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THE OMAHA . DAILY BEE: RATTTRDAY, SEPTEMBER 2?, 1007. 8 GREATER YOUR HEED Our lev; Credit Plan i 1 I, f i t :THE MOST LIBERAL IN THE COUNTRY Thousands of stylishly dressed men say the same thing. Convince yourself call and see us anytime, and choose from our mammoth stock of STYLISH CLOTHING. $1.00 A WEEK Men's Fall Overcoats In all the new styles and pattern stylish fabrics, tan coverts, grays, browns, etc.; $22.50 value; Saturday bar&ram once Hw $15.00 SUITS $9.75 Suits well made from the season's newest fabrics, all the new effects in grays, browns, etc., garments bearing all the style of those cost ing a third more. See them before paying cash. ; Saturday Shirt Sale 50c Men's 75c and $1.00 shirts, in percales and madras; Saturday See the Fall Hats Be the Fall HaU. all the lateat block! and colors shown here at prices lower than than cash stores, IS to B Tv I ti dim Stasia A i' " mm mr, V'UltMW hamfc . .4,v--' MM r : a u The More Generously Will They Be Provided lor at Harlman's skssbs&iie urn That the Hartman stores make lower terms of payment than any other home-furnlshlng Institution in America Is an absolute and unchallenged certainty. Dut the terms-making is only a part of Hartnian's broad, liberal credit plan. It's the arrangements we make for the customers' convenience that count the provisions wo make for your help whenever occasion requires. We'll make Credit arrangements that will suit your needs your Individual re quirements at all times nd the greater your requirements the more generously will they be provided for. Hartnian's is the credit plan that appeals to the thinking people lu every walk of life to the best people in every community to the high salaried man to the laborer to ALL. It'a the credit plan that will do most for you and should be serving you risht now. $1 Overcoat, like 10 7C rut Saturday I U. I M - j Fall Display of Shoes Fall display of Shoes, in Patent Colt, Box Calf, Velour and Vicl leathers all the latest toes shoes guaranteed to give good satisfac tion. $5, $4, 13.50 and CbC lues 2.50 WE SELL TOU CM CREDIT AT CASH STORE PRICES Cash Prices With the Conven ience of a Charge Account 8 It If MM I J CLOTHING COMPACT COKJ4 & DOUGLAS f v Elegant Solid Oak Rocker Upholstered in Nantucket Leather This handsome upholstered rocker Is made with a heavy olid oak frame, bpRUtlf ully carved. It has lars:e roll arms .ind rounded seat. The bark is deeply tufted and wecurrvl with ieather tufting buttons. The height of this rockfr Is 'J7 turtles high and 2S Inches wide. It is upholstered In tlie "iiost thor oughly dependable manner, both back and neat covered with C'.iaranteed Nantucket leather. This rocker Is one of our own designs, specially made for us and we positively claim that It Is the biggest value for the money In a rocker of its slyla that was ever offered for your consideration. ROOMS ' $ Credit Terms $10 Cash, $2 Weekly Steel Range, $26.75 Hart rn-vns Bed tiav Automatic nport. Special 27.5U This Rofa Bed is made In either quartered oak or polished ma hogany finish. It has full paneled ends supporting comfortable arms Spring work Is patent Indestructible full steel construction. It has full spring seat and back deeply tufted with automatic device, per mitting it to be instantly changed from a Davenport to a bed and vice versa. The box under the seat provides a convenient place for bedding and other articles. - " mm ,F4i - E3Q (&;?1! Ki -yj,ff,H ' 'JTJS W'BW.W'' 'JTIiTrPT.K-,1 Remarkable Sale of Couches 150 Couches to be closed out at factory rout. Positively the greatest sacrifice of thoroughly dependable couches in the history of Omaha. Prices represent Just about actual cost to make. 24 couches upholst ered in genuine Leather up from 128.59. 49 Couches, upholstered in genuine Boston leather, up from 912.95. 