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TIIE OMAIIA DAILY BEE: SUNDAY MAY IP. 190 1. BANDAGED FOR THE WOCNDED H!k Born Japaneis Women Do Sedhwrk for Soldisn Comfort. PEERESSES EXPERTS AT MAKING ROUS .e CrMi-niurtm la Toklo tha Dally rem ( a Meat Is-laa wli Clrele Ac tlrltlea. TOKIO. April 20.-Tere la a very aris tocratic tewing party which meet every day at "Shlbua," the Red Cross headquar ters In TokJo. It Includes Princess Kaku mlya. Princess Nashlmoto, Princes Klta hlrakawa, Princess Hlgnshlfusht, all mem ber of the Imperial family; Marchioness llachlsuka. Marchioness Naveshlma. Vis countess Mori. Viscountess Kabayama, Vis Countess Tokugawa, Baroness Tsge and Countess Sakl. The only commoner In the party are Mrs. Kurokl, the wife of the commander-in-chief of the force In Core. Miss West, a young American woman, who. hue become very popular. In the highest circles of Japanese society, and Mrs. Bar clay, the wife of the first secretary of the British legation. I was permitted a peep at the sewing party yesterday a privilege which Is rarely granted to any man, whether he be a for eigner or a Japanese. The ladles were all dressed In the uniform of the Japanese Red Cross. Their dresses were plain nurses' ccstumes of white or light gray. nd red crosses were sewed on the front f their white caps. Every one of them was working away as If her life depended on the number of rolls of bandages she could mnke for the field hospitals. They made 13,000 In the first month, but they have become more expert with practice, and thuy are now turning them out at the rate of 760 a day. Peereeeee Experts with Needle. There Is great rivalry among them. The most expert is pretty little Princess Nashl tnoto, whose husband Is now on a Special mission to the United States. Bhe can turn out sixty rolls a day. Miss West and Mrs. Barclay, although they belong to races whose women pride themselves on their skill In the nursing art, lug behind many of their Japanese competitors. Their best records are about forty rolls a day, Try as they may, they cannot catch up with the quickest of the swift-fingered, merry little women who work beside them. Even on the coldest winter days, when the snow Is deep In the streets of' Toklo and the foreigner shivers beneath his fur coat, these peeresses never fail to turn up at the headquarters of the Red Cross ' society. They have given up their old life of luxury nd ease and do nothing all day long and every day except work for the soldiers and sailors who are abroad fighting the battles of Japan. They can hardly be Induced to stop for a few minutes In order to eat their light lunch of rolled rice, salt plums and sandwiches. The husbands of several of them are now In Corea or on Admiral Togo's warships, so they naturally fen! a deep personal Interest In the work. They give the oeMon for the bandages, as well as their labor In making them up. This sewing party of the peeresses Is by nd means the only one of Its kind In Japan, Women of all classes are busy making ltnt, bandages, socks, shirts and a thousand other things for the soldiers, or sending them preserves, cigarettes and other small luxuries. If there could be found In all Japan a woman who Is not thinking about the soldiers just now she ought to be put In a museum. Even the Empress Haruko works busily for them all day long In her palace. The emperor rises every morning about FEET One Night Treatment with Soak the feet or hands on retiring in a strong, hot, creamy lather of CUTICURA SOAP. Dry, and anoint freely with CUTICURA OINTMENT, the great skin cure and purest of. emollients. Bandage lightly in old, soft cotton or linen. For itching, burning, and scaling ec zema, rashes, inflamma tion, and chafing, for red ness, roughness, cracks, and fissures, with brittle, shapeless nails, this treat ment is simply wonderful, frequently curing hi one night. T ' active M Vxj. mrmt " SORE SOME HAUS ( Or ( o'clock and works bard before break fast. Punctually at I o'clock he Joins his war council, which comprise premier, Viscount Katsura, the elder states men, the ministers of the army and navy and experts from the general staffs of both forces. He usually sits In confer ence all day long with these men, con stantly receiving reports from Admiral Togo and General Kurokl, working out the plans for completing the mobilisation of the reserves and mapping out the naval and military campaigns down to the smallest detsll. Often he Is working long