. The chvae was at rjr. July cled r;sc lower, after eeniig betweeu suMi3S--. I-ocai receipts w- cara. no contract grade. Thiers was the same experience In eats aa tn mt trading ar.d altnust euual weak aasa. Zbm exeaut-sT mm Cxaa gik mm Ma May being V9y to Sc higher at 4S4Ho Heavy selling by a prominent pimmiwlno house led local traders to the belief that thee offerlnfrs were coming from a b;g line of the leading long and this started miller holdera to aril. There were not many oats wanted and prices started downward. The low point w reached at 41v. or 3c below the high figure. There was some recoverr late in the day. but the close was 2V'-'c lower. Larger re ceipts and better grading were bear fac tor. Local receipt were 3fi cara. The provlalons market showed strength rn apite of the weakness In grains. There was an active demand tor pork and lard. Thn buying waa by commission houses snd foreigners. After ranging between IIS ''o? 13 t. May pork cUed 10c higher at liJ TS. May lard closed unchanged at 37 6Jv after selling between 37.3-1u;.'i7V Rlba were up 2ic at 3i ICS, after ranging between t 1 M. Estimated receipts for tomorrow: Wheat, 41 cars: corn, 4J0 cars, oats, 110 cars; hogs, 32'a) head. The leading futures ranged aa follows: Artlclee., Open. I High. I Low. I Close Sat y. Wheat Mav July Sept. Corn Feb. May July ( mte May July Pept. Pork May Lard May July Hlh My July ! ns' 4 ! 4 iatyji ,s (is, ) I v,' hs at! mt kuS 7- jS; T' 4 51 . 54 &o't 51 ii s 4r4,44S'i,4 3T, i!S 3s as u sth; u rs '64ifa! 55 ! 52 oJSas EJ'i 'S I I I I 44Vl 44, 41 S aysis aSi 3rs 23S -ifS 33 13 75 13 W 13 V) 7 7 7 1714 7 TO 7 72H, 7 57S i I TTs' 7 00 7 tCH' 97i, 7 52Sl 7 WH UTS T 64 7 52S I W tith quotations were as follows; Fl L'R Stpadv: winter patents. 34.1&9 4 SO; winter straights, li (S4 1"; spring pat ents. U.1h:v pring straights. U.7iu4-00; bakr. rt OrS 4l HEAT-Xo. 3 spring. 80g?lc; No. i red, li7c Corn No. . iv: No. t yiiow. 4V. OATS No. 2. S'S'&SySc; No. 3 white, 3H 44 Sc. R TE No. 2, 90c. BARLEY Good feeding. 3c; fair to choice malting, 4T'J5Sc. SEEDS No. 1 flax, 1 10: No. 1 north western, 31 1S; prime timothy. 33.15; clover, enrrtrocf rrade. JlOTiillOO. PROVISIONS Mesa pork, per bM., 1 509 13 7S. Lard, per 100 ll.. r !Vrf7.rS- Short riba sides looe, p StaTS. Short clear sides (boxed). lo.T.Vyti 87S- Followlng are the receipts and shipments of flour and grain: Receipts. Shipments. Flour, bbls 31.1H0 12.fl Wheat, bu II 40 30"1 Corn, bu li saiO Oats, hu 1.3no 12.2" Rre. bu 13.5"0 i.onn Barley, bu OT.Soo 13.J00 On the Produce exchange today the but ter market was. firm; creameries. 15324c; dallies. U.iic. Eggs, steady; at mark, canes Included, 27'c. Cheese, steady, VSar lOSc HEW TOBK UGXKRAL MARKET. Uaotatloaa of the Day ea Varloas Ceaniwsdltles. NEW YORK. Feb. S. FI5L"R-Recetpts, 2S.41S bbls.; exports. 13.705 bbls.; firm; Minnesota patents, 34Ki5.u6; Minnesota bakers, S3 90..I-4.J5; winter patents. 14.54.Ji6; winter straignts, H.Xrut.M; winter extras. Hijlftl; winter low grades. 50. Rye flour, fair to good, B.4oi3io; choice to fancy, S3.3VU8.&- Buckwheai nuur. nrm, CORN MEAL Steady; yellow western, II. '; citv. $i.i; kiln dried. i!a3.00. RYE; Steady: No. 2 western. 71tc. nomi nal, f. o. b., afloat; state and Jersey, Vo4o. BARLEY luii. feeding, 53c c. 1. f. New Yort; malting. 546c c. 1. f. Buffalo. WHEAT Receipts, 111.5U0 bu. Spot. Ir regular; No. 3- red, 6c elevator, and 7e, f. -oi b, afloat; No. 1 northern, Duluth, 11 HS. f. O. b., afloat; No. 1 hard. Manitoba, nominal, f. o. b., afloat. There was a sensational break In New York at that opening today, under heavy profit-taking, and the prices later rallied on reports that Odesea exporters had withdrawn offerings and that Chicago bulls had supported the market heavily. The close -was fairly steady at Sijlc net decline. May, taSSt S closed at 96So: July. 8nV&9wSc. closed at Sc; September, tChWSe, closed at fflc CORN Receipts, 74.175 bu. The spot mar ket whs easy; No-. 2. eSSC elevator, and 53c, f. o. b., afloat: No. 2-yellow, 58c; No, i white, ac. Options dtweloped extreme w-c Krvcss. on heavy weatern- selling. May, biosefl aiWi.c: , ' wiTaifvPBCtits. Tlvta-n. ;Ppot, eSay So. 4c; atanilarVl 7e. BOSc; No. 2 white, 51c; No. 3 white. 5oSc RICE Steady; domestic, fair to extra, 3Va5c; Japan, nominal. HAY guiet; shipping. BO'&'TOc; good to choice. H.r'u5c. HOPS Firm; common to choice, 190J, 3S53w; liaJS. :4itSc: old. 10816c; Pacific coast. lfli'S. 27!!135c; 19";. 24flC8c. HIDES Firm; Galveston. M to 3 lbs.. 18c; California. 21 to 25 lbs,, 19c; Texas dry, 24 to 30 lbs.. 19c. irEATHK.R Steer 2J26Sc. T ALLOW' Quiet; city (2c on pkgs.), 6c; country packages freei. 54i6Sc. PROVISIONS Beef. Steady; family, 310.00 511.00; mess. $s.00'd9 fl0: beef hams. fJO 5oJ 22.00; city extra mess. 115 0fal7 00. Cut meats, steady; pickled bellies, 7.508 00; pickled shoulders, 35.756.00: pickled hams. l 5o4J10.(io. I.ard. steady, western stetyned, 37 sw; refined, steady: continent, 37 75: South America. I. 25; compound. 3.?sa.g7S. Pork,; faanily, 315onqi5 5u; short Clear. 114 26'.il 00: mesa. 314.75&16 .36. BL'TTKR Firm; creamery, 1624c; atata dalrr. 14200. CHEESE Steady at lCU-SiSe. ' EGGS Firm and higher; western firsts. 32c POULTRY Alive and dressed steady and unchanged. t. Lewla Grata svaal Provtaleaa. 8T LOriS. Feb. , WHEAT Higher, un settled: No. 2 red. cash, elevstor, c; track, abSal-lS. No. 2 hard. May, SUS'tf 8c. CORN Lower; No. 2 caah. 45c- track. 49 47c: May 4S'a43Sc; July. 49S54Sc OATS Lower; No. 2 cash. 43c; track. S'-: May. 4lSc: No. 1 white. 44 Sc. FLOCR Firmer; red winter patents. 34 S5 434.75; extra fancy and straight, 4.5oJ4.eo; cl-ar. 33a3 i. PKETIV-Tlmothv. steady. I2-5&92.M. CORNMEAL Steady. 32.40. FRAN Strong; scarce; sacked eaat track, S7.lKfcc HA Y Finn: timothy. 