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TIIE OMAUA DAILY DEE: SUNDAY, MARCH 27, 1904. 25 V, FOR BALE RICAL, ESTATE. FOR DALE REAL ESTATE. FOR IALE REAL ESTATE. FOR SALE REAL ESTATTC. FOR SALE REAL, ESTATE. FOR SALE URAL ESTATE. FOR KALE REAL ESTATE. R. C. Peters & Company, Ground Floor, Bee Building. BARGAINS IN VACANT PROPERTY. 10- foot frontage on Hanscom park, at N. B. cor. of Shirley and Park ave. City will pave at. during the coming at anon without any expense to tfaa owner; $760. 60-foot south frontage, N. K. cor. 40th and Charles; on grade, paved at., permanent walk, aewer and water, on block from car line, drug store, market and grocery. There are 4 churches, two achooie In the vlclnlt). For Immediate aale we can ao- cept $760. A SNAP. (0x124, on paved street, one block from car line, in Kountse Place, $00. bo-toot frontago on Farnam street by 117 feet deep, just east of Ud St., $3,250. -room nouao, city water, barn, full lot, 431 Ohio at., Jl.OuO. Very easy terms, t-room cottage, city water and aewer, brick and cement basement. 30-barrel cistern, mall barn, walking distance of U. P. ahopa, lot 13x140. permanent walk, IV. blocks to car line; 11,200. 7-room house, city water and gas, barn, cistern, lot SOxlM, 28th and California St., on car line, $2.u00. -room, 2-story frame house, chicken house, well, fruit and shade trees, with an a era and one-half of ground, on Soth street car line. Owner has been holding at I4.&A but reduced hia price to t2.M0 so a to Bell this week. A BIO BARGAIN. (-room modern house, porcelain bath, closet, marble lavatory, city water, aewer and gaa, laundry, on paved at., at 25th and Parker, $2.. t-room modern brick house, first floor, finished in jurly birch and oak. second floor finished in birch; house cost $6,5nn to build. Price H2u0. t-room modern house, built years, large amount of trees and shrubbery, nice lawn, 27th and Poppleton. Owner leaving cltv and will sell for S3.M0. I rooms, hot water heat, porcelain bath, marble lavatory, cement baaement; lot 60x111, tMh and Hawthorne. Bemls park: price $4,200. 11- room, thoroughly modern house, finished In hardwood, full lot, nice shade, earn front, paved St.. permanent walk, on 20th avenue. Juat south of Pacific; 17,500. It-room modern house, east front, on paved street, near 20th and Half-Howard; tt.000. 26 acrea of first-class land 1V4 miles west of Florence; 20 acres In cultivation; $126 per aere. 130 acrea, soil rich, dark loam, clay subsoil, t-room house, barn for t horses, corn cribs, granary and other outbuilding: never falling spring, I miles) weat of Irr Ington, mile from Military road i 7B per acre. List Your Property With us for Quick Sale WE HAVE THE BUYERS. :"" H Georgia Avenue H Bargain 52,900. t rooms, all modern, paving paid In full close to Park school, fine neighborhood. Hastings & Heyden, 610-511 New Tork Life bldg. RE TUKEY & SON beMis park lot We have cleaned up the brush and put these lots In good shape, so look at them ana maxe a selection ror a future home. Prices rang from $f."i0 to tl.OuO each. These lots lay eaat of 38lh street and north of Lincoln boulevard. Tou will find a plat of the block on our sign at the northeast corner of S8th and Lincoln boulevard, with the prices and slss of the lots. A. P. TUKKY & SON, Board of Trade bldg. RE ELEGANT BRICK BLOCK. 4 stores, with tt-room. modern flats above; price, $16,000; H cash or farm land, bal ance can run nearly R years at 6 per cent. THOMAS BRKNNAN, Room 1, New Tork Life bldg. RB-821 MODERN t-rnom; also t-room house: beau tiful lots; flue location; chenn. Inquire 1411 Vinton at. ' RE tie Alt W. H. THOMAS .Loans money on City froperry in- Omaha, South Omaha and Council Bluffs. ; " LOANS... . " Made for - Building Purposes. ... W. A THOMAS, First NaVl Bank Bldg. TeL 1648. W.H.GATES 617 N. Y. Life Pnone 1294. vuo ui-rooiu. modern house, imu W.rt- not water neat, slats fowl, goou piumu- , wmu. a 1 uuiMi ibxjlm. 4,uuv t-room. ruuuurii nuuae, 1912 Emmet. oak flniah on lust floor, well arranged, boat ot piumoing, lot bxst, shaae u-s; owner leaving city; here is you cnanuo. RtuMi-roiwi, inooern, ilia and 8vnoer. ground luuxlM; paved. $2.46 t-room, mouern house, $126 California street, well bunt; largo barb; lot e4oU; high and sightly. Il&w t room, lui Seward, modern; largo barn. fci,U0 4 rooms, modern except furnace, til 14. ah street; reat 3k fl, -room, modern except tsrnaoe; rsat $17.60; northern part of city. 1Lhoi?;room ,lw cottage, ground lOxltt, EfCo N. liLh st ,2oO-8-room house, 2018 Dorcas; rent tit. ,200 t-room cottage on Clifton Hilt; liW caah, balance monthly. tl.tMj t-rom house, southwest part of cityi chicken house, barn. VACANT. v eoxia. on Mandernoii ai, near 26th. south front; a nice place to build TOO. CxlXi. on Bristol, near 27th. south front; nice- place to build two cottages tje. 0x134. on Wirt street, in Kouutse Plaoe near Boulevard 41.160. 