Newspaper Page Text
THE OMAIIA DAILY BEE: FRIDAY. SEPTEMBER 27. 1907. NEWS OF INTEREST FROM IOWA COUNCIL BLUFFS Office 15 Scott Street. Both 'Phones 43. MI.IOR MESTtOS. l)svls, drugs. '. Btockert sells carpets. F.4 Rogers' Tony Faust brer. Bee Schmidt' decant new photot. BUT BORWlCK'B NEW PAINTS. Lewis Cutler, funeral director. 'Phone 97. Woodrlng Undertaking Company. Tel 639. PT'DWEIBEIl BOTTLED BKER 18 ffcKVED AT ALL FIH8T-CL-AS9 BARS AND CAFES. 1. KOBENFBLU CO., Agts. Wfc WILL DELIVER ALL B1ZES OF HARD COAL DURINO SEPTEMBER FOR 10 A TOM, WM. W ELSH, 10 N. MAIN ST. pHUNEa 12. The, four standards for the electric llRhts at the two entrance! of the public library building arrived yssterdey and will bo placed In position this week. Mr. Christiana Johnnsen. wife of Peter i Johansen of Walnut. la., died last evenlne; at at. Bernard a hospital PLEADS ANTITRUST LAW David Bradley & Co. Demur to Cord age Company's Petition. china which aha was driving refused, to work and the auto ran Into tlfe curbing at Tenth avenue and Fourth afreet. Mrs. Davis was thrown out and received a cut Up and a number of bruises. Mrs. B. Ter wllliger. who was riding with Mrs. Davis, escaped Injury. The wheels of the machine Were more or less damaged. Mrs. Davis was driving slowly, otherwise the accident might have been more serious. SUIT IS OVER BINDING TWINE Allegation Mad Plaint! to Moisting Antl-Trrst Law and There fore l Has IUalsg In MATTERS 1 DISTRICT COIRT been a patient for four years. 'The hluh school foot ball team will play Its first game of the season Saturday after noon, when It will go up against a team made up of alumni" The game will be plaved at the Ideal-Hustlers' base ball park. Before getting your upholstering, mat tress making, repairing and reilnlshlng ilons get prices of the Morgan Upholster ing company, 333 Broadway nrxt to Alex ander's art store. Telephone for quick orders. Bell, 3:0; Independent, 379 Red. The funeral of the late John E. Hill will ba held Friday afternoon at i o'clock from In the I'nited States court yesterday a de murrer In the suit of the Peoria Cordage where she had company against David Bradley A Co. of this city was argued before Judge Smith McPherson. The demurrer was based on the grounds that the contract, which was for binding twine, was In restraint of trade and void under the Sherman, act and Iowa trust law. It being In contravention of both the federal and state anti-trust laws. The contract originally Involved about $30,000, but there Is only $4,000 claimed In the present suit Under the contract by which the defendant firm purchased the afford Gets Off With Four Months for Simple Assanlt. T. J. Spafford. an elderly man employed as watchman for a bridge gang on th Union Pacific, Indicted for attempted crim inal assault on Naomi Goodwin, a 10-year-old colored girl, entered a plra of guilty to a lesser charge In the district court yesterday and was sentenced by Judge Macy to four months' Imprisonment In the county jail. J I I i rr.1. 1 . i . 1 1 ft., .11 . . . , . . , V 1 1. , Ol, 1 III. WQ till WU VI fcll UU.IU w 1111:11 no., e ureii i . .... HEAVY FROST OVER STATE Dangerously Near tha Damage Line for Corn Crop. SOME THOUGHT TO BE INJURED Governor, His StasT, Two Companies of National Gaard and All State Officers to Meet President at Ktskak. (From a Staff Correspondent.) DES MOINES, Sept. S8.-(SDeclal.' Vrr dangerously near the deadline, visited all Iowa last night. The government thermo meter here In Des Moines registered SS de grees. At Fort Dodge It wss 80 and at Creston 31 and at Davenport and Sioux the family residence, 1128 Fifth avenue, and binding twins from the Peoria Cordage com- burial will he In -airview cemetery, en campment No. 8. Union Veteran Legion, Df which derr-ased was a member, will have charge of the funeral. Arrulas Hawkins, a U-year-old boy; living it. 25 Mill street, wss before Judge Mac in the juvenile division of the district court yesterday, churned with breaking Into the residence at Washington avenue and rtr-fellng money and articles nf value. It being the hoy's first ofTense the court de cided to give him another chance and his pany. It Is alleged. It waa obligated to sell at the same prices as the International Harvester company and the Plymouth Cord age company or Plymouth, Mass., so thai j Hard-n's saloon at Broadway and Twenty- mere snouia ne no competition, inus ins