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TUE OMAITA' DAILY BEE: SATURDAY, MAY 7, 1901. GRAIN AND PRODUCE MARKET finow'i Report on General Condition f Winter Wht it Bnlliih. LOWEST AVERAGE IN SIXTEEN YEARS Boalaeas Tied t'p Bcc el Light Receipt, bat Dfrnnd la tress; Cora Oats OMAHA, May , 190. Another bullish government report Is ex pected to be out next Tuesday. . Snow s report for the week Is bullish ana taken with the statistics of Jones and others has caused a generally bullish professional peculative sentiment Wheat advanced more than a cent. Bnow finds a heavy de cline In condition of winter wheat east of Uis Mississippi and north of the Ohio rivers. The Missouri valley has just maintained 1U condition with the exception of Okla homa, where the early drought damage Is becoming revealed. The falling off Is not due to any disaster during April, but to a tetter understanding of the condition now that growing weather haa been reached. The general average Is reported as 74.6, as against 80.1 for last month, this being the lowest general average since ltad. ily stales the averages are: Ohio, 67; Indiana, 62; Michigan, tu; Illinois, 77; Missouri, Kansas and Nebraska, HI; Oklahoma, 66; California, u; Oregon, 88: Washington, low. Ohio has fone off in the month, 12; Michigan, 2o; ndiana, 19: Illinois 68; Oklahoma, 16, and Kansas and Nebraska have gained L The Modern Miller Is out with a state ment very much the same as Bnow'e re port. The Ohio report says there Is hardly ; a fair prospect now, even with the best of weather. Five per cent of wheat has been plowed up ana planted In corn and ate. Not more than one-half a full average wheat crop oan be ex pected. Oats, compared with I9u3. re 101. AH of the Minneapolis mills shut down Thursday night and the flour situation Is considered as bad as poeslble. Last year wheat was 7 cents against 90 this ear, and the mills were then running lull time to a big demand. They were hipping heavily to Australia, while that country is Itself shipping this year. Flour tneo seem to have overloaded on the war care. Minnesota seeding la finished ex cept for the Red liver valley, and while the crop Is one week late It la expected to he in line by June 1. The range In price of Omaha grain for future delivery and the close today and Thursday were as follows: ' Open. High. Low. Today. Thur. IWheat May $9 $4 89 90 B 89 B July V 78 77 78 B 77B Corn May 49 (0 49 60 B 49 B July 44 46Vk 46 4VaB 46 B Oats May .... 40V.B lt4B July $7Vi 87V4 17 S7HB 87V4B Sept ttZ 0Vi 30V.B 2B B bid. "Local Cash Orala Market. The local grain market waa blighted by lack of receipts this morning. The crowd wanted the spot stuff and was willing to pay for it, but it waa not to be had. Wheat Waa unchanged, but corn advanced from ttffilo and oats from lfi3c Kecelpts were: wheat Four oars in and 1 car out; one week ago, 10 and 20 cars. Corn Two cars In and 1 car out; one week ago, IS and cars. Oats One car out; one week ago, 7 cars in. WHEAT No. 2 hard winter, 85390c: No. t hard winter, 8o4c: No. 4 hard winter, 6627c; No. i spring, 85490c; No. I spring, J6ttf84c. CORN-No. t, 49360c: No. t, 4848V4c; No. 4, 4647c; no jn-ade, 36H45c; No. 2 yellow, CuTsc; No. I yellow, 49-aoOo; No. S white, 49'gflOc; No. I white, 484j4Vc. OATS No. I. 41c; No. 8. 40c: No. 4, 883i 89c; No. 2 white, 42ft 43c; No. I white, il sic; standard, 41f41Vo. Motes from the Exchange Offices. ' Omaha stocks of grain: Wheat, 192,571 bushels; corn. 224.462 bushels; oats, 103,396 bushels. Exchange visitors were: J. B. Adams, Blair; W. Harding of E. D. Woodworth et Co., Minneapolis; J. D. Parish, Des Moines; N. N. Bpellman, Beatrice. Omaha Inspections of grain were 25 cars. Of wheat, 4 cars graded No. 3 hard winter, and of corn, 2 cars graded No. 2. 13 oars No. J, 1 car No. 4, 1 oar No. I yellow and 1 car no grade. . Grala Markets Elsewhere. Closing prices of grain today and Thurs day at the market named were as fol lows: CHICAGO. , (Wheatr- Today. Thurs. July fW'4A- 86A September 81 B 80V4 Corn July 48V4B 46 September 48 48V4A KANSAS CITY. "Wheat July 75 74 September W 10 Corn July 44 44 September 42 42")0 ST. LOUI& Wheat July ...... ........ -.-.. 84V4A 83 September (1 fni. Corn July ..........-...... 47H 47HB September 46A 41 MINNEAPOLIS. "Wheat July ...... VSk m September - 81 DULUTH. Wheat July 82B flB September 81 to NEW YORK. ."Wheat July 90 80 B September 84 toft A asked. B bid. CHICAGO ORAU AID PROVISIONS Feat area ot the Trading; aad Closing; Frleea oa Board ol Trad. CHICAOO, May . The Ohio crop report was perhaps the chief factor in causing a trong wheat market today. At the close the price of July wheat showed a gain of a$lo. Corn la down So, oats are oft Va-tfo and provisions from 6o to 22Vc. ' Under a superabundance of adverse news the market continued to gain 1:2 strength until late In the session. During the last half hour realising sales checked the ad vancing tendency, but the market closed trong. After selling up to 86c July closed at k(i(iHo. Clearanoea of wheat and flour were equal to 161,000 bu. Exports of wheat and Hour for the week, according to Bradstreel's, were equal to 1,921,000 bu. primary receipts were 142,000 bu., com. f ared with 2o8,ou0 a year ago. Minneapolis, uluth and Chicago reported receipts of 4 cars, against 80 last week and 116 a year ago. Corn ruled strong. The market closed near the low point. July opened a shade to o higher at 4T34No, sold between 4Siio and 4STo and cloaed at 4ftc. Local receipts were 211 cars, with 22 of contract grade. In sympathy with other grains, oats were trong early In the day. After opening Uti'o higher at $9Vc, July ranged between 2?c and Jt'-o, and closed at 3ha. Local receipts were 88 oars. Heavy selling by packers and outside In terests caused weakness In provisions. The market was firm early, in sympathy with higher prices for hogs at the yards and on strong grain markets, but sentiment soon changed, the market becoming weak on poor support. At the close July pork waa down tto at I1L87H. July lard closed 7H1 lower at $6.62. Alba were off Wno at $4 46. The leading futures ranged as follows: Articles ! Open. Hlgh. Low. Close. ITea'y. Wheat May a July b July b ' t. Corn May July Sept. Oats May July Sept. pork May July Sept. Lard Mny July Sept. pll.-. Mi) July Sept. o'i5 91V. 90 iStfVti '(I Si w.'e pos 81V 804iH,81s'ij 47 T 47HI 47 47: 4C;4Vfcf 4! 4, 'V 4,' 41: 41 41 41 8f! VWe 39 ',4inHl"H! 8H 11 42 11 tVJ, 11 7 11 S 11 U 07 8 87 8 70 8 86 6 90 6 67 8 87 11 96 12 00 11 97H 11 w 8 M U SSI 11 w 8 47H 8 47S 6 n 6 ib 8 ns: 9 e to 8 26 6 471 6 46 6 67 8 80 6 fd 6 66 6 66 6 No. t a Old. b New. Cnh quotations were as follow; WHEAT No. 2 spring. m4o; Now I prlng. M4iMc; No. 2 red, $l.ugi.oi. COftN-No. 2. 