Newspaper Page Text
N THE OMAHA DAILY IlEE: fcU'NDA Y, MARCH 27. 1904. 1 i I I 4 0iS Tilt: KIC LIABLE ITUKE. LAUREL SILKS F0R: Shirt Waist Suits Lead Thorn All The Laurel puk Mills of Lynn. France, Is supplying tin- wimm of thin country with more beautiful silks fur whirl waist suits limn hmv other mill In the world. As Boon as the ship arrive nml their cargoes checked up the cases containing LAI'RELj 611. KH tire taken to the fastest trains and hunted to their destination. THIS WEEK WE SHOW 100 NEW 8TYI.EB IN RROWN8. NAVY3 AND BMTS. Y"U do yourself Hn Inlustloe If you buy without first seeing the DACREI., HIIKS. We have the exclusive Omaha sale. Sic. Kir, iisc and 11.23 per yard MONDAY WII.I, UK TIIK BANNER DAY THIS YEAR FOR BARGAINS. ori,ARD 81 EK 8 14 In. whir pure silk, new and nent designs In blues, browns and black grounds. These silks never sell for l ss thun Tic, anil In ItiHiiy j1Qr stores at ll.Oi). We offer them Monday, nt 49 FINEST WHITE CURDED JAPANESE , YARD WIDE WHITE WASH PII.K- WA8H SIEKS-Extra uuullty. feet silk. On sale Monday, at i lean per- 38: All pure silk. Warranted to wash. Full 3ii In wide. On sale Monday, iu PIECES OF BEAI'TIFII, BILK ON 8AI.E MONDAY In Roucle, Natte and Over shot Ioulslene effects. Colors, navy, reseda, champagne, new blue and gun CRr inetal. Just the thing for shirt wnlst suits. On sale, at CRASH PONGEE In natural shady, pure. SILKS pure, silk, 24 In. wide. All the rage. 27 In. wide Murk Toehlko silk worth S."e .Wc On sale Mund.iy, nt u5JL '27 In. wide Mark Toshiko silk worth II 75j SALE OF BLACK. WATER PROOF WAtfll 27 In. wide Mark Toshlko silk worth H.a&-8c JL'ST RECEIVED FROM JAPAN, a shipment of the celebrated PHAI KAI Mark pongee silk. This pongee Is :iS In. wide, made of purest silk, and Is the best In world for wear and wash. Fine for suits or traveling gowns. We place the SHAI KAI black pongee on sale Monday, nt VEAV DE REJEAU, the new BLACK SILK for suits we Introduce Monday. il In wide, inn l'J ' wide. I vu st WINSMMV TAFFETA, the best silk fot RI'DOLPH, expert In high-art ladies' tallo teen years one. of the leading tailors of New WLNSLOW TAFFETA can not be excelled. at. the ISO 58c linings and drop shirts. MR. P. H. ring, at 21-1"- Farnam street, and for six Yik City, nays that In bis Judgment High Grade Dress Goods Department THE LARGEST DRESS OOODS DEPARTMENT IN THE WEST. The best goods. The most up-to-date stvles and the licst quality for the least money. THE BEST AND LATEST FROM THE IJOM3 OF ENGLAND. FRANCE. GERMANY AND AMERICA 44 In. Lupin's Voiles, black and colored, $1.0o quality, at 44 In. Lupin's Voiles, black and colored. 11.25 quality, at. : 46 In. Lupin's Voile, black and colored, II. DO quality, at 45 In. Lupin's Voiles, black and colored, M quality. at 45 In. Lupin's Voiles, blac k and colored, I.'.'ih quality, at Too much lannot be said of Lupin's Voiles, as Ih the best. MOHAIRS? MOHAIRS': MOHAIRS 69c 89c -9Sc 139 198 quality, color and finish are mohairs: For shirt waist suits, extra skirts and waists mohair has proven lo be the most satis factory of fabrics. Will not show illrl and In fart will wash. Priestley's blue cheek rravenetted Sicilian. . Priestley' blai k rravenetled Sicilian and ty In wide, a regular 111. 50 quality, I QQ Granada, & In. wide, K !S quality. I no Monday I 9w Monday I 90 Priestley's M In. nine cravenetted Sicilian, ITicstley's & In. Sicilian, one with an extra one we get II. Fin for, QO ' one silk finish. You pay 11.25 for I Co Monday IB0 It-Monday 13 Remember Hayden Bros, are sole agents for Priestley's Cravenetted Mohairs and Coverts lo In. blue silk mohair, regular C0, I rn '" hlnck silk finish mohair, 8o quality, at 0U regular WKo quality, at I.ansdowne, the queen of dress good, all colors and black, I OF per yard I Q Flannel Department 50 Ok 10 5c 1 Cases