first street contract, counsel' for the defendant firm In tha demurrer contended, waa in violation of the anti-trust laws, both national and state, and consequently was null and void. mimhitr nf prlmlnnl p.ih pending for some lme were dismissed ,ng- 1JOWn on ln" rouna lne "Weraiure yesterday "for want of evidence to sustain i w" much ,ower ni th corn w" nJur conviction." The defendants, the cases I Director Bags said todsy that he could against whom were dismissed, are Archie ! not tel how mucn ,nJur w" don t0 the Walker, C. H. Banthir. Fred Bunting. Min- j corn "P he received reports nle Dunn, George Sherrer, J. h. Whit- 'ron his reporters over the state. He said comb, David Lewkowlts, George B. Smith, he was satisfied that some slight Injury Chsrles M. Coiad, J. H. McMullen, Wil- done, however. Others posted on llam If. Whitmore. Maud Hansen, Harry ' crop condltlona said they were confident Baker, William Burchard, J. P. Dickinson, ! that damage had been done to the crop. Nicholas W. Spencer and Arthur Levi, I At Marshalltewn, Carroll and Sibley the Young Levi waa indioted jointly with Pat I temperature was 30 and at Clarlnda and Crow on the charge of holding up and rob- Esthervllle 31.' The temperature wss quite bins', the crews of two motor cars at tha uniform over the state. Ice formed on east end of the bridge and waa also In- ponds and over water In vessels that were dieted for holding up and robbing O. K. . exposed. It Is the heaviest frost of the sea son thus far. Wreck on the Rock Island. rase was continued Indefinitely, young Judge McPherson took the case under ad Hawklns being required to report every vHement Saturday morning to Rev. Henry DeLong, me pronation omcer. Tho fire department was called shortly tfter 1:30 o'clock yesterday afternoon to Jio planing. mill of Peter Wind on Thir teenth street between Broadway and First ivenue, where a spark from ft locomotive supposed to have set fire to the roof of ne of the buildings used for the storage f lumber. Employee of the firm sue ;eeded In extinguishing the blase before The bankruptcy case of the Union Trans fer company came before the court In the matter of the 360,000 of notes given by the bankrupt firm to the New Decatur Buggy company of Mlddleton, O. These notes came Into possession of ten different banks and manufacturing concerns, who, claiming to be Innocent purchasers. Insisted their the arrival of the deDartment. but not be- ! notes should be included In the liabilities fore a hole several feet in circumference of tne bankrupt company. Other creditors, had been burned In the roof. But for the ... .. . early discovery of the flames the fire might , "PPorted by Trustee Frank E. Everest, have proved a costly one, as Mr. Wind had contended that the notes were given wlth- a quantity of valuable mahogany and othor -jmDer in me ouuuing. out consideration and should not be al lowed. Arguments by counsel pro and con Upholstering;, occupied the greater part of the morning George W. Klein, 19 South Main street ' session. Judge McPherson took the matter i Phones: Ind., 710; Bell 5. A piano is not only an Instrument fof pleasure and an educator in the highest and best things for which the world strives, but it Is, In thousands of Instances, a means of support to tho recipient and en tire families. ' A. Honpe Co.. 2H South Main street, Council Bluffs, makes the lowest prices and easiest terms.' Mission at St. Paul's Church. Arrangements for the mission to be con ducted by Archdeacon Percy Webber of Boston at St. Paul's Episcopal church, from October S to 13, inclusive, have been, completed by Rev. H. Vf. Starr, the rector. There will be three services each, week day, four on tha opening and Ave .on the closing Sunday. Archdeacon Webber will . speak at each of . the ser vices, which will be evangelistic in char . scters. On the opening Sunday, October 6, the liqurs of tha service will bs as follows: S f. m., holy communion; 1080 a. m. ser vice and sermon; 13 m. Sunday school; 1:30 p. ro... service and sermon. ' On the week days the hours of the ser vices will be: 7:30 a.- m., holy com munion,' with brief address; 4:30 p. m., evening prayer, with brief address; 5 p. m.. short service, with sermon. ' 1 On the closing Sunday, October 13, the services will be as follows: . 