Newspaper Page Text
THE OMAHA DAILY BEE: FRIDAY. OCTOBER 11, 190?. II OFFERED FOR. RENT lloaacn anil ( miaif ontlooe4. 'IVK-Roo.M COTTAGE, modern except li-Jit fit .I8 ltovil Hi , tX. C. Q. Carl berg, ill N. v. Life M. (15) M171 '.'(-. NORTH 21TH ST..- South Omaha, Rood -locations for butcher, barber, etc, H H Curtis, l! Harney St. H. Sehrerwr, lUt- RF, NT Three upper llnur. Inquire H. Harney. - -- (15) M3IJ ynri RKNT'-Ccllar.Mx'O. coment floor, for storage. 517 8- 12th St. u&) x O (flees. FOR, RENT-Desk Voom In Ree oftlce. city -hall 1wlMlnir. 417 N. 2th St.. South Oma). .Apply to manager. (15) 1M jOR JIF.NT-Lnrge. office at 311 South 1.1th t Al.. In tho First Netlobal Bank" Bldg. ; .'0 'l'lare ft', flier apace, fnllet und ,-anif. Apply to Superintendent. Flrat National Hank Bldg. (15)-1K8 14 Stores. 5 KKW RTORR ROOM 8. Corner Locust and -Sherman vrnue. for ' flrv (roods, fhnwi or notion: good locu tion: for right parts. Inquire Joseph JlntisVa. 2M6 Sherman Ave. (15) M4i . . ,., . , . ON K afore, room In new "Scargo" building lr. f.outh - Omaha, near poatofflce, with ' lighted t'aaement. modem show windows and awning; Wat possible location. Hall Distributer Co.. 317 Flrat Natl. Bank Bldg. 'Phone Red 7to8. 16 FOR RUNT-Irge atom room, lth and Vinton Sts.' C. M. Bachmann, 437 Paxton ..block. ; , - 06 )- FOIt lectures, ' concerts,", dancea and balls. Fraierntty hall, 1S1 Harney 8t., oppoalte , , Public library. N. P. lod(t" & Co.. 1714 ' Faroahv fit. ' . (W-MSOT Oil BRCfl STORR Rest ftnoocupled loration for'lotval flruil huslneas In city. Will al- ter arid leoae to rlitht party. Also A-l irroaerv location.. KtfMTS. 30 Paxton. 'Vhonp UoUKlaa (i:-wi2 COFFERED FOR SALE "vV. - Kenciav ANCUOIt and Iron fenclnn; wire fencing- . .5o puv.fooU 204 Jtf..l7th St. Tel. Red 814. r-u r- . " - 0)-;4 ..- . i. " ' ... 1 'j Fnrnltair. ?'?QTl SALP-Fufnlture of a lo-room heuaa; 4ll 'rrr ' part; furnWnre; nmat be mostly , !.f teema. ' 2.M7' N. Kith 8t. - ,?. (1B)-M447 QB''8ALirpuA! new. leather couch and rhlnV'cloaet. 670 f: With. Tel. Harney rr.--- (16)M227 17x ".' i. JL--ii '.i.'., TP t- "'.. --IVORTIT BERING! ' , ITrtVjCS ft RANGES AT HALF PRICE! ' ) pearlv new, allshtly tiaed, hiKh-grade . itovoa and langds. You can , save half . v. buvlni of ja. We do what's right.. .' . CHICAGO -TrVrVNITlTRB -TO.. '.HUMiv, . .. Tel: Poug. 4,87. ..." .. . .' . (1) 132 Oct Hi , 'D 1LAND furniture bought and soldi bual r tiena on tlw, atitiare. IUsenberg. formerly wit. 'Chicago .Fur. Co... ret 8. 14th. Doug. n'&HtfM '. " . (1)-M454 OcUl iManos, Orsana, Mnetrnl laatrameaia. n A TCP She!cash , . - ' ,f TO JP AY THE MUELLER EST ATSS. . ".' iea than factory cost. Ca.ll or writ "f'r at .price for"1 prices; ''catalogue and '. .;. bargain list.. .. i"-dier Pwanoa for rent, 3 ana an. aiMOLLER MTJELXER "lANd COilPANY, k . ' ..TEL DPUQ.' X635. 1U111313 FARNAM STREET. (16) 8G5 FOR 8 ALE Excellent upright piano, taken . in on mortgage, Dr. Pribbe,now, 214 Kar - batii block. , (16) 728 8TEINWAY piano, second-hand good con dition, cheap. 318 McCugue Bldg. , , . , N , (16)--427 Oct29 1 Typewriters and Scwlsg Maehlaes. FOR SALE High-grade second-hand type- . writers. :gooa -twnaiiion;. a Mrg&in at v.u, Call room 603, Bue Bldg. .. (16) 71 VNU Remliifton typewriter. No. ft. In good fommton, ior sate ccap. van at Bee, me J- : ' (1)62k hy FOR -BALE New ami seoond-hund billiard -Jrandpool .hablea. W lead, the world in rvivuerfp tr Jlxlurest easy paymenta. Hruns -. wVk-JJiK.O-Col)vuiir, 407 S: 101 ll St. HALF. PK1CB, emalr .monthly .payments, Ktdtati' Histeryvuf the World, Amerl VtnJaed Kncvoluneilla. Webster's New Dic tionary. B.-Jt.-Rfiberte. southwest corner ..loth r.d Faruam.. ' (16) M12 N7 . - Mtscellaaeeas. HOMEOPATHIC remedies, -wholesale, re tad. '.' Shemnaa & MoCounell- Dng Co., u in ana, ixd. (1b) S7 -PUMP "- tasVgaUon Worthlngton duplex pump, size 12xHlo, lerle .about October L This ump has seen about six months' actual service and la In, good v'ndltlon; wll sell at aj bargain. Apply W. H. Bridges, engi neer Bee Bldg. (1) 670 FOlf SALE Comrlete" set of Shakespeare's . works; volumes nicely bound; practically tw, $12.00. Cull at Omaha Bee ,. oiler . $. m. . ... UK) MSH Ux DAS, ELECTRIC AND COMBINATION FIXTURES ;. Irgst, moat up-to-date stock at lowest prlvea l the city, aelut now. Delivered fiuo jietued. Jruiuectlon invited. HURuESS URANDEN CO., 313 8. U St. Tel. Doug. 6tl. ... ... (16) 8t liXH tiALli CHEAP A tine moft coal in-atwr, perfect londiiion; also gas itwib; Call 2iU 6eiK',r 8t. - -. (lO-MSil lSx li'OH 8ALE A butcher s reirlgerator, sev . nml i,uw cases, a new peanut roaster, . luica coffee mill, two large autoiuatio oil iit(ik nd tur pmurra luo numeruus lo liieiulon. Globe Lund aoJ Iuvectuient Co.. Omaua, .N'elii ; . tltil D.l .DKl'ia t cut p.lces; freight paid ou all $10 uiduraj catalog je fm. bheiaian & Mo Vuiiim)L Lrug,Co,t OmahB. Meb. jll6 U,j i"ORSALE-Koil ton luk. chairs, tables, rugs. umoca for . tent. W. A. Kerr, 44- K? IT 1.. k,l .. ,1.:, N. Y.'