Newspaper Page Text
14 THE OMATTA - DAILY BEE: SATURDAY, OCTOBER 1L V.)l. Want - ads JilTrtlMnBt( for the. want ad Mlaniii win b tehea until IS m. for the evening- edltloa aad antll A p. na. the morala and goadar editloae. Caah naost accompany all orders for want all and a advertisement will Ve acrrplrd for less tkaa 1U rents fvr the Brat Insertion. Ba(M apply to either The Dailr or oadar Baa. Always eonnt alg nord to a llae. Combinations of laltlala or nnsahere ratal aa oaa word. ' CASH RATE" FOR WAST ADS. RROIXAR CLASSIFICATION Oaa Insertion, par line, 10 ceats. Two or mora eonseeotlTe Insertions, per line, rant a. Er.ah Inaertloa mad oa odd days, lt rrali par line. . fl.BO par llae per month. CASH RATES FOR HOTICE9. Death aad Faaeral Notices, Carda of Thaaka and Lodge Notices, T eeale aer llae for one edition, moralaaj or evening) 3 eento a llae for rack ad fltloaal edition. Saadar, eenta a line. Ha ad taken for lean tkaa , eenta. SPECIAL CLASSIFICATION II rear advertlaemeat la Inaerted nndrr kelew, It will be charged at tfce fol. lewtac rateai Oae inaertlon, 4 eeau par line three to six eooeeeotlTO lu aertlona, 3 eenta per line each .neer tloai seven or more eonoeeotlTO In aertlona, 3 renta per line each Inaer tloa SO eenta per line per month.. , BARTER ASD EXCHANGE. BUSINESS CHANCES. HELP WANTED FEMALE. HELP WASTED MALE. Eaeept Agents, Sollcltoro and Sales men. OFFERED FOR SALE, farr., Blrda, Doa and Peta. Horaea aad Vehlclea. Fenltrr and Egga. Farnltara. TrpewTltera and Sewing Machine. Planoa, Orgaaa and Mnelcal Instru ments. OFFERED FOR REST. Famished Roama. Unfurnished Rooma. HoaackerplnsT Rooma. Board Id a; and Rooma. WASTED TO-BUY. Want ada far The Bee mar be lelt at aar of the followla0 dm stores one la "yoor corner drostgrlst" -they re all branch office of The Bee and roar ad will be laaerted Jnat aa promptlr nnd on the eame ratea aa at the main offlce In The Bee Bnlldluw, Seventeenth and Farnam Streeta. Albaeh. W. C, 4mh and F"im. Reranck. 8. A.. 1402 S. 10th Bt. Krcht Pharmacy, 720 6. lbtnHr. jMenson Pharmacy. Benson No , Rcmis Paik Pharmacy-, 33d and Cuming. Blake's Pharmacy, il Sherman Ave. Csughlln. C. H.. th and Pierce S'- . ... Clifton Hill Pharmacy, Military Ave. Conte, J B.. 31st Ave. and Farnam. Crlsaey Pharmacy, 24th na UKe. Ormk, F-mll, 12U-6 8. 13th St Eastman Pharmacy, 4046 Hamilton. Ehler, F. H.. 212 Leavenworth. Fornter & Arnoldl. 213 N . 2Mh SI. Freytag. Jthn J., 1914 N. 24lh Bt. Florence Drug Co.. Florence. Nob. Goldmun Pharmacy. 20th and Lake. Green's Pharmacy, corner Park Ava. ana Greenough. . A.. 1026 S. lMh St. - Oreenough, Q. A., 1624 8. 10th St. Hayden Wm. C. 2920 Farnam Bt. Park Phar.. 1501 8. 28th Ave. Hoist. John, 6?4 N. lh Bt. Huff. Ai I... 11'24 Leavenworth 8t. Kins, II. B.. 223 Farnam St. Kountze Place Pharmacy, 8304 N. 34tn. Patrick Drug Co., is:4 N. 24th St. Lathrop. Cras. F... 1324 N. 14th St. Peyton. L. E.. 24th and Leavenworth. Saratoga Dm Co.. 24th and Ames Ave. Sch.iefer'a Cut Trice Drug Co., 16th and cl'aefer. Atieust. 2631 N. 16th St. Schmidt. J. 1!.. 2lfu and CurnlnR Sta. Rtorm Pharrrarv. 11th and Martha Sta. Walnut Hill Pharmacy, 40th and Cumtna;. Walton Pharmacv, fith and Orace Sta. . Worth, O. If., 40th and Hamilton Sta. BIRTHS AND DEATHS Births-John Divine, T221 North Twenty- prtn street, noy; i. . ttemon, o" duu.ii Thirty-first street, boy; C. J. Wonder, 2412 Wirt street, boy; tgnatlue Wornlcovlc, Thirtieth and Harrison streets, boy. Deaths Samuel D. Mercer, 8820 Cuming afreet, nged 6 yara; Mra. Gette Maeht, Elm street, aged 24 yeara; Rosaline Brltt. Eleventh and Farnam streeta; aged W years; Jnfant Dodrlll, 42$ Walnut street. MARRIAGE LICENSES. The following marriage license havt, been issued: Name and Residence. Age. Harry Davis, Cedar Rapid. Neb 21 Laura Hubbard, Omaha 20 Josef Martlnec. Omaha tl Merl Kolhol, Omaha 18 Theodore Jorgensen, South Omaha 20 Christina Borensen, Bouth Omaha tl ANNOUNCEMENTS THE CITY GARBAGE CO.. office 4th and Leavenworth 6ts. Tel. Douglas 13s7. (D-801 . i- . MUSIC Every Evening Hotel Rome. . l-80t UT A rnTTr 4 TXT School of languagea. jllixiiuiJ.i.i.' Krenrh. German bpan- Ish. Davldge Bldg., ltti Day and evening classes. and Farnam. tl) M9:-9 Na THE FALL TERM OF ' BOYLES COLLEGE IB now open In both th DAY and NIGHT ' sessions. Yet It Is not too late to enter. Bookkeeping, Shorthand. Typewriting, Tel egraphy and English. The catalogue la r H. B. POYLES. PRES. BOYLES BLDG., OMAHA, NEB. tl)-8W J1IFS ELIZABETH O'CONNOR announces the opening of her drraamaklna carlora. J0U North ISth. You are cordially invited to call. U M7o8 25 BIGN PAINTING 8. H. Cole. 1302 Douglas. AUTOMOBILES BfTND for our Hat of second-hand automo biles. DERIOHT, IMS Farnam. (2 0i NEARLY new 24-horse power, f-passengr louring car; atoiage battery, full top, lampa and equipment; cost 81.450 lit May, lw;; only riiii 3.5n0 miles; in first-class shape, at a rnrgHin. D. V. BHOLES COMTANY.' 