4Ktfc; No. 2 yellow, t:4uMHic. (UTri-No. I. 41H941c; No. 2 white, 42 4jH4e. r ljOT'R Qilet and easv: winter pat ftilU. t7v4JiO; straight, tLUKS); spring 81 S 8W4 patents, 84094.80; aO-sights, 82.9094-10; bak era. 82 64i . l i :v-io. 1. jlc. BAkLEY Oood feeding, S87c; fair to Ctiu'.ie malting, 466c. 8EED-No. i flax, 8101; No. 1 northwest ern, 61.t; prime timothy, 82.90; clover, contrsct arade. 110.76. FHOVIaioNa Mess pork, per bb!., ril.40 tPll eu. Lard, per 100 lbs., 84 47fl 6. Short ribs aides (loose), 6.17ivS.2S. Short clear siaes tuoieai, jo.aca oo. The following were the receipt and shipments ot hour and grain: Receipts. Shipment. Flour, bbls 1.7U0 11.3U0 Wheat, bu 28.0U0 24.!"io Corn, bu 2S7. IX.61W Oats, bu K2,0 116.400 Rye, bu 1,000 . 2,uo barley, bu 41.4U0 2,K) On the Produce exchange today the but ter market woe easy; creameries, 14j'c; dalrlea, lattvifec. Eggs, easy; at mark, rases . Incluued, liVii lo-Vc. Cheese, easy, 8'al0c. KEW YORK GENERAL MARKET Uaotatloaa of the Day oa Vsurloas Commodities. NEW YORK, May 6 FLOUR Receipts. ,i bbls.; exports, 2.243 bbls.; steady and demand slightly better; Minnesota patents, 8.oua.25; Minnesota bakers, 84.0Oa4.26; win ter straights, 14-"'; winter extras, 83.36 fe-t.Ou; winter low grades, 83. 154(3. 8". Rye flour, barely steady; fair to good, 4-l5SH.Si; chUf to fancy, 14 3Eij4.70. COKNMEAL Steady; yellow weetern, 21.10; klln-drlcd, t2.9t"&3.10. RYFV-Dull; No. 2 western, 70c spot. BARLEY Quiet; feeding, 49c, c. 1. f., New York; malting, 6666o, o. L f , Buffalo. WHEAT Kecelpta, lftiOO bu.; exports, 10. 970 bu. Spot, firmer; No. 2 red. 81.04 ele vator; No. 2 red, 11. 071.11 f. o. b. afloat; No. 1 northern. Duluth, 81.0O4 f. o. b. afloat; No. 1 hard, Manitoba, nominal, f. o. b. afloat. May closed at 93c; July. 9M-16 9oc; closed at kc; September, 6364c; closed attSc CORN Receipts, 82,775 bu.; exports, 4.014 bu. Spot, steady; No. X elevator, and 660, f. o. b. afloat; No. yellow, AOo; No, 2 white, 670. Option market opened firmer, but later yielded to realising In the west and cloaed barely o net lower; May cloaed at 5Ac; July closed at 63 "c; September closed OAaC Rftcelpta, 62,500 bu.; exports, 16,266 bu. Spot, steady; mixed oats. 26 to 82 lbs., 4T4Sc; natural white, 90 to 82 lbs., 4634o; clipped white. 88 to 40 lbs., 61aXJV4c HAY Steady. TALLOW Easy; city (82 per package), 4c; country (packages free), 4S4o. HOPH yulet; state, common to choice, 1103, 2fx&5o; 1902, 2SrS26c; olds, 9-ffl4c; Pa olflo coast, 19ug, 24430o; 1902, 234jJc; olds, m i4c. RICE Quiet; domestic, fair to extra, 2 Kc; Japan, nominal. EGGS Barely steady; western storage se lections, lXWc; western tints, 18c. I JCATHER Steady; acid, 23a6o. HIDES Steady; Galveston, 20 to 26 lbs., 18r; California, 21 to 25 lbs., 19c; Texas, dry, 24 to 80 lbs, 14c. PROVISIONS Beef, steady; family, 89 60 eiO.10; beef hams, 820.0021.50; packet. 8.50 9.60; city extra India mess, 814.0n16.00. Cut meats, dull; pickled bellies, 26.60iS7.00; shoulders, 86.50; hams, 88.R0S1O.0O. Pork, Inactive; famllv, 814.50; short clears, 213.25ft; 14.75; mess, 213.00(813. 75. Lard, easy; western steamed, 87; refined, barely steady; conti nent, 27.10; South America, $7.60; compound, 86.256.374. BUTTER Weak; fresh creamery, 14 21c; state dairy, common to choice, 1320c. CHEESE Irregular; state, full cream, large and small fancy, September, 10V?f lie; good to prime, 9ti9Vic; new cheese, large white, 77o: largo, colored, 7ffl7Uc: mall, white, ,4etto; small, colored, g"Zc. EGGS Irregular, western firsts, lvc; storage select, 18c. POULTRY Alive, quiet; western chick ens, 12c; fowls, 13c; turkeys, lo; dressed, weak; fowls, 13c; turkeys, 1616o. St. Louis Grain aad Provisions. BT. LOUIS, May 6. WHEAT Heavy buying on short crop reports; No. 2 red, cash elevator, nominal: track, 21.'j01.0a; No. 2 hard. 939fiHc; July, 84V4o asked; Sep- . t . C1& n a.lful CORN Strong; cash, higher: No. 2 cash, 51c; track. 52H53V4c; July, 47!)o bid; Sep- temDer, itkc asaeu. OATS Firm ; No. 2 cash, 42c; track, 43c; No. 2 white, 46c; July, 87o bid; September, 804e. FLOUR Steady and unchanged: red win ter patents, 24.905.OO; special brands. 15i9 25c higher; extra fancy and straight, 84-00 4.85; clear, SEED Timothy, steady, 82.4O2.60. CORNMEAL Steady. $2.40. BRAN Lower; sacked, east track, 96c. HAY Steady; timothy, 88.003'14.60; prai rie, 20.0009.00. r .. IRON COTTON TIES 82c V, B A GOI Ntl HEMP TWINE 6Hc DunvTSioxrfl Pnrlr lower: Inbhlnr. 811.674. I-ard, lower; prime steam, -8612. iacon Doxea;, sieauy nnu unLnnft(Hi, .w... . V, r 7 Km 17 23; hort clear. 7,62. ' ... . POULTRY wean; cnicaens, rc: iprinso, 83.00(316.00 per dosen; turkeys, U(gl3o; ducks. c; geese, oc. ... BUTTER Steady; creamery, 1824c; ECGS Bteady, 16c, case count. Receipts. Shipments. Flour, bbls.. 6,000 6,000 Wheat bu 14,000 63,000 Corn, bu M.00O S.0 6ata. bu 28,004 84,000 K as City tjrala aad Pr.t.lo... KANSAS CITY, May 6. WHEAT May, 86c; July, 7675c: September 70871c; cash, No, 2 hard, 81S"93c: No. 8, 87890c; No. 2 red. 8l.0tvgl.01: No. 8. 8498c. CORN May, 47o: July, 44c: September, 42o; cash. No. 2 mixed, 6l(S62c; No. 2, OttlpSIc: No. 2 white, eio; No. 8, 60c. OATS No. t white. 42c; No. 1 mixed, S9'?f40c HAY Steady; choice timothy. 810.60 11.00; choice prahie, $8.008.26. RyE-No. $6.46. BUTTER Creamery, 1719o; dairy, 18o. EGGS Steady; Missouri and Kansas, caaes returned. 13o; cases inaluded, 14Hc Receipts. Shipments. YT?V.t Kn 1.O0O 19.600 Corn, bu ; K 600 29.600 Oata, bu.. ....... s.uw i.uvu Philadelphia Protftiee Starket. butt inTrr.PTJTA Xf m S "RTTTTRH Dull and lo lower; extra weetern creamery. 22c; extra nearoy, ioo. EGGS Steady; fair demand; fresh nearby and fresh outhweetern. 17Hc; fresh west ern, 18o at mark; fresh southern, 17 o at "cHEESE Steady: New York full cream, choice to fancy, o; fair to good, V9 Vc Mlnaeapolls Grala Market. MINNEAPOLIS, May 8. WHEAT May. 92Tt,(&i93c; July, 82Ho; September, 8183l:c; on track. No. 1 hard, 8Hic; No. 1 nortnern, 96Hc; No. 2 northern, 93Vio. FLOUR First patents, '84 9o5.00: seoond patents, 4.8Vg-4 90; first clears, $3.4fXtlS8.66; second clears, 12 oCxg-2 HO. BRAN In bulk, 816.0016.80. Ialath Grain Market. DULUTH, May. 8. WHEAT In store, No. 1 hard. 98Tc; No. 1 northern 820; No. I northern. 97e; to arrive, No. 1 hard, 987tic; No. 1 northern, 88o; No. 9 northern, 8H7e; May, 82o; July. 824o; September, 81 Ha. OATS To arrive and on track, 41o. Milwaukee Grata Market. MILWAUKEE, May 6. WHEAT Higher; No. 1 northern,. 9799fl; No. I northern, 940tWc; old July, tlo asked. RYE Higher; No. 1, 7S4f74c. BARLEY Steady; No. 8, 6263o; sample, 4W0 tiOc. CORN-JTuly, Sc bid. Liverpool Grala aad Provisions. LIVERPOOL. May 8 WHEAT P pot. dull; No. 1 California. 