37.5Qfcl3.06; prairie, Ii.uuii9.60 for No. 1. IKdN COTTONTIE8-1.06. BAGGINO6ali6c. HEMP TWINE-. , PROVISIONS Pork. higher: Jobbing, 314.07S- Lard, unchanged: prime steaxn. Bacon, stesdy: boxed extra shorts, IT 2H: clear rlba. r.75; short clear, r.a7S- PtJULTHY Unchanged; chlckena, 9e; springs. c; turkeys, 12c; ducks, lie; geese, "'ricTTER Steady; creamery, lftfflic; dairy. 114 1C EGGS iilgber at 57Sc. case count. Receipts. Shipments. Flour, bbls I5.ia0 11 ) Wheat, bu W.'aa lf.t Corn, bu lavaaj l 0i Oata. bu 54.000 4B.0U0 Kaiaaaia City Grata aal Prevlaloaa. KANSAS CITY, Feb. I May. 77S477Hc; July 74S-; caah. No. 2 hard. SusTiKc; No. 3, TTuSlSc: No. 4. 7o75c; rejected, 6'a70c; No. 2 red 7V-; No. 3. l'fl3c. - CoRN Mty, 44S'44S-: July. 44So; caah. No. 3 mixed. tlfc-Uic; No. 3 white. 4iSi; NOAT9.No. t white. 4ifi43c; No. 2 mixed. Sac RYE No. 2. 62c. HAY 4.'holca timothy. 39 5t'6. 75; choice prairte. I7.UI. . . . , BL'TTER Creamery. 19tJlc; dairy, fancy, lsc EOGS Higher: Missouri and Kansas stock, cases returned. 26Sc: new No. t whitewood cauaea Included. 27c. Rec-Iota. Shipmenta. Wheat, bu Corn, bu..... Oata, bu l;4.iaa 7 a) ll.a) 1 aa , 10.000 lLwa) Grala Market. MILWAUKEE, Feb. a-WHEAT-Sfeady ; No 1 northern. riSwrtc; No. I northern. aaVgV-; May, 4c. bid. RY E Steady; No. L 0c. BARLEY Cull; No. 3. 43a3c; samcle. 3Mj&Sc. CuKN-lc lower; No. 3. 444? 6c; May, IT,Q 61c, asked. ' Mlaaeaaelis Grata Market. MINNEAPOLIS. Feb I. WHEAT May. jaSaJ-Vi 1S&1Sc; September. suS. 1 n track: No. 1 hard, -.Vl No. 1 northern, :Sc; No. I northern, aSc; Nil I northern, e-.:'Sc FIjliV. R Strong: first patenta 34.734-b: second patents. ! : ftrst clears, 3 leu; seoond clears, a2 DaUalh Grala Marhet. DrLCTH. Feb. I WHEAT In store: No. 1 hard. 9Sc: N'o- t northern, tie; No. 2 northern. S--- To arrive: No. 1 hard. taSc; No. 1 northern. SVc; No. 2 northern, avsc: May. Vic. July. 'V'; September. feSc. OATS On track, kfsc; to arrive, Vc. Llitrsal Grata Market. LIVERPOOU Feb. 6. WH EAT-Spot. nominal, futures, quiet; Match, esa-wi; CORN bput, steady: American mixed, new 4s! SO. Ameruan. oid. 4s 4SJ Fue iavtaa. liuieli Mafuu. 4a 2 vli Magr, 4s S4. NEW YORK STOCKS AND BONDS EiUimort Tin tad Tar Eaat Affect thi Market. DOUBLE THREAT FACED WITH COMPOSURE Aetlea et Market Regarded Geeal la Fare ef Fact that thleage aaal Beatea Flrea Beth Orea. sleaeal Paalea. ,JEW YORK. Feb. S -The stock market today had to face the two-fold effect of the fire In Baltimore and the breaking off dip lomatic relations hiv.aii iiu-t 1 Japan, either of which was sufficient to ! Justify a break. That the events were not sumcienny discounted waa clearly enough shown by the demoralised condition of t:ie trade on the Parts Bourse, which Is the Point upon which the effects of RusnUa troublea would narrowly converge. But our own market fared this douhie threat with great apparent compoaure at the opening, the first decline falling to carry pricea down to the parity of the London level before trading began. Support was evidently uut Into the market and prices Milled and a quiet tone that seemed one of cmfldence was brought about. It la d-iubtful whether this wan effective in convincing anybody that the slight spilling out of stocks at the opening measured ths whole effect upon the Baltimore disaster. Th harm already accomplished waa sufficient to mark the event aa a great national calamity and "here was nothing doing in 'he early part of the dy to In dicate the ultimate limits of the damage. It was early perceived that the dimensions of the disaster already exceeded those of -v mvvlnn. fleA In v. ( . .... w..k. . j possible exception, with the record of the 11 rago rre itself In Imminent danger of being exceeded. When It Is borne In mind that both the Chlcsgo fire and the Roston fire were the occasion of stock exchange panics the action of the present to-k mar ket must he regarded as good. The liquida tion, which waa an Inevitable consequence of the wiping out of property value ap proaching the cost of the war with Spain, caused declines during the day In the principal active stocks from 1 to over a points. The rally of the last hour demonstrated that short selling to a considerable extent went hand In hand with the liquidation and was not backed with sufficient confidence, to leave contracts open over night. The re lapse in prices failed however, to attract any effective demand for stocks, leaving the outlook still uncertain. Baltimore Ohio was nnturallr a special sufferer ow ing to local causes. P4insvlvan'a was heavllr sold J1 day with expressions of dlsaatlsfic'lnn over Its heavv borrowl-g. I'nlon Pacific was a conspicuous suffrer. Some of the day's selling, both of stocks and of bonds, wss attributed to the ac count of the Insurance companies In rep aration for the heaw claims to ne met. All other considerations dlsirpeared before the two great fpctora of the fire and the war. Ponds were weak. Total sales, par value. tS.13n.ovi. fitted States bonda wers unchsns-ed on el The following were the closing quotations on the New York Stock exchange: Sales. High. Low Close, Atchison 51.7m S S 7 do pfd l. fti W Baltimore A Ohio ...2.n 4 77H 7S do pfd ) 91 91 Canadian Pacific 7.HM 11SS 1144 116S Central of N. J 90 15S 155 lS Chesapeake ft Ohio... l.KI 32 !P4 31S Chicago Alton 2.UJ 3S 37S 3S do pfd S3 Chicago Gt. Western. l.aj 15S 15 15 Chicago A N. W 1.5"0 13 152 12 Chicago. Mil. at SL P.44.B00 141S 194 13J do dM i: Chicago Ter. T... do pfl C. C. O. St. L Colo. Southern , .. 2") H !H .. 1.100 22 US im ik iV 100 63 SI 15 63 lSJ'i 2i4 lS"i 477 i5U icrs 42 74 do 1st pfd do 2d pfd Del. ft Hudson Del.. Lack. A West Denver dt R. O 11 15.SV 100 24H I4S ... 4(4) i-ns 30 ... win an ' ...13.31 S ... 5.2"0 4S SI1 ... 2.H00 44S 42 do pfd Erie do 1st pfd do 2d pfd Hocking Valley do pfd Illinois Central . Iowa Central ... do pfd K. C. Southern .. do pfd Louisville dV NT.. Manhattan L .... Met Securities . ... 