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The Omaha Daily Bee VOL. XXXVI NO. 284. OMAHA, WEDNESDAY MORNING, MAY 15, 1907 TWELVE PAGES. SINGLE COPY THREE CENTS. t ) BURKE IN OMAUA JAIL ITnidewr o! Cepple and Wife Broncbt to Til Oitj for f aft Kefpln. JAYS DESERVES TO BE BURNED AT STAKE Express Itlief That is What Would Hap pen if Taken Pack te Fender. WANTS TO SEE MOTHER BEFORE HE DIES Can Cffer Bo Explanation of Why Be Com mitted tbe Crime. CAPTURED BY CHY MARSHAL AT HOOPER First Taken to Fremont and from llirr Tranaftrrtf to the Coaaty " Jul! la Omaha for Safe At midnight last night Fred Burke, who killed Farmer W. L. Copple and wife near Rosalie, Thurston county, ti placed In the Douglas county Jail. He waa brought to Omaha from Fremont on the Union Pat-Mo flyer which arrived here at 11:30 o'clock. He was In charge of Bhertff Bau man of Fremont and the sheriff of Thurs ton county, who were accompanied by a deputy. The prisoner waa in Irons and waa closely watched. On the way to Omaha he freely confessed his crime to the officers, but would give no reason for committing the atrocities. He said: "I fully realise the enormity of what I have done, and I know I ought to be burned at the stake, and that's probably what I would get If I should be taken back to Pender. The only request I have to make Is to be al lowed to live long enough to aee my poor mother who. resides In Denver. Then I am willing to take my medicine." Burks is a smooth-faced, boyish looking fallow, rather underside. He was so lame last night that he could not walk without assistance. He was In his bare feet when tie committed the murders and made his way over the rough country without shoes. The great toe on his left foot was almost cut off, although the man said he didn't remjtober how he cut It. He Is an Invet erate clgaret fleiid. He was dressed In ' overalls and a blue wollen shirt. When the train reached Omaha the of ficers remained In their seats until after the passengers had time to leave, and when the coast waa clear the prisoner waa taken to the Jones street stairway to the viaduct, handcuffed and chained to an officer on either side of him, with a deputy waning clone behind. The party boarded a Harney street car without attracting at tention and went direct to the county JalL ' As an extra precaution the prisoner was Searched . for the second time Inside the Jail, but only chowlng tobacco and clgaret "makings" were found on him. These lie was allowed to keep. When asked by a Bee reporter why ha ad committed such atrocities be hung his and muttered: - - - , "His handcuffs were left on him and hs was put In the solitary confinement cell. Cavtared t Hooper. HOOPER, Neb.. May 14. Spedsi Tele gram.) Fred Burke, the murderer of Mr, and Mrs. Copple near Rosalie, was arrested here at noon by Marshal Crawford. He stayed last night at the farm of Oeorge Ottesaan, six miles north, and exhibited a large roll of bills. He walked Into town today. He waa limping and was neipea over the new bridge Just north of town. Charles Durgln. foreman of the Standard Bridge company, bad read a description of the murderer, suspected the man and noti fied the officers. He claimed his name wss Hlgglns and that he had worked on the farm of Emll ChrlBtensen, twelve miles north of Hooper. He claimed he hurt his loft foot harrowing yesterday. He was perfectly cool and collected, answered ques tions promptly, gave his family history In an entirely easy manner. He was taken to a physician's office, where the foot was dressed. A large crowd gathered, but he was not 'excited. When searched, he had only a. few dollars In his pocket and car. rld no weapon. kThertff Bauman arrived at . 1 o'clock. After a close examination he felt satisfied Hlgglns was the murderer. Felix Gal lagher and another citizen pf Rosalie, both personally acquainted with Burke, arrived at 4 o'clock and positively Identified the prisoner, who then broke down and con fessed the crime. Burke was taken to Fremont this evening In an automobile and will bs held lu the Dodge county Jail for safe keeping. , Cafifeaaea to Crime. BANCROFT, Neb., May 14. Information received from Hooper at 4 o'clock this efttruuon told of the capture of Fred Burke, the murderer of Mr. and Mrs. W. X Copple. It was said that Burke ad mitted the killing, but refused to give any details or motive for the crime. Bherlff Bauman of Fremont, took Burke to Fre ment in order to avoid any possible vio lence to the prisoner. The capture was effected by Town Marshal M. E. Shipley of Uoopef. Na Motive for Crime. FKlrONT. Neb.. May It (Special Tele gram.) Bherlff Bauman went to Hooper erly this afternoon and brought back with him the murderer of the Copplea. near Lyons. The murderer waa arrested In a Hooper saloon by Marshal Crawford. The murderer coitfuaawd his crime, and told Sheriff Bauman all about It. He gave his j Telegram.) Fred Burke, the murderer of uamo as Lor I liny Hlgglns, and admitted Mr- an(1 Mrs. Copple nesr Rosalie, left - that he had gorw under an assumed name ; LyonB ist evening oa foot in a westerly several times, but declared it was for no , direction, after abandoning the mule stolen special reason in particular. He waa for- , trom employer and upon which he ea . n-.etly callud Ed Burke he