l?tc. Shaker Flannel, at yard 2 Cases Inc. Woodlawn Cheviot Shirting, at yard I Case, SH lnrh wide Pllkollne, at vard 1 t 1 1 W 1 I.' 1 , l.rn ridnnal This Is a very nice quality of Flannel Hnd and the design Is entirely new for this season, the prices are very low. 69c, i.c and 75c, doc and 11.26 per yard. Bed Spreads 11.00 White Honey Comb Bed Spreads, hand some Marseilles Patterns, Hemmed ready for use GEn each 0DC 11.25 Fine White Honey Comb Bed Spreads, full double Bed slip, handsome Marselllns patterns. dtkc each 901' 11.76 White Fringed Bed Spreads. Marseilles patterns, heavy knotted fringe, extra. I 25 12.50 White Fringed Bed Spreads, Marseilles natterns. heavy knotted fringe: cut .corners, extra large rise, and no better value to be had, each 198 Hardware, Stoves and Housefurnishings Special Sale On Housefurnishings IKTElAOEl D H AEiY EASTER 8FFEMJ6S IN EVERY DEPARTMENT OF OUR BIG STORE THIS WEEK AND NEXT. WATCH OUR ADS FOR BARGAINS. DO NOT FAIL TO ATTEND eeeees Do Not Neglect to Attend Our Great Sale OF Suits, Skirts, Waists, Jackets, Rain Goats, Etc. FROM THE MYERS, LEVY 2?& STRAUSS .Mammoth fth Ave.. New York, stock, purchased by us at 40c on the dollar, now on sale at unheard of prices. IT IS WELL WORTH THE TIME of any lady to come and look over the great bargains in beautiful creations for spring and summer wear. READ THE PRICES COME IN AND SEE THE OOODS. We know you cunnot resist supplM"" -ur needs at tnese bargain prices. New York. N. Y.. 3-1S. 1!XH. Hayden Bros., Omaha. Neb.: Purchased entire mock of Myers, Levey & Strauss. 6th Ave., at toe on the dollar, (ioods shipped tonight by express. Can dispose of fixtures here. JAM f.ft .VI I It It J I . The house of Myers. Levey & Strauss. Was well known to all New Yorkers and to every person who visited New i ink frequently, as their establishment on alh Avenue and Broadway was very conspicu ous, and was patronized by the great mid dle class of people. THIS GREAT STOCK. WORTH OF WOMEN'S SCITS 1 JACKETS, SKIRTS, waists, cravenette j rain coats, all kinds of garments carried by j an exclusive cloak house Now on sale in our eloak department at prices never he j fore known on new goods at this season of I the year. 150 WOMEN 8 NEW SPRING SCITS-My-ers. Levey & Strauss price T I1S.B0 our p"-ce yJ WOMEN'S NEW SPRING PCITS-ln fan cv mixtures and plain colors M., Q QfJ L. & 8. price lil.Bo ours Jl BEAUTIFl'L SPITS In the new Eton ef fects, with silk drop, trimmed with braid and bands of taffeta gQ Choice of the slock of suits, worth up to Hii. at MYERS, LEVEY A- PTRAI SK. Entire stock of silk and cloth Jackets, In the nobby, new styles, at less than one- half price. 175 silk and cloth coats worth up to lin for 275 coup. In silks and serges, black, blue, brown and tan, at Women's silk and covert coats worth up to 113.75 our price MYERS, LEVEY & ST RAl.'SS SKIRTS. .Tiint to see the magnificent stock of skirts from Mvers. 1 cvey & Strauss. 4,200 skirts in all, both ladies', misses' and children's. 1 lot children's wool Kf)c skirts at -vjw WOMEN'S RAINY-DAY SKIRTS. In Ox ford and light gray M.. L. Ac QU S. price $J. 7f ours trJ WOMEN'S FINE VOILE, pcau de sole, broadcloth, taffetas, cheviot and serge skirls, elaborately trimmed, all ncv spring styles, worth Q QH .... I,. t- nil at VJ 1 lot LADIES' WALKING SXIRTS at 21.00 3.90 5.00 7.50 ;. in black, t rimmed I worth 3.75 ::n to .95 . Riat 50c madras and .2.95 95c .8.90 25c 50c WOMEN'S RAINY-D blues, browns and with strap seams , M . L. A 8. prices. ours Skirts for extra law;. 3. length 40 to 4o. n; and blacks at THE MYERS. LEVI. The most wonderful li.i purchase. Don't fall to si e , . Women's l.'