114 Board of Trade Bidg. s-m BARTER AND EXCHANGE FOR EXCHANGE A One up-to-date hard ware stock, located tn a good Nebraska ton of 1,000 Inhabitants; will Invoice about I4.0CO. lnclualng fixtures. This is good, paytnj proposition. Has a good trade and In one of the beat locations lu town. Will corelder part exchange, the balance cash. Globe Land and Investment company. (3) Mt JCOH EXrHANQS-Stock of buggies, wa- rf na and Implements, located in a email illnola town; will Invoice about II. ".SO. Also houH and 1 lota in eame town. I'iK-e fn.- real estate. 81.600: Invoice for Mock. Will exchange for farm land tn Ivwa, Kanaaa or Missouri. Globe Land and Invent mrnt Co., Umaha. Nvh l3)-0 FOR BALE OR TRADE-SS) acrea. geod unimproved land, la Pecos .valley, 4 miiea from ra'lroad. tn-tha shallow artesian bait; lmproed land here soiling it tn :b0 p-f acie; yeu may have mine f'r 8'0. H. itUler. Utk Box U)Un. N M U)-mi;s wx BUSINESS . CHANCES BEAD. Are you looking tor a farm, buslneaa or nvestmfnt? W'b have ' tneral merchandise Mocks of all ilxca. Shoe atn'ks Ocnt a furnlehlnsa. Hardware atocks. Furniture end undTtaklng;. Hotel and restauranta. Hoorrlnit houae furniture. 1'rue; atocka. Prlntlna; ofTlcea. Flour mllla. Livery. Hourra and lota. Farina and ranrhca. Call and See JACOBPON & CO. US N. Y. L. Bldf.. Omaha. Neb. (4J M160 OctlT Alining and Industrial Stocks We buy and iU anyN active unlisted atocka. We hav rare bargalna In In dustrial stocks, eubject to the roost rigid Investigation. Wa have bargain In av eral active mining Blocks In yevnda, also several bargalna In copper Blocks. We receive weekly reporta from all the Important mining diatrlota In the United Statea and Alexlco. ROBT. C. :. dht; 8tor N. T. t;KBF.DOW ft CO.. Frokera. Lite Hldr. Omalia. 'eb. (4 llf, 02 Tel. Douglas Exclusive Mining Stock Brokers ' LISTED AND fNLISTKD MINING STOCKS BOUGHT AND SOLD. Quotations received from all Exchangee. 20NT BUT 8TOCK FROM COMPANT 1J1KECT. We ran aave you from 6 to 20 per cent on any mining stock. .,-, LIST TOUR WANTS AND OFFERINGS WITH US. We give prompt service. NEUSTADTLi & DAVIDOV 604 N. T. Mfe Bldg. 'Phone Red 14. CAR SIGN companies have been organised In Pee Moines. Davenport and Clinton, la.. Rock Islnnrt and Mollne, 111., and Dallas, Tex., alnce I last wrote you; Lin coln stork la selling twice the price It. waa two weeks ago. and the newly Installed slKns are working nicely there; Des Moinca stock all Bold, over half of It taken by bankera there;" yea, Agnes, things are aure enough coming my way; call and see me. The Car SUn Man, 21 l S. National Bank Bldg. 4 M1 H THIS COMPANT does a general real estate nnd loan business; a specialty of looking up good farming landa and locating east- i ern rcople on them; let us hear from you; wo can nerve you.' Eureka Land Com pany. 411 Buchanan Bldg., Portland, Ore. (4)-MlUl Nov? FOR SALF A drug store, earning a net I prc't of 25 per cent; also a practice I Having 13.600 per year, for the price of 1 doctor offlce. Address Box 86, Tabor, I la., (4) M1B 14x FOR SALE Machine shop, brick building, containing two lathes, planer, drill, press, power triphammer, gasoline enslne, black smith tools; very cheap. Address H. C. Schultx, Lansing, la,' (4) M150 Kx FOR SALE Small furniture and under taking stock. Southeast Nebraska, at 'cost without carriage; about $1,BU0. Ad dress Box 201, Dawson, Neb. , , (4) M1B1 Mx DRUG STORES Anywhere, any price. Write or see us for bargains. Denver Drug Exchange, 1711 California St.. Dn ver. Colo. (4) M36 O20x APMR lCXPHAN'RE CO.. Cherokee. Ia. has farm lands and town property for i sale or trade. Wrlto what you have and want. (4)-M284 Octl9x TO GET IN OR OUT OF BUSINESS CALL ON WILLIAMS, . 411 M'CAOL'B BUILDING, lB'iH AND DODGE 6TS. (4)-80T WILL sell half or entire Interest In my three-chair barber shop; best location and ahop In Iowa town. Address Y 32, care Omaha Bee. (4) M24 lSx IF TOU have a farm, home, business or property that you wish to sell or ex change, write ua. GLOBE LAND AND INVESTMENT CO., OMAHA, NEB. (4) M289N11 COUNTRY DRUG BUSINESS of twenty yeara' standing; must be sold at once for tlrst-class offer. Address C 49, care Bee. 4) M255 14 x FOR BALE Fine Ice plant, a money maker. For particulars address Dr. A. D. Finch, McCook, Neb. 14 M266 17x MF.RCHANDISE stock, will Invoice about $2.00;i good rcasona for selling; mlht take real estate at Ita cash value. Ad dress Y 34, rare Omaha Bee. 4)-M26S IS BLACKSMITH SHOP at a bargain; good business and no competition; better in vestigate. Address Y 36. care Bee. (4)--M271 18x a-Q Bl.y TRADE OR SELL see BUSI NESS CHANCE BUNNELL." 