said. His mother lives with a married slater at 630 Cook I fcn,rlff Malohow had all the county br eWea street. Denver. The confession which scroM the Elkhorn river closely guarded Sheriff Bauman, who has become some- ; and men .ourln th, country. Sheriffs of what of an expert In the business, wrung . Voag Cuming. Burt and Thurston and the from him. wss substantially as follows: constables of Beemer. Rosalie, Wlmier and "I didn't have any reason for l'n gtanton were all out and actively engaged In Copple and hi. wife. They were both good , h rch 'A ,rewr1 of jwo i. offered t ioe, but I was sobering up from an fcy ratlve, M(, men(1, of tn, Copples for awful drunk, and whea l went to get up , ,h re-t of ,h- murderer. I In the night lo vomit I went out doors and , Fe,n, verT ,ntenM at Bancroft and met Copple coming to the house with the ; ,f Burk. thWr han(J, , ;trn. I IP'bbed the shotgun and fired : chanc of hl, re.chlng th, ,he1Ier of a a. him and he elL He hollered and I .hot remote, ng-aln. Then I hardly know what hap- ; nrd. aithoukh I remember of shooting ! Poaae oa the Trail. Mrs. Copple when she came out of the I LYONS, Neb., May 14. (Special Tele houee. Then I went in and atayed in the gram.) Fred Burke, the murderer of house till eJong In the morning, about 8 , Walter Copple and wife, waa today cap o'clock, I think, when I went to the bam, Hired at Hooper, Neb., by the marshal of a mule and rode away. I got awfully ' that place, and waa Identified by Jack scared and nervoua, and atayed aa long Farley and J. Gallagher of Bancroft. The as I could at the house after killing Mr. posse from Lyons tracked htm from west ana Mrs. voppie. "I had notHng against either of them, and I never had a cross word with them. We were good friends. Mr. Copple brought . two .pint bottles , 0f wfclaky Baturd.y night, and It was this that made me so sick and craxy. liiggtna dented absolutely that he had any motive whatever In the double murder, 1 llieU them b-th." he said, "aud I never SUMMARY OF TUE BEE Wednesday, Mar IB. lOT. 190? UN MOM X 5 6 12 13 19 20 26 27 MAY nil wta raw 1007 rai t 3 4 10 II 17 18 24 25 31 1 2 7 14 21 I 2 8 9 15 10 22 23 28 29 3Q Til WIlTUa. FORECAST FOR NBHRASKA WarmM Wedncwiay ami Thursihiy. FORl-X'AST FOR IOWA Partly cloudy Wednesday, warmer In weet portion; Thurs day fair and warmt-r. v. temperature at (imam yesteraay: Hour. Deg. Hour. 37 1 p. m..., Deg. .... 87 5 a. m. . li a. m.. 7 a. in.. 8 a. m.. 9 a. in.. 10 a. m.. 11 a. m.. 12 m i p. m 3U 37 Dp. m 39 3 4 p. m 38 37 5 p. m 38 37 6 p. m 37 87 7 p. m 87 38 8 p. m , X 9 p. m 35 DOMESTIC. London grain dealera attribute rlae In price of wheat to shortage of crop in all parts of the world. Berlin dealers, while admitting extensive damage, say much of the advance Is due to speculation. Chi cago market sells off on extensive profit taking, but later buying movement sends rrlce up asaln. Prof. Wilson of the Uni versity of Kansas reports that the para site bee that he has been distributing is killing green bugs. Fags 1 Ten talesmen are passed by both sides in the Haywood trial and as soon as two more are secured the peremptory chal lenges will begin. "It la confidently as serted that the Jury will be completed by Saturday. Page 1 Union Pacific orders work of building Athol cut-off resumed at once. Fags 1 ITEBKASXA. Fred Burke, who murdered Mr. find Mrs. Copple near Rosalie, is captured by the city marshal at Hooper and is taken to the Fremont Jail. He admits his identity and also committing the crime. Fags 1 Freight men of the various roads seek to convince the State Railway commis sion a cut of IB per cent In freight rates would be toto much. Commissioners are noncommittal. State Board of Assess ment makes a slight increase in Pullman company valuations. Fage 3 Steamer Omaha, en route up the river, blown onto a sandbar near Nebraska City. Fage 8 Bruce Bundy is on trial at Tekamh for the murder of H. B. Austin. Fage Weather bureau reports a continued de ficiency In both temperature and molature for the season. Fage 3 Dodge county proposes to drain wet lands and prevent overflows of the Platte and Elkhorn rivers. Fags a FOBIXOBT. Returns from first election in Austria held under new suffrage law indicate that agrarians, clericals and Poles wll! con trol the lower house. Fags 1 X.OOAX. General . snows throughout Nebraska with light snow it) Omaha breaks alt rec ords for the month of May. Fage 1 .Endowment fund for Episcopal diocese of Nebraska pledged at meeting of Women's auxiliary at Trinity cathedral. Fags 5 Twelfth biennial meeting of tbe grand lodge of the Ancient Order of United Workmen convenes for three days' session, Fage Many Yortunes made by Omaha traders during recent advance in wheat market and Nela Updike said to have mads $200, 000. Fags Report of Sheriff McDonald relative to income derived during 1904 by feeding prisoners at county Jail. Faj-s S New warehouse of Paxton at Gallagher to be started next June and plans pre pared by Architect Kimball. Fage T Contracts closed for building of five Story annex to Henshaw hotel and Im provements planned to adjoining build Ings. Fage T BFOKT. Grapple, 6 to 1 and practically unbacked. wlna the Harlem selling stakes at Bel mont Park. Fags 4 . Results of the ball games: 10 Omaha vs. Pueblo 7. 