Newspaper Page Text
TT1E OMXTIA DAILY RER: TUESDAY, AI'KIh 2(, 1W4. ROYAL ARCANUM MEETING Orsnd Oonocil of Nebraiis, Eoldt Eighth Annual Bewioi Hers. MOST CF OFFICERS IN CITY BEFOREHAND Representatives, Alternates and iaaj Past Reseats Mast Report Early t Credential for Adml.sten. ' The eighth anual session of the grand council. Royal Arcanum of Nebraska, will convene at Royal Arcanum hall, Sixteenth and Harney streets, at 10 o'clock this morn ln. The grand council Is composed of Its officers, committees on law. finance, state of the order, representatives from subor dinate councils, all past regents, ths stats medical examiner and all life members Of the grand council, who are In food stand ing In the order. The committee on credentials will meet promptly at a. m. and examine ths credential! of reiresentatlves. In order that a prompt organisation of th ses sion may be effected. Representatives, alternates and rlsltlng poet regents desirous of admission to the session who have not already recelvtd ths arand coancll degree, must present them' selves to the committee on credential at t:30 sharp. Alternates are entitled to free access to the "courcll sessions after proper Identifi cation and Initiation.' t Mat of Committees. Following are the grand council com' mltteea that will eerve during ths session: Credentials, Julius Bosenswelg, Union raclflo, No. LOGS; Oustave Anderson, Pio neer, No. 118; E. U Bargent, Frontier, No. Wl Mileage and per diem, J. B. Sheldon, Union Pacific: E. G Tullls, Nebraska, No. 1,158; A. it. Murdock, Knoxall, No. 1,464. 'Distribution of reports. Howard Bruner, Union ' Paclflo; W. B. Payne, Nebraska City, No. 2,081 j J. H. Dillon, Nemaha, No. 1,112. New business, H. S. King, Falls City, No. 1.92?; C. K. Tefft, Weeping Water, No. SM; F. R. Strelght, Union Pacific. -Resolutions, X. F. Baxter, Union Pacific; J.' D. Toung. Havelock, No. 1,(31; M. C. Grover, Arlington, No. 1.166. , Reading clerk, A. P. Brink, Union Pacific ' The following comprise the present offi cers of the grand council: ' J. M. Teegarden, grand regent. Weeping Water; Rev. T. J. Mackay, grand vloe regent, Omaha; Edwin R. Perfect, put grand regent. Omaha; C. A. Grimm!, grand secretary, Omaha; E. A. Parmelee, grand treasurer, Omaha; N. F. Packard, grand orator, Omaha; II. H. Compton, grand chaplain. Cedar Rapids; B. C. Fox, grand guide, Lincoln; II. R. Gerlng, grand warden, Phvttsrnouth; Charles H. Belts, grand sentry, Havelock; George S. Powell, Omaha, C. D. Jenkins, Norfolk, and 3. C Leland, Fremont, grand trustees. Most of the grand officers and representa tives are already In ths city, and the ses sion promises to be on of more than usual interest. ALLEN BROS. IN NEW HOME Wholesale Grocer Are Permanently Established and Have Put Is Som Innovation. Allen Bros., wholesale grocers, have fin' Ished moving Into their, new building at Tenth and Farnam. This ' work waa largely done some time -ago and possession Waa given March It.' The firm still ha In other place a cofToe roasting department J and soma storage .'and other space. This will be used until tho new building Is put up to the east of th present establishment The new part of the house will be de voted to space for coffee roasting, th man ufacture of baking powder and to a pack ing department for bottled good. 6lno the. grocery . firm took possession of the Kingman building It ha made some alterations In the place, which make it. In the estimation of Allen Bros., one of the best grocery house In the west They have trebled the office capacity , and built neV stairs. The most interesting improve, ment, however, is the ehute through which goods will be sent down to th shipping platform. This is a heavy metal tube, six feet' acrosn, which runs from th Jivrtr floor to. the top. It Is being fitted with a spiral Incline like a winding stair. Doors on each floor wilt connect with the chut, so that goods may be loaded from th tipper floors to any floor below, and alto seht down from any floor to