Newspaper Page Text
THE OMAHA DAILY DEE: WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER IS. 1007. 11 ' OFFERED FOR -RENT lonea mm roiimn -mi m. . FIVK-room cottage, new; reasonable rent. No. 2"tli Ave, J. Kendl Co., paxton block. (li)-Mliit 13 WE bO 'ipfrt piano moving at lowest briers. TH. Douglas lew Brhmotler & Mucllf Piano Co., 1311-1318 Farnam. - ' (la)-2i OMAHA 'Van at Storage Co. pack, mow,' ?tor M H. 'good; Storehouse 1124 24 H. ti. Office Farnam. Tel. Doug. 156. , 1 ; , v f.9 . ud-ki HOUSfiHOLD fiioda!. packed, forwarded; cheap .freight fat. Moving and storage, r Kxpressmeu s Delivery Co. Tal. Douglas (15)-25 H-R0OM. modern - hoiwie except furnace, - - U Plerc St., one block to car. Inquire .- lil fjouth 2itjAvev H. Althouse. f , " (16)-4V,g FOR RESrT-By b'wnar, 8K.T1 N. 2M. naw 6- mm nipdern cottage, TeL .Webster 136. (15) 263 Msggnrd- Van -and UK. 1496. Office. 1713 . (16)-S62 , Storage "Co. ,Tel, '; ' Wtfiur St. . : , HOtlSES I?' rt of tha city. n. .. u"u? C. Peters at Co., Bra Bldg. , . . , , , (16) 260 FDH HUNT Larg. etdre rr)orr, nth and vimon,,!. c. M.. ASacnmann, 4.77 Paxton lock, (15) TOO JtOUBKfl., Rlngwalt. Barker Blk. (15-26f. HOUSES ,n of tn r,,r- y fv"JYrfk? CreUjh on & Co., P?a Plrlg. ClS-$74 FlVB-roont cotta-, rwirtly. modern. 115 per month. 923 North 27th Are. , . ...... . .. . (IB)-W2 17 XICB.e-rbora house,' modern except fur are atone walk; $18 per month. 44 Nicholas. 15i 9n 17 B1UC7C dwelling, all modern, 9 rooms, 614 .... flo- 20th St. .Apply Elmer J. Neville. 3"1-2 , 'Neville Blk. ' (15)-119 21x " $3" fl-room modern house. N. Fengor. 828 ; ; . X. I.: Tel. iReiT iTft. (15)-1I4 . ' CTIQICB HOMfJ JtTSNTAl, TtATtOAlN -room all jnoderni gopd aa new, line looa , tlin, S2l Dffvenport. $28: or 6 rooms, $J0; .. .1623 Marry Bt 6-room, $10; 2416 Sherman , .AW,. l-ropii), mnarn. .830. , .. , ' 'J, RUSSELL A M'KITRICK, IStTi kft& JUtnrr. .' .432 Ramge BMg, orv " " 16r-134 18 FOR RENT Five. Ica .rooms.. 8l South .. zain an. au. r (li) 136 1 flnllrttaare. 131J HARtVT BT.-3 floo'ra and basement, , mum. teei; suitame ror wholesale. Mc iY?Bttrte,nt Cd. 1606 podge St, ' THBeqtlre "WuTltait roVmerly occupied by - Mia "Tally 'News, 44x30 feet, 1 stories and V basement. McCagua Investment Co.. lio6 ' " 1X"'' St. ;.. ' (151-266 F6lt ftENT, A SIX-STORY BUILDINO IN , . . WHOLESALE DISTRICT. -Tha Klj-atorry and' basetm nr btilldlng at 108 ! HiVard' 'St.,- formerly occupied by the Hay ward Hrothrrn Shoe Co., for.Tent. ''Anml4 reha) 12.400. Floor spaco la 20x132 ' ft., and all floors ar:u basement contain a.bout" 0,00- wrvarei' feet aurface. The biilMInc has a- good elevator and ofllce aifaytmeni, and la equipped with a modern tire sprinkler system: R- (K'PBTICRb 4 CO., 130 -S. jTth t. - v Bee Building. -" .'. i (15 MliS 1 "f.'j , ii, , , .... . . OftMca. t'dn tlF.NT Desk room in Bee offlcaclty . hAll" biiildlng. 417 N. 2otli St., South .. . . Omaha, .ovllf 10, tnanager. (15) 134 7:OFllCES ?F0R '.RENT 'tf ydu'ar lit search af ofrlcea or want to fflld aiicW location1 for your Dlaco of busi- , . neas,. wa would like. to hava you call at . Bh'd Jo'ufc ut (b aittvu wo can offer you. . , is Uit koutUcaai curnes of tl. flfia floor ' wa -can ahow you an elegant aulte of two . rboma. a floor apace of wxj aquaro feet, with rood, Ufcht, a vault and niuely dttcoratvd ooijia. T hii faces both Farnam and Seven . teenlli struets. the best office space ... in Omaha today. . . , 4J Lib aiKth flooir W hv tmin am. 11 rooms, which aro connected, and would , , make . a .splendid ,jxitnlnatlnn for . anyone j Scalrljlg einall, but, Well arranged offices. " Thejre .is a not bur "room the sixth floor, facing oil Seventeenth siraai, i-kxl9-6, which rents for 117 rr month. Any-.i.c wishing . a. small ofllce with good light would he :,tteaaed , with this one. On account .of contemplated changes, wo . are In a position to make leases on desir able space on the second floor. These. ., rooms , are very fleslrabla and. hava been occupied by efitucprlsee requiring much . apnea. Can and let vs figure on your re- qulntrnents.. THE, BEE BUILDING DStt room. 606 Paxton Blk. (la)-476 V. "torew. , .One. stsra room In new "Scargo" building ,.. In Couth Omaha, -near poatoffica, with ,. . lighted baaenrvwl. modern show windows ;., ' and awnlngi; Inst pe-sstbl location Hall . llntrJbutor Co., Xi3 JFlrst Natl. Bunk Bills-.'i-hpaa Re4 1.74M. , .- . . ,. (la M8f ' - MODERN STORES FOR RENT. : Modern store roomy light, very .deairahle, ,r oppualt public library, next to Inde- ? pendent Telephone building, l9th, and . . ilarney. ,r tSHIMER CHASE CO.. r 40i Farnam Ut. , . . louKlaa J86T. , 5 - ' (15) M6 it DRUO STORK; beet unoccupied location for local drug business in city. Will al fcl4vllex and leaae .to . rirjht party. Also A-l location. - TilC MI 3, SOti Paxton. ' Blk. "Phone DoUslas 65. (16)-M310 . JSfcW. . STORE TtOOM, corner Locust and Sherman Ave., f6r dry goods, shoea or .'.J ". noilou. good' location,, good placa for " .' right party. Inquire Joseph Houska, 23 " WiU'twan Ave. . (16) M616 it STORFROOM. 6!1 S. 16th St. Clarke Powell. 