Newspaper Page Text
'nE 0MAI1A DAILY DEE: THURSDAY. MAY, 12. .1904. W- Telephjrij H. ' WE CLOSE 8ATVRDAY8 AT P. M. "Sacceti ;. treads on the heels of every rijlit effort," 1 1 ;-:May dor values in our underwear and hosiery department thai' will bring many new customers along with the regular one. Ladles' I'nlon Suit, low neck, sleeveless, umbrella knee, lace trimmed, special good values, at fine and $!.( each. Ladles' I'nlon Suits, extra lorn sUes 7, 8 and 9, low neck, sleeveless, umbrella knee, lace trimmed, $1 and Ir.Co each. " ladles' flne gaoee cotton or Hale vests, low neck nnd ahort slecree, r low neck, sleeveless; all hand finished crochet and tape neck, special values, at 5"c. 75C and $1.00 tach.l vi 'A I I-adles gauze llsJe black hoae, made with garter tops, double sole, heels and toesj 35c, or 3 pairs for $1.00 - Ladles' very fine gauis Hal or cotton hse, double soles, heela and toes, spliced selvedge, 6uo per parr. Deposit Account Department Many of .the'depositora In our Depr.slt account department are asking us this question. ; ' ' . ' Must we trade rut all money we deposit? - Tn reply will a that afll or part of It may be- withdrawn any moment cither in CASH or MERCHANDISE. t We will pay 4 per cent Interest compounded four times a year for the time your; money is with tie. '.' When In the store ask Hoi hava the plan otrlaifiec more fully. J HIfilP!MEILl A . 1. . . Y. M.. A. Building, Corner promised that all precautions would lr taken. Should the Russians retire frorri New" Ch wang he (the secretary) did not suppose there would be any protection for British life or property against hrlgandago until the entry of Japanese Into the town. nrsniA! troop nkar skw ciiwano Soma Which Left Are Retnrnlnsr In the Treaty Port. BHAIf HAI KWAN,. May U.-The Rus slan troctps are- lingering in the vicinity of New Awing, and' some of them are returning ,to the city. The Russian artil lery Is ready for Instant transportation. The reports of fighting at Mao Yang have not ,been . confirmed. There was a probability- nat-: it was merely a brush with brigand. r" ... , Haf Cheng Is being reinforced with troopn from Llao Yang It Is reported here' that the Japanese' Rre creeping close to Prrt Arthu'. It is believed the First army corps is still at Feng Wang Cheng. Lieutenant Colonel W. B. Schuyler, U. S. A., will go forward tomorrow to Join the. Russian forces. y . t JAPANESE TO FLOAT . SEW LOAN '.'I ! ' ', i Cabinet Decide to Offer Fifty Million , Dollars to Ieoplc.ol Islands.. TOKIp...Mfl,j.-r4( p,,m,-A(,, cabinet meeting yesterday it was decided to flout In June another popular loan of $50,000,000 at 96 per cent, redeemable In Ave years, with Intefcst at S per cent, payment to be . made In ten Installments. An Imperial ordinance providing for the loan will be Issued about May 20. Should the loan be oversubscribed an equal distribution will be made among the Kppllcartts, Instead of giving preference to-' small -subscribers,- as was done In the case of the lust loan. . LONDON, May lkr-The prospectus of the Japanese loan of $0,lMO,0Qp was . issued today. The issue price is S5V4. ' V.: Csar Reviews Troops. ST. PETERSBURG, May ll.-Emperor Nicholas, who was accompanied by the empress and several of the .gcuiuS dukes and a brilliant staff .reviewed-. 60,000 troops otf' the Champ de Mars this morning. A great concourse viewed the brllilapt .spec tacle. As each regiment marched past the emperor the soldiers shouted "Oood hfalth, your majesty." A grand charge of . Cossacks ended the review. The Im perial party was accorded a hearty recep tion by the people. Seats on balconies overlooking the review ground sold for $25. The money will be devoted to the Red Cross. Swdi Dralrea to Protect Neutrality. ST. PETERSBURG, May 11. The Swedish-Norwegian minister in an interview today a plained that the mining of the poi't fV'sllte, on -the island of Gothland, arid other Swedish ports, was tn order to preserve the neutrality of Sweden in the vent of complications In the Baltio arising from the war In the far east. Teal Reaches Port Arthnr. LONDON,"" May -11. A dispatch to the Central News from Llao Yang, dated today, ays that entrain reached Port Arthur yes terdays' tte, railroad officials say that no "THE QUEEN OF Abollinaris j. 