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TIIE OMATIA DAILY BEE: SUNDAY. APBIL 16. 190.1 New Home of a Progressive Institution Omaha Commercial College TUP.VTnT!KT.V announced by i I The W, Omaha Is to have ono of I tha most handsome and well equipped commercial school build ing to be found in the country. It la now In course of construction nt tho nnrtlmit corner of Nineteenth and Fur niim Btret. Rohrbough Bros., proprietors of lb Omaha Commcrclul college. deere great credit for having been Instrumental In making Omaha on nf the chief centers or oommerctal education, and In order t' provide for the rapidly Increasing number Of .atiidefit who annually enroll In the various departments they found It neces sary to purchase a lot and erect u bulhi- Inn suited to their purposes. The location at Nineteenth and Farnam streets is Ideal in every respect, being; in Hose proximity to the business center of the city, and then Ihe Mot thai the moral atmosphere will not be tainted by saloon or other evil agencies enhances the durability of Its location. This corner has long been regarded by many as one upon which the new contemplated V. M. C. A. building- should be erected, and many regret that this lot was not pur chased by the association rather than tho on at Seventeenth and Howard streets. The college will be accessible to all parts of the city and South Omaha by street car lines. The building, you will observe, In archi tectural features has the appearance of a modern college building, and certainly re flects great credit upon Mr. J. U. Mason, the architect, who designed It for commer cial college purposi-a. It will be built of gray pressed brick, with light stone trim mings, heited by steam and modern in every particular. It la 06x132 feet In size, practically four stories high and Is thoroughly ventilated and HghteJ throitg'i out. In addition to oiuplu provision for the nur.iarocH departments of the In stitution the architect has planned a col lege auditorium. !Gx6i feet, with seat ing capacity of over "J0. Thh e.udl tctrl'.im Is designed to provide a sulta wlth seating capacity of over 700. This auditorium I designed to provide a suita ble place for entertainments of the college, which In years gone by have left their impression upon the Omuhu public. Con certs, lectures, literary, athletic and social entertainments will be provided for In vthlsi auditorium. It may he of Interest to the public to know that this Institution was founded twenty yenrs ago. Its first location being at 1114 and lllfi Famam streets. It soon outgrew Its quarters there and moved to Fifteenth and Dodge streets, and after a brief stay In those quarters moved to the upper story of the lloston store, where It was located for many years. Kor the past tWo yijars It has occupied the two. upper floors of the Patterson block, at Seventeenth and Douglas streets. The growth of Jhe school has been steady and substantial. The fact. that the Omaha .Commercial college alone attracts representative students from more than twenty-five different states ami territories every year Indicates not only the popular ity and efficiency of the Institution, but emphasises the fact that Omaha and Ne braska are keeping abreast of tho times In, mntters of an eductlonal character. One thing which ought not to be over looked,' Is the fact that our commercial v ... . f . , w :v -:.v .r- , . ,. V .,'" - V I't'-t - -1 ' , . r.irrri4rp,HL J d d d Ad ' P A J I u r ;i J i s .-fjTT s'i i.i i if it'fT lii- tm-i ..iimmii miii-i -': -umtaVftti- ' n n i mi -n i-fli-'t rwAir " ,:" - - ? - - .-.. r.L. rtVg-.j-irfTOtTHI Ti5i nil TFTR RJTIAfEn rTTAPK r.KAT, TSTATT! COMPANY, 1000 PATtVAM PrnrKT, TS ST""PETtIXTK?TINO Tnn ivnECTTOX OF TTIIR BCTLDTXG FOTT HOnRBOUnn BTtOS. nent and j)rogresslvi' business men of oflr 'Ins'iraiK't etimpatiyr K. M. Itohrbour.h, as- addition to this sum. many of their friends nhonls attract desirable citizen? to city. Such men as John F. Flack, presl- slstant engineer for the I'nioti Htoi-k Yards Omaha. Scores and hundreds of young dent - of the City Savings bank; - K. V. . couipany. South Omuha; John J.