.Llfe Bldg. WCT1 B EN D Uo your iiihII order for drugs; itentnt paid on lots. Myers-DHloo irs-DHlo tl)-74 t Co., Onil;. tOR SALE Furnace, suitable tot heating a 8-room tioui; good a new; apply at, oner Su-f Harney 4St. Uw 875 " Y)H SAI.B CREAP 0vl I'nderwood iypewrlier. Innuire 116 iSonth Jcth St. '. ' ' - , (Hi)-iU0 '.3x 1H t:RWl.N-TIUAM8CO. fcst mixed paint. . tsheruutn McCunnrU Xrug Co. ' " - U) 77 ' Kt-JW 'bargains In M hand soda fnt.ntaniB. '- luyuriiiy )Hiueiils. Leilghl. Ihl8 1-muam. . ' (Hv-:i I-iR SAI F-A medijlni BiaeJ bise burner; aiH tvv..liiuM; .a. .. HJl 2:S J'V 4" DUPLEX OFFERED FOR SALE Mlneellnneooa -4'oaUnae. BVVOND-HAKD, overcoat and firearms. Singer, 416 N. 16th. . (bi)-i9 ANYONE wanting to luy -a. H.tchlaoti maawneon for the relief of denfneas can g one rlieap hv applvtng to Mre. A. P. Wood, ;t 8. St., Omam. . OS) MW1 IS STOVES repaired and sold. Anything in atove line. Ranee, l'ill N. 24th. , (ItiiMUt Nov? FOR BALE One hard coal atove, Radiant Home, and one hot blaat soft coal atove. ' tall M7B. ifl'.h St. Tel. )uslaa .. 16r 157 14 I'TRNACE, pipes and registers. . 2W! Indiana Ave. 'Phone Harney. 1 (W 181 U HALL'S safea, new, 2d -hand. 1S1 Jgs?'" SALT, $100 per bbl. Wegner, 801 N. 11th. RADIANT Home stoves. Remington typo writer, refrigerator.- 422 Frank" Ave.. Tel. Red 2373. " ' (16)-M154 11' SIMPSON Rorkaway, nearly new, very low nrlre if taken at once. 914 Jones St. 'Phone Douglas 1704. (! 39 30x PATENTS T. O. i3ARNELXi, patent attorney and ma chine dalgner. I'axton blk. Tfl. Red 117. (i:-;s (Jctu LARSON 4 CO.-Book free. Ben Mldg. tl7 8X1 PATENTS THAT PROTECT: Our three books for Inventors mailed on receipt of cents atnmp. H. 8. ft A. H I-acey, Rooma 2-3 I'acllle Uldg., Washington. D. C. F.stahllyhed 1NG0, (,'. M'i29 PERSONAL THE ELITE MASSAGES Chelvbcate scrub batVis; expert lady eper ntor; room 3fn Barker block; 16th and Kar nam; new establishment. (18) MU8 12x LAD I B8 ATTK.NTION Young farmer, American, moderate circumstances, wants wife or housekeeper immediately. Ad dress Y 33. Bee. . (l8)-203 llx YOUNG WOMEN coming to Omaha as strangers ore Invited to visit the Young Women's Christian Association rooms, 1514 Farnam street, whew tbi-y will be di rected to suitable boarding places or otherwise csslsted. , (IB) W5 MAGNETIC BTub"IM Room X li Farn.m St.. 0cU9 PI PATINO BuMon. ucMrig, 1 LLr I U1VJ Embroidery. Dyeing end cleaning, sponging and shrlnklng-Kinly Semper yard. Send for price and samples. - GOLDMAN PLEATING CO.. 10 Dooglas Block. TeU Douglas 13. , . (!&)- 18 THERE a true' and refined maid or widow lady with Borne means, matrt monlal Inclined, that would share with a kind hearted gentleman, with a good homo and real estate in the west. Ad dress J 34H. care Bee. (18) 179 llx A HOME for women during confinement will find comfortable .homes -.for babies whose mothers cannot rtH,f or, thit" ac commodation first olaas, terms reasonable. Addreee Mother Lee. Superintendent Tin- ley Home. 'Phone Douglss 1921. 4o3 Ban croft. (1) MS18 OctlSx THE' SALVATION ARMY solicits cast-off clothing: In fact, anything you do not rieed. We collect, repair and sell, at 114 . 1M 11th Kt . for cost at collecting, to the worthy poor. Call 'phone Doug. 4136 and wugon will Call. . (18)-6U APPLY Satin Skin Cream to wet skin, wipe dry. Secures canny, smooth skid. Jac. . (U)- PRIVATE CONFINEMENT HOME Mrs. Dr.' King, 1324 N. 24th 8t. Tel. Web. .1S59. - - - -- - ' - (18)-6, WH RENT machines, tl per week, or $3 per month. Nebraska (cycle Co., corner 15th and Harney Sts. (18)-590 f A fT WFTTn treatment and bath. Mme. !. . Sroltli. H8 N. 15th. 2d floor. ; .. . Ul QMAHA Btammerera' Institute. Ramge . 06) K17 iiuuuing. PENNELL. MILLINERY CO.. 1511 Dous'las. , . .... (18) 187 KIT SYRINGES, rubber goods, by mail; cut prices. Send for free catalogue. Myers Dlllon Drug Co,, Qmitha. , , (18) 8S5 REAL ESTATE HEAL KSTATE DKALKUS. RUBSELL ft M'KITRICK CQ 4"2 Ramge. PAYNE IKV. Douglas mi. CO.," 1st floor N- Y. Life. (IS)-teD PETERS TRUST CO., N. Y. Lite Bldg. (19) 90 GEORGE & COMPANY, -1601 Farnam. , Tfcl. . Douglas 756. (i9)-m CITY PROI'KIITY FOR S ALB. TRACKAGEPRbPERTY y To lease, too per month.. 150 ft. on th St., .J7T ft. deep, ou U. Si M. railroad. ANNA V. METCALF, 'Phone Douglas 572. 1234 S. loth 8t. : . - U9)-l 014 . ' - K5I . " will buy elegant -room modm house at 414 N. list St.; east front; paved street; permanent sidewalk; beuutiiul lawn; large ahude tries: eaay terms. 1f neessary. THOMAS BRKNNAN. ' Room L New York Life Building." (19) 731 A PROPERTY on a main business thor oughfare, having a present annual Income of $1,638, with a frontage on the aide street and alley, giving a total available frontage of 210 feet for future permanent Improve ment, which would always bring good rents; ought to be a good purchase at tju,uu0. I have such a piece. . HENRY F. WYMAN. 