'Naturally effervescent and alltolirie, it greatly benefits the digestive tract. CUT OUT THIS . ..... , Omaha Bea Exposition Coupon . A Trip to St. Louis via The Wabash ONE VOTE On Vot fbr Address. Town. CUT THIS OUT Deposit at Be Office or mall to "Exposition Department." Omaha Bee, Omaha, Nebraska. CUT OUT THIS COUPON. Omaha Bee A Trip to St. Louis PREPAYMENT COUPON it.. .Votes for. Address . Town. Send lee to (Dime). Address. OOunta ' Davos Qswa ha. Nek. This coupon, when accompanied by a rash prepaid subscription to mi 10 viitn for aach lis uald. 100 votes for each dollar paid. eto. . A subauriutlon cannot I umpald until the amount due to date II al U omoa or mail to 'aipoamou jHartnMtui, . i Bee. May 11. ouniiiiei Weight Underwear MM, Sixteenth and Douglas St troops were observed near the railroad but that some Japanese cavalry were seen behind Feng Wang Cheng. , The dispatch adds that advices from Gensan suy that 4"0 Cossacks are still at Song Jin, about 160 miles north of Oensan. JAPS LASIHNO ANOTHER DIVISION Mikado' Forces Are Movln Toward New Chwana;. ST. PETERSBURG. May 12. On May 8 the Japanese forces cautiously moved from Feng Wang Chng toward Hal Chang, which s thirty-two miles east by north of New Chwang. If the Japanese reach Hal Cheng, with Fort Arthur effectively cut off, New Chwang, which the Russians have already dismantled, would pass Into their hands. T,he entire llao Tung penin sula, In - fact, - Port- Arthur and perhaps Kalping, would be commanded by them. The satisfaction felt at the re-establlsh-ment of communication with ' Port Arthur is Increased with the knowledge that a train load of ammunition has been safely delivered to the fortress. This was done In the presence of the enemy's army which landed at Pitxwo and is apparently on the eve of being reinforced by another division on board thirty transports now lying off Port Adams. New Yorkers Get RoialfLn . Loan. NEW YORK, May li Fart 'of the new Russian loan Issued in Paris has been taken by New York banks, the National City being among those participating. No publlo Invitations to subscribe, will be issued. The total amount taken here will probably not exceed $4,000,000. Japan laanea Exchequer Bonds. LONDON, May 11. The correspondent of the Central News at Toklo cables that a second issue of exchequer bonds, amounting to $50,000,000, probably made at th end of the month. The cabinet will hold a conference tonight on the subject with bankers and financiers. r; i will Lean jipincic uo. . PAttlS, May 11. A dlspalcE to the Tempi frorn St. Petersburg soya .'General Kourofl patkin win not take tne onensive unn,i; the -end... of July, as It ,hajbeen decided. to 'draV the Japanese as far as possible! into the interior of Manchuria. MAY REOPEN THE IROQUOIS Chirac o Building Commissioner Asked to Approve Plans (or Playhouse. CHICAGO, May 11. A step toward open ing the Iroquois theater have been taken. Plans for remodeling the interior in strict compliance with an ordinance .laving been laid .before Commissioner Williams by the new owners, Hyde A Behman of New York and Harry Davis of Pittsburg. A seating capacity of l.tSOO, which Is not far from the old capacity, is provided for. The steep pitch of the gallery Is modified. In the rear of the main floor of the bal cony and of the gallery are planned fire proof walls which will make passageways leading to exits. . ' . TABLE WATERS." mildly entire COUPON. Name, Stat. Exposition Coupon via The Wabash Name, State. THB BPJkl, . has been paid. ciioana , LAGOON ALLOWED TO GO DRY Wa'l ef til Ltke at tb Worli'i fair is - Caring In.: ' ' MOROS AT ANTENUPTIAL CEREMONIES Geronlmo, the Apache Chief, and Some of His Rravea Arrive at the Louisiana Tarrhaae ICipoaltlon. 3T. LOriS, May ll.