.OO waists at Pcau dn sole. Japs, taffetas. vesting waists, worth up to 17.00 at Women's 14.00 waists - at FINE LACE WAISTS, worth double, at J" (H. 7.50 and CHILDREN S COATS. Coats, the greatest snap you ever saw, at Children's nice Spring Coats Reds, Blue". Browns. Castors and Grays, Cape over shoulders, braid trimmed, J Children's Spring Coats In all different styles, worth 15.00, all colors, 2.98 Children's Spring Coats, In millltary style, all colors, nicely trimmed, worth 17.61). at SPECIALS. Women's Calico Wrappers, 'shoulder, worth $1.00, at Women's Percale Wrappers. worth 11. 00, at Women's Spring Capes, nicely QQ trimmed, worth, at Women's t'ndersklrts, 7Qf wortli 11.50. at. .A A W Women's 12.00 L'ndWsklrts In QQ Women's Storm-made Wrap' tiers, worth I2.U0, at Children's $4. no three-quarter length winter loaks, a few more left, 11(1 Spring! Summer WASH FABRICS- Rfl mum 1IIK RKI.I till '. vrtlHK. Our Main Wash Goods Dopartmont MERCERIZED PONGEE RIP. the k i c i suiting fabric In I he Porn color 0 C Shown ONLY IN OMAHA IN THIS PKI'AIU'M E N'T per td 03L EMBROIDERED VOH.ES-Verv Hvilsh walking fabric-- KQ, pr yard 39l HAND LOOM EMBROIDERED WA1STINGS -W hite grounds ltli Toral QQ,- designs in color, per vanl . 50 FRENCH VOILES In white or ecru 4u In wide. Knotte, Rlsto and Russian Q ft , C.ors effects SHOWN ONLY HV THIS DEPARTMENT IN OMAHA- per yard. .. jJQ SILK WARP ORGANDIES-Dollv Vard.-n stvles. all new. 9Ci tier yard . ftw1 P ILK MOl'8ELLINE-ln black and all color.-, embroidered ilot., regular Q, 5oc grade, per yard 99-' WHITE 811. K MCI.! 29 In. wide, our regular We quality, a larantred. 9Kf On sale Momlav. al, per vard ft!1 WHITE PERSIAN LAWN-32 In. wide. WHITE FRENCH LAWN 4.'. in 90 wine, guaranteed Roi- and 40o grades Monday, per yard 13" The new tine Imported .lacquard white waistlngs. benutl'ul styles tiles the bss' satisfaction of all white walstlng fabrics. .' stvles to selec t from. 9Ki Per yard Shirt waist suitings In the greatest iosslbl varlnv. Nowhcr.- Is shown snoh ZW&rs ?1rr.,:..8.,. 10 15', 19, 25', 39, 49 59 MAIL ORDER Cl'STOM ERS-Our samples of Suitings. Wiilstlngs Goods are now ready. (Mailed free of charge on application nml White MJD LA Cl 0 J New stock of the famous ZION CITY LACES Just roc Ived and on sale Monday. Price, per yard ZION CITY ALLOVER LACES for shirt waist Trice, per yard 4c tc 35c 39c to I 25 REtilEFilBER 4.90 lapel ever 39c 98c 1.50 at. Monday's Furniture Bargains Sleeping Go-Cart 'like cut the baby needs one. You cannot afford to pass this snap up, g Neat Iron Red, plain but strong. A great bargain CENTER TABLE 24 In. top, alcely finished. quality. On sale Monday ana Tuesday at LARGE ARM ROCKER Quarter sawed oak, Regular W.25 quality. Sale price BEWING ROCKERS Brace mm, wood or cane seat I 9C U Sale price I 3 V I1 VAN I'pholstered In silk damask, nicely finished In mahogany or oak. on Bale Monday n nr W Regular I2.K 125 .2 95 at Neat three-piece Parlor Suit. Sale price , Regular price 118.50 12 50 Dish : nrp Wood Frame Wringer ,,,, S Drawer Splea Cabinet Connecticut Foixl Chopper Good Coffed Mill 50 lbs. Flour Can Gssollna Stove , The Best Double Oven made The Best Poultry Netting, per square foot I Rolls Good Toilet Paper for ; Forks COME AND SEE THE JEWEL STEEL RANGE MADE OCT OF POLISHED STEEL. EVERYTHING STEEL EXCEPT THE LIDS AND CENTERS. THE BEST CONSTRICTED RANGE IN AMERICA. COME AND PEE CAR JL'ST RECEIVED. 119 ..49c ..79c . 19c 59c 2.49 1.69 ,. 4c ttp Heavy Straped Spading Granite Pans 4-quart Tea and Coffee Pots, Granite Blue and White Enameled Tea Kettles 10-qt. Tin Dish Pans Iarge 4-pleoe Ga'den Sets Garden Hoes Garden Rake Solid Steel Spade 29c 29c 98c 13c 19c 15 15c 59c 69c FIVE-PIECE PARLOR SUIT Mnhoganv I FIVE-PIECE PARLOR BUIT Mahogany I COITOH 30 In. wide. ft long. Pteel con. in, in,,, u, cumin i-u in uwi in rfi nnisn, npnoisterea in crusnea qc nn struction spring, nest grade, sinuo icicjui, uuij iv uw piusn, only WW in cfi 19 will plush, only ,(9 will velour upholstering Monday . DON'T FORGET THE TIME-MONDAY AND TUESDAY. 