100 K WS ... 3,1'w irrs is 127H ... 100 29 20 1S 3fi .- 18H 200 33 rf'ST 34 ... .40 lOSH 'lOS 103 a o - a . ua : is 3i sa as Hi4 Metropolitan Pt. Ry.. 4.4O0 117 115 11 RS an M 117 WtH Id 3M4 3S 11 5S MS. US Minn dr. 8t. uouis M.. St. P. A S. S. M. Lioo FH Ho nfd 200 y 5D 11 Missouri Pacific 22.700 90S lS M.. K. T f l-'S 1 do pfd 5 JS 3 Nat of Mea., pfd.... 10f) 17 . 37 New York Central. - IlTti 115 Norfolk & Weatern.. 4,200 68S MS Ho nd . .... Ontario Western.. 9") 21H 2"S Penns-lvnla 2K.o lis Pitts . C. C. Bt L Reading 22,400 42H do 1st pfd Ho Sd nfd 11T4 H3S an 41 S 7S & fl 43H 13 SIS 4fiS 2"S f0S 3 23 M 7H o 1S 16 18s 41 K WO luR Rock Island Co 10 200 20S do pfd 3.700 1S St. L. 8. F . 2d pfd. W 45 Bt. L. Southwestern.. 1 43 13'4 do nfd I T'" J---1 31 outhern Partfle 60.000 Southern Railway ... T.ftno do pM 4 ?t Teaas A Pacific 3S..V10 Toledo. St. L. A W.. do pfd 0n rnlon Paclflo .J"o An nfd 7"0 4S 44 2S ?0H ms 24 a S5 TfS M) 23 23 4 75S tos 90 Wabash 1.5O0 IK IS do pfd Wheeling a Lake E.. 1.200 Wisconsin Central ... oo do pfd 600 Adama Exprees Amer. Express 3S 34s, 18 144 1tS I" 44S 42S t . B. Eapresa Amal. Copper Amer. Car A FMry do pfd Amer. Cotton Oil... do nfd American lea do pfd Amer. Linseed Cm.. 2.4O0 . l .O0 . LJO0 , 300 ', 4F-S 4SH IS ffi 7 7 29 "S4j 3S S "7S 'ts as a1 Ho 7S 2SS 10 r IS 47S my do pfd Amer. Locomotive ... 3.300 do pfd- ,y Amer. Smelt fc R... ton- TVa 474 1!S 77S 47 do nfd to Amer Sugar Refrg...3.7 1244 r. T. Anaconda Mining . 1.M OS 40 700 SI .15. 1S . 1.600 1) 4 Brnoklvn R. T Colo. Fuel Iron Consolidated Gaa Corn Products .... 3H 301 2s4 1 li Its 1 .... 70 73 22H !5 135 o pfd Dlstlliera' Securities.. 10 IS ri,- I rivtrift 1 a lna International Paper.. 1.S09 124 lli 11 An nfd euO 65 4S R4 International Pump National Tad".::::". '"lis" North American 7" Pacltlo Mail . 400 M T Peoples' Gas 3.100 99 S Pressed Steel Car S3 71 4 147, 28 ts 2S n8 210 do pfd Pullman Palace Car Republic a Steel do pfd Rubber Goods do pfd Tenn. Coal aV Iron. U. al. Leather do pfd w V. Realty do pfd r. S. Rubber Ho nrd 100 215 4Ca) T T 7S 110 3f) l'W l0 43S in 7S 3a 42S 4tS IKS 1SH 7 76 3fS J&S 70 7H 7 7 Lino 7 76H TPS 1.1'SJ TS 7S .U.fta 56S 64 53 1" 4R l"S 55S 1O0 4 li'S 66 T-i,a atstea Hleel... I l"l 11' do pfd 4.0 5aS Westtngh'se Electric. W' Western Union 7l 87 V , ..r, Hf.urltles lfS 15' ass " " Total sales for the day. 972.1CO shares. Ea -dividend. Bestea attack taaetatleas. BOSTON, Feb. I. Call loans. SSu1 rr cent: time loans. 4S35 per cent Official e'oelng prices on stocks ana oonas Atchlaoa aa M lAJIeuas 4 454, ms tta lt ! . 47 TS u 11 -i St IS at 4S H " I Mu. Caanrai 4a.. Alchiaoa aa pfd Hoaloa ft Albaor Mlaoa4oa ft auiae Boaiua Slavat M?a .biaanaa aa i al. ft He tatwlCentaaaULl laa iCoppw kaaea ... Ill ttoiaialaa Caai .. y t , m. it. ft a. in Frmakila Pitch bant p(4 . t alaa PaclSc .... lea. Central .... Aaaer. Suflar ..... da ptd aaer. T. ft T ... romiaiea I ft S U isiral CectrU lxa lata koraia TtS.aoeawk Old Doaaiaiaa ... llat Oatola Ills Parrot ins Qaiaay t ftaoxa Pa Coppar. . 14t Tasi.ra.a BUaa. giaorta .... a1, TriBiir aid n t aitaal stataa railad Frsit M I taa r. a Steel 1H Vlnorta as pit aa .a wiaaoa .. . It iWeiranae - IS Bid. Sew Terk Meaey Market. NZW TORK. Feb. l-MONIT-On call, easy. lo-J per oent: closing hid. 14 prf rent; offerad at t per cent; lime luaua, Inmr; auaty and ninety daya. 4-evtS P cent: sis montha, 4St-S per cent, prima mercantile paper. 6SvS per cent. STKRI-ING EXCHANvaV-Flrmer. with actual bueineee la bankers' bills at $4 sVa iUhTI tor demand atut at 14. ti ter Hxif-mmj bllla; posted rates. 34-31t'S4.S; commercial bins, at .'s- S1LVER Bar. 54Sc; Mexican dollars. 49c. R' NL3 Guvernnjt-nt, ateadv, railroad, weak. The closing quotations on bonds are aa follows: V. ref ta. teg... imai 1. a at. nnl. 4a maaa -; wanhattati , . 4s..l' s da . 1" la. Ont-1! 4a aa So renpto So aew rag d eawpna do aid a. rag. . 4s eesrea ...... Atrhlann gen. 4a.. tie a I) 4a Allantlr r u a Baltltno-s A O. 4a 4o I a Central of Oa Im, lo 1st inc CHea. a Ohla 4'aa Chicago ft A. lis C . B. A U a. 4a ...He do lat tnr 14 ...17 ma. ft et L 4a ... at ...107 Im.. g. ft t. aa rrn .. I'ttl do la 7 ...IKS t I. t r. aa. 74 ... a.-, y. c. g. SSa TS ... aa , N t r a. . . !l Si Paclllr 4a l.t'a ..lid e aa 71- .. a x. ft w. p. 4a ?: a. L. 4a ft par ... l .. 7a pnn. m. ia M ..ln IRsaJIns ran ta.. .. aa .. Tit 1a A I. at. t. la 111 . ? St I ft S F fa ta. O C. MAS p . s 4a .Mt sil-aH A. U 4a.... a C. ft . W e. 7a....l" So Pacif).- ta ai, C . R I. ft p. a so. Railsar ta i:tt io rol 5a 7'i Taaaa ft P !s 115- ' ' m -. 1 . aa a t . st. 1.. w ta. CMcan Taf. 4a. 7ai Vnlnn Psr'fl- ta .It.!', . a:.S 71 lll . fS "' Tl'l Con. T'tharre 4a. as1 j oo fT aa M iT Steal ZA ta... aa IVaVaan It M I 4 ab D M"a W A L. B 4a Colo, ft So as ... D ft P.. O ta Crla rrler Ilea 4a. ta tea. 4a f Vi. ft d. t la Hk"i V;.i 4Sa Offered. 4 iWia ('antral 4a. . Iu4 'Coia. F. ft I. Ba. . I.eadoa Sleek Market. LONDON. Fb. Closing: Console, awowey aas, n y (-entral.... a-a.ltorfolk ft W 1 in PM eScmtno ft W t1 Pannarlvaota 1 ,Ran4 Stlnea 11S Readlna 4 do lat pfd 1Sa do M ptd 4S Igo Railway 1H do pfd 11 S. Parlfla 71 ll'nloa Pacific aa, do pfd 4 T. S. Steal 4fl do ptd l' I do pfd ;:i o MS S S 21 to o account Aaacon4la Au-kiaon do pfd Baltimore ft rthis. Oaoadtaa Pacific . Chea. Ohio Chicago Gt. W . . .. C M ft St. f .. DaBeera D ft B. O do pfd rle do 1st pfd da M pfd Illlfiola Central ... Lollla ft laaah a . k. t... .. 7, "S 11 ITS iH IT li SILVER Bar. firm, 25 13-11 per ounce. MONET 2SCS per cent; the rate of dis count In the open market for short Mils Is rY3 per cent; for three months' bills. 