-Today the lagoon was dry for -the first time since the open ing day. It wa discovered that one of the walla of tho lagoon was caving In and that the water would thereby be turned Into the underground course of the River Des Pares. In order to make the neeesoary repairs the water whs drained from the lagoon. . . . . . ...,,.. . Tomorrow the official tour of the ex posltioa palaces wUI .he made by the offi clals.of the exposition. This tour will in dicate that the exhibits aro. in the ma jority, fully Installed., and the remainder are almost completed and . the. exposition will be. declared, ready for. bringing In yliitors fiorn all parts of the country. No effort has befn made to bring in outslda visitors up to this time for this verv rca.- son and ho' excursions ti'ay'o been run by 'railroads. . ., . . . .... . t . .. Moron Fenat and Tray. , lanao .Morns nave started upon a program of steady praying and feasting In honor of the approaching marriage of . Sul tan ritlllian. Asume, the bride-to-be, is one of the ninety slave wives of Sultan Asume, It Is stated, and the ceremonies will take place as soon as the. Moros are romforta'bly settled in their village. The 'Moros' began praying nnd continued it ctiirlng part of the day and devoted much of the remainder of the 'day to feasting. Praying and feasting periods will bo ob served every third day until the ceremony taKes puce. It was Announced today that Italy's $1,000,000 exhibit of handicraft In the Pal aces of Manufactures and Varied Indus tries will be formally opened on May IS, The. exhibit was opened Informally to pub lic Inspection today. In the Talace of Varied Industries are shown ciramlcs, glassware, wrought Iron and mosaics. In the Palace of Manufactures the display in cludes beautiful marble statuary, bronze, carved furniture, silks and laces. Geronlmo at the Fair. Geronlmo, the famous Apache chief who hum been -constructively a prisoner of ths United States government for more than a quarter of a century, accompanied by ten Apache, braves and squaws and two families of Comanches, arrived in St. Louis today. They at once proceeded to the World's, fair. Much . interest . has been manifested by visitors to the - World's fair In- the construction of thjs tepees, lodges and wigwams of the -Indian village.- As -the different kinds of. living quarters have been put up by. the. Indians, visitors have con gregated in crowds from curiosity. It was announced today thai the Indian village and exhibit will be opened qr June .l.and a full' day's program will be carried out. At first It was Intended that the opening would not be of length, but because o the general Interest-in tho Indians, the program will be extended In details. Speeches will be made by nlembers of the' Indian conference, by Commissioner of Indian- Affairs' Jones and others, deronlmo, the fambus Apache fchlef.'-wh'o Is now a prisoner.' of "war at Fort Sfll, I." T.,' Is ex' pectd to arrive wsMiln ' few' days." : .iA-rraagement .are-being- mafle 'for ;" ttie orgawtsatlan' oCt seljnlo-r oWthe WoWfl s 'rn"IF ;yplVS7,foT InatmcUns;- akouavoMty-vet iion-spnvpiasjonea . nmcers ofa the -Filipino-sggutan.the .EagUsb language.-, - - ' - Other ICihlMt Are Open. The formal opening of the Indiana build ing will be. held June 1, the decision hav ing been reached today. In the evening a reception will be tendered the state and foreign commissioners. Holland's art exhibit was informally opened to the publlo today. The exhibit includes a beautiful display of pottery and delft ware and occupied nine rooms In the Art palace. The combination of water colors is said to be one of the finest ever exhibited. . A large consignment of the famous old box trees, trimmed in the shape of ani mals, birds and other queer forms, arrived today . at . the British pavilion, together with about twenty varieties of eld English ivies. The trees will bo set out around the British pavilion, but it Is undecided whether to use the ivies in decorating the pavilion's exterior or place them on ex hibit In the palace of horticulture. The question will be settled within a few days. PROGRESS IN GILLESPIE CASE Considerable Excitement Over Manner in Which Jurymen Are Delnsr Secured. RISING SUN, Ind., May ll.