10 Brooklyn vs. St. Louis 0. 6 Pittsburg- vs. Boston S. V Chicago vs. Philadelphia 0. ' E New York vs. Cincinnati 2. 4 Detroit vs. New York 8. 8 Cleveland vs. Boston 4. Fage 4 eovamcxAX ajts otustbiaxv Live atock markets. Fags Grain markets. Fags Stocks and Bonds. Fage t once thought of money in connection with the killing. I Just don't know how I, came to do It," and his voice broke Into a sob Sheriff Bauman was kept busied the en tire evening admitting; curious callers bent upon having a look at the man. Many were admitted and some were turned sway. Early In the evening Sheriff 8. M.a Young of Thurston county arrived, pleaaed that the murderer waa In safe hands. He was accompanied by Jamea Allan, a deputy sheriff of Douglas county, from Omaha. Sheriff Young said thct he had been in structed by the county commissioners to take any criminal whose safety waa much In doubt to the Douglas county Jail for safe keeping, and late last night Sheriff Young left for Omaha with his prisoner. Officials 411 tat the Search. WEST POINT, Neb.. May 14-(8peclal of town, where Matlcarrter Sbepard had seen him, to Hooper and arrived on the scene soon after his arrest. j wt. FIfty-Ceat Raise. J gxi.T LAKE CITY. May 14.-6.X hundred enuovea of the I'nited States Mini puny a cotpr and lril smelters at Bin. hampton Junction walked out todiy bocauw "f reIUe'1 lh"w " r " TEN TALESMEN ARE PASSED Good Fropresa is Made in Seleotins Jury for Haywood Case. FIFTY VENIREMEN NOT YET EXAMINED Wf Two More Jorers Are Paaaed Peremptory Challenges Will Begla Haywood Advisee Coaaael Frequently. BOISE, Idaho, May 14. Substantial prog ress toward the formation of a Jury to try William D. Haywood for the alleged murder of Frank Steunenberg, twice chosen the chief executive of this state, was made on this, the third day of the trial. Selec tion of talesmen halted for three solid hours over chairs five and six, but once those seats had been filled progress was very rapid. At adjournment for the day counsel for the defense had completed the examina tion and temporarily passed the tenth tales man. They had but two more to examine In chief and a reservation to examine. If they desire to exercise the right, two of those temporarily passed today, so that with reasonable progress tbe twelfth tales man should be passed tomorrow In time to open the way for the first peremptory challenge, whose exercise marks entry to the final stage of the formation of the Jury. Counsel for the state still adhere to the belief that the Jury will be completed by Saturday. Clarence Darrow and Edgar Wilson, for the defense, divided the work of examining talesmen today and their questions took the same wide range outlined by their as sociate, Mr. RIchardBon, and freely sanc tioned by Judge Fremont Wood. Mr. Wil son added to the lont train of connections, readings. Influences and ascoclatlons that might tend to disqualify a Juror, that of membership In the Idaho militia, which at various times has been railed upon to quell strike disorders. The examination failed, however, to disclose any military men among the talesmen. Mr. Darrow devoted much attention to possible prejudice of prospective Jurors, and his attitude and Inquiry was earnest to. the point of solemnity. He grsvely In vited each succeeding talesman who passed through his hands to place himself mentally In the serious position of the prisoner aild then to honestly ask himself If he would care to be tried by twelve men of minds framed like his own. Two Go Oat for Bias. . Two of the original panel J. J, Wag goner, . who , ngurea in the rost arroir, and George Walker went out for bias, and four of the special venire failed for various reasons to qualify. Two of the latter swore that they were so opposed to circumstantial evidence In a capital case that they would refuse to convict on it, however strong it might prove to be. An other of the special veniremen got oft for sickness, but there remain more than fifty of the special venire unexamined and ready to " fill vacancies, making the chances of completing tbe Jury from the special ventre seem .good. . Allen Pride, the fifth talesman passed by both atdes, testified ' that Deputy Sheriff Roberts,, who served him with a summons, had talked with him about the case and particularly about Harry Orchard, whom he had known when a penitentiary guard. An fcxtended and searching examination by Mr. Darrow failed to show that there had been any attempt to Improperly Influence the prospective Juror, and while the de fense reserved lus tights. It is improbable that the Incident will be pursued any further. The Incident brought out the first mention of the name of Harry Orchard In open court since the trial began. Talesman D. W. Henry, who held seat No. 6, after a long and at times amusing examination which showed a desire upon the part of the defense to have him ex cused, denied under path that he had told some of his neighbors in South Boise that Haywood and his associates must be guilty because they were brought back here for trial. This Incident Is to be the subject of further examination tomorrow. Haywood Takes Active Part It was another businesslike session of the court, unmarked by Important Incident not connected with the examination of talesmen. Counsel