1008 New York. lAta- Bldg. (19) MSS9 12 NEW HOMES. $2,800 Fine new 8-room cottage, one-half block from Roma Miller's home, on Grand Ave. All modern. $2.100 8-room new borne on Soth 8t.. part modern; pavipg paid. Cull Webster 10f,S or wenster diiv. im nave oinei places to how YOU. U. M. I NUEKHlLLi CO. . . - ,09) 1W 10 Be Independent progressive and healthful. HOW! Buy a home that will support you and not one you have to vupport. WHERE! In Kevstona Park, the most attractive suburban home property In the atate. Have your own cow, your own garden and make your own cutter end be away nom ine smoke aud dust of the city. A QUESTION What Is nicer than having your own gar- dsn, fresh mtik and buUerT THE ANSWER There la but one thing, and that la having your health; why not have them both when it is so easy? Buy ! or 4 acres Id Keystone Park and get back the ""ealtu and money you have lust by living In the city. Call on ua any time; we will be glad to take you out and ahow yov . where to build a real restful Horn. PAYNE INVESTMENT 'CO.. , N. Y. Life Bldg. AND a v. co.. Board ef Trsde Bldg. - . . , ... ....u-An w FOR CALK A well built 10-room trams house, beautifully finished In hard wood; lard wood fluoia. mantels, modern bath room, and conveniently arranged Will "ll at a Very low price, to be reniDVed fion present premises by-'puirhaer. Ad dieM C C. Kotewftter, Bm. tKif , 4.iiih)4. REAL ESTATE CITT PROPKRTY I'OU SALE. (Continued.) ; HARRISON & MORTON - ' Following th habit of many tip-to-date merchants, we take thia opportunity to thank our patrons for the bualneaa en trusted to tts In thu past. nine months. a have not tried to do the lars'-st bual neaa. but the moat as tlsfactory. In. the city. We have tried to be thorough. 'We believe In ourselves, but we . admit there are othera. We appreciate the many very high-class patrons who have honored us with their confidence. Their kindly feeling we count, a valued and growing asset. We have not moved for tifteen years and are not Intending to move now, and have no clearance sale, but we try to keep In touch with bargains and think we know one when we see It. ... Properties mentioned below ere not all great bargains, but some are, and all, we think, are1 fair value. ACREAGE 2 acres adjoining the Omaha city limits, iiA'.r way between Center and lieavenworth 81 a.', on 64th St.; lies well, south slope VSUU( easy terms. ij acres on the 13th Ft. car line between Omaha and South Omaha. Some good for est trees on it. Splendid view and In point of car service to either city It Is the boat piece of acreage wo know or on the mar ket. .Will divide Into three 1-acre pieces at 1,W0 each. 3 acres on North IStli 8t., two or three blocks north of the end of 'the paving 11,200; easy terms. 6 acres very good land on the main road north of Krug Park abc-ot 2 mllea 11.250. 7 acres on the Florence .Blvd.. this sldo of Miller Park-$?.1W. ID acres, with 7-roor.i 1io'.:-, small bam, some shade trees and 2P0 or 90 young fruit trees, near Center St., mile outside city limits USO0. 14 acres on main road (fiOth Si) Joining the new V. P. Ry. cut-off; native prairie aod; lies well 2O0 per acre. 20 acres rich va'lev land Inside the city limits on 54th St.. joining the new U. P. Ry. cut-off $200 per acre. HARRISON & MORTON SPECIAL INVESTMENT G.3 ACRES OF CITY LAND Our largest tract of unplatted land close to the Hanacom Park district a rough looking cornfield now owned In London by. a corporation that took It unwillingly for a debt. They Insist on selling to clear"! up their Omaha Investments. For about $f0,ou0 the land could be bought and graded ready for platting and marketing as residence lots. This tract touches the 2-mile circle from the Omaha P. O., Is 4 blocks from Hanacom Park, extends from SSth to 42d Sts. and has ( blocks front on Center St. (paved), with the Omaha Field club golf links across the street. . The Belt Line Ry. goes through the middle of the piece anil part of the land might be used as trackage property. We think there is a good profit In this to divide, and It cannot help becom ing very valuable as the city grows around it. ' RESIDENCES JOHN MORRISON HOUSE: 4902 Florence boulevard rooms, excel lently built 'house, large barn, grand old forest trees In the yard, fine view, dlugon ally across from Rome Miller's $25,000 coun try residence. Mr. Morrison has moved away and says this place must be sold. Former price $7,00t)-price to move it 5,5uO. I- HOUSE CLOSE IN. Find, lara-e. old. but good house, 1u.t a little off of Farnam, on 2Sth St.; east front lot. with room for another house or nut; best close In location In the city $7,000 buys the entire property, .',' WEST FARNAM. 10-room house. In the most desirable prt of West Farnam district, perfect In every, way to be taken off the market today, but think it can still be had Price $12,5X). '': '' NEW HOUSE' j . . i '.'" Heady to move Into, on 41st, near fr. Joslyn's residence; rooms, houae ' con structed under most careful supervision of owner; full two stories, best' of plumbing end heating, r'.