th bottom. A system of bell signals will control th tub nd all the' packages for one destination or one railway will be sent sliding down at ena tlm and billed and loaded within a few minute. These shipping chutes are an Innovation . and have . been Introduced in FIBROID TUMORS CURED. glrs. Hayes' First Letter Appeal lug; to Mrs. Pinkham for Help i " Deab Mrs. Puntit am : I hav been nder Boston doctors' treatment for a long time without any relief. They tell mo I have a fibroid tumor. I can ' not ait down witbont great pain, and tho soreness extends up my spine. I have bearing-down pains both back and front. My abdomen Is swollen, and 1 have bad flowing spells for throe years. My appetite la not pood. X can not walk or be on. my feet for any length of time. " The symptoms of Fibroid Tumor riven In, your little book accurately describe my case, so I vrrito to you for advice." f6i(rnod)Mns, li F. llATts, 103 Dudley SU (lioxbury), Boston, Mass. Mrs, Hayes Second Letter t "Dbab Mrs. Pxxuiam i Sometime) go I wrote to you doacribing my symp toms and asked your advice. Vou re plied, and I followed til your direc tions carefully, and to-day 1 am a wU woman. "The nse of LytUa E. Pinkham'd Vegetable Compound entirely ex pelled the tumor and strengthened my whole svKtem. I ran walk miles now. "Lytllts K. . IMakham'a Vege- table Compound is worth five dol lar a drop. I advise all women who are afflicted with tumor or female) trouble of any kind to give :t a faithful trial." ( Signed) Mas. C K. Matks, tJ3 Dudley bt (Roaborv). Itoaton. Mm ao? fWfe If .rffW atorc ft I (W I FIRROID TUMORS CURED. 1 comparatively few houses. In time of fir they make a very quick and safe means of egress. These grocery Jobbers claim to have the only humidor for keeping cigara In the west This Is practically a cool storage vault, dust and air proof, with double plat glass sides. Dials show the tem perature and degree of humidity, and cool air may be turned on or a very fin spray of water, as Is required to maintain the proper condition. The humidor holds nearly 1,000,000 cigara and Is now almost full. GETS LIFE IN PENITENTIARY lanna Chambers. Who Kills His Brother, Is sentenced by Jadge Day. With a face that was ashen pale, In spit of the fact that he Is a negro, Isaao Cham bers stood up before Judge Day and was sentenced to spend the rest of his natural I life In the penitentiary at Lincoln. Chambers was summoned to listen to the finding of the court on the argument re cently made by his counsel for a new trial on the ground that the court had erred In It Instruction to the jury that drunken ness at the time of the commission of crime 1 not justification of that crime, nor does It preclude the possibility of premedi tation With regard to It. Th defendant' counsel also excepted to soma statements mad by th county at torney In his argument to th jury a being Improper. Both of these exception war overruled. The crime of which Chamber waa con victed was th murder of hi brother In a quarrel at th Da Molnea hotel in South Omaha laat November. SEEKS RECRUITS, FOR NAVY tncle Sam'e Areata Open Station la Omaha to Take 1st Ha This Week. The United States navy recruiting party has installed Itself In room 411 McCagu block, at Fifteenth and Dodge street, and I already besieged with numerous appli cant. Th party consists of Ensign J. T. Beckner, U. S. N. ; Assistant Surgeon 3. It. Taylor, Chief Gunner's Mat P. J. Ger- bracht. Hospital Steward L. V. Dawson, Toemen E. E. Griggs, C. H. Poland, A. II, Maynard, Ordinary Seaman F. C. Small and B. L. Hallowell. Th recruiting party will remain her for the remainder of th week and will en' list only man, for th engineering depart ment of th navy, coppersmiths, clerks, electricians, musicians and coal passers. Thar will be no enlistment for landsmen, apprentice or seamen. Th party cam her from Kansas City and will go to Minneapolis from this point. WOMAN GETS HER FREEDOM Released for Want of Evldenc Prove Her Oalltr of Stabbing-. to