-Maris- men ' and women have been induced to Hralley, coroner of Douglas county; Frank chal, office manager for Adams & Kelly; come to Omaha to prepare for mercantile Koutsky, mayor of South Omaha; Law- 'lnst.ive Kn.iVie, attorney; James C. Weeth and relatives are Imlui'ed to come to Omaha fir.; the pirpose of doing their trHtlinr. So it is Impossible even to np proxlmately estimate the amount of money fully appreciate and understand the spirit thnt actuates us In t 111 I move. I feel that we are in., king a spleniliil Investment In purchasing a .t and erectliiK a hulbiing on upper Farnatn street. Ueal estate it that ticighborlicod is loiiMd to lucre. i.fce in value. 'Coincident with iii'ivnc lno the new" liulKbng. we pl:n tin enlargement and bettering i'f our piesint tr-"s of otuly and tt.e aildition of a i: . irl rr of others, l'articn'ar iii;im:"'i will paid from now on to the creating mid tn.iH't lining of it Miotig normal department. An KnKli:-h de partment will lie established, as also a school of oratory and a school of dra matic i rt. Air. John 0. ts. who for eleven in'.- si poi iod Kdntu P.ooih and w ho is k'towt as ii n i iiiiiii nt h,ike l.erian actor nml v l elu. will have charge of the school of dramatic alt. I'rof. Nor man W. Kent, who sati'j for m my yea is In grand otn't'a, will h'ie chatyc of tlte school of music, voice culture ami fencing. The business department will not only bo greatly enlarged, but greatly improved. "e are providing I ho largest and- best business loom of any school In the coun try. The main scaling hall will be forty feet wide by seventy-two feet long, and will be free from posts. Adjacent to It will be Inimled nn actual business depart ment, twenty-six feet by tlfty-slx feet lti size and provided with office furniture throughout. In addltioti to these there will p recitation rooms of ample propor tions. Rooms have, been set apart for the Kngllsh training and normal department.", with all necessary equipments. The short hand and typewriting departments will ulso be greatly enlarged and will provide ninpU room for 2WI students nt bun t imo nnd will have nearly 10" typewriters. The telegraph department will double Its capacity and will be provided with every necessary equipment for the most practical school of telegraphy In the country. In nil prob ability wireless telegraphy will be added to the course next year. A room has been set npnrt for special classes in penmanship. n , art, drawing, etc. We estimate that we I can take care of l.mxi students at one time. "On the top floor of the bulldliiE will b, located a gymnasium, which will lie one nf the finest and perhaps the 'largest in the state. In addition, there will be upon this lloor other rooms to be used as lockers, dressing rooms, bath rooms, etc As usual, we shall encourage basket ball, foot! and all indoor ami outdoor college athletic exercises. We believe In providing f ir ti c social and physical enjoyment and oi; belng of the students as well as for their mental welfare and preparation for busi ness life. The faculty o the Omaha col lege, heretofore consisting of eight tin'iu . hers, will be enlarged the coming year." The reporter learned that Rolnliough Hros. have always insisted upon employing Iri" very best instructors to be hail in their line of Work. As an evidence of this fact Ii is only necessary to mention I'rof. Moshrr. who Is the author of Mosher shorthand and the system of touch typewriting, now so universally used throughout the country, and Prof. J. W. I.ampmnn. who has long been regarded as one of tho lending pen men In the t'nited States. The rut nf this building, appearing upon this page, Is from '.he pen of this expert penman. With such ' men as these In charge of such prominent, the commercial Interests of surprising pro- education so that those coming to us from departments of a school It cannot fall to portions. high schools, normals and literary Instittl- prove efficient In all Its work. This fact "The support and encouragement given tions wtll find an atmosphere Just, as up- probably accounts for tho enrollment by the Omaha Commercial college by the lifting and Inspiring as that to which they business men nf the city Justify Its manage- have been accustomed. life. Cpon' ehmpletlon of their courses of fence Spaulding and K. A. Itworak, expert, of the Harmon it Weeth Coal