7s. Futures steady; Mav, 6s 3d; July. 6s 4d. CORN Spot, steady; American mixed, new, 4s 8d; American mixed, 4a 8Hd. fu tures quiet; July, 4s 8d. Toledo Seed Market. TOLEDO, O.. May 6 SKED-Clover, cash, $636; October, $5.77. Prime alslke, $6.15; August clalke, $8.26. Prime timothy, $1.40; September timothy, $1.46. Peoria Grala Market. PEORIA. III., May 8.-CORN Higher; No. 8, 4b4o; No. 4, 44c Oils aad -Resla. NEW YORK. May 8. OILS Cottonseed, easy; prime crude, nominal; yellow, 80c: petroleum, easy, renned. New York. $815; Philadelphia and Baltimore. 88.10; In bulk. 85 20; turpentine Arm. 6Vo9o. ROSIN Firm; strained, common to good, 82 OIL CITY, Pa. May 8. -OILS Credit bal ances. $1.62; certlflrates. no bid; shipments, 70 3Us bbls.; average 44.161 bbls.; runs, 94,. 006 bbl.: average, 72.746 bbls. Shipments, Lima, 66.447 bbls.; average. 67. Mi; rune, Lima, 60.844 bbls.; average, 4 439 bbl. SAVANNAH. Qe.. May 1.-TURPKNTINB r'lrm, 56o. ROSIN-Flrm. A, B. C V 66; D, 82 nj H. $2 65; F. $2 7o; O. $2 70; H, 82 76: I, $2it); K, 81 16; M, $120; N. $3.86; W. O, $8.60; W, W, 83 HO. Dry Goods Vsrktt. NEW YORK. May 6 DRY OOOD-Tbe market la In very dull, featureless con dition and the outlook, while Unproved In certain quarters. Is not satUfaetory. More or leas goods are being put on memoran dum and moved In this way, but buyers are not anxious to anticipate requirements. SEW YORK STOCKS AND BONDS All Bifc-ii of Life on the Stock Harket D lppraT. PRICES HAVE VERY FEEBLE MOVEMENT Ho Explaaatloa for the Palseleaa Cos dltloa ( Securities la Vestured, EseeptlaaT that Metropolis tea IecllBoa, NEW YORK, May 6. There was no sign, of actual life in tne stock market today and the feeble dritt of prices never got far from last night's level, or for tnai matter irom last week's level. Tnere was some heaviness early, but the level ot prices came up later in the day. This is in accoraance with the Intermittent symp toms of the present market declines of one day being merely the counteructiun of a day betore. Yefeterday the excessive dullness was explained as being due to the departure of many brokers tu a popuiai raclng event, but today's dealings were no larger with suon explanation to offer. Tne early heaviness was In eyinpatny with lh ai.xrp decline In Metropolitan street rail way. Ihe weakness of this stock hag been a disturbing element for some time, but today's selling seemed based on slate rail road statistics published yesterday, show ing the passenger traffic of the Metro politan company practically stationary for the last year. The deduction was urawn that the system had readied the practical limit of Its earning capacity. The heavy gold outgo, the day's engage ments reaching $4,600,000, caused some at tention to be given to the bank statement prospects. The figures of subtreasury ope rations show loewea by the banks on that account, including the cuhl movement of 83,300,000, while the receipts on balance of eurrenoy from the Interior would cut this down materially. But the subtreasury fig- urea 00 not include too ay s large engage ment of gold. The statement of Secretary Bhaw regarding the Panama canal pay ment was Interpreted to mean that 225.UO0.- 000 remained to be provided, which tomor rows sold shipment ot 4.500.ouu would co, of course, to reduce. Outside a few of the stocks in the clans known as gpecialtles there was no movement worth nutlce and the day's trivial change were mostly gains. United States Steel second was heavy. Total salo of bonds, par value, $2.ons,000. United Stales bonds were un changed on call. , The following were the quotations on the New York Stock exchange yesterday: Sa les. H I Kh. Low.Close. Atchison 3,4-0 72 724 72Vi do pfd 800 93 92. 914 Baltimore & Ohio.... L4u0 79 78 79 do pfd 90A Canadian Pacific 3o0 117 1174 UVA Central of N. J 1674 Chesapeake & Ohio... 100 30 304 S" Chicago & Alton 100 88 88 87 do pfd 81 Chicago Ot. Western. 800 16 ' 16 16 Chicago & N. W 170 C., M. A St. P I,o00 142 142 14214 do Dfd lfU Chicago Term. & T do pfd 8V4 IS 70 16 82 22 166 2ii9 20'4 69Vi 24 61 8S 66 C, C. C. A St. L 100 70 16 70 16 coio. southern 100 do 1st pfd do 2d pfd 100 22 22 Delaware & Hudson. Del., Lack. & West Denver & Rio Grande do pfd Erie 6,800 24 61 88 24H 63 88 do 1st pfd 200 do 2d pfd 100 Hocking Valley do pfd 200 79 79 78H Illinois Central Iowa Central A do pfd K. C. Southern do pfd 600 180 130 130H 17 100 84 S4H 84 18 34 400 107i 107 107 Louisville & Nashville Manhattan L . ... 4,000 143 142 143 Met. Securities 200 7i4 7S 7 Met. St. Ry.. ..10,9-30 109 108 109 Minn. & St. Louis.... 4: M.. St. P. & S. Bte M. 100 62 62 .200 119 119 800 91 91 62 118 81 37 do rfd Missouri Pacific Mo., Kan. & Tex do pfd N. R. R. of Mex. pfd. , N. Y. Central Norfolk & Western... , 3rt 34 100 115 115 115 200 67 66 65 do Dfd 100 30 S8 85 Ontario ft Western... 21 1 21 Pennsylvania 15,700 114 113 114 p.. c. c. & st. l 66 Reading 700 43 43 do 1st pfd ao za via Rock Island Co........ 6.S00 231 V 22 C5 47 '82 47 n 83 22 3R 64 do Dfd 5.500 67 St. L. & 8. F. 2d pfd. 700 St. Louis S. W 48 '32 47 21 83 22 "ss 84 do Dfd 300 Southern Paclflo 1.100 Southern Railway .... 200 do pfd 600 Texas & pacific 100 T.. St. L. & W... do pfd 100 Union Paciflo 9,700 do pfd Wabitsh do Dfd Wheeling & L. E Wisconsin Central do Dfd soo 40 7 89 7 Mexican Central 2o0 Adams Ex American Ex United States Ex Wells-Fargo Ex Amal. Copper 8,400 Am. Car & Foundry.. 8u0 48 17 47 17 do pra Am. Cotton Oil do Dfd Am. Ice 100 6 6 do pfd Am. Linseed OH . do Dfd Am. locomotive , 800 19 18 , 1,000 84 83 , 100 49 49 , 1,000 96 95 , 800 127 137 200 76 70 .10,700 46 45 1.000 82 30 , 1,700 208 208 ', "m 'ii 'ii 1 (mi e e 1 e eee ! lino 'is '17 100 8 t 84 , 100 27 27 , 0 97 97 100 27 27 "ioo iii" iii" , '"boo ' 'ii" ! "IOO 85 '86 , 100 6 CK 100 79 79 900 7 7 1.900 60 69 Am. Smelt. & Refng.. do pfd Am. Sugar Refng Anaconda M. Co Consolidated Gas .... 208 12 70 22 167 11 65 8S 76 18 84 26 97 26 69 210 $ 16 77 85 6 79 7 69 16 65 10 65 156 8 Com Products do Dfd Distillers' Securities. General Electric International Paper.. do pfd International Pump.. do Dfd . National Lead North American Pacific Mall People's Gas Pressed Steel Car.... do pfd Pullman Palace Car. Republic Steel do pfd Rubber Goods do pfd Tenn. Coal & Iron... U. 8. leather do pfd U. 8. Realty do pfd U. S. Rubber do pfd 600 U. 8. Steel 8.2n) do pfd 11,700 Westlnghouse Eleo Weetern Union 8.600 66 10 66 89 88 : Total sales for the day, 130,800 shares. Btatoa Stoek 4-eof stloas. BOSTON, May 8 -Call loans. tf3 per cent; time loans, 8ji4 per cent. Otflolul eloalns- of stocks and bonds: atchlaon sdj. 4a 4) Wtlng. commas da 4 lO"VAdnuur , Ku. Central ts. M4 aUoum , Atchison Amtlgamatr-d .... do p'4 -'' AiDsrlcaa glna .. Baotos A Albany... .144 lAtltntle , Boot oa A lllno 17V Uliith.ra Bciotnn EloTatod ...A4v iC.l. A Heola ;1 . 7i . IVa . .46 ritcuburg via i i-entonnui Mu. Lonlrol 4VCoppr Kongo 4S H Y., K. H rero iiarquotts ... Union Faelnc Amr. Ar. Chom do pfd Amor. Pnou. Tube. Amor. Bugor do pli Amor. T. A T Amor. Wooloa ... do Dfd A U..1M D.ljr WW X2 IS , 4 4 4 . 