after mid night. "His Imperial majesty decides every thing," said an officer attached to the gen eral staff of the army. "He seeks the ad vice of the ablest and most experienced men and is guided by it, but he knows a much about naval and military matters a,s the expert and he has a genius for doing the right thing and doing it It quickly. Whenever there Is a con flict of opinion in the war council he listens patiently to all that can be said on both sides and then decides In a moment. He never hesitates. Sometimes he takes a course which Is opposed to the opinion of bis advisers, but it always seems to come out right" It is said that the emperor will soon move his headquarters from Toklo to Ki oto, which is nearer to Sasebo and Naga saki, the points to which news from the front first arrives. During the war with China he established his headquarter at Hiroshima. Islaaders la Peril. A prominent figure In the social world of Toklo is Count Sou, the feudal lord of the Island of Tshushlma, which lies mid way between Japan and Corea, In the Corea strait. This Island Is the most ex posed outpost of Japan and It has been Invaded many times during previous war by the enemies of Nippon. Naturally, the Islander were much excited at the prospect of another Invasion when the war broke out. They hurried up and got In shape to give the Russian a warm re ception, and now they seem to be bitterly disappointed because Admiral Togo has robbed them of their chance of a fight. Count Sou sent one of his retainers, Kloura, to Tshushlma to see how his Isl anders were getting along at this critical time. Kloura returned to Toklo and this Is his report: "At present the entire Island Is tn as great confusion as If warfare were actually raging there. The officials are working day and night In order to be ready for any thing that may happen, and to be In a pos sltlon to give all the aid In their power to the warships and to the army In Corea. From all the homes In the island the men have nocked to the military headquarters to be enrolled as soldiers, and every man up to the age of 80 has been accepted. 'Only women and children are left In the deserted homes. The Islanders are mostly poor and they short of fuel and provisions In this hard winter. Never theless, they are giving generously from their scanty stores for the cause of their country and their only regret seems to be that they will not have an opportunity to give their lives. There Is not enough ac commodation for the great number of sol diers on the Islnnd. Every' house Is over crowded and half a dozen of them will sleep together In a room twelve feet by six. All Ready to Fight. . "The Islanders were much excited by my visit and 'the message of sympathy and encouragement which I carried to them from their feudal lord. Men, women and children gathered around me, all expressing their desire to die for their country. At the village of Idzuhara, where the old feudal castle stood, the excitement was keenest "From that village an old man named Urata, 81 years of age,, applied 40 be en rolled as a soldier, and so did another vet eran ramed Yoshlda, who is over 76. They were sorely grieved when the officer re fused to enlist them on sccount of their age. They have together formed a society with members In all the villages to send supplies to the army and to support the poor families whose men have gone to the war. They work day and night for this noble cause as energetically as If they were young men. , "Toshlda lamented to me that he was not allowed to fight. This Is the time,' he said, "when I should be permitted to present thse sged bones to the country which has nourished them.' " ' EDWARD ,T. HAYDEN. Sleeping; Car Service Between Chicago, Columbus. O., and Charleston, W. Vs., via Lake Shore anS Ohio Central Railways. The Lake Short railway has Inaugurated a through sleeping car service to Charles ton, W. Va. ear reaving Chicago 10:S5 p.m. dally, arriving Colujibus 8:10' a. m. and Charleston 4:46 p. m. the following day. Returning leaves Charleston 11:30 a. m. dally, Columbus 7:06 p. m. and arrives Chi cago 7:10 a. m. following day. Full particulars. may be had by address ing M. S. Giles, T. P. A., Chicago, or C. F. Daly, chief A. O. P. A., Chicago, 111. LABOR AND INDl'STKT. Cuba stows nearlv one-third nf th world's sugar cane. The membership of the Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers Is upward of 3S.0OO. An odd feature of the return of the tun shoe (o