-In tho Gil lespie murder trial today Oscar Jones was excused from the jury that qualified last night on evidence that he was related to Mrs. Seward, one of the defendants. There was much excitement about the court house over the way some, jurors qualified. Thomas Shay of the defense moved that the McMullens and Henry Span be not allowed to assist the prose cutor and the forenoon was devoted to arguments on Shay's motion. DEATH RECORD, onoenarlaa at Hnmboldt. . HUMBOLDT, Neb., May 11. (Special ) Grandma Dalby, who' has been a familiar character in and around Humboldt for over forty years, died quite suddenly last even ing at her home on -North Central avenue. She was seated on .the veranda, when. at tacked by a fit of coughing, which appar ently ruptured a blood vesael, and she ex-i pired Inside, of fifteen minutes, and before medical aid could reach her. The deceased was a native of Pennsylvania, born In U13, which would make her 81 years of age, and a remarkable fact is that she had always been In a state of health which permitted her to perform most of the household du ties, and had only about twenty minutes prior to the final summons finished her kitchen work aa uusal. Mrs. T. F. Starrest. Mrs. Minnie Sturgeas, wife of T. P. Stur gesa, died shortly after midnight this morn ing, after an Illness lasting since lust sum mer. Last August she had an attack of pneumonia, from which she never rallied. She spent the winter In Colorado In hopes of benefiting her health, but Instead gradu ally declined and was brought home to end her days with her family. Mrs. Stur geas was 3H years old and was born at Marshalltown, la. She was married to Mr. Sturgeas at Niobrara, Neb., In 18. They removed to Omaha In 18S9, where they have alnce resided. She has been active In the affairs of the Seward Street church ever since coming to the city and for some time had charge luf the primary, depart ment of the Sunday school. No arrangements have yet been roads. ' Mrs. Margaret Kdmnnda. YANKTON, 8. P., May 11. (Special Tele 'gram. Mrs. Msrgarete' Edmunds, wife of ex-Jtvernor Newton Edmunds, died at'O o clock this rooming after an Illness .of Inure than twp.yeaj-f. .She we b,uru In troy, N. and was T ars eld. Mia PUP Jinn 1JH W i 1ft Promoted by Shampoos of ttticm& And light dressings of CUTIGURA.the great Skin Cure and sweetest of emollients. This " treatment at once stops falling hair, removes crusts, scales, and dandruff, destroys hair parasites, soothes irritated, itching sur faces, stimulates the hair fol licles, loosens the scalp skin, supplies .the roots with energy and nourishment and makes the hair gfoW upon a sweet, wholesome, healthy scalp, when all-else fails. N. B. Complete External aid Internal Tieatmnrt or 'every Humor from . Pimniei to Scrorula, fWm ' Infincy to Age, contiiting of CUTICUKA Sato; Ointment, and Pills, may noV be bid of fl brugg'iti for One Dollar. ' A t,M..t.A V 2 ...!' rv. a . a. . mnt, AOc., H-olvtnt, SOe. (In form 0 Chocolate bttattf ' rim, rvc. pjr nu pi u. ii-pou.: London, 17 Cbarur. kouta Kq.t Ptrtl, CR4r 14'1'tLr; Boiton, 17 Oolamsaa rottn Drue A Ohm.Cors.. S.a Pnovttrf. -((nil for " Hi- lo, l'urll ul Beiu'ifT Uvakkln, Sc-tfftJl-fcW.d.-llluidt.'! 0 - t'i Jt4rfra Kt::. - '- ' came to Yanktiyi .ln,18frt (to.Joloher hus band,'' tn'eH . go'f enbr pj. the territory. . . ". .Colonel U. B. B, Bristol. JJKW YORK,.Mfty,-illAfCJonel' Henry n. B. gslstoir V. S.-' A..tretlred), is dead at his home here. He was born in Detroit, Mich., In IMS, entered the army under General -ijewls Cass," nnd'-after the civil war served In several Indian campaigns. DENVER NEXT .'ON THE LIST Tebeau's Mountaineers and Fa Rourke'a Poys. Will Play Four-Game series. "White Wings" Tebtau hiia mo-ed his bunch of beauties In from TJehver and will open fire on Pa Rourke's warriors this aft ernoon, the eame ' which Will continue throughout Sunday. Denver incidentally is leading the Western league, with .106 to the good of the r.ext best, Colorado Springs, and Omaha Is jocTfeying-for a start, not