4 41 2S 12 'S 14 II :?H :P 'i . s ;" .. tavt Franklin .. MS UrmncT. .. US lil korilo .. 731 S Mta. Mining ... .. 4S Mlonlgau ..IMS Muhawk ,.12S Mnut. C. O... ,.11S Old Dominion ,. ., 10 lOwooia .. 14 Tarrot Dominion 1. A 8 11S Qulnejr Biliaon Eloo. Illu....iM ishannon OonoraJ Klootrlo ....U4 Tamarack staos. Clectrto .. US Tiinllr do pld Mom. Gas t nltod Krult Inllod Shoo Mars. do pfd U. S. Stool do Bid .. Tt U. S. Mining.. .. V. 8. Oil ..110 ll'lah .. 4S Victoria .. MS Winona .. SiWolrtns .. S Hew Tork SStaraa; Stocks. NEW TORK, May . The following are we closing prices on mining stocks: Aaaau Cos . M Alios k) Bioeo 1 iSunawlet Cos 9 Oomatock Tannal .,..14 "I'm. t'al. A Vs 1M Horn SIlTor 1M Iron Sllvor 174 LoadTlllo Cos 1 'Assessment paid. Llttlo Chief 0l!t"O J7 Ophlr ...! rhooals t fi . u "" M alarm Mtvada 4 Small Honao 11 Standard U) yorolgs Flaaaelal, BETRTTN, May . Bxohange on London 2fHn 43pfge for checks. llacunt nitei short ami three months bills 6 per cent. Prices on the bourse were Irregulur today, but the general tendency was better. PARIS, May (.The tone ot Uie bourse was stronger todav but hesitating. Rus sian Imperial 4e cloeed at 90.75. The pri vate rate of discount was 2 11-18 per cenU Three per cent rentes, 97f 2o for the ac count. IONDON. May fc Money was In In creased demand in the market today and the rates were nominal. Ruslneas opened generally quiet and un decided. The new 3 per cent Japanese loan was quoted at IV to 2 premium. Con sols were firm and closed a fraction .be low the best quotations of the day. Among home rails, underground was the feature, displaying buoyancy. Americans opened dull and remained generally Idle at a fraction above parity. They closed steady. REPORT OP THE CLIiARISd HOISES. TrssMPtlosi of the Associated Banks Deri ear the Past Week. NEW YORK, May 6-The following table, compiled by Bradstreet, shows the bank clearings at the principal cities for the week ending May 6, with the per centage of Increase and decrease as com pared with Uiecorrespondlng week last year: I CITIE3. Clearings.! Inc. I Dec. New York Chicago Huston Philadelphia St. Louis Pittsburgh San Kranclsco .... Baltimore Cincinnati Kansas City New Orleans Cleveland Minneapolis Detroit Louisville OMAHA Milwaukee Providence HufTalo Indianapolis St. Paul Los Angeles St. Joseph Denver Columbus Memphis Seattle Richmond Washington Savannah $1,180,30.2641 2u6.ou!i.S63 140.334. tins 109.ti7uW 47,687, 644, 46,it,?.6z2, 17.6 "i!8 10.6 10.1 16.6 "is'6 8.6 11.6 30.4M,14 20.501, 192-i 22,341,400 13,746,373, 14,471,585, 14,623,052, 17,774.016 2.9 12.7 14 0 4.8 8.4 10,291,392 12.617.666 9 4 2.8 8,317.653 7,070,063 6,780,600, 7.880,216 6,660.140 6,520.226 6,S23,136 1.6 8.2 12.8 1.2 "i'.i 8.2 "ii.'o .8 21.8 3.4 13.6 "sis 4.SW9.117 4.617,437 4,695,700 4,111.293: 3.870.726 8.718.274 4.478.538 2.G21.718 60.1 16.1 "i'.i 26.2 1.6 Albany Portland, Ore ... Fort Worth (2)... Toledo, O Salt Lake City .. Peoria Atlanta Rochester Hartford Nashville Des Moines Spokane, Wash ... Tacoma Grand Rapids ... New Haven Dayton , Norfolk Springfield, Mass Worcester Portland, Me Augusta, Ga Topeka Sioux City Syracuse Knoxvllle Birmingham Wilmington, Del.., Knoxvllle Davenport Little Rock Wilkesbarre Fall River Macon Wheeling, W. Va., Wichita Akron Chattanooga Springfield, 111 Kalamazoo, Mich., Youngstown Helena Lexington Fargo, N. D , New Bedford Canton, O Jacksonville. Da., Lowell Chester, Pa Greensburg, Pa..., Rockford, 111 Plnghampton Springfield, O Bloo:nlngton, 111... tjulncy. Ill Bioux Falls, S: D., Mansfield, O Lvcatur, 111 Jacksonville, 111.., Fremont, Neb 1 Houston tdnlveston Charleston S. C, Guthrie, Ukl 8.946.7: 3,196.678, 2,X40,614 2,814,250 S.40,716i 7.0 2.964,004 2,748,817 11.1 1.1 8.417.451 7.2 $.555,459 2,400,289' 1.751.097 2.6 3.7 8.1 4.1 2,273,706 1,969,490! 2.103,403, 2,321,079 1,466,674 8.6 39.2 1.2 20.2 'ib'.i 1.849.574 1,682,875 1,600.894 1,408.713 1,183,634 12.4 24.6 4.6 'ib'.i 15.0 17.2 "i'.i 917.812 1,407,473 1.693.981 1,266,962 19.2 10.7 1,826, 60S! 1,286.776 6.8 12.31 1.227.763 1,061,768 2.8 17.4 11.8 44.1 "iali -28!6 8.8 10.4 764,874 895,026 709.047 1,109,0801 776.116 1.019.R80' 666,000 745,173 672,484 891,606 633,1601 686,539 85f,539! 852,2651 647,119 641, C00! 61.9 'i&'.i ...'.. 24.9 'izb 2.1 18.2 "".i 10.7 7.4 "ii Ti 27.6 9.2 8.6 17.6 853, 731 469,561 472.071 462.S321 392.18- 612.o00 3S3.413 414.616 847,25 . 253,1791 174.3141 321.631 410,774 182,i-87 12.2 12.0 21 5 9.1 19.3 51.104,8361 1.210,437 601,704 24.2! Totals. U. Outside N. 11.4 2.2 872,832,8591 CANADA. Montreal Toronto Winnipeg Ottawa Halifax Quebec Vancouver, B. C Hamilton London Ont St. John, N. B....:.. Victoria, B. C Totals, Canada.., 20,837.689 19.8 15.164,36? 6.5 6.394.972 13.0 2.489,317 6.4 1,889.750 1 4 1,758,178 8.7 1,356,305 6.4 1,8. 432 16.8 972,623 8.0 1,117,699 16.2 600,560 6.8 $ 63,807,617 1 8 tNot Included In totals because containing Other Items than clearings. Not included In totals because Of no com parison tor last year. New York Money -Market. NEW YORK, May 6.-MONEY On call, easy at lijjrlH Per cent; closing bid, 1 per cent; offered at 114 per cent. Time loans, easy and dull; sixty and ninety days, 214'0 2. per cent; six months, Stj3 per cent. STERLING EXCHANGE Steady, wltn actual business In bankers' bills at $4.8690 4 8696 for demand and at 84.86 for Blxty-day bills; posted rates, $4.86k'tf4.86 and $4.8; commercial bills, $4.84. PRIME MERCANTILE PAPER STiVi PSILVER Bar, 65ftc; Mexican dollars, BONDS Government, steady; railroad. The closing quotations on bonds are as follows: , B. I. rf. la. rog....i 'Mtnnattan o. g. a..i'a do coupon 14 Mex. Central 4a i do 3. re i do coupon ll4 do new 4a, reg 13S do coupon 132S do 1st lnc It Minn. A Bt. U 4i... i U . K. A T. 4a 100 do 2a TS N. R. R. of M. 0. 4a. 73 S N. Y. C. g. ISa N. 1. C. g. aa ISO do old 4a. reg 1" do coupon Atohlaon gen. 4a... do adj. 4 Atlantic C. I a.. B. A O. 4l do S Central of Oa. is.. do lit tne ChtM. A Ohio Chit-ago A A. ISs. ..107 ..100 IS No. Paclflo 4a 104S Ms! 6o 72S 101 N. AW. e. 4i ns 4S O. S. L. 4a & par.... tVy 107 Fann. conr. ISa 71 Roadlng gen. 4a n 107S St. L. 1. M. e. 4a.. HIS 71 S Bt. L. A 8. V. fg. 4a. 2 C, U. A U. n. 4a US ot. u. a. w. la s C. M. A B. P. s a..l0 ,8oaboard A. L. 4a.... S C. A N. W. e. U....U' So, Paclflo 4a US A P. 4s... 71S so. Hallway om lib do col. fa... t" Tun A P. Is. .llaS . ens .IMS . 7 . 12 .IliS us . SO . SO . tint C.C.C. A B. L. g. 4..HWS T., Bt. L. A W. 4a. Chlcaio go Tar. aa tuiUiiliit Pacific 4s...., Con. Tobacco 4a.. 611 do conv. 4a. Colo. A Bo. 4a V. A R. U. 4a Erto prior Han 4a.. 4S . U 8. Stool Id la.. Wabaih la do dab. B do gan. n A U E. 4a.,.. r. W. A D. C. la...l07Yt'WI Control 4a. Hocking Val. 4Sa..