8 a. in., holy communion, with brief address; 10:30 under advisement. - ' J The Cut-Off land cases, involving sit suits, were continued, as some of the attorneys were not able to appear, being engaged elsewhere. After disposing .of a few minor matters, Judge McPherson adjourned the term of court and retiVned'last evening to his home In. Red Oak. Next Tuesday he will convene the term of court at Davenport. The other court officers returned to Des Moines last evening. Bluff City Laundry. i:igh grade work. Latest improved machinery. 'Phones 314. Girls Don't lay around home depending for support on your parents. Your time is valuable. , You are wanted at Woodward's candy factory.' The people all over -the country are crylnjt for. Woodward's Real Butter Scoth, and we must have girls to wrap it. The money you earn now will come In handy at Christmas time. Talk this over with John O. Woodward tf, Co., "The Candy Men," Council Bluffs, la. D jury .vr cu.ra unui next Spreading rails threw a westbound Rock Monday, as the parties in the suit of John ' ,gland frelght from the track ,t Met, at P. Organ against C. E. Gregory, assigned an early hour thli mornlng an(J 8lxteen c.ri for trial yesterday, waived a jury and , , h merchan(llee were pllea ,nt0 greed to try it to the court The suit is Nq one wa hurL . to recover attorney fees. . , t u t , The train was going at a fair rate of The indictment against John Baumker ! . ... , ... Jv , of Washington township on the charge of "peed an theCO"lC W,Ul rdJ having stolen from F. A. Howard a con- ore the ""'dr,vl" one thro"sh th siderable quantity of hog wire fencing toP of car The Pu' which he had aotd him. was dismissed. 1 out of business for several hours. Baumker and Howard settled their diffl- I Elboeck Permanent. cultles out of court by Baumker paying! Joseph EiboecK, editar . of the Staata Howard 1126. I Anxelger of this city, a German paper, has Leonard Noyes, a minor, by his next been elected honorsry president for life of friend, S. M. Noyes, filed original notice of the National Association of German Edl- suif against the Union Pacific Railroad tors. He has served as president for eleven company for $5,000 damages for personal years. Injuries, alleged to have been received Jan uary 18 or. this year. Noyes, who wss In the employ, of the railroad, alleges that, ' Did Jnda-e Apologise Whether Judge Hugh Brennan of the dls trlct court here apologised to the United owing to being required to work with Im- : stato8 of wnether he didn't has now perfect tools, a wooden culvert fell on I b(fCome more mportant than whether he him and permanently Injured him. I ...j . ... . apoloKize and lieutenant uownei 01 vno In a ault brought yesterday by William .r th: Na!.,onfi Rea.1 Eatat: i S .uuon that he n i.all grew out of the suggestion of Judge Brennan that two young thieves who had committed their first offenses be enlisted In the navy to save their going to the penl- Investment company and others to quiet title to a certain piece of property, over 4(0 defendants are named. The task of re-1 cording such a suit is a big one, as the name of every defendant has to be entered. celved here taken with a sinking spell shortly be fore noon at the Jones hotel, where he was stopping. Hs was assisted to his room and died In a few minutes, before medical assistance could be summoned. Mr. Reed was 71 years of age and re sided at 1310 West Broadway. . He is survived by his wife, one daughter, Mrs. AlbertavFox of this city, and four grani- Horae Trade Movement. - I children who make their home with him. The Commercial club committee on retail " A grandson1 went to Teoumseh yesterday Marvin D. Reed Dies Suddenly. 1 Marvin D. Reed, one of the best known residents of the western part of this city, died suddenly yesterday morning at Tecumseh, Neb., where he had been on business since Monday. Information re- ' 0fnci.i- 0f the church are expected In the shows that Mr. Reed was Th. tow. conference Is the biggest tentlary. Lieutenant Downes took offense and Informed the court that the navy was not made up of thieves. United Brethren Here. The regular annual conference of the United Brethren church of Iowa began Its sessions here today and many of the high trade met last evening with the object in view of planning some, way whereby a bet ter "home trading" sentiment' might be aroused among the people of Council Bluffs and surrounding communities. The plan In cludes the urging of all retail dealers to patronize as far