9 00 That the Zlon City laces are made In Ion Oily, Ills, and are prrfn-t In every detail f-f style, width and workmanship and have the advantage if a SAVING F I'm I'ER CENT OVER ALL IMPORTED LACES, us the regular Import duty on all cotton laces Is HO per cent ad valuruni. WE ARE THE ONLY SELLING AGENTS IN OMAHA for this lino or laees. hav ing secured both the laees and lace curtains ( xelnsiv ely. THE ZION LACKS are si.perlnr In every particular to the Import goods and we are only too glad to have vou c tmpare any s.unples of wash luce you ?r.,i be able to frocure with this line. These goods are l ow on sale i.nd the lines are all complete, t will pay you to take advantage of this g'iat sale. A discount of lo per rem will be allowed on all lares purchases bv I he dozen. EASTER LACES-All ;iur new laees in. hiding Net Top itrlctitul Sleeve Laees. white and champagne, all-over waist laees ami cream and ecru applique 1 ie"s, have been received and will be placed on .,ile Monda '. SPECIAL NET TOP LACI'S Tills is the most popular line of laees llili sfimil, e.-'pei iatly for sleex e use, gl' iug tin1 cstumo u complrle !,rt"rreiiee in appe.irance Hnd having the effect of maktnc the hands seem much sniiilli"-. We were fnrtiionto to secure a big line of these sieve Inees before the rerent nilvinre In prirr.-i You can make your winter garment a stylish spi:,ig gown with ihr aid a few yards of net top jaco. Monday'! price, ;,rr yard. :f 15c to 75c Special Sale, Wool Dress Goods Great West Room, Monday (2 In. Indies' Cloth, assorted colors; In. Sicilian, blacks and blues: English Whip cord, assorted colors; and black CQ( Creponelte, Monduy, per yard wSJ" Scotch Mixtures, all wool, assorted AQr colors, Monday, per yard "rU All wool French Challles. French end Ger man Plaids, crepe finish, assorted Q(V colors, Monday, per yard Oaf1' New Spring Wool Novelties, assorted colors and black, Monday. 9Qi' per yard a.Jl New Spring Crepe de Chines, assorted colors and black, Monday, Q per yard Ifc Sample Trunks We have bought the entire sample line of f prominent .'Inrlniuit tl :runk manufar tut'rr. ills Kood.i are known as the line t on the mnrket and tho line for Is par ticularly tittrartlvc These s'flnplea ar I' ill pal tlcul.ii ly lo Maiid Ih" mos-i cibien Inspection by rxperlencecl timers, and iU can recognize the worih of the values of fered :ts soon as ou see them. We secured them at 33. Per Cent Discount from regular wholesale prlres and will give you the bent lit. Hc sure to see this line Mciiiday. Steamer and Pre? Trunks, at Dress Suit Cas. s. f OC 1 IO Crt t'om wU IU IU UU Remember you can save Just unc-thi.d by buying now. Don't delay. 3 50 to 30 00 Groceries! Groceries! Groceries! CHINA DEPARTMENT GLASSWARE SALE Fine fire polished glassware, water and milk pitchers, oike salvers, crimped and bell fruit comports, nappies, etc. The regular price, from 2."ic to 7c each--on sale Monduy lfi, IV each Wine Glasses, 6 for 5c All the balance of our odda and ends of decorated ware Monday,- choice 5c Art Pottery ng. Jardinieres, large size. a. w Fire proof rt-qt. Cook- Ing Kettles, at IJ I-amp Shades, Cn each W" OPTICAL DEPARTMENT THE NEW LUCIDUM LENS Clear crystal perfectly polished accurately fitted-moderate price gold filled frames. All style'. Ten-year guarantee. Worth B.00 i A Monday I 49 HAYDE N (3) D f O RELIABLE PI RE FOOD PRODI' 21 lbs Pure Cane Granulated Sugar for $1.U0 48-lb. sack Emerson's Best Patent Flour for II. 10 Large sacks White or Yellow Cornmeul for i:Vic 6 lbs. Hand-picked Navy Beans We 6 lbs. good Japan Rice, Tapioca, Sago, Barley or Farina lor 19e lbs. Breakfast Rolled Oats 19c 6 bars best Laundry Soap (any brand) ISo Bulk laundry Starch, per Ih 3',...; 1-lb. package Macnronl 9 Cero Fruto, package 5c Malta