popular favor Is that the demand finds the manufacturers unprepared to meet It. The Prussian state railway avstem. hav ing 21,104 miles of track, earned U40.000.000 net last year. This is said to be 10 to 1 per cent of the Investment. The number of cotton sulndlea lit use In the United Stales Increased lust vnr from 15,600, Ouo to aj.Ouu.OOO, owing principally to new lactones in in cotton Den. The -Treat Pnrllnl enirlna thf fnrnlhert the power for the Centennial exnonltlon wt Philadelphia had 300 horse-power; at St ijuiB one engine nas s.oou norse-power. A comnaiiv uf Infunfrv nr a h&ttrirv nf artillery, composed entirely of members tj 1 laoor unions, is what omclals or the National Uuard hope to raise In Toledo, O., in the near future. Already mora than 40.000 workers In the textile industry at Philadelphia have been thrown out of eniDlnvinent uv ihe dullness Of trade. The employers and employes huve oven ryuis 10 aevis mean to improve tne existing conditions. The cataioaua of the American Federa tion Of Labor' St. I -mil et-hlhltlrin was arranged by President Samuel Gompers, showing the progress and growth ot the federation from a few thousand in l&U 10 nearly J.OOU.0U0 in 1904. AS a result Of atrlkaa if ! hun v-,m. puled that there are idle men lu the various trades all the time a follow: 22.000 cigar maker. M.WJ0 brick and tile workers, ii.wi mill Workers. 17.0UO bout anil Khun m.irkrn. 10,000 leather workers, KS.vuO lumber work 's, u.vw primer and lus.t in other lines. Mr. Blair of the Irish 1 DeDartment of Technical instruction, in his report as one of the Moeeley education commission, which recently visited tne united blutes, writes that the best ability In the United States is not to be found 1q the professions and In politics, as in ureal nritain, but in the In dustrie and In commerce. John Mitchell, president of the United Mine Workers of America and William iKxlds of Pittsburg, secretary of the Pitts burg district of tn. Miners' union, elected to attend the International Mining oon- ; trees at Paris, will leave (his country about lune It. They will make a tour of Ei'.g and, France, Germany and Holland, visit ing the industrial center and gathering data regarding methods, trades unions, cost of living, wages, etc.. In those coun tries. "Mllketone," or galallth, is manufactured In the following niannei : By a chemical prov.aa ths casein Is pseclpltat.d as a yellowish, brown powder, which is mixed with formalin. Thereby a hornlike product la formed. The substance, with various admixtures, forms a substitute --for horn turtle shell. Ivory, celluloid, marbl. amber and hard rubbr. Handles for knives and forks, paper cutter, crayons, pipes, cigar holders, arala, marble, stone ornaments and billiard balls are now made of skimmed aniik The Insolubility of aaiallth. Its easy -...rklnar alMstlclty snd proof aa.lust Are aiaa. II very desirable. Already hi Ouo quarts ( skimmed milk ax dally used for this , purpose la Austria. PUNISHMENT IN THE HOME Obiamtion f ft Doctor oa Ponlahlnj D: cbedsat Children. MEANS K0PE EFFICACIOUS THAN THE ROD Give Reason a Trial la Reasonable Ways, aad SboaM It Fall, Tbea Let the Switch Speak Oat. W were asked a question the other day by the mother of several Interesting chil dren. She had called a, child of 4 years to breakfast. The child lingered on the step. Tho breakfast waa served and finally the mother became Impatient at the delay. She went up the steps, to the landing, where she found the child playing. In her vexa tion she shook the child and brought her down the steps and In a very displeased manner seated her at the table. The child spent much of the meal time crying, where upon the mother regretted her act of dis cipline and began to have some misgivings as to whether she had acted correctly in the matter. After having described this scene, she asked us the question, "Did I do right in this manner of punishing my child?" In our opinion she did not do right. In the first place, we should have made quite sura that the child understood that break fast was rear! and that every member of the family was expected to be In his place at a given time. If the child did not obey this summons, possibly It should be re peated. Then If this did not procure the child's obedience, no further attention should be paid to the matter. The child's plate and chnlr should be quietly removed and breakfast should proceed In the usual manner. The punishment would consist In the' sim ple fact