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V MG2 "50 ,--.,0r.;,Vj-M.7r y.i f m ,77 . , ' -w m$mim ICHAEL BTROnOFF hai hen found at Prlncs Albert, the capital of the Canadian province of Saskatchewan. Only his name la not Mi chael StrogofT nor la he the famous courier of the czar. His real name Is Race MeLeod, and he Is known to his friends a Michael Btrogoff because he recently completed a. Journey acroas the frozen wllda of Athabasca to the Cariboo mountains and beyond, nearly losing his life a score of times and finding a bride on the way. The story of Race McLeod's wild Journey across the trk leas snows of Saskatchewan and Athabasca began In a din ing car on the Canadian Pacific railway last November. When Race McLeod entered the diner It contained but one vacant seat. He took It. The .prosperous looking men who sat at the table next to his with their backs close to him probably didn't know that Race McLcod was spending almost his last dollar for a luxurious meal the last that he mlg'ht have for many weeks. They were engrossed In their own earnest conversa tion and talked loudly, so Mcleod could not help catching the drift of their conversation. He gathered that business Interests with a larg fortune at stake compelled them to send on a hazardous mission a trusted agent. He did not learn the details Indeed, he re sented the fact that he had to listen, even Innocently, to a private conversation, but the one fact to which his mind clung was that the twomen needed an agent for their dan gerous mission so urgently that they were willing to pay handsomely, and money was what Race McLeod wanted more than anything else In the world. " But whom can we send?" asked one of the men petu lantly. " Dashed If I know," replied the other. " We can't trust a half breed." " You might send me," said Race McLeod quietly. The two men faced around angrily and McLeod had to speak quickly. t!Tt ... . mm 0, M 3P- V " I couldn't help overhearing your conversation," he said, '" unless I gave up my dinner and I couldn't afford to do that but If you want an agent for a risky piece of work and it's honorable why, I'm your man." We don't know you," put In one of the men. Neither do I know you," retorted McLeod. The matter ended In an appointment at a hotel at Reglna the next day the train was due at Reglna that evening. The next day when McLeod appeared the matter was placed be fore him. Briefly, certain mysterious letters were to be delivered to certain Individuals at Fort Pitt, Port McMurray, Fort . Chlppewyan, Fort Smith, and Fort Resolution. These let ters were to be sealed and were to be delivered secretly without the knowledge of any of the officers of the British Northwest mounted police stationed at any of the forts. For the delivery of the letters McLeod was to be paid a oertaln sum It was a large one and sufficient money was to be ad vanced to him with which to purchase ponies, clothing, and furs suitable for the Journey, with such camp equigage as. he might deem necessary, and to employ guides. " It's a dajigerous mission," McLeod was told. I'll deliver the letters," replied Race McLeod. You may be frozen to death," warned his employers. " I'll deliver the letters," said McLeod. "There are wolves," he was told, suggestively. ' I'll deliver the letters." was McLeod's only answer. McLeod purchased his outfit and engaged a guide at Prince Albert In the first week in November. He made his purchases secretly, following Instructions, and left Prince Albert before daylight on the morning of Nov. 10, with Fort. Pitt, 123 mile due west, as his first objective point. J J Beginning His Perilous Journey. It was early winter and McLeod had little difficulty In reaohlnc Fort Pitt at the end of a twenty-two hour ride. Resting two dsys, he set out with his guide and his pontes for Fort McMurray, 30 miles north of Fort Pitt as the crow fles, but to avoid crossing the Great Bear mountains an almost Impossible task In. the winter he had to skirt the western end of the range, thus adding nearly 100 mile to the second stage of his Journey. McLeod started northward from Fort Pitt on Nor." 14. lie pushed on In the face of a light snow storm until he reached the valley cf the Beaver river, sixty-five miles to the north. By this time the snow was so deep that the ponies soaroulyesuU