-l'" 'Colo. F. A L a. Is. L. A N. unL 4s 101 Offered. Laslos Stock Market. LONDON, May 6 Closing: Conaola. monay do account ... Anaconda Atchison Ao Dfd . ir.N. Y. Central.., . Ha! Norfolk A W..., . 4 I do pfd . 71', 'Ontario A w... . ff.s 1 Paniigylranla .., 11S .a.. MS 90S tt ..I.. 40S H'S MS 40 II 811 ts 4S 16 u los IC iS I Raltlmnra A Ohio (',; Hnd Ml Dea Canadian Paolno ....liWS:ieadlr.g Chaa. A Ohio IIS no let pfd Chicago Ot. W.. C, M. A St. P.. DeBeers D. A R. O tdo pfd rta do let pfd.... do I1 pfd.... Iittnota Central . Loula. A Nut.. . II I do Id pld.. ,14S So Railway .. 1S do pfd Bo. Paclflo ... Union Paclflo do pfd .... y. 8. Btaal... do pld .... Wabaih .. .. Ti .. .. fc'S .. 40 . .1JJS ..llus do pfd M., g. A T . 17SSpanlih 4a .... lS SILVER Bar, firm, 26 7-16d per ounce. MOMtf-jM per cent. The rate of discount In the open market for short bills Is 2 l-16a'2S) per cent; for throe months' bills, VnvZhi per cent. agar aad Molasses. NEW YORK, May .-bUOAR Raw firm; fair refined, 2 8-1643 7-3i'; centrif ugal, 96 test, $ 2-32c; muUaa. s su.Tar, 2 16-18 tJ 16-32c; refined firm. - NEW ORLEANS, May i.-SV GAR Steady; oen kettle, 243 3-14V-; 0en kettle, centrifugal, centrifugal white. 44 iHo; yellows, 3'i4'-o; auoonda, 8Si3So. Molasses, nominal; open kettle, SijMus; centrifugal, luvil&o. Syrup, nominal, juia 26a Baali Clearlags. OMAHA. April 6. Bank clearings for to day, $1,244.076 94. an Increase of over the corresponding day last year. Io Particulars Front Texas Storm. DALLAS, Tex., May . No particulars had been obtained up to t 46 a. m. of the tornado reported laat night In the "Pan Handle" district. All wires leading to that part of the slate are down and telegraph tu-llitlea In all directions are seriously unpaired. OMAIU LIVE ST0C1 MARKET Csttls Bsceipu Extremely Light and Prices Showed Ho Quotable Chadge. HOGS OPENED HIGHER, BUT CLOSED WEAK Scarcely Eaovga Sheep and Lambs oa Sale te Make a Test of SltajLtlon, bat Market Could Safely Do (4 noted Aboat Steady. SOUTH OMAHA, May $. 1904. Receipt were: Cattle. Hogs. Sheep Official Monday 2Mi t,li t,ij uriioiai luesday ,,b',i l.WV .;td Ottlcial eliie.sday 3,9.4 lu. t.ttt'3 Othclal Thursday 2,stS 10,67 l.ii2 Official Friday rtf ;,42 4S8 rive days this week. ..17.906 Same days Iwt week....W.Si4 Sajne week before 21,569 Same three weeks ago. .23,u Same four weeks ago.. ..17, 812 Same days lam year 20.167 RECEIPTS l-'OR THE YEAR TO DATE. The following table shows the receipts of cattle, hogs and shtep al South Omana for the year to date with compariaun with Last year: 14. in. Too. kauJ 346,779 34o,bV4 6.176 Hogs 87ti,612 792,719 83,893 bneep U6.W 409,9 136, Average prices paid for hogs at South uniana for the last several days with uom pari son: Date. I 18M.ll8O3.llK12.ll801.ll8O0.tl8w8.118M, April 18. April 19. April 20. April 2i. April 22. April 23. April 24. April :., April 26. 4 V9l 4 76 4 81 4 79ti 7 141 6 991 6 4j 6 48 1 68 2 71 I 96 6 be 6 4o 6 46 7 10 7 10 6 861 8 76 6 88, 86: e 6 80 6 4A 3 77 8 72 SHI 7 06 e t 861 u 7 01 6 861 6 80 6 76 t 77, 7 06 7 04, t 96 6 2i 1 rt 74 4 78 4 74 4 71W 7 Oil, t 86 $64 $71 $ 6i 2 84 3 67, 8 79 6 88, a 7 07 6 77 Vl 8 661 6 64 6 64 6 711 6 72 i 39! April 27. 8 92 6 34 6 17 a 6 22 April as. 6 83 3 69 8 77 April 29.. April 80., 4 6b 6 77 6 64 7 03 8 6J 8 79 $ 8$ 4 61 6 so May 1... 6 83 6 76, 6 90 6 26 6 lsi 6 17 6 341 6 8 61 $ 66 X tiu 4 M 7 61 $ 90 May I.:: ,.uy 1... .May 5.... May ... I 65341 U 0 4 W-Si a 75, 6 Ti 7 01 8 87 a 7 ft) 6 64, e 6 67 $ 681 8 93 $ 61 3 95 2 64, 8 98 66) 6 98, Indicates Sunday. The official number of cars of stock 47,726 18,672 6.1, 7ol i,s4 8o,vMJ 40,663 ,.aO 3i,173 29.6V1 46.0J4 13.WS Hogs. Sh'p. H i s. lo .. .. 18 2 1 so 1 a 8 27 1 4 1 1 105 3 a C, M. & St. P. Ry Mo. Pac. Ry 2 Union Pacific system. 10 C. & N. W. Ry P., E. & M. V. R. R. 15 C, St. P., M. ot O. Ry. 2 B. & M. Ry 8 C, B. & Q. Ry C, R. 1. & P.. east C, It. I. & P west.. .. Chicago Qt. Western. .. Total receipts 87 The disposition of the day's receipts was as follows, each buyer purchasing the num ber of head Indicated: Buyers. Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. Omaha Packing Co 89 l,o.'6 .... Swift and Company 314 1,729 .... Cudahy Packing Co 81 2,06j 220 Armour & Co 267 1,773 491 Armour & Co., Sioux C'y 869 .... Hill & Son U L. F. Hurz 88 .... .... Wolf & Murnan 82 .... .... S. & S 1 80 .... J. B. Root 67 .... .... Other buyers , 119 Total ...1,038 T.462 711 CATTLE There was a very Urht run of cattle here this morning even lor a Fri day, but there were evidently enough te meet the immediate requirements of the trade. The market was rather blow f vm start to fnlsh, but there was not much change ftom yesterday lu the prices pild. There were only a i'ow cars of corn fed steers Included In the offerings anil per haps that explained 111 part the lndlfferenco of buyers. They did not take hold wltn much life, but as a general thing every thing brought Just about steady priced. As compared with a week ago tl.e market Is unevenly lower. Anything dtslrable is probably not over a dime lower, but some of the plain hravy cattle and undesirable grades of all weights may have suffered a little more than that In extreme cases. A dime, though, would e-bout coer the de cline on tho good to choice grades. The cow market waa also steady today and although there was not much activity the liuht receipts soon brought tho market to a crose. For the week the fcood light weight cows and heifers are not a great deal different, but heavy cows are fully a oime lower and common cows, such as din ners and he less desirable grades of cut ters, may be off even more than that. Puckers are beginning to be afraid of part fnt cows owing to the near approach of the ceason when grass cows will put In an ap pearance. Bulls have held fully steady nil tho week, but veal calves are fully 50c lower. It takes something fancy to bring over $5. The same te usual on a Friday there were only a tew stnekers and feeders and not many were wanted. The better grades of feeders are about steady for the week, but the commoner kinds are dull and a little lower. Representative sales: HEUJT STEERS. No. It. .. 140 ... 7C2 ... sr0 ... 170 ,.. 130 .. 37 .. tto ... (67 ... altO ,.. 817 ... Ill Pr. No. At. Pr. 1 1120 4 26 It 1078 4 16 4 1140 4 16 t 1063 4 30 10 1266 4 36 11 11S7 4 40 10 1221 4 40 1 1240 4 46 1 1318 4 60 12 1374 4 U 18 1238 4 60 13 1631 4 76 AND COWS. 1 .....1151 4 26 4 1. ...1115 4 34 ND HEIFERS. 6 not 4 10 ti 194 4 40 to iojj 4 45 ' 6 1164 4 63 I 4 I 00 I 40 I 76 I M 4 00 4 00 4 00 4 00 4 00 4 10 4 10 1 ...1164 4 10 832 I (0 733 8 86 1060 4 26 II.. 4.. STEERS I... 15... 11 I 76 . 