that the child had no breakfast There need be no loud talk, no scolding, no threatening. Just a simple notification that the penalty for not being on time for breakfast was no breakfast. Penalty Fits the Offense. This penalty 1 the natural consequence of the child' act- Whipping or any kind of corporal punishment ia not a natural consequence of disobedience. It is an ar bitrary arrangement and doea not always appoui to the child's sense of justice. But some one might object. Would you, then, deprive the child of food the whole forenoon? May be It is in delicate health and requires the best of nourishment. Would It not be too cruel to compel ,the child to fast until the next meal?. About this we would try to . use good Judgment Perhaps sometime during the forenoon some frugal piece might be al lowed. Not because the child asked for It, but because the parent regarded It as necessary. But whatever was done about this the loss of breakfast should be em phasized. It would probably do more good than harm for the average child to skip one meal, even from a, physical standpoint. There is a great deal of unnecessary fear of skipping a single meal. No doubt the next time the child was asked to come to the table the remembrance of the loss of break fast would be sufficient to prompt ready response. At any rate In the punishment of the child the penalty should be as nearly as possible the natural consequence of the misdoing. Ways and Means. For Instance, suppose the child has un necessarily Injured or soiled Its garments. It has been dressed up clean In the morn ing, and In lesa than an hour Its clothing Is bespattered with mud or begrimed with dirt or torn or disheveled In a manner quite unnecessary and, Inexcusable. What would be the natural penalty of such a caeeT Certainly not to whip the child. Compelling the child to go without breakfast for soiling Its clothes ' has no logical connection whatever. The natural consequence of soiling Its clothing Is that It has no clothing. It should be, consid ered the same as If the child is without clothes for tho space of time that the clothing should have been kept tidy. Being without clothing the child must naturally stay In It room, as It has nothing fit to wear. How long must it stay In Its room? As long as the clothes should have been kept fit to be worn. This would be ths legitimate consequence of Its act It has soiled its clothing; therefore. It baa no clothing and must wait until the next clean clothing is due. Suppose It loses a toy. Would It be prooer to pity the child and then go and buy It a new toy? Or, on the other hand, -would It be proper to whip the child for losing the toy? Neither would bo correct. The child simply goes without Its toy until It can be found. No one else should be allowed to look for tho toy except the child Itself. What Should Be Done. Suppose, again, the child uses naughty words, answers back with a saucy reply, or shocks lta parents with some Indecent phrase. What should be done? First, a careful inquiry should be made as to where the child learned such things. Perhaps the child itself knows where It acquired the phrase It uttered. It may be found that the phrase was learned of its parents or some ona In the household. Possibly It wafted from the street Into the house through an open window. Find out If pos sible how the child learned the naughty woras. At first It would be well to pay no atten tion to the bad words, especially If they are utterea m tne heat of ill temper. But re move the source of bad language. Let that be the first effort An explanation of the offense to the child la possible in some cases, although this Is very aDt to be over. done. It Is very difficult to make plain to a child the reason why certain words should not pe used. Arbitrarily to forbid the child to use certain words or to make certain re plies Is not a very effective or safe mod. Be sura that no such examples are set be fore tne cniid in ths bouse. Protect It mm much as may be from rude language on the street. Having done this. necessary to meet such Instances as win arise In spite of all precaution. One mother reports that she manarat little boy In the following manner: To her astonishment he uttered an oath In her presence, accompanied with a request of some sort. The mother gave no heed to tne enna wnatever. The child repeated the requeat. accompanied by the oath onco more. Again the mother paid no attention did not answer the child. The child then demanded to know whv she did not answer. She replied: "Because you have not asked me properly. 