as possible local man uf so ft, m.. service and sermon; 12 m., Sunday I turers. wholesalers snd Jobbers and thereby ichool: 4.80 p. . m., aervlce and address; I p. m address for men only. The services . are to be advertised on .lie bill boards as well as In the windows f the stores of the city. THE PRUDENT MAN WILL ORDER HIS COAL.NOW AND OF THE COUNCIL BLUFFS COAL AND ICE CO., EITHER 'PKONE 75. - ' If It is arts, wall .paper, paints, pictures ind picture framing cull on us for estl natss; H. Borwlck, 511' S. Main street. Phones 683. keep the "money at home. A circular letter was drafted which will be submitted to the executive committee of the Commercial club and If It meets with the approval of that body it will be sent out not only to the; retail dealers and- peo ple generally of the city, but to the farm ing communities adjacent to Council Bluffs, whose trade it Is figured belongs to a great extent to this city. The letter In question Is Intended to present to the people tha benefits not only arising to themselves but to bring the body home. Deceased ' Was a member of Abe Lin coln post. Grand Army of the Republic, Which probably will have charge of th fiVtieral arrangements. In recent years Mr. ' Reed had been prominent in the councils of the West End and West Coun cil Bluffs Improvement clubs. PEDDLERS OV TRIAL, FOR MURDER Alleged to Have Killed Another Ped dler -and Token Goods. DENIBON. Ia.', Sept. W. (Special.) The trial of the' two Syrian peddlers for killing a' fellow peddler near here last January la proving of great interest and the court room Is crowded with men and women at all sessions. The cost worn by one of theM In the denomination. The meetings are be ing held at the Summit Park church. Catholics Bnlld Again. Plans are being perfected, by the Catholics of this city to erect lir1 or near tho city a boarding school for boys to cost $100,000 or $150,000. It Is understood' that Mother Vin cent, who established St. .''Catherine's as a home for women, la to have charge of the project. The intention Is to1 have the bulld Inga completed and ready- for occupancy ' within eighteen months. '' " ' Postponed the Wedding. . W. B. Martin, ex-secretary of state, was unable to swear to the age of Miss Ora Carr of Greenfield, ' IaV yesterday and so the girl's marriage to" Claude Blddleman of Gree"nHeld had to be postponed. Blddleman was only 19, but had the written consent of his parents. The girl' parents are at Colfax, la., and the wedding was postponed until today to allow her time to get a statement from them. ' ',. ',. Tonne for Lieutenant Governor. Senator John A. Young of Washington, la., is the latest suggestion for the-republican nomination for lieutenant governor. Trouble la Strike. The "cook house," In which tho meals of Real Estate Transfers. These transfers were reported to The Boe September y the Pottawattamie County Abstract company of Council Bluffs: Mary Kimball and husband to Edna A. Bruce, part nwU ae and ne sw 8-7l-, w d 32.750 Edna A. Bruce and husband to C. F. Srhroeder. part of neV ne4. 1-75-44, w d 2.0 0. K. Adrian und wife to Jens Hansen, lots 3 snd4. block 4, In Pierce's add to Council Blufla. w d 1.400 C. V. Miller to iMnlel P. Lynch, lots 6 and 7, block 111, In Evans' Second Bridge add to Council Bluffs, w d 1.100 Stuurt Ratlift end wife to Zed Ratlin-, lots 1 and 2. block 9, In Wright's add to Council Bluffs, w d 000 ' I'"ve transfers, aggregating 38.UO New- clssses'wlll be formed In the West ern Iowa college next Monday. September fjf Day and evening sessions. Send for kiiataloguo. 'Phone for Information. defendants when captured was put in evl- to the city at large by patronising home dehce. On It were apots of blood which me striaeqreaaers ac to urai wwern trade. i the scientist from the Iowa SUtte university roundhouse are prepared, was burned down The member of the committee on retail i stated was the blood of a human being, last night and twenty-four or the strike trade are Mar Bouricus, Charles Swalne, j Goods of the murdered man were found in breakers have been discharged. A large v H.niiiinn b t Mii a t, ! t ha nMarnlnn' nf t hs rtef endanta. One went number of others have been brought in Hunter, T. culf. 8. Farnsworth and T. D. Met- Offlre for Rent. Eight feet wide, eighteen feet long, on ground floor, opposite Nebraska Telephone, building, 15 Scott street; central location; j only