822 N. Y. Life. Tel. Doug. 6H9. (4)-l A . SMALL, clean, profitable drug bust- Utah. (4) M628 I7x I HAVE from 82.000 to 84,000 to Invest 10 per cent net. What have you to offer? Isaac N. Watson, 1710 Farnam. (4)-M62S RENT Ritchie's hall, South Omaha; aec ond floor; no posts; 60x 60 long lease.' A. G. Ritchie, 220 S. loth St., Omaha. (4-808 FOR SALE Only drug store In good -north-west Iowa town of MM population; Invoice about $3,50; net profits t2,3ui) yearly; good reason for selling; only cash considered. Address Y-106, care Omaha Bee. (4) 168 a j LUMBER YARD for aale In eastern Ne braska; doing good Dusiness; goo a reason for selling; close Investigation Invited; all other answers lost please answer again. Address E 878, care Bee. (4) 163 1U WANTED Experienced man to organlso company to manufaoture rapid aelling patented farm Implement; big Inducement to right man. Addresa W. E., Bee Office, South Omaha. (4) 164 14 . OPENING for good veterinary. Lock Box 12, Wilcox, Neb. (4)-164 14 NEWSPAPER In one of Wyomlng'e meat promising towns; no competition; receipts i-itw a month; two men can do the work. Carl B. Stow, Hamburg, la. (4)-Ml0 14x TWO BOWLING ALLEYS. Brunawtck-Palke-Collender, for sale cheap. Addrea W. E. Ragan. Utica, Neb.. 4)-M.H 24 IN COUNCIL BLUFFS. Hotel furniture for aale, building for rent; good location; cash or paymenta. Cheap If taken before the first, parties wian Ing to go In private pluee. Call at 1019 Bouth Maine St., Council Bluffs, la. . (4) M201 lax OLD ESTABLISHED drug store for sale will demonstrate excellent business. Box 1176, Fort Collins. Colo. (4 M2 0 17x FOR BALE 845,000 In hardware and To peka property; a big discount for spot caah. Address Heal Estate. fe26 N. Kan. Ave., Topeka, Kan. 4) Mise 17x FOH RENT Blacksmith shop and tools. with a gooa trade, at Waterloo, rveD. Apply to James Walsh, Benson. Neb. (4)-Mtt17x A NEW manufacturing plant paying 5 per cent annual dividends on capital invested for sale on account of other buainesa. A splendid opportunity for two men with 86.0X) to invest. No trade proposition considered. If you mean buainesa In vestigate, If not, do not answer. Addresa F. 846, cars of Bee. (4 MWi U FOR BALE The only exclusive Implement stock In a city of 6.000; no trade; mild cll mata; plenty of nati ral gaa. Addrea B. J. Howard, Cherry vale, Kan. (4)-M06 15x BEST country location In Mlaaourl for a good doctor; haa been proven; can fur nish fine cottage and 42 ar Tea of land very cheap. For partirulara addreea A A. Par sons. Laquey, Mo. (4 M113 14x WANTED To buy a good newspaper !a northwest Nebraska; state price; conll dential. Address Y 29, care Bee, 14)-M108 19x FOR BALE OR RENT Bakery, wholesale and retail: have the heat trade In the city. Addreaa llliam Kttxhaupt. Guthrie,, Okl. (4) MU4 tlx BUSINESS CHANCE For sale, rleasnt cirr ami and billiard hall; price, 1.V0 nc invoice. R w casli, nnla.i- time. R H. Kamrar. Waseca, Minn. (4-M17916x WANTED to buy. whole or part Interest .1 rr rouie in laundry. Addreaa M care . 1-:J7 13 0 When play, vertise, BUSINPSS CHANCES Continued.) PRINTER-EDITOR can buy only newspa per In South Dakota town; cylinder. Job ber, power, plenty of material, large ter ritory; good eropa. Terms to suit. Jour nal. While Rock. 8. D. (4)-M613 22x FOR SALE IS.sno Steam laundry, "nclud Ing building, at Sac City, la.; practically nfw; no competition; business thoroughly e-tahllshed; weekly receipts 125 to $ltk. Und'T aggressive management business could be doubled almost Immediately. This property, with equipment, will In voice UAO. Address H. 8. Rurnt, cashier First National Bank, Sao City, la. . (4)-4S 81 WILL. BELL, to reliable party half Interest with management of profitable coffeo roaetlng and distributing company. P. O. Box 7W, Houston, Tex. 4i M174 lax FOR SALE Good grocery business. In quire Box 495. Crete, Neb. (4) M104 15x HOTEL. FOR BALE If you want a good one and money maker at a anap bar gain, on the beat of terms, write A. Bryan, Creston. la. 14) MS3 12x FOR SALE--Movlng picture theater clear ing J200 per month. R. A. Williams, Pitta burg, Kan. (4) MH3J 12k I WANT to sell alt or half Interest in fine new stock of millinery and fixturea, well located In El Paso, Tex. Address P. O. Box 818, El Paso, Tex. (4t MM8 12x THE REST MEAT MARKET In ft city of 80,0)0 Inhabitants, and building for rent. Address A, Omaha Bee, Council l'.lufis, la. (4)-M612 012x DKl'O stores for sale everywhere. F. V. Knlest, 707 N. T. Life. Omaha. (4H " RESTAURANT for sale cheap, way. Council Bluffs, la. 633 Broad (4) 7D4X FOR RENT-Furnlshed hotel In Junction town , of 800. Brick building. Address T 105, Bee. (4)671 13x NEBRASKA $3,600 practice for sale for price of office outfit. Addresa Y-2, care Bee. (4)-M626 012x ROOMING houses for sale, all Blaes. Oan gestad, 403 Bee Bldg. Tel. Douglas 849. (4)-73 BARBER SHOP; two chairs; only shop In small town; two railroads; good reasons for aelling. M. C. Henderson, Somera, la. .. , (4) M142 16X CLOTHING and genta' furnishing store In good growing town; a good proposition for the right party with aome capital. Oscar J. Mincer, Wellington, Colo. ' (4)-MlS7 21x BUSINESS DIRECTORY Commercial Artists. jj O. BUNNELL & CO., 823 N. T. Life. Doug. 6149. (5) sia Carpet Cleaning. SANITARY Cleaning Co.. 191 Farnam. (.6) 829 , , Creameries. DAVID COLE CREAMERY CO., successor to Eeatrlce Creamery Co., Omaha. (5) 814 Chattel Loans. Stanton Loan Co., 601 Bee Bldg. (B)-815 Chas. D. Chiropodist. DR. ROY, R. 2. 1W Farnam St. Doug. 647. (5) 1 . pandas Academy. MORAND'S classes for dancing, opp. Bur wood theater; lessons for adulta Tuea. and Frl. 8 p. m.; flrat lessons privately; suc cess guaranteed. Call or Tel. Doug. 104L (15) 151 Nov7 Dentists. BAILEY & MACH. 8d fir. Fax ton. D. 1085. (S) S19 t Dressmakings IN FAMILIES Mlsa Sturdy. Tel. Harney 1358. 