1 shall never reply to such language as you have used nor will I ever do anything you wish when you ask by using such words." Effect of Thinking;. The boy thought a little while, then finally asked his mother in a proper way. This was all the punishment she Inflicted. She attempted In a quiet way to find out where the boy had learned the words he had used, and through a servant she dis covered that these words were heard the day before on the street. Rut the attention of the boy was never called to the enormity of his offense. He hsd learned simply that when he used such words his mother would pty no attention to Mm, but he had no idea rf their awful Import. Finding the words of no uss to him. he simply forgot, all about them. Had he been whipped or punished In any man ner, and bad Us naughty word beea re- rchard Wilhelm arpet R Big Lace Curtain Purchase On April 27th we bought from J. A. Hrittnin & Co. their surplus stock of Brussels, Cluny ami Irish Toiut-Curtains at 33 1-3 per cent lesa than regular import prices. The lot connisU of over 1.350 pairs of curtains, which we will place on sale Monday morning at 8 o'clock at exactly 33 1-3 per cent less than regular price, Including with this lot hundreds of pairs of our regular stock, which have been placed on male at the same discount, making over $12,000 worth of Lace Curtains to select from, at one-third less than regular value. Brussels Curtains- Ins Hth In- 5.50 15.00 and 12.50 Double Net Brussels Irish Point, long stitch cushion work Hand-made Arabian Madras Curtains special at r I Irish Point Curta J Cluny Curtains t " sertlon and edge i Antique Curtains I t Winrlnur Shades w r headquarters for ahades of all Winds. Ut us WinaOW SnaUCS mea8Ure your window and giv you a price. SPECIAL FOR MONDAY A good shade, 3x6 feet-for-epeilul 2pC each '. You cannot afford to miss an oportunity like this right in the midst of the season, when everybody Is Interested In cur tains. A visit early will pay you. (We have the goods to show.) FURNITURE Special sale Ilockers, Odd Cbuira and Dining Chairs. Ou Bale Monday while they last. See west window. $10.60 ROCKER, large, comfortable, with $S.OO ROCKER, very large, roomy and corn- hand polished in golden oak liogany finish and weathered 7.50 n. u Dnlal ........ ... I12B0 ROMAN CHAIR, run quarier-sawea srolden oak. hand polished U Rf) special vj.vr HBO oak or Imitation mahogany Stool, rush top or upholstered top O flC special Ja.tJiJ aj.-J, Pantasote leather same wOUCn tufted top special Lawn Swings New Improved kind, four passenger, fold ing Lawn Swing with adjustable QOH back-each peated over after him to impress their aw ful reality upon htm, they would have lingered in his memory! they would have been indelibly stamped upon his mind. Probably he never would have forgotten them while he lived, although he may never have used them again. The mother's course was exactly right. She knew very well the boy did not under stand th nature of the offense he had com mitted, and she, therefore, applied a very wise and shrewd correction. Stady the Offense. So we might go through the whole cata logue ot offenses the child may commit. Study the offense. Try to discover what the natural consequences of such an of fense ought to be. Try to imitate nature In the correction of the child. Nature re fuses to be used only in certain ways. Na ture is governed by regulations and Inex orable laws. Nature has a different pen alty for each different offense. Imltato'na ture In these particulars. It sometimes requires considerable study and ingenuity to Invent a natural penalty. Let the child suffer the result of its own neglect. Never protect the child from the consequences of Its own mistake or tardi ness. It the child has been trusted to do a thing, whatever failure the child has been guilty of allow the natural conse quence to result It may seem cruel at first. You may se cretly wish It to be otherwise. You may sympathise with the child to the extent of having a good cry all by yourself. But let the child suffer the natural results, whloh he must afterwards learn to avoid. If the child has hurt Itself, of course. the proper remedy should be applied. It should not be upbraided for Its carelessness nor scolded. Do nothing to add to its pain, but in a quiet manner everything should be done in a remedial way. But some time or other the' mistake