2044 Farnam Si. (lj)-2tW '.,tvlIU':N"TOU write to advertisers remem ber It takes but an extra, stroke Or two fef.lue pn to mention r,b fact that yod saw- the ad In' The Bee. OFFERED FOR SALE '. Ktelg. ANCHOR nd Iron fencing; wire fencing 60. $er foot. 206 N. lTth Ui. Tel. Red S14. i ' U)-2s .,.... Faraltar. ID HAND'ft-tnltura bought and aold; bual urn on tha aqur. Koacnberg. formerly i wflh Vhlcago FurnMnr Co., 103 8. 14th St. Tel. Douglas E. (W) MI69 S3 FOR ALE Fumtturo of a 19-room house; " all or part; (urnltur must Us mostly caahor tarfna. . 1J N. litU St. . f . ( Mtt? i- , n f . - . ; .. ' FOR AI.E Cheap, piano, side board, steel " range and other household furnit'ire. 6l2 ' - N; l.lm bH-, ttowth Oaiaha. 41i Mal4 23 Ft'KNlTWRfcl tW- ieu room, romplote for " honaekeMniri . good location,- mod rn. ci.ise in; intew rooms pay all 'expense, tie If taken this wecte. Address H-211. tar. Bee. i , . . - 41i-3i'4 KU v WORTH SEEING! . STOVira RANGKS AT HALF PRICE! Ilia early1 new, ii:nv aaed, -lilglt-gr'ads stoves and ranges Vu xn --harf by bttytw of us. We dn whales right.- CHICAGO FURNITURK VU.. 1411 DOdgev. - -. Tel. Doug. 477. ., .. - ' 0 13J Oct 16 rt , rer!, Msuatcsil lawtamaawata. -,rpn-fl.AT:,KrlTFXr-St;ery - Clark eablnet 6raatW IS atop. beautiful, strang-toned . instrumeni. miap:e rr cnurch or home. - ro4) ' eojvdltfeirV cnt JC.4). Address L TM. --.' ua 274 yn r. i-v ' . r i niw w.-firtifre, 111 as , rn So MS leather -e: us.-d only iwo nunthv . W.ta,.M'ri Kih'tit '"J-i'.ir-W 17 1 OFFERED FOR SALE Ft, traaaa, Malcl Inat ramenta. (Contlnued.l FINB upright piano, nearly new. at H of t coat leas than one year ago; party leaving or me ponin. van ai us in. ft. (1S)-7I IT Red Tag Piano Sale 100 new. slightly used and second-hand Plaboe at a deep cut In r rices. A big red tag, on which the prc is marked In ' plain . figures, attached to each Piano. -Watch lor the red "tags. Every red tag means a bargain. v Kimball Upright t Singer Upright W -. Shubert Uprlglvt . .W Da via tt Sons Upright 138 , Qabler Upright 173 Tha aame easy terr.ia-t4, $5 or $S monthly, Doni misBthls cb a nee Mrs. piano Buyer. ' Wl6h tor tha red' tara. - Every red tag means -bargain. Schmoller, & Mueller Piano Co., Doug. 1623. 1311-1313 Farnam St. . . . (1J M33J Paol and BlllUra TabUs. . FOR SALE New and aecond-hand billiard and 'pool tablea. Wa lead 'the WarliT In cheap bar fixtures; eaay payments. Bruns-wJck-Bulke-Collendar, 407 8. lth Bt. (lt271 TypeTvrltara and Sewing Marhlaee. , FOR BALK High grade aecond-hand type writer; good condition: a bargain at Vt, Call room So3, Bee bldg. tlflj 671 OOOD Sewing machines, 23d St. I5.C0. 416 lfl) M990 No. 21 ONE Remington typewriter. No. 6, In good . condition, (or - saje cheap. Call at Bee office. (16)-?Sx MlaceUaaeana. DUPLEX PUMP 600-galloti Worthlngton duplex pump, sIm UxlOVixlO, for sale about October 1. This pump has seen about six months' actual aery ice and la In' good condition; will sell at a bargain. Apply. jW. IL. Bridges, engi neer Bee Bldg. (1SJ 670 APPLE trees, 10c; plums, 20c; grapej, Sc; raspberries, lc. Cyrus Harvey,' Al toona, la, . tlA M9 23x 25-New Cot Beds, eost $1.26, only 50c each; also 6 Rood iron beda t-a bargain.. WIS ; Davenport. . U6 Mftt 23x FOR SALE Five pool and two' billiard tables at less than half-price.', must he . sold and removed, this week. 418 No. 24th St., So. Omaha. iltt) M156 J. P., O'BIE'S SALOON and Restaurant' Furniture and eKltchn Utensils, No. 1416 i'arnam. Bt., for sale. W. W. DODGE,- .. Trustee In Bankruptcy, ' 1 , 926 New Vork. Life Bldg. ; 'Phona , Douglas 1267. .-!'. (ID M3S9 RIDPATH'S History qf the World Amer icanized Encyclopedia Brltannlca; new international encyclopaedia; on small monthly payments... Webater'a Una bridged Dictionary, $10 edition only $3.13 this week. li. ii. Roberts, southwest corner 16th and Farnam fits. , (16)-44T SpW GAS, ELECTRIC AND i ; COMBINATION tfiXTURES ' Largest, moat up-to-dai atock at lowest prices in the city, eelcct now. Dsliverad when needed. Inspection Invited. BURGESS-GBANDEN CO., $13 Bo. 16th St. . Tel. Doug. C8L (Hi)-27i FOR SALE Onyx soda fountain, 24-syrup, two body, refrigerator base, counter au tomatic carbonator, litter, all as good as new; also drug store fixtures, counters and show caa?s. Howell Drug Co., 16th and Capitol Ave. - , (l)-648 FOR SALE A butcher's refrigerator, sev eral shew cases, a new peanut roaster, large coffee mill, two large automatic) oil tanks and store fixtures too numerous to mention. Globe Land and Investment Co., Omaha, Neb. (16) $71 FOR BALE CHElAP 1L P. Fairbanks & Morse gasoline engine, new; has been run' only a few times; will give a bargain. Apply to li. W. Cooke. Kimball, Neb. ., (161-M694 27 SHERMAN-WILLIAMS CO., best mixed paint. Bherman & McConnell Drug Co. (16) J7 SECOND-HAND rubbeahose, tools. Singer, 416 N, 16th. '' . (1J) 20 FOR BALIS Finest boarding house In the city; best location all furnished; walk ing distance, etc.; cheap. Inquire $02 Karbach Blk., Omaha, Neb. (16) 274 DRUGS at cut price; freight paid "on all oroers; catalogue rree. BHERMAN & W CON NELL DRUG CO Omaha, Neb. (16) 275 BEND US your mall orders fdr -drucs freight paid on' $10 lots. Myere-Dillon l)rug co., omana. (16) Zn HOMEOPATHIC medicines, -wholesale and retail. Sherman at McConnell Drug Co. a6-J7 HAY-$9.00 per ton. Wagner, 1 N. Kith. (16) -200 HALL'S safe, new, 24-hand. 181$ Farnam. - . (l)-J7 FhR SALE Furnace; aultable for heating a s-room nouse; gi kki as new; apply at once, J53 Harney 8t. 41) S23 FEW bargains In 2d hand soda fountains, monthly payments. Dvrtght, 1S18 Fa me in. ' (16-21 FOR SALE Three hundred tons of fine ice. Will quota price f. o. b. at Perry Coon Valley Ice Co., Perry, la. (18)-M813 21 . FOR BALK-M-hnle range Or 14-hc!1e stove! at 2 N. 50th St. . ,(16) 963 22 FOR BALE Good cdokrng range.' Call evenings. 