5)-i: reDFERN school. R. VS. Douglas BIk. Tol EXPERIENCED dressmaker. 82.60 per day. 16SJ Yatea Bt. (6) M66 13x M'DOWELL Dressmaking School, 1623 Far nam St. 1 MRS. BROACH, 2723 Farnam. Tel. Harney 835. . 4 (ft) U9H UCUJtX MME. WOODRUFF, Douglas 6170. - 228 Neville Blk. Tel. (5) M101 NS DRESSMAKING and children's sewing In familes, experienced. 'Phone Douglaa 4S0S, ()-248 13X Florists. HESS 8WOBODA, 1416 Farnam. (6J-850 Omaha, Neb. (91416 Oct Ll HENDERSON, 1519 Farnam. Tel. D. 1163. (6)-821 J. H. BATH, 1621 Harney. Tel. Doug. 8000. 10 n-a Co Carts. GO-CART tires. Lawrence, 2703 Leav. St. (5) M3B1 Oct20 Hotels. THE SCHILTZ. European, 16th and Harney Jewelers aad Watchmakers N. P. STILLING Watch, clock, jewelry repairing, 3-3 paxton ik. xei. ami. (51830 Locksmiths. Heflln. 1324 Farnam. Tel D. (5)-8J4 KEYS. etc. W4 Millinery. LADIES' hats made over and trimmed In the latest atylea; nats, reamers ana ma . terlal cleaned or dyed. E. Leola Pepper, 6j8 8. 2th St. 'Phone Harney xm. (S)-649 on Osteopathy. JOHNSON, INS., 418 N. Y. L. Tel. D. 1164. (5) 825 Dr. Powaer, over 1503 Far. Tel. Doug. Si0. 5)-M13o OcM DBS. R1NGLER. Nevl'le block. "Phone Red 6467. (5 M150 Nov! Offlce applies. FILING cabinets, files and ledgers, loose. leaf devlcea and office fixturea nnd sup plies of all kinds. Anchor Pu'dishli.g Co., $06 Bouth 18th 6t. Tel. Douirlas 653. ' (i) M2st)NU Photographers. C. B. TRUSSELL, 115 Bouth 16th St. (S) Planahlaar. PLUMBING llnd heating attended to at once. Room 32. V. 8. Nat. Bank Bldg. 12th and i'aruam. 'Phone Douglaa ita. (Si 163 14 rrlatlagt. HIGH GRADE Imitation typewritten let- tera and Jon printing; no job too iare or too small. Am ho. Publishing Co., 302 B. lth Bu Tel. Douglas to2. (5 M512 Novl BEFORE placing your lfn. calendar order don't full lo our elegant Imponed line. L)rgstad A Jorve, prluleia, 14 at Cap Ave. (;-ri you work work. When you When you rest rest. When use BEE "want ads." rinBMy0tBnjepBB ejpasj BUSINESS DIRECTORY (Continued.) Shoe Repairing:. RAPID SHOE REPAIR CO., first-class work. 1618'4 Capitol Ave. 'Phone Red (5)-"T Safes, Shatters, Etc. OMAHA Safe and Iron Works makes a specialty of fire escapes, shunters, dmrr and sarrs. o. Anareen. Prop., irrj a. inn St. ifO 831 Stove Repairing. BTOVES, furnaces repaired, cleaned and Bet up. 323 N. 16th. Fhone D. 2746. (6 M140 13X BTOVE and furnace repairs; water fronts; f.xceisior and Marvel rurnaces. omana Stove Repair Works, 1206-8 Douglas St. Tel Douglaa 960. . (6) M275 Novll HELP WANTED FEMALE Clerical aad Office. STENOGRAPHER, one who haa had ex perience In commercial lines. Nebraska Clothing Co. ! 7)-123 U GIRLS for railroad offices; education tws years high school. Call or addresa F. B. Southard, A. P. A., U. P R. R., fourth floor, Pacific Express Rldg., Omaha, Neb. (7) 132 16 PERMANENT position for young lady; must be quick, neat and good penman. Ad dress F 412, caro Bee. (7) M252 14 Factory and Trades. s WANTED Women for hand Ironers and machines. Kimball Laundry, 1611 Jackson St. C7)-33 WANTED At once, an experienced choco late dipper; one who can manage nelp; good wagea to right party. Address fit ting Candy Co., Grand Island. Neh. (7)-M550 15x Housekeepers and Domestics. COMPETENT GIRL for general house work. Mrs, Hall, 2216 Sherman Ave 'Phone Webster 8723. (7) MU2 WANTED Chambermaid; good character required; country girl preferred; ticket furnished. Address Perkins Hotel, David City, Neb. (7) M606 Us WOMEN for 'day work; housekeepers, waitresses, 836. Canadian office, ISth and Dodge. () 834 WANTED A competent, trustworthy girl for general housework; two In family; good wages. Mrs. Frank Hadley. 2021 Bristol. (7)-M987 GIRL for general housework; small family; small house; no laundry; good wagea. Mrs. M. M. Robertson, 111 N. 31st Ave. (7)-3S7 HOUSEKEEPER between 25 and 35 yean wanted. T. Teller, McCook, 8. D. (7)-M4CS 031x WANTED Girl for general housework; good wages; small family. 605 S 29th Ave. (7)-536 WANTED Competent second girl for fam ily of two. 203? Dodge St. (7) M944 GIRL for housework; no washing; no cook , ing. 1329 8. Slat St. (7) 992 13 X WANTED Chambermaid; good character required; country girl preferred; ticket furnished. Addresa Perking Hotel, David City, Neb. . (7) 145 14x WANTED Girl for general housework; good wages; .three In family. Tel. Harney 6S2. 113 N. &th Ave. (7) 165 14 COMPETENT girl for general housework. Mrs. J. F. Dale, 1333 8. 81st St. (D124 Ux WANTED Experienced girl for general housework; good wdgea. Apply at 101' North 40th. 7 M173 16 WANTED Good cook who can wash and Iron; keep a second girl. Mrs. J. A. Sun derland, 1029 S. 29th St. Tel. Harney (7) 182 1- GIRL for general housework; three In fam ily. 1523 Jackson St. 'Phone nougias 47M. (7) M266 14x . Miscellaneous. WANTED Experienced alteration woman Will pay highest wages. O. K. Scofleld Cloak and Suit Co.. 1610 Doualaa. (7) 732, LADIES AND GIRIJS, to atamp transfers at home; easy learned: $1.60 to 82.00 per dozen. 