which led to the child's accident should be icarefully ex plained. The responslbllty of the accident should be mercilessly pointed out.' Pareatal Object Lcssosu , First become an object lesson for your own child. Second, try to have the whole household ruled and conducted in such a manner that the child aees before it every riiiv tha benefit of correct living and the loss of incorrect, living. Tills will do much toward obviating the necessity of any pun ishment. But when punishment is neces sary, when soma form of correction is un avoidable, let it be done lu a businesslike manner, trying In every way possible to adjust the punishment to the nature of the Offense, and impress the wholesome truth that the parents will not (n any case screen or abet tha child in lta evil course.. Don't whip, don't scold. Don't threaten. Don't use sarcasm. Don't ridicule. Don't laugh at calamities. Don't preach. Don't pretend that you were never guilty of such things. Never say, "You are a pad boy," or, "You are a bad girl." Don't discour age by ominous prophecies, nor encourage by futile promises. Try to get near enough to the child to sympathise with it and un derstand its frailties and special tempta tions. Don't make petty rules. Don't for get that the things that Interest you seem prosy to the child, and the things that in terest tha child seem foolish to you. Don't forget this. Don't forget that you were once a child you'self, and probably a much worse chld than your own. Don't forget this, and yet remember that if you screen your child now from the natural conse quences of Its action you will teach him a lie that only bitter experience will correct in his mind. Turn the child over to nature as rapidly as possible. What nature decrees he should suffer, allow him to suffer. Protect him by keeping him from disobedience, but when disobedience has occurred offer him no con solution that Is not warranted by the nat ural laws that surround us. After all, God is the author of nature, and we are obeying God only when we ut tempt to copy that perfection of natural order which abounds in every department of the created universe. Tbara may possibly arise eUcutustaui- .' Cluney Curtains . Cluny Curtains I Mf4 J Real Hand Made Ken- l II nalannce JLA I Brussels CurtRlns I 27 V Irish Point Curtains at.. ' 375 Pr 7.50 850 Pr rolnt d'Belle Savoy Brussels I aa. Hand-made Arabian I B ' V Cluny, -lnch to -inch f Insertion and edge J Ja 22.50 fort.-ible. mahogany llnlsh C flft special . 13.75 DINER, full box frame, cane neat, nan(lBomeiy polished- O &ft special a.ww $3.00 BED ROOM ROCKER, oak or ma hogany finish, cune seat Qf special l.V Couches Like illustration, made with steel springs, san itary construction, plain or tufted top, covered In figured velour, frame has carved claw feat, full size special 8.50 as illustration with seven rows 12.50 Lawn or Porch Settees Folding 4-foot , 6-foot , 6-foot ..t2.00 ..J2 40 ,..(2.80 in which corporal punishment becomes nec essary and really affords the only solution. A willful, obstreperous girl old enough to understand exactly what she is doing, or a headstrong, stupid boy who will not listen to reason or persuasion, In such cases some times a good, sound thrashing will do won ders. But such a procedure Is not ideal by any means. It Is exactly like giving drugs to cure disease. It is an expedient that should be resorted to only uuder extreme circum stances. Had the person lived trlght drugs would never have been necessary. Had the patient been managed properly by the phy sician the dose of drugs would have been superfluous. But since some people will not live right and some doctors will not manage their canes correctly, a dose ot medicine, now and then, even a big dose of medicine, yields excellent results. So with corporal punishment. Misman agement on the part of the parents, he reditary bull-headedness or ill-nature on the part ot the child, do sometimes combine to create a condition where the rod consti tutes an excellent remedy. Many a man and woman date the beginning of a new life from the time when, with hand or paddle, they received a phyaieal.rebuke, the smart of which still lingers in their mem ory. But after all this has been said, It is very rare, Indeed it is extremely excep tional, when brute foroe is needed as a form of punishment in the home. Dr. C. S. Carr in Medical Talk. Senator Hoar's sou said to the religious census taker: "rather Is a Uni tarian, mamma's an Episcopalian