bristled occasionally In a manner that indicated the spirit of the battle that la to come, but they continued in harmony and were generally courteous and graceful to one another. Haywood participated to a greater extent than be fore in the work of his counsel. He con sulted most constantly with Messrs. Dar row, Richardson and Nugent, and it was very clear that he was offering suggestions as to the line of examination and ex pressing himself ss to the men In the box who may be chosen to sit In Judgment on his life. In seeking the removal of Talesman Or ric Cole, who la not In good health, Edgar Wilson, for the defenae, made the state ment that the trial would occupy several weeks and possibly several months. The ten men who have been examined and passed for cause by both sides are. In the order given: A. L. Ewlng, carpenter: William Van Orsdale, grocer; Samuel D. Oilman, farmer; Walter Shaw, farmer; Allen Pride, farmer; D. W. Henry, carpenter; George M. Mo Intyro. farmer; W. N. Rudge, farmer; Or rlo Cole, mining man, and W. W. Blsby, real estate and insurance man. FIRST DAY OF ntEF TRItl. Session Bpeat la Coasldertna; Motion for Chaaare of Veaae. BAN FRANCISCO, May 14. The first day of the Reuf extortion case with twelve Jurymen in the box brought only a small audience to Judge Dunne's court room this afternoon. Attorney Hiram Johnson, for the people, filed an affidavit against a change of venue. After the affidavit had been submitted At torney Ach, for the defendant, objected to this procedure on the ground that the affidavit was not filed in time, and accord ing to the penal code of thla atate the court overruled the objection. Ach took an exception and gave notice that he would file a counter affidavit and asked the court to adjourn until tomorrow morning. An adjournment waa arranted, after Judge Dunne had Instructed the lurora to refra!n from talking nbout the cao, read ing or having anyone read to them news paper accounts of the trial. Judge Dunns said tbe trial must proceed tomorrow. The trial Jurors are aa follows: John H Numbrell, fruit dealer; W. D. Knights, cashier; Clarence Colman, real estate dealer; Guatav Wormser, wholesale grocer; John C. Cavanaugh, furniture dealer; Edwin EL Ltddle, property owner; Phillip E. Lynch, fuel and feed merchant; F. A. Halser, wine merchant; Edward Hughes, special policeman; Harry A. Har vey, retired civil enxlneer; James Hagan, undertaker; Henry A. Tukr, rt.ueU box liiurulacturtc. TAFT WILL PUSH -THE FIGHT Porakrr'i Claim to t'oatrol of rarfy Machinery la Ohio to Be Tested. COT.I'MBt'B, O.. May 14 For the present, at least, the probability of a spectacular pitched buttle, between the Taft and For-aker-DIck factions In this state has passed. The fight Is still In progress, however, and the Indications now are that It will ter minate only with the retirement from public life of either Senator Foraker or Sec "-ery Taft. Today Chairman Walter F. Tr of ths republican state central com' .. called off the meeting of that h- wh-h to have been held here ' rrc the dispatch of the follow' te- c . .- all n onbore of the cop .ee Owing to Imlefln' jp v O. of pmy coherence by Set ,r .'-V for meet ing state commltu. rescinded. Tht meeting of vSnlttee was to ns ve been an ference of paV. 4 the general con- j, scheduled for to morrow, and w. as ao suddenly called off l.tat night byx senator Dick. The For aker peaple have all along claimed that the control of the party machinery was In their hsnda and there was an urgent de sire among many of the followers of Sec retary Tnft throughout the etate that the time had come to prove the accuracy of this assertion." Chairman Brown declared If a special meeting Is desired later It can be called at any time. In the meantime the Taft forces are about to push matters. They are about to "smoke out" the leading officers of the state, and Invite them to Indicate where they stand for Taft or for Fomker. After this part of the program has been carried out a meeting of the state central com mittee may be called and Its members will be given an opportunity to declare them selves. The republican 'organisation of this county today adopted Taft resolutions. The county committee waa called together for the purpose of formulating instructions to the Columbus delegates to Senator Dick's conference. When the conference was called off It was decided to endorse Taft anyhow. ELECTION DAY IN AUSTRIA Indications that Clericals, Agrariane and Polea Will Coatrol the Lower ' Hoaae. VIENNA, May 14. -The elections held to day throughout Austria under the extended suffrage, for members of the lower house of Parliament, passed off, as a general thing, very quietly. The regulations of the new suffrage law worked admirably and prevented the disorders which have char acterised previous contests. At a late hour tonight it was still im possible to form, a positive opinion concern ing the construction of the new house, be cause of the re-ballotlng In numerous cases. Three hundred and ninety-nine seats out of a total of 61 were filled today. The social democrats attained the greatest success, winning a total of forty-flvs seats. One member of the present cabinet, Herr von Marchst, the minister of public Instruc tion, who Is a German, lost his seat, while