44x6s. cor. alley, near 20th and Cass; good place for some brick fljLts 110xl6, on Webster, near Ud, south front tOxlS, south front on Mason, near 31st s(.; paved street; nice location-nly U.W0. RhV-tuO 17 XIOUrlES AND I.OTB ON EAST PAT- M E.VT8. 1" Corby St., t rooms tl MO DS N. !d at., t rooms LS fes Mandereon et., 7 rooms 1,0 1J4 N. rrth at., 7 rooms lu 1KJ0 ChlrHKo at., t rooms 1.600 South 40th St., t rooms ,0"0 2t!3 Binney at., 5 rooms l.OuO JiH Srtth T xrns, modern I.Suu Poppleton ave., 10 rooms, modern.. LOu) 130 to 1S?4 N. slat at., I double house and 1 cottage t 300 1M1 8. Mh St., t rooms, lot lOthilBO fcfrtiO ?1 N- 'hot-. T rooms, brick and barn 1.500 N. Ssth nve.. 7 rooms l.&W -'U N. lth. m roma. modern IX) 1114 & &th. t-rnom cottaae. &0xlW 12S0 1I and 3414 8. 17th St., t houses. 1 brick 1.000 614 8. SSth St., t-room brick, tfxltt 1M 127 N. ixth. t-room brick. &Oxl77 t,i00 Any of the above placea will be Bold on easy payments and low rate of interest. THOMAS BRENNAN, Boom i, Mjtln Floor New Tork Life Bldg. 11. CHART, MANAGER REAL ES TATE DEPARTMENT. OWNER MUST SELL New T-room modern house. KB N. lith St., price $i.A), tk) down. baUnco aa rent. Heat Kolhii. place basgaln ever offered. Hady April 1. Was built laat summer. Pine mat iront acre, facing Wilier park, on car line. Price. $1.0uu. Long time If de sired. Bev.nty-flve feet on Mth ava. near Bt, Mary's ave.. choice and close lu. Must ell this. Southeast corner 24th and Blnney; fine for buslnens or . borne; $1.3i), easy payments. r C 8. cUlEPARD, Suot WIRT ST. RE-488 17X WR SALE, fine high bottom Improved farm In Ma valley, near Crai In Holt county, Muiaouil. 178 acrea; a very rt h aikd piodui.tive fariu; cun give poaiaaion ti l year; 4i acres la nn wheat; ttal per av.e; 4. u. AUalns. crnt, Mo. re- BARGAINS IN ACRE TRACTS. It acres, good bouse, etc., on Benevue road, two miles from South Omaha ta.oOO. I acres, very well Improved, on the Oil- more road. tl.u0. 1 acres, fair improvements, on Boulevard, 14 miles from South Omaha poetoffios t&O. 40 acres, unimproved, lays well, close In l,0u0. IS acres, unimproved, good land 13,500. 10 acrea, adjoining Albright; great bargain $2,000. We have several smaller tracts adjoining the city that are nice and verv orieio, O'NEiL'S REAL, ESTATE AOENCtT South Omaha. RE Md&t AU Williamson Co.,r.M8d, RE 796 CLOSE IN MODERN house, t rooms, near High school and Crelghtsn university, paving all paid, only $4,500 W. FARNAM SMITH & CO. 1320 Farnam St. RE M87I W HEN buying or selling real estate be euro to get a Midland Guarantee and Trust company bonded abstract, 1S14 Far nam street. N. P. Dodge, Jr., President. RB M68S RE CHRIS BOYER, S2nd and Cuming. Tel. tMS. 1 A LIST OF GENUINE BARGAINS CITT PROPERTY. tl.SGO t-room house on Nicholas St, bet. feth and loth sta: lot f 1x126. $3,600 t-room new modern house, except fumaoe, lot 4tU90, on Bpaulding. near S4th st. 12,700 7-room house, barn and chicken house combined, trees of different kinds, lot suxiau, on 4a!d and Parkrr. ttto t-room. Tot HOxUl. on Charles st, halt blook from car Una. tl.Wo Houaa with two lots oor. 4tth and Hamilton sts. $760 4-room house, lot 0x127, on Charles St., half block from car line. $6,6oO Beautiful all-modern resldenoa, lot 100x160, on 4id and Cuming. A snap. $2,ooo Mouse and lot on Blnney St., lot 13xxl2t. A bargain. $600 t-room house, barn, well and otstern water, lot 26x160, on Burdette, bet. list ana ua sts. tjSuu t-room houso, lot Sxtl, at Mil Bur dette, In rear. $860 House and lot on FTankUn St., bet. Mth unit 17th ata. $fiuo 4-room house In Eaat Omaha, on Oust St., barn, chicken house, coal sheds, good well, fruit trees, lot 6xl28, fenced and crosa-fenoed. This Is a genuine bargain ana must oe soia witnin su aays. VACANT LOTS. Vacant lot In Clifton Hill, I blocks from car line. 42x130 Vacant lots on Burt st bet. 17th and ttth sts. tsoO each. Two lots corner 17th and Saratoga sta tHOt. Vacant lot on SKh ave., near Cuming sL, Gx7v 140G. Vacant lot on flpauldlng St., 10x127, perma- u.ul aiaewaiK eioui TORES BTTTLDINaa. Store building corner uh and Saaulding ia., lot tta-4t,w, Building with two store rooms, flats above. lot 4J-iS, rental $6M per year, on Mth, bet. Patrick ave. and Burdette at.; must oe soia; cheap at Sb.oou. Mane oner. UNIMPROVED LANDS. 