-owing neighborhood, ele gant country view. Price $4,01)0; terms It desired. . - . COTTAGE HOME. Almost new & room, best plumbing, 50 foot south front corner lot, on Larimore, not far from Florence boulevtird; euttahlo for home or Investment, price, $2,200. COTTAGE. FLORENCE BOULEVARD. House beautifully situated, five large rooms; vftugly tucked away among grand' old forest trees; considered very homeliku; ground tZ by 190. Owner leaving the city and house must be sold. HARRISON & MORTON . BUSINESS PROPERTY . ! 72Vxld ft. on Farnam, near. 22(1 $200 a ft. Part of this Is under ground lease at t per. cent net. We think thts-laud will go to $400 a ft. In five years. $29,000 for a business corner that we can net recommend too highly; very lightly Im proved. We think thia the best buy In the city today. Ask us particularly about It. $18,000 for a close-In, growing piece ef bus iness property, on the main thoroughfare good, but not as good as the above,. 44x68 ft. near the Flrat National Bank 7,0U0. . 44x86, near Paxton hotel $7,000. 80.000 souare ft. of floor space: excellent warehouse building, with trackage; build ing would cost to duplicate $&,0ii0. Price, $40,0(10, Owner might consider taking slock In good business tor part oi me value or Ida building.. Small niece Improved on lower Farnam 8t.-$ll,0ii0. .. VACANT LOTS. nl Bnicas PLACE. We bad 111 Brlggs Place lots to sell; have sold- 17. The. order from the owner was: "Put prices on them that will sell them not keep them." We put our prices on them and there was not a figure changed by the Owners. Our opinion of their cheapness nas ieeu vennea by capl tauntlo clients of other offices coming In and buying them simply for an Investment. Call (or plat. Over 90 left. t 1 LOTS WEBT FARNAM. Our beautiful 7-lot ouncti on 41'st near Wetit Farnam car hu b?en broken intt and $ are gone. Both pun .'lasers will build good houses. A lady in itnit vicinity called us up to Know I or sure ir we hud sold a lot there as low (as 81.4UO. We told her yes, and we had one or two left at that price. '1 hey may not last lona. however. now they are bio.ieu 1itt,. .5. postal card will get you a plat. 54xE0 near 8t. Mary's Ave. church, $2.2uO, 27x116 near high school. $1.00. 13x' 12 near Omaha club, $2,100. 58 ft.; Harney near S2d, $0 a foot. - - '50180, opposite Cbarlea Turner's. $3,500. 100x165 In the heart of the West Farnam district $,0u0. 78x130 Opposite Rome Miller's, $2,000; all specials paid. 1 lots on Grand Ave., Just west of Rome Miller s. 8tioD each; sewer, water and gas. 4 lota near new cathedral, double fronts, PM to $1,). SULPHUR SPRINGS LOTS. We have about 28 good lota left In Sul phur Springs addition, all . on grade, with street Improvements la and some shade trees. Prices, $ to $)K) each; easy terms. We restrict this district to neat residences, thus doing away with the danger of undesirable at rruundings. Thru are the cheapest good lota north. Cull for plat of the iota we have left. HARRISON & MORTON, 812-SI8 N. T. Bee, Oct. 1-jt Lite. - Tel. Doug. 814. arc the vvho will REAL -ESTATE CITY PHOPKMTY TOR S ALB. (Continued.) A. P. Tukey & Son ANOTHER BUNCH Some little time ago we bought four, (-room houses on, the southeast corner pf 4VRh,v and Charles "Sts. We have not 1 advertised- these places until now, as we have been painting and putting them In good con- ' ' ditlon. However., we have sold . two of them to the tenants who live there. We now offer the corner of 40th and Charles for Jl,) and the second house ' -south, being 1415 No. 40th St.. for $1,600. ., These are good ft-room cot tages with bath. The lots are about 32x100. Both streets are" paved and have permanent sidewalks. TTie 40th' street pav ing Is not all paid for. They are only one-half block from the Walnut HIU car. Title Is a case of another dutck sale. A. P, 'rUICEY.ft SON, 4445 Board of Trade. Doug. 21S1. (19)-M225 1L BUY acres, sell lots and double your money In four years in Tacoma, the growing city; send tor -circular with list of ucre- uk and tne it-n Ron wliy. IX. H. Jtcobs, iiV4 J Bt., xacoma, vi nan. , (19.I-M205 I3x Cost Over $S,09. 'Price. Only $4,350. GREAT SACRIFICE SALE ; TWO MODERN HOUSES FOR HOMES OR INVKSTMKNT. NEAR CHEIGIITON CXirXJCGE. TO Bid SACRIFICED AT $i.350JUST ONE-HALF THE. OR1GINAJ. COST. ip. Kh1i has 7 good living rooms, with fur mice, hath, closet, hot water, sewer and gas throughout, ' large' roomy closets, nat ural wood finish, east fronts, one-half block from Walnut Hill and Benson tars, 9.4 and 9.1! No. 5i7th Ave. if purchased for homes. Immediate possession c,n be given to south house, which has been rent rng for $ per month. These are both well constructed houses and need only a modest amount- e-f repairing to -put them In fine, condition. Reasonable terms., Bee us at once if you- want a big bargain. .Houses can be. sold separately. : i .IS . '..- PAYNE, B0ST.WICK & CO., .: i . , v. it. .... Main Floor. N." Y. Life Bldg. ' Cost Over $S,60- Price. Only $4,350. .