one-half block, from Broadway. Ev ! crythlng new; electarlo light; for $8 a" month. Omaha Bee, IS Scott street. out In the country from town the night within the last few .days. . Officials of the when the murder was probably committed. The man was evidently shot and then struck on the head. A club known to have been in the possession, of the defendants was found and red spots on it found to be hurnam blood. Congressman Conner, the Great Western say that there la no trouble at the roundhouse and that all Is working smoothly. Staff Ordered Out Adjutant General W. H. Thrift haa issued orders for the full staff of the governor to Hot Biscuits and Coffee Free. You are cordially Invited to r.ttend a special exhibit of the celebrated Acorn stoves on September 26, 57 and 28, at 103 8. Main street. Biscuits - and Hot coffee will be served free to all comers. D. W. Keller. . Rev. John Walsh Administrator. Rev. John Walsh, who has been appointed Get' your lumber from C. Hafer. Council B)op Dvta a. priest at St. Francis Uuffs. la. He sells It chesp. ... , "V ." T " " i-uuiiuii xjiuilb ftuutfty ftrum i-ravcnpun. ncv, Father Walsh will bs known as adminis trator of the pastorate and Rev. Father Patrick Smyth will continue as pastor of the psrish. The St., Francis Xsvler parish. Is one of the few having an Irreaiovabla pastor. After the appointment of a minis ter he cannot be removed by the bishop except at the request of toe pastor himself, nor can a successor be appointed until his dtuith. Rev. Fsther Smyth has been pastor of St. Francis Xavier's church for fifteen years, coming here from Iowa City.- Dur Marriage Licenses. l.Uenues to wod were Issued yesterday to '.he following: ;Cnme and Residence. Age. B. Johannspn. Sioux t'lty 84 .Klien Johnson, Rloux City, la 27 lohn Hassert, Omaha..... j 27 Margaret Da Ulauwe, Omaha 25 Karl H. Hoist. Council Bluffs 27 Vera V. Uukey, Council Bluffs Z7 tV'lll'sm R. Hannah, Council Bluffs 43 durrlrt ii. Whistler. Council Bluffs 37 Seorse MHIedge. Council Fluffs.....' 21 leitrude Fines Hogabooni, Council Bluffs 17 t C. Menersy, sr., Council Bluffs S3 .aura J. Norria, Council Bluffs 2 leading lawyer for the defense, has not attend the reception to ., the president at outlined hLs'caae.' With long day and even ing sessions the case will last all the week. NO OXB TO BLAME FOR ACCIDENT Keokuk next Tuesday and also orders for Companies A and II of the Fifty-fourth regiment. The governor's staff will, leave Des Moines Monday morning at ( o'clock and will reach Keokuk at 1 In the after noon. They will form the escort for ths president while In Keokuk and horses have bceen reservsd In Keokuk for them. . All the members ef -the executive coun Coroner's Verdict on Disastrous .'Wreck on Rock Island. WATERLOO, la.. Sept. 2S.-(8peclal.) The coroner's Jury which has been Inves tigating the disastrous wreck on the Rock cll an1 practically every other state official Island two weeks ago when fourteen lives an(1 i,eaj of a department at the state were ldst., today returned a verdict hold- nouso w go to Keokuk to attend the affair lng no one responsible. At attempt was and near tne president's speech. Some will made to prove that some miscreant had go down Saturday of this week but the placed ties on the track, but the evidence greater number will go down Monday morn- was not convincing. The jury neiu mat mo nnK. accident was an unavoidable one. Cameraa and photographic supplies. C. E. ilexaudor,. iZi Broadway. . . Wanted Every man and woman with de Jecttve vision to consult us and get a pair ( our made-to-ordiT eye glasses. , DR. W. W. MAGARRELL. i Pearl Street. Optometrist. I. 'glit rigs alwaya ready on a minute'a tat Ice. comfortable and clean carriages, Irst-clsss drivers, and the best teams In ths Uty at ths Grand livery 8. Main. Both hvn'es. 272. y.'e have the most stylish and comfortable tigs in thi city. The best driving horses k serve you. Call us by both 'phones 272. iJrsnd Livery.' rt South Main. Be Want Ads Produce Results. T'iflli Hf"4""'"TWl"1MiyJt' 1 uf , CITY SCAVENGERS Horses and cattle hauled free of vltarge. Uarbags. ashes, manure and all rubbish; clean vaults and cess- ; pttpls. All work done Is guaranteed. Calls promptly attended te. 8 HEMLOCK OIBSOIT, Xaa. FUcss 11S T. B.'J 1V01 ksd. rt'jffifnt!sTv"TOBra 4 Robbers Enter Factory. CEDAR FALLS. Ia.. Sept. 2 (Special.) The Cedar Falls Manufacturing plant