10 acres In Cheyenne county 13 00 per aero. -m in cuaier county w nu per acre. IdO In Frontier county 46.00 per acra. CHRIS BOYER, Cud and Cuming. Tot 04t. RE- OWNER OF 18.009 ACRES OF WILD LANDS, located In ths famous fruit belt on the west coast of tho stale of Michigan, will sell 6.000. 10 000 or I6.O0O acres In ens solid body at wholesale prloe. wild land adjoining now retailing at U0 an acra The land la In well set lied counties having churches, schools and good ' roads. Con venient by boat and rail to Grand Rapids, Detroit. Chicago and Milwaukee markets; Is suitable for fruit raising, stock raising and general farming, and Is the moat de sirable tract of wild land between Bt. Jo seph and Mackinac near Lake' Michigan, and Is the moat available and suitable tract of land la Michigan fur oolonlaing purposes or for stock raising and large or small farms; will not consider any trades. For map and further particulars address. J. B. M.rritt. Manistee, Mich. RE SNAPS FOR SOMEBODY. Oood pasture and tarns lands In Holt oounty, tl to $6 per acre. 30.0U0 acres rich prslrle land. Hemphill county. Texas. $3 to U per acre. Excur sion rate. Afrit fcth. Railway fare appllsd on purchase. Farms In Iowa and Nebraska at bot tom figures. Send for list. J. U. PiPElt. Sea bldg., Omaha, Neb. 4Ui SJi a GEORGE P. BEMIS REAL ESTATE CO. M4-t0t Paxton Block. 'Phono lot, HOUSES AND LOTS. t-ronm house In Walnut Hill, modern ex cept furnace, full lot, south front; splen did home. Prloe, only 12,300. t-room house In Kountse Place, paved Street, lot 50x124 ft., modern plumbing, hot water heat, good stable. Price, only H.6"0, but It must bo cash. t-room modern house In best part Hans cnra Park district. On paved street, con venient to psrk and schools and close to car line. A good Investment as same would rent for 35 per month. Prloe, $2,000. Call Immediately and make offer, aa property roust be eold this week. 140 ft. frontage tm North 24th Bt.. with the following Improvements: Large store, renting for tto: cottage, $10; small store, $11. This comer will yield about 10 per cent net on investment at present ren- . tela and Hth St. property la a good In vestment as values are rising rapidly. Make us an offer or would consider trade for desirable residence property. 1917 Pupont St., 4 rooms, city water, $700. tU down and balance $10 per month. 4-room cottage, city water, south front, near loth and Castellar Sta. Price, only sw. half cash and balance on long time. 10-room houso, near 30th and St. Mary's Ave., strictly modern. Price. $8,000 If taken at once. Cottage of 7 rooms, near 26th and Cass Sts., east front. Price, only $2,500. $1,000 down snd balance to suit st t per cent.' 1-story and baaement double brick dwell ings, close In, always renting for $36 eaoh. Pries. $1,600. I-room house, open plumbing, bath, gsa. furnace, oiled woodwork, near t9th snd Cass Sts. Price, with two large lots, $6,000. Modern, t-room house and half acre of ground, near Sth and Emmet Sta Plenty of fruit, nice lawn, shsde trees, barn, cow shed, oto. Price, only $3,000. t-room cot tags, near 27th and Jackson Sts. $2,750. t-story brick Mock renting for $10160 per month. $10,000. VACANT SNAPS. IB lots, near Central Park school. Alt for $ww. East front lot near 90th and Vinton, $760. H acre near Sot h and Lake. $660. $2d. near Seward, only J 300. , Lots near 24th sin' Vnn-rson Btg fNSO ACREAGE. 10 acres Just weM of Patrick firm, t-room cottage, stc, lies very nice, $J.?W. 10 aces on Podge St. road. tl.W FARM FOR SALE OR RENT. H acres fine corn and hay land, about 14 miles from South Omaha. Good house and other buildings. Rental. $300 per annum. For sale at $6 Ter acre. GEORGE P. BEMIS REAL ESTATE CO. $04-4Wt Paxton Block. 