Bertha Alexander, Forty-first and Pat- rick avenue, arrested on suspicion of being Implicated In the cutting of Joseph Burn and Mr. and Mr. R. 1 Cossar, 1318 Capitol hou, ot Bell Bartlett, Thirteenth and Dav ayenue, at an early hour Easter Sunday, enport streets, April 6. Th check wa ha been released from th city Jail for on Minneapolis bank and Levin's lack of identification. Soon after the Cossars and Burns were I assaulted Daisy Munroe and List Jones, both colored, were arrested on suspicion. but they were soon afterward released. Th Cossar are being held at the city Jail until the shooting affair In which they figured last Saturday morning shall hav been fully Investigated. Joseph Burns, who was shot In th side while going home with the Cossar. 1 still at Clark-son hospital and I reported doing well, T0WNSEND ON THE COMMITTEE Omaha. Gasi Clnb Man Selected to Help Manage Indianapolis Handi cap Shoot. W. D. Townsend has received notice of hi appointment as one of the five men to compos th handicap committee to officiate at the Grand American handicap shoot to be held at Indianapolis, June 21 to 24, In clusive. This meeting is the most Im portant one of the kind held In th United State during the year and Mr. Town- send's selection for th most Important commute regulating it affair is con sidered by local sportsmen a deserved com pliment and recognition of what the Oman Gun club bo don for the advancement and perfection of this kind of sport Sev eral member of th local club will go to Indianapolis in June and compete In th various events. Announcement of the Theater Mis Viola Allen ha completely recov red from ber recent ill nets and Is said to b in better health than ah has an Joyed for years. Her performance of Viola In "Twelfth Night" ly more than ever praisea since sne has resumed her season In the pat The company that is supporting her Is one of the most care fully selected ever sent out In a Shake spearean play, while the production hi been given th most minute and careful attention. Th engagement I for but on night, Tuesday, May I next, at th Boyd theater. Coming to th Boyd on Friday and Sat urday of next week Is Mr. Richard Mans field. He will present "Ivan th Terrible" on Friday evening, "Beau Brummel" at a matlne on Saturday, and "Old Heldl berg" at th performance on Saturday evening. Sciatica Cored After Twenty Tear of Tortnr. For more than twenty year Mr. 3. 8. Massey of Z321 Clinton 8t, Minneapolis, Minn., wa tortured by sciatica. Th pain and suffering which he endured during this Uins Is beyond comprehension. Nothing gave him any permanent relief until he used Chamberlain' Pain Balm. On appli cation of that liniment relieved the pain and mad sleep and rest possible, and leas than on bottle ha effected a permanent cure. Mr. Massey relate hi experience for th benefit of other who may be aim- lllarly afflicted. If troubled with sciatica or rhumatlsm why not try a 95-cent bottle of Pain Balm and see for yourself how quickly It relieve th pain. A. B. Hubermann, duunonoa, own Import Marriage Licenses. t'p to noon April S5 th following couple naa been licensed to wed: Nam and Residence. Age. Domln k Felix. South Onuhi Ml Julia Klava. Houth Omaha 17 J. w. Donovan, umaha tg Katharine L Kirker, Council Bluffs ti W. C. McMUlen. Sioux City tj Beatrice Junnise, Hloux City u iohn Martines. Houth Omaha U laud Hues, South Omaha l Nicholas Magga. South Omaha Zl Anna Matan. south Omaha U-K. Wedding Ring. Edaotm, Jeweler. Mortality Statistic. Th following birth and deaths hav been reported to the Board of Health during th forty-elgnt hour ending at noon Monday: Births I A. Poet, 131S North Twenty fourth, boy; H. F. Sohults, SHOt North l wemyiuunn, wuyi . nuuu, AM las tellar. 1rl. Dtth John Waters, county hospital Tt James W. Davis. 