company, spent among our merchants through the ment In erecting a college building rultabln "I dry not kmw of any other private study many of them remain' in the city accounttutts: Dr. A. 8. Pinto, physician; may be mentioned tn this connection. An- an'd ' take rank among our best citizens. Henry Rlx, cashier - for liOc-Olass- Anure-"voMhr'r fact worthy , to. be considered is that For Instance, many names found upon tho sen; A. H. Workmart, general agent for the students of tho Omaha Commercial college roll of the Omaha Commercial college may I'nderwood Typowrltety company; Arthur a lo !!.,. who come from a distance bring now be found upon Abe roll of the promt- Haldwln. general agent for. the Olen Falls ' h mt les Ihan CAinM) . annually. In Instrumentality of fuch tin Institution as th(v Omaha Commercial nottcgn. K the commercial schools of this city were closed and .others were not permitted, to take their pine1,. Jl . Would be a misfortune to this institution alone nf more than 15,ont) students during Its twenty years of history. Omaha should feel proud of Its commer- for commercial college purposes," says cbmmerclal school in any city In the United clal schools and nt all times eneournge-such. President Hohrhough. States having a better building for school enterprise as Js now evident upon the part 'one nf ine enter motives which actuates purposes than we are now erecting at us In the erection of n new college build- Nineteenth and Farnatn streets, and I be ing is tr ral'e the standard of commercial Ileve that the business men of this clly nf Hohrhough Bros. In tho erection of a college building dedicated to the mercan tile interests of this city. Great Forest Problems to Be Solved by Uncle Sam's Experts I campaign has been carried on In I thla raiuntrv for o mnr. rMtfnnul treatment of our forests. As a result h general Interest In this matter has been awakened und the Importance of our native woods oa a source of. national wealth and the practical neces sity for their preservation seems at length to haVe come to our peoplo. The old con ception was that forests were an en cumbrance to the land and were, therefore, to be gotten rid of In the easiest possible nmnnsi. Now, with Baron von Muller, tho real German, we are coming to "regard the forests as a heritage given us by nature, not for spoil or to devastate, but to. be wisely used, and carefully main tained." The attitude of the American people toward the foresta hitherto finds a ready rxj lanutinn in the conditions that obtained on the continent when It was first settled. Then Ihe entire eastern portion was an almost unbroken forest, extending to the western slope of the Alleghanles In the north and swinging in the south as far of the attitude of tho whole country to ward the forests. The war for their ex termination has been a long and desperate fight, it being over two centuries befora, they hod retreated more than it few miles from the Atlantic shore. So far us cleurings have been rtiHile on lands that are better adapted for agricul ture than for timber the fight to subdue the forest has been a perfectly legitimate one. The best Interests of agriculture re quired the clearing of a large part of the forest lands. To Illustrate what I mean, I may refer to Ohio anil Indiana, both otiee heavily wooded, hearing magnificent hard wood forests. Today these states Import per cent of their lumber supplies, yet no one questions the' wisdom of clearing these lands; for rich a they were In timber they are even more valuable for agricultural purposes. Hut the work of destruction has gone too far. Great stretches of land In different parts of the country that never were agricultural in character have been denuded of their timber (ill but a beggarly portion remains, with the result tha'. not only these lands have become wholly non- demands of trade yearly make vast in roads on the timber supply. StilK many of the industries depending on tho for ests have only begun to develop. Even tho lumber trade has sprung up in com paratively recent years. The population of tho country when the federal govern ment was organized was all In a heavily wooded area, and here the land required for other purposes supplied the demands for lumber. With the building of ruil roads came the development of the west. The lumber trade Increased. Distributing centers were established, and the lumber industry in the past tifty years has grown into a business of marvellous magnitude. With this development have corne various factories, converting the raw material Into Ihe innumerable articles of commerce which are inseparably associated with the comforts and necessities of life. , nnual Consumption of Wood. Our annual consumption of wood per capita Is nine times that of Germany and twenty-five times that of treat Britain. A few statistics showing the arr. uut of JlZi-. 