3-'J 3S per cent. New Tork Mlalnar Qnotatloaa. NEW TORK. Feb. . The following are the closing quotations on mir.tng stocks: Adama Cos It 'Little Clilef 7 A. Ice ia I Ontario tM breera It Ophir ... SS Branawt'-a Con I Phoenli l-omatnrk Tuonal .... 7 P"toal 17 Cob. Cal. ft Va. ISO !arae 44 Hora SI I Tar 1J Sierra Naaada &4 Imn Sllrcr A 'mall Hesa M Leaaaille Csa 1 (.4tao4ar4 140 Foreign Financial. LONDON. Feb. Money was abundant In the market today. Discounts were stlftr on the far eastern news and the Continued export of gold to Pnuth Am-rlca. On the slock exrhanxe bu?l:it-a. whs at a standstill. Interest momentarily was cen tered In eastern affairs. The dealings were of nominal proportions ami began very early with selling orders coming from all directions, especially the continent. Bar covering caused a temporary rally from the lowest quotations of the day. operators clung to the hope that hostllittea may be yet averted, ae !t waa reported on the stock exchange that the area powers were using Influence In that direc tion. The fall in prWs caused no uneasi ness concerning the soundnes of the po sition here. The most severe fall registered waa In foreigners, notably Japanese snd Russian securities. There were no s'gnt of a panic. Many brokers have croers to buy if prices drop much lower. Ci nsols were weak. The account touched 6 15-lrt closed at ! 11-16 to W 13-1. Home rai'g were Irregular. Americans suffered some what severely, dropping cortlderahiy below parity, on account of the far eastern news, the cotton crisis and the unfavomh a New York bank statement. They became In animate and closed weak. Kaffirs a ere weak on continental sales. PARlfl. Feb. . The trad ng on the hours todav was of a eens.tlcntl character. Much excitement prevailed from the out set. Japan severance of diplomatic re lations with Russia led fo a heaw decline In all Ruafllan securities, varying from 35f Reports of Japanese securities trr I h are little marketed here, showed a slmllir hut less pronounced fall. International showed a sympa'hetr depression Thr"a per cent rentca. 96f. ITSc, for the account. Exchange on London, T.f lSc. for ch"cka. After the agitation of the opening hours a period of comparative calm ensued, hut during the closing hours the speculation was-"renewed. French- rentes vra scar-ely afT acted and the close of the market showed a general lowering of va'ues, Rus sian rndustrla-le- sarisar -rn ihe decline. Imperial Russian 4a lltnl closed at 92, Ru.ssl.-in 3 of el closed gt 75. and Russian 1 of 1TJ closed at 74 50. R!n,nnfoa lost 4f. The private rate of discount waa 2 5-16 per cent. K BERLIN. Feb. .Rassl i ' securltiea government and private fell heavl'y Rue sisn Imperial 4s went down 4 ro-lftf oer cent Ruealan railroad consols of IK-O 3 per cent and Russian bank - for foretgn trade, 2 per cent Japanese rentes hava fallen In five weeks from Kl to 7JS Shares of the German banks fell 1 to 6 points. Exchange on London, ?"m SSpfgs. for checks. Discount rates: Short bllle. 2 per cent; three months bills. 2S per ceat Bank Cleartnga. OMAHA. Feb. 3. Bank clearings for todav were tl.2K2.700.H7. an Increase of 31u9. 724.63 over the corresponding day laat year. Cottoa Market. LIVERPOOL. Feb. . COTTON-Spot moderate buslneaa done: American middling fair. 7.S4d', good middling. 7.1Sd; middling, , d; low middling. 7.02d: good ordinary, 6.92d; ordinary. .72d; sales, 7.0ii0 hales, of which 5i0 were for speculation and export and Included 4,4l American: receipts. . bales. Including 6.6U0 American. Futures closed barely steady; American middling, g. 0. c. February, 6.92d: February and March. Old; March and April. l2d: April and May, 693d; May and June. 6.94d: June and July, 6 34d; July and Auerist. 6 92d; August and September. 76d; September and Oc tober. 6.1d; October and November, 6.87d. The cotton market, after opening weak and irregular, dec'lned about 60 points. It then rallied. A bad alumn set In In the late ses sion on depressing New York advices and May and June touched a -d and the market clneed S4j39 points under Saturdays final quotations. ST. LOLI3. Feb. .CTTTON Nominal; middling. :.Sc: no sales: reeelnts. too bales; shloments. Soft bales; stock. 19 hsle. NEW ORLKANS, Feb. t. COTTON Fu tures firm; Fehruarv. 13 2Sc bid: March. 13.Wfel3.Mc: April. llSMTll.57e: Mae. 13361 13.83c; June. 14 07JM4tc; J'lly, 14.214T14 2!c: August. 13 5Rc bid: eWrtemher. 12 40m2.S0c: Octoler. 11 4M311 47c. The offerings of spot cotton were not aufflclent to make a mar ket. No sales reported. Receipts, S57t bales; stock, 4T6.9.4 bales. Weel Market. FOSTOV. Feb i WOOL There Is a hardening tendencv and t-Hghtly higher prices are obtained when quality Is con sidered. Medium snd low wools ere all very strong and sold 'ahead. At Ruenoa Ay res prices are Arm for cross brads, with no Importations into this country possible at less than 30e for ousrter-hlood. The do mestic ts not held higher than 2Sc. At London prices dosed etearty. wt'h fine merinos and croes-breds lower. Current quotations are summarised aa follows: Idaho, flee. lMrlAc: heavy, fine. ISsriSc; fine medium. 10fl17c; medium. ITSi"" c : Wyoming fine, 1Si16o; rfeavy. fine r'Tl4c; fins medium. Ijl7c: meHium. lSrI19c; T'tah and Nevada, fine. 15!e; heavy fin. 1, ei4c: fine medium, l"-17c: medium. 19 t?Oc: Dakota, fine. lSISIsc. fine medium. IsS-SITe; fine medium. 19tV': Montana, ae choice. l!H5r2"c: fine medium. ehdr-e. 194TPV: average. l4Sle; staple. 9lJTi:: meHium ehoipe 1 QfFS -c PT. I.OTT3. Feb. WOOL ateadv; me dium grades, combine and clothing, 1Ts ?ic: light fine iHT'-vi-: heavy fine. 123 14Sc; tub washed. y4tnV7e. Oils seal Kesla. NFW YORK. Feb. I OII.R Cottonseavt. stead v; r-Hme crnde. nominal: tartme erode vellosr. 37Sc. Turpentine, ateadv si;w. Pet -oleum, ateadv; rep red. New York "10; Philadelphia and Raltlmnre. WOK; Phila delphia and Baltimore In bulk. W 15. Roaln. steadv doirOSc; strained, common to gocJ. t Of.trH 00 8AVVNAH. Feb. -OILS Turpentine, firm ?c. POaiN-Firm: A BCD. 75. 