Newspaper Page Text
10 v THE OMAHA DAILY BEE: THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 10, 1907. 3 8 J. L. IBrantclels & Sons BOSTON STORE OMAHA Thi Honor of Your Presence i Requested at BR AN DEIS Millinery Opening Exhibit Showing the Masterpieces from French and Amtriean lHign:rs , FOB AUTUMN 1907 Tn our Richlu Atvointed " Millinery Department, Secnd Floor Thursday and Friday September 10th and SOth Paris Pattern Hats Imported Direct through Our Own Foreign Office. Brilliant CnaUont from Next) York Designers. No formal Invitations. Please Regard this as a Personal Request to View the New Styles. r v. la X f ' M , s .. . i,, ... I fe. i-V4 THE FALL STYLE ARISTOCRATS I OMAHA AVKATHf.R FOKKC AST- I i i i i i M i N I i 1 I B i 1 I 1 B i 1 i i H Tailored Suits lE Women 25 No question about this fall's fashion leaders the smartest, newest style are all found in the " Fashionseals" the new Fluffy Ruffles the long skirted coats the new We declare these t suits to be the equal in every way to any oi the most lavored new tall shades this is emphatically the serviceable, stylish suit for autumn price is.. The Smartest of Fall Suits at $32.50 You'd declare such channing suits aa these were made by French modistes everything about them, fabric, design and finishing shows their high character. Such suits as these could never be found elsewhere at less than 150 $50 to $65 , Fall Suit at $14.85 Prince Chaps, etc., in the fitted and half fitted ideas a range $17.50 tailored suit you've ever seen. All the correct new styles, well tailored skirts with pleats or bands special, at. The Newest Voile Skirts lor Fall Wear Extremely modish are those graceful voile skirts the new fold and band trimmings new 6tyle features made of very high quality voiles X 98 O 98 up 1185 excellent values, at........ O "O f I Fine Panama Walking Skirts Very smart effects Z98 for fall J Women's Net and Lace Waists Autumn models shown for the first time in our waist section, at 14!! Silk Petticoat at $4.9S This is certainly the finest silk petticoat ever sold at such a price, all colors,, fine T98 quality of silk, at... v. . Q '. R 'l 'B H -Thursday, Fair and Oxlcr. OUR ANNIVERSARY This anniversary is miifle interesting and noteworthy because of the crowds of bar gain tables. and their continuous renewals. It is, strictly speaking, a dry goods affair, commemorative of the opening of our dry goods departments. AVe are offering dependable merchandise at fractional prices. BJ REMNANT THURSDAY WHITE GOODS REDUCED A phenomenal purchase in White Goods, plain and fancy weaves. French Lawns, Mercerized Batiste, Persian Lawns and striped Waistings in lengths i . from three to twenty-five yards: some M 13 JL ffh goods in the lot worth up to 75c per O J? 2 yard. Remnant Thursday, per yard DOMESTICS Sereral thousand yard of Flannfl tta, necdown, ate, for Klmooaa la varlona leng'tha, worth to is ccnta, Kamnant ft Xhnradar ....y DRESS GOODS 64 . Inch ;'. an . wool Panama .la Tslaek, bin, brown, graea and winee, rery firm and orlap, Omaha's beat $1.95 Quality, length! BH to 7 yard a, Kamnant ,(Qn Thursday ,, FURNITURE THIRD FLOOR WATER SOILED BEGINNING THURSDAY Some.rare bargains in Oak Dressers, Chiffoniers, Buffet3, Rockers, Ladies Desks, Combination Book Cases and Reed Rockers, 10 Bed Davenports and all our Velour, Plush and Leather Couches. Six styles of Morris Chairs at EXTREMELY LOW PRICES. Partial purchaalng the water damag-ad places can haTa them pat in perfect condition- without extra chare if they will let ns hold the order a few days. -THIRD FLOOR- Second flm1r , Fall Day in UCUU "IU- W f Kill Opening Kail $25.00 Women's Man Tailored Suits for .....