Newspaper Page Text
) THE OMAIIA DAILY DEE: TUESDAY, AUGUST 27, 1907. J O u. I EXTRAORDINARY EVENT TUESDAY! GIGANTIC SALE of ft "a a a. r a i w --- . Mil ENTIRE STOCK FROM WRECKED WAREHOUSE 1PMT0N & GALLAGHER CO. Thousands and thousands of pieces of fine Tinware (all ? sound) will be sold at just a fraction of their wholesale price. J J Remember our sale of graniteware from Paxton & Gal- ??lagher? These bargains will be even bigger. Such tinware jj sales don't come twice in a life time. tio Store in America Ever Offered Such Big Tinware Bargains as These Plenty of tinware to last for days not bargains for an hour but enough to satisfy evervbodv. Don't inica iha i 2J chance, unnns at nrm-lmlf in AnoJnnUi 4l; 1 Kj. w uiit-iiuni men value. 1 Worth Up to 75c Each Cako Pans Fruit Cans with Index Covers Dippers and Hundreds of Articles of Everyday use at. Coffee and Tea Pots Funnels jf Measures Large Dippers. Milk and Pudding i Pans, at Flour Sifters, Collenders. Sink 1 trainers, Imported Enam eled Cannisters Cuspidors, etc Dish Pans Foot Tubs-Black Enamel Trays Copper Bottom Coffee Boilers and Tea Pets anu nunurcus or Winers ....v.- ACTUALLY WORTH AS HIGH AS 75o EA..JE uMk u-uiiia iuluuhi r.iunninu in ilAKUWAKt m DEPARTMENT Old Store, Basement Children's Shoes The Reason Why, Kind You've some romping, healthy children at your house. Have you not? Those children that have the fa culty of kicking out shoes bo fast, to you and for them we've some thing of Interest. We want you to know that the children's shoes we sell taxes the entire strength of the lusty, youngsters to wear out, owing to the quality of leathers and the workmanship put In them. - . vuu -uuiii, vii lug J I iuu. pedlc last made In Velour Calf.H box Calf.-Vlcl Kid and Patent Colt, Turned and Welt Soles, But ton or iace. TOTCES Size 5. to 8, at RANGE Size at -8 to 11, Size 11 to 2, at Size 2 to 5, at $1.25 $1.50 $1.75 $2.00 LACES AT 3V2C AND 5c YD. New lot of very fine Normandy and Plat Vals. and Point de Paris also Imitation Cluny Laces in widths up to o incnes, ana many .Laces and ff I mm Insertions to match sets regular JfTrP ,n.l kfl 10c laces at, yard... .W2ll B Utl Kb IS HEXT SATURDAY SPECIAL SALE ' Sg BOYS' SCHOOL CLOTHING a great opporxuniiy 10 ouy your boy's school outfit awav jg under price. .See the windows. .Watch the ads. u, -t7 &lTrZW7&f'2 Collector Drexel Shoe Co. lilt Farmm SI. Yon leave Your important Papers in the Desk Drawer, your Valuable Jewels in a frail case, or your . Family Silver displayed on the sideboard, you expose yourself to unnecessary risk of loss! 15.00 pays for a box In Our Safe De posit Vaults for a year. When you want your Valuable you can always get them, and when you DON'T need them, not one person can gain access to them! First National Bank Omaha, Neb. OMAHA ARE UNDER CONSTANT NERVOUS TENSION ENDEAVORING TO RE STRAIN LADIES FROM GETTING OFF BEFORE CARS. COME TO A STOP WON'T YOU HELP THEM BY WAIT-' ING UNTIL THE CAR STOPS AND THEN STEPPING OFF SAFELY IN THE RIGHT WAY. i - Assist cs la preventing accidents. 0m aha & Council Bluffs reef Hailwav fn. BEST HARD COAL It's the genuine Scranton from Scranton, Pennsylvania and the "Lehigh Valley" the "Premier Coal." It's fresh mined. It's weighed on city scales, if desired. You get what you pay for. It's $10.50 per ton. C. B. HAVENS a CO. PHOXE 817 DOUGLAS. 1803 KAItXAM STRKET. Bee Want Ads Produce Results DR. BRADBURY, Dentist, 1S08 FAR NAM ST.. OMAHA. Phona o-u-! Extracting 23c aorcUln FUls..l Bp Crown $2.5 ap Ilrtdg Work. 92.50 up ilii I li i i mmm ill iHUli 16 Year, am location Phone Douglas 1756 We make m specialty tuetal and roofless platen. Painless work la all ODmilnm utv. I m Hotel Cumberland Broadway and B4th Btrt, MtW YORK gitt. Dm Blt ta h( W BUtloa. aka. plDff uuiric, mbuij raxft. hmm, Uudun. Fl roo. Uh at Ua aaaat (urnabaa aaiaia an w,. Kataa wlUl Bftth, ta.M Bp. CoelaM lumowr tlotat la N.w York. Bn laaaa Klaa. Uaaaauanaca lor aoail tTITL- l.od far BaakJat. MAKAOBailNT: iuit P. niMMn If i - Ctif ; UUI7 tu Hoi.l ia,-i, V Hstal HaMtvarC ll 0 , B B H.;B R m BTIB'K B B I OMAIIA W KATHKR FCr. KCA8T TuomIht. Fair. 1 M 10 green Iradlnu stamps Iree lo each book produced, jj ii New booVs wllh free stimpi lo everybody br the nsklng. S 71 PIM fill W II I I I 1 ! I I kf, MJLJ il SmFokToismt See fie New Fall Suit Styles ) New Crown Jewel Suits $25.00 uiuy CP' ' THE RCLIABLB STRI Crown Jewel Suits Are " More Beautiful Than Ever Grand Undermuslin Clearance Tuesday u y I Sale o ff Of great interest to i White Chtaa Our ceramic artists. Annual Sale is on, will continue Tuesday and Wednesday 6n6n1 Jf Jf 2. Per JE JTnn. Cent BENNETT'S BIG GROCERY Headquarters for Best Values fa Lima Baan Special ' Thirty dozen cans Omar 1-lnia Beans, worth 12 He, Ions as aupply lasts, at. per can 9c. Per dnnen cans $1.00 Beaded Raisin Special One hundred and thirty ykgB. Monaon Seeded Raisins, our regular price 10c, spe cial, per packHge 6-; Snidor'a Baked Beans, larno can 20o And 10 green trading stamps. Twenty pounds Granulated Sugar 'or ji.oo Campbell Salad Dressing-, hot... 10a And 6 green trading- stamps. Enamellne, special, five cent slie, tor 2V,o tsmmmmommKmmmzmmmu k i 3 J Rd Snapper Relish, per bottle lie And 10 green trading Stamps. Corn Starch, per pound package 40 Potted Meat, can 4c Sardines, can 4 Baked Beans, can 4c Japan Rice pound .....Mo And 10 green trading stamps. Baking- Powdar Spaolal Twelve hundred, one pound cans Rennntt'a r.nltnl powder, per can ..24o And 40 crp.n tr.Hlnv .nmnM T?Xch kk Red Kidney Beans, worth 10c, Tuesday's price, can 7o Bennett's Capitol Cocoa, half pound 5 Thousands of garments that have become slightly soiled or mussed by handling mostly skirts, gown and corset covers. Well made from best material daintily trimmed and generously proportioned. In this final clearance offers at LESS THAN 1HLH KRAI, VALVE. Ladies' Clowns, worth to $1.60, with lace and em broidery jokes; choice 4) Chemise, worth to $1.00; choice 40 Corset Covers, worth to 60c; choice 15 Corsets anil Girdles, worth to 75c, plain and fancy colors, come with two sets of hose supporters; at, choice 30 Children's Knit or Cambric Underwear, many with taped buttons, worth to 25c; choice 10J Many Other Special Furnishing Bargains Tuesday. Extra Specials for Tuesday IN OVIt FAMOUS DOMESTIC ROOM, " I ). And SO green trading stamps. i!Kw::ki ? ' TV H lwC fl Mil -LA n h : ma II I usiiirai uuai & uoxe i : li Co. of Omaha n HSfh AHH HAniIFY QTQ I S 3BILHEBIHB9 I &AWK CXKTTm AJrCHOB FEVCl OOBCPAsTT 07 Vortli 17ta MU. Omana READ THE BEST PAPER Subscribe Bra-nlarlr for Tfa Bae. HOTELS AND SUMMER RESORTS -g8 'Bin jwi. - sa t n ! I N CFfeav I fell ' 1 H Electric power is instantan eous. Anybody can start a motor at any time or place with a1 simple switch. Investigate. Omaha Electric Light and Power Co. Tel. Douglas 1063. ' y. M. c, A. BWg STILL MORE WEDDINGS This week, calls for Cut Glass or Silver, or Clocks, : omutuw, vreuuing rungs. we nave a good Una of all of theaa. Spend a few minutes In our stora. LOOK FOR THE NAME. , S. W. LINDSAY, Jeweler 181 Douglas Straat. St AT 0:30 A. M. One case of heavy unbleached muslin, regular 9c grade (10 yard limit), t OH Apron checks ; Apron staples, Amoskeag 15c sorts 7 He Fruit of the Loom 9U 8-4 unbleached Lockwood 22H Remnants of fine Irish linens, 59c,. 49c, 39c and 25 Remnants (5 to 10 yards) fine mus- ns .... 5 Remnants of India llnons (5 to 10 yards) 5 Ladies' Suits Made to Order We have secured the services of an expert French Ladles' Tailor. A. Glgounon, formerly with Paquin, the famous Parisian ladles' tailor. We guarantee to our customers perfect fit and workmanship. Call and see him. Special Sale of Tinware Tuesday An Immense shipment of No. 1 Tinware, secured at a most remarkable bargain, NOW ON KALE AT A FRACTION OF REAL VALUE. NOTHINQ DAMAGED ABOUT THESE GOODS BUT THE PRICES. , 1 Quart preserving cans, with Index covers All size, pie ; plates, measuring cups, funnels, etc. 2c Cookie cutters, animal shapes; A. B. C. plates, doughnut cutters, wire coffee strainers, nutmeg graters, fruit fun nels, etc., all worth not less than 5c, each , 1 14-qt. tin dish pans, this sale, eacn.