- (19) M231 11 24 LOTS In Halcyon. Heights; Ttensnn, lying weil, close to ear-line; 20 .minutes', ride to Omaha. Wlll-.sell altogether or In bunches of five. For prices and terms ad dress H 42, care pre, . - (19) 157' ' ., , .. r.u ol .la , . .. , - REAL. E8TATE at reasonable Trices ? write for .list. JL R. "Roblpson, Santa Crua, (1)-MM840 N6x now's The time " Benson the' Place . TO PURCHASE YOUR HOME We have several new houses In the -suburban town of Benson which have just been put on ' tile market. Some are'nrod rn .and some are partly modern. A" few on the car line and the rest within two blocks: Benson lias Its own government, city ., water, good schools and churches. Within a. few mlnutfe' ride of Omaha and has an excellent ear 'service. Ffve, six and kevenroorn hours' t . $1,900 to $3,000, on terms of $i0 to $500 down and balance of $20 to $30 per f)ionfh,:. with Interest. Theso same houses In Omiilia would cost you one third -more. Don't delay, as they are' going fast,- but come now and " select the honr? you' want. BENJ AMIN - HEAL- ESTATE COMPANY", 325-8 Neville Blk.-' -"Ifi'h and Harney Bts. 'Phone Douglas 7332. (lOj-189 10 MAlvE MONEY This Beats Savings Bank Accounts Pay J25 cuu and $5 per month on one of tlioae beautiful Halcyon . lUlglite lots, two blocks south Benson business center and Military Ave. car line; the llriesc site and choicest home-location to be found anywhere at theBe rlces, Jl.T" to $350. These ots ur rapidly Increasing In . value, and ou these terms you have an unequaled In vextnient Beeured with little ' outlay or effort. Call or 'phune . ua today and we'll Luko yon. Ot)t 'to nee the Jots ut your convenience. RUSSELL & M'KITRICK CO.. 15th and Harney fitreets. 432 Ramge Bldg (19)-188 12 SPECIAL HOUSES SPECIAL. PRICES ; 527 8. 21st St., $ rooms sewer, water, gas; close to tow 1.; only 2.2oo, 2223 Miami St., 7 rooms, modern except fur nace; full lot; IM-rmanent walks, paved streets; need some r.a'ti. ,A bargain at $',ijt) ' - N ar 3oth and Ames, "house I rooms, one uie of ground; splendid piece; 83.750. 84th and Ames Ave. new modern house; evtiyililng nice; full lot; $2,3jo. 3l Plnkne'y St., new co'tiage, J ' rooms, inoduin; cement walks; Tines houaes, on corner; paved streel, etc., rent for iM. . FrUe only $2,750. - , A good modern bouse, 8 rooms, on car line and nite locutivn. Want to treat for farm. WIT. GRAHAM, fc4 Beo Building. f li 994 10 only salesmen you can employ y keep everlastingly at it. REAL ESTATE city rkopRHTir ion sale (Continued.) RESIDENCE BARGAIN i SoUlhwes't corner 8th and Pine Sts., 7 rooms, all modern residence; lot fvixu It. $4."0. ti,U cash, balance 4 years at ( per cent. Owner lesvlng for Csllforrda. This Is a bargain, such as you don t often find.- House is splendidly built and In one ef the most desirable, neighborhoods In the city. D V. SHOLES COMPANY, 110 Board of Trade Building, . Tek -Douglas 49. - -. Ground Floor. - ' (19) 148 10 FOR BALE Two beautiful lots on 24th and Elm; on grade, plenty or shade trees; eltner for business or residence property. 723.8. 9th St., "phone Douglas Srt. J. B. Bond, direct from owner, no commission. , tl&)-4iM Announcement ... SPECIAL SALE SATURDAY", OCTOBER 19 OF SOME OF THE HIGHEST BEST LOT8 IN, AND DUNDEE OVERLOOKING THE HAPPY . HOLLOW CLUB GROUNDS. Every lot and street has been brought to. established and uniform grade. City water." cement -walks, electric light and trees are now in or will be put In front of every lot without expense to purchaser. ...... All lots are either on or within three blocks of car- line. $475 to $576 for the best lota except cor ners. - Terms , $100 cash, balance $J0 per month. Five per cent discount for cash Take the West Varnam-Dundee car, go to 52d 8t. and you are then near the Center of the newly Improved tract. , . ' - - - v Let us show you the property. GEORGE & CO., 1801 Farnam St. (1)-M224 1 LIST your property with Chris Boyer. 22d anu vurping bis. . (IB) 94 HOUSE and lot for sale, modern, except nrau . pee owner, jnm , ia. ... '. (19)-M863 lfx TJEAL ESTATE TITI.K TRUST n CHAS. E. WILLIAMSON. Pre 1 . (191-893 FOR BALE By the owner, room house.. 1129 8 28th. a modern 7- (19) M438X BUY THI8 BARGAIN- , :'' Lot .at 28th and Fjrt streets. , only $225. B. . V. INQrdqulst, owner, 824 8. 20th Bt. (19) 761x REAL ESTATE - FARM ANX) HANOI LAM) FOR SAL13 Arkansas. BAY! -Homeseeker, Bpertilator, Investor. ' don't' buy or move until you get particu lars concerning northwest Arkansas; you will be surprised; don't wait. Address .. uswau, uravette, Arx. (20) Mill 14x ONE SECTION . . i . ... Of land In Lincoln county, Nebraska. Price. .$5 per acre. Owner will -exchange for - pniuii iiuuee ana tot, in omaiio, W, L. SELBV, Agent. 440 Board of Trade Bldg. (20)-M22 11 lawa. "WESTERN IOWA corn Und for sale and exchange. Write H. I Craven 4V Co., wuawu, lo. , . (2U)-,Moa U13X BhSST bargain on market, 400 A., all fine iana, s miles N. K. . epr'it Ike, la., well Improved; best soil; must be soldi worth ! per a. r-nce next iw days, 147.60 one-tlilrd cash; bal. terms. W.Mte tor particulars, is. etebblnia, Bnencei.