47M North Twenty-fourth 74, Mrs. Mary A. Marsh. JolJ Davenport, it' toaeph Kvgner. lWi nuuih Twentieth, e: Irs. L. C. Edmonds, Su Jooefhg bvayilal. V I 0 fl PETC TI!CI V HUIIV it aJll UUJ J lliUULl VLLtXl Secures Promiu from Wrijut Eg Will Hot Faroe Clang in Pole. MATTER LEFT TO DECREE CF COUNCIL City Electrician Intimates Coarse Is Merely On Way of Evading Ac tloa In Order to Legalise Preaent Statks. President Nash of the Omaha Electrlo Light and Power company, In regard to the fight between the corporation and City Electrician Mlchaelson as to Iron lamp poles In the conduit district, called upon City Attorney Wright and succeeded In getting the proposed action In the police court postponed Indefinitely. 'W are willing to put In Iron poles If the council want them," President Nash told the city attorney. "We have the pole and will put them In if th council ex presses a desire to have them. Th over head suspension plan gives better light, and we don't wish to oppose th council." After Mr. Nash had agreed to take the matter up with the council th city at torney agreed he would not file complaint of violation of the ordinance In th polic court until soma result was obtained, Already Before th Connell. Th matter already ha been -before th council and was argued at length by ths electrician and representatives of ths light company several week ago. At that time a resolution prepared by the elec trlclan commanding the lighting company to remove wooden poles and substitute Iron was placed on file. This was taken to mean the council desired to preserve no more than a neutral attitude. Th city electrician then undertook to wag the fight, with the assistance of th legal de partment. It 1 said the street railway company I going to b drawn Into the fight and the two Corporation may be pitted against each other, as they have been In the past The electrlo light people allege the street railway company la selling current for light and power downtown, with nothing but overhead wiring. They claim this 1 a discrimination against them and that the wires are just a dangerous as those carry ing th 8,000 voltage to the an lamp. City Eleotrlclan Mlchaelson Is displeased with the turn th fight ha taken, and Intl mate it mean merely procrastination and delay and an attempt to have th council make lawful an illegal act LEVIN IN TROUBLE AGAIN Former Omaha Resident 1 Charred with Passing; Worthies Check for Forty Dollars. Upon his return to Omaha J. N. Levin of Minneapolis, Minn., has been arrested by Detectives Donohuo and Heitfeld and th charge of obtaining money under falsa pre- tne Is placed agnlnst hi nam at th polio station. It I said Levin cashed a (40 check at the nam signed to the check. ' Th check waa returned marked "no fund. Levin was arrested about two months ago on th charge of forgery, It being alleged that white he was connected with th ad' vertlslng department of th Omaha Dally News he forged th name of Mel Uhl to a W00 check and endeavored to pas the same at the Boston store bank. At the time It was claimed he telephoned the bank saying be was Mr. TJhl and asked if he tOuld hav $000 with which to pay the employes. Levin was not proseouted on the forgery charge. MAY DAY PARTY FOR MONEY I'niqee Plan Adopted to Afford Plena- wro and Front for Saving Instttnte. Unique and catchy Invitations have been Issued by the nursery commute of th Child Saving institute for a May party to be given on the afternoon and evening of May 6. A dainty little silk sack is enclosed In each Invitation and Its presence ex plained by th following "touching" rhyme: This May day party 1 given for you. 