Vita, Vigor. Forre, Vim or Neutrlta T';c Jt-lb. can Boston Baked Beans M3, H-Ib. can Table Syrup or Sorghum s'jr 3-lb. can Squash or Hominy.. Hisc Fancy large bottles assorted Pickles, Catsup. Chilli Sauce, Horseradish Mustard or Worcester Sauce, bntile. . ,N' jc Fancy Soda, Oyster, Butter or Milk, Crackers, per lb o S-lh. can Table Apricots, Peaches or Pears l'-'.yo 3-lb. can Golden Egg er Greengage Plums ice 3-lb. can choice Tomatoes T'jC 3-lb. can Montleello P.hubnrb uo REI.l A tll.K DRIED FRCIT PRICES Fancy California Prunes, per lb :Pe Fancy Colorado Poaches, per lb 7"e TS AT THE LOWEST PRICES. Engliah cleaned Currants, per lb T'-iO 'MKlnla Blackberries, per Hi T'-sn Fancy California Grapes, iier ll T'so Virglnlii Rnsiiberiies. per lb .'no New York Ring Apples, per lb 9b Fancy Heeded Raisins, pkg Dn RELIABLE FRESH FRI'IT PRICES. Fancy I urge Hlghlund ScHism 1Onimi, t per dos., .12u Fancy liuga Highland siet Ornges, , i per do ,2u New C'oloi.ulo Iiile Clover Honey, er rack L'o 1-lb. package new California White l'lgs. pkg 7'io EXTRA SPECIALS IN TEAS AND COFFEES. Good drink Marlcallio Code", j(er lb l;!o Fancv Guillen Santos Coffee, per lb lie H. it. C. Diamond 1 1 Blend, per lb 17Wo Ankola, Java and .Mocha conili'nallon. per lb 224o Choice Sundries, I!. F. Japan. English Breakfast, (lulling or Gunpowder Tea per ll 2,"io (Loire Tea SITtlngs. per II) Uo BITTER. Fancy sweet Country Roll Butter, per lb. Ho Fancy Elgin Creamery Butter, per Ih 'Jin 'l o ryi-ry purrhuarr of I pound of our best Creamery Bolter we will give free $101) world extra Trailing Stamps. The Illustrated Bee Reproduces in This Issue a Handsome Gut of One Leading Millinery Features ?bf3 Season. See It! iSEW YORK CEIS FIRE SCARE "DonbU Nine" Calls Out the Entirt Departmmit f Qoihim, SEVERAL PEOPLE HAVE NARROW ESCAPES Repetition ( Ballluture 4'n Aaarat loa Preheated by Stuhbora Work and Prompt Kffurla of the Melro polltaa llepartinent. NEW YORK. March M.-FIre today ruined a building at 51-01 Broadway, the premises of the Morris European, the American and other express companies, causing a loss of )iifi.i1 or more. Being so near Wull street, the blaze attracted more than MD.OiH) spectators. It took Boo policemen to maintain order. The building burned was an nld-fashioned five story structure overlooking Trinity church. One fireman was cut by fulling glass. Sev eral clerks slid down a rope to escape the flames, while others ran across roofs to adlolnlng buildings. Smuka pouted into the office of the "77" Cures Grip and COLDS f Prevents Pneumonia- If you have Influenza, Catarrh, Pains and Soreness in the Head or Crtest, Cough, Sore Throat General Prostration and Fever, or any of the, then Dr. Hum hr e y" " 77 will cure you quicker and better than any known remedy. Because it cures toy going di rect! y to the spot. Because of it ton id tv. Y Because a cur by 77,, is so certain that the mind is relieved from fear of impending danger. Jubilee Book Mailed Free. At Druggists rents, or mailed Hamphr Mud i'u., Cor. William 4 Jkbu autcta, w Yurk. Wells-Farpo Express company at B Broad way, compelling nil In the building to flee to the street. Before leaving, clerks hastily threw IU.oi In gold, silver and checks Into canvas bags and carried the treasure in safety to a bank. Several alarms called out forty-four com panies to fight tho Are. Chief Croker was called from the death bed of his mother In Bloom Held. N. J., so threatening did the blase appear at. one time. The fire was controlled at S o'clock in the afternoon, having been conlined to the building in which It started. Two-Ma Tarsed la. Closely following the first alarm a "four" was turned In and then, with the warning of the Baltimore fire In mind, a "two-nine." the dreaded general alarm, followed En gine after engine, followed by their hose trucks, water towers