having selected any definite rank, but just at present tarrying In fifth place. But the home team promises much better things; It Is batting as It has not done for a long time, and, , strengthened In the oox by . Pfiester, who is id tli city ready for the slab, may be expected to- give the Moun taineers a hard rub. Friday will be ladles' day and Dlmick's ' orchestra . will aid the ball players to entertain the fair cnes and any of their male', attendants who might chance to be present. The personnel ot the, two teams will be: Omuha. Position., . . Denver. Thoinaa flrct base ' ..i . . . .Braun ', Howard....;.,.-, second base '.Mailman Shipke.. third baso .Hartzell ...Smith . McHale K-etcham Ilui p ....Lucia uoian.. Miller.. Welch., Carter. shortstop ..'left field . center field rleht field Oondlng Citoher Freese catcher Pfiester pitcher Eyler Llerhardt pitcher Kenna Hhafstall k,... pitcher Cable Companion pitcher Vollendorf McCarthy..... pitcher ...Hostel ter FIRE RECORD. .Old Landmark nt Hldney. .SIDNEY, Neb., (Iay ll.-(Speclal Tele gram.) The Black Hills barn, one of the ancient landmarks, and a two-story dwell ing adjoining 1t turned last night. A horse and spring wagon used by a mall carrier were also burned. ,'The property was In sured for 11,000 In the Nebraska Mercantile Mutual. . ' ' A Thouahtfnl nonan(t Cured his wife rf fainting and dlxxy spells, weakneaa, headache and backache with Electric Bitters. Try them. 80o. For sale by Kuhn A CO. HYMENEAL. Walters-Pavnlot. SIDNEY, Neb., May ll.-(SpeclaI Tele gram.) The marriage of Noah Walters of Rock Springs, Wyo., and Llbhle Pavalot, realdlng tiear Lodge Polei this county, was solemnized this afternoon at the home of the bride's parents. Rev. Richard White house of the Episcopal church, officiating. COFFEE AILS GONE WHIN ; YOU ISC POSTUM "THERE'S A REASON." at the little Inek "THE ROAD TO TOO BUSY GATHERING VOTES GaadidV.ei 6oro at the Po ll in Tlx Bee'i Contest for Ten Tri; to St. Loulr- TORTOISE WILL FINALLY TAKE ON WINGS And the Idle Candidate Will Be Left tending Aghast on the Shores ot the ruddle of Dis appointment. i However slow the mills of the gods may be they could give Immense odds to the froien molasses speed of the voting In The Bee's present contest for ten tnips , to the St. Louis Exposition, but when It comes to fine work wait till Sat urday and see. The candidates are, no doubt, out In the woods rolling logs, saw ing wood and .sharpening their knives, too busy to come In and vote, but Just you wait till Saturday and witness the cyclone of concentrated turmoil spinning In the air. Yesterday's vote elevated a few scores, brought In a few new candi date but failed to lift the high soore one peg higher. The vote at 3 p. m. Wednesday, May 11, was:. ' J. Clark, Omaha.... 21 J. W. Foley, Omaha ; Zto C. W. Hoyd. Omaha K6 II. S. Mann, Omaha l."2 Fred Sliotwell, South Omaha 9 nil a King. Omaha 8 Sadie Walker, Omaha KH 8. D. Uec Omaha 81 Arthur ('. Bryant, Omaha &( John Starr, Omaha 13 J'rank E. Jones, South Omah lo Tom Bourke, Omaha 10 Chus. O. Saunders, Council Bluffs 1 SALINE COUNTY FOrIaDILEK Republicans at Wither Boom Resident o County for Secretary cf Stnte. WILBER, Neb., May 11. (Bpeclal Tele gram.) The republican county convention heid here yesterday was preaUfed over by J. D. Pope with all precincts represented. By rising vote a resolution was unanimously passed that the republican party of Saline county takes great prldo In presenting one of its favored . sons, Frank J. Sadllek, to the republican state convention as a can didate for secretary of state. We point with with pride to the record of Mr. Sad iltk as a member of tho bouse, oounty treasurer, register of deeds and chairman of the county central committee. Mr. Sad llek was requested to ttvlect the delegation. T. A. Vore of Crete was nominated for state senator on the first ballot, rtcelvlng seventy votes to fifty-one cast for Dr." Wr.' 8. Love of Wllber. -J. J. Rohrer of TYlend and D. A. Stetson of Western were nom inated for representatives, B. V. Xohout for county attorney and Vincent Aksamlt for commissioner, all by ncclammatlon. Delegates to the state convention are F. I. Fobs, J. L. Tldball, Anton Dredla. J. H. Grimm, E. 3. Splrk. 