'Tis something novel, 'tis something new. We send you each a little sack: Please either send or bring it back With money, a much as it will hold. For the needs of th institute cannot be told. Kind friends will give you something nice to eat, And others will furnish a musical treat. Our nursery committee with greeting most nearly Earnestly requests your presence at their May aay party. IX THE GOOD OLD FASHIONED DAYS Powa1.eol WU. Formed an Important Adjnnet to a Gentleman's Apparel. It Is safe to say that th majority of bald men of today would gladly revive th old, dignified custom If they could. But, they can do the next best thing to it; that Is, hold on to what hair they have. In cases where the hnlr root or hair bulb has not been completely destroyed by parasites that Infest It Newbro's Herplclde will do wonders In th way of encouraging a new growth of hair. Destroy the causa, you remove th effect. That is the suc cessful mission of Herplclde. Bold by leading druggists. Bend 10 cents in stamps for sample to Th Herplclde Co., Detroit, Mich. Sherman MoConnell Drug Co., special agents. SIGNS GO DOWN IN PEACE Cnrbcstoae Advertisement Are to Be BemoTed with Mntnnl Satis faction to Both Side. Mayor Moores' crusade against curbstone signs is not going to meet with th oppo sition expected, according to th reault of a conference held between hi honor and a committee representing the merchants. The mayor assured the committee that his order wa sweeping and that all these signs must go, and this was accepted as satisfactory. Th committee, which wa composed of i. Mandelberg, Albert Edholm and H. B. YJdDDW (BHD All of this can be avoided, however, by tha use of Mother's Friend before baby comes, aa this great liuiment always prepares the body for the strata upon it, end preserves the symmetry of her form. Mother' Friend overcomes all the danger of child-birth, and carries the expectant mother safely through this critical period without pain. It is woman's greatest blessing. Thousands gratefully tell of the benefit and relief derived from the use ot tnis wonaerlul remedy. Sold by all druggists at $ i. oo per bottle. Oar little book, telling all about this liniment, will be sent free. Til IniUU RtnUttf Ci, A&Jtt, tt..A.L1 1-fr urine' I i k. not think much difficulty would b en countered if no discrimination was used and all signs of the character removed. ATTEMPTS TO KILL HER CHILD Defeated la This Insane Woman Tries to Take Her Own Life. While In an Insane condition brought on by sickness, Mrs. Paul C. Jensen of 2933 pauldlng street, tiled to murder her t- year-old daughter with a case knife early Saturday morning. On being prevented from doing this by her husband, the tried to sever an artery on her wrist Her again she was unsuccessful. Mr. Jensen wa observed to le violently lnaane Saturday morning at 4 o'clock, and at o'clock got out of bed and tried to kill her daughter. Her hURband. who ha1 noticed her getting out of bed-, followed her quickly and grabbed the child away from her before she could accomplish her purpose. Still retaining the knife Mr. Jensen attempted to take her own life by hacking at an artery on her left wrist. Hastily putting th child down, Mr. Jen sen got the knife away from th woman and after a struggle managed to get her back to bed. At noon Saturday she again' began hacking at her wrist and succeeded in slightly cutting herself before th knife wa taken away from her. Dr. A. A. raters attended the woman. She was al lowed to remain at her horn last night and waa watched by two women of her lodge and her husband. If there are any mora attempt by her to take her lVe her relations say they will send her to a hospital. MAY NOT REACH COLBY CASE Federal Coart to Open Next Week Possibly Will Hot Try Former Adjutant General. Among the cases set for trial at the May term of the United States district court, to convene In Omaha In one week, is that of th United States against former Adjutant General L. W. Colby, who was Indicted at the last session of the federal grand Jury for alleged misappropriation of gov ernment funds, while he held the position of adjutant general of Nebraska. There Is a bare possibility that the Colby case may not be heard until late during the term, If at all during the May term. This Is owing to the fact that an Investiga tion of th records of the edjutant general's office Is now being made, having been de layed because of the Illness of the expert accountant employed on the work. United States Marshal T. L. Matthews and United States District Clerk R. C, Hoyt have