'Phono 688. RE (02 ZI H Acreage. H T acres t blocks from car line In Florence. fine piece of land; price, $9o0, easily worth $1,200. Other pieces of 6 and 10 acres near Fort Omaha-and Benson. Florenoe and South Omaha from $100 to $150 an acre. Open Monday evenings from I to 10. Hastings & Heyden, E10-6U New York Life bldg. RE $500 Cash and balance monthly payments for a fine, 6-room cottage, city water and sewer, 30-bbl. cistern; only S blocks to cars; paved street. $300 Cash and balanoo same as rent, t-room. modem house, high and rntly location; street, pavea; 1 ouxuv; nam. $800 Tour choice of those fine lots on ' Maple street, west of 20th street, finest little street In Omaha. $350 . For a fine boulevard lot, ' high and sightly. . $1,200 : Cash, balanoo monthly payments ' of $20 each, buys a fine, 8-roorn, modern house, on paved street, only 2 blocks from Car; permanent walk; fine cemented cellar under whole houao; would trade for acreage. $1,500 For a good 7-room house and I full lots, N. E. corner 27th and Sprague, city water. $3,100 Cash for a fino T-room house. I blocks north of Haaeeom park, house is all modern, back plastered and cost over $1,600 to build; lot 60x187; good barn. A snap for somebody who wants a, good homo, $1,200 Each for those nice building lota . 8. E. corner 8dth and Dodge sts.; paving paid In full. $4,000 t-room, all modern house. West Faroam district, .east front, fino neighborhood. If you want to sell your property, list It with THE BYRON REED CO.. HI S. 14 La. RE Gibson & Jjowell Co., 217 South Mth Screet Telephona 114. A FEW BARGAINS $2, t0 7-room, modern, oast front, near 10th and liancroft; a nios homo. $2,500 t-room cottage, with all oonvenlenoos and good bain, lawn and shrubbery, near Mth and Burdette. $1,30 t-room, modern exoept beat, a very nice home, within one block ot Far nam car 11ns. This is a genuine bar gain. $L70t -room cottage, with bath, closet, gas, city water, almost Raw, near Z4th street car. $1,600 6-room oottage, I full lots covered with fruit trees; a very pleasant suburban home: half oash. $1,600 4-r. cottage, full lot, near car. north. il.20 6-r. cottage, 1 full lets, N. W. pare ll.OuO 6-r. cottage near iMtb st. car line. Either of three last named oottagos can be had on monthly payments. Don't think of buying .either Improved or vaos,nt lots before seeing our new liet RJU FOR BALE 11-room house, modern and in first-class condition: large yard and shade treee; am uavensort St. Apply H. J, Windsor, lilt Dodge st. RE M27t SEE R. H. Landeryou If you wish to buy or sell real estate. 441 Board of Trade. Tel. 2161. RE-491 H 2223 Ohio. H Good t-room cottage, all on one floor, has cU water, sewer, gas, good barn; price, l-room cottage, 1411 Blondo $1,000. $114 Miami, 7 rooms, large lot, barn, city wateNand gaa sKO oash, balanoa sasao as rent: price, tl.600. Over 100 others to select from. Hastings & Heyden, Ct-tU New Tork Life bldg. RE LOOK AROUND At the Buildings A treacly .Started. , Do. You Need 'More to Con- . , '.' .... innce You That ' Omaha Real Estate ':ts a Tip-Top Investment? D. V. SHOLES CO., TU N. T. Ufa. HOUSES. $1,000 XI Casta liar, NEW 4-room cottage, Georgia ave. car, $100 cash, balance $1.000 t-mom, neat, well built house, toxtfO-foot gain. $ fi6o Double house, t and t rooms each, full lot. Sfith. near Charles. $1.(W CT16 Pupont, I rooms, city water, full lot, H block car. tl.Oftt 1420 Taylor, t rooms, 1-story, city water, barn, full lot. $1.$0 1X12 Parker, t rooms, good repair, well built, city water and gas, full lot, lias fine. 8PLENP1D BARGAIN. $1,400 N. 21st. near Manderson, 7 rooms, well, c la tarn and gas, fine Interior, parquet floor In dining room. $1.Snft 126 N. 21st, t rooms, neat, full lot, small cash payment, balance monthly. $1.600 Good 7-room house, fully modern, with furnace, near 33d and Ruggles. Want cash offer quick. . $l,jno 6 rooms, good well, cistern, chicken yard, barn, good shade, near 3Kth and Casa. $2,0002(102 Pierce, beautiful, fine, well built cottage, I rooms, .new, modern except furnace. GOOD BARGAIN. $? 000 Jfiil Reea. 7 rooms. 2-atory, sewer, water, bath and gas. excellent repair. $2,160 On N. l?th boulevard, t rooms, modern except furnace, nearly new, large lot VERY CHOICE $3,760130 8. 35th ave.. 7 rooms, modern; reduced price for quick sale. BARGAIN. $4,000 East front on 81st, near Pacific, excellent, 7 rooms, strictly modern, full lot, with barn. $$.100 On Manderson. near 26th, very fine t-room house, nickel plumbing, modern, built by owner for home, eye'one cellar, good shape. $4,0001113 Spencer, g rooms, hot water heat, modern, full lot, paving paid. Want cash offer quick. $1.750 1314 S. 81st. t rooms, modern except furnace, good plumbing, fin 50-ft. east front lot. In the best location Hanscom Place. This Is an excellent bargain, considering location. Want to aU quick. Make us sn offer. $6.209 On Park ave.. near Msaon. beau'lful eaat front, t-room house, all