1t l) ... vr - --is-'- " U" ''. L ' ' f-t i '"!- ..... . -jp v -'' vl :nt 0 ..... - l i K 3 - : !H 'jV-V i n ...i n-1 - - W f'--- r- T t, ir'-r-T- r trr--'rr--r--"-S J I Each of several of our largest newspapers uses daily from loO to Ky) uins of paper pulp, or 10,000 to 15,000 acres of timber per year. These figures have not yet In cluded the amount of timber converted Into lumber, lath, shiniiee, fence posts, farm Implements, etc. t v'nty-flve million dollars worth of r l. annually man ufactured into wagons anil carriages. The lumber nnd paper trade consumes every year a total of 4,iHi,"m acres of forest, while the amount used for fuel alone Is greater than that required for all other purposes combined. 1 have mentioned only some of the direct products of the forests. Many ' of the minor products are quite as important. The woodlands yield over 1" per cent of the granulated sugar made in the Vnlted States, not to mention the many other Indirect products, such as tan ning materials and naval stores. Heavy Losses from Fires. Thus ll wili be seen that the purposes for which wood is used require an enorm ous ainonnt of it, ar.i' .'. Ith the development of tiie cits und itn.u til's the amount will still I'lcrec.-ie. To the enor.imus clearing made in a single year to s i,ny ihe de mands lor the lot", i pro liii't.t must he xdded the looses a cuni ilai .113 i'rmu lires. livery year ;;reas .ire swept over and the timber iti either nn re or I' M liani :t"J tr ftet !'i ; i' V ;Uo -e .'r. " Hut the wooiliauus iil'e oT iinniens? value to Ih" cum'.!'; in i Hit '.v . s ihri't in the run n I'lrbl products v. ir'.i H"y yield. It Is .it ii ier .hi. ,'V't ..g i. ii that forests brought to hear upon the question there is water enough available to irrigate about ino.OTO.noO acres. The most of these lands are very rich. All tha plant foods with which nature has endowed them are yet stored In the soil, and need only the pres ence of water to unlock them and make them available for pluut growth. This land Is practically worthless for agriculture as It Is, yet if under Irrigation It could be made to support a population of many mil lions. Private capital has vlone much for Irrigation In the west end has demon strated over and over again the feasibility of Irrigation. But private capital has gone to Its limit and the national government ehould now rome to Its aid. build the large reservoisV and flumes, reforest tha water sheds and thus store up and conserve the waters which now go to waste. The Irriga tion law. therefore, enacted In 1902, Is a most opportune measure nnd means the gradual reclamation of one-alxth of thu public lands, nn also the promotion of the cause of forestry. Besides being so vitally connected with the question of Irrigation forestry will piny a large part In settling the problem of graz ing on the public lands. Large areas, as In Arizona, for example, formerly affording good pasturage, watered by streams rising In the timber covered mountains, now that the forests have been cleared off, are abandoned because of a lack of water Btip ply at certain seasons of the year. Again, in many Instances the government forest reserves are the summer ranges without which much winter range could nof be used. Alining operations, too. In many parts of the west, have suffered from the depre ciating supply of timber. The -exploitation of the mines requires large quantities of timber, and. In many cases, successful mining Is Impossible without It. Thus Irri gation, grazing, mining and forestry are largo questions now confronting the west. and they are so Interlinked that they must be settled 111 