two otfif -ministers. Dr. von Derschatta, minister of railways, a German, and two Cseoh ministers. Dr. Forscht and Dr. Pacak, will have to fight for ,thelrs In the re-ballotlng. , The leader of the Blsmarck lan Germans, Herr Schoiierer, also lost his seat. Although It Is difficult to predict the final outcome of the elections today, there Is reason to believe. Judging by present Indi cations, that the new lower bouse will have a majority composed of clericals, agrarians and Poles. The re-ballots will be decided May 23. MORE VIOLENCE IN 'FRISCO Passengers and fltrlkebreakera . oa Street Cara Are Attacked by Membera of Mob. SAN FRANCISCO, Cal.. May 14. Today was the worst day of violence In the street car strike since the Turk street battle. The forenoon passed with little disturbance, but throughout the hours of the afternoon, from 12 o'clock until 7, stones flew on Mlnsion street, from Fifth to Twenty-fourth, a distance of about three miles. Though nearly 100 policemen, few of them mounted, were stationed along Mission street, vio lence was not prevented and comparatively few arrests were made. Several passengers were assaulted by the crowds, numerous strikebreakers were struck, panes of glass were smashed and persons alighting from cara were chased and In some Instances knocked down and beaten. , Mayor Bchmlts and the committee of fifty have spent the day In persistent effort to formulate some definite plan that will make for Industrial peace and the restora tion of normal commercial activity, but without success. Governor Gillett decided today to make hla headquarters in this city indefinitely for the purpose of giving the situation his per sonal observation. GIRLS MAKE SERIOUS CHARGE Aeease Casper Parties of Enticing Them Iato aa Immoral Reaort. CASPER, Wyo., May 14. (Special Tele gram.) Kate Gesener and Midget Gessner, whose home Is In Sioux City. Ia.. have brought a eerlous charge against eeverai parties in Casper, alleging that they were enticed away from their home and into a house of 111 repute tn Casper. George F. Robinson. Fay Hovey. Eddie Hovey and Ed Earl are the parties accused, and their trial has been continued to June 7. Robin son pleaded guilty to conducting a house of ill repute and waa fined today. Robinson waa placed under $1,000 bond to appear to answer to the charge of enticing the Gesa- ner girls Into hla place, and Fay Hovey waa placed under a bond of 8500. The other part lus could not be found. FILE BIG BLANKET MORTGAGE J. I. Case Company lasaea for Esteaaloa of Trade. Beads MINNEAPOLIS. May 14.-A blanket mortgage for 83.OP.0u0, covering all the real estate holdings of ths J. I. Case Thresh- Ing Machine company In the United States, was filed here today, running to ths First Trust and Savings bank of Chlcara. It is announced that the instrument la to secure a bond Issue to be used for de- veloplng and extending the company a trade, with special reference to the Ca- nadlan and foreign fields. Properties cov- ' ered are in Minneapolis. Racine, Dee Moines. Fargo. Kansas City, Dallas, Tex.; jncoln snd Oklahoma City OUTLOOK FOR WHEAT UN) London Dottier Attribite Kiss te Proiptct f World-Wide f hortate. BERLIN TAKES A DIFFERENT VIEW Mneta of Advance la Attributed to Manipulation hy Speculators. Blight Reaction la Chicago Market. . LONDON, May 14. The European wheat situation, according to the generally ac cepted view here, resolves Itself Into ques tions of supply and demand. It is ex plained that it Is not speculation alone which has brought about the present high prices. The situation has been strongly Influenced by buying for the foreign de mand. Germany has been purchasing Australian and Argentine cargoes for nearly six weeks, the shortness of stocks in that country being caused to some ex tent by selling considerable quantities of both rye and wheat to Russia, as last year's Russian crop suffered damage. Germany, therefore, must now get about 4,000,000 bushels mors before the end of July this year than It did during the same period last year. This fact la re marked here aa mainly Instrumental in causing the squeeze, because river Platte shipments sre required by the United King dom, Germany and the Mediterranean, es pecially Italy. It Is also acknowledged that considera ble damage has been done to the winter crops in Germany, Roumanla, Hungary and along the Danube, extending to about 40 per cent. One Bulgarian report says that in places it is about 80 per cent. From all Europe, France excepted, the advices are unfavorable. The Russian, crops are not only bad, but the political uncertainty In that country Is also having a depressing effect on trade. The millers have been keeping down stocks to the lowest points possible, living from hand ! to mouth, expecting a drop In prices. Cold weather In Great Britain also to some extent helps the advance. In the past, generally speaking, when there has been a shortage of wheat in the west there has been plenty In the east and vice versa, but this year both are bad, and naturally the price goes up. The representative of a large Roumanian dealer Informed the Associated Press that when he left 'Roumanla some weeks ago the outlook was bad and that his advices fully confirmed the depression of the situa tion. He further said that unless