and larger trucks, swept clanging down Broadway, the only street of access lo the Ore, bringing in their wake thousands of people to swell the crowd that already packed every Inch of standing room in the vicinity. Bursting hose and a back roll of choking smoke now and then drove them back and aided the police reserves to clear the streets. The fire started In the basement of one of the three express company buildings, which adjoin each other. Kmoke was first seen coming from the flagging of the side walk and almost Immediately flames burst forth, driving employes from their desks and necessitating hurried efforts to stve books and effects. Department Ansrri "Two Maes." For more tnan an hour after the first alarm engines and other apparatus con tinued to sweep down Broadway, the "two-nine" alarm calling out companies from as far north as Harlem, the horses blowing from their eight-mils run. For the first time in years the spectators eaw some of the old-fashioned two-wheel hose reels. which were pressed Into service to bi ing extra hose. About fifty fire companies were on the scene. Trinity church Is just north of the fire and as the crowds began to pack the street ihey overflowed Into the historic old church yard with Its ancient graves and monu ments. ' An attempt was mad to clear them out and lock the gates, but without much success. At the beginning the firemen were handi capped by a very low water pressure. One hydrmit. almost In front of the fire, did not flow at all for fifteen or twenty min utes and a water tower, hurriedly put In action, sent so weak a stream that It hardly reached the building. Meantime the firs escape on the back of the buildings were alive with employes loaded down with books, papers and bags, and now and then a woman employs being bslped down tbs precarious structure. Ths fir occurred la two numbers of a j series of old-fashioned flv-story buildings of the Iron and glass class that was com mon fifteen or twenty years ago. The two burned buildings were on the extreme south of the block, bordered by Exchange alley. On the north these buildings reached to the big sky scraper known as the Empire huirdlng. fron which the tenants were or dered out Just before It was seen that the fire was under control. Hard Work 'ecesnry. Deputy Chief Blnns explained that he turned In the "two nine" alarm in order to get as strong a Torre of tnen as possible at work in the rear of the building, fore seeing that If the blaze was not checked there It would rage until It burned Itsilf out. The character of the neighborhood In the rear Justifies this belief. For several blocks, in fact clear to the Hudson river, Is a mass of very old buildings, many of them used as warehouses and of an extremely Inflammable characur. Once well started there. It Is probable that the fire ou!d have eaten Its way to the river and wharves, ferry docks and other valuable property, that line the river at this point, being Imperiled. The fire Is said to have started In the "Old Horse" Junk room In the building at M Broadway. The building at No. a Broadway was destroyed; 67, M and 63 were scorched and damaged . by water. The American Express company at 6o Bread way and the Adams Express company at 69 Broadway suffered considerable loss by water, but their buildings were not greatly damaged by fire. CHALLENGES RIGHT TO EXIST FAVOR HE All VP FOR I'HESHIEM, Vaaktoa Democrats Admire Bryan and Are l.oal to Repeat rial forms. YANKTON'. 