2511 Ptercw St. ,K '.'46 lSx PATENTS LARSON .CO.-eBook tree. Bee Bldg. (1J) 2&i D. O. BARNELL, patent attorney and ma chine designer. Paklon blk. Tel. Red 7117. - (TO-? OctU PERSONAL M ASS AG 1 j ciliropod; rub baths .IMM9V. lady operator. The Kllte.'ltooiq 20V, Bar ker Block, litli and Farnani 'Sls. ". " ! -'(16-1M 19x Via XH WOMEN coming :' Omaha aa , stianKKra are luvlted tj visit the Young ' Women s Christian AasoCiatUn roorns. 1514 Farnam street, wher they will'' be di rected to suiublo bvardinc places or . other wis assisted. . 418) 816 P LE AT 1 N G ' ." ButVons.hlng, t krMiiiiMW- EWbroidery. " Dyeing and cleaning, sponging- and 4 slmnking only 6c par yatd. : Hand for . prlco list and samples.' jfyijf m an H.EAiti m: " 10 Douglas block. '-'. - Tet Dooalaw 1T15. (1D-M64I IDEAl. HAIR PARLORg; room . Crelgh ' ton blo k: new management: manirur- 4J mgt; h:ilrflrost.g. Markrr-IVers, f Tel. Red ft?. . ' ' 4 ' 18M36 MAGNETIC Otro40gT " Masses. vapor and Too Baths Rruro $.' 14, Farnam St; ;d 4.vr- t . (U)-Mall 826 PERSONAL (cominyed.) i. IfOMH for women during confinement will find comfortable homes for babies wIkisa mothers cannot care for them; ac commodation first-class, terms reasonable. Addreaa Mother Lee. Superintendent Tin ley Home. 'Phone Douglas 1921. Pan croft. (18) Mn8 OotltfX A PAIR. Sweet aatrn ektn secured using fcatln skin cream and face powder. 26c THE SALVATION ARMY solicits csst-olt clothing; -In faot,. anything yu-do not need. We collect, repair and sell, at 1M N. lllh St., for cost of collecting, to the worthy poor. Call 'phone Doug. 413S and wagon will rail. ! ll BEWINO machines renttd. Neb. Cyole Co., Kith and Harney. 'Phone Douglas lfica (18)-?8t SYRINGES, rubber goods, by mall; cut Erioea. Send for free catalogue. Myers Ulloa Drug Co.. Omaha. (ID 287 A FIRST-CLASS painter and paper hanger will dO'work In exchange for old clothes, old furniture or merchandise of sny kind or will pay highest cash price for same. Call or address Shank, 2600 M St.. South - Omaha. (18-44 22x PRIVATE CONFINEMENT HOME Mrs. Dr. King. 1320 N. 4th Bt. Tel. Web. SS.i9. (1S)-2M f A nMlV.TTr! treatment aud bath. Mma. JuAUIiJjllu fimith, Ut N. l&th, 2d floor. , (18) 80 OMAHA Btammerera' JB u I Id li r. g. Institute. Ramge (18)-283 REAL ESTATE REAL ESTATE DEALBIll. RUSSELL, M'KITRICK CO., 432 Ramge. fi)-a9 PAYNE INV. CO., 1st floor N. T. L. Doug. 178L (19)-2il R. C. PETERS CO.. Bee Bldg. (19)-202 OEORC1E 1601 Farnam. COMPANY. TeU Douglas 736. (19)-20b C. M. RICH, 16th and Locust. Tel. Web. 1476. (1 S14 Oct:x CITY PROPERTY MR ALB. Small Cash Payment, Balance $5.00 Monthly ' Build a Home to Suit Yourself On one of ' those beautiful lota In Halcyon Heights, the finest and most sightly loca ' Hons for a home, only two blocks southeast Of Benson and Military Ave. car line. You can't buy auch lot elae ' where at these prices $260.00 to $r0.00. Make your selection to day. RUSSELL & M'KITRICK CO., Bole Agents. 432-33-34 Ramge Bldg. 16th and Harney Bta. : S1A UUU.MS NEW, MODERN, , , $3,250 . . 1608 Binnev. a new -room entirely modern h'ouse on beautiful south front lot, 60x124 feet rh growing Sulphur Springs addition. One block to Sherman Ave. car. House was built for a home and la built right, has splendid furnace and cemented cellar, fine lawn and shade trees. You can't get anything better for the money. Part cash, balance mommy payments. - Hastings & Heyden 1704 Farnam St;, Bee Building. ' ' ()-! 17 FOR SALE BY THE OWNETR-10-room modern home. West Farnam district, 'hot water heat, large grounds, east front; need money only reason for selling. H 228. care Bee. (19) 648 17x BUY THIS" BARGAIN. Lot at 20th and Fort street only $226. S O. Nordquist, owner, Z4 0. autn Bt. . , a-j5ia ' YOUR CHANCE To get m 5-rooni fcoqeel it has cits' water. Clswtrn, sewer ana gas; jusi oeen put in fine repair; good barn; it's vacant now and must he aold at once, therefore the great sacrifice. This Is only about two miles from the postofflce.- It's dirt cheap at $i.7U. But best offer $404 cash and $22 per month. j.' w. rasp nr. Doug. 1063. Paxton Blk. (19) M465 CLOSE IN. t will sell thla corner . with ten-room house, all modern except heat, cheap If taken at once. Apply to owner, VH No. 19th street 119) 643 17x $7,000 Will buy elegant new home In West Far' nam St. district, now occupied by tha owner. Hardwood finish, cemented cellar, paved street, permanent sidewalks. Ev erything new and in first elaea condition. This la a bargain. THOMAS BRENNAN, Room 1 New York Life Building. (19)-M715 24 LOTS in Halcyon Heights, Benson, lying well, close to car line; JO minutes' rids to Omaha. Will'aell altogether or in bunches of flva. For prlcea and terms ad dress H 42, care Bee. (19) 157 $1,800. ' '- ' A 6-ronrn house, partly modern, lot $0x140 ft.; on paved street and car line. 1429 No. 20th. Kusy terms. Turrell ft Co., Room 17, Patterson block. (19-M101 18 BARGAIN. 