-, Ia. (20-MJ07 14X FOR SALE OR RENT A good farm of 153 acres, about 1H miles southeast of Underwood; now farmed bv Mike Rvan. The land is good and the Improvements are fair. Rent, for -the aeason of 1M.3 Is $3.15 per acre. Apply to Leonard uvereu, IS fearl Ht., Council Bluffs, la, . . (20)-M417 Ux LINN COUNTY, KANSAS. LANDS. - 200 acres, Improved, terms $50 I inu nrrfs, line as sua.. 35 55 ; 80 acres, close In., 40 acres, watklna: distance. in i tiargains galore. M'CARTY Si RENEAU. La Cygne, Kan. (20)-M2 I2x Missouri. ,1 FOR BALE 600 farms, stock ranches, Kansas and Missouri; prices from $2 to $n0 per acre; from 40 to t.uoO acres. Before you buy, sell or exchange, write fur our free list, giving full deacrlp tlon, location and prloe direct from own ers. F. II. Humphrey. Fort Scott, Kan, . (20) M108 llx Montaaa. FOR SALE Two homestead ' relinquish ments, covering Ana tracts of agricul tural land near Culbertsun, Mont.; price, $ each. A. G. Mlddleton, Culhertson, Mont. (20) MDSl 14x t Nebraska. FIRST-CLASS Nebraska farms and ranches for homes or investment. Bemla, Omaha. 120) 5 KIMBALL COUNTY, 'NEBRASKA. Two Beet Ions S miles north - of Kimball, smooth land. ' black soil, $6.25 per acre. 'I t tins can be urra.nged. O'KEEFE REAL ESTATE CA). lull New York Life Bldg., Omaha, Neb. (Ju)-U6 15 FOR SALE 240-ucre farm 3H miles from town; on rural route and telephone Una: soil medium heavy and level; 130 seres la oka, 15 acres of alfalfa and red clover, 18 acre of aU tuubei. Price (or the next Uo days, ) per acre. Easy terms. Ad dieks Box 2, Orchard, Neb. -J. C. Alex ander. ()) 101 1(JX FOR SALEeW aoreo af the finest Blot ranch land In the west; fine hay; un limited spring water; good graslng; .6 mlli-s from Halgler, Neb. E C. Morag. 47 South Canal 1., Chicago. III. . ' . m . 12U,-MH8 16x WHEN YOU write to advertisers rero.ra ber H takes but an exlra stroke or two of the pen to mention the fact that you aw (be ad In 1 U Be REAL ESTATE FARM ARB- RAJCR LAKUS FOR SALli cContlntt ells CHEAPE8T lsnd In U. 8. for 'i thu crop: tio cash. Nut.- Inv. Co., Branneia Bldg. (201 KiHI 0:Ti IfiO-ncre farm i miles aouth of South Bend; good stock farm: HO acres under cultivation, 80 acres In pasture and some timber; good four-room house, barn for eight horses, double corn crib, granary, chicken house, hog house and other out buildings: good well at house; fenced and cross-fenced, eight acres hog tight. Price, $1R per acre. I,ocated In Cass county, Neh., and pne Of tho beaK stock farms In the state. W. S. FRANK, 321 Neville block, Omaha. (20 M2S0 13 REAL ESTATE LOANS LOWEST RATES Bemls, Paxton Block. . (22) ; WANTED City loans. Peters Trust Co. (22)-S97 WANTED City loans and warrants. Vf. Farnam Bmltn tt Co., 135 Farnam Bt. (22) K) $1,000,000 TO LOAN on business and real- dence property In Omaha; lowest rates; no delay. Thomas Brennan, Room 1. N. Y. Life. (22) XH LOANS on Improved Omaha property. O'Keefe R. E. Co., 1001 N. Y. Life Bldg. , (22) 901 LOANS on Improved city property. W. H. I nomas, b- first fsatlonal Hang Kidg. (22)-98 $500 to $60,000 TO LOAN at lowest rates; no delay. GARVIN BROS., 1605 Farnam. (22) 901 WANTED Building loans. PAYNE INVESTMENT COMPANY, Tel. I oug. 1781. (22)-727 12 $500 TO $G5,000 TO LOAN-Prlvate monev; no delays. J. H. Sherwood, 937 N. Y. Life. (22) 906 $100 o $10,000 rnadi' promptly. F. D. Wcad, vead Bldg., I8tn and Farnam. (22)-M212 MONEY IO LOAN Payne Investment Co, (2 90s FARM mortgnge of $2,000, 8 per cent semi annually; also a city mortgage of 1.2"0, .drawing 6 per cent, for sale. Patterson, 1023 Farnam St. (22) M441 28 REAL ESTATE WANTED WANTED To buy. small business lot or small store building, not over $2,500; give description and location In first leiter. Addreas K 350, Bee. (23) M22S llx WANTED TO BUY CASH paid for second-hand clothing, shoes. etc. 308 No. 16th St. Tel. Red 3M25. (251-907 WANTED To buy a good billiard and pool hall. Address T. B., Box 754. Nevada, Ia. (25)-M9H2 21 X WANTED To buy second-hand furniture, cook and heating stoves, carpets, lino leums, office furniture, old clothes and shoes, pianos, feathers, bed pillows, quilts and all kinds of tools; or will buy the furniture of your house complete. The ' highest prices paid Call the right man. ' Tel. Doug. 3971. , M25)-M452 Oct31. WANTED Good buffalo head: advise con dition and cash price. C. C. Smith, 61st St., Pittsburg, Pa. (25)-846 Six CASH bald for old books. Crane-Foye Co,, 313 8. 14th. 