3. T). Pope. W. O. Southwlck. W. H. Staley, John Juck, J. W. Ingles, W. T. Buehannn, William Kaup, P. F. Dodson, Vincent Aksamlt, J. P. Chip man. W.. S. Wiggins, G W. Cobel, C. A. Baker, Hugh McCargar Delegates were also chosen to the float representative con vention of Saline and Gag counties which meets here Thursday. ' WEST1 POINT, Neb., May ' lf.-(8peclal Telegram.):'-The republicans of Cuming courity met today tr. "delegate convention In this city with a good attendance. F. W. West of Wisher occupied the chair. .The cdriventlori ' called 'As' the outgrowth, of the feeling engendered a-nong the rank anil file-of 'the party by the action of the central cotnmltt:fn selecting delegates to the srafe and ' congfeVilbnaf conventions without falling a courity convention.' The following Vere elected as delegates: State S.'- Lent', A. J. West. Edward Burke, George Ranson-, C. J. Weherg, w. H. Rutterfleld, R. O. VVIIlls. A. C. Purlng ton. F. Sonnenscheln, It. F. Kloke, F. W. Kloke, G. L. Nelnburg, Charles Ander son. Congressional F. C. Evans. F. J. Buck. O. C. Anderson, ' Charles Korb, George Nellor, Charles Ward. Charles It. Safs. Julius Kuester, Fred Meyer, Oust Mathlas, itarry jarrett, t w. juedke. No resolutions were offered nor nomina tions made for county offices. The call for the convention was signed by Senator A. R. Oleson, F. Sonnenscheln and forty-seven others. The convention was addressed at length by Senator Ole son, who denounced the methods employed by the - committee In selecting the dele gates. The action of today will undoubt edly result In Cuming county sending two delegations to both of the conventions. The committee claims that Its action In the premises was perfectly proper and legal, and the right thing to do under the cir cumstances, while the convention took ex actly the opposite view. A motion forbid ding the central committee from making any more appointments In the future was passed. -SIDNEY, Neb., May 11. (Special Tele gram.) The following delegates were today chosen for the republican state convention: Robert H. Willis, James L. Mcintosh, Fred E. Ganen, W. P. Miles, Henrv Gapen, Francis O. Wiener and James McMullen. Examining- Would-Ile Drngfliti, HOLDREGE, Neb., May 11. -(Special Tele gram.) The examiners of the State fcoard Of Pharmacy have been holding their ex amination here today. There was a clans of twenty-four. Tonight the druggists of the city gave them a smoker at the Pythias' hall. There were a number of toasts by local speakers and others and a general good time enjoyed. RIPARIAX OWSEHI GET Til'" -ITER . J Important Irrigation Cnse L..,Ied In Cheyenne County. SIDNEY, Neb., May 11. (Special Tele-gram-The adjourned term of district court of Cheyenne cp.unty, which has Just closed, decided the case of the Courthouse Rock Irrigation Company against Wlllard & Dugger, of great Interest to the Irrigation Interests of the state. The irrigation com pany claimed under an appropriation made in 1890, and sought to. enjoin the defend ants from diverting water from Pumpkin Seed creek to Irrigate their lands. Defend ants claim a right to the use of the water for irrigation as riparian proprietors. They began using the water In 19"2. The court sustained the defendants In their claim to the use of the water as riparian proprietors and refused to grant the writ of Injunotion prayed for. There were other points in the case which made It quite complicated and the decision Is regarded as a great victory for the ri parian proprietors of this state. BASHERS' 1'KIO.f MIST t'HASGB WAY State Insurance Department's View of Action. LINCOLN. May 11. The re-election of Dr. C. E. Spinney as head of the Bankers Union of the World, according to officers of the state Insurance department, Is with, but effect unless alleged Irregularities com. plained of are rectified. The meeting held toduy at Omaha was practically ordered y the supreme court, under