606 Paxton Block. (7) -Mils ux WANTED-An apprentice lrl, lW Capitol " ,, w ' ' WANTED Girl to work In studio. Kory Studio, 613 N. 16th Bt. 7)-M114 15x HELP WANTED MALE ; Agents, Solicitors aad Salesmen. ARE you out of workT Call and see us; good hustlers make good money. C. V. Adama Co., 101$ Howard Bt. (9) 125 WANTED Capable city salesman. Ken naid Paint and Glass Co., loth and Daven port. (9)-M753 MEN Don't accept any kind of work un til you hear from us; make $10 per day selling the quickest seller on earth; UO.uOO Bold In Minneapolis; new article; new plan; costa 7 eenta; sella for 2s cenia. Bend 6 cents for two samplea. Domestlo Mfg. Co., Desk $. Minneapolis. Minn. (-M2o6 Ux WANTED Good salesman to canvass the country and take orders for stock pow der; good commission allowed. Address Ideal Stock Powder Co., Dunbar, Neb. (9) M604 24X WANTED Saleamen calling on dry goods trade, southern Iowa and northern Ne braska to add our line of wrappers, petticoats, etc; good commissions; larg:, established trade. Lock Box 923. Dca Moines, la. (9) M19$ 17 WANTED At once, experienced and suc cessful overall salesman for Bouth Da kota, Black Hills and Wyoming; one of the best lines on the road. Lincoln Over all and Shirt Co.. Lincoln, Neb. (9)-M912 13 WANTED High-grade accountants, ex perienced In railroad accounts; s!a- boys between 16 and 20 for a general training In railroad affaire. Cull on or address General Storekeeper, IT. P. R. R. Co.. Omaha. (9) M169 13 WANTED Gentlemen and ladiea to sell new article; agents can make $5 to $10 a day. Omaha Burglar Alarm Co.. 1008 N. Y. Life Bldg. (9)-M2 1 14 Boys. GOOD bova wanted; flrst-claas pay. A. D. T. Co., 212 So. ISth Su (9)-8S5 WANTED Bright, energetic office boy. Apply at onte McCord, Brady Co., l.;ih and Leavenworth. (9) 234 U WANTED Office boys; must be over 14 year old. Addreaa Omaha Packing Co., bouth Omaha. (9) M506 " BOYB with wheela can mska $35 to $15 per month; $16 guaranteed. I'o.itl Telesraph Co. (9)-Md9i N4x BOY, not under 16 yeara. to deliver pack atieB. Nebraska Clothing Co. (0 10 13 WANTED Delivery boya. Apply at once, Orkln Broa., 1610 Douglaa. () M1$T1J STOL'T boy or young man to learn trade. Apply Champion Iron and Wire Worka, bl7-19 So. loth Bx. (9) M13 14 WANTED A good boy In our delivery do partment; gooa opportunity to learn drug t'uatnraa; i a aay lo atari rlth. Beaton Drug Co., 15th and Farnam. (8)-i74 12x POTS wanted, must b over 11 Nebraska hoe and Clothing buuae, 25th and N Ht., buuth Omaha. . .. (9) 24D play I you ad- HELP. WANTED MALP, (Continued.) Factory and Trade. MACHINIST WANTED Best wages paid for competent machinists, bollnrmakei a, blacksmiths and plpo filters who have had railroad shoo experience: tinsmiths. coach and freight car carpenters, tool and mill men, boilermaker, hlHcksmlth and machinists' helpers and car repairers r,sm wanted, at hiah-rnte pay. fail at General Agent's office, 1612 Farnam Bt., Omaha. t li 12 WANTED Men to learn barber trarlo; few weeks completes; sixty chairs constantly busy; licensed Instructors; tools Riven; di plomas granted; wagea Saturdays; posi tions waiting; wonderful demand for graduates. Call or write Molcr Barber College, 110 8 14th St., Omaha, Neb. () 17x TAILORS. A flrst-elass ladies' tailor wanted; wages $26 per week and steady position. Apply J. Jawitx, ISth and Farnam fits. (9)-M747 WANTED Registered drug clerk of good nauiis; give reference, it. w. visiuna, Btclnhauer, Neb. (9)- M9.'t 26 POSITIONS for drag men everywhere. F. i. -83 WANTED One good, sober broommakr at once, at steady work and good wag -s, by Nebraska City Broom Co. (9) M193 1S CANDYMAKERS wanted: two first class hard goods men: steady position. Ad dress Y 31, care of Bee. (9) M105 J5x WANTED First class coatmaker; per manent position to a good, steady man. Reply to The Hub Clothing House, Little Falls, Minn. (9 109 14x WANTED Tailors to work In alteration department; will pay good woses. O. K. Bcolleld Cloak and Suit Co., lj)9 Douglas. (9) 731 SHOEMAKERS WANTED Standard Shoe Repair Co. One bench man, one Jack man. 1S04 Farnam St. (9) 178 12x WANTED Good Wyoming. W. Minn. steam fitter-plumber, D. Lovell, Minneapolis, (9) M264 lSx LADIES Our catalogue explains how we teach halrdressing, manicuring, facial massage, etc.. In few weeks; mailed free. Moler College. Chicago. 111. (7) M270 17x WANTED Ten good chicken pickers; pay ing IVtC for hens and springs; steady work; fare one way If stay until January 1. Beatrice Poultry and Cold Storage Co., Beatrice, Neb. . (9) M267 18x Sllaeellaneoas. WANTED At once, young man 18 to 21 years of age for packing room, china de partment; wages to begin with $8 per week. See W. B. Elms, second floor, THE BENNETT COMPANY. (9)-M15813 , f - BOUND young men, aged 18 to 36, for firemen and brakemen during rush sea son oi leading railroads here, In the west and on new llnea being completed: experience unnecessary; firemen, $100 monthly become engineers. $200; brake men, $100 monthly, become conductors, $160; many position now open; write for particulars. National Railway Training association. 