gone to Norfolk to adjourn the April term of the United States court there, which was booked for assembling today. There being no cases ready for trial, Judge Munger has directed an adjournment of the term there until November. One Pare for the Rvnnd Trip Plus 28 cents to Cleveland, O.. and return via Nickel Plate toad, May 16th, 17th and 18th. Tickets good going data of sale and returning to and Including June 10th by depositing same. Three through dally express trains to Fort Wayno, Cleveland, Erie, Buffalo, Now Tork, Boston and New England points, carry Ing vestlbuled sleeping cars. Meals served In Nickel Plat dining! car on American club meal plan, ranging in price from S5o to $1.00; .also service a la carte. Chicago depot La Ball - and Van Buren streets. No excess far charged on any train on th Nickel Plate ?6a.' Chicago ticket efflcea, 111 Adam St. and Auditorium An hex.- 'Phone Central SKI. DEATH RECORD. William Stnht. William Btuht of Bidney, Neb., brother of former Councilman Ernest Stuht, 1024 South Eleventh street, died at St. Joseph's hospl tal Sunday from cancer of the stomach. The deceased was 60 years of age and came to Omaha sixteen days ago for treatment. His remains will be sent by the Cole McCay company to Burlington, W1b., for burial. Mr. Stuht Is survived by four chil dren. He was a resident of Omaha tweti ty-flv yeara ago. PERSONAL PARAGRAPHS. 3. A. Johnson arrived from Chicago Sun- oar. Luther Drake left for th east Sunday nigni. W. A. Carter of Denver, former! v with Carter, Howell & Co. in this city, came In ounoay. Frank Young of Broken Bow, former vioe cnairman or tne repuDiican state com nunee, is in tne city. Charles E. McLaughlin returned from New York Sunday evening. He will shortly return to mat city to tax up His residence, Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Johnston of Bea trice are guests at the Paxton. Mr. John ston Is the commercial agent of the Bur- ungion at ueaince. A. E. Walker, W. E. Stroub, H. H. Pugh of Lincoln, Theodore E. FTleae of Scott's Hiurrs, a: a. uorneuus or Marlon and E a. Mare or Alliance are at the Murray. E. T. Thomas of Sioux Falls, F. W. Rey nolds of Denver. B. 13. Burnett of Arana hoe, J. R. Ryan, M. R. Button of Lin- coin ana v. j. cronin or colon are at th Dr. Robert Ollmore ha returned from Hot Springs, Ark., where he went for the benefit of his health. Hi has fully re covered and present th appearance of a wen man. Mr. and Mr. R. M. Peyton of Crelghton, A. 8. Daggett of Lincoln, H. Turner of Aberdeen, S. D.. T .W. Decker of Alber querque and J. H. Capron and son of Ord are at the Her Orand. C. a. Coutana, state librarian of Wyo ming and secretary of th State Industrial association, is in the city. He waa a caller at Union Pacific headquarters. Mr. Coutans nas written a history or the state of Wyo ming. J. B. French, president of the Railway Steel Spring company, and Secretary 811 verthorn of the same company arrived In Omaha yesterday In a private car from their home In Cleveland. They are on then way to Denver. Daniel Kerr of Pierce, Charles H. Epper son of Fairfield, C. N. Ferguson of Chap pell, O. H. Tracy of Grand Island, J. M Teegarden of Weeping Water, ti. MrFar land of Columbus, George Gates of David City and W. H. Spere of Lincoln are at the Merchants. J. C. Davis of Rawlins, F. P. Brockett of Topeka, H W. Hug-gard, R. R. Osgood of Lincoln, iir. and Mrs. J. IS. Sleeper of Cody, Wyo.. John N. Ellerman of Fairfax. S. D., 8. M. Kimball of Wokefleld, J. I). Kelley of O'Neill, John M. Hegan, A. II. Cramer of Hastings. T. B. Flower of Ox ford and H. T. Cooper and son of White wood, S. D., are at th Paxton. Every woman eorett a shapely, pretty figur), and many of them deplore the loss of heir girlish forms after marriage. The bearing of children is often destructive to the mother's shapeliness. EvJmtilhHBn tTe .0 Special for Today: A Genuine Craveneite Rain Coat. Exactly like this Cut for $8.00. Color is oxford gray made 52 Inches long with or