67 massive and elegant Couches upholstered in Imported velour, clearance begins at 9.75 Absolute Satis-, faction This Large 6-Hole Steel Range, 26.75 This Is unquestionably the largest, best find most handsomely ornamented Steel Itange ever sold at the priced It's by far the icreatcst Steel Range value that waa ever presented for your consideration. This range la inadrf of extra heavy Bessemer Cold Rolled Steel. It Is a full flue range with new scientific hot air circulation about the oven. Has urge fire box, with Duplex Orates for burning either coal or wood; has large square oven, patent balance oven door, large high warming closet, and an abundance of nickel trimmings. Jfs perfect in Its operation and Is absolutely guaranteed. It'a a most excellent baker. The price means a saving to yoa of $8 to 110, and you may pay for the rang on eisy term. NOTES ON OMAHA SOCIETY Gloomy Day Does Not Stop the Pleas ure Seekers. ROME SCENE OF BIO AFFAIR Mm. Ilearr F. Wymaa Gives One of the Most Beaatlfally Ap elated Laaeaeoaa of the iiuaii Friday was a rainy and gloomy day, but entertaining continued Just the same. While there waa nothing scheduled at the clubs, the new Rom hotel waa where the preten tious affair of the day was given when Mrs. Henry F. Wyman gave one of the most beautifully appointed luncheons of the season. The guests were seated at one large table, which was decorated with three Japanese baskets, and were filled with a variety of autumn flowers. The plat cards wers white with the hostesses mono gram designed In gold and marked the places of thirty guests. At the Theater. Rose 8tahl, In the Chorus Lady at Boyd's, brought out society In numbers Thursday evening. In two of the boxes war Mr. and Mrs. Luther Kountie, Mrs. John L. Web ster, Mies Flora Webster and Mr. E, M. Andreeson; Miss Edna Keallne of Council Bluffs, . Miss Marls Coffman, Mr. C. E. Bpens and Dr. MeDermott. Together In ' small parties In the body of the house were Mr. and Mrs. Edward P. Pack and Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Barker. Mrs. Nelson Patrick, . Madame Barker, Mr. Robert Patrick and Mr. Al Patrick were together. With Mr. and Mrs. Edwin T. Swob was Mr. Louis Nash. In another party were Miss Mary Alio Rogers, Miss Frances Nash, Mr. Thomas Rogers and Captain Spoor. Clestaa; Week at Field Clah. This Is the closing week at the Field club, ao the members are Improving the last day for entertaining by giving large luncheons at noon Saturday and dinners preceding the danoe In the evening. For lunoheon Mr. E. A. Hlnrlolis will have seven gusts; Mrs. J. A. Munroe, ten; Mrs. C. A. Ooss. twenty-two; Mrs. D. V. Reynolds, twenty five; Mrs. N. F. Harrlman, forty; Mrs. Charles Bundey, nine; Mrs. B. F. Baksr, forty-flvej Mrs. F. E. Sanborn, four,' and Miss Fannie Pratt, six. In tfie evening at dinner Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Korty.wlll have eight guests; Mr. and Mrs. Frank Boyd, sixteen; Mr. and Mrs. Dean, twelve; Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Marshall, ten; Mr. and Mrs. James Newlean, four; Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Fish, six; Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Zachery. four; Mr. and Mrs. Q. Campbell, three; Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Bry son, seven; Mr. and Mrs. Charles Black, three; Mr. and Mrs. D. J. O'Brien, four; Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Ewlng, three; Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Pratt, twelve; "Dr. and Mrs. Bailey, ten; Mr. and Mrs. Ray Waggner, four; Dr. Brown, sit; Mr. and Mrs. Olenn Buck, two; Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Allen, four; Mr. and Mrs. C. B. McLaughlin, six, and Mr. and Mrs. J. Foster, four. On of the largest affairs of the season at the Field club was the stag dinner and smokor given Friday evening. Those present were the officers and members of the club. Covers were laid for about 800 and the table was decorated In Ak-Sar-Ben colors. .... At Happy Hollow Clah. Those who have already made reserva tions for dinner at the Happy Hollow club for Saturday evening are: Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Sunderland, who will have twenty guests; Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Selby,' six; Mr. Fred Crelgh, four; Mr. and Mrs. A. T. Austin, eleven; Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Royoe, two, and Mr. and Mrs. Corners, seven. Mr. W. S. Wright and Miss Dorothy Wright entertained at dinner Friday evening at the Happy Hollow club In honor of their guest. Mrs. William Cock rost of Fergus Falls, Minn. Those present wer Mrs. Cockrost, Mr. and Mrs. J. Wllhetmy, Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Carpenter, Mr. and Mra P. C. DeVol of Council Bluffs, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Magee of Coun cil Bluffs, Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Hsyward. Mr. and Mrs. George Nattlnger, Miss Hat tie White, Miss Clara Cooper. Miss Mary De Vol of Council Bluffs, Miss Georgia Mitchell of Council Bluffs and Mr. Roy De Vol of Council Bluffs. Come aad Go Goaelp. Mrs. F. A. Greene of Los Angeles, CaL, Special 1 1C Table -UT7 Exactly like cut, size, of top 24x24, decorated top, shaped ends, shelf below, heavy legs, quartered oak or mahogany finish, high ly polished. Iloor loveiiuys big1 aviy 6 Kona uuy In gram carpal, usuany mcum a i u to uoo yard oot go Rous fine i5iuoei Carpets, your adviii u per cent, i'7 yard. Us tl Rolls Wilton Velvet Carpet, strictly all rard .'