'Phone Douglas 1321. (23) 206 WANTED To buy a Boston Terrier of Brindle Bull Pup. State price and terms Irt first letter. . Address P 388, care Bee. ' (25)-177 12X WANTED TO RENT WANTED Two nice rooms for light house-h-epir.g; close in; must be within H ' blocks of Bee Bldg. Address L SM, Bee. 1 (26) M140 12x HAVE YOU ROOMS TO RENT of any kind? "THE BEST WAY," Investigate our new rates. OMAHA RENTAL CO., 808 N. Y. Life Bldg. . Tel. Dong. 88S1. (26)-M220 11 When you have anything to advertise re member It only takea a stroke or two of the pen to mention the fact that you saw the ad In The Bee, WANTED SITUATIONS YOUNG man stenographer will be open for position about Oct. 1: has clerical experience; references. Addreas L 248, . care Bee. (27)-M994 WANTED By experienced dressmaker, work to do bv the day. Call on or adr dress 2806 Dodge Bt. Tel. Harney 3750. v (27)-K7 Nov$ POSITION as oftlce manager by experi enced, competent man; expecta a good salary and can earn it. Address O 3o, care Bee. (27) M168 12x BUTCHER wants situation, country or small town. Address Al 3S5, Bee. (27J-M168 12x DRESSMAKING of all kinds. V511 Seward. v (27)-M213 Nov lox position as salesman with a reliable firm by an ambitious young man; neat apies m ee; good references. Ad- neui upiea m -e; dress Y 104Tire Bee. (27) M 164 I2X ' YOUNG LADY STENOGRAPHER, experi enced in billing and clerical work, wishes a good. position; references. Address K 3HS, Care Bee. (27) M145 12x COMPETENT woman wonts engagements fur sewing In families. Address N 3i6, Bee. ,. (27)-172 12x WANTED Position as bartender by middle-aged gentleman, with g6od references. Address J 3J. rare Bee. (27) M143 12x When you have anything to advertise re member It only takes a stroke or two of the pen to mention the fact that you saw the ad In The Bee. LEGAL NOTICES LINCOLN. NEBRASKA SEALED BIDS will bo received bv the uiidershtiiad un. til U o'clock noon of the 24th day of Oc tober, 11W7, for the erection and con struction of OBf. (1) fireproof wing, one (1) cottage, ana one u) store room to be built on the grounds of the Hos pital for the lnnune, Norfolk, Nebraska. Bids for the steam beating, plumbing gnu electric wora 10 ua isaeit separately A t ertlrted check Ol H w on a bunk dolnar business In Lincoln, Nebraska, must accom pany each bid conditioned as set forth under paragraph No. 19. page 8, of the technical specltloatlons. The blute Board of Public Lands and Buildings reserves the right to reject any or all bids and waive defects In same. Plans and speethcauons can be seen st the office of the undersigned, slate capi tal building, Lincoln, Nebraatta, or at the office of the Hospital lor tiie Insane at Norfolk. Nebraska, or al tho ofllce of thr, "U" S!f . t.'i'L8! 1' 1 w''rV" room 02-O4 Burr block. Lincoln, Nebraska, The stato architect will, -uikui request, awrompanled with a check or money order fur jo. send extra sets of plans and spec). ficatlons for private uoe for those de- I siring them, aud 1-6 or this amount will be I refunded when plans and spein stions are I returned In good order. GEjORGM C. J UNK IN, Secretary of Slate. U4-dO!5 LEGAL NOTICE TUB ANNUAL MEET Ing of the Forest Itwn Cemetery auaocfa tion for the election of trustees and the transaction of such busineoa as may come before It will be held Tuesday, October la, 1:-j7, at 1 p. m., at the onke of (he asioclu tion. bi) New York Life. H. S MANN, Secretary. . OlV-U-14 GOVERNMENT NOTICES OFFICE -OF THE CONSTIU CT1NO tjoartermnster, Chevenne, Wyoming. Oc tober 4, l:i7. Sealed prcpoMa In triplicate Will be received at this, cClce. until 11 80 n clock, mountain time, Novermer 4, 1'7. snd thi'n opened In ptihile, for fnrniablng all material and labor required t eonatritet a steel fence for enclosing luiartennaster'a corrals, at Fort D. A. Ruaaell, Wyoming. Full Information, -blank forms. plsr and rjecl(lHtlons furnleheil n application t'- this office. The United States reserves the right to accept or relcct any or all bids or any part thereof. Envelope, containing ptopoesls should be endorsed "Proposals for Steel Fence, at Fort D. A. Ruaeell,, Wyom ing," and aildreaaed to Captain V. K. Hart, lntli Infantry, V. ft. Army, In charge, ot Construction, -Cheyenne, Wjrmlng.' - U 8-ll-l(-iJ IN 1-2 REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS Thomas Dugdale et al. to tin, tel. I r. Jot 10. block ft. Frank Brown park ICS Richard M. Bunnell and wife to Kate lievine, lot 24, block 4,. Monmouth park ..r: tOOO Robert H. I-anderyou and wife to William ReilKWlck. - Wits 'I and I. block 9, Omaha Vkw. 1 Anthony Nlcklen to James G. Nlck Icn, lots 13 and H, Lee'e subdivis ion 1.109 Irena Ball and husband to 11. D. Forrest, east 4 47 acres, tax lot 8. or.d south 5.68, acres, tax lot 12, sec tion 7-16-13 ; l,4:s Catherine Z. Crenshaw to Wilson T. -Graham, lot 12, block "8." Hhlnn's !d addition , Y.. X,7Jd Frank Collins et al. to Charles A. Antrim, lot 2. black , ! vman pleee.. ' 1 John C. Whnrton and wife to Sarah A. Sullivan, lpt 9, block 11, South ' Omaha S.0W Cynthia Cameron and husband' to laauc Douglass, vt4 wl, lot 47, Glse's addition ..... The Barker Co. to Charles A. Downs, lot 13. block 11. Orchard Hill..: Total .... RAILROAD TIME CARD UNION STATION -lot AND MARCY. Unloa Pacific. t Iave. The Overland Limited.. a 8:60 am Arrlva, 9:40 pm The Colorado Express, a 8:u0 pin a 8:00 pin a 8:30 am Atlantic press. ....... The Oregon Express... a4;10pm , 5:00 pm The Los Angeles Lira. alJ:5S pm g 8:15 pm a 5 '4b fin The Fast M:i a:3oam The California Fxpress a 4 W pm Colo. -Chicago Special. al2:10am Beatrice Loral bl:48s"j North PUtte Locar?.... a 7:42 am B:Wi cm a 8: Mara b 8:15 pm a 6.15 pra Chicago at tiortfevreereraw Chicago Daylight. ...... .a T:am a11:Mpm St. I'aul-Mlnn. - BxBM...a IMin, al0:08 pm Chicago Local... all:l am a8'28pm Sioux City Passengi...a v-V) am ' a S:28 pin Chicago Passengei a:0pm a 8:30 am Chicago Kptclal. ....... St Paul-Minn. Llm.... Los Angeles Limited.. Overland Limited Fast Mall.......,.....,.'