haa suffered Its second loss from robbery. Some- time during Sunday or Sunday night en trance was gained through the roof and at least $3X worth of manufactured stock was taken. Two suspects were yesterday held In Mason City pending the arrival of R. ; A. 6antee of this city and Marshall Ec!ow i lng the last six years he has suffered from j who brought the parties to Cedar Falls. Ill health and has had an assistant priest. ; Suspicion was aroused when the young men nable to at- tried to asU their goods to a merchant In Bines Februsry he has been unable to tend to h's duties as pastor and the work of the parish has been attended to by Rev. Father II. Mullio, assistant pastor. Chief Cloaca Saloon. Owing to the number of complaints filed by residents in the locality. Msjor Rich mond, chief of police, yesterday afternoon closed the saloon at the corner of Main and Story streets. Complaint had been made that patrons of the place In all stages of Intoxication were accustomed to loaf on tha sidewalk in front of the place, much to ths annoyance of the people living In the Im mediate vicinity. When Chief Richmond visited the place he found the conditions such as hsd been stated and he sent for the patrol wagon to haul several of the patrons who' were more or less drunk to Jail. By he time, however, that the patrol wagon reached the scene, the "drunks" had all made themselves scarce. Major Richmond stated he would not permit the saloon to be reopened under the same management. Mason City. Automobile Runs Amuek. Mrs. Fred R. Davis, wife of the president of ths Pioneer Implement company, waa slightly Injured in an automobile accident last svem:ig. The sttetlng gear of the ma- . , Iowa News Sutmm. OSKALOOSA Colonel and Mrs. Al Saalm have given their old homestesd in OFkaloosa to the hospital that, tr.v might endow a ward in memory of Mr. few aim's mother. Ths ward will do known as Ths Elisabeth Bwalm ward. CEDAR RAPIDS Fifteen minutes after going to a complimentary dinner com pany, which waa to announce the en gagement of Mlsa Jessie Darr ana Clar ence Winnie, the bride escaped in a Wilt ing auto to marry Jack Wuister, sn Ann Arbor student. The pair Slurried to a minister's home In Marlon, routed htm out of bed and were married by the pas tor at midnight. The romance began last yar while Wuister waa working hore for an electrical company. Ha returned to college without declaring himself and ths wealthy coal mercnanl had a clear Cownle Instructs Superlateadents. ' At the quarterly conference of the mem bers of the board of control with the sup erintendents of the state institutions Hon. John Cownie of the board Instructed the superintendenta that they should hsve all their seed corn for next year gathered by the close of this month. He took pains to give them a thorough lesson on seed corn selection. Dr. W. D. Iwrence of the Iiwrence sanitarium at Minneapolis, read a paper on Inebriates and the scientific treatment of them In which he claimed that 85 pe' cent of the men drink, 0 per cent to excess, 12 per cent are Inebriates and 7 per cent Incurable. He claimed that j per cent of the women drink. Dr. Pauline M. Leader of the state Insti tution at Clarlnda, a woman physician, who has studied the subject thoroughly, read a paper in which she paid a tribute to the women on the farm and claimed that sta tistics prove that they are not more sub ject to Insanity than those In other em ployments, though the number in the hos pitals from the farms is great. killing Jesse Wallace at Brushle, today went before Judge McGre at Deadwood and made application for ball. After con siderstlon of the evidence given at the pre liminary hearing, ball was fixed st $4,000, which probably will be given. CORN PALACE OVERCROWDED "eclat Trains on All Railroads Bring; Threoas Into Mitchell. MITCHELL, 8. D.. Sept. 26.