(5 17-qt. tin dish pans, this sale, All sizes pot covers, worth to 15c. .3 1 and 2-qt.' covered buckets n One gallon covered tin buckets. . . .5 Large colanders 5J Cuspidors, regular size, nickeled tin, worth 16c, only .... 5 Fruit Sieves, 3 quart 5 Bread pans, all sizes; dippers, ladles, skimmers, cake moulds, wash basins, milk strainers, sprinkling cans, milk: cans, etc., all worth 10c to 20c each all go for .. 3(t 1 and 2-qt. tea or coffee pots, only 3 No. 8 tea kettles, only 12 H It does not pay to buy battered-up or .. damaged tinware at any price; It is sQf cheap anyway that you might as well buy new ,- roods. ".R-TEtyTS ht PROTECT. M.B.UCE WaeMngtan.O.b. (Ub-186 The Twentieth Century Farmer Oaa Dollar a Taar. One-third Bushel Fancy Siberian Crabs, 35c Now Is the time to buy Crab Apples for Jelly. We were fortunate in securing these appleg and you will be more fortunate If you secure them after this at 25 to 60 per cent advance on this price; Tuesday, per M bu. basket. .35J Probably the Last Crab Apple Sale of the Season. WZ HMDENS' SM IE? cd) HE? Lr lAiLs F IT Three 1 99 FiTgr'SS A thoroughly up-to-date monthly publication on the subject of electrictity, it's progress and development, the multiple uses to which it is put at the present time and the great field of research and investment it opens to the student of the future. You Ought to Know About Electricity and you ought to know what it is doing and proposed to do right here in our own state and at our own door. Do, you know that Henry Robinson, the head of the Sewer Pipe Trust, and one of America's keenest business men, before his death began the construction of an electric line from Omaha to Lincoln, Nebraska, with his own money; that his estate is now completing the road and think so well of the investment that not one share of stock will be offered for sale. Do you know that the steam roads are short of cars for their through freight traffic, that it is almost impossible to get cars for local traffic? Sharpen your pencil and figure out what the local traffic, freight and passenger, means between Omaha and Hastings. Get out your .ouiuau map juiu new uuw iuaueiuuieiy tins particular territory is supplied wun steam transportation. Do a little thinking i juur uwu way. tudy the U3ap fsVXJ- T. UTta.wJ ""r 1 (I 'Sa M if. I . IS f . fw SS f I S I r aaraaV.,.a S r w m (ChANB island The above map shows the line of the proposed Omaha &' Nebraska-Central Railway. It will directly connect the fertile Platte valley with Omaha and the big trans-continental roads radi ating in every direction. ItVill give a cheap, quick outlet for the products of this rich territory. It will increase land values for a distance of ten miles on either side of its right of way. It will afford quick connection with Omaha, the best distributing point in the west. This road will be operated with electricity. Electricity is the Motive Power of the Future but that is only one of its many forms of usefulness. This is a big chance to get a fine publica tion without cost, on a subject which vitally interests everyone in this country. You use electrictity in some manner. What do you know about it! Post your self you can do so by filling out this coupon. r :i a -i' mii i --i "if l-i hi. a. i-i S jj ou uuw, iuau ui uuce ami your name win De piacea on our mailing nsi wiuiuui ueiay. Jvs maha Ql Nebraska Central Railway 320 First Nat'l Bank Dldg., Omaha, Neb. -""' i AT 2 P. M. One case of 10c fine bleached muslin (limit of 10 yards to customer), at 6H $1.00 cotton blankcts 74 f 1.25 cotton blankes. 80 $1.50 cotton blankets. 08 $3.50 wool blankets $2.50 wool blankets S1.41) $2.50 homemade comfortables. 1 2 M c Amoskeag outing flannel. . 7 10c shaker flannel GHft Remnants of fine wool dress goods, at 69c, 49c, 39c, 25c and 15 ja mm r 0j in nun im mm i ii 1 1 i i i i i i n mini iiini i mini i mn