combination. The sanitary Influence of trees Is coming more and more to be recognized and appre ciated. The woods irnclently were regarded as the abode of spirits, fit only for tho habitations of ugly bpasts. F.dmund Spen cer refers tn the forest as "a gloomy shade." Hnw different the modern concep tion when the woodlands are everywhere converted into health and pleasure resorts. Kven more vital Is the relation which forests sustain to the water supply of the large cities. The water supply, to be pure, should have Its source In tinlnha bltated woodlands. Itccognlzing this fact, some nf the large cities, notably Uostnn and New Haven In the east, and T.os Angeles in the west, nre now planting up their watersheds to forest trees. . This Is an important move ment, and one that no doubt will be widely extended, Involving as It docs the health of many millions. FHANIC O. AIILI-KR. Banquet for Promotion of Good Fellowship ll'.IU 1 I ,' c t ' I lei;. I onset e ! II distrilm ! I) Koit hi: lie i,. ( in'" or a I i.i i ' c v.b.'ilove; lo ii i v'. . i.i ; ion. 'oin r irj question, 1 1 e i ;, fori sis ic ! . ii' only very slitfrly, : us local o.ii';!-'i i comes io tiai'ig lie different ii'ii;:o' i;io, li-oc.t dial p. "us coi : e i I of i lo- y ! : i egma ,i:,c I he up - r sloiji of anii.'.e I'ii'n! ill, t'tid south. Is kno.'. n to be ,nl i o . t ' roi Ms ' Illi ve ll s. .'.V-trcr pre- 0 (iih'h.k !-us aoytinug 1 'i . Ii" a lie. Lit of precipi ',. I ' , .:' v ije icf on this i lac , reliability is that pi "o .', . .'. . i.i t. if a i a I1, , ami ;iiat l'ii v app'ai'--4 i i r. Ji It Wtien it i.i 'ii fa ii j have a li ' i - e.oi We no ;,. I'Ve 5 !e- ill ii1' i: Tin it' (iiflut n in tuie supp'y (yen ia I I ill t lie , nl fllcle.n.v lo det'iainl a"te itm; drying tip of s n ,i: a t ion ii rid I I' vt i.i I f 1 1 t . i 1 1 J. .if Ml,'. .'!. fall. 1"ie gr.i," w!i:t a nd la .' n. lies. .'Ii tangie of und 'i I rush, falling ram. coiiiliicts They hillil 'i tlai ii ' k ' 1 1 u cvapor o : i lal'.lo k the .. s,o"ini; the r un ' s numerous leaves r nf lime, and its lirecks ihe ! rce of it to the ground TA'AltSKItKD IMO TRKK FuRKST AT MILLn'OOH, CAL. Bureau of Forestry I'hoto. Vli a;- the liulltm Territory. This urea 1 ''li ed e en-ientits of our jiati.l al wood- alsiuc . ,t- lL'. The I'aclnc coast forests. i ,v!( !i y tain li has hi'ci wiitten, comprised -(il o: c-li ntn; oae-tenth was to tie foun.i i in lic Hocky niountalti country, while tiiu t tm lining one-tentii oicuntd 111 scattered e.aj throughout tin pialrie stdtts. . ; . ! ' Hatlle Agalutt the lurnu. Bo " was tint tiintier ai-ea, partlculaiiy In the east, that to the early settlers the cftntlneni appeared an unbroken wilder as, und "a whdernexs and civilization," tney said, "are liuxiiiiputlble." The new comer must' have lands for agriculture, heldi must be cleared, and so this hardy pioneer armed hlnupelf with his ax and firebrand, and the battle agulnst the fortet began. From that time on the seal nf In diana, beating Ihe figure of it woodchopper wlk) uplilted fcx, haa been emblematical productive, but the damage to neighboring lands from mows and floods have gicatly increased. Millions of Acres Made Itarreu. Ill northern Michigan, tor example, hill lions uf acred which urittlnully bore valuable timber, are now scarcely more than deso late sand barrens. These Michigan forests huvo served the puriises of one genet a llou, while they could have been m.iue to Vivid a continuous halves! und handed duwn to posterity unimpaired. The situa tion In Michigan is typical of conditions prevailing through the lake states, as well aa In many others. In Mississippi 10 pen, rent of the forest areas are now converted Into bad lands, and the suiiiU washing to the VdllevH below have turned them Into Handy wastes. itenldc ihe v.otl clearing that havu been made (or agricultural purisjutis, tiiu wood used In rome of the Industrlts may be of interest. Fifty thousand seres are consumed every year In the manufacture of crates and boxes. The railroads of the country use annually about li,0(,0o0 tii'B. Seven hundred and fifty thousand telegraph polea must be renewed jearly not to mention the telephone polts used and the telcuraph polea required In the construction of new