6-room, new 2-story house, 24x28, on lot -60x160; good cellar; all bricked up; t'i Walnut Hill; only $1,700. W. H. GATES, ' 617 N. Y. Life. 'Phone Doug. 1294. (19) M99i IS LOOK at 2717 No. 22d St. If you want a 6-room cottage cheap; part modern and everything la best of repair. Price, $1,700. . Tel. Webster lOut or Webster 3709. O. M. UNDERHILL & CO. . (19)-118 . A REAL BARGAIN . HAVE YOU $200 CAN YOU SAVE PER MONTH If so call in and w will show you an ele gant home of 6 rooms, cellar and city water. oil Ave. ,D, near 35th St., Ja West Council Bluffs. Don't fall to let us show you this, as It certainly is a bargain. Price only $1,360. Benjamin Real Estate Co., 328-6 Neville Block. 16th and Harney. 'Phone Douglaa 7332. L' . . ' (19)-M16! 19 . IF SOLD THIS WEEK H.6i. Georgia Ave. Home. Seven rooms, strictly modern; esst front. In choice location; can get first-class tenant at $46 per month, who will pay . or 8 months rent In advance.. B1KKETT fc TEBBENS. 423 Bee Building. Phon Doug. 4754. (1)-M163 19 DON'T BUY YOUR 6-ROOM cottage until you have seen this on beau tiful Urlstol St., close to 84th Bt. car, pav ing Paid; i large rooms below and $ others can be finished above;, has back stairway, temenied cellar under whole house, con cfete walk, lot 44x132. all modern Improve merits except heat. Get busy, as this will c tills ' week. -- O. M. UNDERHILL & CO.. rei.- Vetaxr Ww or. Waomer 4Ml OKI o 33JU No. 24th St. --' ' (e)-117 SB ''"'' - - REAL ESTATE CITT ntul'tkCY KM SAf.B. ( Continued, i DUNDEE FF.W people realise that over llOO.Ono In cash la being spent this year In houses, grading and other substantial and perma nent Improvements Just west of Dun dee on Dodge St.; also that upwards of $fA0no Is being expended In grading, re- merit . S1dw smr, ilvollfllng raerTtorrsMj con crete hrldae across Underwood Ave., act ting out trees, making roadways and other Improvements of a rcrrn,"?ent char acter in DunoV-e, alone, irfty-Br St. Dundee la Omaha's best residence suburb; joins Omsha on the west: haa an elaht- mlnute car service nd can be reached by taking any West Farnam Dundee car; water, gas ana leric light are fur nished Dundee by the same cornpanies that serve Omaha, Dundee, has a.. church, a fine school, a grocery, a drug store and a fine golf and Country club; fjtindee has NO SALOON and no OMAHA CITY TAX; the finest and, moat costly houses built, this year are west of . Dundee, on Dodge St. '. , Some of the best tots In Dundee; 6x1S6 feet, with lots, blocks and streets put to uni form and established grades, with water, gas, electric light, trees, cement sidewalk, snd, on car line, can be bought now for $10, on easy payments; 6 pet ceht 'dis count for all cash snd 10 per cent addl tlonAI discount (o parties who commence building this year. OEORQB CO.,' l01r Farnam St. , . , ! ;' (l-M164i 1 BUY A HOME Eilght rooms, east front,,- modern, two blocks from csr, $3,t)0; 6 rooms, 9 blocks from P: O., half block to . cars, terms easy, $1,200; 9' fooma,' modern except heat, I blocks ta car, $2,760. It paya to see Sesrs, 621 N. Y, Llfd iPhone Red 9J7. - C9)-M161 19 AS ADMINISTRATOR I AM URGED BT, THE HEIRS TO SELL A nice little home property! consisting of a 6-room cottage, a .floe two-stall barn and two lots, all at 210 N. 2STI AVENUE. ! There la ho better constructed In the rity. 1 know the property- well-. No' expense was Snared In making a 'Comfortable home-lik place. Just the thing fot the family with a horse and cow, etc.,'; nice mantel and furnace, two . ICO-barrel .cis terns, city water, , etc. No commission Is Involved In making this sale and buyer will profit thereby, immediate possession given and a bargain ia In atore for some one. See ma or 'phone Douglas 179 at 211 ,So. lKth, or,arte omce hours. Maple 6040. WM. FLEMING,. Administrator. -! Property oonvenJent to three car lines. (19)-M157 19 Large 8-room,-, well-MtrrArtged; all-modern . brick house, oak finish 'beloW, new plumb ing, furnace, fine cemented cellar, two Inin. lonil.ix ft., south front.- fine lawn and lots of fruit and shade,', permanent, walk, one-fourth blbfk. from ; car. owner, leaving city, antlous for qule ale. Price, $15,000, but make us an offer. d! V. 'siroiJe -co..' 116 Board of Trade Bldg. Tel. Douglas '4, ; . ..'n'tt ) ,'' .:.-.: (1J)-MI I9x . ' ' " r-K --? - t. ' .!:.:. . . ' Slhce taking ..bjjldy, 'of' BOULEVARD -PARK we have btint a large number of houses and sold- a great many lots, pn fnany of which purchasers haVe- built , their own homes. .Many of the streets have been Improved and hundreds, of feet of cement walk laid. Almost eVery' lot has all modern Improvements, includ- ' ing sewer, water, gas, shade, trees, etc, Lola In BOULEVARD PARK are cer tainly more vkluabla 'today t than they ware on tha opening day before-these Improvements were put.1 in, and tha scores of new houses which wMi be "built In this addition -during. -the inexV few months will add still' mora to the r value of every lot. f' "" ' ' ; Before advancing, prices we are going 'to offer an opportunity to. secure lots In this addition on easier terms' than ever offered before.. . . ' . . i . FOR bNE WEEK i . '. . ' ' beginning Frlday' Sept.