620 Paxton block, Omaha, Neb. (9)-190 Nov7 TJ. S. NAVY offers attractive opportunities to wide awake young Americans, 17 to 26 years of age; men with special trades accepted up to 36 years. An Illustrated booklet, showing the life of the modern mon-o'wars man free to those Interested. Visit or address Navy reeiuitlng station, Omaha, Lincoln,' Hastings. Neb.; Sioux City, Ia. Postofflce buildings. - (9)-M619 Nix TEAMSTERS Steady work, wages $12 to $16 per week. Sunderland Bros. Co., 20th and Hickory. ' . . (9)-233 17 FREE Employment Bureau, supported by Business Men's association; helps work men find positions. Call 84! New York IJfe Bldg. (9) M926 OcUM WANTED One first class business getter for each state, good money for riant party, represent Nebraska corporation, reference and bond. Stamp for reply. Addrecs S 170, care Bee. (9) S37 WANTED Competent furnace men. 13 8. Main St., Council Bluffs, Ia. (9)-M707 LABORERS for handling freight at Union I faoiflM C.k TJI..M.. . f . .-. 174 cents per hour. Beard arranged If necessary. Apply Thomas Scanlon. fore man. (9 732 A GOOD .paying position lo offer a man who haa Bold agricultural implements cin the rosd. Address Samuel Coiner, 609 Bee Bldg., Omaha, Neb. (9) M268 18 HUSTLERS everywhere, $26 to $30 made weekly distributing circulars, samples; no canvassing; steady. Merchants Outdoor Ad. Co., Chicago. (9) M271 14x ' WANTED A man to work on a farm. Apply at once to Leonard Everett, 18 Pearl Street, Council Bluffs, In. . t9) M294 14X NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. I have 400,000 cubic yards of good Swift Wh.l.r wnrk Ia let In .nnlh.n, Wonaoa I en 8antn Fe. Free transportation. Apply I to L. J. Smith. Contractor. 713 Dwight Bldg, Kanaaa City, Mo. (9)-162 13 YOUNG man 17 or 18 years old, who Is ac quainted with the streets, to take ehaixe of city delivery department. Nebraska Clothing Co. (9) 13 WANTED At once, at Fort Robinson, Neb., brick maaons; good wages to good men. The Graham Construction Co. (9)-MsiS0 14 DRUG CLERKS Exceptional propositions. Inc.reaaed aalarlea. , Denver Drug Ex change, 1711 California St., Denver, Colo. (9) M3M Ox WANTED Strong laborers; good wages for good men. Apply entrance Kite, Swift and .Company, South Omaha; ask for Moore. (9) M195 17 GOOD PAY Men wanted everywhere to tack aigna, distribute circulars, samples, etc. No canvassing. National Bureau. Chicago, 111. (!)) M203 17x WANTED Paasenqer ' snd freight elevator men, Janitors, carpenter and plumbeia' helpers; one fireman; painters, top wages, liil Bee Eldg. (9) M200 028x A TAILOR wanted. .Graham Teonard, Rockwell City, III. (9) M54S lux LIVE STOCK FOR SALE Horaea and Vehicles. ONE 2-seat, two runabouts, top buggy, all rubber-tired; hack harneaa, one double exprcaa harnesa; one or two horses. Come in. The Harney St. Stables. (1D-6TJ WE are Belling delivery wagona, teaming geara, buggies, carriages and harneas cheaper than any other firm In Omaha. Johneon-i-anforth Co., 8. V. Cor. lmti and Jonea Sta. (11) 83 Horses bought and sold. Myers. 1114 Doug. (Il)-2i9 G18 HORSE9 bought A sold. Blake 2f 31 N. 11th. (ll)-M46ti Nix FAMILY horse and buggy for sale cheap. Inquire 927 Homer St., or Tel. Red tt.47. (1D-4T6 RUBBER-TIRED road wagon. W. A. Stone, 303 Lincoln Ave., Council Rljffs. UD-M108 PUBLIC SALE Standard Bred horaea. Shorthorn cauls, Poland-China hoge. Oct. 2. 1WI; write for catalogue. Ventura Stock Farm. LohrvlUe, la. (11)-11 29 LIVE STOCK FOR SALE Horaea and 1 ehleleaContlneed. A HEAVY matched worS team. Cash or terms. 2M7 N. lth St. ill) M 130 SECOND-HAND delivery wnmn, 1 buKgy, 1 phaeton, cheap. A. Murphy Son. (y)-M.'1 Nov. 10 FOR SALE Team for heavy hauling; also llolstein cow. fresh s.wn. inquire aner ( In evening, or 9 to 12 a. in. Sunday. 11th tit. and Missouri Ave., South Omaha, (11) .3 13 Toaltry and Knars. ' DU8TON S White Wyandotte. Ture bred, choice breeding stock now reaily to ship. Forest Lawn Wyandotte Yards, Flor ence, Neb. Tel. Florence 10?. (11)-M;1SI Oct27x GOVERNMENT book free. Model 8'iunb Co., Omrha. (ID Mo47 Nov2 PURE-BRED (Fishel strnln) White Plym outh Rock pullets. 4340 F.rsklne St. Thone Webster 2X4. OD--M354 14x WHITE WYANDOTTE exclusively': farm niised. bred from winning str.'in; cockerels and pullets for sale; eges In Keasnn from hlah-elnss stock. Write for prices. R. A. Mlttelstait. Norfolk, Neb. (11) A1292 21x Cows, Birds, Dogs and Pets, HIGH-CLASS English bull terrier pups, the most intelligent of companions, great watch dog. from registered stork snd sold to you under a positive gunranteo with a certified pedigree of five genera tions; males. $15 to $J0; females, $12.60 to $15. Cruneycrow Farm, Nelson, Mo. (1D-M1T5 16x FOR SALE English setter, female puppy. 