32 kfi; V. t! ; CJ r: H 12 5; T 2- K 12 26: V 13 : N. 33 35; W. G . 33 : W. W.. 14.003 4.f. OIL CITT. Feb. s OTT.g Credit balancee. r SR: certiflcatea. no Md. Shloments. lnS. 6772 bbls : aversge. 73 226- runs. 141 S".T. aver are, TS f4: shipments. Lima. 136 7V7. aver, are. 67 026; run. Lima. 114.941. average, 50. tTI bfcla. Metal Market. NEW YORK. Feb. t MFTAIJi Tin hrok hadlv In London, rpot declining 1 to 125 10e and fit'irea lie to 1?5 lie Tavsliv tin was quirt with snot quoted at I27.iv-n2t.uft. P-r-ot cof.per declined lis d In London to f'6 VS and futurea were Ts Ad lower at t 6a. Corner la auiet In the Wsl market, with lake nunted at 112 5S 12 5u, electronic at P2.12V-tjl2.37s and cast ing at t12 0ieTi;s. Lead waa unchanged here at 4 4f-4 S. but advanced Is 3d to 11 ta ad In Lntadon. Soeiter advanced 2s 4d to 21 la 6d tn London ut remained un chanred Iocs' v at H a w). Iron closed at tae 14 In Olaaenw and at 41s 9d tn M'd. dleea-nrmtvtt. Locaily Iron waa aomtnafly hiaihajiatte. 01IAUA LIVE STOCK MARKET Cattla EeceipU Vtrr ta'fht and il an Adyanoei About a Dim HOGS ALSO SHOWED IMPROVEMENT Fairly l.ialeral Baa ef 9beea aaal Mar. ket CealaJ Net Be Oaeted Aay Mere Thaa Steady, with Ceaasaea Klaale Rathe trail. SOUTH OMAHA. Feb. 8. Ii4. Receipts were: Cattle. Hogs, sheen. omciai .tlonday . same Sam bame Same day ,aat week.... l.i ..-4 4;a .. 4.1 ll.nM aay teK before.. tnree weeks ago. 3 .4nn four weeKs ago., t i.i day last year 1.45 1I.;M 6.4K5 t.796 RECEIPTS FOR THE TEAR TO DATE. ine following tanle shows the revelp.a or cattie. nogs and aneep at South omaita tor the year ua uaie, wiui wan 11SH. ilSM. inc. iJec. ctt' 94.JU. AS1J a.VJl 1...447 9.2.4 Uaa.U Lit. Jfi 7.tila A.arage .iiwa .v. t'j. at kouta umane ior ia teat severai uaa with cent ral lauua: .. t)t I not. iat.iiia.iuai.Mss9.iiM. Jan. 1. "ti. lv Jan. l?. ain. aa. dau. it., Jan. .u., "a. 21., Jan. Ji.. 'an. a., I 4 S1 I I 4 as! 4 4 W,, 4 .Sl I 4 aaei I 4 J. -a ! 4 5s! 4 ear,, 4 (US, 4 fi-m, I 4 .-, 1 4:i- I 4 72S, lafajj, 4 at--,, I 4 81 . I 4 :; 4 tac. ' I 411 ( a 4, V 4.. M 6M k b, a taa, M 6 Si 7o, '- 76 1 6 1H 6 M 4 la, I Mi ti s l lsi I 26, aU i U 6 taa, it, a , iit It, 6 U itlti J a aw, a i I Hi i d a 'a., ii a iai i t a-. 3 S2i t aa, 4i 4 xi I al, tail lat, 4 4 3 aa,, I 6 aatj IWltMi 4 aoi a ki, 4 ta, I Wi 4 ai kli 4 W a W, i 4 64 a wa 3 , ' 4 5i a n 4 6. I vti IHt H, U, I b: , 4 , 4 '.Oi 3 4 US 3 bo, 4 is, i W I IT K4 t I SW t 4 ; t c a at ( .4 t it t'ti I at 4 mi 3 1 I 71 4 i a 3 7 j a a Jau. 24. 'an. aiu -i. 4 au. zn. Jan. Jt. a. i . Jan. m. ro. 1.. feu. 4.. o. i.. Feb. Feb. 5.. reb. .. reb. r'eb. ... t jr, a -Ti 9 ei , m . I17 i S 2a, J -l ' I a t, 5 31, e iii, o jt 16 1 a a, ii a -Ji 6 as, a 1 'Indicates Sunday. Ina official number of cars of atock brought in loday by eacli road was: lioflil. 1.., n 1 m. ol ol. r. nj, a .. Mo. faciric Ky 4 Lnion rac. 0iem... 11 11 U C. ak N. W. rty 3 U K.. E. ft. M. V. R. R.. la l C. Bt. P., M. at O.... 3 10 1 M. K) i, i4 W t.. il. dt u. Ry 1 1 C, K. 1. at P.. east.. I 1 C. rl. I. at f.. west, a 1 2 Illinois Central 1 4 .. .. Chicago (j. W 4 Total receipts 87 77 4U 15 The disposition of the day's receipts waa aa follows, each buyer purcnaaii.g lua number of head indicated: Buyer. tattle. Hogs. 8heep. Omana Packing Co. 173 til 4,0 461 oil Mi owiit ana comiany Cudahy racking o Armour dc to Armour dt Co., 8. City.. Vansant at Co Carey ft ilenion Lobraan to V. 1. tjtephen Hlil dk Hunimir.ger Huston ot Co Livingstone et Root H. K Hamilton L. y. Husx Woif at Murnan Hobhlck 4t H Swarta A J H.iggerty ; Other buyeis l.L l.a39 1.1-1 l.iri tii IMl 124 171 4 6 30 113 ,a 1-6 a "i 161 L44. Totals 2jli B.773 7.38 CAT'i I.E-Thero waa a vtry small run of cattle here this inuituna. much amallet. In lact, than was generaliy anticipated, pack ers, however, al ail points cairied over frooi teat week a good maojf cattie, oalng 10 tno lact mat toey nad no room in their coolers lor the meal. i ney say, however, that there ia an outlet for tne meat aa soon as tney get the cars lor moving it in, which will, of course, improve the situation materially. Just, when, -the ,cau- 1 Iftraiga win ba relieved pennaueaUy ia atiUan -uncertainty:- ' t c - There were very few cara of ' corn fed steers in the yards this moaning 'and none mat could be called good to choice. Pack ers. tiiouah. toon hoid with a litfje mora life than usual of late and the -general market waa right around a dime signer Uian the close of last week. Aa Uiere were so few un aula, me market soon came to a close. The cow market waa also active and stronger. Packers all wanted a few and owing to the limited offerings there waa eotiaiderabie competition. The pricea paid aa a result were rather uneven, some aalea snowing a much greater advance than others. As a general tiling, however, the advance amounted to about a dime and everything sold at an early hour. Bulla also sold to a little better advan tage, the advance amounting to about a dime. Veal calvea sold at fully steady prices. I The few stockers and feeders that ar rived met with ready aale at prices ran ging strong to a dime higher. The quality of the olteriuga was raiher Inferior, but still speculators bought up everything in signt at an early hour. Representative aaies: BEEF STEERS. No. Av. Ft. Ko. a. Ft. t 411 I It 1 i,t 1 71 1 I" IH 4 nt 171 1 lit t 1(IU I 7 t an 1 ta 11 mi 1 at 1 7t I (at 1 pad I aa 1 W IM 14 M IN 11 1KM a u Mr iiti 1 aa 40 Ki t U 11 luat I M 1 W I M 1 UM I M 1 74 I 4 UM I as it 't I at, to n& M 41 aftl I 4a 4 list 4 S) li M It, U Uut 4 OS U 1UM I TO 17 ri u 11 11M4 I 70 t. lt 4 M 11 l I 74 1 1J14 i u I HI 171 STEERS AND HEIFERS. M nea 1 is AND COW'S, 6 a " UM 4 at cow a. 1 T&S 1 n t and t Tt 1 710 1 II 1 ....Kd I 7 I I" IH 1 load I 75 1 I I 1 It a T 1 M 19 I lltl I 71 1 74 I 1 I ium I U I tad I 10 t. IU in 1 770 1 1 ti m 111 12 at 1 ho 1 in, 1 M 1 ma 3 s 1 1110 1 at I !" 