61 .1156 1126 4 00 4 20 4 10 l'io8 4 30 6TEERS AND STAOS. ..1186 4 26 COWS. I 50 14 10T I 18 1 65 1 lino I 65 I 75 1 1370 I 65 1 86 1 82 3 70 I 00 1 1175 1 76 I 00 1 1320 I 76 I 16 1 1300 I 76 I 10 1 1100 4 10 85 1 1.130 I 80 I 36 4 1267 1 80 60 10 1270 I 85 8 60 1 1043 I 86 I 60 1 1180 4 00 I 60 4 1161 4 15 8 AND HEIFERS I 10 861 4 16 I 15 HEIFERS. I 40 1 1076 t 10 I 76 1 1210 I 66 160 1 5MI 404 I 60 4 785 4 00 I 60 1 710 4 01 I 60 1 141 4 K) I C BULLS. I 86 1 1810 I ti I 06 1 1580 I 68 I 16 1 40 I 28 1 1700 I 66 I 16 1 1440 I 70 I 10 I 1170 I 76 I II 1 1160 I 76 I 40 1 626 I 81 I 60 t Tut 8 86 I 60 CALVES 1 60 171 I 76 I 60 1 2H) 6 04 I K t0 t 00 4 00 ' 1 134 00 4 00 1 106 6 00 4 50 1 80 ( 00 4 60 t 106 6 00 4 60 1 160 18 4 60 t 146 I 16 ERS AND FEEDERS. I 50 I 7'. I 40 1 75 I IM I 70 I 00 12 456 I 70 I 60 1 4u7 I 16 I 60 10SO 11150 1160 1140 168 810 1070 992 1040 10UO If 60 U80 100S 872 10(10 COWS 655 870 451 646 440 1030 . 410 6l 7HI 14!!!'.'.! 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I II. '.'."..'. ..1160 ..180 .. 880 ..1170 ..UO0 .. 670 ..1670 ..1670 ..10KO ..1610 .. 140 .. 175 .. IM .. 40 .. 128 .. no .. 175 .. 10 .. 127 CK .. 470 .. 710 ... 860 .. 460 .. 626 HOGS There was not an excessive run of hogs in sight this morning and the market here opened 2Wt'6c higher. The bulk of the eurly sales went from $4.66 to $4.70 and as high aa $4.76 was paid for a choice load. Trading was fairly active, but not all of the puckers were buying, and after those that did take hold had filled their more urgent orders the market came to a stand still. Packers wanted to buy the remaining hogs at not more than steady prices with yesterday, and as salesmen would not cut loose at those figures it was some time be fore much more business was transacted. They finally had to sell out, though, at prices ranging from $4.6U to $4 65, or about steady with yesterday, practically all of the early advance having been lost. At noon everything was out of first hands. Repre sentative sales: No. At. Ib. Pr. No. At. eh. 37 184 ... 4 64 10 238 80 Tt 144 ... 4 84 18 Ill 44 hi 191 ... 4 64 II I4 ... 64 171 44 4 66 64 244 144 47. t"4 840 4 87 80 218 ... 47 197 40 4 8T7S4 76 104 120 tl. ...... .10 ... 4 40 6 127 10 81...r....l''6 .., 4 44 II ! 40 64 4 44 4 4 f7.,.M..l36 IM t IH 120 4 40 44........I..I ... II tot 44 4 40 76 Srt B04 IS 14 80 4 40 14 Ill ... 78 1"0 140 4 40 44 21 ... 80 ttl 1O0 4 tO II 277 tO 4B Ill ... 4 40 44 237 ... 61 234 120 4 111 61 21 ... 7 119 44 4 M h Iii 44 Tr. 4 44 4 44 4 41 4 18 4 44 4 6 4 61 4 44 4 46 4 I7U 4 ti'7, 4 47 4 4 I7S, 4 474 4 74 4 4i4 4 tils IM ... 4 14 84 Ill ... 4 4." 0 124 140 4 41 75 374 ii 4 86 110 80 4 t;vt 61 230 12 4 424 13 235 8 4 : , 74 111 10 4 Hi, T4 Ill 40 4 ll'e 74 Ill 10 4 11 1 14 J' 100 4 2t4 84 IM 180 4 85 IS Ill 40 4 46 71 104 40 4 46 41 ll 40 4 46 14 213 2 4 5 85 244 84 4 63 16 228 80 4 U 8 227 80 4 16 16 220 80 4 43 86 338 84 4 16 131 40 4 65 71 2M ... 4 46 78 118 N ill 17 !.". ... 4(1 48 134 110 4 (5 41..., -.'.M 40 4 M 48 f?4 1 to 4 8(1 75 Ill J40 4 45 69 2.0 10 4 45 42 144 ... 4 I7H 63 .iJ ... 4 IT 4 ti 2i-9 1J 4 47S 67 244 64 4 1, 43 244 ... 4 47v, 71 231 200 4 174 13 lil 10 4 47 71 Ill 80 4 47e 61 211 ... 4 674 40 .334 ... 4 4 714, 4-1 371 ... 4 70 68 2S6 ... 4 70 43 211 10 4 70 85 224 ... 4 70 67 273 60 4 70 40 8.S7 40 4 70 4v .-n ... 4 10 41 .47 240 4 70 48 3:2 11 4 70 66 It! HO 4 70 H 374 ft 4 10 19 274 114 4 70 74 230 10 4 70 44 271 ... 4 724 6 270 ... 4 7S4 64 t 160 4 7.'4 13 213 ... 4 73 61 Ji ... 4 73 48 324 ... 4 76 SI 1EK1 There were hardly enough sheep and lambs here this morning to make a test of the market, but it could be quoted nbotit steady with yesterday. Some clipped weth ers sold as hltih as $5.10. but they f-uve hen brlnxlng as high as $5.36 and 1.V3V Some Colorado wimled lambs sold for 6.6.'i. whi-'h Is probably not a great deal less than tiey would have hrouirht early In the week. The market la nnrli-nihr edlv rloht around a nuar- tor lower than It was a week ago, with th exception of the very choicest grades or lnnibs, such as those mentioned above, and possibly some of the bwt sheep may not be over 15c lower, but as a general thing price-4 show a loss of right around a quarter. Re ceipts have been so light for the Inst few days that It has been rather difficult M form much of an idea of the true situation. Quotations for clipped stock- Oood t eholrm lambs. $"v50f6.6R: fair to good lunibs, $o.00frtv60; good to choice wooled lamb. 1606.75: fair to good wooled lambs, $6 00 e-ood to choice yearlings or wethers, fr.0Offr5.26; fair to good yearllnns or wethers, $4.75fii.00; good to choice ewes, $4.7!.9o; fair to good ewes, 84.50ig4.7Q. Representative sales: No. Av. 197 western wethers 194 Pr. 6 10 6 86 491 Colorado wool lambs 88 CHICAGO LIVE STOCK MARKET Cattle and Sheep Steady and Bogs Mostly Five Cents Higher. CHICAGO, May 8. CATTLF Receipts, 1,000 head; market steady-; good to prima steers nominal at $T.0lKfr6.76; poor to me dium, $8.90(84.86: stockers nnd feeders. $1"0 trH.W; cows, $1.75fjj4.80; heifers. .i."fg4.60; 11 Tffirt JJ1- .nll. sfWMIIV f alve. $2.f0fiXj.ob; Texas fed Bte'ers, $4 .OUfoi.Ki. HOGS Receipts, 12,000 nead; stlmtited tomorrow, 10,000 head; market mostly 6c higher; mixed and butchers, l.70ti'4.90; food to choice heavy, $4.801.927; rough eavy. $4.65ffi4.75: light. $4.60Si4.80; bulk of sales, $4.70U'4 .80. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 8.000 head; market steady; lambs steady; good to choice wethers, $4.7fiU.26; fair to choice mixed. $3.60iff4.60. western sheep, clipped, $4.0n4i5.26; native lambs, $4.75?T6.75; west ern lambs, cllppei, 4.76iao.o; western lambs, wooled, $6.00f&6.86. Kevr York Lire Stock Market. l'EW TORK. May 8. BEEVES Re ceipts, 9,921 head; the market for steers opened slow, Dut mil steaay; cioseu mm to 10c hither; fat bulls, steady; medium and Kood cowa. lo4T'15o lower; common steady; steers,; bulls, $3 264.124: cows, ih.ud a:i,90. catiies uuoiea came steady at lOfjillHc per. lb., dressed weight; sheep at 12c; yearlings, 13c, dressed weights; refrigerator beef, 9!a'9y,c per lb. Ship ments today, none; estimated tomorrow, 760. CALVES Receipts, 43 neaa; maiaci steady for all grades; veals, 3fft'.c; no strictly prime nere; city dressed veals steady. 6&c per lb.; extra, 7Vio; country dressed at 4fS6Ho. HOGS Keotiii4s, z.350 neaa; mantel nrm; good state hogs, $5.30. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 2.063 head; market for sheep and prime dipped lambs steady ;, wooled and medium clipped lambs, low; wooled sheep, $4.0Uf5.7!; prime cflppetl, $5.i"; wooled lambs, li.S7''' 6.95; clipped, $0.406.25; no spring lambs oftercd. Kansas City Live Slock Market. KANSAS CITY. Mav 6. CATTLE Re ceipts, 1.000 head; market steady. Export nd dressed neer steers. I4.iowo.ou; lair to good, $4.00414.60; westt rn fed steers, $4.iW(j) 4.75; Blockers and feeders, $3.25tjri4.i0; south ern steers, ?3.7;Q3 4.i& ; stuthern cows, Jj.2a ii'i.f); native cows, i2.0Ofjc4.4O; native heif ers, $8.6065.00: bulls, $2.634f3-80; calves. !.7tiVi.75. HOGS Receipts, 6,000 head; market 6?. higher; top, $4.8."; bulk of rains, $4.654.80; hoavy. 