-20th. a few lota . will bo sold" for l '1 " - FIFTY DOLLlRS PER LOT, ' r:'"' Balance on' Ealcy Moritjil 1'ayilients. . .' Remember thla U. for. qps week only, ending September. 27th, and It is the best opportunity you will ever have to se cure lot In BOULEVARD PARK where houses are ail new and occupied by the owners. .:.. Sherman Ave. car Una extends along the entire east side, and 20th Street Boulevard along entire west side. Prices are ridiculously low, $675, $600, $C60, for , lots with all public Ujipravf meats. Take Sherman Ave. Car to Sprague atreet and turn west Into BOULEVARD PARK, the modern home addition. Plats and full particulars at this office. Shimer & Chase Company Builders of Modern liornes... IttOO Farnam.. , I . .Dot)Klaa 3SC7. ! , (W)-12 17 R2AL ESTATE TITL'B, ' T14U8T ' ( CUAS. C WILLIAMSON. Pres. , . . U9-296 LIST your property .lth Chis 3oyer, t2d an4 Cuming BUk..,- , . (13) 298 . REAL ESTATE FARM AND RANCH LAND FOR I ALB. ' Iowa. ' ' FOR. SALE Farm ot 38 acres, one mile . from Glenwood,.-on-Council Bluffs and Glen wood road. Well Improved,, plenty fruit, several acres, large timber, mostly walnut. Espeolally adapted to raising; noga or cnunnt, jhusi .e soiq 10 cios an estate. . lnqulr of F. M.. Shffver, ad.-, mlnlslrator, Glenwood, Ia. ... - ()-M(27 Ux WESTERN IOWA cora land for sal a ad . exchang. Wtit IL- L- Craven A Co., Onawa, Ia,t..,.u,r tO)-M464 Ol3x Special Sale on Lots ' in ; Bouleferd - REAL ESTATE a ARM AND HAXm I.AM fOH ALB (Continued.) ... Cwlarad. PUR SALE This company ownil 13,r0 acres of land, lying from five to twenty miles from Denver, all supplied with flue water rights, both from direct.' Itpw and from reservoir; it will be sold In any Sited tracts to actual settlers at reason able rates and upon very easy terms; when desired building will bn ere' ted to i : iult ' purchasers; tnais farts of nearly every section are In hay and there Is no more fertile Jand to be-f.jund In Colorado. It will be a pleasure to show the prop erty to: prespectiv pur hasers, and ap pointments may Uc niaj'j at the com- DKNVER RESERVOIR IRRIGATION CO., 711-14 Krnest and Cranmer Bldg. Denver, Colo. (20)-M 128 19 Kaaaaa. . , . KANSAS- LANDS Write- for our complete list of Kansas lands., Agents wanted. Globe Land and Investment Co.'. Omaha, Neb. (20J-M61 WO Mlaaoarl. HOWELL counly, Missouri. 160 $1,100; 100 acres In cultivation; barn, orchard. wood fences. acres, housa. plenty water, good location. Hinds & Hudson, Hutton Valley, Mo. (20) M3.H1 2Jx Nebraska. t I FOR SALE, GiO ACRES In Banner County, Neb., six miles from county seat, for $4.00 per acre; tsiO .cash; THIRTY CENTS PER ACRE annually thereafter until paid. ' This Is Open for a few days v'y- Address U 176, Bee. t20)-6$j 18 28 ACRES, unimproved, near Florence; fine grove, balanre farm land; easy terms. A. T. bey holt, 32i Grand Avo. 'Phone Webster 1970. (20) M360 FIRST-CLASS Nebraska farms and ranches for homes or Investment. Bemis '-imuiia. (An- , , . i : 1 120 acres, located 6 miles west of Platts mouth. Neb.; all In blue grass pasture; 7oacres of bottom -land,. .the balance rolling upland, with some very fine tim ber; running water; two miles front, rail road station; quite a bit of It can be put V Under cultivation If so desired; will make an elegant dairy farm; price $M) per acre. , Will . exchange for town property or V Stock -ot roods. Wtlte to J.. P. Falter, t Plattsmouth, Neb. (20)-M152 24 -. - - New Mexico. SEE HERE. Yrm want to get, you a Tioine of your own that will brlnp ydu In a good living. Cqrne. to Astec ahd Jake up a homestead, or -buy a relinquishment on one. Thou- ,vaitds of acres of government land to be put under irrigation In the next three' vears. 'Rare oonortunltles for Investments In deeded., land. Property of all kinds i "japllljy advancing . ,, In- .price.' Address 7- f - (20)M151 20x . North Dakota. SEVERAL sections of. Improved and un improved land for sslo Id the Mouse river loop, In tracts from 80 to 820 acres. For description., terms and prices address C. -H..Aase,nNprwich. N. D. (20J-M987 19x south Dakota. - . - OUT THEY GO. ' You can always find good rich wheal land and Just the kind of a stock farm you . wajit by selecting from our 100,000-acre 1 tract ; In the famous. Hettinger oounty, North Dakota. Go out and see It. Look vus-up. William H. Brown CO., Rlohardton . or Mandan or Mott, North Dakota, or 131 Lasalle 6t. Chicago, 111. (20)-M362 27 160-ACRE South Dakota farm, smooth, level, unimproved. $2,600 down, 'balanoe five vears. Near railroad and McPherson ; county .seat, amltri, Tama. Ia. Two fine farms, -half section each, -high state cultivation new buildings and fences cost $3,000, close to market, tine corn and clover . section, , Moody county, rvoar Dell Rapids. 