1 a a M IN It '70 I X .a. .list I OS 1 440 t It 1 11 I w 1 ltWO I U 1 llll f at 1 700 1 a iou 1 a I HI IS 1 UM I Ot) i S4 IM 7 tat) I so I... 1 I U t la; I ta it...-. H7 1 14 I ltM I at I IcTO I aa . M PM I 10 ; izu 1 to im 1 1 u.. iu7 i so urn 1 u 4 at ih li na 1 u 1 470 I at) t luuo 1 10 1 1-00 1 w I list I to 1 710 I &0 li mo I tf 1 loao I W I iv70 I M I l'0 I M M M I H I lmt I to M av, iu 4 laal I to :l i&t I aa I W IU I Ml I J) I nt I aa t iuti m 4 trf I Ot 'at 11T7 I M I al ll 1 1700 I tO HEIFERS. I 1 Ml It ITT J H i 1 aa 771 1 ts 25 ttt I 00 10 741 I 00 l...t Mil 4 let 10 :l oat I 10 tl iuuj 1 M I 4 I at tis I to 171 1 40 1 1000 I M 4 7M 1 td It 102t I H I l:t I if BULLS. 1 U 1 to I is 1 to 1 1300 t it 1 tut I 00 I r-us I ta i l.aa 1 n 1 if I at i tit 1 00 1 17t I 7 1 174 I 0 I i:a I 7 I !!,; ,t 1 41 I Tt i 1 3 ta 1 I'M I 7 1 ;t if 1 17,0 I T$ I Kit I li 1 nta t tt I liii m t t ts 1 ite 1 at 1 ltv Id I lt I u CALVES. 1 it in u it 1 1 J7 4 7! I It 4 tj 1 lit m 1 14 i & STOCK CALVES. 1 no t a 1 i?o 1 to 1 K I . 1 9a I at STAGS. 1 141 t 111 I 104 t U STOCKERS AND FEEDERS. 4 W IK 4 7a I ra I M 4. aal I aa 1 77 I a it aat I 4 i tit I Ti I Ml I M 1 aa I 7t it ass 1 4 1 US I at 1W tat I tt I IM I M 4 I M a 177 I M 1 7a! I 5a I M I M 1 4M I a M til I 1 MT I 55 I tat I K tl a I 75 M 771 I tt HOGS There waa a limited number of hogs In sight this morning hough re ceipts at this point ware quite liberal for a Monday. The market opened active and fully aaa'.oa his her than Saturday. Trading waa quite active al the advance ao lmt I ail the early arrivals were soon disposed C LieTb wel; fata so ad. iaifaly truot Kai down, medium weight fim UtT'jt v food heavy hogs frum at . '0-4 an1 as lng.i as tn O waa paid. The same aa iisua! Ihe light stuff was neglected all day and tn Bonis rases buyers wuld offer no mjra than Strfldr price for thai class While the early arrix-ils sold In gno! season tne nogs meet with sa seemed to hae that came In late MI rot grvwl 1mand. Pa kra their miTI urgent orders result the market closed filled and as a eio Kb II. II ai li. m . 47. at . and wr.ik. rlrpresentatlvs sales . 8k. rr Wo. Aa. 9a r 54 140 4 7 a" f. lw i M 175 .. 4 M TI J47 40 IK 44 rta im 4 i 44 aa a 4 M aa tra 4 7 t74 10 4 PI 77 ta 4 at tn .. 4 to aa . t 4 s tit 4 PL1 tt 2 laa t to aa :: aa 4 a a n.1 m 4 an 4t t44 49 4 47 ZSI . 4 M tl C7 at 4 HI 71 ft 1:0 4 ;it a mi 40 1 ii, 74 rrt .. t : t Tt I45 4 aa 44 Ill 40 4 as at 2ra a 4 5 14 .t it 4 as On 47 ira 0 M t: .14 M 4 T' 71 -! . . 4 7 t tl - ion t t7va 42 Ill 40 t SO It ....lit Ito IM t M 4 M 4 ii 4 15 4 7a 4 a ... IM .... I t at ... I a 4 tn 4 !Vk 4 a', ... l-t rtt ... ! ... iai ... ?ai ....S"l ... re ....Mi .-70 ... ri . .. m in ... IM ... IM ... ni ,...1M ... la ...144 . :. Ill ... t Ml 4 :- 4 r t a;' a M 4 Sl't 4 41 4 4 at 4 as 4 4 ta 4 U 70. ... 74 .. 71... 71... II..., it 4 Hi PM t at to t as M 4 171 4 II1 .. 4 17', .. 47 I7 4 nt. II. 71. 74 SHEEP There was quits a liberal run here this morning but the msrket on any thing decent held generally aleady wiih the close of Inst week. There was s.mi shipping demaaal and that helpctl tn hold up the market. The choicer grades were easy to dispose of but when it same to the commoner kinds the market wa slow and salesmen found It a difficult matter to dis pose ot what they had at fully steady prices. The bulk of the arrivals was dia poaed of in fairly good setaeon but a clear ance waa not made until rather a late hour. There is nothing new to be raid about feedera aa receipts are very light and prices unchanged. Quotations fur pnm.fut atrw.k- C!,-w..t .a choice western limbs. 30 55.75; fulr to f;ood Inmba. t5.254j5.5o; good to choice year Ings. t4.ti5fr4.itJ: fair to irood venrllnv tl I 14 50; good to choice wethers UKKii V' air to rood wethers tn 7&4ti iai ,,,,.1 tn t tura ewes. x:i a 7., t. p to ,,r,i I?25i&t.o0; choice feeder lambs, l4.o-aj4.75; tiwr 10 M JMt tat; t3.ij4.0fl; feeder wethers eataa. t2.0ri3tl; cuils, sentatlv ealea: No. 2 western yearlings 171 western ewee . ffnit-r y ah r linff m, 1 - .,. c . r 1 a ' II at. I ( 1 fara-UaWr $1.7DS--JC- Repra- Av P- , 7 4 50 119 3 KS ,114 3 2S KS 3 25 lot 3 70 1" 3 70 101 3 TS 4 4 01 110 4 l 110 4 00 lfl 4 05 IX 4 Ot 112 4 IS Sel 4 44 96 4 40 iai 2 SO , M 3 30 ltd 3 50 M 3 50 97 3 Hi 107 3 70 7 3 75 W 4 13 KI 4 15 107 4 15 117 4 15 ,79 4 50 , t 4 50 101 4 50 , 7'i 4 TS ,70 4 T5 67 4 86 257 western ewes K3 western ewes 276 western ewes tot western v 323 western ewes western wethers 2t3 western wethers S5 western wethers 2t western wethers M western wethers 198 western wethers 345 western yearlings .... tvi western yearlings .... 25 culla 256 western ewes 178 western ewes 1HS wertem ewes 4B western ewea 220 western ewes 10 western ewes , 43 Mexican wethers Mexican w-h.. 2!9 Mexican wethera Wf stern aethers 3 western yearlings 2 weatern yearlings .... 61 western yearlings 11 Mexican yearlings 29 Mealcun fMpllnn 4.-4 western lamb CHICAGO LIVE STOCK MARKET. rrtcee strong; aaal Shipments la la Moaday's Averege. CHICArjO Fh lfiTTt r o 22.000 head; market for choice strong and loc nigner: good to prime steers. t5 70 poor to medium, t4.3o i4.6o; stockers and ffders t? 9ntint 1 ,l - nnwm.m at C- i nr. . ... . - . i.4i 1.4-j. neiiers. -',I4.50; canners. tl."; bulls, I2.26U ' ftivta, m atarri.iat. HOOS Receipts. 33.000 bead; estimated to moJTow.' 300,10 head: mixed and butcher.; good to choice heavy. t5.0B'jif.27V rK ,lLeay' ,4 T'ft t,: falr n,nu ,4.45,3, t.ot; bulk of sales, t4.i5 to. SHEEP AND I.AM Bt Receipts. 3,tr head; market steady: good to choice weth ers. It. flag 4.60; fair to choice mixed. 