4.75S('; packers, 44.fotn4.ou; piga and lights, $4.0fS4.70. SHEEP AND LA MBS Receipts, 500 head; market steady; native lambs, JTi.fO'ti) 6.65; western lambs, $5.00?6.65; fed ewes. $4.50fg'n.5O; Texas clipped yearlings, $4.7.Vi l. ib: Texas ctippea sneep, m. Block ers and feeders, $3.60dj4.50. St. Louis Live Stock Market. ST. LOUIS. May 6. CATTLE Receipts, 1.2o0 head, including 600 Texans; :r.arket steady; native rhlpplng and export stcers, 1:1 .60Q4.90; dressed ana nutcners steers, $3.9fitit6.2&; steers under 1,000 pounds, $3.90 tit.86; stockers taid feeders, $3.2Vo-4.26: cows and heifers, J2.i.r4fM.&0; canners, 81.6W.2.76; bulla, &8.10g3.5; calves $.'t.5tx'y 5.00; Texas and- Indian steers, $3.75&4.70; cows and heifers, $2.50C3.50. HOGS Receipts. 6,500 head: market 6c higher; pigs and lights, $4 25ig4.70; packers, $4.604.80; butchers and best heavy, $4.75 j4.9o. grlttffjr Ainu i.Aftina neceipis, z.mkj head; markot steady; native muttons, $4.50 4j :.; lambs, $5.0u7.O0; oulls and bucks, $1'.50S4.26. St. Joseph Live Stock Market. ET. JOSEPH. Mo., May 8. CATTLE Receipts, 616 head; market steady to 10c higher; natives, $4.10&.).25: cows nnd heif ers, $2.00f&4.75; stockers and feeders, J3.00 fc4 85. MUliB iteceipis, j,ot neaa mantel tic higher; light, $4.66.76; medium and heavy, $4.7o((f4.80. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 100 bead; muiket firm. Sioux City Live Stork Market. PTOinC CITY. la.. Mav 6. fSneclnl Tele. gram.) CATTLE Receipts, 200 head. Mar ket unchanged-beves, $3.60frf4. 80; cows, bulla nnd mixed, $2.804.00; stockera and feeders, $3.OO7!3.80; calves and yearlings, $2.75'n3.76. HOGS Receipts, 8,000 head. Market strong at 6c higher, selling at $1.4644.70; bulk, 84.60(8 4.i- Stock In S its tit. Following are the receipts of live stock for the six principal -western cities yester day: Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. botitn traiana i.wt 4.1s Chicago 1,000 T2.oon 8,r0 Kansas City 1.000 6,000 l.uoo St. Ixmls 1,2.0 6.600 2,o0o St. Joseph 616 3,961 . 100 Sioux City 200 2,0u0 . Totals 4.858 87,8i3 T.588 Wool Market. BOSTON. May 6. WOOL Territory and pulled wools are quiet and generally steady. The market for foreign wools is firm. Leading quotations are: Idaho, tine, 14tytl'16c; heavy tine, iJ4il4!ric; fine medium, ljfuMfeo; medium, IBta-iTc; low medium, 17 (u isc. Wyoming, fine, uvuls iuftc ; heavy fine, l.'kiiUV; fine medium, lou-lDVsic; low medium, 1 Mil 19c. Utah and Nevuda, flue, 13BKlVsc; flue medium, 1!4i16c; medium, ld 19c; low medium, 164 ..'0c. Lakota, tine. Is frloc; fine medium, ltuloHc; medium, 18 19c; low medium. WqSjc. Montana, fine, 15 &l9c; fine averat 17 the fine medium choice, lii&19c; averau. i'l'o; stapio, Ibiu 19c: medium choice, 119c. 1 lie l.oiluuerciMVl rsiliieiiii iuiiiuitu w tmii Bay: Since the big purcnases made last week by the American Woolen compimy the wool market has been very dull. There have bten no new buyers here and uniy small lots changed hands. The outlook Is considered dubious, aa advloes from manufacturers is dlsooiiraging and more machinery has been shut down this week. Prices or wool are more or less nominal In the absence of Important sales and gen erally small stocks. In the west new stocks are moving freely at full 1 rices, the lend in the scoured cost of Utah and Wyoming wools being variously estimated at 4rf(tVJu. Foreign markets are Arm. London auction sales opened on Tuesday at advanced prices on medium and low cross bretis and merinos maintained. Private cables re ceived lu this city quote an advance of 6 to 7 per cent on Wednesday on merino wools. The shipments of Boston todav from December 81, 1903, are 77,608,291 pounds against 86,140,3TJ pounds at the sums time last year. The receipts to d -te are 67.4o6.624 pounds, against Tl,3i4b71 pounds for the same period last year. ST. LOUIS, May 6 WOOL-Steady; me dium grades, cixnblng snd dothlug, 'J0Vtf 21c; llKhi Ana 16'il7fco; heavy tine, 14014; tub washed. ki31o. IONIKN. May . WOOI-The offerings at the wool auction sales today numbered 18 A6 bales. There was a large attendance. Bldling was animated throughout the sale. Victoria greasy combings were in strong demand and several lots were taken by Americans, who also purchased some, greasy halfbreds at full rates. Queensland Kreasy was very strong and combings were in ex ceptionally keen demand. Fine greasy Cape of Good Hope sold well and low grades were occasionally wltrdrawn, bids being Vid below holders' limits. H'-oureds were firm and unchanged. Fallowing are the sales In detail: New South Wales OiKi bales; scoured, fhl'rils 104d; Kreasy, 7rjill1t.fl. QuetusUuil i,0v0 bales; scoured. Is W it l8Vrd; greasy, UXld. Victoria-1. Too bales; scoured, llou is t Vi- greasy, 1 (t Is J',,1. South Australia bules, scoured, lsi.i Is 64.1; gie.isy, Mrlld- Tasmania-i bales; gTeasy, 7VdijlslV. New Zealand Ji.xM liRies; Bcotiied, iVlil"9d: greasy. oVl'iV lslVtd. Cape of U00J Hoi and N.ital N) bales; scoured, lsosd; greasy, 4-t(a'sd. UHAUA V HULbtALK MARKETS. Condition of Trade ud Qaotntlone on Staple aad Fancy Produce. EGGS Receipts, liberal; market steady; fresh nock. loS.e; Including caaes, 16c. LIVE POLi- i'hl llena, loc; roosters, $j;.c; luratys. ioo; ducks, r10; geese, 80. in. r ib.K-i lini( Hock. UVm., choice to fancy', .1416.-; sepuialoi, StViilc. FMZbtl r'lau Trout, 14o; pivketei, Se; pike, 1..;; pen Ii. ikui.Vc; tiuedsli, U'l wlilie l.sii, lto; siiliiiun, 11c; haddock, loe; cod nsli, l.t: redsnapper, lie; iuhu-r, boiled, per lb. AV; bm. beads, lie; catnsn, lag 14c; (lack baas, ioc; lisUbut, Uo; crpplos, lac; heriing. uc; ie suau, ic, sLud rue, oe, Binail c-sc. s, tuc. RitA Pur ton, 819.00. , 11 A V 1 iiifs uuoted by Omaha Who.e sti 1 ( i- h'JhU.iii: Choice No. 1 tip. Ihiij, $mi; .o. 2, r.60, mediuui, $7.00; coarse, loo;.1; rye siraw, io.ou. Tlie piico ore for hay of euva color and -ualil'. Demand luit aiij ie."ita light. IkOI'K AL FRUITS. ORANGUS-.Navels. choice, ell sizes, $26"; l.uicy uavais, all sixes, $2.76; medium sweets, all alses, $2.e6; Jaflaa, all sizes, LKMONS-Callfornla fancy, 300 to SCO. $3.60; choice, .40 to iiO. $3.003.76. CALIFORNIA FIGS Per 10-lb cartons. 66c; Imported Hinyriuv, 2-orowu, lie; 6- crown, 14c; i-crown, loo. BANANAS Per medium alied H!U-,i2wi: J umbo. L. ,f'.l J6. bunch, 1 i'A 1 r.o 1 ersian, per oua. vi ov Lfiva". e-i per Ib. In 60-lb boxes, 60; Oiieutul Blurted dates, per box, $J.4i). PINEAPPLES-ln crates of 24 to 42 per crate, $3.00. FRUITS. APPLES Oregon fancy Ben Davis, per box, $1.60; New York export Russets aud Baldwins. 