8. D. ' Must be sold before Octo ber 1; per acre. $47.60, easy terms; worth $6 more. Fine homes . or Investment. Act promptly! H. V. ' Harlan, First National Bank, ptrKKapUs, S. D. (20)-M667 18x Miscellaneous. . CHEAP land-Jacobson A Co., 933 N. Y. L. . , . (20)-M40S 29 FARMS FOR RENT Colorado. FOR ' RENT A number of farms lying near Denver; good houses are being built when needed, -so as to provide com fortable accommodations for tenants; the . size of the tracts varies, so that anyone 1 with an equipment' to properly caro for - any alsed farm can be accommodated; the land has been In cultivation from onu to ten years and Is provided with both direct and stored water (or Irrigation; ' railroad stations are from one to five . miles distant; good tenants with sultl .clent. equipment can secure first-class lo cations on reasonable terms. DENVER RESERVOIR IRRIGATION CO, 711-14 Ernest and Cranmer Bldg. Denver, Colo. - . . . (20) M 127 1" REAL ESTATE LOANS LOWEST. RATKS Benils. , Paxton Block. , ... ' )-3ul WANTED City loans.' P.. C. Peters & Co. 2ii 3v3 LOANS on Improved-city pr'opertyr W. li. Thomas. 606 First National Bank Bldic. (lS)-303 $1,000,000 TO LOAN oil business And resl . dence property in Omaha; lowest rates; no. delay. Thomas Brcnnan, R00411 1 N. JV- Llfo. (24) 301 UNION LOAN & INVEST. Co., $10 Be Loans on Real Estate. Bldg.. Buy 1st and 2d rntgea, . 'Phone Doug. L'4. (22)-M1i Oct6 WANTED City losns and warrants. W. Farnam Smith 4b Co.. 1220 Farnam St. , - (asD-nos $600 TO $00,000 TO IX) AN at lowest rates; no delay. GARVIN BROS., 1606 Farnam. VJj-307 PRIVATE MONEY F. D. Wcad. 1650 Doug, ' (22) 3U MONEY TO LOAN-Payne Investment Co. (22)-$09 LOANS on Improved Omriha property. O Kerfs R. E, Co.. 1C01 N.vY, Life-Bldg. S2)-3U6 $500 TO StK.OOO TO I.OAN-Prlvate money; no delays. 1. H. Sherwood. 337 N. Y. U .- - . (2Si MiM WANTED TO BORROW WANTED TO BORROW l4k) to enlarge a good paying bnslncss wttn privilege to t.-qucb iouh. yearly. ao oress vr (u. nre. (24) 91 WANTED TO BUY WANTED To buy s-emd-hand furniture, rook and heating stovis; carpeta, lino ' lsuias. 'office furnicure, old ci,jihs and '"iiik, plants, leathers bed pillows, qull'.s and all kinds ot tools; ot will buy tha furniture of your house complete Tha highest prices paid. Call the right man. 'l'L Douglas W.i. . (23)-M3t6 fiJ7 CASH paid for. second-hand clothing ,siioaa, si a. 306, No. lsth Bu. TL K4J .KB. - UM 2U CASH paid for old books. Cran-Fov Co., lit 14 in. Pba Douglas 1421. 123 S10 I WANT to buy good second hand tour. ;lng car cheap for cash. Y tKi care Omaha Be. (,2a) MM 21 x "Ji l' .4--..V. WANTED TO RENT : ' WANTED Two' connecting f roset U room. wlDt rueals, In prjvate family; - young onupl and X-year-old baby. Address g SM, Be. C Mf.l 21X- WANTED TO RENT IContlnued.l v . WANTED Hv a gentleman, a nlrely fur n'slied mom In a reflned lady a home; no other roomers; reference. Adilress 8. Frederkk. general delivery. (M)-MUJ lx FOUR or five-room cottage, furnished. In Haneeom park district or Iavenworth. Adflrrss M U9, Bee. (.W-M!75 18 WANTED Modern house ncsr Inst It ut- fer Ieaf: give particulars. Address O 261, Omaha Bee. C8 127 17x ' IWANJSITUATIO WANTED Position by registered druggist ss manager df Country drug store; best of reference. Write at once. Address Y i. care Bee. 127) M772 21 x ADVERTISING man of long and successful department store advertising experience In New York, Chicago and Pittsburg, so licits Interviews with department etoree tequlrhig the service of a superior auvor- . Using manager. Address u ;. Bee. (27i-Oll 1SX WANTED rvsftion as bookkeeper; can give references. Address Y 8. Bee. (27) M147 22X OFFICE mnnnner snd advertising man of ripe and wtirceasful experience seeks a position with some growing, progressiva concern, where superior ability and siu , passing results will command liberal sal . arv; It you're looking for a high-class . business builder aVIdresa G 244, Bee. (27) 912 18x .YOUNG jnan, stenographer will be open ., for position about Oct. 1; has clerical experience; references. Address T, SIS, cart Pee. 27) MUl't LEGAL NOTICES I rr:.i. K-nTicm rI?i lt'( iR Al Jl FOR Laytng Water Maina Scaled proposals will be icceived by tho city clerk oi nv City. Nebraska, at his olilee until the 80U day of September, 1!A7, at It o'clock p. m.. for the turnlshliiK and laying of 10,8) feet 4-inch cast water mains (wt. 22 lbs. to foot); 8,4110 feet of 2-inch surface galvanised main t pressure 200 ibs. to sq. Inch); 2..0M feet of li-lnch main (wt. 33 lbs. to foot), and 450 feet of 8-Inch main (wt. 43 lbs. to foot), with IS two-way fire noxile hydrants for .Vinch flro hose with all necessary fitting for all main and hydrants. Ulda to in; elude the digging of all ditches at least bh feet below the surface of street at any place and Uie established grade ot the city and. also -Include all connections and extras as Shown by the plans and speci fications on Mo at office of said city clerk. One-half of, contract price for laying ami furnishing aaid mains as above to bepald In .cash and., the baUnce to be paid In war rants drawn on general fund of said city (option to eltv to pay all cash). All bids must be accompanied by a certified check equal to 10 per cent of the amount bid as a guaranra that if the bid Is accepted the bidder wrH 'enter Into contract to perform and carry out the bid. The city reserves the right to reject any or all bids. W L. LEONARD, City Clerk. 