$19.50 Madq in all the new Fall shades of Broadcloth, black leather browns, green, garnet, navy blue and Copen hagen 'blue, Prince Chap and Mili tary styles. Don't fail to see these stunning styles opening Wednesday Ca."1""; a B2$?Sf Millinery glnlne Wt appreciate the at'endan'e on the first day of Omaha1 greatest Fall milline.y debut. There's a conspicuous superiority of style, a greater ag gregation of hightr grade modes. The charm of dependablencss is outstanding. Omaha was never treated to a more superior, masterly display of fall fa hion mi'dinery before. Second dayTburmdnyot fall opennij- will be more of a re ception f ban a market. See our (J-81 before you boy, Zd floor. YOUR EYES Gold filled Bye Glasses . with - first quality leaa, rtf-u-lar 95.00, kemnant Thursday- S;50 Syes tested free by expert optician, Main Tloor BENNETT'S BIG GROCERY Koaated Coffee, pound '. 180 And 10 Oreen Trading; Stamps. Tea Sifting, pound 15e And 10 Green Trading; Stamps. Granulated fcunar. .Double Oreen Trading; Stamps Seal Island ClaniH, three Jara 8 So And 10 Green Trading- Stamps. Pearl Barley, special price, per pound So Cleaned Currants, three lbs S4o And 10 Green Trading Stamps. lE(!v-l ) bottle 4o ; 11 And 20 Oreen Trndinir Stamps. jfrWUiWil Marabull's Kippered Horrlng. can Oo CSfH Anct id (reen Trading- Stamps. Peanut Mutter, Jar SOo And 10 Green Trading; Stamps. Gelatine, pound package 30oJ Royal Macaroni, pound package xOo And 10 Green Trading Stamps. Worcester Tablo Salt, two sacks lOo And 10 Green Trading Stamps. Three Star Salmon, can SOo And 20 Green Trading Stamps. Peach Special An opportunity to buy some fine larfre Utah poaches, from six to eight dozen In cane, as long aa supply lasts, Thursday only, per tl.HS i k H u U b B II H a n i d a u n B a B a a BUY' CARPETS AND FURNITURE HOW srK.CIAL IURAI8 IN AVlNTKn INDKKWKAU THIIISDAV IN IWMKSTIC ROOM. THE REUIABLK TWK J M'KCIAIi SALK OK MKX'S, l.ADIK' AND CHIMmKX S , shoks all vki:k. J Supetb Showing of Fall Styles Our lndlps Suit Dt-partmpnt always leaders in variety and quality of showing", has certainly outdone any former effort this season. The most beautiful and popular st. It idtas Trom tho foremost designers ol this and forelpn ttylo i-entors are shown In almost end less variety of rolor and fabric It would be difficult to Imagine a more complete collection of the nobbiest, new garment styles. , ' we would rail your special attention to tbf t R M y i H 1 i a 1 m 8 y n B B y M v. $10 French Voile Skirts $5.95 Beautiful French Voile Skirts trimmed with pleats and bands of taffeta, well worth $10, special Thursday 5.05 ' $5 New Fall Wa sts $2.98 Japs, Nets, Linens. Sicilians and fine Henriettas, values to $5.00, choice Thursday for 2.98 magnificent display of " New Crown Jewel Suits Through three seasons these beuutlful Tailor Suit! have gained in popularity until now, among dls- , criminating women who are looking for the best' stylo and quality at a niodernte price, they rank first. A new lot in handsome chiffon broadcloth Just received, $35.00, values the land over. Our price, always $23.00 '--. $22.50 Tailor Suits $14.95 As a special for Thursday wo will offer 200 beau tiful Tailor Suits, made of all wool cheviots, serge and fine broadcloths, cutaway, Prince Chap and Fluffy Ruffles styles, in all newest shades, bought to sell at $22.50, choice Thursday $514.05 Beautiful Chiffon Voile and Taffeta Dresses All Imported . designs trimmed with bands and fine laces, all the newest shades for street and evening wear, greatest variety and bestalucs shown In Omaha at $35 OO $40 $50 $GO AM $75 Silk and Satin Rubberized Coats Mo8t ch. ' lcs m f or Auto or street wear, snown in an tbp newest styles and colors, checks, stripes, plaids, fancies and plain col ors, prices $12.50 UP to $35.00 FROM O TILL lO A. M. Women's $6.00 Silk Underskirts, on sale at srt.ns fine Mohegan coverts, 32 in. length, silk; trimmed, satin lined throughout, special values at $5.98 $7.50 and $8.00 FROM 10 A. M. TILL 12 M. Women's $2.00 Moire Underskirts on sale at . 