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THE OMAIIA DAILY BEE: : SATURDAY; OCTOBER 12, 1007. S---J.- O H Tliit it 8l Very Special Drjin. The OyercoaU Are All Fine Samples Such Fine Overcoat Never Before Soli Any where for Lei Than $15 1 r?nci n D All Fine Sample Shoes i a !! i iiiibiww ina ii i ' i in.ri Save a Dollar to 52 on Vour Shoes 3 BiJ Sale Manufacturers' Samples , New York Manufacturer s Sample: 5 II en's .ft v? fyt rrr t n a rm 11110 k a ifrifi 'ri i fi ll it iia i i b i j r i v g a ci I7L $15 - ( -v .''4: v.'';S: j E I 1. El M $2 VL2 Blacks, Blues, Browns, Greys, Mixtures Save $5 to $7.50 on Your Overcoat Saturday Right at tho season's opening when you feel the need of a new overcoat at once, Brandais holds this big sale. We bought these overcoats away bjlow valua. All are samples from a leading New York maker. All are new, up-to-date 1907 styles. All are big bargains. We never sold overcoats as good as these for ten dollars! We offer you the ohoice of hundreds Saturday. No man who needs an ovei coat can afford to neglect this chance- These are $15 and $17.50 Overcoat Select Yours on Saturday -vUK yr - I if . i i All in the Newest Patterns The Popular OVERCOATS and SUITS "Renwick Sy.tem" Do you want hand Uilored clothes? Do you want your clothes to fit you perfectly and hold their shape all season long? Do you want clothes In refined pattern and superior fabric? You 11 like the Renwlck System Clothes. They're the only strictly high grade clothes that sell at a medium price $I5 ,25 S5S3T. , , II," m i wiif i- yu cL,J All tlic 1907 Styles D Actually Worth S3, $5.50 and S4 Three thousand pairs of Men's High Grade Shoes most of them samples and consist of the finest box calf, p atcnt colt, velours calf, vici kidf lace or button. This splendid lot includes 1.000 pairs of W. L. Douglas' Famous S3, 93.50 and 54 Shoes at WML. a, w. c. soiTl Men's Top Coats Cr&Yenettcs Just, tlx season for these serviceable coats they're always handy these models at Hie Famous Rogers -Peet Clsthes For Men of Taste Every man who buys a Rogers -Peet Overcoat or Suit recommends it. It is so superior to any othtr brand that men who once wear this brand al ways demand it. Made by the best tailors in New York worn by the best dressers everywhere , Have a look at the patterns for fall and winter. The prices are up to SIS) . Fall Dress and Tuxedo Suits For Horse Show wear for every fashionable event in the even- anT.u9,.8uU": .'...22.50 to 835 $10 i6 $25 Tar.do8r!.. S19 to 830 Mew Yjrk MmliJ'arer's SiinU Boys Overcoats f -rr 9 Men's $2S0 Fall Shirts . 98c A grand bargain for Saturday in Boys' Overcoats all ages, all the new est, prettiest styles for bovs. wor'h $4 and 4.60 and act ually up to 17.50, 3 specials $.98 $2-98 and $3-98 Brandeis China Department. West Arcade Special Sale Big sample lot of Haviland China Bread and Butter Plates O new fall patterns Saturday, each. ...... '. mO Next time you are In Brandeis' Store, ask to see the new fall lines of Royal Doulton, Coalport. Irish Billeck. Basaltine Art Ware, Haviland, Pouyat, German and Japanese China Just arrived. New importation is simply beautiful. Boys and Children's School Caps Boysrand Children's School Caps for fall and winter new and up-to-date, at 25c, 49c, 98c.91.33. it ill II EXTRAORDINARY BARGAIN SATURDAY Bougtit at a wonderful sacrifice from a New York jTboer--thousands of nsgligee fall shirts in plain and pie oms, new p Star & Grifft large bargain squares at r k pDosr-tnousana 1 shirts in " X v in make wt 1 wen's $1.00 Fall Snirts styles good quality on bargain square, at 'each Men's Tull Dress Shirts at 31.50 to $3.50 very w -sa w in i' i s Mn' E. & W. and Manhattan I Men's Fall Neckwear Phlrts. excluslTS patterns 'nw sn aa at m to 3.50 1 t '"25 to $2.00 Fall Hats Brandeis' Special Fall Hats all the Quality, style and finish of any $2.50 hat made, at We sell new styles in the famous Stetson T P(J Hats, at JU New styles In Boys Hats, at $1.50 and. Men's Sampla Hats, worth 7..?3'.60'.......98c r ti iii 2.00 1.00 Underwear Manufacturers', Samples' of Men's fine wool wool underwear Roots Tlvoll, WInstead, Wright's Bilk Fleece. rA QQ worth up to $3. at....JUCf J-JOG Men's Root, Norfolk, New Brunswick, and at.w.?.y.n.?.T.?. 1.25-20.00 Men's Munsingr and Sterling: union suits, Men's extra Underwear, :"".e-!!f.l.S0-5.S0 heavy fleece 39c NOTES ON OMAHA SOCIETY - ttontsomery-Johnson Bridal Party Among the Much Entertained. SHIDAY PROVES AN EXCEPTION ad f I ! O.olet Day it Drl. Qim Most Ualctr ( WenU C4 - ( labs B'nl.