8. D., Match 26. ( Special.) The democratic oounty convention today was called to order by M. M Bennett. C. J H. Harris was elected chairman and Norman Nelson secretary. The resolutions affirm allegiance to the Chic ago and Kansas City platforms, express admiration for W. J. Rryan. favor W. R. Hearst fur preii dtnt. eiiilcnco R. F. r'cttigrew for head of the ctate delegation to 81. Louis, instruct the dt legation for E, I.. Johnson for na tional committeeman. The cunventlon se lected tweuly-lwo delegates to the slate convention and Instructed them for John Fanslow for national delegate from Yang ton court)'. Louisiana Attorney fimeral Brings Aotion AgaiDSt Riilway Company, NOVEL POINTS ARE INVOLVED IN SUIT (tarslions Right of Company Incor porated In ev Jersey to Do Business lu Louisiana as Corporation. NEW ORLEANS, March 2C Challenging its right to exist In Ixuiisiana, Attorney Oeneral Oinn brought suit against the New Orleans Railway company of New Jersey, which is In control of all the street railway properties In New Orleans. The object of the suit Is to prevent the making over to the railway company of leases by local j railroads running up to the date of the ex piratic. n of their franchises. The attorney general contends that un der Its New Jersey charter the railway company cannot lease railroad property In Louisiana; that the acquisition of the leases would create a monoply of a public utility, and that the railroad company Is not legally authorized to act as a corpora tion In Louisiana. LABOR ON APPROPRIATIONS Continued from Eighth l'ge. Mania Delegates Win Lail. DEAD WOOD, 8. D. March 26 (Special Telegram.) Republican primaries were held throughout Lawrence county today. There were two tickets in the field, but delegates favorable to Coi 2rsmn Martin were elected to the county convention. Ths opposition carried one ward in Deadwood. In the others Martin delegates wers elected by large insjjilttcs. ference between the county poor farms and the slate "poor faims." The bill was de feated, Ti yeas to i nays. Before ths vote was announced Senator Hay ward changed tils vote to nay, so as to move a recon sideration. The senate panned a bill requiring the loan and trust companies of the stats to abide by the laws governing stale and savings banks. A house bill providing that In counties whore there are cities of the first class assessment tun he made In amount not to exceed 5,W4) on prcprrty putslde the cities for building and repair ing bridges. A bill for tue regulation of peddlers and transient eye and ear doctors was defeated by receiving less lLan a constitutional ma jority of the snate. Senator Wilson changed bis vote (rum yea to nay and will move a reconsideration. A legalising act to correct an error made by the supervisors of Delaware county in making a tag levy was adopted. . i Two new bills were introduced. On by Hayward gives (Hi stai power to grant to property holders adjoining land formed along ths banks of streams of ths stats by accretion. The other, by Hasselqulst, gives supervisors the right to refund In debtedness at any of their regular quar terly meetings. At present they have that right only at the April meeting. An Invitation was extended the senate t v go to Mltchellville this evening and listen to ths presentation of the cantata "Queen Esther" by the children there. Hearst Forres Rejoice. There Is great rejoicing today at Hearst headquarters in this city over news that of nine democratic conventions held in Iowa today eight of them send delegates In structed for Hearst for president. These eight counties are Lucas. Appanoose, Henry. Page, Jefferson, Wright, Humboldt and 1'nlon. In one other county, Des Moines, the convention split and the Hearst men walked out because It would not In truct for their man. The caueusaes In I'olk county have thus far Indicated that Hearst will also have this county. Cummins Oat of Danger. Governor Cummins, who has been suffer ing from a threatened attack of pneu monia, is now pronounced out of danger. Hall to tiet Pardon. The hearings In pardon caaes have been completed before the legislative commit tees. It is now reasonably certain tnat there will be but ons