modern, lot Tl ft., elegant shade. CHEAP.' $7,00 1K?2 Georgia ave.. t rooms, very best hot water heat, with fl"et plumbing, ele gant cement basement, we'l arrned and In good renair. Nonrealdent wants to close this up. MAKE t'fl A PROPOSITION ON THIS. $10,000 Elegant brick and .late roof. W-rwrn reeldenre. flna interior, oak finish, beau tiful around stone drive, snod bern. one-half block from the Farnam car, fao In P-ownell hall. An e'egant bargain. Cost double the pries. $11,000 The Dickenson house, 1002 Park are., cor. Mason, lot Mxjw ft.. 10 large, fins rooms oak floors throne-hoot, modern, with elegant bam, fins shade. A beau tiful homo: Owner leaving tho city wants to sell quick. VACANT. 260-0. W. oor 10th and Sahler, Mxt2t, psvlng ouo 40X120. east rroni, aun ave., just soutn or Laxe. bnai-. 660 to too Some choice 60x127 ft. lots near nth and Mason. 00-Exl32 ft. on Harney, east of 24th. CHEAP. 760 Oxl24. Spencer, between ltth and 10th north front. SNAP. 70060x124 Looust. bet. ltth and 17th. SNAP. hot WW 1 in Xl.t an4 P. Verv flne $1 00 41x135, on Harney, east of 14th. BARGAIN. Make offer. $1.7V-il?0. Park ave.. bet. Popnleton and Woolwnrth. SNAP. . 12.60O 60x183. S6th st.. east front too ft. north of Farnam. ' $0,000 8x1. is ft., on ffth. across ths atrsst from Joslyn homo. Tho .finest In the city. Don't pass this up. KOUNTZE SUB. On $tth and Farnam we are offering the finest residence property anywhere In tho city of Omaha. This property Just been platted. Only It lots. Prices cheap. Don't delay. See us. $1,000 East front, on ltth boulevard, south of Clark, buys fino 40xl40-ft. lot; one-third cash, balance to suit. . . , ... RE Sweet-& Best Tel 1472. N. Y. Life Building. You will make a grave mistake if you nuy before seeing these prop erties. . NEW 7-ROOM modern residence, t blocks west of poatoffice, near high school and Crelghton college, complete nickel plumb ing, furnace, lull site basement, south front, paving and cement sidewalk paid In full. Prloe Is low at $4,000, but think offer of $1,760 would be considered. NEW 6-ROOM cottage, mod. ex. furnace, close In, $2,3ut. THld IS A BARGAIN. 7-J?ra house, lot 10x132. Webster, near th. two, ana pernaps teas. Be. u. is Al CaL I NEW 6-ROOM COTTAGE, porcelain bath, movable wash bowl, closet, sink, hot and cold water, gaa, cementd cellar, lot 40x 132, maple trees, lawn, near school and car, On locality, $1,600 will taks It; worth $2,000.- ' ; ' Choice Lots. At 24th and'' Manderson we can offer the greatest snap In all Omaha In the way of a beautiful residence location. A vi cinity .of Ane homes, large trees, paved streets, etc. ''Only 1 lots left, 46x128, for 162S. kiEB THEM TODAY. 8 lotsT 40x200 each. Be mis Park, choice, $476. 42x132, Templeton ave., $360. E3 Till 8. 4txl20. Grant nea- 24thi $426. BARGAIN, 0x126, Pratt and tttn, BARGAIN, 46xUat 27th, near Ames, $160. BARGAIN. - BB SURE TO SEE U 8 BEFORE BUTING." 6WEET BEST. 613 N. T. U TEL. 1472. RB We Coffer Several Attractive Homes, Low. Prices $8,000.00 . West Farnam. 8t. District, on Ud St., north Faro aru St, a most desirable location, l-room modern house, oak finish, gas and electric light, full let. 16,500.00 CO' Park Ave., east front, on ons of the most desirable streets in city. House has t rooms asd Is all modern. Lot 76x140 ft. $4,000.00 , 2300 California St. New t-room house, with targe nau, stnotiy moaern ana up-to-aaie. aay walking distaoos down town. $3,800.00 ill Dewey Ave. - New 7-room bouse, large reception hall, oak finish, modern in every way. . $2,500.00 tm Franklin St. t-room houso, all modern and In good condition. . Also barn. Lot toxlto. $3,150.00 West Farnam District, t-room new cottage, all modern, up-to-date, has hot water heating plant, open plumbing and mantle. Property cost u,7UO.o. run oornsr lot. neighborhood Is of ths best. $2,150.00 021 Chicago St., 7-room cottage, modern except furnace, good condition. Property must be sold. Submit us offer. $2,150.00 1111 N. 18th St., -room house, modern ex cept furnace. This is a very cheap prop erty. House alone worth price asked, and is In first-olaae rspair. Walking distance city. . $1,650.00 atOirValley St., t-room house, electrto light, good condition, corner lot, (0x140 ft. $1,650.00 1M6 N. ltth St, lot $0x140 ft,' t-room oot tage, modern except furaaoe, $1,100.00 1811 N. tith St., t-room oottage, olty water sjid sewer, one blook from street car aad Franklin school. Easy terms. Gtorge an. Company, ltul Farnam St RB A SNAP IN A STOCK AND FEEDING RANCH. 