33 75 4.00; western sheep. t3.754i5.oO; native lamba.; western lam lie. 5.254j1.2a. ;. - Kens ctty U4ve Sterk Market. KANSAS-1 CITT, Feb. 6 CATTLE Re ceipts, head. Including 1.0fa head south erns; market 5c higher: export and dreased beef steers. 10iji.Sc higher at t4.5mi5.lM: fair to good najlOc higher at 3.u4.50; western , . , iuatoT sa as.oto4a.jiv; siocsers tV"1 ''". ta.ttast 10: southern steers 5J 10c higher at t3 40d4 20: eouthern eo.-. steady to strong at tri&Tf?".; native eowa . j ,v o..,,,iH a. 04, native neirera steady to strong at I2.7&O40O; bulls steady t ra gt mn e at l 'ji . f. . HfKlS-Recelpta, 6.000 head; market SfflOc higher; top. 35.10; bulk of sales. UmU: h'"iv?'' 4.5a55 10; packera. tt.Staiie.ut; pigs and lights. t4.oii4.l0. -fa SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 5 000 head: market stM4w n n , . 1 1 ' . . - , . . .... j , 1 1 n 1 1 t. lauitrs, et.Bl'U J,6'iU-J''.",ern 'mo. K36 50; fed ewes. $3.40 3. St; western fed yearlings. 34.20414.75; stockera and feedera. li5.H4 10 Hew Terk Live 8 terk Market. a 2?iV IORK' Feb- - BEEVES Receipts, - " -" . uibi itt Biow, iair oemanl later at ateady prices; steers. M.27VB6.40; tall ends. 13 16: hulls t2 v.'t.a tv.. ' . Cablea quoted live cat tie steady to lo" 1 I Laaj vAaaea 1 aa. a bba a A j a I;,,,, 1 "'""e" weigni, ana sneep at yjl rtrf"dl wlffht. No exports. -t; r "."'"P1- v vaala. tvaff Too hlaher: barnvarrl raiv.. V v. , .- . 1 westerna firm : veals 16 6,.. So- nie csflves. 34.00; barnyara stock. tS.iotj. 174; westerns! -T v. wua, aaoia'c per lb : choice, ltc; country dressed, 7iillc . 8HEEP AND LAM BS Receipts, 7 SS Si .hetp steady; iambs 26c higher; sheep lat MhfY K I aft- Its ran K- A .-m- nr . . . . - yaartlnjii 18 7B. tU""' :5r7tTchocVmedruIfeX,T"n, ao"- tt. Leals Lira Itaak Market. aSJ-t,11-"1.8, .F!b- rC"ATTLE-Receipts, 1,009 head. Including ,7oO Texana; market waa ateady to etror.g; native shipping and export ateera, 34.635 50. the top for strictly fancy: dressed baaf and hm.i,.. .. I- t3.753S.26; steers under 1,000 pounds. 3 6i'i All; a toe Wera and feeders. ....J! and heifers. 32 X4J4 25; canners. 32.252 50 bulla. tt.Vgi.i; calves. 3 0157. rju; Texas and Indian steers, t2.7Sj.iO; cows and heifers. t7.Oug3.00. - HOtS Receipta. t.000 head; market waa strong; pigs and lights. t4tH.70; packers tints" bulchera and best heavy, 14 so SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipta, 2.000 head; market strong and active; native muttons. 13.504.76: lambs. 4.75 aa; culls and bucka. t3-uu4.25; stockera, (100170. iloaa City Lire Itsek Market. 6IOCX CITT la., reb t Hneclal Tel.. gram ) CATTLE Receipts. i.Ogu head; ma', ket cteadv; beeves. V3 5t74.a0: cows, bulls snd mixed. 12 J flt t: stockers and feeders tf lTv: calves and yearlings. 32.5t3.5u. HOtiS Receipts. 350O head, mitrket 10c higher at M WJ4 ia; bulk, tteek la aight. Following are tha receipts of live stock at the si a principal western cities yes wrday: Cattle HOgs. Sheep 3.11 t.;n2 73s South Omaha. . Chicago Kanaiae City ... St. IOUla St. Joseph Sioux City IZ.HU 33.0OO ti 6 0W t.OuO S.IIJ0 25. OHO S.laaj tuOO 2.000 1500 Totala ... ..3S.153 t3.2r A. 7M Evaee rated Apples and Dried Fralta. NEW TORK. Feb. I. EVAPORATED APPLES The market continues quiet, with outalde figures rather extreme, common be ing quoted at '56c. prime at 6Si6ic, choice at f&6c and fancy at oWa-Tc. CAUKORNIA LRIED FRl'ITS Prunes are holding steady at from 3sc to tc ac cording to grade. Apricots are In good export demand and rule Arm, with choice quoted at SijU)c. ex'ra iholre at 10JI Vc and fancy at- 12il5c. Peaches are firmly held at recent prices, choice being quoted al 7V,e7.c extra choice at 7i'.c and fancy at valOc. CaaTee Market. NEW TORK. Feb. t COFFEE The market for futurea opened week and Irreg ular at a decline of attjau points Sales in the future market were reported as Ji-i jt) bags. Including March at IJtiiSTTir: April, I.i5aa6.t; May, S rafri.a5c; June. 4.7595 aSc; July. ibiijc: August, tic; Septemlier. t25ir5ts7; October, ti tjii 5oc: lJecemter. I ftu -. Spot Rio, nominal; No. 7 invoit e 7c; mild, ateady. Telede teeal Market. TOLEDO, Feb. I -SEEDS Clover closed, caah and February. ta.aO; March, to tf; April. t'S; prime aialke, 36 20; prima tim othy, H.37. rkllaatelpkla Frawaeo Market. PHILADrrPHIA. Feb. t. BUTTER Firm aiui guud deraand; extra weatern Creamery, 26c ; nearby prints. 2c. aXK clsad, beak ummtby, Sua at taa mark; frsh so'it h western. 2oe at mark; frel' sfinhm. i9. at mark.; New YotU full creams, choice to fancy. 11 'i!;i,.-: New Tork full creams, fjir to giitni. loult,c OMAHA V HOI.P.t) l K MIRKCT. Cendlllea ef Trade aaal Qaetatleaa aa taple aad Faary Prodece. EGOS-Receipta, moderate: fresh stock. 2c. LIVH Fori.TRT-Hens. Vfic: spring rhickeps :4, roosters, according to age, 4-rSc; turke; it. lliljc; ducks, is-iloc; geese. Sir'a' l'KESrU r-I-LTRY-Turkeva. lttfW. ducks. lltiUc; geese. li-; vhukens, Vi l"'c BLTTER Parking stock. 17c: choice to fancy dury rolls. I..i714c; separator. C'c. FRESH FISH-Trnut. niloc: pickerel. 5t fet'. llk-. perch. aic; biueilsh. 15r; whiteftah. H'jit ; salmon. 11c: ha.ldH-k. 1V; codfish. LV; redanapper. '.lc; lobsters, ttotled. Per lb. lobsters, green, per lh.. Jlk-; lullhtds. He; catflah. lJ414c; black bass. -: hH.ihut. 1.1c; 4'rapplee. 12c: herrlr.g. tc; white 1hs. 13c; blurnns. Sc; smelts. lOtillc. oiSTt-lirt New York Counts, per can, 43c; per gal., $2; extra select, per can. 3Tc; vet- g.(. 