make four miles an hour. Tns guide,' confused In the rising storm on the night of Nov. 18. became separated from McLeod, and the latter found himself at the mercy of a furious blizzard In a trackless waste of enow. McLeod abandoned his pony and kept moving on foot' aimlessly all through the night. He had no Idea where he was going. He knew that he must stumble on through the snowdrifts. To He down, to rest, even for a few moments, meant to sleep and consequently to die. In the long night battle with the darkness and the storm McLeod realized dimly that he was ascending a mount n side. He knew that he was lost, for his road, If there had been one, would have skirted the mountain at Its base. Still he could not go back and he could not go on. He stumbled and floundered, slipping, falling over bowlders only half covered with snow, getting up again, ana going on and oo only to keep moving. Crave Fight Against the Storm. Toward morning of that long night McLeod felt that he could do no more. Exhausted too much for further effort, he sank down to his knees, striving vainly to keep his weary ' eyelids from closing. Then the earth seemed to fall away from him and be felt himself suffocated blinded, choked by masses of snow. He was falling Into a great gulf, the sides of which were lined with Jagged rocks and stumps of trees that reached out and struck him, bruised him, on face, neck, shoulders, body, and limbs. As lis. fell McLeod lapsed Into unconsciousness 4 Several hours later he awoke, aching In every Joint, and parched of Saskatchewan. He built a one story house, half of logs, half of sod, with a sod roof. He was 100 miles from a. rail roadbut the railroad would be there in two years, and Old elrohm knew that In two years he would have wheat to sell. His wife died, but his daughter Olga remained with him. Then, last October, Oldstrohm himself died, and Olga was loft alone. She was not a weak, timid girl. She was 22 years old, 5 feet 10 Inches in. height, and although graceful and handsome, was muscled like an athlete. Frequently she had shot a deer and carried It home on her shoulders, and more than once she had stood off a pack of ravening wolves with her rifle. She was a natural pioneer, rugged as a man, but as tender hearted arsj far more good looklmr than most of her ,sex. There was not a neighbor within thirty miles when Old strohm died and Olga burled her father In a grave which she dug herself. She could not leave' the ranch, for there y was the stock to care for; besides It was her home. On the day that Race McLeod became lost in the storm, however, Olga Oldstrohm had harnessed a team of horses to ' ., a light sledge almost a dog sledge and started for the home of her nearest neighbor, thirty miles away. As she drove around the base of the mountain, fifteen miles from her home, her horses shied at a strange hillock In the road.' ; V - Springing out of her sledge she brushed away the snow .. ;.v ' and found Race McEeod. He had been carried down the side cf the mountain by an avalanche of snow. At first she thought he must be dead. Thenshe dlscov ( red that he was alive, but unconscious, amd hurt how badly '; she could not tell. So she bundled him Into the sledge, turned her horses, and started back home with him. . Told Her Story and His Love. All this she told him In a matter of fact way, as If it 'had been nothing. On his part Race McLeod told her why ,ie happened to be lost so far from civilization. He told her that he had given his word that he would de liver oertaln letters to certain men at Forts McMurray, Chlp ' pewyan. Smith, and Resolution before Jan. 1. He told her his whole story. He had lived In Scotland, graduated from sn English university, and had mode a fool of himself at dome. He had been In South Africa, Australia, and had the sledge. He could hear the girl's anxious voice urging falle(1 at whatever he had undertaken, and had come to Can the horses forward, but the sledge moved scarcely not at B(Ja determined to make a fortune before he returned home all. Finally It stopped altogether. to his father. He had lived a careless life, but he had never The darkness came once again and tne gin seemea 10 riven his word and broken It, ' Now, I'm going to deliver those letters. I will get only $2,01 hi for doing it, but I said I would and