-(Speclal.) With the incoming excursions and regular trains over the Milwaukee A Omaha sys tems this morning a crowd of 3.700 people was brought to Mitchell for the third day of the corn palace, and It broke the record for any similar day In past years, with 4,000 people In the palace building In the- fternoon to hear Bousa and his bsnd and to see the agricultural exhibits and the dis play of the women's work In the gallery. There were nearly as many people throng ing the streets who were unable to get In the palace, not caring to be In the jam. Two special trains came In over the Mil waukee road from BIoux City and Canton and one over the Omaha from Hawarderi. Ia. This evening a crowd of 3,000 people at tended the palace, while hundreds are en Joying themselves on the streets with the attractions and It is a gay night, with the 3,000 electric light display covering a dis tance of five blocks. ANTI-SAI.LOTT LEAGUE MEETING Officers Elected and Plana Laid for Year'o Work. MITCHELL, S. D., Sept. 2. (Special.) The' gnnual meeting of the board of direc tors of the Anti-Saloon League of South Dakota was held In the league rooms at Mitchell Tuesday. Rev. H. P. Carson, D. D president of the league, presided. The following members, representing the various churches of South Dakota, were present: Rev. H. P. Carson, D. D., Rev. J. P. Anderson, Rev. F. W. Long, Rev. D. Rlfenbark, all of Huron; Rev. C. E. Hager, Rev. A. E. Carhart, I. W. Beaman, J. T. Morrow, all of Mitchell; Rev. A. C. Mc Cauley, Bridgewater; Rev. J. E. Booth, DeSmet; A. A. Rowen, Parker; A. Loomis, Redfleld; Rev. C. T. Notson, Alexandria, Rev. W. M. Grafton, Mitchell. The league is planning for an earnest and organized campaign ' for the county option bill, on which measure the initiative and referendum was Invoked. Also for greater efforts along the line of law enforcement. The officers elected for the coming year are as follows: Superintendent, Rev. W. M. Grafton, Ph. D., Mitchell. Headquarters committee President, Rev. H. P Carson, D. D., Huron; vice president. I. W. Seaman, Mitchell; secretary. Rev. John E. - Booth, DeSmet; treasurer, J. T. Morrow, Mitchell; Rev. C. E. Hager, Mitchell; Rev. A. C. McCauley, Bridgewater; Rev. F. W. Long, Huron. PRAIRIE FIRE BURNS UP HAY Three Thousand Acres Near Valley Junction, S. D., Burned Over. HURON, S. D., Sept. 26. (Special.) A prairie fire swept over 3,000 acres of land Tuesday afternoon, starting about two miles west of Valley Junction. The fire originated from a spark from a passing' locomotive on the Northwestern line, . and the company, realising the situation, im mediately sent a special engine carrying fire fighters to the scene. The first crew being unable to check the flames, a second was sent out. but the Are was not ex tinguished until it had covered at least S.OOO acres of land. Thousanda of tons Jf hay In stacks were destroyed and the prai rie entirely devastated of feed. The losses are very heavy to farmers, aa many of them had their winter supply of hay In stack and must now take their herds to other localities or buy feed from neighbors. Workmen Bnrled In Ditch. PIERRE, 8. D., Sept. 36. (Special Tele gram.) John Allen and William Moss, workers in a sewer ditch, were burled by a caveln this afternoon. Moss was only partly covered and succeeded In summoning help, and a rescue party began digging for Allen as soon as possible, luckily lo cating his face and getting him a breath ing space, but it took a half hour to re lease him, during which time he directed the work most of the time. . This Is ths fifth time Allen haa been caught In ditches and evidently, . he was not born to be killed in that way. OUTPUT OF PACKING HOUSES Slight Decrease In Marketing; of Hogs as Compared With Pre , vloua Week. CINCINNATI, O., Sept. 26. (Special Telegram.) Price Current says that some decrease Is shown in the marketing of hogs. Total western packing was 360,000, compared with 390,000 the preceding week, and 835,000 last year. Since March 1 the total is 14,775.000, against 13.745.000 a year ag. ' Prominent places compare as follows: 1907. Chlcsgo 3,500,000 Kansas City 2,025.000 South Omaha. .1,4 15,000 St Louis : .... 1.01 7.0D0 St. Joseph 1,107.000 Indianapolis 873,000 Mllwaukeo 645.000 Cincinnati 345,0)0 Ottumwa 363,000 Cedar Rapids 803.000 riloux City 660,000 St. Paul 465,000 Cleveland 815.000 1906. 3.135.000 1.790.P00 1,390.000 956,00) 1,040,000 796.000 522,000 306.000 858.000 307.000 6D5.000 448.000, 305,000 Roosevelt Club at Plattsraouth. PLATTSMOUTH. Neb.. Sept. 6.