9 montha old: sired by "Colonel T.," Mr. I'lxley's famous field dog; $25. Address D., li6 Farnam St. . (11) M141 16 WANTED To buy a Boston Terrier or Hrlndle Bull Pup. Stite rrlce and terms In first letter. Address P 8S8, rare Ilee. (11)-17 llx LOST AND FOUND LOST Young pointer, Van. Dog license. PJ9. Cecil P. Hostetter, W2 Worthlngton Place. ' Phone care Burlington head quarters, or residence 'phone, Douplas 4248. (12)-M207 Ux LOST Subscriber's route book, between lMh and 24th St., on Bt. Mary's Ave. Finder will receive reward for return to the Alamllo Sanitary Dairy Co.. 1M2 Farnam. (121-123 11 MEDICAL FREE medical and surgical treatment at Crelghton Medical college, 14th and Dav enport Sta.; cpeclal attention paid to con finement cases; all treatment supervised by college professors. 'Phone Douglas 1167. Calls answered day or night. (13)-129 RUPTURE CURED-No knife, no retention from buHlness. QUICK CURE RUPTURE CO., over , S. W. cor. 14th and Douglaa, Omaha. ' (13) MO ANY poor girl In. need of a friend call or write to the matron of the Salvation Army Home for Women at 3824 N. 21th St., Omaha, Neb. (12)-M106 BEST nerve bracer for men, "Gray's Nerve Fond Pills," $1 a box, postpaid. Sherman & McConnell Drug Co., Or.-.&ha.. (13-4t MONEY TO LOAN SALARY AND CHATTELS. DID you ever hear of a BARGAIN SALE OF MONEY? That. Is just what we are having. WE HAVE TOO MUCH MONEY on hand and must loan It out at ANY OLD RATE. If you deal with ua you are assured of a fair, square deal from start to finish. AS LOW RATES as can be made by any firm. . ALL THE TIME necessary for you to "gei on your feet" In case r,f sickness or other trouble. Omaha Mortgage Loan Co., 119 Board of Trade Bl Iff., lbtn street tniranco. (141-342 .Bowen, 703 N. V Life Bldg. advances private monny on chattels or sal ary; easy to get; no red tape. You get money eame day aaked for at small cost. Open evenings till 7. (141113 CHATTEL salary and storage ' receipt .loans. Foley Loan Co., 1604 Farnam St. U4) S4ti FURNITURE, live stock, salary loans. Duft Green Loan Co., room 8. Barker block. (14)-44 DR. PRIBBENOW'S MONEY loaned on furniture, pianos, horses, etc., any amount; less half rates; perfect pri vacy and immediate attention, on anv t.irms; payments suspended when sick or disabled. 214 Karbach Blk., 209 B. 15th St. (14)-M43S MONEY LOANED SALARIED PEOPLE and others without security; easy pay ments. Offices In 63 principal cities. Tol man, room 714 New York Life Bldg. (14,-848 FOR A SQUARE DEAL GO TO THE PHOENIX CREDIT. CO. for chattel or salary loans. 633 Paxton Block. 'Phone Douglas 745. . (14) 845 EAGLE LOAN OFFICE-Rellable. accom modating, all business confidential. 1301 Douglas , (14) 847 LOWEST rates, chattels or salary.- Ne braska Credit Co., 214 Bqard of Trade. (14)-M OFFERED FOR RENT Boarding? and Rooms. VIENNA hotel; private dining rooms; cafe. (16) o3 DEWEY European Hotel, 13th and Farnam. U6)-51 FIRST-CLASS board and room. 60S 8. !4tb Ave. (16) 77 O26 NICELY furolahed rooms; first class board; reasonable rtie. The Rose, v 'M Humey Bt. . (15)-39i Sfix l LARGE room with board, suitable for two gentlumen or narrlel couple. Also single room. Reference required. 114 B. l'th BL (16)-127 18x FURNISHED rooms,' with board; close In; private family. 24u Cass. Doug. MiK. 15)-M216 Nov. 10 NICELY furnished room, with or without board. 210i S. 10th. (16) M196 13 MODERN room, with board. Ivifi Burt. (16) 163 Nov MRS. JOHNSON'8 boarding house, open to public Sunday, Oct. 13, upstairs lloj N. luth. Webster 244S. (1 M2.9N12 FURNISHED rooms, with or without board. 2Jot ebster. Pnone Douglas I4a. (I5j m:8d Ux Furnished Hooius. DO you want a quiet, comfortable room for' one or more gentlemen, ' close In. 'Phone Doug. 4815. (15) 73 llx FOR RENT Large southeast room, strictly modern. In private family, suitable . for two gentlemen. 217 South iSlh 6t. 'Phone Douglas mi. (16) 736 HANDSOME modern rooms: reasons blu. 3o3 N. 22d. (15)-M85 J2x FURNISHED front and back parlor, din bid ro"" ib e oi kitchen, bath and gaa; clove in. 'Phone Red 6311. ' !) M902 lx TWO rooms for light housekeeping; gas light, fwel and bath. 267y Farnam Bt. (15)-M2.'l 13 FURNirHF.I) room for gentlemen; private; near car line. 2411 Seward. (15)-M214 13x FOR RENT Two furnished rooma. 4123 Hamilton St.' (161634 NICE, large room, modern. 624 H. 2oth Ave. ( 15) M197 I3x FURNISH ED ROOMS, n ar ear llnu. Mrs. I'.unka, 144 N. ISth. 'n.nne Vebter x (13)-M2Ts Nil TWO nicely furnished rooms, complete for light housek.-eping. In new l,rl k Pt. 2018 Davenport. (1.") M.'S7 14x FURNISHED front room; modern; near two car lines. 2119 Grant Pt (15M:,3 IS OFFERED FOR RENT Fnrnlahed Moome t'onllnned. FOR RFNT New Ifi-roorn furnished house In West rarnnin district to rent the com ing winter: pHrty lenlng the city snd will r Tit lo desirable t. nnnt. AtMrc n 4N Bee. (15)-M:59 U THH WISH PEOPLE Looking for Room Get Them "THE BFST WAY -OMAHA RENTAL COMPANY. Tel. Douglas 3i. iX N. Y. Life Rldg. (13) M.'S3 11 ' TWO furnished parl-irs, on seood floor. 2423 Dodge. Thone Red 4484. (lb) M277 14 FURNISHED ROOM Very desirable, refer enco required. MO S. 24th St. U6)-M3)0 O20 12S S. ioTH ST.. larue east front room, suit, able for three gentlmen; house strictly modern; loomy porches; laige, shady lawn. (16) 7fnx . FOURrrooms, furnished for housrkee ' -J or Bleeping, ,r,e or all. 'Phono Yelsl 1 .tst'J. :"22 Miami Ft. (15)--Jv , FRONT room, alcove, housekeeping. $14. . 