without belt one ot tho most sensible coats that a man can own suitable for sun shine or rain These coats worth $12.50, while they last. for.. ipnti mm Trio ttih r 4 Tn noTi "A Little Want Ad Will Tell the Every night and morning the crisp col umns of "Want" News in The Bee reach thousands of seekers after thous ands of things. If you've something for them or they've romething for you, r, Little Want Ad Will Tell the Tale! Tale!" THE BEE 13 ADMITTEDLY Hallidatfs heumatism Cure. THE ONE WAT CURES. , Price 50 Cents. BEATON DRUG $45.00 California and Return The rate from other points is correspondingly low. Belling dates: April 23 to May 1. . Return limit: June 30. Liberal stop-over privileges. ' A very unusual opportunity to see the wonders of the West the ltocky Mountains, Great Salt Lake, and the cities, old missions, resorts and marvelous vegetation of California. The Hoek Island System forms a part of two direct and very Interesting routes to Los Angeles and San Francisco "Scenic Line", (by way of Colorado and Salt Lake City) and "Southern Koute" (via El Taso and within sight of Old Mexico). Go one way, return the other. Full Information at this offic. 00 W SsiSl' now j rrnti rTTrTTT twrrxr H The Bee prints the most paid Want Ads because Bee Want Ads bring best returns. 1 THE BEST NEWS PAPER. CO., OMAHA, NEB. F. P. RUTHERFORD, D.P.fl. 1323 FARNAM STREET, i OMAHA, NEB. v'-'.vv';-. j$ah .-::.t$A- :tVlK mm. Men's $3.50 Taivs. Tan will be the popular sr. on this Ma sonWe anticipated It ty naklni rur entire stock complete Uh Drexel Specials at .SS.E0. . High or low cut styvtv Incl jiris; the potay lost, high and medium military hfcls, blucher out and plain laoe. This line Is complete not a style or "'st you may want but that we have ..i nock at this one price 13.60. UREXEL SHOE CO., 1419 Farnam Strest. Omaha's Up-t.-Dit Sho Houss The Only Ooubf Track Railway ' between th Missouri River and Chloago. 6 DAILY TRAINS OMAHA TO - , CHICAGO 8.25 FM THE OVERLAND LIMITED Mu..IAn ami I it .!. ft ratn t (IMnSUTO. OOIOtM an.. mA Aw.inm-me.m alsnauitinT naVrsl. H blttry. buff bftrbr. bftth. to leu ho n, dioing cm b4 obrttUM . bftth, to leu ho n, dlolng 01 Eltkotrio lisiLiysxl Utroutfhout, rs. 8.00 am THE ATLANTIC EXPRESS tollman toorint lMpln em nd ooMhaa. PlmUfl avra sMbst trots Clinton. 5.50 pm THE EASTERN EXPRESS Pullman dr.wlni-room n tourirt .lupins ears, fra. oera. boflat llbruf aa .inaalus an. liulus CM 3 OTHER DAILY TRAINS 311 III Polli.ndr.wtns-rooni.lipllisi.lwS. Ull All miiklii. nd library o.r. n Im raclln ing chair ear. to Chlcaao. lilalns era II Ofl in Thron.h Mrrto Omaha to Ohieaire All AM North-Waatarn ataudard a oacliaa I.WU AM .ud frw cualr oara. Ulnlng Mr.. 41C nil T ohalr car. to rhlenyo, H.llrran i n fm aiaapln. oar from A maa to Cbleaao. IHo. 1 u oar aarrln braakfaat. 2 DAILY TRAINS OMAHA TO ST. PAUL-MINNEAPOLIS 7CH 111 01srvH(tcm usvf tun, pwloi r ftasS VU A" OOtUlllBaV i I V m wn imd trim rw li n intf ohmr usirt BLACK Hi ILLS 2.50 PM T l"o Fremont. Ltnoo)n,Wjio. City, lork, ilttai liisjis hfWAnJ, (4iinv. Kuiasj- ?Tor, riorfolk, j-oni J'tue. ::iier, ivri rvtrinta I'MflfH.od and Load. TlirtMtgu rcl.l)iiie ' 1 Kill ma a JeMjping rr tervic. fit 111 To Frtrnont, Lincoln. Wnhmt Nuri UtJ FN Long Unsj, VrJmre,. 4uial mu4 Mstod Aii.!ftu llnrva.ltiu cmintry. . Norfolk, U4 UM CITY TICKET OFFICE, 1401 and 1403 Farnam Street. m-m- iil IAM0N T U y The most refractive and harJoat of M gems, i ney surpass all other (ems In as the property of dividing light Into ' I colored rays. Aroung- them ars woven f 7 extensive tissues of romance hence the almoBt universal desire to possess g ;them. We have them In rings from L S3 to $j00, and as an Investment they have no equal, as we refund amount sji paid, less 10 per cent. If bought of us sj am and returned within one year. X I T I5T-H&D0DCE. T B 1 B-B B-B-B-B Food X&Suector. H. L. RAUACCIOTTI, D. V. S. CITT VETERINARIAN. Cfflc at.d Infirmary, ttia and Mason 8ts ista. Tcltvuoiie Ut, JET DS: Mi i H