-(Sp-elal.) A Roosevelt club was organised In this city Isst evening and the following offleera elected: President, Jesse Perry; secretary, Clare Thomas; treasurer, Ray Barker; captain, H. M. Craig. A room Is to be secured and an active campaign com menced soon. BIER-O-ir Natlsn s Sevarsee cental as but about l i sercsat ol Afcekel. io)n a'tf't? n5)ra s i r i r -i i Lb Lb MILWAUKEE Is brewed and aged on honor. Full of character and beer body. A hop tonic, malt nourishment and delicious beverage, all in one. Try any ot these brands whether on draught or it bottles wherever you can Private Stock. Wiener, Muencnener, Export Omaha Brunch, 802-10 Douglas St., Cor. Tel. Douglas 10"'. Sth. VALBLATZ BREWING CO. MILWAUKEE, WIS. 4v44.Vu.yayV' j The Beat bitter Llqu.eur -3T Ip ... WnVrjV' Often Imitated but never equalled the lead ing Bitten since 1846 Now the favorite and most universally used In all parts of the d. Alone as a tonic, and bracer It Is unrlred and at all times especially refreshing. Gives, relish for food, even to the dyspeptic, and rounds off the heartiest meal with perfect digestion. Enjoyable as a Cocktail and Better for You The "good" habit, Is a pony of "Underberg" before and after meals. Should be In every veil ordered home for both old and young. , Over 6.O0O.0OO bottles laporlsd to the United Stales. Al all Holeh, Clubi end Restaurants, or by the lottlt at Win Merchants and Qroctn. Aikjor Underberg. Booklet fret. bottUd only by II. Uoderbsra Albrecht, Bhelnber, Germany LUVTICS OTHERS, 04 William Street, Now York, Sola Agents. OALIFO Rial A The one-way low , rate of $25 to 8an Francisco, Los Anse-les, and many other California points which la In effect every -day to October 31, 1907, affords an op portunity to make the trip for just half the regular first-class fare, PACIFIC 1 Inquire at City Ticket Office, J324 Farnnm St 'I'ticne Douglas 1828. Iftw. rr r.iS-iilliilimWi wihims mi w tmm Pickpocket Gets Fat Hnrne. BEATRICE-, Neb., Sept. JO.-(Special Tel egrsm.) Henry Halseher of Og-allala. Neb., was robbed of H38 In cash und a draft for $48 this afternoon during- the parade at the anniversary celebration. There la no clue to the robhers. Boat Now doing; Faster. ON nOARD RTICAMSHIP Lt'SITANIA, Bept. 25. (By Wireless via Cape Race.) At 10 o'clock tonight the I.usltania was 1.US0 miles from New York and 1,133 from Queenstown. It is making 23.6 knots per hour. Increasing The demand is constantly in creasing for field. Yea ( If tss Want To. It you want to go without the help you need, or without the work you might be doing, keep out of The Bee want columns. Everybody ' sees them. Everybody reads tlitm.' , The Bee goes Into the homes of the people who want somebody to do Just the work yoa ran do. Ths wantera and the wanted .can't avoid each other If they get Into tue want columns of The lit a. Cored Hay Fever ane) (imntr Cold. A. J. NusDauni. Batesvllle, Ind.. writes: "Last year I suffered for three months with a summer cold so distressing that It Inter fered with my business. I had many of the symptoms of hsy fever, and a doctor's pre scription did not reach my esse, and I took several medicines which seemed to only ag gravate my case. Fortunately I Insisted upon having Foley's Honey and Tar In the yellow package, and It quickly cured rue. My wife has since used Foley's Honey and Tar with the same success." All druggists. - Pwarta Aasattteel to Ball. BTt'RQIS, B. t., Sept. St. Special Tele gram.) Attorneys' for Lon pharla, feeld for flavoring Extracts s To Chicago EVENING TRAIN NO. 12 leaves Omaha at 6:30 p. m., arriv. ing Chicago at 9 :00 a. m. Carries all classes of high grade, eletv trio ii;mu'u equipment. Omaha-Cbicago sleepers and dining cars located on station tracks; supper is served commencing 6:00 p. m. "AFTERNOON TRAIN NO. 2 leaves Omaha at 4:30 p. m. Supper is served in the diner, and the arrival at Chicago is early, 7 :00 a. m. FAST DAY TRAIN NO. 6 leaves Omaha at 7:00 a. m., arriv ing Chicago 9:30 p. m. for connection with night trains on prin cipal lines for the east. All meals served in diners. YOU WILL LIKE the Burlington's dining car service. What you order is of the best and you pay only for what you order. Rate: Omaha to Chicago $10.00 Tickets, berths, information, etc.. CITY TICKET OFFICE: Tel. Douglas 3580. 1502 Farnam Street. Wis 3 mre" IWMI'S I VanllU Lemon Orang-s) Rose,sto This is accounted for by the fact that Dr, Price's flavors are just as represented true to nature, made from the finest fruits, of delicate taste, and of the greatest strength attainable. R men cured mm FOR. U HE Ct RB, T1IKX YOU PAV I'S OUlt KK EstsblUUed la Omaha IS Tears. C" C3 rriC Consultation I tVl& and examination, n rite for Symptom Blauk (or Home Treatment. Dr. Scarlcs Cc Sear.cs S E. Corner UUi and Cscfllai Si.. (HAD... XII