14.00 STRAWBERRIES Ark anaas. per 24-qt. case, U. 1 6141 3.00. VEGETABLES. rOTATOESColorado, $1.20; Dakota, rer bu., $1.16; new Bermuda potatoes, per bbl., $6.00: new Texas R1 stock, In suck, per lb., So; early Ohio seed, northern, pur bu., $1.26. NAVY BEANS I-er bu $3.16452.25. ONIONS Bermuda, per 50-Ib. oiate, $2.00. CABBAGE California, per lb., 30; southern, per crate, $3.60. CCCUAIBERS Per dos., $1.26. TtlMATOEts FlorlflH, per S-baBket crata, lancy, $J.00; choice, $1.76. RADISHES Per do. bunches, 85S50C. I.ETTUCE Top lettuce, per doacu, tu9 60c. TURNIPS Southern, per dos, 46c RLrCTK-Soothern, per doi., 16c. rAUKOTS-Southern, per dux., 75c. PARSLEY Per di., 40c. 1EA NS Wax, per bu. box, $3.00; Btrink, per bu. box, $3.00. SPINACH Per bu., $1.00tT1.26. ASPARAGUS Per dozen tunches, 4r7T.rCc. GREEN PEPPERS Per e-basket crate, $2.00. EGG PLANT Per do., $100. , SUUASH Florida Bummer, per dig., $1.00. MISCELLANEOUS. CHEESE Wisconsin twins, full cream, 11c; Wisconsin Young America, 12c; block Swiss, 10c; Wls-eoni-ln brick, 18ic; Wiscon sin llmbergcr, 13c. CIDER Per bbl., $6 60; per tt bid., $3.25; MAPLE SUGAR-Ohio. per lb., 10c. HIDES No. 1 green, 60; No. 2 green, fcj No. 1 salted. 7c; No. 2 salted, 6c; No. 1 veal calf, 8 to 12 lbs., 9ftc; No. 2 veal calf, 12 to 16 lbs, 6W; dry salted hides, t-tj!12c; sheet) iielts. 24if27c: horsehides. U.60S2.0. JIOKSEHADll6ti-Par crate 01 i aoien r.anliAA Clin N UTS Walnuts, No. 1 soft shell, per lis, 16c; hard Bhell, per lb., I4c: No. 1 soft shell, per lb., ISc; No. 2 hard shell, per lb., l?c; pecans, large, per lb., 12c; small, per lb., 10c; peanuts, per lb., tc; roasted peanuts, pur lb., 8c;Chill walnuts, L'tfl3Vic; large hickory nuts, per lb., lie; almonds, soft shell, per lb., 160; hard shell, 13c; shell barks, per bu., $2 00; black walnuts, per bu., $1.2o. Cotton Market. LIVERPOOL, May t COTTON Spot !n lets demand, prices 14 points higher. American juiddllng fair, Sd; mld.ll;nr, 786.1: middling-. 7. 76.1 : low niiiMlinK.-7.fild: good ordinary . 7.D2.1; ordinary, 7.i-J. lit urcs tponed firm nnd closed steady. Amer ican ir.lJdllng. g. o. c, May, 7.56d; May and June, 7.60d; June and July, 7.4f.d; July aid August, 7S9d; August and September, 7.131 ; eptember and October. 6.49d; October and November, 6.22d; November and December, 614d; December and January, 6 lid; Janu ary and February, 6.19(1. ST. LOUIS. May (.-COTTON Quiet and Unchnnged; rales, 60 bales; itock, 11 J)6. NEW ORLEANS, ay 6. COTTON Put fres barely eteudy; May, 13.8141 '13.83c; June, U'.f Mi 14.00c; July, U.:tiH.Wc; August, 13.20 :3.21c; September, U 7oyll.71c; October, :-,.17S11.18e; November, 11.08fu'U.10c; Decem ber, ll.fJSfy 11.04c. Spot steady; sales, 2,000 bales; ordinary, 11 9-16c; good ordinary, 12ic; low middling, l.'llc; middling, 13T,o; good middling 14 3-16c; middling fair, 14 9-16c; receipts, 2,234 bales; stock. 183,527. NEW YORK, May 6. COTTON Fut ures closed easy; May, 13.52c; June, 13.61c; July. Ll'iOc; August, I3.37c. Spot closed quiet, 10 points higher; middling uplands, 13.90c; middling gulf, 14.16c; sales, 643 boles. Bletal Market. NEW YORK, May 6. M ETA LS Tin worked a little lower in tho London mar ket, with spot closing 10s lower t 127 5s. while futures declined 7s 6d to 125 12s 6d. Lomlly the market was Influenced some what by tho decline abroad, closing c-isy at $27. 7o"'t 28.00. Copper was also lower In the English market. Spot closed at a decline of 2s 6d to 5K 5s, while futures lost Is 3d and closed at the same figure. Locally copper was unchanged. Lake Is quoted at f 13.50; electrolytic, $13 12Miil3 .25; faffing, $irS7W.'tf 13.12. Lead advanced 2s 6d to 12 In Lon don, but remained quiet here at $4.Wf4.66. Spelter was unchanged nt 22 7s6d in Lon don and at $5.?tvfi5.2o in the New York mar ket. Iron closed at 6,?s In Glasgow and nt 44s 7ttd in Mtddlesbomugh. Locally It Is Ctilet. No. 1 foundry northern ls quoted st $15. 25$ IS. 75: No. 2 foundry northern. $14.75 15.25; No. 1 foundry southern and No. 1 foundry southern soft, $14 0014.60. ST. LOUIS, May . M ETALS Lead, lower, $4.36. Spoltor, lower, $5. Evaporated Apples and Dried Fruits. NEW YORK. May 8 - I7VAPORATED APPLES No Improvement was shown In point of den and. Common, 4ff6ic; prime, 6-tr.'c ; choice, ti'; fancy. 7fJ7Vj!0. CALIFORNIA DRIED FRUITS Prunes continue to show easiness, but Ihe range of prices remains unchanged at from $0 to 6.o, according to grade. Apricots meet with a moderate request, with choice (noted at 9Vff)10c, extra choice at lOf 10140 and fancy at llS'13c. peaches are quiet, choice being juoted at TVjWHc, ixtra cholco at 7Vue and fancy at tVirll'lOc. I Coffee Market. NEW YORK. May 6 -COFFEE Th I market for futures opened iteady at un changed prices to a decline of 6 points. Stiles were reported of 59.500 bags, including May at 6.45c; June. 6.rVc; July. B.&KrW.frio; September, b.Kd.Ko; December, 6.1&$ti.2oos January, 6.2"c; May, 8.40c. Spot Rio, otilef, No. 7. invoice, 6 Ac; mild, quiet; Cordova, lfiTil3o. The Coffee exchange today -toted Mav 28 on extra holiday, that day being the Sat urday before Decoration day. WauHtlr art on Mnr4erer is Hanirrd. W;XA WALLA, Wash.. May 6. Jajnei Chanuoux w&s hanged in the state peniten tiary nere ttday for the murder of Lottie Bruce, November 12, tWO. Champoux walked from the hospital tn.lldlng to the Bcuffold, neaily fifty yatds, unaided. No Turnado la Ok lenotna. WICHITA, Kan., May 6. A eiec!n! to tho Beacon from Cherokee saya C'Bt fho report of a tornado at Carmen, nkl., I untrun. There was a wind ind rainstorm at Jot, Okl., but no damage resulted RKAL ESTATE! TRAKNKKJtS. Deeds filed for record May 6, 19(1, us rushed by the Ml'iland Guarnjiteo Trust company, boridtd simmcUr, Farnam Btreet, for Tne Lee: W. 10. Weekly and wife t.i Joseph Anderson, lot 23, Weekly's addition... EMjali E. fiutgli and wife to Aipie'on R. Davis, wVa of sw4 ot soc. 8-ji-iu... Hans Larson to Joncph and Anna Vachal, p-irt of lot a, block 4, Hawaii's kubdlvlslon Anton Cero aud wife to Rose Cero, ,1 t 6, blot k t. Burlington (.'enter H.'Slna . Wrleth and husbund lo Hens Wrlc-'.h, lot 7, block 4. t'rook lln John F. JoLnaon and wife to Emma S. Larsen, lots t and 7, block 6, Car thage Oeoige A. to Nina E. Bevlck, fiart of lot 11, block 13, and part of ot 18. block 18, South Omalut Lucy E. James to Clara McCardel, part of lot 4, block $, South Omaha.. Melvln S. Uhl and wife to Abraham U Patri.k. lots 1 to (, block 10, Jerome Park Delor'S McGough to Minna Stalon, lot 8, block 16, Florence Joseph C. Reeves and wife et al to Delia T. McAvoy, wV4 ne4 of eec. 11- 14-10, snd other land John H. Qulnti et al to Joseph C. Reeves. nVt neV of aeo. 11-14-10, and other land Iella F. MoAvoy et al to Elisabeth Qnlnn, ti1 nc'4 sec. 11-14-10, and other land National life Insurance company to Patrick J. Judge, lot 11, block 7, Kouuuj Place fur- 11 n i llil $160 2,100 9-Jo GCO 1,100 150 700 SCO 8,000 1 X 1 1 J.OtaJ