79 On Special Sale Thursday 20c ALL LIXKX LACKS AT YARD Cc A splendid lot of Matched Sets ot very fine Linen Torchon Laces and Insertions, worth regularly from 10c to 20c yard, at choice jj $3.00 ALLOVER LACKS for . .OK (LIXKX FINISH THRKA I) for . ,2)4A Just the thing for lace waists, a grand bargain. PEARL BUTTON, per dozen 1 Sample Thread, the strongest' made. on special sale Thursday. CORSET COVER EMBROIDERY per 7ara IK Extra Specials for Thursday IW OTJ I-ADIOTS3 DOMESTIC BOOM 0:00 TO 10:OO A. M. One cass of staple check Ginghams, regular 8V3C grade, 10 yards limit, at a frd. 5r FORENOON ONLY Fruit of the Loom, 10 yards limit, at yard 8K? h in v;,t r r.;s;M:ia. Arrnn checks, yard w t v j mi v num.) cvv j ai -i 42 8c American Prints, at, yard. .4?s 8c Simpson's Prints, at, yard..4 AFTERNOON ONLY 2:00 to .1:00 p. in. One case of AmoKkeag Teazeldowns and Atnoskeng 1921, all new Kail 107 styles, dark and lltfht colors, regular HJ4o val ues. 10 yards limit, at a varil Rn lc unbleached Muslin, y ir.l wiilo. . . .e'to lflc unbleached Muslin, yard wide . ..SHo Atnoskeag Apron Checks, yard .So' 1'ic Towels for TV0 10c Towels for so lie Hath Towels for 7Ua T . V. ,, - - wr.. . nii uuipr Biiuuiam xur inurnoay. Hiqh Grade Wool Dress Goods FROM 8:30 TO 10:00 A. M. 50 FROM 2:SO TO 4:00 P. M. 50 plecei pieces of $150 Broadcloth In colors, no of 54 Inch black Panama, regular blacks. 64 Inches wide, steam shrunk, 1 Kn , .. . fine finish, not over one pattern rn ' ' grade, only one pattern to a to a customer, at a yard OtC customer, at a yard 59 Big Tinware Sale Hardware Department . JXO OLD BATTEKED TTP TIITWAIU:, ALL NEW OOOSS. Large, retlnned llsh Pans, worth l!0e Bo i Bread Pans Cnko Phjib, Pin Pans, etc, all 1 gallon Covered Buckets, worth lBc 7Ho worth Be to 15c, all ro for 81Be One quart Covered Buckets, only So Quart Indexed Tomato Cans for..' ..'aRb Be Cookie or PouKhnut Cutters for ,...lo 2Be Tea and Coffee Pots, only 3Ho Children's Be A. B. C. Plates for lo Large Steamers, worth 36c for ....134o Wash Basins, Milk Pans, Puddlna- Tans, Milk Strainers, etc., etc., worth 16c 3V0 Fresh Fruits for Canning Buy your Peaches now. The balance of oar to go on sals Thursday These are extra fancy Yellow-Crawford and Freestone, while the last E ?k we will sell them per crate . .P--'"" 20 pounds best Pure Cane g" ff Granulated Sugar for PA'U" Dinner Buckets, worth 35o. for 18U a It does not pay to buy damaged tin ware at any price, especially when new tinware is so cheap. BIO BAXiH OK OAKBAOB CANS. Grocery Department Orapes for JeUy Large Baskets Fancr Concord arapes for Jelly, per -i 1 basket X 4 ' rancy Blpe Tomatoes for CannlD'fN third bushel baskets, fancy Rlr ' Tomatoes, for tin thA antlrA Bt.nn V of rane Ctalna. Olajiaware. Tlnanmi T3L SSfil. from the London Import ng- Co. of 2Tew York. Bale oommenoes Friday. this sale. Blnrr bargains than ever before offered. s y ii i i y H B Me k-r. M HMDENS' m suit- 1ctly tady SBIllfftBaJtffllll'VBEE 3 Bargain Squares oi Laces al 34c, 5c, 74c All new lots of fine French. Girman and' Plat Vals, point de Paris and Torchon laces and insertions, all good Q'p.CpJJ tf- patterns