720 acres, right at station, on main line of the B. 4s. M. railroad. 140 acres of It choice hay land, 200 acres good alfalfa land, all fenced and cross fenced, two wind mills and tanks. This ranch Is located In good farming district. Owner compelled to sell st sacrlflo; worth UO per acre, will taks $12 for quick sale. Ws have some choice farms fa? sale In the celebrated Wood River valley, ths MITCHELL A FATJGHT, Wood River,. Neb. REtflt B FIVE acres, with appla orchard, at a bar. gun; cioee in. inquire ltiu iJeelge. Rto-Sua AT Tel. 41. sewer, water, gas. One 60-foot lot, S blocks monthly. lot, near Franklin school. Oood bar paid. SNAP. n P. D. WEAD If you are seeking a good Investment or want a bargain In a borne HERE THEY ARB. New t-room modern cottage, south front, 260t Spencer, now renting for $16; If sold before owner leaves city can be bought $500 caah, balance monthly at $12.60 per month; price $1,600. Nloe 6-room cottage, good repair, 2485 80. 18th at,; easy payments, $160; balance monthly; $1,000. 6-room cottage, 1616 N. 26th; cheap home, $860. t 6- room cottage, list and Manderson, $1,160. 7- room house and barn large ground, 4728 N. 19th St., $976. 7-room house with porcelain bath and closet: 1949 8. 16th at.; cost owner $3,000; If sold at once. $2,200. 1524 DOUGLAS RB 1 CDDINIP. D1DP.AIMC 1M DC A 1 I 1 iii'v univvjniiikj 111 ESTATE $1.100 on North list St.. near Manderson. nearly new, neat 4-room cottage; gas in every room, city water, nice Clean location, larare lot. $1,260 On Burt St., near 28th, B-room cottage, gooa repair, wanting distance. $i,looOn Blnney St., near 24th, good 7-room nouae, large lot. $1,600 On South 10th St., near Vinton, tt- room modern cottage, good repair; rents tm per montn. $2,000 On Pierce st., near 2tth, t-room cot tace. nice shsde trees. $2,100 On Lafayette ave., near 36th, t-room modern cottage, nice large lot. $2,100 On South 12th, near Bancroft, t-room modern cottage, first-class In every way and elegant location. $4,000 On I sard st, near 41st, 10-room all . modern home; nice large lawn, shads ' trees, sightly location, a snap. " VACANT LOTS $ 050 each for two nice lots on Hawthorns ave., both eoxitt). $1,000 for two nice lots on Hamilton St., near 16th.; can bo made Into t lots. Ask about these. $1,000 each for two nice lots Just north of turning on uienwooa ave.; very sightly location. Take a look at mem. NEAR ILER GRAND 100x176 feet, on ltth st, extending through to 17th.; elegant location for business block and sure to Increase In value. This can be had at a bargain Just now better Investigate. Chance to double your money In short time. PAYNE INVESTMENT CO.. First Floor N. T. L. Tsl. 17U. RB- F. D. WEAD l-room all modern cettase noma: 10o-bhL olatem; fruit and shade trees; on 8paul6 Ms eirevi, yew D1U , afiou. 1524 Douglas. RB-MU0 21 THE NEW SNOW-CH URCH CO SOUTH OF FARNAM. t-r., 8. 27th. bet Dewey and 8t Mary's avenue $2,700 t-r., near Hanscom park on oast side.. 1,100 7-r., So. 16th., bet Dorcas and Martha.. L00 t-r., fully modern, fine property, S. Mth near St. Mary's ave , 4,860 t-r., on Vinton near Ud st 1,150 2226 So. 10th st, 7 rooms ... 1.8" Z40 So. Mth St. t rooms 1.700 2O20 So. 7th st, 6 rooms LloO A SNAP t-r. house, good barn, large lot. Ambler Place 1,000 a close in t-r. house, $1,200 cash, balanoo mortgage. NORTH OF FARNAM. UVr., fully modern. West Farnam dis trict $3,400 Clifton Hill bargain, easy payments LTuO 8NAP-t-r.. fully modern. Weat Far nam dlatrlot good barn 2,400 $123 Burt St.. t-r., lot 60x160, block of -two car lines, $200 cash, balance monthly payments 2.500 s-r., meaern except furnace, no. ltb at near onto, ouu cash, balance easy pay roents. Worth examination. We have others; corns snd see us. We nave vacant lots. We want more property 1 or saie; come ana ses us. THE NEW SNOW-CHURCH CO., C. R, GLOVER. PRESIDENT. First Floor N. T. Life Bldg. Telephone 138. RE F. D. WEAD t-r. nsw moderm cottage, with porcelain oaut on junmei St., near attn, ilsuu. 1LM DOUGLAS. RB H Building Lots. H it win pay you to look over our list before you buy. We have thorn in all parts of ine city: BEMIS PARK Oood lots, $400, $600. $410. KOUNTZK PLACE $00, $o0, $70. tl.OoO. HANSCOM PARK $500, $7W. $l,0o0, $1,600. WEST FARNAM tloOO. ll.bOO. 12.000. OMAHA VIEW-Near school lid and Lais and Maple, XI 00 and 1160 for quick aale. Open Monday evenings from I to 10. Hastings & Heyden, 110-611 New Tork Ufa bldg. RE F, D. WEAD t-r. all modern house on 17 tk near CaM well; this property Is a gem about I years old, $2,400 ibM DOUGLAS. RB Payne, Bostwick & Co., 601-) New.Yotk Llle Bldg. DWELLING HOUSES. In Dundee C011 California St.. a two-story t-room house with furnace, good cemented cellar, cistern, bath, toilet, laundry, good barn, property In fine repair, with two 60-foot lota Fine shade. Eastern owner anxious to sell. Price $1,000. 