rain fell very shortly the spring crop would be ruined and the exports of wheat would be prohibited. A dispatch received here from Melbourne, Victoria, this evening said that the wheat market there was strong and that prloea had advanced t cents. Prlcea Lower la Liverpool. LIVERPOOL, May 14. The price of wheat futures here today were lower. According to the opinions of dealers the Increase in the. pi Ices of wheat Is due to the shortage of the crops In the United States, southern Russian and Roumanla, and not to specu lative movements. The latest reports from Bucharest say unless rain falls In a few days tha spring crops In the Whole of Roumanla will suffer severely. The large cargoes of wheat which gen erally reach these waters at this period of the year have not arrived and the stocks in ureal Britain are light. A con siderable quantity of Australian wheat is being purchased in England for Germany. Owing to the Increase in the price of flour the Scotch bakers have raised the price of bread. PARIS, May 11 The wheat situation In the United States is being followed most attentively In Paris and every part of Eu rope. The upward movements of prices, however, do not cause great surprise In commercial circles. Prominent grain mer chants here express the opinion that the present upward movement is partly Justi fied by the crop reports, though it is said to be to a certain degree speculative, and some reserve is regarded as being neces sary in forming an opinion on this aide, as the latest available reports In Europe are quite a month old, when almost every country except France, which was favor able, reported a shortage. German wheat suffered from the rigorous winter, and Hungary, Russia and the Danube districts also endured severe cold, while the spring wheats have been retarded by the abnormal temperatures. All parts now complain of the excessive heat, and even in France It Is not certain whether the crops will turn out as well as anticipated. The critical period la now approaching. In the event of the prospects being unfavorable the French merchants would be obliged to Im port from the United States. The European requirements, have been Important this year, with low stocks, while the small supplies received from India leave the United States apparently master of the situation. The market here this afternoon was calmer on realising. Germans Blame Specalatora. BERLIN, May lt.The German grain market is disturbed over the sharp rise in prices in tbe United States. While it ia admitted among grain merchants that the advance finds a natural explanation in the crop prospects, chiefly American and partly European, still the feeling here is that speo uiattcn has been -overdone tn America, hence in Berlin the prices today not only refused to follow the advances in the United States and IJverpool yesterday, but closed lower, July wheat losing 75 cents per ton. It was reported on the Bourse that Russian agents sold heavily for nearby de livery. While the German grain crop somewhat improved recently, It is still far behind in consequence of continued drought. HAMBURG, May 14. The fear Is ex pressed among tha Hamburg grain mer chants that the South Russian merchants ( may fall to make delivery If the upward : movement In the price of wheat continues. One Hamburg firm Is mentioned as already bong involved in difficulties In this con nection. BUDAPEST, May 14 The report of the ministry of agriculture saya that the win ter had bee bad for grain. Winter wheat, rye. barley and corn Buffered from the ex cessive frosts and Insects and much of the land waa unfilled on account of the un favorable spring. Ths exlatlng sowings show little development. Blight Reaction la Chirac. CHICAGO, May It-Many men took email fortunes from the Board of Trade thla ' morning by quietly unloading wheat at the j high prices made possible by yesterday's I extraordinary bull movements. The pit. ' however, was less spectacular than It was I reaterday and the gallery, crowded to Its ; utmo,,t capacity by viaitora of both sexes, : w,kl,e,, ,n vUn for bur,t ot P"1!"nonlum use iui wnicn f mica lur nuun ywfr- day. December wheat touched a dollar for a (Continued on Second Pag.) P LAH0MA EPDLE GR0WS Jaaetloa May Caaae Another "ea elnaj of Constitutional Coaveottna. WASHINGTON, May 14-Oovernor Frsnts of Oklahoma and the delegation from that state who are in Washington to confer with Chairman Sherman and members of the republican congressional committee re garding the constitution adopted for the new state, late tonight received a tele gram announcing that a permanent Injunc tion was granted by Judge Pancoast at Alva, Okl., today in the Woods county case restraining the governor, constitu tional convention end county officers from calling an election prior to November, 1!. J. L. Ilaman, the republican state chair man of Oklahoma, who announces an ap peal will be taken to the supreme court, tonight telegraphed members of the state legislative committee calling a meeting for May 23 to decide what action shall be taken regarding the holding of a state con vention. The result of Judge Psncosst's decision, it Is announced tonight by the delegation, may be that the constitutional convention may have to again assemble to make cer tain changes In