whose jurisdiction the reforms demanded must bs carried out. Today's election, consequently, is not nec essarily final. Goes Irvra Had to Worse. Alwsys true of constipation. It begins many maladies. . but Dr. King's New. Ufa Pills cure or no pay. Xnl yr sal by Kuhn Co. f ...The. City Savings Baivk Pays k Per Cent Oldest and Strongest Snvlnga Heinle In tho Stnto S. E. Corner 16th and Douglas Sts. World's 'follow Turchass round trip tickets rate from Omnha, tlSW. O.rres pondlngly cheap rates from all points. Tv.ko as small Mnount of hngKK possible. Avoid checking small pieces, such as telescopes, grips, eto,. Have your r.ame and address printed plainly on your trunk. If you have anything lo check have same ch'-cked to World's Fair Station. Reserve sleeping car space a farahead as rotslble. Secure looms or hotel accommodations at early date. Select the shortest and quickest route thus avoiding unnecessary delays and avlng time. Leave the train at World's Fair Station which is Ave miles from Union Station. This saves time, annoyance and much confusion in big crowds. If you are traveling East or South purchase tickets through via tho Wabash which allows ten days' stop at St. Louis on nil tickets. Get a Wabash World a Fair folder giving maps of Grounds, Buildings, City of St. Louis and otner reliable Information. For Kates, Maps, Sleeping Car ! bertha, sail at Wabash City Ticket Office 8601 Farnam OR ADDRESS HARRY E. MOORES, G. A. P. D., OMAHA, NEB. A Alan's Wages Made After School. Boys and girls in every town and township ( can make as nuoh in a few iio.irs as some men can make working all day. We will : tell you how and mtart you out. . Write now THO PILGRIM. ' Battle Creek, Michigan. ; Td ; thdse Mnlvtfhofv rec-: ' '" . ognize the comfort and -healthful qualities- of l.neii next the skip ',. is a necessity. It is the only garment guaranteed fo be 100 per cent pure linen. roR sals r WiLIAMS & SMITH CO, MRS. J. BENSON HAND SAPOLIO neither coats over the surface, nor does it go down into the pores aid dissolve their necessary oils. It opens, the pores, liberates their activities, but works no chemi cal change in those delicate juices that go to make up the charm and Hoom of a perfect complexion. Test it yourself. insures rait, sou, w biis asm . sns a Bcaattlnl Csmplexlaa, wlut.Iy sod F.rru.o.nilr nnoni BlMkhtkda. tri' si, rimiw, HQIIIII, OUal- . :'4 svets and Tan. C4 with l'rma-Koyl Soap a Far. Itct akin It loturwa. Sold by Druggkds. or a ha araare4 dlraoL Donaat-Boyalo, S r boeilo. oxarreaa raid. Barau-aayala cent, fcy Bantu ntk la aaM Bnakaare. SI.M. vxareaa Maid, tho Donaa-Hayada Ca. Cincinnati, SCHAEFER'S CUT PRIC DRUGSTORE Omaha, Nebr., and Boat Omaha. NaMk FOURTH ICro S OPES3IWG : ...SUNDAY, MAY S5 HUSTER'S AUCMEfJTED BAND . " .Kverything conducted on the same high moral standard m . i the past. ' iivk on Ml Deposits. Fair the Flag." ' by buying yiur OLD LINE LIFE INSURANCE through FARMERS AND MERCHANTS LIFE INSURANCE CLUB. Vou not cnly save money, but get vsat you WANT, wbat you can DU I END on and what la GUARANTEED. Hear f.'-om us before you buy, l ar i'.culurs mailed tree. Give your occu pation and date of birth in first letter, '.his will enable us to answer you In telligently. References Commercial Agenoles or Omaha banks. Address FARMERS AND MERCHANTS UFE INSURANCE CLUB. Brown Block. Omaha, Neb. TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMER The Bast Farm Paper. TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMER a-ub. crib ilow. IS I ' . . ! AHl'SBMENTS, BOYD'S W00dlfIUaaeraJr" SATl'RDA Y NIGHT ONI.V CHARLES FROHMAN PRSSENT3 MAUDE ADAMS In THIC I.1TII.I! MISIITKH, Bt'C TRc. It, 1 fiO, No free List SEATS C-N S'ALK. KXTRA SPECIAL BaTHA Monday tnd Tuesday. May lrj-1". E. II. SOTHERN As Robert of Sicily. In THE PROUD PRINCK BEATS ( N PXE. KRUG 1 HEATER 15-25-50-75c Bejfianin Sunday Matinee, May 15 Jed aad Kama Jean Carlelon In the Beantlful fnatorsl Piny Was She To Blame Ball! DKWKK VS. OMAHA, May 13, IS, 14, 15, VIMON STHEKT PAHK. GAME CALLED AT O'CLOCK. SEASON'. ark iiis p f i