pardon granted, that of Frank Hall of Pottawattamie county, who Is M years old and suffering from a cancer. It is understood thst sll other par dons have been refused and the legislature will be asked to grant the Hall pardon alone. I'arole Hoard Favored. L. 8. Coflln of Fort Dodge appeared be fore tho senate committee on penitentiaries and pardons yesterday afternoon and to well did he argue for a reformation scheme In the governing of the state prisons and a parole system for prisoners that the com mittee decided to report out a substitute bill creating a board of pardons of three members, of which the governor Is to b one. Mr. Coflln desires that the peniten tiary at Anamosa lie' made n men's re formatory, but the committee decided to take no action on that phase of the ques tion. ew Iowa I'arporst Inns. The following articles were tiled wl'h the secretary of slate: Maple Rock Coal com pany, Des Moines; capital. S'.ft.oai. Way Clothing company, Davenport. J2."..non; t!c Whlxx Washing Machine company, Des Moines. I'lU'mi); White Oak Telephone com pany. Summers. Reversible Marker Manufacturing company, Sac I'll v. Hid. lain; McCarthy Ktone company. Davenport, changed name to McCarthy Improvement company and capital Increased to SLVjiau. act. Furthermore, a greater number of civil cases than ever before will be dis posed of. Judge Rice may adjourn court .fter a week's work and go to Relln Fourche, where u term opens, iind after getting rid of that batch of litigation, re turn hero and clear the Meade county calendar. Iterrulla for M'vOi I nmlr), FORT MEADE. S. D.. March St. (BpO clnl.'i Captain Kuutclle of the Eighth cavalry arrived Wednesday with Hbotit thirty-tlve r.'iiull.M from Jefferson Bar racks for the Hlxth cavalry at this post. The captain returned last night. Circuit Court nl Murgla. K ITROIS. 8. D.. M trch l' -- (Spec lal.) Meade county circuit court will convene at fturgla Tuesday, April 1-, Judge W. J Rice presiding. The criminal calendar will be called first and there Is quite an amount of business In this line to trans How to flrrak 1 p a fold, .'everyone knows the first symptoms of a i-o I il ami the d.ingerous consequences which often arise from its neglect. A severe cold can be completely broken up In one or two days' time if prompt and proper treatment Is given. TI.e Mit action should be lo re lieve the lungs, whb h is best aecomp'lshed by the free use of Chamberlain's CoiikH Remedy. When this remedy Is taken In douliie ilc every hour on the first up. pea ran :e of the cold It will counteract lis effect u complete cure soon follow Deep-seated (olds or coughs also l.t readily wi.en this medicine is used. FiiUeiiiisI Denns Meet In Ma. SITRCIS. 8 i., Marcli : -iFpeoial Tlie ,-uiuii il convention of the Kplscop ,' I'ans of tins (listr.ct is to be held Htiirgia in May. ;( 1 P Vy can p-y cathartic fCr T ma j n faml am mm-m." I I ANNUAL SALETEN MILLION DOXES Greatest In the World A MILLION AMERICAN NURSING MOTHFRS kfei5 themselves a-ad :hir babies In splendid health with CASCAKLTS Camly Ca'.hdrtic. Tno won derful things OASKCARETS do for insmaa and tfcelr have Leoome known through the kind word of U.oBe who have trloii them, arid bO tne sale Is now OVEK A MI LI ION BOXES A MONTH. Mau: takes a CASCARET, baby geU the beuellt. Th sweet, palatable tat-ilet, eeien by the Dursing mother, regulates her system, mcieaes her flow of ruuk, and makes her (utile mildly purgative, baby guts the effect dilutee! and s part of Its natural lood: no violence no danger perlectiy natural results. No more sour curds In baby's stomach, no mure aire! r.- I .-. cramps, convulsions, worms, restless niohts. All druggists, JOc. i;5c. "Oc. VL r- i i , I in w., ,11, r ...... t ... ..,;.. ........ A frr l . , . ; .. , 1. 1 . . 9BEEC Address fc)T LEUNG fcLMUJY CO.,Cu:cago or New Yoik.