the state constitution re cently adopted. Chairman Haman has sent messages to the county chairmen recom mending that no caucuses or conventions be held until after tho meeting of the re publican state executive committee. It will be Impossible, Chairman Haman says, to get a hearing In the state supreme court until the middle of June, and the state convention has been called to meet June 8 at Tulsa, I. T. Secretary Taft has accepted an Invitation to address that con vention. In view of Judge Pancoast's de cision In the Woods county case the Okla homa delegates believe that It will be neces sary to postpone the state convention until after the supreme court peases on ths Woods county appeal case. Accompanied by Representatives Sherman of New York and Loudenslager of New Jersey nd Senator Curtis of Kansas the Oklahoma delegation was received by the president tonight. Mr. Roosevelt asked many questions about the new state, but expressed no opinion regarding ths new constitution. VIGOROUS DENIAL FROM DIAZ Mexlcaa President Says Report Pab llahed la New York Makea Him Appear to Re a Fool. CITY OF MEXICO, May 14. The repre sentative of the Associated Press was re ceived In special audience by President Diss, and his attention called to a tele gram from New York, saying that he favored a federation of, Central American states with a Joint protectorate over them by the governments of Mexico and the United States. President Diss denied that he had made such a statement to any newspaper man, adding that he hoped that j the Associated Press would correct the same or else "it would seem to the world j that the president of Mexico was a fool." He said that last Saturday the American ambassador, Hon. David ' E. Thompson. ! called upon him with two gentlemen, both Americans, one a mining man In northern Mexico, and the other a representative of a New York newspaper. They were accompanied by some one who acted as interpreter, and President Dlas declared thst the statement concerning the federa tion and the protectorate of the Central American states was doubtless due to some mistake In translation made by this In terpreter. The president today stated that In the Interview of last Saturday turning on the Central American situation, he told his Interviewers that Mexico would never go to war with Guatemala unless there waa some strong reason for it,, making war necessary, and even these reasons would have to be such aa would appeal to the nations of the world; but, on the other hand, Mexico could not tolerate any alight from Guatemala or any other nation. He added In his converaatlon to the gentle men last Saturday, that the extradition of the parties demanded from Guatemala was because of their implication In an act of sssasslnstlon In this city. Guate mala, he said, excused Itself under the treaty existing between Mexico and that country, but the excuse was scarcely valid. WESTERN MATTERS AT CAPITAL Laad Withdrawn from Settlement in Wyoming- to Be Restored to Entry. (From a Staff Correspondent.) WASHINGTON, May 14.-(Speciai Tele gram.) Rural free delivery carriers ap pointed for Nebraska routes: Arcadia, route 1, William P. Burdlck, carrier, Flor ence E. Burdlck, substitute; Rlverton, route S. Gustav Iverson, carrier, Emma Iverson, substitute. Christine Taylor has been appointed post master at Bangor, Walworth county. South Dakota, vice M. A. Burns, resigned. Upon the recommendation of Congress man Haugen Dr. J. W. Davis has been appointed pension examining surgeon at Waukon, Ia., vice, Dr. B. C. Myers, re signed. I On July f7, next, there will become sub ject to settlement, but not to entry filing or selection until August 2. about 24, W0 acres of land now temporarily withdrawn for forestry purposes, and adjoining the Medicine Bow national forest reserve in Wyoming within the Cheyenne land dis trict. HOME TO BREAK THE NEWS Syraeaae Merchant's Boa la Returning- with Hla Japanca Bride. SEATTLE. Waah.i May 14. Horace N. Lavtne, son of a wealthy ahoe merchant of Syracuse, N. Y., passed through here yesterday with hla Japanese bride on his way home to break the newa of hla mar riage to hla parents. Mra. Lavlne Is re ported to be very wealthy. She speaks no English. Lavlne enlisted in the First Tennesaee volunteera and waa In tbe Boxer troubles with the Ninth Infantry. OFFICIALS ADMIT ROBBERY Cttlsene Bank Robbed finder Ex tremely Basplrloaa Clr eamataaeea. TOPEKA, Kan., Msy 14. Officiate of tha Citltena' bank of North Topeka admitted today that the aafe had been entered some time between last Saturday night and Mon day morning and robbed of $10,000, half of It in gold and the balance In currency. No explosives were used, but the safe com binations were worked. Suspicious circum stances surround the robbery and tbe bank officials hint at sensational arrtsls within a few days. SNOW AND REAL COLD Dentine Winter Weather TreTailt Otei Nabmka and Adjoinine States. MERCURY RANGES ABOUT FREEZING POINT Cmsa Gets Severe Temperature, bnt Only a Touch of the Enew, FORECASTER'S RECORDS ALL ARE SMASHED Veeetation of Every fort Enfferi and Knoh Garden Trnok Eninel, REPLANTING NECESSARY IN MANY CASES l nprrcedented Weather F.itenda.Over Thla State and lilts Kansas, Iowa, Wyomlna;, Colorado aad Dakotaa. Omaha, light snow. Lincoln, coid and windy; snowing ver hard. Beatrice, cold and windy; snowing very hard. Fremont, cold and windy; slight snow. Columbus, cold; snowing very hard.v Grend Island, snowing very hard. Norfolk, cold and windy; north wind. Sioux City, cold; misting. Oakland, cold and windy. West Point, cold and windy; probably snow. Wiener, snow. Hastings, cold and windy; slight snow; temperature. 