I will." " You cannot reach Fort Resolution," said Olga Old strohm, " Then I'll die trying," retorted Race McLeod. You are a real man," was the girl's answer, and Mo have gone away. After a long time sne returnea ana nu Leod felt that he was being lifted out of the sledge. He did not evem wonder why the girl was strong enough to lift him. It seemed the most natural thing In the world. Tho girl carried her helpless burden to the shelter of a exeat rock, where already she had started a fire. She placed later lie nwunc, uniting, m cvciy juiih, nu jiuiuhcu ..... , , , , . . , . . ' ' . ths irrniin.1 niled rnhpi nnd lillinkiO over him. BJia x .v.. i, i, . it . mi i.u , with thirst. He could not see, for nis eyeiias, Druisea and ' " . , . h , ,h ,.(ht "",u " -" ". bhuiimuicui. mm tunum men iiuuuieu ureiuo nun uumii - " ' looK on nis lace, ne sain: Leod, half delirious, realized that he was being cared for. ,. nveil a rougn jfPi Dut not a bad one. I've been in Morning brought the sun again and again the girl placed every country In the world, but you are the only real woman her human burden in the sludge, but this time she drew It j ever kn.'- herself the horses had frozen during the night. i.H marry you for that." said the girl, " when, you come It was bitterly cold In snlte of the blinding glare of the back from Port Rt,guution." sun on the vast expanse of snow. But the girl tolled on and on, sometimes sinking from exhaustion. At thee times she would crawl Into the sledge beside its half unconscious bur den and remain until she was warmed and rested; then' again she would toll onward with the sledge. swollen, could hardly be parted. The' hours passed on and McLeod felt that 'somewhere near him the sun was shining. He felt rather than saw Its radiance through the snow. His thirst maddened him, and he buried his face in the mass of snow and swallowed huge masses of it. Afterwards he became feverish and delirious. He won dered why ho had not frozen to death, falling to realize that the masses of snow which covered him, but which had not smothered him, bad kept him warm. After, lying for what seemed to him many days he sud denly felt that he was being lifted in strong arms and that he was being carried swiftly somewhere. When McLeod again returned to consciousness he knew that he was In a sledge and that the sledge was in motion Race McLcod did go to Fort McMurray, then on to Chlp pewyan. He crossed the frozen surface of Athabasca lake, delivered his letters to the parties addressed at Fort Smith, and followed the Great Slave river down to Fort Resokitl n. He made the return trip In safety. He travHod the entire All things come to an end some time, and when McLeod distance srolrwr and cnmlnir on snow shoes and irt Imr-k o again returned to consciousness he found himself In. a big, the Oldstrohm ranch on Jan. 5. Altogether he had covered comfortable room, lying on a couch covered with wolf skins. a dBtanc, of mll,.g , jPB. than thirty days, averaging At the side of the room a great fireplace gave out a com- more than ,hrty ,,. - day needed no guide, for he Pulling the robes and blankets from his face he saw by his fortabl restful glow of heat, and In front of It sat the girl. fol)oWed first the Athabasca river, which took him directly side a blue eyed girl with an anxious face surrounded by masses of yellow hair It looked yellow to McLeod then, but now he swears It Is golden curling from the edges of a fur hood. He was too weak, too dizzy to even wonder who she was or where she was taking him. Then It began to snow again and once more McLeod was, In the grasp of the blizzard. The drifts piled up In front of JL 10 'ort McMurray, and then to Fort Chlppewyan. He hod , to skirt the eastern end of the Cariloo mountain range, but Simple Explanation Of Strange Romance. , keeping the mountains in sight he easily found the Great All this doubtless sounds romantic and improbable, but Slave river, which ran true to the end of his J y -ley. 'really It is simple when explained. Two years ago Helllg Two weeks after his return Itaoe McLe'tl r ! Olga 01J- 'Oldstrohm, a bluff Norwegian farmer, had left North Da- strohm were married at Prince Albert In ti.J r.j?ii.?g they kota and bought land for a wheat ranch In the Beavervalley will return to the ranch In the Beaver valley. 1