87d24t NOTICE OT BOND ISSUE NOTICE IS hercrrr"1 given that the Farmland, Fremont and Railroad Drainage District Is nbout to Issue l'wnty-flv thousand dollars of six per cent-Interest negotiable bonds pay able In twenty equal annual Installments Owners of real estate or an easement therein apportioned for benefits may pay to the treasurer of said district on or be fore sixty days from th date of the first publication of this notice, the proportlan ate share of - such bond issue properly rhargeablr against such real estate, and thereby exempt such real estnte from lia hilily for payment of bonds, and the amount of bond Issue will thereby he reduced- the amount of such advance pay ments.' Date of flrRt publication hereof. September 14, 1907. Farmland. Fremont and Railroad Drainage District. By J. F. Han son. Secretary. S1VD2U. RAILROAD TIME CARD UNION STATION 10th AND HARCY. Unto Faclno. , .- . Leave. Arrive. Tha Ovsrland 8:50 am as 9:40 pm The Colorado Express, a $:&0 pm a 6.00 pm Atlantlo Express a?:5?"m The Oregon Express... a 4:10 pm a 6:00 pm The Los Angeles Llm...al2:55 pm a 91:6 pm Tha Fast Mall. a 9:30 am a 6:46 pm The California Express a 4:00 pm a 5:50 pm Colo -Chicago Special. al2:10 am a 6:60 am Beatrice Local b 7:42 am b 6:15 pm North, platta Local a 7:42 am a 6:15 pro Chicago st orhwetrn. Chicago Daylight ;a 7:05 am all:54pm St. Paul-Minn. Exp..., .a 7:50 am al0:00 pm Chicago Local.-. .. Bloux City Passenger Chicago Passenger.... Chicago Special St. Paul-Minn. Llm... Los Angeles Limited. Overland Limited Fast Mall... Sioux City Local Faat Mall l'wln City Limited.... Norfofk-Bonesteel .... Lincoln-Chadron Dead wood-Lincoln ... Casper-8hoshonl ...... Hastings-Superior ... Ptemont-Alblon .all:30am a 3:28 pm 7:60 am a 8:28 pm ..a 6:00 pm ..a 6:00 pm ..a 8:28 pm ..a 9:30 pm ,.al0:00 pm '..a V:W pm '.la 8:28 pm ..a 7:40 am ..b 7:40am ..a 3:00 pm ..a 8.-O0 pm ,.b 3:00 pm ..b 5:36 pm a 9:30 am a 8:23 am a 7:40 am al2:S5 pm a 8:23 am a 9:04 am a 9:20 am a 3:33 pro a 7:40 am a 6:35 pm all:25 am a 5:35 pm all:26 am b 6:35 pm b!2:45 pm Chicago Great Western. Bt. Faul-Mlnneapolle 8:20 pm St. Paul-Minneapolis.... 7:30 am Chicago Limited.... 6:05 pm Chicago Express 7:30am Chicago Express 3:80 pm 7:30 am 11 :35 pm 8:27 am 11:33 1 111 3:M pm Chtraa-o, Mllsvaakco 8t. Paol. UChlcago Colo, Sp l....a 7:02 am all:60pm rl Jt, (ire. Kxnress a n.M am a j;apin Overland Limited a 9:68 pm a8:3oam Perry Local a 6:16 pm alO :30 am Chicago, Ruck Island at Parian. ' 'BAST. Chicago Limited. a 2:45 am all :30 pm Iowa Locat....... a 7: am a4:30pm Des Moines Passenger.. a 4.00 pm 812:30 pm Iowa Local1' ati:41 am b 9:55 pm Chicago (Eastern Ex.). .a 4:60 pm a 1:25 pm Chicago Flyer . .a 6:00 pm a 8;35 am WEST. Rocky Mountain Llm....all:40 pm a 2:35 am Colo, and Cat Ex a 1:3b pm a 4 .40 pm OkL and Texka Ex a 4:40 pm Llnooln-FAVrbtlry Pass..b 8:46 vn Mlaaoart Poclme. K. C. ift' Ly Exp a 9:00 am K. C. & St.- L. . Exp all:16pm NebraHka Lpcal a 3:00 pm Wabash... . a 2:46 pm bl0:15 am a 6:66 am a 6:36 pm all:40am St. Iouls,fEx'pres.......a 6:30 pm a 8:30am Bt.' Louis 'Local (from Council Bluffs) a 9:30 am all:16pm Stanherrv Local (from Council Blufls) b 6:00 pm b10:16 m IlllBOls Central. Clilcuwo Express a 7:20 am aS:45pm Minn. & Hi. Paul Exu...b 7:10 am a:66pm Chicago Limited., ,-a 8:00 pm at 30 am Minn. & Bt. I'aul lnld.s 8:30 pm a 8.30 am BVRLnOTOX ITA. lOTH at MASOV BorllnsTtOBl, Leave. Denver ft California a 4:10pm Narthwest Special a 4:10 pm Black Hills a 4:10 pin Northwest Kxpress a 9:30 pm Nebraska points a k um Arrive, a 4:10 pm a 4:10 pm a 4:10 um a 6:46 am a :10 pm a 6:10 nm Ncbisskn Express. ......a 9:20 am Lincoln Fast Mail., Lincoln jocm b 1:46 pin a!2:ll pm b 9:06 am Lincoln Local Iiulsvillo & Plattsrn'th.b 3:1" pm HetlM'ue.'PUittsmouth ..a 8:10 pm plattsmouth-lowa b 9:16 am a 8 :0o pm bl0:20 am a 7:46 am Ileileviie-f latisroouin,. b 1 :S0 nm Inver IJmked.. ........ .all:6 pm a 6:46 am Chicago Beclal a 7.00am all:48pm Chicago Kxprees l pm a 2:66 pm Chicago Flyer a6 3f)pm a 6 30 am fowa IacI... a 9:16 am all :30 am St. txiuls Express a 4:45pm all 30 am Ksnsss City A St. Jue...a10:45 pm a 6:38 am Kansas ntv fit. oe...a -l(t am a 6:10 Dm Kansas City-AiSt. Joe. ..a 4.46 pin ...... WSCRSTBR ITAe .16TH l WKBSTRR rhleasTo, t. Pl, Mlnsioanolls Jt . Oamka. 1 Leav Arrive. Twin Cltf Passenger.. . b 6:.V- am b 9:10 pm s'iox, uuy j-Bn-PBr,..B :vo pm aii:3nam Emerson Local b 5:46 pm b 9:10 am vejrs Iil ... Miaaoart PwelAe. Local via We"p1ng Water falls. City Local..... ..e 8:45 am c 6 60 pm ...a l:nj am a 2:80 pm ...a 3:60pm alt:0am a'ra11y.- b Dally except Sunday, e Sunday only, d Daily except Saturday, e Dally ex cept ' Monday, g Carries only Interstate passengers. . ... OCEAN STEAMSHIPS OnirrMT . xa's tkth anntmi rtltl .cri-ibb. rh. . 't. n aarw all? rurunt g. . -Anlh."'- M tea. trihH Toms autNti rwa wrrLBa rRAjrsr 9. CXAR2L TUnss SHdg. 3fw York UNION THAT DOES NOT UNITE Harmony in Democracy Fails to Fill the Breaches. OLD SO EES STILL FESTERING Dahlmaa Democracy Arrases Its Chose Can 41 da tea at Deliver. In a; the t Iah Over to Jack. anlaaa, th Fnrwiy. While the county campaign Is not rcall opened evidences are not wanting that the unity of purpose of the two branches of democracy, which was so widely adver tised at the time the. Joint committee named candidates, has failed to cover the old poli tical sores and candidates on the ticket are already beginning to hear 'reports that tha friends of other -candidates are ricking favorites and laying plans to make trades. The line of demarcation -la distinct be tween those candidates who previously ad hered