."'....05C 115 Rolls Oil Cloth, 4 4, 6-4, 8-4. re- OQ(. duced to, yd... miOKy III Rolls Linoleums, printed, bent - Efln quality, yd. .. 600 Rolls Japanese Matting, , large con signment Just 27 received, yd. .. K' 27.50 Base Burner Extra size, most duT ably constructed, pow erful double heater many new features which, add greatly to Us efficiency. : Hand somely nickel trimmed large mica illumlna tlon, large coal magazine. PHIlf' L 16.40 Solid Oak Princess Dresner This handsome dresser is made of selected solid oak, nas, a Deautuui polished finish. Has large Frencn beveled mirror set in carved mirror frame. On sale all week. Solid Oak QC Ctiiffonier 0 J A value positively beyond duplica tion, serpentine front, 5 large, roomy arawers, hammered brass handle, large bevel edge plate mirror. Ma terial is of the very best selected dry kiln lumber, put together with expert workmanship. ' , -vr, .-! ft ltjr- ij Let Hartman Feather Your .Nest. wit TS'A'J' yht i I 'Teather your nest" I4I4-I4I6-I4I8 DOUGLAS ST Rugs Hartman's Imperial brussels - ei 'JeC Kugs, 12x9 - Hartman's Imperial Brussels Rugs 10-6x 8-8 at Wilton Velvet l & 12.50 Rugs, 2G.75 Wilton Velvet Rugs. 10-6x8-3, , OO Kft Best Ax- 12x9, at at Hartman's minster nry tt Rugs, 12x9 Imported French Wil ton Velvet OQ tTA Rugs, 12x9 UO,UU Special ladifs'g Q C Wriilnn W?s7.DJD Exactly like cut shown, In fine solid oak or mahogany finish, carved front, French legs, convenient Interior, ex tra well made and finished. Hartman's newest design. Excellent Oak healer 4.75 Wo guarantee this Oak Heater for absolute and thorough satisfaction. It .m .of improved construc tion and Is most satisfac tory in Its operation. Is nnde with heavy castings and Is of greateHt dur ability. It Is of hand omn design and Is beau tifully ornamented with .ticket trimmings. Also has largH nickel . aide wings and brass urn. It's the best oak heater In Omaha for the money saMMHMSSBl SSMSM SM SIS m2) ClimLin On W hill both feet press tideways in the shoes hard on the uppers, and where they are sewed to the soles. You can wear Crossetts into usual or unusual places without thinking about them. They are comfortable stylish and tx tremsly durable. 4o ldkts Life's Walk Easy' BENCH MADK $522 Can ea our ageat In your city, r wrlta ns LEWIS A. CROSSETT, Inc., No. Abtetton, Mass. 1 3 formerly of Omaha, Will arrive Saturday morning to be the guest of Miss Mable Hake, at the home of Mrs. J. M. Guild. Miss Spratlen will return on Saturday from a visit In Denver. Mrs. John C. Goodwin of Newcastle, Ind., arrived Thursday to be the guest of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank B. Kennard. She will remain several weeks, when she will be Joined by Mr. Goodwin, and they will return horns together. Mrs. Frank B. Kennard. who has been 111 for several weeks. Is still confined to. her room, but Is slowly convalescing. Miss Jean Cudahy left Friday even in - fn. few davs' visit In Chicago and Milwaukee. Miss Helen Cudahy and i Miss Brownie Bess Baura will leave Sun I day. when they will meet Miss Cudahy In Chicago end all of them will go together to Miss Summers" school In Washington, D. C. Mrs. W. B. Melkls and Miss Hlgglnson, who are at present In Paris, will leave Tuesday for an extended tour through Swltaerland and Italy, not returning again to Parts until about December I. , Miss Hsnson, who has been visiting Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Martin, will leave Satur day for her home In Chicago. Mrs. John A. McShane and Miss Mary Lee McShane, who have been spending the week In Chicago, are expected home Satur day. Mra William Cockrost of Fergus Falls, Minn., Is the guest of ' her sister, Mtsi Dorothy Wright. Miss Janet Helmshelmer, who has been visiting Miss Edith Butler, will leave Bun day for ber home In Glenwood, la. Miss Martha and Miss Ida Sharp returned Thursday from a month's visit with Mr. and Mra William Paxton, Jr., at their Key stone ranch. Mrs. E. H. Sprague will leave Monday for a month's visit in Chicago. Miss Ruth Raymond of Lincoln, who has been spending a few days with