( Mck im EIdc. . Friday fr the last few months has" won! 'or Itself ln reputation 01 cein m tjuioi lar saclally, but this WMk it has prorsd an exception, ss it has mora affairs scheduled than any other day of the weeH. Most et them are small and not ot a pretentious nature, however. Miss Marlon Johnson, whose marriage te Harry Montgomery will take plae next Wednesday, still continues to be honor guet at many social affairs. Friday Miss Mary Morgan gave a beautiful luncheoa for her at her (honie. "Hillside." The table decorations ... rr'e "u.'oat appropriate for a bri(J ' M.'.e and areeu being the color .ycntim employed. White carnations tied " with white tullo and combined with ferns and greens were used for a centerpiece, and the plate cards were exceptionally pretty, being little wedding bells. Covers were laid for Miss Marlon Johnson, Mtaa Elsie Noyes and Miss Vera Noyes of Chicago, Miss Ruth Moorthead. Miss Etta Beemen, Miss Marlon Haller. Miss Mary Alice Rog ers, Miss Morgan. Mrs. Karl Klpllnger and Mrs. Clark Powell. Miss Johnson and Harry Montgomery will ' be honor guesta In the evening at a theater party givtn by Mrs. 0. S. Montgomery at i l he Orpheum. Tho guest list includes Miss Johnson, Miss Elsie and Miss Vera Noyes of Chicago. Miks Etta Deems n. Mlsa Ruth Moorehead. Miss Msry Alice Rogers, Miss Mary Morgan, Miss Marlon Haller, ' Harry Monntgomery, Harry Kelly, Bryant Rogers, Taul Beaton, William Schnorr of Council Bluffs, Gsllard Margin, Richard Baker end John Redick. Mrs. Frank Johnson will give a luncheon at her home Saturday for Miss Johnson's bridesmaids: Saturday afternoon Miss Mary Alice Rogers will give a card party for Miss Johuson; Monday evening William Schnorr tf Council Bluffs, who ia to be the best 'nmn, .'lll give a stag dinner at his home for Harry Montgomery. resale CIaft. Mra. Ben Marti was hostess Thursday ' afternoon at the meeting of the Cemle club. High five waa the game of the after noon, end the high score was made by Mrs. Marti, but no prigs waa awarded, as the scores are kept for the season and at the SlSsMssZSV Mivd Werks Ou Cle&r POSTUM "There's a Reaaoa" Ktad, "The Road to WeUvUle." In bkes. close the one having the highest soore Is given the prise. Refreshments were served during the afternoon, when her guests were Seated at one large table, which waa beau tifully decorated In red and white. Red Shaded candles and red roses carried out these colors. Those present were: Mrs. E. B. Ferris, Mrs. W. E. Hayes, Mrs. W. 8. Heaton, Mrs. A. L. Hoover. Mra. Arthur Kuhn, Mrs. D. E. JUivojoy, Mrs. Ben Marti, Mrs. W. K. Swisher. Mrs. O. E. Townsend, and Mrs. J. P. Webster. The guests of the club were: Mrs. Storm and Mrs. Cushman. The next meeting of the club will be In two weeks with Mrs. W. K. Swisher. Maslcale at Mlaae-Lasa. Miss Pearl Ttetzel of Los Angeles, Cal., will be honor guest at an elaborate dinner Friday evening given by Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Hunt at their home, Mlnne-Lusa Lodge, Florence. The guests are to be seated at one large T-shaped table, which will have a centerpiece of varied colored chrysanthe mums, red predominating. The entire dining-room will be carried out In Japanese appointments. Covers will be laid for twenty-four. Following dinner an Informal musical program will be given by Miss Teetsel, Mrs. George Shields, Mrs. Jean Duffleld and Mrs. Myrtle Wells. Brlda-e Lancheoa. Mrs. Frank Walters of 3319 Harney street wss hostess at one of the charming affairs of Friday, a bridge luchneon given In honor of her mother, Mra F. H. Phlppa of Cedar Rapids, la., and her sister, Mrs. C. O. Johnston ot Ourant, I. T. For luncheon the guests were seated at elgnt small tables, each of which had for a centerpiece a lo ' round basket filled with pink geraniums and maidenhair ferns. The plate cards were white with the hostess' monogram done in gold. , Fr the W. c. T. V. Following the street car ride tendered by the Commercial club about two hundred members of the Women's Christian Tem perance Union of Iowa, In session this week at Council Bluffs, were guests of the )niaha Women's Christian Temperance Jnlon members at Mlnne-Lusa Lodge, the .ome of Mr. and Mra A. B. Hunt at Florence, Thursday afternoon. After being ihown over the pumping station the woman ere received at Mrs. Hunt's hospitable .iems, where refreshments ware aervd and 4 social hour enjoyed. Assisting Mrs. Hunt n iccelvlng were Mrs. Clara Burbank, Mrs. Hugh Fellers, Mrs. Fred Patterson and through ths rooms were Mary O. Andrews, Mrs. Milieu and Mrs. M. M. Standlsh. In the refreshment room wero Mrs. J. H. Woolery. Mra A. N. Eaton. Mrs. F. A. FuUsnabee and Mrs. M. Roe. while Miss Edith ganbern and Miss Jennette Miller presided at the fruit bow I. lresettT I'leaaares. Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Dsrlow gave a card party ef twelve tablua Friday evening at their home," 4o& Isard street, in honor of Miss Ida Darlow. The Horse show col ors, red and white, were used In the decorations, which were carried out in the flowers, score cards and refreshments. Mr. and Mrs. James F. Pe Jarnette of Lincoln, announce the engagement of their daughter. Mlaa Lola Eby, to Mr. Edwin Abner French of Omr.ha, the wedding to take place ia November. . The Owl' club, -which was to have been entertained Friday afternoon by Mrs. Max Burkenroad, has postponed its meeting one week, owing Ut the Ulnees of Mrs. Burken road. . C'eBs aad Ge Geaely. Mre. F. N. Phlpps of Cedar Raoids, la , snd Mrs. C. O. Johnson of Durant, I. T., who have been visiting Mr. and Mrs Frank Walters, will leave the early part of nixt week for their home. Mr. and Mra. Scott Crawford 'Johnson returned Thursday from their wedding trip and will make their home In Council Bluffs. Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Bedwell have returned from Denver and Colorado Springs. WATER BOARD IS IN DOUBT Member list Certala What ta 1 AUoat the Bond Election , Matter. eaaaaBBBBBBBsi 0 With Monday aa the last day on which notice of a special election for the issuancs of bonds can be made, members of the Omaha Water board are In doubt as to what the board will do at Its adjourned meeting to be held Saturday evening. At the meeting Mid Wednesday night nothing was done and after a brief session the board adjourned and the members re tired to the office ot Dr. A. H. Hippie, where the matters before them were dis cussed until a late hour. What those mat ters were remains a state eecret and the answers of members to questions on the subject Indicate a determination to confuse questions by diversity of answers, but a summary of the replies indicates there waa considerable diversity of opinion both at that meeting and at others aa to the legal powers Of the board and the legal phases of the bond proposition. Several points were referred to attorneys of the board and at this time those points have not been passed upon, but members of the board hope opinions will be received be fore Saturday evening so that final aotlon can be taken. The bond proposition Is not the only one under discussion. The board says it desires to devise some plan by which It can com pel the water company to extend its mains and at the aame time to preserve any rlghta It may now possess In matters of litlgstion which might be jeopardized by direct orders of the company. SENATOR AS MAJL CLERK .Vorrla Brow a Rides la Car to Lear ot Needs of tao Service aad Mea. United States Senator Norrla Brown, In pursuit of Information based upon practical observation aa to the needs of the railway mall service, went out to Grsnd Island on I fast mall train No. I. Omaha and Ogden division of the Union Pacific, Friday morn ing. He took the trip in a mall car to observe the practical working of the rail way mall system and to give It a thorough inspection and to ascertain in whst manner the service might be Improved. weea oy Millions U0!l!ftj, Powder! ottt,ilt with tb fi fva n n Sol n Tie mm lankrapt of FTr T7T7 TT ! 1 j I V7 T7 i I d nd -Li Plarno Co. Stock This great Piano opportunity knocks at every music 'lover's door. Will you heed it and congratulate yourself for your good fortune in years to come, or will you pass it by and regret it when you cannot help it?. Which? - '3 You may profit by HI Will you do it! be prompt. , These suporb bar gains will not last indefinitely. Early comers will have'the wklest range for selection. High Grade Standard Pianos from $15.00 to S275.00. MAYOICN Selling the. Bailey Piano Co. Brankrupt Stock. o Li