82 degrees. Holdrege, very cold and windy; no snow. Emerson, cold and windy; no snow. Nebraska City, cool and slight wind; no snow. Tuesday, May 14. waa the kind of day the Oldest Inhabitant Jots down In his memory to spring on the wondering futuro generations. Snow fell in Omaha In the morning and at noon it was coming down fast, but it was ao nearly-akin to rain and sleet as to make no stand for iteelf. The record fvr late spring snow was broken. The temperature ranged from 36 to 38 above sero and the atmosphere was severely pene trating. This touch of winter was general over this section of the west. The weather was no mere trlto topic of conversation. It was a thing of muc,h Im portance, not only affecting the feelings of people, but threatening to stunt the crops, which by this time ought to be well on the way toward fruition. The Nebraska Telephone company consid ered the weather so extraordinary that a special effort was made to get the state of the weather condition at different points in the state. The result wss as printed above. Everywhere It was cold and windy and at a number of points a heavy snow was re ported. The weather ranged from 88 de grees In Omaha to S2 degrees at Hastings and points below freeslng further west in the state. v Weather Maa Busy, The usual quiet routine of the local weather office was disturbed consldersbly. Colonel Welsh snd his corps of assistants were in a rush all morning taking readings from various Instruments, comparing them with readings of other years and putting them down for future reference. "Talk about winter lingering in, the lap of spring," exclaimed the weather man. "Tha old fellow is actually trying to stay and make the acquaintance of that win some dimsel. summer. I've no patients with the weather." The government reports showed snows in the region from Concordia, Kan., as far ss Cheyenne. There were killing frosts in the Dakotas, Colorado snd Wyoming and heavy frosts In the mountain district. In western Nebraska the temperature was be low the freeslng point Tuesday morning. The indications ars for alowly rising tem perature today. GARDENS RIIXED BY WEATHER Many Mast Be Replanted aad Omaha la Scarce of Vegetablea. Omaha may be in a bad way for green garden truck within the next few weeks, for the reason for garden truck from tha aouth is about over and the home grown vegetables are late or nil. Local garden ers had to replant several times and It looks as though moat of the garden truck will have to be replanted again. - But few gardeners can be found at the markets these cold mornings snd but a dosen were at Eleventh and Howard streets Tuesday morning, where generally at this season of the year there are from 78 to 100 each morning. The asparagus and spinach and pieplant which the few who came brought to market was sold for more than twice what it formerly cost at tins season of the year. The gardeners say they are not get ting one-fourth the green stuff they gen erally got at this season. There ars no home grown peas, beans or radishes. B!OW "n COLD OVER STATU Eastern Nebraska r ana l-onion ax Kansas la Storm Area. LINCOLN, May 14. Snow began falling In Lincoln and over most of eastern Ne. braaka at 8 o'clock this morning, with in dications fsvorlng a heavy fall. Ths tem perature waa I degreea above the freeslng point at that time. NORFOLK. Neb., May 14. Snow began to fall heavily here before noon. The tem perature dropped to frexlng point GRAND ISLAND, Neb.. May 14. Snow flurrloa occurred here thla afternoon, the temperature falling to 93. KANSAS CITY. May 14. Over thres inchea of rain fell laat night in aouth western Missouri and there waa a pre cipitation of over two inches of water lo other portions of Missouri and In south-, eastern Kansas, with a light fall of rain all over Kansas and throughout moat of Oklahoma. At Concordia, Kan., one county from the Nebraska state line, snow fol lowed the rain this morning with a tem perature of 88 degrees prevailing. The fall of rain follows: Lamar, southern Missouri, 1.12 Inches! Fort Scott, aoutheaatern Kansas, 1.60; Lex ington. Mo., one county east of Kmau City. L32; Kidder, northeast Missouri, 1.J0. In the vicinity of Kansas City the wind blew at a velocity of forty miles an hour and the rainfall amounted to .7 of an incu. WEST POINT. Neb., May 14. tSpecial.) A severe snowstorm occurred here thlt morning for about three hours, melting as It fell. The temperature waa very low. Following a period of heat, with hot winds, thla experience is hard on all growing crops. Corn planting Is progressing fast. In sums of ths churches preyera have boos offered for favorable weather. LINWOOD, Neb., May 14.-(Speclal.-II began to anow here trie morning about 1 o'clock. For more than two houra a ver itable blizzard raged, aa a high north wind was blowing. MEADOW GROVE; Neb.. Msy It (Spa clai) A bevy snow is falling Lara lUl T