Miss Ethel Tukey, returned home Friday. Mr. and Mra. Charles C. Rosewater re turned Friday morning from a delightful eastern trip. Craea-Caoler Eitiftacst. Mr. and Mra R. M. Green of Burlington, la, have announced the engagement of their daughter. Miss Minnie Louise Green, to Mr. Arthur J. Cooley of Omaha. Miss Faith Potter entertained at dinner Thursdsy evening at her home In honor of Miss Phoebe Smith and her wedding party. Mr. and Mra J. M. Cudahy will give a 1 o'clock dinner Sunday at the Country club. Invitations have been Issued for ths mar riage of Miss Maude Lllltsm Fitch, daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. William Fitch, to Mr. Charles Thatcher, which will take place Wednesday evening, October 9, at o'clock at' 42U Douglas street, Omaha. ' Meetlna; of Roand-Dosea Club. The Round Dozen club was entertained Friday afternoon by Mrs. Henry C. Van Gleson and Mrs. J. W. Hamilton at the home of Mra. Van Gleson. The guests of the' club were Mrs. Leonard Abercromble and Mrs. C. C. Barrell of Houston, Tex., Mrs. J.. H. Parrottee, Mra. P. M. Conklln, Miss Grace Conklln, Mrs. Onley, Mrs. Bragg and Mrs. J. Lempe. ' Mrs. Carmlchael and Mrs. Harts will be the next hostesses, entertaining the members at Happy Hollow club. Mrs. R. W. Talmsge entertained the mem bers of the C. T. Euchre club Friday after noon In honor of her sister, Mrs. Prescott of Batavla. N. Y. There were twelve guests present. Miss Jessie Nason, who Is visiting friends In Kansaas City, Is expected home Sunday. Greetings have been received from Mrs. M. A. Nagl and Miss Frieda A. Lango from Norfolk. Va. In the hospitals, until he was rewarded with a collection of 121. While engaged In the charitable work he converted some of tho money Into popularity at the saloons In the district and was arrested for drunkenness. Inquiry failed to find any woman whom Rldgway knew at the county hospital. He was sentenced to ten days by Judge Bryce Crawford when the police magistrate learned of his deception. usea oy Millions GRAFTER LANDS IN JAIL Beas Moacy for Sick Ctrl, Gets ' Drank aad Tea Days la Jail. Begging money within two blocks of the police station to remove an Injured girl from the county hospital to ths Central hospital, where he thought she would have better treatment. Charles B. Rldgway made $21 Thursday and arrived at the police sta tion after his day's labor. Rldgway was given his breakfast Thurs day morning and did not have a cent, when an officer discovered him at Tenth and Douglas streets. Then he went on the beg ging tour and told a story about a sister and friend and other poor girls, who were lMando Remove to Superfluous Hair Short sleeve gowns demand smooth white arms, free from hair growth. MAN DO, the most de pendable depilatory known, will remove all hair without burn or scar. Accept no substitute. Price, $1.00; samples, 10c. J0SEPHWE IE HVRE Bold by Boston Store Drug Dept., The Bennett Company, The Bell Drug Co. Beaton Drug Co., Myers-DUloa Drug Co. BMew Cnmrltaa wlIh Pur y Food Imw of t vjr BtAt. swN Special for Saturday If IT IfTT sasi sae fi ftflfjw iim Dining Chair (like cut) long back, post brace arm cobler seat, extra fine valuer for Sat price UT W fv k assays w iturday only. j)0J MUIcr,Slcwarl&B2aton 413 15-17 South 16th Street. ' rMspqnsfii "i in hiii hi mmmw ' ' Well Built Wen THE MAN with broad, square shoul ders and reasonably proportioned form can wear most anything and look (airly presentable. Other men not ao well favored by nature should appreciate even mora the necessity for care In selecting cor rect and becoming attire. The dlstancee from the shoulder to the waist line the proportion c Jj -our neck and shoulders Is different from anyone eUes. That's why It takes bo much accurate measurementand study of your In dividual figure to produce a garment that will fit you perfectly. . Home handsome new effects In today. Trousers $6 to $12 Suits $25 to S50 l1.1 "I,-,""1""!1"1" L;-JS YMLOR WILLIAM JKRBEMS' SO MS se. taut as. To Chicago Via Illinois Central Railroad "Chicago Limited" leaves Omaha.. 6:00 P. M. "Day Express" leaves Omaha 7:20 A. M. Making direct connections In Chicago with trains for East and South. Minneapolis and St. Paul, 7 Leave Omaha at ...8:30 P. M. Leave Omaha at ,....7:20 A. M. Making connections for points north and northwest. Tickets and Information at City Ticket OWlce, 140J ' Farnam street. SAMUEL NORTH District Passenger Agent Omaha, Neb. iTHH mix ami Bee Want Ads Produce Results y 1 1 i