11.; standard, per can. 27c; per gal.. II. art. HA-Per ton. I15W r H A V Prices nu.ued by Omaha Wholesale Penlers- aasotlaib n- Choice No. 1 upland, to jo: No. 2. Mi; medium, li 50; coarse. :: rye traw. ti. These prices are for hay of good color and quality. Demand fair and re ceipts light. VEGETABLES. POTATOES Colorado. II. Dakota, per bu Hoc; nativer. vV. SWEET PUTATOES-Ullnols, per bbl.. a, .xi a A V T BEANS Per bu.. 12.25. I LLERY Small, per dox., iQIjc; large California. t!c. Tic and 9uc. o.Mu.NS Spanish, per crate, 31.75; Colo rado yellow and red, per In., 2Vc. CAbRAUE vt lacunaln Holland. flc; new -a.l.t '-,ia, S'tvc. " Tl"RNIP8 Canada rutabagas, per lb. le: nhtte per bu.. tSOc . A K ROTS per bu., 75c. PARSNIPS Per bu.. uc. HEETS Per bu., doc. lAL'Ll-KLOWER California, per crate, CrCt;MPER3-Per dot., 1.25Tjl.S0. TOMATOES-CaUfornla. per 4-basket crates, $3. RA DISHES Per dot. bunches. 35c. . LETTl'OE HEAD Per dot. bunches, f-j 611 ti per bbl.. 37; leaf lettuce, per do, bunches. 46c. Tl RNil'S Southern, per dox.. 71c. PEETS- Southern, per dot., 75c. CA R ROTS Sout hern, per aoa., TKc. PARSLEY Southern, per doa.. tl. FRUITS. APPLES California BeUflowers, per box. 31. to; New York export Greenings, RurseU and Baldwins. 33 70. GRAPES Imported Malaga., per keg. t6w. CRANBERRIES Jersey, per bbl.. 17 00; per box, Uoo; Wisconsin P.cil aad Bugle, 3..50; Bell and Cherry, t 50. STRAWBERRIES Florida, per qU. S"C TROPICAL FRL'ITS. OR A NOES Florida Brlghts and Russets, all sixes. 12 25; navals. all sixes, choice, t.isjiio; fancy, all sixes, t2.75. LEMONS California fancy, auO to 36). $2.i; choke. 20 to 270 sixes. 33.1. FIGS California, per lo-lb. cartons, S6c; Imported Smyrna, t-crown. 14c; 5-.rown, Iik-; 7-rowii. 16c. BANANAS ler medium sited bunch. $2..C50: J'imtxts. 12.75413 25. COCOAN LTS Per sack. $4.00; per doa. 60c. DATES Persian per box of 30 rkgs., 3200; per lb.. In fio-Ib. boxes, 5c; Oriental atufTed dates, per box. 12 40. MISCELLANEt 1C8. "HEESE Wisconsin tains, full cream. 12c; Wisconsin Young Americas. 13c; block Swiss. 16c; Wisconsin brick. 13c; W isconsin limburger. 12c. HoNEY Nebraska, per 21 frames, tl.OJ; Ctah ltd foloritio. per 24 frames. $3.25. MAPLE PI'GAR Ohio, per lb.. 10c. CIDER Per bbl.. 36.5.': per bbl., t3 2'.. POPCORN -Per lb. 2Sc. shelle.1, 3'u.Tra. HORSERADISH Per case of 2 dox., packed, a"c.- HIDES Nfo. 1 gresn. 6c; No. 2 green. Sc; No. 1 suited. 7c; No. I salted. c; No. veal calf. 8 to 12 lbs.. io; No. 2 veal calfT 12 to 15 lbs.. AHc; dry salted hides. KfriL'c; theer- pelts 25tz'7bc: horse hides, Sl.3mri2.ft0. . NUTS Walnuts, No. 1 soft-shell, per lb. l.'V-; hard-shell, per lb., 14c: No. 2 soft shell, per lb.. 13c; No. 2 hard-shell, per lb., 12c; Brstlls, per lb.. 11c: filberts, per Ih., 11c; Almonds, soft-shell, per lb.. 15c; hard shell, per lb.. 13c; pecans, lnrge, per lb., 12c; small, per lb., ldc; peanuts, per lb.. t"c; rotsted nesntits. per lh.. 7v; Chill wal nuts. 12913Wc; large hickory nuts, per bu., 3L50; shell harks, per bu., 32.00; black wal nut;jy pet by.. 1.5. .. . a.,... .. , ' 1 ait 1. - - - Dry Tiootte Market. . NEW. YQRJ..JTb. 3 -DRT GOODS Buy mg tiznivjin on, a limited scale and Interest had centteit In. accounts of the Baltimore fire. The- msrVet is in & halting condition and the Irregularities of the cotton markt Is maklnat buyers hesitate about placing or ders except for goods which are absolutely needed. Visible geaply ef Grain. NEW TORK. Feb. . The visible supply of grain February 6. compi!ed by the New Tork Produce exchange, is ss follows: WHEAT 79.5flO.ono bu : decrease. 500.00" bu. CORN K.OTO.CaaJ bu.; gecrcaae. fci.tai bu. OATS .nii bu. ; decrease, IdO.ian bu. RTF. l.oato.Oort bu.; decrease. KS.OiO bu. BARLEY 4. 772.taO bu. ; decrease 114.07X1 bu. Elgin Batter Market. ELOTN, 111.. Feb. 3 BI'TTER The mar ket ruled firm on the board of trade today at 24HC a pound, an advance of lSc over prices of la-xt week. Sales In the 11trtct were 428 lbs. According to the annual re port of the secretary of the board. Just issued, tne average price ror the year !3. 04c. Peerla Grala Barket. PEORIA. III.. Feb. CORN-Eaey; new No. 3. Qc: new No. 4. 3c; No. 3 old. tTAtjc REAL ESTATE TRJtSSrEItS. Deeds filed for record February I, aa fur niahed by the Midland Guarantee and Trust company, oonded abatracter, laii Farnam street, for The Bee: Henry S. McDonald and wife to. Charles H. Mulllns. lot 2. block L Fosters add I Cora M. WlUiamaon and husband to Oeorce W. HU1, part of lot L block 10, Waterloo 2Jt) Lyman Rlcburdaon and wife to Paut W. Kuhn. et al, lota t and 6. block 13. West End 2,00 Mary E. Phillip and husband to Julia F. Mort. Ut 4, block 22, South Omaha 1.900 SherifT to John A. Crelghton, ne4 section 7-14-13 1.20S Omaha Raaalty company to Jainea Neville, part of lot a. RedJck'a 24 add fat Al'tnao T. Keith and wife to Mary E. Noble, lot IS. Archer Place LSoO Edward R. Benson to Christian A. W. Heine, lot i. Bun field 400 COE rja STOCKS AMD BONDS GRAIN AND PROVISIONS Wo hava 4-ver UO tarSoea, Refarsiniaat 171 Savta aad Xat'l m i OCSt atttTlCM IS TUB BBgT. Oait of Twwa Buetaees aeUclled. Oataaa Sraactii I tit Par eat . Tat. tatt THOS M. WADDICK. Correipotvdcirt S. SLEUMAN Grain, Profislons & Sticks, Room t. N. T. Ufa Bltt TeL S230. Operates IS Odlces la This Stataa Established ua;. GEO. A. ADAMS GRAIN CO. Grain, Provisions A Stocks. Memlra Omaha Gr,Ua Exchange, Chicago Board of Traa and oLur exchanges. Correspondents Bart let u Frailer at Carrington. 211 baart ml Treats Bld'g. Oosatta. GOVLRMULf T SOTICEI. CHIEF QCARTERMASTER 8 OFFICK Omaha. Neb., rebruary t, 1A Sealed, proposals, in triplicate, subject lo the uau it conditions, will be received here and by lh quartermaster. Fort Niobrara, Neb., until la a. m., central standard lime, Marin 7. 14, for providing nine add it. one to pre. sent troop water cloaets, for bathing pur pueea and fur Installing lube, showers, etc, therein at Fort Niobrara. Full In forma tl ,a fjrnlshed on application to this office, where plana and specifications may be Been, or to ihe quart arm ester. Fort Niobrara, Proposal to be marked "Propoavale for St.erer aihs." ar.d aJdreaeed to JJ. L BAWTER, Chief Quartertna.ter. i -K a, VK U-M4. KX