2144 South $5th St., Windsor Place, t rooms, nara oil nnlsh, gns. furnace, houe all piped for bath room fixtures, lot 6ox1l, barn, 2 blocks from car. Nonresident owner anxlou. to sell. Price $1.8n). Terms, $600 cash, balance t per cent. $16 South 29th Ave., Just north ot Farnam, s room, an modern, renting for $26 per month. Price $2,400. $S71 Seward Bt, t rooms, modern except lurnace, witn w-root lot, barn, shade, some fruit. Price $2,600. 361$ Lafayette Ave., In Pemla Park, six- room house, oil finish, with bath and g-ns. Price reduced to $2,200. $306 California 8t., large 11-room house witn lot uxi&u, for $2,000. Snap. 4146 Izard St, t-rootn modern cottage. In- ciuuing lurnace, pig lot, lor 13.000. 1021 N. 33d St., 7 rooms, all modsrn. with nne snade, house nearly new. Property very cheap at $3,200. Lot us show you these properties before) PAYNE, BOSTWICK & CO., 6th Floor. H 17th and Spruce. H N. W. corner, 62x140 ft., room for 1 houses. gooa location, if sold this week, price to ft. on ltth st boulevard, near Spruoo Hastings & Heyden, 610-511 New Tork Llfo bldg. RE r F. D. WEAD,1 t-room, all modern house and barn, I lots, wnu ijuiuriain nam, furnace, aouin iront; No. 1 house, 1168 Case; $1,000 cash; bai same as rent; $3,000. 1624. DOUGLAS. RB ENGLISH & CO., PAXTON BLOCK. One of the finest t-room modern residences t-room modern residence, Farnam and list avenue, m.iou. RE 4J1 MISSOURI LANDS ANCHOR LAND COMPANY, 1018 N. T. Life Bldg., Omaha. RE M406 At Illus. your property, Baker Bros. Eng. Co, Rlfi 136 The Prettiest Location Finest View in Omaha ' . On Florence Bqiilevard, 3 Blocks North of Ames A v. Large lot East front unobstructed view of the Bluffs .. : t o a. J iur nines. o-rooin muuern FOR SALE AT REASONABLE ' ' PRICE AND TERMS. FRED M. YOUNGS, 5002 Florence Boulevard. SHIiuER & CHASE, Builders of Modern Houses Figure on a house of your own. Improve that let We furnish lot and build bouse to suit If desired. Have you ever looked Into our plan? Get one of our Illustrated booklets. These, and Others $1.100 t-r. cottage, south front, Orant st $1.160 -r. cottage, Prospect Hill. $1.100 -r. cottage N. 28th st $1.S00 6r., NEW, bath and closet; on car. $2,100 t-r.. Orchard Hill home; modern. $2,400 t-r., modern except furnace; good aa new. $2,460--r; NEW; bath, closet washbowl; Hanscom Park. $3,000 t-r., NEW; all modern; West Farnam Two Kountze Place Homes $4,00 t-r., entirely modern; hot water heal Ing plant. $4,600 8-r.. modem; paving, cement walks, shade, barn; block from 24th car. Here's your chance; owner leaving city, SHIMER & CHASE General Real Estate Dealers, ltot Farnam, Ground Floor. Tel. S43. RB F. D. WEAD Two T-room all modern houses In Al re- BKlr; this property, renting for $360 year, ' sold soon. $2,600: or would trade for IS or to acres near city. 1S24 Douglas. RE-M40O ft ONLY $t PIR ACR1C! ONLY $ PER AC!! Fine hay and stock ranch, 1.440 acres. Holt county, Nebraska. Fenced In two epi rate ranches, but Joining. Running water over 800 acres of ths finest hay bottom In Nebraska. Most of hay land will cut over two tons per acre. Located 10 miles southwest of O'Neill snd the famoua Shoemaker Sals adjoin this land on ths east. One of the owners aava sell to close out estats. Land in this vicinity brings $16 to $26 per acre. If you want something good and cheap don't let this get away. Price $soo per acre If sold In 15 days. M CAGUK INVESTMENT CO., Sols Agents. RE MITt 17 WEST FARNAM LOT. $760. Ws have for sals 4 lots on 41st St., 20t feet north of Davsnport Ths first man with ths money gets his choice at this pric. They are right up on the hill no reason why they will not bo aa good as Lows ave. lots soon. Fsw lots command such a beautiful view. Two blocks from ths street car. One block ' from a splendid school. Bewer, water and gas . In ths street. Look Bt them. Growing neighbor hood. Act quickly. HARRISON MORTON, ' . til W. T. Ufa. Tel tit RE MK4 In Walnut Hill district, ' tint Lafaystu Ave., a 1-story, t-room house, with all modern conveniences. In splendid con