to the Jackaonlan -club and thes once allied with the County Democracy, but more recently under the banner raised by Mayor Dahlman. The accusation Is made that he Jacksonlans have captured the new county committee and that every effort will be made to push the Interests of certain candidates at the expense of others on the ticket. Members of tho Dahlman Democracy declare the men who placed themselves at' the front of tha organisation In the summer have delivered the club to Its rival and one of Mayor Dahlman's appointees Is accused of taking a loading part In tho deal. The chief beneficiaries of this combination are snld to be Fred H. Coagrove. candi date for asst-ssor and - M. Gallagher, candidate for clerk of the district court. Neither of these candidates has been par. tlcularly friendly to the city administration and In "picking winners" on the demo cratic ticket shortly sfter Its nomination the mayor mentioned neither one of theaa oftlces as likely to be filled by democrAtg after the fall election. MAYOR IS ROPED AT CHADRON Oar Jim Caonht by Lariat, He Did riryan at Nc 1 York. Same aa ' Mayor Dahlman" arid hls'rope are known all over the country. When he Visited hli old homo n Chadron the "homo folks" re membered the welcome he gave "Colonel Bryan and received Omaha's mayor In the same fashion,. He was met at the depot by a delegation of old friends headed by Major McGlnlcy'.of Harrison, who roped the mayor in true cowboy fashion and cor. veyed him to the, heart of the city and to platform which had' been erected, whor Mayor Dahlman was called upgn to speak. The mayor gave an exhibition of roping and showed the boys he had not forgotten the frontier ways for all ho -was becoming citified. Mayor - Dahlman- was presented with the- rope by. which he-had been led from the depot and has It aa a memento ot his visit to his past home. ELEVATOR TO BE ENLARGED Herrlant A llolmqolat Will Bolld Tanks of Half Million Dash, els Capacity. The'Merriam. &. Holmqulst' company la planning to add next spring" to It a elevator B, at Fifteenth and Manderaon streets, steel grain tanka-wlth a capacity of 500,000 bushels and may make the addition 760,000 bushels. ... The elevator now has a storage capacity pf 'only 150,000 bushels, but ft Nwas built with handling capacity of seventy-five cars a day, which Is ailequate for a 1,000,009-bushel plant. When elwvulor B's projected im provements are completed, the company will have storage room for 1,600,000 bushels of grain, as It has room for 600,000 bushels In elevator A, ot-aioventecnth and Nicholas streets. ' , This Is the fifth grain company planning erection of elevators next year. BRIDGE TOLL THE CHEAPER. Fee Is Beat,'' ln.t Police Court Flo la Levied aa a Ile . suit. O. Walker of Thirty-third and Seward streets and Frank Boone of Sixth and Pierce, both bridge workers on the Doug las street bridge, hired a livery horse Monday night and started out for a grand, good time. They were accompanied by a third man, but As he was lucky enough to escape arrest the police, are not certain of his identity. The thraa want to Council Bluffs and coming back at an unusual hour tried to avoid paying toll by racing their horse past tho toll house. As a re sult they ran Into a barricade erected be fore an opening, where , some repairs are being made and were splllod about on tha bridge. The horse, raji away and Walker and Boone were captured. They were each fined $5 and costs In police court. HOTEL CLERK IS HELD UP. Forced to Prod are Money to Robber - W ho - Holds .. a . Ois ,. on II las. The restaurant hotel of E. T. Miller, Twenty-sixth and O streets, South Omaha, waa held up at an early hour Tuesday morning by a man supposed to be a, stranger In the city. He entered the hotel at 1:80 -and at tho point of a revolver compelled the night clerk to deliver tha money In tha cash drawer. Thla amounted to $26. The clerk called the police' as soon af tho man had gone, but they arrived too late to be of any assistance. A good de scription of the highwayman was obtained and If he remains in thi city he may bo traced. There Is small likelihood of such an event. He wore no apparent disguises and was described as a man of 23 or 24 year and of medium .build. FINK OBJECTS TO THE1 PLAN Cannot flee Where City Will Get Money to Coalra ot Scav enger Tax Property. City Treasurer Fink doesn't take kindly to the suggestion that the city move for confirmation of sale on the property covered by the scavenger tax certificates to tha amount of $228,000 now held by the city. He says that In case this Is done the city will be compelled to pay the county Its proportionate - amount of .the . taxes and asks where the money to, do this Is to come from. .'"'' Ha favors tbs Idea. .of asking (he court to set aalde all sales under these certiorate and aell the property again' for tha taxes, fixing the amount at which the property may pass at a lower figure -than at the previous sale. In this manner he expects to get rid of 90 per. cent of the holdings. OCEAN STEAMSHIP CANADIAN PACIFIC & M P R t o " Lin of th Atlantlo $H"2JiQ I V CHICAGO TO LIVKKI"O0 - T'irst Clasg on Hall and Hteanter. Era presses aatlg-fpom Quebec Bent. ( , Oct: 4-lg. a - BHI AsCXBT. 'uNl Ag4 833 o. OUrk Bi, Ohloaco. U