lines, making thu total annual consumption for poles und tu a too acres. The match Industry cleurs up yearly i0 acres of pine. The Diamond Mutch company bua recently pur chased 40,uio acres of California timber, the whole lo be manufactured Into mutches. Three thousand livil hundred res art) needed yearly In the manufacture of shoe peg Shoe lu-its and boot-trees take 6.400 acres more. One mill converts yearly 10,. (io cords of wood Into toothpicks. Another manufactures 75.000 clothespins every day. gradually and there ll Is put in eloruge for futuio demands instead of causing kwollen streams and damaging floods Inci dent to rapid aurfacc tU'-iinuge. If tne water coast rvlug influence of for ests Is of so lmirked advantage lu r'gions of. ample rainfall, bow much inure Im portant then are forvs.s lo localities of sparse rainfall, as in the case in so large a part of the country west of the Missouri rivtr. litre the interests of agri culture, grazing, mining and transportation all demand the c( ns.i , it ion of the water supply. The forest policy I a't of the land pulley, and these two questions are In separably linked with the whole mutter of irrigation, which Is (.oiug to have so vital a tearing on the development of the arid lands. It is claimed that by despoiling the watershed of Its forest cover the summer flow available for irrigation in the Kockv mountain country lias been diminished by more than M per cent. There yet remain In round number about tilO.uou.OoO acres of public domain. Accord ing to the beta Authority that can HI Mi Itife i i r- if I.P TpirS HAYWAPD HROS.' 6HOE SAI.KS.MRN AT DINNKK AT THK COM.MKRClL CTI H-Froui a Flashlight Photo. Y"It TIIK promotion of good fellow- ship and for the discussion of 'subjects of mutual Interest, the member of tho firm of the Hay- watd Hros Shoe company gave an "employes' dinner" last Monday evening In the Commercial club rooms. It was x novelty to nil concerned and ro successful In Its purpose thHtVlans are being mude for ctlur similar occasions. Twenty-three employes weie piesent friiin I he road, shipping department und office. Including two young women. Clerks were there who have been with the firm since its establishment twelve years ago, In October of 192. Most of the salesmen and men In other deportments have been In the strvlca from Ave In eleven years ' C, 8, E. K. and J- w- Hajward, I lie Ut ter present from hla home in Iowa, made talka on the value of the proper spirit in the relations of employer and employed. Their remarks were followed by short speeches on the part of the member of the various departments. They expressed themselves as pleased with the iscaslon. and gratified at the Interest shown by their employers In their welfare C. 8. Hiywurd. hi hla lulk. reviewed tho business condition of the firm and Its growth. The lltiward brothers) me F. C, J. W., C. 8. and E. F... the president being F. C, who lives In Massachusetts. J. W. Hay ward lives at Vinton, la., where he is the active representative of the company for the state The other two members are residents of Omaha. The establishment has doubled the vol ume of Its buslnetw In the lat Ave years. In the last year there has been an espe cially gratifying increase, the ouslness of thu firm from the beginning of lu5 to the present time being 61 per cent greater than for the corresponding period of last J ear. And this has been accompli hoi win, addition of tint one pi til - '' ' on the road. The ;et cilery covered b ll.e traveling salesmen Include .Wbranka and parts of Iowa. South Dakota. .Missouri, Kansas, Colorado and WyonniiK. I'rof. A. II. Oaiuble of liu- Khil.lon School of Seientilii K.i a sum nsh !i w as pte- nt and to il ho',- iinp'oyer ; i: l i.i j: oy t-tl could best work tope.! f t' ti eli mlutl ll inlet eats. He also i". p a n, i J he irnil'odsof instruction of bio in tit ut.on. A fltish-light picture of the group was tnmii lor The !c. A line dinner served under the supervis ion of the Commercial club cb f was en Joyed. The spirit of the whole affair was such Hint Mr. C. H. Ilayw,.nl Is immensely plea-scd Willi Ills venture. He now Intends to give such dinners twice a year, prefer ably when all the salesmen aro la the city for their new llnca of sample. 11