dition, corner lot, south and east front, with beautiful shade, paved street and permanent walks. Price $4. too. 4112 Lafayette Are., a t-story l-room nil modern house with fine reception hall, mantel and grate, nice yard nnd shade. Everything In finest condition. Price $4,600. t'M Seward St., 7-room house, gas, city water, sewer in street, cistern, cemented cellar, nice shade, only $1.tk0. Terms, $00 cash and balance monthly. Two houses on corner lot. within walklol distance and one-half block from paved street, renting for tit per montn. fries $1,100. Owner anxious to sell. Want offer. $833 Davsnport St.. t moms, with bath, gaa, toilet nice shade, $2.3oO. 42d nnd Farnam, brand new t-rnom house . with reception hull, mantel and gas grate, nice plumbing, cellar under entire house, with furnace, nice fixtures, south front, property ready to occupy any time. Prloe $3,000. Investigate this quick or It will bo gone. you buy. 601 N. Y. Life Bid. F. D. WEAD Three t-room cottages, 1400-10-1$ Dorcas; this property rents for $4Si per year; owner must selL $3,00t. 162 Douglas. RE Cheap Building Lots Lot 60x126, sewer on street ttth and Pratt street $3u. Choice Hernia park lots, $660 to $1,000. Nice building lot, on 26th and Grand ave., $160 to 50 eaoh, on easy terms 1320 N. ISth street, So. Omaha, lot 60x160, with t-room house, just tho place to start a homo $800. It H. LANDERYOU. 442 Board of Trade. RE ONLY nve housos remain to be sold at 19th and Miami streets, ss follows: 1S15 Miami street $1,160.00 1817 Miami street $60. no . 1821 Miami street 950.00 1 1838 Miami street 1826 Miami street l.X1.00 These are large six-room houses, newly painted and with new roofs, with cltv water In the kitchen. TV neighborhood Is first-class, and near two car lines and school. If you want a good home, In a good neighborhood, at a small price anil on easy terms, you will not fall to Inves tigate these houses. GEO, E. TURKINGTON, 105 Bee Building. RB-610 17 GLOVER. 1st floor N. Y. Life, city prop erty, farms, ranches. Tat. 113. RE 683 IT - j r nouse anu Darn. t . ' 1 RE-501-C71 H Want To Sell H your property? Ws can sell It for you If your price Is not too high. Let us know what you have to offer. Open Monday Hastings & Heyden, aw-au mow I ore lAIt bldg. RE 1 ' F. D. WEAD ' 'from $60 uT"1 l0U in M Part" f Mf UM DOUGLAS. -RB C'IUT..FO,,l, rULL PARTICULARS, r Cf r"?" 100 food land. chard ' ': '"""i - r- V-li B-dwrd" Co., good 2SS a. farm. Chicago, fine mod. 14-r. res., Indiana -L??:. Hut. o'df lot Highland PI." lot P,(lanaum (Ba v' ). oottage and; Mass., Berkshire Co., M a. and Impts. M eh., Ogema Co., !40 a. farm and Umber, M ch., Muskegon Co.. 40 a. land. Mich., Huron Co . 10 a. and Impts. . Minn., Marshall Co., 200 a. and ftnpts. Mo., Kansas City. mod. res., Prospect ave. Neb Kimball Co., 160 a. good land. 5' X" &lMtw ,Co". 148 fru't 'rin. . N C. Transylvania Co.. excellent 1,100 sj farm; 400 a. cult.: 800 o. Umoer; orchard. Pa.. Fayette Co., int In tl a. coal land, and 4o a, surface. Phlla.. Narberth. t good bldg. lots. Term., Weakley Co.. nne farm 2 IS a. Vs.. Clark Co.. magnificent mountain homo' and fruit farm prop. K a, en lop of Blue Ridge; 62 ml. from Washington. W. Vs., Mason Co., 2t0 a. farm on Ohla river; utielerlald with vein of coal. W. Va.. Charleston, to a. land and Impts.: valuable deposits of clay and coal .on land. Wis.. Forest Co., 240 a- tlmberland. ' -Geu'l store, bus, bldg., dwelling, outbMg ' Int. academy, W. Vs.; up-to-date stock at Invoice. Factory for mfg. cross arms, brackets, etc., for telegraph snd telsphons lines, planing and grint mill; i a.; also I res., Tallloo Plains, Tenn. School property. It a., Glendale, Ky.j bldga. .., i. , LU.tu. ...II . . V. I V U I4nl' ' II . .1H.VUI. finely lurnisnea noiei, Miuvilie, IN. J. neiy lurntsnea hotel, MUivllie, N. J. W. M. OSTRANDEK. N. A. Bldg, Phlla. T IT" A j 4V" twl 411 A e ' . F. D. WEAD I want offer on two 7-room bouses snd barns; now renting $26 per mouth, 1124- 034. DOUGLAS. RB CALIFORNIA for I cents: full Information shout ths land of sunshine, fruit and flowers; all shout orchard and vineyard life and Industrial development; we eand Illustrated magaxine three months trial f'ir t cents. The Western Empire, 267 limes block, Los Angeles, Cal. RB 421 rx $1.400 22t Decatur St., new, well built. T roora bouse, modern, piped for furnaoe, oak floors downstairs; A BARGAIN. D. V. SHOLXS CO-. 721 N. T. Ufa UJg. Tel. 41. , . RaV-467 (Continued on Next -Page.)' -