623 S. 21th Ave. (lo) 730 llx PLEASANT south front room, new houae; quiet; clcse In. Tel. Douglas M31 (15I-M910 12x MODERN furnished front room. 1W7 Cum ing. (1,") M135 N7x BEAUTIFUL apartments, furnished; pri vate family. 2oi4 St. Mary's Ave. . (16) M904 12X TWO nicely furnished 'rooms, strictly modern, walking distance. 618 N. 23d. - (lb) M133 14 FOR RENT Modern room, suitable for two gentlemen, $15. 417 N. 1Mb.. io) 997 13x FOR RENT Two modern rooms for gen tlemen. Flat B. 1518 Dodge." (iJ) 1H7 Ux TWO furnished rooms for gentlemen; walk ing distance. VJ"6 Cass St. (15) 16S 14 ONE room, modern, suitable for gentlu-. man; $2 per week. 311 N. 25th St. (16)-1S3 15x FOR RENT Modern, 8-room house, plas tered attic, two blocks from 24th St. enr line, 257D Poppleton Ave. Inquire at !d"6 l'oppleton Ave. (16) M917 WE DO expert piano movlnff at lowest prices. Tel. Douglas 1625. Pchmoller & Mueller Piano Co., 1311-1313 Farnnm. (16) 833 FOR RENT l-roora modern house. 2110 Lake; well located. (15) M172 OMAHA Van & Storage Co. park, move, store H. H. goods; storehouse 1120-24 N. 19th. Office 16m9 Farnam. Tel. Doug. 15T.9. (16)-S54 WEST FARNAM DISTRICT-8177 Daven" port St. (S. E. corner), 10-room, thor oughly modern house, excellent repair, beautifully arranged. Will give lease at $a per month. Apply to Conrad Young, 1518 Dodge 6t. (lo)-MU3 HOUSEHOLD goods . packed, forwarded; cheap freight rates; moving and storage. Expressmen's Delivery Co. Tel. Douglns 3J4. , (15) 855 WE move pianos. Maggard Van and Stor age Co. Tel. Doug. 1416. Office, 1712 Web Bter St. (15) 857 FOR RENT After October 5. 8136 Chicago street, 7 rooms, large both room, attlo and laundry, first-class furnace. US. (15)-M432 fNICELY furnished rooms, with or without board, on car line. 1513 N. 17th. ' (15)-M162 1 NICELY furnished rooms, strictly modern; private; walking distance. 1912 Webster. (15)-M161 16 FOR RENT One modern, furnished room; private family. 712 N. 22d. (15) 175 12 FRONT room for gentlemen. I960 So. loth Bt. - , (15)-187 Novx 1015 8. 11th, upstairs, two furnished rooms. (16)-196 12x FOR RENT Furnished room, all modern, with steam heat. Inquire at 318 S. 2ltli. (16)-235 17x LARGE moden rooma for rent. HB4 S th fit. (15) 23 ,3 NICE front room and alcove. Three blo!' from Union station. 1013 Pierce. . (15)-4244 lSx DO YOU want a good room, two closets, Just fine for two, bath and telephone on same floor? Come quick. 2578 Harney. (15) M2S6 13x Apartments and Flats. i AN APARTMENT, Davldge Bldg., 18th and Farnam. Apply Apartment No. 2. (16) M415 Housekeeping; Rooms. I FURNISHED rooms, housekeeping. 1712 Jack.'on. (15) M194 14x NEWLY-FURNISHED rooma for light housekeeping, gaa stove. 607 S 13th. near Howard. (16)-M250 14 t SUITE of two rooms, water, one slnglt mom lor nouaekeeping; use of eewuig machine. D. 5099, 146 Jones. 05) 243 13x Ilonaea aad Cottages, FOR RENT Strictly modern, new, first class 8-room dwelling, In splendid neigh borhood; $10 per month. W. L Seibv, itoi Board of Trade Bldg. (16) MJ22 14 FOR RENT Pleasant cottage. 2619 Call furnta street. Modern except furnace. Rent. $20, (15)-M:08 17x $30 PER month, 1705 S. 28th St., 9 rooms, modern except furnace. $42.60 per month for 1762 Park Ave., new 7 room modern house, hot .water heat, fac ing Hanscom Park. $46 per month for 315-N. 20th St., 10 rooms, modern. $46 per month for 1936 8. 83d Bt., 10-room modern house, steam heat, two large , lots. $46 per month for 113-115 N. 26th St.. 8 room new modern flats. , GEORGE & CO., 1601 Farnam St. (t6)-163 11 2533 Patrick Ave., 6 rooms, new and modern $25. 'Phone Douglas 585. BEMIS, Paxton block. (15) 724 HOUSES, Insurance. Rlngwalt, Barker Blk. (15) S..9 FOR RENT Four rooms and bath; every thing modern, furnace. Tel. Webster 6'"S 2H19 N. 2Vlh Bt. (151-631 HOUSES ln B" p8"-' f the ciTv! 11 V Crcl" S""" & Co.. Bee Bldg. j U5) Wl FOR RENT Modern 8-room brick house; ail eonvenlencee; close to cur; rent -. leo Willis Ave. Inquire C. M. Baehmauu. 41a I'axton Block. 15 477 7-ROOM house, modern except furnace. fr2 8. Clh SL (16) H9 14x HOUSES I" ""Pert of the city. Peters ON CHARLES, near 34th, new 8 rooms, all modern, on Harney car line, $:i3. Near .th and Burt, k rooma, all modern, near Cuming and Harney car lines, $30. 924 N. t-d. I rooms, all modern, $3". O KEEFE REAL ESTATE CO , 1001 N. Y. Life. 'lyione Douglas 2K (16) 164 15 EIGHT rooms, all modern, 2622 Maple St.. - and water rent. , Four rooma. 32i4 Maple St., bam, city staler in kiU-ti.'ii, 416 and waier lent, (-room house, SU') Burt St., $16 and water rent. CHRIS BOYER, 2!d and Cuming Bt. 4.15) - 131 FR RENT Modern 11-room houfe, 1141 So. Slat Bt., Jufct remodeled ar.d In flrat-ilnaa ronilltlon. 4ti per month; for responsible party. App'-V 10 J- Sullivan. 17 Mar noye. 1j 2fJ4 is A 7 -room house, nearly new; also ha;p; large lot: euwt front; six LIolUs to t line; pleasant home; ,1.6u0. TURRELL CO.. Room 17. iMtterson Uldu. Tel. D. 1123. (15) M2S11I FOR RENT 8-room house, modern ex cept furia-. 2226 Mason hi. 'Phono Douglas t08. (1) M242 lax FOR RFNT Four robins, toilet, pantry ar.d cellar, Jill I'uic a., J G. Alt buuse. VJhl 1 4