. Sioux City Local. ..a 8.00 pra a 8:23 am a 7-40 am alz:3Apm a 8.2 m a 9:04 am a (:20 am ..a 8:28 pm ..a 0:30 pm ,.alO:00 pm ..a 8:80 pm fast, Mail. ....-. ......., 1'win city LrmtteiJ ,.-.,.a 8 J8 pm Norfoik-Bopeaiee a r:40 am Llneoln-Clisdron b 7:40 am a 8:35 pm a 7'4o am a 8:36 pm all . 25 am Deadwood- Lincoln Casper-StioBhonl ... Hastings-Superior Fremcnt-Alblon .... .a 8.00 pm- a 6:35 pm 8:00 pm all :z am ...b 3:00 pm b 8 :33 pm ...b 6. -So pra blJ;45pus T:Wam '11:35 pm 8:27 am ,11:35 I m Chlcaaro Great Westerw. St. Paul-Minneapolis.... Bt Paul-Mlnneapoila.. . Chicago Limited.. Chicago Express Chicago Express. . 1 :30 pm 7:30 am : 8:08 pm 7:S0 am 1:80 pm .jo pm Chleaaro. Mllvraekee ok St. Paal. Chicago & Cola, 8p'l....a 7:02 am all:60pm C el. A Ore, Kxpreaa....,a 8:20 pm a$:25.'pm Oveiland Limited t im a 8:30am Perry Local .....a 5.15 pm a 10:30 am Chicago, Reck Ialaasl rneiSa. '' " ' EAST.' ' ' Chicago Limited., a 2:45 am alLSOpifl Iowa Local .....a T:0 am a4:30(im Dee Moines l'ui:iier..a t.vipm ul2:30pm Iowa Local .aii:')am b 8 55 pm Chicago (Kactern Kx.)..a 4:60 pm a 1:23 pm Chicago Flyer. ,,,.. t ..a 8:00 pro a 8:38 am .'' WEST. : Rocky Mountain Lira:... all :40 pm a 8:38 am Colo, and Cal. Kxa...;. a 1 :8a pra a 4.40 pra uai. and Texas ti..t,..ii:Nim Llncoln-Falrbury - Paia..t) l it am a 8:43 pm bl0:li am Missouri $acltte K. C. & St. U Kxp...,.a 8:00 am a 6:58 am K. C. A St. L. Jt-xp all :15 pm a 8:38 pm Nebraska- Local...... a I Ml pm all: 40 am St. Louis EXDress .a 8:30 pm a8:30ax SU Louis Local (from Council Blurts) a 8:30 am all: IS pra 6ianberry Local ' (from Council isiuns) De:oupm uo:is am Illinois Central. Chicago Express..'...... ..a 7:20 am a 8:46 pm a 8:55 pm a 6:40 am a 6:30 ant Minn. & 01. Paul .xp...o 7:3) am Chicago Limited a :U) pm Minn. St. I'awu uuta.a 8:3 pm WEBSTER STAloTM A WEBITCA Cnlenso, Bt rnnl, Hlnneapolta ' Ouska, , . ' ' v;,v t LeJtvat Arrive Twln City Passenger. ..b 6:3 am b 6:10 pm Sioux City Paaaenger... a :t pm-all :20am Emerson Local p6;45pm bt:10am Emerson Local Sliuourl fnetaa. Ixcal via Wespin's' Water FaUa City Local...':...'.,. 0 a:4( am 0 6:60 pm a 8:05 am a 8:80 pm a 8:60 pm all:20aia BCRLINGTOJI STA -OTH MASO.T, Barllngton. ' ' 1 - Laava. Denver & California a 4 W pro Northwest bpeill..... ..a :10pm Black Hills a 6:10 pm Northwest Express a 9: 80pm Nebraska points. 1...... .a 8:0 am Nebraska Ex ureas a M am Arrive, a 4:10 pm a 4:10 pm a 4:16 pm a 6:46 am a 6:iopm a 6:10 pm Lincoln Faat Mo4...,....b 1.45 put al2:ll pm Lincoln Local...,..,, U 9:08am Llnttiln Local...' a 8:00pm IiutavlUe & Plattsin'th.b 8:10 pm bl0:20 am Bellevue-fiaitsinouin a 7:46 gm ftatt smouth-Io ..b 8:15 am Btllevun Plaltsmouth t . b 1:80 pm ..a1l:53pm a 6:46 am Denver Limited Chit ago Special ..iira all '46 pm ....a 4:30 pm 8:68 pm ..a 30pm a 8:30 am , al1:S0am ....a 4:45pm all:30am Chicago Express. .. Chicago Flyer.,,...,. Iowa Local St. Louis Express.. Kansas City & St. Joe .aio:4tpm a 6:80am Kansas City St. Joe Kansas City 4k St oe'.'.'.a 4 46 pm a:isara a 6:10 Dm i Dally, b Dally except Burtday. e Sunday only, d Dally except Saturday. Daily x cept Monday. OCEAN STEAMSHIPS CANADIAN PACIFIC TEMPReS6l" Lin of the Atlantto $72.B0 I P CHICAGO TO LIVLItrOOL Flrat Class on Hail and Steamer. Empresses sails from Quebec Oct. 18. C. ZL B1TI, Oe-iral Agent. 833 So. Clark St.. Chloogo. ZU. NERVOUS SHOCK TO- HORSE Sara la ' Baala on Which Man Saaa Missouri Paclfle KatlroaS Company. The nervous shock to one of lilt borsea caused by fright from an engine figure In a damage suit filed by Grant McFarland against the Missouri PacIAo railroad fur $18,000. ' , McFarland says he was hauling a load of sod to Omaha and when at the crossing ol ' Leavenworth street and tho Belt line an engine cume along and frightened bis 1 1"'. caualns It to run away. He declares ., , . . . . . .. j '-,e"' " "wm i"i'i vi mo animals made no attempt to stop the ring- ,- I .$U103 ing of the bell or the emitting of smoke and sieum, but caused the whistle to sound, adding to ' the. fright, uf the team. In the runaway . the. uu passed over bis leg, lacerating It and breaking hla thigh. 'II de clares the nervous shock received by on of the borsea luis almost ruined it atid made It unfit to drive. If you have anythlpg to trade advertise it In the Fur Exchange of tuo. Bee Want Ad pager