and Francis," Indicating a 2-year-old brother, "Francis Is wav ering." Let us preach to' the "wavering" those who feel that this summer, of all summers, they should be attired in tailor-made clothing, but have some how acquired the Idea that it will strain a fat purse to become tailor made, and are wavering. Our prices '$25 to $40 high grade tailoring at medium grade prices per suade. One MacCarthy Suit will convince and wed you firmly to tailor-made cloth ing our tailor-made cloth ing. MacCarthy Tailoring; Company, A lets St. Next eeor te Tabask Ticket Ulioe. rasa !. CHICHrSTfR'Sj CXaiISM IfCNUYROYAL PILLS '-'Jl,SA"E. ft,;.. la, II... ..I UrurlM At P'Va, CHICHt-VIEU'h r.NULlHil S iSJ tar.. SlllutlM S laU4. Jf Ha.1 far PartLtiUra, T.M.alU fJt W Krll.f f.. 1 .J. ,-! MW, b; n. If aura Mall. I tMinu ? itat. MaalMB e4M raitC, Dfi 75 Pr 10.90 E fi f Paxnny Flruftels Curtains, " 50 Pr i OUiUU V lid Fvtpninn Rod Extr be",,'r M(,'-,MrJ' ac extension nuu hlf,hiy poiuhed-aoiiiug rPK'ilurly for twenty-flve eentg special for all week- each TIRPET giving N $ 1.33 Axniinster Carpets. In the new and beautiful color inss and patterns with or without borders special per yard $1.75 Savonnerle Carpet stra good value at the regular price, but think of it, this high quality carpet with or without border special per yara MATTING Bargains in Matting on sale Monday at 8 o'clock. Rich Quality Tux edo Warp Mattings go on special Bale Monday morning at per yard 10c. 12c, 19 c Matting These come In one and one-ha If regularly at 35c and C5c per ard Monday at 10c and World's follow Purchase round trip tickets rate from Omaha, 113.10. Correspondingly cheap rates from all points. Take as small amount of baggage as possible. Avoid checking small pieces, such as telescopes, grips, etc. Have your name and address printed plainly on your trunk. If you have anything to check have same checked to World's Fair Station. Reserve sleeping car space as farahead as possible. Secure rooms or hotel accommodations at early date. Select the shortest and quickest route thus avoiding unnecessary delaya and saving time. Leave the train at World's Fair Station which Is five miles from Union Station. This saves time, annoyance and much confusion In big crowds. If you are traveling East or South purchase tickets through via the Wabash which allows ten days' stop at St. Louis on all tickets. Get a Wabash World's Fair folder giving maps of Grounds, F. ridings. City of St. Louis and other reliable Information. For Rates. Maps, Sleeping Car Berths, call at Wabaah City Ticket Office 601 Farnam Ot ADDRESS HARRY E. MOORES, G, A. P. D., OMAHA, NEB. CHICAGO GREAT WESTERN CHICACO LIMITED Electric Lighted Throughout VIEW Pullman Drawing-room Sleeping Cars, Club Car and Free Reclining Chair Car. Sup per served in Club Car. Break fast a la carte in Dining Car. Leaving Omaha at 4:50 p. m., Council Bluffs at 5:12 p. m., arrive Chicago 8:55 the next morning. Tickets at 15 12 Famam Street, or Unioo Station, Omaha, fltnhd-made Arabian Cluny Curtains with In- 7f sertlon 0 styles Hnissels 11 Pa 4.1 styles Irish Point Uuchess Curtains at Arabian Iace curtains. 50 Ii i 1 'it " t"b., i 4i n Iuchess ltm Curtains, I , w Pr Irish Point Curtain, at. 10c 95c 1.25 BIG BARGAINS Samples cd1 tvo yards longgoods that sell these samples tn eale while they last 15c each Fair Hint: tha Flag." SEARLES i. SEHIES Omaha. Neb. CURES GUARANTEED Quicker and for LESS MONEY than other SPECIALIST. : rures all special dlisntsi ct men kidney, biaudtr and ulseaao Of woiun Blood Poison ?X!Xa UV,. K mouth, tongue, throat, fcalr and eyebrows, (tailing out; disappear completely forever.. Virlesea Vtlnt ruptured, eiilurgoil and knot ISIICOSO ICint ty veins cured without cm ting, pain ur loss of time,. Never falls. Quickest cui in the world. UVsik Mar. imi llii from exhaustion. waf TIM, NBflOU MSil lug weakue.s, usrrous iebllity early decline, laok of vigor and siiengin. Treatment by msll. 14 years OF SUC CESSFUL PRACTICE IN OMAHA. Cor ner of 14th and pouglas. Every Woman W UMrttted stnn tnoaia snow MARYtL &pry i Mt.t CouvMiLtmt. II ti sl lakMMtlf. r inuil.1 1 II h. r. ii nut mpitly the ulhar. but ui u.uili fa UIU.UMMI book-IlflTM nl) MtrluluU'. Mild itll''tl li III .liihl. 1-, Uclio. NtSlKLlO., 1 rarfcllew. Hew 1 .rk. For sale by SCHAKFKRS DRt'O STORES, Hth an ChlrsRo His : So. Omaha. 24th sn N Sf. Council Bin Its, Sth and Main Sis. KUMN th CO., iith aud Douglas Stree 41 Mjr rvggUl for H X. f .' lev a zaw f