many to match values to Uc yd., at us 2 Great Stocks -of lace Ciir Will Go On Sale Next Monday at Phenomenal Bargains This will be without any question the biggest lace curtain sale ever held in the west. There never were such fine quality curtains offered at a sale in Omaha. The lace curtain event of a lifetime. If HAS TAKEN A DISPLAY OF SIX BIG WINDOWS FULL OF LACE CURTAINS TO GIVE AN INKLING OF THE BIG BARGAINS IN THIS SALE tales t SI 8 PT?FMTTTM See the beautiful line of bronze ornaments; quaint little time- H g rAAlulUW plecee trickily elaborated with storks, owls, eagletttes and B BAPTflP others. Prettiest rnainents you ever saw, exchange- Pa1nntr m ttftuwflj, able for Urei. Trading Stamps. IU TEEM. , uoiwujf. q GroiiM Floor Offices... are scarce, especially In the center of the business district of Omaha. Thla fact la an indication of the growth of the city, as well as the volume of business which-Is being transacted. R. C. Peters & Co. were compelled to move Into larger quarters and because we could not give them more space they rented elsewbcr. IS YOVK Bl'SINESS GROWING? Don't you want to be on tea ground floor? Here Is an opportunity to rent space that will please you; and give you a chance to Increase the volume ot your business. XSie Bee Building offers for rent one room 16-6x40-0 and another 19-10x25-10 on the 17th street side of the building on the ground floor There Is a large . vault In connection with these rooms and they can be rented as one large room or divided. On the Sixth floor we have for rent three rooms facing 17th street and three rooms which are nicely arranged on the court. On the Fifth tloor Is a suite of two offices. 22x20 and 7x20, with good light, There la a vault In the larger of these rooms. We have other rooms for rent and would be pleased to have you call and let ns show you through the building. Remember you do not have to pay extra for light, water, heat nor janitor service-here as It all goes free. lt for Mr. R. W. Baker, Supt. THE BEE BUILDING CO. lTtn and Fornam Sts. sVrargnsr Boston Store Boston Store DR. BRADBURY, Dentist, IU',:?...... 1S0 FAR NAM ST OMAHA. Phene Oeuglaa 1766 Extracting ....... 23e porcelain Fills.. $1 up Crowns S2-B4 op Bride Work. $2.50 ap nf tLtt! 18:99 We make a specialty of aaetal and roofless plates. Painless work la all operations. Open vealiMca till 'clock. f ANOTHER BIG SALE China, Glassware and Japanese Ware wig go London Importing Company, one of the largest Importing firms in America. This stock Is com prised of the finest lines of glassware, china and Japanese goods, In cluding the finest lines of English, French, German, Austrian and Ba varian china, such as dinner sets, tea sets, casseroles, toilet sets, pitch ers, lamps, vases. Jardinieres, glasses, jugs, cuspidors, fruit plates, saucers and bowls, teapots, berry sets, Japanese cups and saucers, plates and vases, and thousands of odd pieces too numerous to mention. You must see them to appreciate their values. THIS STOCK WAS BOUGHT AT GREAT SACRIFICE Articles Worth 25c, 35c, 59c, 75c, $1.00, $1.50, $2.00 and $3.95 all go in Ihe Grand Sale at 2k, 5c, 7ic, flic 10c, Uicand i5c each Sale Starts Friday, September 20 HAYDEN BROTHERS UTIFUL iM Is never so serenely beautiful as at this time of the year when the amusement season is ended. If you admire nature without the accompaniment of music, crowds and excitement you should not fail to visit Manawa some one of these lovely Autumn afternoons. Why not make up a little party and enjoy a nice, quiet picnic t CARS LEAVE OMAHA DIRECT FOR THE LAKE EVERY EIGHTEEN MINUTES. ) !ec Want Ads Produce Results IV